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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1915)
THE MORNING OHEGOXIAS, SATURDAY, JUL.Y 31,-1915. 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAX TELEPHONES. Managing Editor Mala 7070. A 0093 City Kditor Main 7070. A BOUo Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 80!5 Advertising Department. .Main 7070. A 0O05 City Circulation Main 7070. A 60'JS Composing-room Main 7070. A SOUS Printing-room Main 7070, A 60U5 Superintendent Building. ..Main 7070. A SOUS AMUSEMENTS. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK Varied amuse ments, concert band and vaudeville. PANTAGES (Alder at Broadway) Vaude ville. Performances 2:30. 7:30 and 8:30 P. M. EMPRESS (Broadway and Stark) Vaude ville Performances 2:30. 7:30 and V:li P. M. ORPHEUM Broadway and Yamhill. Movies. ...... v I OREGONIANS AT KESOBTS. I J Subscribe with the following agents. I at your Summer resort, to secure the 2 most prompt delivery of The Ore- f gonlan. City rates. Subscriptions by J mall are payable in advance: T I Bar View K. 1 Jackson I I Bay City, Or E. P. Marcher I Bay Ocean W. S. Jo Union J Brighton. Or W. A. Howe I Carson, Wash Carl B. Smith ? 1 Mineral Springs Hotel I Columbia Bench t Mrs. N. E. Burkhead t 2 Ecola. Or I W. Crone 4 Garibaldi I. C. Ellis I Gearhart. Or. Mrs. M. S. Elliott T Long Beach J. H- Strauhal T I Lake Lytic Frank Miller I I Manhattan. ............ .Prank Miller j Manzanita i. KardeU x, i- tw LAuia Cohen 7 Nahcotta. Wash..... ....J. H. Brown Newport. Or O. P. lierron Ocean Park D. E. Beechey Ocean Lake Park.....O. L. Comstock Rockaway Beach Prank Miller Saltair Prank Miller Seaside. Or Clark Stratum Seavlew, Wash Constable & Pat nam Twin Rocks Prank Miller Tillamook. Or..... J. S. Lamar W heeler. Or . M- Cady WUhoit Springs P. W. McLaren Advertisements intended tor City News In Brief columns in Sunday's Usue must be handed In Tbe Oregonlan justness office by 6 o'clock Saturday evening. Feast op St. Ignatius to Be Cele brated. The feast of St. Ignatius will be celebrated tomorrow at the St. Ignatius Church, S. J.. East Forty-third and Powell streets. Solemn high mass will be celebrated at 10 A. M. when Rev. Father Whipple, S. J., will de liver the panegyric. Luncheon will be served at the church at noon for all who remain. A musical programme will be given in the grove in the after noon, which will be supplemented with games and various sports. Rev. Father Gleason, S. J., superior of the Province of California, will deliver an address. All interested will be welcome at all these services. St. Johns Woman Is Buried. Fu neral services of Mrs. Susan Pauline Clark, who died at her home, 524 East Tyler street, St. Johns, Monday, were conducted from her home yesterday. Rev. A. P. Layton officiating. Inter ment was in Columbia Cemetery. Mrs. Clark had resided in St. Johns for the past six years. She came from Yon calla, Douglas County. Her age was 58. She had been ill for several years with paralysis. Two sons and two daughters survive her: William Clark, of St. Johns; Lewis Clark, of Adams, Or.; Mrs. Mintie McCracken, of Elk Head, Or., and Miss Cora Clark, of St. Johns. Hibernians Wit,t Celebrate. A com mittee has been appointed by the Ancient Order of Hibernians to make arrangements for the appropriate cele bration of Daniel O'Connell's birthday anniversary on August 6 in the new Hibernian, hall on Russell street and Rodney avenue, Albina. There will be a programme of speaking, singing and instrumental music, followed by a dance. Rev. Father J. M. O'Farrell will speak on "Loyal Citizenship," and Francis A. McMenamin will speak on "Daniel O'Connell," giving account of his life and achievements. Dr. James C. Hayes will preside as chairman. Man Dies Suddenly. James N. Davis, a farmer who lived near Port land, died suddenly Tuesday while at work on Batchelor Island, in the Co lumbia River. The body is at the un dertaking establishment of A. R. Zel- ler. Williams avenue. Mr. Davis went to work and later returned to the house not feeling well. He was found dead by the family where he was stopping. He was 59 years old. J. W. Davis and Mrs. Belvie Hathaway, a brother and sister, survive. Arrangements are be ing made for the funeral. Henry Saffran Dies. Henry Saffran. Sr., 80 years old. a well-known farmer at Tualatin Plains, died yes terday morning at his home. He was born in East Prussia, came