Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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WITH the Liberty Bell In the city
yesterday and the Sons of the
American Revolution to arrive
within the next few days, society is
showing great interest in patriotic
On Monday several luncheons will
be given for the wives and daughters
of the uelegates who will attend the
convention of "sons.' Mrs. H. C. Cabell
is chairman of the .special committee
of Portland society women who will
extend a welcome to the women in the
party. Several luncheons at the homes
- of the various hostesses will be given
by the committee and 6thers who are
assisting. Among those who will
preside at luncheon will be Mrs. E. C.
fchevlin, Mrs. William C Alvord. Mrs.
William D. Wheelwright, Mrs. Wallace
McCamant. Mrs. H. H. Ward. Mrs.
James Gamble, Mrs. Wlnthrop Ham
mond. Mrs. Charles F. Beebe, Mrs. Ca
belL. Monday night will be made mem
orable by the elaborate reception that
Is to be held at "Rockholm," the beau
tiful home of Mrs. A. hi. Rockey. A
number of prominent women will as
sist in receiving and serving at the
tables. Mrs. Rockey is a prominent
member of the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution. Multnomah Chapter.
On Iv.esday afternoon the local
women will entertain the visitors on
an aut- trip, which will wind up with
tea at the Waverley Country Club. All
of the features of a social mature will
have the co-operation of the local
v-omen's committee, including Mrs. Ca
bell, chairman; Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Mrs.
W. C. Alvord, Mrs. William D. Whee'
wrigl.t end Mrs. Wallace McCamant.
Miss Estelle M. Castle, society edi
tor of the Joliet Herild-New( is a
visitor in Portland. With her mother,
Mrs. D. W. Castle, she is being enter
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kerdinand Reed in Laurelhurst. A
trip through the Canadian Rockies has
been enjoyed by the Castles. They will
leave tonight for San Francisco.
Mrs. Owen Summers and children
left last week for the beach, to be the
quests of Mrs. Summers' mother, Mrs.
Morgan, for the Summer, Miss Lillian
Morgan is spending this week in Seat-tle-and
will join the family late in the
A pretty -home wedding took place
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John P. Wentz, 296 Monroe
street, yesterday when Miss Fay Wentz
became the bride of William Thomas
Welch. The large living-room was
beautifully decorated. The ceremony
took place before a bank of palms,
maiden-hair fern and hydrangeas. Rev.
C. C. Rarick, "of Central Methodist
Episcopal Church, officiated.
Miss Meta Brown, sang "Beloved, It
Is Morn."
Mrs. Lena Day played the "Bridal
Song, Wedding March," from "Lohen
grin," and "Salut d' Amour."
The bride was attired in a girlish
gown of georgette crepe, trimmed with
silk venise and carried a shower
bouquet of bride's roses. She was
given away by her father.
Miss Edna Wentz, as flower girl, was
attired in a French frock and carried
a basket of carnations and Cecile
Brunner roses.
After the ceremony Miss Brown sang
"It Is All That I Can Say."
Miss Lei a Richardson and Mrs. H.
J. Miller cut ices and were assisted in
serving by Miss Lula Day, Miss Ruth
Clark, Miss Mildred Frye.
The bride was the recipient of many
beautiful gifts.
The Waverley Country Club will be
the scene of several small dinner
parties tomorrow night when society
will assemble for a. delightful informal
evening. A feature will be exhibition
clances by R. A. Bowlby and Miss Ross,
who have come from the Castle School
and have been pupils of Carlos Sebas
tian. They have given exhibition
dances in various large cities of the
East and are passing the Summer oa
the Pacific Coast visiting friends in
Portland at present.
Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Nathan Teal
will entertain today with a dinner at
Crown Point Chalet for Miss Virginia
Scully, Miss Ruth Teal, Roosevelt
Thompson and Harold Taylor. On Sat
urday night they will give a dinner
for the same group of young people.
The latter festivity will be at the
Waverley Country CluD.
