12 TTTT3 MORNING ' OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, JULY' 1G. 1915 L OF SHRINERS OVER Nobles Fold Tents and Move Toward South, Resting at Portland Oasis. SFECIAL CARAVANS LEAVE James E. Chandler Defeats Candi date ot Al Kader Temple for Outer Guard Buffalo Chosen for Next Gathering. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 13. The .No lies of the Mystic Shrine, having com pleted the business of the imperial council, began tonight to fold their tents like the Arabs, but not to steal away silently. Instead, the caravans departed with bands playing and ban ners flying. -U the uniformed pa trols and bands will visit the Panama Pacific Exposition, and many will go on to the San Diego fair. Some will go south by train, some by steamer. A number of the temples which have rot already visited Portland will stop there on their journey to California. The non-uniformed Shriners will scat ter and find their way home by all manner of routes. Among the temples which departed tonight were: Rajah, of . Reading. Pa.: Orak, of Hammond, Ind.; El Mina, of Galveston, Tex.; Ben Hur. of Austin, Tex.; Al Cazar. of Montgomery. Ala.; Midian. of Wichita, Kan.; Alee, of Sa vannah. Ga.; Abou Ben Adhem, of Springfield, Mo.: Yaarab, of Atlanta, Ga.; India of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Oriental, of Troy, N. Y.; Al Malaikah, of Los Angeles; Mecca, of New York; Al Koran, of Cleveland, and Moolah, of St. Louis. Atlanta Temple Hai Own Traill. Yaarab Temple, of Atlanta, went away in the complete train, manned en tirely by Shriners, which brought the delegation to Seattle. India Temple, of Oklahoma City, also left in Its spe cial train. Many of the other nobles travel in private cars. All the seats on the Imperial divan were filled by promotion except that I of Imperial outer guard, for which nine contestants strove, this office being the gateway that leads In 11 years to the throne of potentate. James E. Chandler, of Kansas City, triumphed, but George Filmer. of San Francisco, and W. C. Bristol, of Port land. Or., made such a good showing that one of them is likely to be elected guard at next year's convention which will be held in Buffalo, probably in September. Buffalo had no real opposi tion for the honor of entertaining the Kobles next year. Mr. Bristol Among Leader. On the first ballot Mr. Chandler led by 13 votes, George Filmer, of Islam Temple, San Francisco, was second, and w. C. Bristol, of Al Kader Temple, Portland. Or., third. There were sii other candidates. On the second ballot Mr. Chandler had a lead of 70 votes, and all the other candidates withdrew. On motion of Mr. Bristol, Mr. Chandler's election was made unanimous. The Imperial council chose these members from the Imperial divan, the election being a mere formality, lm perial Potentate Frederick R. Smith, of Rochester, N. Y.. retiring, and the officers under him being promoted each one step: , Imperial potentate, J. Putnam -Ste-vens, Portland, Me.; Imperial deputy potentate. Henry F. Niedringhaus, Jr., St. Louis; imperial chief rabban. Charles E. Ovenshine, Minneapolis; Imperial as sistant rabban. Elias J. Jacoby, Indian apolis; imperial high priest and prophet, W. Freeland Kendrick, Philadelphia; treasurer, William S. Brown, Pittsburg; recorder, Benjamin W. Rowell. Boston; Imperial oriental guide. Ellis L. Gar retson, Tacoma; imperial first ceremo nial master, Ernest A. Cutts, Savannah; imperial second ceremonial master. James S. McCandless, Honolulu; impe rial marshal, John T. Jones, Oklahoma City; imperial captain of the guards, Conrad V. Dykeman, Brooklyn, and James E. Chandler, of Kansas City, Im perial outer guard. Picnic and Concerts Held. The feature of today outdoors was the huge picnic of the bands and pa trols in Woodland Park. Luncheon was served to 6000 Shriners. The weather