aeeaaa - - - assas,7a.y.aa.a) Ilt jf ! aw-w SITUATIONS WANTED tEM-Uli. ORBET. 1XJK HINT I ..... .... j " j , RELIABLE young lady wishes position as cannier, experienced in ail confectionery lines; references. Call before lz. Marshall 7J4. t. I'EKI E.NX'ED woman wants laundry, t!ianiin; or cooking ; ZUC per hcTur. Phone Tabor 47zu. AS housekeeper, private- home. Christian woman, ejcuellent cook, finest references. Tabor 17--v t . x nv JTrrTTZTT - i to Dartv htr or t- rallfnrnia or x ! whtw. Call Main 1103. FOREIGNERar.d want to learn English? Early education neglected ? Expert tutor tug. cents an hour. R 931. Oregoman. faiWINO machines cleaned and repaired, all work, sal. factory. Mrs. p. C. Woods, East COMPETENT laundress wu-hes work - Thura.. j r n., tai. -. reirences. v ooaiawn ibi i. WANTED TO BENT. Houses, ,MR. HOUSE OWNER: W can rent your house. We do pot depend on rental sign In your vacant rikduwi to bring results. We have the people and get results. Our business l house rents, bee lilxby. In terstate T le Ac Loaa Co., 615 oerilnger bids. Main 2801. WANTED Well furnished. , modern bunga low with parage. f.r mouths or a year. Irvington or Laurelhurst preferred. Phone East 'zKi. WANTED A modern and completely fur nished 5 -roomed bungalow; permanent tenants; state price. jT 33, Oregoman. I WANT to rent a modern furnished nouse In Hose Cuy Park or Irvington for one year o longer. Call Mars nail 3ifeo. WANTED TO RENT Small rooming house. Call Mala il20, room 05. Itoomi With Isoatro. BOARD and room wanted, good family living In country, young man; no extra attentlou req mred ; iait- rate by month ; must reasonable. A K V4 I, Oregonian. Kufcinehs PJiace-a WAN! ED Office in business district, fur nished or unfurnished (about 10x12), by public; accountant; state full particulars in first reply, ru van, oregoman. FOK KENT. irurnioUcd Koome. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison Eta. Transient and Permanent Quests. A centrally located hotel with every modern convenience; rooms, single or ea suite, witn and without private bath, mod est p rices, w it h special rates by ine month to permanent guests. ROOM REGISTER, listing several hundred In all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.; also those in the association f Ireproo building, with shower batns, sw immica pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms at Jl.o to per week double, witn Individual bean, or .60 to per week single. HOTEL. BLACKSTONE. Corner llta a ad titark. $4 week and up; elevutor, hot and cotd water, steam heat, telephone connection in eacn room; no ex tra unarge for two in a room, room' and bath $i.u.ay; transient solicited. HOTEL. ARTHUR. Eleventh, tieueeu jaoriison and Yam hill. Desirable Uuwniou location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Kates 4 1 per clay, $4 per week. Witn private oath 1.5u pr day. per wee. HOTEL. BRISTOL STARK. AND UTH STS. Single rooms u and up, with private bath l.u ana. up; indiviaLal telepnonvs; regpectablo tianuient solicited. hotel, ockeev, Morrison tt., at lutn central location; REDl'C'ED RATES, ,'nc per day up; week ly, $-."' up; neat rooms, rj lining water, tree phone and bar' -eam heav. HOTEL. FORD. i W ash in g to n. Family hotel ; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without uaia, lo up; with bath, $1S up. STANDI? I HOTEL 6484 WASHlNGiO;, ST., OPP. 38TH. Cool. comfortable, airy rooms, free phones, bath, tl week. s month and up. HOTEL f REVES. Northeast corner Stark and 11th. Modern ouunde rooms. J weekly and up. Large grcund-floor lobby. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 Washington at. New fireproof brick, all outside rooms, runnlne hot and cold water, private or public bathe, quiet and homelike; 2.60 wk. HOTEL EDWARDS, O-and ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $lu i nthly. up with private bath; large, pleasant ioboy, cats in connection. Phone East tit. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St., near Orand ave. Cleanliness and comfort; $2 per week up. HOTEL-BURGO l'NE at S.W. cor. 12thand Stark; first-class rooms with all conven iences. HOTEL CORDOVA, -269 11th et. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room li up. Main S472, A 47S3. SAN MARCO HOT EL, 4 'Z 2 W ash In g to n Quiet, respectaole place; weil kept, stnctiy modern rooms $-.G week up. Free phones. THE COLONIAL, loo luth Nice, cool rooms; mJ beds, plenty of hot -water; beat of service; phone. HOTEL GRANT. 451 Washington. Modern, clean rooma, all conveniences; tZ.Zi up. MAXWELL Hall, 207 14th; strictly" modern"; utte of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. llii. PLENTY nice rooms, clean beds; reducedto price oy ma momn. wm isurnslde at. HOTEL XORBIS. C33 V Alder. M sme rooms. $2 per week up. orpbhed Rooms In Private Family. ELEGANTLY furnished room, private fam ily, modern, pretty home, piano, home comforts, meals if desired; references Main o7C PLEASANT, airy room In widow's home; reasonable and desirable; all home com forta; modern and firw location. East mz. NEATLY furnished room, modern.-p rivals home; $i; per month ; breaKfast, if de sired.7lt Cleveland ave. PLEASANT front room, piano; no other roomers; reasonable. 3 Si Halsey. FRONT suite or single rooms, modern good location. 74o Hoyt. Marshall 4763. NICE ROOM Close in;o a month" East 1 20U. A NICELY furnisiied lisht room with bath, A 7HS:. oia '-j Hoyt st. Unfurninhed Rooms. CENTRAL, clean, cheap, opposite Armory, with phone and bath. 32 N. 11th. Room With Board. MORE HOME-LIKE T HAN HOTEL- LIKE. THE HILL, Washington at 23d ml. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, aeo arate tables; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating. Main 75o4, A 7U33. HOTEL C A MPB ELL. A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan; on carllne; 10 minutes from business center; price in. accord with general business conditions. t?fLftnd-Hoyi Marshall 8SL ALEXANDER COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites. single rooms. Excellent table, A 6811. Main 4611. THE VIRGINIA HILlI 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9293. A 6628. A GOOD PLACE-TO lTveI " The Whitehall, 253 6tb at., ha a fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. G E"N EvTe V K Apt., 445 C o 1 JmUa large, pleasant rooms, with or wlLhuut board. $2 up. THE NORTON, 12th and Morrison; rooms and board or table Jboard. Main 941. Rooms With Beard In Private Fumily. BEAUTIFUL room with board t25amo. Irvington district, Broadway carline. East 5 10-. WA XTED Elderly gentlemen to board and room in private home at $-0 a month, al Oregon Ian. THE PATTERSON. 431 WEST PARK. PHONE MAIN 50l3. TO LIVE. AN IDEAL PLACE GOOD room. excellent table board, most at tractive grounds in city; exclusive. Su9 l'ith, cor. Montgomery. Marshall 5475. PLEASANT sleeping porch and very nicely umished rooms, with or without board. Phonu Marshall 3867. LARGE front room, modern home, close In all conveniences free, boad optional, res eonable. 