Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Closing of Seattle Office of
Public Service Commis
sion Thwarts Ambition.
Albany Commercial Club is collecting
the new exhibits.
The articles to be sent will replace
similar exhibits now on display at the
exposition. It is desired to have many
fresh exhibits and give the display a
better appearance, and that is why
fresh fruits and vegetables and samples
of this season's grain will be forwarded.
Property Owners at Gresham Will
Consider Plana.
GRESHAM, Or.. July 28. (Special.)
Oskar Huber, who has the contract
for the paving- of the Powell Valley
road, estimates that Main street can
be paved at a cost of between i 1.35
and $1.45 a square yard. Main street
has been macadamized and the rock
foundation is ready for the laying of
the bitulithic
Koadmaster Yeon reports that there
Is no money in the county road fund
for the paving, but suggests that the
petitions for the improvement be cir
culated and signed by every taxpayer
me district and presented to the
County Commissioners. It is pointed
out that property owners could take
advantage of the Bancroft bonding act
'n paying' for the improvement. A mass
meeting will be held tomorrow night
i when the matter of paving the inter
section of the Powell Valley road and
Main street, around the fountain, will
be decided.
Dream of K.stablifehing Headquarters
at Washington. Metropolis Fades
When Executive Sees Cost of
Elaborate Arrangement.
OITMPIA. Wash., July 28. (Spe
cial.) Closing of Seattle offices of the
"Washing-ton Public Service Commis
sion, already started and to be fol
lowed by removal of engineering quar
ters to Olympia. means, in the Judg
ment of capital politicians, that Gov
ernor Lister has taken a stand defi
nitely against the ambitions of Chair- I cumoth isch in...ii w--wi
v. j uvauo. luo uiiimiaaiuu. I
Arthur A. Lewis and Frank R. Spinning Neighbors Quarrel.
are me otner members.
Lack of harmony in the commission
has been commented on at length since
shortly after Mr. Reynolds was ap
pointed by Governor Lister to succeed
Judge M. M. Godman, who resigned
more than a year ago owing to ill
health W I i n ll lutcr oaiiciAsi hia 4AA,V,
Mr. Reynolds, a successful Seattle law- noon at fld rort Klamath, according
yer, aside from being designated as to word Just received.
is Biiia isaacs went to tne grocery
store operated-at the Marsh by Brown,
Loaves Used by British Sol
diers to Clean Boots.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. July 28.
(Special.) Eugene Isaacs, a prominent
Indian on the Klamath reservation,
who it is alleged was stabbed by Joe
Brown, another Indian. at Klamath
Marsh last week, died Saturday after-
chairman by the votes o'f the other two
members, probably thought that oer
eonal pofitical service he had rendered and informed Brown that he must not
rneai usier Deiore tne latter became
Governor would tend to place him
ahead of the other two members.
Mr. Reynolds Wins Favor.
Following the 1912 primaries, when
tear down his fences or cross his
fields, whereupon a quarrel began and
Brown without warning sprang upon
Isaacs with a knife and stabbed him
three times.
An autopsy showed that two of the
iuuBe w. w. iiacK won by a com- three stabs were fatal. Brown Is
jjamnveiy zew votes tne democratic beins held at Klamath Agency await-
fcuwimiiuutti uuuiijittiioii ironi a iieiu i ing trial.
i six omers, witn jur. LJster second,
Mr. Reynolds raised the Question of
leal superiority of decisions, that the
Lverett man, while a member of the
Superior bench, had no right to . have
his name on the ballot for a. partisan
oil ice.
The other members of the Commis
sion, however, had claims on Mr. Lis
Meeting of Enthusiasts in Idaho
Draws Throng of 1000.
ter's personal and political friendship
antedating Mr. Reynolds', and also felt
some respect should be paid their sen
iority as members of the Commission.
Mr. Lewis, who was Spokane City
Treasurer and an old friend of Mr. Lis
ter under the Rogers administration,
was the first man to whom an appoint
ment was tendered after the election,
while Mr. Spinning, residing in Pierce
county, has been a personal and polit
ical friend of Mr. Lister almost since
the latter's boyhood.
