Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Managing Editor Main 7070. A 6095
City Kditor Main 7070. A 60U5
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A UO'JS
Advertising Department. .Main 7070. A 6O05
City Circulation Main 7070. A Bo'.to
Composing-room ........ .Main 7070. A OOlto
Printing-room Main 7070. A 601(5
Superintendent Building. .Main 7070. A 60U5
ments, concert band and vaudeville.
PANTAGES (Alder at Broadway) Vaude
ville. Performances 2:30. 7:30 and H:30
P. M.
EMPRESS (Broadway and Stark) Vaude
ville. Performances 2:30. 7:30 and U:13
P. M.
ORPUEUM Broadway and Yamhill. Movies.
Subscribe with the following agents,
at your Summer resort, to secure the
most prompt delivery of The Ore
gonlan. City rates. Subscriptions by
t Bar View K. F. Jackson J
I Bay City. Or E V. Marcher 4
i Bay Ocean W. 8. Jonnson
J Brighton. Or W. A. Rowe
r annii u'snh Carl It. smith
Mineral Springs Hotel
Columbia Beach -
Mrs. N. E. Bnrknend
Ecola. Or I W. Crone
Garibaldi . C. Ellis
Gearhart. Or Mrs. M. 6. Elliott
Lone Beach i. H. Strauhal
Lake Lytic Frank Miller
Manhattan Frank Miller
Manzanita E. J. Kardeil
3iegier ur v-'
ahcotta. Wash tx. r" "
Newport, Or O. F. Herron
Ocean Park D. E. Beacbey
Ocean Lake Park O. L. Comstock
Kockaway Beach ;..lrank Miller
Saitalr Frank 'Miller
Seaside. Or ...Clark Stratton
J 6eavtw. Wash t
9 Constable Putnam T
J Twin Rocks Frank Miller J
I Tillamook. Or..... J. 8. Lamar i
i Wheeler. Or R. H. Cady
T Wllholt Springs F. W. McLaren J
from the front of the property for
widening? and straightening; Washing
ton street.
fe, wahMBowijiw. wm,mmi'Uimmi aixnsMwm-v.mBm
Extensive topographic and geologic
work will be carried on in different
parts of the state this' Summer, accord
ing to a letter received by Senator
Lane from the director of the geologic
survey. The work includes a recon
naissance and the preparation of a folio
lor the Sumpter quadrangle and addi
tional work in the Riddles quadrangle.
Twickenham, Dallas, Hillsboro, Salem
end a portion of the Troutdale quad
rangles will be surveyed and raapped,
and topographic and control sheets will
be made of the Kerby quadrangle. The
measurement of stream flow at 89
gauge stations In the state will also
be part of the Summer's work.
Mrs. Adelaide Jones Buried. Fu
neral services of Mrs. Adelaide E.
Jones, who died Monday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Helen E. Baug
hart, 697 Spokane avenue, were held
yesterday JErom St. Johns Episcopal
Church, in Sellwood. Interment was
In Mount Scott Cemetery. She was a
member of the Order of Eastern Star.
Mrs. R. R. Carlson, of Gresham, and
Mrs. Baughart, of Sellwood, are her
daughters. Mrs. Jones was 68 years
cf age.
Old People to Be Entertained.
The Rebekah lodges of Portland are
completing arrangements to entertain
the aged men and women and young
children of the Oddfellows" Home in
the South East Side, at a dinner in
Kenilworth Park Saturday. There are
about 50 persona at the homes. A
brief programme will be given. Robert
Andrews, chairman of the committee
in charge of the home for the grand
lodge of Oregon, will speak.
Habeaus Corpus Writ Asked. Ap
plication for a writ of habeas corpus
was rrfade yesterday by S. E. Cutter,
who is held in the County Jail on a
prand larceny charge originating in
Colville, Wash. The petition for the
writ will be argued before Judge
Gatens today. Sheriff William Miller,
of Colville, is waiting In Portland to
take Cutter back to Washington, where
he is alleged to have decamped with
?60 he collected.