474 Salmon st. Marshall 4410. ALL home comforts. Rose City-" Park dfaw t-tct; gentleman preferred. Tabor 2437 cau evenings. FOR business girls or students. 34 week no "Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders at. ROOMS with board, in private family, walk. ing distance. East 51 (HI. A BOARDING home for children; reason able. East 5106. ROOM AND BOARD Private bath! ele gant, refined home. Main Si' 67. 469 Clay. BOARD and room In private family newlv LARGE beautifully furnished room, z meals close in. Main 72'.". 330 11th. $22.50 FOR lovely room and KOod board In modern home. Marshall 2706. Rooms Witu Hoard in Private Family i-A D Y w ith ho-iii. w ould give a moth er care io'tnu ircro - to ti years ot age; price reasonable; no other children. i';ioiie Var-or zz'j. FINE place to fpind Summer, all modern conveniences. guod t-o-lr. Prospect Drive. Portland HtuL. Maia 1007. VERY desirable room with -d home cook ing, all conveniences, wiwun UAikicz d.s tauce. Call East ZZZit. LAHOE nnjms, balu attached. excei'enl boti u, suitaole lor tw .; -i.t.emen only; references i ejuired. West ( ark. IDEAL, home for club of 4 or i young men; inorougnly modern ; all lio.r.e priv neBt, reasinaile. East 1T0. WANTKU Children to care for at my home Phone K. ;: l u b, C J i h urriiaht-d Apartment. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. . 10th and Salmon bis. Is quiet, refined, rlecn, safe, pop ular, well known and of the hiaest stanuing. Not the cheapest but a hou of quality, comiort and serv ice. Month. Week. Day. 2- room. Jio to 3o $lu up up 3 - room. 4i to oi lo up iMup 4 - room . tiO to bu 2u up up Rooms. . lb and up up l.oO up THE CROMWELL. 0 h and Columbia tta 5 mln. walk to Meier & Frank store; nice surroundings; just the thing foe Summer; strictly mouern '2 and 3 - room iurniiied apts.. all outside, with Frencn ooors and balconies. Lay. Week. Month. R.itea reasonable. Marshall 16S. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12tu and Most modern apartmenta on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden lu connection. Walking disiante. litfri encea. THE ALTAMONT. Filth and Coiiege. Clesn, cosy, three auu xour-room fur nished apartment; n-nts rviMnabic. Also bachelor apartment. Heat, waur, puone ana Janitor service Included. . THE AVALON. Furnlrhed or ui.f urmued 3-room apart ments, Jin-n. silver v are, prlvute p-ione and bath, sleeping porch, nearest tiie Lnion Depot of Kast Met apart.nn:a J.H cor-n-r ;larkairias and sis. E;?si a 17. ONLY Sib to 2j j,cr month or t to 37 per week, completely f -riiinned h-tut;kt-f-plI)g two-room uptji.. In. 1 no. ing elect rlc li ats. heat, hot water. Lath, pi it ate pnone. new brick bWig-. 1" minutes from p. j. ij'ncoln Apts., 4tn and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 41o. THE PALACE APARTMENTsI EAST 47111 AND MAlikr.i rooms. furnisned. private phoi.e. baiii. electricity, heat and ail modern conveniences. i auor 1:001. M ON TGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Moot gomery sts.; strictiy modern, ail outside, furnished 2-room apts.; electric e.evator. b'-st service, close in; $le to 3XS; free lights. Mam t4oL WA.-iHINGToN-GKAND 2-room furnfsnej apts., 312 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, mudt-rii. Ci'-an, very desirable; hot nnd en ater. lieat, liKht. tath lurnlsned. 'irand ave. and E. W ashin gton st. Pnone Lust 444. GLEN COfHT APARTMENTS. Cor. i'ark and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2. 3 and 4-room suites. bet location in city ; reasonable. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17ih Ne. modern; steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 'Z and 3 room apts; lo mm. from bus.neas center; sa ve ca rf are ; rates moucrmie ; references. HAD DoN 1 1 ALL 11th St.. corner iUii. Eieanily fur. nlshed apartment ; pi i ate pioc. bain and balcony porcn-s; 1 and up. GRANDEST A. East HtarlTand Grand aveT- Nicest furnished three-room apts., private phone and batn. walking d;skance; prices moderate. pnone East fcOZAXTA APARTMENTS. $ niontn up; modem 3 and 4 -room apartments; completely furnished. l&'J N. -3d, corner Kearney. J -.",. COM I'LET ELY furnished two and three- room apartments; ey Wuikiny distance. 316 to o. inc.uiiijig iihift, pnone ana jan itor service. 17 I7tti near Yamhi.t. iiAUisuN 1-AitK APT 6., l ark si., at l.adison. Modern 2. 3 and 4-r.Jom rrmshd apart ments, cloe in; by , crk or month. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. Stith and Ella sts.; fur n is ned S-toom apts., with or wiunout sieep- lntf porch ; m dern. CLAPOoL ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms; light, pleasant and well fur nished; w alkiu distance; 'o to 30. u. Main S707. BAKON APAHTMENTo. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apart ni-nis, furnished. first-clays: reasonable rats. Main 73:7. W E IL-F L" it N 1 S H E D. best-ananKed 4 - room apt. for rent In Portland ; elevated site; southern exposure; separate entrance; se lect neighborhood. Main li-jOG, A 3149. H1SLOP HALL cor. Eaat 6th and Haw thorne; 2 and 3-rooin apts.; private baths and phone; uUo single rooms, wei; fur nisiied; 12.5i up- Pnone East b2. BERKELEY APTS. 3 Trinity Place, J and 3-room apts.; light and pleasant . balconies; central ; 3 l.ot to 330.00, Mar snail lliu. THE FLORENCE. S? 11TH ST. 3-4-room apts.. taoroL-yhly modern and clean ; roof garden, sari a boxes for cnii dren ; $1'0 up. Conducted by owner. -ROOM apartment, a.l outbid rood, pri vate bath. Pacific pnones. 317 up. Taoor 6vo. B V"7k THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 1. 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rate in t-ity. Corner N. luth and Northrup. H AMMER? LY COURT. 250 12th st. By the cay, wees, or montn; modern, cose to P. O. ; reasonable: ref. Marshall 205J. THE DECENDOHK. 208 16th st.. near Tav lor. Marshall 224 ; :;, 4 and S-room f urnished and unf jr. apts. NICELY furnished Z and 3-rooni apt., steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rates 311 to L'34 oth st. FA 1 RMOL'NT APTS.. 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, $2ii. 7,0 up: clote in. Main 2'.'';. NOKOMla APARTMENT. Modern, 2 rooms, special rate for July and Aug. 17th and Marshall. Mar. 4943. DR ICKSTON. 44S 11th; modern a and 3 room apts.; excellent service, walaing dis tance. Marshall 06. A 50S. WELLINGTON ANNEX. i;lh and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished; hardwood floors. walKing distance; fJ'j.Zi). Main 14J. NEW furnished apartments; concrete block ; a 10 o no m-. union ave. rv. PAGE apartments. E. Mh and E. Burnsid East 3066. Desirable 3 rooms, furnished. ADRMAY TERRACE. a:5 ! 