13 TENNIS ENTRY TIME EXTENDED 2 DAYS STUDIES 1ST OREGON COWBOY LIFE AND NOTED SCULPTOR WHO EXECUTED THEM. NOW IN PORT LAND. Lists to Be Kept Open Until Saturday Night Large Number Already In. IRVINGTON CLUB IS HOST TBTE MORNING OREGON! AN. FRIDAY, JTXY 23. 1915. tiS-y Tyler and Johns Most Formidable Outside Kntrants, While Oregon Has Five Stars Foot Faults to Be Called Rigidly. There are two days left in which to enter the Oregon state championship tennis tournament. It has been decided to leave the list open until Saturday night. For the second time in the his tory of Oregon tennis the state cham pionship Is to be played at the Irving ton Club, and all Irvington is preparing as never before to join in the festivi ties. As hosts the Irvington folk have al ready created an enviable reputation anU the fact that there is an unusually large number of entries bas only stirred them to show the players and the spectators how much Irvington peo ple can do for their guests. From the north, south, east and west they come. Tyler, from Spokane; Johns, from San Francisco, and many from points Intermediate. The entry will far surpass any tournament thus far held in Oregon. Social Side Well Cared For. The women in charge of the social side of the tournament have already insured Its success. The following ma trons will act as patronesses: Mrs. William F. Woodward. Mrs. William T. Foster. Mrs. Walter M. Cook, Mrs. An drew D. Norris. Mrs. Andrew R. Por ter and Mrs. Helen LaUd Corbett. With Tyler and Johns as the chief contenders from outside of Oregon, the chances seem to favor Tyler. Fresh from his California tennis he ought to make a strong bid for the famous Fisk challenge cup. Oregon pins her faith to Richardson, Wicker sham. Wolfard, Goss and Mor ton. Richardson has been unfortunate in having suffered a sprained ankle. He may not be able to defend. He seems to be Portland's chief hope for championship honors. Wlekomku In Slump. Wickersham has slumped and has not yet shown his ability to come back. Wolfard shows the best prospects, but may not be able to outgeneral some of the old veterans when it comes to weathering a hard tournament strain. Goss has been playing a strong game and Is not altogether eliminated. He can be counted on to go the limit since he is the only two-times winner of the famous cup in competition. Morton would be a sure winner if he played his cannon-ball drive with any degree of surety. Then, too, there are Wakeman, Minor, Ewing, Lance field and Hobson, from "Vancouver bar racks. The tournament committee has de cided to adopt all the "latest styles" in management of the tournament. The experience of last week In San Francisco has been an excellent ex ample of what should be done with the foot-faulter. In one prominent match alone there were called 20 foot faults. Three Stars' Service Fair. Richardson, Wickersham and Goss are fine examples as a fair and up right service. Richardson places it well and does not attempt to run in. He never foot-faults. Wickersham has lots of speed and wins many aces. He, too, never foot-faults. Goss has no speed, but places fairly well, and is best at getting to the net, but it his guns were strapped. It was while Catlln Wolfard Is a gross offender, and no less a notable than Chairman Jam Shlves will have a hard time get ting away with his first service, for his foot is far into the court before his racket hits the ball. Then, too, the umpires are to have a chance to test their skill, for the committee has decided to give a first and second prize for the two best umpires who have served during the week.' All officials of the tournament are ineligible to compete. Entries can be made with Chairman Shives, East 605. or at the Irvington Club East 4685. Boxing Brevities. Just at the present time Tom Cowler and Jim Corbett aro creating considerable talk in New York City. The blgr heavy, who Is scheduled to meet Gunboat Smith the last of this month. In Gotham, Is receiving a great deal of publicity In the daily press. One of the Now York papers, in speaking of Cowler, says: "Corbett is long over-due to pick a win ner and perhaps this time he has succeed ed. Cowler has the necessary size and build