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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1915)
16 titt: mornixg oregoxia. Wednesday, juey 14, mis. FOK RENT. Furainhed Room. HOTEL EATO.V. West Fark and Morrison St. Transient and Permaaeui Questa. A centrally located hotel witn overy modern convenience; rooxua, single or n ulte, with and without private bat a. modest price, with special rate bj tne month to permanent kuotu. IvuOM REGISTER, listing several hundred In all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A-; i also those la the association fire pro t buildlcs. with nowr baiixc, ilmra:ng i pool, gymnasium, libiary, reeding rooms I at tl.0 to 2. 7 per week douoie, with I individual beus, or sa-sO to 4.o0 per Wees; single. HOTEL. BLACKaTONE. Corner 11th and atarli, 3 week and up; eievator, hct and cola water, steam heat, telephone connection In each room; no ex tra charge for two In a room, room and bath $1 uay; transient solicited. "HOTEL, ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam Vi til. Desirab.u aowntown location, he spectable and strictly modern. Rates (1 per day, $4 per week. Witn private bath $1.50 per day. per week. :i01Eb BR1STOU stark: and i:tu bxs. SirTgl rooms $:.ju and up, with private bath $3.o0 and up; individual telephones; respectable transient solicited. HOTEL. FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot aud cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath $10 up; with bath. $Ta up. , ETANDISH HOTEL, I 6484 WASHINGTON oT., OFF. 18TH. 1 Cool. comfortable, airy rooms, free phones, batn. $l week, $3 month and up. Furnished Romm in Private Family. fcLKGANTLY furnished room, private il v. modern, pretty home, piano, home comforts, meals if desired ; references. Main 3741. Jil-KGAXTL Y furnished house, fruit tree, sleeping porch to share with respectable family. 133 Gibba. 3TOU TRANSIENTS: Oh. you Transients! Remember the number, -J1 Morrison, corner 5th. I liUNT suite or single rooms, modern, good location. T4o HoyL Marshall 4T-'3. JvKATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, phone; $1.50 per week. 4i'S bin su tEX.CELL.ENT, furnished room. $7, modern. East Washington. Phone East Z27. Rooms With Board. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HOTKL-LlKji. THE HILL, Washington at 23d sL A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, eep- rate tables; extremely reasonauie rates; worth Investigating. Main 70b4, A 70o3, HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern. FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan; on carline; 10 minutes from business center; price in accord with gen-era 1 business conditions. 23d and Hoyt fits, Marshall SSL ALEXANDER COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence HoteL Euites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 6211. Main 4611. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson St a. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9 2 S3. A 6628. A COOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 6th St.. has a fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, real home; reasonable rates. JGKNK VI EVE Apt.. 44. Columbia, largo. pleasant rooms, w ith or without board. ; $2 up. . THE NORTON", l-Ith ami Morrison; and board or table board. Main 941. Rooms With Board in Private Family. 5.ADY with nice home would give a moth er's care to child ircm 2 to o years of age; price reasonable; no other children. puo ne T a I or '2 z slu JL'NL'SUALLY plea.sant front room, best board, home cooklmc, lovely location, only J' minutes from Washington street. Main WEST SIDE, hi Lucretia St., near Wash ington, large well furnished front room in attractive modern home, breakfast and dinner if desired. Main 5043. rVERY desirable room with good home cook ing, all conveniences, within walking dis tance. Call East - X- X DY room and board, only young peo ple in family. ua of whole house, walk ing distance. Main 77'JO. sBEACTIFUL- room with board a mc. Irvlngton district. Broadway carline. Last r.i52. JHE PATTERSON, PHONE MAIN o3'J: TO LIVE. 431 WEST PARK. AN IDEAL PLACB X.A RGE rooms bath attached, excellent board, suitable for two; gentlemen only; reforences required. West Park. rVE have best accommodations for 2 young people, modern private home; everything convenient, reasonable. East 411 ii. , COOD room. excellent table board, most at tractive grounds in city; exclusive. Itl9 10 th. cor. Montgomery. Marshall 5475. ANYONE wishing their children to be ta ken care of evenings or afternoons b" t wo refined girls, ca'l Marshall 1 57. lYOL'NU married couple will take od care of young child reasonable. Oltt Morgan W ool la w n ca r. fWANTED A refined lady to board or room; piano and all modern conveniences. Phone B 207fc. LARGE front room, modern home, close in, all conveniences free, board optional, rea sonable. 474 Salmon st. Marshall 4410. WANTED Clilld to keep during Summer montns; best of care; references. R. i-. L No. 1, box 114. JDhAL home for ciuo of 1 or young men; tnorougniy moaern; ail no mo privileges reasonable. East 1S75. lALL home comforts. Rose City Park dis trict; gentleman preferred. Tabor 2437. Call evenings. KOOM and board, walking distance, modern. Main b9i9. 83 lutn st. FOR business girls or students, $4 week up ' Anna jewis nan, oiu r lanaers st. JiuOiiS with board, in private family, lng distance. Ean 5100. . A BOARDING home for children; ablo. East 51f6. ItOOM AND BOARD Private bath, ele gant. refined home. Main 3207. 46'J Clay. SO ARD and room In private family, newly furnished, $20. 427 Clay st. Marshall 5994. LARGE beautifully furnished room, 2 meals, cloae In. Main 72ti3. 335 llth. WANTED Children to care for at my home Phone E. 2lotL C ISIS. Famished Apurtmrott,. CLAYPOOL, ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms; light, pltasant and well fur nished; walking distance; $20 to $25.00. Main S737. " BARON APARTMENTS. " 14th and Columbia. 2 and a-room apartments, famished. first-class: reasonable rates. Main 7337. fW ELL-FURNISH ED, best-arranged 4 - room apt. for rent in Portland; elevated site; southern exposure; separate entrance; lect neighborhood. Main 2306. A 3149. HiSLOP HALL, cor. East Cth and Haw thorne; 2 and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone ; also single rooms; well fur nlshed; $12.50 up. Phone East S82. BERKELEY APTS. 30 Trinity Place; J and 3-room apts.; light and pleasant; balconies; central; $17.30 to $30.u0. Mar shall 1150. THE FLORENCE. 3s 11TH ST. 3-4 -room apts., thoroughly modern and eJean ; roof garden, sand boxes for chil t1 dren; $20 up. Conducted by owner. 