Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 14, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Round Trip
Daily Fare
to Newport
SOCIETT will flock to the "Waverley
Country Club today for the regu
lar Wednesday afternoon tea. If
the weather la fine the tables will be
stationed on the porch, but if clouds
threaten, the tea will be served In the
large living-room. Mrs. Thomas Kerr
' and Mrs. J. C. Ainsworth will be the
patronesses today and will preside at
the table. These Informal gatherings
furnish a delightful way of passing the
afternoon and of dispensing hospitali
ties to the visitors, who are always
lavish in their praise of the Ideal lo
cation of the club and the beauty of
the scene revealed from Its porticos and
Several box parties are planned for
today's performance at the Heilig,
where society will assemble to see Mrs.
Patrick Campbell. Mrs. Helen Ladd
orbett will be hostess at one of these
parties, at which she will honor her
niece. Miss Helen Ladd, and the lat
ter's guest. Miss Katherine Hardy.
A prettily planned luncheon was
given yesterday by Mrs. Carl Wer
nicke, who honored Miss Ruth Teal and
her guest. Miss Virginia Scully, of New
York. Others who shared Mrs. Wer
nicke's hospitality were Mrs. Hazel
Blumauer Litt. Miss Nancy Zan, Miss
Katherine Russell. Miss Ailsa Macmas
ter and Miss Katherine Hart. Miss
Jean Morrison will entertain for Miss
Teal and Miss Scully next week.
Mrs. Katheryne Patterson, an Inter
esting and charming visitor from Cali
fornia, is the guest of Mrs. E. J. Jaeger.
Mrs. Patterson is being cordially wel
comed by Mrs. Jaeger's friends, many
of whom have shown her social honors.
A wedding of interest tonight will
be that of James T. Jeffries, Repre
sentative from Clatsop County at the
recent Legislature and Deputy City At
torney of Astoria, to Emma 1 Lang
lord, an attractive Portland girL The
ceremony will be solemnized at the
home of Mrs. F. M. Forney. 1121 Mis
souri avenue. Mrs. Forney is a life
long friend of the bride. Only rela
tives and a few intimate friends will
attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries will bid
Kood-by to their Oregon friends, and
will go to Seward, Alaska, to make
their home. Mr. Jeffries plans to prac
tice law in Alaska.
Mrs. W. H. Groh has planned an auc
tion bridge party for Wednesday of
next week, when she will entertain sev
eral friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Metzger have
taken apartments on Northrup street
In the Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Applegate Wood
worth have returned from their honey
moon trip and are domiciled tempor
arily with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wood
worth, 801 Hancock street, but after
August 1 they will be at home to their
friends at 707 East Burnside street.
The marriage of Miss Hazel Maude
Steadman and Cyrus Applegate Wood
worth was a pretty home ceremony of
last Wednesday, solemnized at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Martin Steadman. The
beautiful and impressive service was
read by the Rev. Luther R. Dyott in the
presence of a "few relatives of the
young couple. Mrs. George Hoadley
Tobias played the wedding march and
gave appropriate selections during the
ceremony. The bride was lovely in
her gown of crepe de chine. She wore
a long veil and carried bride roses.
The couple left later for Mount Hood
Lodge and Hood River.
. . .
A smart event of tonight will be the
Illustrated talk to be given by Miss
Annie Blanche Shelby in the Hotel
Multnomah. She will tell of the ar
tistic beauty of the Panama-Pacific
Exposition. The patronesses for the
event will be: Mrs. Solomon Hirsch,
Mrs. J. F. Dickson, Mrs. P. J. Mann,
Mrs. P. S. Malcolm. Mrs. Arthur
Chance, Mrs. J. N. Teal. Mrs. Frank
Dayton. Mrs. E. C. Johnson and Mrs.
It. J. Marsh.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jackson have an
nounced the engagement of their
daughter. Miss Eva Marvel Jackson, to
Wilfred E. Flood, of Mullan. Idaho.
The bride s a former Portland girl.