Miss Genevieve Thompson will en
tertain at a theater party tomorrow
afternoon at the Heilig for Miss Scully
and Miss Teal.
Mrs. Albert Fellers will be hostess
this week-end to a Jolly number of
prominent society folk at her charm
ing country place on the Willamette.
Mrs. Robert Berger. president of
the Overlook Woman's Club, Joined Mr.
Berger in San Francisco Sunday to
spend ten days visiting the fair." Mr.
and Mrs. Berger are guests of their
fon-ln-law, Charles Sutro. at the St.
Francis Hotel.
Mrs. Drake, of Seaside, entertained
her daughter-in-law. Mrs. J. Francis
Drake, of Portland, with an informal
tea at her home Monday afternoon.
New magazine articles and Woman's
Club topics were discussed over dainty
Among those present were: Mrs. J.
Francis Drake, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. W. B.
Hall and Mrs. Harrison M. Ogden, of
Portland, and Mrs. Van Martar, Mrs.
.Leo Ball, Miss Virginia Drake and Mrs.
Drake, of Seaside.
Mrs. John C. Munk and three inter
esting children. Johnnie, Mary and
Margaret, are domiciled at the Munk
cottage, in Ocean Park. Wash., for the
Mrs. Leonard Blakely and children.
Dorothy and Leonard, Jr., left last
Monday for Seaside, where they will
spena me summer with Mrs. Charles
Blakely at Yorkshire cottage.
Mrs. W. O. Munsell has opened the
O. M. Scott cottage on Eleventh avenue.
Seaside, which has been closed for sev
eral years. Mrs. Munsell has as her
guests Miss Augusta McCormick and
Vivien Pollett, of Portland. Miss Mc
Cormick is a student of the Carnegie
Art Institute. Pittsburg, Pa., and will
resume her studies about September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott will go down la
A pleasant surprise party was given
In honor of Miss Susie Michael. Tues
day night, at her Ainsworth-avenue
home. The evening was passed In dan
cing, games and music. Dainty re
freshments were served.
Alberta Association Decides Not to
Lease New Quarters at Present.
Present quarters of the library for
ine AiDerta district, at East Twenty
third and Alberta streets, will be re
tained for the present, according to
the action taken by the Library Asso
ciation. Owing to friction in the dis
trict, the association did not take any
definite action toward leasing a build
ing that may be erected this year.
The Parent-Teacher Association urged
that a bungalow building similar to
the ODt) In, SeUwoo4 and Lents be
" ;;v . ...
- ' rj
leased from an owner who would build
according to the plans.
Miss Isom, the librarian, said yes
terday that the need of new quarters
for the Alberta Library is recognised
and that It is hoped that the associa
tion will be in a position to erect a
building of its own next year in that
district- It is estimated that between
10,000 and 12,000 people are tributary
to the Alberta Library.
Women'sClubs 1
THE regular official letter of Mrs.
Percy V. Pennybacker. president of
the General Federation of Women's
Clubs, opens with words of praise for
Fortland and for the women who
worked so ably for the council. Then
follows a- commendation for Mrs. Jo
sephine Corlisj Preston in her work In
establishing school manses for the
country school teacher. Mrs. Penny
backer says:
Mrs. Josephine Preston. the superin
tendent of Public Instruction of the Ktai. of
Washington, told in convincing terms and
showed by pictures and plans just how shs
had made our dream of school manses come
true. Scattered over the rural districts of
Washington are now more than loo of these
homes for teachers. Never have I rejoiced
more In seeing a vision made a reality. !
hope Mrs. Preston will attend the 191 bi
ennial and that some of the states can
persuade her to stop over at their conven
tions and tell how she has done this great
The Women's Civic Welfare Club
voted yesterday to appoint the follow
ing committees: Municipal. Mrs. H. C.
Uthoff; school, Sarah Hinds Witcher;
child welfare, Mrs. William R. Scott.