8-ROOM apartment, all outride rooms, pri vate bath. Pacific phones, $17 up. Tabor GPoj. B 105. TH E CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 3 ana --room apartments; lowest rate in city, t orner n. JV'th and Northrup. 1IAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th st, By the nay, wk or montn; moaern, close to P. O. ; reasonable; ref. Marshall 2062. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st near Taylor; Marshall 2324; 3, 4 and 3-room furnished and unfur. apts. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room ants. steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rates $11 to $21. 234 otn su S-ROOM elegantly fur. apt.. $33. lncludins piano and sewing machine: hlh-c!as apt. -house, close in. Phone Marshall H3ltt. NEW HART Automatic elevator, lights, linen, gas. hot water always, $2.3u to $3.50 weeic a. nr. Mor. 4th floor, FAIRMOUNT APTH.. 2f 11TI1. Modern furnished t w o-room apartments. $' up; ciose n. aiain irjr,. NOKOMI APA RTMENT. Modern. 2 rooms, special rate for Jnly ana Aug. a tin anu aiarmau. iar. 4y4.-t. THE EMERFON, 3 and 4-room apts.. high ana neaimj . ouumiei mir, ner mree- story brick. 114i Williams. Woodlawn 3173 IKlCKSTON. 44H 1 1th ; modern 2 and 3 rooin apts.; excellent service, walking dis tance. Marsnan A 04J5. WELLINGTON ANN' EX, 13th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished ; hardwood floors, walking eistance; $22. -jO. Main 1243. KEW furnished apartments: concrete block Jt? and $12. ll41fc Union ave. N. PAGE apartments. K. Sth and E. Bumslde. Kf 3f.6. Le?irab!e 3 roiuis. furnished. A DR MAY TERRACE. 313 12TH First-class in every respect; attractive rates. -THE LAL'KETTE One furnished 3-roora apt.; private bath and phone. 22y llta st. FOR KENT. x umtnbfd Apartments. THE WHEELDOX ANNEX. 10th and ulmoa bus. Is quiet, refined, clean, safe, pop ular, well known and of the blgnest unuiDs. Not the cheapest but s house uf quality, comfort and serv ice. Month. Week. Day. 2- room. &o to $50 $lO up fJJKi up 3- room. 40 to 6o 1 up ' 2.5J op 4 - room. 60 to bu 20 up K.ou up Ito-jins.. 18 and up 6 up l.oO up THE CROMWEXU 5th and Columbia bta 5 min. walk to Meter at Frank store; nice surroundings; Just the thins; for Hummer- strictly modern 2 and 4 - room fur ilsliecT apt., all outside. ' with French doors nd balconies. Lay. Week. Month. Ratta reasonable. Marshall &193- VILLA ST. CLARA lth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References, THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Lepot of East bide apartments. 1183 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sta. East 81?-. ONLY $1S to Sito per month or $5 to $7 per week, completely turiusnea housekeeping two-room apis.. Including electric lights, heat, hot water, balu, private phone, new brick bldg., 10 minutes from P. o. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1J77. A 410-. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. EAST S.7TH AND MARKET 4 rooms, furnished, private phone, bath, electricity, heat and all modern conveniences. Tabor MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. 3d and Mont gomery sis. ; strlctiy modern, all outside, furnished 2-room apts.; electric eievator. best service, close In; $1 to 2i; free lights. Main 94 1 6. WASHINGTON-GRAND 2-room furnished apts., $12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, clean, very desirable; hot and cold water. heat, light, tath furnished. Grand at and E. Washington st. Phone East 444. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished if. 3 and 4 -room suit's; bett location iti city ; reasonable. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private bathe. laundry, completely rurnisnea i ana a room aots: 10 min. from business center save carfare; rates moderate ; referenoe. II ADDON HALL. llth st.. corner Hall. Elegantly fur. nlshed apartment ; private phone, bath and baliony porches; lis and up. GRANDE.STA. East Stark and Grand ava. Nicest furnished three-room apts., private piione and bath, walking distance; prices moderate. i'tioue East Jot. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. $20 nioDUi up; modern 'A and 4-room apartments; completely furnished, lb . corner Kearney. Marshall -,j4.". COMPLETELY furnished two and three room apartments ; easy walking distance; 14 to t20. including lights, phone and Jan itor service. lbT 17th near Yamhill. MADISON PARK APTS., i'ark st., at Madison. Modern 2, and 4-room furnished apart ments, dote in; by week or month. THE EVERETT. C44 Everett, bot. uth and Ella sts.; fur nished 3 -room apts., with or without sleep ing porch; modern. LUXOR APTS.. ;$2 13th st. Neatly f ur- nisueti, homelike apts. and attiglta rooms. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build ing; 'Z, 3-room apts.. $16 to $30. Mar. ::17. U'nCui niched Apsartmenta. COMFORT! ACCESSIBLE! REASONABLE RENT! All these features and many more are included in these apartments. Rent when you tet the most for your money. THE BELLE COURT, Trinity Place, near Washington. THE HANOVER, King st. and Washington, near 2 2d. THE BERYL, 693 LoveJov su. near 21st. 2, H, and 4-rom apartments, with all the modern, up-to-date conveniences. Look at the&e buildings today. Belter your living conditions. Call at buildings or phone THE FRED A. JACuBB CTOt. (.MANAGERS) Main 6SuO. 2uu Wash. si. A 1777. LUCRETIA COURT on Lucretia su, 100 feet north of 23d and Wash.. imt beautifully located high-class apartments, 2 to 3 rooms, all large ouisids rooms. 2 apartments ne ly furnished; prices reasonable; references required ; see them before locating. Manager. Mar shall 1M3. 703 DAVIS 6T.. Head of King sU Most modern and fashionable apartment-house in Portland; absolutely fire proof. Three to 7 -room, unfurnished apart ments. HAN THORN E APARTMENT.-. 2ol 12th at. Unfurnished apartments. modern In every respect; clos in, first-class service; each a par t m en t h as a private Jaioonjf. 325 10TH ST., near Clay, & large rooms, oak floors, front verauua, seeping-porch. range, refrigerator, heat, hot water, fctrlct )y mooern, just completed. KEELER APT a.. 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room. wide halls, private vestibule, phme.and bath; brick building; eieator, references. Mgr. Mar. 573'; Jan. Mar. 573 t. MODERN family flat, 3 rooms and sleeping- porch, west toioe, ju minutes waia romi otlice. 3th st.. near Jackson. Mam 7u3, A O3ol. fOUlL large rooms and sleeping porcu, gas range, heat, hot and cold water, lawn and porches; must be seen to be ap preciated; new; $23. Marshall 3U7S. STEVENS APT., 6 large outsice rooms, front and back, private porches, heat, hot water and phone. 