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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1915)
12 THE MORXIXG OREGOMAN. MONDAY, JULY 12. 1013. CONVERSION HELD SLOW PASTOR SATS FEW SCDDEXL.Y BE COME CHRISTIANS. Chrlstlaalty Matter of Growth, of bo lus Duty at Hud, Rv. Henry Marcotte Declares la Sermon. "Sudden conversions are not neces sary for all men. A gradual growth in Christ is the natural order of religious development." These statements made yesterday morning by Rev. Henry Marcotte, pas tor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, were part of hia sermon m "The Arrest of Christ." "There are men who can tell you the exact day and hour of their conversion, of their 'arrest by Christ1," said the psnor, Dut lor the majority of people Christianity i a matter of growth, of ""'"is me auiy at nana, trusting in his guidance and cultivating th. nn. sciousness of his presence. There Is no need to stop confessing his name because some great cataclysmic event in the way of a soul-stirrintr does not come to us. tor those who grow up in Christian homes there is rarely such an event. "Do not be discouraged and say, 'We are just ordinary." It is the ordinary mat maae tne world go. True, there must be leaders, but thev dn not really do the big share. The one who aoes nis duty and does it well, no mat ter how small it may seem. is. in real ity, great. The world may not know, but God does. He will not forget." Two Infants were baptized and sev eral new members received into the church at the conclusion of the sermon. Thursday night at 7:45 o'clock, Dr Marcotte will speak on "What Do You Do When You Are Tired?" MARINENOTES. -Jh tamer Celllo arrived at Astoria yes . ?Z'LtleT':oontronK Kan Francisco ar?, consigned to E. J. Dodae Company. fne will arrive in Portland harbor this ?V?2!f-. Aft5r ?'?charK'n(5 cargo she will inirfc :umber tor C. K. McCor- The eoastlns; steamer Avalon. of 512 tons. J?"t,T?en.. charterd by Kwayne and Hoyt, I! clty r transferrin B general .freight fhii "im,beJ". ?hB left Francisco for tins port Saturday. ,lfThec.SaIU!t. C,a.ra- of the Northern Pa cific Steamship Company, left last night at e o clock for California ports with about 40 ffZH""! .1d ari, averaBe cargo or miscel lf,?J Jreiebt- r,Tne Romoke. of the same line, arrived in Portland harbor about lu:3u last nlKht with a good load of freight and an average passenger list. The steamer Bear, of the Big Three lln made Portland harbor yesterdayq afternoon from San Francisco. On the way up-river she stopped at Astoria to take on a ship ment of about IS tons of flour consigned to Pan Francisco, In order to save time on the cown-river trip. Xews From Oregon Ports. .?,03.?AT' .r" Joy lf SpeciaL falling today with a cargo of lumber and .passengers, the steamer .Nann Smith crossed oui today for San Francisco The tug Gleaner, of Gardiner, is due here tomorrow to tow the barge Lawrence to the Muelaw River, where she will go out of commission for the present. Ths steamship Breakwater, with freight and passengers, sailed for Portland. Tne steamship F. A. Kilburn and the steam schooner A. M. Simpson are due to morrow from San Francisco. The Speedwell left tho bay last night for San Francisco. ' 1 ASTORIA, Or.. July 11. (Special ) Car rying a full cargo of lumber from St Hel ens, the steam schooner W. 11. Murohr ,a!itd tnls morning for San Pedro The .steamer Bear arrived w from San Francisco and San Pedro with a fair list Of passengers and a heavy freight for Port land and Astoria. The steamer Rose City sailed for Califor nia ports with her limit of passengers. The steamer Great Northern arrived with 4.8 passengers. The steam schooner Johan Poulsen sailed t5t. San Francisco with lumber from St. Helens, Oak Point and West port. The steam schooner Henry T. Scott sailed for Valparaiso with grain and lumber from x ortland. ,.T!le gasoline schooner Rustler sailed for TVedderburn with freight from Portland. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, July 1 1 Sailed Steamers Rose City, for San Francisco and San Pedro tanta Clara, for Coos Bay. Eureka and San rranclsco: Daisy, for San Francisco Ar rived Steamers Bear, from San Pedro and way porls o: Roanoke. from San Diego and Astoria ' July 11. Sailed at midnight Meamer .-hasta, for San Pedro: at 3 A M ?i?-T.mer- S0"""!?1- f?r Port AnBeles; steamer AVilliam H. Murphy, for San Pedro Ar rived at 5:30 and left up at 7 A. M. Steam er Bear, from San Pedro and San Fran ?,SC,?; .Ar,rlwed. down at 10 nd sailed at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Cacique, for Austra lia, via San Francisco. Arrived at 12-50 F- M. Steamer Great Northern, from San Francisco. Arrived at 1 and left up at 2:3u P. M. Steamer Roanoke, from San Diego and way porta Arrived at 4-30 and left up at 6 P. M. Steamer Celllo from San Francisco. Arrived down at 3-30 and sailed at 5:30 r. M. Steamer Rose City, for San Francisco and San Pedro Ar rived at 7 P. M. and left up Steamer Ha waiian,, from New York, via way ports, failed at 9 A. M. Steamer Henry T. Scott, for West Coast. San Francisco. July 11. Arrived Steamer Northern Pacific, from Flav-eL San Pedro, July 11. Arrived Steamer Beaver, from Portland: steamer Santa Ce cilia, from -Vew York for Portland. Sailed yesterday Steamer San Jacinto, for Co lumbia River. Coos Bay. July 11. Sailed Steamer Breakwater, for Portland. Eureka. July 11. Arrived Steamer P. A. Kilbnurn, from San Francisco for Coos Bay and Portland. San Francisco, July 11. Arrived Steam ers Quinault. from wlllapa Harbor: Tamal jals. from Grays Harbor; Jason (British), from Liverpool; Northern Pacific. Santa Bar bara, from. Astoria. Sailed Steamers Che halls, for Astoria; Yellowstone, for Marsh field. Seattle. July 11. Arrived Steamers City of Puebla. from San Francisco; Northwest ern, from Southwestern Alaska. Departed Kteamers Humboldt. Parafso. from South eastern Alaska; Admiral Farragut, for San Francisco. New York. July 11. Arrived Steamer Kevadan. from Seattle. Cristobal, July 11. Arrived Minnesotan. New York for San Francisco. Sailed Isa bella (from Baltimore), for Seattle: Stanley Dollar (from Newport News), for San Fran cisco. Marconi Wireless Reports. (All positions reported at 8 P. SI., July 11. unless otherwise reported.) Congress. San Francisco for Seattle W miles north of Cape Blanco. Rose City, Portland for San Francisco, off Cape Fa'con. H. T. Scott. Portland for San Pedro, 80 miles south of Columbia River. Multnomah,. San Francisco for Portland, 50 miles south of Columbia River. Norwood. Aberdeen for San Francisco, off Tillamook Head. Ascunsion. Cordova for Richmond, 638 mlle3 from Richmond. Hllonian, Seattle for Honolulu. 