2TH Klrst-cla in every resjiect; attractive rates. LL'XOR APTS.. 3J4 Lttli st. Neatly fur- nisued.hornelike apts. and sitiKle rooms. CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick bulld- ing; z, a-room apts.. lit to 330. Mar. 2917. Up t urn bbed Apartments. " LUC RET I A COURT on Lucretie. St.. lOo feet north of 23d and Wash., most beautifully located hlgh-ciass apartments, 1 to 5 rooms, all large outside rooms. '2 apartmenta newly furnished; prices reasonable; references required ; see them before locating. Manager. Mar shall IMS 703 DAVIS ST.. Head of King st. Most modern and tashlonable .apartment-house In Portland ; absolutely tire proof. Three to 7-roorn unfurnished apart ments. 35 10TH ST., near Clay, 5 large rooms, oak floors, front veranda, sleeping-porch, range, refrigerator, heat, hot water, fatrlct ly modern. Just completed. KELLER APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS- 3 and 4-room. wide hal.s. private vestibule, ph jne and Lath; brick building ; e.evator; references. Mgr. Mar. .735; Jan. Mar. 6703. MODERN faruily fiat, 5 rooms and s'.eeplng porch. West Side. 10 minutes walk Post office, 5th St.. near Jackson. Main tutfc. A 6061. HAN THORN E APARTMENTS, IJlh St. Unfurnished cpartments. modern In every respect: closo in, first-class service; eacii apartment has a pr.vate la Icon y. STEVENS APT., 6 large outside rooms, front and back, private porches, heat, hot water and pnone. 791 Northrup. near 24th. BRUCE AP T S . , 2 60 N. 2 0 th 6 r oTms v7 randa, hardwood floors, steam heat, phones and Janitor. Main 4hs. a 317tf. ROSE FRIEND, comer Broudway and Jef ferson Eiezant unfurnished apartments, first-class service, private phone; ref. 6-ROOM apt., ail outside rooms. 666Flan ders, large front and back porches Nod Hill district. Call Main 8351. THE MAKI.BO ROU G H . 21ml and Flanders. Large, light 5. 6-r. reas. M. 7016. A i676. 6-RM. apL, 3 bedrooms, outside rma. 3 porches, hardwood floors, re fa. afar. 1 75ft. 662 FLANDERS. 6-room apL ;-glep;ngporcbl every convenience, low rent. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson, 3, 4, 3 rooms, reasonable. Mar. 3:iio, a 2376. FurnUhed or Unfurnished Apartment. THE ORMONDE: 6-room apts., "furnished and unfurnished; 606 F;anoera, Nob HilL 31. 031. 4 AND o-roc-u apts. with sleeping oorchaa. Id5 E, 16UL. Bear Tamil lil at. TTTT! MOTlXIXf? nr PriOVT A V. Tiirnsniv TfTv i -. MORGAN. rLlELNEii A UaiCE, ou-?.i Aioruu FurnisheU and mituinianea apartments in U pans ot the cu, rt variety of locations, ixs aikS prices. Our free auto inoi.ii at )uur kvrvk in vis.tiug any of our apuitmtaa, Main ul. A 2015. THE BAl:KEP. comer of 'J 1st and Irving t uruu.iea and unturuisbea api trueni in 'J. A ar.a 4 to-un;, iour-i&ry ot h k ; le tric eltfatur. uuapwaiiuf beus. I Liiit-iii bullets anu w ritn.g u.hs. plenty ot clut rvrn. vacuum c.cancr free. J'fionc lsntiali 'Zr.ftl. HIGHLAND CoLKT APT6.. -- D A.N D JUaA.. Largest, most hu:nc.;a, ins h -class apts. In ctt. lurittsbfrd ana ut'.'uru,iivl. Sleeping port it-. v .AiL.g ctistgnce. M AHaiiALL s-4iJ liLir.NA VlafA. " lLxi feed Harrison. Finest apartiiint-uuis uu fa-rifle Coast ; bcauilf ul location, strictly m.xirr u, walk ing Uiun e, r lei itt. e. J. lovl, M iyui. KLNuSBL KY, l0 Vista av. oi: vvaniccion st, S and 4 rooms. Mltn pr-te t alconlea tint urn ik he d or Urn'.i.iva. hlgb-ctass nt!ii;ornuo4; L,et of Mrvti; ronti)i. THE KuVAL ARMS. 19tn and Lovejoy The newest and must up-to-oate apis, la Portland; hare wood floors, baicuaiea, etc; ail rents modciaiw, 1 l-roouu li.5. 3 -room. S2u Marsnail 1L GLACE A PA it'iWt.M , 3tn and Northrup; " 5 laijce uul urbtsocd rooms. pore 11 and ul iiioOrru couvaiitvi.ces; one 3 room lurnlsii J apartment. Marshall lu7w. Rot E . F E LU Aflo. 1-iiU mod East fcLaxk Lrica blag, aou siitciiy modern; 4 nd 4-room aots., iarce roius, ri- ale phone In ach mji.. ivumnLic ri.t; rnri-nca, biiEFrlELD Apartmenta, Broadway 4 biocks to business center, beet location lo Portland - f unsued ana unfurnished, sul rents reducea. Mam u6, A 314a. T rTnIT Y pLA CE A P AR T at ENT& 1Ha3 hUL E OF TO.xaV -; TRINITY P LAC si. M AN AG EH. PHu.SL M AKad ALL I10L THE WINDisoL Z, o ana 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not. E. lltti and amhlM. KING-DAY IS APT ft rooms; hl; h c !a s 04 King st. 3 and 4 r.-ic:.f.-i. Main -.. HEX A Rata 13th and K. MorrUoa; aad 3 rooms. Summer rales, modern eervlcw. hi EKE WITH 4 a nd 4-room apis., v ery rea- n)e. 7 1 Z ah., o;w. laln "13. rials. Fuit UL'.S'C, FLAT Kxc-ptionatiy wil-kept a: most new upper f .at. 1 jur rooms. dn and s.eeplng por h, tine IlmMoo. S"l. in fiuuln w a i-r. phune. garae. Mob-!-. n-ar I (.Ion. V E.ST I I'ti 6-rooia onr flat, fjrr.ace witn boi-4 atcr coil, f tubs. tcee south; 725 Kearne ; 4-5. l'houe C 3uuJ in 01 ninn or cvninjts. M".'DEUN family flat. 5 rooms and plng porcn. est lu minutes' w.k I'osi oflice. 5:1k lL near Jackson. slam o5 A -'d 1 . 312 A MONTH Newtly tinted 4 rooms, close to sen 00! and carune. deerabe Wcavtioa Ogden. lu7 tohavcr. Wooti.ita 302. i-KouM rnooern wpp-r wuh sleeping porcti; wa.king tii.untv, corner East 14io and Mad. son; $z I'hore Kat lOOd. MODERN 6-roin fal, 43- E. lJtn N. . two nuiy building; cneap. i hou Broadway 233. FREE rent I r one month, then only 34 per month lor modern - rx m LaL Mur pny. 51 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-riMin. fat In.piirf 17. lfth u a. so S-rooiu house. i LAT of 6 toifiis ad bath. 73a Hj1 at. Inquire 1 (J ntn st. Phouv Main Z,b. Noli HILL u; per flat. stn. uy modern, 04 N or tn .'ith, corner Nortnrup. o-j.uuij, nt oder a, perf-t tono:tirn; fire p.ace. gs range, k'jr-i-. Last 1137. 4-ROOM front apartm-enl nice yard flre p.ace. Vvoodlawn 1346. joDKN 4-r 'm i.i'i-r t.-1. liao.euin. gas range, f i:rtia . ba; t;;.i,4. VioDEiiN 4 atuj 0 rooins. n.r City Park reasonable. Main 33, A 2t;6. 5 ROOMS and bath. st-m-ht-d. w aikTng .itanitf. wuT llih, near LoiumtU. TWO flats, furnished, cheap. Call Main 435. C.a st. k urnohrl i-aata. MODERN 5room f at. neat 1 f ui iilshed ; newly peinfd, tinted. 24'-, Msrgin. front lnj river; beautiful Juration, lo minutes w a!k 10 I'nion dept. $zk 317 -l ROOMS. 3 5 rooms. New. clean, ino iern, s e'p!riK por-h ;,etely I ur ntwe.j. 572 Mill. Main .4I7. 3ii CoZY fiat for 2. furnished, sleeping P'iif-h. private bat h. w distance. Kast .V'4.1. Ott llcitnonl. 4-ROOM fully-fumlshed flat. game, stov. s;wtnic rr.Mdiii.. water. alia garagv removal. Cull East 4 To. NEW noKiern 4-i:ii furnished fiat, por.-h. walking t'.mtance. 5l Market. 3 RoOMS and bath, well furnished, new. mooei 11. reasonable rent. v ood.awn 167. FINELY furnished 5 rooms anJ bath, ateani-n-at-d, walking rlitanc-. .i7 lith. M'-'hKKN 5 or 6-room furntshed fiat, 0 Est l-'tli ft Manhu.) "il. A 7131. Hoiifcekerping Rooma. 33 WEEK up; absolutely clean, comp.eteiy fin n. shed houa-a-pinic suites, hot vvaicr. baths, lights, tic. free ; single lL K. rooms 3- i-p; deirbla peopio only; saw carfare. Th Caaioac, 3d at., near Jr:r on. 31 To 32.