was perfect. Thirty-minute concerts were given In the park by the bands of Murat Temple, Indianapolis; Ararat Temple, Kansas City; Moslem Temple, Detroit; Islam Temple, San Francisco; Lulu Temple. Philadelphia; Yaarab Temple, Atlanta, Ga., and Aladdin Tem ple, Columbus, O. During the prize drills In the park BOO musicians were massed. Each pa trol was greeted by its own band. The patrols of Lulu Temple, Philadelphia; Aloha Temple, Honolulu, and Moslem Temple, Detroit, won tremendous ap plause for their maneuvers. The feature tonight was the water carnival on Lake Washington. Shriners were carried about the lake In small steamers. Dwellers along the shore greeted the visitors with illuminations and fireworks. In the city, Hella Temple band of iex., gave a concert in Pioneer place, and Moslem Temple band De troit, played in City Hall Park JERSEY CLUB PICNIC SET Tolk County Organization to Have Meeting and Outing July 2 2. RICKREALL Or.. Julv 15. Sn. eial.) Members of the Polk County "J -i"c uuo win noid a picnic mm uafxci ainner at the farm of W. O. Morrow, one mile east of this' place' on Thursday. July 22. and aftr view ing Mr. Morrow's Jerseys, will inspect the C. N. McArthur herd. Members of the Oregon Jersey Cattle Club and the general public are invited to attend. The Polk County Jersey Cattle Club will hold a short business meeting at Mr. Morrow's place to discuss next year's consignment sale. f Polk County is entitled to the dis .tinction of having within Its borders more register of merit Jerseys than any other county in the United States. BIT OF LAND DENIED ROAD Base Line Property Owner Threat ens to Fight Encroachments. GRESHAM, Or., July IS. (Special.) . R. H. Thompson, who lives on the Base Line road, has notified the County 'Commissioners that he will forcibly re ' ist any Incroachments on his land . caused by the hard-surfac!-g of that road. There has been a crew of men at work for several days past reducing the grade on the Baker hill and making a graae at me root or me mil. The property which is the cause of the contention is at the foot of the hill : and lies below the level of the road and the fill threatens to extend a few feet pa Mr. Thompson's property. i MPERU council PORTLAND SHRINERS READY TO l-V- '1v-S- . i: '-jg i :: -l,-"3- rewT - - -31 - I . I : ; .. : " - - -. i- . - ..- , I -i - ..J? ' v..- - " . : - . . . - . ,- ;1; :. - " r 4. ' I K':. ' ri fA . J i i I) .n- &r f 'fa-- 3 ' i l f) x J , ' -v-X - - v. f l'Xi-v:' Vv''Vt X 'V- I " I'pprr W. J. Hofmann, Gratral Chairman Iecal Commltteet Mayor Alhev, Who Kilrndi Off trial (irrrllati to Vlalt Inaj Shrlnrrai I,. U. Clarke, I'ant l"o trnlatc Al Kader Temple, and V. R. Klnmrr. Member. Unrr, left J. f. lib. brttn, Aleppo Iemple, of Boaton. monti, a. Louisville. i LOUISVILLE, Ky.. July 15. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Frances CI. Levy, widow of Henry Levy, one of founders of Levy Bros., died early this morning after an operation Monday. The Rotary Club today save a com plimentary luncheon to Louis K. Webb, local manager of the Cumberland Tele phone Company, ex-prestdent of the club. Unfair competition and fraudulent methods are laid to the Sun-Lite Gas Company of Louisville, in a suit filed today by the Prest-O-Lite Company, automobile gas tank manufacturers of New York. , Herman Steinhilber, manager of the Louisville Old Inn Hotel, today denied rumors that the late Robert Bobseen. for ten years at the .hotel, was short in his accounts. A complaint that the Insull interur ban lines delay handling freight from Louisville to New Albany, routing it by way of Sellersburg, was made to the Commercial Club. A special committee of the Com mercial Club has been named to draft a bill designating the duties of the Coun ty Commission to succeed the fiscal court in 1917. The Market-Street Improvement