THE- MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1915. I. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OltEOOMAX TIUrHOM Managing EJItor Slain "OTu. A ev Cuy Editor Mam ,v.a. A oxj fcundar Editor Main 7 "To. A '& advertising Lwpartinisl ,..lain TOTu. A I'lty Circulation ...... .Mam . A e-:i Composing-room Main "t'Tu. A rrintini-r Km nm 7".i. "'0 .up-trLotenU.ot Bonding ...Hm JOIP, A -JVi AMLEJlESTa. OAKS AMtt-EMENT PARK Varied tatw- mnta. coecert band ana va-oae-niie. pANTAiiKS lAldar at H road a a r I Vaude ville- Ftrformancaa i.i-J. and 11:441 11. "Lxl-hEi-S (Broad war and Stark) Vaude till, f crtonuancaa 5.A-J ul :1A P. M. OUiOMA AT BESOM" a, Subacrlb wltfc the following; agents, at year Dammar raaart. to aacura tha moat prompt delivery of The Ora Conlaa. City rates. aaboerlpUoaa by mail ara payable la ad ranee: Bar View K. F. JaiAssa Bay Clsjr. Or k. r. Marcaor Bay Oeaaa W. 8. , Brlcbioa. Or W. . laraaa. Was taut B. amlta Mlaaral bprtasa Ha Columbia matt Mra M. K. Eroaa. Or 1. W. tr barlaaldl U. C Oaartsart. or .Mra. M. a. UUe-u Loaa Beats. U. Mraaaal Lake Lytw ftraak MUlar Maahattaa traaa mUlor Maaaaatt K. . KardoU Mra-lrr. Or Ls-aia Ca fcabcwttav Warn J kraairt. Or. .......... .O. W. Mo Oroaa park D. K. I 11,1.1 laka Park O. I. Ca Kockaaay Baach rraafc MUlar -raak MUlar Or lark WiatHa , Wash Caaalablo Twt. Boraa. sraaa MUlor Tlllan.b. Or -J W aeaatr. Or . M. Cady H ilh-aat oarlaca W. Mna Shoemaker TO B Hosos-tso. Arraupmrnta ara beln made by Rantiat churches for a farewell to Mi Jdna fhotmikcr to be held Thursday In the Greshara Baptist Church. Ther-a riti K anaakara from Portland and anoctal music Is belne- arranced. Mi ci.iibir will shortly tsk up actlva nluionirr work In China, and will laavo Portland August II for San Fran and sail for too Orient Aucust Si. She will spend a year lt the language school at Nankin and after wards will take up teaming in normal achooL She recently arrived tvm Na York, where she spent year at Teachers College of Columbia I nlrerslty. Mit stuaiea at int rum v.raitv of California and tha Reed Col We of Portland and has been, nttlna; herself for the mission Held for several years. r-irr-ara DtDtCITlOX PUtNSBD. Tha new Swedish mission church, located near Damascus, will be dedl eatad next Sunday. Key. M. K. An Person, genera missionary for the Swedish Association for the Northwest, will be present and assist In the dedi cation. Tha other speakers will be R. Theodore Uustalson. KM. - Thoras and Re. A. Aim. of Portland, and Key. J. Johnson, of the Swedish Baptist Church at Haley. All the services will be In, the Swedish language. Key. Jonas Johnson, pastor of the Swedish mission church of Powell Valley. Is the acting pastor oi tne new church. The services will take up moat f the day. M r A. PaarTT Off TO COMTKBtNCa. J I w. Stone, aeneral secretary of the T. M. C. A with a number of other Portland secretaries, left last nlsnl in a special car over the 0.-W. It- at N. for Seabeck. Wash, to attend tne conier ence of Y. M C. A. officials of the Pacific Northwest. In the party also were Claude A. Shaw, general secre tary. Payette. Idaho: U M. Ellis, ohvslcal director. Astoria, and J. H. Kudd. a-eneral secretary, t Crande. AmonK the visitors In the city yester day was Dr. A. G. Studer. general sec retary of the Detroit association MrLWACKiB Road Ctosn. The Mll- waakie road will remain closed from Sellwood to Mtlwaukle at least for the next ten days, owing- to repairs. On account of the rains last week little progress could be made, outside of the delivery of material, but work was resumed yesterday. The repairs re quired are quite extensive, as the surface of tha road was broken up badly and several hundrd holes were worn, In the roadway. Orsoos BtriLOtxo I-AirrD. "The Oregon, building at the Fair is cer tainly great.