First Clash Is Won.
Mr. Reynolds' rejection of a plan
agreed upon by the other Commis
sioners, for "the valuation of- telephone
properties, was the first bone of con
tention. Mr. Reynolds had his way.
WEISER, Idaho. July 28. (Special.)
More than 1000 enthusiasts from
nearby districts gathered at New Mead
ows Monday night and adopted reso
lutions indorsing the building of the
north-and-south railroad from Weiser
to Lewiston. .The Governor called the
meeting to discuss the plans.
Governor Alexander and party left
yesterday in autos over the proposed
route of the line on a tour of inspec
tion and will arrive in Grangevllle to
day, returning immediately to Boise.
Data will be prepared by the commis
sion on this trip which will be taken
by the Governor on his Eastern trip to
New York and Boston and other cities,
where he will go about September 1 in
n effort to interest capital in the
Army Requires 80,000 Cooks and
Training Has Proved Dirricult.
Habit of Carelessness Ac
quired In Private Life.
LONDON, July 3. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) The report
that the British soldier uses bread to
clean his boots with has caused an of
ficer attached to the Quartermaster
General's staff to make a statement in
the Times regarding the wastage of
food in the army, which, he thinks, is
no more to blame in this respect than
the civil population.
"There is no doubt." says the officer,
"that where a large number of men
are aesembled together under military
conditions the appearance of waste
will be more striking than family waste
In a civil community."
He then admits that the wastage of
food, particularly of bread, is charac
teristic of the army, since it is the vice
of a large section of the British popu
lace. Some waste is inevitable in the
army, but it can be reduced to a mini
mum if the officers of a regiment give
the food problem the came attention
they give to the training of the men
in the field.
Avoidable waste is usually coupled
with complaints of deficiency of food.
No small cause is the fastidious taste
of the men of the new armies, who
come in large part from good homes
and are not used to the coarse fare of
the camp. The serving of food also
often involves waste, as when all the
meat Is cooked and served at once, and
the scrap ends and bone that might
have been cut out and made into soups
and stews are sent to the table and
thrown away.
The modified home ration of the
army gives a soldier a pound of meat.
a pound of bread, two ounces of bacon
and seasonings, with cash allowance of
11 cents a day to buy extras with. In
the expeditionary force the allowance
of food Is greater, including a quarter
of a pound of bread extra and Jam and
cheese, but lately these additional items
have been eliminated in most parts of
the line and the cash sum of 11 cents
substituted, Just as in the' home ra
As some 80,000 arm v cooks are re
quired, and the facilities for training
cooks were at first limited, the mess
was badly handled for a time "in the
new regiments. This drawback has
been overcome. '
The officer tells of seeing a score of
large loaves floating down a river near
a camp in Salisbury Plain, and found
the men had thrown the bread away
because of the food brought them by
friends and relatives.
Knights of Pythias Entertain
. . - Self-Built Home.
The new chairman is an enthusiastic
against the public utilities of that city,
lie arranged a schedule of work in
which Seattle would require the en
gineering force for a long period of
time, and arrangements were made to
xrydve headquarters to that city.
At this time an interview appeared
in which Mr. Reynolds was quoted as
favoring transferring of all offices of
the Commission to Seattle. Olympia
business men were indignant and pro
tested to Governor Lister, who issued
an interview, flatly stating that if
such a move were proposed by the
chairman, he would not favor it. Mr.
Reynolds subsequently repudiated the
alleged interview.
Money Spent In Seattle.
For the month of July, of 90 persons
in the employ of the Public Serv
ice Commission,- with a total payroll of
$11,726.22. 40 were in Seattle.
The cost of the new system 'proved
its downfall. When Governor Lister
saw from the expense statement of the
Commission that one of its most im
portant appropriations was likely to be
exhausted before the end of the calen
dar year, he addressed letters to all
members telling them that a remedy
must be sought. A meeting was held
and Mr. Reynolds was compelled to
give up his dream of Seattle headquar
ters. A considerable num"er of the
engineers at the Seattle offices have
been relieved; the remainder will be
moved to Olympia as soon as the pres
ent valuation work has been completed.