and a protruding chin that seems to indi cate aggressiveness. However, fighters of championship caliber are not made over night and it will be unfair to expect a great deal of Cowler in his first showing here although he made good in Australia. "Just at present the heavyweight class is in need of new material and Cowler will re ceive a royal welcome if he makes good " Work is under way at the new headquar ters of the Rose City Club, across the Mor rison bridge. Fred Men-ill says he expects to have things In running order and will open up with a boxing and wrestling show .bout September. According to reports Eddie Flanniaran has opened a boxing school on the East Side ana is teaching a number of pupils the manly art. Boxing promoters and followers of the fis tic game in California are giving up hope of having the game returned to that atate, according to reports. Frank Kendall, the Portland heaT-yweirht. and his manager. Tom Ratcliffe, Is expected in foniana toaay irom utwanoma. Ken dall has been away from his family for six months and his return home will be In the way of a visit. While here he will en deavor to line up a bout w ith Lou Bodle, the Spokane heavyweight, who has been putting the crusher on the boys in the In land Empire metropolis. CLOTHES STOLEN ON TRAIN Thief Xot Only Takes Jewels, but All Woman's Wearing Apparel. OMAHA. July 18. Mrs. Anna Thorns of 2653 Emerald street, Philadelphia, lost $400 In money and. most of her clothes on a train coming into Omaha at night. She stopped in this city to purchase new clothing:, after which she continued her trip to the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Thorpe carried her cash In handbag:, and during- the night this, as well as her grip and the clothes she had taken off. were stolen. She carrlea her railroad tickets and extra money in another place, and these the thief didn't molest. Considerable Scorn, in This. Atchison Globe. A woman can throw considerable scorn into her tone when she exclaims "Oh, men are all alike!" Still, even women will admit at times that some of them are more so than others. SCULPTOR Alexander Proctor to Continue Study of Oregon Types. FINE WORKS COMPLETED Rare Expression of Action Is Exe cuted In Reproductions of Per formances by Men Masters of Wild Western Sports. BY LI I J AN TINGLE. Alexander Phemlster Proctor, of New York, now visiting in Portland, one of the foremost of living American sculp tors, probably is best known for studies of wild animals, especially the colossal "Princeton Tigers," the lions of the Mc. Kinley monument at Buffalo, N. Y., and the pumas at the entrance of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. At present, however. Mr. Proctor's Interest Is centered In the West. Dur ing the past year he has established a home and studio at Pendleton. The tudlo is on the Roundup grounds, where he had opportunities for study ing at close range horses, buffalo, In dians and cowboy types. Work Fall of Action. "The Buckaroo" is one of his latest works, full of verve and action, both horse and man typically American, typically Western. Yet even when, as in "The Buckaroo." the Bculptor Is pri marily concerned, with the expression of 'action, he never loses the rare sense of decorative beauty which Is charac teristic of his more monumental works. "Slim." a small "character" bust, is a portrait of a real man. But It is also more than a portrait; it records for fu ture generations the typical cowboy of story, and tradition. There Is an inde finable something in the carriage ana poise of the head and neck, the "long distance look" In the eyes, the firmly- modeled chin and the lean lines of the cheek that would be recognizable as cowboy" even without the costume touch" of hat and knotted handker chief. Buffalo Is Modeled. Mr. Proctor also modeled, at Pendle ton, a buffalo which Is destined to be part of a group with Indians. Indian horses and Indians have al ways had a special fascination for Mr. Proctor. His Indian warriors now in the Museum of Art In Portland, was exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1898 and is well known. A more . ecent bronze. Pursued, was done during a visit of months among