Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Constance Meyer, L. J. Bal-
bach and Norman Ross
j to Compete at Fair.
Itoss Clioscn Only at Last Minute
Arter Showing in Trial lie Is
in Shape Despite Illness.
Hard Contests Aliead.
Constance Meyer. Louis J. Balbach
and Norman Ross were selected defi
nitely last night to represent the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic Club at the
I'anama-Pacific International Exposi
tion swimming and diving champion
ships at San Francisco this week and
next. The trio will leave this morn
ing on the Great Northern tor the
Because he is so tied up with work
at the club and his lessons at Winde
muth. Jack Cody, swimming instructor
of the Multnomah Club, cannot leave
with his pupils, but he may be able to
fret away later in the week. He had
liis proteges out at the Windemuth
tiaths late yesterday afternoon giving
them thir last final instructions.
It was not decided until the last mo
ment whether or not Norman Ross,
the famous swimmer of the Northwest,
would be able to make the journey.
Ross has been in the hospital for the
last ten days suffering with small pox
and. it was thought that he would not
be able to get back into his old-time
condition on bo short a notice.
It Otis Beat Central Record.
With T. Morris Dunne, secretary of
the Pacific Northwest Association, and
Art Allen, chairman of the swimming
committee of the club, as timers, Ross
last night went a mile in the winged
'M" tank against time. The record
of 25:59 2-5 for the mile in the Central
Amateur Athletic Union was taken as
a. test and when he crossed the finish
line, the timers caught Ross at
25:23 1-5, thereby allowing him the
privilege of departing for San Fran
cisco as a guest of Multnomah Club.
Ross was swimming against time and
had no competition or he would have
clorie even better, say those who wit
nessed the trial.
Constance Meyer and Louis J. Bal
bach will be called on to compete next
Friday night and Ross may enter the
several events on Friday and Saturday
nights. The big races for Ross are
elated for next week, however.
World-wide stars will splash around
the tank at Sutro baths in San Fran
cisco Friday and Saturday nights,
Should Ross manage to place in any of
the races in the south, he will have
scored a big triumph, for he is not
being considered seriously by those
who claim to know "who's who" in the
swimming world.
Noted Swimmer Opponents.
He will be against such "fish" as
"Duke" Kahanamoku. Bud Goodwin,
Perry McGillvray. Harry Hebner. Mike
McDermott, Luly linger, George
Cunha, Ernie Smith and a host of
others. Louis Balbach will be entered
against Cliff Bowes, of the Los An
geles Athletic Club: H. Williams and
several classy Hawaiian divers.
Little is known, of the material Con
stance Meyer will have to oppose to
gain any outside laurels.
Following are the world's and Coast
records for the events which will be
contested at the Panama-Pacific Inter
national ExnnKitinn Kwlmmnn- v.
pionships. and several of the marks
are held by a number of the stars who
will be seen in action Friday and Sat
urday nights:
1. "iO-yard
World's Records.
dash Kahanamoku, 0:23.
dash Kahanamoku. 0:53 1-5.
dash Oanlela. 2:25 2-5.
dash Hatfield. 6:10 3-3.
back Hebner, 1 :50 3-5.
breast McDermott, 2:38 4-5.
Coast Records,
dash Kahanamoku, 0:23 2-5.
dash Kahanamoku, 0:54 3-5'.
dash Kahanamoku, 2:20 4-0.
taek Hebner, l:r.5 4-5.
breast McDermott. 2:4!4-5.
dash Xo record established.
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Giants Blanked After Winning
Eight Straight.
Doubles and Singles Players
Eliminated at Fair.
Hanson and Williams Pounded Hard
in Game IVon, 20 to 4.
VANCOUVER, B. C. July 13. Van
couver pounded Hanson and Williams
at will today and ran wild on the
bases while Colwell pitched superb ball
for the Beavers and Vancouver de
feated .Victoria by a score of 20 to 4.
Brinker led at the bat with a home
run, a double and two singles. Murphy
and Killilay made their initial appear
ance with Bob Brown's squad. The
R. II. E. R. H. E.
Victoria. .4 8 lVancouver 20 18 1
Batteries Hanson, Williams and
Hoffman; Colwell and Brottem.
Tacoma 4, Spokane O.
TACOMA. Wash., July 12. In one of
the best frames seen here this season
and the first of baseball-week series
for the benefit of the Tigers, Tacoma
beat Spokane, 4 to 0, this evening-. Mc.
uinnny pucnea rine ball for the locals,
who hit like fiends and fieldrl hii.
liantly behind him. A feature of the
jtame was mester s catch of a foul by
the left-field bleacher fence. Score:
R.H.K.I Tt H v.
Tacoma 4 7 IjSpokane 0 7 2
Batteries McGinnity and Stevens;
I-'isk and Brenegan.