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for or 4 ; gas, tree heat, iaundrv. bath. yard. East 60 AW. 4j' V neon vr. lo: tanton. "U car. M ' ' K suites of 1-2-J and 4 house kepln"g rooms, partly furnished, at 244 wttrth ae , cur. aiituuver. Low rta I'd one C 1337. FURNISHED suites of 1. 2 and 4 rooms at 244 Vs Kiillniiaortn ave.; low rent. -4bon Wood lam n oU. A 4144. Marshall 25. THE COIX'NIAL. 165 l'lh Light liou keeping suite, first floor; running water; maid serv' e;pn one. GiLM AN HoTEL, 1st ai.d Alder Furnished , hou-keepii ro'in crieap. SI.Ao week up. FURNISH ED nou .cepi:ig r oo:ns. cLiay. iuiri(:,u n. k., --i. t,r. iiorrip-n. 401 E. MORRISON Furbished one and two room iiousekeeptng apts. ; reasonable. StOYCREST. 175 1 2th Convenient suites and single h. k. r-outs; us of piano. aiouekeepim. Itwimw q Private family.- TWO front roomi. beautifully f urnstisJ. housekeeping; s.nk, running water tri rooms, electricity, gas range. taundry. la 1 g porcn. )ir., sleeping porch If U siied. 1-3 N. -U. LARGE 3-room front suite, modern, elec tric lights, very reastnabie; also 2-roum suite. lare lawn, fiowers and shade. ? N. -'th iu Marshall 713. 3a FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ivWt. range. 6 JO Broadway drive. 5iain 4."'2J. FRONT room, attractively furnished, gat rans". excellent neig hborhood ; uny 3S.0O niontn. 1 1 ", x. i.rd t. TWO nicely furnish d rooms, with bay w in dow, on ground floor, tien. close in, tine location. o 1 v. 01 u hi ma. A'Vvo beautiful front rooma for housekeep ing; a.l conveniences, 291 Morrison, cor ner 6 th. FU RN IS 11 ED housekeeping rooms. et ery ronvenience; rent moUvratc, Main fcilO. 3'.'H Cohf-f st. ii. K. KoOMS, lar or smatl. kitchenettes and sleepinjr porch; cheap rent, 307 12th nr. Phone Marshall FRONT MITE, beautiful home, Kaa ranee; will certainly please you; only 315 month. 115 N. i3d. ON E 3-room suite and gars re; X '.'-room utte ana sleeping porcn. cneap. 26u 23d st- Phone East a451. LIGHT, airy, furnished housekeeping base ment room, clothes closet, bath, electricity, gas plate, for bachelor. 123 N. 23d. TWO fine rooms, well furnlsSod for house keeping: gas range. Ilsht. phone, gas. 111 per month. 431 E. Morrison. FRONT room. 31-75 pr week. f-e cooking gas, elect riclty, phone, bath.32 4th. J12 NIv. E first-floor suites, lawn, rosea. Ma in 3'iT?. Yeon b i d g 1 OR 2 rooms with kitchenette; ail modern convenient. Marshall 4 410. 4 4 Taylor. H R D TMS. A D. 1 . 2. 3 r m s. ; fur.; mod. ; yd.; wk. diet.: bth. fre. Msin 459. La ROE clean front h. k. room 314; $.-. z-z; u;h st. sing t FRONT suite housekeeping rooms, water In rooms, large yard, reasonable. 4o5 W. Park. LARGE room, completely furnished for lilfht housv-keeplng ; no children. 26 12th. H. K. and f urnDhed rooms, e'ertrir lights. ;J5 Tth. cor. Phone, bath. Market. If oanes. ALMOST new modern 3-room house; has larg porch, 4 bedrooms and extra room In attic; low rent. Call 441 11th at. I-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy near 22d. Inquire 130 4th. Main 3273. MODERN 6-room houses, 3r2-5bo n Rafael st. ; de-ra Me. r Iom In. East 1 5. MODERN" house. ry cheap, by owner. Main :u76. A 3- 697 EVERETT 6 rooms, gas. electricity, f Jr- nare; walking distance. J hone East . 229 K iTth, nr. Hawthorne. 7 rooms, sleep ing porch, firepiace. garagv East s. U-P.OOM house, r.10 Md-rn. E. 23i0. East 37th st. Very 6-K( OM niodern house, Tt z Lji "Joy, near 0d retiuire ICQ Cih. Mala 6.76. TH; OLD OLD fcTORY. It's the wise man no a n o u s hen to bu a home. II aont invest his non ien a boom is on. lie bs pi bis nuvti brio re and profit a b lh nmm. I'm mim, )unng man. uin t l-i this cha ice to t a Unit .ip t. La : or Mn ma'.v-riais .r now on a bedrock tstia, jui i ui 10 rise soon. 1 have torn wonderful bargnlns In new ell-tullc J and tt rvin bungatowa in J.AL'IttLlll HST from to 4 4 . o t,a rvnt-i.k ou aav o-u by buin; rlhi now. Tel m bow mura no ivy ou ve got and i ll -fl you up " r . St. ill :jKO.vG -Tu. SLtk U.ih 1 Vi:: A 1.1 MR HOD' E HUNTER Se us before you rent a p.aoe to live In. Five minutes in our office under our oew s s i wn ro.o' a mouth of personam searching. We w in show ou any prwat rty ju wtc.i to see. bee Bsby, I N T E It S T A E HTLaC 4s LOAN CO. hi j Geriinger bidg. Main liol. 3-0 00. Fine. large. V-rvuia house. modern ; t-sm heat, situated N. E. corner avast 4 1st and Harrison. Li- I UA It LE 3-room deeUing. tZ9 Broad aay West; fireplace, furnace, gaa. e.eo tncity. modern p;umblng. reaaonan.e rent. Frei S. VV Hi lama. siVa First st. b-RooM new, modern bungalow. lv Clin ton. I uruace, fire p. ace. Oak f uot. garage, 3--V or ai l soil on monthly r mcikia, r..thing don. Marsha. 1 45:3. r IW. rooms. No. 411 llih st . near Hail st., lin and Ccsirat:e. Rent (h. avey al No. 4rj Uth u l-arrtsh. Walking a Co.. N-. l'Mj la at. Fl E roens. No. 413 1 1th. corner Hall at . condition and location, rent .a. I'arnah. Wmkmi at Co.. I06 13 si. r OK KEN T U-rom residence, ail mUia n.vnmii(i, central ovation, yat iside ; rir coiner and lan. D S6. oie'amaa. A NICE llttie f l v -room cottage, tcntrsl. in huntmUU. gas and elect 1 1. ity. Fur key telethon Ti-r 111. For I E NT -Clean ana modern 5- room h-oac. rnt reasonable. 674 E. oak. Eaat - u FOR R ENT 5-room unfurnUhed. modern rot tag w it b .ar ge garuen. Otfa Hoy t St.. bear isth t. ia.i Main Zl. 3-RXM nu'dern buns alow, gas, electrtciiy, w ater. garaax. 3s i'ortland bvulsvaid, W o--i a w a arilne. Hoi E. r.v si. lor st. 6 rM(:n, bain, fine '!, near Mm car, 313 in on Hi. i..'Z East lay 31' 5-Room corner Fast llth and -eC'I. Wo. m n I.'ii. FttJ-nisbsU Ilosjesv, ROSE CITY PARK. A mod Tii. very attrative and com -rletely furn.eheO. with (taio. 5 -ro in bun galow ; fine law n and beautiful location. Will rent furnts.ied -r sil at a bargain. y owucf. nil aft.r 6 P. M. Tabor .o'6. M''K i-rom buncs'.ow, furnished. Weat mrtrfiandi goms aa; ml, rent very nw eonabiM q r !cnt pa r 1 v ; l.l give lease. Main 7 1 i or tj; w ool K'. E 'ITY I'AUK-ATuarths furn.l.rj g. roo-11 (.ungslow. mod rii. with furnace and fireptnt-a. 4 ;i K. a'.tri st North, nrax toularj. prmn Tabor ;.7. hMALL mlern h 00 se. onipletelr furnished f -,r hoo. keeping. Sleeping tent. tree. lawn. Mt rJ.-ntt i:ne, lauri station. la Mtiirv M1i 6 J J at 6-ROOM hoite. C-niplelelv fuialhel. garase. I !. k f rotia cir. Ration U'"d. Irl !anl Ii fig tits, cheap rent, t rt rirnt part v ; rfT-tn reni.rei. I'aii D-kum b.dg $iu 1 N r 1 1. pLIT 15. nltely furnlshe. m.-I-ern 4- roin bungaiow ; phone an 1 atr p.1. rt7 E. 7ti st, N. la forenoon, or t v .ne k. TT '. 3-R.'