TTTR 3IOI2NTXG OTIEGOXIAN. THURSDAY. JULY 20, 1915. 11 GROCERS' PICNIC 15 DECIDED SUCCESS Clouds Threaten, but Bonne ville Has No Rain and 2500 Enjoy Day. CHILDREN HAVE OUTING Baseball Game, Won by Salesmen, Programme of Races and Other Athletic Contests, Dancing and Kikes Make Event Joyous. Grocers, grocers' clerks, delivery men and delivery boys, 2500 in num- ber, with. their wives, families and sweethearts, tagged and badged with everything from soda bis cuits to hams, attended the annual gro cers' picnic yesterday at Bonneville, badged with everything from soda bis in the morning and, in spite of the threatening weather, large numbers took the lucky chance and went.. Three long trains were well packed, and all day there was not a drop of rain at Bonneville and the weather, though not hot. was agreeable. The band, which came on the first eection, was followed to the field by an enthusiastic throng of baseball fans, who rooted and hooted at the game between grocers and salesmen, the ecore of which was 12 to 9 for the sales men. William Greer was manager of the winning team, aud Claude Schmeer of the grocers. Gus Lind and Buck Kieth were umpires. The youngest fan who yelled lustily at the ball game was Miss Virginia Ellen Fiske, the win some 6-weeks-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Val J. Fiske. Baby Virginia wit nessed the game from a pillowed gro cery basket, carried by ber salesman father. Children Enjoy Treat. All morning the children more than 1000 of them, clustered about the huge lemonade booth, where 1000 gallons of lemonade was distributed free. Beside the stand was another popular booth, wherr the whole picnic crowd enjoyed coffee, also a gift. Good-natured, hospitable parties of friends and families welcomed all strangers to join them on the green under the trees of the woods, where scores of picnic spreads were the" scenes of mirth and merrymaking. Dur ing the lull between luncheon and the resumption of games and dancing, those who did not linger about the numerous concessions went for hikes to the state hatchery or the hills. The most enjoyable of alT" the ath letic events was the babies' race, in which 40 or more toddlers under ' 6 years old ran a vigorous 20-yard race. All were classed as winners in some measure, so each carried away her first trophy of sportsmanship ability, in the form of candies and cakes. Par ticularly interesting in this race was Henry Martin, known to the associa tion as "Prince Henry"; his chief duty consisted in lifting the tiny winners to their feet. Pete Hawkinson was official starter, and his cry of. "just a little patience, please," became the picnic slogan. Officials Kept Bom-. The results of the athletic events were as follows: Three-legged race C. Dixon and M. C. Fleming, first; R. Thayer and Z. Smith, second; E. W. and F. J. Pinnott, third; M. Nuedleman and B. Collins, fourth. Women's ball-throwing contest Miss Jj. Lynch, first; Kate Devaney, second; Miss D. McKee, third; Miss Regina fachultz, fourth. Ball-throwing contest for grocers' wives Mrs. S. Chelak, first; Mrs. C. J. Eauilec, second. Free-for-all shoe race H. E. Cooper, first; , Charles A. Clay, second; E Bchmidt, third; M. C. Flemming, fourth. Fat men's race O. E. Bennlson, -first; E. A. Fisher, second; C. C. Clarke, third; II. W. Moir. fourth. Free-for-all ladles' race Gladys Frye, first; Loretta Lynch, second; Lena Jiepp, third; Marlon Buckley, fourth. Salesmen's race T. M. Stiles, first; C. Dixon, second; H. J. Hawkins, third; Charles P. Hall, fourth. Ladies' hazard race Mrs. D. Flood first; Marion Buckley, second; Miss Daisy Porter, third; Mrs. A. J. Ellis. fourth. Potato race Charles Clay and Frank PInnott, first; Rollo Roberts, second; liue Drager, third; W. Grenfall, fourth. Boys' free-for-all footrace Harold Gilman, first; Albert Etchells, second; Mike Galashiff, third; Lewis Sam, jourth. Fre-for-a11 footrace Ralph Thayer, first: M. C. Flemming. second: William Lucke, third; Harry Hansen, fourth. PATENT OFFICIAL WITNESS (Continued From First Page.) and who made the various models of the company's machines, was another Interesting witness. Mr. Overlin testified that his salary in mis expert worn was isoo a month He told, in reply to 'questions by the United States Attorney, how he had