Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Fu rn itaed Roonu,
TRAVELKRS destrlnr a -Quiet hotel with
very modern convenience, 'right In the
heart of the city and yet on a quiet cor
ner, with no streetcars passing on either
street and at rates which tit the times,
will find a welcome waiting them at
lllth. Street at titark.
ROOM REGISTER, listing several hundred
in an pans ok ma city at i . -so., c. a. ;
also those In the association fireproof
buildinar. with shower baths, swimrulnc
pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms
at s i.ou to per ween aouoie, wnn
Individual beds, or 2.oQ to $4.0ii per week
Corner 11th and Stark, week and up;
elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat.
telephone connection In each room; no
extra cnarge lor two in a room; room auu.
bath $1 day ; transient solicited.
11th and Yamhill: beautiful uarlor smite,
with bath and shower; large single rooms
with and without bath, private pnones,
elevator service, $2.60 to $t per week.
Ownership management. Main 6&3.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill. Desirable downtown location. Re
spectable and strictly modern. Room
rates $1 per day, s-i per wcpk. witn pri
vate bath $1-50 per day, $.".30 per week.
tV24 "Washington st, Select location; all
outside, cool, clean, quiet, well-furnished
rooms; running water, phones, public or
private baths; $2.50 week up, 50c day up.
735 Washington,
Family hotel; hot and cold water and
phone in every room rooms without bath,
$10 up; with bath, $15 up.
Single rooms $2.o0 and up, with private
toath $3.50 and up; Individual telephones;
respectable transient solicited.
Morrison st.. at loth Central location;
REDUCED RATES, 5JC per day up; week
ly, $.50 up; neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths; steam heat.
Northeast corner Stark and 11th.
Modern outside rooms J3 weekly and up.
Large ground-floor lobby.
100 12TH ST,
Modern; special reductions on all rooms;
$2 per week and up. Marshall 2790.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel
mont Rooms $10 monthly, up with
private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe
in connection. Phone East 323.
Cool, comfortable, airy rooms, free
phones,, bath, $2 week, $8 month and up.
East Morrison st., near Grand ave.
Cleanliness an.l comfort; $3 per week up.
HOTEL CORDOVA, 289 11th Bt. Strictly
modern; .private baths en suite; rooms $3
up. Main 1H72. A 47b3.
MAXWELL Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern;
use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. llu'-i.
CLEAN attlo room, phone, bath, hot water;
$1.26 per week. 101 14th st.
HOTEL NORRIS, 5&3V Alder. Modern out
side rooms, $2 per week up.
HOTEL GRANT, 4G1 WashlnRton. Mod
ern, clean rooms, all conveniences; $2.50 up.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
MODERN HOME, newiy furnished rooms
with sleeping porch, walking distance,
reasonable. Main 2Ctf, 8 A. M. to 1 P.
LARGE airy room to refined business
woman, home privileges, use of kitchen,
modern, walking distance. Marshall 3401.
HANDSOMELY furnished front room In a
new Irvlngton home, suitable for refined
lady or gentleman. Phone East 6720.
THREE clean, well situated outside fur
nished rooms, good plumbing, reasonable.
C 3 547. .
FOR gentleman, exquisite front room, large,
modern home, references exchanged. East
o77('. .
LA KGB front alcove room, ue of kitchen
nice home; walking distance. 1111 Halsey
at., cor. Larrabee st. East 2G3u.
FINE sleeping porch, 2 beds, with sitting
room, mod. ; W. Park. Mar. 4215.
NICE furnished front room, modem con
veniences, $12 month. 404 Clay, near 10th.
NICELY furnished room, modern, $S month.
254 North 20th St.
N EATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis
1 tance, phone, $1.50 per week. 429 6th st.
3-7 SIXTH Larye, airy, modern rooms, $12
FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, very
reasonable. 734 E. Main.
44H TAYLOR ST. Nice, large, airy front
room, close in, reasonable, modern.
MCELY furnished rooms, single, double,
mod., reasonable. 3S9 Taylor. Main t034.
MCE front rooms. If you are thinking of
moving, cai 1 sl Glisan before deciding.
FRONT suite or single room, good location,
modern. Marshall 4753. 745 Moyt.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, good
home ; references; Nob Hill. 71S Johnson.
ELEGANT front room ; could have break
fast. Call E. 5221).
LIGHT, airy basement room, ?1 week. 405
VV. Park.
ROOM and sleeping porch, cheap. Main 4177.
Rooms With Board.
Washington at 23d st.
A charming family and transient hotel
of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep
arate tables ; extremely reasonable rates;
w orth investigating. Main 75S4. A TUlili.
A modern. FIREPROOF residence hotel,
American plan; on carllne; 10 minutes
from business center; price in accord
with general business conditions.
23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall ESI.
Beautiful lawn, fine trees. Just the place
to get well; porches sun and sleeping.
Indorsed by best physicians. 5ti7 Prescott
st. Wood lawn 1 &.
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table.
A ti-11. Main 4011.
WEAVER family hotel, 710 Wash. ; private
hath and phone ; all new and first-class
home cooking : special Summer rate, $1 a
day to tourists.
The Whitehall. 253 6th St., has a fine
table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a
real home ; reasonable rates.
ROOM and board for young women, with
library, laundry and sewing privileges,
5u xer week. Phone East 47"-.
WELL-FU KNISH ED front room for 1 or 2
gents: breakfast if desired. Main 4122.
Rooms With Hoard in private Family.
LA RGE outside room, excellent board, .new
house, new furniture, piano, furnace heat,
10 minutes ride, Hawthorne car; rates
very reasonable. 304 East 2nd, near Haw
thorne. Phone East 036.
FINE large front room with board for two.
Every convenience ; hot and cold water
and phone in room. Shower bath, use of
piano, etc. ; reasonable. S44 Salmon st.
Main 4504.
LADY with nice- home would give a moth
er's care to child from 2 to 6 years of
age ; price reasonable; no other children.
Phone Tabor 2289.
LARGE front room, modern conveniences,
with board, reasonable ; suitable for two
young ladles. Call East 5G00 for particu
lars. 3 GOOD rooms with large closet for young
men ; modern and reasonable. Main 672 6.
263 13th st.
PLEASANT sleeping porch and very nicely
furnished rooms, with or without board.
Phone Marshall 3857.
ROOM and board for young men In modern
home, excellent table, easy walking dis
tance, reasonable. Phone East 1S75.
ARE you desiring a newly-furnished room
in Nob Hill district with board. Call at 6Sti
Everett or phone Marshall 2867.
"WAN TED Gentlemen to board and room
In elegant homo, all modern conveniences,
best ot home cooking, phone Tabor 444!.
MCELY furnished rooms with good board,
by widow with no children. 422 Va Jeffer.
son st. Main 6746.
PLEASANT rooms, $0 a month. Rooms with
good meals, $22.50. Mar. 2705.
GIRL to room and board,
$1S. Sell wood
LARGE, airy front room, suitable for two;
all home privileges. Ml Morrison st.
ROOM and ooarfl In private family. 232
10th. Main tU79. A 2865.
FOR business girls or students, $4 week up.
"Anna Lewis" Hall, 510 Flanders st.
LARGE room, 2 beds, new house, near
Multnomah Club; reasonafcle. Main 2211.
ROOM and board near East 12th and Mar
ket. Ladd Addition. Phone East 4S42.
BEAUTIFUL larre front room, also nice
rooms, twin beds. 311 11th, .Mar. 20ns.
BEAUTIFUL, large rooms, with board, 5
up. Main 63S1. 501 Harrison, near 14th st.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman;
meals if desired. 89 Flanders. Main 14R6.
ROOM, board, private home, sleeping porch;
2 ejiti&xa&n, did i-add ave. Last
Furnished Apartment.
10 th and Salmon tots.
Is quiet,
u!ar, well
house of
refined, clean, safe, pop
known and of the highest
Not the cheapest but a
quality, comfort and serv-
Month. Week. Day.
$:) to $.'0 $10 up $2. uu up
4i to 16 up 2..0 up
So to b 20 up 3. DO up
lb and up G up l.uu up
2 - room.
3- roum.
4- room .
5th and Columbia Sts.
5 min. wal k to Meier & Frank store;
nice surroundings ; just the thing for
Summer; strictly modern 2 and 3-room
furnished apts., all outside, with Frencn
doors and balconies.
