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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1915)
WANTED MISCELLAXEOra. 1. a. thoroughly reliable boiwe to buy or ell household goods or anything in tna hardware line, cail the Levin Hardware Furniture Co.. 221 Front. Phone A 7174. Maln 07t. KyM BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE FLRXITURE; BEST PRICES PAID. 74 HAWTHORNE AVE. EAST 7168. , HELP WANTED MAJLR iHPLOYME.VT DEPARTMENT. Y MCA Young men seeitinir emolovment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines, are in vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members, a special members, tp is issued, cos Ling $. per annum, giving the service of the de srtment for a year two months' full yiiviitff aud a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment is not se cured. Y. M, C. A. AL'TOMOBILS SCHOOL. SPECIAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. 1 unusual opportunity. For particulars call at educational office Y. M. C. A. In cluded in tuition cost is full Association membership to October 1 MEN'S suits reduced. Just a few llght-col-ored suits left, sizes 33 to 38. Out they tsu at 7.S0. Just think of it. (15 suits lor eT.fiU Jimmy Dunn, 315-10-1 Orego r niai bld. Elevator to 8d floor. I0T0FF1CE examination at Portland soon. Prepare now under furmer Government examiner. Booklet S-31 free. Write touay. Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Reliable, .experienced, steady, all round man for farm, German preterred; 9-5 a month and board, with cnairce for Increase. See Mr. Foley. 2d floor Eilcrs bicg. CASH advanced you weekly selling our han dy guaranteed ornamental and fruit stock. Right now best time to start. W'asning ton Nursery Company, Toppenish, Wash. FOBl'LAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Irstructor to teach you the barber trade in e. weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 132 2d. near Alain. A CLEAN, dry hand milker to milk iu cows and do general larm work. K. xt. Ienney. Beaverton (Raleigh station). TWO men wanted at once to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at 4-15 Haw thorae ave. V ANTED Names of young men wanting to bo railway mail clerks; 75 month. Answer Immediately. AV 2.5. Oregonian. STUDENT draughtsman in architect's office will pay for correspondence school cour.e co wages iirst year. AR fe'Jl. Oregonian. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for positions as firemen and braketnen; $12u monthly. RaiI way. car Oregonian. WANTED Boy to learn auto repairing; no ealary. East Side Auto Repair Co.. 71J Hawthorne. TWO news agents .wanted to work on pas senger trains; cash bond required. Apply .a - i iu ul:i mi.. tuti.hljL and high school men to sell ruiier sanitary Drusces, loo per cent com miesion. Chamber of Commerce bios. jua.n wanted for general office work, hav- "6 miuHieoge oi Dooaaeeping, stenogra phy and typewriting. G 72U. Oregonian. WANTED Elderly man of good morals to neip witn iignt cnores and iruit picking on WANTED At 79 West Park, a girl to help in kitchen: S15 month. Cail after 2. ICXPEKIK.NXED Vesitioantlal exchange-oper- Litmpoeu rxotei. oiKL lor general yiousework, good cook; t Tirri TZllLtro V ail LCU.i ll.kl.SL IXttHf. WANTED All-rounffi tailor, single, lor out or town, hnone iajst 2uoJ. 1'KOTOGRAPII fl coupon or portrait agents; salary. )2 1 4 Pi ttock bl o c k. new offer WA.NTD Boy to dnvo advertising ris. Call at Frazier and McLean's barn Monday. ' liAUBER wanted, good , man, steady Job; student not wanted. N. 0th at. 1'WO BOYS At once, to , learn the barber trade. 48 N. 2d st. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com- mission paid. Sarony titudto. Royal bids. PHOTO coupon agents; extra, commission. Northup fetudio, tith and Ankeny sts. Help Wanted Salesmen; W'AXTEI Salesman to sell Carpenter's toy and advertising balloons as a side line in Oregon and adjacent territory. Carpenter Paper Co., Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Business man with $1500 and business experience, guaranteed proposi tion for right paity; stands strict inves tigation; easily double money in 2 months. Marshall oSOu, Mr. Loubach. STENOGRAPHERS wantedrbovernment, '?5 month; Portland examinations Oct. li. sample questions free. tTanklin Institute, Dept. 703 F. Rochester, N. V. VAN i fclJ iaciy now employed for profit able work that will not conflict with pres ent duties. Ap 89S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework ; references required. 1103 Franklin St., Willamette Heights. WANTED Good girl with references for general housework. 1183 Hassalo, in Lau rel hurst- TAKE our IS-lesson piano course and play all the latest music by note. 6th Tloor Hu chanan bldg., over S and 10-cent atore. RELIABLE young woman for maternity hos pital, with knowledge of nursing preterred. AF i36, Oregonian. GIRLS bet. 18 and 25 to learn comptometer calculating machine; good position when course completed. 333 Morgan bidg. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS" COrTLEOET AM modern business courses $5 mo. Position when complete. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Refined, capable worn anf o r re sponaibie position. Viavi Company 43 Pittock block, 3S5 Washington at, WANTED Competent girl for second work. Apply 764) Northrup at, between 23d and sts. JiluDLE-AGED lady for matron; must have good references. Apply in person. Colum bia Theater. OIKL wanted with factory experience. Port land Rubber Mills, E. 0th and Harrison streets. liOTEL and family help, city, country. Howe's Agency. 35, 270 Vi Washington st. GIRL for general housework; pleasant home. Phone East WANTED Lady to go to Seaside; fine op portunity. Room 500 Columbia bldg. MISS MATTIXGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. $0 mo. 26fl 14th. Ph. M, 3S3. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and dlcta phone operators. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. 1ADT to cook for two on farm, German pre ferred. 3H6 San Rafael st. Fiv'E girls to Dekum bldg. learn beauty culture. Sanitary Parlors. WANT adopt girl, i or 2 years; fine home. 60S Commercial block. M'RSE girl to care for two children, eome sscond work. Main 25 7L WAITRESS wanted early. ZS Union ave. Call LADIES wanted, easy work, big pay, city and road. Room COS Colombia bldg. MANICURIST at Oregon Hotel Barber Shop. GIRL to do housework. 