.M furnished or un.'urnished house. i.i4lern. ni -nunds, f lowers and t ruiu App.y h? K. st.. or telephone Mrltrlde. Msr. 4vhi. Fl"RNiftMEt bungdl'w et New prt. rea. bait, rirepiace. pinno; reasoaai. Pt.une Main 71 sfter ! A.M. MODERN furnished l-rvtm coitase. ema.l privstv lower 3 moms, be w.Kd J. M4 E. 51st. WR car. Fl RMS1IED turi kli. one y ea r. 1 In Irvmtton. wilt ' E tth . North. Y 7 -room bungalow. nlcev fjrn.shedT, 416 50 per rront 1 U'.khi. 276. !M"N Tn s sunnv room lar ard, ro ..os rente.l Jt lo. near Wash. J .1st 2 IN Irv ington. furnished, 3-room. duplex. East 3&3. modern, house. f .'. WKI.L-r URN ISM ED 5-room Tntts St. Key aeroea at. 1 l iN 1'H KD bunga! H-e-h st. adu.ts. a at 3-3 hussuner Keeorta. For P ALE Fine b' h lot at bait Air. on Garni. aidl lieach. it-u ft. to R. II. station, uul se cheap It taken at once. O IL Ore gonla r.. To ernarie f.r h ise at (irattiari, inodorn r.oo.-, svken I'x'iiti, por'Iand Heichts, fine to-atlon in car line, rents for $Ju. Ad-lr- owner, R 9::m oregoman. AT CANNON REACH From July 15 to 31. f urn is tied collate . beaut if ully loi a ted on frorl Reach. Appty J. M. Anderson, l-oa 5. Kola. i r.. or tele phone Ma lu -"3. '"I H HACKNEY COTTAGE,' wit a.l modern Imp ro v em en 1 a ana comforts of a home. For rates Ire or write, bca View. s h OKA 1:11 A RT beach cottage. T rooms ana bath, by the month or season. Phone la bor 41M. NEATLY furnished lent houses 1 2 be! a J nssr surf, ovti ookina oeen !.. g IWach. and tO week. Maraba.'l 3J-a. Ki RNi.iIiED rottata with sleeping "porch t t rent at Gcarhart afler July !. I'noae Main 7:: tLAf Ibt r or rent, furnished ft -room" cot t4t on the n -s. uaoostr ucied I'tf-re Msrsnall 47el SEASIDE Modern cottage, compleisly fur Mm;J. every city convenience. Phone Mam JT4. fJKAS! 1E -M otler n f urnishad cottage. big y ard. iicnr .un.r lioti. 4.'Oo for ec&swu. Lr. O. I. Eals, Astoria. 3-P.oOM furnlrhed cottage at New 10:1. Long Hf n. t.'o for season. Broadway 3tio;, ev niuvi Wood. a II 1VI5. SE AS I tE- Completely furnished 3 rooms and bath for season, Phon East 414a. EAILE Modern furnkh-d cottage, (huo .. low rent. Main loC1. eEA.MDE Furnished c;tiK uvarlookli.g d ji., t r rem. Tabor 41". MoUNT HooD auto s'age cal.s any pari of c.t Main 311. A ilil. OtAKilAKl' Nicely furnished 4-room bun iitjw. 41o perwek. pl-.on Marshall 544. LONG HKAi II. a-ia;i fumiahed bouaTaca- son f 1 ... Kmt 40 mZ. KiKMIIKD HolhV: on ridge as a,us, Wash, le.ephone Tabor 3.3. SEASIDE Completely furnished cottage, od lo'Strn. Marariail .ii. Ft HMMI KD Wash. Kaat cot tag m, near hatu a, LA H'.K storeroom and Monigomer. cry at. alth full basen.ent. 4tb inquUw Montgoiu- bii ol 451:5. 340; north light; Hawthorns ave.. bear brluge. LL N. Bar pee. Msua Jlid. SToR E and of floe rooma for rent la retail buaineae district. C t3. Oregon la o. Offieew. FiRfT-CLAHS dental suite to let. share ooe haf reception -room with eeiab.ianed M. D. ; central location lu business district; reasoaaoie rentaLK 3 a 7. Oregon la a. OFFICES 3lO up; furnished offlcee and desk room; free ptione; vary rsasonab.e. Port land s busiest corner. 33 3 eiend bicg. W ELL-FL'RNISHED private office; ao desk room, 34 aad 3 23 Chamber ef Commerce. mIMt OPPOflTUMTIKH. E.-l A HLI -Sli El RESTAURANT In bus tliug dlstri't: seats -5 . low rent. tl eumpped ; 3 -'0. .i"3 Lumber Exchange. EXCELLEN Ti IU K: E R Y B V Y G kk rnah trade , best bargain on East riO ; n nt 3 Jo; price 3475. Call iUXl Lumber Ea. h. Fl HST-."LASS confectionery stored cheap, must sc.l immediate. y. owner leading town. Apply -3S Alder St. CONFECTIONERY store, takes In 30 to 3T4 day; cleared 3-eO last month: wi.i se-l cheap. ;ail rrora 33 Morgan bldg. BARGAIN In rooming-house, choice lo ra tion, tine furniture. 10 rooms. n:y 340O to-'.sr ' all V 4 frig Stark st. IiE.T ALU ANT Fine location, old eat 4.0 11 shod, cheap rent. 340U. AO b3J. Orege a tax pXlt f NER wanted for best ralng ies taur sr. 1 in Port land; onh 915 req ul rea . investigate at c nee. p 135. tresonlan. 4-CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap for rash; have other business to attend to. 4j' 4th st. & ja A iL restaur snt for eie. a snap for 3-i. ess v pa men is. M P'-7. Orernian. DRESSMAKING SHOP for sale at a i-ar-im: pe.-ity of work. T t- oreronisn. MERCHANDISE at ore for sale. Apply Thoa. H. Io e. Cecil. Or. LIG HT manuf acturln g business ; irsde for anything; make offer. 44 East Osk. FoR SAl.E a h.irs'.n. roc ery diln( rash business 413 Fast Morrison st. K SALE Good paving shoe repair ahp. 7 .-! st nnd Sandy Mvd. Ft t.l.Y equipped bakery, low rent; 142 Front St.. cor Market. FOR SLK One. of the Rest smsSl i skcric oa the Last bide. R U40, Oregonlan. GILT-EDGE C ONFECTWNilUir nd Uf iirim iiKt. lucaua mry prom inent East MJa U 1st ru t. (u.Iy t ui.M-e. x :;vr.i fixtures. uoir.g ng tatnn, I bear ll.u.'uuiti In veaitkS t lou . rent 4: pr ! ..ilM. tim-i rasa. It.anr traoe. 11 ou ointitnug out of tna otuiuary. aee t it :s at on e, iiAtvi.R i a.Si OONKKtTlONKHV. i'i East cide iut a;iun, ratia well eiuippel; u-.11 p. at e o. a 1 jr " 1 a u Jiifi e; otirr a j n.e tinli) 31khi L i;.vooDvlND CO.. WlUuX aLDG. MrlRCANTII.K es t a Irishmen t, consisting ef tew- anttn - ibvut L'ki, store tui.UtCia. mop m:... MrduuM nu ha., water ss teiu. de; pain and 1 Wj acres of st uni. .. j. about 14 ti.:e Iru.u 1 ort iand tourtiiousj; coat flo.weS; baa made owi.r uu i. umorant.. w i.i exchAnae 0r farm nar lortlaod or un laiprov ea land in. Itiquira of Mr. shtbci. zQz a lock Ea. bldg.. ad and Yam- ' ' 1 '. . H A E iwa establistied cssri merchandise stuies mo gro.vr; canuoi altena to bi:i prpr;. wi.l u:spoaw of oa,e, stok and ItXtiiica of racli aout l.ivo. .ixaUvn and rente .g ht ; gooU . i.ane; prtc e ai.U con d tt .on or a. itaunb, o w ner, N 3s. on-g-.nlan. CAUTION. ilCTaliU Before cau.g uaal tor eo-csUled leteneet la esiab.isiiea iwel estate business gel aa vice of Portianu lteaay Board. PALL A tUMUlM hi'fr 3 Cham hereof Commerce sikfg. GRAND business; partner wanted te tend tne ar J, 1 hca ti.a h0i of a ravel, etc ; Hied uf depending 00 hired rc.y. pay you m on 11 aa-a y. a.s uuai ti . atge profits on Jour mone ; 3wvd ruirva; m 1 sc ureq. Call loom S.s Morgan b.u. THE PI-AC i? FOR MAN AND WIKE v e van ou In s.nail business loiitoii, kum lcatlon. cteap rexit. uo i-ri;t. is taatng ia 15 pr oa) ; price -.". -1 l AMlwion ld.g. - bv DATS. Wan: capable hunmv man with 3 to put up as .-cm.t ; hauuie it youasif ena icosn Mg returns. Mai she . 1 5.Ahib y r. Ion g. FcH KALE Splendid mouey-making bust nrss. eas to baou.e; ama.i atut. ot money Inwstea. isn maa lu 10 or three tears mo tie v for a 1-fetime. r--e Thompson, ;i 'hm :t &ff of Comuierow bidg. oi KM.ViJ for stead - man la a ama-1 cash lore; ;i butter. gg. tie . w 1:1 guarantee oii to :vo n.oi.ih. can tiy the busi nM before you bu. Call rwm 3; Morgaa L lo . FIR -ST -CLASS grooery. c tt af ck; Invoice about 3vw; tnuulli . y i, tn bead of c: sun pop. of R.vv4, country aad city i.