- I ' T " . .Txrarca nsar.aI7KIT1K.a T FINANCIAL. ; SITUATION W AXTtlP-M.U-K. Be-akkeep-T aaai Oar. JAPANESE FM Employment Buntu. A 1:ul Japan. AmmuUM i Orv 114 Hary bid. MlanlUaaewaa. POSITION- wanted a chauffeur by young mn. 17 years id, good appearane. g.od heolts. no booave, iind ijitncf and driver tst I years: but of rwfsrenc. Addr-e- P. O. box 111. Shannoa. lit TOLNa nu. S3 year of . pl' h o baMta. wish position chuflur; un d.ratands car the roughly: willing to wor part of tn aay; can lurnisn tri very a1 of reference. O . Prcgonlaa. A. riR-T-CLASii anto Bhnlo want poal tion. npalr or nx ur bla4 aula truck. bo booa. ao tobacco; baa raferaaeoa. kui Main IJ41. MF. cook. long experience la boat hotel. obr. relavbao and expert worker, wacl. pvaiooB In city or food country bot J :. Ortpralaa. 1.LDEHLY maa. nilioii aad trustworthy la . . - a. . r m - La a M tceal: Al rnrBc. . ... . ----- 411 CommarrUIBik BJUkiUT boy. la want good horn wher h caa so o atnool la tho rail, after bop aaaaoa: rfrncv. Main 7031. A HIT. OAT-EUAN. um.k-eper wit- many year af experience, aiaala wark; Al ratarancaa. Mala T0J1. A 1317. XLDEKLY man. thoroughly xrrloed In hot.l work. desire poaiuno in ar out of port.and: Al references. Main 7'M. A 11.. OOOl Kaonil4l eh. cook wtehea position In botal or restaurant, la or out of Our. b..t of Mmw. F "). OregoBlaB. 1 AM ("las to world' fair from Portland with autj, would ilka to get contract to lack dti or dpi. V 91. urnocma. AGRICULTURAL amdaat desire oattloa. eity or country: preferably la orchard. Mala 1417. Tt Maranall at. am A-l chauffeur or repair man waata work: ran noodle heavy duty truck, fboae blaraha.l la. I. tMAlTI'KVh. married, sober.' t.dy. wot in, kind I of work M.itby. 1 llaun ae.. Wwdli't 148. CAHPtMEK wlU work reaaoBabio day of contract. Sollwoo4 ltl- V A rt-i t...tloa and team work, C 1477. Em 4"4. XALrioMININU. palntloc plaater-palchln. rawnaHk. vs'oodlawn tt-j'. JAPAN K.SE wiiti poalUoa In am ail family. Hi: 1. Or"BlaB. CARl'E.NTER forrman wanta ': J contract. 4th tt. 8- U Fellwood EACKRir.M'EU houman nanla DoaltloB; A I rfrnr.a. Main Ttl. A 1IT. GET our .tlm.le on carpenter work, palnt Int. repalrlne. rraaona&ia. a 11 wood lHA. HHT WAXTtl-XA OWL TKMAIK. Hookkeepyra Baj'tHeoofrBphora. TEXLrORAr,HER and bookkeeper with Al reference want, poailloa; moderate aalary. Main 70.M. A U1J. COMPETENT atenocrapher wanta few bourn- work la evenluaa. It J, Oro- aonlan. p-OelTIOX In reliable puyalclan'a office by young ri"J"; moderate atary and cbance of adani;tnnt. N y74. Orot;onlan. aVXPERI KNi El et.nof rapher dealrea pool tlon. phone Eat T14. ITE.VtXtHAPHEH. competent, dralraa poal tlon at once. AN U7i. Oregon Ian. XOl'N'l lady dreaaruaker wlhea txcbuit work for ronrm and board. Aak for dreaa makrr. C - FIRST -CLASS lalloreee and dreamaker by day or borne. Maraball Ul. Mra. Sum mer. ' rA.1UONABLE dreaamaklnc rraaonabla, home or day. 101 Buchanan. Main 3I. BTYLISH Summer dreaMa made In ono day at yonr home. Tabor .134. OR&SdUAKINO and Udh-a' lailortni, iid per day; experienced- Tabor 4d- mCIKAl, nuraa. ho.pllal trained, wlehee to l.et caea; moderate vacea. Apply al Norm IKth. Main I4.TT lU'EKLT lady wt.hee poeltlon aa nana for baoy; experienced. Call or addrcas 411 . 1" j .t, s. ri. lairriwiw tl.I- urt for children afternoooa or aea Inia. Call morainca. Maraball 2J. Mra. Auama. ANTED Poailtou aa Burae jirl and aaaiat with nht hourework, Swadub; referancea rurnnrra. rt -o-o. UIDDLIi-AdKD. practical nurae. good Xef erenrea. will earn for Inraild or cblid. AU . inrd. Oreyonian. . yRAfTICA I Bun. wiabea wrk; tarma mod erate. Phone he 1 1 wood 1241. bOuD practical Buraa. d Mam ;. dura rafaraacaa. Hooaekrepen. JEKINEL woman, fully competent, wUhea pnaltlon. boueefceeper for re.peclablo man or duo at men, city or country; fma oook. Mr t Holt X-n Mall at., city. llm. wlm child of 4 yeara. wiahea po eitioa aa houa-keeper for widower la or fat of el'y- I4 E. tb at. North. lul'Mi woman wanta houekeep!n where ae caa take her two aniall chtidrea; mu.t hae wurk; reference. M.ln 7"l. A HIT. aV LAUT experienced In botel work would lak ciar.e af iulel or BpArtmaal-bouaa. Main j:l. ItjUN'l a a-1. 13. competent In noueework. w.nta a v od bomo wber Intar.et will be tak.n la ber; $ii par month. Mala Toil. A I.MT. LXr-r.iilkNCKO flrU ood rharacler. It year old, beat reference, dealre poaltloo aa um -lrl or aaautlna; with hooaa-work. all HrK. Marenall -HI. It'l'.Vti woman, competent aad reitabla. de alrea chamoer work where ho can 4 hrr Bitata. refereacee. Maia 7 oil. A HIT. M IIll.E- Ailkil woman, competent, waata nttituitjr .1 work; bead dinlns-room r I. nuratnc or chamber eora; beat at rcfer- enc.a. Main T').. I. A 1417. KXt'i'.HiKXCKD Japaixw woman, can apeak aiood rnatt.n. wanta general houaework In .mail prtaat lanally. AH -i Orogo- ttlan. "W. 1 l.L. b'ln with work la good bom for room and board till I aet p.ltlon. Mr. M. P. fall Mar.hall 4" 10. TBurday. w. AVT general work email prlrata family r go-l colored wnman. Broadway o5dJ. Mbvcell Tvt:NO vlrt. 12 itWraunl, waal good home near Alien echool K. lth aad Salmon, where aha can go to echo"! la tb Kail; reference. Main toil. A HIT. r.XPrRIENfEt reliable wo work, boat of rcfereacea. 1S1T. nao ainfi day Mala 7U&I, A CAPABLE domeattc woman waata tempo rary work immediately. QUI. car I. W. C. A. lUl'NG woman, good referencea. want poal tlon caring for children. Chrtatlan home. Main 7t7. T. Pcrthcna Hlnkle. Y. W. C. A. lot'NO LADT wanta position In doctor's office. Moderate salary to atari with. AH t"-. Oregonlan. iTl' aTION wanted by experienced girl for general houaework, cooking preferred; best ref-r-nce given. Tall up Taoor loo. Df trained aurae, car of child. Invalid, or ution aa mo&aer e . -... -u-. lam t:j, LATEST foreign piano- method taught special attention to beginners. Phoa Mil- wjoq alls. COMPETKNT laundl wa wants day wora A lt-J, room 1. cjti irk ana reimoie. WOMAN wanta ork by day. washing and cleaning East a?o- CoMPETKNT Uundres wanta work Thura, KM. rlelerencee. wttnuwa " YOUNG lady. 17. wlehee car children a company i.r eiueriy tufi-. ... - Fl RST-CLA lat-ndreaa desire tedy ptacee. yod troner. win nvin - LADT wanta evening work In exrhang for ma and board, at 'J. - -gonian. DAT work any klnJ: experienced . good ref erence. Last 11. Cl'LORED woman wlsha day work or work hv the month, rnon bai iv.e. . ! laundres ' wants washing. Ironing. Tk,m -rt Sat. Marshall room a. CAI'AUI.E woman waftta work, day or hour. hur. riroanway vw., mm iv MR- HOl'B OWNER: We can rent yoar Bouoe. We ao BOI arpena ew r"i la yoar vacant windowa t" bring resuita We hee the people aad gel reeults. Our baemesa la houae renta Interstate Title Loan la. 41 J Oerllnger oiog. jaam mi. Tv'ANTKll. to rent. completely furnished -, MihurhA. heme, no lee than flv room, with 1 to 6 acre Und. M 74. tr g.nlan WANTED to