Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Fault Found With Failure to
Assure Against Repetition
v of Lusitania Affair.
"What Is About to Happen
Must Be," Said Maximilian
Harden, Early in Year.
.American Editors Express Views on
Present Situation Studious En
deavor to Avoid Clash Is
' Seen by Some.
It -
Additional editorial comment by the
newspapers of the United States on
the German reply to the American de
mands is as follows:
Boston Transcript Without equivo
cation and with a politness offensively
insinuating, Germany rejects each and
all of our demands and attempts to
bargain with respect to the future.
What right have we to retain a seat
among the self-respecting nations of
the world if we abandon our dead to
their fate and barsrain with the mur
derers for the safety of our living?
Milwaukee Kvening Wisconsin The
situation, briefly, seems to be that the
United States has taken a position In
keeping with international law, to
which Germany declines to conform.
That President Wilson knows how to
deal with the difficult problem thus
presented Americans will not doubt.
Pittsburg Post The attitude of Ger
many is that the United States shall
assent to the sinking of passenger
ships and unarmed merchant vessels,
and all without search and without
having non-combatants. Such a propo
sition betrays a singular misconcep
tion of American character and con
science. I.tmltiin In Affair Kot Dliav.wtd.
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin The
fatal fault in Germany's reply to the
American note is that there is no dis
avowal of the assault on the Lusitania,
no assurance of reparation, nor any as
sumption of responsibility and no ade
quate assurance against the recurrence
of such a disaster. There can be no
satisfactory settlement of the Issue and
friendly relations cannot permanently
continue unless there shall be expia
tion In some form.
Cleveland Plain Dealer The United
Ptates asks a question and Germany
talks at random In return. The United
states makes a demand and Germany
discusses in reply the wickedness of
her enemies.
Louisville (Ky.) Evening Post
Nothing more arrogant, nothing con
structed with more studied offense,
has ever been sent in a note to any
Independent power. If the Kaiser had
swept the Navy of the United States
from the seas, if he had bottled up the
navy of Great Britain, as his own is
bottled up. he could not have added a
single word of offense to the note yes
terday sent to Ambassador Gerard.
Yesterday the President refused to dis
cuss such propositions. We doubt not
he will do so today.
Columbia (S. C.) Record The note
rot only falls short of meeting our de
mands, but deals too much in adroit,
diplomatic persiflage. In our opinion,
the last note of the German Empire
Is insulting.
People Turn to President.
New Orleans Times-Picayune The
only question awaiting answer is that
touching the further course to be pur
sued by the United States. The Presi
dent and his advisers must decide that.
The American people await their de
cision calmly and with full confidence
that American rights and the principles
of international law and humanity will
be firmly supported.
Richmond (Va.) News-Leader The
latest German note will prove alto
gether unsatisfactory to this country
because Germany confesses herself an
advocate of the freedom of the seas and
then calmly proposes to restrict the
freedom of American citizens and
American ships at sea.
Mobile (Ala.) Item "Impossible" Is
a mild term indeed to apply to that
proposal in view of the fact that the
rights of neutral vessels under a neu
tral flag have never heretofore been
called into question.
Louisville Courier-Journal The Ger
man answer would carry better per
suasion if it could be considered wholly
and apart as an ex parte statement.
That the English orders in council were
violations of neutrality rights under
International law and usage was made
manifest by the protest of our Govern
ment. Unfortunately the course pur
sued by Germany made it needful be
fore proceeding with that protest to
meet a more immediate and dangerous
Dead Not to Be Abandoned,
Times, Washington, D. C. In Ger
many's treatment of the Lusitania ques
tion is the crux of the whole situation.
We cannot abandon the dead to nego
tiate for the living. Surely we cannot
discuss the matter of safe trans-Atlantic
travel for prospective voyagers until
we have settled the responsibility and
received the acknowledgment of that
responsibility for the American dead,
which, somewhere upon or under the
sea, testify to a wanton disregard for
law and humanity.
Memphis (Tenn.) News-Scimitar We
may not relish the Idea of dickering
with Germany as to how our citizens
shall travel the seas, but certainly we
have no Just complaint against reach
ing a fair understanding with Germany
on this point, so long as we submit to
dictation of Great Britain regarding
commerce with neutrals.
Washington (D. C.) Post The action
of Germany in Its relation to American
rights at sea speaks louder than it
word. No passenger vesesl with Ameri
cans on board has been destroyed by
German submarines since the Lusitania
was torpedoed, and It is evident that
whatever Germany may say, she Is stu
diously endeavoring to avoid a clash
with the United States.