7S1 Marshall ' KELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. MEN and WOMEN to learn the barber trad, earn from $15 to $25 per week, tui tion reduced, paid while learning; positions secured; write for free catalogue. The Moier System of Colleges. Ad. 4 8 N. 2d. OREGON Barber College wans men and worn -an to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; tools free; paid while learning; earn from $13 to 25 week; new course for Summer; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. STENOGRAPH ERS make good selling Q& K. carbon paper, cash prize contest, 50c for samples. Q. & E. Carbon Paper, Fac tory Office, 31J Empire State bldg., Spo kane. Wash. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerk; act at once. Pacific State Schools, McKay bldg., city. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING. The proper method of keeping stock holders' accounts and register of transfers, notes receivable and notes payable. Geo. Ridout. C. P. A. Marshall 2&65. 26C 12 th. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, thoroughly competent, desire position with reliable firm. Best city references. Y 102. Orego nian. EXPERIENCED office man and typewriter. iiuuesi ana reiiaDje. oesi or reierences. Address K. 921, Oregonian. COLLECTING by middle-aged man, salary no opjecu r'none jdarsnaii iy, rorenpons. Miseellaneotiau 1TAIXTING, papering, kalsomlning; good work cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 7. COL F.ECTOR, with best of city references and bond, wants steady position with firm, havy motorcycle. H 96. Oregonian. EXPE RIENCEI) Janitor wants position, first-class apartment-house; married- ref erences. AD 033. Oregonian. JAPAME?ii boy wants position In a at biiuework. AP 102, Oregonian. family 61TCATIOSN WANTED MAXF Miscellaneous. TEACHER. and Washington certificates, a years' ti- av A."' cho". xl testimonials. GERMAN (married i . l.n. m. . , ranch; expert orrhurrim - i farmer Orezonlan. a-i references. .Adureaa ! . :. V ANTED M Management of ranch thorough- uniaTBian.i. earn all LlR.i. t . 1. . 5r".'"JL 'arminu; highest. references. Ad- rl ress rj t-Tegonian ,,. watchman or Janitor leeka situation. cirv relereoces anc oona. W t40. Oregonian. AUTOMOBLE and cai engine expert wanta employment, repairing. UO 8i. Grego- n ,a n KALSOMIXINO, palming, plaster-patching. raaonaple. 1'hone Woodlawn 249u. ElTCATlOXg JTAXTIiD-tF.WA I.E. Hookkeepere and Monographers. CAPABLE business woman. 1 n .rf no vate secretary, desires position: corrcepon- n . icHusiiipner ana Dookkeeutsr. university eaucation. experienced law lumber, steamship and commercial work excellent referenc esAH93u.OregonlaDj K. stenographer, b. k. and dlctaphons operator wanta permanent or substitute work. M. 2.17. STENOGRAPHER, one fear's riDfnni. wants position, permanent or i.-n.n..i-. rw Phone A 311:. INDUSTRIOUS young lady. epi;ienced. LcnOK'UpUlC po- sttion. Tabor 4l9'.. STENOGRAPHER, b'eglrner tneiTS4Wih" P"'" noii. rmau satary. i,a lirtsMBSfcet. DRESSMAKING and tailoress. J2.-.0 per day experienced. Taoor 4Vt. Huston. b'l rtS I -CLAfcS iirefmakr and tallores. day or home. Mrs. Summers. Mar. 4144. STYLi;-H Summer ureases made at your home In one day. Tabor 5424. DRESSMAKING, work guaranteed; reasonaLlye. Main 73ft2. prices EXPERIENCED dressmaker; price reasona ble; references. Phone A 2663. 30S 14th st. DRESSES and plain suits made to order, very reasonable. Marshall 2Tu."i. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking reasonable to working girls. 311k, ith st. Marshall 134. PRACTICAL nurse. male, single. wants work; experienced; best of city references from physicians and others; wages rea sonable; willing to leave city. Phone Marshall 2S92. BEST references; P. E. nurse will care rea sonably for invalids or other patients In her own convenient home. 4S Market st. UNDEK-GKADU ATE nurse wants case; go to beach with either lady or gentleman ; 12 years' experience. Main 387 ."5. TRAINED NURSE would take maternity caw in oyn home; reasonable. AN iUu, rtrgonian. iUftir EXPERIENCED woman wants work from to &. East 6340. also nursing. COMPETENT colored girl wanTs general housework. Main 3345. LACE curtains hand laundered, work guar anteed. Marsh. i6.'tt. Sell wood bol. WANTED Catholic - child girl) to care for, 4 to 10 years, isellwood 2272. DINNERS, teas, weddings planned, prepared, served. Best ref. Sell wood ltrtHi. GERMAN lady wants housework and wash ing by day; East 380y. ELDERLY woman wishes light housework. Address 66 E. 7!th st. N. LADY wants liundry work or cleaning by the day; reference. Sell wood 005. FIRST-CLASS laundres wants work Mob days. Wednesday. Ham 41 sj, room 2. l'OCNG woman, good laundress, wanta day work. Phone Woodlawn lS-4. YOUNG girl desires employment at hou work. olumbia 38. i. STRONG girl wanta housework. Tabor 44'J4. MiMelLuieoaa. EXPERIENCED young lady desires position as private exenange operator In hotel or apartment-house ; very moderate wages. X Oregonian. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Monday and Iutday; references. Woodlawn 111. GOOD laundress wants w ashing and iron- In g. Mon., Tues. Marshall room 0. GOOD, reliable laundress goes out working dally or by hour. E. 130. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. MR. HOLSE OWNER: We can rent your W house. We do pot depend on rental sign in your vacant vlndowa to bring results. We have the people and get results. Our business la house rents. be Bixoy. In terstate Title t Loan Co.. 61i Oerllnger Ding, main zsui. REFINED couple want 1 or 2-room apart ment, email cottage or lint, permanent must be reasonable. AC 133. oregonian. WANTED By young married couple, nicely lurnisnwi or o-room Dungaiow; reasona- Die rent. rnone w ooa.awn Hi. FOB ROT. F urn i 4ied Kooua. HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison Sta. Transient and Permanent Guesta. A centrally located hotel with every modern convenience; room, single or en suite, with and without private bath . modest price, with special rates by the month to permanent guests. ROOM REGISTER listing several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.; also those in the association fireproos building, with ahower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium library, reading rooms at to per week double, with individual beus, or z.ZU to 4.o per week single. ELTON COL'liT. lltn and Yamhill. Handsomely furnished rooms, with or without private bath. 4 to so per week; teleiinooe In each room; elevator service; ownership management; permanent ar rangements; also tourists. Main ftJ3. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner 11th and btark, S3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam beat, telepnone connection in each room; no ex tra charge for two in a room, room and bath SI uay; transient solicited HOTEL. ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Lesirable downtown location. Ke spectabio aud strictly modern. Kates II per oay. $4 per week. With private bath el. 50 per day. 5.5v per weea. IlOTiJL BRISTOL. STARK AND 1STH STS. Single rooms S-'.ou and up, with private bath 3.C0 and up; individual telephones; respectable transient solicited. HOTEL FORD. 73a Washington. FamSy hotel; hot and cofd water and phone in every room; rooms without bath. 10 up; with bath. $15 up. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison st.. at loth Oentral location; REDUCED RATES, too par day up; week ly. 12.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast corner Stark and Ilth. Modern outside rooms, S3 weekly and op. Large ground-floor lobby. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. siJH Washington St. New fireproof brick, all outside, rooms, running h&t and cold water, private or public batfaa. quiet and homelike; S2.50 wk. ETHELTON HOTEL. 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all rooms; 12 per week and up. Marshall 2730. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms Sid monthly $20 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 123. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET" PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St., near Urand awe. Cleanliness and comfort; S3 per week up. STANDISH HOTEU B4SV4 WASHINGTON ST., OPP. 1STH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms, f rea phones, bath, S2 week, SS month and up. HOTEL CORDOVA. I8 11th St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms S3 up. Main M72. A 4783. HOTEL GRANT. 4sTh Washington. Modern. clean rooms, all conveniences; SS.&O up. M A XW ELL-Hall. 2 0 7 "l4 thT trlctly modern; use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. 113. PLENTY nice rooms, clean beds; reduced to lialf price by the month. JZii Burnside au HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder! Modernout slfle rooms. S3 per week up. P'urnlhed Rooms in Private I-amity. ATTRACTIVE room with or without board for 1 or t young men. Main ;;. 243 13th. ELKO .NTLY furnlshfd front. sleeping porch to share; respectable famliy. tr.ibbs. NKELY furnished room In nice, modern home, for gentleman; very reasonable. 4i4 College, near ll'tn. FURNISHED cool. 23. 1 rooms. Clowe in, i-'tan and th st. Phone Marshall 24S4. Privnte family. 475 MORRISON Desirable front rooms electricity. phone, bath; single or en suite; also H. K. O.v'ii nicely furnished rou waited. ?4V4 Clay st. gtfritlemen LARGE, airy rooms, every convenience. 414 M.aaktt St. tiie Monyrxo FX)B RtT. iMralHiiwl Koom la I'dtste mwilf. ELEGANTLY furnished, reasonable, rent, account departure. 810 fh-rman. tArLI furnished bedroom, walking d.s- yitvug. ,..fv per wees. . . . . h Uoouie With Board. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HUTLL-Uai. THs5 HILL. Washington at 23d St. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order: oxcclient cuiein. eep- eirtm-ij rtuouai rates tnvwuiiung. xtlD A 7ttei. HOTEL. CAMPBELL. A modem. FIREPROOF residence hotel American piao; in carllne; 10 minutes vuBiMCM rwier; prico la accord 23d and Hoyt at. Mar. nail 111. ALEXANDER COURT. 03 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Realtime HoteL Suites. Singia rooms. Lxcellent table. Main 11 THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson tfta An excellent residential hotel; attract! to transient or permanent guesta fuuue Aim s B.. A IIJI, A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. ts vihttenai! lit Hh St.. bu a tin taoie oosro, mooem rooms, sun parlor, real borne: reasonable rateav WEAVER HUTEL, room with bat and phone, strictly first class: Summer rates, a-m and up: board optional. i n r. uk iu., l.'tn and Momson: rooms nu ooara or taoia ooartx. Main V41. I Roow With Board la FHvate Famllr. wu room, excellent tsbie board, most tractive grounds tn city; exclusive. No. 3U I'nm cor. Aiontgomery ROOM and board In newly furnlshe! home modern ; X. month, 43 4 Ml... cor. 12LU. l.a kijL front room, modern home, close In a.i rcnveniences free, board options.. ra ewmoa st. Marsha.l 4410, LA ttn E beautifully furnished rnom, 2 meals, r-lo In. .Vain 72;.". 335 11th. u and room In private family, newly suiuKcu, si. striata j4, ROOM and board, walking distance, modern. usaiu tin. lvm si. FOR good home and xellrnt board rai -walk In g distance. J5 Kvrrtt. Mar." iTVci FOR business gjris or students. $4 week up RooMS with board. In private family, trig distance. East G10-i. A BOAR DING homt fur children; fbl-?. East ilVti. Famlwhed Apart men t. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 10th and balmon fits. Is quiet, refined, clean, safe, pop ular, well known and of the hi go eat stanuing. Not the cheapest but a house of qualiti. comfort axd serv ice. Month. Weak. Day. 2 - room. 3uto?0 $lu up : u up 3- room . 45 to UO 16 up 2. Bo up 4 - room . 60 to bo 20 up 8 K up Rooms. . lb and up 0 up l.OO up THE CROMWETLU 5th and Columbia sia. 3 mln. walk to Meier A Frank etoi. nice surroundings; Juat the thing for Summer; strictly modern 2 and 3 - room furnished apts., all outside, with Franca uuors ana balconies. y. Week. Ratg reasonable. Month. Marshall VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 ill and Talor. Most modern apartments on the Paeifle -umi; xurnisned complete. Roof garden in connect Ion. W'alklng distance. hefrncM THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union upoi or tail bide apartments. cor nr Clackamas and Ross sts. East 317'. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. fcAM 7TU AND MARKET 1 room. luruiBiiea. private pnone. bath, electricity, "rii ana an mouern conveniences, 1 aoor 2Jal. MONTGOMERY Apta.. cor. 8d and Mont- s-jniery ta. ; strictly modern, au outside. ui umuvu .-roam spuv : eiectnc e.evalor, best service, close in; S1& to $2; free i.gnti. aiam tucq. AftHIMj ION-GRAND 2-room furnished per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern. c-ian. er aei.raate. not and eoid water, heat, Ilxht. tath t ucnlshed. Grand av, and E. Washington st. Phone feaat 444. GLRN COt-RT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. iianasoraeiy lurnlsned 2. 