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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1915)
TTTR MOTCNIXO OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, JtTLT 23, 1015- x 13 PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS AND TITLES. PROMPT SKRVICE at reasonable pricas. Pacific Title & TTuBt Co.. 1 On. ot Coin ACCORDION FLKATLNU. Pleating, heinsii Mng. picoung. braiding. Eastern Novelty Co.. 85 Stn. Bdw'y iOOO. K. STEPHAX Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, button covered. gooL sponged; mall orders. ofcl Alder. M. U373. ARCHITECTS. BUNGALOW plan book, 10c; plana to. A. H. Faber. Aioawortn avft ASSAYEBS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY Oi ICE. lil hi 2d. Uoid. silver and platinum bought. ATTOIiNtilS-Ar-LAW. J. S. XKLbOX, LAWYER, 618 PITTOCK ELK. CONSULTATION FREE. BL y Slij. CAKl'EX WkAVk-KS. FLUFF RUGS RAO RL'US. New rug. from old ingrain, .Brussels, Smyrna, Axminsler carpu; carpt clean ing, refitting, resizing; country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. West em Fluff Rug Co., 64-66 Union ate. Nortn. Phone E. 6015, H 1476. KORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car peta, raj: rugs. 188 E. btli. both phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS. BADliES. THE IRVVIiN'-HODSON COMPANY, 887 Washington st. Main 312 and A I254. tUIttOFODISii William. Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 80:1 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main laOl. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. L. Hill. Otfice Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. POULSON, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 850 Pittock; block. Broadway 262. DR. M'MAHON, sixth year, chronic cases taking time. 31 treatments, (15. 121 4th st. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit each week for $1.50 a month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 809 Btark at., bet. Sth and 6th. Main 514. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer . . ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency. 428 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 48U. -SETH CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1706 No collection, no charge. Established 1100. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85V4 5th St., bet. Stark and Oak: sp'l Summer rates. 5 private lessons, $!2; morning, afternoon, evening, all latest dances guaranteed. Class Thurs., Sat. evenings, 7-b:30. Children's classes Sat., 2 to 3, 25c Broadway 2160. MR. AND MRS. KEATH'STCHOOL-T lessons daily; all dancea guaranteed. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Come today. M. 8018. WHOLESALE AND AVJTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d at BAGGAGE CHECKED 'AT HOME.. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park 4c Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf Inc.. 11th & Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEIN HARD, 13th and iiurnslde. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, FURNISHINGS. FLEJSCHNEK, MAYER He CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etubbs Electrical Co., ath and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade Bldg. G ROCER1ES. WADHAM3 A CO.. 67-75 Fourth St. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAL'SEK HAT CO.. 54-55 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BltOS.. 191 Front St. HOB MERCHANTS. M'NEFP BROS., 614 WORCESTER BLDQ. Main 881. Phones A 1178. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEETL PLANT. FOUNDRY. , CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Per line. One time 12c (Same ad tvro consecutive times 22c feame ad three consecutive times 30c !ame ad six or wven consecutive times.. otic The above rate apply to advertisements under "New T idiiy " and all other classifica tion except the following: iSituations Wanted Male, .Situations Wanted Female. l or Rent, ISooms Irivate Families. Hoard, and Koonih Private 1-ami lies. Housekeeping Rooms Private .Families'. Rate on the above classifications is 7 cents a line each insertion. On "charge" advertisements charges will be based on the number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words ill i-arli line., Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but hill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale.' "Busi neH Opportunities "Rooming; -House and -Wanted to I tent." Advertisements to receive prompt riassifl. ration must be In The Oregonlan office be fore 9 o'clock at night, except Saturday. ( losing hour for The Sunday Oregonlan will be 7 :30 o'clock Paturdav night. The office will he open until 10 o'clock P. M.. as nsual. and all ads received too late for proper classification will be nm under the heading Too Late to Classify." Telephone Main 7070, A 6005. OREGON HUIV1ANE SOCIETY 674 BELMONT ST. Psoscs Ivsust 1423. B SSIO. Oses Day u KUkt Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate with. us. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 X IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPFRTreft Residence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent, Ae cordina; to Location. Plenty of Money, ROBERTSON. & EWING 20T-S Northwester ianlc Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS en improved city and farm property st current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. !Of LARGD LOANS OS Cot V C BISI.VESS PROPERTIES O ,0 A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-210 Northwester. Bank BnUdlas Marshall 4111, A 4118. MONEY TO LEND On Oregon and Washington Farms. We Also Handle Kxlsting Mortgages. FEAR & Git VV, 103 .Fourth Street. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at current Hates. MIMtll'AI- AU COKFORATION UUNDS. FAB Id AJSU CITV LOANS. 80 Fourth Bt.. Board of Trade Bldg. EDVMD E.G0U0EY MORTHyuFSTERN BANK Bl11DIN3 OlfiO: 0.7 I AAMC M O RTQAG ELvAl W On Cltr and Farm Properties In Ajny Amount at Current Kates HA-KTMAH-TH0MP80H. Bankers Corner fourth and 8(ack fitrsets. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. P1NK.ERTON &. CO., U.S. DETECTIVE AGO if. Established over 30 years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite 354 Pittock block. phone Uroadway 0.3. Treatment by speciilists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 547 Dekum bldg- 3d & HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached 75c; straws & felts 50c. Kaufman's. 44-88 3d. nr. Stark. INSURANCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, genl Insurance; fire, marine, auto. G3ti and 53b Cham, of Com. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53. A 2153. MUSICAL. MUSIC published, arranged, printed, popu larized. Verses written to melodies. Send - manuscripts. Echo Music Publishing Co.. Seattle, wash. Emil Thielhorn, violin teacher: pupil Sevan. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 41M0. Marshall ltiU. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A light on high prices. Why pay - to m tor giaaees w? nen x can xit your 1th first - Quality lenses. goid-filled frames as low as $1.50 7 C. W. Goodman, 20b Morrison. Mail orders-prompt-ly filled. Write for particulars. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24lh and York sts. Main 34S'J. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS "PICK THE BEST" Household Goods Specialists. Storage, Packing, Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. CO. PICK TRANS! ER 4c STORAGE CO.. 2d & Pine bis., liroadway oo. A-lao. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St., corner 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A tlUH. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING. STORAGE. Reduced freight rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse c Transfer Co.. Main 703. ath and Hoyt. A 2214. MADISO.N-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE- Office 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7611. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. IS. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane. prea, lolS Mar ket st.. San Francisco. "VOOD. WOOD National Fuel Co.. Just started. E. Second and Oregon sts.; nrst-class sea soned fir $4-50; distant delivery. $4.75. East 2041. GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co.. Main 6720. A 3899. MANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND PHOE TRADE SUPPLIES, CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front; leatner of eTery description; tups, mfg. findings. ' MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 5th st. MILLINERY. BRAPSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IKON AND IV1KB. Portland Wire & Iron wks.. 2d & Columbia. FAINTS AND" LL'BRlCATIN'l OILS. W. p. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. RAP MUSs EN & CO., Zd and Taylor streets. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-8B Front st. P-Ll.MBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. U KLINE, bt-Sli Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS T. W. BALTES & CO.. 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDIXG & FARKELL, 140 Front. ROPK AND RIMIIVfi TniVK Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER A CO.. !;th and Davis WALL PAPKR MORGAN' WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. NEW TOIAY. m Newly re furnished, papered Alder ana rerso- Vated enlamed lobt'V nil mnriorn venlences. Room!, with trivate bath. 1 per day up; without, J5c up. Because vue rates liru low aon I ihink tn. .ttrv- Ice is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, REAL ESTATE DEALERS PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-405-406 BENEDICT BROS.. 930 Hawthorne ave. KRAL estate. For Sale Lota. BECAI'SE I'M int nin I'll take SI ISO. All rah f..- K rt . 75x100 corner on Alt. Tabor; I pajd $Joi0 for this, but must have cash within lo v.a. my agent, j. u, iitrow. Stock SEE US before you buy that lot; we'll save jou much money by our experience. No obligations incurred by asking our advice in buying or building. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. JW. Bank bldg. HAVE Kod Irvington lot clear; will aell for $1600 with no money down If buyer will build; might advance some money. O W Bryan, 5Q9 Cham, of Com. Main 1963. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Have several downright sacrifices, both in lots ana houses; make an offer Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A B83 NO AGENTS Will sell my Alameda Park lot to private parties at bargain; the b-st lot on hill at lower price than surround lng properties. Y a0. Oregonlan. FORCED SALE Full lot worth-$yoO; pric tnis week $450; street paid. j. i nit.1., 4ia Henry bldg WILL sell my Oswego Lake shore lot at a bargain; nice grove of trees; level; easy terms. X 945, Oregonian. LOT on i.txloO, paved streets and sewers. $700 29th st. East 808. BEAUTIFUL 50x100 lot in Alberta district" $.150 cash. Phone Woodlawn 137S. For Sale Beach Property. WILL exchange unincumbered beach lot, near station and ocean for fully paid for Victrola.ALa74. Oregonlan. GEARHART cottage, 7 rooms, part" trade, terms. Tabor 41H or AK 044. oregonlan. SEA VIEW bargain, 2 choice lots. $loOeach, near ocean. A 15J. Oregonlan. For Sale -Uous ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 49$ E. 41ST ST. N. ; $oO CASH. Brand new, very swell. &0xlou lot 1 block car. living-room 2ixl4, swell 6-ft. beveied glass buffet, fireplace, parquet oak floors, sleeping porch. Phone Tabor 1900. FOR SALE Very attractive 6-room, com pletely modern homo on Willamette Heights ; perfect condition throughout ; cost $5500; will sell for $3500". with rash payment of $1000. bal easy. Kneeland, 702 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240. 5-ROOM house, 2 full lots, nlce garden, first-class wall. no water rent; $10uu; $lro down and $10 per month. See J. H. Nash. owner. 723 Chamber of Commerce, Phoue Main itizs. 7-iiUUM house, bain, chicken-house, 4U fruit xrees, oernes, over z acres, cream route main street, near good school, price $-0u0. ra. urace uooaan. tfrownaviii e, Or. , ISTrO $100 down. $10 a month, buys a beau tiful little four-room bungalow. West Side, city water, beautiful view of tae city and valley. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. GOOD house, 6 rooms, lot 75x100, worth $2 200. goes for $1250; only $40 cash. You can't beat this. Haizlip. 1032 Cham ber or commerce. FOR SALE New, modern 1H -story bunga low In Irvington; complete in every aeiau; price rnona su, 4a4a. ACREAGE, clear, to $1400, for your equity aoove a ursi morigag in moaern bun galow. Q 90S. Oregonian. I AM sacrificing my 7 -room modern house Ladd's addition; $4r00; terms. AO 071, Oregonian. $1675 ALBERTA modern bungalow. BARGAIN; five-room Call 1021 East 29th N. $950 EQUITY for $450, in $3600 modern, o rooro bunralow. Ap 964. Oregonian, NEW modern homes for sale or rent. In Irvington and Laurelhurst, East 2482. 4-ROOM cottage at Seaside, Or., 50x100 lot. price rLah. Coil Main -buiw. , STOP AT Stb. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hou I RV1NGTON HOME. This home Is located in the very best part of Irvington. and consists of 9 rooms, including largo enclosed sleeping porch. 