Day Week. Month.
Rates reasonable. Marshall 510.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof garden In connection.
Walking distance. References.
Furnished or unlurnlbhed 3-room apart
ments; linen, silverware, private phone and
bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union
Depot of Eatt Side apartmeuts. cor
ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172.
ONLY' 1S to $25 per month or $. to $7 per
week, completely furnUhed housekeeping
two-room apts., including elect ic lights,
heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new
brick blag., 15 minutes from P. O. Lincoln
Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 410
WASHINGTON GRAND 2-rooiu furnished
apts., $12 per mo. up; just rebuilt, modem,
clean, very desirable; hot and cold water,
heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave.
and E. Washington st. Phone East 4441.
MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Mont
gomery sis. ; strictly modern, ail outside
furnished 2-room apts., electric elevator,
bent service, close in; $li to $25; free
lights. Main t46u.
Two and three-room furnished apart
ments, all outside rooms, modern, cool,
clean, light, airy; reduced rales. Phone
Marshall 0220.
CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th
New, modern; steam heat, private baths,
laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3
roum apts.; 10 min. from business center;
save carfare; rates moderate; reference.
Cor. Park and Taylor.
Handsomely furnished 2, 3 and 4-room
suites; best location in city; reasonable.
HARRIM AN Apartments, 104 24th st. N.
One large 3-room, alt modern, furnished
apt., with large porch, also 2 disappear
ing beds and sleeping porch. Rclerences.
Main 306.
3-4 room apts., thoroughly modern and
clean; roof garden, sand boxes for chil
dren ; 2.'V up. Conducted by owner.
C-ROOM apartment, all outside rooms, iotf
Flanders, Maryland Apts.; large back and
front porches; Nob Hill district. Call
Main 6201.
WELL-FURNISHED, best-arranged 4-room
ior rent in roruanu; eievatea sue;
southern exposure; separate entrance; se
lect neighborhood. Main "JOOU. A 314J.
GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave.
Nicest furnished three-room apts., private
phone and bath, walking distance; prices
moderate. Phone Eat 2uS.
buck-: Hartford" apts., 107 n. sist. 3
and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
balcony, sleeping porch, elevator, walking
Park st., at Madison.
Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments, close in; by week or month.
$20 month up; modern 3 and 4-room
apartments, complethely furnished. Ib'J N.
23d, corner Kearney. Marshall
044 Everett, bet. 2uth and Ella sts.; fur
nished 3-room apts., with or without sleep
ing porch; modern.
CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay.
Two rooms; light, pleasant and well fur
nished; walking distance; $2u to $23.00.
Main &7o7.
14th and Columbia.
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished,
first-class; reasonable rates. Main 733.
HLSLOP HALL, cor. East Cth and Haw
thorne 2 and 3-room upts. ; private baths
and phone; also si nle rooms ; well fur
nished ; $12.50 up. Phone East 6S2.
B E RKE LEY APTS. 30 Trinity Place; 2
and 3-room apts. ; light and pleasant ;
balconies; central; $17. to 130.00. Mar
shall lOoO.
11th St., corner Hall; elegantly furnished
apartments ; private phone, bath and bal
cony porches; $ls and up.
NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones,
light, linen, gas. hot water always; $.0o
to $5.50 week. 170-i 2d, nr. Mop., 4th fioor.
COMFORTABLY furnished 2 and 3-room
apts., $12. u0 up, including hot and cold
water, lights and phone. 323 Mill st.
THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished
ii, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rate
in city. Corner N. Huh and Northrup.
HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th st. By the
day, week or month; modern, close to P.
O. ; reasonable; ref. Marshall 2o52.
3-ROOM apartment, all outside rooms, pri
vate nam, i'acmc pnones, i.o up. xaoor
0003, B lu35.
20S 10th st., near Taylor; Marshall 2324;
3, 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur. apts.
Modern, 2 rooms, special rate for July
and Aug. 17th and Marshall. Mar. 4043.
Modern furnished two-room apartments,
$22.50 up; close in. Main 22hti.
WELLINGTON ANNEX, 10th and Everett
Two rooms, newly furnmhed; hardwood
floors, walking distance; $22. On. Main 140.
NEW furnished apartments; concrete block;
u ana u union ave. n.
ARDMAY TERRACE, 12TH First-class
in every respect; attractive rates.
CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build-
ins; 2. 3-room apts., $It to $.iu. Mar. 2117.
TWO rooms, private bath, porch, lawn. Lot
water. 443 llassalo st.
4-ROOM APT. w itli front porch, fireplace
ana nice yarn, woouiawn
JACKSON BUNGALOW 5-room modern
ilat, heat, walking distance. 4 a 4 11 th.
Unfurnished Apartments.
on Lucretia st., loo feet north of 23d and
Wash., most beautifully located high-clasa
apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, all large outside
rooms, 2 apartments newly xuriushed ,
prices reasonable; references required ;
see them before locating. Manager, Mar
shall 1013.
Head of Ring St.
Mo ft modern and fashionable apartment-house
in Portland ; absolutely fire
proof. Three to 7 -room unfurnished apart
ments. NEW, strictly modern. hot-watr heat, 3.
6 rooms, built-in breakfast rooms, sleep
ing porches, gas ranges, large porcnes,
near Jefferson High, . reasonable. Wood
lawn 4227.
STEVENS APT. 6 lArge outside rooms, front
and back, private porches and sleeping
porch, heat, hot water and phone. tjl
Nortnrup, near 24th.
320 10TH ST., near Clay 0 large rooms, oak
floors, front veranda, sleeping porch,
range, refrigerator, heat, hot water. Strict
ly modern. Just completed.
ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef
ferson E leu ant unfurnished apartments
first-class service, private phone ; ref.
BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup; six out
side rooms, hardwood floors, veranda,
beautifully located. References. Main 4U0S.
K.EELEK APTS., 14th and Clay sts. Now is
the time to secure hlh-grade permanent
apartments; references. Mar. 0703.
THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders.
Large, light, 5, 6-r. reas. M. 7516, A tiTu.
6-ROOM apt., 3 bedrooms, outside rms., two
porches, hardwood floors, refs. Mar. 170a.
THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson, 3, 4. to
rooms, reasonable. Mar. 336o. A 2676.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment.
GRACE APARTMENT, 24th and Northrup;
ft large unfurnished rooms, sleeping porch
and all modern conveniences ; one 3-room
furnished apartment. Marshall 1070.
ROSEN FEUD APTS., 34th and East Stark
Brick bldg.. and strictly modern; 3 and
4-room apts., large rooms, private phone
In each apt. ; reasonable rent ; references.
Nice, clean, cool, airy 2 and 3-room
apts.: strictly modern ; $20 to J30. Elevator,
excellent service. Marshall 57, A 548.
SHEFFIELD Apartment, 270 Broadway 0
blocks to business center; best location In
Portland; furnished and unfurnished; ali
rents reduced. Main 20O3. A 3 1 4 y.
632 FLANDERS, modern 6-room apt., sleep"!
lng porch, low rent ; also 4-room, com
fortably fur, apt. $20 mo.; Nob Hill.
4 AND 5-room apts. with sleeping porches.
185 E. 15th. near Yamhill st.
THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms,
furnished or not. E. 14th and Yamhill.
KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st. 3 snd 4
rooms; high class, references. Main 2"58.
MEREDITH 3 and 4-room snts.. very rea
sonable. 712 Wash., opp. d. Main 7184.
REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and
3 rooms ; reasonable ; modern service.
W ('STOMA New 2 and 3-room apartments.
60S t. Main 5041,
Furnished or L"nfumlfh'l Apartments.
S13-R21 Morgan Bldg.
Furnished and un turn 1st ted apart men is
In all parts of the city; great variety ol
locations, sizrs snd prices. Our free auto
mobile at your service in visiting any of
our apartments.
Main 2U15. A 2015.
T 1 1 EB A rtk EH, corner of 21st and Irvi n
Furnished and unfurnished apartments in
2. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick ; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing Lens,
built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty
of closet room, vacuum cleaner lre.
Phone Marshall 2'J01.
Largest most homelike, tilh-cliss apts.
In city, furnished and unfurnished.
Sleeping porches. Walking dlatanc.