-ade, want to retire; part tea a, be ance trae. A V 134. or ego man. 3jo.mmi ,l tt a hAlf interest In a bualueas tearing aer io.ou ir ear; lawtuOed In tins busmeMa is real estwia sotta oer voi.oni. Auu reaa, I or interview. T " oivgoulan. DAIRY Junrh. He best of its kind In Port-i-snd. nw prtwtitig and mikag mae, but must 1 i. sacr.flca t.m uinM and be a reason, no trades. AM 't RESTAURANT I'armer wanted to be cavhier. etc.; can t depend a hired be.p, i.l guarantee i . g;5u rs-qu rwU, which w:r be sec u fed. ca.l rwis 3.s Mor gan bMg. H A I.F Inlereat la sol J aula repair tuel active tiian to do coi.ect.a.g. attend of n e, 1 tc. ; small lav est rn-tl rqiita, io'r 315 wea and prufiia. v.t.1 4 iiallw ay Kit bangs PAUTN Rirwsntj in .M -e.t ml i .shed ot.'l.t. Iv(rfin r eMen un''. rivitt0, out lea to lk after office, show property. ;-. raa m a m. e g oj .(, on . y g .ovi r e( u 1 r d a : ! Star a st- 1 A It T interest est aolihel business nettlrg UMtr than 15 per nt. wa..t to rnistgv, f ul .-t Inveatlgattoa turn is bed. L K , t 'tojionlan. W A NTEI Stad y men to or L " I na so;j d t a nri as pat m r , pay 3 -s wcek salary b-.l prof s . re4Ull ti 3--. cal loom S . Vurio b . !! g: H E sjt u-tan g r-rer ; cirin, fren stock. 4 .the i.vli.g-f .-ma, r!ae to Mg Scbooi. Ra t- ni . a good one for 3.o. Lum- -r Kt- I-IB.'C. liii: hrt Ui;! iun. h 1 ta.-m-nt of New g"ing East ana mill oun:er In PotGand. ntral Market, ant .1 reass.r.abiw. a. .... OY DA N L Y I't He c a h i:k-jv ami ronf llou rv, fine lKiiin, 3 i;n(-roni f jf r.i'ied, st-k si.d furniture; . Jlfl l.-im'.-ff Kvce-ange. '.VtiN'i-ll'i Ml bargain. cloe-e-in r M.e l-stin. r.M.m. nllv- furntsnea, 1 tears $ l .'hi nmitthlv. and 35vf caah ban t I-a. I I .um ber E ic iang e. N II K lut inagr ar-d repair lwittM nil geiive ll.ati as partner lo look after L'Tft e. seii mut ples, ic, money secure, tall rs Ptara sU tsTAflt 4. NT Ownr busy eH.k!n. amit rtie yong ti ot as (oliur; aoi s-t.arv. on : $ .o required. Ca. Hl7 Hall stay ).rhn. MEAT MARKET Classy; lnv.( 3l"; a rlfi e 3.l tash. a.-ount sickness; s -tebhslied trde. ee my ag-nta, oung at ZJL Chamber of lommrfv. SPLENDID roming-houee. dandy location; Rt buy In city; reasonable, owner ai. k. T 13 Ore gnu la n. ILL SKi.l niv irKy for leas than In- vou a. o-nng SI !.-" per year; account of aa. T I''V Cirejionian; ai kd Flt r A I . E Pantatnrtum Dye Works; g'oa businea 1. Jacobson, manager, X-endente, Or. ol.ui KKV !:! ate seen end confectioner). 2 living rooma. For sa.e Cheap. sco&t R. bea.;h. tiy paper. S4g R-jaarll St. WANTED I arty wuh -"hu to take half Interest in eatebRshed manufacturing t-ultk. A'1!li M v.". Oregoniea. LAl'Y, wltb snte proper t . w tshes gent.c man witn sor-e ruonev to ii into tiwtel tuies lv oregoman UAKliU Alt E store. (xxl ousineaa end cntton: 3lt5u cash necessary. A PI. Orr gun -.'.in. UjM-'UhY. tnfertiont r. aia fountain, T? )i v trc-rooma, ail for tZ'-A. rent 3o. atf let t. L n K'Kit and Celic at-esen. a par tmnl ho location, a snap if taken at once, 3 ..V, Call a;5 .omter Kll in(. PLl M 1 I NO and stcamf ittlng bu:roi r rlr. I ''ul! Sl I rlr. e letter than a ages . only- 4 umher ltaehange. ni Stark, tl'.AK hi AND. Kvl WeL el le Rcallo. doing good lutlarii, 350. Call 315 Luna- -T Pw h-;r ItLMAl RANT i. t r.neitit trade, kr t t iod trade. cheap 1 er ma. cn p. 5. re.t. Mar- CNKMTloXKMV. s-da fountain. et l'Jy UlalrKt; rent lo; Kel away dui a . '. Room 3uJ LumUr tirb:if. L'AlRY Iwr ale, n a no a r. . . rotiie. ini 3 1 all Stars HI fclNKOProRTl MTItN WANTED. WANTED - Working in teres r in country bank. Have nica farm near Portland, v a.ue i ..o--' as part pa n.eot F. Kucha, 4.1 Chamber of Commerce. K(M)MlNG-UOlClL Hotel Riy i r.-ro-.m. near Rentage Theater, etMrtlf motlern bids . witn; rent only- 34 a nom : fmest of furniture e a.l ear pet a, I'huta l.ejs. ail sslk ( matireeaea. full prwa of fvirniturt IJwv, this la car lalmy a fin roc-u.a'.l n. it 11 i;Hi.Ki.i wiirox iai.3 K HAVE CUSTt M KKS for three rooming, houses as follows at a bargain price: ma riot ta cost over 3i"-. (n not to cot over 3vo. And aether not over 31 I'M. CO Bit 4 WHIIK. ..'d lkum btdg. 35o CASH, te.anca easy, a roms and Sleep ing -orch. altraciive'.y furnished. fine neifhtx'rr.tcd. This Is in ere;iUoBaI bar gam. will cerxatn.y pleaae y ua 1 15 N. 2 id L a HA. M E. LENT. ' Lemillng Motel-A part men t-bouee ArstL both riuyer and beller pTote'ted. Oldest Reliable Agency la City. BOft-tt N. W. Bank Mat., eth and alorneesj. p PL K.N Dl D 14-apartment house, alwaot Io cs t ion. flR.ed with desirable tenants pa a t ig profits, rent reduced half price. Terms : Yamhill si. 75 ROOM hotel, re r. t . f or aa le partrtr. it! centrally located. cheap at a bargain or wtll las T& North 6th st Mdkuv hotel -, se.l ba:f or a.i. I.'? 1 11 si. Main 112. 111'MKST imp in Portland. 17-roon house for leas than half kleraheil &T54 sAfiT A.VD rOUMV. LT July 5. purse containing diamond brooch, twin diamond ring. diamond a: irk ptn amethvst tir.g and about 312 In money, between Columbia loush and Port a nd boulevard. Reward If returned to 5 ? l-ea is bidg. Tl Kifl VT mnrr.lnr ah l f TiKnr w car, or on 34:h St.. sma! wrest b pia;' vaiuea as Keepsake, cs.l Marshall lo4. Re w e rd. R E W A R D fr Uf taken f rorn uioa, Wori man A Ks i:i.nnm, Jul 13 He. turn to Mrs. F. M. -ort!ou. Vancouver. Wash. LOST Coi'.i bitch, aab'e and whit. ar in fight front leg. H. A. H " I m s. Zli Montgomery st. i!l rewsrd finder. FvCNI Porketbtv..k at Union I epot. Oa ner can recover be IJvntlfvlr.g and pa tug for ad. H. W. J.idd. at news stand LOcT timbre : le In Meier A Frank's, musi rvon top: t .-1 rr '!e banns. Initial J ; erttin lei K. Bndeay; rewa rd L'.T Aire1ala pup. 6 mortis oJJ answers to the name of Kod. C lftu. 12l Last ZJih Nor in. Hem axd. V'LlAW IN ve art.-lea art (uunU .n tl.e tare of the luit.4uJ i.4i:t, L1s.1t . Fowr Co. and ow u rs ti.eiol li. sain at t n i auJ A.ur att-et Un. btue ay ,.lox. A il : July 1 1 ta luvrr. uinbre::.-i. 1 bat. 4 mail I-),vli. 1 pr. crut- b. Z i k- 1 lbl.l, prs, g.o . . j 1.1 z lull. It lK)r, 1 ai"-l. bseto. J4 .i4' a-t stoepi. 1 iaa- dry ao.. 1 -gaaa ... 1 can sS vn.i.. . su.t 1 a-w aud, Z oa t.uNo, 1 ii... I leather cm . Fol.LOiV i.N'd wcr lutM ti toe cars ot in Portend lilw.i. lnt 1 m Co . and t eun i.irtc- 1 i4i.. .i.-'i.i a-iin at the Flrt ud A...r Uot i... I ion. liroauway a .l-i . Ju'y !. 1 pk. o.;t. 1 ctt t'JijH :i. cm. 1 pt g i j v . i-uiM . 1 ii. a , s. 7 -ii4orci... i 'i jit itt.o iii u 1 pr. 1 lure. Z ojic.,... 1 .Mi'Llo bultoit, 1 !.(- l mi.,u 7 ki. 1 sa.k of lun 1j. 1 p. ui..( .