Seattle 5, Aberdeen 3.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 12. Though
pliKhtly outhit, Seattle hit to better
advantage than Aberdeen today and
beat the Grays Harbor team 5 to 3.
The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Aberdeen. .3 9 lSeattle. ...5 8 1
Batteries Engle and Vance; Mc
Ivor arid Cadman.
Infielder Passes Throug-h San Fran
cisco to Join Beavers.
Pacific Coaxt League Standings.
W. L. Pet. I w 1. Pet.
fan Fran.. B2 4.-. .."3! Portland. . 4r, 47 4S3
I... Angeles S4 50 .518IVernon . . . . 48 .V 4S0
Salt Lake.. 48 48 .SOOIOakland 48 53 .47J
Yesterday's Result a.
N sams. teams traveling-.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 12. (Spe
cial.) Honus McArdle passed through
San Francisco to join the Portland
rlub. He came from Los Angeles with
the Salt Lake players, and hurried
north ir order to be able to play
against the Seals tomorrow.
McCredie was up against it for an
infielder when Davis was hurt, and
McArdle will likely fit in nicely. He
is in good siiape to give an account of
Tyler and Kellcher Are Victorious in
Match Showing Made by Gard
ner Against Mclaughlin
Among Surprises.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 12. The Har
vard representatives of the Eastern
team of invaders to the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition tennis cham
pionships came a cropper today on the
courts of the California Lawn Tennis
Club, when their doubles team and
Watson W. Washburn, entered in the
singles, were eliminated from further
The first to succumb was Washburn.
Dr Melville Long, ex-Pacific Coast
champion and Davis cup representative,
who has been out of active competition
for the past three years, won iivetraight
sets 7-5. 6-2. With the score five games
to three against him in the first set.
Long, by magnificent uphill work, won
the next four games and the set. The
second set was comparatively easy for
the Californian.
The Harvard doubles team, made up
of R. X. Williams, the National sin
gles champion, and Washburn, was the
next to fall. They were beaten 6-4, 3-6.
8-6, by J. C. Rohlfs, of this city, and
Lawrence Curtis, also a Harvard man,
who accompanied the players from the
East and entered with Kohlfj after his
arrival here.
Another of the day's surprises was
the showing made by Carl Gardner, of
San Francisco, against his fellow
townsman, Maurice McLoughlin. the
former National champion; McLoughlin.
while he won the first set by a score
of 6 to 1, was forced to deuce-vantage
games in the majority of instances.
With the score 5 to 3 against him in
the second set, Gardner pulled the
next four games out of the fire and
took the set, 7-5. Gardner fought des
perately to keep up with the world's
champion, and forced him again into
many deuce-vantage games, but the
final set went to McLoughlin, 6-3.
G. M. Church and Dean Mathey, the
Princeton doubles team, had no trouble
in disposing of C. C. Cragin and R. W.
Maples in straight sets, allowing the
latter to take only one game. The final
score was 6-0, 6-L
Women's singles Miss Marjorle
Thorn beat Mrs. D. S. Mills, 6-3. 6-0.
Mies Marjorle Wale beat Miss Nellie
Bates. 6-2. 3-6. 8-6.
Men's doubles H. Kelleher and Jo
seph Tyler beat W. a.- Knowlton and
L. Strauss, 6-3. 8-6. L. A. Sanchez and
D. P. Hardy beat H. Hicks and R. J.
Young. 6-3. 6-4. William Johnson and
J. K. Strachan beat C. H. Mercer and
E. P. Finegan. 6-4. 6-2. E. F. Davis
and E. Stepanskl beat H. B. Hobson
and H. B. Gladstone by default. C.
J. Griffin and Dr. earn Hardy beat G.
A. Flint and B. Peters.
Men's singles R. J. Greenberg beat
T. Harrar. Jr.. 6-0. 6-L Melville H.
Long, Davis cup man In 1909, who has
been out of the game for several years.
oeieatea w. ji. wasnburn. of Harvard.
in straight sets, 7-6. 6-2. Willis Davis
beat is. t. Nourse by default.
Corvallls Defeats Salem.
SALEM. Or.. Julv 12. (Snrri.l I
The Corvallis baseball team defeated
1, Couture Mrrrri 3, LoIs J. Hal
back) 3. arsMa) Hoeav. ft. a la ta
Oalr Swimmer ef the Party. Ike Other
Tn. ttarlallmlaa; In DItIbc.
Salem 3 to 2 In an exciting game here
yesterday. Foster, who occupied the
mound for the visitors, had the Salem
men at his mercy in all but two Innings.
Craig, for Salem, also pitched a good
Mai Chas Prevents Shutout hy
Triple In Last Game of Series.