171 miles from Cape Flattery. Coronado, Eureka for San Francisco, two miles north of Blunts' Reef. Chanslor Everett for Monterey, 691 miles south of Everett. Kilburn, Eureka for Coos Bay, off Redding Rock. , Lucas, towing barge 93, Richmond for Seattle. 10 miles south of Cape Bianco. Adeline Smith. San Francisco for Coos Bay, 283 miles north of San Francisco. Moffett, Richmond for Seattle, 2S0 miles north of San Francisco. Yosemite. San Francisco for Portland IS miles north of Cape Blanco. - Nann Smith, Coos Bay for San Francisco SO miles south of Coos Bay. ' -Enterprise. San Francisco for Hllo 1S07 miles out, S P. M. July 10. Hyades, Hllo for San Francisco. 1613 miles out. g p. M. July lo. Korea. Honolulu for Orient, 247S miles out. g P. M. July 10. Sherman. San Francisco for Honolulu. lOfi miles out. 8 P. M. July 10. Lurline, Honolulu for San Francisco 10 miles out, 8 P. M. July 10. Atlas. Richmond for KahuluL SfiO miles out, 8 P. M. July 10. China. Honolulu for 8an Francisco, 759 miles out. 8 P. M. July lo. Speedwell. Coos Bay for San Diego, 145 miles north of San Francisco. Florence Luckenbach, San Francisco for Balboa, 1622 miles southeast of San Fran cisco, g P. M. July 6. Hattle Luckenbach. San Francisco for New York, 449 miles south of San Pedro. 8 P. M July 10. .1. D. Luckenbach, New York for San Pedro, 40 miles south of San Pedro. Willamette, San Pedro for San Francisco, 15 miles north of San Pedro. Arollne, San Francisco for San Pedro. IS miles south of Point Concepcion. Finland. SO miles south of San Pedro at T P. ST. Humboldt, north bound, off Ean Juan PORTLAND ABSTRACTS AND TITLES. PKOMPT SERVICE at reasonable price. Pacific Title A Trust Co.. 7 Cb. of Com. ACCORDION rLEATLNtf. ACCORDION, knife and box plaatlng. plcot- ing. ncmsiucning. Draiamg. emoioiaenitf. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. 65 V 5th at. K- STEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged: mall orders. Sa4 Alder. M. b47s. Mail orders promptly attended to. ARCHITECT I. BUNGALOW plan book lOc: plana 0. Faber, 360 Alnsworth ave. II. AJATlOl, WATER COLORS. CHINA PALNTLNO. JEAN.NU M. STEWART, i-ii Pillock block. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 j lid. Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTOttNLVS-AT-LAW. J. SILFORD NELSON. LAWYER. CIS PI r TOCK BLK. PHONE BROADWAY S17&. CARPET WEAVERS. NORTHWEST Kl'G CO. Rugs from old car m pets, rag rugs, law K. btn. Both pnones. CELLULOID Bt'TTO.Nij. BAIHiEM. THE lKWIX-llODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington at. Main 312 and A 1154. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle and William, Jr., Dsveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city Parlors 3u2 Gexllnger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mra M. D. Hill. Office Filedner blag. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC NEHVK hPECIALISl. DR. A. H. BRIQO.S, 600 Swetland bldg. CHIROPRACTIC I'll IAN H. DR. M' MA HON. "ath year. Chronic cases taking time. 31 treatments. $15. 121 4th st. DR. POULSON, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 800 Plttock block. Broadway 262. , COLLECTION AfiENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Halden Mercantile Agency, 426 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4o. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17 No collection, no charge. Established loou. ALTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PUBRUILLE BIGOT TOP CO., 200 2d at. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer. Park A DavU BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery A Conf., Inc.. 11th A Everett. HENRY WE1NHARU. 13th and Burnslde. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. FfBNISII rVGS. FLKISCHNER. MAYER A CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL Sl'PPLl:S. Btnb Electrical Co.. 8th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade Bldg. . GROCERD3S. WADHAMS A CO.. 67-75 Fourth St. Island; Despatch, south bound, off Lime Northland. Everett for San Francisco. 11 liles north of San Francisco. 'governor, Seattle for San Francisco, off Point Arena. Umatilla. Seattle for Pan Francisco, 76 miles north of San Francisco. Topeka. San Francisco for Eureka, 25 miles south of Point Arena Queen. Seattle ' for San Pedro. 42 miles south of Point Sur. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July II. Maximum temper ature 75 degrees. Minimum Temperature 57 degreea River reading. 8 A. M., 8.0 feeL Change In last 2S nours, 0.3 foot rise. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M. . none. Total rainfall since September 1. 1914. 3O.04 Inches. Normal rainfall since September 1. 44.21 inches. Deficiency of rainfall since Septem ber 1. 1014, 1.1.27 Inches. Total aunsolre. 7 hours IO anlnutes. Possible sunshine. 15 hours 80 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), 5 P. M.. 2U.H4 Inches. THE WEATHER. I J Wind o TATIOMfe. 6 tat of W4iAr Hakfr 9 o 2 o fe O. OO 8 ou1 b i)i 10 ( 10 :ie 14 ou 10 00 1 2 t (( 4 (JO 4 NW.Clear Boise X Clear Boston .... SW jcioudy SE ;Pt. cloudy W fiear S Clear SE K'lear a . PL cloudy X (Clear XW;Clear d Clear SW Clear d (Cloudy SE Clear 3 Clear Calzary 70 o HU 7H 0, !hi 84 0. till O 04 O 0 71 . fcb 0. tH tl SO II . 