TUT! MORXIXO OREGONIAX. SATURDAY, JULY !Ot 1913. 13 SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. No PRACTICAL, nurse wishes more engage ments; best of references. Phone Co lumbia 288. COMPETENT nurse girl wishes position: refined family, small wages, R f7. Ore gonian. Housekeeper. ' TtJIDDLE-AGED Swedish lady wishes a po sition In city or country', as housekeeper for one or more gentlemen ; relerence. Address Oray. Zlst L North, Fort land. Oregon. TOL'NG lady wishes position as house keeper in widower's family of one or two children, of some means. Phone East 4ulli. Miss Brown. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or apartment-house fur use of apartments; city references. Main 6520. Ioraetie. WOMAN with excellent experience and ref erences wishes a place as cook or general work at the coast for Summer months. AM 904, Oregonian. ; 1IIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper or housework in small fam ily in Eastern Oregon or Washington. Main 7K1, A 1517. COMPETENT woman wants position as cook in camp or small restaurant; experienced pie-baker; best of reterences. Main 7u01. A 1517. MIDDLK-AGED, reliable woman desires the care of children daytime or evenings; best of references. Main 7001. A 1517. COOK wants position In private home where second maid is kept. Wages $4o. Phone Main 9121. . EXPERIENCED woman wants work from a to 5. East 6345. also nursing. A COMPETENT GIRL, for general house work ; references. C 1700. INDUSTRIOUS school girl wishes home with good family. Call A-2563 or 3q 14th st. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing, ironing: day, hour; first class. Main 41fci Room 2. EXCHANGE OPR. desires position. 4 years' experience. Call Main 614A. T 91S7. Ore gonian. REFINED young lady wishes care of child or children at the beach; can give refer ences. BD Si:6, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurseglrl, IS. wishes po sition; prefer going home nights. Call Col. 1S2 or C 1172. RELIABLE, experienced woman wants any kind of day work for Saturday; references. Main 7051. A 1517. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants washing and ironing for Saturday; Al ref erences. Main Tool, A 1517. CAPABLE laundress wishes engagement. Fine ironing a specialty. Also prepare dinners, etc Room 335. Marshall 21Q. DINNERS, teas, weddings planned, prepared, served. Best ref. Sellwood 1613. "WOMAN wants day work, any kind; good reference. Phone Marshall 1427. JAPAN ESEwoman wants housecleaning and cook's helper. Y 9li. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants day work. Call Mar shall If Htm, bet. i and 11 A. M. ELDERLY woman wishes light housework. Address SG E. 73th Ft. X. LAUNDRY and cleaning by strong, expe rienced woman. Room 19. Main ::.1S7. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work Sat., Mon., Tues. References. Woodlawn 111. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wants to do cook Ing for men on ranch or camp. East r0'.l. RELIABLE woman wants day work 3 or 4 days week. Call Main 808. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. PARTY lately arrived In Portland wants to rent a new or comparatively new house with not less than seven ruoms; wants large dining-room and large living-room, at least one fireplace, garage, good yard. furnace heat preferred: location pre ferred Portland Heights, Irvington or Laureihurst. In your reply give street and number and rent expected; references A No. 1. J. 91 S, Oregonian. MrI HOUPE OWNER: We can rent your house. We do rot depend on rental sign in your vacant windows to bring results. we nave tne people ana get renuiii. uut business is house rents, bee Bixby. In terstate Title oc Loan Co.. 615 GerUcger bldg. Main 2801. - I WANT to rent a modern furnished houtt In Rose City Park or Irvington for one year or longer. Call Marshall 3136. WAN"! KD 5 or 6-room furnished house, on carllne preferred; must be bargain. Call Tabor 2912. bMALL furnished house or bungalow on Portland Heights or vicinity. J VIS, Ore gonian. ttoomau WANTED by eiderly man, nice, clean fur nished room in suburbs in private family or il:i widow; must be quiet no other roomers and no objection to batching. State price. AF S2i, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wants furnished room and Y 9 2-S. