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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1915)
ttte aronxrxo oiiegoxtan. Wednesday, jult 14. 1915. 11 ATTEMPT TO PROVE BRIBERY LASTS DAY Percy Allen on Stand in Dodge Lumber Trial to Tell of Alleged Bond Offer. TELEPHONE CALL RELATED Witness Says Attorney Xash Asked Effect Tender Won Id Have la Settlement of $614,00 0 Case and Gives Conversation. In an effort to substantiate charges that $25,000 worth of bonds were of fered to E. H. Dodge to influence his testimony in the J614.000 timber land suit against Willard N. Jones and Frederick A. Kribs, Mr. Dodge's at torneys yesterday called to the witness stand Percy Allen, a Portland lumber man. Mr. Allen told of a telephone con versation between himself and William . 8. Xash, attorney for Mr. Kribs, early In the month of June. "Mr. Nash called me up," said Mr. Allen, "and said: I've' been awful hard on Dodge. I haven't said anything to Jones and Kribs about this, but I think I can work out something for tiodge here. 1 want to know what you think Dodge would think if I offered him $25,000 worth of the J. K. Lumber Company bonds to get him to use his Influence to settle the case.' Bond DUrniwloii Related. "Mr. Nash wantedvme," ' said Mr. Allen, "to ask Mr. Dodge if he would help try to work out a settlement in the lawsuit provided they gave him what was left of the J. K. Lumber Company bonds." "Did you think Mr. Nash offered him the $25,000 worth of bonds in order to influence his testimony in this suit, or to get him to help settle the suit out of court?" This question was asked by A, E. Clark, chief counsel for Mr. Kribs. Mr. Nash leaned forward eagerly to catch the answer. "I understood it was to, help settle the case," answered the witness. Mr. Nash sighed and smiled slightly. Efforts of both sides to shake the witness in either direction were un availing. "Have you talked with Mr. Nash about this?" asked Mr. Mannix. "Yea." "What did he say?" Fall Testimony Advised. "He asked me to be careful what T said. He said to be sure I told all; that if I wasn't careful in my testi mony it would ruin him forever. He wanted me to be sure to tell every thing all the facts, he said." Mr. Allen's efforts at all times, ap parently, were as a peacemaker. "Mr. Nash called me up," he said, "and wanted to know how we could reconcile the figures in the complaint with the figures in Mr. Dodge's books. The complaint said Mr. Dodge had $500, 000 when he came here from San Fran cisco, and his books didn't show that much. I told him no doubt Mr. Dodge himself could give a satisfactory ex planation, and I would ask him. "We had a meeting In my office, and Mr. Nash at first seemed very unfriendly toward Mr. Dodge. He eaid something about making him look wirough the bars if he colored his testimony against Kribs and Jones. Compromise Thought Afir. "Somehow the conversation - worked around and we got near a settlement of the whole case. This was before the conversation about the $25,000 worth of bonds." "How about these figures in the com plaint and in Mr. Dodge's records? Could you reconcile them?" asked Mr. Clark. "No, sir." "They didn't Jibe?" "No, sir." Yesterday morning Mr. Clark con cluded his cross-examination of Mr. Dodge without asking him about the bribery charges. Mr. Mannix did not begin his redirect examination at once, but called J. F. Cox, a timber cruiser, who had cruised part of the Skamania County tract involved in the suit. Late yesterday Mr. Mannix called Mr. Kribs to the witness stand to identify a big bunch of letters written about the time an effort was being made to float the $900,000 bond issue on the timber land. Mr. Kribs will resume the stand this morning. SOCIALIST HELD INSANE Mrs. Emma Golufo, Office Seeker, Is Committed to Asylum. Mrs. Emma Golub, Socialist leader and