lesaa. weil-furnl.hed bouse, re--tnrT. district; family of thrwel refer eacee. A V 4-4. Oregonlan WANTED To real a fur or free-room bo-ae- m-t b re aeonablo. E. favia. lie. me aad Hoeird. ewo refuted aiulnrva girl, dealre home In r.mlle with use of plaao. Weea Side preferred. W rtl fall particular. a t. urtaoaian. CENTLEMA re-qolrea room and board 2 awaial wun - la family. A a-.. g"nio- kTmM aad board in pr-.vte family on set b.ae; stat term, w nu u!osa. aJT. r. .... : glimmer Resort. . Feutlaed Kooma. I -mat "r I u.lTtl. VERNOX. Oi a quiet comer in In heart of the rlty. 54 big, cheerful room; 14 room, with rrivat bath, bot water and telephone n all rooma; olaeegor aerelc until mid night: plaao In Ao parlor; everything homelike aa poaalbio aad rate very rea aonaalo. Coma early only a few left, f. W cor. 12th and btark. ROOM REGISTER, luting oaeeral hundred In ail porta ot lb city at T. U. C A.: - -. . i the uMlaitna flrenroof building, with ahowwr hatha, awimmlnf pool, at I 1. gi'mnaatum, library, reading rooma SI 14 to 11. ; per weak doub.a, with iMual boda, ar 11.&0 to .u par weak Indlv tngl. ELTON COURT, llth and VamhUL Oppoait Library. Large, attractive outald rooma. private and public tub aad abowar hatha, tele- phon and running water la vry room. elevator aervlco, ownership managemaat. li Jd to per week. Main lAjA. HOTEL ARTHUR, El e Tenth, between. Morrlaon and lam bill. Dealrablo downtown location. Ha apectabio and atncily modern. Room rata l per day, (4 par week. With pri vet bath tl-bo Pr day. j.jQ per week. HOTEL BLACK.CTONE. Corner llth and stark. II week aad up; elevator, bot aad cold water, ateam heat. telephone connection In each room; no extra charge for two la a room; room and bath II day; trap.leut aollclted. HOTEL BRISTOL, STARK AND 1-TH 8TS. lag! rooma li.So and up; with private bath l.!W and up; Individual talepboaea; reepectabl tranatent aollclted. HOTEL CO.N'RaDINE. loth at. at Oak Good, quiet place, down town, atrlctly modern, fireproof building, elevator, largo lobby, rooma 3 par week n l up. wltn private hath S per week. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 5;S Waeblngton at. Select location: all outside. cooL clean, quiet, w.ll-f urnlahed rooma: runalng water, abonea, public or private bath.. 12. bo week up. toe day up. HOTEL FORD. 714 Waahlngton. Famlly botal; hot and cold watar and phoa la every room; rooma without bath, tie up: with bath. US op. HOTEL OCKLF.T. Morrtsoa at., at loth Central location; REDUCED RATES, 44o par day up; week ly. 42 4 up; neat rooma, running watar, ffre phon and batb; ateam beau TUB WILLARD. Park aad Morrlaoo; atrlctly modem, large, airy rooma. We cater especially to permanent; rale I'.bO k. up; large front rooms, private bath, (5 wk. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast corner Stark and llth. Modern outald rooms. (1 weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. ETH ELTON HOTEL, lost 1ITH ST. Modern : apecial reductlona on all rooma; $3 per week and up. Marshall 7f0. CLEAN, comfortably furnlahrd rooma. elec tric light, running water, bath. etc. 41 73 a week and up. Tranalent. Regent Hote'. 151 S Broadway. Cnder new managenienL HOTEL EDWARD-. Grand ave. and K. 1 Bel mont Hooma II monthly. 4:u up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe In connection. Pbona Eaat IIX, STAXDIFH HOTEL. ' lllH WASHINOTOX ST., OPP. 1TH. Cool, comfortable. airy room. free phones, bath. 1 2 week. t month and up. HOTEL CORDOVA. :4 llth at. Strictly modern: private hatha an aulte; rooma li up. Main 473. A 47i. ' MAXWELL Hall, I0T 14th; atrlctly modern: uaa of parlor; real borne; 41 up. M. list. HOTEL NORRIS, 6.13 H Alder. Modern out side rooms, -s; per wee a up. HOTEL GRANT. 4.1 H Washington. Mod ern, clean room, all conveniences; ti.40 up Furnished Room. In private Family Kit WEST PARK Nicely furnished front room with alcove and sleeping porch: walking distance- fin location; suitable for one or two. SMALL sleeping -room. 1st floor, IS mo.; large front bay window room and alcove, running water. fra bath, phone. Ik: Lownsdale. Marshall 187. FURNISHED rooms for 1 or two; all con veniences; reasonable rataa. 141 K. loth. Phone Kaat 4114. TWO newly f urnlahed rooma In prlvata home on Kearney et.; prefer railroad men. AO pj, oregonlan. SLEEPING TENT. 10x12. furnished, high ground, beautiful ard and flower. 474 Alder. 8. E. corner Fourteenth 1 HAVE soma nicely furnlahed aieeplng rooma In my home In Laurelhurat for rant very reasonsble. Call Tabor 4441. NKELT furnished rooms, single, double, mod., reasonable, aos Taylor. Main tataoe. Light H. K. It aesireu NICELY fwrwlehed rooma, 4 I bO to 12.64) per Everett t Marshall 4-jai FINE aieeplng porch. 1 bads, with sitting- room; modern, w . rara. aiar. en. N1CELT furnished 1. 1 and l-reom suite; reasonable; on beautiful St. 4t'4 r-ara at. FRONT ROOM for 1 or 3 gentlemen. Alao sleeping porch ft per mo. 114 naimon. NEATI.T turniafced front bedroom: walking distance, gl.ou per week, eat tn at. Benene With BoaraL MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HuTKL-LlbiE. THE HILL. Washington at -3d at. A charming t.mlly and transient hotel of th highest order; excellent rulaino, ep arate tablaa; extremely reasonable rata; worth Investigating. Main 7o4. A 7933 HOTEL CAMPBELL, A modern. FIREPROOF rxwldenc hoteL Amerwen plan; on carlln; 10 minute from buslneaa center; prlc In accord with general buslaea conditional lid and lloyt sis. Marsxall 41. ALEXANDRA COURT, 11 ELLA STREET. An American i'lan Raaidenc Hot. Suliea oiag.o room. Excellent table. A 4ill. Main 411. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. Th Whitehall, 1.4 4th at., baa a fin tab;, board, mvdern room, aun parlor, a real heme; reasonable rate. LACCLLENT tab! board, with ruom, walk ing dlstanc. oi lrinity riaca. With Bowed la Private Family. PLEASANT, nicely furnlahed ateam heated ru ma and excellent meaia tor ar young ladlva or young men; thoroughly modern homelike place. West Side, easy walking dtsiance; H o I'. r.O week. Marshall g4.l.'i. LARGE outald room, xcellent board, new boueo. new furnltur. piano, rrjrnar neat, very reaeoaahla. suitable for two. 34 Eeet S'Jd. near Hawthorn. Phono K. n.l. f LEASAKT room for rent, with board, mod' e.voh FOR buslaosa girl or student a, l week up. -Anna Lewi. Hall. 61t Flanders L BOARD aad room la prlvata family, newly furnish eo. f .i. 4-7 Clay su Maranail ojim. BEAUTIFUL, largo rooms, with board. SI up. Main but tiarrieon. near aatn at. ROOM and board. 46 per week; walking dis tance; homo cookie g. East 4J4S. LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, sleep ing porch, two meals. Main -oo. JJ llth. NICELT furnlahed rooma with board al 1.1 tth at. Pbon Main IJ74. ROOM with board In private borne. 474 Ladd ave.. 1 blk. 1-th and Hawthorne, r-. ft!4.. f urwliUied Apartanrata. HISLOP HAU. cor. East 4lh and Haw thorne. 