Mrs. R. Latimer spoke on "Unity and
Members of the Monday Musical Club
have been invited to take part In Club
Women's day at Chautauqua tomorrow.
The members of the chorus especially
are requested to be present and lead
the community singing. The sing will
take place In the afternoon, but the
programme continues on through the
evening. "Take your lunch and spend
the day," is the invitation.
The Auxiliary to the Railway Con
ductors held its annual picnic Tuesday
at the Oaks. Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. Brad,
shaw and Mrs. Bullard entertained the
guests with a comedy specialty. The
afternoon was passed in enjoying the
attractions of the Oaks.
The first branch of the Lavender
Club will meet in the auditorium of the
East Side Library today at 2 P. M. for
business. At 3 P. M. L. M. Lepper will
address the club on the location for a
community center. This meeting is
open to the public. All are welcome.
"The use of the word 'women's' Is
awkward and superfluous. TVis club
wishes to follow the social custom,
which is not to specify the sex of the
members in the club title."
That is the way that Laura Billings
Lee, president of the Women's Cos
mopolitan Club, New York Citj ex
plained 'to the Supreme Court, in a
petition filed recently, the desire of
the members to be permitted in future
to denominate either organization the
Cosmopolitan Club.
If such action were taken here, the
Portland Woman's Club would be sim
ply "Portland Club."
Br Mrs F.AWxlker.
The Ssndikaa's Heau.
VERY small boy, with a large,
XTL hard Dutch name, which, as you
and I could not possibly pronounce it,
we will call Hans, lived in a quaint
old Dutch village. For any boy who
wears his hair "girl fashion" and such
bloomery pants, with room for miles of
pockets, and clattery wooden shoes,
should be called Hans, and Hans he
shall be.
His mother had to work very hard
all day in the tulip beds while Hans
and their little donkey peddled milk
in the city. So when night came she
was very tired and hardly had strength
enough to take off her 17 petticoats.
One night wfcen Hans returned, fed
the donkey and polished the big shiny
milk cans, he found his mother quite
sick. For a whole week, night and day,
she could not close her eyes to sleep.
The fussy old Dutch doctor came and
said, she must sleep, but his biggest
pill and his very nastiest medicine
failed to help.
It was a very worried little boy who
floated down the canal with a boat
load of tulip blooms, for bis mother
was the very best one in the world,
as mothers have a way of being, and
there seemed to be nothing he could do
to help. "If I could only see the
Sandman," thought Hans, "perhaps he
would give me sand enough to put her
to sleep."
When he started, back from the city
his thoughts were anywhere but in the
direction of the boat. Suddenly he
looked up and the canal seemed
strange. Not a house nor mill was in
sight, and far ahead was a dim gray
shoreline. Hans could not imagine
where he was. so rowed very hard and
soon reached the land.
A little low gray house stood Just
back from high-tide line, and to this
the bewildered Hans made his way. On
the stone fence two birds chirped
sleepily, the flowers all nodded, and a
great dog slumbering on the step did
not stir at Hans' approach. Even the
eyelids of the jolly face of the knocker
were closed.
The door swung open to Hans' timid
knocks, and In the light from within
stood a quaint, frail, little figure. Very
kind eyes looked out from under his
shaggy white brows and a gentle voice
said: "Who are you that come. oh. so
open-eyed into this kingdom of sleep"
"Just Hans, sir."
Smiling, the old man drew him Into
the wide hall hung with 1000 soft
tinted lamps.
"Are you the Sandman?" asked Hans.
"Yes. little man," he replied.
Then Hans told him all about his
mother and begged that he send her
some dream sand so that she might
sleep, and the Sandman looked into
Hans' heart, and, seeing what a good,
thoughtful chap he was. promised to
do as he wished. Then he showed
Hans all the wonderful things behind
the thousand doors of the hall. How
dreams are made, and even his own
little boys and girls fast asleep, as
they should be, for it was quite late.
Then the Sandman drew his long gray
sleeve over Hans' bright golden head.