3 sod 4 -room un-; pert location in city; reasonable. ukuotta COURT, Everett and 17th --e-r. raoarrn ; sieam neat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 rooru apts: lo mln. from bus.nees center; save carfare; rates moderate; references. HALDoN HALL "in si., corner nan. tlestanlly fur. nlshed apartment; private phone, bath iiq uaiciny porcnes; sib ana up. STANFIELD APARTMENTS. SO Porter su. "S" car passes door. 2 room turnlaned apartments. Slu per month GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nlcea furtnsheu three-room apta.. private phone and both, walking distance; price HOZANTA APARTMENTS. mwnm up; moaera i auu 4 - room apartments; completely furnlsheJ. lsj .o. wrngr ivearuey. Slamhail .U4.. THE EVEItETT. Everett, bet. i-vtii and Ella sta.: fur. nlshed 3-room apts.. with or without sleep- MADISON PARK APTS.. 1'ark St.. at Madison. Modern i. 3 and 4-room furnished apart- .tt.i... nvw in. uj t or montn. CLAVPOOL ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay. two rooms- llshi. pleasant and we.'l fur- nisnea; waiKing Ulstame; SIM to KrO Main S7,7. UAItON APARTMENTS. 14th and ColumMa. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished f lrgt-iass : reasonable rstes. Main 73rt7. WEU,KLR.lclIED. bt-sl-arranKed 4 - room apt. for rent in Portland; elevated site southern exposure; separate entrance; se lect neighborhood. Main i'ilKl a 3149 THE KMEKSON, 3 and 4-room apta hlh and healthy. Summer rates, new three story brick. 114 Williams ave. Woodlawn 3173. HISLOP HALL. cor. East 6'.h and llaw. thorn; 2 and 3-room apta; private baths and pnone; also single rooms; well fur Blsn:i; S12-SQ up. Phone East BE K ICE LEV APTS. 30 Ttlntty plsce 3 and 3-room apts.; light and plearant; balconies; central; 117. io to SJ0 00 Mar. shall 1H50. ' THE FLORENCE. 3(, 1ITH ST. 3 -4-room apts tdorougbly modem and clean; roof garden, sand boxes for chii dren; J0 up. Conducted by owner 3-ROOM apartment, ail outside rooms. ..rl- vate hath, Pscltic phones, S17 up. Tabor THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rat In city. Corner N. 13th and N"rthr u p. THE dezendoi:f. !0 lth St.. near Taylor; Marshall T3H: S. 4 and K-room ftirnlhed and unf-jr. ants. NICELY furnished 2 and S-room idi7 steam heat, elet trie lights, etc: rates Sll to S-l. ::34 st. 3-ROOM elegantly fur. apt., tzi. Includ.r.c piano and srwlm; machln: hlrh-clsss apu-house, close In- Phone Marshall 31tf ELM WOOD APTS.. loth and Hal!; lobby"-o- ciai hall, molern. 2 and 3-room fur nished apts.. reasonable. NEW HART Automatic elevator nhor.. lights, linen, gss. hot mater als'vs. S- 'J to s.vno week. 170'., 2d. nr. Mw. 4:h fl'Kr. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. ; 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartmemta, fl"J..o up; cloe in. Mnln C-'rt. 3 ROOMS, nicely furn.shed fir h. usekw i. ola .utn lng; rent reasonstle. Main 7017 t. Portland Heights. NOKOM1S APARTMENT; Modern, 2 rooms. sirlai rare for July snd Aug. 17th and Marshall. Mar. 4H43. DKICKSTON. 44 11th; modern 2 and g- room aps.; excellent itrwr., aalklr.g ins tance. Marshal! 59. A Bios. WELLINGTON ANNEX. I.Mh and Everett Two rooms, newly f urnls:irrt ; hsrdwnnd floors, walking dlHtinro; i-i. Msln 1245. HAMMKRKLY COUKT. lith t. lfithe day, week or month; modern. r:e to P, O. ; ra.orab . ref. Marshall 2oi NEW furnlhd spsrtrnents; rnnrft, block -'. and SI2. llU Union ave. N. JACKSON AIT?., Union sve. ir E. Dsvls completely furnlwh.d; $1., to Ft. ;sa! CA MAR. 7'-4 Ivvejoy Mo.lern brlk bond ing; 2. 3-room apts.. $14 to 1,P. Mar. 21 1 7. PAGE apartments. th an.l K Rirrsl'le '!". .'l.'.'.a Deslrahle 3 r""tns. furnlrd. ADrtMAY THTUiACE. Z-Z I 2T H y irsT-claas In every r.-t.eet . attrst've rate THE LAI'l'.KTTE fine furt.ii.t -,i 3-r..,m a'jl : til"" hnth ird rh""e. 2-". 11th si. LUXdR APTS.. H'4 1.1th St. X7i!t" f ur nls'tel. homelike sp's. and sinsle ro,,Tri A N I .1-room f urn. sin d 43 Hassaio, cor. E. 7th. porta. ; orkgoxiax. Monday, tXR RFNT. I'urnUhrd AnevrtsaeBla. ONLY Sl9 to S23 per month or S2 to S7 pee week, completely furr.l.hed housekeeping two-room apta. Including electric lights, heat, hot water, tath, private phone new brl.-k bMg., la mlnutea from P. o. Lincoln Apts.. 4th and Uncoln. Main 1377. A 4 1 li. I pfaraihed Apartmeota. LICRKTIA COUKT . on Lucre! i .t.. 100 feet north of 3d and Wash., most beautifu:ir located high -ess apartmenta, 2 to 3 rooms, ail large outside rooms. 2 apartmenta newly furnished; Prices reasonable. references required; see them before locating. Manager. Mar shall lSlt. 7oj DAVIS oT- Head of King St. Most modern and fushlonabla apart-meni-houe tn Portlaml; atveeiutely fire. priof. Three to "room unfumlsued span- HANTHORNE APARTMENTS, 3.1 11th at. Unfurnisned apartmenta. modern in every respect; close Iu. flrst-clasa service, each apartment has a private ba.oony. 32S 10TH ST.. Bear Clay. & largrooma,oak I'Ouri, front veranda, sleep:ng-por b. range, ref r.g.rstor. heat, hot water, etrlct y modern, just oup,eted. KEKi-ER APTo.. 14TH AND CLAY ST a. 3 anl 4-room. wide hal... t rival. phne and bath, brlca tulldlns. eevator- references. Mgr. Mar. S73. Jan. Mar. U7JA. MODERN family f at. 6 rooms and s.eeplng port h. V est bide. 10 mlnutea' U Post office, ith St.. near Jackson. Main 7uu, A O-'. 1. UI'.Uv-E APTS.. iti N. :ilh rooms ve randa, hardwood floora steam heat, phone anc jar.nor. Main 400s. a 317i ROSE FRIEND, corner Itrodm.v anrf 1 -f lirion kiront unfurnished apartments. firs lass s-rlcs. private phone; ref. STEVENS AIT., large outside rooms, front and back prl.t. porches, heat, hot water poon.. .in rvortnrup. ne.r 24th. RENT UAKGA1NS. 3 and 4 rooms; hatdwood floora. walk ing oisiance. ret, t'orthoroan. Vuu E. )Jth S-P.OOM apt., all outsld rooms. BC Flsri. ders. larse front and back porv-bea Noo iiui cistrict. an Main b-lol. i. AMe.Kit.AN. - 1st and Johnson, I. 4. J "o". rceaonsijie. Alar, a O'J. A fj7d. Jills MAKl.HOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. l.n-se, .g u -,. c.r ress. M. 7M. A 2'i74. n-itM. apt.. 3 bedrooma outside raa. S iioicosa, narowooa tloors, ret a. Mar. 17na, SS2 FLANDERS. 4-room apt.; Sleeping; porch. tuuteuicntfl, low (cel. Fornuthed or I'nf urnUhed Apeurtmeata. MORG AN. FLl'KDN Ka'ltl7vCaC fcl.l-S-1 Morgan b.dg. burnished and uuturalsnea apartments o a. 1 pans ot tn cit; great variety of locations, sizes and prices, our fre auto, mobile at your service la visiting any of our apartments. Main aoli. A 1013. 'HE BAKKtl'.. corner of 21st aud Irving Furnlaned and unfurnished apsrtments in ?. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatlo elevator, disappearing; beds, built-in buUels and writing ocsks, plenty of closet room. vacuum Cleaner free. Phone Msrvhall 2Tl. Hioil LAN D col HT APIS 2'.D AND U LIS AN. Ltrgest. most homelike, nigh-class apta In city. rurms:id and unfurnished, bleeping porchea Waiaing dUtanca MAItSIIAU, S24e. 11 U EN A VlaTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-tioune on pacific Coast: beautiful location, strictly mooern. wslk Ing di-tance. referencea. M. lovl. M loi2. KINGsllUR Y. 11 Vista ave. otf Washington at, 3 and 4 rooms. llh privet I a. conies. unfurr.ii.hed or I tinilshed. high-class neighborhood; best of servl, ; rea.onanle. THE ROYAL ARMS. IStb and Lovelov 1 he newest and most up-to-lat ante, la Portland- hiraaaod flaara k. n ... . all rents moderate. 1 2-room, Hi. 60. i . -1 00. o. m .w. amarenail sail. ViiAl fc, ArA it l ME.NT. -win aad Nuritiruu: 0 lure unfuriiiai.tatA roii.a. i?j.ioa; porcn nu a. 1 inouern cn v eni-nrra; wna A-room ,'inmviu. Aijrahail li-7i. ROSE.FLLU A FT a. and East fctara onca -iaw. anu strictly modern ; jft and a -room apis., iarse private phone ii 1 3.i... inntiH-oi- rc nr; rrrer-n cm. "THE TSASDALK." Nlrely furntaUed and uafurnlshed I-rm apartments, a.l outside rooms, ajood acrv lea, rents v!ry r-asonab:a. SHEFFIELD Apartmenta. J7 Bruad wars uwm to duiiqch cauiffr, tat location Itx Fort .and - fur n.aned and unf urn taxied a.l renta reduced. Mala 2uC, A II 4M. TRiNITY PLACE APARTM ENTiU""-" THE HOUtoE or TON iC. Jit I TRIMTY PLAPlf MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL, 110L TH E OR MON LE; 5-room apts,. furnuhed andtMurnitjd; 00 d Flanuera, Noo iiilL REX ARM. Uth and E. Morrlaoa: t and I rooms . Hummer ratea; mo4dern ear v lea. UEKEOi lii a and 4-room p.a ery rra- Vah., opp. 2-d. Main 7144. THE WINDriOK 2 3 and 4 beautiful rootni. furnin-d or not. E. ;th and Yarn hi. I. KJN;-UAVi.S A PT a Klr. at 3 nr1 A "mi; hlh claaa; rrftrrncri. Main AND V-ro -., apta. with sleepiBtf; porchaa. E. I.Mh.. orar Tamhi;i at. Halt. FOFi ItKNT, FLAT .eil-keut aimo-Ji n-w upper four rooms, dra and a (' it. por-h. line- Kx-atlun ; f -1. ln ciudlna: wanT, phone, garbage. Mon rt'. n-ar I niun. E.ST i-lUK d-raom inwrr f .at : furnace lth hot-watt-r roil, f lrrp;ace. tubs. ace South ; 7 25 Krarnfy ; 4 2. I'bona C niutmmi or evening a. MODERN far-ii.y f:at. 5 rooms and slecDlna. porch. Weal bide, la miouiti' wa a i'o.t otTu e. &:h IL ur Jackaou. Main 7otaA a ti.-.ei. $12 a MONTH Nwtly tinted 4 rouna. cloaa 10 acnooi and car.lne; daa.rtbi uctioa Ordfn. lo7 bhavcr. VVood.awa 101. Houll mocrn upper flat with aicrcptna Pvrch; wa.kinf O.tunct ; corner Eaat lata and Mad .aou . !- Phone Laat oui. M uDE K.N ti-rocm flat, 4J E. Utl N. ; tmo- ran.i.y bulluit... viicap. Fhona lit cad war lil4ie MOD EH N C-r. ..i,i flat; mumo a-rootn buuaa. In-ii'ir 1 '. . llth at. f i-AT of rwma and bath. hi Irniutre !. t,t a it. Phone Main br iluUKKN 4 and U rounu. near Clly Park: renioiiiM. M. HivH, a 2074. MODEiCN d-room. furnace. Waat ia. ru. sunabie rent Tabor 1 .. lo si MoDEitN 4 -room rooms. Est Main. taia. I'houe ctean. lifibt Eaat iiul'tUN b-ruom f:at, Sid. od Cornell off ysq and S mhinrton. Main 4rt:. Noli H ILL, upper flat, strictly modern. 2i . on ri corner Nortnrup MuDElo; 4-room E. VamhliL liu. Taiwr l-t'l. - Kuoil. moUvrn, perfect S-trace. condition; Eaat 1117. p.ace. g-a, KEA.mN'ALL rent, ft or ft-room. modern, t ISide. Main c-ntrMiy located. Wei Mul'KHN 4-roin upper flat, linoleum, gaa Eaat Cat 4. ranit. furnace. urn..if4l 1 lata. NI ELY furnished 6-room t isu all con tfDltDcn, eaay walking dlatanca. rent ro.i'cib;e. to responstbio part.aa only, au North 17th. between tvareti and Flan a ere, brtm-n and C. INK, larea. S-room fiat. rang', heater. -cry cheap to wood party. 2kl McMllicn, J Morki It rad way trtdte. -tuijM mod rn, n w iy ka omined. private rtn. laOsa, Z blocka Dvaadway nrldaa, 1. tN E W motion. 4-rooiu f urn 'shed fat, porch, walking d la lance. Viy Market 4 N 1CELT furnished 4-room com plete, walking tliatanca. Phona Eaat Iau. -HOOM f umlshd. lower flat, 71 J Hoyt. Pnone Main 4 4 4. ItOOMS and tath. wU modern. rent. furnlaned. new, Woolawn lti7. l.KtiANTLV furnia.'.ed. ft.o. janitor servi. heat, phone. North --'l. Maranaa ir: 4 -ROOM front apartment, nlca yard, plare. Woodiaw n l43. Houackeepinj; Ilauma KLHMTLKE for eale, houaa for rem. ef.upped mostly lor houaekeeptng. Kui ptture better than the or dinar) , West hid, clone In. Wl'l be ao.d r heap fur r.h. Sra manager Han morn Apartmania, ,1 isth st. T f 2 wevk. clean, f umlahd bou keeplng rooms, suPable for 2 or 4. gaa, free h-t. laundry, bath, yard. East Oolli. 4:-? Viffuv-r, Manton. "X" nr. WHY ja rr-orx when ou can rent all out a. ue loorr.a. . -"c 1 er w k each, sultea of t . e -m plnt-f urnt-heo. H:moci Apta,. S. r. r.r. E ith and I'elmont- COM PI.KTKI.Y fur nnh-J hoi:t-kepinf r.'.Tns. A j meek and up. Iluahmark. fiui W a a h 1 r. s t o n at. T. 171 12tu . fc. rooma; eullaa and ue of flano. ll.UAN H.'TI.U lat ard AW-r Furoiahad h ei - -i n rnm rh-.p; ftl.lVi wevk up. t KN!-iiKD ln.uMiiMiilv.g roiTii I'iiwifi c M'-ft.. '!, cr. M"rn'i ct.eap. .1 E M'ltRtSON F rom ltoua-k rtisahad one and two jta. ; reaaonao,. ii'iu-ik-,ilnL Co private Faml . " TWO tare fro-tt housekeeping rooms, batn, iT f .zy at. ftlo TWO furniahed H KL rooma. alectrfclty, bth- Cii. 1 Eaat Murraoo Li''7-t r rn . -omptete?T furn.ahsd f -r liglit, no ci.l.Cren, ;.ti l.ih. july 12. 1913. Ft U KK T. rptng Koorat la Private amily. lloUM-kl TV o front rooms, beautiful. y houseeplnc. s-na, running water in rooms, e,etr1clt, ga, laundry. porcn, rrv.n. kitchenette witn (wa ring water. Ii3 N. : LAItdE 3-rootn fr,nt suite. mdem. electric ilshls. ery reasonab.e; a. so I-ronn suite, lerse lean, rioset. and slisoe. .V 2".u st. Marshall 7l- I'Ul'll furnlshel housekeeping room, gas p:ete. raugv. CJO l.toaaejr dne. ONE 3-r.m suit and el and garage; 1 2 - room ping porch, cheap. 2 00 Leet .a st I'hou UUt L - LARUE, slry. light 11. K. room, us of $s. also tare rooms together. 112. Tabor 43 liulnEKLU'lNi, rooms, per montn: free batu and I 1.04.C to S14 4.0 Yam- ", o.t.eo i. tn ana uu. lioltKi: EI INU rooms and furnisbed room lth s.eeplng porch, walking diatancaT a.ij.t i4tn su U. K. Iloulli or tent. S1.0O pec week, iaj let st. Ai,vj... atry room, light house ; of plan... Msm Sil. Sol lotn st. ... t I'RWa BUNGALOW, with batn, hot and cold aater. self-light. I'g gaa ranges, water hvetrra. Iinoliura tn batn and kitchen, bui.t-iu beus and bookcases, f.ardaood floors, full base ment, f.u att.c. saa and e:lr:c.t. clotheslines, iaer-s aod each one feared by iiaeif; uq eumner asd L. lltn mi-, on b.ock m.rth of A.berta tar. Phone bunaay and earnings C I.