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG woman wants board and looking with private parties at one of Oregon beaches or in country, for two or three months, where she can have complete rest and quiet. Give location and rates. AM vw54 Oregonian. FOR RENT. Farnlnhed Rooms. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison Fta. Transient and Permanent Guests. A centrally located hotel with every modern convenience; rooms, singla or an suite, with and without private bath, modest pricee. with special rates by the month to permanent guests. ROOM REGISTER lis 1 1 n gs e v e ra I h u nd ro d in all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A. ; a-lso those in the association flreprous building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms at ifl.oO to $J.7o per week double, with individual beds, or $2.60 to $4. it) per week single. ELTON COURT. 1 ltii and Yamhill. Handsomely furnished rooms, with or without private bath, $4 to $6 per week; telephone In each room; elevator service; ownership management ; permanent ar rangements; also tourists. Main 6153. HOTEL BLACKSTOXE. Corner 11th and Stark, $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no ex tra charge for two In a room ; room and bath $lday ;translent solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR, Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Rates si per cay. $4 per week. With private bath $1.50 rer day. $5.50 per wee. HOTEL BRISTOL. STARK AND lilTH STS. Single rooms $.5J and up, with private bath $o.50 and up; individual telephones; respectable transient solicited. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel ; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath, $15 up. HOTEL OCKLET. MorrUon il, at loth Central location; REDUCED RATES, sue per day up; week ly, $3.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast corner tjiark and 11th. Modern outside rooms, $3 weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 Washington St. New fireproof brick, all outside rooms, runniug hot and cold water, private or public baths, quiet and homelike; $2.50 wit. ET HELTON HOTEL. " " lOi 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all rooms; $2 per week and up. Marshall 2790. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave, and E. Bei mont Rooms $10 monthly, $20 up witi private bath ; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 323. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison it, near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort; (3 per week up. STAXDISH HOTEL. 5484 WASHINGTON ST., OPP. 18TH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms, free phones, bath. $2 week. $8 month and up. IF looking for quiet, clean, modern rooms, call 22 7 jj Larrabee st ; transient traue wanted; rates very reasonable. HOT E TCO R DO V aT2 69 11 th St. Btrl c 1 1 y modern ; private baths en suite; rooms) 3 up. Main 4 7 2, A 47 3. HOTEL GRANT. 4S1 Washington. Modern, clean rooms, all conveniences; $2.5u up. MAXWELL" HalI.07T4YhltrictIymodern"; use ps-Tlor; realhome; $2 upM. 1153. PLENTY nice rooms, clean beds; reduced to half price by the month. 233 Burnsldeat. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder. Modern out- aide rooms, $2 per week, up. Furnished Koonm in Private Family. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, phone; $1.50 per week. 42 ith rt. SINGLE room, new house, near Multnomah Club, gS. Main 3219. ONE well furnished room $L50 week. Main at. 312 LA ROE well -furnished room A!;r room, $4. G"6 12th i $S a month. A NEWLY furnished room, very modern, walking distance. West Side Mar. 2536. FRONT suite or single rooms, modern, good location. 745 Hoyu Marshall 4753, FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Prlvai family. Al TRACTIVE room with or without board for 1 or 2 young men. "Main 4 7 J4. 