BUFFALO, N. Y.. July 12. The
Brooklyn Federals won the last game
of the series here today to 4. The
tiuiraio pitciiers were ineffective In the
early stages, the. visitors gaining a
nine-run lead by the sixth Inning. Hal
Chase scored Buffalo's only runs when
he tripled to center in the sixth with
the bags full, and came in later on a
wild pitch. Score:
R. H. E.I H. H. E.
Brooklyn... 9 16 HBuffaJo 4 6 1
Batteries Bluejacket. Walker and
Simon; Ford, Marshall and Lafitte.
No other games scheduled.
Supreme Court Gives Ilnil Ruling
That Bill Is Xot Law.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Julv 12.
Finally and ultimately disposing of the
Questions at issue in the Sawyer racing
Dili, mo supreme Lourt today declared
the act passed by the Legislature,
which would have permitted racing
under a state commission and pari-
muiuci Deiung, not a law.
The Supreme Court upheld the deci
sion of the Circuit Court, which ruled
mat governor . w. Hayes had vetoed
the bill.
Pitcher Dale, Driven iYoni Box Re
cently, Wins Ilnal Came, to 0.
3IcGraw, Smith and PerrlU
Ordered lYom Field.
NEW TORK. July 12 After losing
eight straight games to the New Turk
Giants. Cincinnati rallied today and
took the last game of the series 6 to 0.
Dale, who was knocked out of the
box early in the aeries, came back
strong and pitched a masterful game.
Manager UcUriw, of New Tork. and
Players Smith and I'errltt were ordered
off the field at various times for pro
testing agalrist decisions. Score:
Cincinnati N.w York
Rodrrrs.2. 3 1 S i Burns.! . . . 4 3 ua
H.rxos.a.. 6 3 2 4 Or Kobrtt' n.r 4 12 0 3
IVInro.c.. 3 3 4 W)I.I... 4 V I 10
KllilOr.L. 4 0 -J 0O,H.i,h.tJl 4 2 2 JO
i;roh.s... 4 11 3 l.Merklr.1 . . 4 110 10
4ii.n.d... v v u u u lt.n.l. . 4 u r u
l-.rlfrilh.r. 4 2 4 0 0-.- dcr.m 4 O 3 OI
T'omblv.Ttt 4 O S O U M r..c . . 3 O 3 ne
Molllta.l 4 1 s 1 v,M.iri'np I I o III
LialC.p.... 4 10 10-i; . 1 0 0 0
jschsuer.p. o 0 1 00
Totals. . 13 27 14 1, Total. . .34 8 37 11
ittel tor Msth.wson In lahln.
Cinelnnall o 2 0 O u 1 0 3 1-
Xew York 0 O o 0 0 0 O 0 0
Run.. Roilterf, Hers.-, Wlnso. Croh 3.
Griffith. Two-laa hit", llarxos. M.rklr.
Oroh. Thr?-ba. hit. Hums. Plolen baa.m.
HtKlicara. Kltcher. Karn.d runs, Cincinnati
0. LhuM play. Rodger.. Hersog and Moll
wit, strueic out. by Krhiucr 1. by Data s.
Hit., off Mathra.on lo In Innlnsa, off
Sehauer 2 In 1 Inning. L'mplraa. Byron and
Philadelphia 1-2, IMitbure 2-4.
PHILADELPHIA. July 12. The ntts
burg Pirates won both games from
Philadelphia today, the scores being
2 to 1 and 4 to 2. The home team made
a rally in the ninth Inning of the open
er. when Becker hit for a home run and
Cravath and Nlehoff singled and Whit
ted sacrificed. Cooper took McQuil
lan's place and gave Luderus a pass,
but Burns hit a liner to Vlox for a
double play. In the second game Ma
maux was effective, except in two in
nings, liinchman made four doubles
and a single in eight times at bat.
Klrat lime:
Pttiaoutc I Philadelphia
the scores of 2 to 1 and 4 to 2. The
second game went 11 Innings. The vis
itors won the opening game In the first
Inning, when a pass, two singles and
an error by Gowdy netted two mas.
In the 11th Inntng of the second game
a psvss. a eacrtAce and two singles gave
SU Louis two runs and the game.
Klrat varna:
au louu Bestoc
Hurttsax. 3 11 2 o Moran.r. . . 4 1 1 va
K-n.r.l.. 4 3 T niiiMi k. 4 e 1 II
M. l.r l... 4 2 lO 0 -!!. r.l... 4 2 I 0 4 0 O ItXiiM.a., 4 1 1 oo
M..on.ra. 4 3 4 4 KiD. 1 . ... 4 oil eo
llntl r... 4 O 1 fRmllliJ... 4 11 30
Ii.t-.3... 4 11 I u,'lu 3 t 3 3
Hi.rd.r.c. sea Ui-drt... 3 o 3 ai
b..oa.p... see O o.Hua;pn.p. 3 O 1 3
Totals. 84 : TO; Total. 83 t 3T IT 3
Hmlia cut. hit by bailed halL
st. iouia soooeoee o ;
boru.n eooooloe v i
Hun. Mussina. Bssrhar. Morrna. Two-Haaa
hit.. Moran. Cath.r. Kiol.a ba-a, Hussia.
lioardy. First ta on error. ti. Lou:. I.