- writes Claude N. Ben nett. of Washington. D. C. to Edward I. Baldwin. Mr. Bennett Is head of the Congressional Investigation Bureau and is a lecturer of note. Ills best known lectures are "The Panama Canal" and "The New South." Mr. Ben, tiett and bis wife stopped off at Port land recently en route to San f ran Cisco. Mayor Rktuks Today. Mayor Albee will return today from Seaview. where he has been passing the week-end visiting his parents. Captain and Mrs. H. C Albee. The parents of the Mayor are passing the Summer at their cot tage at that place. H. E. Plummer. head of the bureau of buildings, re turned from Gearhart yesterday, where he had been passing a couple of weeks. He was accompanied by his mother. Mrs. U. P. Plummer. and his two daughters the Misses NiMa and Kath erlne Plummer. Orr less Intercedes for Team. At the demand of Police Sergeant H. Carl son. E. J. Sullivan, a driver for the Golden Rod Milling Company on Albina avenue, yesterday secured a second team and driver to carry half the load that he was endeavoring to move with one team. He admitted that the load weighed more than 7500 pounds, and the officer- asked that the load be dis tributed between two wagons, which was done. 139.000 K stats Ltrr to Widow. Alfred C F. Burkhardt. who died July 18. left an estate valued at $39,000. according to the will and petition which were filed In County Clerk Coffey's office yesterday. The entire estate was left to Mrs. Burkhardt under the terms of the will. At her death It Is to be divided equally among- the four daugh ters. Mr. Burkhardt was a prominent florist. Dowk-akd-Outers" to DtKK. To morrow will be a big day for the men who are "down on their luck." for on that day the Working Men's Club will give Its big monthly dinner. Captain J. G. McClelland, manager of the club. promises a big treat. The club will be open from 9 o'clock In the morning to 7 o'clock at night. CoivOXKi. Wood to Speak. Colonel C E. 8. Wood will speak tonight at the Emma Goldman meeting at Turn Hall. Fourth ami Yamhill streets. His sub ject will be "Schmidt and Caplan." Miss Goldman will also give a talk. Last night she had as her subject "Miscon ceptions of Free Love." ADVERTISING IS TOPIGl EASTERNER WILL ADDRESS TAILERS AT COMMERCIAL CLIB. Method of Selectlaa; Bualaeaa Werth of PabllHty Will Be Explained to Merchants Tedar. C. C. Parlin. manager of the com mercial research department of the I Curtis Publishing- Company, will ad-1 dress the members of the Portland I Retail Dealers' Association at noon to day at the Commercial Club. Tha Pro- 1 gresslve Business Men's Club has been invited to attend. Mr. Parlin says he is In the city to I talk to food producers, . members of I fruit associations, packers and food! manufacturers of all kinds on the work I his department of the publishing- house has done In Its detailed study of the food-producing industries throughout the entire country; also to begin a study here of men's clothing s-.-. LETTER TELLS OF WAR FORMER PORTLAND CONDlCTORl WRITES FROM DARDANELLES. Trealdeat WUaaa Seeaaa fa Have Made Mistake With Taa Praad Flgkf Speech," la Opiates. MBW. TWO ENTRANCES W ashington. Broadway, Near Broadway Near Washington Today and Tomorrow ROBERT WARWICK . Famous Stage Star in "Uo MAN OF THE HOUR" One of the Wm. A. Brady series. Took New York by storm when originally produced. Skillfully portrayed are the corrupt politician, the crooked financier, a trusting young woman, and a hero of brain, brawn and honest convictions. All make good in their several ways. To' see this great photoplay is a rare teat. See Also the Clever Cartoon Comedy "Colonel Heeza Liar Fools the Enemy" Coming Thursday VALLI VALLI, the Dramatic Star, in "THE HIGH ROAD" Five Acts of Sustained Interest and Suspense laiaaaa" 1 "' I I fi " 'if "A- ar.f.-i4." . at Lents Park at 8 o'clock. The pro gramme follows: March, "Regimental Pride" (Heed); over ture "William Tell" (Rossini); cornet solo. I selected, Mr. McElroy; descriptive fantasls (Luders); comic opera, "ihe Firefly (Frlml): characteristic, "Porto Rican -Dance' (Mlaaud): intermexxo, "Korest Whlapara (loacr); waits, "Dresma or Childhood1 (Waldteufell; grand National medley (Lampe); finale, "blar-spangled Banner. C C. Parlla, Who Will Talk at Laarheaa at Chamber at Com merce at Noea Today. x BODY TRAINING URGED I.TENSE APPLICATION OF MIXD IS BLAMED FOR EARLY DEATHS. War conditions In the Dardanelles are pictured In a letter Just received In this city by John Dltchburn. at torney, from his nephew. John Crlch- ton. a former Portland streetcar con ductor. The letter, dated June :. has no pos tage stamp, but la Inscribed: "First Australian Division Field Postbffice," and near it is this significant message: Passed. 