263 Uth. NICELY furnlsued room in nice, modern home, for gentleman ; very reason a bie, 4'j4 College, near loth. 44S TAYLOR ST. Two connecting sleeping rooms, suitable for two or four gentlemen; rent very reasonable; modern. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms iu good home; refs. ; Nob Hiil. 7W Johnn. $1.75 WEEK, litis lllth st. comfortable room, first floor. ONE nicely .furnished room; waned. J-4 Clay st. gent. em. en Rooms Witb Board. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HOT EL-LIKE. THE HILL. Washington at -3d st. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate taoles ; extremely reasonable rates; worth Investigating. Main 754, A 791AJ. HOTEL CAMPBELL, A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan ; on car line; 10 minutes from business center; price la accord with general business conditions. -3d and Hoy t sis. Marshall 111. ALEXANDER COt'RT ii ELLA bTREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent tablej. A 6211. Main 4411. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sta. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 'S3. A 662a. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 262 4th st., ha a fins table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. THE NORTON. 12th and Morrison; rooms and board or table board. Main ML ""Rooms With Board In Private FamllyT" COOL, airy, beautifully furnished room, hot and cold water, bath adjoining; suitable for two; excellent meals; also single room, . West Side, easy walking distance. Mar- shall243- : ARE you looking for a home for the Sum mer? Call at bO E. 2uth North, R C Una Housekeeping rooms or board to refined adults. C. S. preferred. LARGS rooms, bath attached, excellent board, suitable for two; gentlemen only , references required. ;! West Park. LARGE front room, modern home, close In, all conveniences free, board opttona 1, rea sonable. 474 Salmon st. Marshall 44 lo. ROOM and board in newly furnished home; modern; $ month. 424 Mill, cor. lzth. Main 6140. PRIVATE home for one or two old people or invalids. Rest reterences. Reasonable charnes. Mr. K. B. Burton, Eugene. Or. Wi LL board and CiOthe 'Z children, $15 per mi. ; nice yard, good care. Woodlawn THE PATTERSON. 431 WEST PARK. PHONE MAIN 1553. AN IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE. CAN accommodate 1 or 2 young men In my modern home ; all privileges ; reasonable. East 1875. ROOM and board, walking distance, modem. Main 6979. 332 10th st. BOARD and room in furnished, $25. 41' 7 private family, newiy Clay st. Mar. &J-L FOR business girls or students. $4 week up "Anna Lewis" Hall, 610 Flanders st. ROOM AND BOARD Private bath. Ele gant, refined home. Main 3207. 4u Clay, ROOMS with board, in private Ing distance. Eat 5lui. family, walk. A BOARDING home for chiidren; bl. Kb 51i6. Famished Apartments. VILLA FT. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific coast; i urmsned complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. ONLY $1S to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per ween, corapieie.y iurnisnea noosp Keeping two-room apts.. Including electric lights. neat, not water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg., 15 minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 415. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and batn, sleeping porrh ; nearest the Union liepot of Ettst Side apartments. 85 cor ner rlackaiJias and Rs sis. East 3172. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. EAST 37TH AND MARKET 4 rooms. furnished, private phone, bath, electricity h.-at and all modern conveniences. Taoor tf51. MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Mont gomery sts. ; strictly modern, all outside. iurnisnea -room apts. ; electric eievator, best service, close in; $14 to $25; free lishts. Main 9460. WASHINGTON-GRAND l!-room furnished apts., $12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, ciean, vry desirable ; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 414:. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished if. 3 and 4 -room suites; beet location in city ; reasonable. