PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACT AND TITLE. rROMPT VERVliE at raonabl prlc. ranfie Tin A Treat C . T en. t Com. ACl'OBnlON PLEATING. K. TLPHA.. benvstlt. hir... scalloping. o eerd. aid. pleat, button corl. goe-d jooiM. nia ordera "v puioch bla st. HJTi. r'tlnc hatilcb.ac picouies. braltng. Eastern Novell? Co, Alt, 3th. BdWy l-MUt, AMtmu AM) AMALST5k MONTANA AAV OFFICE. 14 a- I'd. Gold, eilvr and platinum bouaht. ATTORN r. VS-AT-LA W. 3. S. NELSON, UWItH. SIS FITTl. j Ft.lt. ol.VrlLTiTlnx tBtPOJrSWS. CARPET HtUS. rurr KtGd hag Kitii New russ Ima old Infrain. Brussels. n;nt. Aitniwr rartta: carpat eleao ln. refitting, resiling, coiiatr orders prompt stlntion. i"nd for booklet. View era Fluff Hug . o, 54-5-1 Union at. Norttt. phono tut aJia. B 1413. NORTHWEST Rl'ti CO.-Ruci from old ter pen, rag rugJ. 1 E. lh. Both phonn. fKUl'LOUlJil'TIUMk BAUtilia, Tllf'lHaiN-KODVoN'l'OMPAXI. T Washington l. Main 11 J and A 1254. CHiKor-oiMM-. .William. E:U and William. J.. Daren;, tha only ctr.ttfic rhlropoduta In th city. Parlor f-I Gerllnger bids, S. W. corn 3d and Alder. Phone Main ML CHIKOiobT ard pdlrorin. Mm. M. D. Hill. Office Flledner bids. Mala J47A HIKOPKACTlC fHTHKIAJiS. XR POl'I.SON. specialist In parallels. nrv oa. rhronl- d-scasc. SoO pittock block. Pr-tadway 2d2. 1R- M HAHO.N. asxlh Jr. Chronic cas teklrj time. 31 treatment, $13. 1-1 at. CttAXIMU AND rKKl0. REss M'IT for rani, ftt press on autl ach week for St . & montn. l.WLE TAIUJR1NO CO.. Ho tark at., bet Mn and 6:0. Slain 814. COLLECTION ACENCV. CLAIM-t of any deacriptlon collected on p--r-rfag n where; highest claa rfer anrea. The liarde Mercantile Ar-aey. 4i Henry bl.!. I'Min Marshall 4?o. KStH A CO.. Worcester bids "laaln 1I9 No tollcc Hon, no charge. Ktabllnd liwo. nAsrixi. ilAMHESTKH Dancing Academy. tAm " at, bat. Stark and oak; ep I Hummer rate, a pnvata ltuoa $2; morn In it. afternoon, venlng. all lateat dance guaranteed. Clasa Tnura, sat, evening. ""-Daa). Chlldrene claaaea Sat, I to a. 23c .Broadway gli. AVTIOLESALE AND AITO AMI blMit TOW. rlFRCli.I.K K.0iY TOP CO.. iX d at. B0'A(.E 1H(KEI AT HOME. Barease A Omnibu Tranfer. Tarn A Uatrta. BKEAII BAK.EKY. Roal Bakery Conf, Ina.. 11th A Eeerett BKEWEK9 A Nil BOTTLtki. HENRY WEI.NHAttu. 1-ith and tturnalda 1RY ;MIS, NOTIONS. HRX IMIU.Nt.!. y LEI H:.fc.R. MAI EK A CO.. 101 AaQ at. H KC TKR AL fLPPLlE!. UnbM Eltrical Co, :B and l ine ata. OKA1N HEat'lUMs., Atber Bro. Miluti Co, Front anj MaraBaiL 11. M Ha SKK. tiuard of Trade H.d. . Ut L Ki WADHAV Co, aJ-ii Kuurth t- II A AMI CAP. TKAVHAIHKK rt AT CO. W- Front at. II1IK4. WOOL. CA&CAaVA BARM. KAR.n t'i;... i rront u HOP MF.Kf HINTS. . JC'VEFF PKOs, 1 MUnCbaXER HI.Da Main l. Phone. A 1I7H. IKON WOCKH. PACIIIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. ORKOoN. STRCCTfRAI. UTEKL PLANT. FOUND HI. FOOD HANDLING IS ISSUE Dairy, Food and Drns orflcepsrge PublicilT of IH.Kaj.ed I'crsons. BERKEIEY. Cat. Ana:. I. Publicity concern Ina; dlaeAaeel praon who hamlle tood was advocated today before the .nineteenth annual convention of the .American Association or Dairy. Food and Iruj Officer, which opened IU four-day aeaaion here today. Vr. H. E. Barnard. Covernment food Inapector at Indianapolis. Ind, said auch a provision mmt be added to the pure food law. "even if It comea to the breaking down of the ethics of. the rnMlrnl prAfeaelnn. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and huaday. Owa tlaae .......Ite tmatm ad I we tiiannlln llmea... tit awnwr al lhree ewocwlia llmea. Je rme ad alt ar ei coaaeeatiee tlnaew. .4e Tha alnTt ralea apply ! adertlement ner -New Taay- ua all eaher clii.-l'Xa-ftjawa eareiH the follow ia: MtwatlHia Wanted hlale Mtialwai n Mtea I ratal For Kewl. Ka I'rl.ale ramlliea. rvam aad Kan ItKata tantiliea. Iloiaiekeeplaa tMa ITUato tanlllea. Rat oa the a bore claaaif Iralraaa la real a liM ewarh lamertloaj. Hs -rharve" adterllaement rbarsea will b ha aaa the nmowr of line appearing- 1 th paper, resardlen of the number of word la ewrh line. MiaMnon rhwrsr. tw line. Two trreaaauMi will arreit elaxirled ad Treteaeota over tb lelephoaie prMed th advertiser la a eatnr-rtlier la either plione. No arire will bo ajuarted over the phone, but hill will he reader) the followUs; day. At nether tnhwqwal advertiaewtente will be a-eeepced over tho pajoete depewd opow th wewraplaeea of patmeal f leiephooe adver ltewent. SI t a loo Wanted aad Perwaaal advevtliaant will wot b areepted aver the teler4ee. Order for one- Invertiow niy will a a-, epeed fne "Famlcore foe Male. Bual prw OvrMtnnltle. -HooBMaUeaae aad -Wanted to KM." Advertlemeat t receive prvmp4 rlaealfV rt low anv be ha The trreajnataa affie be fore a'etork at Bicht. rlrept satordav. i toatwe hnnr for The nndii- reaonlaji will w LS oeloek Satordav a'.xht. The office will be opew until I o'rtora, P. M, aa waal. sad all ada received taw lata for peoper laaalfiewtlwa will be rm under tb heading -Tew lale to lajelfv." Telepban Mala ?. A COM. ACCTION SALES TODAY. At Raker'a Aoetlon Hotue. 1-a Park f Plno. furniture, etc. sal at 1 A. M. riSD. OSTFRPAHI. .Xi-rusit by a'reidental drowning in rjeSo like. Carl Victor ;erbard OeterdaM. ared I er II montli l:l oat. blov.-ct aon of Mr. and Mr. arl Juni; iterdjil, of 3.4 Oraham aerte; hrother of '-lla Carolina and t:ia hrltlna OntenlaliL Th remaine r at isirtnii nndrrtaklni; parlor. I'.uell ir t at I'nion avenue. Funeral noiir later. XV RI.INr Iw Ihla cllv. AuluU J Minnie S. rrtio. aard rrfl years. Ilelovod Wife of k:mmee lr.ir. a..L3 Eiahtyaventh street 2oufhevt. Remaina ar at llolcnan'a foorrnl parlor. ttNEBAI. NOTICES. rtllJlW-ln rl city Aug Cheer tvd "larlow heiove.1 vrn of Mr. and Mr-. John M larloa. of E 1Mb L Th fn- nral ervce all L held tomorrow Wedn-edavi. An . at IO o-cloea A. M . front tr- new residence funeral narlora of Wrier Keoortjy. 1."-.".2 and 131 K. lth t.. Sellao--!. Interment Portland Temalorium. Ftenda Invited. ITN-f-H-ln tSIs elty Ang -- at W late reel-1 ore. 4.'.d av. S. E. Huahe K. I.nrh aaeel year Tha funeral aerv .e will he hell t th reelrtenr ta!