11 o Ml O no. f.C 0 4 u. 7S O 600. J-) O. 87 0 mo o 80 O. o. 600. 9-' 0 (.' r,i o. - n. 74 O. 70, V) o. 81- l. S4 O. 7 O 72 0. Ohicam Colfax Denvor ......... Dec Moines ..... Duluth Eureka Galveston U0, 8 Otl, 8 00 10 04; 4 U0 11' 00' 4 on, 0 00 14 OO 8 OO'IO 0-2; 4 00 St 0t!30 00 10 OO 14 211 4 OO 6 00 HI 00'lS 4L'1 4' 0l 14 OO' IO Helena Jacksonville . . . . K a nit as City . . . . Los Angeles Marshf.eltl Med ford M inneatiolis XW -Cloudy XW Pt. cloudy XW PL cloudy W jPu cloud j SW Pt. cloudy Montreal ........ New Orleans . . . . New York s Cloudy North Head North Yakima Pendleton ...... Phoenix - Pocatello Roseburz M.'loudy Pt. cloudy Clear rClear Jcioudy Pt. cloudy ;'lear ic-lear Sacramento St. Louis ........ Salt Lake San Francisco ... Seattle XW Clear SW Cloudy SW -Oloudy SW Pt. cloudy W Cloudy s Cloudy SW ;PL cloudy S 'Pt. cloudy W 'Clear SW iCIoudy 01-10 OO' 10 04 8 2! 8 On IO 26 14 Z-l 14 OOl 4 Spokane Taroma Tatoosh Island . . walla walla .. .. WashlnKton .... Winnipeg Yellowstone Park WEATHER COXDITIONS. The barometer Is relatively low over the plains states and relatively hlah alone the Xortu California coast and kino over the East Oulf states. Light rkln has fallen In Western Washington and showers and thun derstorms have occurred In Ariaona. por tions of the Mississippi Valley and In the Atlantic and East Oulf states. It Is warmer In the- Upper Mississippi Valley and cooler in the lower lake region. he conditions are favorable for showers Monday In Western Washington and for lair weather elsewhere In this district. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Monday fair: west erly wlnus. Orecon Monday fair; westerly winds. Washington Monday showers west nrah. ably fair east; southwesterly winds. xaaiio jiunauy lair. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Sunday. One time ..........I2e Same ad two consecutive times. ....... !!te Sum ad three consecutive timea. ...... .soe same iu sue or seven consecutive times. . &ee The above rate apply to sdwtiM-mrsu under "New Today- and all other claaeificsv tions except the following: Mtoatione Wanted .Male. situations Wanted I-emale. lor Kent. Rooms Private Famlllre. Board and Rooms Private lainilies. Housekeeping Rooms Private I amilles. Kate on the above dswelficaiioa. Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. On "charge" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing in the paper, rrgardlesa of the number of words "''''"'. .Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept rlassiflrd ad vertisements over the telephone provided the advertier Is a suliwriber to either phone. 9ri1T? TiU ?o'l over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends open the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be acrepted. over tbe telephone. Orders for one Insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Male." "Busi ness Opportunities." "Kooming-Uouaea" wad "Wanted to Kent.- Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must he In The Oregonlan office be " f rloc$ mt Bin. eaeept Saturday. beO7'rf0h.v7oe'kO.rosydTentr -''J be open until l.cVnkepVM.T-: u ".nd ,f." "d" received too late for Droner -Tifi7.Uof TV hr. underth. headE "Too Late to Classify." Telephone Main 7070, A BOOS. MEETPO NOTICES. JR'TKA WASHINGTON- CHAP ER0' i. E- S. Stated meet ing this (Monday) evening. Ksst 8th ana Burnslde. Degrees Order W. M. BELLE RICHifoxri Si?" EXTRA Emblem Jewelry of all kinds, special designs mads. Jaeger Broa. Jewaiera BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLEAN INO AND PREHMNO. DREeS SLITS for rent. We press rae suit aca week for S1.5U a month. . LN1QXB TAILORING CO., SOB Stark it, bet. em and ih. Mala M4. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 83 S ttb St.. bu Stark and uu; sp'l Summer rates. 6 private lessons. i. murnlng. afternoon, erenlng, all latest dances guaraate-ed. Class Thura.. sau evenings. 7-s.JO. Children classes feau. 2 to 3, 25c Broadway 2I. MR. AND M RS. HEATH'S SCHOOL; Iuku dally; all dances guaranteed. Aluky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. Come today. M. Sols. DETECTIVK AGENCIES, PIN'KERTON A CO.. L S. DETECTIVE AGCY. Established over gu years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on Indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite .34 Pltlock block. phone Broadway EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by speels;ists; glasses titled. Dr. F. F. Cassedsy. 617 Dekum bldg, 3d A Wn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do ail kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all wora 11. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 1st (L N. 1'ttoue Broad wsy y'j. HAT CLEANING AND BIXK KlXi. PANAMAS blocked and bleacbed. 5c; stress A felts. 5Qc. Kaufman's. 44-4 3d. nr. stark. JEWELRY, REfAIRlNO. H. J. ALToTOCk. 141 A. Broadway. LAD IKS' TAYLOR. A- DE BLANCHE. 4o Washington.. W1VIOTT HLOS. 412 Morrison. MIS1CAL MLislc publisaed, arranged, printed, popu larised. Verses wr.ttrn to melodies, send manuscripts. Echo Music l'ublisbing Co.. Seattle. Wash. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher: papll Revelk 207 Filedner bldg. A 4ll. M.r.nall lt.K MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles auu blcyclea phone Main 63, A 21."-8. MILLINERY. ELIZABETH'S. Orpheum Theater bids. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HATH AND CAP. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 54-53 Front St. HIDES, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., lbl Front it HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROS., VI 4 WORCESTER Ttl.tXJ. Main 8S1. Phones. A 117. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, a PORTLAND. OKEUO.N. STRUCTURAL STEEL, PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND PHOE IRtllK RCFFI.IEH. CHAS. U MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front: leather of every description; tsps. mfg. flndlnga MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. CPU M HIA Neckaear Mfg. Co.. K3 6tb St. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and Tth sta A-tTT- HEM K.N TH. HEILIG THEATER Broadway at Taylor Main 1. A 11:2 6 TONIGHT 8:15 Price" MATS. WED. & SAT. MRS. Greatest Ens list) -i-iparaklns A,ctra PATRICK CAMPBELL TOXIOHT, Wed., Tnura. FtL. SaL Nights. Wed. Matinee. O. BERNARD SHAW'S Satirical Comedy Romance, PYGMALION Tomorrow (Tu.sday) Night. Pst. Hit, A. W. Plnero's Masterpiece, . "THE SECOND MRS. TAXQI ERAV." Evenings Floor. 11 rowa II; 7 rows tl.iO; balcony. I. Tic. hue: gallery, &ic Wed. and SaL Mat. Floor. 11 rows Il.iO. 7 at Si; balcony, 1. Tic. sue; gallery. Inc. MAIL ORDERS NOW. Boxofflce sale now open. Autos, car riages at 10. iu o'clock. HATKLX rfAlTlf 230 Jue Quong Tal (Rose Jewel) the only Chine Prima Donna, and a Portland Girl. Tom I.intoa and his Jungle c.lrls In "The New M Ueiosary 6 OTHER lUG-IIMt ACTS S Oaks Portlaod'a Greatest As Park. TODAY'S FREE PROGRAMMES 2i3 P. M. A.VD p. M. FIREWORKS TONIGHT DIED. OTTEX Tn this clTyT July 19. Frederick Olten. aged t yeara The deceased wss a member of Jacksonville Lodge No. lu. I. O. O. F. The remains are at the con servatory chapel of th East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Eset Alder st. Funeral no tice In a later issue. ROXTEX July 10. Charlts Routes, aged 40 years, beloved huslisnd of Mrs. Lula E Ronten. of 17t Kjerby street. Remains at punning McEntee'a pariora. .Voiles of funeral later. TAYLOR At the residence, t East Forty, fifth street, July 11, Fredareka R. Taylor. ?.?.d ' '"r- Remalna at the parlors of Miller A Tracey. Notice of funeral later. SMITH In Spokane. Wash.. July 10 Lorene Layton Smith, beloved wife of Elmer C Smith, formerly of this city. Announcement of funeral later. rrXEBAI XOT1CES. IXOHRAM In this city, July 11. Amber In ghram. aged 42 years, wire of S. Ingnram, mother of t loyd. Harry. Iona. Alien and Leah Inghram. all of this city; dauahter of Mr. and Mra D. I. Clark, si.fcr of Mrs. W. H. Dean, of this city. The funeral services will be held at the University Park Congregational Church at 1 p M Wednesday. July 14. Friends Invited. Th. remains are at the consrvstory chapel of F. jj. Dunning. Inc., Last Side Funeral Directors. 414 Last Alder street. HEXXESS At her late residence. 0 North Fifteenth street. July lo. Mrs. Rebecra Franres Henneea aged tl years, 1J months. C davs. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, whl. h win te held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M today (Monday!, July IX Interment Rlvervles Cemetery. KVHX July 6. Ernest Kuhn. gy.d 18 years. ..beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Merry Kuhn. of 4S& Wygsnt St. Funeral will be bold today (Monday!. July 12. at a P. M. fterv. Icee at Rose City Cemetery. Friends in vited. KUXXEL At Gresham, July 10. Adolph KunnelL aged 60 yeara Funeral services will be held In the Csrlson Undertaking Psrlors on Mondsy. July 12. at 2 P. M Interment to be made In the family plot at ML Scott Park Cemetery. MCIRHEAD Mrs. William Mulrhesd 41! Tillamook street. Foneral to be he'ld 14 A. M Monday. Dominican Fathers' Cath olic Church, East Third and Clsckamas streets Interment Rosa City Cemetery. MT'IRHEAD Mrs. WIMlsm Mulrhesd. 41 Tillamook st. Funeral to be held lu A M this (Mondsy) morning. Iornlr.lsn Fath ers' Catholic Church, Last Third and Clackamas sts. m mm 1 OKTKU H PHODCCTs. rUiiTLA.VO 1 tAIHLU UXml HUKks, La and Wasblagtoa. OITOMLTR1MS AND OrTICIANS. " juuikaynru. .uy f 3mS 1 'a tu i" fr V J Ty J wnen I can fit yyur e s- m itn flrat-qu.iity ionsos. uiii-iiiitii irames as low as 31. AOT C. W uuwlimn, r-'i Morrison. Mall orders prompt iy n.:e.j. v. rite lur psnli ulars. 21-"4. JI.ACE ADAMS, eve lllssd blCg. PAIENT ATTORN E a. I- -' WRIGHT 2 ars- pracure 1. S. au4 foreign pstfnts. sui De.unr bids. I'H-L. I'ORTLAND WUOD P1PE CO. r'actory and ottire nrcr 24tn ai.d l ur sts. iiam 4a. . tU EAT M IblcT Maca s Music SOop. Broadway bldg. HTOKAOE AMI TRANMtER. - o. 1'ICK Transfer a stotase Co. uffic an J commudinu 4-eiury bric-a srshmi. -par-l. irut. room and fireproof vauils " ' . v. cor. ztl and I in, sta 1'ianos and f jmlture moved and pacaed lor shlpraenta blitcui rates uiaa. oa gooaa In our througu cars lo all Uomoetlo and pons. Main 5v. A lva. O lit.' .-. 1 KA.M bl CO.. 474 Gilsaa - corner 1411L lci-pnone Main ev or A lltJ. We o n and operate two larse clae "A" warehouses and terminal Usui, Lowest i'urance rates In clt) MOVING. I'At KISii, Mlli'l'ING SToUaCU. ltllTd freight rates to ail points. MANMNJ KtivbuuH A Transfer t'o, Msin 7o.t. utn and Hoyt. A 2-1 4. MA:lfON-.-T. ICK AMI W AIIKllnl r). Office. 1st Msduuin. General merchanuise antl foreardtng agents. I'bont Main .owl. Ml'UUUOln IIAIK AND V4 AMIS RE.WOV AD. MLLu Del LONG. 64 fce.tiand bldg. IAIIOH.1 IP MLN AM 0ir:N7" li ul (man A lirmnt. brusJsay and Alde. KTLIUNAKY M1KHIIA A K. VETF.IIINAKY 'I.1.I-;E beslns S-pt. 1J No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C Keane. prea lslg Mar ket .t.. r-an Francisco. WOOD. GHKKN and dry slahwood. bockwood. Pan sins Fuel Co.. Mam 6720. A ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portsnd Wire A iron Was., u A Columbia PAINTS A NIB I.IBR1CATINU OI1X W. P FULLER c to. 12tn and Davla PAINTS, OIL, AND GIAiSH. RAFMrpshN a lo. 2d aud iaylsr sta. I'll'K. I'll E IITTIM.S AND VALM.S. M. I- K1.IK. h4-etl Front st. I'Ll MHINt, AMI SIMM Stl'l'LILS. M. I. KLINE. 4-eo Front st. PRINT! KS AND la BUMI ERH. W. HAULS a 1.0.. 