, Un,5r M"1 lon-lessed sunbeam
tickled Hans nose and he sat straight
up, and there he was In his own boat,
floating close to the bank right by his
house. 'Oh," cried he. "how worried
mother will be!" and he ran to the
house. But the Sandman was true to
his promise and Hans found her fast
BILa Florence E. Hutchinson, on Wmr
From Boston, Is Devotee of Ath
letics Romance Began la East.
To become the bride of Oscar M. An
gler, superintendent of Y. Ml C A.
school of trades and a Boston capital
ist. Miss Horence E. Hutchinson, of
Boston, will arrive In Portland this
morning after a 3200-mile trip across
the continent.
A simple ceremony at the church
house. will be performed by Dr. John H
Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church, at 6 o'clock today. Frank
Farmer, of Portland, an uncle of the
bride and a Government mining en
gineer, will be the only relative pres
ent. The romance Is one of the links and
tennis courts, of which both are dev
otees. A master tennis player and
winner of a number of trophies in
champion stakes. Miss Hutchinson also
is devoted to golf, hunting and other
sports. She Is the daughter of Rev.
Franklin Hutchinson, for 32 rr n.
tor of the First Baptist Church of-
rarmmgnam. Mass.. and is an accom
plished musician. Both were active
workers in Dr. Hutchinson's church.
She Is a Phi Beta Kappa, of Vassar.
and has been Instructor in history, Lat
in and Greek in the high school at
Farming-ham. In September she will
take up similar work in the Y. M. C.
A. schools.
Mr. Angler is president of the An
gler Automobile Supply Company,
which owns a chain of stores through
the New England states. Ha aave u
the active management of the company
to become superintendent of the asso
ciation trade schools and has made a
remarkable record in the few months
that he has been in charge.
Alter a brief honeymoon trip through
When you visit the Ex
position don't fail to visit
The Pacific Coast
Syrup Exhibit
Tea Garden Svtud
Stands prominently to
the front as the leader
of Food Syrups best for
you best for the chil
dren. Use it in preserv
ing and canning1. Try it.
Pelican Molasses Is
Costs a little more, but
worth it.
the Paclflo Northwest, they will occupy
a bungalow at Forty-first street and
Fiftieth avenue Southeast.
Baker High Principal Chosen.
BAKER, Or.. July 15. (Special.) A.
C. Voelker. for the last year in charge
of the German department of the Ba
Buy Them of
Us and Save
5 :i?i
ii T-'-uruiJ-u nl
Buck Rubber Soles for J
Men and Women .... 3
aanple p)hoe Store
129 4th"t.lfWo.sltinton& Alder
Ebr "therTea Table
n i
VvMl I
'Health. Happiness. Hospitality 4
HOTEL GEARHART: Noted for Its superior accommodations and cuisine.
GEARHART BEACH: Unsurpassed on either coast.
GOLF LINKS: New 18-hoIe course,' the finest on the continent.
TENNIS COURTS, Lawn Bowling. Horseback Rldlnft, Motoring.
NATATORIUM: Fully equipped: extra Urge-ewlraming tank,
AUDITORIUM: For Urge or small gatherings, seating capacity 700.
AUTO SPEEDWAY: Hard sand beach iOOO feet wide. 18 miles long.
GEARHART has more than 200 beautiful Summer homes.
OCEAN FRONT building sites for sale aj low prices.
Tull information and reservations at '
Ussraari. Ore. mr lOO Feanst SU
aM. t If -ft. ' J I 1
-Vs. ...
ker High School, has been elected
principal of the school to succeed
James F. Elton, who has accepted a
similar position at Astoria. Mr. Voelker
will begin his duties at the beginning
of the Fall term in September. He
came here from Nam pa, Idaho, where
he was principal of the high school for
several years.
iTf ATr!Til tfrffl (cm
nx ft ft:
l .'i I : X. -' T I M
". y i . a r a
boaufy and bp'ainsliave
jouna aeiigni t
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Low Round Trip Fares Daily
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