As sociation was incorporated today for t.'ouu. witn Arnold Levy president r-itcner Hocn. formerly with the Browns, Joined the Colonels on the road at St. Louis today. Boston. BOSTON. Mass.. July IS. (Siecial.) Monday. August 2, will be Aleppo Temple day at Fenway Park. Three thousand Shriners will - be guests of President Lannln, of the Red Sox. when his team plays Detroit. Ty Cobb and iris speaKer are snrlners. Captain Fitzroy Grover, of the Chelsea police, was killed by a train today. The United States is to buy from John Hays Hammond. Jr.. his secret invention for controlling torpedoes by wireless. Captain Henry A. Murray. Jr.. of New York, who was captain of the Harvard crew, is engaged, to Miss Jo sephine L. Rantoul. of Boston. Mrs. Kmma Hamilton, wife of Bishop Hamilton, of the Massachusetts Metho dist Episcopal diocese, was buried to day. Hall has ruined the tobacco crop and onions in the Connecticut Valley. Gil Gallant is matched to fight Matty Baldwin next Tuesday. The grave of Jeremy Gridley. grand master ui .siasuna ot onn America In 1755, is to be marked. For 139 years it has been unmarked in old Granary burying ground. He was the father of Boston's bar. Mayor Curley. who Is In Los Art geles. Is -criticised or . baring . the city GREET VISITORS TODAY AND SOME WERE HERE YESTERDAY. Lantr, lllthl K. L. C'ralcbfleld and Mra. pay 1500 for photographs he save to friends. Chattanooga, Term. CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.. July 15. (Special.) Knthuseu oy the news from Seattle that their contentions for re taining Alhambra Temple, the second oldest in the bouth, at this place. Chat tanooga Shriners today got busy on plans for a ten-story building to be erected in Chattanooga this Fall, war or no war. The skyscraper will pri marily be the home of a life insurance company. Payment of fees to the engineer who; designed the bifr bridge being built over the Tennessee River here is to be held up. it is reported tonight, be cause of the discovery that the bridge is to cost $700,000, or 40 per cent more than the engineer's estimates. Hamil ton County already has spent between $300,000 and $400,000 for the bridge. St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 15. (Special.) Labor leaders plan active opposition to the reappointment of State Labor Commissioner Fitzpatrick. producing an affidavit made by Kdgar G. Bailey, a union cab driver, convicted of murder in a Kansas City strike, that he paid Fitzpatrick $700 for his influence and work toward obtaining a pardon from a life sentence in the penitentiary. Bai ley was pardoned recently after serv ing 10 years. A verdict of accident was returned by a coroner's Jury which Investigated the death of Charles V. Bright, a pub lisher, who was run down and killed Tuesday night at Kings Highway and Washington by an automobile driven by Miss Theodora Thatcher, 22 years old. ot 5185 Linden boulevard, daugh ter of a mining engineer. The Thatcher car. In 1912. ran down and killed a boy. The reorganizers of the Glen Echo Country Club hAve issued a list of eligible members for the new club and have "frozen out" 135 members who are prominent in business circles. The dislike of wives of some members for women folks of others is one reason for paring the list. The Governor has Indicated he will not interfere in the case of William Sprouse. who Is to be hanged at Clay ton tomorrow tor wire murder. Wichita, Kan. WICHITA. Kan, July 15. (Special.) The Boston Store la to remain In the hands of YYallenstein & Cohen, and Its reorganization Is announced. The cap ital stock is to be increased 90.UU0. Scores of prominent Masons have ta ken stock. Charles Cohen remains pre Went. Henry YYallenstein. one of the most prominent Masons In Kansas is vice-president. Allen Htnkle. of Terra Haute, has been made general ma na ger of