2 fine laiKO bathrooms and hower baths, hardwood floors throughout, finished in oak and mahogany downstairs and white enamel upstairs. Has an exceptionally fine basemen U being 9-foot ceilings to clear, p.ustered overhead and on sides. There is an extra large sized furnace and also Inst&ntancous Kurid water heater. This La one of the very best finished homes In the whole district and owner wishes to Still for cash and will make a very low figure. See Mr. Fulton at 232 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main llSi and A iiM4 FOR t?ALE 6-room modern houce. corner lot, Holladay Add., cash value 3i(H); will sell for $2000. with cash payment of $5oo, bal. can remain at 7 per cent; also 6-room modern house, furnished, E. Portland Heights, cash value $3100. including furni ture; will seil for Ji7iMj with cash payment of $500, bal. can remain at 7 per cent. These are real snaps and will sell either or both. Both are rented at $-0 per mo., each to good, steady tenants. Knee land, 702 Title fe Tru-st bid?. Marshall 240. LAURELHl'KST GEM. Brand uev, strictly modern seven-room home; regular beauty, built Ilka a watch with a distinctive style of' Its own ; built by a high-class builder who guarantees every bit of materia and workmansnlp ; only one block from Uaurelhurst Park; $40u0 will take it this week on easy terms. Also have a classy o-roora bungalow at $-SuO, on easy terms. Auto service F. M. liushonc, 270 Vs tark at. Main 1503, A 1515. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN' INTO INCOME T WE WILL. FL'KMaH THE MONEY, BCILD APARTMENTS. RESI LIENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; YVE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OCR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY fe CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $500 CASH. Balance $2000 at per cent. long; time. ouys tins nice z-story nouse and 2 I with fruit. In, Portsmouth dlatrlct. Mr. Loehr at HART MAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark See WILL sacrifice beautiful home of 7 rooms. den. Bleeping- porch, oak floors, built-in buffet, bookcases, fireplace, cabinet kitch en, full cement basement., furnace, full lot, street, near Irvtnaton tennis court. E. J. G. Gordon, S. W. cor. East oth and Broadway. LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before buying be sure to look at our list of braad new. exquisite homea In LAU RELHUR.sT. the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from up. Laurel- hurst Co., 27014 Stark it or at tract of fice in Laurelhurst, E. 3$th and Glisan sts. WE'LL buy you a lot In Alameda. Irving- ion, t-ose t lty far, uimsted and other first-class home additions, build you a home according to your ideas and allow you to pay for same on monthly payment basis If you so desire. The Or-gon Home Builders, 1U30 N. W. Bank bid. GOOD, modern ft-room bunaalow, s;aras;e. etc., lot 57x120, fine location, ail im provements in and paid; price $3500; eaay terms. W. H. Sleta. 3lo Spalding bids;. Suburban IIobm Property. AN ideal home. -2. min. from town, modern bungalow, full basement, fireplace, fur nace, large porches, flowers, fruit trees, lawns, nice chicken park, 24 lots cheap; price $:i250, terms, lb-io Fowler ave. Phone Columbia 470. Frank M. Ward, owner. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to rarline, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 158.. or Sell wood 424. JOHN G IBSON, OWNER. 8 ACRES, the most sightly home In Port land's euburba; no agents. S 973, Ore Io nian. For bale Acre aa-a. ACRE HOMESITE AT OSWKOO LAKE. Only $4U0. Water, lights, telephone, boating, bathing, 2H electric trnina pass - daily; !c commutation fare; $10 down, $10 month. THE ATCHISCN-ALLEN CO.. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CHICKEN, FRUIT, G A I i D E N I i A N CUES. Near Portland. Gresham district ; near electric station; $75 to $iuO per acre; ejuy ici 111a , ur l swii, irea w ood. Farms for sale, all slsetm. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. 30 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY; 15 acres, near Orenco; best black loam soil, all cultivated, $225 per acre; will di vide and give easy terma If desired. See M r. Handy, owne r. 206 Stock Exchan g e bid g.M ar she 11 20 5. 40 ACRES, near Kelso, Wash., 15 rIchbo"t tom, 4 cleared, ft 110 trout stream. $0oo cash takes it. Tabor 4000. TWO city acres Tabor 370. for sale cheap. Phone Homesteads. HOMESTEADS and relinquishments, Ore gon. Washington, Idaho and Montana. Western Locators, 723 Chamber of Com merce. For Sale -Farms. 10-ACRE HOME AND CROPS. 3 acres in corn, acre In potatoes, lfW) apple trees, also chestnut, beechnut, cherry and plum trees; small houao and good barn, fo chicken, very good soil, 24 acres not entirely cleared, trout stream through place; 50c fare from Portland; price $l&i0, easy terms. Main 9313. DUNCAN. WHEELER gr CO.. M7 Cham, of Com. Bldg. THIS IS IT. Acre tracts at the right price and terms; located In the most sightly place in iho United States with privilege of lake and park; fishing and hunting; good soil, all in cultivation ; electric transporta tion, 2 hours from Portland; $20u an acre, half cash, balance 2 years 8 per cvint ; fruit trees planted around each tract; adjoin ing property worth $400 an acre. K 9 4 9. Oregonian. "FORTY ACRES." " 40 acres, situated 3 miles from river and railroad town, :i acres under cultivation, "500 cords of wood; 60 rods frontage on main county road, in settled community; 3-room hotuc, fair barn. 1 horse, buggy, farm Implements. Price $2.V: $irO0 cath, balance 7 per cnt THOMPSON SWAN. .r12 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Mountain home and orchard 40 acres. k0 . young trees, beautiful grounds. frur miles from White Salmon. Modern bungalow, every convenience. If 'looking for Ideal country home motor up Columbia Highway and see this property. F. O. Wolf, White tsalmon. Wash. FOR SALE by o ner. 40 acres, including crop and come tools ; $70 will handle It, good terms on balance. For further Infor mation, address W. 6. George, Oregon City, or. ItJ't ACRES ready for the plow, located in Eastern Oregon ; a snap if taken soon. For particulars, w rite to 51s 10th st-, Havre, Mont, FOR SALU 10O acre near clatskanie, with ;0 acres in cultivation; all n-cesary farm implements, horres and cows. Address AV 42G. Oregonian. WHBAT "ranch, 8O0 acres, about COO-In cul tivation, near railroad; price Sl5,ooO; $!, OoO cash. Address owner. AG 1M12. Orego