candidate for office at several re cent elections, was adjudged insane yes terday after an examination by Dr. William House, and probably will be sent to the asylum at Salem today. Insanity charges were preferred against Mrs. Golub as a result of a re cent attack on Police Captain H. A. Circle, whom she declared o be her worst enemy. Testerday at the County Jail she refused to answer questions put to her by Dr. House, but offered no violence. . Recently Mrs. Golub sold all her property in Portland and said she was going to Honolulu to meet her husbanu. JITNEY ACT CASE ARGUED Early Decision ty Supreme Court on Ordinance Expected. Whether jitneys shall be regulated In accordance with the ordinance adopted by the voters June 7 is up to the State Supreme Court. Briefs and arguments were presented before the Court yesterday by City Attorney La Roche and Deputy City Attorney Tom llnson, representing the city, and A. W. Lafferty, representing the Jitneys. An early decision is expected by Mr. La Roche. He said upon his return to Portland that the Court wants to get ita docket clear before the vacation in August. Mr. La Roche says he has cause to believe that the decision will be rendered within a short time. MR. UNTERMEYER VISITOR Noted "Trust Company" Lawyer Hurries Away to San Francisco. Samuel f ntermeyer, of the law firm of Guggenheimer, Untermeyer & Mar shall, one of the greatest law firms of New York, visited in Portland yes terday for just a little more than two hours, before he was obliged to hurry down to Flavel to take the steamer for San Francisco. Mr. Untermeyer and his party, which consists of ten persons. Including his family, came West via the Canadian Pacific and are on their way to San Francisco. Mr. Untermeyer and his wife made a quick run about the down-town sec tion of Portland before boarding the train for FlaveL and Mr. Untermeyer filled in the moments of the sight seeing trip In conversation with friends who had met him at the depot. Samuel Untermeyer has been one of the most prominent "trust busting" lawyers in the United States, as wel as one of the strongest corporation attorneys. Most of his fights In big corporation cases have been in the defense of the Interests of minority stockholders as against majority stockholders. He reiterated yesterday his well known stand favoring the regulation of the stock exchanges by the Federal Government to prevent wild-cat specu lation and manipulation of the market. Expressing himself opposed to Gov ernment ownership of railroads, he de clared yesterday that he favored strongly Government-owned steamship lines. "It takes millions to build up steam ship lines and to find markets for our products," he eaid, "and requires more money as a rule than a group or in dividuals can raise. Railroads can take care of themselves, but with steamships it is different until they have been firmly established." As to business conditions, he de clared that, excepting in lines of In dustry occupied in production of war material, conditions are not the best, and predicted advances In the rates of Interest soon. Mr. Untermeyer's private car will be sent from Portland and will be wait ing for him when he Is ready to leave San Francisco. ORPHEUM FILM CHANGES "SECRETARY OF FRIVOLOUS AF FAIRS" OPENS TOMORROW. Harold Lorkwood and May. Allison Are Starring in Bis; Feature Play With Many Thrills. "Secretary of Frivolous Affairs." a Mutual master picture, featuring liar Old Lockwood and May Allison, is a big Harold Lockwood la erreury of J-'rl voIoum Affairs." screen production that will open at the Orpheum Theater tomorrow. Di rector Ricketts merits unstinted praise for the staging of the scenes in this splendid picture. Many of the Inte riors are elaborate In structure and appointments and there are several beautiful exteriors, all in perfect har mony with the