Phe was graduated from Clinton-Kelly
School and later attended business col-
Mr. Flood is' the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Flood, pioneers of Mullan. He
Is a graduate of Gonzaga College. The
wedding ceremony was performed July
S. at Mullan by the Rev. Father Pur
cell and was witnessed by a number
of friends of the couple. Mr. and Mrs.
Flood took a trijl to Portland. Spokane
snd Seattle. They will be at home Sn
Mullan after August 1.
Miss Myrtle Brix. an attractive
member of the younger set. has re
turned from La Sell Seminary and is
at the family home, 2K0 East Twenty-
n:st street .North.
Mrs. Lillian Fuller left Sunday to
viit her sister. Mrs. John Wein, at
Butte, Mont., and will also visit her
daughter. Mrs. Olaf Anderson. at
Helena, Mont. Upon her return to
Portland early in September she will
visit in San Francisco.
At a quiet ceremony at 709 East
Salmon street on July 8 John Norwood
and Miss Mabel McLaughlin were mar
ried, the Rev. C. E. Cllne officiating.
The younger set will be delightfully
entertained on Saturday when pretty
Miss Naidyne Baker will be hostess at
a dancing party at which she will honor
Miss Rebecca Ross, of Clarion, Pa.,
niece of Mrs. Jacob Hill Cook, and Miss
Lucile Abbott, of Bend, Or., who is an
attractive visitor at the E. M. Baker
residence. The party will be given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker,
East Thirtieth street and Killingsworth
avenue. About 70 people will share the
pleasures of the occasion. Miss Baker
is gifted as a reader and is socially
By 5diti KNiGftrfloLMES.
CLUBWOMEN of Portland and neigh
boring towns are anticipating the
club picnic that will be held at the
Chautauqua grounds on Saturday.
Those who attend will take basket
lunches and will assemble at the Fed
eration headquarters at Gladstone
i-arn. jnis win De tne largest gath
ering of clubwomen since the council
if the weather is fine.
Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, president of
the Oregon Federation of Women's
Clubs, is hoping that all clubwomen
who can will attend. "Miss Grace De
Graff will make the address of the aft
ernoon. She will speak on women's
I-art in working for universal peace.
Mrs. Percy V. Pennypacker, presi
dent of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs, wants to see a terri
torial federation In Alaska. There are
A few clubs In Alaska already and all
are reported to be doing excellent work.
The civic department of the Wom
an's Christian Temperance Union is
proving one of the splendid features of
the daily activities and programme at
Chautauqua. Mrs. 1 .11 linn, M- Down-
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ing's address on Monday in the Inter
ests of young people was of a high or
der and was Interspersed with clever
readings. Rev. Edith Minchin, of Dun
dee, spoke on Tuesday to an interested
audience. Her topic was "Dlling To
gether in Unity." Today is W. C. T. U.
day. At the forum hour,- 11 o'cibek. a
gold medal contest will be held under
the auspices of the Clackamas County
unions. Special music will be given by
the Mignon trio. The personnel of the
trio includes Ella Hoberg Tripn. Flora
Bell Beaumont and Vernie Flanders.
They will sing both morning and aft
ernoon. Mrs. Mattie Sleeth will speak
at 3:30 o'clock and a reception will
follow her address. Miss Pearl Kirk.
of South Dakota, will read.
The women will have an Important
part In welcoming the Liberty Bell on
Thursday and will have charge of the
floral decorations and attend the break
fast to be given at the Hotel. Portland.
Mrs. G. J. Frankel. president of the
Portland Woman's Club, will be chair
man of the committee, and assisting
her will be Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson,
state regent of the Daughters of the
American Revolution: Mrs. 'John F.
Beaumont, retiring regent of the state;
Mrs. James N. Davis, regent of Mult
nomah Chapter, and Mrs. John H. Bag
ley, regent of Willamette Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution.
The decorations will be donated by
members of the local Daughters of the
American Revolution chapters, the
Sweet 1'ea Association and Martin 4c
Chapter C. P. E. O. Sisterhood, will
hold a picnic at Wilbrldge, on the
Linnton road. Sunday, lemvlng by Jit
ney bus at Stark street, between Seo
ond and Third streets, at 10:15 A. M.