3. Censor." The pages have been mutilated. I am resting In the trenches lust at present." writes Mr. Crichton. "We are not allowed to put too much In our letters, as the censorship Is pretty strict. As yon know, the Australians have raised particular h In this neck of the woods. We are looking forward to another tea party, with bayonets for spoons. I am newly back to the trenches, before another spell of dirty work, providing Johnny Turk gathers up enough sand to try to drive us Into the sea. President Wilson seems to have made a mistake with his 'I'm too proud to fight' speech. "If you could send me a copy of The Oregonlan now and again. I would be tickled, for I like to think of Portland. By the way. we've got, or' rather had. two Oregon men In- our outfit here. One of them. Chambers, got laid out who, snrapnei wnen we landed, and he blown to pieces. Part of that shell smashed my rifle. The other soldier from the Pacific Coast is a Se attle man. but he put In soma time In Portland. Chambers wss a former North Bank railroad man. I gueaa everything In Portland Is going along pretty well. In spite of tha fact that Oregon has done dry." You would die laughing If yon saw me. for 1 have not had a shave for a month." Mr. Crichton. when he was & student and shoes, upon which his resesrch de partment Is Just entering, and to de liver addresses before the retail deal ers. This programme is followed out In all tha cities visited by Mr. Parlin. Mr. Parlin says during the last four years he has himself studied end lec tured In 100 of the largest cities of the United States, has done research work In some of the Canadian cities and has traveled over 125,000 miles In his work for the publishing company. In his extensive study of merchandis ing he has acquired a store of valuable Information regarding the details of retail trade in all branches of Indus try. and this Information Is at the dis posal of all the retailers who care to hear him. Mr. Parlin says: "What information I am able to give to the retail trade I am happy to give, for the benefit is mutual. The retailer's gain and the Nationally advertised wholesalers whose goods tne retailers handle are bene- flted." Mr. Parlin will be in this city but two days and will leave for the south tomorrow. Vaudeville Review Pantag-es. Fancy a perfectly sunshine bill bring ing forth eight perfectly adorable "shadows" and then add to this Wanda Lyon, the "shadow girl." and you will have a vague Idea of the unusually good headline act at Pantages, this week. In stunning hats, or coy little bonnets, a winsome bevy of eight pretty Dr. J. H. McCnrdy, V. SL C. A. Visitor From Springfield, GIvea Address to Bualaeaa Men After Hike. Consistent exercise is the key to long life, and 90 per cent of the deaths among business men after 40 years of age are traceable to nervous disorders, brought about by too Intense applica tion to mental work without the coun teracting effect of physical training. Fifty business men at luncheon at the Portland association yesterday heard Dr. J. H. McCurdy, head of the physical education department of the Springfield Young- Men's Christian Association training school, - declare that the span of life may be increased several years by proper physical training. 'The Portland Y. M. C. A. has more business men in its classes than any other institution in the country In pro portion to its population," said Dr. Mc Curdy. "We have learned increased business efficiency and production, but In the last few years we have also In creased our death rate among busi ness men after 40 years of age. Exer cise Is the antidote of nervous disor ders, the key to longer life and the best method of producing increased business efficiency." Dr. McCurdy returned Saturday wun A. M. Grilley, physical director, from trin to Mount Hood. In the party were Peter Rypman, J. G. Wolf. V. 1 Farnham, J. A. Peterson. O. F. Peter son, C Ji. DOdge. . v. Jicuusun, i o. H. W. Jacobson. Charles Eckelman, Eu gene Reuter, F. Steeble, Dr. McCurdy and Mr. Grilley. SEWARD HOTEL GRILL Reopened by Seward Hotel Co. After four years under separate management the Seward Hotel Dining-Room is again under the management of the Seward Hotel Co. Hereafter an excellent cuisine will be maintained at moderate prices. We serve an excellent popular- priced business men's lunch