requirements of the story. In conjunction with fine pho tography the scenes are pleasing. May Allison and Harold Lockwood. In the leading rcHes of Lulie and Hap Hazard, claim chief attention through out. Miss Allison is a beautiful girl and a talented actress, and Mr. Lock wood is a good-looking young man and an Impressive and popular actor. The story opens with Lulie In search of a Job, which she obtains when the wealthy Mrs. Hazard makes her her secretary of frivolous affairs: in other words, her social secretary. Her most important duties, Mrs Hazard indicates, are to separate the son of the house. Hap Hazard, from an older woman with whom he Is In fatuated, and the daughter from a young author who has everything but money. She succeeds in the first of these commissions, but in the latter rightly enough she fails. One of the most exciting chases re cently shown In motion pictures oc curs in this big feature, and many other thrilling scenes keep up the in tense interest throughout. Today are the last times "The Island of Regeneration" will be shown at the Orpheum. This great Vitagraph blue ribbon feature, with Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno In the leading roles, is superior to any feature thus far shown at the Orpheum. INFORMER MAKES TROUBLE Alleged "Stool-Pigeon" Blamed for Firemen's Row. Sledding is decidedly hard for "stool pigeons" in the fire bureau, judging from testimony taken yesterday by the Municipal Civil Service Board In the case of J. W. Bannon, a fireman dis missed recently for "unbecoming con duct." Bannon was charged with drinking and with having a woman at the fire station. Several firemen who had worked with him in the service de fended him, saying that the charges were untrue. It was declared by sev eral witnesses that the charges were originated by a "stool-pigeon." The name of the alleged stool-pigeon was not brought out. The case will be continued this afternoon. RABIES IS PREVENTED State Health Officer Administers Pasteur Treatment to Ten Persons. Dr. Calvin S. White, State Health Officer, is administering the Pasteur treatment to 10 persons from various sections of the state who have been bitten by rabid dogs and coyotes. Four persons from Tlgardville, who had been bitten about a week ago by a dog be longing to Dr. F. D. Vincent, started the treatment yesterday. They are the two sons of Dr. Vincent, 17 and 18 years old; Gladys Retzlaff and the 4-year-old son of Theodore Kesler. The dog was examined in Dr. White's offlce'and found to have had rabies. Others taking the treatment Include four men who were bitten by coyotes in Eastern' Oregon, one man from Lake view and one from Independence. Burned Cannery to Be -Replaced. ASTORIA. Or., July 13. (Special.) While in this city today P. M. Larmon, superintendent for Libby, McNeil & Libby, of Chicago, stated that his com pany will erect a new cannery at Koggiung, Alaska, to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. T,he new plant will be double the capacity of the old one. - , " - - - .: T . ..... . t .:. ' II -:, ALASKAN SAYS HIP HAS LITTLE Oil HIM Legislator, .South of Arctic Circle First Time in 12 Years, Finds Wonders. TRADE CHANCES TOLD OF M. I. Moran Declares North Country Is Barely Touched and Predicts Portland Will Reach Out for Share of Commerce. "The only thing P.lp Van Winkle had on mi was that he slept 20 years and I only 12." said M. F. Moran. mem ber of the Alaska Legislature, yester day. Mr. Moran visited Portland yester day for the first time In 20 years. He s returning to his home at Shungnak. on the Kobuk River. This Is the first tl:e he has been south of the Arctic Circle in 12 years. Although he has been "south of 63" for several months on this visit, the wonder has scarcely left Mr. Moran's eyes. "Automobiles, moving pictures, and all such things," remarked he "they didn't have these when 1 was here last. I saw an automobile in San Francisco years ago. It was quite a curiosity. About three years ago 1 saw one In Nome. One of the rich fellows shipped It In to run up and down the streets and make people look." UtrmtliK Tale Told. He had an Interesting tale to tell, and hiB fund of information about the Alaska country was seemingly Inex haustible. "After they elected me to the Legis lature last Fall I bad to start for Juneau right away so I wouldn't be frozen up. Shungnak Is 600 miles from Nome. We got a little schooner to carry us to Valdea. We were ship wrecked at Sand Point, near Poploff Island. The steamer Dora picked us up there later. "You see. I have to go to Juneau by way of Seattle. There Is no steamer line running from Nome to Juneau, and I had to get out of Nome before the freeze-up. We left there November 10, the latest, I think, that a ship ever got out. I went to Seattle, then to Great Bend, Kan., my old home, to visit my relatives. Coming bark. I stopped at San Diego and San Fran cisco, and saw the fairs, or as much of them as had been completed. That was In February. I had to be In Juneau for the legislative sessions during Match and April. Another Mad. "The north country was still frosen up and I came back to the States for another visit after the Legislature ad journed." Mr. Moran's mileage as a legislator probably was the largest ever paid to a member of a local Legislature. He got $980 from the Government at the rate of 16 cents a mile. This figures up 6533 miles that he traveled to get to the capitol. "What sort of a place is Shungnak. where you live?" Mr. Moran was asked. "It's 500 miles from Nome and 250 miles inland from the mouth of the Kobuk River. There are about 0 white people there and 300 Eskimos. The town I named It myself derives Its name from Jade Mountain, which Is near by. Shungnak Is the native word for Jade. Vea-etablea liaised There. "We raise our own vegetables there. Fve seen turnips raised on the Kobuk River that weighed five pounds. You must figure that these vegetables grow night and day. The season Is short, but it's all daylight. "Several years ago I started a fur farm up there Just as a diversion. I have every kind of fox sliver, black, white, blue and red. I want to enlarge this, too, for I believe It Is one of the coming industries of Alaska. The country Is naturally suited for It. "I didn't know until I came out last Fall that the Canadians were running fox farms on Prince Edward Island. They've been doing It for 20 years, but I hadn't heard of It. "Alaska, as a whole. Is booming. Copper has gone up. and that means good times. When I left Juneau they were milling 2000 tons a day. and were enlarging their plant, so that by August 1 they expect to be milling $000 tons a day. They have this reduced to a minimum cost. too. Hud to Opra Huge Seetloa. "The Alaska railroad will be finished as far as the coal fields by November, and that will open up another huge section of country." Eventually, It Is planned to run the road to Fairbanks In two or three years, maybe." Mr. Moran waxed enthusiastic when he began telling of Alaska's resources. "Do you know how Alaska stands on fish? Leads the world in salmon production, absolutely. "Why. people think Alaska is on the decline. Let me tell you. that country Is Just beginning to be developed. They've scarcely touched it yet. Peo ple down here don't realize what wa have up there. "As soon as Portland peonle realize the immense resources of Alaska, they will reach out and cut into this Seat tle trade. That's what has made Seat tle, the money brought down from Alaska. If it wasn't for that Seattle would be a mere stopping place be fore you got to Portland. They will come to It. too. Port land will get some of the Alaska trade, but they must realize first what Alaska