The members and their families will
m m
Mrs. Charles H. Castner. of Hood Riv
er, has been made a member of the
Civic Department of the General Fed
eration of Women's Clubs. Mrs. George
Zimmerman, of Fremont. Ohio, is the
general chairman. Mrs. Castner has
done a vast amount of work along civic
lines In Oregon. It was she who
planned the details of Clean-Up Week
this fipring.
The Civic Improvement Club, of Val
dez, Alaska, has been praised by Mrs.
Pennybacker, who declares they have
accomplished wonders in clean-up
Domestic Science
By Lilian Tingle.
pnRTl.AS'D. July 1. Would yoa kindly
give at your earliest convenience ome
recipn for dainty little cakes suitable for
afternoon relrehment7 manning ou m
advance. MRS. H. -C. F.
ALMOST any good, ordinary cake
recipe can be used to make tiny
"reception cakes" by baking in the
small, fancy tins that can be found in
great variety In any large kitchen
furnishing department.
The chief thing is to 'use a rich,
rather than a plain, recipe and be sure
to get the individual tins small enough
for a dainty "French" effect. You can
then Ice and decorate the cakes in dif
ferent styles, or leave them plain, as
preferred. Or you may bake any good
cake mixture. Including fruit cake. In
a sheet about one inch thick and ice
and cut in fancy shapes after baking,
decorating each small cake with shred
ded or chopped almonds, halved wal
nuts, bits of candied cherry angelica,
fruit paste or candied peel.
Another plan is to bake any preferred
cake mixture in a thin sheet, like a
wafer mixture, making it a little
thicker than usual, and spreading It
on a cookie sheet with a spatula, as
for ordinary wafers.
The sheet of cake mixture may be
sprinkled .with chopped nuts before
baking, or cut and decorated after
baking. Many fancy cookie cutters are
available, but little squares or "fingers"
or even diamonds cut with a large
knife are much less wasteful.
These "wafers" may be put together
in pairs, after cutting, with a little
jam or fruit paste or icing, or marsh
mallow cream or Bavarian cream or
almond paste and may be Iced on top
or not as preferred. Chocolate wafers
with white icing are good.
Other nice little cakes can be made
T Waverley Country Club,
regular Wednesday tea.
Theater party Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett to entertain for
Miss Ladd and Miss Hardy at the
Lecture Miss Annie Blanche
Shelby. Multnomah Hotel, to
night. .
Chautauqua Women's Chris
tian Temperance UnlOn today.
- .
, SI.-'
by baking cream puffs about the size
of a dollar, filling with Bavarian cream
or custard or apricot marmalade and
Icing with fondant or confectioners'
frosting, with or without. chopped nuts.
Any good cookie mixture may be
enriched with nuts and chopped rais
ins or dates, and used to make little
drop cakes. Quite ordinary ginger
cookies may be "dressed for company"
by the addition of a little chopped pre
served ginger with part ginger syrup
in place of part of the molasses. Hake
them in fancy shapes In extra small
It usually is a good thing not to at
tempt "new" recipes for special occa
sions, but to use those that you are
accustomed to and thoroughly under
stand. A number of "drop cookie" recipes
were given In this column lately, 1
think, no that 1 cannot repeat them
here The following, however, are also
good, and the suggestions given above
should enable you to "invent" some
little cakes for yourself.
Nut drop cakes loiks of two eggs,
one cup brown sugar, one cup chopped
nut meats, whites of two tkti, six level
tablespoons flour, one-sixteenth tea
spoon salt, one-half teaspoon of vanilla
If liked. Beat the yolks of the eggs
until thick. Beat the whites until
stiff; mix in the order given. Drop
from the tip of a spoon on a buttered
cookie sheet and bake In a moderate
Peanut cookies One level tablespoon
butter, one and one-half tablespoons
peanut butter, one egg. one-fourth cup
sugar, one level teaspoon baking pow
der, one-fourth teaspoon salt, about
one-half cup flour, two tablespoons
water and one teaspoon lemon Juice or
two tablespoons orange juice, one-half
cup chopped peanuts. Mix like any
cookies. Drop and decorate with one
half peanut. For choicer cookies use
almonds and almond meal in place of
peanuts and peanut butter In this
By Barbara Boyd.
lal( Oar Thaoikt Korre.