worked out the complete cashier ma chine and other machines from Thomas isilyeu original model and patents. In the examination of Mr. Overlin the United States Attorney brought out an important point from the view point of the Government. This was that the National Cash Reg ister Company now holds, and held in 1311 prior to the Cashier Company ad vertisement of October 29, 1911, al ready quoted, patents to a computing machine invented by a man named Os borne. Attorney's Warning Read. One of the most dramatic moments of . the trial came when United States At t torney Keamei sougnt to prove, through Mr. Overlin, that Frank Mene fee, president of the company, knew o this prior patent through a letter of warning to Mr. Overlin from J. F. Robb, the company's own patent attor ney at Washington, before the adver tisement of October 29. The letter, dated October 6, 1911, was In part as follows: "I am hoping to hear from the Cash ler Company any day supplementing your instructions for me todiscontlnu my work on the infringement search The most important thing I have ac complished In the search thus far has been the location of two patents in this art controlled by the National Cash Register Company, and which will af feet seriously our computing machine This Is one reason why I regret th interruption of my infringement work Tor I reel that the portion of my repor oealing with the patents of the abov concern will be one of the most im portant features and will necessitate x-ery careful consideration on the part of the company's mechanical depart merit, as well as the officers, in deter mining the future court of action re gardlng the marketing of the comput ing machine. At the bottom of the letter was note by Mr. Robb asking Overlin t take up the matter with Mr. Menefee. "Did you show the letter to Mr. Mene fee?" asked the united States Attorne The witness hesitated a long time. He seemed to be almost on the point of tears. With great apparent reluctance e said finally that he had done so. There was absolute silence In the courtroom as he went on to say that he did not remember when he had given Mr. Menefee the letter, but that he was certain he did, because he wouldn't overlook instructions like that. This letter was written on October E. 1911. It was on October 29 that the advertisement declaring that the com pany owned patents to five machines. including the computing machine, was ublished. The Government devoted nearly half an hour to show, by introducing 30 or 0 letters written in the latter part or 911 and 1912 by Mr. Menefee and Mr. LeMonn to salesmen, that no attention 9 paid by them to the prior patents mentioned in the Robb letter. The salesmen were told that they would re ceive the computing machine to help them sell stock. Letter Promises Machine. Here is a sample paragraph from one letter dictated by Mr. Menefee and ent, January 2i, 1912, to Salesmen Hunter and Hopson: "Now, supplementing what is stated In the wire, will say that the com puting machine is the most popular machine we have, and we have to Keep it more than busy. Therefore, it cannot be a question of leaving it to get busi- ess with, but only for demonstrations, so the people will know we have what we claim. We figure the machine will be there on the Sth Inst, and that you will have it for four or five days." Mr. Overlin was subjected to a strong cross-examination by Joseph L. Atkins, patent attorney, who became associated with counsel for the defense nly yesterday. He made some state ments that the defense considered or importance as tending to show their good faith. Does the basic principle or tne original model on which Thomas Bil- yeu obtained a patent, enter into ail the machines manufactured by the UnitedStates Cashier Company?" Mr. Atkins asked. Mr. Overlin replied that he thought It did. "Does this basic principle enter into any other machines than those of the United States Cashier Company?" Not to my knowledge." Then so far as you know it does mark as a special type the United States Cashier Company machines, and no others?" "Yes," replied Mr. Overlin. Osborne Uevlce Called Unworkable. The defense in this line of examina tion indicated that the question of the asic principle, which they assert is covered in the original Bilyeu patent and