1 and 1-room apt.; prlvata baths and phone; alao atngle rooma; well fur- w shod. 411.4 up. Phone East 411. BERKELEY APTS. X0 Trinity Place; 2 and l-room apt.; light dnd pleasant; ba:conles: ceatral; 117.44 as I14.U. Max- sna.l linv. THI FLORtXrE SSI 11TH ST. -1-4 room apta.. thoroughly modera aod cleaa; roof garde, aaod boxea for Chil dren; 171 bp Conducted by owner. H ADDON HALL llth at-, corner Hall; elegantly furnished apartments: prlvata pbona. bath and bal cony porcnes: lis and up. NICELY furnished 1 and S-room apta, steam heat, lectrie light, etc.4 rataa all to 111. Ul in. . FORDHAM APTS., 170 Ford St. 8 rooms, bardwood floor, oak finish, til bath. privat balcony and phone. 4-l-. TUB CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnlahed 1. t and 4-room apartmeuta; lowest rate In city, corner N. lth and Nortbrup. THE DE7.ENDORF. ;1 lth St. near Talor. Marshall 1114. 1. 4 and 4-room furnished aad unfur. apta I A I KUUl'.NT APT3.. HI 1ITH. Modera fumishetl two-room apartmeota. all .0 BP. cloa in. Mam wrt.l.IxaTON ANNEX. 13th and Everet Two rooms, newly furnished: hardwood floor, walking distance; 4.1..0. Main lite. NEW furnished apartmenta; concrete block: l and 111. 114414 Union ave. K. HAMMERSLY COUhT. ISO ISIh st. By the oar. weea or suontn; moovrn. rum i. O. : reasonable; ref. Marshall JOil. I-ROOM apartment, all outaid rooms, pri est bath. Pacific phenes; 4li up. Tabor 43. B 101. knWIUIil APARTMENT. Modem, i rvoms. special rat for July and Aust. 17th and Mar.hall. Mar. 4943. I ROOM and bath, al-srrt healed, finely furnlahed l')7 llth. Marshall 4 lit; JACKSON BUNOALOW S-ro-ra modern flat, neat, waiemg m,n ... ..... AR DM AY TERRACE. 13 11TH First-class la vry pcapec-, aiMacwe . TTtE BfORNIXO OHEGOyiAN. THURSDAY. r i run ivab. . i . THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 14th and Salmon Sta. I quiet, refined, clean, safe, pop ular, well known and of the blghaat landing. Not th cheapest but a nous of quality, comfort aad serv ice. Month. Week. Day. 3- roora ..llutol.O $14 up tl.uO up S-room... 44 to 44 14 up 1. 60 up 4- room... 45 to 40 10 up 1.00 up Kooma.... II and up Sup 1.04 up TBI CROMWELL. tth and Columbia Bts. I mln. walk to Meier at Frank tor: nlc surroundings; Just tho thing for Summer; strictly modern I and l-room furnished apt., all outald, with Frncn doof and ba.com. Day Weak. -M?n.h.. Ratea reasonable. Marshall 6111. VILLA ST. CLARA, llth and Taylor. Moat modern apartmenta on tho Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Rout garden lu connection. Walking dlstanc. Referdnca. TUB ALTAMONT. Fi:th and College. Clean, coey. thre and tour-room xur alshed apartments; renta reaaonabla. Also bachelor apartment. . , Heat, waier, phon and Jaaltor aerrlc Included- THE- AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 1-roora rartT menu; linen, ailverwar. prlvata phone and bath, alorplng porch; nearest tho Union Depot of Eaat Bido apartments. Ill cor ner Clackamas and Roee at. East 41 is. ONLY 11 to $23 per month or a to . per week, completely rurnisneu two-room apts.. Including eiactrlo lights, beau hot aster, bath, private ,no,,,; i- brick bldg.. 14 minutea iram .-, . w. Apts.. 4lh and Lincoln. Main 1177, A 4lb- . ASHINGTON GRAND f-roo '"l"!14 apts.. U per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, clean, very desirable; hot and cold water, heat light, bath furnished. Orgnd av. nrt te Washington St. I'hone Est 444. MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d nd ,Mont- ilo awavs4)eaan B I I OULalClva. ornery si. ; iirnu 7",rt ' rurnianed x-room apt-.. liriC l-V best ervlci, clomm in; t Ire ititnia. nn fw. CAKW1T-A TOUHT. Everett and 17th- laundry, completely furnished J and -room apta.; Ill mln. from aave earfar: ratea moderate; reference. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. cor. fara anu a.,.. H.ndyomely i urntahjd I. mni l-om UltVS; Dflll"v 1 1 mi n vwi . WELL-FURNISHED beat-arranged 4-room apt. for rent in t 1,1 n - - . - ai.uthern exposure; Pr; "'""J.1 i... i.hhorhond. Ma n IsOS. A 1H. GRANDEST A. Eaat Stark and T-7T JnonV and bath, walking dlatance; price. mOO.,ra4S. JTlltljaj u .... . ... - . ana DTlf L'VTR !ll month up: modern 1 and 4 -room apartment, completely tunimhta. 1S N. lid corner Kearney. Mar.hall 1 "MADISON PARK APTS. Park t., at maiaan. Modem 1, 1 and 4-room fnrnlhed apart ments. close In; by week or month. , . 444 Everett, beu loth and Ella ta ; fur nished 1-room apts, with or without aieep lng porch; modern. cTaTPOOL ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms; mm, r" -. - ,., ,, ntshed; walking dlaiance; U to 1.04. Main 747. BARON APARTMENTS. 14lh aud oolumnia. 1 and i-room apartment, furnlshso, flrst-clasa: reasonabl rates. Main tin. CTlMFOllT A BLY furnished '"l.'-S .I'.v- . ;r. .Sd onon.:" .25 mui -t. CAMAhC 714 LovejoV Modern brick" build- lug; I, -room apu., " t-nfurnlidird A par tm eat a. j ...-m. ... iuo feet north of "3d ano Wh . mt M.utlfull,1 located blgh-claa. aDartmsnt. 1 6 rooma. all larg outsid "imii 1 apartiaaata newly iurniahed. prrcVT reaaonabi.; referancea raoulrad, iri them befor locatlug. Manager, Mar- ahall lol. To i DAVIS ST. Head ot King St. Most modern and taahlonabl m4nt-bou.o in Portland; absolutaJy lira proof Thro to 1-room ualurnlh.d apart- mentd. STEVENS APT.. large outalde room, front . . ,. i , nnphea and lDlng ;.i .naaa ji lorto, nv.w. w " , y- torthrup. near 14ti. .26 101H ST.. n.r lor.- !?. rVfrr,,r.tr. h.Tl. bot -.lr. Strict- IJI afvlD - t"lBa Ox II a. wuiwa -r flrsi-claM oitarvloe; prtvaf pnou; rr. apartmenta; reference. aval. 61. ;KivS APTS- 2"'th and Northrup 8 out b";L k.rrfwood floors, veranda. beautifully located; ref. Marshall Holll. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st .r'5Dde-r Arge. Ilgnt. e. e-r. . i THE AMKKlCAN. 21st and Johnson, a. 4. rooma. reaaon.oie. aa. Furwlidved or U a I urnliA f dA pa rtm rata MUKGAN. FL1EDNER 4V BOYCK, sia-s-i aviiBu Furnlahed and unfurnUlied apartment In all part of tho city; great variety of Ibcallona. aixea and nrlcea. Our free auto mobile at your aervlco la vleltlng any ot our apartment. .... xi. in ?nli. A 1414. ;HK BARKER, corner of list and Irving Furnhrd and unfurnished apartment la J I and 4 rooms, four-atory brick; elec trlo automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in bullets and writing deaka. plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner Ire. I'hon Maranau mi. HIGHLAND" COURT APTS-. ZiU V W V. I . . ra re-eat. mot bomelih. hlgh-elaa apta. In city, furnlahed and unfurnlhd. LImpIo. Porch' VVn'kln. dlst.nca. TUB BOTAL ARMS, llth and Lovejoy Tho neweet ano muei , , -t-- - Portland; hardwood floora. balconle tc ; all rent moderate: 1 1-room, li.44j 1 1-room. 110; MrhU SIIL ilNGSBURO APT., 144 Vlta av, off W.hington t.. i and 4 room, unfur S.hid, b month: 1 furnished . -ryom ; will rent by dy, k or month: privat balcony hlgh-claas B.lghborhood; maa aed by ownera; reaaonable rent. llth and Harrlaon. Finest arartment-bous on Pacific Coast; beautiful location, atrlctly modern walk ing dlatanc. nefentnees. M. 1411. M. lull. HACK APAKTX C. 1 , v.iu .....