13 THE MORXIXG OREGOMAX. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1915. YARDS LIST DEMAND 1500 Hoppickers Wanted and More to Be Needed Later. PAY RATE IS UNCHANGED England Expected to Be In Market Tor Oregon Product, Since War Has Cut Ofr Supply From Usual Sources in Europe. With the opening of the hoppicking season a month away, officials of the Yellow Stack line are looking forward to handling crowds bound for Willam ette Valley yards to assist in harvest ing and they predict that the number j to go will be larger than for many I years. ' Through the United States Immigra tion Department a list is being com piled of persons who will be available for places in hopyards and Assistant Inspector Bonham said yesterday that between 1000 and 1500 can be taken care of by the yards already listed at the immigration office, while more growers undoubtedly will indicate the number of hands they will require, so the list can be increased. "Needless to say we desire principal ly to obtain the names of families bo that they may gain all the assistance possible in these days," said Mr. Bon ham. "At the same time the names of individuals will be accepted so that when the season starts we can supply each yard the full quota asked. There are many opportunities remaining and those who report first will have the proference for work." Average yield Expected. Rates for. picking are to be the same as those of the past few years, say hopmen. The crop will be about an average with some prospect of a in crease. The yield from, the Willam ette Valley will be nearly 125,000 bales. Besides the fact that numbers of Port land residents will be employed in the yards, much of the yield will pass through the city en route East, steamer lines plying via the Panama Canal receiving the shipments. Hopmen look for a decidedly active demand from England this year and some hops may move direct from Port land to the United Kingdom. It is estimated that there will be about half a crop in England. In the past Germany, Austria and Belgium have been drawn on to make up England's ' requirements, as sufficient hops have not been raised there, but now, with Germany and Austria certainly closed to British dealers and no crop avail able in Belgium, the Pacific Coast of the United States promises to be the principal source of supply. Stored Crop to Be Moved Soon. Some old-crop hops have moved lately across country for shipment from New York to England, and those on hand for export are to be cleaned up, as an in creased rate of 50 cents on 100 pounds goes into effect on steamship lines across the Atlantic September 1. Should the higher tariff remain in effect after the new hops are ready - to be moved, it is reasoned that a larger . percentage of them will be loaded on Canal steamers here and transshipped at New York to save as much as pos sible on the through rate. Water shipments from Portland for ' the- year ending June - SO were 99,000 pounds for New York and 1500 bales were exported direct to Liverpool. ASTORIA SERVICE INCREASED Ilarkins Line to Have Passenger Boat on Run Every Day. Owing to the demand from many re turning from Seaside, as well as Astorians, for a steamer service from Astoria Mondays, the Harkins Trans portation Company announces that hereafter there will be a steamer from Portland daily, making the roundtrip. The past arrangement has been for the Georgiana to make the run daily except Monday, when she lays over here, but Captain Hosford says that the service will be maintained every day during the Summer. That line also operates the steamer lurline on the run and of late the Undine has been impressed to assist in moving the accumulation of freiglrt The O.-W. R. & N. Co. has the steamer Harvest Queen in operation from here . at night, returning from Astoria the following morning, with the steamers Hassalo and T. J. Potter making Megler for the accommodation of North Beach patrons. The steamer Na hr-ntt. is used between Astoria and Megler as well, so there have been abundant lacumes except days when the steam ers lay over. GRAIN" FREIGHTS TO GO UP Second Steamer Fixed at 95 Shill ings and Rise Is Forecasted. Some grain exporters express doubt that additional steamers will be en gaged for a time at 95s. as owners are insisting on higher freights. The lat est engagement was of the British steamer Rosalie by Kerr, Gifford & Co. at a5a. She is of 2725 tons net reg ister, and comes here from Leith, be ing due in September. The Iritish steamer Volga was the first taken at 95s, having been fixed last week by the Portland Flouring Mills Company. The American bark John Ena, which Balfour, Guthrie & Co. are loading for Australia, is to finish tomorrow with a full cargo of wheat, and the British bark Amulree may complete her cargo so as to be Included with the Julv fleet. With the departure