Nashville (Tenn.) Banner Germany
assuredly wants no new enemy added
to those she already has. The United
States, above all things, wishes to keep
out of the war. Under such conditions
the dispute between the countries
should be amicably settled.
Thousands Arrive in Los Angeles lor
Grand Lodge Session.
LOS ANGELES. July 11. Special
trains from all parts of the country
brought thousands of Elks here today
to attend the reunion of the grand
lodge, which opens its first business
session on Tuesday.
Wearing a black and yellow ribbon
Instead of the purple and white, the
official colors of the Elks, a special
train of Baltimore delegates, which ar
rived today, started a campaign against
Atlanta. Ga., for the next reunion.
Hundreds of automobiles carried the
delegates and their women folks to
the beaches and suburbs of the city.
A long reception programme of en
tertainment lasting an entire week has
been provided by the Los Angeles lodge.
A" ,
U 9
Photograph Copyright toy Underwood & Underwood.
On the occasion of the simultaneous offensive of the ' French and
English at La Basse. General Joffre, the French commander, visited
the English contingent and complimented the British commander and
his troops. The photo shows General Joffre (on the left). Marshal
French (in the center) and General Wilson, on the extreme right.
The three commanders reviewed the British forces.
Ex-Secretary Says Press Rep
resents Two Extremes.
People Declared to Favor Separa
tion of Passengers From Con
traband and Keeping Trav
elers Out of War Zone.
LOS ANGELES, July 11. William J.
Bryan declared. In a statement issued
tonight, that editorial comment on Ger
many's reply to the American Lusi
tania note represented the extremes
of sentiment, but that he believed the
majority of the people were interested
solely in protecting American rights,
and would "heartily approve of any
steps the President seems fit to protect
the Americana in the zone or separate
passengers from contraband, especially
"It is not a sacrifice of rights to
avoid unnecessary risks," he declared.
Mr. Bryan arrived, with Mrs. Bryan,
from San Francisco for a brief stay
with their son, William J. Bryan, Jr,
and his family at Hermosa Beach. Mr.
Bryan's statement follows:
"I have not had an opportunity to
read many editorials in full, but I have
read extracts from a number of edi
torials as they have been reproduced in
San Francisco and Los Angeles papers.
I am afraid that those which I have
read represent the two extremes rather
than the average sentiment.
People Declared to Be XeatraL
"We have in this country a. number
of newspapers which strongly sympa
thize with the allies, and also a num
ber of newspapers which strongly sym
pathize with Germany but the great
majority of the people are neutral in
feeling as well as in expression and
do not take the extreme views repre
sented by either of the groups above
"The mass of the American people.
If I know their sentiments, are inter
ested solely in protecting American
rights and in preserving neutrality. It
is Just as unneutral for the pro-ally
papers to Insist on our helping the
allies as it is unneutral for the pro
German paper to insist on our helping
Germany. The pro-ally papers want
this Government to stop the submarine
warfare, and the pro-German papers
want us to put an embargo on arms
and ammunition; but. as a neutral na
tion, we have no more right to inter
fere in the Interests of the allies than
we have to Interfere In the interests of
Method! Kot to Be Reaolated.
"Each individual may have his
opinion as to the inhumanity of drown
ing or starving noncombatants. but it
is not our business, as a neutral na
tion, to attempt to regulate the meth
ods employed by the belligerents in
dealing with each other, except in so
far as we find it necessary to do so to
protect American rights, or can. by our
good offices, influence them to moder
ate their conduct toward each other.
"I believe that a large majority of
the people will heartily approve of any
steps that the President may see fit
to take to keep Americans out or the
danger zone, or separate passengers
from contraband, especially from am
munition. It is not a sacrifice of
rights to avoid unnecessary risks."
County Fruit Inspector Expects
Oregon to Enjoy Immunity.
That Oregon will not be bothered
with the 17-year locusts, which are due
to visit various 'sections of the East
this year. Is the opinion of John E.
Stansbery. County Fruit Inspector, yes
terday. Mr. Stansbery said yesterday
this species of grasshopper had never
made Its appearance in this state and
there was no reason why it should do
so this year.
An old superstition has it that the
coming of the 17-year locusts presaged
war, the idea having arisen from the
clearly defined "W" found on the back
of the Insect.
(Continued From Flrat Page.)
out exploding are indicated by signs
bearing the words. "Live shelL
French Bayoneted From Cam.
One line of the German works was
just below the summit of a steep slope,
which, from the nature of the ground.
V ' M lit? V,
could not be shelled without danger to
the French position a little higher up.