7'Jl Northrup. ncar24tfa. BRUCE APIS., 20O N. 23th 0 rooms, ve ranaa, hardwoou floors, strain heat, phone and janitor. Main 4jS. A 317". ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson, Elegant unfurnished apartments, f ii'Si-class service, private phone; ret. 6-ROOM apU. all outside rooms. 6oG Flan ders, large front and bacn porches. Moo Hill disincP. Call Main b23L THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Larze. light 5. 3-r. reaa. m. A xti.o. 6- P.M. apt.. 3 bedrooms, outside rxna., 2 porches, hardwoou iioors.reis. star. ATM. 62 FLANDERS. C-rooin apu ; sleeping porch. every convenience, iow rent. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson, 3. 4, i rooms, reasonable Mar. 30o, A 20 id. Furnished or Unfurnished ApurtmentB. MORGAN. FU1EDNER A BoYCh, S13-S21 Morgan bldg. Furnished and uirt urnlshea apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service In visiting nay ot our apartments. Main 2U13. A 2015. THE BAKK.ER. corner of 2Lt and Irving i urnisned and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, uisappearlug beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. HIGH LAND COURT APTS., Z'JL AND GL1SAN. Largest, most homeike, high-class apts. In city, furnished aud unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 324. BUENA VI&TA. 1 i:tn and Harrison. Finest apart men t-uouae on Pacific Coast; beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance, references. M. 10W1, M lo32. KINGSBURY. l$d Vista ave., off Washington sU 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies. unfurnished or lurnianed, high-class neignnornouu ; test ot service; reasonable. THE ROYAL ARMS. 13th and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-date apt, in Portland; hardwood floors, balconies, etn. ; ail rents ra ou Tan, a i-rwvtD, Sli.ev; 1 3-room. $3. Marsnau &1L GRACE APARTMENT, 24th and Northrup; 3 large unf urnisned rooms, steeping porcit and all modern conveniences; oh 3-room furnished apartment. Marshall lu7u. KO.SENFiiLlJ AFTb, 14th and East istark Drick bldg. aud strictly moaern ; g and 4-room slx, large rooms, private phone In eacli apt. ; reasonable rent; references. fail Flfc-LD Apartments, $70 Broadway blocks to business center; beat location Portland r f urnisned and unfurnished; 4 rent reduced. Main 2604, A 114S. TRINITY' FLACE APARTMENT. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-42 TRINITY PLACkL MANAGER. PHONE MARpHALL 110L THE ORMONDE; and unlurnisheu; 5-room apts., furnished ood Flanuers. Nob AAiii. REX ARMS Uth and E. Morrison; S and 1 rooms ; tiummr rates ; modern rylc MEltEOlTH .i and 4-room apts.. very res s ;nt'le. 7 12 Wash., opp. fu. Main 714. THE WINDSOR 2. 3 and 4 beautiful roome. furnished or not. E. 14th and Yamblll. K.1NO-DAVIS APTS., 54 King sU G and 4 rooms; high clas; refwrenceg. Main A AND 5-roo-u apts. with sleeping; porches. 165 K. l&th, near Jamhiii et I OR KKNT. FOR RENT, FLAT Exception;: weii-kepl Ainion new upper f .at, four room, dsn and Sleeping porch, f.u location. $1. In cluding w ster. phone, garbage. Mod roe, ner Union WEST IDE 6-roum :oer flat, furnace w ith iiot-wttir cot:, fireplace, tubs, laces south; 722 Kearney; Fbuu C sovi mornings or evening. MODERN (unwy flat, ft rooms sad porctt; w st old, lu minutes wain roil office. &:h at. near Jicamo. Main 7uo A tv'ol. MoUERN 0-room flat, newly tinted. palntt. 14 Vi Mar,: in. forming on ner; beautiful location. 10 min. ik to Union Lepot $ XJ. flS A MONTH Nwtly unted 4 rooms, close to scnool anu csvr uzx m . ossirao-e tucsuun Ogden, lu7 bnavcr. Wood.awa f-RoOM uitMitrn upper fiat wuo s.eepitig porcu; walking ciistancs; coror Et l4io and Mau.son, o. Pnon Lat oU. FINE, large, a-room fiat. rx.gv uatr. very cneap to gooa party. i.k J4C jausn, 1 blocks itrosdway bridge. MODERN b-room fiat, 4iJ E. Utb N. ; two family building; cneap. fbous Broadway FREE rent for on month, then only per month for modern J -room flat. Mur phy, fc!7 Chamber of Commerce, MODERN e-rooin flat Inquire 175 letn su auso e-room bouse. FLAT of H rooms and bath. 74J Inquire l-u ttb it, I'houe Main H"t sU MODERN 6-room. furnace. West bide, rsa sunabie renu Tabor ltf0. MODERN b-room f at, ftln, od Cornsli st.. off iTJd and Washington. Mam 4tw. Nub HILL upper flat, strictly modern. 24 North -ith, corner Northrup. n-ROOM. modern, piace. gis range. perfect condition; fire garage. East IlsT. 4-RoOM front apartment, nice ) ard. fire p. ace. Woodlawn 1945. MoDEl;N 4-ruum upper f la I. linoleum, a ra ftfe'. f urnar. iatt it 4. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near City Park; reasonable.Main A 2b7n. 5 ROOMS and bath. sieam-heatd. walking distance. 0? 11 th. near Columbia. 1-nrniMtaed Fhsta. 17 3 I'.uOMS. ir- 3 rooms. New. clean molern. sloping porch; completely lur- nmne'i. Mill. Msin n447. e-ROOM modem, newly kaUomed, private bath. s3 Ross. 2 blocks ii road way urldge. 1. $1H 'OZY flat for 2. XurnlheL sleeping porch, private bath, walking distance. East 5043. 4il Belmont. $1S NICELT furnished 4-room flat, com waiaing aisianoe, nou Last isu. $20 N E v niodern 4 -room f urnlnhed flat. rrcn, waiuing distance. Market. t uuuna ana ostn. wen furnished, new, modern, reasonable rent. Woodlawn 10T. FINELY furnished 3 rooms anil bath, steam- heated. walKlng distance. o llth. MODERN & or 0-room furnished flat. 6 East 12th st Marshal) 7tl. A 7131. Housekeeping Rooms. $3 WEEK up; absolutely clean, completely xurnisoca nousvaeeping suites; hot water, baths, lights, etc.. free; aingle 11. K. rooms z up; desirable peopi only ; save carisre. Th Cadillac, 3d su, near Jrffcr son. FURN ITt'KE far sa, hous Vr rent equipped mostly for housekeeping; fur future better than th oroinar; Wcs hide, close In; will be sold cheap for vasu. t-e manager liantnorn Apartments, i i - in mi. - $ 1 TO $2. AO week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; gas, free heat, lauudr, bat to, yard. East Coil). m Vancouver. hunion. "U" car. WHY pay more when ou can rent all out side rooms, 7c per w k rich, suites of two, gas pistcxurnisheu. Beimoat Apts.( I KMsHhu nouseaeeplng suite. Iectrlc lights, gas rang and phone. 7u North l&tu st.. near uavis. G1LMAN HOTEL. 1st acd AIdr Furnished nouseKepinj rooms rnesp; si. AO week up. FURNlTiED housekeeping rooms. cat Cambridge hM., 3d, cor. Momon. 