-lthm-nt of J. P Flrlev A Son. Montgom. ,rr at .".th Wednertv. Ang. 4. at 2:"M a-e lark P. M Friends Invited. Interment Roit city Cemetery. jsrcK At th reldnee of her mi. Kugene perk 4'lV) FonrtS treet. JuiT S. Mr. KmiTv Rm-I. d 1 veara. Frtenda Invited to attend futt-rl aervtce. which will be sel-f at lloirnvn tuner! parior-v m -p. yl. WedredT. August 4. latrmn Ro City Cemetery. PHILLIPS A Ms ridenre. Mllwaukl. Or . Aug L Jm Weey phll:ip. aged ii w- rm rrten.la Invited to attend funeral ,,kf vhlrh will be held at Hoimn'a funeral prlors at P. M. today iTuee d' Auguat 5. Interment. Mllwaukle Cemetery. vylvN" JuiT SI. Thorns K. Winn. Bged S arv. belovea rtcaoano oi art, K Winn. Frtneral ervlce will he he!d at Iunnine A Mc:ntee rhpel today iTuea . ar 2 P. M. Frtanda invlt.d. Inter ment Huh City Cemetery. I Alt ET IB thl rtfy Jo?T .. John Ragle, aaed . yr Th funeral rvica will t held la th rhapel of lb Mt. Hcott iark Cemelerv Crematorium, today at Z P. M. No Lower. DANCING. MR AND URS HEATH'S nt-HOOL; lessom dally; all dancaa guarantaad. Atlak b'l Id and M orrtaon ata. Coma toda y. U. ma. "nrTHTlvr AuKNCIFjC ri.k.ERTON A CO, U.S.DETECTIVS AGC. EatablUbed ovar jaara BCIE.VTIHt- DETKCTIVB WORK. Inraatcatlona and reporta mad oa Inai vMuala mi where. Conaultatlon free- anlt . . .... . i k. thM. Hroetiwav flX o , i 1 1 1 'nr niw - . " i vr k- ft u vnr AM) THKOAT. Treattnant by atclali.ta; (! F. F. Caaav'iay. M7 pyknin Mdr. ad A v n. DAVID M PUKNS. ' Inauranea; flra. marine, auto. M andMS Cbara. of Com- M E?-SENOt:R HEBV1CE. HaAt T ME.-.ENOER CO. Motorryelea nd bicycle. Tbona Main M. A 21Q3. MUSICAL. Emll Thla.bora. violin "'v.pup,1,.?i7'5" 1 Fl eduar bldr A 4l. MrliallIbr: ""TTrTOMETKISTH AXP OPTICIANS. A Na-bt oa hick prlcaa. "J mm im na awl Bl W9m4wm y a m -av nan I can fit your eyaa i . .ii.lliv lenaaa. .. . . . , ,j f w. wttb aoio-ntiea rramea mw m V . 5o.lman. 9 M orrtaon. Mall order; p"B.V' ly fiiitd. Write for particulars Main .!- PATENT ATTOKNEVS. R. c WRltiHT yearn" practlea U. 8, And foreln paianta. 601 Pekutu bld. Pll-E. fvRTU.D tOU FIPB CO. Factory and of flea near ;4th and York ata. Main J-TOHlw ,K A.N D TIL SFF oT Atw-AVS -PICK THE BEST" Houaenom Oood Bpaciauata. al.rae, packlna. bip pina and Movinc Uoraa or Auto ana, Special freint rate to all, C O. PICK! TRANfKKK "OKAjK CO, Id tz Plua Sta.. Hroaaway SUA. A iwa OiTeOON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ollaan at, corner 13th. Telephon Main b or A 11KJ: Wi own and oparata two ! cl" , warahousea and terminal tratka. iAwaai lnuranca rate in nu. MOVlN'i. PACKIMJ. HHIPPlN'i. STORAlihV f-.i.t,. rAu ta all nolnta. VANNIN'a Warebouaa Tianafor Co, Man li. tk nd Hoyt. A .iie- MAKISON-ST. UW.lt Jl.-u " "",.rirtl.a Office 1 Maaiaon. ft.neT. and torwarUlna; aent.. Phone Mala i. VET ER1NAKY IjCHOOtj. S. y. VETERINARY COLLEGE betn bept. 18. No profeaalon offer equal OPI"" Catalogue freo. C Keane, prea, lblo Max ket at.. San Kranclaco. WOOD. GKEKN ana dry .!bwd. blockwooo. Pan ama Fuel Co, Main MiO. A IVIANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND KMOE TEA OK PP1JE8. CHAD. L. MASTICK A CO, 14 'jioeV of every deacrtptloa: tape. mf. flndln. men's an I u.iN COLtMUlA Neckwear Mfg. Co, 3 otk at. BRADRHAW Bltos.. Morrlaon and 7tk eta. ORNAMENTAL, into . Portland wire A Iron W ka, ad A Columbia. PAINTS AND LI BKJt'ATlNtt OIlJ. W. P. Fl'LLkK A CO, llh and Oavia. PAINTS. OIL AND uu.-v. BA'MrssKN A CO, id and Talor treet PIPE. riPK nTTIXiS AVD TAXVE9. M. L. KLINE. M U Front at. 1LI MBINO AND STEAM oCPPLLES. M. L. KLINE. B4-t Front at. rRLNTKRlt AND PI-RUSHERS. T. W. BALTKS A CO, 1st and Oak ata. PROI1KE COMMISSION MEK HANTS. EVtKDl.VG A FAKHELL. 140 Front. HOPE AMI BINDING TWINE. Portland cordas Co, 14th and Nurthrtlp. BASH. LOOBH AND CLArlS. W. P. FULLER CO, 121B and Davla. WALL PAPER. mM . MORGAN WALL PAPER CO, S0 id C HEETIN'G NOTTCEA. IMPERIAL LOPOE. NO. 13. A. T. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even ing. T:0 o'clock. DrllL Br or der W". If. B-VTRA Paav alaater-e Aewola Special deaigas In enhm Jwlry. Jagr Mroa. FTN'E R AL PITtECTORS. Th only rldeac nndertaklng establish ment la Portland with private uriveaay. Main P. A I"". ' J. P. FIN1.ET at SON. Montgomery at Fifth. UR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director. 2IU Third street, corner Mimgn. idy aaaiatant. A lott. jiaia ei. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East. Al der street. East oJ. B --o. MILLER A TRACE!. Independent fuuil dire- lor. Funeral aa low aa -'u. ftu. "U. Washington and fc.Ua sts. Mala zksi. a isso. A. R. ZELLER CO, tS WILLIAMS AVE. East luva. C 10SS. Lady altpndanu Uj and night service. DLNXINO A M ENTEE. funeral director. Broadway and l ine. Pbone Mala 40. A 4oon. ltdy Attendant. P. L. LERCl. East iUh and Clay strta. Ldy aaemant. Eaat Tbl. S K E W iw"rN PE RT A K I XU COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 415;!. A -S-'l. l-ady attendant. Erwexa A Fnook. Sunnyalde F'arlora; auto hear. lOUo Welmont. labor I -.-. i-o. K. T. Kl K.MA vlilima av. anu .uwftw Eat 1115. C )Vi- Lady attendant. MONl'MENTS. PORTLAND Marble Works. 266 4lh ., Oftposlte City Halu builders of memorials. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO, florists. 317 Wash ington. Main ;u. A liv. Flowers tor all occasion artistically arranged. CLARKE BRCsT" floruita. Hfi7 Morrison at. Main or A lsto. Fine flowera and floral deslsn. No branch stores. St'NNTsIUE greenhouse. Kreh lower. Phone H 1.12a. E. 33d and Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main T213. A 2121. Selling. OREGON HUMANE SGCIE1T 574 BEI-JIONT ST. Phases Kant Kill, H 513. Opea Day aad NUht. Report all cases of cruelty to thl of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring- a pet may communicate with ua MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Residence Loans t and 7 Per Cent. Ac cording to Location. Plenty of .Money. ROBERTSON & EWING 20T-A Nrthwrtera Bank Rids;. - Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Owa Meaty at Carrrat It tea. MIN1C1PAL AND C'OKPOUATION BONDS. FARM AN II CITY LOANS. KA Fsarlh St, Board of Trade RldaT. I n..r .... i.l .1 :!'! m r v..' i '.-: M ilallasBTTrra ijQl.' I iMl bl wffi4S All mWMV-9 W kalTwKVlCAJ tbagaaWMIwe y .771? s-rw-w-w-' 4 THE MORNING OltEGOXIAN. TUESDAT. KEW TODAY. STOP AT e Sewlr re furnished, papered and e.nn dth aad Aide vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without. 