1st aud oak F. I'KOIM E COMM1--ION MERf llNTS. FVERIIN-o A KAIiKKU, 1 ront. ROPE AND BINDING THINE. Portland Cordage to.. 14th and Northrup. KAMI. DOORS AND (.LAKH. W. p. FILLER, CO, 12th and Davla WALL PTER. MOROAK WALL I'AI'LR CO.. tSO id ITM'ML niHrrTORA Tbe oui rvsideiive undertaking establish, menl In Portland wilu private ailxssjr, Main B. A 10Ul. J. P. FIN LET A EOX. Moutgumery at Fifth. MIL EDWARD HOLM AX. the leading fuurrsl director. Su llilrd street curn.r baliuoo. Lady assistant. A 1311. Mala &u. F. . llL'.NMNu. INC East Elds Kunetal l-lr-c i-jrs, 414 East Al dr sireu East II xii. A. It. ZfcLLUit to, v-JJ WIUJA1IS AVK. Last loss, c loaa. Lady ellcuuauL Liay and night svrvice. DL.NN1NO A U b'MKi; funeial directors. Broadway and Piss, puens Main 4JO. A i,.i, Lauy slLvr.Uant. M1LLLU ec THACUY. InuepeuJtul fuuersl dlri.-tora unera.s as low as IJu, g4u ,u. Wasnlnglon and Llls sta Main Soul. a'i P. L. LLHCli. East 11m aud Clay streeia Lady ss-i.isdu Last 71. SKEWES L'NDEKTAKIXiJ CuUPAXV Id and Cl). Main 41J2. A I'Slll. IU sn-no.m. lirrese A Snook Sunr.slde Parlors, suto hears-. 10;6 KeimonL Tabor 1-a. U it. T. llVR.SEi. Williams see. sad Knott. Ea.t 111. c lue. Lady attendant MOXIMEXTS. POItTLAXD Msrbie Works. 1'0 4th it, opposite City Hall, builders of memorls.s. rLORlSTS. MARTIN a KOllHUi CO., f lorl.ta I7 W asb. Ins ton. Main i' , A l-'uw. Flowers for ail occs.ione. srtl.ticslly srrsngvd. tLAHKK RrtOS., florl.ts. 3" Morrison L. Main or A lboo. Klne flowers and floral de.lgna No Lrancn stores. blNMMlJi: ureonbouse. flowers phone H isyj. i-u sad and Ts lor. UtKil- bMn- Mala 7Jli. A X12L be.llng building. OREGON HUulANE SOCIEH 7 BLLUO.Nr T. Paaaes East 1423. B S3LV Ope a Dsy auadl Kick. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. letbal chamber lor small animaia Ilurse ambulance for sick or disabled, animals at a tuowent'a notice Anyone deslrli-g a pet may communicate srllA us. NEW TODAT. STOP AT Newly re furnish ed. I," renio- vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Iloomn, with private bath. II per day up; without, 5c up. llecsuse the rates ars low don't think the serv ice la poor. Special ratss ty week or month. Several rooms with wall beds, making; them practically suites. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment prlvilegea. Loans quickly closed. Can today. v CfX, LARGE LOAai OW (& C URGE I.OA OW ' slsi.css rnuri-.itriES w o A. II. BIRRELL CO. 117 -Xl ssnkseitrrs Hisk Uwlialss. . Marshall ail. A 4 1 It. MORTGAGE LOANS pv ivrnorrn m mr.M PROprftTiE Kesldencs Loans and 1 per Cent. Ac cording to Location Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWLNG X97- Ksiiswrslers Baste, Bldug. EDWARD E.G0UDLY Trlu'. TP UM MAaist aw, ... . n.sw (OB CO. A7. lsNAair M O RTGAQ El LUANO AL-JJIArW.i'JaT.y..M OsntrsBd r.rm TT.n tn Any Amount at tnmst Itstes BAaTMAB-TaoMrtGit. Bsatsrs irssr goarta saa fetsga I ummmm KIM TOLAT. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Molm w at currtni Kaim, MlMi,irl. AMI (OltltHtAIKIN toOZ& FAKM Al (III Lt)A.NnV mm rMtU 4 Umi. m 1 KKAL FXfJlTE DF.AUKM. rAl.UtK-JoNt CO. s i: ox bluer. I-UNKUU T l'KO(i J thorn. . imT ham I I, ml Z3 ON THU 11.UO. 400 cl. La ikr 4laa tu ."0 crtxr lot In LsMurtturL, lr Krpt irwt n hti ntui aud 11-1 fctiU 114 LJa. b. N . cvr tir 4 1 mt oa HmmmU mUU t-Uat 1. Wtjuif ir c&mv ku Awtii(ua itU. LXTS FOR tiALK. I will Mil a corner ! -t la Rom CHy rrt on luir urm. ur Mr. Hurt., Mstia .oa. ".'ORTLAND liKl;iiTl EXCUl'Sl VKl-T mrm-i rri:u, ikUi In lota and houH, m so Hf, Mrt.a:i 4.;. liUtwMlv. AJtJ $0x LatNT? fi ha:f-ir?r loi. b."l lot a. Mtck d. -vd .1 AddlTion. Ad Crt.s "ii-hcr," Silw W. Zvtu litc. ie bAd.cIn, BIO If AOH1K1CA. lort.Ud li:bts trlv lot. rdy lo toatid oa , bfrat oacata on tn iiw.btsu Mm.n laoor ., It naif tiaw-h I'fumy. FOIt bALt-Hh L-a. U rbt Air. oa uinrit-iiul HMCh, .rvo fu to R. c . itloa. ct.c(t it Ultra at ooco. O li. uf i. on lan. C A.V N O N UK AO I. ot 4aat nrv. at roi clPr4, iun( wiur. noaa:a t route tow, iu 10 wntn.), no lu te r o-c owner, fcu ihu4r of Cot, 11 A VB pindid tj-Aia la t-oM-a prZpn y tn Ti'iamook cau or tixaa. i y 'frgODMa. oKAKliAKT, ar 7-roota aoitao aad ioi. I or r-as -IIj A lU-o tniAicm iiu4s ,n a r trie 14 ai: hluriiooj au grir t a in lnis-ro ! 1 4 -a. rni.u bra- . trr.-Uu and li Ul i-oro. I .. umt tit y aiii tr-4 lu via lorin a.utl tn (- t 144 ia ia tcrv4't htiic uu" iv-rt.AUd and l?u Cit. ur ptyrrx .cm tnj .ut It 11 rno. but tli U NusiriTifbi 0111 on Jot. 1 co left car lo d- i attii utuwnmi'.m j-oplo, I ml. 4 try tu tw.j or lro oui i.o.ati.rt a a truth t i. or 1 ,.t aoc dai tt All. IIO.rQ li. UlUtUgO, Culbvl.M, 11 -con. 1UAT VACANT IvO T. Tl'IIT SkjT Tcii.N A I'l HtKX INTO IViOMET Wfc. WV H i .Siil 1.1. Ja tSfc-i. ItLii-L At aktml.n i , hi. UK.NO-: OK ANYTht.ii, 1'A.A.Na 1 lv 1. 1. . WE AitLl KL.fcftii.lMei.; Wfc, KvVv HuW: iALiv Mlii Ul it Cl.l r-.-Ta. b.u I'Ut Wuiviw; W ILL. Ol v kZ I'U.U3. U. Jv I'AlLt.,- A Cu.. luMHAi il.Lj AKOU- Thns, a.w AlWN'ilU.N sUi.LMi. --.tMi HoMt) FoK ,ltMM Ti.iii 4ot?rn bunci.u( OOUU AH S . W. A rtcma. lloord atne. ccaitni tsnini. irnitiw a.iadca. a. .rtrie luiurN, Lot. f ra. trry buaiiva, rxin 1 or Bt.t-; lo mlauiva out, a vrt-i.ic timotid tar, St o.f kL awta. aaiat 2 biovaj awut h to 111 TibtLa. key t irtK.i), vr anuira m 1 1 Ieumtor Ka- bid 11 JT 1K lav,.KAl.L.; liuUluai. Itior bu)ic vo aui. to loo at our I'.at of ttraod tit, tigun.ta aomsa la UAL lt,l.ULiir. turn auuiiiun ul uauit.' ua humra, r aui at ' r. k f r in 1. uf. Lurof burst Co.. u ti Mar ur at tract -- Ijco la Laurviiiurait. k.. Sum and Gluaa TWKNTV l LLAllS A kuN T 1 tl W iiu tt includa iDtoro.t for XV-room buna a tow in iv.trkt-d Uiatrict ; ! t tun at waotd In a uu luio am; m d bvisiibora, barxly to acbuo.; oaiy a.l labor afvA. A b.NAl IN lKVl.NilluN I ha a io aijuA) in a oo tr ln. ton bum. cttToy l-iaid; taa $ 1 om fur y Muity ur traua iu. a civar li.tugiua 1U Kat 4A4. lii.jAi.u 'rcitict .uta.tiw ia I'urt land, t brat n luttuiui. r-trii-ted d-at i let, Oa nar tiuat at oo. aaay ifiim 414 iJtft at. !Iaibumt cjr." I'UH bALK by nr. bt bau-sa.a lu cl . don't buy our rtoai uoi.i u tn. tcndld but.iff.lQw, lu lltdiuuttl. l'hu& Uoounwn iul FV'K aal by onrr. cite 4. a an rid. modra u- room bunciur ua rTirtctd d.dtrict, urma to tug bur II j C. Uncoio at. CAN Imauca but. o in- of at ttita Utn. f tiat: dl' t'urt -t. '.'