from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Try it. Sunday Table d'Hote dinner 5 to 8:30 P. M., $1.00. YV. M. Seward, Manager. "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining'' Forced Continuation of Jaeger Bros. Removal Sale of Jewelry is announced. It's disappointing to the Firm, but the Public benefits. Every Article in the Establishment Now at Immense Reductions Diamonds - Watches - Silverware . All Go EMMA GOLDMAN The Noted Anarchist, LECTURES AT TURN HALL, Fourth and Yamhill, Aug. 1 to 8 Subject Tonight, Xletsacae and War. C. E. S. Wood, Chairman. Mr. Gray was called out Friday niirht at miamgnt Dy tne police to stop the overflow of water from the standpipe, caused by some disarrangement of the connections which let the water into the standpipe full force, causing It to fill up and flow out of the top. Work has been started on the new 24-inch main that will run from the standpipe to Union avenue. m.M.n. Iti H.lnfv trrv U h.rln tfelal ... . r , r . ywa- "P o August, lyric act In au artistic woodland was a conauctor on an Alberta I setting. It isn't just the charming little plot trolley car. and made his headquarters at the Piedmont carbarn. He was born near London. England, and last August weni to see relatives In Melbourne. Australia, where he Joined the Austral- Ian army. Mr. Crichton Is a cousin of Ann Swinburne, the actress and Amer ican light opera star. TROLLEY TRIP DE LUX. Private car "Portland" takes In two noted outing resorts Bull Run and Es- tacada. Leave First and Alder 10:30 A. U. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days, hound trip fl.SO. Ask Ticket Agent, Marshall 6100. A fill. Adv. of the young artist (J. W. Summerhays) seeking his inspiration in the forest. nor the perfectly funny "darky" with his huge dinner baskets and drollery, nor yet the splendid scenic effects, that signalises the sketch, but that every one of the little gray fairies who dance about their handsome "shadow girl" is exceptionally pretty and graceful and Is moreover the possessor of an un- commonally good voice. The closing song, "It's Going to Rain." Is especially good with the real rain falling and the thunder rolling. Margaret Whitney Is their clever director and she wrote the lyrics. "The Victoria Four" are good singers who infuse a sufficient Divorce Suit Withdrawn and Return of Fee Asked. Six Hours After Artloat la Fliea, John W. Cahlll aad Wife Klsa and Make lp. t7 IX hours after John w. Lanin niea aj suit for divorce Dan E. Powers, his attorney, called County Cleric Coffey's office on the telephone. I filed a suit. Cahill versus ianui. this morning." he said. "I want to dis miss it. How much of the filing fee can I get back?" 'Divorcer' queried ueputy county Clerk Wells, pulling open a filing case. -rney Yeah." affirmed the attorney. amount of I war tin her lust now. Kissed and ENGLISH PRIMA TXJXVt POES FORjcomedy In their act to make It popular I made up. How much can I get back?" Mr. Wells figured it up and tow nim, CELEBRATED ARTIST. Pour, Col-jctt Nnva Dead. Hugh Lynch died yesterday morning at his home, (121 Forty-third avenue. South east. He was born it years ago in Polk County. Oregon, and la survived by his widow. Mrs. Flora Lynch, and two daughters. Mrs. Leila Pavla and Maurlne Lynch, of Portland. He be longed to the Cnlted Artisans, of Arleta. and the Modern Woodmen of America. Body la at J. P. Flnley A Son's ChapeL fnxvooD Cmilpssx to Parade. All residents on Lao avenue In. Sell wood, between Kaat Thirteenth street and fellwood Park, will be at. home to their friends neat Thursday night from t to 1 P. M.. the occasion being the cele bration of the completion of the new pavement. The children win give parade la the early part of the evening. and the residents along the street will furnish music throughout the evening. RoArM-nc Ftocaas 11 Psmussa A definite programme for road Im provements for 11 now la being mapped out by Roadmaater J.