Hum on balla, off Sail. S. off I.
htnirk out. fcr f.l'.M 3. by Kudolph A. La
pim. Ruler end Han.
toeond tamo:
bL Louia 1 Bostea
Husrtn..2 4 O 4 3 1 Moran.r... a 1 2 3"
llr.. b.r.L. 3 3 4 eot.r..2... 4 0 10 1
MniT.i... 6 3ll o 'onno.:r.L, 4 l 3 eo
tiul.r.... S 1 1 1 0 M-..m.. 4 O 3 00
Whwn.m. 3 0 3 OM-fhmHi.1. & a U 10
tx:an.rn.. 3 I O O t Smii tt a. . . SOU 30
Unl.r... 4 0 4 4 f M.r-& O 1 30
M.t.r:.3.. 4 3 1 3 0 Whallns.C. 3 3 S lO
l.r. drr.c. 4 O 3 0 O tio.dy.c. . O O O lO
Doak.p... 3 O O 3 O T l.r.p. . .. 4 I 1 40
J crlu p.. 1 0 O 1 O Ulibarl". 1 0 0 00
Kothf'... 0 0 O O Oj
iwk-... toe out
Totals. .33 S S3 11 21 Totals . 40 t 21 IT 1
ltll4 tor Wilson In tttnth. Hattad
for lM..k In slxtb, Uatt.d tor Wbalins
In tenth.
st. ioui. eooeooieie 3 i
Boston 03O0O00O00 1 3
Hunt, Muffle bsrhsr 2, Butlar, Con
nolly. -M Two-ba hits.
lfia-l. Tyr. lr.t baaa on .rror. llnatoa 1.
on balla. off Lmak 2. off I'urdua 1. off
T.r 1. lilta. off iM.k 4 In 7 Innlnsa. off
root 3 in inning-a. ftrucs. out. t
lo.k 3. b t'vrduo l, by Tylttr I. Itnplrca.
lux tar and 11. ru
Milan. in.
fenanfc..!.. A
Cianuu. t . .
lluatiul. 1
Connol.3. 3
it.nry.c... 4
M. iitl.ia.a. 4
tonaaj.p . . . a
Joun.un.p. 0
Cirey.L... 6
Colllna.m. 3
John. ton. 1 4
litn'man.r 4
Wisnr.a. 4
Vlov.2.... 8
llalrd.S... 3
b.'hans.c. 2
M'Wuli'n.p 4
Coopvr.p.. O
1 0 o o
1 4 3 u
1 3 0 u
1 V 4 0
3 2 0 O
U 10 O u
0 5 3 1
1 o s o
o u o
0 o o o
u 0 0 e
0 ti Byrna.S. . .
00 Hncr.f La.
1 O llerkrr.l...
0 n Cravat h.r.
1 ONlahoff.3..
2 u K l.hf.r.c.
1 0. Uurna.c. . .
0 O Mayer. p.
1 1 invup.p. .
Iu . .
Totals .33 9 2T Tol.U.S; STI11
Hatted Cor Kll Ifer in eighth. Batted
for Mayer tn clshtb. Itan Xor Crsvath in
I'lttiburl 1OO0O100 0 3
l'lillxia.plila O0000O00 1 I
Hun. Collins. Htnrhman. Hacker. Two
ba h.ta Hlmltman 3. Wtinir. Viok. lioma
run. Bicker lout.ia p'.ar. Vlox una. i tad.
B.aa on balls, off McQuillan 1. off Cooper I.
off Mayer 1. off Tlniup 1. U'.ta. off Mc
Qulll-n 1 In I 1-3 lnnir.. off M.yar s In S
Innlnsa. off Tlncup 1 In 1 Innltts. htrurk
out. by Mcquillan 3. by Mayer by Tlo
cup 3. dnpirca. Wulfiley and Jinstl.
sond asms:
Pitiaburs Phlladalphla
;arT.l... 4 11 o 0 rtrrna.S . . . 4 1 1 lu
Jotuna.m. 4 O 3 o Hnurrortft, .
lohn.t n.l 4 1 lu O u 4io k.a. . .. 3
'i chm'n.r 4 2 3 1 He. ker I . .. 4
Vacner.a. 3 1 4 1 I1 'rm.lh.r. 4
.li.x.J.... 4 2 1 lOVIrbol'.l.. 4
Julrd J... 4 O I 1 i A hltted. nv. 4
jlbaon.c. 4 1 fi 1 ouderu.,1 . 4
Um.ux,p 4 O O 1 0 :lurna.c . . . 3
1 O
2 1
1 1
2 1
1 3
o 1J
o e
1 u
1 o
1 o
o o
'.' o
1 o
J'haliura,p 1 O O 3 1
Uliey.p... 2 O O lo
Totals. 34 8 27 8 11 Totals.. 34 S 27 13 3
ritt.burs 3 001 lOOO O I
Philadelphia O V O 0 t 1 O O O
Kuna. Carey. John. ton, Iflnchman. Olh.
on. litock. Nlehoff. Two-baao lilta, Hlnch
man. VlOk 3. OllMn. Nlehoff. btolen biaea.