4ol E. MORRISON Furt.tshed on and t room housekeeping apts.; rcaeonaoe. ROYCR EST, 173 12th Convenient suites aud single h. K. room ; u of piano. Hitue-heplnfc. Roonu to I'rhsie family. LA l;(jb 3 -room front suite, modern, elec trio lights. ery reasonable; also 2-room suite, large law n. lowers and shad. 4 X. -"th si. Msrshall 7 13. T WJ clean mo-leru li, k. room, f uruisticd compiet-, nem. phone, batn f rev. tine building. fine neighborhood ; only $ 1 11J3 Jtelmont. corner 3Vtii. 4 ROOMS, furnished complete, entir low f iOor, pantry, sink, batn, range, gas. fur nice, 2 blocks Hawthorne car. 73 i.Maln, corner .ju. $b FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. gas plat, range. o-U BroUay driv. iain . FRONT rHm, ettra-tlvty furnished, ga rane. excellent nelg h bur hood ; only $ v j') moutn. .n. ..ti si. ON E or three. (an. cool, first floor f ron rooms; gss range, sink, two bads, piano, oatn. pnone. -i uaraeu TWO beautiful front rooms for housekecp- trg; a;i convenience. -?i h siorrtsou, cor ner stn. FU'RNISHED housekeeping rooms; ever convenience ; rent moderate. Main &310. course V ONE laree room -nd kttcuenette, on irouii floor ; prlvat entrance ; wel f unili&tu close In. clean. 314 C olumbia. FRONT bl I TE. beautiful home, sis rane will certainly please you; only $i3 mouth, 113 N. 2ti. ONE 3-room suit and gar; 1 2-room suite and sleeping porcn, cnap. zoo 23d su Phone East S431. HOUEtvE EP1NG rooms and furnished room, with steeping porch, walking distance adults. 22tf 14th st. $12 NIcE first-floor suites, :vfl Yeon bide. law n. rose. Main liu H K. and furnlsl.ed rooms. I'hon. bittn, electric lights. aO th. cor. Msrket. I OR 2 rooms wi:n Kitcnenette; a l mouer convenlen-si Marsnall 4 4 10. 44 Tey I X SMALL room, suitable for couple, $lu p montn. i. toiurauia. HKD TMS. AD. 1, 2, 3 rms. ; fur.; yd. : wk. dlst.; bth. fre. Main LARGE clean front h. v. room $14; h. 12th st. FlK-M.-HbU nouseaeepmg room lLu up walking u. stance, iius Jtiain su FRONT suit housekeeping room v. water I rooms, large yaru. ivatonaoic. 4t . jar LARGE room, completely furnished for light 4 itee uwMWMweoiiia ivouti, Vila. 402 Clay su $10 TWO furnlehed H. K. rooms, kltch enette; walking distance. MarshaU $016. FRONT room. $1.7$ per week, fre cooking gas, electricity, phone, bath. 3J 4th. TWO large modern tl. K. room with 2 beds. $ld. 302 Columbia. 225 11TH ST. H. K. roomi and other fur nlshd rooms, wslking distance, reason ab I e. Hon se. GOOD HuL'tL. f'H K A I K r'NT. THE FRLD A. JACOBS CO., ; WASH. HT. MAIN 9i, A 1777. $20.00. Fine, large. V-room house, modern : steam heat: situated N. L. cornr Last 4 1st and Harrison. D LSI R ABLE l-room dwslliog. $2v Broad way West ; fl rep lac, furnace, gas, lo triclty, modern piumbi&g; reasvooabi rent. Fred S. Williams. 2 First su b-ROOM new, modern bungalow, llol Mln ton, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garsge, $2., or will seil on monthly p inents, nothing down. Marshall 4 -'J . For KENT I -room residence ; all modern conveniences, central location. Last Side ; Tiivo corner and law n. D 13. oregonlan. A NICM Iltti five-room cottsg. central, in tiunnvsld; gas and electricity. For ky telephone Ta Dor 1 si 1. FOK R ENT Clean and modem o-rootn h-is. rent reasonable, 074 L- Oak. Last sew. FOR R LNT i-room unfurnlabed modern cottage with :arg gsrden, Hot near I sth st. Call V s I ii Mil. $-ROOM modern bungatow, gas. water, garage. 3s Portland Wood lawn carline. eiectrlclty. bouievard. FoR KENT o-room cottage. 17 Idaho st.; modern, fin yard, cheap rent. Call A ?11, M. 2131. HOI SK. H rooms, bath, fin yard, near Kun. nsid car; $12 month. li'.l Last Tay lor st. I-AOOM modern hous, 711 LovsJoy. nar 2Zd. Inquire lie tn. Main tiis. $s MODFTRN. $ rooms; plastered. 1294 Cor net t ; runon car. n ss. vrriun ava. b-ROOM bouse. 772 Evs.-ett it, nar sd. $;ii. l-bon yam i3. MODERN n-rooni houses. Zi'2-Z'S San Rsfsei t. deslraMe. clse Li. Fast 11.Y $10 o-RuoM cottase. corner Feat 2th anu Oregon. weoaiawn j RENT I r tn: -Fl ve-roor f iw er. i house. rge ard, Mf'UKKN houe. ry cheep, by owner, FOR ROT. Tliii OLD. uLD bTwKT. It's the ls man ho knows when te bus a hum. II don't invest his money w hen a boom is on. H has psrsi his money befor and profits b th rt. L wis, young man. Don't lt this chtnc to get a hem slip t. I -at. or nd ma'r.als ur bow on a bdrock Lasia, but are scr to rts soon. 1 hav tvm wonderful bargains in new wll - built l and - rvm bungalow an LAVRKLHVRbT from ft?.o to H'.i'O en rnt-itke terms. You can eav eK by bulng rlcht now. Tell roe how much niQioy you v got and I'll "fig you up F. M. lit MiO.NO. qu Stark sU Main 11 A IMfi. MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, loth Floor. Temporary A&oti. Cum pit-1 aud reasbl list of vacant bwuMs, fiats, anartnuente and bungsiows tn the city. Maa use of this tnu. arbea 'U desir. 'l ni does not ob.ftis you la any manner to this etor. You will find us ready and wtiung at all t lines to be.p on in locating. .Stwcomtri la I'ort.r.d win f;nd this srvlc pec4aly vaiusOi. fteel estate men aud vuni of ,rtt4 property ar lnvitd to llsvt their uaoc- cupid apartments, fiats and bouse at Meier A Frank's Free Rental Bureau llotKKH VOU RENT. r,7 Clinton, modern 8-room house, fur nace, s.u. 3v3 E. 44th, modern 4roora bungalow, fl rru lace. io. 1h C Grant, classv buncalow. With la ra; Ii n in -room with French door; SWeit and I "j. 417 K. 34th. furnished comoi't. $37 5. 3-room bumrsluw at Haaeiwild station. clean an-i ne. 1 1 2.."o All of these bungalows ar new snd en and all windows fitted with screen. liouses open for inspection. GEO. A. ROSS. oar, oOl Gerllnger bldg. MR. HOUSE HUNTER. Be us befor you rent a piaoe te live la. Five minute tn our offtc under our new s stem cauij a month of person searching. W stU show you any prop erty you wis a to see. est isdt. INTERSTATE Til Lit s LOAN CO, $1$ Gerlluger bids. Main 1I0L. 7 EVERETT C rooms. gs. electricity, fur- ace ; walking distance. Phone fc.ast - E. & ir.g po i th, nr. Hawthorne, 7 rooms, sleep ch. firepiace. g arBfc Last m. Fuxniabed Hooace. ROSE CITY PARK. A modern, very attractive end r pletely furnished, with piano. 3-room bun- Kilus ; Hue Usn aud beautiful location. v ill rent furnished or sell at a bars By owner, all alter tl I'. M. Tabor 3oj4. 3-l.O.VJ.- bat U and sleeping porch, com- i-ie:eiy xurnisne d. river front, boat in and lathing. West Side. 2V minutes from bust or .- center, for two months. I'hon Main 1.'04 TO REN I two months or lunger, ft - rxn beautifully furnUhed modern house, ready to movA In; West hid. Nob Hill; $3 per month; responslblo peopl oiuy. K 13. tirrifoulMti. NICE r. - roin buns low. furnished. West morelsnd; going away; will rent very ne- otiae to rlcht party ; wl.l give lc Cail Main 7333 or heliwood ROi-E CITV PARK Attrsrtlv furnished room bungalow, modern, w 1th furnace and i : rep i ace. 4.1.' t. 4otn st or tn. near fan'ly bnu1 ard. Pi-one Taor .'