- R. Yeon. at the reoueat of the County Commta- sionera. The programme Is to be com plated and submitted to the Board by lirtober 1 so It ran be fitted In with the annual budget for the proper finan cial allowances. CntrxTT Roaps to Bb MARgzn. Coun ty Roadmasttr Yeon and the Portland Automobile Club are co-operating In placing signs on all the county roads. Mr. Yeon said be expected to take up with the County Commissioners the matter of placing conapicaoua sign onaras on ail couniy road a as soon as the hard-surfacing has been completed. Ara-rr FtasT. Yellowstone Park tour. !:5v- Complete satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. You , can py more but cannot get better service. Buy tickets at Salt Lake. fgJen. Pocatello or Yellowstone, Old faithful, permanent camps. Adv. "Lrm rr Good." We carry a large variety or little smokes. Just a few whiffs. Bock's Autonettes. Vega del Rey affevtlonettes are specially good. Slg flchel at Co, 3 Third St. Adv. Pa. D. II. Rakp. who has had a very pleasant vacation, motoring through California and attending the great San Francisco Fair, will return Wednesdsy, August t. Adv. WA?rrct to lease, "well furnished house: restricted resident district family of three, references. AV 44. Oregonlan. Adv. OatEXTAt. Rugs wash-cleaned and repaired. Cartoslan Bros. Main 1413. Adv. Dr. R. T. STEAft.ts has returned from the East and resumed practice. Adv. Dr. DArroir, glasses, Swetland bldg. Adv. m Iaa well as interesting. These four men are all good Imitators and have Irish and Jewish skits, that are liked im mensely. "Much Ado About Nothing" Is one of the most diverting acts of the whole bill. The parodies on the latest ragtime make an unusual "hit." rne uorann Highlanders In gay I Scotch regalia and with cornets, bag pipes, bens, songs and a number of Scotch dances also prove entertaining. Mint and werts. the tumbling come- Idians who open the bill with funny I Jokes and skillful balancing, are enter taining. Pantages has an unusual week with one of the prettiest headline acta I seen for a long time. Empress. Wary ?oZrj-on With 41 ' colson in &an?n? Mary Robson. the English nrima donna, who has been singing In Amer ica for the last three seasons and who 111 be seen In Portland next week 1 Jolson In "Dancing Around" at th Helllg. has just finished posing for the celebrated artist. Maurice Molarsky, nd a dashing portrait entitled "His- panla" la about to come from that artist's brush. Miss Robaon Is a statuesque brunette beauty, who served her apprenticeship in such theaters as the Gaiety, the Al harabra and the Hippodrome In London. She will be seen here In the role of Beulah Elliot In "Dancing Around." a part which affords her the oppor tunity for exploiting a beautiful voice. That she wears Innumerable stunning gowns to dress her shapely figure to the best advantage goes without say ing, for the Winter Garden musical specialties are celebrated for the beauty of the women and the lavish ness of the dresses worn by them. Miss Robson has been much sought after by portrait painters. Rev. Frank W. Gorman. "The Sing ing parson, who Is the extra attrac Hon at the Empress this week, proved a big hit yesterday. His clear, sympa thetic tenor voice, with its fullness of tone, won the audiences. He sand seversl favorites, among which were "Absent" (Metcalf). Mavis and Mother Machree. After repeated demands for encores. Mr. Gormsn gave "Molly Bran nlgan," a delightful rollicking Irish song, which took the house by storm. The singer put lots of true Irish tem perament Into the rendition. Mr. Gor man Is pastor of the Atkinson Me morial Congregational Church. He has appeared at many concerts here and elsewhere. Among the audience yes terday were noticed many of the church people as well as music lovers who are among his admirers. A classic, too. was found In Maurice Downey's playlet, "An Irish Arden." Mr. Downey appears at Pat O'Brien, a sur vivor of the Civil War. a member of the Union Army, who returns after 60 years. His character work Is splen did. A barrel of fun la SI Jenks. "The County Sheriff." who reels off some of the most delightul nonsense and auaint drollery Imaginable. His make-up and gestures and his screamingly tunny aialect won storms of applause. Lightning Jugglers are the Five of iiud. smart lively fellows who send the Indian clubs flying at too notch speed and with accurate dexterity. A quartet of good voices, delightful entertainers are the original Broadway Four. Harmony making is their partic ular mission in life, and to it they add mirth-making. One appears as a black face artist and the other three are "dolled up" In gray suits. The Brlssons have a