-47. LUM'IIAItli aV CLEMSON. hL It. HOL'bC UUN'TEH. ofor you rem m p.o to live in. Five QiDui ta our oif tc u&lr our nw my mt un tquta m montn of roiAtvi varrhir.s. -V m J g&o ou pewp ri ;ou tr J to &c ii.Kby. IXlKKSTAiX HIL.K iwjA. CO. HA -rcriu.t;er ba. Mtio .tL. iiAJtAl SS, Ktxt snd larse ten-room hou. ith im n. Aloauomtry eir-t, ter lo; (ormvriy o. tn-rHm, VaUU qunr tioiit, brand .trt. snl o. fon. formerly now , tu tt room rues, t-.i Nimn ana M'-rr.-n. former. y -. nw nifio. 4uu O.aiuor of Comu.irc t I'non- Main 344. FOR RENT. FTirptioDsl convtoiDCtti for toyoot .UiDjr to llxmt t.vii Ho City Pmjm, cv l r.v ated wia pay l.w s oioau. Mr. tiuth.. 20$. M horn. porctv all modern run v ntmora, k jt.i ul 4a-srT tivcl, turmr. run snU rJ-n. near higa ac a . oi..y rcjoniu.a .rus nc at.s . U UO(!!ln aO. ltrcad w a . in ooi riornca tveatto i. -".uh t v.111 rent at, flo ir montn to d siraabia tct.anl. For prtlcu.ara. call Main wl.'t at A... I'tatt b:3. T VV'O, 7-rwcm bouara lor rot erjr ci.ap to rcpoiissia.e icoant. liivi.r atr( r.var -CJ. Kr at ! tatr st, T.vpa& Marfthail 5l.w. DKIRABLE -rvom daaiiln. ; Drxad y VVeat. firepiaca. furnace. s;aa. tncity. modern piiunotni. r-ajont.t rent KrtJ g. Wllil-ma, I; rim it a UouiiS, o. 411 lltn at.. nir lia.l at. clean ai.d l-iribl-. H-ut S ! v Kar al No. -j llih au 1-arriaa, Watktna w Co.. N l"tl 2-1 at Is. i;NT Jiir:ci;y moilcrn a-roam hou.. on a erl He i fit a, con vonlnra aijchi.y location, rlran, ! .rat c.aa cuodi t.on Fhoi.c K;;t-uti ISit. $ .0 . Fine, la rite. P-r-rm hnuae. modern : strain hoai. !(uati X. L cornr Eaat llet and Harriaon. FINE -touia i.uncaiow. tatn and 2 lota, 919 r.t iudina water, oa llaho at.. rt bU. 8 J0 l.oard of Trale bi. Matn .l.'.2. A N 1CK IKtte ri hur.nv aMr ; sea t','ii"ii T t.r a cottac, central, in elect rUity. For ke llKt.KM modern houa. mr'l arranci f rr., Everett tU. pr tituntu. . akef.etd Fri-a. ft ROOMS, furnace, electricity, saa. 1 fire p.acea. wa.-ni. dnitnct. Apply a. 4 Mor n bids. Ren; i KiiuJrJS, No. -j 1 A 1 1th, curnrr Hallat.. fir( condition and loi-iinn: rent ft-O. Fariih. Watktna at It-rt id at. S7P K. DA IS. lir-:y modern, neic nbur hoed. r. 2i-t h. t lb 7 room a. e.- klmet tf-. -ery da.rab.e Ownr. Ma n loll. FOR H I -NT --room unfurntahsi tno.ra roEtajre with iarse cird-n. How stM r.rr iiih Ca-1 Vein h-l. 4-l,V-'"U HvH'KHN O'TTAGE Flrepla- a. heater. ba-aemrnL c- mr. t floor. and eirctrirlty. 7-1 Multnomah. Eaat A-S. 11 ' hj M buns-" 11. Tabor 1 r But td. contftiUn!. 1 ! ht .)'. or Main -.oi li-". rwini, inorojhi renovated. 4eJ 1 t Mam t Si. J fe-ra.-i l-i"ul modern house, 713 Loveloy. ;:d. Inquire H 4th. ain !:. KoR KENT .".-room bimsalow at1045" h hern. an. I' hone K- IPKh. fti7 KVKHKTT roomi, (as. electricity, fur nace; walking distance. Phono Eaat ft. $ MODKHN. ft ro bet t ; r ulton car. ma. plaatered. 1;4 Cor AR tt4. urrffODisn. l-O E. &7th. nr. Hawthorne. 7 rooms, aire p. port a. t iirpuni, imn, M"li.liV 7 -room hcuac, 1S7S Haven au. fl" ft-P. 'jM house. Phone M 77J Everett at, near iln 1. Mi'I'KUN ft-room house. Wood law a iT-. mn RENT nn and "mtxJcm" ftroom Iiouk ;rent reaacnabla Phone Eaat ft-KOOM house for rent, with yard. 170 tL I Vt h. near H'lraoDL M cttare. ornor Eaat svti ana Vo.ii-n OrKon FsXaleiMe1 1! WILL rei.l for one yar or more my bom of t rooms, situated in Northweatarn part of .. furnianvd. w un Chlk. er:t. c (rand p. a no, I'irsuan rusa. antique fnahtKn and oak furniture; price ft ho a moni h I. V.7, Oretftmlan. b-iitM furnlahed or unfurnished houae. mo-Urn. nice grounds. Lowers and Iruiu App.y 7 E. L'7th au, or ta.aphon rl4rid. Mar. 4MW. NEW. nliaiy furnlahrd i-room bunsalow. AiM E. SVl'.l w. i;at i2.v N KATI-Y f urn ialied modern ft--room bung a io, tfrmav, ,'imh, rotuiuriatiit. Tabor &,2. AO --. urr'niin. IitVlNi:TON Part f a furnlhed houaa to rent permanent ly ; rooms dow n stairs. adulte; 1. liiit 41C4. F ' U I E N T V- Mon ro for mo. July Eaat 4.4 1 l cottage. Long Death, or 4J for aeaaon. Call ft-lt MfM mwlrrn houve. leering porrh. fur n t. er J compiete .-7 .".o. 1144 Inviaon iL. ,ath. Call Marshall ftlM. IhVIVOTON, until October nicely fur small bungalow tn good location; tday. J n. Oregonian. itahed repiy NEW strictly modern t'caul.fuily f urn aoed. I'hona Eaat 373L ft-room bungalow. W b.ock from car. FL KNISUKU hunt: a o n Irvlngtoa will T-a-e one yeer. all 4UJ K Pt h st, N'ort b. 112 io NKAT M ontgo rtiery. 6 rooma. gaa. eWctr.c. Marahail Z,.a4I. H i.NiIHKI 7 -room ho ern, 7o4 Ml', ave. a f r rent, mod , a-. furnlaned bungao w k . h St NotHfj. f N A P- 5-rom nw . j Mar. 1 . 0 or (12 1 K. i . aw v -M 1 1 . r. a r. 1 lure' ri-i cot tax a furctf hd ean. fruiu 7si E. zith v w F1V E-RO"M completely furniahed PiaiAO, plnne. Main -.On. botaiae. -o Lot ELY 1-rootn turica ow garden, roaea Hi ;iiome car, r.7 : 1 1 17 urant. r u nam er IUaort a. Okakhaht beach rot ; a go. T rooma ana I'bona 1 a- lath. ty 1 ha mon :b or lor 434. RF1 H'1V' at Fiah'.ng Ho ka Long B-ach wll fumned. g-f4 flrepae tr aeaaosj or raa- Marshall loit. A X4, CANS' N JiK-.CH Moat dea raMa furntahe cottage. . camp for A usual, Adureaa M . Mcrxay. lnratu Court, 1'L ithtiKU tenia and rottagre for rent at 1-aae l t.e Raari. Mr Frank Mart. Rocka "a. tr. or Marehail r. N EA TL V furn rach. near 1-cach 1 tKed tent hotiaea . tv!il art, o-r .ooklng ocean. lor, g i:.d 14 week. Maraha.l um. fcEAflUE For rent, furniahed ft -room eo Uit on the ridr- uaooatrociod view. Pnone Mara- a !1 4711 BRAIDE Mayo cottage, on brtS a alk. a rooma. strict It m xi o m . complately fur r.ihei. phono fc-ai hKA! tE Modern cot 1 ace. romp;te.y fur riahaJ. every clly convenience, Pnona Main -.74 LONO HKACH. TA ah 3-roora furnAabed e for rent. prions Ma:n fts. Kl'KMhHKI) IIOlK on r4 a ah. To .ephna Eaat S. sa at beavlew. C. C MlTll'?t will f-TrntaSed. -rom houaa at North Jieaci 1 hone Ma:n -Vilft. FESIIE Completely furelshed ft rooms and bath lit a. Paor.e East 1'U 1 40 FOR the a-arn, f'lmi.h'-d cx-tlags at irni 1't-rn, . aao, m-id iws. aEAIUS Completely fumishad rttaae. modern. tM loca'.lon, Marana! 144. N I E I'K Ai'H Furr.iaha.3 cot: age. ft VS5pai' wck, Lewis b.Og. c:tar FOR RENT. rAlIHC VIEW liHArn coii,fa anl tent bou for rent. iompi-i.) r.miahu. ts an4 $5 pr w-a Fi&a bacn. fian m. a ; txua Ciit 61 Mrt ivhfcim b:l! J Jfn..t Main Kvlt KtM AT i'SiKT REACH Kurtiici I'Ola, 4) per . ctta, pr -: an t.I piar t.r an at.ns Uarr K Ha.) A Co. ;a t.oor Cbaxt. tr of C-mmtic. FfR MSHFI houKkn pir. tnta for rnt at l o.umo.a Uach. caituRC, tmat- lr I'niiit, jour atUtn ui fi( muca 1 - at t Iwiiiiu'ui txrach. lnromi.a I UQ Noriuatnnq iana. b.tls. Foil ItENT A .'uur-ror.rn rotiaaa. fur niaholfl at V. w. . aah'.nciori. on t h txu-a a ru. tr-tvn .-w; r-ni lor ttoa 1. In,Jlr 434 Market trat. a U; Flu u-: a lot at fra.i Atr. a 1 t ith, ft to R. It. station. 