.70. by I A LL modern house, completely furnished i-r h'usr keeping, sleeping tent. t re-s. Iswn. Mt. S-ott line. Laurel station. In quire Slot 6-id sV $-IijOl furnished or unfurnished hot modern, out grounds, flowers and f ruiu App.y h7 K. 27th su, or telephone M:ss ic urine. Mr. 4wm. N I "ELY furnished modern 3-rrnnii house. $1 s ma, spec! si Inducements first month. all .f Eat Ml h SU North. IitVl.MJTuN Part of a furni.hed bouse rent permanent ly ; a rooms down stairs adults; $:u. Kl 4M. li kmoiiku bunraiow at New port, new Pet'i. rirepiai. ptsno; reasonable. Pbon Meln 111-' sfter IO A. M. MOPF.IIN house. nicely furnished P"r Broadway bridge. :ji. SI Dupont sU C MOIFRN furnished &mom cottsse. simsli private lower fiet. 3 rooms, wood r . T.14 E. fist. "WR" cir. I KMMlhlJ butigtiow I ft Irvingtuo; w ill jeao one enr. ai 4w yi. lh st. Nftrtk 12 3o NiiAT 6 rooms, gas. lctric i onicunirry, Msrsoeii 1 . I'.KNT 1 I Wood la e tent furnishcds on v3th .0.1 1. aim 1. 1; to sl.sre part of moOnu. furruhs norne. irvinrton. AM t.i4. t resouian. COZY 7 room bungslom. niceiy furnished 1 ti r-o p-r nionui. wooo. Tti. Ft R R ENT Furnished modern r-r ; bungs low very reasons bte. h;ioMl lo. $21 MNTIi s unn lootns. large yard. ro-.THS rente.j $!; Oer 8h. 4 J 2lt honunrr Keeorta. FL HN 1 Mi ED hoaskeeping tents for rnt at oiumo:a ueacn; c.tmmiDi, frost ins tennis : tour vacation wii cost inuc ls at th:s beautilut aescii. Inioruatio iiw ."sort n w ester n liana bldg. luu ALh flue beach )t at bait Air. on Garrlbaidt Reach, .oo fu to R. R. station w 11 setl cheap if taaea at once. O 1L ore- gonisn. TO ricntnt for hous et Garhsri. iittnlrn niuf, seven rooms, Portland Helshts. fin to'-atlon on cur line, rents for Ju. Ad r.r9 owner. It t ,i orconiin. lioLoEbLs.EPINts apts.. water. light. Ocean Beach. furolshed ; wood, urest. Jtocaaw. br.Aiwitui picq evi lit. i a n beta, by lb month or season. I'hon 1 a. oor CANNON HEAC11 Most desirsb; furnished cotisee. s so camp lor August. Adur M. li. McKay. Lucretia Court. NEATLY furnished tent bouses 1 2 beds tacb. near surt. overlooking ocesn. i.on tiescn. j ana n wees;. Mrsh.l iuis. bEASlDE For rent, furnished 6 -room cot tag on the ridrw. unou true ted vie Pi. one ver:iaii 4.01 toEA.lDE Modern coltes. completely fur r.lfhed. vry city convenience. i'hon Meln 374tf. Fl'HM.- U Ei cottases and tents for i mode rat prlc 1'. Sch rants, hocks w a cr. ;EASIDE Modem furnished cottage, b yard, near Moure Htei. 20o for easo ur. u. ii. Astoria. 1-HuOM furnished cottas at Newton. Lr tinmen ; .o ior season. iirusdw ay Sio ev .-n i ngs v. oou:a w n i mj, LIGHT h. k. furnished Ocean Crest apt., i it.amuoa xecn, nuvuwij r. j. SEASIDE Completely and bath for season. furnished 4 Phone East 41 0, btlASlOK Mcwlern furnished cottage, ocean iew. low rent. 1 sin li'OS. fe A i 1 D K r urnlshed rottsg orioos.;ug o .can. (i r rent. Tabor slOL'NT hooD auto stag ca.a any part of city. Main III. A 111 L GE ARHAHT Nicely furnished 4-room bun. galaw. $lo per week. Rhone Marshall &o44, NT IS REACH Furnished cons g7 $i 2" per wjcek. Lew is bldg. cigar stand. LONG RKACH, ama'.l furnished house, sea in $ ii. Kat 4o72. ' LAR'i K storeroom with full basement. 4tU and Montgomery. inquire bA Moaigom ry si. 4oil:i, $40; north light; Hawthorn bridge, H, N. Durpo. Main STORE and of f lo rooms for rent In rtU business dltrlcu C s. Oregon ten. Off i IR.-T-CLA.8 dental suit to let. share oo ha.f reception-room with eeiabt.sned M. D. ; central locstion In business district; reasonable rentaL K $T. Oregon is n OFFlCEo $10 up: furnished off ice a and desk room ; fre pbou ; vary reonab. . fort land's busiest corner. $0$ bwstiaad bidg. W L LL- KL'H.NIHHCD prtva desk room. $4 and $ 7. Cooimero. t off Ice; aso 72$ chamber of LOT -M asic rl tlut irg mont h of J uue ; name on Inside. lv ell Iets. Return 1 17 A l bin a . ; liberal re w ard. i au roiNix FuI.LoVli articles we no fwund on the cars of the I'ortli.d Ha!iway. Light A power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at tn r irst ana Aiaer-trot station. Rroadwsy sl0. A 4121: Ju.y lo 1 lunch bucket, $ cans of paint, 1 package. 1 checkbook. 1 wood 2 lists, 1 pkg. dooms and paper. I pkg. not ties. 1 Lkc cloth. 1 purse. nvelope Coo tailing some cash. 1 mop, 1 cnlid s hat. 1 hand grip. 2 pr. g!oes, 1 knit. 4 urn- breUas. I roll oil cloth. 1 button. 1 vsiist, 1 basaeU I child hat, 1 book, 1 pkg. sachet. July 11 1 pkg. kodak films, 1 pkg child's overalls. umbretiss, 1 purse, 1 cost 1 g lo e, 1 music roll. 3 earner. 1' 1 basket, 1 sweeter. 2 pcksgre. 2 marker. 1 , r J ul . i.ui Mitinir.g n lamti hroorh. twin diamond flng. rllarnond stick pin mt n st ring and aSout $ 13 In money, bet v een Columbia rlciuch and I'ort land b"uke ard. Reward if returned o .". lw in bli p 1 - r Udy'a ttndrd watch; Foster road. nr rse. Nam-. Vttnli Johnston. Leave at store. Delro Station, Eatacsda llrr Hew srd. XoST Young A iredai dog : pse rtura 7 ; I Tillamook, or East : : J. Reward. roi'.VD ;old watch. Alameda park. Call D, La Ufeeaa 10A i. aWd Mm Mm BrMrM orroKTrMTiE. SUPERB CONFECTIONERY. 4M. Kent $lu. with living -rooms, fir.Oo hsndlee. H interest In $5Lio t;rocery. the finest ster en the street, cheap rent and good trad. $2:cw. Merehsnd'.s Flore. Country pel tit. near Portland. Al bual- $v0od Notion Store to trad. Want Port;nd property. Went more listings, buyers are coming If you bav a good business for ., c.I onre. RITTFR. TE FOIt fTMT. 2'a--.'fT P"Srd ef Trade TTESTION RAKEHS The ntir baking uuprnent of th lis ttlmor Dairy Lorra Co.. 20 4h U. lac.udiuc all ster ft lur. must be sold st oar, and seme inw now oe" purcr.ssed either a who or In part, up to Thursday. Ju r 11. 2 P. M. All rvmaiuiag unsold t that time win cased out at auction without f ssr e. Adjustment liurssu. Portland Ax n of Creoit XI a. eVH ( em ! block. IH-CLA corfeetlonery fre. take In $-;o to $;o a day; cleared .;.d last mo., sfter pklnc ail esnses. poeltle'.y inoice -i ft , i a m romte::ed i r l urn to r.urop and will uk $ 1 .VHi to make quick sal. CaU room i- Mor ten b!Ji WAR'S A IN Nest, clean atock of grocer ies aud fixtures, also a fully -oqu ppd "'. tueraei. it preierrw!. in am tuuo lug. All going cheap ior cash, or will irj fur real ett riear of Incunibrsnee I'lion iast 2luw or C 11. oJ 7 U in a enue. CAUTION. BCTERft Before c.oe.og ol ror o-caJled Interwet It) eJtaOl.s-.ed real estate bust Dee get ed vic of Fortind Realty Hoard. PAUL A. CuMdlLU noc'tr. !