THE ROYAL ARMS, JUi.h and Lovejoy
The newest at.d most up-to-date apis, in
Portland, hard wood floors, balconi . etc. ;
all rents moderate; 1 2-room, $1 .&0 ; 1
3-room, $3o. Marsnalt S'.Jll.
KINGSBURY APT., IHH Vista ave., off
Washington St., 3 and 4 rooms, unfur
nished, by month ; 1 furnished 3-room ;
will rent by day, week or month ; private
balcony, high-class neighborhood; man
aged by owners ; reasonable rML
12th and Harrison.
Finest partm"n-houe on Pacific Coast ;
beautiful location, strictly modern, walk
Ins. diwt.mce. references. M. H1'1, M. io.2.
THE ORMONDE; 5-room apts., furnished
and unfurnished; 00 tt lauuers. Nob Him
M. 8201.
TWO 6-room. modern flats for rent, unfur-
ntsneu. nice and clean, just having oeen
painted and tinted throughout; 0 minutes
w a: king distance; rent very reasonable;
includes hot and cold water. Janitor serv
ice, etc. ; also has f 1 replace; to see these
iiais. can at o-J..-.n vvasninfrion iireei.
For further particulars call at the office of
106 Second st.
MODERN 5-room f:at, adjoining Ladd's Ad
dition, all c jnvemenCM. furnace, fireplace,
gas and electric lights, gas ranite and
heater, large rooms, rent only $20. ZH
E. ilst St.. off Hawthorn. Mam- Oi(7.
MODERN 6-room flat in fine condition,
range, window nhaues. 209 Vs Halsey ; on ly
10 minutes' walk to Union depot; $15. In
cluding water. East 3612.
FOR RENT Two-room flat, 31 East Mh.
corner E. Burn side. Also 6-room cot lac.
447 East Burnslde. Keys Woodward. 104
2d St.
BA lUJi I N in flats, cen t rally located, near
Broadway Bridge; 4 rooms and bat h.
water, garbage, phone; $12. Inquire 200
h-rry hl
MOI'KKN, close-in 4 and 0-room f lat s, fur
ntfbed and unfurnished; $17.00 and $2o;
s'neping porch, free phone. East 3737.
CLEAN 0-roorn modern flat, sleep in k porch,
fireplace, furnace, ga.i range; reduced, rent.
207 E. 2lst. East ti731.
W A LN U T PA R K Modorn 4-root n flat,
built-in furniture, gas ranee, linoleum,
reasonable. 314 Wytcant. Wood "awn 270O.
$12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close
to school and carllne ; desirable location.
Osden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202.
UPPER flat, extra laro, all light rooms;
Xob Hill district. 7&0 Johnson. Phone
Main 7S2Q or A-IB!'.
EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 0-roorn lower
flat ; good neighborhood ; close in. Phone
Eait 1315.
ONE furnished 5- room f !at. $20; one un
furnished flat, $20. 7ul Everett. Mar
shall 3131.
MODERN 0 and ('.-room flat, very reasonable,
corner lt h and Everett.
MODERN 6-room flat; also b-room house.
Inquire 175 10th st.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st.
inquire i3v mn st. Phone Main 027
MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near City park;
reasonable. Main Sb33, A 2fi76.
WEST SIDE modern flat, best part city.
204 N. 20th. corner Northrup.
MODERN nine-room flat. 5 bedrocms, 7 0
Cornell st. Main 40'.4.
MODERN 4-roorn fiat. East 4242. &C4 East
ELEGANT flat, 5 rooms, hot water beau
Call 772 Kearney.
Furnished Flat.
MODERN 5-room f:at, neatlv furnLsheU
newly painted and tinted. 294 y Margin,
fronting on river; only 10 minutes' walk
to L'nlon depot; $2, Including water.
001 TAYLOR St.. near 17th; G-room fur
nished flat, circassan ainut and fumed
oak furniture. upholstered in Spamsn
leather, piano, $30.
VERY pleasant. clean( weii lighted five-room
furnished flat, sieepln porch, ? as stove,
bath, etc. Inquire 772 E. Taylor. East
.V2;.. Only $ls.
FULLY furnished flat. lnclud Ing piano,
phone, sewing machine, garage, water,
heat and garbage removal, call Kat 47s.
NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat; has
nice porch, fireplace, furnace and low
rent. Call 441 11th st.
5-ROOM modern lower f iat ; nicly fur
nished, including piano: some yard ; 047
ttth (West Stdry. T-' pticne Mnin 70".
PORTLAND HEIGHTS car to post 18, walk
to end of Terrace Drive, 4-room nicely
furnished flat, piano, $16.
4-KuOM upper flat, nicely furnished, clean
and homelike : piano, phone and water.
East 12th st. N.
ONE furnished 5-room flat, $20; one un
furnished fiat, $2u. 7ul Everett. Mar
shall 3141.
$20 NEW modern 4-room flat, porch. V
block from I. J. Chapman car. 000 Market.
$18 THREE rooms, new, modern, clean,
completely furnished. 070 Mill. Main 044?.
3-ROOM modern furnished C-at, very desir
able. Lei 1 wood 7 ort.
ELEGANTLY furnished 5-room fiat. Includ
ing piano, very low rent. 0S7 Olisan st.
MOI'KKN 5 or ft-room furnished fiats, b E.
12th st. X. Marshall 717, A 7131.
Housekeeping Room.
$1 TO $2.50 week, clean, furnished houne-
Keeping rooms, suitable lor 2 or 4 ; icas,
free heat, laundry, bat h, yard. East 6o3U.
4Q6 Vancouver, 2t'3 Stanton. "U" car.
Bl'SIlM ARK. 060 Washington Completely
lurni.ind housekeeping rooms, $2 week
up, walking
FURNl-SHED housekeeping rooms. cheap.
Cambridge bid g.,3d. cor. Morrison.
2-0 1 1TH Furnished h. k. rooms and
cheap furnished rooms; walking distance.
461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and
two-room housekeeping apts.; reasonable.
G I LM N HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished
housekeeping rooms cheap; fl.SO week up.
THE ELMS. im 14lh st. 'J rooms, clean,
bath, phone, lights; $14 up.
ROYCRES tT170 1 2 1 h. Mod e rn singl e and
double H. K. rooms, reasonable.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
$10 MO., cooking gas Included, 3 connecting
rooms, furnished complete for housekeep
ing, private entrance. 731 Rodney, near
Fremont. East 71 10.
$10.00 THREE rooms completely furnished.
neat, ciean, newiy unieu ; private bat 11.
Phone, icas ratine. Phone or cail 12b East
l!th. near Morrison. E. 0046.
$13 NICE 3-room npartment, private home
West Huh st., walking distance and cars;
Includes light, water and phone. Main
063 o.
$16 KuL'K clean, comfy, furnished room. 2
bedrooms, stationary tubs. gas. yard; 240
E. 37 1 h, near Main. Tabor 17 ..
LARGE, llcht. airy attic room for light
housekeeping. $7 month; also other H. iw.
rooms. 4v5 W. Park.
$12 FREE HEAT. -lCtric lights, phone. 2
large rooms, adjoin bath, walking dis
tance. ti30 E. orrlson, corner J7th.
$li WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping
uni uii.-ciiit-iii 11. v. room. oy-
Everett, cor. Huh. M;iin 330H.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
$10 month. including everything tl7
;iinn st.
$10 MONTH Completely furnished, 2 or 8
moms, lawn, roses, bath, lights. Main
3-ROOM suite, with rugs, garage; ch-ap.
East 340L 20u East 23d. corner East
DON'T SEARCH Exceptionally well fur
nished modern suite, complete kitchen.
407 Jefferson.
$2 PER WEEK Neat h. k. suite, completely
furnished. 4! Clay.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
$10. 3 for $12 015 Clay.
TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms. 30
East Pth North; large yard and phone.
NICE, furnished, 3-rooin suite, on beautiful
street. 44 Park st.
3-ROOM H. K. suite, cool, clean, cosy, walk
ing dist.-ince. East li2. 13 East 7th st.
LARGE, light, clean h. k. room, water; also
sleeping room. 712 Hoyt.
1 0 R 2 rooms with kitchenette; all modern
conveniences. Marshall 441'". 4'.l Taylor.
THREE partly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 0;3 Kearney, cor. loth. Mar. 07M.
TWO H. K. rooms. rtfriy furnished, central.