the store. The City Commission has passed. An OF RETURNING NOBLES WHO I Crutrhfleld. of Area 'lemple, Rlch- ordinance regulatlnar Jitneys which will impoee high license fet-a and keep them off streets used by trolley lines. There was a gas explosion at Leon Wreck's cafe.. It blew Frank Allen, a boy through the side of a house. Tip O'Neill, president of the West ern League, says that Wichita has waved the life of the league this year by turning out to the games. Charles Spice. Kingfisher. Ok1a won two state championship cups at tennis here. Washington. WASHINGTON. July 15. (Special.) Mrs. Irene H. Milstead. 36 years old. is under arrest charged with the mur der early this morning ul her husband. Robert Milstead, at the residence, 211 K street Southeast. The body was found by Policemen Smith and Har- baugh, of the Fifth Precinct, who were standing at the corner of Thirteenth and E streets Southeast when they heard the shot. Mrs. Milstead is said to have admitted the shooting of her husband. "My no-account husband came home and was abusing me again and I shot him. she Is said to have told the officers. The announcement of Secretary Gar rison, that Colonel W. W. Harts. Corps of Engineers would remain In Wash ington aa superintendent of public buildings and grounds, created con siderable Interest here today. Secretary Garrison ruled that the so called Mitchu law retaliating details of the officers was not applicable to Colonel Harts, inasmuch as he is an officer of a staff department. Presi dent Wilson has requested that Colo nel Harts be retained In his position unless it was contrary to law. Pittsburg. PITTSBURG, Pa.. July 15. (Special. His mother's love his only path to freedom. Harry K. Thaw Is expected to arrive home here tomorrow night If Justice Hondrlck. of New York, rati fies the jury's decision that Thaw la satte and allows him to go free. The Thaw mansion has been overhauled for Harry's reception home. United States Senator Boise Penrose, in an interview today at the Fort Pitt Hotel, declared. "Klihu Root is the strongest Presidential possibility now before the public In the sense that he is the man most talked of as Republi can nominee." Judd Bruff. ex-Sheriff, has announced his retirement from the field for Reg ister of Wills In favor of H. J. Hi Grsth. the choice of union labor. The Masonic veterans of Western Pennsylvania will go to Conneaut Lake tomorrow for their annual picnic. Ground was broken today for the - Neelc tir tVL l-.uol through tUO EQUUX 11 ills. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS AM) TITLES. PKOUPT oERVKH at lUKEtbli prlcaa. tactile Titl A 1rui Co.. 1 tn. ot Com. ACCUKt'lUN flUKArtNU. ACCOKblON, knir and box ploau&s. plcot. Inc. hniUtcnms. braiaiDf. moruidruis. KleruNi! Uy Co.. &S tilh t- K. blEFHAX llmslltrbln( and caUoplnc. accord, midrn pli. outioa cuvann, aKa ponsod; mall orucn. Aidor. M. Mall ordera promptly atta naad to. " AKt HITtCTS. BL'NUALvw plan book 10c; p.aoa li. A. H. atr. aoo Ainortn av. AaSAVtKi AM) .NALVrn. Montana a.sav ornct Hi o. uo.s biIvkt ,and plallnum bought. ATTO B.NU a-AT- LA W. 1. 6ILKORU KELSON. UWVluH, 18 PIT TUCK 11.K. fHuXE bROAUVS'AY "carpet wka vers. NORTH WEST kC'V (.O. Hutl Irom old car pata. ras ru. ls aV a la. bout pnonaa. CElLtLUlU BLTTOXa. B. IX. KS. Tilt: lHWIN-lioUaO.S COMPANX, ST Sahlnst"n il Main Slant A I'M. CUIKOrOOlaTs. Wllilam. Eatalla and William. Jr.. Darany. lha only aciantlllc cblropdiata lu tba city. I'arlora ivl 0rlir,r bids.. VV. coraar Id and Aldfr. Pbuna Mam laOt. ClIlHuFUUt and pedicuring. Mra. 11. U. HUL Offlca Hilnr blus- Main 3 IS. H11KQ1-K-CTIC l'MIClAt. DK. M'MAHON. aib aar. Chronic caa taklns time. SI traatmantA. tia. lal 4tb at. UK. Pol'LbON, apaclalut In paralyala, narv- oua. cbronlc dlaaaaea. SOO pillock, block. Broadway 262. CLEANING AND rRS8INU. lKEb bL' ITS for