to Amer ica in 1872, lived in Illinois, and came to Tualatin in 1889. He is survived by one son, Henry Saffran, Jr., two daughters. Mrs. James D. Wirth, of Medical Springs, and Miss Bertie Saff ran, and one brother, G. Saffran, of Denham. Ind. The funeral will be at 2 o'clock Monday at Holraan's parlors. Council Acts for Wood Disposal. The City Council yesterday set aside the sum of $500 in a special fund to take care of the movement and sale of the wood now belonging to the city as the result of the wood-cutting op erations conducted last Winter for the relief of the unemployed. City Com missioner Bigelow declared that it would take probably between 25 cents and $1 a cord to sell and move the wood so that the city could, get any return for it. Woman's Funeral Held. Funeral cervices of Mrs. Esther Heard, who died at the home of her grandson, Elba Heard. 800 East Seventh street North, were conducted yesterday afternoon at Cellar's chapel. Interment was made In Rose City Cemetery. Mrs. Heard was 83 years old, and had lived in Oregon ten years and in Portland for two years. A son, J. T. Heard, survives. Land Grant to Be Topic. "The Land Grant Muddle" will be the subject of an address to be given by A. D. Cridge before the Oregon Single Tax Association today at 8 o'clock at room H of the Central Library. Eugene Smith, president of the Central Labor Council, will also speak. Safety First. Yellowstone Park tour. $26.50. Complete satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. You can pay more but cannot get better service. Buy tickets at Salt Lake, Ogden, Pocatello or Yellowstone. Old faithful, permanent camps. Adv. Earl C. Bronaugh to Speak. Earl C. Bronaugh will address the congre gation of the Fourth Presbyterian Church. First and Gibb's streets, at its regular church service at 10:30 A. M. Eunday morning. Ladies' low snoes and pumps, dis continued lines. up-to-date styles, mostly small sizes, 95 cents per pair. Knight Shoe Co., Morrison, near Broad way. Adv. An Important Event. Florsheim shoes reduced at Reeves Shoe Co., 350 Wash.. Morgan bldg. Adv. $1 Sunday Trip to Cascade Locks on the Bailey Gatzert. Leave at 9 A. M. ; returns at 5:45 P. M. S2 Round Trip to The Dalles on the famous Columbia River steamer Bailey Gatzert. Leaves daily (except Sunday and Monday), 7 A. M.; returns at 9:45 P. M. Steamer Dalles City to The Dalles. Eunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Leaves at 8:30 A. M.; returns at 6:30 P. M. next day. Alder-st. dock. Main 914, a. 6112. A1V, Unemployment Problem Comes Up. County Commissioners Holman. Hol brook and Lightner have received In vitations from City Commissioner George L. Baker to attend the meeting in the Council chamber next Monday afternoon. The problem of caring for the city's unemployed during the coming Winter will be taken up by the city and county officials. Mr. Baker said in his invitations that the City of Portland had spent 135.000 during the Winter of 1913-14 in caring for unemployed, and $76,000 last Winter. Through wider co-operation this year he hopes to achieve greater results with a smaller per capita expenditure. Picnic Funds Go to Charities. Alex ander Kunz, secretary in charge of the annual picnic of the Traveling Pas senger Agents and the United Commer cial Travelers, has informed Secretary V. R. Manning, of the Associated Chari ties, that the net proceeds from the sale of tickets to the picnic will be turned into the relief .fund of the Charities. The picnic will be held at Crystal Lake Park, August 7. Tickets and information concerning it can be secured from Mr. Kunz at 310 Morgan building. Every effort is to be made to gather as large a crowd as possible not only to insure a great and successful picnic, but also to assure the Charities of receiving a substantial addition to its relief fund. Eugene Pastor to Speak. Rev. Wil liam Parsons, pastor of the Eugene Presbyterian Church, and former pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church, will arrive in Portland today to occupy the pulpit of the Central Presbyterian Church at East Thirteenth and East Pine streets in August during; the absence of Rev. L. K. Grimes. Rev. Mr. Parsons will begin his work Sun day morning when he will speak on "Cultivating the Spiritual." and in the evening "The Rejected Crown." Rev. Mr. Grimes is at Tualatin, where he has a farm but expects to leave for the coast or mountains later in the