Seattle offices, already reduced in
size, will be abandoned entirely..
HUBBARD, Or.. July 28. (Special.)
A Knights of Pythias hall was dedi
cated here last Saturday evening. The
members . themselves erected and
finished the entire building except the
electrical wiring.
The new building is two stories
high and cost 13500. The lower floor
is to be used fpr business purposes and
the upper floor by the lodge. The in
terior of ths building is beautifully
finished in slashed grain Oregon fir.
Members from Salem, Silverton
Aurora. Sio and other places attended
the dedication and enjoyed the banquet
which followed.
William Peebler, Pendleton, Burled
PENDLETON. Or.. July 28. (Spe
cial.) The funeral of "William Peebler,
son or Mr. and Mrs. George 1. Peebler,
of this city, was held from the Pres
byterian Church, in charge of Rev. J. M.
Cornielison, today. Mr. Peebler went
to St. Anthony's Hospital a few weeks
ago for an operation for appendicitis.
He was convalescing at his home from
an operation when typhoid fever de
veloped. He is survived by his young
widow and two small children, as well
as by his parents, two brothers and two
retained to teach in the grade schools
of the county next year are the fol
lowing: Ethel E. Miller. In South Mil
ton; Maud Thompson, in district 11.
south of Weston; Nell Savely. In the
Finn district: Alice Barnes. In district
17. west of Athena: Edith M. Kraker. in
district 26. near Holdman; H. W. Cope-
land and Rose Hamilton, In the Pilot
Rock Junction School; Minnie McClure.
in Upper Butter Creek; Daisy Wad-
dlngham. in district 62. near Athena:
Krrva Hacock, in district S3, north or
this city.
Corral lis Professors Lecture at
Farmers' Institute.
Corvallls, July 2i. iSpeclal.) With
dairying as the leading feature a
week's work of conducting farmers
institutes has Just been concluded by
Professors E. B. Fltts and J. L. La.rsen
and Miss Anna Turley. Sessions were
held at Alsea. Benton County, and at
Denser. Waldport, Ona, Toledo and
Eddvvllle. Lincoln County. Attendance
at these institutes was reported to have
been exceptional.
Every dairyman was advised to
weigh his milk and keep records of
the production of each cow. and it was
suggested that the community co-operate
with the public school by putting
In a Babcock tester so that each dairy
farmer could have his milk tested for
butter-fat records at, the lowest pos
sible cost.
Logger Beats Alleged Highwayman
So Badly He Cannot Talk.
CENT R ALIA. Wash.. July 28. (Spe
cial.) Charged with attempted high
way robbery and so badly beaten by
his alleged Intended victim that he
cannot tell his name, an unidentified
man is being held in the Lewis County
lall. The man was turned over to
Sheriff Foster by w. staple, a logger
of this city, who says the man pointed
a pistol at him and ordered him to
throw up his hands.
Staples says he took the gun away
from the highwayman anl. alter giv
lng him a good thrashing, led him to
Wilson Bros." logging camp near Inde
pendence, where he gave his prisoner
over to the Sheriff.
Twenty Locations on Puget Sound
Submitted to Army Officers.
SEATTLE. Wash.. July 28. Twenty
sites on Puget Sound, situated all the
way from Belllngham to Tacoroa, were
submitted today to the Array board
which Is seeking for an aviation school
for military flying men.
The sites offered include several al
ready owned by the Government, such
as tide laads near Fort Lawton, the
old site of- the city of Port Townsend,
and a portion of Lummi Indian reser
V Vv. . SSV J I'll Jill ill l.J- . ill' ! II J
' X S;.'Si'J fill III 111 'Jl M , Si
i S . ' ' I J t 1 t III! I I 1 it r
Manhattan Shirt Sale
Yards upon yards of new fabrics have
g-one into the making of these fine shirts.
