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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1915)
16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1913. All Charge Purchases Made Today Will Be Charged on Bill Rendered September 1st Folding Sulkies $3.49 Regularly $4.50 The practical kind that are so light to carry and so compact when folded (with one motion) . Has finest quality steel frame of black bicycle enamel, reclin ing back, good spring seat, 10 inch rubber-tired "wheels with fenders. The illustration above will give you a better idea of this splendid sulky. Temporary Annex, Eigrhth Floor. Tonight Old Father Time Will Come Along and Discontinue the Marked Down Prices on All Goods in Those Departments That Are Now Located in Their Permanent Quarters. Meanwhile OUR REMOVAL SALE 1807 The- QualitV Store- of Portlahd FifUv. .Sixt-h "Morrisoiv Alder Sts. will continue in every department that has not moved with EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED except contract goods, "Silk-Maid" Hose and Groceries. As most of the departments that will discontinue the removal-sale prices are those of yardage goods and outer wearing apparel, it certainly behooves you to buy these things today, before this opportunity passes away perhaps for all time. In Their New Homes The Foil owing Departments : Just moved! Come and see them. On the fourth floor of the new building youH find gowns, suits, coats, dresses and furs. On the third floor, Sixth-street building, are muslin wear, cor sets and French lingerie shop. The baby, shop has been tem porarily moved to the third floor, Sixth-street building. r, ivir,.-..i-.n;.-:-r;;i, 3f Panama-Pacific Exposition Exhibit and Sale Baskets and Curios Philippine Peoples Of tho hundreds who huve vim ted thia exhfMt all he pon T"! w,'ih,, clcar'r foncepuon of the extraordinary d rlonuirnt r tho Philippine people The procrra from the work of ihr wild To'i may n,f It all. 1.1 Floor. New l-.ldc. nntauKht native to that of a rivilixed people. .ioarraie price as tlxea t.y the liuvrrnmtnL Free! An 8xlO-Inch Photo Enlargement Today With Every $2.00 Purchase in Our Popular Kodak Shop Bring in one of your favorite negatives and accept our free offer for today only. Se, Well finish it in sepia or black and white in our expert way absolutely free, as stipulated. Only one to a pur chaser. SLIGHTLY USED CAMERAS 3-A GRAFLEX, FITTED WITH ZEISS- infl WITH CASE... JIWU $18 $3 i m ill TESSAR 1-C LENS, $25 3-A FOLDING KODAK. PRAC TICALLY NEW, REDUCED TO. $6 4x5 BOX PREMO CAMERA, MAY i BE PURCHASED FOR 5c EASTMAN M. Q. DEVELOPING OCp TUBES. EIGHT FOR. $1.25 LOOSE-LEAF PHOTO AL BUMS. 7x10 SIZE $4.00 PADDED-LEATHER LOOSE-0 00 LEAF ALBUMS. 7x10 (JU.XtJ Kodak Shop, New Bids.. First Floor. :89c Children's Hosiery and Underwear Sale Priced We are headquarters for Children's "Hole proof" and "Black Cat" Hose. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfactory service. All mod erately priced. MISSES' LISLE HOSE, 22c PAIR Usually Sold at 25c; 3 for 63c. Black, white and colored mercerized lisle, invisible lxl ribbed, light medium weight, linen-finished heels and toes. Sizes 5V4 to 10. MISSES' COTTON HOSE, 17c PAIR Usually Sold at 20c; 3 for 50c Black and white soft-ribbed Egyptian cotton. Made with seam less feet. All sizes, 6 to 10. INFANTS' COTTON HOSE, 12Vzc PAIR Regularly Priced at 20c Pair. Black and white Cotton Hose, elastic ribbed style, made with seamless feet. Sizes 4 to 6. "NAZARETH" UNION SUITS AT 40c Hosiery Department. First Floor, Mxtfa-St. Bids. Underwear, Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Event No. 8 Is Men's and Boys' Suits in Our Before - Vacating - the - Temporary -Annex-Sale at Removal Prices Today, we're putting our greatest shelf-emptying strength into these two departments, for we are absolutely determined that these stocks shall be reduced to a new low-water mark. That we shall be able to do it, there is no doubt, as is evidenced by the as tonishingly little selling prices. These men's and boys' suits on sale in our Annex, Second Floor. Boys' "m3$g Suits for $6.35 Originally $8.50, $10.00, $12.50 Clean-up lots from the maker and our own stocks. Suits that are built by the finest tailors in the land. All All All fancy Suits, with a few broken lines of blue cheviots and serge suits. The sizes range from 7 to 18 years, and each Suit bears the "Sampecf label. Boys' Norfolk Suits at $3.85 $5 and $6 Models Made of all-wool materials, in fancy tans, browns, grays and mixtures, also corduroy and broken lines of blue serge. Pants lined throughout. Sizes 6 to 18 years. the Fancy Suits at $635 and Nearly at nave 1 wo fairs oj fonts BOYS' STRAW ILVTS HALF PRICE Boys' and children's split straws, Milans and Panamas in all latest styles and shapes and all color trims. Sizes 6V4 to 714. Were 50c to $5 now 25 to $2.50. Men's Suits Special $9.85 Formerly $15.00 to $20.00 These are not paper values, but actual values, based upon the worth of the clothing, the regular cost, the sell ing price, the makePs name, the work manship and the fine material. They are without doubt the best Suits possible to give at their regular prices. Everything wanted in style will be found in both conservative and extreme models, such as the double breasted model and the box-back and one-button, soft-roll coats. Of course, the English styles, with or without patch pockets, are also here to please the younger men who follow fashion more closely. Everything desirable is here for choice in the season's new worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots, tweeds, velours, in the latest patterns of Tartan checks, Glen Urquhart plaids, light and dark gray mixtures and pencil stripes. Men's Suits Special $14.85 All Regularly $25.00 LONG? We can fit your figure at $5).8o and -SI I. Ho REGULAR? We can fit your figure at J?O.X. and $14. S3 SLIM? We can fit your figure at J?J.X3 and 14.83 LONG STOUT? We can fit your figure at $J.S3 and $14. S3 STOUT? We can fit your figure at SO.83 and SI I. S3 SHORT? We can fit your figure at Sl.83 and $14. S3 Shelf-Emptying All Children's Coats at V2 Coats That Were $7.00 to $25.00 Are Now Marked $3.50 to $12.50 SILK MOIRE PONGEES WOOL CHECKS SILK POPLINS WOOL MIXTURES WOOL SERGES THE COLORS include white, sand, Copenhagen and all sorts of checked combinations. THE STYLES are Empire, flared, Tommy Atkins, with belt and patch pockets and tailored box coats. THE SIZES range from 1 to 14 years-all this season's models. Flftlt Floor, Slxtk-St. Bide. NEW "ELSIE JANIS" MIDDIES, SPECIAL AT $1.00 They're all white, made of a splendid grade of galatea. The attractive wide hem at bottom, laced front and soutache-trimmed collar and cuffs all in the approved ''Elsie Janis" style. Full lines of sizes, 36 to 44. $1.00 is a very special price on these Middies. fiiu. Floor, sixtfc-st. Bids. Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Pair $3.39 Discontinued Lines of $5.00 and $6.00 Grades The lines are broken, but all sizes are included in the lot so deeply underpriced. Shoe Patent leather, tans; laced and button styles. Oxfords Patent leather, tans, calfskins; button and lace. CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS 114 TO 2. QQ a I 84 TO 11 BPECIAL... wOu I SPECIAL.. TP .RQr I to 8.7o www I8PCCIAL..IUU -Third Floor. rn BolldlaK Women's Ostrich Neck Ruffs $1.19 That A re Usually $2.00 The fashionable Summer neckwear that every smartly dressed woman is wearing. WHITE FOX PIECES, $1.39 Easily wortli $2.50. Ribbon ties. First Floor. Slxth-St. Bid. Women's Long Silk Gloves 89c $125 and $1.75 Regularly The best makes, of tricot and heavy Milanese silk, with double finger tips. Black, white, tans, browns, champagne, grays, mode, lavender and blues. 