3'H Jefferson st.; $2.00 Wek.
TWO nice clean housekeeping rooms, electric
light, every convenience. 214 13th.
LAROE room, completely furnished for light
housekeeping ; no children. 2iS 12th.
OOOD clan boi-eckeeplng roomi nt $1.75
up. Cat! at J Cay - or 22': W. Park.
Pi.E .-'ANT. lieht housekeeping, a" new an1
modern; reasonable. 35J Tailor. Main tiuoi.
7:30 o'clock Saturday evening
and 9 o'clock other evenings is
the closing hour for accepting
Classified Ads, for proper classi
fications for the next day's issue.
Classified advertisements ac-
cepted after these
run under the
Housekeeping It 00 ma ia I'rivMte Family.
'1 o irunl rooms, a'U, new, sleWuc-iorin,
ieautly furnished, sink, r until tig kur
in ronis, nlvTan,1 lin-n. c run,
electricity. hur,dr. furnace heat, lj n-
:td st.
TWo liirgu, II lit. housekeeping rooms.
K. On K.
$10 4 rooms. 41J'J 4jin ave., 8. E, WW
car to Howe statiun.
li o rooms, 144 3 Garfield ave., near
$10 7 rooms, large yard. 423 E. liurn
side st.. near 7 th.
15 7 rooms, modern. 7007 &0th ave.
S. K.. Ml. acott car.
$10 6 rooms, modern, 017 Commercial
St.. nivr Kmndena.
7sy K. Ash Bt., near K. 24th.
$ 10 rooms. 144 -N. lath st.. Liar
Ho t.
9 rooms. CSJ Hoyt St., near 234.
$0O U room. 4 10 K. 'J."ih St. North.
H. I. I-aLMdR-JO-NW t-'u.
401 Wilcox bid. Main 8093.
-'0. NO. 13:1 K. UNCULN.
Mod urn six-room bungalow, lire place,
hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen.
Jo. .NO. 3uO 12. ruHTV-5i-Vl'lI.
M otl ern six-rooin bun a low, XI replace,
hardwood fioor. Dutch kitchen.
9-o. bo7 Clinton, modern 0-room house,
furnace, close in.
tlit E. c'aruthers. near 30th St., modern
& room , si 5.
i'HOXE MAIN 2l70.
Oeo. A. iLoss, OerllnRer 1M.
7 KOOMS, s!eedtiff porch. West Side. cise
to 3 cars and Jitneys, new buufrulow. full
cement basemmt, furnace. washtraa.
l.irgn froiiL urcli, iliitesluss window a
ha 1 ij wood fioura, f neiiliice, bookcases,
buffet, Dutcli kitcheu. lartce hath, large
clothes clotK'ts, lare lot. beautiful ic w ;
rent o. ttM First st. Take ti. K or 4th
st. cars to Hancroft. walk, li blocks west.
Mit.iioC"St: HUNTER.
See us before you rent a p;ace to live
In. Five minutes lu our office under our
new system equals a mntii of personal
cearchinK V will show ou any prop
er! y you wish to iee. ee Hisoy,
510 tieruiiKer bld;. Main X!vl.
&-KOOM cottages, gas. electricity, cement
basement, centrally located. Just papered
an 1 nainted throuffhuut lns.Ue; 4i 1 and
413 Tlth, corner lia.l t. ; key at j9 11th
st.; rent SIS and o tacli. 1-ottk at these,
f A K K i H , V A T K IN S k 0.. 1 Ul' d l"U
2 FINE cottairs, 1 block Union ave, lo
and $12, newly tinted, neat, clean, cli
in; take Union-ave car to Ivy st. call at
410 CuiLStanc hi, UaLh. gm, electricity,
water paid.
FIVE: rooms. No. 411 11th st.. near Hall it.,
clean and desirable; ret $1S; l ey at No
4i'j 1 1 th st. i'srrUh, atklns Co..
No. 100 2d st.
CL.KA N tj-room modern house, 011 car
line, walking distance; furnace, electric,
gua. luyuliw Cb 31orrUou st. 1'uoue k.
FIVE rooms. No. 41U 11th. corner Hall St..
first-clJits contlltlon and locution; rent
FarrUh, Watkins 4k Co., loo 2d st.
FOR"rENT A 4-room house with slccplns
IKjrch lor $10 per month; partly fur
nished if decilred. 1283 E. fcalmon il
MubKKN 4-room hunijulow ; fur nice, sta
tionary tuo, conveniences. Que
garden. Tabor -.'Q.
NKW. modern, s-room house, slurping porch,
corner lUth Std iu. Wai-hmstou sts., rii
T.O it-roum motitrru d ftlintf. 1 irpi e.
lurosce, k- m wn nun. u -
way West. Frvd S. v ii.imihi. tJ 1st st.
:: h-Kuoil hcuse. IS'J loth st.. ihorougu
ly renovatetl. Inquire Oil Lovejoy.
7 iiooilS Nice corner. Simnid-; fruit and
roves, fact s east; rent I 21. fc-. aotii.
corn r f a into 11. T hor.e Tauor 1 -ou.
&.j(iM cottnKe for rent, fireplace. lutch
kitchen, bum-In con en fences. 1 loO k.
MODEHN 6-room houses, 3-2-:;'.s t?n liaXael
t. ; desirable. clu in. Kast 1 0.
Hi N N V i 0-room iiUKh-r 11 bu iiksIow, east
front. Tabor 1 :;'.. l'"o H'lmoiit.
b-IioM modern houne. 72 Lovejoy, tear
j-'d. Inquire 13u 6t ti. Aialn tIs.
67 EVKivKTT rooms, gas, electricity,
furnace ; walking dmunce. rhone Kast H.
U-U 07th, lr. Hawthorne, 7 rooms, s.eep-
ir.s; porcti. f:repkace. garsge. Kast B.
iKNTA VIL.I-A -room house, thicken run,
$7. 2 J J k:. 77th N.. Mar. 42M.
CoTTAOt l-l N. 17th, near OhJn. Key at
o ner. ?H N. 1 Oth.
7TH0OM house, 0i5 K. Taylor, cor. IJth. Key
iext door. Main 065.
$T1T N K W, bull t - In conveniences, 7 rooms.
No. 4.VJ0 7:td st. S. E. hlrland station.
5-l:uoM cottnse, f irbt-class condition, 14-V--"i
K.. Stark st.
G-K CM house, with Ktrn. Kast 0th
st. North. Call Woodlawn 1.C1.
$-0 j-ItHM modern loirr flat. ta
yhall. corner 2"th.
YkU KKNT 7 -room house. Inquire 3'.0 loin.
V.arshall 3l-'4.
ATTHACT1VK new home lu l.aareihuril,
references r"H'.iltel. Tabor ru'11.
0-H KM cotts it e, lame finrden; Ool lio t,
near lth. Call Main frJOl.
T'urni-hed liius.
F-K KENT Completely furnlslied 6-roru
bunjjaio w, fireplace, furnaee. (as heater,
hardwood floors, 1 block from Hose City
I'ark car, $3 j pt r month; children. Tabor
0i4 7:
T WO larKe. nicely furnish e ! roo m s and
d ressiutr room ; modern : ard. water. s;r
hiiKi. etc ; only $1. b7 K, Wash., cor.
Ol it beautiful modern 6-room home, com
plete, narden; Ko City line, l'J minutes;
perixianfiit .?0. I' ini. Ortnuuun,
M orKKN furnished 0-room cottage, nlno
t ma 11 private lower flat. 3 rooms, bell
wood 2. 014 K. 21st. "WR" tar.
UOsfcl CITY PAItiv 0-room bunftalfw, at
tractive location; references. TaUot 3Ui
WKST SIDE completely furnished 6-room
cottage clean, cosy, reasonable. Tabor
MODKHN 6-rin home In Irvlnston, 744
Clackamas, cor. "2l. Call between 1 and
5 i M. or phone Main 2:'T. Kent
Fl'UN ISM KV J 0-room houe In 1 and
2-room housekeeping apts. tA'O Front su
H 201.
IRVI.N'GTON Part of furnished house on
carluite. 5 rooms on ground floor; adults,
fcl a st 4 2 S 4.
5-1 too M modern house, furntsheil, wood snd
tins ranu, electricity, piano, $10; watar
paid. 411 Sumner. Woojlaw u -7.