Beginning today, every garment receives
a new price, each lower than before.
w rt sr
r I I
x . - . .
$1. 50 Manhattan Shirts$l. 25
$2. 00 Manhattan Shirts $1. 65
$2. 50 Manhattan Shirts$l. 95
$3. 00 Manh attan Shirts $1. 95
$3. 50 Manhattan Shirts $2. 85
$4.00 Manhattan Shirts $2. 85
$5. 00 Manhattan Shirts $3. 85
$6.00 Manhattan Shirts $3. 85
Your choice of fabrics is not limited; I show garments in madras, percale, French flannel,
silk and wool, silk and linen, and pure silk. No lircit on quantities.
Cost of One Gram Reduced by
Government to $36,050.
Spokane Woman Susjieet Jtcleased.
SPOKANE. Wash.. July 58. Mrs.
Anna Knicesky, of Elk. Wash., who
has been held in Jail here for more
than a week pending an investigation
of the death oT her husband. John Kni
cesky. by poisoning, was released to
day. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Hutchinson said facts developed by the
investigation were consistent with the
theory of suicide.
Last Strip of New Plank Highway
Completed Before Crowd.
ROCK A WAT, Or., July 28. (Special.)
The planked auto road from Ocean
Lake Park to Lake Lytle was com
pleted when the last strip was laid
Tuesday before a crowd of business
men and visitors at the beach.
This road was the last link in the
chain of highways to Rockaway and
will be invaluable to members of the
Portland Auto Club and other motor
ists. Nearly 300 machines have been
TUDf OUIItO I ull"10 if ickii wi, uencnes Because
I nntonllNlU of the condition of the road.
The completion of this road will be
celebrated next Sunday.
Irrigation Factions Arbitrate.
WENATCHEE, Wash., July 28
(Special.) C T. Haskell and W. O.
Parr, trustee and attorney of the
Hop Crops Near McMdnnvllle
Threatened With Damage.
MMINNVILLE. Or., July 28. (Spe
cial) The pleasant cool, cloudy weather
for several days here developed into I Wenatchee irrigation district, were in
a gentle rainfall that lasted an hour! Spokane yesterday conferring with
this morning. All threshers had to dis- the creditors of the Highline Canal.
continue the work for today, and as I They expected to submit a plan for the
light showers fell this afternoon the arbitration of the differences between
harvesting of Fall wheat may not con- the water users and the creditors.
tinue for several days, wheat yielding
from 35 to 40 bushels an acre Indi
cates a great crop for the entire county.
Rain will not damage crops if it does
not last long. However. It will soon
damage the hop yards. The dampness
will have a tendency to bring back
hop lice on low lands and river bot
tom land. Hay baling operations were
stopped for the present also. Much
hay is still in the shock.
Umatilla Retains 10 Teachers.
PENDLETON. Or.. July 28. (Spe
cial.) Among the contracts filed with
County School Superintendent Toung
within the past few days by teachers
Umatilla Water System Completed.
PENDLETON. Or, July 28. (Spe
cial.) The new gravity water system
at the Umatilla Indian Agency, connect
ing with the municipal supply of Pen
dleton, has been completedsand is be
ing subjected to final tests. It Is ex
pected that the new supply will be
fully available for use at the agency
by tomorrow.
Ths roar of a waterfall la produced almost
entirely by the bursting- of millions of air
Secretary Lane Says Surgeons Are
Obtaining Results in Cure of
Cancer That Give Reason
for Encouragement.
WASHINGTON. July 28. Production
of radium from Colorado carnotlte ores
by the Bureau of Mines. In connection
with the National Radium Institute,
has passed the experimental stage and
Is now on a successful manufacturing
basis. In making this announcement
Secretary Lane declared that state
ments made to Congress concerning
the ability of the Bureau to produce
radium at a greatly decreased cost over
other processes had actually been ac
compltshed and that the costs were
even less than predicted.
The Secretary said he had been In
formed that the cost of one gram of
radium metal produced in the form of
bromide during March. April and May
last was $36. 05a. This Included all ex
penses Incident to production.