The Germans were sheltered in dug
outs In the hillside, and their French
assailants, sliding or Jumping down into
the trenches, were shot or bayoneted
from caves. The line Anally was taken
by tossing grenades by the basketful
Into the trenches until so many of the
defenders In the concaved shelters were
killed or wounded that they were too
weak to resist an assault.
Every curve or angle In the miles of
labyrlnthian cuttings has its story of
tragedy and heroism.
The men on the firing line express
the utmost confidence that what was
done yesterday or this morning they
can keep on doing until the war has
been won. They never hear the vague,
unverified reports circulated In Paris,
sometimes of tremendous and Impos
sible victories or sinister hints of dis
aster. They know what they have done
since March . They talk as a matter
of course of another Winter campaign,
because they say it will take another
year to break the German power.
Romance Starts When Girl's Applica
tion for Office Post Is Cham
pioned by Admirer.
"Mother. I'm mararled: have been for
two weeks." With this calm announce
ment over the telephone yesterday
morning Jay Moltzner. formerly a
young newspaper man who is now a
partner In the Occidental Warehouse
Transfer Company, of Portland. In
formed Mrs. Harriet E. Moltzner of his
desertion from the ranks of bachelor
hood. "You are? Who tor was the re
sponse of Mrs. Moltzner.
"Emily Robovsky." was the triumph
ant reply, said In all expectation of par
ental blessing, which was not slow in
"Well, come on over for dinner to
night." invited the mother, who la the
presiding genius at "The Dorothy
Miss Robovsky was a stenographer
In Mr. Moltzner's office. The romance
had Its Inception about eight months
ago, when the young girl applied for
the position of stenographer. Mr.
Moltzner's partner. Attorney J. L. Con
ley, was In favor of employing a man
for the work, but Moltzner stood up
for women's rights and Miss Robovsky
was employed.
The romance budded and bloomed
and was capped two weeks ago when
the young . couple took the ferry to
Vancouver and were married by Rev.
E. B. Collier. They are now at home
to their friends at 649 East Thirty
seventh street, having dispensed with
the usual wedding trip in favor of tak
ing up housekeeping at once.
Mr. Moltzner came to Portland from
Mollne, 111., where he was city editor
of the Mollne Times. He deserted the
newspaper field at the time to engage
in the warehouse business with Mr.
Northern Pacific Hard-Pressed to
Find Train Crews to Take Care
of Passenger Service.
LIVINGSTON. Mont.. July 11. (Spe
cial.) The Northern Pacific shops in
uvingston went on at full time last
night. Announcement was made by
Shop Superintendent Thomas Jackson.
This means eight hours a day and six
days a week for the men.
For the past two years the locomo
tive department of the shops. Includ
ing machinists, boilermakers, pipe-Otters
and their helpers, have been work
ing on a schedule of five days a week
and eight hours a day.
In addition to these men many ad
ditional helpers have been put on.
Road traffic, especially In the Northern
Pacific passenger service, has Jumped in
big bounds. and according to Fred
Brastrup. trainmaster, it is hard to get
crews to handle the trains. i
The car department forces which
were working on short time are now
going steadily six days a week and ten
hours a day.
Italian Consul Made Chevalier.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 11. James A.
Baclgalupi. attorney for the Italian
Consul-General here, has been made a
chevalier of the Order of the Crown
of Italy. The title was conferred
upon him by King Victor Emmanuel in
recognition of services to Italian Immi
grants. He Is the first native Callfor
nlan of Italian birth to receive this distinction-
'Let No Cry of Pain and Xo Men
ace Sound In Germany's Ear,"
Plain Defiance of Leader
Among Political Writer.
Early la tha year. Maximilian Harden, a
commanding 1 1 gv r. among li.rrnan political
wrlt.ra. ilocUrnl that tli.ra aaa no tl
gutalnr tha fact that Am.rican ..ntlm.nt
u unfriendly to il.rm.nv. He advised with candor, to l.t tha Am.rican
b. what ha la. and not conllnua "to dam
es, tha empire and If. paopla throuch sn
attempt to forca to your mar of
thlnaltis." But ha ol! Americana ih.y
m.ra "a-aml in sood lima." "You !onl
ait. rapt to land on our rneats. Kaep a.r
from the Brtu.h aa wall." ha aald. and
d.rlard that Oarmanr that
"th.ra bo no outcry If Anwnrin h!pa w.ra
damased bjr German submarlnea.'
Following are translations of pas
sages of greatest Interest to Ameri
cans In an article by Maximilian Harden
published In February In. his magazine.