73o up. Because the rates are low. don't think the serv ice Is poor. Special rate by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, mnkinsr them practically suites. NON-RESIDENT OFFERS FOR IMMEDIATE SALE that choice N. W. Corner 12th and Main Sts. $22,500 Terms Call 6 IS Corbctt Bids MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repsyment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 6?e 'O Bl SINF.SS PROPERTIES t 4V ' A. H. BIRRELL CO. :17-21 N arth western Hank Ballalae;. Maraball 4114. A dllS 2b. I Aar Amount at Cmrreot Bates 4KffV A HAkTMA-T0MMOH, Slaters a k'S'Vl IWn-r Ponrth aad Stark " - RE.AL F.TATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO, U. P, 404-t0-4O W'llco bldr. BENEDICT BROS, HO Hawthorn av. REAL ESTATE. For Sale !.. BUILDERS. ATTENTION-. I want a man that can design and bulla high-class bungalows: I have some sightly Laurelhurst lots near Laurelhurst Park where deeirable bungalows are snapped up before completion. Write me, giving ref erences and phone number; must be able to furnish bond or other security against mechanics' liens: shoestring artists aas yoor stamps. Q 4. Onegonlan. FOR fALEat a aacrlflce, two lots, 60x102 each, located on East 34th st. and Steel ave, near Red Institute; must be sold to settle an eetate; no reasonable offer re- fus.i. Address E. E. Besrdsley, 1057 88th st, Hrooklyn. N. Y. QUARTER-ACRE tract on th West Side, only li minutes' ride, S-cent fare, for only i;;o: 10 down, 5 a month; best home valua in Portland. M. E. Lee, i0 Cornea " bldg. , TWO improved lota with four-room house, for sal or exchange for acreage, cl Dae to city; by owner. 6313 4Tth ave. ti. E. Take Mount Scott car to 4lh sL, walk flvs blocks south. WE have the lowest price lots In the city, any first-class district. Will bnlld on thee or yours to suit you. Monthly pay ment plan If desired. Tha Oregon Borne Builders. 1SJ0 N. W. Bank bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Have several downright sacrifices, both In ;ots and houses; make an offer. Marshall 4S27, BROOKE. A SS39. LA U K E LH UKST Choice lot on Couch, northwest corner 43d. frontag 73 ft.; all aasessmenta psld: S1300. K. 8. Rubley. lUifl l.Hth. Superior. Wis. A FEW fine lots. Irvlngton district, ha.f price. Phon riast tin. Si'LEXDiD lot, choice location. Irvlngton; everything paid for. 1"30. East 273. SNAP 07x2.14. near carline. 1600; easy terms. O. O. Rletten. Main 1317. NEW. modern home for aale or rent. In Irvington and Laurelhurst. East 2132. SACRIFICE Fine Lents home, S1230; terms. Owner. Hroadway 1)44. oo4 Fenton bldg. For Sale Beach Property. EltiHT choice lots Bayocean, $S00; choice lot Neahkahnle t-UJ. 324 Worcester bldg. 'or hale Houses. TWO BEAUTlrX'L BUNGALOWS. $J3vO for new up-to-date 3-room bunga low In beat reatricted district; could not be duplicated for 3uuu; lot ouxluo feet. 44 i'Hi for new. modern. 7-room bungalow with den. aleeplng porch, sun porch, very large bathroom, garage with private drive In rear and root garden overhead, house eo feat long, located on view lot In beet restricted tract; price cut from $3-30. Phon F. E- Clements. ilDH Stark st. Main 13U3 during week, or Sunday. Tabor 3433. ana I'll call with auto. Vary easy terms oc both houses. PRICE NIPPED. New, strictly modern, t-room Lsurel hurst bungalow. 30xleo lot, S blocks to Rose City Park car; price cut from S400O to 140u 43i caah and 130 per month. Including interest; new modern fc-room California bungalow, aOxlSU-tt. lot, SSoOO; llvo caah and S:3 per month. Including Intenest- Call me up right away, as I am going to !! these thla week aure. F. al. Hushong. ::uVi Stark at. Main IjOI. A HIS NEW HOME. CLOSE IN. Built for my own use by day work, hut on account of changing my business have to sacrifice; has large living-room with fireplace, built-in writing desk, bookcases, elegant buffet. French doors, large porch around house, decorations, electric light fixtures ar better than moat; house less than 1 year old, place has to be seen to bo appreciated; will aacrlflc for quick ssle; very little money will handle. Tabor VERY CLASSY MODERN' HOME In Laurelhurst ; brand new and the last word In modem construction ;.i-room and sleeping porch: 1 block to car; select neighborhood: fine view; hardwood floora; lot So loo ; better see this If you ar thinking of buying a nlc home; price only f43no; easiest kind of terms If wanted. Pbone and I'll call with auto and now you. J. W. Crossley, 370 to Stark St. Main looS. A 1515. THE Columbia Highway, the talk of the rountrv. has already been paved right through parkrose, adjoining the city limits. A few acre and half acrea left unsold at the old price and on terme. All the city comforts with all tha Joy of country life. Let's ehow you. Sunday rail Tabor iili or 2044, or call Realty Dept. of HARTMAN A THOMPSON 14th and Stark.) THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INi'OME? WE WILL FURNISH 'J.-E MONEY, BUIl.D APARTMENTS. RESU PENCE OR ANYTHINO; PLANS FREE: WS ARE RESPONSIBLE: WE KNOW HOW: TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS: SEE OUR WORK,"- WILL OIVE MOXOS. L. H. BAU.EY A CO, CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 221 ABINGTON BLDO. FOR SALE One of I.aurelhurte most beautiful new home, corner lot. one block from carline. a 1-story colonial bunga low, eight rooms and sieepingv porch, finished lit mahogany and Ivory, ffrepUice, hnrdwood floora throughouu til bath, garage and beautiful lawn. Will sell fur nished or unfurnished. Deal with owner. Phon Tabor 27SO, LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before buying be aur to look at our list of brand new. exquisite home In LAU RET.HURST. th addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $2300 up. Laurel hurst Co, 270 Stark t, or at tract of flee in laurcinurt. js. aitn ana unisn si, NEW residence on one acr near city limits. $1200. terms. Out in th country. whr it's pleasure Just to live, and only a couple of blocka from . the atreetcar. Call Realtv Pept. of HARTMAN A THOMPSON I4th and Stark.) 1.-Si0. verv easy terms, buys a bungslow with 8 rooms and attic on view lot. no-foot front; everything complete, furr.ac, fireplace, shots er bath. See Mrs. Russell, at . HARTMAN' A THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) $309 CASH for equity of IS.10 in 6 -room modern bungalow, balance l:.".0 at tie rsr month. 