$ Chamber of Commerce Ridg. 1KST-CLAHS groosry. c n stock; Invoice about $ios; month. y $ie, in beert of city with pop. of li.etO; coubtiy and rlty trade; a ant to retire; part casn, beu ance Uad. aV S4. oregonian. EST 51 LE money-making grocery ; ein. siiractiv store. spteaaia location; no c lose competition. Ues.rable tl ing -rooms; Invoice soout $ 1-H. Jli Luuioer Li- hange. DAIRY luuch; th best of its kind tn l'ott- latid. now operating and mtting moner. but must se... 1 sacrific tins burtes and ha a reason; no trades. Asl iJ 'regonisn. W A T El Si d y man to w-ork In i;ght ii fg. business as par tner ; wlil teach ou the businrss and pey tl0 week salary. so profits; requires ZJi. Call room H.'w Morgan biog. REST A I LA NT I hav been In this res- taurant for sts ears snd wsnt ii re tire; business has teen estau.isned for 5 ear and has mad mone. Ad o re- a K &o. t reg nian. OLL- EST A RLIali El transfer, storage, ciesr- mg u mo. owner wants active or ft-e man ss partner; baa fin equipment, tee ms. auto trurks, etc ; pric $ -. Attractive terms to reliable party. Cail o 1 7 Railway Kschange. HALF Interest In solid auto repeir busl- nes; acta man to do col.e.tinc. at tend office et-. small Investment re quired; salary til w k. and pro I: us. Call all Railway Kcharge b.dg. PAHTNK.R w snted for a mv Ing plct or bunM; experience Is not necesry. but must be to leave I'ort .snd. profits large, require very lull money. Room iju XI irgan odg. Hl'il(-('l.Ari rlgar and coitfecttonery end ooiroom. gooti location, doing good bui neee ; big money -in a ker to r g tit rArr; tout i.Ht. prt terms. Cell ili Luuiber Lachange. CAII grocer doing $L Ui:, partner wanted lo work In m "re. taa. an 1 share pr'f its. small istner t do a sv.d llsur out of business. Call 31T Rail way Kichanfp. Win. I AND 0Al. IUMM for ee. Tl.ia ffusinea (ins been c 1 I in S . . ittottl hi. st khtM vaUN of Ml. Stark st. larticu.ais HlTAI RA.VT partner wanted to be cM;r etc . gooi pa . ony s.d required, which w?;i be secured. Call room Morgan b!dg Cv. KKt n NLR V. cigars. 1c cream parl-r: trij t ie , i.are in j;ne location, dune $i dally. Ions lease, low rem. will sell c 'its p t'i! 1 7 Railway Kichinge FAUTNKU WA.NTKU In light mfg. buslne.s. ttwner a very ruy nun, wants Interested help. Tskea hut litt mor.ey. s good wage Cail :4S Mark st. S;n AHit will handle this -fura.lied ewort bouse, elas full, rlfn $t 'l n.ont niy. fl-nvc-ln Utt tid location. jlJ l.umtfr Km hange, FART Interest established business r.etwr.g better than 15 per cent ; w -t i 9 cn.tiic. ftiiiest ltivst;gatlon fumned. L b4i. tires; on tan. CASH lilUKTKRT. doing eU day; tin deliv ery: nice . lean stxk. good fl st urea. cheap rent. rusp in: selling on rtutii of slcknee. -"-T.'.. Cat 11 31 A Lumber Ktrbanit. iTH AI.F. SM ALL "cl.OTMINn 5TOKK. 1FST I.1TTLF. TOWN FOR HUMNF I N 1 H I". V.M.I.KV. W ILL M.LL AT IN 1QK. AOl'HKSf AV eI. o!r; N I A V III TTKlt. ecs etc. Mv se'.f-e r s ia . e:i Stock and future f .r can try ie b u s- r. r m be Cail room 5."9 Morgan bl'.g. a 1 1 cash; w til f ..V and 1 r you bu KuK $. you can t-uy this stiwppy each cm eery ; 3 modera 11 n g -room, low rent, Al location, oeitt twrgaia on market. Lumner Fvhang. v lt T LA Ml Resrsurant Men's A a'. .-.. has Seeral Bool reetsuraniS fot Sa.e. ee Y oung. se rctsr y. U j Chn.ter -f Com DKLlCATKSSktN. bakery. Ittnclies. old et. Take H value; 5l- lUiuber Kl- Itae; no :onipelitun. ol trde. lvent $ .U. Cl.KA.MNw at.d pressltig establish men t ; good est b.d location ; dotug big I usi nea : 1 living - room la rear ; wi il eacr f ice tor $ .oo. Ca J 5 1 a Lumber $; hange. OWNtH lusy garage wants active partner to attend custom era. -ll supplies, !. Hut lut e money required. cm11 4 ttark st. M 1 1. lT.N I : iT Y I I S IN K s t a. r eu u c 1 1 o n Hi at will astoniah you. Large Hi of cus tomer. Flckoea reason for setting. Only $!.. Call . I Lu;nler Kvchatige. Ft K KALE l'en:s tori urn D Works; gd buainrss C. Jacoboon. managsr, luu per.denc. Or. WANTKD 1'ai ty with $.oo to lake ha.f Interest In uiornot l' nuiriuUclursiif btislnef. Address It -7, Oreson!sn. OHOC It Y de;iratessen and con feet loner . 2 living rooms. For sa.e cheap. a couut III lly owner, a3 Huoiil st. I'A HTN Lit with gv-oai to lay worains lutr t In c oog iatng ousiness. our.g man preferred. A J Pi, fr-t.Un. HAROWAHK s.ore. kooU hustnea snd lation: $luu cash necessary. A 'regor.!en. riI .KN" 11 1 rooming - Lous . dsndy ' ca- t ion : b st bu y in .1 . rasunsd.e. Own. er s''k. F t-i. OreEonlan. WILL fcLI.L mv gr -ery for less than In o.ce. Ooing $11. per sr. Account of sickness. I' t Z 'J. Oregon lan Or.i't'HY. confectionery, soda fountalu. 3 19 HviLs-rousns. all for $-0, rent $lo. 2 1st st. PARTNER Cleaning and dye works, rnaK good w ags m lille Uarrlng. Oood plac; $ Mm. i.,; Lumlfr Kirhfnrf. CArH tiltACKRY Ha nic It vtug .riiu ; low rent, good trad : only $o. e this t-dy. 'I S tark at. hK.-lAUKAXT Fin location. o:j est ao liai.od, cheap rent. $too. AO VJJ, Orego ma v. I'AKTN Kit v.ultd (or beat 'lufi tes ta urant In I'ort. end; oniv $11 repaired; 1 r t r a t e at Otice. J l. res-onian. CO n F EfT I N Lit V. soft drink a downtown. busy Oistrlct. Rent !-. nnap st this price, $ '2 m. Lo m 3"J Lumber L k change. hMAl.L restaurant fir -lo. a srap f r $.' east pa tnna. M H.7, 1re g on an. LI;K.fcSMAKINi MIUP for asle g . n : pt y of work . T at a tr (rfon;a. liA KHKio llat g-cbsir shop for sa.e. Rus.y. !a rah field. Or. MLK1 HANUHK stor for sal. App. Tboa. IL lw. Cecil. r. J-v" HAIR lea ting bai erhop ciiftn, good locstion; cit . c i i a 6- -O iructr) stogie cheap rent; owner. hnd fivturee for $JVK: ! suT. tirrcnnlan. KOOMING-HOl r-A. $5o CAt-ti. Lslsnte ess. a rxoms and e p ir.g porch, attract! elt furr.lhed. f.o , nc itfhborhixxl. This ta sn exr. ptionsl bar. rain: wlil certainly p!es ou. Ill N. t: l st, nl'LL N Ll I l-par t meni hue tifca&t I nilon. filled :th dt-siri'l tenants, p lis: profits, rent reduce 1 half price. Terms W-ln M-4. 414 Tsmhl! st. 3d luuM d C los la. good I urottur. r pt. etc r3taiu best. Pot and ro'-d water. Rent $1. Can clear $!" m. ." c.tsli. bs 1. terms. Call rA-4 Lumber F tchuiige. "fi- f; OM botel. ceatra:!y locsted. cheap rent, for as'e at a barrsin or will laws psrirer. CaM ?S Nonh Th St. lA I. A I N rms. f ami 1 are si most new. ft.2 . w rooms rented; price $ loo. Fas Oak t. rent 41 NKAlt r. bouse. $1V i;oO furniture of a. Salmon Mn:KKS' hif!. !: r.-"ns, .? M Mam 11-. HI'n:iT injp In Poi'tei.-L 1 T - r . lex ie trie a nsIL Alaxsaa 7v4. VOMIiG-ROrnL 4o-tuOM NoULMN hoILl. Rent IT V r;.s, bu. iitg. w eU fur nished. w::i trau I r tanvh. I'nce vf Ijtrif.iinii. sit o SkiK'M At'ARI MKST-IIOCSK. ?tnt $ 1 r g kw4 lata.iuts, $ 4 -o rasX bsisree if ilc. Ti-KouM Al'AKTV KNT.lOlK Itwt of I'MtiiiD, mt-tn iu kry re-spe- ; : :i tr- e tor ie n-5 n r i"T land. KiTTKlt. a I'K 1-KJT. ."7 J cf TraJe li.: h E. cU.e in. ; ro:r. rc.os: ir ii. K . g 1 f u re. dnp rv nt . if old tc-cy w l;l Mv for 4 I T . 1 T rash, ba.soce raoct.h.ij ps:nracs to sat buter. C-i Zl Lumber Lfc-. n.. Id cd Mark. MH4. 