Bot Sues for '$15,750. Elmer Huff
man, the 15-year-old boy who was in
jured at East Twelfth and Belmont
etreets on June 9 when the motorcycle
he was riding was struck by an auto
mobile, yesterday filed suit for 15,750
against P. H. Schulderman, driver of
the automobile. Th suit was filed
through the boy's father, H. A. Huff
man, as guardian, ad litem. The boy's
injuries are permanent, the complaint
Ambulance Driver Fixed. Ambu
lances are not exempt from the speed
laws, decided Municipal Judge Steven
eon yesterday morning when he fined
George Blomgrin, driver for the Ambu-
lance Service Company, $10 for speed
ing. Blomgrin was arrested by Motor
cycle Patrolman Ervin. Five other
motorists were convicted and fined $10
Str. Twin Cities for Kennewick,
"Wallula. Umatilla, Arlington, all Co
lumbia River points Friday. July 30, 7
A. M., from Taylor-st. dock. Str. State
of Washington for The Dalles and way
landings. Daily except Sunday, 11
P. M.; return arrives- Portland. 8 P. M.
Taylor-st. dock. Main 613. A 7712. Adv.
"War Brides" Topic. Dr. C. H. Chap
man win aaaress tne woman s Civic
enare uiud toaay at 3 o clock in
room B, Central Library, on "War
Brides." The club will meet at 2:30
to transact business. The meetings of
the club are open to the public.
Our Own Mixture is a perfect pipe
tobacco. We could not improve the
quality if paid double the price. Does
not bite the tongue, smokes cool and
cweeL, We have sold it for 27 years.
Always the same. Sig. Sichel & Co.,
82 Third. Adv.
Veterans to Picnic. The officers
of the Veterans' Association of Oregon
will meet at the Courthouse Saturday
to complete arrangements for the an
nual reunion and picnic to be held at
the Oaks Saturday, August 7.
Wanted. West Side or Irvington
home by family of four. Must be
modern and completely furnished, ex
cept bedding, linen and silverware; ref
erence. Phone East 3470. Adv.
An Important Event. Florsheim
shoes reduced at Reeves Shoe Co.. 250
Wash.. Morgan bldg. Adv.
oriental Rugs wash-cleaned -and
repaired. Cartozian Bros. Main 3433.
Dr. H. R. Biers dorp has returned.
. Adv.
Dr. E. Albert Marshall. Oregonian bldg.
Property Nearby Desired to Extend
Washington Park.
The question of whether the City of
Portland shall have the property known
as the old county farm, located about
600 feet west of the west line of Wash
ington Park, to use for park purposes
is now definitely up to the County
Commissioners. The City Council at its
regular meeting yesterday passed a
resolution requesting that the property
be turned over to the city.
Commissioner Dieck, the framer of
the resolution, expressed the belief that
the County Commissioners would be
willing to deed the property to the
city, inasmuch as the county had no
further use for the farm, which con
sists of about 200 acres and is consid
ered .to be particularly well adapted
for park purposes. The Canyon road
passes through the southern end of It.
Commissioner Dieck pointed out that a
portion of it would be ideal for a
botanical garden and that the remain
der could be put to different park pur
State Co-operation for Enforcing
Purity taws Vrged.
At a conference of food and drug
officials of both the state and Federal
bureaus yesterday morning the opinion
was expressed that the best method
of enforcing the pure-food law is by
Officials who attended the confer
ence were: J. S. Abbott, of the de
partment of chemistry, Washington. D.
C; B. R. Hart, chief of the Western
division of food inspection, of San
Francisco; C. J. Morton, of the Pacific
Coast division. United States food and
drug inspection, and J. D. Mickle, State
Dairy and Food Commissioner of Ore
gon. These Federal officials are on their
way to Berkeley for the pure-food con
vention to be held the first part of
Al Kader Temple Inaugurates Move
ment to Get Convention.
Potentate G. W. Stapleton will be
chairmani of the committee from Al
Kader Temple to work for the National
Shriners' convention in 1918. With him
are H. T. Vutchinson, F. T. Griffith.
J. G. Mack. I. F. Powers. O. M. Clark.
W. C. Bristol, W. J. Hofmann. L. G.
Clarke, S. D. Vincent, Phil Metschan.