4 per cent Interest. See owner. Ift 40th ave. 8. E, Archer station. NEW Utile home on choice lot with nine benrlnc fruit tree, which 1 will ell for .". caah: If you want a anap. sea ma. 1 want to sell. Owner. Hi Piatt bldg. DON'T worry about a home. I will furnish you a lot and build you a home on a email payment oowa. oiniwii, vim the Brong Co.. yic, 267 Oak st. Addition. below the hill, will aacrlflce to a cash buyer. H 30. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 7-room modern house. 3 lots, chicken park, fruit, clear, paved at,, close to car: juvw. East 2.1" FOR SALE 4 rooms beautiful furniture, nearly new. cheap. Apply etenlngs. kith 5:d st.: Woodstock car. FOR SALE Nw. modern 1 H -story bunga low la Irvlngton; complete in every detail; price $1300. Pbone E. 1540. r m B - JT w ft i t if :is .. r- - .r i ikI i i a -w f Ms M sn I REAL ESTATE. Far Sale House. S-ROOM BUNGALOW, GOOD DISTRICT, only $20 a month. Including interest; has fireplace in living-room, buffet In dining room. Dutch kitchen, two good bedrooms, cement walks :n and paid for; will make extra low prtc to good people. Call Tabor .IP"4. Snbarban Home Property. AN Ideal home. 113 min. from town, modern bungalow; full basement, fireplace, fur nace, larse porches,- flowers, fruit trees, lawns, nice chicken park. 21 lots (cheap): price $-t240, terms. 1U40 Fowler sve. Phone Columbia 4i'J. f ran, kl. osfi. FINEST 21-acre suburban home, adjoining Portland on section line road, good build ings. Bull Run water. 4 acrea all kinds fruit and berries, fine lawn, shrubbery, etc. Sell all or part. Kaslo Bros., 61b . GIBSON HAlJc Ai-nci Good soil, good water, close to carline; easy terme; will build to suit purchaser. phon Marshall 13S.1 or Sellwood 478. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. For Sale -Acreage. SACRIFICE! MUST SELL! PARKROSE SNAP. Beautiful acre, water piped to tract, rerv convenient to car and school; bandy boulevard ia being hard surfaced, no as sessments against property for th""- T quick sale can offer it AWAY BELOW th market. See Mrs. RusselL HARTMAN A THOMPSON (4th end Stark.) 10 ACRES. All In high state cultlv, small house, rood bam. chicken-house, woven-wlre fence: fin item eoll; U ml. station. O. E.. fronting county road, between Orenco and Hillsboro; cheap at $;:ooO; terms ltmti cash snd time; no trade. Call on Jos. & tiibson. 308 Gerllnger bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Nesr Portland. Oresham district; near electric station: 7. to $2 K) per acre; easy terms: I.est soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sixes. FRANK M'FARLAXn REALTY CO, -n 309 Teon Bldg, Portland. Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY: IS acres, near Orenco; best Mack loam soil, all cultivated; $223 per acre; win ll vW and give easy terms If desired. See Mr. Hsndv. owner, 205 Stock Exchange blilg. Marshall 205. 40 ACRES. Small house, partly cleared and fenced, on county rond. finest eoll. 5 miles from Cape Horn, Wash. Cheap for quick sale. part easn. o b-w. orepowin FOR SALE 10 or 13-acre tracts, well lo cated, on rock road, electric station at door; 23 per acre; terms. W. H. Cald well owner. Oregon City. Or, R. P. ONE or two acres. Willamette River front age, near P.isley station, $16.10 an acre, also acreage overlooking the river. H. G. Starkweather. Rlsley station $400 ON TERMS. SH acrea 1H acres cleared and fenced, close to school and macadam road, all good soil. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. 5 TO 40 acres, well watered by running streams choice garden land: no agenta. O 1)7 S, oregonlan BEAUTIFUL 2-acre tract. 6-cent fare; make offer. Box 120. Lents P. O. For Bale Farms. DAIRY LAND. Th anap of your life. Right at the door of Portland. Flneat pasture. Lands ccross the road, ar selling at $1300 and $2000 an acre. For a starter we will make the pri- $293 per acre and on easy payments. Call Realty Dep't Manager HARTMAN A THOMPSON (4th and Stark. 204 ACRES within 23 mllea Portland. 0 acres In cultivation, running water, first class buildings, near R. R. station and river landing and on good county road: price $25,004: 1 10.004 cash, balance at 4 per cent. Further particulars address Bank of Shrwood. Sherwood. Or. FOR SALE 20 acre, prune ranch, good road, achool, store and church. 84 miles from Vancouver ferry, on Fruit Valley road. This is a beautiful home at a bar gain. Terms. Mrs. T. P Window, Van couver, Wash, R. F. P. 8. Box 100. 40 ACRES. Small house, partly cleared and fenced, on county road, finest soil; S miles from Can Horn. Wash. Cheap for quick sale; part cash. O 80. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Cowlits County atump lands, $10 per acre up; good soli, well watered. J R. Sharp. 410 Plttock block, Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SEASIDE HOME WANTED. ' Will exchange Portland property for a home of five or six rooms, good location wanted: give full particulars in first let ter. AC 9S4. Oreronian. GOOP MORNING. Have you a good clear lot you would Ilk to trad for s 7 or t-room modern house In best section of Laurelhurst. leased at $S0 per month ? R. H. Torrey, 270 V4 Stark St. Main 1303, A 1315. WANTED Moderate-priced residence near Portland Academy, will give Income prop erty and some cash, no agenta Answer today. F 90S. Oregonlan. WANTED A horn In Irvlngton or Hol laday Addition not to exceed $10,000. For particulars call M) coroen piug. WANTED To buy small 4-room house with basement: $100 down, rest like rent. AM SUV. oregonlan. WANT nice lot for a home; give addition, lot and block number. AE ti5. Oregonlan. HOUSE wanted. $3000 to $J0.T0; I wl!l ex- . I 1 . ft, . In ftlrfA FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. McCRAKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDO. TO "EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA Selected from 1000 Attractive Real Estate Bargains Listed with BECK. 8 '4 acre at Kennewlck, Wash. All cul tivated, good bldrs. 1914 crop report: 2 to 8-yr. Bartletts, 000 boxes; between rows aame cut 310 boxes asparagus, net $.102.30: quarter a. strawberries, 145 crates, net $253.75; additional Income from peaches, berries and garden. Beautiful lawn, shrubbery, city water, telephone, R. F. D, etc. No Incumbrance, Want Portland bungalows. OTIS C. BECK. 301-SO2 Railway Exchange bldg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. My $3000 equity In 34i-acre ranch, H mile 8. W. Dlllard. Or.: so acres fine bottom land, 150 cultivation: 1 horse, 3 mares, 2 colts. 