of t:.e. sailors the narbor will be cleared of offshore grain carriers. CELILO OAXAL WILU CLOSE Force of 100 to Make Repairs Along Big Ditch. - ' To permit repairs being made where cracks developed after water was turned in early in May. The iJalles Celilo Canal is to be closed to naviga tion for a period of three weeks, an nouncement being made yesterday at the office of Colonel Morrow, Corps of . Engineers, U. S. A. The Dalles-Columbia line will dispatch the steamer Twin Cities from Portland tomorrcw and she will be locked through Satur day, remaining above the canal to carry freight from Celilo to Pasco and Kennewick, as shipments will be moved from here as usual and transferred via the state portage railroad. About 100 men will be available to make repairs in the canal. It was opened May 5, and though water was let in cradually. some cracks resulted. 7 NORTHWESTER BESETS FIEET Wapama Heads Into Gale Along Northern California Coast. Between Fort Bragg and Crescent City the McCormick steamer Wapama experienced the worst of the north wester rampant along the coast, and ipuun loaat said yesterday that at times it attained the velocity of a gale. "The vessel brought 40 passengers from .no ouiaen uaie, arriving here early yesterday. Ii the way of cargo the had 600 tons of asphalt. With her was the Yosemite with a fair passenger list. Another of the McCormlck line to re port was the Celllo. which reached the harbor Tuesday night. 1 The three vessels leave on the re turn Saturday and all will have pas sengers, reservations coming in rap idly. The number of travelers coming north on the independent vessels is increasing every week, and with the big liners - carrying almost full lists every trip there are thousands of strangers passing through Portland on their way home over northern rail roads. Many others are moving from the Kast by way of Pugret Sound and Portland on their way to the exposition. HOKKAI MARU IS IN HARBOR O. M. Clark and George Haw Icy Are on Way to Portland. Laden with 1250 tons of sulphur and 200,000 feet of hardwood, the Japanese steamer Hokkal Maru, from Miiki via Otaru, reached the harbor last night and berthed at municipal dock No. 3, St. Johns, to discharge 1000 tons of sulpiiur. She is to proceed to munic ipal dock No. 1, foot of Sixteenth treet, tomorrow, to unload the re mainder of the sulphur and the hard wood. The vessel is consigned to Mitsui & Company and is to be dis patched for Australia. The steamer O. M. Clark, coming to the Grace line to load lumber for Pan ama, passed out of Puget Sound early yesterday on the way from Seattle to load at the Portland mill and Clark & Wilson plant. The vessel is behind time, having been delayed through grounding near Port Angeles on her way to Seattle. The steamer George Hawley. of the West Coast Navigation Company's line. the pioneer of the fleet, left San Fran cisco Tuesday night for Portland and discharges New York freight at munic ipal dock No. 1, af- which the goes north for a lumber cargo for New York. TWO IXJUKEI AT FLAVEL Freight Handler Loses Foot and Parting Line Hits Man. ASTORIA, Or.. July 28. (Special.) Two longshoremen were severely in jured in accidents that occurred at the Hill terminals at Flavel this afternoon. As the steamer Northern Pacific was docking, her stern mooring: line parted, one eni striking- Fred Mason, foreman of a longshoremen's gang, in the head and knocking him senseless. An ex amination indicated that the skull was not fractured and the injuries are not considered of a dangerous nature. Later, as the steamer's freight was being discharged, Robert Quick caught his right foot In the endless chain that hauls trucks up the slip, and his leg was so badly crushed that amputation just above the ankle was necessary. Xews From Oregon. Ports. ASTORIA, Or., July 28. (Special.) The American-Hawaiian line steamer lowan load ed 700 tons of canned salmon here today for New York and will sail this evening (or the Atlantic Coast, via Puget Sound and San Francisco. The tank steamer Wm. F. Herrln arrived from California with a cargo of fuel oil for Portland. The fcasoline schooner M Irene cleared for Waldport with a cargo of general merchan dise. The steam schooners Wapama and Yo semite arrived from San Francisco and will load lumber for return cargoes. The Japanese steamer Hokkal Maru ar rived from Japan with cargo for Portland. The steamer ortnern jvaciric arnvea from San Francisco, bringing 675 passen gers and a large consignment of freight, much of which is for points as far east as Spokane. COOS BAY. Or., July 23. (Special.) Mrs. Helene OLson. of Empire, died at midnight, after an illness of four hours. She was 73 years old and came here to make a home for her son. Captain Peter Olson, of tne gaso line schooner Rustler. Captain Olson Is supposed to be In Portland or en route