Jr., and George L. Baker.
Information will be sent to the va
rious temples that the question is to
to be presented at the Imperial Coun
cil in Buffalo next year.
It is estimated that the entertain
ment of the convention in 1918 will
need a budget of at least $100,000 and
that the attendance will be even
greater than at the recent conven
tion in Seattle.
Mrs. II. A. Stiles Is Charged With
Threatening- Constable.
For drawing a revolver on Deputy
Constable Sam Wagner when he at
tempted to move a piano out of her
house. Mrs. H. A. Stiles was bound
over to the grand jury by District
Judge Dayton yesterday on a charge
of assault with a dangerous weapon.
Mrs. Stiles declared that the two
deputies entered her house unannounced
and began to move her piano without
showing their warrant. She said she
did not know the object of their visit.
so she used the revolver to intimidate
them." She said she surrendered the
revolver voluntarily after they showed
their authority.
Missouri Visitor, Here After 17
Years, Reports Marvelous Activity,
Charles E. Baker. of Carthage.
Sheriff of Jasper County. Missouri, ar
rived in Portland yesterday for the
first visit in 17 years. Mr. Baker is
brother-in-law of Dr. L. M. Davis, and
with Mrs. Baker is visiting , at the
Davis home. 860 Commercial street.
The war has created a marvelous ac
tivity in the Joplin country, according
to Mr. Baker. The lead and zinc mines
are running to capacity and there is
no evidence of a let-up, he says.
Mr. ana Mrs. Baker will leave in a
few days for Seattle and other Puget
Sound points, returning later to pass
about 10 days in and around Portland.
Proposal by Percy II. Blyth Is Kec-
ommended by Mr. Dieck.
. The proposed exchange of the lot oc
cupiea Dy rire engine company No. 3
at Sixteenth and Washington streets
for lots offered by Percy H. Blyth in
the vicinity of Morrison and Chapman
streets was referred to the Commis
sioner of Fublic Safety yesterday by
the City Council. The exchange was
recommenaea Dy commissioner Dieck
of the department of public works.
It was brought out that the proposed
exenange had Been considered at a pre
Tious time and had been rejected by the
lire Dureau.
The flrehouse at Sixteenth and Wash
Ington streets overlaps the adjoining
lot nearly a foot, and there is also
possibility that ten feet may be taken
S. & H. Stamps Given
All Manhattan
Shirts Reduced
Commencing; today, take your choice of our en
tire new stock of Manhattan Shirts, in madras,
percale and silks, in soft French cuffs or stiff
cuf f s all sizes, now at these reductions :
$1.50 Manhattan Shirts OCT
reduced to . OJL40
$2.00 Manhattan Shirts (U -t r ET
reduced to 0Lv)
$3.00 Manhattan. Shirts (T -1 r jr
reduced to OJ-.iO
$4.00 Manhattan Shirts rftQ nr
reduced to OZj.OO
$5.00 Manhattan Shirts : fJQ OCT
reduced to OO.OO
See the three window displays of these shirts.
Successor to
Steinbach & Co.
At Fourth
Visiting; Secretary of National Vnlon
Predicts Nomination of Man of
Borah or Hughes Type.
"All the political missionaries in the
country could not accomplish half so
much as "have Democratic policies in
bringing the opposing elements of the
Republican party together." said
Charles C. Hart, of Washington. D. C,
secretary of the National Progressive
Republican Union, who is in Portland
for a few days.
"Those who joined the third party
in 1912 again call themselves Republi
cans because they realize that the dif
ferences of the last campaign were not
fundamental, and it is their purpose to
work within the party for a liberal
platform and a liberal candidate next
year. In this effort they will be joined
by the most of those who supported
Taft in 1912.'