? "i Km fw iuvir bu:it y (alia a&d cuu- ( au FOU fiALlfi Now. mwlcm 1-atory auoa low ia Irving ton . comp.t in arjr dviaU. prico -0 I'bon lu. 4o4k bstiAiso lira t ultatv uu clJ'iica itt a 1 1 i f.-ult ana fluMcra. wnich 1 .1.1 cll (or ;w vo sy lrnia. ni, ilj latt l-id. I'UK bALls A i rotiru l.uUA at aba Uai.u:i a v. , fin location, oa ear, Au w.u, Uraioniao. NEW. tnodra l.-riwm aouaa. la Irvlajtlua. C lsA V .1. 4 and u-r. r w luoiaioaa; aaay !itahnictitt. oaiirr, lu.-O -fun b.dc lubartaa florae Frwpertjr. AN Ideal ouUuruaa noma, ii ml nut (rum town, modvro bubt.aior. (u.l Ukavtnatii. f irrpiic. ur nac. imrf porctaa, ( tc -a fruit trtea, aaana, inc. rMra-n pa., 1 a Iota (cbt-ap, . prico lanna, ia4 I-uxrr a. I'buoa Culuuaula 4;. Ftaaa M. 'A ard. emr. Ulliao.S WALK AC libel. Good oil. good mtr. cK to rarlina. easy tarroa . w l.l tuiid to suit pur naar. Fauna Marba:i I.So or bilo4l 4ffk John uiumx, uw.Ntu IvAsT MLUNoilAU Haa tha dutat aw-n-;ry. bat aoit, boat wator. roa th b.-i v ta. r Ui..t for ; i) lvtrr li. Evam. t orbott, or. I or iMalo Arrraao. mkZ AibA V l.l:TiN-1, Vltwl ACHhAOL. Aad you will ay .itn ua It ta th beat auout 1'ort tand . or. I j n.tnutva out. trairua dai.y pa ttttuus n it in li.m lla hUcl train. Ivaa i.opa, on ima, -tbia. antliitta. un purct.aav.rr -i at-ui h p r uiontn now (or aio, lluo tir-n at Itictiaal prlc. laa lur- acr. tiuy a uaci, any . .aau or ay paytnrnia liati MIAW-FEAK f OMI'ANT. Ivi roorta b:r-t. Oil 'KavN. Hu IT. LAKKKN It A NO.- Nar 1'nrtiand. uroba:n ltrtct . nar lctric taiiou. $'a to -fO pr acrt; aay tvrtna. bet ootl. t( wood. arm- I jr aal. a.l !r. FRANK M KAKLAA.t KKal.1V CO a ta Vtoft l-iCf.. I'ort.and. or. I Wll.U any part of fin :arr tra t, a.l in cultivation, a Crn fc..x:ttic K. M . lo nlri out. in a... irmi to ult' s pr acr tmm HanJ. onr. . biok t-a. har.c btO mlmtmlimA .v.. ltonhtal. TWO cuo-l hum:a'ia on watn r-ad and crrrk. iii-ar it-o('rd. gtr(Pj !-; htxi a ana n.arhwt, t u'.ub." iauo. ; tu b l lrrlxatl I aada. t-Al-K A.i or 1 art f r-a t. atd land, bear l;dinoud, vr. t. a.i J Par al FARM fiKAPS. til acrt at 3t 4VO per aero; 104 acr. la ruairi-.ioa. Lo acr mora prao ;r.:y ravl y for pioa : ba.aae tim bsr and pt ur. rubtnui air; oa county iwiJ, acbo-oi and atmtioo ' rNA P T E H M (. 144 acre at ;i tr ata: 6 arra la rut. tk.aiiutt, 'w mor pra-t .ra..y rau v for tha a tu acrta tun oar and pa at ur ; ; jn-iirj atr. b.NAl' Tfc.HM.-4. I acre at 14d pr acr; la cultivation, oa county r-a'l. cood buy. tarma, For part:c..ara nt MOTIOAN a W Atkbil. Corvailla. Or. ia o-a OiK di v titsiFi t;i fa km and stock ranch; ; acr- a.f:fa, 10 ready for wheat t hia Fa.l. 24 muM au.tabl (ur wheal, now in rcraae; I orchard; 4d mor cult.iatc-d; f:n pature; I houtea, bam and ot ir bui.d:r.a. l'.r rood; t oa m:. hog .t nt f-rc . 1 lc eta 1 ion and b-at .anUinar on p act, orcnatd s-od monv maker, account fmo lcal market to (arm. 1 a . ua be prof .tab. y r-ntd, a.l prir. water iraviiy ayattm: fne-t d: vrif d farminc upportun.ty iinaaioab.e: prjct. ; mut ba I ; alii laka up to l.ud In ctt ptxpert or ood (arm. long tim on ba ar-r at wr cou W r.t KTuK -ANUriT.iee.ailoa. 14abo. FOR SAl.K IClaTht acr. (ood houa and outbuuuinCav, ninK rout. and er (nin to work with; al wttnin toaa iimiia, drs.rabl -roprty with co-d income, liarry J. k-rn. Kldcvlield. aab. ON E of th mvt modem rtnrhca in tha taiv. 1 a re a. u. tnrxiern bui ;iir . plmy Bprins. 2 rroeka tnroutrh p. a.. 1 arrj att-l-a nJ prune. 4 yeara u.a, 12 ym a re hoja. Call 4" Vxtt mi. 14 AO Krt chlc land ; Improvtmrnu. o mii from I' ; cioo 10 n ; wi.i maao aupertor dairy farm. J-aiorat., terma A U Porter. SOb Columbia b.d . b io k an, Waah. TL.A1N truth; must cr:f:oo 74 acr-a, 1 mil rite at on-haif prtc. beo tn and make offer; terma. no traaa. 2 Ch am -br cf Commerc Owner. FOfl FAl-E--Cowlita -ru-itr iiitTtp" landa, 10 per acr up; aood ao'.l. " atere-X. J. K. buarp, 4-J 1'iUocH b.oca, iofiia.4. -HI- A I. fT 4TK. WAN It it W ximtn bom. rv l r t d AiaUirL, fr luatatia K r toiiom aad tatarca- laad. near & atrv-rt lin. n:cnt t a. pi. or f.atat or - oat MU a.a&t. AO W.7. (,ronian. al'l'EHS houav -anifKl j wiU trada sod lot fur It. Mam rOK KALI: TtMHKK TIM lltit I.ANt'S. POli.HT ANU K LD. C J. M CKACKr-.N. v U KaT PI-DO. IAK.M4 WA.XTUX VSANTtl) Ud4 to car. Call lv. 3v. TO tKUACK-HKAL lufcTATK, WAN T ti To inbar.fa a food 00 iu ur.lncuraU(cJ u-t-d.n tour l-ta, va t ualio lt, lt l b a i.. on, t"r a ."oil, tn viwH X s ro r."t, lita lit:. or r-o !i&uirt. a.u a4,. Cal or aaa ra Lr. W. j oi-.iap, t Nat.ouai laiua t.0 , M. Johba, On sjl'.. tm t-ht-a. Coswxxibea or ta- IJc!c t oiUHiU lVd. Ha a cut's, miles khom klokni; lrt a.falia. cora and ur, aw out $ I s,eO t4 pt 't'l in uud un f.ic; lJ uuu barn. ft- and a,iut.. ''f arr, - 3 iue. !. ta . .war rt aud i.u:n 1 ro.f ri. car on t alan u arr, lii. V tiiam-itta i-, l.-1eT-l.w. t r. Vl'Toltl.A. tim, m'Oerra 14 room. - avMs, e,u fr.t 1 1 (l u; . tnt m- n - i j. x av. modiiUih. tftti im 4.1,. V.tof.a. 1 1 .'., r.tiifti.kf lor i.tir t t.o (aim r low---, -t.u . a in,. ta.afica vrilt. T lioiiri;. if t-r.a, li. C. IK YOI HAVK ANY lAKiu 'l(o'rH( Ft U It iiA.tK R v . N MAlill I ait.. W a lO.N'T IIAMiLK JINK I 1.1 Ll.l I. A . 1. 1 t0 , Zr XH:n r -1 l-l.t. MAIS 7.4. M AOlKS fud land. !'-. louiil). '- in t4.rt tt t art IA. t hd homfi;i-44 f r a-nor,c, ia . rr i irairvj . .'". til I-r -titlani1 pruy -f. -II iMiWi AV f 3, r "Man. -H kjM houM ad 2 lota at lioT lIaaiaxo at ort-tid. tlcar. l.l oa pi n.r. t or m ht . tor 1 . At.r:r. or -i-c;t.;!; n.sts :r. I'lvnt. raua C--. atta Ana, AOvKti ct tow iciorta bul.c:i .and, o.J for ;.t, fric (us ti.( lt. ardiun laXita a.u III A ost . . :u mn4sf .1 . a .,lsa f..s 1 liodv. Vtott. U. C WANT cn'-l-rn ft or a-rom tubcaia a r-v iw.-w i:cn::r.f on n-T, ia. and bxt of land, about U acrrt r.-ar, want from or a:rvaa ia or aoaar 1'oruaao. ood 1 5 - IN AM. aii'-mu.i -r uuinn.m l-r- r-.t .