3 KOO.MS antique mahogany, grand piano, 1
-ar or more. 7o:t Northrup.
$i0 It ENTS ft -room house, well furnished.
hath, lame yarn, iruit ana 1 toners, n i.
CoMfoilTABLY furnished hup to rent by
the week or month. Mnin 1004.
li"rKRN. 4-rrom. nicely furnished, s;od
yard. 7 41 M inuesota ave. w 00 n iawn 4"3.
7TH AND liEl.MONT 0-room cottace. $2u
pr month. Mn rsh all 4727.
Summer Heoris.
Mul NT H nJi autr" :nL'e calls any part ol
city. Vain 3.11. A
i:o 'M nri-t bos rd at (wfgo Like; large
tent hrvrc. M air 72"-.V
SAPir" 4'i.mrlci'lv fiirt, iaed
0 rooms
hours will be
Summer Iteorta.
PACIFIC V 1 r- W 1! A C H.
Cottases and trut-buusn for rent, com
pte'.e.y ?uimalie-J. from J.l.OO to 7 per
v frk, witn free wood, fine bemch. sool
fibMns; and huiuinu. pienty clsnis. ag.ui
il kf your resei u;,ou now at tH4 riotk
bM haiiKo bl'. k . 3-1 a nd Yamhiil sts.
WANTUD Vounn ii,an partner to travel
vi: ti me from iun to town. aeUlnc leatner
ielKitl(s. aiso chromo jlclure; too much
I or me to do, $ ion required , a prof list no.
ir. if resting iuii.rij; have coiup.rt ouifit
at.d mock . don t hekliate lo luvestlcate.
A 1 !.'. orconlsn.
Foil M MM Kit luliAvi
I-OiS F!t SAlX
ALilX cUKI'.KilT iiON.
vAStde. Or.
Hot KAWAY; new, neatly furnished 1 and
3-room cot :as for Auirust; electricity,
running water; also prl ale rooms. J. J.
K r!a.
Ftlt KKNT cheap, very fine modern C-room
cotaiee on lh Hoard V slic. Alex. UUbert
A: i"n. ea:de, or.
SKA.-l t.t; Cot tace. on board walk, h rooms,
t.i rir: ly nuid'tn, completely f urn 1 tied.
Phone Kut 1'20.
Foil KKNT Seaside, August, $2. nice,
rosy. 'i-mi furnished collate. M Jin 104.
li- iii iuM f r-!h i -cleaned f urr iHlnnl cotiaco.
Ni n. l.oriK ltea h. $20. 1: roadway oi'o.
EEA?ItE Modern cottage, completely" f ur
nished. every convenience. Main J749.
SfclASIIifcl h urii!h-d cottages. ovrlookliig
nean, for lent cheap. Tator 4t!.
LuNo Heac-h, lurnuihvd cottage for sea
son. .Main l'.;s.
FOli HK.N'T old Louvre restaursnt, 4th and
Alder; best location in the city. Sua Mc-
Siioi', 4.xlJ0. $40; north light; Hawthorne
u iv, near brldse. IL. N. Burpcu. Main
FIUST-ClASS denial suite to let. share one
half rwfption-roorn lih eviahlished M.
l. : central location In bu Nines district ;
naonah!c rental. K WT. Oregon lan.
FL'ltNIillED private office. $10 "monthrTiso
desk room cheap. Stock Kxchauge, Jid
and Yamh 111.
WKI.Ii - FUKNISHKO private offlc
dt-sk room. and $. 72J Clian
; a.o
her ot
v ommerce.
OFFICES Slo up; furnished offices and desk
room; fr.-e phone; very reasonable; Fori-
land'sLusit:t corner. 203 is wetland bldg.
WILL, rent H furnished office for H of
my rent. fl"." Yeon bids.
M lscellsuieoas.
Foit it KNT fur Sand Co. bam, Uth and
Fit Flanders. Stable room for 10 horses.
lnrx2uo ft. lnquir 210 Hoard of Trade.
FoK SAL. hi Fstn hit shed ffeneral merchnn
dine and luiniivr yard ; in vol re about
Slu.Ooo; in wtii-lornted Id:tUo town, do
ins; payliiR huaineas; will sell all or half
intercut; deal mtu owner. Address AV
4;s. OresTonian.
Al'bllluNAL capital desired in automobile
busmess; four of the best lirvc-s In the
country now handled ; no experience re
quired, but want a hustler. Ar Ore-
$av0 SACl;IFlCfcl 9 .K)
onfertlnnrry. soia fountain, tolacco,
etv.; situated at good transfer point and
niSKlnic money. 711 Washington. Fhon
A 7-(J..
Foil I1 A LE Idaho coui,tr- newpMper and
Job eh op ; farm and dairy country; two
ojd papers; good run state work,
well riuipped. 1'art rtih, balance long
time. AV 4. Oret:onisiu
1CK N KS fiKcn rare opportunlt, conf c
t loner y and cttrar at and In low n of !.
lu Katcr?i htnton. heart of Ialoue
w heut !o. t. t est location, cheap r-nt. do
in k 44 O to glo rr day. Invoice about
rajh. aV 4."7.
Al. Tt'NKHtll.E lirsi.NEd ow ner wants
ober. energetic man as partner to 1tn
ontrte ar.d show cars; wi:l pay you from
90 to Htn a month and trh you tn
Lumner this Is a fine opportunity . only
J..O result C.'C.l 1117 Railway Kichanti.
MuIKHN plant, doing good buil-n-sk,
tor sale reasonable: prefnt owner
Is com I led to st?ii on account of .or
hal.h. owner. 1. O. boa 141, Cottage
irovf, Or.
ON t-HAl.r l.STKKtT lu ltd offlc t.usl
e; om ner (Inirtt an active partner to
attend phone and meet custom- rn . smail
iii ! mc ut reiuird and rood references.
('!) 317 Hat wjtjr Kit huncc
r'K SALE My Interest In w-:i--uupea
poultry plant. Inclnaing .ease, poultry.
lix-tok. crop and fruit; a snap for
f :.:.. lt.x 1 aneouvf r. Wash.
I'H M Ml.Sii SHOP, low rent, long tal
I hed. i-pa Keo Inlu-ied ; will a-rl-f
U- all for "ali lit 3 Ium ber E-
Cas,i t ;i c Kit V. no !: t er , dome good
l-Uinen; owner mult Pell. OH ICCuuM of
w ifrt u sicHnen: a reat t aritaln at 17.
MIT. I.timler Kifhunf.
1'AHTNKlt wanted in cash business to de
li vr Koo-1" and Collect ; must b ssi lf led
to make $.'0 wecic Cs.l room J-J Mot can
W A N TF.L A partner to k-r p!am ac
rounii and look sfier ch in old estab
lished bu:nc; aaiary 1m( month;
prt.'lts. C all r'-om Z :9 Morgan birtg
1'A li T N Kit wanted in f f ice cf tourmc r
jjto.iry. hiilna la wll etabllihe.t ; this
require unit il lnventment; ery profitable.
n i I Y4ii .tsrk it.
ACT-MOIilI.K rrjatr hulnes. partner
wn nte.1 ; 111 ft -.ti1 Inrt-st 1; rttlon , only
f:;j. required. Call ?- Stark t
IF ou I. ave a nice l!ttl confectionery to
ern. will pay catiu Moul Investment Co.
Man M2t.
ol little A Uier-st. r'turanl( low r nt.
r.iif p'" fr man and wiie, price oo
Ca : I 11. 'd I.uml er Kxchsnre
. fine location. Wet
lukT ror.J t'liKlnvss:
1 1 v li.K-room.
xi-t. nil ;t"
1. I'm her Kxrhanue.
ItESTAt RANT wants partner to be cashier,
etc. : fiood pa v ; very little monc y re
quired. It 00m 3- Morg a n bids;.
PA UT N Kit want e-1 to tend the yard, rhk
the loads of gravel, etc.; pay $iiO month,
Itoom 39 Morgan bldft
LAVNDRY route and wagon for sale at
bargain; with beta laundry tn rlty. and
rie bulne. .". AH tMVJ. Oregonlsn.
WILL trade gool close-in rooming-house
for small grocery store. A1C Vti , Ore
gon (an.