rent. V pr OD ull uch meek for tl.00 a month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 800 Stark bU Ath and tftn, Malo 51- AITO ASiD Bl'UGX TOPS. DVBRUIULli BIGOT TOP CO.. SOP ad at. BAGGAGE IHlCktD AT HOME. Bag face A Omnlbua Tranatar, Park A DaTU. BREAD B.IKXRY. Roral Bakery A Cont.. Inc. 11th A geerati. BBEWER9 ASD-BOTTLEIW. HENRY WtlNHARU. IStb and mirnaiaa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. FVRNISHINGf. FLEISCHXEK. MAYtB A CO.. 01 Aab at ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etubba Electrical Co.. Bin and flna eta. r.RAlS MERCHANTS. Albrrs Prol. Milling Co., Front and MtnhH. 11. M. HOUStR. Board of Trada ild. GROCERIES. CO. S7-Ti Koarth at. tVADHAMS A 8IG BAND OAKS HI! First Regimental Band of Wis consin Heard Here. STUDENTS TO PLAY 5 DAYS Sixty.Picce Musical Organization From Madison University Is Sur prise to Crowd Collegians Are Star Parade Kcamre. More than 60 college students from the University of Wisconsin slipped Into Portland yesterday. As the First Regi mental Band of the Badger State Col lege they were engaged to play at The Oaks. Some there were who expected an ordinary student organization; some counted on talent in spots, but It was a general cause for surprise that the band played with a verve, finish and dash that has not been surpassed, and but rarely equalled, by any professional band here In years. Ilaad Makes lilt at Sarlae. People began asking questions In Seattle when the military-looking chap, scored a bigger hit than any of the bands In the tshrine parade. Two thou sand people at The Oaks yesterday aft ernoon asked more questions. The answer simply is tbat practically every man In the band is a profes sional musician, working his may through college. The band has re hearsed twice weekly for months and every member, with few exceptions, holds a regular band or cafe position in Madison. The Wisconsin Ftate Society held a picnic at The Oaks in honor ot the young bandsmen, but it needed no state loyalty to appreciate thoroughly their music Cellege Soma; Attracts. Such numbers as "Polish Psnce" (Scharwenka) and "Orpheus" tOffen bach) were sufficient to aaow the qual ity anil Instrumentation of the band, but it cannot be denied the audience was especially rapturous over the more popular selections, such as Sullivan's "Mikad-." The rollicking airs of the old opera, and later the resounding choruses of the college song, "On Wis- Major Charles A. Maaa. Caa- T a art la a Klrat Rrglatratal Baa a. a eff H laraaala, at lac Oak. a. o.e.ee.eea.eeaaeee..e consln.' ' as both played and sung by tha nin boys, proved a tremendous Y I. .ons hIL The First Regimental Band is com manded and conducted by Major Charles A. Mann. It has recetd spe cial honors from the Governor of Wis consln. It Is on tne last leg of a trip to tha expositions, at both, of which it has been given lengthy engagements. The First Regimental Rand will b heard every afternoon and night until and Including next Monday. The band will be entertained at the Y. M. C A. today, ueveral of the mu sicians being active asxwlatlon mem bers at v.'lconln University. A swim in the tank this moriWnsT will be one of the day s events. Kaln Delaya Athena Ilnrver-t. ATHENA. Or.. July IS (Special.) On account ot rain tha last two or tbxaa raa. .......... ............. : r I e" .-; -. - I : k 'i vt-w " ) : ? - : i; i il :v. T I ! I i ' K ' ' ,S ,1 : " - A. t xv BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLLECTION AOtNCY. CLAIMS of any doacrlpilun co;ictd on par cota( anywhara. ilitfbeai c.aaa rmi r r ancaa. TtM Uaidvn MarrantUa Agcno, 4i Hnrj bids. Fboca Marsnall ki. KtTH ai CO.. Worcaatar bids. Main I'.Jt No collactlon. no cnarsa. fc.atabiiud lwti. OANCLNU. M ANCH t-bTER Uancinc Acadainy, litx bu tar k aoa oav ; Bp i bummer rates, 5 privata ituoni, ft-; nturnms, al iru mh, cvcntDC all iataat dancci uar.aird. Clttt Thur tat. avn.nta, ?