1L E LL.N T. Lewd lng Hotel-A part :w&t aouso Afttt Hotb RJ r and Swlter I'retsrted. O-dest Reilsu. Aseary la City, fro- j. W. bank bld , ih cd stornse. HOTEL FvK i-ALE-Ttae best pmg So-rscu hotel In tfcs best tow a is, ux r goa. A f u.i mt estig a t.on Ine-tcd. Vrlti end b cwavincco. Ad cre A s't . Ore goute n. JOh'sALK Furniture of 1 1 - room room sg. bus. hou kep:cc . s-eimg rooms. Owter, 241 Ma su Main sM. STLCl tL NOT It I NOTICE OF RECEIVERS b A LU I li order of the Juuit ,f the uirrior Ccurt of I'ac;fic Couut, Washinston. li wui a:, to t:e highest b:oder. t.r rs!t. of th aaels -f tt.e R:nohd Tfut con.pany. a bs&kmg rrroouuoti etit . lo sted at t !. t.ijf of Hi) m-ou. I'aciliO Cou:. . ashing ;otu e'a.ti jse;s constst of notes sevured end uitcurl. an Interest in ral esiate. improtem. n wr rau'.s and the f states a eo,ul:nent of e.d Htjmar.J libit CompTii. a. 4.a4 at appr oa .mstely e aty-two ti;cuasid U.. 4h-4 uo.iara. srorc.t.g to an a r A.;uit t recent . made by con we i ent luto. Fu.I ii.I at main mi.; be fuii-iiKj n ihi sa.l upon ii;4J.iy vi nresel o A. V. 1 1 a m m uii lnrlr of tf-e l.siuond 1 rust c omp:. . l.ii.r., Wast. bid must Je ec.onpi..u t a trf i;f.r4 cev.g or Oat. k uis.'t crwu .n f4or of A. W. llammot.d. r-vier of j lia mond Ttusl t utgtc), for fiw hun dred $jm co::;a. i tie neat to reject any and s:l is ttHrwa by re Oliver. At. '.cpo .a w . be returned t the unurcif ul bidOera. Datd at K)inubii. U ash.. Jurw 1$1$. A. W. HAkiluNU, Reviver of theRamond 'I t ust . o.npany. IN Tli E Dir-TKJCT t v. li T tF Tlir. United Siaie lor tie l..rit -t otcs'-n. In th m;ier of Mucr . Kr i r 1 rcra. d Uig t t.s.nces as tie Kiwatts i r-.'. sr.d 1 heo. Kr js-. lt.l. Id jaj . t-a i wps beied blvls w l.i be I in un dersigned fr a sl- s, or mer hsnd-f. eom-p-a of t nre iota. Ltos t ue i.uJt on ear n lot Kl4t.ii.) . the f.rt ln c-n-s. sting c-f gtove.le of 'llie lit oli V.'J of 4.1 li. e-onU Lt tor.isli g f ' gsra. cissret tea and lol . i . ot the n ole a.Uc mI L.'J .'1; u third It con stating of ai.d llviuois of tt.e in Voir viiul t $1tvt?, .ip lo 13 ov noon July Id, lull. Ti.e inmlry ol these goods is on ft.e at ill renvn bui.uing and th prop-rtr mv l- i t--i st " l-rtun li - s ii V iihintuxi s:ret i et i rasu. ra c a sit ueislt or certified c 1 lo er cent of the amount ; It :d must e panv each r:r subnutt l. i Me r t reserved t- eject S n sni S .: l."'- muted. l-aiea l Portland. orrgi-t. t:.l l.tli day ol July. i"i W . K ITT N . Tru t - I lie litrict Court of tli Unite! Male for tne Iiwtrt-l vt t -re u. u to ur of tciinor titocety Co, Unktopt. Lequet for bid. I w tl reel o seaird bids .r IH tol'owing prcperiY of ' - l-i.fU t. l a'rd "r storeroom or;net ly o-rti ;'-! r-r a 1 L.nkiut.t at .M lentti street, lort'.d. no to and until 1- o il" k lon n W ottne !. Ju.y -I. I'.'lV t ottice T - 4 7 Moig-u I'-ttUnd. i r- -n h:irk of a ..! a. warea snd met r h nu i roiimdidt of stoceriea. etc- t lt'i inven tor e.l value of 4 .7: f Htun s ler laintng to the eme of ttie Invrnluilrd value of $ rl sut-Jert lo tne t- t'.l of tl-.e t U : U C-itll(e1 clieck I lo ir irtit of I ie amount .r?id mtM company rath Md. lneutoi y of the Mtit4ttr may be ween at tiy d f ice. and th property Inspec ted upon H"n t meat IN THt I'lbTKlCT COURT OF 1 li U 1'nit l Ktaies for tn Ditlct of oregoa la lbs matter of L- V . Ivoctiiclt. tank- niiit Ivsiiut st for bids. I win re . ie sealed Mds for a 1912 model Overland automoln le. former ty I l.ns.iu to tl. atoe itauird ban rupt. and taiuk'.ril in e. i-tt ae at o. - l.. at lortl-nd. up lo and until 1 - o clo k noon on Vonuy. July 1 1. 11'. my oflire. No. 54U-4? Morgan LlUg I on land. r. i .r-t ifled check for IO per cent of tne Skftaount offeiea mut o:iati y ea t bid -je fui;nl to lite appioal of tne ttuil. Attloiuol'i. may le liistectd at tUe garage at the aOoe adfw. R. L. rAllIN. Trustee. hKAl.Kl diKe.ii win te ri-ti exi at i f t;o Uj!' s c nrl. 1 v ou r : oi. - uu;.l 4 P M iliuii-i. Ju.v l.. l. l Jor Aurmb') Ha. I ,ns rs f r new fau k,-1,.! ti.,.1 m i.l be iiwarJ la t .om J 'ttur t bouse at same i:n. i r 1 f - Is toj.r- f-r . ana and sfe..? rations hlri ma Ue obtair.ed at M or; 1". A N ram re, s j p-r.n . n! n t tf prep en i s t..urt aue. tcrtf.ei c . for in i-r cnt of amui.t of prop -ui pw a Hie to K 11. rt ot a-e.:in It!-e-!rtra re.-e Thitna, S-hoc: l .fffc -. oroal. Hoard t; ig:t u reject say and i pu r.-- R it. il-MAK, rd July 1 1, 1. A P:hucl Clerk. LALKt. b. I f .r . nooi i mil iri t N " t th off eceiel for hau 1. to:taom e of ttm unocs.g t. tron. 4.! rib. jm- I. ll-li. en.l .an.l. :-fc.u. tr.i. 4 V. M . Js.y t a fei:t s 4 . m . J : tour house. r.j le open o te hr.J of I 'to o at J l. I iU In JST-Clf i-elo may be r-rt a lned f Lee of K H Tn tms. ir!o-l rk. onr tiouse. Vn 1 -A fie. k for f .V psat;e It H. Thomas. t-r?il r.-rk. mus accompany a r proposal llanl of l:-re-cior r'iui t!i rg :il to reject ;iy nd a 1 propo: IL II. Tl TOM AS. Pchool Clerk. T-sted Jur lo. Ul-V HIOo F"K HAlrtS AM M'Li;- 7r I m ver n of O- if n w u. i cl bMa nntll 1 IV M July r IvLV on cr.a:rs etia -a u dox -.dn. R:nt resered to rtj""i en1 r si! I i.'.i Pp. :r:cs:io- L.rr.s-:.d on st-rlirstlou. l . JviH Nr v. Sfa-i'. vAI V R" Lri ef f i a . e. re.-ond llM,cl. t.and. 'r. e. prvpoa!s .l l-e feceied b re un it i vj Jt Iv 1 v li.:- and then opene.1. f r corstru -t Irtf t W -ov! o f te t-a t era. F urt her Ir.f or ma, ion on aj pl.t.'- ri"NANCAL. xNTKl f '. k of ' M nine M:g. V o. ef l o'n Ma T Uflll tt.titi nu.-'iers :or s-.'-o ii.-j - lu anr. iie Rose Cty 1'srk bom. F P-'a rgtnt-n. It u. VIHJ.T and irtOi.d mor t f S . es. ,so Interest in contracts purc: asd. Ul'lo r n H. K No Luui-ermen il. a 1K-T-. LA - mottgaee b-sr.u. Mr i liiterest t r fc . irirn, i;a.s onTy ; lao c .mm t"ft!""i- Wff pi T mtr.(u bonds and notes. WLTFKN liONl A alOllTdAutl CO, 4th L. Rcerd of Trade b:dg W buy notr. bonds and mortgage Rob ertson A Kwlrg. IQT.g N. W. Uai.k b.dg. MisRTO At loai.a, notes contrscts. mtga purr ase.) U is A Co.. 4 Lew is b.dg. Money t om on Heal t stale. riUV ATK" rl'M'P N HAND. I . --o at 1 ' . ; - -o n i at 1- a it.., ml 'V . M KI'.N .IK A C-.. :r bMg. ;0- I N" smourts of and op on fLet- cia security st " per rer-t. UKL(JN 1 V V V. STM L N T A MORTO A'SK I'OMi'AN V. IN. o: Ftock Ki. b.d.. Ad end Yauihi.l a-s kTiTi; school r.i-ney t lend on Improved (,r.)i It Muoornah l'UM V. U "T cent Interest AppUcatl" rva sh-u..l be a.dr,d to Arthur lAisruti. Attorr-e histe i.and R '.vr-1. ' I-'1 g 'ar l i 1 " git $l0O snd upward on improved rra. estate fs orable term a . no de.s y. n btokersge. Jotio Bam. &vT psicing b.'dg loans on ln ;ro MolvT'. AOK LiAN6. 