Carar. liaird. Double plays, l.ud-ru. to
Hanoroft: Wacncr to J..huaton. Itaa on
balls, oft Chnlmsra 1. Ilny 1. Klrat hats
on error. ltltaburs 3. fhlladalpbla 1. lilt,
off Clinlmcra S In 4 1-3 Innlnaa. off lll.ey
If In 4 2-3. rtttuck out by Maulaux 5. Chal
mers , Klxcy 2. Cmpirsa, uislry aud
Brouklvn 3, tlilcago S.
BROOKLYN. July 12. The Superbaa
made it four straight from the Chicago
Cubs, and scored their eighth consecu
tive victory by winning today's game
3 to 2. Smith kept the hits well scat
tered. Wheat's error letting In Chi
cago's first run In the fourth. Myers
prevented a tie In the eighth when his
throw from center caught Murray at
third, after Chicago had bunched two
hits and a pass. The Cubs used three
pitchers, fritnith helped to win his own
game by driving the ball to the right
neld wall for two bases, scoring Stengel,
and coming home himself on Myers'
sigle. Score:
Baseball Statistics
St. Louis. . ,
f'hlraso. . .
Boat on. . ..
Detroit. . . .
New Tork.
Ft. Loots.
r-hlcaxo. . .
Natloaal League.
w.u P C.; w.u p.c;
4 .13 .S4S Plt'.hnrs.. . .7 8l .SOT
US S3 .531 New York.. . 82 37 .444
41 37 .54 Cincinnati. . 31 .14 .441
3S 35 .5-l.Bo.ton. . . . . 33 41.410
Amrrlra. rue.
4 2t .OS Washington. 3434. 4
4". 24 ."." bt. Ix.ul. VH 4 4 ..Tu
4-. HI .i phlla
39 13 .StiO Cleveland. . .
. PedWml Lraxw.
4.1 30 .am Newark
4 32 Hrooklin
KanaaaCltr 44 .t3 .371 n-jff.lo.
Pittsburg.. . 4 34 .&4l.Da!timoro..
Americas Aasortatlaa.
Indianapolis 44 13 TaraIan4 . .
St-Z'aul.... 44 .1 .-".7 Mlnnearolla 41. ii
Iwnl.vllle. . 41 :ia .All M ila aukeo. . 7 4 .474
Kansas city w -ii-.i. oi umbus. .
lVeatera Isgtsr.
4 34 .t Omaha ...
42 32 ..". Sioux Cltr."
3f 3 St. Joaeph..
H 34 .334 Wichita
Northweatera League,
pokans.... 33 12 .21"VI torts . . . .
Tacoma.. .. . 4A34.oS1 A Kerdeen. . .
Vancouver.. 41 42 .494 Sealtla
Vcteedaiy-a Kceulta.
American A. relation Cleveland 3 Kan
sas City 2; St. I'sul . inrilanapolia 3:
Loul.viil i, Minneapolis 0: Milwaukee 3,
Columbus 1.
Western I.eaIaa Lincoln 2, Omaha 0:
renver Sioux Cltr S: Dea Mliwi T.
Wichita 2: Topaka 8-1. Hi. Joaeph 4-o.
4bev the Too ma pier Taday.
Pacific ,Coast Leacua San rrsnclsco at
Portland. ixs Ancaies at Vernon, tall U4
at Oaklacd. .
Dei Moines
Denver. . . ,
To.eka. . . .
Lincoln. . . .
2-s 4-1 .:iT
25 45 .357
IO 34 .330
XI 4H .4 1 4
3:1-4 7 .413
24 44 .30k
3 34 ..V
31 4b .3lc.
3 34
3. 43 .47.1
31 42 .42-1
27 4 4 .3m
3 4 3 .414
41 4 .4.11
33 30.412
Good.r. ...
A rcher.M
A dam. .p..
r'iaher.a. ..
Saler.l. . .
Brei han.o
Pierce, p. .
Murray. r.
1 0
1 1
1 1
1 3
3 3 3 0
1 lO 1
I Brooklyn
3 11 0 Mrera.m. .. 4 1110
UU VI Mara... 3
0 u li.ubert.1 3
3 I) Wlieau.l... 3
1 Cut.baw.z. 4
i Olstenael.r.- 4
3 11 O ti tlclz.J 3
O I 1 Mlller.e.... 4
0 1 2 0 Smith. p.. . 3
1 1 2 o;
o u oo! '
0 4 i
1 1 IX
Totals. 30 0 34 I4 1i Totals, toil i; II I
Hatted for Oood la eibih; batted for
1'ierca la Ilftn.