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th New, modern ; steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished '1 and 3 foom apts; 10 mln. from business center; save carfare; rates moderate ; references. HADDiJN HALL. 11th st., corner Hall. Elegantly fur. n Is bed apartment ; private puone. Lath and balcony porches; $1 and up. THE EVERETT. 14 Everett, bet. ;uth and Ella sts.; fur. nlsned o-roem apts., with or without sleop- Z porch ; moc-rn. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. $Co monta up; modern 3 and 4-rom apartments; completely furnished. North I'Jd, corner Kearney. Marshall 2V4.1 MADISON-PARK APTS., park st.. at Madison. Modern 'J. 3 and 4 -room furnished apart ments. close in; by wek or month. CLAY POOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. 1 wo rooms lie ht, pleasant and well fur ni.tned; walking distance; $L'o to $26.00, .Main fiOi. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and ll-room apartments, furnished. rirwt-r ia.s: rens'-naDie ra:s. Mmn 73-7 COMPLETELY furnished two and three- room apartments: easy walking distance $10 to $20. Including lights, phone and jan- nor service. i& i.tn near lamni.i. lll-kl KNlsii ED, best-arran k el 4 - rom apt. for rent in Portland; elevated site southern exposure; separate entrance ; s lect neighborhood. Main 2V6. A 3149. HISLOP HALL. cor. Eant 6th and Haw thorne; 2 and 3-room apts.; private baths ana pnone; r.iso sin srie rooms ; well fur nishei; $12.50 up. Phone East S2. BERKELEY' APTS. .'SO Trinity Place; '. and i-room apta.: light and pleasant balconies ; central ; $17.50 to $30.00. Mar shall llro. THE FLORENCE. 3SH 11TH FT. 3-4 -room apts., thoroughly modern and c!ean; roof garden, sand boxes for chil- dren; gJQ up. Conducted by owner. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished z, a ana 4-room apartments ; lowest rate in city, corner N. lwth and Northrup. THE DEZENDORF. 20S 11th st., near Taylor; Marshall 2T.24 4 ana a-room furnished and unfur. apts. 3-ROOM elegantly fur. apt., $35, Including pla-io and sewing machine: hitch -clane apt.-tiouie, close In. phone Marshall 31. ELM WOO nAPTS.Tl0th and Hal 1 hhy. no cial hall, modern, '1 and S-room fur nished apts., reasonable. NEW HART Automttlc elevator, phones. lights. Hnen. gns. hot water al wa vs. $ii..rj to $-VK week. 170ti 2d. nr. Mor. 4th floor. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 11TH. Modern f urnisiied two -room apartments, $2L'.r. up: close In. Main 21. PARTY leaving city 2-room furnished l.'l 3. References. wishes to apartment. rent Ma their rshall FINELY furnished 4-roora apt., with sleep ing porch, for $"0 per mo., July, Aug. and Sept. 200 E- 13th. East 43JH. NOKOMIS APARTMENT. Modern. 2 rooms, npecial rate for July and Aug. 17th anl Marshal!. Mar. 494 It. DRICKSTON. 44S 11th; modern 2 and 3 room apts.; excellent service, walking dis tance -M a ?iL!llll- FURNISHED 3 apartments Iti Irvington. cor. 24th and Haisey. call or phone Ta bor 4712. .ELLINGTON ANNEX. 13th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished ; hardwood floors, walking distance; $22.50. Main 1245. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St. By the oay, wee it or monin; moaem. ciniie to P, O. ; reasonable; ref. Mtr shall 2052. NEW furnished apartments ; concrete block; 9 i v ami i tnion ave. . JACKSON APTS., Union ave. and completely furnished: $15 to $2s E. Davis . E. 246. CAMAR. Ing; 2 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build- 8-room apts., fie to 130. Mar. 2017, PAGE apartments. E. Sth and E. Bumslde Eatt 3506. Desirable 3 rooms, furnished. ADRMAY TERRACE. 3f5 12TH First-class In every respect; attractive rates. THE LAURETTE One furnished 3-room apr. : private bat-i ttr.d phone. 1 1 th st. LUXOR APTS.. 324 ir,ta St. Neatly fur- nisea, nomeuKO apis, ana single rooms. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THE WHEELDOX ANNEX, loth and Mlmoa ota. Is quiet, refined, clean, safe, pop ular, well known and of the highest stanuing. Not the cheapest but a house of qualit). comfort and serv ice. Month. Week. Day. 2-room. $oo to $50 $lo up IJ.mo up S-room. 45 to tl5 14 up 2. bo up 4 -room . tt5 to fco 20 up S.oo up Rooms. . It and up up l.oo up THE CROMWELL th and Columbia, sts. 5 mln. walk to Meier Sc. Frank store; nice surroundings; Just the thing for Summer; strictly modern 2 and 3 - room f urnished apts., ail outside, with French ly. Week. Month. Rats ressorabl. Marshall 519t. I nf umiiOifd Apartment. LUCRKTIA COURT on Lacretta st.. 100 feet north of 23d and Wash., most bea'utlfuUy located high-class apartments, 2 to & rooms, all large outside rooms, 2 apartments newly furnished; prices reasonable; references required ; see them before locating. Manager. Mar sha!! 7oi DAVIS iT.. H"d of King t. Mo -t modern and fashionable apartment-house In Portland; absolutely fire proof. Three to 7-roora unfurnished apart ments. HANTHOKNB APARTMENTS, 21 12th at. c niurnisnea a par imenca, moarn in very respect; closet in. first-class service; each apartment has a private ba.cony. KEELER APTl, 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4 -room, wide halls, private vest Ibule, lh)n and bath; brick buiicinc; elevator; references. Mgr. Mar. a7J.; Jan. Mar. 67. VL 3J." luTH ST.. near Clay. A large rooms. ok- iioors, iront veranaa. Sleeping-porch, range, refrigerator, heat, hot water. bLr ici ly modern, just completed. MODERN fa.mliy f;at, 5 rooms and sleeping- porch, eat hide, 10 minuter walk Post office, 6th st, near Jackson. Main Tuoo, a o-;i. BRUCE APTS., lHjfl N. a.'tn ft rooms, ve randa, hardwood floors, steam heat, pnones and janitor. Main 4Xjh. a J17tf. ROSE Fit I KNIi, corner Proaday and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class ser ire. jriv ate phone; ref. HT EVENS APT., G lare outside rooms, front and back private porches, heat, hot water and phone. 71' Nortr. rup. near 4th. THE AMERICAN, -lt and Johuson, 3, 4, roums. reason a ole. Mar. 3 '.;, A 2wt. THE MAHLBOF.O'GH, 21.L inj 'lauil- rs. 7-Md. A t74 l.arce. light ."S, 0-r. ra. M. 0-ItM apt., bedrooms, outside rma, 3 porches, hard wood floors, re fa. Mar. 1734. Furnished or I'of urnlhed Apsrtraeiipt. MORGAN, FL1EDNER st BOYCE. &U-bl Morgan tldg. Furnlnhed and unfurnished apartments In ail parts of the city; great variety of locations, sixes and prices, our free auto, mobile at your service In yisiUOg any of our apartments. Main 2uli. A 2013. THE BARK EP., corner of 21st and Irving r urnlMheu. tnd unfurnishei apartments in 2. 3 and 4 rooms, (uur-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing bees, built-in bullets ami rlting oesks, plenty of closet room. vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall ifrl. lilOilLA.SU COL'KT APTS., 21M AND liLISAN. I.nrgest. most home line, high-class apts In city, f urr.isned and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. walking distance. MARSHALL 324'.. Bl'ENA VlftTA. -th and Harrison. Finest apartment-noun on i'aclf '.c Coast ; t'eautif ut location, strictly modern, walk ing oiMnrr, references. M. 1.1. M ltt.12. KINGSBURY. 1SJ A'lsta ave., off Waehlnirton st. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or f urmsned ; It igh -class neighborhood; best of ervi-e; reasonable. THE ROYAL ARMS. lth and Lovjoy i ne newest ana must up-to-uate apts. in Portland; harawood floors, bsuconles, ate; all rents moderate; 1 2-room, $17.60; 1 3-room, $30. Marshall 6B1L GRACE Ai'AtiTM ENT, iUih and Northrup; 3 large uni urnianed rooms, sleeping porch and all modern conenience&; uu 3-room furnished apart mint. Marshall lo"H. ROSENFEI.D APTS. 14ih and East Stark jtrioK biag. ana strictly modern; 3 and 4 -room apts., large rooms, pri vate phone in eacn pi. . reahonaoie rent; rcTer ncea. SiiEKKIELD Apartments. 270 Broadway 4 blocks to business center; best location In Portland - urusbed and unfurnished; al rents rwauctu. Main ,us, a TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS,. THE HOL'SE OF TONE. 4-a7 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, P1I O N E MA RS HALL 110L W ESTONIA APTS. New 2 and 3-room (urn. and unf urn. . GILsan St. Phone Min i544 or A ooti. THE ORMONDE: a lid unfurnished; M. C;,1. I. -room apts.. ou Flankers. f urn Is bed Nob Alili. HEX ARMS lHh and K, Morrison; 1 and rooms, bummer rates; modern servlca. MEREDITH -t and 4-ro:u apts.. ery rea- soiiaoie. t i- opp. Alain 713. THE CHETOPA, lhth an.l Flanders. 