TO rent by the week or month. Ford deliv
ery cars ; only reooneibl buslne firms
or storea need apply. N i7,C,regonlan:
G RoiKIt Y, delicatessen and calf ectionery. 2
.living nnmi; for ss!e chesj. account ill
health. By owner, 342 Rusaell st.
TACK ANT; good lorstlon. oid rutab
lihed. cheap nut; 4'J0. AI- J3. ore-
g on tart.
WANTED Farmer with 20oO to tk- half
lntert In eptsbU."hed mtnulacturlni
huamsa. H Orejon!an.
Dry rooa. furn!aMng. notion, st t hn1Mv
1 iMnke!plel Co.. Sherlock bldg., room lit
A FN A V -ton truck; I! T t Te money re
quire d ; easy termi. Call 4 Washington.
Grand Ave. North.
jiOMK hakerv erd cfrf-cMftnirv. price $100;
a up, itkns, biZ V ssIiick ion.
MIST PR POI,D Ialry lunch and restau
rant business, now paying per cent
N KT on the price we uK; t his businea.
tonilata of a chain of t sting place lu
I'orttaud owned t- a corporation w nose
afialra have been placed In our inni.i to
Cio up, and if interested In this lire ot
business, call or rit TI1H AlUCST
M elN r BL KtC A U of tne Fort ia no. A n.
'f Credit Men, Co Com'l. bioc k.
A M AN ceclrous of attaining position tnt
hs a biK future, w tin largo iuiomoM.
concern ii'eratirn blench hotis,- .n me
"oL. l'eroiiM4.iy snd c ducat Ion
st ntlHl requisite. Prefer man of prom
inence, pood famll. l'rcf ei ence will t e
Kha thoso who tan iriwt mu I amount
T money and are will.nt; to ituni. C
1 rit'ntNP.
MACHINISTS, mo lucre. oaJurkc;s, a.s )
f v tin ski. led workmen for iiumobne
fctor ; iifjcy tinp.u) meiit. bvt w a;e.
t"ice;a.r wnn our yioiu-snariiig;
mill investment wiiu aaxuuin c:ur:i
at ; per cent interest iruirvd. Krio,
statin k axv, experience, amount mo..t
ou can invest, uiarra or sm.e. N
o: csoiisn.
W A N T K I I have an opt ton on one of the
bvat autom tn.e aii-tti.Kj In I ort.-nd tnt
cotttro.s tti b-il .ine vt trucks snd iUa
ui w cars on in iii arkeu UouUt cot.s;ii-r
partner with aiiiui to handle Una. U
our coni 11; un;-u : ion at 01 eatn:an oil c.
'I he comian ui th c.uoi invoLl
i o. a t Or Kon;n,
CAUTION. 11 L Y fc 1 i S.
Ftefore closing ucl for so-ca;ied Interest
In titaU.siii-'l ffi catsie bus.nvas set ad
ce of 1'ort.and Hea.t IM. ard.
FAI L. a. CuWuli.L. ecty.
Bis Chamoer of Coruiucr b ill.
A l- j lc; uro l ii l 1 . Il . coui.t
s't town, Ott,on. pop. tetoo, cuuiiu.i
Miieui and picture bwlness; only
ro.npetition ore small picture show,
si'.c u did luvotment . reuir a caiu to
bandl. AV 4. J. o: rfO!,.!i.
A L To repair and macoine e:iop for rent or
would sell, if ou lit tne t.:rit man jou
can koep small crew busy a. I th lime;
over .' car oners to ursw iioiu, N
FoK tsALK Dairy iu::ch. so-vj business,
some .arms. Appl -4-1 ; M or r Ln.
Jt oK At a barta.ii, on account of
s.ckn s, a 1 outn.ui- buur . al
inouvrn c tie;tKM.a; ojutr i.y loatco ;
iotig ioaae. cm a itut, Ap.y 1 4 N.
1'lwr.e iir. nlw ay Zi.
M it s. u " t;. ll nt!
Lxadlng; lintel-A isrtnw:.t-nouse Agent.
iot.i liuer and je..r protected,
iluest Ke.:at. A;cucy In Citv.
J09-9 N. W. iak b.afc . t:i and Morrison.
Al'AliTMhM'-iiutL, i.o" li
t ion. lit r Km, ail f u.. wortu s-.i
Tor $2w 1 1: is week ; ia:il y fiacc for otd
l-'pi". v'ail ni." Uumirr
ti-KuUM hotel, centrally located, cheap
tent, for si a bargaiu or will take
partner. Cs.l Z j Nurtn ta it
14 KooMf, V. - si M.:e, uoir l a, ue.t 1 i -rt
tied, urn 5 .vt. aim j) i fall, price I
l oil .-.H l.umiM-r ticiii.r.p.
r'oH HKN i Kosrd and rooTii I n 4 - h .oo. i.e,
. loe in; rent reduce!, o itiit, Ui cKotnun.
Kul.Lutt l.SiJ srtu les were found on the
cars of the Cortind l;ailwa. Litnt
l ower Co., snd uurrg ttivre-. t ma c.auu
same at tho hirst and A.uer-siievi sta
tion. Marina, i fclvo. a fcl-l:
July - S bcktfii. l suitcases. 1
screen. 1 lunch 00, l uck of corn, um-brt-..js.
1 pall .-f i.ird, 1 pk. of powucr,
1 c.a.m check, 1 pkg. of cm, I pr, of
snoes, 1 book. 1 entc.ope of pictures. 1
c n pc n.
LC'ST At entrance of or In front of Hotel
Orcgon, a lawly's small ruo.rv hniuat;.
containing 1 pair c i.u-moui.i. J eyei;lan.
1 srunnietsi lorgnette. 1 gold goi.e fast
ener. f4 r o in slaver, a few sundries.
aiso a few calling cards ; ow ner a na me.
M rav James lioliauid Morse. Hum r w 1 . 1
be rewarded if n.c asury by ret ut 11 m t
M. olekenson, uiAiit.r llotvl Ore k on.
LOST Red sweater cost at lower end of
oswego LJike. het w een 1'ortland and o
ve:o. IMion Marshall rvoo. Write A -0.
LOT Thura. A. M. on Huh at, U(rrn
Oilman and MarstKill. 4 luind-viubroniered
napkins and dm tier napuLlns; vuluiihlo
only to owner, belonging to set; Toward.
frhone Mam Q. .. UJ4 Murshall st.
LOST. Morula y. A meth - goid I race let.
. W. ! Jbert y- Len er ave. or 1'ortlaud bi vd.
Keward. 1'hone Wood. awn 311. Address
liu W. IJi.eriy at.
LOaT lii i.-vr pipe w itli niivcr : 15 on bowl,
in Wit kh room of fort . anil Hotel; S3 re
ward upon return to room Col, Murwuants
T rust bjq sr.
LOST At srocera' picnic iWcJ . tluck
handbag con tain itijf ke. watcn fob, eic
l.eiuru un-KoiiiMu LukUicu oi:ice.
LOST Cn L; v isioii st . llawt norne ave. t-r
in Jitney, sma.l bunch kes. Keward. 60J
W e 1 : a - K .i r a o b 1 c g .
Lu.'' I" Ooid lan J r-ng with "V. J. il." en
graved on lnsldo. iieturn 677 K. Ankeny.
Ke ward.
H I-; A Hi of u to bo who t .on. hue from
-o Ksst ?th N. No questions a k e d . It
returned will not be ptosvcuted.
LOST Man s stiv g :i lum. stajullng.
holding diamor.O. Hew .ml M.irna;i .; v
hruiMMis taviiaxi.
IN Tllri UITKICT CoL'KT -f the tnmJ
States for the Im strict of Oregon In me
matter of Consumers Lumoer up;:
Co., bankrupt- Ucqut-st for bls 1 i..
receive Seated b.os tor the foliowinfi prwjt
erty of tlie abo c-r. amcJ banki u;t. u -tatvd
st fr. Il4n n tat ion. S. i. Icy.
to., nrar Linn ton, or, up to and ut. ui
1 - o'c.ok t.o'n on Kr.i'.tj. August b, li:
1. MacJi.nery and t of the in
eutor.od Viiu ot office (.xuin
of tli va.ue f i-jutly
in buoding cf the inventoried vae ot
Wov. KnuHy in on rai.way spur &wu
leet, account S. 1. S. l;y. to.
L'g and luintnr o tne lu enlorled
value of lliJ'J.