-c-r. 1 1 1 ef rot. 1 phoiiogtku t vi. ui a. 1 u 4,14 t "X. 1 1 1 cl p i- 1 . Los 1 Lui.cti ot kva, it 1 1 7 . ndvi tt W wuil irlt UL' oti( b. 3 rs e ale ts UeA. IN THE DISTRICT Col RT tF T H - I n:t :a Stales ii-r tr.e D.sricl of orvu. lirtjeat lr i-iUa. In in niattr of Consumers Luuiber 4a Suppy Co, bankrupt. I w .4 rei ei v x a.ra alila for tie f -1 lowliig proLrtr wt l..e aUwiflu.iira Li:i- tuot. o,a;ed al 1- itn t--.,i. j, - b. Ry. .'o near Llnuto:.. union, wu l . ei-d Lhlii 1 z 4. a, t. sv'U. wa li.Ui). Jj.y 5j. lii 5 L 51a.iiiii4 ry and Mu of te U-, j , j v a : 4.. Of.'oe f X 4 r a. A uf Ilia inv i!orlr .! B ! Of Lto 5o J Ei4vi4tt in buildings of the iaeaior;cJ -ta ut.. wx 3l--o. ( Rju.ty ii. one ra?la spur. 55o feet, a;- , wji.1 4-. a. s. i;. t4j L.ts a.j luiuocr ayf the inventoried aa.ue vf 11.. Lias wi., i- r-e.ved "upon parcel ai Sbove set f tlh, tiiuoereo I ai.a :. U fr the p-4H,i aa r..;e. ..04..d f-.e total "f iliv u-khttl b!o tor ev 'i f t pave;s be g reat r triau tie ii k i s ; b.d for in w h..;. u aa-d b is w ..i t a. - CeptrU. SuJ-Ct l t:m S i",TO a i -f t . e court fjr s d pri-.. I. t s U4d trie bsneet bid f-r He at.... b- cia.r t'a.- t .1 total f i .Se l. if . i b.oa l-r s : .f ' h Pi ".., 1 1. se..a b c tc t i..i i -r lur w no. w 4.1 be . ptxt. a-bji t to t.. appro! of the c wri A 11 bids must be bv c-r T i - flea cicxa ivt lo pa c;t t'i in am-ut; ofterexl. Inventory of tt above priir:y muy b- at my CUi a.-a 1 a pr p r i la -Ieclnl Un s; p ii. si .an. M- L .Vl'IN, Trus-.ce. IN THE UiSTKlCr vol HT oF TU.. IMtvJ St: lor t-ie 1 sit. t of Oi An tn of ii4c..r( a Kium-, m rra. 4ir.g t sa 1 1. Ka4.. w ' . r j. ana 1 dm b ' u. iruu-m..;, t-ri-t- ra.s-a tiOa wi. l-e rc.-i.ei l wi- ders:gBd f'r .'-a .t l.r. Pee-U of liiree Iwia. !,. l 1 imUa "' a rt lot eet-arat. . f lr t i.L c o. S-at-ng of i-Hrris nf t :i l.,l va..e cf gJt 15 . seCotia lot oi. 4e i- ti -t -gars, ricareiira and lot c. ot i :. v oi a a.u of L 1; ti. ti.rl lt c' S sung -f wines ar.d Lur .! 1 a sifm riiua of 3 v . j i I Z o . . r xn Ju.y id. 11 j. 1 be inve;.i.T tries g is on f. at, 5il rto: n buudir.g, ar.d the irfirt t MHifd al l'ie prem it..ia a... v ashing tn a tree: a T Tva ( as i. st i a an di-prt4it -r certl:i-l ..e. a .f lo rent -f lb amount .fees i.est a-.o.o pany earn jtmlt:rl i .. r t-t - rM- r4 lv rejort an and a.. I .' m a ted I atei al I rt .an4. on n. t-i l.ta cay ot Jutv, I K. It W S!TTN. Truefe. IN lb litt lt Court f lb t i.iu I ha! for th titr t of 4teg.-n. la i . i -.m-ter cf t. t.lur Orocery lo, IiiViui t. I.eQUeSt for bi'lS. I Wl.l fr.-U wu.l bias f'-r the fallowing pn'-i:y of t t.e shuvs-baRtril bsnarupt. I t e.ul lu toe lurennMii forme: .y orrui n . 1 e.a at -! Union p t. 1 'r t i I'iiion. up Ib and unt il I Z o t n e rilnrMa y. Ju r J J . 1 ' 1 ... at r y f? .' i e. o-47 loro but. on. g. 1 -r t !.- n l. iter !i Hto-rk of s.oUt, arr and l;-r l...i.w. ctuml inf i'f tfiKrfir a. rd , c- f t t.e tnn tor lel talue of 444.7.'. futm - r - -taming to th aam cf lie iiiiriiut'nl lu of 3.17.15. . u ;e. t to n. v- trval -f tl.e cuft. rtiiu .1 . j. k i t la r ent f tbe ai.ui,t -iff r i t..ut accompany eAch bid. liornu i y f t . i e ptoerijf may l v ee n at i..y .:::e. ai-d the property lupvtd u-i 4- .i H". ni. It L. i- 1 l v . SEALED i'f'.wl 1 1.1 l-e I--. e-l t ctll. o r a ii:i.let.nU. 4- I tin ill 4 P. M. 1 :.i r la ; . Jui 1 general m oj ul .l .t..-n to All ! :ead Sch .L Role .ii 1.. 34 44urthooee at asv.e t ttsit of 3-.0 Is re-4uir--d lr 1 s ne fl atlo;-,s whlcn :is Re n..;a nd a: lh i-!(ue y. A. .Mmr, Mi.l, ol I'M n-e 1 ilea. 5" I 'un It . e. t!lflr. rhrrk f r ! per er.t a nun t x'f p: al. ia a ..- to R I 1 iiorcas r b-...l .e.k. r- -i. ea. h 1 1 !iard 't 1' " !" re serves the rigbt to reject sn and a.; 1 ro. Isa.s. It, II TJK'V! yii-hool Clerk. lstcl Ju.- 15. I-.- IS THE IlbTRlCr CoURT I'K THE United Stale lor the l but af orcgu. In the tuaiier of L. t . Lo44Ub. Lank rupt t for bios. I will tTtv ee.ed lids for a 1912 model o v r i-knd autoim bt e. f r mrt iy l-e -longing to tt attov bai.ird tsuafept. ai.d situated in e g-r a at No. 7.5 L. )U.u tv Portland, of, up I j and ui.til IZ oclock doom on Wi.ndi.f. July 1 .. 11'. al my rt.o. No. 7 to- 4 1 iluru blu g, Port land. tr. t ert tOed rheck for l per cent rf in amount uttered l;ul sc ou iI ear b to 4. Saie subject to I tie apirv of Ui ivttt. Autoinot.1. nuy I ii.;cttd at tle K. 1- A1 IN. TrTJete. 3i.Al.Kb prorois a ::i b re.c ed at r.e of tbe unCers c ni. 4-1 t o;.rt i. eo tint il 4 V M "I '.uf - a J .-.r ... ; f.r Aserrb: Ha l chairs t r r.r. -h4i w!.l be 4 (Kot J in r -rn - 4 'ourthuae al a ma fine I"p-i t .f I -is required fvr r r.i 3-1 rr.ti . i!..t.a w hlc mar b obta - t-ed at t :.'.. e : y. a . N sranwie. super .tle t t .-X j-.-o,. ertiea. 5. 4 C jort.-us. t ! i k for IO l r cent of aintit4l .-f i-r. a paywbl lo R II TS.f?va S :o... r.-a nuat'sriy s.f pri-i tea.. I ."a.rd f l.eec.ra rrervs the r--t to fja acy end e l r""-' 1 H TH'V AS. Clnt Tsed j-y. rji. 1 vojv b. I F D b 'ls w ... be revel . el f r l..a .1. r f ? . nol 1 m:r"- t N 1 I. V j.riaraih '--o -tv. ore got., et th o"f.-of the unt.ra fiJ 4wl o-n P .:. 1 " t v : v. 4 P.M. Jjiy 15. I'"I5 an., w .. l o.-rn. 1 at a meet it g of l l . a; d l I )...! 11 ! U , Ju.) 1 1 1. n ('Aunhojia. S r-c?f ir s .iM m-' b-e e:ts!r.ed et ih nf t: Hi T hnn:ia. hwl i 'rli. "our '.noul t'eft-f'ed -e-k f-" t-s ai. t K H. T bun.aa s-cbo, r.e k m s j acconnanv ea. : f t ; 1 lWar-1 cf 1 re.-.ur reserves t! r-i-'it to reject a: end a t pr.-pe.s It- 14. THOMAS, School Ork. A DSJ I Ml iv A U 1 S I W I I ft . al .. 1 a'e a A lt; k t An a rxK-erl. s inver ter. -1 a one c.eetrirs to ean 1hr e l :i Ih lti Wit tin 1 He next fe 4-'. ft . Ill : ne t r ty room Cli cregrisn i '-.a 1:1.1.. ab Tl JKryic. Ad-vtlnkstraflg f th Ltal uf Oc-ae M Kir .reaa(Kl. riNAri u 3 1 1 T and sex end mof'.'iio. a. Interest in rto;iir'.i 1 wrci aed v.r Wlh 11 K N -- -e. Um'rf nf-i I on or NA L Ht'T mon boacs a:.4 aotea wE-trTKN UvMi A MbhTiUtii; CO, 44 4th et.. Hoard of 1 rea b.dg WK buy notes, bub.'-s and tn-'Mgasea R. r- i M R T 5 A O 17 iusi-a no t o cor. tr a purcr.asea Rem .s St t o.. L k. m;ga b;ug i Money l .eea sms 3tew t alalr. f g;o o0 I N amounts or 3lvo at. a up oa Jirwt- e.ssa serur.'.T st . rr -ent-OKLOO.N I.NVfTMKNT A MOHTdACt X'MPN V. IN". ?ai fttock La. bMg . 3d and Tst.S II S'-s. CltT AND FARM LOANH. lweest rat No O. D MMONkS IT Crt eii I :cs fti. fcC US toCay t"T Ran on It.i; itnpert. a to per rM . el re-Muri-n - w n t g, tO 3 pe cent on bueins prop erty. aparranta dn, farms It. 14. H oeeom. 11.3 North twurn bi:.a b.dg aioKl .At.fc LOANa. 4 and T I'LK LOl l l ALOMON as Co . gv-O o A K 1. tT AT K M N LVT" ALL AMoLN Tb H- Y. 3'RKUM AN. '.3J CHaM Oft" COM guNEt. ave y amount, i t I per cau W"1L twits a Co. 319 Spaldirg b.dg. FARM AND CITT MUHTOAOS LO TT Av 11 HA K DIN Q. 313 Cli A M Ob t OM. IZ iid. 3dvw 3W'. 31--V-U. 3i-" Fred" Oerroaa C 1 Cbamter of t'o.nmrv MoNKV on S a nd for murtist R.ane. r;i..;i gages boogbt. Fred H. W . Uint. l.' , ;M -( MvNKY to ! d at lrvan. f-w 4 ham per Ck'.U O. W. of 10m. I it A V K from 'oud to R.O.ihki i good real estate H 4 A 2. Otegontn ifM TO LOAN at 7 per rent. C-aTT" Hoard ef Tjrade. V sin7 -. MONET TO LOAN IN ANT AMol NT LOANS' C:'vr. , - . farm. 7 .,-. Ih.HII K. KKASKV A CO. . Stsrk. MNRY J ned elr erd far n lar s. nj com mission. Chamber uf Coa.;ucc. 1 ar. J up. i C Meoey (a tessa a Mt al i-tate. kuMil wJA N LU. owe .i.,. i,m ;u t e Iff cebt. inioteJ pro,r-o, to 7 per fBL lu..ruvrd farm property. 