nian. MUST sacrifice 70-acre Willamette Valley farm. Small cash payment handles deal. Ideal dairy and hog ranch. AL 03, Ore- go clan a. 05 ACRES close to Molalla and electric; has fine crop on. good build Ings; one-third cash, bal. time, 6 per cent. Address or see A E. Bengl!, 72 Broadway, Portland FOR SALE Co wilts County stump lands. $10 per sere up; good soil, well watered. J. R. Shar p. 430 Plttoc k bio c k, Portland. $15 PER ACRE $:0. DAIRY RANCHES. MAIN 6403. VANTi:n KE I- F ST ATE. W ANT Ef Good, modem residence, not too far out, in exchange for first-class local first mortgage amounting to a40 ; prin cipal and accrued interest; do not bother me with eaultles. This is first-class and should be immediately Investigated If you have the right place. Kneeland, 702 Title & Trupt blag. WANTED 6-room modern bungalow; will give acreage, clear, to $13tU, some cash and a second mortgage lor balance, O 967 Oregonian WE CAN SELL YOUR LOT. RTTTER, IX) WE & DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED 3 or 4-room house. $700 to $10OO, at a bargain. C. DeVoung, Chamber ofCoramerce. 514 BUNGALOW, 5 or C rooms, modern, prefer two lots, nor. over iu minutes irom city, not to exceed to $1800. L 70, Oregon i an. BEST garage on East Side for sale, making money; good reasons, D. A. Suindler, 4 Abington DiGff. PARTY, owning own lot. wants someone to build house and will pay monthly install meats for same. Woodlawn 3020. DO YOU want to sell your house and lot' If so, call Mr. Oehler. Mar. 422. WANTED Modern house to $6CnO; trade good lots for It. Main 1166 FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 1C0 acres of first-class timber land, cruises 9 million feet, 20 per cent sugar nine, balance yellow fir. Located west of Grants pass; price $5000. Address r. m. oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN, 804 la' KAY BLDO. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. My 3ooc equity in 342-acre ranch H mile S. W. of Diliard, Or.; bO acres fine bottom land. 10O cultivation; 1 horse. 3 mares, 2 coits. 1 cow and calf, 4 sows with pis. chickens, fine Col 11a dog. wagon, harness, mowing machine, rake, lots of tools, hay, grain; fine water, good orchard; place mostly fenced. good house, granary, barn, outbuildings. Will trade for house and lot in Portland or small farm near Portland. Answer Quick; big sacrifice. Here only few days. S. L THOMPSON. Dlliard. Or. 50x100 LOT. 4-room furnished house, lawn, roses, fruit trees, free of Incumbrance, value $13oo. rents for $12- month; will trade for partly Improved f arm ; no agents. i:ir0 Wilbur st. St. Johns car to Arbor LOdx. INCOME $50 PER MONTH. Store building and shacks. West Side, 231 at.; price $0500; moriKsgo $'-1a0, at per cent; will exchange for house, lot or close-in acreage ; mignt assume a small amount, Mr. Welst, j-12 Yeon bldg. THE most efficient exchange department In the .Northwest; 11st ot city anu xartn prop erty: a-e'll handle your deal at once. Ex change Department, The Oregon Home Huild'rs. IV. iu IS. W. 13 ante biug. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE J INK PROPERTY. AYERS 6c SMITH CO.. S01 NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 726$. CITY and farm properties in great quan tities. fcee it we can matcn wnat you nave, We handle ony first-class properties from reliable people. The Oregon Home Build ers. 1330 N. W. Bank blag. 1C0-ACRE Improved farm, 7 miles from Sli ver tonprtc $Jxit0, for Portland property. it 1 n h- t, i-uwis Sc. vt t J 1 :.r- ft t , 205-2O7 Board of Trade Blug. A NICE G-room dwelling, convenient to San Francisco local, and Oakland cars; 4 or 5-room bungalow preferred, T iI3, Ore gonlan. 5-ROOM houbv, 75x100 lot. East 71t st. N.. valued Si'Ooo. clear, trade for closer tn ; will assume. Young & Gille. 722 Chamber of Commerce. WILL TAKE AUTO "Worth $5u0 and $100i cash for fine lot and a half costing $J50a. C. D. sitrow. Stock Exch. bldg. TO EXCHANGE Good city property from $l.S,uoO to $100,000 to exchange for well located farm on Sauvles Inland or Wil lamette Valley. Address N 7. Oregonlan. Kh'F. home In Portland and some lots trade 01 a good dairy farm or for general m ere nana ise store in country. auuk owner. 1040 E. Waah. st. FOK SAl.B or trade. 10 acre. Coiumoi Highw ay. all In good orchard ; sm-vil house. Phone Marahail t544. Address G b4S. Oregonian. GOOD lmuroved ranch: trade for apart ment-house that shows good income; will assume some. AO 07'-. Orrnian. MODERN 5-room bungalow. East front, mortsage $875; will take lot for equity or sell cheap. Marshall 121. SOM E very choice downtown proparty, clear of Incumbrance, to exchange for Improved farms, M. E. Lee, &-." Corbett bldg. TRADE Vancouver. H. C. property worth $loo for grocery or dellcatossea In, I'orl l.tnd. R OT4. Oregonlan. IF YOU have a good proprty and want to exohange It. see Ball Real Estate Co., $1 Railway Exchange. WE h nandle good property anywher. In x cge. See Brace, 50$ McKay bldg. cocci EQUITY In modern home, for Gearhart or Seaside cottage. lj sv, ureiomso. TO E.CIIAN.E MISCELLANEOUS. WILL exchange unincumbered beach Id. near station and ocean for fully paid for Victroia. AL 97 4, Oregonlan. WANTED To exchange sewing for steamer trunk or cheap for cash. Dresaxnekerf C FOR 8ALE. Hone, Vehicles, llarneae. Etc. TEAM .heavy drafters, dark brown and and T J cars old, are good, heavy boned, ulth best of feet and lugs: suitable- for any kind of work. Price $245. Also team, dapple gray and bay, 4 and 6 yars o.d. low. block y, ;--forever kind; set heavy harnMa. sail Bit S '1 '' 5. Mares Team of mares, brown and sor rel, 0 years old; will work single, double or ride, and gentle for lady to feed, drive or handle in or out of stable; ruake fin brood mares; both are well bred, set good breeching harness, all like new, at one price. $21tr. Mare and horse, 0 and 6 years old. 2100 lbs., bright bays, work sin tie or double and ride and will make a grand farm team and raise pair of line colts each year; set good breeching hsruess and collars at lJo. Also new. low-wh ia Stttd:baker wagon, wide tires, very ch-ip. Muka Team of big, true-working mults. C and 8 years old, and fat. grain fed. ready to do any heavy work; weight Hrt.0 lbs.; walk five miles pr hour; price $245. One team. 1U0 pounds each, both narJt; make fine ranch Learn; young, sound and gentle, at $165. - Bay team, horse and mare. 2000 lhs.. are good, honest work team, 10 years old and no older; will hitch, try and test them for you In every way and will li you try them; they will make any msn a living and keep fat; also heavy sewed trace harness and a good gravel wagon, box seat, all complete. $150. Cheap mares and horses; dapple gray mare. 1 Z lbs., $H5; one bay niare, 1-'"" lbs.. $50; one Mg 140-lh. draft horse, $mi. fat and true worker ; one 4 -year-old si ei grav mare, sound, halter, broke, at $ i ; one" tem bay mules, $150; one good bay saddle hors young and gentle, at $4.; one dun more. lKn lhs.. good worker, at $.15; one sorrc! hor-e at $J". .Tall and try them. Union Transfer to., 11th and noyt sts. A UCT ION! A UCT IO N I Strictly commission basis; horses, har ness, wagons, saddles, buggies, large stock; iciiaranieed as represented: eve.y Thurs- oay. I p. M. Multnomah Stabls. 