Chlcsso 4 0 1 O 4 0 1 0 1
Brooklyn 1 0 O O 3 0 4 3
Huns. 3oo.. Hre.nshsn. OMsrs. stensal. Two-baas hlta, it Mara, smith. Earned
runs, i, rooa:n . Doubia plays.
ri.ner to s.iinmerman lu Kaier: cutartaw
Iiaubert. Ha.e on balls, off Pieces 1. Laven
der 3, Smith 2. Hlta. off. I'terca S In 4 In-
nlnjra. L.vtnk.r 4 in X. Adams nona In 1
Struck out. Pierce 1. Smith 3. L'mp.raa, Klein
and v ocaill.
Itoston 1-3, St. Louis 2-4.
1SOSTON. July 12. The St. Ixuls Car
dlnals defeated lloston twice today by
What the Box Scores Show
About Players You Know.
BILL. RODOEKS, ex-Beaver, made a
run, a hit. three putouts and rive
assists for the Cincinnati Nationals
against the Giants, helping Cincinnati
win Its one game of the series after
eight straight defeats. itodgers also
stole one base.
Olson, ex-Beaver, played third for
Ham Hyatt. ex-North western Leacuer.
fatlea to hit for the Cards aaalnat the
Braves. He made two assists from
right neld.
Bert Whaling. ex-Seattle, made two
hits for the Braves In the second game
of their double header with St. I-oul
Iav Bancroft, ea-Beav4r. slammed
out his customary hit for the 1'hila
in the first game of the double-header.
In the second he was passed twice and
failed to hit the two other tlmea. He
ate up nine fielding chances without a
I'ecklnpauah. ex-Beaver, had a great
day at for the Yanks against
Cleveland yesterday. He made a double
and triple In tour time, at bat. scored
three runs and handled five fielding
cnanrrs faultlessly.
Jack (iraney. ex-Beaver, made twe
singles lor Cleveland In four limes at
bat. He handled five fielding chaivoes
jai icit ncio.
-Ms rl How la nd jVermits to Hrturn to
Game Wins It for Washington.
CHICAGO. July 12. Manager Row-
land's courtesy cost Chlcsgo today's
game, the last of the series. Washing
ton winning t io I. In the third In
ning Uandll wrenched his ankle swing
ing at a bail and Rowland permitted
Williams to finish Gandll's turn at bat
and allowed Gandil to resume his posi
tion in the field. In the fifth Inning
Gandil made a double which sent the
winning run across the plate after two
were out. Score:
Washlnston I Chlcaao
11 II OAL H it O A K
Moaller.r.. J 0 o UULeltold.m. 3 1 4 OO
l'oater.2... 3 11 4 l'U eavrr... . 4 2 W IV
0 3 V o K. Colllna.3 4 114 1)
1 2 U 4 112 2"
112 O II, J. Coilina.r 3 O 2 OO
V It U O Kelacb.l. .. SO 1 ! u
1 U.Schaik.c. . 8 1 8 SO
1 1
B.V.D. Makes Ours
"The Land of The Free."
In Loose Fitting B.V. D., you fed
free all over every muscle and
sinew has abundant room to stretch
there isn't a pinch anywhere from
indoor sports, Jike shooting pool, to
outdoor sports, like playing golf,
B.V.D. ttUts freedom ring.
Firmly insist upon seeing the B.V. D.
Red Woven Label, and firmly refuse
to take any Athletic Underwear with
out it. Then you'll get properly cut,
correctly made, long-service underwear.
On every B.V.D. Underearment is sewed
Tit's Red Jf'nrn Labtl
nr. D. Clss4 Cr.tca
tiM Sau. ( Pat. U. . A.
a-lo-07 e-it)
If. D. Caal Cat UaSee.
asna aaa K.aee Leartb
txawera, 4ne aa4 arvf4
1 u lu kburna.S 4 3 1 't
2 2 4 u Klepter.p.. o
O 1
0 u
I O 2 1 UnmiL n
OKI D.WolIlui.p 2
Totals. S3 TSliaT Totaia. 34 S 21 14 0
Mtaticd (or Uandll in third br oarmlaelon.
Wa.hinsion OlOOlowv 0 o
Chlcaao 120OOVOO le S
Kunj. Foeiar. ihanka. OandIL I oanollir.
Mciirida, Weaver. tn.ria:a. liiackburca. Tro
baaa hu. uandll. etoiea baa. km. Co.