clever act of equlllbrlstic feats. Good music com pletes the bill. Band to Play at Lents Tonight. then hung uo the receiver. "I wish they d all do that way." saw the clerk as he busily snapped a rubber band about the bunch of complaints from which he had extracted that of Cahill versus Cahill. MILLS TO ADD TO FORCE Portland Woolen Works to Prepare for Possible Big Orders. Although the Portland Woolen Mills, located at St. Johns, has not received any war orders for delivery to the bel ligerents the officials of the company ara intending to increase their working force 20 per cent by October l. This information was given out, yesterday by the foreman of the St. Johns plant, C. H. Carter. We have our own Jobbing trade to look after." said Mr. Carter, "and If any unexpected large orders came they would seriously interfere with our Job Ing trade, and the Jobbers are our first consideration. Just now we are doing a nominal business lining tne orders of this year. The Woolen alius now employ 275 men, and run day and night. , RIVER MAIL ROUTE GROWS Demand tade on Motorboat Service Exceeds AH Expectations. Postmaster Hageman, of Mtlwaukle, reported yesterday that the motorboat route established on the Willamette River from the Portland Yacht Club quarters and Magoon's place, a month and a half ago, has already exceeded the requirements of the Postoftice De partment fixed for the first six months, and Is now a permanent route. It was not expected to make such rapid-Increase In so short a time. In one day last week, the Mtlwaukle post master reported, the motorboat picked up 450 letters, which is double what was expected at the end of the first six months. NEW POLITZ SHOP IS OPEN Interior Architecture Is Feature of Store at Washington and Sixth. The latest Ideas In interior architec ture and coloring are worked out In, the newly fitted clothing shop of Politz Bros., which opens in its new location on the southwest corner of Sixth and Washington streets today. An Impressive harmony is created in the new store by the combinaton of old ivory woodwork, cream tinted ceiling, brown carpet and golden draperies. In stead of the conventional glass cases the wardrobes are arranged along the side wails of the store and are fronted with draperies of, silk velour material. The color scheme is faithfully carried out in every detail, even in the hat racks. A feature of the new store is the main entrance on Washington street. Distinctive window dressings are em phasized by a background of light colored leather walls. WINDOW SALE A SENSATION A Real Bargain Jubilee Many New Things of Marvelous Value for Today's Selling;. Come! This Feature of the Sale Will Continue Up Until the Hour We Move. Articles, Values to $5.00, Choice 50 c Articles, Values to $10.00, Choice $1.00 Sold Direct From Each Show Window at 266 Morrison, Between Third and Fourth Streets EXTRA SPECIAL TAKE THEM AWAY. Only two grandfather clocks re main. One is a regular $40 clock, 7 feet high, mahogany, best American movement, and the first buyer gets it for $22.50 ; the other clock is of antique oak, regular $30, and it goes for $18. An Explanation Why We Don't Move TO THE PUBLIC: We want to move, but we can't. THE STORE ISN'T READY. The improvements at 131-133 Sixth street are largely in the hands of contractors for the holding. They have disappointed us lime and time again, and now the city engineering office steps in and causes delay. We do not wish to complain ii is not our policy, but we are sure the next time we move (we won't unless we are forced to) every detail must be in our hands,' and then We will at least non just where we stand. ' AS LONG AS WE REMAIN AT 266 MORRISON STREET OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE WILL CON TINUE. AND TO KEEP FAITH WITH THE PEOPLE WE ARE NOW SACRIFICING PRICES UNMERCIFULLY. It is now our intention to move Thursday, and we do not believe it will again be necessary for us to offer an apology. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers FIREMEN TO HAVE OUTING Series of "Excursions to Be Given So AU Members May Go. A moonlight excursion the first ol a series of six to be held this Summer by the firemen will leave the Taylor- street dock on the steamer Grahamona at 8:30 this evening with members of the Portland Fire Bureau and their friends and relatives. The occasion is to be under the auspices of the Fire Bureau orchestra, and Assistant Chief Jay Stevens Is in charg-e of the ar rangements. There will be music and dancing on the boat all evening, during which a trip will be made to the mouth of the Willamette and return. The capacity of the boat is 280, and It is expected that the full number will go. On other week-days coming five other excursions are planned, thus giving every fireman in the bureau an oppor tunity to gro. There are 430 firemen on the payroll of the city. The 14-piece orchestra of the fire men will furnish the music. The pub lic is invited on thia.trip. CALIFORNIA HOTELS, SH0TEUTURPIN RODEO TO BE GIVEN UP Company Dissolves and I'unds Will Be Divided. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) At a meeting of the Rodeo Amusement Association Sat urday night In tne Elks' Clubrooms in this city, it was voted to dissolve the incorporation and divide the funds among the stockholders. Twenty per cent dividend was paid on the stock last Fall after the third annual rodeo, and an additional 10 per' cent will be paid at this time. It was also voted to sell Square Deal, Cheyenne, Pin Ears and White Pelican, the champion bucking horses owned by the association, and divide the pro ceeds amoner the stockholders. Xcw Main Being Connected. Foreman Edward Gray is connecting up the newly laid 30-inch water main, which starts at East Fifty-ninth and Fremont streets, with the standpipe in Vernon Addition. As all the fixtures have to be changed and several gates I and valves have to be placed in making Portland Park Band, W. E. McElroy I this connection, the work is somewhat conductor, will -give a concert tonight slow, but wiU be completed next week. . AT GRAY'S All Fancy Summer - Weight Men's Chesterfield Suits Price K. M.-GRAY WASHINGTON AT WEST PARK 0 '17 POWELL ST. ' Q HI A TJ MARKET U LJ IN THE HEART OF THECITY 0 European Plan $1.50 and Upward in SCOiO Auto eus meets i nuns it oieamers m EVERY CONVENIENCE AND iC OMFOR SO SANFR ANCI EDUCATIONAL. MM 5Ch00I I (For Boys) - 21 miles south of San Franciaeo We think that we rtr to our boys what tboatrhtful parents win a. Our trraduates enter, on recommendation, ln-titntious that admit oa certificate and on examination (see pare 84 of our catalogue) to Harvard, The Munacriusetta Institute of Tecnnolofrr, and Yale, wboee ad mission requlrementaare moatseTero. Send for beautifully Illustrated cataloerue. which five Dot only a very frood Idea of the spirt t and pur pose of the school, ttut of ite equipment and Ita attractive eohool home. Not bine- however, oaa Quito take the place of a visit to the ehooL W. T. KE1D, Head Master. Box M , Belmont. OaLi StMargaret'sHall BOIMO, IDAHO. A school for girla. Good climate, low altitude; beautiful buildings. Terms moderate. College prepara tory and general courses. Music, art, domestic science and physical culture. Under the Episcopal Church, but open to all. Rc Rev. J. B. Funsten, Bishop of Idaho, president. For catalogue address Principal, St. Margaret's Hall, Boise, Idaho. St. Mary's Academy and College Conducted for GIrl by tha SISTERS OF THK HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MAJtY COMPLETE GRADE. ACADEMIC and COL LEGE COURSES Commercial, Domestic. Science and Elocution Dep'a. MUSIC Piano, Voice, Violin. Vlollncello, Harp, Harmony. ART Water Color. Oil Painting, Chins Painting, Designing. History of Art. Resi dent and Day Students. Address Sister Su perior. St. Mary's Academy. Portland. Or. Mount Tamalpais Military Academy bAN AtL, tALlI OHMA, The most thoroughly orsanlzed and com pletely equipped military achool west of tha Rocky Mountains Cavalry, Infantry, Mount ed Artillery Sixteen miles north of San Francisco. U. S. Army officer detailed by War Department; accredited by the univer sity, Stanford and other colleges. Twenty sixth year begins August 24th, 1U15. Address REV. ARTHUR, CROSBY. A. M., D. D. Accreaited to Colleges, (grammar and rnmary grades. Fourteenth year. Catalogue upon ap plication. Address Miss Harker, Palo Alto, CL m M6SJK.I a urn J If PU.-1H1IK-1. 9 'JV.Mia. Eli Aror-rditpl to Cnll-PB-ea Kant and West. Grammar -nd i runary leirtmente. Rend fr Illustrated catamionuvC ITinclpal: Mary I- Lorkev. a. B. PALO ALTO. CAUF.