Is doing. "Alaska X From Waste." "Most people think of Alaska as a frozen waste. It isn't at all. Inside the Arctic Circle people think they're wnnin a stone's throw of the North Pole. Why, the Kobuk River Is nav igable to vessels with, a two-foot draft for 300 miles. My district Is the farthest north in all Alaska, and we raise our own vegetables. The meat problem, up there is be ing solved by the Government's In troduction of reindeer. That's getting to te a mg industry, and has grown out of nothing. "Most people don't know, either. that a threshing machine was shipped Into Tanana Valley last year. It wasn't for a curiosity, either. It wa. because they needed It to thresh their oats. "Say, I have to leave at 4 o'clock. See you again when I come down next time. Good-by." Road Survey Begun at Umatilla. PENDLETON. Or.. July 13 (Spe cial.) County Surveyor Wlllard Brad ley began yesterday at Umatilla to make a survey ror one or nve proposed new county roads. Some work on the survey for the Pendleton-Umatilla road was done at this end last week, hut operations were shifted yesterday to complete the work between Umatilla and Echo sooner. The surveys were authorized by the County Court re cently on petition of the Umatilla County Good Roads Association. Everybody Enjoys Shopping at This Big, Cool and Comfortable Daylight Store! Meet Your Friends Here and Take Luncheon in Our Beautiful Tea Room on the 4th Floor Double Stamps Given today with all cash purchases made in our Model Bakery on the Fourth Floor. Mahjj Notable Reduction on Summer "Basewient Danjj 50 Rousing Specials on Sale Today fti the Basement Under price Store Double Trading Stamps Will Be Given WithAUCash Purchases Made in the Basement Today Seasonable and wanted articles for personal or home use greatly re duced in price for "Basement Day." Read this list carefully there's not a single item but what affords a splendid saving. Shop early! Boys Wash Suits, in several styles. Axes to 7 Tears, for only :i.? Boys' Wash Waists of excellent material, ages 5 to IS years, at 10c to 15c Embroideries, edges and insertions, now at, yard. 5c" Women's Suits and Coats Odd line for Clearance Sale at only $2.00 Women's Shoes in various styles, $4.00 to $4.50 grades, for $2.48 Children's Costs, ages 2 to 14 odd lines for Clearance Sale at fjl.OO Wool Sweaters, ruff neck styles, worth $2.00. Clearance Sale at OS? Girls Bathing Suits Regular $1.75 quality, special for only OH? Women's House Wrappers, light and dark colorsClearance at SI. 21) Silk Petticoats, in new Fall styles and all shades and colors, Sl.(iO Men's Shoes Button or lace styles, for work or dress. Pair JS2.Ki Girls Wash Dresses Ages 6 to 14 years Clearance price at DM? Men's Union Suits Sizes 34, 36, 38 7 jc to $1.00 grades, for -l"? 36-inch Black Messaline Silk for dresses and waists, the- yard JJ? Women's Dress Skirts in several styles. $5.00 grades, for S2.9H New Waists for women scores of styles $ 1-50, $1.75 grades D5? Children's Parasols in various styles and colors. Special for 10? Girls' $7.00 Coats in plain and Fancy weaves. Special for S2.-IH Men's Collars in light and dark colors. Clearance Sale, dozen I? 36-inch Dress Goods for akrrta, dresses, etc. 35c quality, at lot Women's Silk Dresses, worth up to $10.00. Clearance Sale Sft.OH Silk Waists in many beautiful styles. Clearance, Sale price, $2.48 Women'a Long Lisle Gloves, in various colors. 'Special, pair l-"? Women's Hose of tan cotton. Regular 12 lie grade. I'air TV? Boys' Undershirts of Summer-weight gauze 25c grade. Each 15? Beautiful Pongee Silks, m various colors. 50c grade, now at 10? 27-inch Jap Silks, in all the wanted colors. Special, yard only S'.tif Women'a Fancy Neckwear, in scores of styles. Clearance Sale at O? Women's Hose, of fine silk lisle. Regular 25c grsde. Psir only 15? Women's Sleeveless Vests Regulsr 12jc grsde. Special, pair 0? Men's Wssh Ties, in good full styles. Special today, yech. ft? 36-inch White Cambric and Twilled Muslin. 