which extends through all the ompany's machines, will be an im portant part In their case. Mr. Overlin said he naa examinea the blue prints and drawings of the Osborne patent and that in his opinion it could not work If It were ever Dime 'I believed our computing machine will sometime reach the commercial tage and be very valuable, and I still believe it," he said to another question. You have just as much commence in it now as you did have, haven t you?" asked Mr. Atkins. Well, not quite as mucn commence as I did have, because oi tae raci mat patent bobbed up that I didn't know xisted," replied the witness. "I would feel better about It if some farmer held the Osborne patent than the Na tional Cash Register Company." Plant Thought Well Equipped. In answer to questions by Attorney P. Dobson. for Mr. LeMonn. he testi fied that delays in the manufacture of machines were due to mechanical rea- ons. He said changes had to be made rom time to time as the models were being made, and that one change often necessitated many other changes. Did Mr. Menefee and Mr. LeMonn eem anxious to have tne machines manufactured?" 'They certainly did," returned Over lin. with emphasis. 'Was your plant equipped with high- class machinery?" "It, was the best little plant I ve ever seen in Portland," returned the witness. United States Attorney Reamea asked just one question on re-direct exam "Did the advertising keep ahead of the manufacturing, or the manufactur ing ahead of the advertising" "The advertising was ahead of the manufacturing," was the answer. Expert Reports Deal With Inventor. Nelson C. Oviatt, of Detroit, but formerly of Portland, president of the Payograph Company, was a witness In the morning. He asserted that he had arranged with Thomas Bilyeu as a me chanical engineer in Portland in July. 1909. to work up his idea, Bilyeu to get 40 per cent and Oviatt 60 per cent of thyo proceeds. He said that six weeks later Mr. Bilyeu told him he himself had filed application for the Invention. 'Well, then, all I can do is go and make a better machine," Oviatt testi fied he replied. You can't do it, ho testified Mr. Bilyeu said. On cross-examination he said that he had not yet received any patents on his payograph machine, and that none of the machines had been sold, except In the sense that orders had been taken. WRITER GETS BRIDE Clark H. Williams and Miss Jessie M. Booth "Married. WEDDING OFTEN DELAYED Missed Boats and Trains Cause Port land Man to Have AH Sorts oi Worries and Even After Cere mony Train Leaves Couple. Surprising most of all his closest friends, Clark H. Williams, a popular Portland newspaperman and member of The Oregonlan staff, was married last night to Miss Jessie M. Booth. of Portland. The license was issued just before the County Clerk's office closed, and the ceremony was per formed U District Judge Arthur C. Dayton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. McCool. 960 Ellsworth street. The bride arrived in Portland from Flavel after returninr from a Califor nia visit on the steamer Northern Pa cific. Mr. Williams, accompanied by Mr. McCool. secretary to City Com missioner Daly, was waiting for her with, the marriage license in his pocket. Wedding oft Delayed. The wedding came after a series of misadventures, missed boats and trains, because the wedding In reality was to have been performed last week, just after Mr. Williams had completed a tour of the state by auto. But inevita ble fate Intervened, and for a few days bride and bridegroom-elect were try ing to locate each other by special letter and telegrams. Miss Booth missed the boat which was to bring her from San Francisco.' and the nuptial party of necessity was put orr a lew days. Mr. Williams was on bis vacation, and as time began to pass, he hinted around among his office colleagues that he might want to be away a few days longer than be at first contemplated. Monday he received assurances that .Miss Booth would be up on the steamer train that arrived yesterday, and he laid plans accordingly. Mr. Williams was at the depot, and restlessly awaited the unloading of 500 or more passen gers. Mr. Williams Worriea, When 499 or thereabouts of that 100 had disembarked and the bride-elect had failed to put In an appearance. Mr. Williams all but weakened