SOMEONE has asked how can we use
to. better purpose than perhaps
we are doing, the thought power that
is ours, which was spoken of In th
talk on "Motion Pictures of the Sun."
My letter-friend says s .e cannot pho
tograph the sun.
No, she cannot photograph the sun.
And many of us think that because
we cannot photograph the sun or do
some other big thing we can's use this
latent power that is ours, except per
haps in humdrum things.
Well, most of us are doing humdrum
things. But why do them in a hum
drum way?
My letter-friend does not tell me
what her work Is. so I cannot answer
But lots of us are housekeeping. We
are doing housework day In and out.
How are we doing It? Are we putting
all the thought-power that Is ours into
that housework and as a result doing
it In the most efficient, most time-sav
Ing. lavor-savlng, result-achieving
way? Or are we plodding along doing
it in a mechanical, drudging, labor'
and-time wasteful way. doing It per
hapv as It was done SO or 100 years
ago. because we have accepted meth
ods that have been handed us and
given them no thought? These inelh
ods may have been good enough for
SO or 100 years ago, when conditions
were different. But they are not good
enough lor today.
So if we are doing housework, right
here Is a place to use all the thought
power we can. We can put every
grain of mentality we poasess upon
the problem of housekeeping until we
evolve a system where the time and
energy given produce the maximum of
results. And the housekeeper who
does this, if she has not already done
It. will hnd her home and housework a
very different thing from what It Is
at present, her expenses cut down and
time on her hands to devote to some
other pursuit she may wiah to take up.
The girl In bus.ness who will do this
will soon find things moving for her
at a dizzying rate, the may think she
Is doing well now. But concentration
upo'n the work in hand with all the
mentality she possesses will make
things hum. Thought Is a power.
There Is more of It In us than we think
and if we will Just let it loose, to use
the vernacular, "there'll be something
We may be so situated that e can
not, as tny letter-friend implies, do
some big work.. But the bigness will
come when we turn all the thought
power In us upon the work we are do
ing. For we are all doing something.
And here Is the place to begin with
the use of these reservoirs of strength
that James states we all bave.
Common experience tella us we all
have them. When some emergency
arises that calls for an unusual dis
play of strength or endurance or quick
Going Camping ?
A Grafonola will solve the music question.
Outfits $17.50 to $500.00
Easy Terms.
Columbia Records Are G5
Columbia Graphophone Co.
429-431 Washington St, Portland, Or.
thinking we rise to the test. Who has
not. under the spur ef danger or fear
or love or something of this sort done
things be dreamed Impossible? He was
simply drawing upon his reserve, this
thought-power latent in him. Why not
use it regularly to accomplish cher
ished ambitions? It la simply a matter
of getting at it, of concentrating upon
the work In hand, of putting It through
more expeditiously, more efficiently
and so being able to go on to greater
work that Is waiting everywhere In the
world to be done. The world wanta all
the good It ran get. We are the ones
who tail to grasp our opportunity to
pass on all that can be ours.
The Smdwj Story
By Mrs EAV&lker.
Paul's rHse.
THE Inn of the Red Lion was full of
life. Through the windows the
candlelight shone out on the snow, and
within the bl room the huge fire In
the immense chimney cast a ruddy
glow over the room and the wide table
full of guests.
"Here. Taul." said he landlord, as
he came In with a bowl of steaming
punch. "Serve the gentlemen."
Paul, who had been sitting on a low
bench by the chimney corner, rose
ard began to fill up the tall glasses.
Then he handed them to the officers
In red coats, who swsggered about the
room smoking and laughing at what
they termed the silly movements of
the rebels for these were revolution
ary times, and the place was up In
Pennsylvania, on a road over which
both the American and British armies
often passed.
"I dislike to have to go on tonight."
sighed a young officer as he toaoed off
a glass of hot drink. "I have 20 miles
yet to ride and- my horse Is tired out."