16 and 20-button lengths. Sizes 5l,i to 7. Flrat Floor, Slxth-St. Bids;. Just in! These Brand New Sports Shirts for Men at $1.65 The Materials and Patterns Many of Them Exclusive Are Those Found Only in $2.00 and $230 Shirts Beautiful crepe cloths in satin stripe effects, woven madras and crystal cloth in multi-colored stripes and plain tans, grays and white. Made in the popular sports style, so comfortable for warm weather. Fifty dozen to go on sale at the exceedingly low price of J? 1 ..". Men's Vassar CQ Union Suits. . yl0 Regularly Priced at 52. Fine white cotton garments, made in the popular form-fitting style. .52.49 Vassar Lisle Union Suits. . Rejrularly Priced at S3. Men's fine mercerized lisle, in white, blue or flesh color. Well made. Temporary Annex Main Floor MEN'S SILK LISLE HOSE, 17c PAIR Always Sells for 25c; 3 for 50c The famous "Onyx" Silk Lisle Hose, with double heels and toes. A good medium weight. Shown in black, tans, grays and navy. ALL MANHATTAN SHIRTS REDUCED "MAN HATTAN SHIRTS, f I ")C REGULAR II. SO. NOW OIZ3 "MANHATTAN" SHIRTS.! QC IttGLLAK :.iO-3. NUW...li3J - M A N HATTAN RKUL'I.AH $!.(. - M A N H ATTAN " KKCL'LAK I.;. 50-14 SHIRTS, C I PR NOW . . O I iD J shirts, odc now.. . 31.03 ALL STRAW HATS LESS THAN ONE-HALF Out-of-Town Mail Orders Filled From This and All Our Ads If Received Within Three Days of Date Telephone us where quanti ties are limited. Royal Banquet ButterOregon's Finest MakeToday, a Roll, 65c FAST BACON. I ROILED HAM, FAT REMOVED. VICTOR COFFEE, POPULAR OQ. I WAX BEANS. V I C T O H. I fl ICALITORXIA LEMON, D J.l?r.?- yyVif! I SI'.LV' D TO order, theic- I 35c blend, today. potrND.. I dozes the can IUC I size, the dozen BREAKFAST BACON STREAKED WITH LEAN, 001 JA STRIPS. THE POUND.... 2 DRIED BEEF. GOLD COIN, I 1)1 IN JARS, DOZ. l.40. JAR... I 2" POUND dJU ICTOR PEAS. NO. 2 CANS. uUiifc.-'M Hl.lO, THE CAN lOc OREGON CHEESE. TILLAMXlK MAKE. POUND S P E C I ALLY I 0 PRICED FOR TODAY AT I OU SOLID TOMATOES. GRIF FON. NO. CANS. THEOC DOZEN Sc. THREE CANS...43w CALIFORNIA LEMONS. SS0 in- SIZE. THE DOZEN 60c SOCIETY CHOCOLATES, 10n ONE-POUND BOXES iu Rimrit, Mxtfc-M. Illdx. Toilet Requisites SPE- 59c 69c 69c tl0 HERIICIDE. CIAL AT II HAYS' HAIR HEALTH AT II W Y ETH'S SAGE AND I SULPHUR. lie HOLMES' FROSTILLAie- FOR ID" 60c DAGGETT & KAMS-4En DELLS CREAM 60t- JAVA RICE FACE POWDER. !5o SWANSDOWN FACElOo POWDER luy 15c HIKERS TOOTHin, POWDER. I U !5c SHEFFIELD'S TOOTH I C PASTE I 3U l&c 4711 WHITE ROSE I GLYCERINE SOAP. lie PEARS' UNSCENTEDI n SOAP IUl SaVs'.'REMOYAL prices Flrat Klovr. Milh-M. Hide. 33c 12c M. & Fs $1.00 Stationery 59c 100 SHEETS PAPER. tS GOLD EDGED uakijs, ui EX.rn, V ELOPES Foil 3 3m 4'c CRANES CORRESI-OND-E N C E CARDS. ANNAN- O I n DALE BRAND. I.O . . . ZIC Sic LINEN BATISTE POUND PAPER. S SHEETS 1'1'KEO I - LINEN PAPER I C ISo LINEN BATISTE ENVEL OPES TO MATCH ABOVE O - POUND PAPER. PKO OC 3nc DOZEN NUT CUPS RED PINK. Y E L L O W. ETC- I Q THE DOZEN NOW I o ROLLS S H E L F P A PER. ASSORTED COIjOKS. NOW C TWO ROLLS FOR 0C 0c AUTOG R APH ALBUMS, GOOD ASSORTMENT TO0Q CHOOSE FROM. NOW. . . Mr C.ol.D - Elv-.K LINEN I'irt BATISTE PAPER, BOX.... 0)3 C Flrmt I'lMr.llkl. Bid. lUSE THE ESCALATORS (MOVING STAIRWAYS) THEY ARE EASY TO RIDE UPON AND AS SAFE AS WALKING ACROSS THE FLOOR 5