the Cheyenne Indians in Montana. The sculptor has been "adopted" by a Sioux Indian chief. "Little Wolf." and the same name was given blm. As Western in spirit as his cowboys and Indians ar ethe buffaloes recently completed by Mr. Proctor for the new Q street bridge. Washington, D. .C. which, cast each In a single piece are said to be the largest single bronze castings ever made in America. Mr. Proctor will visit Hanley's ranch, where he will have special facilities for the horse studies In which he Is at present specially Interested. Later he will return to Pendleton for the Round-np. Among the many honors which have been bestowed on the artist, the latest Is a gold medal from the Panama Pa cific Exposition, news of which was received two weeks ago. CIVILIANS TO ATTEND CAMP Regular Troops Will Instruct 1000 Young Wall-Street Men. NEW YORK. July 17. With the tacit conseht of the War Department, Major General Leonard Wood, commanding the Eastern Department at Governors Island. N. Y., has arranged for the at tendance of about 1000 young business men, mostly from Wall street and the downtown districts of New York, at the encampment of regular troops at Plattsburg, N. Y. These young men have the patriotic spirit and have ex pressed an earnest desire to acquire the fundamentals of military instrnjo tion in a practical way, in order to serve their, country as volunteers In case of war or other National emer gency. It is understood that several young men socially prominent in this city have received permission to attend the Army camp at the same time. Among the latter class Is mentioned Frederick Huldekopar. All the arrangements for the camp are in the hands of General Wood and the officials of the War Department say they know nothing of the details beyond what has been published in the New York newspapers. It Is stated, however, that the proposed instruction Is Independent of the students' camp now in progress at Plattsburg. In both cases the Instruction Is im parted without expense to the Govern ment. The students from military In. IS GUEST II Lpprr "The Buckaroo" and Alexande r Phemlster Proctor, the Sculptor. Be low -Slim." a study He Found In the Pendleton Ronnd-Ln Country. stltutlons and the business men tak ing the military course supply their own uniforms and bear all expenses of transportation and subsistence. The Government supplies them with arms and equipment am! places of shelter and rest. In each case those showing the necessary qualifications will be listed as possible volunteer of ficers in case necessity should arise for their service. The period of In struction covers only 10 days and nec essarily is far below the requirements for commissioned rank. WIFE ACCUSES GIRL, 17 Woman Wants $2 5,0-00 for Affec tions of Her Husband. PHILADELPHIA. July 18. A suit to recover $25.000 damages for alienation is- f The Hazel wood Confectionery and Restaurant Washington St, at Tent. Best Food Served at Lowest Possible Cost Amid Homelike Surroundings SKATING CAFACITV 4SO. CLATSOP BEACH Is the Nearest to Portland of Any Coast Resorts a Four-Hour Trip Along the Lower Columbia River. CLATSOP BEACH RESORTS, GEARHART AND SEASIDE. MAT BE VISITED IB ONE DAT. ROUND TRIP. FROM PORTLAND SEASHORE LIMITED. . .8:30 A. L M'sSKK-KBD SPECIAL. .2x00 P. M. UsnROUNDTRIP Stop Over en Route to or From California Expositions. Observatt on Parlor Car Seats. Tickets and in formation at Fifth and Stark Streets. Peninsula Park Sunken Gardens A city park and well worth a trip. Take St. Johns or Kenton car. 1 : i of her husband's affections was brought by a Camden woman recently against 17-year-old Mary Miller and her father. Andrew Miller, of Railroad and Ferry avenues, Camden, in the New Jersey Supreme Court. The plaintiff, who is known In Camden as Mrs. Jo seph E. Cooper. Is suing under the name of Mrs. Antonla Szevzeiko her husband's name before coming to this country. Mrs. Szevzeiko alleges that she was married to her husband, alias James Cooper, on August 31. 