-t, bur ..t-u trie-jiiy la cbt-.c twiiia. iioa .tt i iik wt-t. V v fr.i.nlaft, N? molcfit ri nia-m frul.d i Tie tip t ..vsO for av-ct(on a od Ltd. ..a:u-tit a. . aum aotna. 1a j. Kuii, ku- -;rr'. tr. W 1 l.l. arsvejtarco c..e-ii., ci'ar, cul'.italvd auraia at -' a u (or Ciar. li.(Ui aa lf (.u . to tiU.i., s rc.i( ir . a. ., W a t. Or r coo. an. ItA.fc. a a ma.l but-..' to ital l.r a Jin r"'i' n in a f 'mmI rwtrt teJ tri i? van laa daMi. No act.ta. Tiuvr .s, At', !, liua on vw:iii. car iin. a : ua !'". rifar, Ir on tax f .-; wtl a jm uo to .-O. V . -irr. Iu'.4 lidi'. clt. IT V In a i-fiMm m.iier n l-in-taluu, i-t i ik'a l o" for ma sr h fu in!, ur ar a. :iat ha ou? o cr only. 1 bona o"'1 a n 1 , W H.I. ta rtt prort y. m .! lu at--d. in . r&c, for :i4piord (arm in food , r.riiMiuni'); no ner. Ia. tinuuua, l.OUt sa. I-i -lc-l tld. W .. U' VUi: Lava kmm1 proiterty ar. .1 want to e ch-r.a It. r .i lacaU Utaa CX, l )u..-ajr i.mchansa. LX' IUN'-K CltoUe --t.ria bui.d-t.. atl.A, 1ir fAim or lort anj Itouae, aiia cler t:x -. t. !'.: . . ict..rta. ; AC K nar:y all in culiuation. crop. !uk ar.d inip.eTnenta, for tt .od bouao. O. V. lir an. I K bain. oT iVra V ; fr.anul iu"l r.-i t. at. l-t la f Ur-.---. 1-4 M Kr l d. ! l: M liouar, Lfr car ; pr.c I 4"-. naa fe.'-'U, mar. 1 ln or aitaia in auburn, iic Hd r--ian;an. IF Yi'C want to buy r acreare. Urm or city proprrty, ar li. W. i.ary. a. 4 bul r. er flti c.l y priert ; oa ner w ul ca.ct:at c for Xarroa. V. J. lvie, Cvr b-1 1 biUf. UOl 1 and lot. himn)a.'1'. r. 10 tratlv (or fam t.r-ar ltrtt ton. lioo. T. il'io-w .'.. til Abu flOQ bii. 1 o t-nati, tot in Ira :n tn for S-roora wi.i pay caaa d.ricranca, Ma.o I1A K IImhJ e)uliy in tnou'ro u-rootn lur riiii-d burciua. trad fur ciaar lot or auto V .. J. UliAi i a a In awhar. f.r my r'luii In n- K t . 1'ara ur.fcalow? 4 i. 1 1 ar toe. trlt, r.ear 4t .1. LsAivK 11 a w thor n dlatrlct hou, cor"T l't, . f r ami'.ier bvuaa or icraa. JjF l-X iTftoman. WANT California irotty, preferably OtK lar a. .r f r. l.aat 1 ortland bom a. li- . .. Or- tron 1 a n huma to trad for U1M Portland eiuii. lot tr arrr( oa Onecon lv.rir.c. A i -T. Orecn:an lr.A!."ilFt L. untmprocd 4d acrrt, :&04. r -car. f -r room houi, I'ortiand. bin lib A iu- k. 5"! Itenry b.d 4rfO. tar.rh. U'tiro Count, prlc 1.4. -Cm lo trad f'r lort laod projrty. tio, T M-or Co.. M Ab:ntn bU'-c sI.M I fit. Kaurelhtirat. f.r amaii (arm, ar partlruian r rt oitlan. IXH !4lJ-, llacvow. ehlcU- Harare. 1 .ii. t att. bih ! a tid e b.o. ky lul.:. ait 10 and lit )ati, the boraaa r aou.f urvr . t ; pi c ...o. 1 T-year-o:d rM.nai. at 11V. true aii.-krr. am. or ciuu-.r. ptir 4 1 d, I epotted bora, ac 11. wu l.o. pnea 10. 1 ft-yar-c'1 standard bred colt, tt lloo. pt. 1 tone: mar, wt about 1 200. rut lab. for (ixiii), e fc, prit : 1 er bar.:in. bay " are. bl.x.k bui.t, L. 1 lo. acc ". ofiv flu I hatf tu furii.-r u f r the horfi and tny are li I f I o m hii,;'.i, mutt rii at.d t.l --!. na-a ra awn for iLf and I I e a i a.n Th horaea na m fe-a .-i a.l fat ind in j ,.vj conJtti'n. wtter t.aa I aJir tia. ruir.v f tn-m ar -v d an1 mo ar t.-t und. but act - i- 7 I i a ar . thorn car to tvaat Mb U Ktir of Trai a" WoO aJ. FO?t f At.Vi.r mr-a. T -V yeara old. we'cM l"1. ttood workc-a; ".a no w r a f.r t r.em , pr.4- 1 1 i . a ao bea v y Ooui.a harneaa iK'-P. lllO Ittrt pair liait. n.a r a. eixnt . tx-. n t a bred . 1 ti o d. aood or.rrt. wt.l a. t'.a. taar--, m-.r ta buf .:. .ta. 4r t . 0 ur k . r., dout'i at.d u:i..r aadJi. 44i - t .fbt llt. ard fiaf . 9 Ua'i t.a a. borer. w-. r.t l- ail :a rf ci'.i!i!r h a r r.eaa . (.11 r-a icub. a a -or. a for e , tn uat c. . o out tftr lci a n 4 at'ni by t h Drat of t - mo&tn 1 ao be -en at loriumrfV 1'u-! Aaa. c-Tir va tarn. Ir.iun a, rr. ( . fci'AN o. Car Ua) a, (u.l Irv'.bar arij a.atcr. WncMna; . i-a . 4 and u trttt o d. hea . y b n and b.ocay bu. t. f 'Vo It u r-au mr and a:- a ay a dine. C y-ara '.d '). a..lui.g .. I:... .(ind ar.d true. 4.'id. uO had ot o:ber horr, w-.hin 1 4o to lb, at dt::rfrni prui.-a at Mu.:tl Stat. ea. it h a&4 l'ala ' AlVllu.! AiCTlvN! Iloraara, muiK a::.. Larnaa, vry M't.oa and lraa. lo A. M . oa trtrtiy romn.4ae.ou la tn ot. for.146. Ill nl aoili it-d lb M cv d I ifM 4a Mu.e 1 o . .iu Faat b:h L Ul.. av otiu::i ai ction ! Ftrlc,tly commiMlon ba-ia, bora, bar ft a, vaaarona. aaud. buiiiaa, larc at at . guaia-ilrrl a r pra 1. tad ; vry 1 bura ,my, 2 1. M- Muitnotnaa ;ib.i, lata a&d Mad.aoa. J. M M. Maboa.auct.unr. CAPITA la. pTAli:.K--i. i Front al. JuM r ce,d. a c.tJB4j o( a.etein turfoa boiaaaa t.d ir.arra, from l.'vd to 1 .m pound. li. ;iruia. pr- o. HAKiii:i) black iriil.Mi, 7 aad ara old .. ". oj ixiuiiu, i.arctu and a a nun. rai barsa.n K. "r i let .1 V AN ( bl )iuce and a.a lur Uarht farm . rk ; at tr u and to. ma. l( any. Ar ty 7. Qfrifniaa. AwvNS and bor a b day. 41 - " I Cobta, -l Uatrr -t Main Mala vV D .A I brca and aiima a hajo tair fraa. iTacrir t t a. ox!iitn .'i. I'orttand 1KL hrara and cattl taken awajr fr Ca: day or MgMt. 1 atKr -lX 11 It uiic ro a, i-c.l'-n, tn t-ci-i, l-n and cr-.ii,a. rmh a-.n. rrt. h. J. t' -hmauJrf, ivth and t' ml . an c-irr. Wun., bear cart-arn 1'hon hi-i Jr :ii.-KV cow. Ho 14. oaavgo. Or.. N" It fnr Tt?i and I a', a. 1 I.A-1. I' coa. 4 c;a o.u. ,-r a n'.; j qa.r-l and har.-laoti.; t; b free.-. AutJil II. .va Z g a i. a day !... pn e 1 b: k Jr-ravcy coo. 3 ra. r M b frean 4cC 2. trie 44 . a:lntt brttr-r t tan 1 ar I no . th-a cowa ar: 1 ncf-rlad in l i trrn to hind.t, Ta ae i a tJTrfr -ir to l.aat i at No 7 IK . -I' i a a ccod (at Cow or o4 for ta a call Tabor 22, WANTII FOR MJU i-tawaoa, Qfi.aa M,atr, tM T5IE FECVH1TT 'TOIUCE CO, mill cicaa out l tu-t ca:.r; ITTi Mo amo r'ea. caata var-4i 4. u -D.:i. :-w iaji u i,intn. v, till ah, '.-o lav-4.T A tsor,. a.tiut. ; 2 raaa, "-o auta-i'iar iaao. .-. ."id KimH.I rrand. . 1"MTM HT . M ! l.i - j $3 CA5H. !?h douK crA.i fr tlA twm nw a:- , :nu at l.o. : ;., mahout Iniarr-i chari-a i :.- u...a t.Mai m.u .si to you. enaaaa 4 aoo j III t. 1 MONTH I. T "'a your r S-rrurlt t . 