-. 4 larg unfurnUhed room, .leaping porch and all modern convenience.; on 1-room ..rm,.l Marahall 1074. ROSENFELD APTS.. 14th and East Btark ... . a alntlw van Anopn M ax f fi ilricit D af. 41111 iihvii , - 4-room apta. larg room, prlv.t phon fn e"h pt.; reaaonabla rent; referencea - .... ,i.-;Tnv ill 11TH lias, inv i. - - Nice clean, cool, airy 1 and l-room aoVs.. strictly modern; 410 to 410 Elevator, excellent ervlc. Mrshall 7. A 4404. "TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE IIUWi ur."ir 41-67 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 11QL - ." . a . 7 la IS m Ofiaror block, to bu.lnes. center; B.t tl In Portland: .i.n.. - run ORMONDE; 6-room apta., furnlahed nd unrurniaUed. Flandera, io uui. r. ivncRii mfdt-rB C-room apt., aleap 1 I a. t.m .ni o an o-ruum. cuui fortably fur. pt. 110 mo. I Nob Hill. AND 6-room apta with aieeplng porch. n e r. . t ...a Yrwall11 Bt - iT'ivnROR 1. I and 4 beautiful rooma. . e tr iih and Y rn h 11 L Iurnia n5 " j r 4 xj a, - . rrvn-DAVIS APTS., 64 Kin at, t and 4 hh cla; refrrencea. Main 106$. IERE.UITM-. ana .-r. AVin fill. ponaoia. ti " --'4.. :. . AH14S 13th and B. Morrison; 3 ana rooma; ruiontDit; moaern wruvw. irTONlA Niw 2 and 8 -room apartmanta. 5.., XL Main &A44. 4fJO UL1B ayw-O Flat. ," A OSIH-.v.1rMnlW'';" ta acnaoi ina ci ii". -L O deo. 1 07 8 hvr. Woodla w n 2 0 2. if WITH waier. nwi '""' ' naca. 4ir.pl.ee Dutch kitchen. etc Eaat lmhV near Davl. Phon Tbor 833. WALNCT PARK Modern 4-room flat, built-in furnltur. rng linoleum, res son ble. 114 Wygnt. Woodlwn -'.iO- MoDL'KN 5 and 6-room flaL vary reaaonabla. corner aoio anu c MODERN 4-room flat; alao 4-room house. Inquire in ivi.. FLAT of I rooms and bath. 734 Hoyt at. Inquire ije etn .v.. ..... MODERN and 4 rooms, near City Park e1 . . i a n i a a 4 a T al reaeonahl. Alain eaaa. j. ..... MODERN 4-room flat: modern 7-room flat. 70 Correrll st. Main ...a. WEST SIDE .'' 14th. nrar Taylor; - room modern tiav r-an jl,;4-BcOM lower flat, walking distance. ju svouney ' NICE 4-room flat, aleeplng-porcb, alao large list, riawtnorne ce. vi : FOR RENT Two-room flat, 11 East Ith, 44 Kal Burnaida. Key Woodward. 104 Id at. Furnished Flat. 661 TAYLOR ST, near 17th: 4-room fur nished fiat. Circassian oAiU oak furniture. upholtred In Bpanlsn leather, piano. e-". VERY pleaaant, clean, wejll-lighted 6-room furnisnea iiav, .i.Fa -r e - - - -bath, etc Inqulro 771 B. Taylor. Eaat tfll OnlV llfL 4-ROOM upper flat, nicely fornlshed. clean and cheerful: piano, phone and water, lit). No. g East lath t. N. ELEGANTLY furnished. 110; Jteam heat. p n o n e, wsier, ir?.' r. -o". - MODERN 6 or 6-room furnished flats. 4 E. .... i- m w.nhill TOT A 7131- tn .fc. ---- -- til THF-.EB room, nw, modern, clean, 10 4? ..-..! 1-1.1 Td W. Ill M.ln K.1A7. completely mi ui""- -j NEW. modern. 4-Boom flat, aieeplng porch. walking oistanca- e. .r-.v Mouerkreping Room.. 12 WEEK UP Completely furnlahed suite, absolutely clean; large room, hot "tfr. batha all noure xree; save c. ... -able peopl only. Alio single housekeep ing rooms. IS.M o. Th Cadillac. 8d near Jefferson. WILL glv on wek' rent fre If rent 1 paid ono montn in aovance; i-nium .Ui.. now la per month. 1 H. K. room 1.75 per week. asSVi Hawthorn av., corner Vnlon. $1 TO 11.50 week, clean furnlahed house keeping rooms, suiiaote iut . - . free heat, laundry, bath. yard. Last 41)41. 404 Vancouver, 101 Stanton. "U" car. NICE suites of 1 1-1-1 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly rurnieivea, at seat xv.iim.. worth ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low rent phone vtvoodlawn 1X7. FURNISHED suite of 1. 1 and 4 room t 544 t Jtllllngswonn ave.; low renv, cioee to cars. Phon Woodlawn 1407. I ROOMS, flat, nicely furnlahed. central, 14 weoki inciuaea n s u l, waver muu u.u. Jefferson. ' . . 411 EAST MORRISON Furnlahed ono and two-room nouaekeeping apis, reaeouooio. OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cneap; aa.o weea up. THE ELMS, 11 14th st. 2 rooms, clean. bath, phone, itgnta; aia op. ROYCREST, 175 12th. Modern ln.I and doubl H. K. rooms, reaaon.oio. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. Id. cor. Morrison. . Housekeeping Boom In rrlvate Family. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or with kitchenette, also sleeping rooma. neat, electric light, phone, bath, hot and cold water In all rooms, $3 up. Phono Mar. obt-2. lio Bin st. 2 H. K. room. fronL modern, 110; 2 rooms, oaaeineni. vui oiiv.uav - nam, pnuue, mut. ue - shall 'J167. i ROOMS with kitchenette, ground floor, nireiv TiirntanM. line location, cioae-in. oath, pnone,-iignt ana cooiting gaa, p. 1 reonanie. i voiumoia. TWO grouud-floor room, electric lights, tove, alnk, gas. closer, ana loner, not aim cold water; fine bachelor quarters, close In: price 1 10. 181 llth 8t. Main U370. 474 ALDER, southeast corner llth. clean. airy rooma. one large room witn ancnen ette; also 3 and S-room -aulte ; very cen tral. LARGE, light, airy attlo room for light housekeeping. 47 month; also otner xi. iv.. room. -405 W. Park, . IN refined modern home. 8 larg furnished housekeeping rooms with bath; entir up per flat; very reasonable, eoi aa. $12 TWO comfortably furnished "housekeep ing rooms, ire neat, eiecirrcuy ana pnune, adjoin bath, walking distance. East 4488. LARGE front room, 42.59 week, outside door, large closet, tree coOKing gas, oain, linen, electricity, phon. 392 4th It. 2-ROOM housekeeping suites, furnished. Is nd 10; ieeping-porcn. e.aat oja. S-ROOM h. k. aulte. cool, clean, cosy, walk ing distance, feast rjxv. id n.ast itn n. THREE furnlahed housekeeping room. 10 East stn Aortn; large yara ana pnone. ONE and two large, modem, light, cool H. K., 1Q ana au. 4-J jwain. . LARGE room completely furnished for light housekeeping; no children. zt istn. IRV1NGTON I furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity, t-au n-ast eaue. LIGHT, clean, unfurnished H. K. room with bath. Phone Marsbali i44. r. iotn NBWLY furnished 2 and 1-room apts, all modern, oo nail. rnone jaanauaii o---- 68 MONTH Completely furnished. 2 room, lawn, rosea, bath, lights. MhIb 3672. WKEK FREE 1 furnished H. K. room. 612 (divide). 4l Vancouver, main m- TWO large housekeeping rooma. 65-1 John son t. Main iddv. Houses. MR- RENTER. I will furnish a sightly Laurelhurat lot for that little homa you' would Ilk to build and will alao furnlah part ot th money to bunt it. you'll, never oo auto to hulld so eheaD again in a hundred yeara Your rent money will practically pay for your homa. tail me up aooui iv. j. Delahnnly. 