Get another." laughed a fellow sol
dier. "I saw a beauty out In the barn,
black as coal, smooth as satin and 4eat
as a pfn."
Paul stood with anger. They were
talking about hU pet- dainty Black
Bess, the prettiest horse In the land
and the best cared for In the state.
Take her never, decided Paul. But
he said nothing.
"I guess I will adopt your advice.'
said the young officer. "My horse Is
about done for and a rebel horse would
Just fit the Job. I will continue my
ride tonight on the black mare."
Paul set down the tray slipped out
to the atable. He dared not hide the
horse, for fear the Kngllsh would burn
his father's place. But lie saddled up
Old Ben. put a long rope around the
saddle, stood the horse In a deep
shadow near the road, then slipped up
to the window. Presently out came
the young officer, and right up to the
barn he went. Paul knew he was sad
dling Black Bess.
The lad had formed his plana. For
months die had been playing Indian
and using the lasso, roping In calves
and dogs around the place. He now
decided to turn this to good account
Like the wind be was off down the
road, lumbering Old Ben galloping
llumslly through the drlrts as h
shot ahead in the darkness and snow
At a dark turn In the road. In the
shadow of a dense clump of trees Paul
dismounted. Taking the rope, he lied
one end high up on a tree on the left
elde of the way. then ran across the
road and tied the other end to the op
postte tree at about trie height of the
breast of a man on horseback. Then he
led bla own nag back into the bushes.
In a few moments the moon cam
out. Paul heard In the distance the
sound of hoofbeats on the snow; then
there came In jilght around the corner
the racing form of Blarfc Bess. Her
satiny coat shone In the moonlight
against the snow, her ears .were laid
back and her neck outstretched In her
The rope struck the young officer In
the chin, and as the.borse swept on
ward he fell violently to the ground
head striking on a stone. Paul ran to
the man's side and lifted up bis head.
then seeing that he was unconscious,
brought Old Ben around and managed
to get the man scroas the saddle.
When You Wash Your
Hair Don't Ue Soap
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which la very
Injurious, as It dries the scalp and
makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use Is Just plain
mulslfled cocoanut oil. for this Is pure
and entirely sreaseless. It's very
cheap, and beats soaps or anything else
all to pieces. You can set this at any
drug; atore, and a few ounces will last
the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub It In. about a teaspoonful is all
that la required. It makes an abun
dance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses
thoroughly and rinses out easily. The
hair dries quickly and evenly, and Is
soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy
and easy to handle. Besides. It loosens
and takes out every particle- of dust,
dirt and dandruff. Adv.
Leadlnr the horse, the lad walkeJ
quietly to the bark door.
"Father," be called In a low voice.
The landlord. Pauls father, ram
"Here Is that oflfcer who stole Black
Bess search him. be may have Impor
tant papers In his pocket," said the
A search of the soldier's pockets
showed he was the bearer of papers to
the commanding general of the Kngliah
"Paul." said the father, the officer
wl'.l be all right In a few hours. Leave
him here. But you better go to town
and have someone send these papers
at once to General Washington."
"I will take them myseir." replied
Paul. "There stands Black Bens now
at the barn gate she has come home
So out again Into the night rode
Paul toward Washington's hrtdquat
lers. It was a long, cold ride of 44
mile alone In the night and snow, but
the boy made It and cave the papers
Into the fieneral's hands. Paul tola
the story of how he bad unseated the
"You have brought me Information
that win save the American army."
said Wsshlngton. "I have have no
way to reward ou suitably, but take
this In memory of thl night." and he
laid a gold medal In the boy's hand.
Today that medal shines on the wall
of a beautiful library lt Philadelphia.
And the children who live In the old
fashioned home love to tell how their
great-erest-grandfather received it
from Washington himself.
(Copyright. br the Mnuf. Newepaper
Synrtlraiw. New York lltj.)
Charge Is AtU-mptlng to Sell for
Meat Caroaa of Cow That Pled.
The case of William Blchterlcb. a
dairyman, arrested Monday charged
with attempting to aell for food pur
poses the carcass of a cow that had
died from "milk fever. will be heard
before Municipal Judge Stevenson
Thursday, July li.