under the strain. However, the bride-elect was the 500th to come from the train. and in due time, although the train, too. was late, they arrived at Mr. McCool s home. The fact is. Judge Dayton had been nem downtown to tie the knot as soon as the steamer train due at 4:20 from Flavel arrived. If all this had tran spired according to schedule they would have taken the 6:30 train, para doxically No. 23. for the coast. But The steamer train was an hour and a half late; Judge Dayton was allowed to go to dinner subject to call, and Jimmy McCool was thrust into the breach as a friend of the court nr courtship, and Induced Mr. Williams to "be calm" and have a home wedding out at the McCool domicile. Couple Then Misses Train. Mr. Williams coincided Inasmuch as coinciding with incidental accidents- had become a habit almost. In due time the knot was tied but not before the green lights of the beach train they were to take were fading in the distance. If they do not miss a train or some other misadventure does not bob up tbey will start for the coast today. The bride is the daughter of Wasco pioneers. She has lived in Portland for the last year, however, except for the time she has passed in California look ing after her orange ranch. Mr. Will iams has been identified with news paper work Jn Portland. Denver and other cities for several years. For a time he was a director of publicity for the old Commercial Club of Portland, and at one time was secretary of a large land development company in Canada. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams, the former being ad jutant for the Department of Oregon. Grand Army of the Republic. Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard, were the active pallbearers and escort ed the body to the cemetery, where vol- leys were fired over the grave. General Thorp was Colonel of the First New York Cavalry Dragoons, and led the charge for General Sheridan at Cedar Creek. He was twice wound ed and once captured during the war. At Macon. Ga., where he was a pris oner, with 1600 other officers, he made fiery Fourth of July speech and was? ordered deported to Charleston. En route he jumped fror the train and escaped, rejoining his command. At the close of the war ne received honorary rank of Brigadier-General. For several years following the close of the .war he followed educational work; giving that up to become an In ventor. He Is the patentee of a num ber of inventions. With his family, he moved to Oregon In 1891. locating in Forest Grove, where they lived until 1900, when the family removed to Corvallls. He is survived by his widow, whom he married within the hollow square of his regiment dur ing the war; a daughter. Miss Betty Thorp, and a son, Montgomery Thorp, who is now in the British array. ATHLETES ARE ALL FIT PACIFIC XORTHWEST TRACK STARS REACH SAN FRANCISCO. n Training at I'nlveralty af Cali fornia Sam Bellah. la Especially Good Shane for Big Meets. SAN FRANCISCO, July 2. (Special.) Representing the flower of the Northwestern athletic talent. 10 cinder path stars, accompanied by Manager Martin W. Hawkins and Trainer Wil liam Hayward. of the University of Oregon, stepped ashore this morning after an uneventful trip from Portland aboard the steamer Rose City. The North westerners are here to partici pate in the Far Western track and field championships of Friday and Saturday as well as the later Amateur Athletic Union events. The men who clambered down the gangplank this morning were: Sam. Bellah, pole vaulter and broad Jumper; Walter Hummell, 440 and 220-yard hurdler; Walter Mulrhead. 120 and 220 yard hurdler; Bam Btenstrom. sprinter; Paul Clyde, mller; Guy Hobgood, two mller; Harry Cole, discus thrower; Owen Carr, weight star: Chester Fes, javelin thrower, and Dick Grant, star sprinter. After a preliminary surrey of the Exposition track the North westerners declared that the weather so close to the ocean was a bit stern for them and decided to use the University of California cinder path for their train ing quarters. All the visitors were out on the Blue and Gold track this afternoon and re ported In the best ' of shape. Bam Bellah, former Stanford and Olymplo Club luminary, appeared to be in great shape and Is granted a fins chance for capturing a share of the