"Democratic policies have failed, and
$he effect is felt in every part of the
country. . On my present trip I have
traveled from coast to coast. Every-
wnere I have found approval of the
President's manner of handling the in
ternational war .problem, but on the
other hand a p. almost equally universal
criticism of the Administration's
economic policies. All that has saved
the business and industrial situation is
"The farmers have been given the
protection by the war which the Under
wood tariff denied them and thousands
of men in the great industrial centers
of the Kast who had been deprived of
employment when the same tariff law
closed the mills, have been put back to
work In the manufacture of ammuni
"Only the dragging of this country
into a war can rob the Republicans of
victory. Should Wilson become a war
President the situation might be
"It is far too early to forecast the
Republican nomination but it seems
reasonable to believe that the next
candidate will be of the typo of Borah
or Hughes."
I are Donald Duffield and Russell C.
Osborn. Duffield spent four days la
Jail shortly after the discovery of the
crime, when Harriet Fowle said he was
the father of the child. Osborn protests
his Innocence, and Duffield says that
the other youth scarcely knew the girl.
The four other youths who are still
at large arc said to be out of the city
Deputy Sheriffs are searching for them.
Beaver Portland Cement Works at
Gold Hill to Be Rushed.
The Beaver Portland Cement Com
pany has shown its confidence in the
Improvement of ouslness conditions in
the state by determining o complete
its 600.000 plant at Gold Hill at once,
and it was announced that all the cap
ital had been secured.
The plant was partially completed
when the European war broke out. and
work was suspended then pending an
Improvement of business conditions.
"We have been carefully watching
business conditions." said Manager J.
C. Burch yesterday, "and we have de
cided to go ahead, put our money Into
the enterprise and help along the up
ward movement that wo believe is on
in business conditions.
"When I was in the East recently
found none of the gloomy talk that has
been heard In the past year on th
Pacific Coast."
Mount Tabor Scene of Municipal
Band Concert Tonight.
The Wearin' o" the Green" and se
ections from "Carmen." not to mention
Victor Herbert's "Wizard of the Nile"
and Massenet's "Phedre." are on the
programme of the Portland Municipal
Band concert tonight at Mount Tabor
at 8 o'clock. The detailed programme
as arranged by Director McElroy fol
Mtrcn, "Kins; Radium (Cbsmbers) cover
ture, "Phedre" (Msnsenet) ; cornet solo.
lerted. William McKiroy; wsltx, "Kapana"
Waldtuf elj ; scenes from the "Wlsard of
the Nile" (Herbert): a characteristic,
"Woodland Scene" (Blon). b gavotte
"First Heart Throbs" ( Eilenberg) ; stand
paraphrase requost: "The Wearin' o' th
Ureen" (Douglas): srand opera. "Carmen'
(Bizet); finale. "The Ktar-Spans'ed Banner.
Civic Organisations Will Be Asked
to Work Tosrtkn In Larsje
Improvement Matters.
A committee was appointed at the
meeting of the St. Johns Club Tuesday
night to form a federation of all the
clubs on the Peninsula. It was the sen
timent of the meeting that a strong
federation of all the F'eninsula organ
izations can handle the large affairs.
while the local clubs could take care
of strictly local matters. Secretary
Markle was Instructed to ask the other
Peninsula clubs to appoint committees.
The committee of 10 reported that at
a conference the City Council had
agreed to take up the matter of acqulr
ing the St. Johns waterworks with the
owners of the plant, and will make an
estimate of the probable value of the
plant, and may make the owners
offer. Owners have held the property
at $150,000, but the St. Johns Council
valued it at $130,000.
According to a report or the com
mittee, the old St. Johns City Hall can
be used for public meetings and other
affairs for the present. The committee
reported that just now nothing will be
done about establishing a sub-police
station on the Peninsula. Operation of
the St. Johns ferry later than 8 P. M.
was discussed. It was reported that
the time could not be extended with
the present crew, and that another
crew would be needed if the ferry was
run till 11 or 12. and further consid
eration of the subject was postponed.
Enid Marker In "The Matins;."
Bessie Barriscale aQpears today at
the Orpheum in another big master
piece in five reels, "The Mating." Miss
Barriscale plays the part of the little
country girl who goes away to board
ing school only to find herself without
chums among the other girls and a
wallflower at receptions because she
is unable to shed her country ways.
"Bullet Dick" Ames, a college foot
ball player. Is the girl's hero. Doris
writes herself a letter purporting to
come from "Bullet Dick" and purposely
drops it on the schoolroom floor. The
other girls find it but f not believe it.