It: J a w il be received uixin parcels s
llxivc set forth numbcrea I and J. snd
lor the property a a who;. ftiou.J tr.
total ..f the L.;hest blcs fr acn of tt.e
pare.s be ; renter than liio 'n.n'.ifl bid
lor tne w ho.e. tne. said bit. w ;.l bo -ct-pttl
suujwt to He s i irxt al of t :e
court for ad iarce.s; but suou.d t..
lushest bid for t:.e w in-le be (rratrr tha
to total of t tie h:g hct bum fur each of
the parcels, s.d 1. 1 t b d for the
w ho.o w il llo scrfptcl, subject to to s
proal of to eo.iit.
A. bias must be accompsnK'd by certl
f ie t crieek for li per ctni vt t amount
Inventory of the above property may bo
wn ai my offo e, n4 Hi prorii in
spectea upon app..ation.
li, 1. AUIN" Trustee.
KA l-r.l l'U"10.-AU- w 1.1 he r- em U at
t lie : fie of the un:er:gne.i, 4'i i .urt
house. until 1 CM. limruj. Acgt:t i.
!;.. "fr pi um t:r. g ana heat:r. i -f Aiiir.i
Ho!lif ktraik M!.0', , i:nkolii for li-nM-
lAiid i '1, and aerii!t. i;.i ctiaiii lor
h-;jaltt. k chool lin:s will l-e opitd in
ro.mi J I i.'U.'l no w at tne a m t . me.
Lpolia ere iutn-d a fo.iowa.
Alt ins Ho:iKit l 1 luuit-tng and heat
ing, eacii.
Mihlsnl smokestack. 92 each.
:'ia;tdCk cnslri. $ Z c!i
l-l.ini snd f:-ci!ustU)r.f may r-e ob
tnlnl at ifi c'fn.e of V. A. Nsramore.
superintendent of prpert;c. lvd Court
house. Certified check for lo per cent of
inount if iopsal. p-it-.e to lc. li.
Thir.nai. sclnol . I 1 k. n.ut accompany
each )tpm;. ?loar-l f direc ,or ren-rvea
the right 10 reie. t arv and a l ir-n.,.i.a.
H. 11 THoJJ AS, Sc;.o.l Cler.
rated July r.i:.
AS KUlOAY. Ju.T HI.. 01 uininalei tlie
ssle -f my pace of l'uir.-j, l-n att .1 a.
.: Hast 'Jti:ti st. all t-.:; ar..l (.aims
sgslt.Ft same must te (iieKcntcd Wiltnu
f .ve iLi (! from above date.
C. K- HltOWS.
The American sni Company has qitt
bust u ess. Set :p l;1 re.n-eme it sent
to sni.l company, care tory LMs Lo
Angeles, CU
W K HI V mortKAKO bn.!s and notes.
Jo 4th st , Board of Trade Hide.
I It ST and aecond mortggea. a a s;iers
interest :n contracts purct se5; Oregon or
Vssh. H. E. Nobie. bermens bid.
W E buy not.-, bon"s srd mor:sates Iob
ertson Ewlng. :07- N. W. Hank bldg.
icilTilAGE loans, note. cent rscis. mtga
purchased. Lew la A .. jl Lewis bldg.
' Money" to Loaan ei Keel Katat e.
PH 1 VATE money wt l finance your home in
any f irM-clnft rfldetice dlstri.t If y-u
cwn your own lot: per cent Iniert.
Write st once. AH 047. Cr-goittun.
Stck. Exchange bldtf.. Sd and TamhUL
feEiC us today for loang on improved city
jropr rtv. 4 to per cnt : f.o j and an
l;iarti-Mur!on Co. Sta on bldg
J'KIVATK money. JIOOO to $4Tf0 to loan PJ
r e a l esist e . U 4 S 2. Or e g on lan.
Mi .itT';AC.r7o NS. nd T TFR CENT.
MONEY loaned, rltr snd farm lands; no
cmtwinn. 3S Chamber of Commerce,
Ormtn Co., 94 Chamber of Commerce
it o is: e y tcTToa s i v'as yav o l nt "
Ltxmoail Ml. Co 424 Cnaia, oX Com.
Money to Issn en Kml tNtate.
Improved buaius property, I Vi to p
Improved residence property. to 7 pee
improve'! firm property. 7 to t per cint,
W1I I l'MEU-K Ill.l.V CO,
711 I'-.ttocat Hiock.
Tro-rirt perv ic. 1 wesson a :le terms.
K'KllAMi I Ki'ST .V .vu..-. bA.SK.
mo s En to loan
ON ivrttov, t.i HEAL fcTATE FOU
I t lLIii.Nti ia K!uth; ei:y KI.EX.I
1LE Co.NTKAC'i. NO t'OM v lSlu.Na.
C0LLM1 I A l.lrt: Tiii.-T LO,
V-1U s-l'Ai.DtNvi ni.i'i
WOKliAcij-: LANi,
Any amount, low ra;ca. 1 rompUy closed.
A inactive I 1 a mrut prl iigea.
A. li lUHittii-U
217 N on n w ou r n lnk Hid a;.
Mr,;4ll 4114. A 411N
MoNEY to loau .n property in lrlr.gtan,
Uunc.hurki, Laii AuUit;ort. cet.:ral
-t .t;e r.un,c sd.iitions. Walnut
I'aiK. r.f.imom d.v-.r.cis;
O.U.. act.oti. i'W iuuuaU li- U". lia;ooi.
11 Journal btoc
MONEY lo loan at i to 7 pr cent. r-rt
land ln:mr n.a i..-idi.ce Kra4rt.
A-aim l. t:- at 7 t p.- cel. I.
MALI. Jc V oN Ivusl'EU
1'4 -1 st.. i ar .Mark.
Lo t Kte. n0 oeisy.
WE l.iiun-c ui.ti lu...l ',
momii.y urn.h. ak hjoui i.:r -i.u. Tht
tMKon H ii;e Hu.dcr. H."i N. . Kc
IO LOVN $4 t-U LEri.
k ki;.x; roN.
MTH ST.. 1KA11 or' 1 It Al'tl IlLDd.
iJi '. lit-' sr.d u;nr j on Improt ed real
eitste; fvra'.t trms. d; na
br'kcrijc. J y. n I.s.n. wt'T .t.jj blCg
aV hUAi. X; A N Mu..iaAiil wO,
LA K oN I-I .NU3.
EoN 1 l-ll.
$-ow. l- To Loan l:i sams to s-.i . bu..d
1 I- si s. ;.Met raits. VV"., il4.
' j 1 a-ir.f
a 10 i (t cmt nii'ar s on t.;iru prvp
e::y. av ia rt :;r 11 1. o?..;t., Jir:ii. u tt
h,i!"tu, li.'i .iir;nrt;n ii:.s; b.Us;.
. a la. .a mi.b. tt'uit-
1 .1. m. i'J . b( st.
MoN K Y. S
1. u;.t. (o S per cent- W. li.
itiu.ntf b d'.
iil'.OiKl iC - I-
p:ofcr: . N t-
o ATT; i-r 1
rrn. ; . '.
1. pi r cvi.1, ImpioveA
iu.prura city rop
Moury f l oan t Itstteiw sud Slavrleav.
IMiluUl.UL LUA N 3 "
ON JjlAil.'M a A N L Ji.vl.LItY
Al LAJ i 1 v .N KA t
We bao o.. w tum iiimi u.ail Jewelry
si orea u ltw . A iu ue;: inent S
coLiuCtd 11 ii.uc ,.ou mi'.U 4.;'.c, iiaS
li4g U;..ri Silu.iH tu.uicuAliAL;
iwtotuifi) 110 as,u uniht.auuK .n butt
bia aii-J i (ruui vi wr stxe. a . 1
ll.vrcliaiitii.-v .eueu t kt.J ior period cC
1 J luuiuna, itiar 07 iot lLirrcat is
pil w uui. vv m re licvusca auvl tisve
ciat i.l.cU S.i 1 1 .. No cuuutxuoa
H:t sit) Wsui ci.04.iiiu a lUis
A. am M- ifc:i.0V AC.K. JUWtLEKs,
S.4 W ft.i.i.iuU iU
Lie i.N4J.