to Coos Bay with the Rustler, and the funeral will be postponed until nis arrival. The steamer Adeline hmim sanea ior san Francisco, carrying lumber from the Coo Bay Lumber Company plant. The steam schooner westerner arrivea from San Francisco and Is chartered to carry lumber from the Coos Bay Lumber Company plant to San Pedro. The steamship Santa Clara arrived from the south and sailed for Portland. LOAN MEM ARE WARNED LEGISLATION THKE.VTENTS BUSI NESS, SAYS SPEAKER. Strong Organization to Oppose Onertfui LavTS ITrged Before League Meet ing In Sam Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. The danger that building and loan associa tions -will be legislated out of existence and the necessity of strong state and National organizations to oppose oner ous laws were points emphasized today In a speech by Joseph A. McNamee, of Atlantic City, N. J., at the second day's session of the United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. Speaking of the movement toward state control of such associations Mr. McNamee said: "Such paternal care provides a de sirable safeguard, but at the eame time it develops a menace because it affords an opportunity for lawmaking bodies to interfere in the work, and not al ways as the result of such an ex perience as would promise a successful Issue. "The success of building and loan as sociatlons has been due mainly to their economical administration and to the small amount of expense the share holder is compelled to assume. In urging support of state leagues, the speaker asserted that there are 2,000,000 building and loan men In this country, with assets of $1,400,000,000 who are providing today four times as many homes as there are dwellings in New York and Philadelphia combined. MURDER , IS SUSPECTED Supposed Drowning at Gardiner to Be Investigated. ROSEBTJRG, Or., July 28. (Special.) Acting upon advices received from Gardiner, Sheriff Quine and Coroner Jewett will go there this week and in vestigate the facts connected with the supposed drowning of John Macey., in Smith River, a few weeks ago. Macey disappeared while attending a dance near Gardiner and on the follow ing day his body was found in the river. In his boat were found traces of human blood. Many Gardiner people believe Macey was killed and his body thrown into the river. Iefunct Bank Pays Dividend. CENTRAUA, Wash., July 28. (Spe cial.) Checks arrived from Washing ton last night for the payment of an other dividend of 10 per cent to the depositors of the United States National Bank and the payment of the dividend started today. The dividend amounts to approximately $100,000 and is the second the depositors have received. If Judge Cushman in the Federal Court decides in favor of the bank in the suit recently heard by. him, wherein the City of Centralia sought to establish a claim of preferred creditor to city money tied up In the bank, a third dividend will be forthcoming soon. In Russia bricks made of coal dust are need for paving; the coal dust Is combined with trcac.j and resin. PRISON SHIP Oil WAY Historic British Vessel to Be Brought to Portland. VISITORS MAY GO ABOARD Majxr to Preside at Formal Open ing to Be Attended by State, County and City Officials. Millions, Attracted. Captain D. II. Smith says the British prison-ship Success Is the greatest drawing card ir the world. Kvld-ently It Is all that he asserts, for he eays at San Francisco 822,000 persons went aboard between the time of her arrival there in the Spring from tae East coast until she left there Mon day in tow of the steamer Wasp. The Success is looked for in the river Sat urday and Is to be here Sunday, berth ing at the foot of Yamhll street, where she will be thrown open to the pub lic at l o clock Tuesday. Mayor Albee la to tinen the shin formally at 10 o'clock Tuesday when the vessel will be inspected by 200 In vited guests. Including state, county and municipal officials, members of the clergy and advocates of prison reforms. Captain Smith is in the city and eays tne prison-ship will remain- here for several weeks so that all may have an opportunity to visit aboard. Career la Historic. "The Success is the only snio afloat built entirely of oak wood and at the water-line her hull is 30 inches thick," Baid Captain Smith yesterday. "She was turned out in 1790 and plied as an armed merchantman until 1802, when she was purchased by the British gov ernment and until 1851 was used In transporting prisoners from England to Australia. On her first voyage she carried 380 persons and they were the first whites to reach Australia. After her transporting days were over she was used as a floating prison in Aus tralian waters and in 1861 the system was abolished. "At New York the Success drew 84,000 visitors in eig.it days and up to this time more than 15,000,000 per sons have been aboard. At