"When it Is conslderoaj that radium
has been selling for $112,000 and 1116.-
000 a gram." said Mr. Lane, "It will b
seen what ths Liureau has accomplished
The public, however, should not Infer
that this low cost of production necea
sarily means an immediate drop in the
selling price of radium.
"The National Radium Institute was
fortunate In securing through a Col
orado steel company the right to mln
10 claims of carnotlte ores belonging
to them, and this was practically the
only ore available at the time. Since
then new deposits have been opened,
but these are closely held, and accord
ing to the best Judgment of Rureau ex
perts, the Colorado and I th fields.
which are much richer In radium-bear
ing ores than any others known, will
supply ore for a few years only at the
rate of production that obtained when
the European war closed down the
"The demand for radium will also In
crease rapidly, for the two or three
surgeons who have a sufficient amount
of this element to entitle them to speak
from experience are obtaining results
In the cure of cancer that are increas
ingly encouraging as their knowledge
of its application Improves.
OP 3,500.000 POI NDS.
ability of reopeniny for a time next
Kail. Edward J. Hurke. general man
ager, said today that the mill will be
reopened if the company succeeds in
buying up sufficient fleeces to war
rant, Mr. Kurke appeared to think
that this would be probable, as there is
yet considerable wool In the coun
try. Mr. Burke expects to go East 'rt
Philadelphia hortly after the mill
closes, stopping two or three weeks In
Chicago. He plans to spend a week at
Atlantic City, vacation resort, and
will return here In time for the Round
up, 8rptembt-r 23.
Milton Boys I'xonera toil.
PENDLETON. Or.. July 28. Spe
cial.) Rocks which struck the Liberty
Bell near Milton recently wore not
thrown by boys, as suspected at the
time, but rolled from a hlah cut. ac
cording to Special Aaent llannon. of
the O.-W. R. i N. Company, who ntnde
an i n ve.t 1 en 1 Icin.
Plant ("loses for Season, bat May
Hearta la Kali It Kleee-e
Supply Warrnntn.
PENDLETON. Or.. Julv 28. (Spe
cial.) In addition to scouring upwards
of 6O0.0J0 pounds of wool this season,
the Pendleton scouring mill has graded
and baled in excess of 3.000.000 pounds
which has been shipped In the grease.
The bulk of the wool scoured here has
been for the wcount of 11. C. Judd
& Root, of Hartford. Conn., and Boston,
Matt. The same firm alo got the bulk
of the grease wool baled and shipped
from the local mill this season. Other
shipments have been made to various
Boston wool dealers snd to several New
England manufacturers.
During the season the mill has em
ployed an average of 35 men. with a
weekly pay roll running between IJ0O
and $600. Jack Uibson has been In
charge of the mill as superintendent.
The mill will close Its 23d Keaaon
on Saturday, when the plant will be
shut down until Autumn and ponnlhly
until next Spring Concerning the proh- I f"-, 1. on.7 Kr r" "I
ATI sVe needs it a very little Vln.
Constipation is caused by accumulate!
atr in the Colon (Larce Intestine),
which, under our present isoJe of living.
Nature cannot entirely remove without a
littie help.
The rank poisons in this waste get lnt
the blood circulation too. and make us feel
depressed, blue, bilious and incompetent
really sick if allowed to go a little too far.
All the feelp that Nature asks, however.
Is Internal liathirc with Warm Water, ap
plied by the ".!. it. L Cascade." 1 his, its
a perfectly natural and rational way, cleans
out all the waMe and poisons irons the
Colon anrl kerps it as s eet. el-"i erxl
Jure by occasional c as Nature demands
or a perfectly healthy condition.
So invariably successful has this new and
improved method of Internal Hatpin
proved to be that over 300.000 Americans
are now enthusiastically using it to cure
Constipation, ward a" disease, and keep
thera Lrifhl, vigorous and efficient.