Ott!fst rstabllahC'l salary loan compsjiy
In un con. Kv.uu.r. at.9ivLor iuaa.
liufciiie strlcLy tua.'tucui.tts
t'ur wcli-kr.own reputation for square Mild couilouu traimct.t uuXiO
ti.o past ia our oval Klvruc.
S' t a..n.g ii.g-.
alu.a.l 4 O LuA.N,
st lc,a rka.
on pia:noua, Autos, l'lavcos.
i-'ui 111; ur Larsiock or
Molorc ties,
I'sy tsck lo per luuih or mors,
iutviot jir ituL
1'Ultl LAND LOAN Co.. LKl..Nhu.
31 1 Pi'kU'ii t-.i-. o-i a 1. 4 a-f a.:. fcioa.
Mo.NtlY AT uM'll,
I.KiiAL HAw; or" IN 1 t-lltST.
Diammuik, J . r ,r , M uk.i ai I :.w uments.
A'i riioK'vk iiia emo t'r.
l a.-itii i' t-ariJiiuit lor
Li.liV COM 1' A N V LliTLa. U .
5-- Imnuir r.v. li.-i; , uiaric St,
H l an uiui t on i!.a::ii.c.s .Vwelry at
liai.f ilia ri; clja.ol by brokers. Laa
Marx. It 5a st
I.usn W anted.
FIKT in-t U- -n newly otilructed
hvjtura lor to p. i .. p.n t . f . p. y
t pi- i i nt. Tl.o ti-uu lloii.v nuuucra,
ia.o n. . li.uuv i iafe.
jr.-pvMy fnur i:ll t:
t.i p;ty T per
va.uv -l loar.a.
Inquire Air. liiair.
A M(.l
ert. ..r I
1 o:i i:n i.:no- l't- j : li.c prop
" ta t-"'vu ou f i :u ptopwriy.
on :a 11.
A K !7 1
W AN 1 ti 4"oo a . . o -. n
w or;:t S-t'i-o. AL 4 . un jonuu.
WANT liM) at i-r
nio proie.-ty. Owner.
nut on go-4 West
:" Cham, ot Coat
WANTHU -io it : p r pa s!'e " s
tirxiiiO; s-.-u'i:. a or K.a..j:i.
WANT $J on u:.
1 a:K v.!.-:rl. t M...t. 1
J lot. K.
(Uo am ; 7
ill .'n' ' a :i v 1 1
"J t
A i"
res:. ; stents
1. 'in an.
1 1.1- B rlfice f-
cj:.!)' fr-m par:
o. luti inorTcage vn,
4. . l.u.i,'. ir w.
1 ar''i rt-al !:: e
C t7i. tTfior..a.n.
WH oi. t'l 1 : o(.:.s l.calCi. 1.0I Xor
Uc;:i. ..i I.- r pi a : it. c. A .a . ;i e
a a .at, Mi:. . ci.lf J l
a lu : o u .u a i l.ij I.e r cure4
1:1 t:uci tn.iii,... t . t.-tu J slon.ach. a.s
um la..i.i.k. kjiel w.'.a 1 . :i.-ii ..
Lay .inp : p-i
.J on s.u a .1-1
i,ni.!i 1 . a j . e
In (.it, A . il
lwH so;k
a 1.4 wil.i-r ca-es iiiy
i.'ikS. 1 lili.IU'S HAHMAN.
: or fc.'i. -n bit;e
wh i. . 1. ha:k. h a 1 it, HAiii. Nil I :l ii.-a.ay a ; 1 - i. c. . I 4 fi
; 1, ;..t .1 ril :.ii-i-a..: k") 4 iA
l.ulA'J 1 1 il a A k in-uJ :r tu
i't 0 ir, afc . . . . C 1 00 ....... T . 3
Ml.i'' la:Ms ..-a
j.i-r:, frnit'U-J t e.e 1 r iC . 1 .
Oj.i,!p'1. C-;l na.r. sn n Je. a - . : -
s:. iei;iti i i.eo ls T. ai4.i-ry liiaul
l .-;: . 3 b.ii-. iiuj at. 4
n.iivi.r'" "uA.sLiar,
I. sl . r.s w - ai i to ( n. at r . : a:ccat
h jm.ii.i t.a,nv. m tr t.u - C .
l.a.luir!!.. n-J'.-iur.r;, fc S'-4 Sa.p
r. j ill rt.-1e UP Ij c:al.
Hi 1 roatiwa... i-cr
. a . i.ui 41 son. Aisin
iii.''Nl" li.-. li1 -'-aCiel.
N- M e.l .i .i.e. No ' .'!". B. r
rn l.a.:.-p o:;.or. 1-
.t . Mai.p J
u riee 1J
L. Ma.ior..
iisL:.s. vo
to J17 aH.aUJ:'.'
ML. & l.N.x
ii4' t oil aiJ 1 ra-
lor.J iu,nit ai.i r . . ir i.C jii.or ct
' I l nu:rv Mads . . r -r. r.i:
Hu'ite. dinu li .vr ar .i.i.n.i u r.
1 :v. -l en 1 .t . 'l ' t-
4 1 1 .NKT.i-l- tia.rel nurse a . ! mss
e -. atvrt t r a: :ten :a Jir r u ma t . :n.
UiiiO;', tieuia i -Tt. etc.; tub tu.. ia.s-
as a:.d e.t uiw l Lag) avs.aiacu
'.v llt.'t at. Mri;.a.i i.
Ku:K A TAVl.oH.
l.:.a.i -
l. A. T. : thcrapo::c.
rraoi.ab.a. li llta.
NOltWKA'.UN tra.nrJ r.urafc sn4 r.,mu
e.ev tr.c b ank. 1 tn atn.eiit. huue j A- M
to ) i' M .'uh'-i -4 st.. rooms S and X.
tLKOl I tic YlliHAloU for riieumst isth,
1. cuiw-k a, Iac J aualp tMMiuicnt.
ro.u.ei.. Mar. .. rv'llaiu Sis.
vTi;7.I ,"l A1...--V Ke . Maty A. 1 : ! e. C.n Is
fu,.,na J. W 1. ttri'l .-u 11. 1. M : ujI-
t!:i. tl-l'll. t t. M-Thl 1 ..
CM Hiifcli-l-AS. sil colors sn.1 st !ee . largest
alx-a. r-co rr.rp , 1. w l.anon.a puL uo.
M r.-ni.t h at. Z.9 V a sj : v. c t . n s t.
aol'M I ti l 1 tffclir. mental and spiritual cl
cih.m, 1 - Aiiiy !-. wuc".i.u meet .n f
W riuraUay,s 1". 54. Ms. a k-.i.
niY.-lv'lN w .11 nat ou at our borne
venules. Kvtr,c.i. v. oration. ciaiak
aii'i a oustm-nt. Main U&14.
SiCl :N Y 1 r i
.- in.- u.ii,Uii.:. i!-,irojoi.lI,
J"t M -. t .c;. arn.
1 r it.
Sit !iri -V r;ii.a sn.l iuPi ;jc. Sani
tary Hraut lar;r, 4 m U-kmn bldg.
iL. LI HrL A. SACKY. r
S-S !' li:. i rw-:
s.lslss c!i1ropoilst
e Man S'!i.
MOLK. superf'i.i'S hair r- :nvn,l. Mrs, M.
li. J. ill. 4-M big. Ma.n -1J.
CH iT.oril CTI : exp'.anel; pairCe sJ'-ist-
is-ms picasjiii;; 31 tteatmenta L) l;l 4 in,
VJ a'.M OF Fl;sCoMrCCN D. Roi!Tonlo
a" s a : e t . Z'f,i l 1 s s:. 1 hon e Ma.n ; S 1.
ClUKt'l'MiY aTi.l ectr;c treatments. Kora
1 1 Sl'j 'i M":nsoti St.
MANi- UKIMl an.l re'r lreatmnL. Ethel
Hurke. 1 l.nfayete bUJc.
SoNS la
j th at.
l-rrnolav ar.t raid reaUints.
I'hojia Main Tili.
MAM'TUIV'", la'.i--s snj gentlemen, Koum
.V S.-3 Yamhill st.
GKAI'l' KT K mKM-ne; i.a: p m sssage ar 1
rh-op4y. 1 To v, ;4 St.. 4th fir . art. ft.
r S 1 I . K M t' Mnrt-,ire.
massage. ;jc. Tu Lju ciii.ti.
si . V asX t.