-.u. ctnidrvu c tuu bat it lo a, 2&C abroad ay MiC AND VHS, HLATH S SCHOOL. n dally; all danct auarantccd. Aluav o.oc, 11 and Morrtton it. Com today. M. M'ls. UET ACTIVE AGLNCUeii. FI.NKl.RTON A CO.. U.S Ufc." tCTlVK AiiCY. suatabUsOad or 40 yvarm. SCIENll'iC liTiCTlViv WORK. Investigation and rvporis tutu on lnoi- iduais any btft. Consultation fre. bait Fmixt btock. hom broaay t . EYE. EAR. NOMC AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; (lasses titled. lr. K. k caasaday. i17 Utkuia blu4H 4 a Wa, MAT CLEAMSiTaSU BUK KJNti. PANAMAS blocked and bleached, 70c ; strss at feita. OOc. Kaufman a. " nr. -i.. INMK-i.ME, DAVID M. DUNNE, kq'I insurance; f;re. Miarine. auto. ana tuaio. cl um. MIMCU MllO oubUshed. arranxed printea. popu larlaed. V era ratlin o meiou ics. nu manuscripts. Lctta Music l-'ub.iu.inf v.ul, beattle. Wash. Emll T Me i bom. violin teach-ir: pupil Savclk 2mT Kiie-lner bldg. A 41tk. Marsnall lu.'W. M:sENt.fcR tSEHVIC'E. HASTY MKSSlvNGER CO. alotorcycuca rn.ua. bicycle, i'hon Main A -U.. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS MATS AND CAPS. THANHAlStK HAI CO., Front tt. HIDES, WOOL. tAM'ABA KAH.N BROS.. iy From at. UOl MERCHANTS. Sl'N'EFr BKud 1. WoCctoIER PLDV3. Main 881. t'honca. A Ilia. IRON WORKS. PAClr lC IRON vvuRKSL FOHTLA.SU, OREGON. STRUCTURAL. tTEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SCPPLIKH. CHAS. L. MAST1CK at CO.. I'ro&t- latn.r of av.ry d..crlpllon; tapa. mfg. finainga. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Nackacar Mfg. Co.. Jig at. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW Bhui. Morrlaon and Tth at. days harvesting- has not yet started. The whe,t is ripe and as soon as the damp weather has passed the harvest will begin on a large scale. The rain has made It impossible for 'armers to put up the wheat hay that haa been in the shock for some time. DAILY C1TY STATISTICS Marriage Llcenaea. M AOL' I RE -BATMAN James F. Maltulr. 21. -71 HMaay atrc.t. and tram Batman. 30 Whear atret. ESTES-THOMAS Ertlril Mrle Et. id. Vancouver. Waati.. and Carri. Lrn Thorn aa. :w. i."3v, Lilt Ankrny street. OET7.EN-T A Y LOR Ernest A. Oetien. 3. 3 ft " Eaat Burn.ld. atreet. and Mars. ret !. Taylo.-, 1:7, Jaeger Apartments. CRAVEN-CAMPBELL Bird Lea Craven, ta em. Or., and Lora Campbell, 24. Hotel Multnomah. Uirtha. WELTT To Mr. and Mra. Charles O. Welly. 375 Kst Llshltl atreet North, July 12. a (laughter. Wright To Mr. and Mra. Wir.l.ra Wright. ei'l Kif ty-clghlh avenua Southeast. July 3. a aon. KITCHI.N1 To Mr. and Mra. Char'.ea K. Klichliig. 7111 Koater Itoad. July 1. a daugh ter. PILLION To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. BiKlon. 3o Eaat Thirty-tout th street North. June .4. a daughter. M'ELKDY To Mr. and Mra. Leroy E. Mc Elroy. M Kal L.ghth atreet Nurth, June -7. a daughter. R1CKSTROM To Mr. and Mra. Martin TA'lekat rom, 11 tirover atreet. July e. a daughter. UELLERMAN To Mr. and Mra. Bernard E. OeUerraan. too Going street. June oil, a daughter. NXiBERT To Mr. and Mra. Verne D. Scobert. Eugene. Or.. J una 17. a aon. RUPP To Mr. and Mra. Johann Hupp. 00 Mor.roe atreet. Juna 15. a daughter. SMITH Ta Mr. and Mra. Ohar:ea M. Fmlth. o- Kaat Eighth atreet North. Juna b. a daughter. HOKENSIKIX To Mr. and Mra. JNeeph Horenateln. Crant atreet. Juna 20, a daughter. MADSEN To Mr. and Vra. C. F. Madaen. SvS Nehalem atreet. Juna lu. a aon. McAFEE To Mr. and Mra. Edward J. MrAIea. 5J7 bkldmore atreet. Juna a aon. , BLACK EH BY To Mr. and Mra. T. R. Rlarkerby. oak tirova. Or., Juna li a daughter. IAILY METKOROl.OOICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July J.I. Maximum tem perature. 7a degrees; minimum. 