points in the pole vault, broad jump and Javelin throw, in which events ho has been entered. The team will be taken for a short tryout at the Exposition track tomor row afternoon for the final gathering prior to the official meetlrfg. Prelim inaries are scheduled for Friday and the finals Saturday. The Northern delegates were guests of the Olympic Club and later went to the Exposition, returning to the hotel by 10:16 o'clock tonight. iMasararaus v -.tsw Wiyt'&. Back East- mim is Nature's greatest wonder and no American should fail to see it. Stopovers are fi mHfd oa all Low Fare Tour Tickets TO New York and Boston And Maury Other Eastern Points including Thousand Islands, St. Lawrmce River. Adiron dack and White Mountains, New England. Canadian Resorts, Atlantic Seashore and Jersey Coast Points. Tickets on Sale Daily to September 30th Stop-over piNikses slao at all hKereatinr points en route and opticaY erf water trips bctvmi Defrost and Uuttaio on Lake Erie and between Albany and New York down the beautiful Hudson River. NewYorkfentral Lines Michigan Central " Tka Niagara t aUs RtmW ' As UihthiiiI View sf taa Falls fras tks Traia Ea Raste IT?... TV am a rverr day from Chics ro. nelodmi the Michigan 1 I'O n Central Limited and the Wdverme. render un excelled service. Comfortable loons aleetuns cars daily vta Nianrs Falls to Boston and intermediate points provide eminently aaualac tory aocommonatmn to passengers studying economy m travel. IL Apply to yonr local asent for rickets sad sieeptns car reaervauotia. orator contpleta mformataon and ansait wis as to desirable tnpa, call oa or address Portland Offics 109 Third Stract W.C C ralAs tPi NEW YORKERS HERE Columbia Alumni Entertain Biographical Society. PORTLAND PLEASES ALL CIVIL "WAR HERO AT REST wwaMassw Brigadier-General Thorp Is Buried at Corvallls. CORVALLIS, Or.. July 2. (Special.) Brevet Brigadier-General T. J- Thorp, Civil War veteran and hero of 64 bat tles, was buried today with full mili tary honors. Members of Company K. CINC1NNATIANS VISIT CITY Eastern Party Returning From Fairs Takes In North writ. Another party of pleasure-seeking Cinclnnatlans passed through this city last night on their way EL The party was in charge of C. M. Harden, head clerk of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy road, and had been at the Cal ifornia fairs, having come from San Francisco on the CJreat Northern. Upon their arrival here they were put into sightseeing cars and taken to the Im perial Hotel, where they were served dinner. A trip through the city was taken after dinner, and the party left at 11:30 last night for Seattle. Tbe Cinclnnatlans left their home city on July 11 and will return by August 8. On the way Kast tbey will visit Northwestern cities and Yellow stone Fark. The party is composed of men and women of all professions, schooltsschers being In the majority. Idaho Man Is Drowned. TWIN FALLS, Iaho. July 28. Spe olal.) News was reclved here today of the death by drowning of Russell Emery, 24 years old. which occurred near Hansen, on Sunday afternoon. While bathing in a pond he got into deep water. Neither he nor his com panions could swim. An hour elapsed before the body was recovered. Emery was managing a farm near Hansen for Representative J. A. Waters, of this city. Rain Prevents Highway Trip, but Scenic Drives and Pictures of Places Along Route Are Shown Visitors. Grsduates and undergraduates from Columbia University. students snd teachers who are members of the Co lumbia L'nlveraity Geographical tSoclety of New York, were suests of the Fort- land Chamber of Commerce and the Portland alumni of tne untverslty yes terday, when they stopped over a day on their tour of the 1'aclflo Coast. There were 30 In the party. Rain prevented the trip planned over the Columbia River Highway. J. B. Yeon. who was to pilot tbe party, tele graphed at the last minute to Bonne ville to ascertain If conditions on the road were such as to make the trip feasible. A tour was taken over the Hillside Drive snd other scenlo boule vards In and near the city. The trip up the Columbia Highway was indirectly enjoyed through the showing of the collection of color slides mads by Henry Berger and Frank L. Jones on the highway. Ths visitors were entertained st breakfast, luncheon