London she remained three years in the same berth, establishing & record as the longest attraction in that city. While there she was visited in company by King Edward and Emperor William. who were hunting together, and spe cial arrangements were made to close the vessel so they might view the vari ous features privately." Lectures tilvem on Board. Captain Smith says he was born in Indiana, but his father being an Eng- lnman. he was sent to England to join the navy and after his period of service expired the Success was pur chased. She carries 19 persons for lec ture purposes and the care of the ship and he says she is covered in Lloyd's in the sum of $250,000. which, of course, is much more than the vessel is worth, except for show purposes. Tnough the Success was under way t Melbourne for five years and was battered around considerably, much of her original decks are in place, show ing the wear from the constant tramp of her unfortunate passengers, also the means of punishment and torture em ployed, and such details are preserved. with wax figures used to illustrate some of the conditions as well as rep resenting some of the most notorious personages she carried. MARINE LXTKLLIGilXCK. Steamer Schedule, DUE TO ARKIVBL Name. From Date. Breakwater...... Coos liajr Ia port Bear. ........ Los Angeles. ....... in port Northern Pacific, isan Francisco. ... in port sama Clara. .... .San Francisco. ... July Great Northern, .ban Franclaco. ... . Juiy du beaver Los Angeles. ... ... July at Geo. W. Elder. .. .ban Llego Auk. 1 F. A K'lburn. ... ban Francisco. ....Aug. 2 Rose City. ...... .Lo Angeles. ... ... Aug. 6 Koaooke. ....... .ban Llego. Aut b J3U1S TO LiEfAKT. Name. For Date. Northern Pacific. San Francisco July 2D Breakwater Coos Bay .....July z Wapama . ban Liego. ........ July J. i. Stetson. .... ban Dli-go. ........ July Yale ...B. V. to L A. July banta Clara. ... ..ban Francisco July Willamette. ..... ban UleKO. ....... ..July Cellio. San Diego..... July Yosemite. ....... San Llego. July Harvard B. V. to i-. A. .July Bear. ........... Los Angeles. July Ureat : rorthern. . ban Francisco. ... July F. A. Kllburn. ... ban Francisco..... Aug. Geo. W. ider....ban Utegu Aug. Beaver. ......... Los Angeles. ...... Au. Tamalpala.' .. ...ran Francisco. .... .Aug. banta Barbara. ..ban Dleo. ..... . . . Aug. lu AV&.10D ban 1,'lego. Aug. iv Rom City. . Los Angeles Aug. 10 Kosnoke. ....... -San Diego. ........ Aug. 1 1 Multnomah. ..... ban Llego. ...Aug. 1A Santa Monica. ... ban Francisco..... .Aug. 15 Klamath San Diego Aug. au Portland-Atlantic Serrsce. DLJC TO ARRIVAL ' Name. From Santa Cecelia. .New York...... Nevadan. ....... New York. ...... Santa Crus. ... .. New York...... Ohloen. ... New York ... DUET TO DliPAR'i. Name. For. Santa Cecelia. .New York...... Nevadan. ........ New York. ..... banta Crus. ..... New Y ork. .... . Onioan. ......... New York. . . . .. Data. In port Aug. 14 Aug. IS Aug. 24 Data. .July 28 Aug. 17 Aug. ii Marine Xotes. United States Inspectors Kd wards and Fuller will Inspect the steamer Pomona, of the Yellow Stack line, today. Carrying m full cargo and a rood passen ger list, the North Patifio steamer Roanoke, Captain Ulckson, salted last night for Cali fornia ports. The steamer banta Clara is due today and sails tomorrow night for tha Golden Uate, via tha usual way ports. Laden with lumber for San Francisco, the steamer Wm. H. Murphy sailed yesterday form W'estport. The Celilo was cleared yes. terday for Han Dleco with .-.( 1,000 feet of lumber, the Wapama for the same port with l.O4M,oo0 feet and tha Yosemite for San i'edro with 800,000 feet. Carrying- 110 tons of cargo, tha rasoline schooner Tillamook has been cleared for Reed port and Bandon. In tow of the steamer Dixon, of the shaver fleet. - the oovernment dredge Wahkiakum was towed to Slaughter's yes terday to resume dredginjc for the season. Steam was gotten up on the new Govern ment steamer Woodland at Supples yard yesterday and her wheel was turned over ail day. Her whistle ai tested and found up to specifications and she Is about all In readings for her official spin. She will act as tender to the new dredge Montlcello. Henry M. White, Commissioner of Immi gration, with headquarters at Seattle, la In the city' on his way to San Francisco to at tend labor and lmralgr.itlon conferences next month. He leaves here tonight. L'p to the time the office of the Great Northern Pacific line closed last night there had been 41t persons booked to salt on the liner Northern Pacific for San Francisco to day.. To work at Astoria In the Interest of ths Standard American Dredging; Company the d red go Long Beach was started from San Francisco Tuesday in tow of the tug Hercules. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, July 29. Arrived Steamers Daisy, Yosemite and Wapama, from San Francisco; Japanese steamer Hokkal Maru. from Mllkl. Sailed Steamers Wm. H. Mur phy, for San Francisco ; Roanoke, for San Diego via way ports; Daisy, for San Fran cisco. Astoria, July 2S. Arrived At 8 A. M. and left up at 1:10 P. M.. Japanese steamer Hokkal Maru, from MlikL Arrived at 12:10 P. M., steamer Northern Pacific, from Ssn Francisco. Arrived down at 4 A. M. and sailed at 5:30 P. M., steamer lowan, for New York and way ports. San Francisco. July 28. Arrived dur ing the night Steamer Saginaw, from Port land; arrived at A. M.. steamers Rose City from Portland, for San Pedro; Beaver, from San Pedro, for Portland; at 8 P. M., steamer Great Northern, from Flavel. Sailed Steam er Santa Barbara, from Portland, for San Pedro. July 1'7 Sailed At I M. dredge Long Beach, la tow of tug Hercules, for Astoria. Sailed at T P. M.. steamer George Hawley, from New York, for Portland. Coos Bay, July 28. Arrived At 10 A. M. and sailed at S P. M.. steamer Santa Clara, from San Franclrco, for Portland. Kureka. July 2i. Sailed Steamer F. A. Kllburn. from Portland, for ban Francisco. San Pedro, July 2S. Sailed Steamer ban Jacinto, for Portland. Tatoosh. July US. Passed at 4 A. M., steamer O. M. Clark, for Portland. Hrowhead, July 117. Passed Norwegian bark Ltka, from Portland, for Queenstown. Cardiff. July 27. Arrived Russian bark Prompt, from Portland. Ipswich. July 2S. Arrived Norwegian ship Songvand, from Portland. Astoria, July 27. Left ua at 7:30 P. M.. stesmer Daisy; arrived at lO and left up at 10:40 P. M . steamer Yosemite, from San Francisco; arrived at 11 and left op at 11:13 P. M steamer Wapama, from ban Fran cisco. San Francisco, July 28. Arrived Steam ers Rainier, from Port Gamble: Yellowstone, from Coos Bay; United States ship Cnalga, from Unalaska; Rose City, from Portland; Adm,lra! Dewey, from beattie; Speedwell, from Coos Bay; Great Northern, from As toria; New York State nautical ship Nw port, from New York. Sailed Steamers Wll lielmlna. for Honolulu; schooner Defender, for Hani, Seattle. Wash.. July 28. Arrived Steam ers Tamba Maru (Japanese), from Hong kdng via ports; City of Puebla, from Van couver, B. C. Sailed Steamers Admiral Schley, for San Francisco; Captain A, K. Lucas, for ban Francisco; Jefferson, for Southeastern Alaska, Shanghai, July as. Arrived, steamer Awa Maru. from Tacoma. Yokohama, July 28. Arrived, steamer 81 berla. from San Francisco. Kobe. July 28 bulled, steamer Merion ethshire, for Puget Sound. Hongkong. July 27. Sailed, steamer Shlnyo Maru. for San Francisco. Newport News, July Arrived, steam er Stvdent. from San Francisco, and sailed for Liverpool. Marconi Wireless Re-ports. (All Positions Reported at 8 P. M., July 18. unless otherwise Indicated. Francis Hanlfy, Masatlan for San Fran cisco, 802 miles south of San Francisco, July 27. 8 P. M. El egundi, San Diego for Richmond, 350 miles from Point Richmond. Arollne. San Francisco for San Pedro, seven miles west of Santa Barbara. Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro for San Fran cisco, so miles south of Pledras Blancas. San Jose, San Francisco for Balboa, 292 miles south of San Francisco. Lucas, towing barge f:i, Seattle for Rich mond, four miles west of Dungeness. Alliance. Seatt!e for Alaska ports, 20 miles south of Lama Passage. Moffett. Prince Rupert for Richmond. Hot. miles north of San Francisco. Admiral Evans, Alaska ports for Seattle, off Point Jorklns. ' Kllburn. Kureka for San Francisco, 125 miles north of San Francisco. Atlas, towing barge 91. Richmond for Grays Harbor, off Point Gorda. Carlos. Kverett for San Francisco. 154 miles north of San Francisco. Willamette. Pan Francisco for Seattle. 180 miles north of San Francisco. Cusco. port Angeles for San Francisco, 221 miles north of San Francisco. Adeline Smith. Coos Bay for San Fran cisco, JK'tf miles north of San Francisco. China, San Francisco for the Orient, .077 miles out. Speedwell, Coos Bay for San Diego, 40 miles south of San Francisco. Coronado. San Francisco for Aberdeen. 18 miles north of San Francisco. Queen. San Francisco for 6an Pedro, off Point New Year. Multnomah, San Francisco for Tacoma, 65 miles north of the Columbia River. Santa Clara Coos Hay for Portland, 120 miles south of the Columbia River. Chanslor. Everett, southbound, 252 miles south of Everett. Herrln. Port Costa for Llnnton. 