57 oegreea. Klver reading, S A M. t- feet : chant. In Iat 14 ht.ur. none. Total rainfall i . ! M. tot 5 P. M.. .t'l inch; total rainfall etnee iieptember 1. ion. :il.rw inches; normal rainfall alnca September 1, 44 -1 Inchea; deficiency of rainfall alnce September 1. ltl 4. 12. ni inchea. Total aunahlne. 8 hours n minute.; po.tbla .unahlne. 1 hours l"t mlnutea. Barometer reducel to aea le'eU. 5 1'. M.. SO Inches. THI WEATHER. wind s .s 3 r f c -J B- 0 y- n n i l- ? I State ar waathar TATIOXsa BakT i 72 O t.it f N'W Pt. cloudy I M o.fti 4 V' (Clear I K' ii.oi tt S t'lear Boise B'.aton t'algry ...... t-lilraco Coitx ........ rtiiu.os 4 N 'l't. cloudy : ll.t o 4 K t lear 1 7-J .ti S W Clear Denver ....... Ie i Molnea ... s.i o.l'OM K ft. cloudy WO.m It MV r"t. ckiudy I i:xk cioudy J f.o.tt Itl N "lear ! m ih 16 S iVkar ! . 0 lrt 4 E 'Clou.le luluth lureka ....... Ivvatoi .... Helena Jacksonville .. ...I 1.' II.IIM.SIV Pt. clc ... i . .".il n s 'clear ...1 710.hi SSW Clear .... Too.iMi il NtV Clear l't. cloudy Kansas City .. I.os Anrelea . . Mars-ifleld Medford Minneapolis Montrea! . . . . New Orleana New York S4 O.Ofi 1o NW Pt. cloudy 7s .4S 1 SW Kaln O.tNi . . . . :i-t. cloudy tn n.rxi s sv clear SA M.mi 4 SV Cloudy o. IO 1" S cloulv North Head .. Nortn Yakima Pendleton Phoenla Hocalello Portland ..... Hosehura Sacramento ... St. Louis Salt I-k San Kranclaco Seattla 7'tti.O"' s NW l't. cloudy a i o oo in v lear ... lfl.Ol 4 N clear ...I 7s n.on' Y"S"ear ' 7S 0.1' W 'Clear ...! 7SO.OO' n N" 'Clear Hifl or ss cicar I mo.roits Tt. cloudy ... so o.no 1.1 Ntv clear ...I tirto.toi lrt 3V V'lear ...( B0.01 lit SW 'ClouelT 1 72 o. Oft HeW li'iemlf ... O.ol' S SW Cloudy ..' t O.M Wl SW Rain . . .' TsO.pojow cifr ...1 ssn.oo 4 N" 'Rim ...1 Tlo.m'li SB Cloudr Spokane Tacoma Tatooah Iland WaHa Walla .. Washington Winnipeg Y"ei lowet one Park.' nn0.i'0 1!SV'iir FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; wetrty wind. Ore iron an4 W phi nut on -eat rortlon : wmtK m-lnd Fair, warmer Idarv Kair an1 irmr. tDWAHD A. BEAU, rlatrict Forcaater. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A trou-h-shapd 4prs.nn txtendt from Brit1ii Columbia omhtiird to 1oa and thnt aoin bMt ward to Aruona and Nw Mexico. Th barometer conunur re.atlvvlT hlh Ion th North Pacific Coat 8ho ra and thunder Ptnrmi hiv orrurrtsl tn the Northern isiata frm th pacific ocn et to and Irrlmllnf th Iika Rejclon and alo tn -i-a K - o-lf fStat It l rnrr in TtH I.ATK Tf fUSMIT Kofi SAI.K or trado, i-pa-n rr car la rood condition; must b ao;l at once. Tabor 5T5I, rah. not over l.'oi. I'hune tod a. f-r- hall Wy v. aat da wwr. I'ooa Woou.aaa 0 1TO M ET RATS AND OrTlClAa. A ia.it u uiiinpncet. v-. ay a.y'tA A J l iw tor caasea W J w I can lit your ea Uii Iit.t-qu-i.lv leas. goiu-iiuea . names a luw u al.J? t w ooudman. v Morr oa. Mail orucn nromnt. ftd. v ra lor fartu-u.ais. Main ill.H. IA1LT AllUliNtYa. K. C. Wlilotil years' pracuc L. torci.i yt.vnts. ooi icx uui biujt. 1UL. I'UKTUANU WOuU fll'E CO. Factory and wiiKt iic.r .in i or sta uiio -4". MOK.10L .4.U FAOIKIC STORAGE CO.. Eat 1;.T. Th otiiy rejii Xircpr-of Lul.a.i., . .r n, no i4,i or veriu.u. .t ioufiiv ntvtaMry. alt u wji avcu to v .iuu.e .iti .v i.Xt m our .t-ast Aiauisoa t. ALWAYS -r'iCK THE Btsi" House l.o.d vjo.s t-po-i. ts. aiort.e, i'sckiii;. Mnp p'Urf au Jk4o;tia. or auiu a us. -pvii ire. ti t ttci (u .l fumi. C. J. 1'lClv i CA.NM .K e lUliAC CO.. -Id Jt 1'iuc? fr;.. liiuwty vVt. A-lV.5. oKtuu.S TiiAN.-Ka.lt CO.. 74 C.in s: ffflr IStn. icicuju Main atf ur A W o u ud upii ate id tarce cias "A" ar-iousee ana icrmiusl u .. 4o est lnurance raits In city. iluVl.NO. 1'ACKl.Nu. cH I i'l l.XO, bluRAua, Keuuced fe.snt rates to a.l j-oiais. MANNING VVtenou at Transicr Co slain iUa. ttn and lioyu AlI-14. kA Li lON-T. buCh. AND WAHbliOi oil ico. 3-ltauon. uvufiti iuercnvnais sol :orMrlitc stint, t'r.w:: yaaio . ul. tltlU.N UV X liOOLA. li. K. tltKlNAHV l ULLKilli becln fcspt. 