The ".I. It. I.. "a.-ade" is now Seina;
ar-own hy the Woodard Clark Sc Co.'s IHu
Store in Portland. Call and let us esrtlain
how simply it accomplices these great results.
A bo ask us for free booklet, "Why slaa
Proficiency in Sports and Work at
Home Graded at La Grande.
LA GRANDE, Or.. July 28 (Spe-
i Activities to Interest boy members
' of the Junior department have Just
Ibeen brought to a close by the La
'Grande T. M. C. A. Ninety boys were
divided into classes for competition.
Home work, "packing wood, mow
ing the lawns and other assistance to
their parents was carefully ascertained
by Secretary J. H Rudd. father of I
the movement, and their punctuality in
school, deportment, their grades In
studies, record in Sunday school and
proficiency in sports were considered
in making awards.
Contests were held in, basketball.
baseball, swimming and track work.
Linn County to Send Fresh Products
to San Francisco.
ALBANY. Or., July 28. (SpeciaL)-
rWithin a few days Linn County will
forward to San Francisco a new supply
:r grains, grasses and fruits to sup
plement the display from this county I
the - Willamette valley exhibit. The
Soft and dear
Does Cuticura. The Soap to
cleanse and purify, the Oint
ment to soothe and heal.
Samples Free by Mall
. Cntlcura Soap sad Ointment sold throughout tbs
world. Liberal sample of oaoh mailed tree, with 32p
book. -Address "GuUcuxa," Dept. 26W, Boston.
Mountain, River and Beach Resorts
Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland
Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point, or the trip
you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce
or phone them Bell Phone, Broadway 440 or Automatic, A G091. -Information will gladly be given.
Literature of interesting points furnished Time Cards, Beach and Mountain Resort literature. The
Oregonian asks the names and addresses of tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with
names of your party to Summer Resort Dept, The Oregonian, Portland.
The Hazelwood
and Restaurant
Washington at-, at Testa,
Best Food Served at
Lowest Possible Cost
Amid Homelike Surroundings
Crown Point Chalet
I-lncat Hotel on Colombia Blvnr
Magnificent Scenery.
Chicken Dinners a Fpoelalty.
Large Dancing Parlor.
Corbett. Orecon.
O.-W. R. & N. Steamer "Huulo"
To Mecler and return In on da jr.
200-MILE RIDE $2.00
Leave Ash-street Dock :30 A. M.
Mondays to Fridays. Inclusive.
Ticket at the Iork wr
City Ticket Office. Mnahinston at Third.
A ei2U Broadway 4500.
Cloud Can Inn Is a delightful r
treat. (000 feet above aea level, on a
sheltered spur of the very mountain
itself, and Is located Just at the
upper edge of the timber line.
The trip to the Inn usually is made
by rail to Hood River and thence by
stage. The round-trip rate. Includ
ing; all traveling; expenses, la 112.50.
Service begins July 1 and continues
to September 15.
Electric carllrvo to Boring:. 24
miles; automobile to Welch's, Rho
dodendron and Tawney's, round trip
from Portland. $7.75. Same as above
with borse stage all the way, IS. 75.
Portlaaa Helabtn (Cwtancll Crentl
1200 feet above the city. Take Coun
cil Crest car on Washington street;
time. 30 minutes each way. Won
derful view of the city and snow
capped mountains.
Mlllereat Drive A hillside motor
drive of unsurpassed beauty. About
one hour's drive. Best time just at
sunset, but most beautiful view of
city and mountains at all times.
Peninsula Park Sunken Gardens
A city park and well worth a trip.
Take St. Johns or Kenton car.
, N
HM-i a rt : i
Pally to Mount Hood resorts 8 A. M.
Mound trip $3; (lor. Camp $7.50.
Special rales for week-end and climb.
Ins: parties. Information reservations
and tickets at
1S Xd PH. Main ABM. A Mil.
Or Irvtnston Gsrags, East 135.
SloekysNs and Parkin Plant
IarKext plant west of the Missis
sippi River. Located on Columbia
SIoukIi within 40 minutes ride of
Hroadway and Washington streets.