and dinner at ths Oregon and Benson hotels, by a com mittee of Portland alumni headed by H. N. Lawrie. With Mr. Lawrie -were L. I. Thomp son, Milton Klepper and Jacob KtmUr, and representing the schools of ths city. iL 1L Herdmen. W. T. Flatcber. Hopkln Jenkins snd C A. Rica. The party, studying geogrsphy in ths field, will go to California to visit Tosemlte, and return through the Orand Canyon to the Kast. A side trip to Crater Lake will .e made. In the party were: Profenaor r. W. Johnson, of ColumMa T"nl- vrraity. director t excursion: Mr. D. W. Johnson. K. C Atsrood; F. Piirom, pro fessor of ceolcfr In Bryn aiawr College: t R. ftlalr, principal McKlnley School. Trsoton. K. J.: A. C. Boyle, professor of veolosy and mining. t'nlverslty of Wyomlnv: C W. Brown, professor of foolocy la Brown Cm v-rslty: J. E Brown, assistant In geology. Williams CoHega. Mass; M. M. Klmher. teacher. Now York City public schools: C. A. Gaynor: J. J. Ortfrin. teacher in vocational achooia. Hoboken. N. J.: . Holswasser: J. Z. HoweK. student In Tome Fcbool. Maryland. E. J. Jacobs, professor of chemistry and mineralogy. University of Vermont: D. Keen P. K. Kemp; Major F. R. Lang: A. K. Lo-be-k : O. E. l-yon. teacher of mathematlca Central High r'chosl, crrlngf !eld. Mass ; B. Merrell: J. E. Mohle: K. A. Moon, assistant In geology. Hunter College. New Tork City: I H. Oetlvle. professor of geology. Rarwsrd College. New York Oily; M C. Plerrepejst. teacher In public school. Trenton. N. J.: H. sum, graduate atuiirnl In Co.umbla Uni versity; U. A. Meele. teacher In Horace) Mann School. New oi k City; M. I. Taylor, rhya.oaraptiy Wadlalgh High School. New )ork City; B. E. Van Rsalls: C. B White, geography teacher, public schools, Trenton. i J Bclllns Tliicf Sentenced. ASTORIA. Or, July t. (Special. Karl Richmond, who was convicted a couplet of days ago on a charge of grand larceny for stealing a quantity of belting, we a sentenced in ths Cir cuit Court this morning to servs from one to ten yesrs In the penitentiary. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY VISITS PORTLAND. F 1 1 Tf7 VO" fY ' V Jl U i;ZX''r?Jr ' . V-:V- t I lA & 7 r-w- 1 j Ipc : - .r.vSA -r- - -;..v- ; k ' ? -1 - -j J ; i . , t ' - L - - '?M t ? - -.- '-r .-i. j 'v' . '-.Jtzjyvs ' j - -.-...--;-- . . - ".7. - ..r . t - J .. . . ; , ' i- . ; . . . - - . .. .".y I.. .... i .jnwnneK.nMy,.. s,wl i . ; l , . .. ,11 n " - . iJf m" r-j-,-. ":y .!. . A iin'ie- , , . .'."" :. , ,-' ; -'..-. "n'Vi"'. i , . ' '- . J - ' -w J,: , V '-' ;.V" t-VV.-- " " " - i y - ji TTC : i it - -y ' jzJl Si'. w"V' a - TL J ""Se- ; - - J of A Announcement of PRIZE WINNERS The Great P. P. I. E. W15M Puzzle Eilers Music House We are pleased to announce that the judges selected to pass upon the answers received to the great P. P. I. E. "15" Puzzle, after considerable deliberation, have finally decided to award the first five grand prizes to the following contestants for the neatest, correct and most artistically arranged answers : 1st Prize Mrs. W. Metzprer, Box 182 R. No. 2. Beaverton, Or. 2d Prize E. D. 1NL Fowle, Multnomah. Or. 3d Prize Wm. E. Morris, ' 301 W. Park Street, Portland, Or. , 4th Prize Mrs. Arlena Ycaton, 529 Rhone Street, Portland, Or. 5th Prize Mrs. J. C. Fisher, 2S38 62d Street S. E Portland, Or. The judges selected to judge the many beautiful an swers received by U3 were : Miss Isabel Gilbsngh. of Art Dept, Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Mr. Frederick IlyskelU of FredTc Ilyskell & Son, Advertising Co. Mr. L M. Walker, of Behnke-Walker Business College. While the above five grand prizes have been awarded everyone sending answers, as previously announced, will receive the P. P. I. E. Edition of "Nation's Home Songs" (containing words and music of 66 songs), also a chance to win free Vanity Cases, Coin rurses, Pocketbooks, Ladies' Bar Pins, Gentlemen's Scarf Pins, Fountain Pens, or other beautiful Souvenir Prizes. See the beautiful display of answers received in our window at Broadway and Alder. Eilers Music House CROrP OF VISITIXG GEOGRAPHERS AT CHAMBER OK COMMF-RCU. PROFEMOB I. V. JOHNSON. WHO 19 IX CHARGE OK THE PARXV, I THE CENTER OK THE KRONT ROW. TOMORROW Feel in your pocket Mayba that's where you'll rind j .... ?n-ji y Remember fatima isn't the only good one.