Una Jj halk. ll.ackburna. X lluuld. tarue.l
runi, Chicaso 2. Va.hintoa A. liaee. on
off Kieof.r 4. orr nuaw V. Of! llusaeu
2. off Wolfaans 1. Hlta. off Kiapfer 1 in
3 Innlna.. oft P.uaa.l 4 In a: uff Roll-
sane 2 in 4 I-S. oft i.a a la T 2-4. till
br pitcher, aloeller br Uolfcsna Ittruck out.
br fliaw ft. br Kle.fer I br Ku-ell 1. by
Wolfgang 2. Itnplrca. wa.iace and Con-nol.
Cleveland 4, New York
CLEVELAND. July II. Although the
Cleveland Americana had a 4-IO-2 lead
In the eighth Inning, poor fielding al-.
lowed the New York Yankees to come
from behind, while hard hitting per
mitted them lo Increase the score In
the ninth and win 7 to 4. Fisher, who
relieved I'leh In the fourth, held Cleve
land to three hits, two of which were
.cratches. Score:
Cleveland Nasr York
11 II OAK 14 11 OAK
ho'ih'th.ra a 4 luCook.r.... 4 1140
ciiapm n.a 12S 1 o l eva. sh.a 41144
Ul.tio.i.. 4 2 SOMa.M.. 4 S 4 14
Kliae.l... 4 14 1 0 f.lp.l . . . . 1 s 11
l-n.lil..r... 4 11 4 .. 4 t 1 Ow
llaroere.Z. I o I 1 O Hartaail.1.. Ill ov
W nib. a, J 4 12 1 Hd. j . .. 3 441
ON., .i.e.. 4 11 n.eraty.c I e 24
JlarataJ.p SUV 4 U.l'leb.p. ... 1 e J 11
r s V a aw
Total. 7ISItl4l!' Totaia. 12 la II 14 1
Cleveland 1 1 1 O 4 4 4 4 1
.Near lark VI 1 OVOS I 2 i
Ituna. fnuihworth. Kirk. Itarbara. O'Neill.
Cook, l'eck;npaush 1, atael. It 1. To
b.M hit.. u'.St.,., tfmith. ll-p. l-e klcpausrt.
Ii:h. Threwbaatf bit. lck moaus a. rtu.ea
1... , Chapman. BwiutL lou b.a p.aa. loutn
morth to liar. tad lo liexbeta, lilta. off fleh
a In S limit;., no la out In luurili. tl 3 in a. r irst base on nana, iiarataa.
I'leh. lilt br pitcher, bf Harstad. r'..u.r.
struck out. br liat.lad 1. lah 1. Ktahar 4.
Klrat t.aa on errors Clalelat.d 1. New lil.
V. Umpires. Inncen and allu.
Detroit 1C, Boston 1&.
lETllO!T. Mich.. July 12. The Bos
ton Americans defeated Letrolt IS to
IS today In a aee-saw 10-lnnlng game.
The lied box earned less than half of
their run, the Tigers' eight errors be
ing costly. Kavanagh was the chief
offender with three fumbles and a wild
throw. After Boston had knocked
Coveleskle off the mound in the Oral
Inning, bunching four hits with three
Detroit errors for five runs, the Tigers
combined hits with peases In the sec
ond and third to tie the score. Boston
look the lesd again In the fourth. De
troit went ahead In the sixth. The
Ked Sox went out in front again In
the eighth, and the Tigers tied again
In the same Inning at 11-all. Two er
rors and three singles In the 10th gave
Boston the winning tallies.
Detroit used four pitchers and Bos
ton five. Score:
freas. JMaW JU. tt M. Ito. Of. w IW-r Cm a.)
The B.V. D. Company, ITew York.
Wholesale Distributors
Colilna 1. Vmplrea. Htldebrsnd sod
O luuehlln.
St. Iouls-rhllsdelphla game post
poned: rain.
Kan to Decide ln-tlicr Abrrileen Is
to Stay In league.
ABERDEEN. Win. July . iKpe
cial.) A meeting of Aberdeen baseball
fans has been called for the City Hall
here tomorrow evening, at which time
It will be determined whether Aber
deen will complete the season and
whether this city will have a team in
the league next year. The general
opinion Is that the Northwest League
seaaon 111 end earlier than antici
pated. The directors, however, say that
Aberdeen has been as good a baseball
town as any tn the lea sue financially
and that the Black Cata are entitled to
remain If they desire to.
Danny rhea. released veteran Tacoma
-ratchet, probably will be signed by
Manager Barnes, according to advices
received by the directors here, in which
case Byler. the young Vclver.lty of
Washington backstop, may be released.
Wllftontllle IVcata II rales All-Slar.
WILSON V I I-I-K. Or- July 1. (Spe
cial.! The Wil.onvllle team defeated
the ltoalca All Stars here Sunday. S to
3 The game umpired by Ir.
Wheeler, of Portland, and was ona of
the best games here this season. Wil
sonviile has one of the fastest teams
in the valley.