Klrhlerlrh waa arrested at First and
Sheridan streets by Health Inspector
Mellon. Officers declare they bave evi
dence showing that the man approached
several butchers offering the meat for
sale. He Is out on ISO ball.
Boston's Mayor la Visitor.
James M. Curley. Mayor of Boston.
Maaa accompanied bv his wife and
sn wrrlved In Portland late 1t rlht
As Cooling as
Mada in
V i
A drink of chlllinc, bubblina Clicquot Club is as refresh
ing as a cooling, drenching shower. Clicquot Club
Ginger Ale can be safely enjoyed when you are over
heated. The ringer offers a mild stimulus which ncu-
tralizes the "ice cold" shock
is real cinger ale, made
with gin EC r, juices of
lemons and limes and
sweetened with refined
sugar, not saccharin. The
mildly laxative water is
from a deep, pure spring.
Clicquot Club Olnrer Ale Is sa es
ccllent summer drink tor womea
and children. It la splendid br It
self, and s arlcadid tsasis lor mixing
Ua ail SuTLI til oUtt Uurrediaata.
Parrott & Company
Sting Agents
At Ceeal Creear as!
tmj It fcy tie Case '
4 .
1 .
M enseal L-. ,
r N V
i.S - -J." i
$4.00 Week-End Fare
Good Going Saturday or Sunday for Return Monday
Now is the time to spend your outing at this old-time favorite rsorU
Two Trains Daily
Leave Albany Daily 7:30 A. M.
Lae Albany Daily, Except Sunday 1.00 P. M.
Through S3pinj Car from Portland every Saturday
morning at 1:30 A. M. (Open at Union Depot Friday
night at 9:30 P. M.) Returning SWpr leavw Newport
Sunday evening: at 6:00 T. M. Arrive Portland. 7:20
Monday. "
Full particular, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
literature on Newport, etc, at City Ticket Office, SO
Sixth Street, Cor. Oak, Union Depot, Fourth and Yam
hill or East Morrison Depot.
John M. Scott, General Passenger A rent, Portland. Or.
f I II I All
M IW! in
Hcaitm. lUrriNtss. Hospitality
HOTEL CEARHART: NotcJ for Its superior accnmnoJittons and cuUlna.
CEAKHART BEACH: L'naurpuaed on either coast.
GOLF I-INKS: New IS-bole course, the bnest on the continent.
TENNIS COI RTS. Un Bowluva, Iloneheck Ksdlnc. Motortne.
NATATOKIL'M: Fully equipped; tra Ur(e sKlmminf Unk.
AL'DITOKIL'M : Foe Urge or tuna'l Catherines, seating ca ratify TCd.
AUTO SPEEDWAY: Hard sand bc.Kh 1000 lct U(. IS mile lor.
CEARHART bas more than 100 beautiful Summer home.
OCEAN FRONT bulling sites lor sale at low rrkr.
Full information nd reservation at
- lOO i si.
and registered at the Portland lintel.
Mr. Curley will remain In Portland l
dar before prrx-eed lnT on his plesaure
trip throuch the West, during: which
be Is vlalling important points of in
terest. Wire thefts are charged
Clarenc-e V. Iailin Sent to Jail for
30 liars by J ud;c Slccnon.
Charged with stealing wire from va
rious concerns about the city, Clarence
V. Fallln. alias Lunula Jester, was sen
tenced to SO aays In Jsil by Municipal
Judce Utevenaon yealrrday. rieveral
pieces of wire, which were i-aid to have
been sold by Kallln to a named
Jnitser. at TOT Columhla street, were
Identmed as having been taken from
the Portland Hallway. Light Power
Company and the Southern Pacific Com
pany. Lx-w Wagner, special agent for the
Portland Hallway. Light A Power Com
pany. W'ho made the arrrst, testified
that the company had lost tons of wire
In and about Portland In the past few
months. Some of this, he aald. waa
valuable copper wire.
William rf-ehner. who was arrested
with Fail in. was discharged.
mind Man Hangs Self Near Wlnlook.