191S. and that a year later he fled to Providence. R I.. with Mary Miller, the daughter of the saloon owner who employed her hus band. She asserts that Andrew Miller wan Instrumental In Inducing his daughter to run away with Szevsleko. The latter recently returned to Cam den to procure clothes that had re mained In his home. He was arrested nd Mary Miller, who is said to have been living with him as hia wife In INFORMATION FOR Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point, or the trip you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce or phone them Bell Phone, Broadway 440 or Automatic, 'A 6091. Information will gladly be given, literature of interesting points furnished Time Cards, Beach and Mountain Resort literature. The Uregonian asks the names and addresses oi! tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with names of your party to Summer Resort Dept., The Oregonian, Portland. Stockyards and Pa. kins Plaat Largrest plant west of the Missis sippi River. Located on Columbia slough within 40 minutes' ride of Broadway and Washington streets. Take Kenton cars on Washing-ton street at Fifth, Sixth and Broadway streets to Kenton. Fare 6 cents. Take Kenton Traction Company cars at Kenton to Packing Plant and Stockyards. Fare 6 cents. Visitors admitted daily except Sundays. Estacad. Casadere. Bull Run cars leave First and Alder every four hours, dally and Sunday, every hour as far as Gresham. Oood points for basket picnic Parka Washington Park, head of Washington street, with small soo and aviary. Take any car west on Washington street excepting Six teenth; fare 6 cents. Celebrated statue. "Coming of the White Man." also "Sacajawea." Excellent view of the city. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGH WAT. A scenic drive of rare beauty, built along the south shore of the Columbia River, a distance of more than 40 miles from Portland. A series of remarkable waterfalls, rugged peaks and deep canyons are among the attractions. TAWNEVS MOUNTAIN HOME. Formerly Mauldlng'a Hotel. Ideal spot. Hunting, fishing, camp ing privileges, saddle horses, home cooking, etc., $2 per day. $10 per week. Sunday chicken dinner, 76c Large independent bungalows for those who prefer them. F. ILTawaey, Prop.. Welch's P. O., Or. IODODENDORN HOTKI 4? Mllrs on Mount Hood Auto Road. Ths nnest mountain resort In Ore gon. Dally rates $3. weakly $12.30 and up. Special rates to families for ths Summer months. Saddle, horses, lawn tennis, croquet, finest fishing and bunting grounds. Our own dairy, poul try and cardan truck. Electric flcht, telephone. For dally uto stages, prions Main 9038 East 133 or K. '-..3. Emll Pransettl. Prop., Ron, Oregon. WELCH'S HOTEL Oldest resort In the Mount Hood district- Good water, airy bunga lows, excellent cuisine, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, etc Rates $2 per day, $10 per week. W. E. WELCH. Prop. Welch's P. 0 Oregon. The "Miracle Drinks cm V sHuim m i you see an Arrow, think of Coca-Cola Providence and had become the mother of a child, was summoned to return to her parents. HEIRESS TO TRY FLYING Niece of D. G. Reld, Steel Magnate, Enters Wright Aviation School. DAYTON. O.. July K. Miss Rose Douglas, of Richmond, Ind . a niece of Daniel G. Reld. multimillionaire steel magnate, of New York, has entered the Wright Training School to learn avia tion. Ferdinand Eggena. New York City aviator. Is here arranging for a cross country trip from Chicago to New York. He hopes to make the flight In Mountain. River and Beach MOUNT HOOD RESORTS. ciod Cast lu is a delightful re treat. 000 ft above sea leva, on a sheltered spur of the very mountain Itself, and is located lust at the upper edge of Umber line. The trip to the Inn usually is made t.v rail to Hood River and. thence by stvge. The round-trip rate. Includ ing all traveling expenses. Is lit it Service begins July 1 and continues to September If. Electric carllne to Boring. 