170 Stark st. Main 1601, A lalo. MR HOI 7KB HUNTER. Be n before you rent a place to live In. Flvw minute la our office under our new eystem equaia a montn oi i-i searching. Wa will show you any prop erty you wish to see. nee sixoy. INTERSTATE TITLE A LOAN CO 113 Uerilnger bldg Main 1801. FOR KENT. 6-room modern bungwlow. nearly new, with fireplace, all room nice and clean, IU.S0 per month. -Do . 73d St. Take aiontaviiia cur. OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce TRVINGTON HOME. Seven-room modern house, with large laeplnr porch, bardwood floora upstairs ana aown. nrriL. u ..... c , - - It v. ground on th corner, with garag. Eaat lth and. Halsey sts. Tsbor 3S40. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful modern sleeping porches. 1 fireplace; In perfect eorrdllton; fine city view; best cloae-in t.'IVVrT.il r4S TTiB- BROOKE. A 1.11. i-nu r, s-vT I'NFI'RNISHED. 24 rooms, cor. 13th and Yamhill; renovated throughout. t-BIl V iu a o cmt. Alao u-roora nous next door. t.nrwtu modern houta Eastmoroland. nearly new, IWO Iirepiace.. lull wuuiei. UMv- ment, laundry, electricity and gas: rent very low to rigna ptnj. rnuna m. LOWER floor, nice private residence, four rooms, including 'u ; able to good tenants. 02 N. lutn. Mar shall 1044. tir-tni-us: a-room house, furnace, electricity. gas cemeni - bikiiiiu.. iv -- cor. 14th. East 1BB.V AM leaving town, have 6-room modern bun galow, tree. roe and beautiful view, 13. Tabor 7B. a nnnus nearly new. modern bungalow, furnace, iirepiace. oa . a-e. Clinton St., near inm .... ji-i . t... 433 8-ROOM house. 1S9 13th st, thorough- ly reoovav.. - - - - hall 3j3q. . JTroOM modrn house. 711 Lovejoy, naf lid inquire 110 6th. Main 4171. COTTAGE. 114 N. 17th. aear Gllaan, Key at owner. . MODERN 4-room houca, 721 Multnomah. Phone E. NEW modern, l-room house, sleeping porch, corner ltth and U. Washington sta.; 430. MODERN 6-room house. ! Ban Rafael t-; deslrsDie. cio.e bot EVERET room: gas, lectncity. rnrnace: walking distance. Phone East o. ..... i." r.T-TH near nawinurni iuuiii.i leep'lng-porch. fireplsco. garage. East b. MODERN 6-room cottage. 8S1 Oantenbeln . ve , near wa.on. r.""c -..... MODKRN l-rooai house, price 13- Phone i ajutt COTTAGE. 1043 E. Alder. $10; wired. gn. .niMil. mi Selling. Mnin 33:2. CQII'-T". .......... " - 8-ROOM HOUSE, electricity, sleeping-porch nd garage. 389 13th U FumLhed Housea 12 g.ROOM MULlfiKrt , nr-aiL.E..vt.&. 1708 Berkeley St.; modern; will put In -v. smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex. MODERN six-room borne In Irvlngton, 744 Miriu... ,orn.r of 22d- Call 1 to 5 P. M. or phone Main 20l7. 6-ROOM modern bungalow $15. Call Tabor 4-ROOM modern bungalow, furniphed. Ml V T 1 -.--11 ... nn OlBl Hcott car. riiww " Summer Rrsorts. VAftltu a niv. i . ' , in rivt fmllr. Seaside, modern cottage ... . , u .. t. nnT ocean view. ..-.. - F6R RENT cheap, a-ery fin modern 4-ropm cotaie on th. Board Walk. Alex. Gilbert Son. Seaside. Or. S FA? IDE Furnished cottage, overlooking Ocetn. Tor irni riiwy. - ARHART. 6-room cottage for rent; nicely ... . I . .J a I n 111, OS tuatea ; v.gu " '-- Ml.i-VT HOOD AUTO STAGE caila any n.r't of city. Main. 331. A -'331. JOY cottage. Long Beach. Wash., balanc or season, fia. xrouj v... AUGUST 5, 1915. I a. n s-n I aj I. C3-- v. . v . - - . COMPLETELY furnlahed 2 and 3-roorn cot- xage; also leuinoueea " ... 1S.30 to 17 per week; fishing, clamming-. gate; for further Information call Hi stork exchange. "THE HACKNEY COTTAGE." with . all modern improvement anu home. For rate wire or write, bea View. Wash. GEAR HART Furnished cottage for season; near beach; 3 oearooms. cheap. Call Main 7814 or see. Mra. Payne at Gearhart. " VERY comfortable 6-room cottage at Sea- lde for balance oi season. reasonable. Phone mornings or evenings, Marshall 201 B. GE ARHART "Stewart Apta.." furnished complete, nam. loitei e-n,w., week. aaain a.o.. SEASIDE Modern, furnished' complete. choice location; city cooychicu 8740. TWO young ladie delr room and board at Seaside lor one ana. state price. Address Box 75. DUIey. Or. Store. .. .... u Ua.thnrne suur, loiiia tv, aviw n8., . - k-i ir ic It n rn,. . Maul"! atrwi T FOR RENT Old Louvre reataurant. 4th and AiiKii ova. lut.iiui. ' " . , - aaj uiug. Office. FIRST-CLASS dental aulte to let, ehAfe ne- a . ar al with aHt B h 1 iwiil SO.. nail rcuc jy k.iuia-4 wua v. " , , . i . I.; central location In businesa district. reaflonap.a rental, -iv bqi. mct.v"-' A DESIRABLE private office (or dealt w . , . t orn-itrrantver at a very low rent. Room 4 Emprew Theater oiag.t op p. p3 1 44. ELLr-FL'RN I S H ED private office. ld"k Ao i at t T -I rhamhatr nf room. $ and 7. merce. TWO well-furnUhed office!, best light and service; aiso u.a iwim. bidg OFFICES 610 up; furnished offices and desk room; free pnoue. - l&nu' Busiest corner, .u. -J"- OFFICE space, desk and chalra. free phon as per in u ii lu, .j. mo. a" Mlacllmnooii. FOR KENT Star Band Co. bn..Btk K"'?.08.?.1"'?,..' of Tradi lUMmilll It- xnumi. .v ENT r le.. 1 to 8 terminal wauii.aw. n . " BUSINESS OPr-OBTUHlTlES. DAIRY FARM, 43 acre. 22 culUvated. bal ance pasture win. -h- ,. bearing fruit tree, cow, heifer. 0u. fin team, wagona ments; 43 ton hay In barn; W potatoes, etc. r roe use o.. -;- -"-7-. idioining. Fine 6-room house with water pfped from spring. Barn 48x60; cnlcken Iiouaoa, pigpen nd everything complete. 11600 will handle If taken at once and unexceptional terms i on i balance. Male 13-8. Elmore Co.. 724 Chamber ot Com merce CLOTHING STORE Stock of 63000 lnclud- 1200. with largo trading qpulation.f . bank, a note.; "',"" .Tor. on pay.ngy,6.,i., .xpen..s .mall;. P-tr-; tore; stock in uuu portuntty for man -with moderate capital Easiness can be developed; no tradea con aidered. Addresa mj wia, uita-- FOR SALE OR RENT On long time lease. hotel property au -u Ollng Dest ana exviua., u ' --J " - , . H owner wlshea to take up other work, a lew hundred swing 'hls-.Aiso,. . ,.),., TRADE UK Mi-'"T,"' c.rrn . land, fine back range. . ' j o? phoV. Vw'nerr AK"Mlckeyr Hotel junction, junction h-j .- . . , ' a a .'l1a. lTltfBt Berore closing uen iwi v-4.i. In established real estate business get ad vice or foruana rmaiiy 81 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Established general merchan- dlse ana lumoer 7u, i 110.000: in well-located Idaho tpwn. do ing paying business; will sell all or hall Interest; deal with owner. Addres AV 4S9, Oersonlan WANTED A teady man nt ?fld of work ana willing to ,,,- iu.r; growing Dusinesw wi'.. "v'., m mi an teed from the atart. Cat" room 3.0 Morgan bldg WANTED Man having -'0O cash able i to aive 9'ZWJV dodo muncj mu.t be hard worker. ..ober; no ;; strictly Dusiness; uu oiv. man. GROCERYId-e-tab.lfhed place doin.JO low rent" Price 000. Owner will consider one-hlVf clear aireage. Particular, at 317 itaiiwar jumkub' dASH'GROCERY, good corner location, do- . a I Anna 11 fl t fit r!4a" DUBJ ing line buiimcoo. - --- . u'sa and cant attend to both. No cash rent. Will take parr. v- f-n S13 Lumber Exchange. WANTED A partner to aeop --J ono 100a "ij-r -;r .