10 yards only $t.OO Wash Goods 27 to 36-inch widths. Regular 18c grades, yard O? 5-inch Fancy Ribbons, of good hesvy grade. 35c quality for only ID? Women's Handkerchiefs, of fine sheer quality. Clearance, each "? Women's Union Suits, two styles. Regulsr 65c grade, now at 47? Men's Handkerchiefs, full sizes, 10c grade. Special today, each f? White Cotton Voiles, 36 inches wide. 25c grsde. special, yard 12? Royal Worcester Corsets New $1.50 models. Special for only TO? 10c to 15c Laces Torchon, Val and Shadow at a yard only 5? Women's Union Suits Low neck, sleeveless. 50c grade for 30? Women's Black Cotton Hose Regular 12! ic grade. Special, pair 9? Men's Khaki Pants with belt loops. Special today, a pair, at OH? Boys Union Suits of lightweight Balbriggan, 50c grade, at only 44? Handbags, Purses. Music Rolls, etc Clearance price at only 2-? Catnping Blankets of good heavy cotton, size 50x72 inches, only (10? Fine Torchon Laces, put up in 6 yards to package all for only lO? 10c Toilet Paper 1000 sheets to the roll. Priced special, the roll, ft? Boys 2-Pant Suits of blue, brown, gray mixtures. Special at $3.15 Boys Knickerbocker Pants of corduroys, mixtures. Special, pair 40? July Clearance Sale Aluminum Ware Basement Hundreds of pieces of Aluminum Ware on sale at a sav ing of about one-third. Almost everything for kitchen or canning. 50c Pudding Pans reduced to 3D? 95c Frying Pans, special at O.T $1.00 Round Casseroles at 78? 2.25 Oval Casseroles for SI. 4(1 $2.20 Aluminum Tea Pot at SI. X I $2.65 Aluminum Tea Pot at $1.((. $2.75 M. &. B. Coffee Percolator $2 $1.75 Cereal Cooker, 2-o.t., S1.2-" $3.50 Double Cooker, special $1..0 $3.50 Covered Roaster for S1.7D COc Sauce Pan, special at 20? 14-inch Guaranteed Lawn Mowers. 16-inch high-wheel, ball-bearing Clearance Sale of Furniture 3 Splendid Bargains in Oak Rockers Third Floor These are of late designs and extra well made. $3.75 Slid Oak Arm Rocker. Sale price $2.98 PAV1HGPLANT PROPOSED COMMISSIONftR. DIECK AMIUU FOI CITY TO HA.XDLE REPAIRS. Budget For t Veer Will larlade 9IO.OOk For Faalpaaeot Whlck Is Ex ejected to Cot Costa. Establishment of a municipal paving repair plant Is to be sought by Com missioner Dleck. of the municipal de partment of public works. In his bud get of special appropriations for next year. Announcement to this effect was made yesterday. The proposed plant would cost prob ably $10,000 and be fitted for the repair of pavements of all types. Including concrete and asphalt. Mr. Dleck says this Is, a necessity, owing to the vast amount of pavement which will come under munlplcal maintenance at the end of this year. It Is his plan If the plant Is estab lished to guard, all pavement carefully and repair holes as soon as they de velop, so as to curb the rapid failure of pavement, due to the enlargement of small holes by heavy traffic. It Is es timated that the plant can be so oper ated that pavement can be repaired much cheaper than by employment of uavlng concerns. An investigation along this line has Olds, Wortman &King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 (Ctearance Sate 99 White Mt'n Ice Cream Freezers 1-qt. size S1.4. 2-qt size Sl.KO 3-qt. size $2.00 4-qt. size $2.4 ." Mason Fruit Jars, complete with porcelain-lined covers Pint Mason Jars, dozen for 40? Quart Mason Jars, dozen for 7? l-Gal. Mason Jars, dozen for K5? Pint Economy Jars, dozen 8.1? Quart Enonomy Jars, dozen $1.00 Mason porcelain-lined Jar Caps, priced at the dozen, only lo? Economy Jar Caps, dozen, 20? Double Trading Stamps with cash purchases in Basement J.odsy. Priced for Clearance, special $3.00 Lawn Mowers. Special for $0.40 $3.25 Solid Oak PQ QCT Rocker.. Sale price pOeiaJ $7.00 Rocker. Upholstered C? C? . Sale price pJtJ been made by It. K. Kremers. chief of the municipal bureau of highways and brldcea and he has reommendrd that a Unt be OKtabllshrd. Inasmuch as there are no funds available at pretest. Commissioner IMeck has arranged to Include It In his budget for and to urge the budget committee to allow the amount. 