70 miles from Llnnton. President. Seattle for San Francisco, 170 miles south of the Vmattlla lightship. Governor. San Francisco for Seattle, 105 miles north of Cape Blanco. Colombia River Bar Reoort. NORTH H EAI, July 28. Condition of tha bar at S P. M. : Sea, smooth; wind, southeast 24 miles. Tides at Astoria. Thursday. High. Low. 3:20 A. M...8.T frll:M A. M...04 foot 3:1S P. M...8.3 feet f:3l P. M...1.B feet Former Rose-burg Teaclier Weds. ROSEBURG, Or.. July 28. (Special.) Miss Esther La Brie. formerly a teacher in the RoseburK schools, but more recently of Grants Pass, has been married to J. T. Fry, of tlrants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Fry, on their honeymoon, will visit San Francisco. Mr. Fry is assistant cashier of the First National Hank, of Orants Pass. Corn on the Cob the Roasting Ear Is not more delicious than the New Post Toasfcies In the growth of corn there is a period when the kernels are plumped out with a vegetable milk, most nutritious (roasting ears). As it slowly ripens this hardens and finally becomes almost flinty. This nutritious part of the corn is cooked, seasoned, rolled thin, and toasted by a new process which enhances the true corn flavour. Different from ordinary corn flakes, the New Post Toasties have a distinctive form and flavour; and they keep their appetizing crisprtess, even after cream or milk is added. These Superior Com Flakes come oven-fresh in tight wax-sealed packages; and they cost no more than ordinary "corn flakes." Insist upon having New Post Toasties Your grocer has them now. 240-FOOT BRIDGE FALLS Al'TO PARTY IS CARRIED DOWX, BUT ESCAPES IX J CRY. Spaa at Aberdeen Drops 40 Feet I a to Cbehalls River Shortly After Streetcar Peases Over. ABERDEEN. Waslu. July la. (Spe ciaL) With a crash, heard for half a mile, the 240-foot south span of the A. J. West toll bridge, between East and South Aberdeen, fell 40 feet into the Chehalls Klver at :SS today. It carried with It an automobile in which were five Seattle persons, none of whom was badly Injured. Less than two minutes before the accident the Cosmopolis-Aberdeen streetcar crossed the bridge. Two timbers, each IS Inches square and 20 feet lone;, rested Just above tha automobile and warded off wreckage. The damage Is estimated at $ IS. 000. The automobile party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Smith and son. Lyle. of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. S. C Prlckett, who live near Fort Lawton. The streetcar coming from Cosrnopo 11s into Aberdeen was still on the bridge when the span crashed Into the river. It carried four passengers, a motorman and conductor. The West bridge Is the one that for many years spanned the Willamette Klver at Portland and was known as the Morrison-street bridge. Some years ago the steamer Norwood smashed into the same span which went into the river today and dumped it into the river. Mr. West brought a damage suit against the Norwood own ers. Sudden & Chrlstenson. and recov ered (15,000. FLAG'S HONOR IMPRESSES Veterans Note One Passerby liaise Hat to Emblem and Soldier. Spanlsh- merican War Veterans, marching In the military funeral for the late James J. Kennedy, trumpeter with the Oregon National Guard and In the Second Oregon during the Spanish-American War. were stirred yes terday when marching from the East Side to Morrison and Second streets, a passerby in an automobile stopped long enough to raise his hat to the American flag and to honor the dead trumpeter. "It was very impressive. said R. A. Sawyer, one of the veterans who was marching, "tl was Impressive in itself and furthermore for the fact that he was the only passerby thoughtful enough to lift his hat to the Stars and Stripes a fact much commented on by the veterans when they reached the end of their march from East Seventh and Alder to Second and Morrison streets." HAITI PRESIDENT SLAIN (Continued From First Page.) able at Ouantanamo should they be needed. The Admiral had reported by wire less while en route from Cape Haltien to Port-au-Prince early today that the situation at the latter place was "very grave." The State Department re ceived messages from Charge d'Af falres Davis telling of the assassina tion of President Gulllaume. Violation of Legation Not Complication. This violation of diplomatic immuni ty which foreign nations enjoy would be regarded ordinarily as a serious af front, hut In view of the absence of an established government arid the jten eraily turbulent condition, the Inci dent probably will not complicate the situation. It had the effort, however, of sttmulatlnc the Amrrlcan Govern ment, which Is more deeply Interested In Haiti than European countries, to take Immediate steps to restore order. I'resldent Wilson baa been Riving serious consideration to the situation in Haiti for several weeks. I'aul Ful ler. Jr.. sent to investixate conditions there, recently returned with a report snowing; that It was Impossible for him to negotiate a proposed treaty with President Uulllaume, because of the latter's fears that the police would rise against him If he slfrned the pact. While the terms of the proposed treaty never were made public. It Is known that the United States attempt- . ed to arrange for the administration of the customs In a way analogous to the I American control of customs in the ; Dominican republic i