1' U Man Ul J:- roorj. I; m M!) m, w A., h I i-u a A N rt.ll I A Tr ct, Ji : tn an o-iu. ;!.:. 'T. Ofr T !f .1. iaraltaro tmw mm, Fl i:tTt KK "of a l-rx-om boua tt mm.m ta- Hi. At. Aimia.t. rtuni'T-s,, (utr-i a, I J -J- K' nc o -a a , cr. 1 i-li'iviKaCi.U lri.t c.M-r rl- V K Kaox 4. K-on t. I'i.ut- i .t 4.1. A a to ttl" I'M V!UI.AN V-:j Hi ! V.. ir. NAT! XA1 l .M i: Mlii.t h . . - ton Iti.i.lAXt.: truik - .- J' --- ...... M'LMA:K. V M VtY At'TO 0 4d N. .-.h ai fl.-0 i K M.aM. m o. IS. 4 . .l-Ai'. oxh 111 u LKUANiJ. t.iitr.i. lar-iv. Mr r.- AHVATS TH: rK-T n A I i V 1 N S AT J. ii; v ITT A . I " Car I t ait mm;. .' ; ; m a. lo-Piwrxorn c iu Flfftilil fia.v r rn.-cj .u. -t'lr 1 ad on r uf ri !; t,- and S..4 CftUillnB, r .al't-t, . ijt b ar If du w'in l.n-. t tt, ml a -r r itw ; oin ti i . a b a-a at Ana loo ". ..rr IUU'IAI.nS in l ta AI To ark a:ok, I .-. tt. ; a. Mmln-ttrr l idi . Correr ti ;i-n a:a AMr .AKAn rc i -d M.n i-m. ;o ur, rraJ Cut or srtatie l.ouc-a t-i.'j up. TA K ; 'VX N V ii. k. O . Water aj . near )irnn. Alain 12"?. WAN. Kl Auto truck owner -a mrifart to 1 aul iH i.mi t aird hat ; mi.c. ovrr C i1! cout r y ra-;a ; ..l p for a ! i.air Adareaa Capt, MitcJic., Laurci, W ai.Mnftoa, W A V T automobl In trad for -rjj.;y t-i yraat bid home; ecp-total prx . ; i r-r ; a o ha baacti lo'.a lor aula. j a4wi Tton !a n ISAM lato ruli- in c a t i . AC mo'. ! car. Iia . a j cm m.Orfii bunca.ow at.d n 1 l ion iri. at hfp f,r a-U. .r.. tux d :rt t.m. T lM'AK"KVii:K aut.a, a b:a. rra.ti-ti;A tti II ! at b f .r lot4 t .orra. Aoloaa4lle far 11 1 rax. CuUKUIA HliiliWAT iK U111L.H A l.U-i'A 1 1 ii 1 1'iv 3 40 In pariic-e of four. Kravnkaa car. Fhoc ZIPS. ro t liii.c. i i it- riu ZV-paaaens cr I - I 4 I'-r.t. iii'i (,r tr'pa or day aotk. sood a i 1 iiui.a Xaia l.ui or F.aat u- -I. VVANTKU Fowl ma- !.:-. :.a. oa t ? ftrtt rar. ! '. i k l.vcha; .a I iujt- Jsiar. ti; ,itr W t .... k t -cia FOit lilKK rcaaonat .c. r.-u. r-Aa ll.aan car; cartful Ourr. Mn ;-,ii CA I'll. I.AC, i a: nut i ia II i ' lauiu he aaatl Uat a. ili- 1 r inuljCxal, 1 .-iK-fai po er . 1'a ') r dun of I't.rt i:fora r--rir. a k -lr. jj o tt. with hitsh - ma r .( top; a .1 In fiiat-claaa .uu, (.iNt rul,M-"''l anil a si (or at.y t--i '. Wi.i .1 ! r pari i a!i, I alaii' caey icrr-a ur tuUo (or au ti:tiotiie. Mr leck r. cor. 1 th ail ll ur r ii. Man cr o ic r, h l -tx M. 1 OUl'U AT .NAl -rt ai Jl" 4 Inca . iic(i t ni ea. 4 - rni,.,ria w:rh (Wau I huni)) . . s'.'.t wr-ek o a a. I-iaviJ4 imut-a-tt luriiiabed; m uat bo ao.o. 4).- irrma. Ma:n PiM Ty p writer. a . i'r.W ItlTI-lvS f r rent; a nionlha (or -i and up; a montha tent atin-4 oa pu .tmt prlc Kmtn(tn 1'rritr (.wia I any. o hra Ja . Fort iai.u, .r. W bZ eav ou frwiw o to i p-r frni on a 1 rtiakrt of t p- r ii c r a . e-.d lor mr f.:der Kc'a l Of ail 'tI v HuUl, TU l-w . .-I W aaa at. TVI'KW 1: 1 T I. U . ail makro o Tha NtTibet i p i .tr v o -u2 Mark u Va.n . Nr. W. rebut. t c-nl hand ten lala at cut ratal 1. L C. -ii Mu at. Main I4v7. At. I- afat'atlca ahow flous City. loa. to ra in IMe lirart i ( t'- m.-at proa;cruua ec ti n of tit I mt4 i" :.m Mou t . ' T nl-wi.a la It. a je. each ftthin; to reader a ip t i m a : ir. c .'lO.t'nj ai l u'l'fil Mous Ct. N'l t H W cat cr a .N it'if i-iirm ,n mm i '! .Miuiin-rn J--o i:i i Pakota t iioi jui- ul . U.t lilt jr.e taa mor rircj ai:n than ar cit ir -:i.ns cr i?-nii,n na,r vatli-i-rJ In Ci t-iat of lo, Tbe -Oreat Tl-StaT Want Ad Medluu wt i ctrry our mnuc t - ihr h.ra f t-'.la tic t-rritor at t -f an . y cn crnt a word tact) da . Ui jour tucrU. lucCI t'ca.. TlilC !Ot"K CI TV TTM It VN U. biuLX OJi. IJWA. li.-liA! I'S N' and ae - ind - hand car.trt ar.d a or a ef billia r J tat .aa an 4 bo 1 :r. a ,rm ar.d ac- a..r .- . -- tajir.rr.ia l.'a ! rune c fc - la . aa-Co. .rr.tic r i n, 4- a tid. CAi lw t; T .ar at'-a en lan. w aat 4.u 40 to l- r cent, a.l trt 'rf a Kaianlreil. Ceb lleaatcr l-aIai-t, aA.bion al E II W 1 N O M ACM 1 N KS ' new aid rcr.d r a-id aa.a or tent, $2 up B Ma- nit. F-nporium lw Ad at-, tear lay lor. M.a Vl A at-d. liv- lir IU-1 S amr lirhanfa. S-d et v tinriat. k'-'.-a ai-d -r.a l-owt' l. eu.d aril i, rirr! a'l tl.e lea c nrr u. I. .ur-i.o'- lljoor pTai. i.e.' t .--d aa raw for fi caa. by Ullo -'B-a. L..ii.uMi hujaa lamta, a;r .ci ; jiu-. ruaa in t'tecun. fer aa.Jott, 11 T .. I'ol .aal !-. t o . r ' Krnt at . : a rah a!! liH tm. IT alir.-t I oni(t h and cNolc J--t .f ftyiff.U. a I ro"-ii . " lotl. Ilia. Neutia 'icr haana Hilar a. twr c taat a l:k . vi 1 urn id a. Ia-art t'a Na'iv J!rrl f -r rtruma tat.eta f,r AU uruti-i'.a Fvit h Al.ll Trial nii.k V -at, au.uah ba!l' 1 T i4 i a r iin a 1'U Al.tC I,e I o U. j.Tat.Cai; nr wanteu miconu - hand clothe5. W pay h .a .'ii at rt! (r lad .a and ac : ca-atoff cot! .i.e. b)ccJao and t rnt:i,ti in marcbanu.aa a.l ta a,. Wo bead .i aud j: : pa (cr it. uLOUti ftluiiia, .ti 1- I rat t Ma:n Ma.a .Ma. bLCOMi-ll A P CU'THta WAXItO. J. Ml.UR, T H ; TAil-oK. F AT Tht. HIOHK-T liii" E FOR CU'THlNtl ANU MiutS. VM, C A 1.1 i k Mri i. v. i it i: n n-iuiu un M Ai. 7 us'. r- tM Al'i.-N. 1 ' K ' J Kl iiS 1 - n t err. or movn-s-p.tUra mcltn wanted. 7 II. 1' tn " t o rv c . tuq Irti .4-hj mf't, to trad, ii. iv, b.r.l-. i'entral 1 ami. Or. 14 li'.-MlMl I I KMTl It a, 1-4 :U liefer )iu bu or your luitii'.ura t our rrn .. Man W ILL PAT CASH FOK FKCON L-li A U MOLLiiOLU C.Ovna. I'iiuNL MAlxj.i. a ;:.4l. OAL I I HMTl liE Cvt paa teat pre for o-r f jro .i ur. :M lat at. Main ; 7 Want 1 oi". utard furniture. par aod r-r:rt. aar. !r.f r.ew t r b-:;iad 1 1 a W ANTED National coah re etr. Mala 4! riilS W atnirrion at. Want 13-!nch wood .att with al.a.'t and pj 'JJ Oreajoa la a, IF )ou want hlhat prtceafor- uaod fur- p;!ur, earpeta, ca.l uvui:a Mar. .. CA-H pid ftr ha r combine baa: tar 7 lau'j l arlora, 4v0 Diaiuu bd I'i.t MH'.N.l a-l'i: t wi.ta.e pnca, : a a - 1 a v ia 'o . 2 1 2 ad at Main ' 9 . . b Ar'tf i A f Th Voa er Pafa Co . t 4 i r at Pt. i