14 miles; automobile to Welch's, Rho dodendron and Tawney's. round trip from Portland, $7.76. Same as above with horse stage all the way. 16.76. Welch's. Rhododendron sad Taw mrr'u are located on the south side of the mountain. Automobile from Portland to either resort, round trip, each f 6. The Oaks (the Coney Island of the Went) Every form of entertain ment and accommodation for tour ists. Orchestral and band concerts, prima donna and musical comedy company every afternoon and night In the open-air theater. Perform ances all free. Admission to park 10 cents. Reached by express special Oaks train (fare 6 cents), from First and Alder: or by launch (10 cents), from Morrison-street Bridge. Safety at All Times Mt. Hood Auto Line calls and delivers to any part of city, day or night, to Mount Hood resorts. Round trip, 66; (-Government sCamp. $7.60. Phoaeo. Main 331, or A 2331. ANDERSON BROS. SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS AND SANATORIUM the greatest health and pleasure resort on the Pacific Coast, In the heart of the Olympic Mountains open for the season. For full information address The Maaager. Sol Dae. Wash. THE WARREN CAJTNON BEACH. The only hotel on the beach front. Oood fishing, hunting and surf bath ing; unsurpassed table. excel ent serrlce. Isrgs airy rooms and bunga lows Auto stags meets all trains P. O . stools. Or. St- 8- Warren. Prop. Man Never before has Geo. Stallings' autograph or endorsement appeared in connection with an advertisement. The genuine goodness of Coca-Cola induced him to break this rule. Demand the genuine by full name nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ATLANTA. GA. one day. stopping at Cleveland and Buffalo. H will start In about two weens. CRUISER WEARS DISGUISE British Warship Has One Side Painted lo Alter Appearance. NEW YORK. July IT. A British ar mored cruiser of the Suffolk and Essex class, which followed the America's cup yachts a few days ago. appeared off Ambrose Channel light vessel again the following day and It was noticed that she was equipped to do a light ning change act on the high seas. Her port bide was the same as It was originally, painted a dull, dark gray. TOURISTS Resorts Port Land Heights (Cewarll Crest) 1200 feet above the city. Take Coun cil Crest car on Washington street; time, 10 minutes each way. Won derful view of the city and snow capped mountains. , Oaks Portland's Grant Amusement Park Oanrlng, SalmmlBf and Park Attrac tions. Hnarallnna and Mostcal Comedy Free show. Seat Sale far Sottas (Next Sander and Minis J In Oaks Audttsrtnm) now on at Sherman-Clay's. Reserved seats $1. Including admission. ta Park lsr. Care. 1st aara Idcr. So. Morrison Bridge. lSc. The Nicolai Hotel Only first-class hotel built on the bans overlooking the Pacific Oman All out sloe rooms Rates by ths day $1.60 up; weekly rates $16 up Auto bus meets trains and me Sea daily excursions J. H H Anderson. Pise- .Newport. Or. Plena make reservations early. t Improve every idle hour en route with a good book. Get your favorite volume at iSill'i The J. K. Gill Co, Booksellers. Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters. SHIPHERD'S HOT SPRINGS Ths Idsal Health snd Recreation Resort. er Cottags aad (ampins. CARSON. WASH. ..WIN & But on her starboard side her bow had been painted out with a silvery white color that was not discernible at a dis tance. This odd paint was carried In a line along her topside and down around her stern, making her appearance smalt and at the bow the painting was car ried out in a curve, giving her the ap pearance of an old clipper stem. Paint- ed revolving screens also had been Place about two of her funnels, the fore and aft ones. The screens had the disappearing paint on one side only. Round of Dally Bread. Exchange. When a man has trouble earning his dally bread and beefsteak, he doesn't have much time to worry about the high price of auto tires. Ulerest Drive A hillside motor drive of unsurpassed beauty. About one hour's drive. Best time lust at sunset, but most beautiful view of city and mountains at al Dora B Smith, atari sxr. 116 THIRD STREET (O rant WanMngteta ) Ws furnish tickets and accural Information regarding al; points of in tarsal mentioned on tils TROLLEY TRIPS FOR TOURISTS PORTLAND AND VICINITY ASK THE MAN AT FIRST AND ALDER. Marshall 5100, A 6131. P. R-, L. & P. Co. RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Dally to Mount Hood resorts S A. at Round trip $$; Oov. Camp $7 so Special rstes for weak-end and ciimo 1ns parties. Information reservations snd tickets at KOfTLElNiK HEED a FLORAL CO. in Xd m. Mala es&a Mll Or Irvington Oarage. East its. 0