1 cow and calf. 4 sows with piBi chickens, fine Colli dog. wagon, harness, mowing machine, rake, lota of tools, hay. grain; fine witter, good orchard; plac mostly fenced: good house, granary, barn, outbuildings. Will trade for house and lot In Portland or small farm near Portland. Answer quick; big sacrlflre. Here only few days. pi. i i nv.-irw.t, 1 1 in i m EXCHANGE FOR VALLEY FARM. (t-room modern house 4-100 6S acrea, improved, equity 900 20 acre fruit land 1000 10 acrea fruit, equity t 2000 7 rooms, suburban, 2 acres 4000 Total ....... $10,400 Wsnt Improved farm accessible to Port land, not more than 50 miles out. . R. M. GATE WOOD A CO. 566 Umatilla are. Phone Sellwood 7411. to ACRES, 22 acres cleared, balance logged off. 5-room house, good barn. 6 cattle, 2 horse, hogs snd chickens, splendid home, all farm Implements: $100 per acre, trade or sell. Young & Giile, 723 Chamber of Commerce. IF-Ybu HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE WET CAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY. AYERS A SMITH CO, 6D1 NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 7266. DAIRY RANCH. 500 acres. 1 14 m. from good town on S. P, house, barn, etc.; will sell st $7.1 per or tak good income, but on cash basis only. J. Hartox. nu-.ru, near tin. WE are-putting over the largest deals in the city; no matter what you have or whet you want, see Exchange Dept. The Oregon Home Builders, 1.30 N. W. Bank bldg. ; WANTED To trnde my house In Spokane, Wash, for property in Portland. Address owner. E. Nlchol, 1704 E. llth ave, Spo kane, Wasa. NEW modern 7-room house, clear of In cumbrances, to trade for Improved farm, and will pav rash difference. Otto Berg, ;0S Stock Exchange bldg. iROOM modern bungalow, unincumbered, at Ibanon. exchange for auto. team, lot, piano; owner only. 8. Gosnell. Sit E. llth st. North, city. ; LIST your city and farm propertlea with Exchange Dept. The Oregon Rome Build er 1330 N. w. Bank bldg. u'HT ROOMING-HOUSE For 40 acres, logged-off. loo, clear. KELLY. 723 Chamber of commerce. I1S00 EQUITY In a good 4-room house, ex change for s well located lot: will assume. Otto Berg. otoc SI r-xenangg piub OOOD Income property to exchange for large ranch. R. F. Bryan, 609 Cham, of Commerce. VVNT email farm and Income, seashore preferred, for dairy proposition. Address AV 4"io. oregoiimo. WE handi good property anywhere in ex change, Ee Brace. 506 McKex bids. AUGUST 3, 1915. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harneaa, Etc. 1 HAVE only 6 head of horses left, hate some to give away and some that I'll sell for most any price one will offer, as 1 am compelled to leave. I have 3 sets of double heavy harness. 472 East Tay lor. H. M. Billing.-. FOR SALE 010 head young horses, suit able for cavalry or artillery purposes, about 12-10 pounds each; well broke, in sood flesh and good color. Apply Grand Ave. Stable Co.. 20 Grand ave. A FIRST-CLASS team, weicht $.1000 Ihs.; one 6-year-old mare welshing J500 lbs.: one farm horse welshing U'.OO lbs.; one delivery horse, weighing 1000 lbs. 6 Russell St. FOR SALE Good horse, perfectly sound, suitable for delivery or express wagon. Harris Trunk Co, 130 c,th st. 3-SPRING express wagon for sale cheap or will trade for buggy. What have youj Portland Pipe Shop. 264 Front. Main 632. 1411 EXPERIENCED, reliable packhorse. with complete pack outfit: trial given. 6ol East 4Sth North. Phone C 8135. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.2.1. I Cphen. 3S1 Water sr. Main Main 6B9.1. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HOUSE, harness, light wagon with top. $&. Phone Woodlawn 2490. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or nlghtt Tabor 4203. PASTURE for stock near Portland. Main 1410. Plmio, Organs and Musical Inwlroments. CLOSING OUT TO FIRST CALLER. $40') BRADBURY pianos for $.10 cash. . $400 CHIfKERING piano for $(,. cash. $1175 CHASE BROS, upright, $!M. $40l) VALLEY GEM upright. $135 cash. $s.K AUTO PIANO plover. $2!) cash. $7.10 KIMBALL baby grand. $341 cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO, 100 4th at. GIBSON mandolin, $100 grade; A. C. Fair; bank banjo, $s.1 grade; harp guitar. $12 grade; old German violin, all leather cases: am quitting vaudeville, will sell cheap or exchang-a for diamond.' Apply room 18, 272 V tth, the Angelua, morn ings. PIANOS in this column are usually for cash. Schwan Piano-Co., Ill 4th st., terms $o cash with double credit for $10 when de livering a $3.10 new piano for $'Jrts. B monthly, without interest, saving $.10.38; lot-l saving to you 1:15.:H buying now. FOR SALE Weser Bros, cabinet grand piano, dark oak finish, good condition; price $223. Edenholm Apts, 3H4 5th st. i 1 23 CASH buys a new $323 Kenyoa ma hogany upright tomorrow. Security Stor age iColt)9irUist WANTED Square or upright piano cheap for ca-h. Ill 4th st. $10. $15 AND $23 buys $70. $100. $123 parlor organs, security storage o, xvu ti. WANTED -Piano, any condltiou, for cash. AK WJ, ttregonian. 75o MONTHLY stores piano. Security Stor ago CO, lli W1. mam "-'- YOUR old piano taken in full payment of taming maenme. jftft . PIANO for sale cheap. 453 E. Ankeny. pnone cast oo. Doga, lilrdM, Pet Slock. ENGLISH setter pups, nearly 5 months old; thoroughbrod. Owner. W. F. Watkins, 42 Railway fc.xcnange oiQg. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS LA DDI X KENNELS, ESTACADA. OR. Furniture for Sale. 184 1st St. "4 1st SL MISH FURNITURE CO. We have the Best antique bedroom sei In Portland, t consists of messlve ward robe feet high with room in it for s persons, to stand, handsome bed, marble top dressing table with 4-foot Irenca Plate mirror, and a lovely old chiffonier. These pieces have a history and must have graced a rich old famlly'a bedroom. No doubt the Initial cost ran into many hundreds of dollars. They are in a splen did slat of preservation and the oia black walnut viood is a picture. If you love old furniture, come and look at them and admire them. We will sell for $00, the price of a cheap, modern set. MISH FURNITURE CO, IBs 1st St 384 lst -,t .cm-t-d-i-v vr-RvlTrRE STORE. 207 1st St. ', 1" St- Fine $00 brass bed. $18. 