month. "Paganism" to Be Topic. "Is Ore gon Becoming Paganized?" will be the theme of the sermon to be preached by Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Twelfth and Alder streets, at 10:30 tomorrow morning. The suggestion comes from experiences at the inter-denominational conference of ministers which has been in session at the University of Ore gon at Eugene during the past week. Dr. Boyd will preach his final sermon, before leaving for his Summer vaca tion tomorrow night, at 7:45, on "The Problem Which Lies Deeper Than War or Peace." Loganberry Juice Served at Func tion. Loganberry juice was served in abundance and made a specialty at the meeting of the Ladies' Social Club at the home of Mrs. O. A. Palmer, Thursday from 2 to 5 in the after noon. After the entertainment Mrs. Palmer conducted those present to the table spread on the lawn loaded with good things, including loganberry Juice which is making Boring known abroad. The club meets every Thursday after noon, except the last Thursday of the month when an open meeting is held in the evening. Carpenter's Discharge Up to Board. P. J. Burns, a carpenter in the build ing department of the school district. has been discharged on a charge of in subordination, made by F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties, and his case will be heard by the School Board Judiciary committee within, a short time. M. G. Munly, chairman of the Board, voted against suspending Mr. Burns, pending the hearing. He de clared his belief that the alleged in subordination had been "invited." Hiker to Visit Portland. John H. Mooney, of New York, who recently finished a trans-continental hike from New York to San Francisco, will ar rive in this city within the next few days, according to information re ceived from Medford, where Mr. Mooney spent last Wednesday. Mr. Mooney will come to Portland by foot. He says that he represents the Daunt less League of New York and is an ardent advocate of the two platoon system for firemen. Charities Asks Bedding. The Asso ciated Charities is asking for the dona tion of bedding and supplies for the relief of a family which was recently burned out of its home. The family is destitute and because of lack of bed ding have slept upon the floor since the fire. Quilts, sheets and pillows especially are needed. Those intending to aid should notify Miss Faye Myers at the office of the Associated Chari ties. Lumber Worker Injured. Paul Walker, aged 23. of 4418 East Seventy ninth "Street, Southeast, was knocked unconscious in the yards of the North Pacific Lumber Company yesterday, when a pile of lumber toppled on him. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. His injuries are not serious, it is thought. Manufacturing Firm Incorporates. Articles of incorporation were filed in County Clerk Coffey's office yesterday by the Rifer Manufacturing Company, with capital stock of $25,000. The in corporators are John L. Rifer. Ernest P. Farley, William Schultz and Fred Sigenthaler. , Bridge Work Contract Let. On the recommendation of Commissioner Dieck. the City Council yesterday awarded the contract for the raising of the sunken piers of the Union-avenue bridge across Sullivan's Gulch to E. E. Davis & Co., of Seattle. The bid of the Seattle concern was J809. Elks' Picnic for Elks, their families and their friends. Bonneville. Or.. Sun day, August 1. Under the auspices of Portland Lodge, No. 142. B. P. O. E. Trains leave Union Station at 9 A. M. and Bonneville at 5:30 P. M. Tickets: Adults, $1; children, under 12 years, 50 cents. Adv. Girl Denies Causing Arrest. Miss Delia Richter last night denied that she had caused the arrest of Thomas F. Kirk Thursday on a charge of pawning her ring. Kirk was arrested by Detectives Hyde and Vaughn for passing an alleged worthless check. Come to Smith's Market. 228 Alder st.. for the following prices: Shoulder pot roast. 10c; arm pot roast, 11c; boiling beef, 8c; chuck steak, 12V4c; leg lamb, 15c; leg mutton. 12Vac; lard, 3s. 40c; 6s, 60c: 10s, S1.20: bacon. 