So they arrange to humiliate Doris by
introducing her to her hero at a re
ception. Dick.' however, learns of the
plot in advance, and foils it by acting
as If he and Doris were old friends.
Later he proposes and is accepted.
Enid Markey and Margaret Thomp
son are the leaders among the snob
bish girls. Miss Thompson playing
Dick's sister. Others in the cast are
Walter Whitman and Ida Lewis.
Two Boys Arrested in Connection
With. Fowle Case.
Two of six youths Indicted by the
grand jury last week as a result of
the death of the Infant child of 17
year-old Harriet Fowle. were arrested
Monday night by Deputy Sheriff Chrls
toffersen and are held in the County
The indictments followed 'Judge Ga
tens' action in releasing the girl and
her mother, both of whom confessed
that they put the baby to death by
placing a camphor-saturated cloth over
its face. ' In releasing the women. Judge
Gatens declared the man who was re
sponsible for the girl's condition should
have been apprenended and punished
The indictment of six boys was the
answer of John A. Collier. DeputvDls
trlct Attorney, to Judge G fy""
mont from the b-.r.f-V. Th
Council Delays Action on Request
and Protect for Krectlon.
The City Council will investigate the
construction and maintenance of barns
and stables in different parts of the
city with a view to erorklng out some
regulation governing the structures.
This was unofficially decided upon a
the meeting yesterday, when the Coun
cil was called upon to act on the appll
cation of the D. Uuerin Manufacturing
Company for a permit to erect a sta
ble In Caruthera Addition and to ac
also on a protest of W. C. Clark and
others sgainst the erection of a stable
In Lincoln Park by Henry Walker.
Both matters were continued until
the next meeting of the Council Friday,
Weather Bureau Compiles Data, for
Week Ending July C 7.
The summary of the crop condition
In Oregon for the week ending Jul
27. as reported to the Portland offic
or the Weather Bureau by special cor
Confirmed Ay Superior Jury
ForExeellencQ of its Product"
For "Its Educational Value
GOLD "MEDAL For "The Flexibility and
"Wide Range of its Adding and Subtracting Type
writer." Wahl Mechanism.
GOLD MEDAL To Remtico Typewriter Rib
bon and Carbon Papers For "Quality and
Highest possible Awards in Every Department
of our Business.
respondents throughout the state, fol
Hot. dry weather prevailed urAil Sunday.
after which It waa cooler and somewhat
cloudy, but no rain of contrquenoo fell.
This weather was Ideal for harveat wort,
which Is now general. Most of the hay crop
has bffti secured and In quantity tt was
satisfactory, but th quality s&s not so
jrood as usual on account of some belnc
spoiled aftr It w mm cut and some became
too ripe before harvest. In the -astem coun
ties, the second crop of alfalfa, turned out
ell, but In Southern Oregon It did not
yield so well a pxperted. Pasturage on
the Summer ranges la beginning to feel
the effect of the hot weather, but there Is
till sufficient feed for stock.
MMt, If not all. of th-a Kali-sown grain
Is beyond danger of Injury by hot winds.
Threshing returns are too few to obtain
from them much Information regarding
yields. Spring grain, corn. hop, gardens
and fruit are doing nicely, except la a few
places where more rain la netled. Water
In small atreams Is unusually low and some
Irrigation dltchcw are dry.
Under the auspices of a Government Pu
au. Chinese carp will be Imported Into
Philippine waters, where there la a, dearth
of frtts -!!.
Seward HotelGrill
Ropntd by
Seward Hotel Co.
After four yfcars under sepa
rate management 'the Sew
ard Hotel Din inf? -Room is
Again under the manage
ment of the Seward Hotel
Co. Hereafter an excellent
cuisine will be maintained
at moderate prices.
We serve an excellent popular
priced business men's lunch from
11 A. M. to 2 PTMTryit.
Sunday Table d' Hote dinner
5 to 8:30 P. M., $1.00.
School for the Adult Blind,
lllh and Daria.
For particulars call J. F. Meyers
Phon Main 643.