16th and Madison. J. M. McMahon. auctioneer. FOR SALE One horse (weight about 10 lbs. and around years oin, one runner tired runsbout buggy and one single work harness, all in good condition and cheap If tken soon. AM .7. Oregonlan. WANTED ftocond-hand dump wagon in good condition; stale price. Addiecra oc cupant. 735 Belleview St., Sslem, Or. SNAP 6 nice young blocy mares; must be soid at once; any reasonable oiierft ac cepted. S7 Front t. WANTED Team, ham1, wagon, and some iah lor good grocery atock ana lixtures. 1 1 1 o ne Wood I awn 1 34 1. MULES for rent, with harness, carload lots. oy Coats A v UiUuiiuu, lu Montgomery St.. , San Frsnc:sco. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Cohen. 31 water st. latn j.'oh, Atain saso. DEAD hors-es and animals hauled away frse. Woodiawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses and cattls taken away frsv Call day or night. Tabor 420$. Pianos, Organs and Musical lnt rumen ta. CLOSING OUT TO FIRST CALLER, $4o RKADRURY piano $50 cuan. $4imi EMERSON piano, $05 caau. $.i75 CHASE BROS, upright. $1HJ. $ -4 VALLEY GEM upright. $135. $:,.! AUTOPIANO player. $2'.M rash. 75 K1M11ALL bsby grand. $345. SECURITY STORAGE CO., Ill 4th St. PIANOS In this column are usually for casu. ben wan nano hi tn st.. terms a cash with double credit for $10 when de livering a $3i0 new piano for $-!ti. $4 monthly, without in wrest, saving t0.3a; total saving to you $1J.2$ when buytug new. Ill 4th st. $3.60 BUYS good Edison phonograph. Schwau Piano Co.. Ill 4th st, WA NTKD Piano for cash, any condition. A P OQ5, Oregonlan . WANTED Square or upright piano cheap for cash. Ill 4th st. iuc MONTHLY stores piano. Security Stor age Co, lu 4ih. Main 5323. SPLENDID mahogany dise phonograph stand. $2$. Ill 4th aL $Pjo STANDARD make terms. &o4 Lewis bldg. mahogany plau-, Dog, Mirds, Pet Stock. GOOD AIRED. rES ARK GOOD DOGS. LA DP IX KENNELS, ETACADA. UK. ST. AN UKEASHl RGS and Harts Mountain canaries, in fine song. Main S547. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups for sale. 2Si Monroe si. Furniture tor Bale. M I S H FURNITURE CO.. 1 S 4 First St. High epeen!, ball-bearing KNOX ALL washing machine ; regular price $12 ; our price $4. Water power washing machine ; just connect with your water tap and let the wator do your washing; tub of tct Louisi ana cypress, everlasting; regular price $1; our price $ 7.50. These are new machines and we have a ' large selection which we bought at SOc on the dollar and will soil at half price. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 184 First St, FOR SALE Lot of furniture, bed springs an 3 mattresses. cane chairs. rockers, tables, numerous other pieces. Inquire at Mallory Hotel. 15th and Yamhill. HIGH-CLASS furniture at a sacrifice of 6-room flat ; r rooms almost make the rent, 87 E. Wash., cor. 2 Sth. LOUSE HOLD Ronr.i at private sal this wf-k only. 87 North 16th St. REFRIGERATOR, fruit Jars, furniture of 4 rooms, cheap. 1031 E. Broadway. Poultry. FIFTY or more ApHI-hstrhed S. C. Whit Leghorn pullets, $1 each . Spring W'a:r Poultry-yards, wicnita s Lai on, o. w. p. car. FOB 8 ALE. Automobiles. WE HAVR the following ears left from our sacrifice sale, which you can buy from $100 to 500 leas than any other place In Portland: 1013 CHALMERS. 4-paaaenger coupe. 1913 CHALMERS. ft-cyU 7 -passenger. 1013 CHALMERS. 5-paaaenger. 1013 STEARNS-KNIGHT. 6-cyL. ft 1912 WINTON. 7-passnger. 1014 W1NTON. 6- THE WINTCN CO, 23d and Washington Sts, USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. MITCHELL. 5 -pass., repainted. C-cyl.. overhauled, COMMEROK delivery, paneled body, ca pacity iuu ids.; orana new ; sacrifice. Several others to select from. MITCH ELL-LEW I S - ST A V E R CO.. Eat 1st and East Morrison. East 2177. B 121. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 1011 CADILLAC, new tires, fine condi tion. $475. We now have a very complete une 01 usea cars to ciiuoie from, $200 up, luu and r.Ui Cadillac at low pricna. leeverai otner makes are here for your in spection. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21t and Wash. CADILLAC "8s.- DODGE BROS. CARS. 1014 MICHIGAN ltf!3 NATIONAL IIUO i.AMbLE K 5-ton RELIANCE truck $ 750 1j00 ..... 00 . . 2ooo UULMAGE-M ANT.EY AUTO CO 4 N. 20th SL DELIVERY CARS, trucks, touring cars. ON EASY PAYMENTS. 115, 111, J13 MtiDELS. ALWAYS THE REST HA KG A INS. J. W. LEAV1TT X CO. 52J Washington St. MAKMU.N fi-pass., 113; Chalmers 30. 1910. &-pfc . ; Chalmers 3s. I 1 X. 7 - pass. ; Cor but, 4-psts.; halt on rcaoster, lbH. Saxton ceiivory, lili; Pop Hartiord i-ton truck, new. A. J. Chance Auto Ex.. 37 North liroati w ay. n :: W AND USED FORD AUTOMOBILE BOLD on EAti 1 EicJksd. BENJAMIN E. BOON E CO Kurd Agents JH4AlderSL Main SiXle. iTaRG AlNi iN USED AUTOS. Laxg'w stovk. Price $0tf to $0i OREGON MoloR C AK CO, Mudcbaxtr Blug. Corner cnapman and Aider. CADILLAC Eight, run Just 1 luu mil-; ril ice price, 1 4-u, ruh; no terms, no trUo. Audres only If ou have the money ajnd mean business. akll, orego- nian. FOR S A LE Easy terms, on Flanders JO auto delivery lu piendld conuittou. ure almost new run less than l'Ji'U iniivs. A lioms. Tabor 5UtiU. At office, Broadway lOiK S. I- Karth. Foil SALE or tr.ide, a 7-p'nger. 0-cyl indcr ruTcc-Arniw car. llo- make, n god condition, licnry Loydun, 33u ltftli sU Jsonn. GARAGES erected complete $J up; ready cut or portMuia nuuvea, up. TAKE UuWN MFG. CO., 14$ Water si., near lUruiKin. Maun 114)7 ST I" DEBA K Kit. 5-pnsenger. f:ne cuuUIUoii, $250. Roadsters at iractically your own prua, l4.i Aider, corner l-itti. LATE model 7-pa'nger auto, fine con dition; cost new i5i; obliged to sell f, Call Mr. Hcniphlll, Broadway b7. UiJ. 2-1'UN Reo truck, with body and top A-l condition; bargain, cati or terui. Call Mr. Mnltn. iruaaay fo. -PASSENGER oldsttnoblle. aorth $1(M.U, for lmiuediate bale. s3iM cash, or $450 tarms. Call 1 !. A loina ave. 4-CVLINDEK own price. U asliiugton imu.n tor sale at your The Win ton Cu, 2id aud CLASSY rebuilt racer, d ly painted, snap, aaa or tvrms to right xariy. Call Mr. liemphilL Itraday feisT. 