-. business. oaiarj J.t r-.ll Its; require a small Investment call room Bli'J Morgan piog. AUTO STAGE LINE Owner wanta reliable man aa partner; a voir j ... ness; bank references given. Investment secured, tjau on q-- - . , 7Z tx'--. Inra KOOMING nouse. cio.e m, ii-n tlon. 38 room... ajway. full; clear. lo0 montniy. anu .. aa." .-..,;,. rare cnance. am STOCK interest lor sale In established man ufacturlnr concern, cbiiiwi , tu5 Reterences. Wm. Whitfield. Com merclal Cluo mug., rwi'""". WANT good man a partner, in my office good wages. Only required. Call jny agent., omn. ... SALESMAN lor roau. ioo icr ...u..... anteed; chance to see the country; ma.. Investment. Elmore Co.. 724 Chamber of Commerce. TRANor e.rx ana Kumio wiui...;, "-'-'7 good business, will sell cheap - w"lck Bale; goou x.aawua .w - uregonian. ji ' B"11'-'" ... 1 j . .. it - BAKERY and confectionery, wtai Side apartment district, splendid cash custom, busy every day. no delivery: a a.....!- .t artr.ii. 819 Lumber Exchange. WORKING partner for good paying busl- 111 1 -,-.-t Invest oration: smal'l capital requlned. Call today, 404 l-M t. 1W V BAKERY goods, lunche. etc., a nice tre for 4Joo; can mnao ay "'""o 11..'- Mnn- hM 1 m Rnnm 32B save - a in ... u .. . . ., MH. CASH business clears 6150 per month. 4-roora . - fi.t in nnnnection. Price alluO: part time. Rltter, Lowe A De Forest, UU5- ... , t 11.. -.1 nt Trade bldg. ZUf xsoara oi aimup . - . 1 ...... Y. 1 ,1 Inn), and emce. 3 r if tt DAi-r. ... ... ;- " , " ' , , , rear lease on class A DUtiaing mat .tore lm) cars; 60OO-lb. elevator; cheap for 'ash .ale no centa. AN 972, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY Fine location. long leisa low rent; doing $20 dally: price It'.ui ...m. terms. Call 31T Railway El- cnan.e. UNUSUAL opportunity for energetic man with II 000 to 420,000, interest In suc--"...1 V,.,.,in- biwlness: investigation will satisfy youLockbox1052, Portland. IF YOU Intend going East as iar as iieiroii. ti will be to vour Interest to call al room "401 Northwestern Bank bldg. PARTNER WANTED In auto businesa. This take, but lime money , ui.Mua. -J Particular, sua puaie. i- A DANDY grocery at a discount. Good lo cation: llvlng-rooms; rent $15 mouth. SIS Chamber or uimmn . . . r, , .1 - ttnA Ita-nl llinnhes. estabiisnea trauc, 11 - district. Main a-ai. NICELY furnished modern 6-room flat, ha fireplace, porcn, iuau, ' J .. t, .n him.. I.trfr-T f lTe. casn groceir . " . -. - living rooma. near West Side school; snap at 1 o.iii. -an pin - n CONFECTIONERY, tn good location; am leavln town and any reasonable offer win he accej-teo. ruiiii.a.iv SMALL CONFECTIONERY In good loca tion on Washington St.; a nice little Place, only ."" J - " - ix tVTEREST In good woodaaw business. Can make 4 to $5 day each. Good route. Price sy J- D. i-mi Av.....Bv. SMALL, candy kitchen in good town, fine localloit good buslnese. AC 963. Orego- man COFFEE HOUSE for sale; good place for w j n Mlavta v- 4lif,a imp lnnnth man ano - APPIJ O v1 1131 . 4jq 7T -- H Al H DB TLJC l ai4a-l .lx,,f. Bwv- .vwa,...,.., easy terms, owners taking up other busl- nw. in.itt - - ' GROCERY, delicatessen and confectionery. U living rooms; for sale cheap, account 111 health. HV owner. o-j xvua.gn a.. POOL HALL, cigars, tobacco, etc, 6 tables. roo,j close-In location., low rent. o00; r --ii -mo. l.nmhir Ridhanra. Term., ...i " " FOR SALE The best butcher, pacjclng and produce business in Oregon for- the price. ... ,u-7 nrttimnlltl. AT TC . FSr SALE Lunch counter. iT3Vi Burnslde, near za. rnc-o . . SMALL grocery, Hvlng-roorfi and furniture; a bargain tor somcuuo. w n'lm a.. ... Dry goods, furnishings, notions, at wholesale. il Dlnkelsplel Co.. Sherlock bldg.. room 111. FOR trad or le. 3-chlr, 2-bat-h barber shop. T. 1. Terrlll. Albany. Or. LADY ha fine copper property, give Inter. est tor little money. Marshall 8S20. FOR SALE Most desirable hardware and implement business in nnuii ' town of 16.000; McCormick and other choic agency lines; stock will Invoice about 625.0O0; owner has other business; would consider part trade for good wheat or stock ranch at cash value. This la i an opportunity on the threshold of th best hu.ine.. the country has known. If ln- teres-.ed address owner. AV 4S5. Oregonlan CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream parlor; fine location; ha. 2 fountain ana omer fine fixtures. Owner Is compelled to sell on account of sickness. Fixtures alone are worth twice tho money asked. Price $o50. Call 315 Lumber Ex., 2d and Stark. AUTO repair shop for rent well established. aoa Wheeler .t- i-none cast .vio. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT grocery store, will give modern residence ana casn ir any umereui; HITTER, LOWE DE FOREST, 205-vT Board of Trade bldg J2500 EQUITY In $-4000 house; rooming- nouse or grocery wanieu. jaxx eov, gonian. WILL buy your grocery. Must b a bar- galu. Main ISO.. ROOMJNO-HOC8E8. WILL sacrifice 52-room apartment-house. strictly modern, practically new, one building, In walking distance, all 2-room apartment, elegantly furnished through out; price $18uo. cash fUOO, -balance liO per month. RITTER, LOWE & DE FOREST, 205-VT Board of Trade bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, close in. rooms all rented. urnlture worm auu; will .ell this week for only $200. Call 815 Lumber Et. 2d and Stark. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 FIRST ST. 184 ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. We have the following bargains: One 11 rooms, one 13 rooms and one 14 rooma; all fine furniture; you can buy for is value on easy terms. Inquire at 88 luth St., near Stark. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-House Agent. - Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. B0S-S N. W.- Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. 52-ROOM HOTEL Good West Side location. long lease, very reasonable rent; gooa brick building; owner will consider trade for ranch. Particulars at 817 Railway Ex change. FOR RENT or sale, small rooming-house, Iirst-ciasa Doarums-uuu.o, lv-ii i. konable, owner ha other business. Main 101. 18 ROOM8. very fine furniture. In good lo cation; owner sick ana must .en. riivo $350. Call 31T Railway exenange. 12 ROOMS, all housekeeping; close in; only $200. Main 4670. LOST ANU FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the car. of the Portland Hallway, uini. e Power Company, and owner, thereof may claim same at the First and Alder Street Station. Marshall 8100. A 6131.. August 31: .1 basket ana contents, a nanu gup. 1 tin pall, 1 man' hat. 1 aack vegetaole hrar-Aleta. 1 nr. Sflasses. 1 DC casting, 1 grip, li umbrellas, 1 purse, 1 bunch ot b,vi 1 nk.. of nlctures. 