4 and T C sv.N a IjOI 1 aU'Ml'N 4 C. . gov OAK a. thlATK MONK V. ALL A MOI N TS M T h " L K - 3 A N". at Cli .v U kj vOM TO ts' O"- at to Per ceol H. L Mjfton. s!7 Worcester b:dg. Mam 441 aToNkCV try amount. lo 4 rer ce&L W."h ttts gt v o . J 14 a:diBga.dg rp."i4AN"u CI TT MOBTGAvlK LO A N a. A. H HARDIN Q. 11 1 li A M OF v o at. ITM TO LOAN Tsbor ir-V on real ml S-U $Oo utrntkB Co I C ba t ' Nu. $ i mhj Kred mtr of Commerce M v N r. X 00 1-ar.d tr mt r :," b- r S h-.i (TV r r-. I a M N L V I rjn. I. d 11 per c :t. 111. 1 HAV K from $VkW lo I0 to ioa good feat set 1 4AJ, Oregon !r 7 1 Tl i 1 4 A N el T t r -t. t . C ' : Hoard cf Tr-srle V!nJ1'':. ""slONKT TO LOAS IS ANT AMU' NT Hammond Mr fssee.4.4t.e.n X rw iT'-o'T' LOAN oil tr. eV.l-. F ..c- tT he- 1 b f or iL WILL 1 an .. hi. i. -r if t. o1 s-ci-- A it g i. s m nous 1Laa vs . C. faim. 1 LrviUi, . kfcAcLV sa CO, -.i CVaJ-k. ILNAM 1AL. Mee lo Lesia ma liesvl t-'isla. SOMI LEANED lmprod nus.aoas pv-y. A to per renU Improved reeide-svc prwn. 4 to T par ce&U Luproved farm rflr"ty T t pw ctiu Vli.i2'' rw..L Y v. O. 711 I'uivKiL i-. a, UuNi-V IO LOAN ON Ikl'KuLi) Kl AL, i..-T 1 t ILl'i.Nw 1 v lL.b a.vri.Ai.1., NO v'vv ATE frO It . i rLLAl 4 1 m ua. COLL MblA i t- at i.k t V-lO M Ai-L'lNw ii.L. guKluAub LOAN a. Any artwanu iw. i ' r rt.y AltJSWUt .iwt1t A. it. blhiikwL V 21? Nortu.;a a.i a idg. Kara. .a.: 4 i i 4, A-iv To LOAN - I 1 . i.NT, $oxu. $; vi j t j .' o . On li!..i royeitj. l:ftf si a.. to ti Oo Us a 4-L . fl ue - 3 jd g - MoNEV lo i.a at i ) to 7 rr tc&i, I'ait- .ar.a buii.a 41.4 vill. &tia )..t at iaperf.U SAAUL a U.N llull. li4 si . nrr mi- Clll AM) sAKM LOANa. Lo w est tais N 6. C. U. rIMONi'S - r " l."". TO Loan iu su... s-i.u- 4:: K- t isu. l . . . t-.Us,. ,. k. i it ,a iiU.l man UuLiuAuik CO. ei hu.NtlaAN U OCR ot N t.ya lv; lo. v so. bLbv). 1 o Loa .v 4 o. Iftl M. 1 OAKW I 11 ti: MP'V iu 1 1 Willi t yrr t mi lo piie lu-iCi i-e cr(Kt, ia.r iiatji.-tjU A. K. Hil-U 4i- C Hv.Kt . aub Loans .n an t'lktut-'A IN V . e. MLaivjAiJ Mva t.icl.ftt.t b ufc.. u a..a 1 o a per ceil monej s ou pws..eas prop er; y, spartmewta, un...Lk, ia.o.a. iL l ossom, 1 1 . J .v-nis;m is a bug -i AM' 1- t -!. ta. evur.iy. I i - i iciu rr -i i i'i..ii.;n-. Money la I oea 4 bottcls svad vaeVe. I x; ii i a a- loan a " UN l'.Aiiv.4.'.- AND .tLLKY A A lAi-L.N Jv A t i.C" We bkM oue vf li s f.t.; eery lult u .l.e .... A . t ... I .s cu,ulcJ u i. .... .... M.aa ti.g os.i.ess a . . i i L U'J a.AJi. vs. at e to e -s A us-gel..a u -U ss .p.oU o l.'oi.l h o -' r A.l tt.crct.suu'M iewau !' 4 jf iitwuios, w... -v r cr b( is paiU w !:. d a r .... i Or eu eel a .-d S- -e I ? . Ao tuttlira.t-l w.tu su oio.r .'. u viist.uii; tu til at " A. M LM.UoV.Uii; jLV.UXl.a, nIAAL i.iitlli u .C. Liv.sNCa.iA O-deat sisb.4btl ioaa company In tKou. .".:i, a...a.s lOs.Ua S t r !: . . Owt.l4aiL.a4. Our e I. -known rcputs: ou I-r sitr deaiii.g aid cvuacvM Ufu')ti.i u Ufa pest as or wesi ICl:vi.. S TAT t- SLv-TCKiTV UJ LH (.J Sj t a A.g. llUsl A U t.oA.v. Y UC ...N j i. It viA V at 1 i av- en D-a:'.n-s a - Cans. I biunwi i-l j- a. T Aiatoi ..a lay bak . it or moie. lB;u .4 A pel iUL OFFICII A.-.". -4 i j.IVATK. 1 uK i LAN - 4-v.. . i i t-. $11 i.-c-.i.;ii !-- . ai.i St.. .t.a : aft. M-.N lm . 4 .Nv LIZJ A .. 4 or . . LT. A.i l.r-s i. i vi. .w tr. teiie 4." fc-v tor U. less. t.Lh . v.-i-. .N V i.i. ..... I. $m Lu...icr La- I ti .-i ? a. a : We. mo w 1 j.i st kiit. ua I a . f tne Vii&. ; 4 j u .ij(ta tr W N T..I-. ;.-. a; A 1 n : - - lu i M KL.N. IL e . - - ' r.r b.dg. ;m hoi: Mmi;h;a',i: l 'an A1TLKA- 1 1 1 N i l"i si i.r s ee. i.i.t. end r. unUi.N IN, -a Aio.; v . INC tova LU l. 1"4, ui.i k i..i4i.i OUs. Mara4oa4 -U-s A 444 Vv A N 1 l.- -." tri ot I a I -r "il,. Nii'oh. li ul . .: st 4.U $.'. 0 V AN i P r-o pe t -. . A K. 11K 1" m--r:gsge ai I - . N N . I i k I . T.M LI-" : - r . . i-e lu M U i ..if N T r. I Hi' a: ur 4 " . . t :.v1 a, t :-. . b.c V A N i $k. O f lo p-r 1. 1 i)i in - . t h. aife la , per I...' Lst . o U.b(il ' ' - li o 1 a. nr i t.i Lu l-LTt ANN! M I tote seen ii . AV 1. v. ILkMJ.ML A Am tU.'if ttUiJ tot I . i. bi.; tor .a. as asi I t . . swe lift .le 4-lM, a.- I--. 4. ta Mee U uu.. i, . . - juals lll4-u;.t. io-i . . a - -L- Ci.t'.'.) v-a;..;a iiv a . !.. i.-". lea te . . il A . t. a i Ji.a .a. .. a 44 . .a m a i .vps uiwy ui.. i 'iiii-U!'." a i:aRMan, M.i.L, it A 4 At. A A it. hAiU. 0'tl.l Ia. lw-.--.-iL .Uo..ll Vj . iol. le. X. 1 -: ! 4-S KUl.No lit) Alf Ui x lor C vU I at. v . . . . c ..e.Mu .......: IMI.ICU. V . . . . . .-C llS.ialtM j.yj,, u .s I. .. i t. v 4 a u i. ar.v.ij. U-l ..a.l. ..a---ei.k ei.g... l;.ve ...;. . . 1- 1 1 i ai ! s. V as:i r a loi kill. A.l 1 tV. LiAs i-T 4W UANLiiLi. Ladlt.g .a ia u.aa .s. i.res! stock Lumau la., a "- si.v..-e c up. i,..ll!tU.. 4l..1.y.'. -1. St.- p D.i.1, ,a.i-a 1.4 u or.t. 1 i; v oii, .al awn.o-. Xmm-U s. 1 ivkN 4- i ixe li .A.t,r, i.euina- I . a. i. i 4 M.I.C A 1 uu.a. Lie a. A . Mu- . ..!.. s4Uf a 1.:. L-e. iij t . Al..oi. uise U ntes- No AAd. ! (. av4 u . o u leltuu e.. a 1- ..v v a, --a . 1 7e et.e a Ai v-S At L" NL . a. i-l, l.a.i.i a. a. tea '... ! 1 2ol a a . - . t l 4- OSSASLSUt- ik l m SU Sit I't'.i I U M N ; t-v ill a ;ed. t.t e.l u u.. s it :.o ..t tai U. u; ea 1:1 l HO.. Lr. iiiei. .au Si-e-I l.ooe AasI 4.-.C --J 4 -1- (3 . I .ij'AJ i.nriilk. SLlAt.; I L ALU'k M. Mljf A. ir.fa Clfol 4 ....ti v d. eoa ouu I. M. . 1 esu- ii-ii sit. su x.srs..s. A A N k.r.etl 1- s a t ; at t:i t. L. ! l - 4.0.- lu A. M. si. 4 a. aiK. si:l.n. : 1 t LbMHtJ i..Ult B&d C.4 1 a;u..i slau - JTit-N i 1 e 1 " - uv 0:1.... c- ii"" 1 1 a 1 a 1'ort.aUiO s le . xoatii. Ht:.r of v a .or su 11 lU'it'.i .1 ior r " u ;r.a : .li, e Man . . . - j c si si a l.' n or i v rt LuXiit Aua. cii eriU t bu la: Ai-ut iJ.ois, iw A. a O, aT3T"i l 4 L i. i-i 1. .. .al r. . ;.r.t i eu44su ;i3 A..ak t-.g. :. US VveuuesUa 1. M. Ma. a aai- -g Lit Mvl 1.U KL A. AuilV. pAi.:esa ci ; . a . a b .g i'i we X.Q s A.r re j 1- rt t b.-a St. a 4 U4i.ol L A " 1 Iv UKt pe.-a.t4 I a ; -a ijw .1 4 . al ti ) . Li SS I ti p ir. ca. 0 fe ail.fc 'i US st. iT.i'tt Aal;i A.viM MuS CcM J'ul N . l...t; Le.c tTi.Ax.i v i : m a 1 - ' ' 1 -. ti-- ..i. - a.p -. - T ' - . t'. a..u ."-L' jl.ui-s a l v.i.e A O .. J.4... LL1-C1 1 I I.CU.A !. ta4 . o- .... 1 j t Mar. . t,l.i.n.U-A I iv.uii ai.u l) toa. ies u a tw ii.. cu.i.i s. I. as..x.gtoai l"T. -i 1 a.n 1 " etc. !... .ex-iriv - 0. . i- i O. W. A .i SJ 1 on I V AM- L ItlNii. ti a-c - 77 C 1 wJT' 1 ST1 e.e. t . c IttSi -4 a V -ri n Ms M.M Joh-A .V. rh:.; iunt ( K :. . I - . 3LTTn . v. ii.N; - : iitat 1 i ' 1 a e t- t . A . . . . 1 r.l.N i m 1 J SSjJ. 3.'" . .. "! ! t I AA.SU. SAASeCf bv V I