15 to 20c. Arlv You will want to hear Dr. Loveland at the First Methodist Church Sunday nignt. ineme, "1 ne Mind of the Anelo- .Saxon: Why England Hates Germany. Why Germany Hates England." Come at 8 P. M. Good music Adv. Taylor-Street M. E. Church. The usual service will be held in front of the locked doors on Sunday at 10:15 A. M. The speaker will be Mrs. Mattie M. Sleeth. president of Multnomah County W. C. T. U. Adv. "Realities of Religion" will be Luther R. Dyott's theme in, the First Congregational Church, 11 A. M., Au gust 1. At 7:45 P. M. his theme will be "A Pastor's Vacation Prayer." Adv. Sunday Excursions. To Cascade Locks on steamer Bailey Gatzert, $1 round trip. Leaves Alder-street dock at 9 A. M., arrives back at 5:45 P. M Phones: Main 914, A 6112. Adv. Montana Pastor Visitor. Rev. J. F. Ghormley arrived in the city from Great Falls, Mont., yesterday. He will occupy the pulpit of the Montavilla Christian Church tomorrow morning. Calvary Presbyterian Church. Rev. Oliver S. Baum, pastor. "Recipe for Happiness," subject for Sunday even ing. Adv. 500 Blooded Chickens sacrificed at 50c. 75c and SI. Gevurtz, Foster Hotel. Adv. "Allegretti." delicious bitter sweet chocolates, always fresh. Sig Sichel & Co., 92 3d St. Adv. K. Stephan will move on August 1 from 383 Alder St. to 209 Pittock block. Adv. m imiiiiiiuimiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiL gjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmg Manhattan, Arrow and E. & W. Shirts $1.50 Manhattan Shirts C - OP Now P - .-J $2.00 Manhattan Shirts t f rjp- Now -ip JLeOO $2.50-$3 Manhattan Shirts J -f fC Now i.yo $3.50 Manhattan Shirts j f r r Nowipl.OO $4.00 Manhattan Shirts 0 QC Now 4.oO $1.50 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts J - 4 f" Now 1.10 $2.00 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts f or Now J l.sjO $2.50 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts J $3.00 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts r fC Now ipJ J $4.00 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts Now Gentlemen! Observe These Timely Prices on Shirts and Straw Hats And it is needless to say that a great many men will respond, and quickly, to take ad vantage, for such savings are never over looked by the man who takes pride in being; tip-top in his appareL Straw Hats Now at Half Price $3 Straw Hats $2.85 New Tourist Hats $3.50 of cloth in checks. For traveling, for street wear, for outings the handy head pieces for men. They're new and youH like them for their practicalness. $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 uffum So Pendleton $4 $5 $6 Straw Straw Straw Now Hats Now Hats Now Hats Now Morrison Street Opposite Postoffice r niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitniTttiiiiiTTiMiinninniHniiiininriiuTiiiiiiiTiiii:iMiiiiiiiiiiTra w m J Marshall 1 Home A-62S1 "J ONES' QUALITY" MEATS At Special Reduced Prices This Saturday CHOICE OREGON LAMBS Legs, Loins, Rack Roasts, pound 20 Breasts, pound Hp Shoulders, pound 12 SDUSA HAS GOOD WORD MUSICAL. COXDl-'CTOR ECOlRAGES LOCAL SYMPHONY" ORCHESTRA. Mrs. B. K. Tait Will Benin Campaign Soon for Fundi to Carry On Movement In Portland. Mrs. B. E. Tait, manager of the Port land Symphony Orchestra, has Just re turned from a visit to the expositions at San Francisco and San Diego. Cal. She says that In talks the had with Dr. Mock, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and John Philip Sousa. they both expressed cordial ap preciation of what they called "the pioneer work" achieved in symphony orchestra endeavor in this city. Dr. Mock reviewed musical condi tions In this city, saying: "I have never been In Portland. Or., but have heard much in regard to music culture there. Portland must be a pleasant Place In which to live. I met Kdgar E. Coursen, of Portland. Or., when I was in Europe, and I always associate Mr. Coursen with Portland. Or." Mrs. Tait received a letter from Mr. Sousa, dated Tacoma, Wash., which says: "Permit me to compliment you on the STlendld success you have achieved as manager of the Portland Symphony Orchestra. I sincerely trust that your success will financially and artistically continue during the ensuing years. Of course. In an enterprise of the na ture of the Portland orchestra, you must have the co-operation and good will of the citizens of your city, and every effort should be made by your citizens, so that the orchestra will be valuable to those whose means will not allow them to spend lavishly to hear the best in music. "There Is no better way for those phllanthroplcally inclined than to con tribute to a cause that will bring pleas ure to the toiling masses. Every dol lar expended for music brings a re turn in increased culture and better citizenship. The moral effect of good music cannot be