Take Kenton cars on Washington
street at fifth. Sixth and Broadway
streets to Kenton. Fare S cents.
Take Kenton Traction Company cars
at Kenton to I'ackinir Plant and
Stockyards. Fare & cents. Visitors
admitted daily except Sundays.
A scenic drive of rare beauty,
built alonir the south shore of the
Columbia Klver. a distance of more
than 40 miles from Portland. A
series of remarkable waterfalls,
rugged peaks and deep canyons are
among the attractions.
Parka Washington Park, head of
Washington street, with small too
and aviary. Take any car west on
Washington street excepting Six
teenth; fare S cents. Celebrated
statue. "Comln of the White ilan."
also "Sacajawea." Excellent view
of the city.
Tlse Oaks f the Coney Island of tne
Went) Every form of entertain
ment and accommodation for tour
ists. Orchestral and band concerts,
prima donna and musical comedy
company every afternoon and nlht
ln the open-air theater. Perform
ances free. Admission to park 10
cents. Reached by express special
Oaks train (fare 5 cents), from
First and Alder: or by launch 10
cents), from Morrison-street Bridge.
Katsrsds, ("sisders. Ball Itnn cars
leave First and Alder every four
hours, dally and Sunday, every hour
as far as Uresham. ciood points for
basket picnic.
Welch's. Rhwdodeadrwa and Taw
Bey's are located ors the south side
of- the mountain. Automobile from
Portland to either resort, round trip,
each $5.
Vr. J un in I
Open Klee sad Tank Hathlna. Take
ft launch fool of salmon street
every half-hour, commencing 1:30 P.
M.. "fare 5 cents, or Brookln car to
Woodward ave. ; free launches connecting.
Yellowstone Park Tour 2-0
Complete satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. You can pay
more but cannot get better serv
ice. Huv tickets at Salt Ijike.
Ogden. Pocatello or Yellowstone
Safety at All Tins en
Mt. Hood Auto Line
calls and delivers to any part of
city, day or night, to Mount Hood
resorts. Round trip, to; Govern
ment Camp. $7.50.
Plsoaen, Main &81, or A 2331.
All modern Improvements. One of the
Isrgest hotels oo Xarto Bosch. Ws ralan
our own poultry. Reasonable, ratsa Spe
cial rates by ths wk for 'amities. Pbooe
In hotel. Buy tickets to Shelburns Statloa.
Trains stop rlcbt at door Aadrsa
vlsw. Wana T. J. HOAsE, Prop.
An Ideal Placo for Tour
Summers Keat.
C. W. J. Rerkers. White talmas, Wn.
On the Pacific
Mount Hood Lodge
C!oud Cap Inn
Famous Mt. Hood Resorts
Columbia River and
Columbia liigbway
Scenic and" Outing: Trips One
Day or Longer.
Wallowa Lake Park
in the Powder River section of
the Blue Mountains.
Through Sleeper to
For particulars, call or phone the
Third and Wash.
Phones: B d w y.
4500. A 6121:
Located at
Bar View, Tillamook Co., Or.
Train stops ac our door Only ?O0 feat
from hlffb ttita. Plank drive to beautlfu.
beach. haft bathing, comfortab: bids
Ai: the dims. Crabs sad chicken yon can
eat. Kates 91 Per dsy snd up For par
ticulars writs or call on 1K IIKMAL
CO, Rooms 211-11 Fil!lti( XIMs.. Sd at
Wash.. Portland. Or. I'hons A or M :o?9.
or liar View. Tillamook Co.. Oregon.
I lance Kvrry Msht. Pool. Billiards and
Howling. feurf list bins i ben 1 Uhlng.
Improve every idle hour
en route with a good
Get your favorite
volume at
The J. K. GUI Co, Booksellers.
Stationers and Complete
Office Outfitters.
the greatest health and pleasure
report on the 1'arifia Oossl. In tne
heart of the Olymrlc Mountains,
open for the season. Kur full
information address
The Manager. Sol One. Wants.