50. Used oak library table, $0.8.1. Willamette Sewing Machine, $10. Fine dressers from $6 up. Other bargains too numerous to men tion Phone Marshall &S7. 1125 o-ROOM modern flat, completely fur nished, good carpets, bedding, water . heater, range, sewing machine, etc.; fine condition: rent $15; 2 rooms pay rent; sell separately, make offer. 3306 Sec ond. Air. ciay. MiSH Furnlluro Co, 14 First st, pays th hlxhest prices for used furniture; you win no lose anything by calling us when you want to sell some furniture. Phone Main J16S. ' FURNITURE of 5 rooms, extra good, mostly fumed oak. at great sacririce; evenings or Sunday. 261 E. 40th. FOK SALE CHEAP Kumed-oak dining table and 6 chairs. Call Marshall labL FURXITL'RE for 5-room house for sale cheap. 31 E. 7th St. K. Livestock. IF you have good beef cattle for saie steers, cows or veal, call East 2L'0. DAIRY cowa for sale; terms. Bruce, Union Stockyaids. Phone Woodlawn 2400. Automobile COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 21st and Washington. CHALMERS, latest "tt." will be sold at a reduction of OOUO. CADILLAC. 5-passengcr. a car you can depend upon for service; $350. CADILLAC, 5-passenger. in very good -condition, snap $223. STUDEBAKER roadster, good tires, re painted: snap for $275. WOODS ELECTRIC, only $30CV. PEERLESS, 5-passenger, ideal car for stage, new top; $400. CADILLAC 8 AND DODGE BROS. CARS. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. MITCHELL 6-pass, B-cyl, A-l condl- ""cOMMERCE delivery. 1500-Ib. capacity, panel body, brand new, $750. Several others to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVES CO.. East 1st and East Morrison Sts. East 7272. B 1210. i One 5-pass. model d" Maxwell, first class condition. One Studebaker-Garford, good mechan ical condition, will make good truck. One 30" special roadster, run less than 100 miles since overhauling. These cars must be sold. Make us an otter, call iaswiu. DELIVERY cars, trucks, touring cars, road sters guaranteed and on easy payments. 1913, 1914, 1U13 MODELS. ALWAYS THE BEST BARGAINS. J. W. LEAVITT CO, Broadway and Davis SL TWO 1913 HUPMOBILES. One ISI14 RUPMOB1LE. One 1914 Michigan, $050. One 1012 HUP. ROADSTER. $350. One OVERLAND, $400. One NATIONAL. DULMAGE fc MANLEY AUTO CO, 4ti-4o iNortn .vin ou 1915 FORD, with 2500 mllA' travel, has K W ' shock absorbers. Yale lock stabil izer claxton horn; in first-class condition; selling on account of sickness: a snap. In quire at Speedwell Motor Co, 35 North 14th at, corner Couch. I am selling pil- AS GOOD as new. fine 7-passenger Pope Hartford; the best bargain ever offered: will be at Keats Auto Garage. Broadway and Burnslde sts, this week. Take a look at this bargain, F. A. Borchert, owner, Imperial Hotel. Portland, Or. WE HAVE for sale a number of used autos and delivery cars Terms given. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and ooucli, Phones Broadway 8b7 and A 4959. AUTOMOBILE owners, who want to sell for cash, quick, try ns. We are sold out to day. We can sell any car for Its real value. 13th and Wash, Main boti8. Port land Automobile Exchange. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $.100 to $750. Oregon motor car co, Studebaker Bldg, Comer Chapman and Alder. CALL EAST 6113. East Side Auto Exchange. Automobiles bought and sold; general repairing and storage. 410 East Ash st, near Grand ave. - GARAGES erected complete $30 up; ready cut or portable house. $12.1 up. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO, 54S Water st, near Harrison. Main 1167. TRADE for clear lot, 1913 Chalmers road ster classiest car in town. No. 1 con dition'. 301 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2970. 1913 OVERLAND. 5-passenger, electric lights etc. ; overhauled and repainted. Call Mr. Hemphill. Broadway 8S7. 5-PASSENGF.R Cadillac. In fine running order. $300. for quick sale. Call Mr. ' Hemphill. Broadway 887. IfllS FORD, $385. Tabor 11. 1912 BU1CK roadster, fully equipped; bar jaiu. Call Mr. Hemphill, Broadway obi. FOB SALE. Automobiles. WE HAVE the following cars loft from our v tnv. ..a., fan htiv from $100 to $500 less than any other place in Portland 1013 CHALMERS.' 4-passenger coupe, 1013 CHALMERS. 6-cyl, 7-passenger. 3013 CHALMERS. 5-passenger. 1013 STEARNS-K.MGHT. 4-cyl, 5-pass. 1912 WINTON, 7-passenger. . 1014 WINTON, 6-passenger. 1914 WINTON roadster. ' THE TVINTOX CO, 23d and Washington Sis. NEW AND USED FORD AUTOMOBILES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. BENJAMIN E. BOONE A CO, FORD AGENTS. 514 Alder St. Main o968. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Good roadster in exchange for some cash and $1000 stock In well-established local concern. Telephone after o P. M, Marshall 2004 WANT to buy 5-passenger Ford, latest mod el, will pay cash: state price. AK . uregonian. PAINT your car yourself, save $25 to $75. Particulars mailed free. Auto Paint Varnish Co, 407 Main st, roruauu, EVEN EXCHANGE for Ford; roomy 5-pass. high-grade car. foredoor, new tires. Mar shall 142. WANT r-pass. auto; give 37 acres In Clackamas county; state particulars. L. 971, Oregonlan. sTjME cash, clear lots for auto. AB 9S2, Oregonlan. CASH for 111 or '12 Fold chassis. E. 3472. FORD wanted nt once. Marshall 142'i. Motorcycle. TWIN POPE. $123 cash: just like new; equipped. Marshall 3147. Automobiles for Hire. FOR HIRE -r Cheap. 1915 Hudson car; careful, competent driver. Main 53 ta. Launches and Boats. $25 KOR 16-ft. canoe, sail and equipment. Von der WerTh's boatyard. East Morrison bridge. WANT launch, five clear lots. AD UD, oregonian. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $0 and up; months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com- pany. en proauwuji v.. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on ill i . . . i,...-.- .,n A for our 111US- trated folder. Retail department WHULt. SALE TYPEWRITER CO, 821 Wash, at TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co, 202 Stark 11. Atain dlis. STANDARD visible typewriters rented three months for $4. delivered. Call at 1M4 StarK st, or pnono mam e-iu. NEW. rebuilt eecond-hand rentals at cut rates, p. L. c, J'i ciai pi-, NO. 7 Remington in perfect condition, $10. 304 Oak st. Itlisccllaneeua. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding: -all work guaranteed. H M. H. Electrle Co, 31 lBt sL N. Phone Broadway 939. WANTED to sell at once, washer, extractor, motor, steam cylinder, benzine stills, sew ing machine and wagons. Inquire no oilsan st SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand, sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Em porium. 1EK) 3d st, near Taylor. Main -431. A. OO-O BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments, ine Bninswick-BalkeolenderCo.,16-48 5th. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand: we save you 40 to 60 per cent: all registers guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, Jo-la Washington st. HOCHFELD'S Camera Exchange. 85 Sd St. Cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold ii' . . . 1 1 . i. . i . -. fftineras. and exenangeu. e FORSALE CHEAP Gasoline filling pump in good condition; party leaving city. A 972, Oregonlan. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made 1. o-oo- ner eallon. 41.75. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100. USE Bassetfs Native Herbs for rheumatism. ... . OT. A 11 .IIVV MIR iu laoieis mi ft.. "... "op THE neutral Cigar Havana filler sells for 5c; tastes like 25c. 263 Burnslde. . -r.... R1FF.R. The Mos'ler-Safe Co, 264 Stark St. 80-EGG Incubator, good as new, Will sell cheep. AE Wi.5, oregonian. .30-.30 MARLIN take-down rifle, cartridge belt, nractlcally new; bargain. Main 14 14. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. stark-Davis Co, 212 3d St. Main 797. FOR SALE Auto and vacuum carpet cleaner combined, pnone cost oo. TWO baby cabs for sale; as good as new. Mrs. C. B. Harris, 485 Alnsworth ave. WANTED MlSCKlXANEOrS. WANTED SECOND - HAND CLOTHEo. Wo pay highest cash price for ladles and gents' castotf clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. .;L2?B 8TOBB- 285 K3.lnSW FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything In the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware k Furniture Co, 921 Front Phone A ii. Main 9072. - I NEED a quantity of second-hand furni ture and can use anywhere from one piece to a complete house; better class furniture preferred; will pay good prices. Call Main SQ22. ask for Mr. Brand. ' t.,.t-t-v ft.-iTr:n-r. ktdrr. 207 1st. SL 20. 1st St. We pay the highest prices for your furniture, carpets, stoves. Phono Mar shall 19I. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. a-o isi u Buys second-hand furniture and household goods. Phone for our buyer. Marshall 501.1. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED-). MEYER THE TAILOR. PAYS BEST PRICES SHOES BOUGHT. CALL MAIN 7.17.1. 229 MADISON ST. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ounYR IA1-J 3332. A 2567. WANTED Steel chain blocks, air compres sor. 2 or 8 h. p. a. c 110 motor. 07 Bel mont. ' . GET our estimate, painting, tinting: good work, reasonable. Main 4093. Marshall 1 5gS. - . KLINE'S BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE FURNITURE: BEST PRICES PAID. 3.4 HAWTHORN Hi AVE.. cui WANT $10,000 used furniture: pay good prices; starting new bw.. WANTED National cash register. Main tSI'tl. .1:11 ttaaiimsmu CASH paid for hair combings Sanitary rseauiy e-anoia. "-n- WANTED Heavy steel tank, not less than HIM to gallons caynftiu. ,o... o.. COUNTER about 18 Inches wide. 4 feet high. 8 to I" TOE- long, rv gjo, wi Bv,i..n,. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture, -vj j-st u jmiu HELP WANTED MALE. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade In $ weekd; tools free; position guaranteed; paid wlille learning. 3r32 2d, near Main. a ja " - - A few live salesmen to sell the best auto specialty out. Every Ford owner buys. 254 eo a II I ft" Broadway a F.XI'ERIENCED men, to take over estab E hshed mortgage, loan and fire Insurance . aome cash required. .N 9Si. Oregonlan. YOUNG man for checking invoices in large office: chance for advancement; state oxperlence.- F 997, Oregonlan. WANTED at Oregon Box & MTg. CO, lo-o Macadam, 1 cutoff man. 1 re-saw man, 1 eosrerman anu - wiwi"D' IF vou are skilled, in any line of work reg ister with us. Northwestern Efficiency Bureau. 409 Ellers Diag. i-o cnaise. EXPERIENCED door pateher wanted. Write or apply to Chehalis Fir Door Co, Mc- Cleary. wasn. WANTED Good salesman, solicitor and collector: permanent: salary. Singer Sew- . lO-l Waaliltlatnn t. mg jhiacnmp - .. 0 . MOLER Barber College wants men to learn . i. . ...rf.. tuition reduced: paid while learning: send for catalogue. 48 N. Second ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen, brakemen. $100-$120 monthly. Ri'iwiy As sociation, ur BAKER at once: pastry nnd help on bread. Telephone or address Small'a Bakery, Cor vallis. Or. ; LIVE man to handle horses: good proposi tion; commission basis; give phone, s 998. Oregonian. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com- mlsslon paiq. i?bi-uiij diuuiv, w- SOLICITOR wanted for cleaning and press ing. 83'- 3d it. . t3 HELP AV ANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Y. M. C. A. ft-n.,.. n,a ..luain. emninvinent in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are In vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members, a special membership is Issued, costing o per annum, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months fun privileges and a refund of the membership fee Is satisfactory employment is not se cured. ' YOUNG MAN. 20-24. with sales ability, de sirous of becoming traveling salesman; sales experience not necessary, but must be energetic, ambitious, hard worker; must start at moderate salary, introducing well known product to housewives; this po sitisn holds no charms for one who cannot EARN advancement. Give age. names ol all former employers and plione number. AE 973. Oregonlan. WANTED, in California, competent, reliable machine man for cracker factory; must run Sultana machine, cracker machine, dough brake, etc. Weekly wages l'-0 for five days' work. Cannot pay trans portation. - Sober, competent man would have good position. Reply by ntght tele gram. Bishop Cracker Factory, ban Dleso. Cal. . Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. SPECIAL SHORT COURSE. I REDUCED RATES TO OCT. 1. Unusual opportunity. tor particular call at educational office Y. M.C.A. In cluded in tuition costs Is full Association , mcmhersnip to vcioi-ei a. A MAN desirous of attaining position that lias a nig imure, w.n. concern operating branch houses on tha Coast. Personality and education essen tial requisite. Prefer man o( promlnmci. good family. Preference will be Klven those who can Invest small amount ot money nnd are willing to learn. L -. .iregoman. DO YOU WANT A JOB where you may learn useful tradeT In the Navy your pay continues whether sick or well. No hard times. Never laid oft If you behave your self. Navv life Is healthy and interesting Call and Investigate at Navy Recruiting station, Morgan bldg. inia i i . iv ---- - Tuition fee ONE-HALF regular Ptlee. full course, automobile driving, repairing, 8 PAecTF?CCAUO AND GAS ENGINE 206 Eleventh and Jefferson Pis. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly rafn make money selling our naiuj, """',,".:,,- mental and fruit stock: cash weekly, part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co, Toppenisn. ttaaii. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto mobile tepairing anu uriv,uH. Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne av. APPRENTICE; must have year" experi ence on type. Kleist & Co.. First. Help Wanted Salesmen. IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN accustomed to dealing with farmers, appreciate the sell ing force of an article that has the In dorsement of the best business men of the community it is sold In; are confident you ran make three sales a day i it - to get $7.50 in commission, the Western Farm Record Co. will consider placing you. GOT journal oiag. SALESMAN to sell A-l line sloyes wltj h pres ent line. Com. S. Fear, San tranclsco. Cat. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHERS wanted. Government, $5 month; Portland examinations OituM sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 7uo r. jftui.iift-.ft---. - WANTED-Girl. one ho understand, good liouseKeeping aw-..., ,7 ,. family; references required, call i4T r Burnsiae st., iv WANTED First-class power machine op erators on aprons, etc, women to sew ' on buttons. Utility Garment Co, 55 Union A.T ft.-... , ,11111 TEACHERS wanted for rural . jeh Kency, "o82 old Nation.lB.nk. o Vftih. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponBlblT position - Viavi Company. 4.3 FIRMS are calling for comptometer .oper ators; now is the time to learn. Call 3-3 Morgan bldg. HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 502 Em press bldg; individual instructions; posl tions when capable. ' STENOGRAPHER, willing to work short hours for moderate amount of salary. W 977, Oregonlan. JTTiJlTeachers for Oregon schools. We hire direct. Mrs. Schwart. Hour. 10-1-. 24 723 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Experienced girl to assist with housework; stay home nights. 20 ma st, phone A 16-16. irvpFRIENCED waitress, no -other need appl Perkins Hotel Restaurant, between ana ju .-. 'fcY eiV for family "otiEree. Wood- lawn 563. MATURE energetic woman for permanent position wltlTestablished firm: references. BF 991. Oregonlan. WANTED A good cook in a small fan'"i' W P."?: .S7Z...J? , hatnaeo 23d and 24th. LADIES to demonstrate. $2 and up. city and road. Room 505 Columbia bldg. WANTED Good girl for general- housework,. Apply at once. 345 East 37th st. WANTED Manicurist and hairdresser. Mor gan Barber Shop. WANT experienced girl in confectionery - store. 455 H Washington st. Tua m ATTINOLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, MTewruTnT$1 "to- MM th. Ph. M- 3894. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 414 neirnm bldg. Sanitary Parlors. MOLER Barber College wants ladies to le am the trade; special rates. 48 N. seconu. WANTED Experienced girl for general Y . 1 "riw Eel iVA.tAvnr road. Main 6313. housework., co. GIRL accustomed to factory work to wrap samples. Apply 133 Iindave YOUNG lady wanted selling cigars. SO N. Uth st. ; WANTED Lady barber at 205 Madison st HELP WANTEDMA-OBJFEME; OREGON Barber -College wa"t ,"1 women to learn tbe barber trade in - s weeks; tools free; paid while learning. SET from.$18 to week:.. H"! tor Summer: tuition reuuft-cu. GOOD position open to right party - only -college or high school graduate or teach ers need Tapp.AIC57egon HELP WANTED M?CLAyEOrJ8 rTTlWAY mall clerks, P. O. cferks, car K rt.r exam, soon; parcel post demand, jact at once. StaM School. McKay bldg, city. WANTED-Names of men as oc --, , i n ir (iovernirien t j nAp(sttrV. AV 3r0, uregoniaii. ttookkeeoera ana tiffKB. r.T PPI(.XL WORK, wanted. bookkeepinK, ISnd'MerADloo! Oregonlan. .-i'f-hk- wishes position in hotel or room CIInghouse. in" or out of city, or any oMjer light work; can give bond. AG Wl, ore, gonlan. SURVEYING and draf ting j? yvVSrB.eSr"-X-1517 or Main Ml, . p vESE Free Employment Bureau. A 1670 Japanese Association of Oregon. 218 Henry bldg. . . . rv certified accountant, city or country. B whole or part time. AH 961. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. MR. HOTEL MAN : Do you . d an Amerl- .111 Everett. Marshall 184. COMPETENT mechaAlo and garageman, 1 2 CyMaVf' experience, must have w". drive truca; no 1179. Oregonian. xoiirira.ftirR of languages. French, German. PIuTlfind Spanih. desire, pupils; term; very Reasonable. A-l references. A 161 1 Or Main? 051. PVPFRTES'CED, reliable young man wants E palnung. pape'rhanglng and tinting In - nm TABLE man wants grass to cut. lawns PiHrSr any day work: reasonable. A-V references. A-1517 or Main 70-.1. u . V wife and three children not expert -Menced "want work on farm; references. A-151T or Main 7Q.'l. BAKER would like work; I put out good home-made roods. Howell. 311 Everett. -Marshall $42. CHAUFFEUR., married, sober steady ., any kind ot wora. ju.iaoj, u. ave, woodlawn i-ao-. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position. Plione A 4930. 302 Couch sL . YOUNG man. 24, fair education any ork. $10 week, advancement- Main 7id. CARPENTER will work reasonable day or contract, seiiwooo. uaa. WANTED Excavating and team work. C 1477. Ensi 4804. CARPENTER foreman wants work: dsy contract. 4014 49th st. S. E. Sellwood 133). KALSOMINING, painting, plaster patching; reasonable. Woodlawn 2490 BOY anxious to help widowed mother wants work In town: ref. A-1.117 or Main 7031. GET our estimate on carpenter work, paint ing, repairing, reasonable. Sellwood 16GS,