overestimated, and I sincerely trust that you will have the support of every good citizen of Port land In your noble undertaking." Mrs. Tait says that she starts work early next week to secure subscrip tions to the amount of $6000 to carry on the work of the Portland Symphony Orchestra for the season of 115-16. yesterday that no official action by the board of his church was contem plated regarding the resolutions adopt ed at a meeting called Tuesday night in the Sunnyalde Methodist Church. The resolutions were framed by a committee representing several Meth odist churches of this city. They pro posed, among other things, to operate the Third and Taylor-street property under the direction of a board of trus tees made up of one member from each Methodist Episcopal church in Port land. The committee that called the recent meeting Included N. B. Atchison. Rose City Park; H. Gordon. Sunnyside; A. I j. Keeney. Centenary; L. B. Mahone, Central: C. W. DeOraff. Woodlawn; J. R. Pearl. Clinton Kelly. The members of the official board f the First Methodist Church will meet at 8 o'clock Monday night, when business of importance will be dis cussed, but whether or not the affairs of the Third and Taylor-street prop erty will be brought up is not disclosed. POWDER ORDERED AWAY CITY COUNCIL FI.XDS HAGAZIXB OX WILLAMETTE I)ACF.R. BREACH LAID TO TEACHER BOARD TO CHARGE CONTRACT VIO LATION BY MARRIAGE. Bobcat Invades City and Visits Mayor's Home. Small Boys Attempt Capture, Think ing; Varmint a Stray Tom Rifle Shot Ends Existence. ftJT ZEPPELIN RAID." thought r some. "Auto bandits," thought others, when in the sedate and select residential district of Laurelhurst a fusillade of shots burst forth yester day morning. It was only a party of hunters, taking potshots at a giant bobcat that had sought refuge In the top of a tall fir, at the rear of the home of Mayor Albee. The shooters were amateurs and the weapons ranged from shotgun to revol ver. Finally a well-directed shot from the rifle of Ben Van Kirk, of No. 4 Fifty-second street, brought the ani mal tumbling to the ground. It meas ured 5 feet 3 Inches from tip to tip. A big city proved rather disconcert ing to the bobcat, and before It found a familiar tree, the animal had been chased by some small boys, who were possessed of the idea that someone had lost an overgrown tomcat. The presence of the animal In the city Is a mystery, but it Is thought to be the mysterious marauder that has raided several chicken roosts in the Mount Tabor district during tbe past week. Dr. E. Albert Marshall, Oregonlan bldg. Adv. CHIEF BIOLOGIST TO VISIT Oregon Bird Life to Be Studied to Learn Effect on Farms. H. W. Henshaw, chief of the Bio logical Survey at "Washington, D. C.. will be in Portland today. He will confer with William L. Finley. State Biologist, regarding the Oregon sur vey. The Department of Agriculture seeks the co-operation of the State Biological Commission In The study of bird life of Oregon, and It is for this purpose that Mr. Henshaw will meet Mr. Finley. It is the desire of the Department of Agriculture to find out whether birds prove a detriment or an advant age to the farmers whose fields they Inhabit.' Mr. Henshaw also has charge of the killing of predatory animals in Oregon. CHURCH IGNORES ACTION Dr. Loveland Says Taylor-Street Resolutions Not Considered. Dr. Frank L- Loveland, pastor of the First Methodist Church, announced Action Against Mrs. Johnson-Cook tv Be Settled According to Out come of Mrs, Richards' Case. Mrs. Violet X. Johnson-Cook will be charged with violation of her contract as a scnool teacher because she was married on June 2. The School Board ordered this yesterday, "Just to get the matter before the Board in the form of a hearing." The ultimate disposition of . Mrs. Cook's case probably will depend on whether or not the Board decides to ppcal from the ruling of Circuit Judge Morrow in the case of Mrs. Maude I Richards, who was awarded her back salary and ordered re-instated under the "permanent tenure act." Mrs. Cook was elected as a tsacher on May 22 and appointed to elementary work in the Clinton-Kelly School. Her notice of acceptance of the election was not received until July 18 by School Clerk Thomas. "I move that she be-charged with violation of her contract by getting married, said Mr. Beach, of the School Board, at the meeting yesterday. "How can she violate her contract when she has none?" asked