2W-TON truck In A-l condition; this la good buy ; reasonable. Phone Tabor 110 or tt 1413. lyi2 STI'DCHAKEK roadster, dem. rims. spare tire. etc. ; snap. Phone A 4159. Ask for Mr. M envies. 6-1' ASSENG E R automobile in good condi tion, very tne-p. rrtoae ivst ii(2. o-l'ASix iRD; I riaio lank, txu-i, etc. $ ;'. Sol I wottd 2C 12. Autuuiubilrx Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Used, modern. llve-peseDger. elertrl licht and starter; state matte, age, equip ntetit. price, terms, etc AE 0 , Orego nlan. WANT ALIOMOBILE. Have 1mx10. 4 -room house, all clear, rented : want good, lnte model auto same. J. 11. Dirtx. li.;2 Chamber of Com mere- bids- Main 14. WANTED, auto; have ! acres south of St. Louis, Mo., 2 lots county s-at t- n. clear price $'iMt raifh. v hat nav you to oiler A J 07 J. Oregon ian WAXTKli To exchang 4-room modern cot laiEc. lot 5ttiaH: 14 tcarinc fruit trees, fo f :ri-t -class motor truck. Phone Broadway WAN T o-.'Mrsetter auto; have clear propeity nmi cann. na-iiey, iti t eon kiqk. ELECTRIC plan", cost $; trade for auto mobile or g-t.-d lot. I 'hone Mam Sdfc. w-l'ASSKNUKU Ford. 4i;i Aidr st. Auto Tires and ArefMsries. IiEkCULES TIKES, the mot eltecttve nn tkid ever produced. .i4 o.k st. Autontohlles for Hire, COLUM HI A HIGHWAY OR OTHER ALL-DAY TRIPS OR CAMPING. $2 50 ,n parties of four. Frank. in car. rmr frev Phone Wood la a 218. FOR HlK E Cheap. 115 H udson 4 careful, rompetcnt drlvr. Main 517$. IJveatork. 75 11 El FKRS. half Holvtelr.. Half Jersey m. to I year old. U. ('tantubta. r air ue. Parkrose. or. Phone labor sail IF you hav a gud fat 'cow or veal for aaUe. can i soor 3, 20. Ijtnrifhe and Itoata. RESPONSIBLE party desires to rent four p.iiM-ntr launch for -fk; run It htmseif. Kill una. st Bush org Co., before July r v FV ih.i sea von. fapt runaoouL. full eo,uipp-rt; tvrms to right party. Phons Isimrbe svnd liosu. SACKIFICK. new cabin launch. 30 fL long tnj. Main LM. J. Ty pew rltet-s. TYPEWRITERS for rent; S months for $3 and up; months rent applie-d on pur chase prlca. Henilngton Typewriter Com p any. Broadway, 1 tTtlaou. or WE se you from &0 to 7& ner cent on a make of typewriters; send Tor our illua t rated fId.r. Ketail department w HULh SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, at. STANDARD visible typewriter rente three months for $4. delivered. Call at 24 Stark st., or prone Mam TYPEWRITERS. a:i maka-a. 11 to Th North w eat T pew filer Co., 2tZ Stark st. Main 4j:s. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rents s at cut rates. 1'. D. C. 231 Stark St. Main 1107, Misce 1 laoeous. WALL CASE, anlld inshogany. with siidln iiitri doors. ato showcase to matcn. Commercial l:k. or phone Mam 3720. lKK'H FEED'S Camera Exchange. s& Sd it Catueras. koda. and lenses bought, sold and exchangeu. N e aell th lea cameras DIAMOND house pain is. strictly pure; mad In Oregon; p-cr gallon. i . rorian Paint Co.. 23u Front sU Marshall luO. FuK SALE 2 n ickel-nlated -howcanet an 1 Jewelcr'a work bench. one safe StjO, la 2d and Aider. Phone Main 100. ITToTO crc. arlsto, direct current, rheo stat, and posing- chairs; bargain, J U4 5. Oregon lan. , REPEATING shotgun. .12 gauge, cheap, or trad for good a-A kodak. E 05i. orego- 11 lan. THE Neutral Cigar Havana filler sells for 5c. tastes like 20c 263 Burnsld, CH EAl1 rltle. New slide trombone aud 22-gauge Phone Tabor 2155. FLt'M HI NO supplies at wholesale pric. Stsrk-Davls Co.. 212 2d su Main 7t7 SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Saf Co.. J64 Stark Su FOR SLECedar hull fish boat, 7-H P. engine, equipped. $H". 142'J Macadam lU NWTuxedoeult, sixe 40, cheap. AM Oregonian. WE SElL and buy showcases, desks and of fice chairs. 65 1st su COMPLETE set of carpenter's tool cheap. Main 2177, evenings; ask for Mr. Aulu JOR SALE. M isce llaaeoua. NEW PIPE VERY CHEAP. 450O feet I -In. gal v. pipe, new. lc foot. li'i ft I-Ui. gaiv. pipe, new, 2&c foot 2 1 KM) feet S-in. galv. pipe, new, 32c foot, 2aud feet 3-tn b.ack pipe, new, SOc foot. M. BARDE A SONS. The House of a. Million Bargains. 240-244 Front su. cor. Main, MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and rw paired. We do al klnda of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. $1 1st si N. Phon-s Broadway S2 OK SALE One 2 -pole tent, complete, 7ux 110; can be seen set up at camp ground, end of Broadway car line. B. S, Cook, bu5 Corbett bldg. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand. saio or rein. . up. frewmg yiacbiua i - in poriuxn, 190 3d U. near Taylor. Maun S41L. j. 32, BILLIARDS- New and second-hand carom aud pocket bihiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories : easy civincntt. Th-s Brunswlck-Baiko jCollender Cu 4s-4s &th. CASH REGISTERS, largo atock on hand; w save you 4t to so per cent; an register guarsnteed. Cash Register Exchange, aj2 ashington su &0.OOO CLEANED brick $3 P-r thousand; must b moved at once. J. Simon jfc Bros., Ford and Grant sts. Main :w2, A 20i2. HOT-AIR furnace and rani; boiler very cheap. Phone Marshall v2. FOit SALE Dun tie y pneumaiic cleaner. No. 2. slightly used, $15. Main 5"'J. WANTED MJSCELLAN EOl'S. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES W nay hig best caan prtc for lauiea and gents' castoff clothing, bicycles and er tumg in niercUanaiae. Call us up, We need it and w.;i pay for lu GLOBE TORE. 25 First SU Main luvo. Main 20to FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sen nouaenoid goods or any thing in tna hardware line, ca l th Levin Hardware Ac Kurniture Co, $21 Frouu Phone A i 17. Main 9072. bECON D-U AN D CLOT H 1 NO W A NTED J MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS BEST PRICES. SHOES Bo L GUT. CALL MALN 7;3. 32 MADISON . 27& OPERA chairs. Powers picture ma chine; price righu P. O. boa lu04. Port land. Or. 14 1st M1SH FURNITURE CO. 184 lsu Be for you buy or sell your f urnitui get our prices. :ain W I LL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND tlOLa&UoLO GOODS. PHONE MAIN 332. A 257. HIGHEST prloes paid for good used fural tur, carpeis, etc uevuni r urn. tore, ii 1 t. beu lay lor and balm on, Marshall bki KLINES BUY, SELL AND EXCH AN G E FURNITURE; BET IR1C E3 PAID. 3 HAWTHORNE A V E. EAST 719. WILL pay good pries for 4. 4 and S-fu ihowcaaes. 65 1st SU OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best prloe for your turnuura. :a Lst su stain WANT $lO.Ui0 used furnltare; pay good prices; starting new store, s-eliwood 142. WANTED National cah register. Mala ". 