Clianlauqua Visitors See; tianie With
Plenty of Action.
tlUADSTONi: TAItK. July IS. Impe
rial I In an exciting game tcdsv Bar
ton defeated Clackamas. C to 4. Bladen.
Clackamas regular ib artist. wss
hit lit the arm by a rlt"hel ball
In the third and blew up on taking the
mound for bis team-mates the follow
ing inning. Bunion, who replaced him.
allowed 3 runa In the seventh, but held
the Barton sluccers down to four hits.
In the third, sixth and seventh
Clackamas managed to send four men
across the ilate. The game e. as fast
and. although the slucsing aaa quite
free, good fielding on both aides fea
tured the contest. Balterles: Clackamas,
B'aden. Burden and Wilson; Barton.
I'illard and Iouglas.
(asslsssa IM.r Sitaadlaga,
r. w. IV .
Mmm ........................... 2 2 lvv
lUrtn. ......................... .3 2 .(Ml
ihl.a 2 1
Mack.burg 2 0 .ootl
In the Falkland l.ianda thrts are five
tttete. a man' men
Boston I Detroit
Hooper, r.. a O 1 1 Vltt.J & 1 3 4 1
Janvrln... J 1 0 3IKavsn'sh.2 4 2 I II
Sl-eaker.m 5 3 4 loc.bbm... 5 2 4 ( o
(lalner.l.. 4 2 12 O 0 ri f ord.r 4 O O0
l-.l.l... S 2 I O each I 3 1 3 O0
tlardner.S. 5 I O 2 1 Iturna. 1 . . . 4 I 3i I
Harry. 2 4 3 u llu.h.a . 4 1 O 30
Th.-inaa.c. 3 1 u Uaker.e. . . 3 3 4 41
"adv.c... 1 O 3 O tl'ovelek..p O 0 0 O
lonard.p t O 0 i Koisnd.p.. e O 1 oe
f'o.ierp.. 3 O O o 0 Sfen.p. . . . 3 O O 10
Pennock.p O 0 O o o l.ubuc.p.. . 1 e e 3o
.'mt.p OOO O IstcKea. .. 1 O OW
"..llin. p.. I O O 1
lllenrtk'n 1 O O Ol.l
IHoblltxei OOOOO.
Totsl.. .44 (?! II 31 Total. . .40 13 .TO 20
Hoi.nd out In second for coachrr's Intar.
t Hatted for Thorns. In eaventh.
Ilatted f.r ter In elchth.
IHatled fur In fourth.
Rostor 5 0 0 3 1 4 S IS O4IO3203O o 12
Huns. Hooper S. Jsnvtin 4. fflilur 3.
tSainer 2, locals, t.anlner. Thomas. Kavan
uth 2, colb 2. l"aford 4. Veacb 3. Hum..
Haker. Taob.a hit.. Jairtn 2. 2.
K.vanauch. Thre-ba.a hit. Coho. Home
run, Crsaford. t!olen, tlalner, lisrd
ber. Thumit. Ksrned r.n.. Iloaton T. Ia
troll 4. Ilauhla :af, liatner lumwlMeil.
r'lr.t ...e on errvf. 4. leirll t.
Haa on l.alla. off Hollnl 7. Htaen 2. hubue
I leonatd 4. Foster 4. fmnorl 1. Colna 1
Hlta. off t'oeeleakla 4 In l-l Innlns. IWand
1 In 3 2-3 ttean 4 in S l-S. Iatuc 3 tn 2 3-3.
tonard 3 In 3. to.tar 4 In 4. Pennoek 1
and nona out In elrhtb. off Shot. 1 and nona
out In e-lshth. off 1 In S lenlns.
(itfwrv t.t e.e lAlap vtj.r 3 1'o.t.t 3.
flvSriors LNstWDr
aofict ca.rui-trs.jrtat hyi
(SOS4C or tisxt sin. TTareo f vemeOMT rr . veouLo
I Htt fOWKesLF J
GUT loose from the big, bulgy wad.
For a clean, small chew there's noth
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You get the good of the richest
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A little chew of purp, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned
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W-B CUT H long SKftto. RXaHrCUT is HOsrT sMtia
TsVe less then ooequartrr the elJ six chew. It
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tohecco. Just taVe Bubble of it until yea find (be
strenith chew that suits you, then ere how easily sad
ervealy the reel tobacco taste comes, boss it eatia&ee,
bow much less yoe have to spit, how lew chews you
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ftfi Tt tenrs Ckrw. Thu'i eh i( Mti lr i. tlx .1
The taste of pore, rich tobacco does not need to he covered up. Aa
enoees of licorice aod sweeteoiaf snakes yoa spit too Burn.
One small chew takes the place of two bi
chews of the oM kind.
((Notice: bow the U-mlt briaa
oat tbe Men tobacro uic)l