1'avlng repair at present Is unsatis factory. I'avlng concerns are engaged to do the work and the proposition la on such a small scale that there Is no profit In jt. Kor that reaon It Is diffi cult to set the work done and In many instances the concerns delay the work so long that the holes become larger and the base of the pavement often times becomes Impaired. CHILDREN TO HAVE PICNIC Cliarltles Larder Open to Contribu tions for Outing July 22. The Associated Charities has f(C sandwiches pledged for the refresh ments for the picnic excursion of the children from various Instltuons In the city, which will be held at Mc Mlnnvlile July 22. through the courtesy of the Southern I'aclflc . Mla Kaye Myers, who la In charge of the preparations, says, however, that & sandwiches are not enough. "We need at least 2000 sandwiches to feed all the youngsters on the picnic trip." she saya. Incidentally, the picnic larder Is sUU Home Phone A Merchandise in All Great V2 Price Clearance Muslin Underwear Department, Second Floor Princess Slips of longcloth, nainsook, crepe, etc.. trimmed with dainty laces and embroidery, in scores of patterns. Skirts of net, batiste and longcloth; some trimmed with French handwork and imported laces. Combination of longcloth. Seco silk and nainsook, trimmed with rich laces and embroideries. Gowns in pen-front and slip-over styles. Drawers of hand embroidery, etc 88c Garments, special only 40? $1.00 Garments, special only SO? $1.25 Garments, special only ;? $1.50 Garments, special only 7.1? $1.75 Garments, special only KS? $2.00 Garments on sale at SI. (Ml $2.50 Garments on sale at SliTS $3.50 Garments on sale at S 1 .7." $4.00 Garments on sale at S2.00 $5.00 Garments on sale at S2.50 UgfcOr Custom Ao AT LAST High-grade Corsets at moderate prices! By special contract with one of world's best makers of Women's Corsets we are prepared to show our customers the greatest Conet value on the market. Made especially for the OMs, Wortman & Kir.g-Store. Ask to see these new -OWK SPECIAL Corsets Second Floor. Clearance of Regular 25c Fabrics 8c the Yard 50c Printed Silks 29c the Yard Main Floor Hundreds of yards of Wash Materials in this great Clearance. Lines from regular stock combined with special pur chase just received. Mulls, ba tistes, crepes, lace-striped nain sooks, poplins, voiles, etc. Fab ric worth up to 25c yard, Qf on special sale at, the yard Ov $1.25 Brocaded French Crepes rich colors. Special, the yard 78? Wednesday "NOTION DAY" Sewing Needs and Small Wares Under pricedToday at Bargain Circle, 1st Floor. dm Be Safety Pins, 2 cards for ."? 25c Sleeve Protectors, pair 15? 25c Button Hole Tape, yard 1 4? 12c Inside Skirt Belting, in black or white, special, yard, 7? Crocheted Buttons, 4 styles, in all sizes, on sale at HALF PRICE 5c Stay Binding, 2 bolts, tod.ny 5? 100-yd. Spool Silk, for hand or machine use. On sale, spool 5? Dressmakers' Pins, put up in V -lb. boxes, 35c grade, today 27? 2 Vic Darning Cotton, today 1? 10c Featherstitch Braids today 7? 25c Silk Elastic Webbir.g, 10? 5c King's Busting Cotton at 4? 25c Itsoezt Skirt Hangers at 1(1? 15c Skirt Markers, special, 8? 25c Spool Holders. Special lO? 10c Bias Scam Tape at only 5? 15c Girdle Foundations now lO? Odd lot of Collar Supports, 5c to 10c grades. Special today at 1 ? Regular 5c Needles, 2 pkgs, 5? 15c Silk Binding Ribbon, bolt 5? 5c Bone Collar Buttons, 2 for 5? 