1J No prolession oileis eiual vn.riuniiy. vata.oue tra. C. Krane, iea 116 Mar. Kt t., mii Krtnoiivo. WOOD. GRtitN and diy slabwood. block ood, Fan ama Kuul Co, Umu iT-'O. A &. ORNAMENTAL IKON AND WIRE. Forxland na ae Aion v aa.. .a A co.umbia. PALN r AND Llllkil AIINU OILS. W. V ULLEH 1 CO.. Uin anaiJavia. PAINTS. OIL, AND OUw RASMlSgLX a; CO.. auu laylor oul PIPE. PI IE UTTiNO AND VAULb." M. L. KH.Sfc:. 4-o Kroot c rLLMUING AND fl t AM &LPPLXES. M. L. KUNE. trust .c rKI.MKRS AND PI RL1.H LK. r. W. BALILi a; CO.. lal and oalc ata. PRODI CE COMMIlON MERt HANTSi. RVl.KUlNii A KAHKE1.L, Hu rrouc ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland c'ordaga co.. l.ih and Northrupi. (.AMI. HOOKS AND t.LASH. FULLER CO.. 12th and Dai. WALL PAPER. MOROAK WALL PACER CO, :.( 3d at. Ftrn Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idio. The condition are favorable for fa'r weather In this dlmtrlct Friday with ri:nj AMTfEMF-NTS. HEILIC THEATER Broadway, at Taylor Maia I. A lit j Tonight 8: IS TOMORROW Mli HI' SPECIAL TRICE- Mat. Tomorrow 2:15 Mrs. Patrick Campbell Bernard Shw Romantic Comedy, Floor $J. $1 ... Hi.. t 7, iVr iic Tomorrow'! Jdu. (l.ju to Vic NEXT EYE., JULY 19-20 CHICAGO LITTLE THEATER CO. World's Greatest Peace Play -THE TROJAN WOMAN FAMOUS GREEK DRAMA. Flnst Acted 41a B C. at Athena Pr.cea Floor. 11 roa (1 to. T roara tL Baicuny, ft rowva ic. In rvar fcOc I MTS NOW MXIJNft. j MAIL ORDER3 RECEIVED. BASEBALL l ECU EATIOX PARK C'faer Vaatska aaal Twraty.foarCi Sts. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND JILV 13. 14. 11. !, 17, in, timmem ttesla Urrkdars at 3 P. M. ada;a. SOU r. M. Reserved box seats for sal at Riches Ciaar Stand. Sixth and Washington Sts. I lea' !.. Wed. cd.y aaal Krld.y. &fe Oaks Prtlaada Great Aatasrairat I'ark IREK -l(H.IIAMli:i Si.tO I. M. A.M UUI f M. TOUAV. 7-rie-e Klrat Hnlawat Baas! at I nlvrralty mt lacoaaln. Admlaaloa to Park lftc. Eisrest farm, lat and Alder. Sc. Lanarhrs, MurriMB Brldtte. IOC IIAT1XLE PAUT 230 Jua Quaos Tal (iloae Jaael) tha only Chlneaa prims LKinna, and a Portland Girl, 'sara Llniim and n:a Jonsia Ulris la "The New Mtlaury. llt.K Illti-JlMfc. All- CLASSIFIED AD. RATES LulILj and buadAjr. Per Un. One tuna CMtui mA tv ronkeruUvv tloM. ......... So Ntne U ibre roDm ulit e ittura . . ic jjaiu ad r Mri rarcuuve ilinr. .m 1 b bo rt appir adertir!ueBta u a tier ".Nti 1 ia1o ' id all t4rr ilaBMtMa- Un ritf pi tbr lulloinEx rU Usml u DlNi Wif. hiliMlioni mru frrmale, l-r Krni. Kmm I'rh al Famlllea. lLori od liouiua ft'fiale t-aniilwa. huuM-krei'inf ltoom l'nit I anilij-a. Aiate on tiie li cimsilc4VMtt i 3 caatt m le m-to mtertiuav. Ob Hrhare" aiertiemefila rbart will b hsrd mi liiv aiuiiuer ( lion Bir4iria( in turn irr. rvfartiir4i of t br ournbrr l m rs a ravla line. l miutum rUargt, (mo IIbosk, Tba Orrsonlaa witl am-j't r la.nifU-44 ad vert ikfnifH l er ti IWv-pisune. prMH tba Bclteri!- m u. riorr l eiibrr ptooac. No ik-1 will t HuulH r I he pbanc but bill will b rena-red tbe follow uis 0m. nHtrr MttMequrai mJm I lrmrBk w 1U b Bcwpted er tbe pbuae rtuits apv tbe if iiHUarii of la aunt of Irtrpbuar adver lltarmrai. iMtuitoat MmIn1 oatl I'rrtonal dvertleuipau witl Bl bo .-cwpted oor lb lelrpboe. Order for tr lBertia ooir m iU b an-rplrd for -luraiiure lor tml." " ftotM-pt-M opportan-tken, "hwmnag-ttiium u laal- to Krat. Ad -Itlwairnla to nf . prompt rlaaolfl ratiaa u( ba la Tbo Orraiaa of firo bo fro o rlat k ml Biarbt. -ac-pt lail unlar. t total dc bur for tbo uada rfnnltvji will be .:o oVIork t uro menu 1 bo office; will !- op until ! o clock P. M.. mm aual, and nil ait rrce'l oe) too lota for prwpf-r rtNA(lmlMa will bo ma aaarr tbo braiag lo l-oio to t lnif . Trlepboae Main 1.a. A Ma. AtCTION AU4 1UOAI. Ford A option Hoooo, 91 lat. Fvraltura. ewxpeta. ei. bala at 1 P. at. At WUaon'a Aunioa Ho una, u il A.