CF.NTItALIA, Wash.. July 1J. Spe
cial. ) Hang Inir by the neck from a
leateer porl nrMer a lrMr aoutli of
a Summer Rain
v T I
Tn Dmt in
I Km WorU
to the stomach.
Ciager Ale
Keet Beer
i sans Seer
Oraer PWsaala
Bata I
Beer s-VZ L
jr i
Z - . I aV r 1
hi ilni n to i
iv v
Wlnlork, the bodr of Henry Ksrrrels.
who haa br. tl mtrrlnsT since last Tuea
da. found Sunday nli:ht Kr.
klela waa Mind nd hsd been der-en-
uoi on rnarity lor some time. hi,l
it is believed led hlrn to kill himself.
Gains 22 Pounds
in 23Days"
Remarkable Experience of F. Gaj
non. Builds Up Weight
""' all run dPtrn l. the wr, Nolisv -r:ie
I . oecnon. "I ( 4 to quit oar I mmm
' .o. )-. 10 f-roi. I l.w c
j.'?. man. 1 gsinod :: pound, in ii
agn haa rul tef o-n!i en me m II
aa. .'am V. o, "Ji h.. mae
tt . ..!. enjoy .' 1 aIa ,n4 enabied
me to aork wl:a later.. e-,.l pleasure."
A l it Ml MIUIM. itOltl T
" li-f " r 1 t h. (t l jve-op us4 la c"l
ft .!. n , but "n t .m c - ..r
My b0- la tout., li :tir4 1
luBi'.! rj am n:rf t .. ..4.4
ne friti ' l r I r-J o 1 1 . r man !- fesjii
J j! S . r. . a.'isxl I he ha'iol tfa Ime nl
VVu.J ytt, I o. .. to ij.( jr put from
! to pound a -f fix--, !- br "
f ri, fai r 4 m : u . r t trtr-n our
km J h-..r.ea ?
on i aav it rmn'f b d-.n Try n .ar-t tsa
at.l eJ fr-a m h- parfca of traigu, mix. X ml. at 11 -ran 3 f r u
X! ' than ha f m-::in thin tna mn4
o:nra he g.mA T trr. a ihlt n1
hrel 1ee-a a 0--a n a xt..n fo.ka fat
..i ti Tm m.l .tM r m ra.U. la t-rat p:o-t4
itfrn-nrttm hu ar h a va don.
.S a iril'.lr Ct. f ,rh (rtimi tun aa - '
or mu.imBa, but m .. Mrm . hom
t r-; n.r. x , Out out th coujH.n arstl n4 Jr-r
th.a f fa ra k toda. me r or.. 10
rnlj in U.T t to.p p f $a ! . a, pacstlr-g,
AddnM Tri trrI C . tiara.
tl.ia . Is.nehamton. N. T. Ilk fargnl
our m- .a nd atca It urlu Ib.i -III to.
pa Paiat. parkre. r . mn4 to ah oar
g cso1 faith. entit:a lo on c
t:-it of Parrnl Kr Ad!t th Kr-
Mo to to Danish
Wrinkles Quickly
If your fsee Is disfigured with wrin
kles, no matter what the caue. d
fan u" silv 4liiet every line. es-en the
moot btunsip, by ulnsr a aimpie.
home-naJe -h lotion. M-relv dis
solve an ounce of rowdrred aaxol.te In
a half pint of wnob hasel lne ( e
insrrediente found In any druitore.
Hutbe the face In this, and presto'
you scarcely believe; jour own eye
when you lock Into your mirror end
bet-old the marvelous lrn-(ormmon'
The remarkable astringent action of
tne saaolite so tuchlena the akin, wrin
klos are literally pressed out Heat of
all. this rei-ult la not j.urely lemicrrv
for the lotion a'so has a healthful
tonic action, whlth tenda to strengthen
ani lone up the weakened tiasue. end
added lenefll may be expected -ith
ronlin'ied use. I'se this once a div ashile: It cannot Injure the most
delicate skin. the treatment Itself
leavea no traceno one Ruei-sea the
secret of your Increesiisu youinful ap
pearance. Adv.
,1 V ,'it
' t