11 a.i envap it laa& at one. Oil. Kl RMM.K;. (Mtlact, lra arU. W aah nar ! n a no atorc-a. i aVvt n a t rr. t, ataLion ... i u&l), .1. hXH I5-;NT. Au(4t and bept . .ihktihir, a.orioua viea ; i a montn. Apply M on. c: n4 C A N.Vi'N t.l.ACH i l y M i s. U. 1-1 Q aetst ? . frt (on. MuL'.NT HOOn'ti cti Mamai. "'-tar. (ac;n Vi i-arti. L t ctan. Ap a, C.ataop I'M -111 a any part of TiuLAWOuK REACH Coy BJt-4toUif. iaat locauoa. tV-roora f ur- CHOI. 140; north l:ht; Hawthorns aa.. baar brica. U. N. iiaarpa. Main STortE aad cffi rooms for rrnt In bua.ttw-aa district, C urOBeU. " UllVw. " F1KST-CLAS3 drnial iun to Ul M i ita iab4a:iiHl kl. 1. U-. centra. 1001. on In buainvaa d.a;r: rtuccab rectai. K -. urtiunittt. OFFICER lw up; furnuhesi oCii aod ova room ; f rea pt.ona . mty rtiub.b. , Fort IinJ a tiusjvat corner, lit wsi.and W tl I.-HnMHED pruata effica; alao -r- room, and I.". HI c n ai& oar f Comtntrca. r infm o 1 rou riMTi fa, ArrrlNTlO.V bAKUtV: The bak of th li,ilnior i'airy Lui.frt - o . -V. 4' n L, n a., store f. k iure; ir.ii.t be w. l ..n . .cd n.ay cow t purci;d itnrr as 1 or in Part. UL to ItiutitUr Juv 1". r.o 2 1 M. A:. rn4it4..(t titiao.d at ti t:m i e C oar.l out mi. auct.un mat. rva-rte A Aa n f Or : n.rtt iiurttu. Fort.n4 in. or . o-n I ;ok. FOR t ALE Mio in ooa of the iiii hotia I i San Kranclaro at a rrivQi, l i Kmnwr nu u 4 the oaat c a account of the climate. For particulars r:te H. W. Stocktou at. fsan r r.-irixo, f. 11. CAL'TION. BlTlvhU ISefore cloit oral for ao.called tBtreat n eeiaue.a.ieu rai wtai buaenraa set ad Mem of lortJaad hi.t Roard PAIL A. CUAOILU e-ty. Cttreb.r u. Comtiscrca Bds;. FOR F A LE Mat up-to-d a i confectlOBerr In h". aia of lea ho. any bua.neaa oef s.a.a.o. rti and Uc&ta. ttvJt a montn oe, location in town of .. lea cream ca&t; -mat.iac ptaat la cqmc nnsi-ii.AfS vrrvoery. cms stock; Invoice aooui .... ini.nui y aa.ra liivw. in he of cay with pop. tf l..t0. cout-try and c.y trade, want to rvtir. part caan, bai- "c, waue. a - . uracolilatt. WANT bualnra man with ll.t. on . l-Tii-nciil aa or b a n"e r. t "' lwCO in cava on our A . 00 in caiintrit; m on tuuwj:i. Lso.laca. at ar..a.i i.ia ti Ni- Kv. . k.NKIU and c!ara.and with sj.i frw-rtt. s;oA lcat:ta. (liMp rent, ev i . rraiotiii,,". I am a 1 f-a to f -r iq. -i riim su 1 w picture) thater tor aai. Ur-t uu neweat in tn town cr moat at 1 uvlopn cnterprieea Addreaa boa aiJk. R. AUfc, li-at-pair.a: bua.neaa oa the Ml .. J . olleoaouea. Apply as a. ivaer u .ETALKANT Ira 1 1 heap ir-atn ; . iicai-. r.c rcnt, tern.a. OJtoCEItV ca auitcii J li inc roon.M. Fr 1 t!! he,:h. fc oat.r. ana eoi.Iccl.oncr). a.e ft-iii, couut Hah. w a h E wr . ad cat. on: 4 luOo caan n- or soman. uu.raa and lo A IC. liTAt li ANT r .r.a location, c ,,J liMboed. Cheap rviit, $ -Ou. A D Vai sla Ulrig. UAMiLitS a.. Ukri an o. d -eat a ;: r.-ii an .p, 1 art.y f urn.a d. 12 E. Monta..n, ttnl come too ay btaeen IS a.d 4 DEKSM AK I X(J Siitip tVr aaie'at a tar ti"n : pe-Tit of work. T v. bMALL reaiaarat t. cheap. t' ciirap rent, Ktxvd (v. ituiti, :i Mal:on at. bi mkuv hand; H. , !E 8 tor.- sale. App.y Thul KiMJHf NG-HOtSEX. MHtv M E. LENT. sLedtnt Hotel-A partmwnt -bouaa A seat. Roth Ruer ai.d i-saiiar Protected, u.'lest Asency la City. ftCS-n N W Dana btO . atn and Morrisoa hUiiCi. Ft-It The beat pain 3o-rootn hotel In the PMt town in urrfon. A fui inrrttit t.on lavtted. m and be cu&uoctu. Ad- c r vaa A Jj.-f. t rrot.un. I5-HOOM hotel. rnt, lor aa. I-artrer. ta:: centrally located, cheap t a barcaio or a iil 1 Nur;f. tith at. F-lt bALE Kumitur of 1 1 -room roomin houaa. hOuewkeepir.K. B-rpiUtt room a . Owr.?r. 24 1 .in a;. Main -m. o U r- A..-. 3u r-m l.ou. a .. H. r. r 00 n.a . a ocd vVcit t .d e c Lea p rent. Jftar. La.T 7-mont ha-old L n f-ma.e named yueen. C:l Wirta. Ma.u aa doc. it,!T nep it U aa nia h- por t lant. 1 7 - rx.t.n :f. klari.a:i 1TM houae I M Hit 'NO. EoT Puree damond brooch .urn oeamono oiiibod. stick pin. m.inji'. auu ioui 12 tnonr Oa v'o.u.eib.a r-.uugh and Portlan btvd. Reward if returned to 102 Lew l bidtf. LC.T A met h at brooch, either on Wtllsm etta He.ghta car or on w. park bt(fi Mrr.aoo and Woodsrd, Cwrko 4k Co null bi- tea ard for return. Ca.l Mar 3., LoriT Auto rl.e between interstate trldge alio and orrtt'tn .tita a r.o tnrvu-i a v enue. tSunoa 3 . I- inner ca. C -U!i. lie- a ri. H-r A M-rmer pin, f4. Fast tOt h Norm valuahe. Ken ard. La ',-T Tjra on Vancouer bridge. Phone Miln ll. July ft l'ST Aired at i- pupp. K: Marahail 1 or Marshal. ider klDd.y ca. &0O. rrn .t. noticm tntieaSL IN THE lIt?TnirT OH'KT CF THE Cnites Ktatee for the li'.atrprt of Oregon. In the matter of L, U. .voelticb. Lack rupt Kequest for 1-ias. 1 wtii reveiv aei4f-d Mda for a 113 model cver i-nd lutuoiubii, for merly be Inni'nf to the aboe umu (bankrupt, and -tuatJ in a garage at No. ' E. Main at . Portland. Ar, up to and until 1 2 o ,or noon on M.nuMv, July 1. litV at my o'Tt'r, No ?4v-; Morgan t.Ug, Port land. r. Certified check for 1 per rent ef the amount ofTereii must accon.pany r.cii tM. rata sutject to llue approval .f tna court. Automot iia may be n.p-cted at the garage at ti-a above add re. IL I fAlUN", Trustee. Ml 1. WILL n.t be rontrarted or b Mcl-anlet 111 reapoasb.e for any debts :s run b mjr w.Te, Kmma -ph Mc Iftnit L riNANCIAU Fi.t'-T and e- in' pttereat in rortnr'i pTjfc.Ts-e K an. H. E. N""'i. i.uniNrr aaN$. rec-n Of ns b.Ua. WE HtT bon ! ad no tea. WETi:).N Ukj v . at MuKTiiAub. COu net.. Roard of Traua b.dg. WE bay notes, bonds and mortgagee Mob- rtaoo 4a ti;t4jvl N. W. Aat-a b.dg. MCKTi AU E lona. rotes, coRtrartg, mtga. r'jKhai-4. Iew .a Co.. 4 U.i b;dg, Mewaejr lo Lataa) ei Rra4 r-taiT f I0O and upward oa tmprot-d rea aaist. f avorab.e wrms. no; aa btvkerage.Jot.a Bain. o7 tpa.:iog bldg FARMLAND CITMO.tTl A.KU)a"1 " A. H HAH D!NQ. ft 14 y H AM OK COM ftlTV TO IA1AN on raavi aetata FtvJZa Tar-or ZZTU. ftj k ftAiav ftaV" $ tl3vo, Slivo Fred Otratn Co, 9 1 4 Cbamior of Conatno. M'Ki on rand ?-r mcrrm rage roa. r t. t-'rej V. 1, ir 3oana. m or I -! .- - lat at. M H to let .1 at i' . 7 jer Cet,o."w. lo !n-pfn -4 clt pro.. - A H M1. r-rn:sn. pr nc : pa .1 n IIAVK from 4NK to . 00.0 a ivaa g-xd real eat ate ft 4J, Oreg tfitan Ir 1' own a let and lot and t- bul d. come ta and see u. c ut 1 -a. ' Sm oaa st 13 f ISAM IAL- money Loaned. Improvavd tVaa.aaaa pi pa ty. w- ' cn Improved tide.c) property. I u f CtL Aawpraved f arrn proprt y T to ft per cwu MO.NKV TO LaJa.V CS IIPKwVEi I.AU i-.-TATK YW - la-i.