2. 3. 4- roim af-artments. furnished sud unfurn. THE WiNDSOiC 2 3 and 4 beautiful rooms. z urnisneq or not. E. iith and Yam hill. KING-DAVIS APTK, rooms; h 1 $ h r ! a ss ; t King refere;.tfcS snd 4 $ AND 5-ro-aga apts. with sleeping porches. 1 io E. l:h.. near Yamhill st. Flat. ATTRACTlv L modern C-room upper corner fiat, light and clean, gas range, water heater, ftrep:ace aiid furnace; North lath t. est M'le, z biocks off v ashtnetoii ; rent neasonaois) to the right party. Phone Main 3M. WEST SIDE ti-rooin ior flat , fun.ac ur. hot -water coil, f rep:ce. t ubs. faces out h : 72 Kearney ; t -u. Phone C 3mi2 mornings or evening. MODERN family f!at. 5 rooms and sleeping porch; West Sld. 10 minutes wa k J'nit ofTire. f.th st, near Jackson. Main 7uuo. A C..C1- $12 A MONTH Nwtiy tinted 4 room, close to icsool and carilne; dea:raoo locauoa Ogden. lu7 rha er. W ood.awn 2u2. -Ro M nio!eru upper flat wit h s-eping-porco ; w a.king d. stance corner -- t 1 ita and Madison ; $-J Ihon-i East 7imm1 M"Di:KN li-rjura flat, 42 E. l.'Uli N co f amliy building; cheap. Phono Eroad w ay $18. WITH water, clean, moderu L roV7n lower; furnace, flrsplacs, Dutch kitchen, etc East llth and Davis. Lt 347. FINE, large 3-room verv cluao to Kod flHt. range, heater. prty. McM.lisn, 2 blocks uradway b.i-!g. MODLP.N t Inquire 1" -room flat; : lriih t also b-roora houso. FLAT of rooms Inquire 1 titn s and bath. 7;t Hn t t. Fhone Mala eiTa. st. MoDEKN 4 a 'id 6 room, iiear reasonable. M. a 2670. Ou lark; 2 MOOEKN 4-rooro rooms, ti. E-ist Main. f '.ats. clean, li, I'houe East th 7 lit MODEKN S-room f .at. $lu. tJO Cornell St., off L2 J and Washington. Main 464. MODERN 4-room East 4J42. lower Hat. gJ4 Pine. Furnished Flat a. $13 COMPLETELY furnished flat. Includ ing electricity, water. sjo v Albina ave corner lilandcna ; L car or MisaisaippI av. Jitney. NEAT LY-FURNIS 1 1 ED S-room fiat to quiet couple, targe, cool rooms, cast 5043. t71 Eelmont- COM PLET ELY furnished 6-room fiat, cen trally located, nle nchborbood. to bept. 1. Marshall 2421 4-RoOM modern, newly kaUominrd, private rain. vi Aioss, . biocaa uruauway briage. $10. FINELY-FURNISHED 5-room flat, living. dining and bedroooi.i, bath, kitchen, pantry, steam heated. 07 11th. ELEGANTLY furnished 4 rooms. " NobHlTl, select ne! ghborhoou. K 11 4. oregonian. $25 NEW modern 4-room furnished IUI, porch, walking ti istance. 5;y Market. i 8 N ICELY furnished 4-room flat, com pkste, walking distance. Phone East 12 3J. Housekeeping ItoomsT' FURNITURE for rale, house for rent; equipped mostly for houseKeeping. Fur niture better than the oruiuary; West Side, close In. Vi!l be sold cheap for cash. See manager Hanthorn Apartments, 251 12th St. $1 TO $2.5A week, clean, f urclshed house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; gas. free heat, laundry, bath, yard. East OoJtt. 4M Vancouver. i.'3 Man ton. "U" car. WHY pay more whvii you can rent all out- slue rooms, 75c per week esch. suites of tv.'o. gas piateturnisheu. Helmont Apts.. H. E. cor. E. ith and Helmont. ROYCREST, 175 12th slngle h. k. room; Convenient suites and use nf piano. OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Aider Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week up. FURNISH ED housekeeping rm, Cambridge Mlg., 3d, cor. Morrison 41 E. MORRISON Furnished one and two- room no'iseKeer;ng apts.; reasonable. IlouneLrepina Kooms In I'rlvate Family. TWO well furn1h?d housekeeping rooms 2 WUUIU, AtlB Sfc 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings i3 the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements- ac- cepted after these run under the TOO LATE TO FOK KENT. Housekeeping Rooms to Private franilly. 4 P.OOM3 completely furnished for house- keeiiiK ; heated. cnnvrnKtil to thro car l.n. West Si.lf rent Call Marshaa !