151 H Wsa.iu.gtoa sU CASH paid for hair com bin a a. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dkum b.dc CASH for 5x7 view camera; must be bargain. 3 Grand ave. N. WANTED Furniture for parlor. Including rug; state price. Ac,wt. oregonian. WANTED Good lVx I 4 or 14x16 tent, aim I y . i'hon East 22u. HELP WANTE1WMAI.K. M EN You wnl be better ot on a ii farm than spettoing your moot y iooki lor a Job. Better Jam the co-operative colitny at Gobic 20 good fellows w bi w getting together to secure cleared lai.d haif urlce. . an acre in cun and $4. an acre In w or k lor u (mot I arm laud near Portland. 5 nd lo-acre tracts. Work now going on; get in white th best tract ar lefu I'll b glad to talk it urr n y ou. ;. Wy nu v it son, Vmi Chamber Commerce. SOMEONE residing In every small town In Oregon and v niiitn to repret-er. i i and aell furniture, rugs, etc.. on comml stun from our taiaiogu on ei'y pamen: those, v. ho are earning a in in g in other way and who can Oovoto f pare time preferred. We have been In busin In Portland since 1 S7 7. EDWARDS COMPANY. Complete iiiuse furnishers. &th and Oak Sts.. Port. and. Or MEN There are no Jobs to e found, so why m. usis mnr time? Get a farm home no bet ore your money s all ued t:p lor hoard and room: join otner goMi leiiuwi m i co-operative colony at Gobie get clear iun.i i half nrie: r. and 1 0-ar trat richest land. an acre in moui ) and $4 an acre in work: oniv few tracts left; time to delay. ots nothing to talk over. G. Wynn Wilson, P"a Chamber Commerce. Y. M. O. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL - SPECIAL bllOKT COURSE. BFniTEU RATES TO SEPTEMBER 1. I'nusual op Hrt unity. For par tic u. era rati at diicavttonal office T. M. C A. in eluded In tuition cost la full Association membership to October L vv vvxki h. married man. above to weil-know n line direct to consumer In count rv. also one man for city terrltr (r. mm itml.'a to all nrnsoecta as teasers mutt bit oreita red to furnish surety bond mil I own rl or car; gtv references fi letter . ra jid promotion to rig ht man. H tt. regonian. v iVTrn TEN TEAMS for hauliiilg lumber, tl. w ood and logs lontf Job. PACIFIC F7M PTV11 ENT CO. i:22 and 224 Couch st. iv i v i w i Vruinc men ho are not a it a hi not afiai of auric, to travel with me i ti.a for Ka-tern firm, country nd silver- work; ex penence not re-quired : good pay an htnee for advsntemenu Must be ainKl ,.-e inrl neatlv dre-ed. tall per.r Nv 'ft to 12. Mr. Gilham. 'rlton Hotel TEAMSTER If you know where I can pu mv S-ton gooseneck and team, or ton-and k.e alnrl. matron t trork I could g ou lob: stat nam of concern and ful particulars. AM Ore I'Piin. t i i.iii r.r. ni and elderly men man money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna montai anu inm ent.-a orovlded. Washington Nurr "o.. Toppeniwh. W ash. ti'i s: n i 1 1 nPKMNM for enercetlo voin ai tith salesmanship ahtlltv ; roiicg giadtiMte preferred: furnish reference a to erararier witn repiv. iv .t-kqih T W( wel'.-dreased your.g men under 22 f tr,vlies- rntitl be hllh aa-hool graduatf Appiv Mr" Brewer. Broadway Hotel. 8 to 1 A. M. Don't phoney LiWGUT y tung man to help organise an vi ttnrU in t'aiifornia comrnnr giv reference and phone number. T l75. t roT'lan. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Exper iniiriictnr to teach vou th barber trae I S wewka. tools free; poaitloa guaranteed Pd while learning. Z3j za. rx-s r Miin. POKTRAIT SALE-MEN. salary and cot in 11 on. AO tl reus .or don Irtra it Cor pany P. O. Box 3f. Portland. Or. TWO news aseat wanted to work on pa aenger trains. Cn Dona requires. JtJ North 6th, W ANTED Man to learn auto driving an recalling; demand is good and big pay Chance Auto Ex, 3" North Broadway. WANTED An experienced boy t help mil and farm work: no tot-aeeo; state wage va anted. K. E- W att H born. r. w k vTF.D yirat-clas man for box nallin n.a. h'.ne. Oregon Box A Mfg. Co., W. Macadam. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn aulmv hil repairing and driving. "all at Haw thorn Gars go. 45 S. Hawthorne ave. yaLErtRirbcr College wants men to lear i Ks iraue: tu.tlon reduced. pa .d w hi. learning.; nd for cit.i logue. 4s N Second TRACER. Slid gooo letleter f-ir office; stat salary expected. ri"f 'n!n. MR. CHAS. 'IEHTRI M pleas answer this ad. rup street, city. AM'liHSOV 'E," 747 North WANTED salesman ana so uc tor; per mintnt. 40'2 wasningion st- PRINTING, tailoring, painting; give dea tie try. U. S. Dent lata. 245 Vv ash, au TWO BOYS At once, to learn the barb trade. 4. 2d su PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal b.dg. lu ol.K'ITOKS. Call 10 to 12, 2 to 4. room 5. Homeland Hotel, -jv i th st. NEAT-APPEARING young man to inatruc modern dances. 51ft Liters bids;. WANTED Barber for Ssturday. 103 Rus sell su WANTED Barter. -21 Mauisoa. Steady Jt Help W anteJ Aetata. AGENTS wantea; oonanu writes, I se 9 out of IO" . Scran ton mskes over ti weekly ; b'.g money sell ing our bra nd i 2ic kitchen utersit. Write for full In firmatlon at once ; asm pie :,.c, H. ". fc;. Mfg. Co.. T9 tn su. iicgnamton, . y. Help W avnled -aletmra. WANTED Two wide-awake young men. 22 2.s years of age. to travel with manager and solicit; saiary and rommlMion to riKht parties. See Mr. Bowman, Carlton Hole;. Friday morning. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced girl housework. Phone Marshall for 11. general HE1P WANTED FEMALE. SALESLADY, with pleasing persona! it y ; mut b expenenceHl in jewelrv business: be experienced rtcommmdauon and bond required. App.y to mauagcr. i-enert Jeiry Co., 2os Wasit. street. TENOGRAPHERS wanted, Government $5 """"'i rwi wanu ex tun miwoni UCl. to; aamp:e question free. Franklin Inatltut. cepu 7u3 F. Rochester. N. Y. EXPERIENCED girl, with good references. for general housework; no washing; family of two adults; wages $25. Apply In peraon, 576 Fa.u 25th Nort h. near Broadway. TKAPHEKS wanted for rural schools. Wh- mgion. orvg n. Idaho. Montana Spokane T.-achers Agency, ;32 Old National Bank. Spokane, Wash. WANTED Thoroughly experienced mal-L "ne that can cook . go.d wages to ri he person, foreign or preferred. Call fore noons. Main 1 tW4. WANTED A German girl for ceneial housework ; good home and moderate t. acrj. Call awomlna, 5oi East ITJd su. Ha i tnorne. HOME COOK Mut be good, clean woman. ao.o x o ma K. excellent pies, roll and couchnut. Rupert's Grocery, 421 Jeffer son st. EXi'ERlENCED girl for general bouseork a-na cooKing; city references; 3 adu'ts; 5-room flau Phone after II A. M. East WANTED In a family of 2 a miudle-accd w oman for general housework ; must ha references. Call East 3233. W A N TKI Refined, capable woman for re- sponsbl position Viavi Company 4:3 Pittock block. 