Order e lie I Bala ted On. It was considered probable In diplo matic quarters tonight that the Ameri can Government now would Insist on Its original proposals before with drawing; its forces, and to compel an observance of law and order also would seek to have Incorporated in the treaty a provision somemhat similar to the I'latt amendment to the Cuban treaty, whereby the United states would have the right to Intervene in event of disorders. Already In the last two months French marines have been landed In Haiti. and the American Oovern ment itself has found It necessary to send marines ashore to maintain order. There was no firing; at the marines, although disorder continued In the city. It was assumed a guard had been established at the French lega tion and at other points to protect foreigners. Admiral Caperton's force Is too small to permit a general patrol of the city. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. PAXXELL To Mr. and n. Arthur C Fanncll. zzt Alberta etre.t. July II. a son. M CALE To Mr. and Mra Jay E. MeCala, I East Hev.nty-s.coQd slreat North. July IS. a daughter. CARTER To Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Car ter. 1104 Mallory avoue July 22, a daugn- BRCK To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Back, (tl W.lcllsr street, July Ifc. a son, liRtGii To Mr and Mrs. Norris B. firegg. 10 Kast Tw.nt-ftrsl atrwi North. July 14. a daughter. ORMANDY To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormandjr. Ill Cast Chicago stre.1. July 11. a dsughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorr M. Sslf 411 Kast Thlrty-savantta street .North. July 1. a son. HART To Mr. and Mrs. John Hart, tl East Twelfth street North, July 12. a son. Marriage Ureases. HATDEX-PERXtL Joseph B. Harden. 8.1- Collego atreer, and Eva i'erkel. So. aams address. MlLl-ER-TfRNER Klmon H. Ulller. 1.. gal. liealy building, and Maybe!!. Turner. Ugs!. Jib I- Tillamook street. BILUAMS-BOOTH Clara H. WIHlama. legal. Ulailstona. Or, and Jeaal. M. Booth. !ec-!. Ho'e! freenn. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES .Per Ubs Ob Um I trf aa ft (rritivi Ubm..., im ttAM ! I fere emcutkv uuim ......... bttm .Mi .& 9r ira c-cmu, times. .4Voj 1 abo rat vpijr t averttmTnt ttttder ew TaOtsM and mii ocac r'mmlkm tl Pairvpi tfcfc leal H r-UuirUtoa mmt4 MtU. foil 41JJ1 Ikon sMrtf i t COAsavJea, tmr .stent. Hnmmm fmmim Fmmllte'. sUtMeX ud Koui IT mtm k kaiOit. Aiouekc4rPaia kiApmot I rmu k aulUm. Kal mm ttoe abut I mmt i 1 cvata a Iid tAi iBM-triMta. Oa "ciiar' aUeecttttstmBat rnarrra will b-a pair.! aa mr Bumofr ai uara at anas' la Ilia fitMsr. recaiuiffeigi at lb ivauft f aaroa ia rarti iia. M kmuiui-a cttArg, la iiaaa, 1 b or! mkil arrrvt eiaWf imJ ad Vjjt arti.ro Lm ? lb (e.tboa. Bravltfatl lb tlvf--U--rr i a ul4j-r.br i v4tbr rnar Na n- will b 4ea vtr Kb pbuA, but iilll wlil bF reaaerr tfe f ... La- U. It UeMfcr-r iutitfqufal adve-xt lsaft-nt rlli t arcf fed aer to pba tirtmUm apia lb TMUgritMa f pftymMil f iHrtMin Jvr-ii-vatrtiu. tMfuatioarB V a tea aad IVrauaal dtYtttfttarnt UI aot b arpt4 aver tb lalrpbon. Order far a Usrtto ol.j mill ac-epted lor r urnltar far i-ai, "Buki. irw opP-w-tuaiUea. " W1olna-Aiuaa'. ad "l anteu t Heai." Aderttsaint I reretv prompt rtaaatfl. eattoa am b la Tb Oeecwalaa ffie b far clock at alcbL, cirrnt Saturday. 1 luains koor far Ilia randaj Orrrooiu a til b 1 'clear k Katurdajr nicbt. Xb affke a ill be apea ontll 1 a clack ft1. m7, a BuaA. aad all ada re-el v ed ta lat rr propar rlaatdlieatioa will be ran aad cr th beadiac -loa .Lac la 4 iaafT. Trlepboa Main 3.v. A IMS. AUCTION 8ALES TODAY. At Baker's auction houa. 1 AO-ICS Tar at. Kurtmur. etc -; at 10 A- M. MEETLNC. KOT1CES. EUREKA COUNCIL NO. SO. KNIGHTS AX!) UADlbj UK SECURITY., will give a 'asset ptrntc at Oak lirovt Sunday. August 1. Tents for use of all members and their Irlenda who wish to e.ijoy the fine bsthlng. Kurther l:i forrasilon rail Sellwood 177. M. 1.. JUHN9U.N. tec y. KENTON LeDDOE. NO. 14S. A. t . AN D A. M. Special com municatlon this tThursdayl decree. All member expected to . -. v ... a. lliviium !; welcom. By ordr V M . CHAS. P. ritLBlG. Secretary. OREUON COMMANRERT K. T. Cards and social this Thursday! evening at 7:34'. I'ariora open from and after 1 ::lo P. M. Your attendance will tie m l'preclated. C. K. WIKOANU. Kecorder. KENTON 1-ODOE. NO. 143. A. K. ANU A. it. special com munication this tThursdayl evenlna. b o'clock. Labor M. M. dfiicfl. All members expected to attend. Visiting brethreu alaa welcome. Hy order ot the w . a. CHAS. T. SKLJJIO. Secretary. 