Die Zukunft. under the caption "It's
Better for You":
The lend of the Stars and Stripes
Is besought only to give her neutrality
the color of sympathy. That the United
States, In , accordance with the advice
of Mr. Roosevelt, who was made an
honorary doctor in Berlin, and as a
private citizen Inspected a brigade
maneuver, will support our enemies
with fleet and land armies Is for the
present Improbable. Nevertheless, ex
perience warns us to be prepared for
every shift in the barometer from the
distant West as well as in the Far
East and to guard against denuncia
tion as much as against flattery.
Aoaerlraaa Regarded as I'afrlradly.
"Sentiment of Americans Is unfriend
ly to us. Despite tours of Princes, the
statue of Frederick the Great, the ex
change of professors, and Kiel week!
Yes. Despite them alL
"We cannot alter It. Missionaries of
our Foreign Office brought with them
over the sea In trunks and In bundles
the most beautiful seal, but some
times chose unfruitful, in a few cases
harmful, mediums. Lectures and litera
ture, both of defense and denuncia
tion, the number of defenders, the com
pleteness of their argument, alike
fortified only suspicion.
"That which could be done to make
clear German conduct was done by
Germany's upright children, who knew
the country and the people. The Ameri
can business man does not enjoy climb
ing mountains of paper. He has grown
up In a different sphere of Interest and
Is accustomed to a different set of
values than that of the middle
"To familiarize one's self with
foreign surroundings and to become
finally a psychologist In dally Inter
course will become the chief duty of
Germany of tomorrow.
"The North American among whose
anceators are Britons. Spaniards. Celts,
Hollanders, Frenchmen and Low Ger
man., despite language, cannot easily
understand that the Englishman calls
Mm boorish, stiff and cold, and charges
him with self-seeking and calculatlve
nesa. For the most part It is a quar
rel of relatives who wish to overcome
but not to kill one another.
Opportaal t y I-ot la A aim.
"Only over the alliance with Japan
did Jonathan wrinkle' his brow more
deeply, but every Briton swore he
would close to the yellow one the way
to Hawaii and California, through the
Philippines, and use him In Asia's fields
only as scsrecrow for the Rus.lane and
Germans. Doubt the remainder and yet
we let. slip the opportunity of Joining
hands aaalnst the Japanese Invasion.
"Yesterday we were patted. Today
we are Flnched. Over there the dollar
rules alone. All that concerns the
state Is a pestiferous marsh, decency
Is an Infrequent guest, the promoter a
crook, the official a corrupt lonl.t. the
lady a little upholstered peacock wo
man. "The Individual lleallm or tha
cheerful ability of tha American, his
Joy In giving, his achievements in and
for art. science and culture were
scarcely noticed. Compliments dldn I
wash out that uncouth picture.
"Before Mr. Roosevelt bared his
horne teeth to Berllners he had talked
cheerfully to Admirals Dewey and
Beresford about a starry banner war
against Germany. And the quieter
compatriots of that noisy being said:
'You Germans are wonderful and hell
ishly devoted to duty. You scorn us
because we pursue business. We take
piles of gold across the sea and then
vou raise your nose high In the air as
If It stank.'
"Even in time of peace an under
standing would have become difficult.
The American wishes to be neither
arrogant nor subservient, to count for
no lens as a merchant than as an officer
and official, to do what appeals to him,
and If It pleases him to characterize his
President as an ox. Let him be what
he Is. and don't continue to damage tha
empire and its people through an at
tempt to force foreigners to your ways
tf thinking.
America Eyes Net Germaa.
"Isn't It understandable that the
American satisfied himself after bis
own fashion .as to the origin of the
war: that he sees the fate of Belgium
through other eyes than German and
decries the army for its own purposes'
as 'militarism'; understands us no bet
ter than the German Michel under
stands him. and curses furiously when,
after a long drought, the European war
destroys his harvest? Then he will
raise himself aloft in unprecedented
"No matter how the dice fall among
us you will rake In the bulk of the
winnings. The war coats old Europe
through Investments without interest,
devastation and buslne.s loss a hun
dred thousand million marks or more.
She will stagger under loads and taxes.
Warning Clvea Ha Good Tiaae."
"Until the war haa been fought out
and the book of fate has been raised
above every doubt, your verdict will
weigh with us as a chicken's feather.
Let our writers and speakers be silent,
and not one more syllable of defense
be uttered. We are not offended; we
have not time for that. We are de
lighted that you are donating ten mil
lions a month to Belgium, that you de
sire to help care for Poland, that you
open the savings bank of your children.