3$a Warurgtor. u LAUiKS make shields at home. 110 lor i-jo work sent preps Id. do canvassing, send ft am p. 1 in'iof Mfg. Co.. M, Loui s. M o. ENERGETIC cmgle young man to travel and earn good paying buiue.i. 51 J Itoy al tdg.. beu 11 and 12 o'clock. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. t-t-aum Diet January ranorm, MOLEU Barber College mania ladir toir th trade; special rates. 4S N. Second. WANTED Wet curse: privilege of ilvin home. Main 14, WANTED Girl to aaeist In th klichan. IS tnd room, t all T W. Park. W ANTED Jhambenuaid at yuimby Hotel. :: N 4. r i NEK a L ul. $25. hu?e ork, oi Ms men' s, 34. "i $31. w m it re. Washington. WANTED Two neat vounn lu.'.it-s ut..1er to travel. Inquire 2 1 2 Broadway Hotel. -Female cock f ir country. C 52. nted in coffe house. 20 N. 4-: a r mangle girls. Yale Laundry. H EI.l W A NT ED MA I. E O R FE M A LI- OREGON liarber Colitco wanta men " and won. en to team tbo bivber la I w eekt. ; tools fr?e; paid while .earning; earn from 31 S to $.S week; new course fuC Summer; tuition p-Jucru. Ill Mac aon. THE N. W. Hotel Employ- Amu. ha a i a.i tor a mgnt c.ttK. 2 w &itret. 1 paMrv cook, I housekeep'r. su4 Bu jrhacaa b.dg . Portland. PRINTER to work In small office, for on iiioiiu. uur;ng vnmiion cr regular prirtei; lat age and salary. T P75. Oreconlan. SOLICITORS wanted. Call at 207 Railway da. Es.-hatige S-KooM apu for Jauaor service. 1 4 Gran 1 a v f. N. HELP W ANTED MIS FI.UANFOl S. ItAlLWAY mail clerks. 1. O. rleikx. car ttrrm. exanu soon ; parcel poat ucmanda many mote Civ-r; act at once. I axiLo State .Sfiuwij, McKay blug., city. WANTE1 Names of m -r lng liovrmuifin Job. $; n.ces.aiy. AV trea' 1 or over w alt i rnouth; ca pud j man. MTl A T 1 0 N SWA N T E I MA I.E. BookUeeier n d 1 lerka. i'LNG .""i ur.ljntuan Mania t get coo -heeled vllh icliat'te cmern m Portland or elsew here ; ha v o 5 years tanking a perieiu e. 4 .f which with Portland banK. and aim general busTiewt expe'jenc from Nora ay, Germany a nd En, - and , best t re Terences. can start at unco, 1C Ih;7 trrgor.ian. AiTOl NTANT with id commercial -x-pertence aeeks po.itltn in r out of t:iw i It . can I pevt ; i e. ,ea ks ev era! !.ui g u;f, A-l rvf-r rm. e : alarv secondary cuiMderat !n. Main 7 .." 1 . A 1517. Vul'.N; in.ui with timincM colit-ge training. nt h fr.tia of work, w ou.d lik a iM!t:.n a office a:tunt w here t her Is chance, of adv anci menu K4crenvts. AL iT2. Ctresonian. YDl'NO m.n. 2.1, desiiea iKn.tlon aa carle in itern'ia! must hoto or will ac.rt any kind of work, hustler; try mo and see, S. It. Duggan. phone O 1411. Vol NG MA N. ood appearance, steady, r liaMe, experlen-ed In luar buslnem. gro eery, etc., Kintt position In w holca-e ho use. K 0 7 5. Oregonian. JAPANESE fre En. pi. A lio. Jii;ant Am Henry bid. rneiit Bu u of Ore, NF.AT young man des ren nv lide emplo men! ; clerk exiericnce; l-et of rfcrenres. N PC5. oregtnian. Miacellaue UIM'KV FOREMAN" f ears' en iM-rienct" urMr ftiur , will go anywhere plant, imi'Ii and rvnv pit woith. 2$ engagement it can handiti any )arlttietit w It Ii Koom 54. Roal equal practice. Addr Palm Hoiel. City. SB YCNG man. tlioroughly reliable a ad cui pet en t, uctres w or a, t tier king and put tin 4 up 01 oers for gricery houre: to ci-t anv kind of work ; A-1 reference. Maui 7o;.l. A 1M7. EXPERIENCED p inter, pa pe r h a n er. kal sominer anl lecoiator anu aurh; rea.on aje rales; A-l re:rncea. Main 7s'I. A 15 1 7. M V HiMT t- tra-le nuit hav . .ik, IV, 1 In running m 7o;,i. a lng to dj an thing, expcrlenc e.c vat or ; A-l reference. M ; 1517. REl.lAHl.E, experienced man wants houc painting. wai. tint-ng and general oi hmg ; 1 ea.ira i1a 1 atc : references. M ant 7M. A 15 I CMAI'l- 1-K1 II with 5 e.rV rprrln w phM posit Pm with prl v a t e f am tir ; g ood r"( rem en. do own rcpniMng and wUl 3j ottl-r work. Sellwo.vJ .'. A PAlNTKR. firt clans. ith the beet cf refrrenceM. uri to handling men. will tak pokitiim nv where. have some toolv G upego n.a n. y-t NG married man would like pntlti"n lr!v ir.g car or lru k, ban re pairing and driving and h. nM-rence. A t '-'I 2. re otilan. P A . N T 1 NG. papering, a;ominrg; ( 1 stork. heap, by con ti act- l"hui w..,l 7. MAN and wife, fiml-r'.sss c bamberma d and w a!tifM, m h n a H -around, mechanic. Market!. 12 N . t h t EXPERIENCED rp-s'Med man iMi fur rtilldrrn. want. trk n ranch; must have woik Mam 7o:i. A 1517. W A N T E D 1 1 y n 1 a r r U d watenman. stable man 'ail tl. Z22. mm. pos a ion or cream .ry man EXPERIENCED, reliable man wan:. w.rtc Is in acb mint and bol'.em.aat r; A-l relei encea. Main 7-5l. A 151". A-l HOUSE PA 1 N TE H, lnd and out; a'.. k.ili:iiriii, 1I1 jtires w ork ; A-l l-f erem a. Main 7"M. A 1517. EX I' KHl EN'i'ED dalrv lunch counter nia.i. ai .-t up man who understands carv ing. Call 3 P. M, room 117. Athens HoteU E 1 - D K R LY man. f aVrly spr and neat, wants a homo ano mma.i pay in e ""K'- " ser ices ; refren e Mam " 1 :. 1 7 lOl NG be.p r JL N ., m 1. T3. wfcnta poition s gsr lnera it farm w ora, aura, pot tiand. HAVE ap.e x.iiir wool cut even lng; "prlcoa; A-l references. ,h at rea.-;i-Matn C'.-l. u.VKl-J.Nr.R "d f onsu 14 years eper.em l:i all branches of horticulture; refereneei pnone J.aiha:i 3iHi or S HT 4. Ore,g. -n : t. r Yol N i M N and w if e lea;r work on ran.h: wages no particular consideration; e ; er t-no-d. R. M.. HS Hth st N. MAN and wife, mw;d;e-agd. h to5iilon 1:1 ul art ment-hou.e cr bote : borr. mors tinn uiiKfi desued. All 4.'73. -ewor:'an. MAN and wile want ta::iii ; ex perie new1 l.iKe rh.tT. Ai" ,0 work hor.'pim f a rrn ; n prefer to JAPANESE bov w mnts position In family as honst-w ork. T P74. orcg nisn W ANTED Work iurlng evenings, anything. Call M nnh II 1 :t t. Com l'KTKNT voun g man would ke to get steady work on ranch. AIri, oregonian, cXrPKNTER foreman wants work, tiay or contract. Seliwood lS'-'.. ALL-AROl'XD tailor wants position Vet polt lan.l. i', P4t. Oreaontan. JAPANESE pchoo' I ..y w a tit a poM tion. K. FunaKtishl. :;t''2 Couch -t. A 4'."h' JAPANESE cook wants po:t.on general house work. C. T.,2s Everett. PAPER HANGING, cent" a holt; palnt Tabor and tinting cheaplv none. SITUATIONS WAXTF.I -FEMA I.E. Bookkeeper and Stenograph era. EX PERI EN CEO sienocraphcr cesir tion. Pnone Eal 774 ST K'N'OGHA I'llF R w ants any kind stdy office work. Marshall 40'.M. DRESSMAKING by 0v or home ro.vvnabl Marshall 2705. a ork guaranteed,