6UNNYSIDE LODGE. NO. lis. A. K. AND A. M. cpeclal com munication tonight. a.aal J hlriy fourtb and lamhlil airavta, t.ork F. C. degree. Visitors C4me- liy order of W. M. B. M. LdLNCE. Sac GOLDEN- RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 2. I t o meets this tTnursuay) evening In orient Hall. Kast tiih and A.atr sla. tp cial aeaalon. All mtiuMra of Ooldn Kule KnceniDine.nl urgently requested to be prcs anl. C C. b i AH, bcrioa. EXTRA Past Master's Jewels. Special designs la emblem j.walry. Jaeger iro J..a.ars DIED. BECK At the residence. 4i5i Fourth r.t Ji.iv Vln. Kmliv beck, aged bl tears. It. mains are al Holman'a funeral partors. Announc.roeitv v. . .. rOEKAX. NOTlCatS. M'BREEN Th. funeral services of our late nelgbLor. William McBreen. will b. helu from tr. cnap.i o. v". taking company. 40 MorrUon atreet, cor ner Twelfth, Ihie tTnursoayl afternoon 1 u m. M.mbera of Portland Camp. No. loT, Voodmen of the World, are re quested to attend. w. w. r.ARROW Consul. HERMAN SCHADE. Clerk. HUME At the residence. Couch street, Juiy JJ. Minnie A. Hume, beloved wif. ot Kobert A. Hume. Krlend. Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at the Masonic HaiC Yamhill and West l ark atreeta. st 2 P. M. tomorrow (Krl rf.vi .luiv 0. Interment Hiverview Cem etery, iternalns ar. at Holman'a funwral parlors. TUKTLEDOVE In thla city. July ST. Harry Turtledove, age 1 y.ara-t months t oas. K-mve.1 son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Turtle dove Friends Invited to attend funeral services, winch will be neia at tne tainuy rMM,nn i2i Kast 8lIlMDl!l Street- St 2 p. M. today (Thursday!. July II. Inter ment Ahavia bnoiom v-emeier. FI.OKISiTtl. MAKTiN KOKBES CO. florists. S17 Wash ington. Main -'U. A ItCV. Flowera for all occasions, artistically arranged. 4c CLAKKE BROS., florists, 1!S7 Morrison St. Main or A lfto5. Fin. flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. SUNNYblDK oreenhouse Fresh flowers. Phone B K. aid and Taylor. MAX M. bill Til. Ma.n 7 Hi. A 2121. Selling. AMCSKMENTH. -I VI 1 1 HKIlr Ki khhiii mh IT niT I ndwy at Taylor. rl tL.1 lHj Main 1 and A 1122 7 .ffiwa Sun, Aug.8 Special price Matinees Wednesday and bsturday. N. T. Winter Garden Company presents the spectacular musical reeu. Dancing Around W ith the Bouncer of the Blues AL JOLSON 100 COMPANY 100 Evenings Klor. except last S row a. tl ' 1.4. hal.. 1 .Vi. 11. TV, i..c. g.l- ". jlif. Hoth matinees, floor. 11 rows : ' ,mt l; b'"oy. 11. Tic. ioc N ! c h t ; Shows 7. ill. .1 rONIGF! Second Show Including Professional Tryouts s m imar DAI THE IMM.OV BROTH KR, America's twee-mo-t Panlatnitmlc e-nlertaunera la the re markable .enkstlnn. -the im vrrn hotei.." A llth.r Itlg-Time Acts 4 Bote. I1r.i Hue tlalcone !veal. Reeerreel by l-tio.e Mala 463s. A 2-jS. ug Oaks port land's flreet Amswmr-st Park 1K1K IKfh.KAMMK: Z:i I. M and S:S0 P. M. Today. MUSICAL COMEDY New Hill Z People. MLLE. TRYON lira ma tie. Prima llesas. OAKS HAWAIIAN'S Admlealoa t. Park 10c Kiprew ( .re, 1 -I and Aider, ftc TLaum new, MerrlMis lirtdge. lee. FVNFRAI. Il RECTORS. I k. The only res.d-uve undertaking establish men' In I'ortland lln private atlveae). Main v. A lj'.w. J. P. KIN LET PON. MontFomei y at Kmh. MR. KMVAHD HOLM AN. th. leading funeral oimlur, Siv Third street, corner baimon. i-ady assistant. A 11 1. Mala 4v. K. S. HL.NMNu, INC East Side Funeral lureciors. sis East Al der street. Ksst U -'. MlL.l-fc.lt at Tit ACE . indepvndeul funeral dlrevlois. Kuneists as lorn as -n. eto. !u. W ashincton and r.ila sts. M s i n -. I. A "j:. A. H. Zr:iJk-lv Co.. .''.J WlUJ.lMS AVE. East lu;-a. C IWi Lady iuiull Day and night service. DLNNlNtS as M ENTi-ri 'tineral directors, Broadway Kid Pui. 1'bon. Main e.o. A ea. Lady Atlrlic.nL P. L. l-EKCH. EllUh and Clay atresia. Lady aiien.. Kast 7l 1-rv.tW k..-. I NKKitTAKINU COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main li- A --'1. Laily attendant. iireee. 2 tir.oik. riunnvside l'atlors: ai-to hearse, lti.'1 lielmonl. Talior !;:.. Bli K T. Ill KN 1-S Williams ave. and K.notu East llli. C l:4. 1-ady attendanc MOM'Ml'XTS. PoKTl-ANK Mart.i. Worka. t.d 4lh St.. opposite City Hal:, builders of memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH .74 Hr-LMU.r ST. prseavee tvas lAja, at Otsea IM auael KUkt Report all cavsee of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or aiaable4 animals at moment's notice. Anyone 4Mlrli.aT a Pet may communicate write ua. NKW TODAV. T 10 Acits mr. MORTGAGE LOANS f 0 IMPROrrD Bl rl Fee. rROPrRTTKs) Kealdence Loans and T Per Cent. As tro rd 1 n a to Location Plentr of Montr. ROBERTSON & EWING IQT-el Ktrlietslfri Ma.k Bids'. MORTGAGE LOANS 5, 6, 796 OREGON LNTESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. Kloe-at Busim Unilell.c. rhirel was! aaahlll tstreets. MONEY TO LEND On Oregon and Winnington Farms. We Also Handle t-xlsling; Mortgigts. KKlt cTC GRIT, 102 Fourth Mrert Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Mouoy at v-urrent Hateak HLNKII'M AM) (UKIiiKAllOV teoNDa, FA KM AMI till LOAM, ae FrMrtb rC. board eJ? Trade Bias. JLnw Amount mt unroot liAtr 1 I 1 r