Yellowstone Park SJS..M).
ConiHcte satisfaction sruarantI or
money refunded. 'Vou ran pay more
but cannot srt bttr frvioc Huy
tickets at Salt I-ak.. Oddciu Poca
lello or Yellowstone.
Service in
Modern Business
In modern business the one great
watch word is SER VICE. That busi
ness expands most substantially
which considers the best interests of
customers. It is no different in bank
ing. Every depositor is entitled to
receive prompt and courteous service
and in the Lumbermens National
Bank this is not merely a hobby
it is a strict policy.
We Seek Your 'Account.
National Bank
Fifth and Stark.
A Qalet Plae for Quiet Peaple.
Esat ttlorrlaas St. Knr Graaat ta
T&e. 1 Per Dan With Bath.
Years of Persistence
in the saving of money have
been the basic reasons for the
success of men of world
power. It becomes a habit as
strong as will itself. Try it.
Liberal Rate of Interest Paid by
The United States National Bank
Capital and Surplus Third and Oak
$2,000,000 1 Portland
i : 1
, . ;
i ; Even Ibhile you're finding it,
' ? j . it's fun to I
! findyoiiirf
h J
j J Yes there arc other good onesA
I besides fatima. , "
v - - 5 . - " i -
none 5cnooi
(For Boy)
21 miles sooth of Saa W rsnclsc
W think that w wm ttmr txr wh
ftsCrtiru. iMtrent iml Ovr tnduaiM ffiUr.
n n-romroenaaitoo. tnatltntioc UutA swltnit am
esrtinoatt and on rsamlnauoa ( far 1 of
car raLssJof-ao) to Harvard. Tb Maavat-hotartta
lnmut of TarftnolocT and Yaia. bot !
piiwmn rx,ulrmrt t j-a tnot ". hnl for
! nt i ful ky tllttau-atsrd cmtsaJotraa. whlrb c1
kot onl v a twt rood Idea of tn Prtri I and pur
fnta of ttia ot-tkooL bat uf tt c-qui pment and tta
atu-arttv K-booi bora a fc oCfi ii.g hotrrrsr. oaa
qui l Lfvk tba piaca of a vtait taa trtkiol
. RKilX Haail MaaCar. Box MBimoBt.Oat
Mount Tamalpais Military Academy
Tha mual thoroughly ri;anled and com
flatal julpial mi.Uary school waat of th
lock 7 Mountain Cavairy, Infantry. Mount
ad bisten nlln north of baa
FranclKCO. IT. R. Army officer 6talid by
War Department: aoorxH i xj by tbt univar
my. Stanford and othar lle-a. Twenty
sixth ar b tin Accuit 34th. IHV AddrMi
St Mary's Academy and College
Conducted f-r Olr! by th SlSTEHS OF THE
MULl A .M t- Ur Jfc.L A.N LI NAKX
LEi. & rorK.tS Commercial, Umitio
i-cience, and K.orutlon Ln-p a. M U3IC Hiano,
Vo ica. Violin, ViolinceHo, Harp. Harmony.
ART Water Color. Oli 1'ainilnir. China
Pbint In it. LelirnlnK. H titory of Art. Resi
dent ami Lav Student. Addreaa S.tter Su
perior. St. Mary's Academy. Portland, Or.
Subwba ot Oakland. Caiarvrua
Tbeonhr Wocnan'a CoUrrr oa (Ac Panne Ca !
and rraduauoa racTurrxarm eqatamtrta tc Uanrmtr i
California, atandard Daruntrtva Full m'ninc m HeaS
V mm apenal care to bcmJia I. Cbmttaa
1 asucoce' ondawMunansannt, 1 a.pra
f ln tor catalojur tAArrr I
JLejWM. UdhjS nj jf
Arr-rdiied W aitTf r at and v Urammar aad
iruaarj i)rartrofnt. d fir Ulustraivd c
iTtnrtpsU- Msvtt L LorkT. , iiL
.v tcuiiru to lotierra. tiummar and lrji
arr-tdr. fourteenth year. Catalorue ti
pUcaUoa. Addicaa Uia Hatter.