"We earnestly request, however, that
there be no outcry tf American ships
are damaged through attacks of Ger
man submarines. England wants to
prevent us. and we want to prevent
England, from Importing foodstuffs and
raw materials. You don't attempt to
land on our coasts. Keep away from
the British as well. You were warned
In good time. What Is about to hap
pen has been Imposed by pitiless ne
cessity, and must be. And let no cry
of pain and no menace sound In Ger
many's ear.
amnions' diminish., huns.r. and should
therefore, be avoided shortly btture n.a
In Which to Purchase That
All Connections Free 31 Down; $1 a Month
Fifth and Yamhill
Alaska Northern Sale May Fail
Because Interests Conflict.
Purchase Price A creed On by Gov
ernment Not to Helm
burse Those Holding Claims
and Some Are Sure to".
ington. July 11. Unless the American
bondholders and the Canadian capital
IMS Interested In the Alaska Northern
Itallroad can get together and sdjuat
their differences over the distribution
of the I1.1S0.000 which the Govern
ment proposes to pay for that road,
acquisition of the property by the
I'nlted States may hare to be aban
doned. Such a development Is not
probable, but It Is possible.
Both American and Canadian capital
Is Invested in the Alaska Northern
Railroad. The American capital was
Invested In the original company and
the Canadian capital when the com
pany was reorganised. Under the
terms of the contract under which th
I'nlted States Government was to take
over the road no adequate provision
wss made for compen.atlng the Ameri
can bondholders. There were Indica
tions that the cash psld over by the
Oovernment wss to be distributed
among the Canadian stockholders.
Contract Net Made Pea lie.
Finding themselves out In the cold,
the American bondholders, most of
them In Chicago, sought to get hold
of the contract to ascertain Just where
they stood In the transaction, they not
having been consulted about the terms
on which the road was offered to the
Government. Access to the contract
was denied them: In fact, the contract
was not made public and It became
necessary to go Into court to have
the contract produced. The contract
confirmed the fears of the American
hoM holders, and as a result of pro
ceedings instituted by them In the Its
trlct of Columbia a percentage of the
price to be paid has been set aside to
rover their claims, and to be dis
bursed by direction of the court later
Following the first order of the
court, other bondholders brought like
suit and further moneys were set apsrt
to rover their claims, and now the Ca
nadians have themselves gone Into
court to protect their Interests. The
rut Is Intricate. There are many di
versified Interests. The amount the
Government agreed to pay for the rail
road Is far from being adequate to
reimburse all the stock and bond hold
ers and It was acknowledged at the
time that the Oovernment bought at a
bargain price.
I ltlaate Parcaaa Espeetea.
The proceedings have gone far
enough to demonstrate that the actual
purchase of the road by the Oovern
ment If It la purchased must be made
through the courts, snd will not be a
straight-out transaction between the
Secretary of the Interior and the road
official.. The Oovernment today Is
operating the railroad under leaae.
(pending so. Tie money In putting It Into
shape. .ut Is spending the bulk of Its
funds building up a terminal at Ship
Creek, which Is not on the existing
If the saie falls through snd the
Government Is obliged to abandon the
1 ;
Alaska Northern and turn to some
other route to the Interior, the Alaoka
Northern will reap the benefit of what
money the Government spends on Its
Improvement. There Is general es
pectatlon. however, that In time the
conflicting Intere.ts m-lll reach a com.
trrm.e. ertch aide arrelne I. sacri
S 1 3oSO
Be Careful When You Buy Candy
Remember that you are buying
food to be eaten by vour friends or
You are invited to visit the Hazel
. wood Candy Kitchen and see
Hazelwood Candy made.
And you will know you are getting
pure candy.
3SS Washington St.
docs bet dost, crack nor crumble. When you boild be aura to bus-
Wall Board
As the name Cerfgfn-rVeJ indicates, this
Wall Board is ue tinned to rive the max
imum service and it is sold at the most
reasonable price. It is used ertensively
in bouses, bungalows, temporarv and per
manent booths, (actoriet, office , etc
For sale by dealers everywhere
Gcnenl Roofing Miy. Company
'II Wi.l m
11 fWTftOtF m Dsta rtWvt
yVruau a i i n.u
fice something, and t
hat the rna
I ulli-
nately will become
the Oovernment.
the propc
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attc-r .r.1 -
lowing earth rr (he .
matter It contain. an4
II r-r.n It th .urf.r.
M ..."
W t :
a. much, aa
a,yL-f.. -
Are you going to build?
The use of Wail Bojira as an improvement
OTer latii and plaster is becoming universal.
It la cleaner. moa dnnU. uia - I
At eaeb cf one
bic mtns we make the fol-
tuwtag product
t..a.mag fr
Tarred r.ka
BoUa. Pi
PlM KmIi
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J-.maW StauM
Tar Caatiag