-...,. v r.l'va.f, V vK I- t.KXl Cii.n Tl: Ai. . , .Nj i vi.iii.s.wa. i.Ui.l.MeiA i-i ! t- THiM -to o-'Ai.l'IN.J M.t- CA. MUhiuiutk IajA.SS. Abv imouti t. .0 caiva, promptly cl Alutvu.t rcamct.t y,r A. . luMilwi-L t-U. SIT Non.n.t,8 b4r.k ild ti. A - t la. T LOAN AT T 1 11 CKN'T, -V.K. iJ.vw, A ... t . 4.H , 4 kk tt A.t.--.Hi On 3ori.s.r.tJ 1 if.-rv rj iTojrty. Ma ;v.h:.on ( COOIF.l.L iKv. fl Ifl H'.Jg. L-A N S on un.nmul rd !ta In fn.4 d.s tr.rte for puipv vt bul.cinx houe. f pr ojci . r a.. I. a m . ran ifer ou ta ,ii 1 $ act?! ta tbe.r own bomtt s.. uiton.tva. e- AM til or.- t 1.1 on lr4 vaiata. Kau Katale i.a l-n, I a . at f Ann. ilT A -X UF AH JsTHLJ A N Leowaal ratea So o.a. 1 or ti 1 l.ufi .'v.!. TO LOAN In auu.a t7auH bm.d-ir-jj lr., uwvt rate. VV. O 4rca. , .i i L.c FIELDS HO.NEYMAXMORTUAGE Ci OLK OWN KL'Ni'a. lo.A-o: VtON ti-LKi. lo Loan t'rt h-a, r'AKui.NuTuN. 4TH M, Ik'AKu uK IHAPi UV, trivate fuiiCa 1 l.rau Froii4pt c r Ice. A lair UrB iUicL tm.U 4 Hr.r bid &LE is i4air (or oana oa improved c.ty ver cent. an.l .. " - - ' - v - 1 von DQ M- R i uAul Loan. in an v amoV f ont-Uv-N I V at MutauAul. Vw.. INcJ fiiot tticULgo b.uH Ad k.a Vamnili, ft Ti 4 per cent moDeye on buaiaeaa prop. erty, apaxtmvnta, Ooc.;!na, utmi k. L t oaa o m. It.- No ruawitrn ia n a b . U g o e A T t.o ,- to I -n on Insida iiuvrd tusinea rron. ait at OUt-C. . H.UAe, MXKy Vg. n.'MuAjt. UAN ft and 7 I'Eit c ft. .n . E.-IA1E MoNEV. ALL Akut.N.T -OM, lo ftti.oHv at ft to a par ceatTw il Murtou. VVorctwlwriO. Mam 4aY MONET, any amount. 4 to A (rtrcMlT W M. be ta 4. vo i fpa.Cing a.og:. MoN a, I To l.o A N l.N an 1 aII nT" naunmond M or ig as e . o.. 4.4 claiu. oi noncj to In. ikaurto sa hlariVer' 1MMKIMA1E LOAN ON MAauM'.-. A.- klLUV A A c-AflElvN KAHva. Wa ba 4i.a; leiiil ir. st li c.t. a aa CotaOwwied ta .tit a.u mii. l-g ba.t.caa -ihii,! V-OAhut i.u. no a. .a a.a.gua-.t.g 13 baT-t-vaa op.aad 111 fiwui our store a. wifbil.aiM ta bta.d lr p..od of if -U.i-r or .i .is.i pa. a w L. n due v e arv iit,aa auu r.aa it.ic-d a.uca 1i .Su cJ..iie;t.a tana any tinr Kti a ua c.ty. A. as M DKL0VA1SE. JE.VELEEa. - sa..l(,tua IM Ld.4a-NiaiA. Oldeat astab.iahed aa.ary loan company avt.i y A.ieca sir 1.. lib.M.fUli. Our w eta- known reputation for .ra.i- g and CwaritvM. utaimA tba pat 4k our boot Xartn.a. square u.r.tsg STATE .ECi.KlTT CO. LK .N4tV ftfl ft Aa.atg Llug. MoN E V lu LOA N. TOC c AA cirvl 11 "A uUA T at iaa4 raiai. oa tntmtiiiLt, A.ioi. pianaa. V u Ut . w a. Livr,xk vT Mo. or. c.ea. Pay UiM - r uiuum or aura, llaleieai ft par cant. CFKlCKs A -,..i a-Li 1 KlVATt Po.i.L..NL LOAN Co. LiCt.SM.u ft 1 1 A- a u m t- o g . a n d v a li . 1 4 t on. MoNat A T CVL ' LEG A. iuti tir i.xir.KEST. Uiaua-i dK Jc a eti , Muait-at 1 1 1 umen la. Ail i-.eugt lt4a one .ear. i-c parate Ltept. for I alisa, Eii. c OA. AN. L.M,.l ? L.u,.r Li. IJ.-g . I. ..j gtar'g :a ML Kan money on uiaaaacaa auu jeaa.r at i. a. i tna raia vXtage py Va.'S. 4 Ad at UANT IU:.o at per cent, rolumhn Park Cestrict. it at a por ttm, Kenton j a-tr.-t. at S per .i.t. A.ij t at per tenl. ft.-i.aj at 7 lr rfi.L. A.aineda I'uit.o, Ltii w Oaa. n d.ainct; Para o a- fcEVKKAL llR.-r Mc'RtTOA.iiCj for" sa.e! AlV'Nfct AANiEU Ji-rn priatpa.s; ee -etai aood oa haitU. .M'Ui au.ounta Hetaf t.. i rudnouiiut, Mut gan b.dg. I AT to Mitia l -u un !mitoVed prop Sea, re eilj at Eaat .J a:. -J iUnnn tt .it. 1 to ueai wub (r.nrips.a as rata need i si l-ly t. a i M t i4 tt I,, dg. ft--"-'. TWO r-ara g;i 'e ttrst reawrt mortfiaga on in oiTaoA. Ai ft. OO Irtt, beat Uaca K i. ori goruan. fttHO WANTKU lor 5 )an on property -V lwtft. ore worth 4s..iMi. .No broaeia I-ltUiL. 1 - PEH ANNLM pilal tnitie ; eatate liiJll). AV Jul, Oieguiiaa. FEAtaONAEw E c& lor reatoititg haaita, at, I for Uai.u.oti ur riiuut, a lau) came here oa a itvat iavri, eaoclexi ta sea bar a.o e agslu. a..a t.M nr a, curexA tu inw suuntestv. Ctcerated aiuauca, ata ears stanutteg. cur-d wta SA treaim'enta. Lau coiiit:.y araiaed oa one s.uo and spev.4eaa, at .a tu do her houaeitotd woca lu o .) a. A titcao aitu oiber ,ami a.a be .uiMUattl kJtxt. I'HILUJ S A h'aKMA.N. itfj 1 Ta-gonJan - g. UE SLLL HAIK, iiAUt, JiAlR. -.ncn i.t. a unm . .ftt i--in.a -U f ilal-4ua.i; gray 4 Ao blt.d lltiaat A i .. . d fur C on Face uiat..a. .'.aup4u ..Sao Manicara IjJ -as :i f.p.rf.uoua ha.r remued b e.rcu.c.iy. Oaiaretc-O. Cut hair, ai.jr t.i.uc. oa l(.ut tel. git l;ue la.f iau:y -'u'. wtt-4 ; J Itokum b.a . hua a4ed a..t.iw:i Maisiaail l'.tii. Kmviir a. H ANEUL T L-rad:ng a.a ata loupe maarre. finest stock t. l.a-4 aaliuat) fruui Ac bp. i.iur..D. l.-i... -i.i... fa. a ,u a tteat ar..t, cuit.uit.fc a iuo t.p tu oraer 1 4 , iear Mi riau. Mala . .liho.NJv. L'ltvoaaea. livailachea. Khtuma'. Ham. t.ttlire, i umorw, m.d . ifub.ea. 1.14 No Maa-cne No ope rat. one. F.oeat Mo. 91 n Ava,:t'pd tf flcea. tv.ectr lei t , AAao.pu laioa aua liua 1 J- ret. Alt A : e Lot a r. M a. . o r N ETXEL. trained nurse and -.. gi.att irealtuenaa for f be u maL.sav. iaaiu. -lUiaai. tub batbs, ti.rn.m- aga ai-d a-: trie tUady a aa 1 1 a m l.i L MaraA.a.4 ewl. at'MLN: 1 K.n't be carved and m uti lated. e'l .u.4.a.y wttnout o.erai ior.a ir Ciu; -ta tniiuvt Ur. 1 ururt, lal ea r-e-c.a.t.i. I (..' tvwas. 7-.i. orandeata A; aM :net.T . 1'lKlIL ALli ie. Maiy A, Pri-. Circtts I a.-tw.a i. rtii and cun A p. M . taaa la a .ai At?- t M srar.a,! a tvo, OKV. i.u..,N li A.t,4 t,uts a&a Uiui(4t', e.ti.- Urtimtci, hours 1 A- AA to a a. M. -H aL. rioms J aud i. M K. TE VFNc. ; 1 rears Port. and 8 it. t-na ia.uit aud voj ant, au;nor of U.u,aU l.aU Eaa. w .a l).r at. ELECTRIC ll.lUTi.Mt for rneumatlam. ttuia tit, la.ta at. a .. p trcatmeaL. r .fiiir.) Mar. aw a M a Ki.. C A A-LA A .l ana si - at UBa. a . tcoMii 1, ra h nir Mrw.'.hs S: . tvj.cctu au pwi MAPKoF Tol lt COMMNG-i. f.w.t.!.aa . cwr.a ana p..fa ,c tar i- .-!) 1 ar.i.ra, ov Uaat. P KSi -l liib. it. M.Jr, men is 1 and an.... .12 A.. say b'V.g. ou ap. ritual ecl- H g vv rJi.a- . 4 P. M. Ma. a a. .i. t- lR. ElliFL A. SACRT, pa.cieaa c.irT.p"lat. . i si-su. a P-.g. i uc t.0 Ms. a . ti u m A 1 1 . Ait. MAr?hl Mv, trrai mr&ia tt al T. a-p rjaae, . A4 o.- r.tu. .. p 1 M'LE. stierf ,uous balr removed. Mr, u a t . r ..jtifr Ma -a A4.A. ! t--' I'KAt, IK' eip.aiaed. pain cog atloai. mania p-.a.r.g; Al t.eaime,;s ftia. 1.1 ta LKON3 ta pnrenoiore acd card readiuaa. Ji.t 1' Mala ;Aa. lAt.k t-'F Fl ii C..MFX-.VNH ltoai Tcma Tso.:a ot lav.a au I none Ma. a ... ' A LP s-ecis.iaL 5.-0 Mot riaa lu"oMci M A N I ;ad.ea and gentlemen. Room .-1 V and e;ectrtc tra t men : tv. u ;4r?ion st. Vtiif J oh mon. c htr r! m ; Km. l.r-i llote,, ; M A I T . i li 1 N 1 . k e 1 t . treatment. u - -v -. J.: L n. a a a 4 , c. - C M r :, nisi f , 7 Kvtt,ciii;d. poo, faca I