5c Sonomor Snaps, the dozen JJ? shv 6f Ice cream, pickles 'and rake, and I Miss Myers requests that all who will donate supplies to the plcnlo luncheon for the poor children notify her as soon as polbl at the office of the Associated Charities. BOYS ARE HOUSEBREAKERS Lawrence niswtt and Klmer Creen Kbc Itobbery Ctiarge. Lawrence Blssett and Elmer Green, two boys now under arret and In the hands of the Juvenile Court, have been guilty of various thefts and one house breaking, accordlrg to Patrolman Ack erman. who has been Invest! gating iht-tr case. He charges that with a companion they broke Into the store of Jacob liornsleln. 207 Main street, about the night of June 11. and took a number of suitcases and various articles of cloth ing. He also charges them with the theft of plumbing and light fixtures from the houses at I?- 11 end lil East Ninth street, and also with having taken a UN f-le and garden hose. Daughter of Wallowa Major Wefts. WALLOWA. Or.. July 1J (Special.) At the home of Mayor and Mrs. It McCrae Sunday their daughter married to Kay Johnson. T.ev. !&.. Cook, of the Methodist Church, offi ciating. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are members of well-known pioneer Trunks, Bags 4th Floor Let ns supply your going-away needs at lowest prices. Com plete line of trunks, suitcases and hairs all sizes and Trades. 6231 Departments $ 6.00 Garments on sale at S3.00 $ 6.50 Garments on sale at S;J.2." $ 7.00 Garments on sale at S:JJ0 $ 7.50 Garments on sale at SJ.7." $ 8.00 Garments on sale at Sl.OO $ 9.00 Garment on sale at SI.50 $10.00 Garments on sale at S-VOO $12.50 Garments on sale at $.2." $13.50 Garments on sale at $0.7." 15.00 Garments on sale at S7JSO de W ash Goods Main Floor Several hundred yards beautiful Trussoline Silks at about half price to close them out quickly. One of the season's most popular weaves. Shown in dainty brocade patterns. Mate rial selling heretofore at 50c. In the July Clearance Sale . O at the low price of on!y-'C 25c Electric Hair Curlers, at 10? Shoe Laces, all lengths, 3 prs. 5? Regular 10c Curling Irons at 7? 10c Hair Pin Cabinets at only 5? 25c bottle Machine Oil today 15? 65c Combination Folding Coat and Trouser Hangers, on sale at 25? Cuff and Collar Buttons, set lO? 10c Folding Coat Hangers at 7? Regular 15c Scissors at only lO? 25c Pin Holder and Cushion, 15? 15c Sanitary Bells, special, lO? 15c Sanitary Aprons, special, lO? Hair Nets, with or without elastic, 5 in package, special at only lO? Regular 25c and 35c Combs and Barrettes, on special sale. lO? 10c Stocking Darners at only 7? 15c White Twill Tape, only 10? Regular 10c Belt Pins only 5? 5c Common Pins, special at 2H? Regular 35c Shopping Bags, 21? 25c Women's Fancy Round Gar ters on sale Wednesday, only lO? 15c Children's Hose Sup'tcrs, lO? 5c Hair Pins, all lengths, 2H? 5c Hooks and Eyes, all sizes, white or black, on sale 2 cards for 5? Package Needles FREE! Sample Package of Needles FREE for the asking, at the Bargain Circle. Only a limited number of packages to be dis posed of. so BE PROMPT. families. Mint MrOae Is a graduate of the Wallowa High School. Mr. Johnson Is a wealthy sheepman. Thy left for La Grande on their way to San Francisco to attend the fair. REPAIRS TO BE DECIDED ON Washlngton-Slrcct Property Owners lo Meet a I Chamber Today. t'pper Wahlngton street property owners will meet at the Chamber of Commerce at Z o'clock today with City I'lKk and Vice-President Fuller, of the Portland liallway. Light 4c Power Company, to decide upon repairs or repavlng of the street, which at present Is In a depioraMe condition. The meeting was postponed from lt night. One of the members of the committee of the Washington-Street Improvement Association pa ul yesterday that the property owners Intend to have the street Improved and are unsettled only nn te rature cf the It rrcvemen t , CASTOR I A For Infants axd Children. TT.J ICIsi Yea H2T8 A!w2js Bstt Bears the Eigaaturo of set 4