7 to 9 per ctnU Wit. tat r.i...4.Y v i. ili ';i".a t..Mk nuM.v 1 . Loan CN IVl UwU.U UoA. a..- TATE Foil 1 1 ILl'.Nu I t i.I'wj, viv,i rLl.Xf 4-i-w .. .o l, . oi.4 it 4-. . v Li i 1. a. I 1, 1 . v-o l-lvt --4 ...., 4.... Mo;. a., c i.u.i..v A a v aai at. a . t.'.j c.osto, AUteov tn.-Li A -- t 4 U Si; Nor...- u aa. 4 c,dg . a . S u 41.4. A - - 4 . v LOAN Al 7 I'l.l. L.T, Ov. ... vo.O 4 .V-0 to Se,i o Ou l'4,.n.a a l;ti'i'ij 1 to;rty Xivi a , ,-..v a . .i. l j tioyU.-4V4.4.i boo .id --ia 1 .s.g. V- 1 ii (.. 1 t:i.u.t In i -:., I ,! lo M x i-- , rt a . i.e l. '-J. L-? '.: .-U'lllrzJ! j a.N La t i.a at 5 - to 7 per v.i t u lui ;. m at. a rriUi..te iiwiiij. a aiui -a..s at i a cr . i.l. , 5Ai. at oN Ljmss L i. dta-ew ! T .- . ' - -- -- f 4 -"-" a lot w.. f.r.aur li:uc .o s. N. W . 1 Rn'oi-i "I o Loan h a.i.s to iu.:, bwl.d . - .g .a-. iv.. . I4H4. W. Ki a..k, a 4, -4- ...i.g b.-a- j-1 31' ana i.(ard on improaea real e.a:e. (ktvtaii.t . U. . tft-ai, a. a 'se: g.. J ..u lii.u, 7 ,-(.ii,.. O.v-sV -- 'a a. I.c.i.l4i.l. aoniuAua v.Oh VI K o hV . a- L N4o. la.-iu-s ac-v. 4LKA. 1 O LoA v V.'lb A.4A. t Al. so 4 r 1 M . jOA or .J.-M'K RUVJ. M- R i u.iut Loans in any amjinl Isv. a. HunrAita; iNvT t'l' a-aw 1. at.a o.-a-. 1. a an.i.:. Mmn y to i4 4 t bwi4a smd SsUavraee. ii.Ai.-tsi li: LuA.a ON' L I va'i' Au J4vLLliY A - V 4 iiAll bavo 4 f. ... trwrlr St.'. il 4. Il .1 . - 1 -a -al-a -au ttt.- . v. . . . ... 1 . r tiuit. A.l r .0 !... I v . i i.t.a 4jf i.tx cf - 1.. ji. i 4v. ....- .r or hoi ii..r.t ,s 4- d a ... a d . kv ,.i.w..,a ana tut 4 il tlt .v. S.a. . V . o (Ul.i.KlA'1 a 1 l a o . 4. v t .a4 vi44at...u.4i.4 lit l.e .V. at ! 1 t LO V A . U. J K LLLiti. 4WU 6Utt. M-i I Ml V V.O a-lv.ay.NAa.Dl. Oldest;cd se. a, l.aa compsny In a. 4k-a.a a . -Ja. oj g uiuit, lil..H4 StrKh4 L44ia(l.l4 Our we.j knon r-pustioa fr square Sea..l.g ..a vou.KoaS (,l AX.4 Lt pst m Owl IhmI f cf ei.4 a. b TATE M.i-l R1TY CO, LI. 4.AM.U 3C3 a e...4e iag. MoNa. a o I.0AN. t-t V..V.X lii.i 14 wJAT ai i 44i ra.ea. on nte;, Auto. Pisnoa, " rutii.4i. Luting r M.r... a. pay ba'-k a p. r 10.0.. n or more. Ilu.o. 1 jir rtot. 0 'VfK! Al - ! 1 U.i.l 4 I.IVATK. 1 1 LAND LOA N V. . 1.1' I N i.j. i 1 1' it : . 5J a r 1 a...n . t og ksAi.i a ( . l.l.''.Au I. a L . F imi.j:i:st. DavJi4ot a. JiJ. 3u tt. a 1 4 a. .1 -.i46ta. Ail I n lie. a 01. ar. i-aja.e D- ivL X or Lavatss. I. Li 4. . .5- 1 A.N 1 UL - t. l-O I.MU.i'rr La- i--m . k.. ai a .- .a. a f ta. 1 aW Ian mn. 1 on uia.nwa.v4s il j j l.a.f in sua tUaigea 4 i-iw-a V a: a. ; 4 54 st. J al a. fa -- L-1 4 i4vi :rv;n 1 nal J-a'y l al 1.14. It. - wi el ;iit Sc. ri ';.l.'.e pt-4,-1 i o;.aj VtsoA A N 1 L D - n lil.Oi- a4 r ! n-r nt L o.e. it., a M ft a ft e v. e t. c . ; J k.,i a a 1. (. . 1 U AM i.o- I : i-o nu-uer n br, a...wt A M'T, CO atiu a n! .... hi k l- i 4.. ...-d1:.2 ..b...g . T -n : l ore. i's op .- t ? , 1T.( ,.:ne , 4.a;n, vr. 1 v A N T 3 1 ' oa n .. 1 n b- n4u Roine 1sik.c4 St ..-a. C. AiAiU 1 1 .. lLkM.NAL V i. t.tai 1 r naUiiiig bct fof o 4. ia. u .s 4. -r r4.u 1, a lei .ftu as a 1mi Haul i. Ii.etv.s l.tof ci.'tcitj te 4 lt-r e-' ali a:. a L'ia bei o . a wi d 1 .t ut uwx...a. I i44(atoi t.vii.a. h. a 44 ; atauwi. 01 m.iIi Z : a in.eb ta. a-ewy co-t - ..u o. . we a.4 b.e. a - . t uw t, c t 1. cue 4.44 a WJ a 4ia vtf uaji, A 4 ltce W4.4 o, l nil -y a- .-v i,t4u4. bi.o. I in LXJ lJl A IIAUVAN. t.'" ' a "l.-aii I 4w aa a I at, liAul, 44 A aL l.i.-.,-a.:a -U..a..H l -Iftl 44--40 I4 Ill 4 la. A 14 .or ea i4t v1 i i-a.ny-.. ...4 4 4 a w . 4 as ....... e l'- be.i i4 U l.fiU.c.i, i. i-i 41. A-.i;4.i.s o 1 l.a.t. la w . g ".' . ' . - ..4 L-4.g bi4 M 4SXal . & a a a . 4 1 v , . j v i- " a. ii A N I...,. ; iiav4i. J.r.cSI storgj ai.4.a friut See 1-4. . J.a iw a j i..J ia i or we i. -' Ma.u s. ift n iMt-iilia. L Kent. a- t.ftA.. V,. .."1, 4 -...OlW. Mk..( IK.b.O, 1.14. ."v0 Ai . N i .-, t a. 1 ai w-a- w. - -, , -4 '.:.v4, i- - v . llai.., oi.wu a. w fa:-. v . .a . .-a. Pi-. SIS Ij - . a. .4 ia-wg 4V . vv. v a.-oi I' i. a a.!: ana as a , . .... i 1 Iw 1 . iii , rt. . . I - a i4 . 4. a.. a- w. . e ;i , .. a- 1 a .w 4w.y a ft a. . a , a; aa. t-w.. a t 4 a art 1 in ..ii. ; X. w..'-t 4.a:.i.ft if -a. i'l. "3 uit-c, .awa ; - , ai i . 1 . . K v li 1 J, a : m I ft I M V V , - , t U r - . t. : . v M s.. o- :-a:e 1a a 1 . et.e-c-4. iftj.wtt., a-ve 1 ii..llALJ.-M-l4f. kat) A li.te. C:r.le 4 i.0.4; 4, vvi. si.4 o -44 s P. aa. . iua li. - . iU st Kara:. a 1 ftifto. .N L . . . - 4 . ..ft. -4 I- 4tt4w 1. 4 41. ., l.ti'Jl. 4 .a-.'. ( J 4 m . 14. 4. 4. l.w. 4 JI A al i S 1'. Ai . "4 v - - IL.. loo.s . a4-.d a. a..,t MUX & 1 a- V UN V - 1 4. i t. k w - -I-1 t 4u! I ' 1 a. i Aai - j-wi4 -N.ii iv 1.- ... c l.-i.. 4.tO li-iiAA'l. a Aktk or' lui li b..4.ft y4.. cut s at. a ,wu . ci. KAbk ts : aau. i a? aoi a, ai. Aau:i) -Cg c wi i-.ii. i aa..!'. uit4i:ai it.4 ap.r.tdsl eel- -.-fti. .IJ A ..a .-. g ctwea ILfi vv (... oi S P. M. Ma.u M'-Ll--. 4.i'C. I.ut-ws na.r reuird. Mrs. M D -ue- u.v.. Ma. a 4 ; j. viiit..'l UA 1 I-.' ti.aii.w, pa.n raa aCJuat u.(..n ly.aft.i g. 41 iuft;ittv4.ta j,, 1.1 4ta. LaLM oK 1 Id.-- CoMlVUN.t. l.ojal Tome 1 au.eta. 4.u Da .a su I'tia Ma. a Oi.xi-i .Ui; MA.--.'. .-r", lba!:i,ri.ia.."7. r .u aftu il ' at. 41 a, s. 3 weave S sateg, iiLTd.ii!. ..i'.V'.r. LwAN At 1 Aii'-.; f ; ...,...., h. v.e, Va. - .-"'-. I rer cent, r,.' - - V rt a 1 i r- .-ti. 40 - n ,:. v...,e 3 ..' , 7 i-rubb I - VI IB va.- 3 : u . '" ' . .! .-v v ;--r ! . ".. t .-r 4 "- l'r,..rr. v a . '. a r cr-.u 11. .-n.-- "iv'i- N 1 .n. . a ,M iJ.t'iAuu . a 1.1 Mtr. 11 . .-in - v o.ifr 4a p.' 1 . . . tg List oa 1. a . t. ..ji. ; 1 u t-4 likWi.aS. "I. lefcou lion liU..wJ, ld N. VV I - :-k b...a. I V 4. ai.44 I IUO I t I t. . w 11. aw I Ma-.44.-ul - '''4 s 1 ..iv;au, e4.Uur uf - i ft .or et. . . . twt ta; 1. ..4.tft. ..i a. - 4.. . . fci4.. k1. iwr r t- un.a t lam. tvw.a.a. I 4 4. w a4ft.p 1a4.44.aAM a t.....4(. V;. . '. I-.- Xa-i. C j HM.1.I.A . A 4 w..-.s at !. .aigeal a . a . It .JO fe. tUw.r ial OSW M...'U ft- nv a:..i.a:t. u iiul' IA.N ta... j.- ; w4.r boine . e 4. . i.ft . -..!: , 1 . k 1 - . luu, .avaaa&ft,e r 1 a., j ..! :ti f .Vi ft n -j. 4. t . ..P s . ii.i t aat x wiiis ai o:;ice ma.vh i i.lNii. .a.i..s aud &tu.;.xi4. 1 00 .-n .i.4l01''iV arvi ei 1 1 ic ir atu.ebia. Lou.a ."J M Ci io st Mas Ma:c JjuJiO. c 1 1 .t ftt.dmam. Cwr.r.s. tt ry g 1.utI li t. . ? 1 r..r. M VNi- l i;i.N.i en. 1 irtnauni, ITt ll 1 . -1 ai e 1 . ' a t m 1 . c u. i ..rMi'N' 4s:.tire. si.av ;.h. fee ti.aSa s wo . 3 TO; liMnfMll, - v vV 14. U'ANTi::i - Iet..uTe w.r T ir'u . .9 a '"" """ r !' :t. i-r.-m ,u Lr.--v N. In 1 'rer..;,. ex iril r a I d 1 ft iltg. bh L 1 "bote Main 7aa 4