Mr. Lock-wood. "This is Just to get it before the committee. She will demand a hear lng on the charge and that will bring it up properly. The courts are par tlcular about hearings these days, explained Mr. Beach. BUILDING PLAN UP TODAY East Side Committee to Take Action on 850,000 Structure. The building committee of the East Side Holding Company and the Citi zens Bank will meet today at the bank building at Grand avenue and East Alder street to. consider the new plans for the two-story building to be put up on the northeast corner of Grand avenue and East Alder street. It is expected to have the completed plans of the building at this meetr ing and after they have been revised the contract for the structure will be let and work started. It had been hoped to put up a four- story building, but tbe building will be built according to the original plans with some modifications. the bank erecting the corner structure, the holding company the Inside part, and the East Side Business Men's Club will occupy quarters on the second floor. Both structures will represent an in vestment of about $50,000. Commissioners Vote to Refuse All Petitions to Store Explosives Within City Limits. The Trojan Powder Company will be notified to discontinue by September 1 the use of its powder magazine located on the west bank of the Willamette River Just above the bridge of the Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway, according to action taken by the City Council at its meeting yesterday morn ing. The company was also Instructed to keep a watchman at the place until that time. The action followed the visit to the warehouse made by the Mayor and the membcra of the Coun cil Thursday. The Council also voted to reiuse all other petitions for the location of powder magazines within wie city limits. Representatives of the powder com pany were present and showed that the magazine was being conducted in com puance with the rules of the bureau of explosives. They claimed that there is less than 72.000 pounds of powder in the magazine at this time and that they were not allowed to carry over 80.000 pounds. They admitted that the magazine contained high explosives, as well as stumping powder. Harbormaster Speier, who took the Mayor and Commissioners to investi gate the magazine, was present at the meeting and deolared that the powder BEST QUALITY STEER BEEF Pot Roasts, all cuts, pound 14 Hamburg, made from best steer beef, lb..l2V2 CLUB HOUSE SAUSAGE, pound 15 OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN MEAT COUNTER Offers an EXTRA SPECIAL All Best Quality Meats Specially Price-marked for Those Who Do Their Own Marketing. Jones' Mild Cured Smoked Meats "PRIDE-OF-OREGON" BRAND Hams, one-half or whole, pound 17d Bacon, 8-10 lbs., one-half or while strip, lb..22p Bacon, 12-14 lbs., one-half or whole strip, lb. .20 Bacon Backs (tenderloins), one-half or whole strip, pound 19? Cottage Hams (nearly boneless), pound 16 California Hams (4V-6 lbs. each), pound... lip No. 3 Pure Lard..3S No. 5 Pure Lard..G3e No. 10 Pure Lard S1.20 No. 5 Crown Compound 45c No. 10 Crown Compound S5 situated as It was on the river bank, is a menace to navigation and that should it be exploded it would de stroy the Spokane. Portland A Seat tle Ratlwav bridge. He also presented to the Council a petition of the Pa Pont Powder Company for permission to locate a powder magazine on the river bank near LJnnton for the storing of 250 0.10 pounds of hlch explosives. WITH THE FRENCH WOUNDED The Woman's Sacrifice Women's Peace Meeting Tonight. For the purpose of organizing a peace party among me women or me state a mass meeting will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Central Library. The meeting Is under the auspices of the State Federation of ffomen'i Clubs. It is hoped to get the peace organization well under way before the arrival of Jane Addams in this city early in August. t Paris. July 31, 8:30 P. M. Away from the battlefield one sees war stripped of Its glamor. We see the heroic work of nurses who are on duty day and night. There la devotion, self-sari, fice. suffering patriotism qualities whlrh only a great war and Its terrible consequences can inspire to the highest development. The women everywhere are helping and everywhere one sees self-sacrifice and devotion to country. The women of the I'nlted States do not know how fortunate they are. Here there are plenty of women who suffer In silence, whose strength Is out of proportion to their ambition. Their hands are tied by some rhronlf dis ease common to womankind: that weak bark, accompanied by pain here or there, extreme nervousness, sleepless ness, maybe fainting spells or spasms, are all signals of distress for women. She may be growing from girlhood Into womanhood, passing from woman hood to motherhood, and later suffer ing from that change which leaves so many wrecks of women. At any or all of these periods of a woman's life she should take a tonic and nervine, pre scribed for Just such cases by a physi cian of vast experience in the diseases of women. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has successfully treated more cases the past fifty years than any other known remedy. When you feel dull, headachy, backache, dizzy, or per haps hot flashes, there is nothing you can accomplish, nothing you can enjoy. You can find permanent relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Is sold by medicine dealers, or trial box by mall from Dr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel. Buffalo. N. T.. on receipt of SO-cents, or one dollar for large box. Adv. EMMA GOLDMAN The Noted Anarchist, LKCTIRKS AT TIRS II ALL. Fourth and Yamhill. At fit ST 1st TO Kth. I SrBJFfTS M'XDAY P. M.. I!AR. tHISM" 8 F. Al -BILLY l'XUAl." From the Customer's Viewpoint We have long since looked at our service from the customer's viewpoint. As a result, every man in this bank knows that he is here to give cheerful service to all. In all departments the spirit that rules is service with cour tesy and courtesy with service. Your business or personal ac count will receive every atten tion here. lumbermens National. Bank Fifth and Stark. ii r??-'Jf . II SEWARD HOTEL GRILL Reopened by Seward Hotel Co. After four years under separate management the Seward Hotel Iiininff-Koom Is again under the management of the Seward Hotel Co. Hereafter an excellent c u i s I n e will be maintained at moderate prices. We aerre an excellent popular priced business men's lunch from M. 11 A. M. to 2 P. Try it. Sunday Table, d Hote dinner 5 to 8:30 P. M., $1.00. W. M. Seward. Manager. i:nrrTl(Au ! A Qolet Plaee far Qalet People. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Merrlaosi Bt, Near UraaS Ave. 7&e. 91 l"er Dan Mlta) Bath. SL23. WANTED CUA1KS TO RECANE. School for tha Adult Blind. 11th and Da via. For particulars call J. F. Meyer, Phone Main 648. Hotel Cornelius The House of Welcome Park and Alder Streets Portland, Or. In the theater and shopping district, one block from any carline. Rates $1 per day and up. With bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President II. E. Fletcher, Manager rnrfATioNAi- St. Margaret's Hall BOlst; IDAHO. A school for girls. Jood climate, low altitude: beautiful bulldlnas. Terms moderate. Collerte prepara tory and general courses. Music, art. domestic science and physical rulture. Under the ilplscopal Church, but open to all. lit. llev. J. B. Kunsten. Bishop of Idaho, president. For catalogue address Priarlpal. t. Maraaret'a Hall, liaise. 14aa. Acncutini io ioiiegv. 'turamartiid Primary (rades. Fourteenth rear. Calaloaue upon ap pUcaUoo. Address aiisa Uarkat, fsio Aito, C4 J 'il iTTTVTTT, 1 Voodrow Wiison Said: a Thfi Qui! rhoo!i Into rhi h mo m u hi drvouon nt u n -hral'Ietl ork -rtln!y u- taln ih duration of th cmnirv, and fuppiv th unlvritl- it n om f i ho morl useful niatci il Portland Academy tr,- to fulfill the Wll-on Ul. aim to?;otiuc tudrnia. as well a m-n an4 w omen. Mainly and primarily. ir ptr ftu1tht for l h unlvsrtti-. Th lUA-cfii of our ra luta tennrtra to this. v t h vf a Ujr and boa rtl I n Jt-hotit. Alto grammar f raU anl peoial nitinrin prp' ork. AthlrtUa and th kind of at mophr with which you wouM like to lurrrtund your boy and lr ar tt K found her. Kor rattiocu and rul.t iar tlrulsrs. ril i the uniter sticnetl. Office hours IO to 12 daily. JA?'KS K. , EW1XO. rrioripat. Portland Academy ir.lh unit Monl somery streets, Portland. Or. Mount Tainalpais Military Academy A.N K.WAAsL CaUxUlLNU. Tha moai thorough ty organised and com pltly aqulppad tuiiiiary achool wai of tba Hocfcy MouQulOB Caalry. 1 man try. Mount ad Artitlery &lxta mllea north of ba Kranclftco. U. &. Army officer dial.d by War Cpartmtnt; ccrtdtiM by in vnlvtr ity. Stanford and o: her college. Twenty !gth tar bvlna August 24th, IvlV Addrwag JLY. AiiXUV& CiiOMSU i,