1 towel rod, 1 breast pin, 1 coat, 1 straw suitcase, 1 roll of films. . LOST Brlndle bulldog, screw tail, bat ears and very much unaersnoa; answers to name of Caesar; left home without collar and license; rewara oiierea. t-au x .too or at 41 N. otn at. T.ri.;T Mnndsv. Ainethvst aold bracelet, yj t. h.riv. jenvar ave. or rurtiana uivu. Reward. Phone Woodlawn 18u. Address 143 W. Liberty si LOST Between North Bank Depot and Woodlawn, large traveling nag. euitanie remuneration will be paid to tinder. Call C. G. Wareliam, wooaiawn iwoi. LOST Antique alligator pin. aet with tur quoise. Return to uue-l- unamoer or t-om. Receive rewara. LOST Black and white kid hat on Powell -un-.l-,nH PI.... 1'nll Main MtK3. LOST Sorority pin containing diamonds A -n..--!.!.. nam. nn hnnlr. ftntlll-n lO nOLei LUIIlCllua lm cnaiu. WOULD party that picked up lady' coat in irarit diock, near riarnauu, iiicao tn Aiarsnnu Jicv: LOST Child's mesh purse at City Park. Keward. Main 303. LOST Yellow and white kitten. Reward for return. U00 Park. LOST Amber brooch, value to no one bat owner. Reward. Last 4201. r SPECIAL NOTICES. ' Fropoeals Invited. IV TUB DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon In the mailer of consumers i-umoer ac supply Co., bankrupt. Request for bids. 1 will receive seaieu dio lor mo .oiiovtiii. prop ertv of the above-named bankrupt, lo cated at S. Ban Station. 8. P. A 8. Ry, Co., near Linnton, or., up to and until 11 o clock noon on f naay, Autruat o, laiu 1. Machlnerv and eaulument of the in. ventoried value of $7432. Office fixtures ot the inventoried value of $16,511. Equity lu buildings of the inventoried value of 41200. Equity In one railway spur 6S0 feet, accou.it S. P. & S. Ry. Co. i. Logs and lumber of the inventoried value of 11120. Bids wll be received upon parcel as ahuvH aet- forth numbered 1 and 2. and for the property aa a whole. Should the total II tne nignesi uiua lur eacu uj. me parcela be greater than the higheat bid for the whole, the said bids will bs ac cepted subject to the approval of the court for said parcels; but should the hirhMl bid for the whole be greater than the total of the highest bid for each of the parcel., tne eaia uignesi oio. iur an. whole wll loe accepteu, suujeca to ma ar proval of tne court. ... ah bids must be accompanied by certl tied check for lo per cent of the amount ofefred. Inventory of the above property may be seen at my office, ana tn property m suected upon application. v R. L. SABIN. Trustee. FURAGE AND STRAW Office, Department Quartermaster, 210 Pin St., San Francisco CaL Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 A. M., Aug. 2S. 1015, for fur nishing forage and straw required at posts in vL'.,t.m nnbartment e'urther Infor mation on application here or to Post Quartermaster ana wuartermaaiei., tie. Wash., aud Portland. Or. FISaXCIAL WK BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND Sf MORTGAGE CO., kl 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. i-iHitT .nd aecond mortKages. also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. II. E. Noble, i-umpermens oiog. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Dob- ertson or- jawing, .vca in. y. jj..r. ....... MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. i-,ewis -o., . i.eim uma. Money to Loan on Real Estate. 11 : II I ' . I " I.' fllVS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed, Attractive repayment unvne.e.. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 21T Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marsnau 1111, a. nm. $2000 PRIVATE money at 8 per cent on rortNUU linpiwveu r r J i " RITTER. LOWE & DE FOREST, 20a-vT uoaru oi j.ime oma. MONEY to loan at 0 to 7 per cent. Port- . . , i n . I ...Manila nrniMrtv. lana uunuc a- - Farm loans at I to s per cenu MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Id st., near Stark. ley ijV-i.-v a. ... - - - - - $5000 to loan on Portland improved Pro.P.e"?;... -,e r.n, r rH UxJJLaCs i-a-L JXVV-yJ. ""A a-i-a-.v an j.-..p. JoOO $1009 and upward on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays; no . , . ..' tv, D.in Kn? Knnlrilni? bid?. DrOKerUSC eyyillA J-raa..aa, w. - $2000 TO LOAN at 8 per cent or will buy mortgage. a ' gonian. -i .. Vinma Bllll .1.1. H 1 1 I i ll it on your-lot or our. The Oregon Home Builder, laa-r in. vt. rua. .mn FIELDS & HONEY MAN MORTGAGE CO nun OWN FUNDS. 1023-1029 YEONBLDG MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC. StoiC KJtcnanKQ pmr., ........... SEE us today for loan on Improved city uropertv, o to 8 per cent; $2ti0 and up. . . . O X v.nn kill. t-eliars-.viurinn .u., u ,. m.. S200 000 TO LOAN In sums to ult; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. Q. Beck, 114 315, f alling Pius G TO 1 per cent moneys on bustn-ess prop- artv. abartmeiiLa. " i- i ' i . " - ... ... Blossom. 1123 Northwestern Bank bldg. 4, 7 AND 8 per cent private funds to loan from j"o to " " 51. Chamoer OI e-uuiineiee. LOANS City, 8-8 ; farm. 7-8 . K KEASEY eV CO.,- 272 Stark St. DORR , . l v nand for mortgage loan, niort gageS OQUgni. r a. ,i iiiinui.. ... ... -FATM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A.H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COM. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALMON A CO., 100 OAK BT. ' MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per eenL Vf. H. Sells & CO., Hiu gipaming uma. BUILDING loans direct to owners, reason able conditions. uiuns n.r. igsn sarin xann ftlon. tlftOO. Fred Ge'rman'.Co., V32 Chamber of Commerce. 13 Honey to Loan on Heal Estate. Imptovd business property, iU lo ( pr '"improved residence property, to T per "improved farm property, 7 to $ peroent. WHITMER-KELLY CO., . 711 Plttock Block. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. Prompt service. Reasonable term. PORTLAND TRUST SAVINGS BANK. STH AND MORRISON t-TS. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS', NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO.. 9-10 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN $1200 to $11,000. Any amount to suit on Portland Im proved property. GOODSELL BROS., 901 Lewis Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Lowest Rates. No delay. C. D. SIMONDS. 017 Coibett Bids. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. VARRINGTON. 80 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MONEY loaned, city and farm lands; no commission, aoo Lnumucr m v.uuui.... PRIVATE money. $1000 to $4)00 to" loan on real estate, n to-, uniiiau. J-,jirl( t 7 per cent on Improved city prop erty. - vm, urggonian. $900 ESTATE money to loan on improved V ... - - i I . l.ln 'IT'.'' properly, inu m un.. o..u. ...w " Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY . AT EASTERN HATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry tores In the city. A loan department i conducted in connection with same, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL; absolutely no sign designating loan busi ness displayed in front ot our atore. All merchandise pledged Is held for period of 12 months, whether or not Interest is paid wheii due. We are licensed and have been established since 18S9. No connection with any other loan establishment In this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 824 Washington SL STATE SECURITY CO.. LICENSED. Oldest established salary loan company In Oregon. Reliable. Satisfactory term. Business strictly confidential. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during the past Is our best reference. STATE SECURITY. CO.. LICENSED. 808 Failing Bldg. MONK Y TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY at It-gal rates, ' on Diamonds, Autos, Piano. Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back $r. per month or more. Interest 3 p-r cent. OFFICES ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. LICF.NSED. 811 Dekum blilg., "d and Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. . LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST: Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Instrument. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department for Ladle. EI.BY COMPANY (Licensed 1. 820 Lumber Ex. Bids., !M and Ftark St. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at half tho rntes charsed by brokers. Dan Marx, 74 3d st. Loan Wanted. At LITTLE LOAN'S. Want $000 at 8 per cent on five-room atrlctly modern cottage, near Columbia Park, 1 blocks to car, value easily $2000; want $3."iO at 8 per cent on four room house, cement foundation, half base ment, near car barns and Peninsular Park, old for $1200. . . COB A. M'KENNA CO- 727 Chamber of Commerce. LOAN WANTED. $3000 8 per ennt, beautiful residential property. Willamette boulevard, sate, sound sure investment. Henry A. Miller. Sll Plfock bldg. . WA"T $2300 at 8 per cent on highly im proved SO-acre farm under cultivation, good buildings. Located 2Vs miles north of Creswell. Mr. Rltter. 207 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall fi!40, A 1123. WANTED To borrow $10Tf00 for 6 months; ?ay 8 per cent end bonus of $200; security 1S.000 first mtee. on $30,000 property value. AB 0!)8, Oregonlan. WE HAVE SOME VERY FINE FIRST MORTGAGES ON NEW HOMK3 FOR SALE. LOOK THESE OVER. The Ore gon Home Builders, 13H0 N. W. Bank old;. 1750 WANTED on flrst-clas collateral se curity: Interest payable quarterly. AP 981. Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow $43"0 for 1 year; will pay 8 per cent, bonus $200, secured by 3 time, amount wanted. AH 81, Oregonlan WANTED Loan of $700. 3 years. 8 i;r cent, first mortsage, in Reed College district. Address P. u. no. --. 1350O ON West Side property worth $10,000, 7 per cent, no commission; will furulsii .Detract. Aa pig, Trei. WANTED 16500. S ?ars. 8 per cent, on 120.000 real estate security; prefer to deal with rateparty.ASS!Oregonian. WANTED $12,300 for H years at 7 per cent. Private party. Willamette Valley farm; ... . t... T7- (lllit nrairim nil. gilt eoite ajeumji. - . -o WANTED $2300 on $8000 new home. Call . -,n .11. 1. I. . . . I ! m 1. 1 H f Main 1 " 'o eiiam. " . o. WILL sacrifice $2200, first niurtxaae on $3000 residence. 41S Lumber Exchange. WA NT $1000 & from private party; ty realty security. AD 995, Oregonlan. ci 1125 SIX months, approved chattel security; private parties. AB 933. Oregonlan. PERSONAL. WE charge only for restoring health, not for treatments nor practice. A lady came her as a last resort: friends never expected to see her alive again and told her so: cured In three months. Ulcerated stomach, six years' standing, cured with 211 treatments. Lady completely paralyzed on otie side olid speechless, able to do household work in 50 days. All these And other case may be investigated. DRS, PHILLIPS 4 HARM AN, BUJ urmiiiiiiiii mug,. WE SELL HAIR. HAIR. HAIR. 2(t-lnch real first-quality switches $4.S5 20-Inch real first-quality gray 4.SS BRING THIS AD Good for 5c on Face "massage 25o Shampoo 2-a Manicure 3o Halrdress -2oo Superfluous hair removed by electricity. Guaranteed. Cut hair, any shade, switche , length. Price half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington. Marshall 1702. . FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hairgoods; switches from 8jo up, hairdressins, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combines made up to order. 147 Broadway, near aiuuiavii. ...n... CHRONIC Diseases. Headaches, Rhcuma tlsni. Goitre. Tumor. Skin Troubles, Etc. No Medicine, No Operations Finest Mod ern Equipped Offices. Electricity Manipu lation and Batns. consultation Free. .HI to PIT Swetianq ping, i-". MRS STEVENS, W years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyanl Author of Palmistry Made Easy": -lt-b5r1Dr:Vr Hume, divine healer and spiritual advi.er. Temple open dally. 875 Taylor St. LOUlSE NETZEL. trained nurse and mas seuse gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.: tub baths mas sage and electric blankets. Lady assistant. v 25 llth St. Marshall B033. 50ZENA TAYLOR. D. A. T.; therapeutics, magnetic massage, reasonable. Iu7 lltlu Marsnaii w?it. SCIENTIFIC massnuse. genuine tub baths, alcoholic electric treatments chiropodist, man ic url.t. 201 Macleay bldg. 286 Wash, NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, electric blanket' treatment, hour. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 2084 3d at., rooms 2 and 3. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circ 1 ST.,..H.. a wed. and Sun. 8 P. M.: read- In jsrjalj! UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest ,. . .nn.,.-ln- n.w handle- nut on. StUCn, 1 . . ... . Meredith's. 3211 Washington st. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for rheumatism, .r ...i- a.-i,i -nrt scaId treatment. Formerly Mar. 10, now Main 835. PHYSICIAN will treat you at your home evenings; electricity, vibration, massage ana auj uawnc.n.. ........ ....... MADE OF 1UUK t-usir.iiNuo. (Switches 03c. curls and puffs i3c sanl- -tary Beauty Parlors', 400 Dekum bldg. Dll FTHEL A SACKY, painless chiropodist. "V.."-:.. Pko Main nos. ilVD r-ail.ina .hi... - . MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hl.I. rnetniT om... n.... ....... CH1ROPRACTICS explained; painless adjust ment pleasing; 31 treatments $15. 1J1 4tn. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Reyal Tonip ir.kia. ml. iinvis hi. i-iii.ii. tan. CHIROPODY and electri treatments. Boon 213, Morriami bi. MANICURING and electrlo treatment- Ethel Burke. 13 l.arayetie nms- LESSONS in phrenolopy and card readings. sin st. rminH iri win . - GRADUATE masseuse; scalp massage and chiropody. 170Vj gL at., 4th fir., apt, w. MANICURING Ladies and gentlemen. Room 5, 853 V. Yamhill Bt. . GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, face massage, 85c. 707 Rothchild, 2SJi Wash.t