-'4. bet U een 5 S nd 7. DfclSlKALLh. housKepu.g n:t of 9 lrg rooms ani utn, cnur uppr rt, in r tineo, modern Uom. very reasonabie. 4J1 ad st. LAKoB S-room front suite, modem, electric lifhts. wry reasons bie ; also -room suit, lurxe lawn, flower ana bads, 07 N. Jo;n st. Marshall 711 I'Ku.NT Suite, running water, phono, gas. itKci i.eiKhborr.ood. only $10 month. 4 2ist st. No. LAHJE front rooms, kitchene'.ie lng porch ; also single rooms, prices; good service. a."T IJt h. Dd Stoep summer T Wo eiy furnished huiuck( ping ronis; hot and cold water. i Everett, cor. Iwih. CLEAN, pleasant front room, very flno r denrc nel n h uorhood, gas range, bain, con vfM.rr.i. ininth. 1 li N. d. 1 AND :-room modern H. K. suite $l to ll.stf week; a.o -roorn basement suite $1. 414 Jeffenson. Marshall ;iv. TH KKH furnished huuawkecping i ooma, evorthlng furnished, largo ara, close in. cheup. 1 1 1 I' nlon N cor. Oregon st. LAKCK. airy room, llicbl housekeeping; um of piano. Main 33 1-. 81 loth st. $ii 1 Wo furnished H. K. rooms, ecUlcliy, batn. gas. iJl East Morrison. LAHGL room, couipietely furulshed for light rj'uc k v e i n g ; no chliuren. lt h. CLKA.N --room front suite, private entranoa, free phone, $12 per month, a6o 14th. r IK.-T-"LASrt H, K. I eve-ything furnished. m for lady Tabor 4.t. N ICE LV f urn t n ued liousvkeeplug -l' in. free lignt, bath, phone. TWO large front housekeeping rooms, bath. 402 s Ciay st. 1 11 1 K desirable rooms, nlshed f r hounekeepinff. cmpieil V fur- o41 tun t. NICE room and kitchenette; easy walking distance; reasonable. 4o Clay sc. cor. liiu. N iCELY furnished 3-room h. k. suite, also furnished room. 4u4 1'ark iL I louses. MU. HOU&E HUNTER. So us before you rent a p.aoo to live In. Five minutes in our olfioo under our new s stem equals a mouth of personal searching. We will show ou any prup i ly you wlC4 to see. ii.x.t, I NTKKSTA i E TITLE 4k LOAN CO , SIS Oerlitiger bldg. Main 2lul. MoDfr. K N H-rtHm cimilete(y furnished iun :aiis, In Hose City park dlstilct. wi'l rent reasonable to rini party; reterences w tinted. I hone C olio or call al ouJ E. lint N. 7-iuX)M hom, sleeping porch, all uoAf ru con verilence. beautllul quart' T I. lock, corner; fruit and grun.ncar high schoo; on.'y rvtonii part.es need answe.. TWO clean, 7 -room houses for r-ni very ciieap :o reP'ni ole l-njnti. Javier street Itear -'1. Koyi at 737 bavicr il. Tivpt)iu Mars):a.l Sl'.'l. ;-KiXM modern bui-cIow, gas range, elec tritttv. bntn, Harare and tnt f : wer : loo feet to I nlon a v. ir. I'ortlsn-1 bouvard. W owU.tw n ln-4. liiIRA!!I.B -room dwelling, 3. Broad way Wet ; fireplace, furnace, gas. ee triwity, modern p.umblng , r otiab. renu Fred S. WllUama, Z First iL 4-KOOM MODERN CoTTACE Flrv: j;a . hrater. basement, ctuieul i.oor. wasri tra s. gan and e.ectnciiy. "32 MuUnumah. I'hone t.Bt 3i3J lil'MlAU'W. I l.V Charming home, fire place, sleeping - porch. nativ e trees. roes. chicken park. Phouca East ai or W ooa lawn 3-s iH MS, No. 4 11 11th St.. near Hail st rinn ami leiraM. Kent 41. Key a No. 4o I UU su Parrtsn, Watalns at Co.. N i"-: I'd ft. Yl77T. reti t finidetely f urn lotted hou In 1 r inttt-n fr itiir.t h or mro to renpons, -iriiep, owner going lo bca-b. Ca K.tn". 41"4. K ill Ji F.NT eitrtct 1 y modern a-room hou on Vaer1r Height. ail convenient e. s'ehtly ) ttlon. can. first -class t'noi. lion Phor ei::iwool 1 i 1 o. vTn z .rootn l.ungalow. bam and ? Is. ft". In iLt'lIni- writer, on l lano st . V-st SL1". 3.l Hear! of Trade bilit. Mn if-.' A Nict; Sunn tel.h llitte i iM'; s-as ne T)tt-r -rom cottawe central, in and elect rU ity. For kay lI I. ll-HodM rn"dern house, we i I arranred f rent.rir. :irt Everett St.. $30 per mouth. Wakefield Krlef. J"ROOilS. furnace, electricity, gas. 2 fir piscca. walking distauca. Apply $04 Mor- h, anb i d It ki. ent 1 13. -. kii'jM.N. No. 41i 11th. torntr ILill i ft-t-f'aM condition and !eatiin: rent $-J. pnrrlnti. Walkins ae D'H d St. 67! E. DAVIS. C ttrele rioiern, nriK hborhood. r. th. $IS 7 rortni. en e . very desirable Main U'lll rnrst i w ner. 5-RoOM t'tUK. E. Ash. verv cheap rent, cloae In. flu arux Apply Ctf East Couch. JluM-.KN.. very desirable o-room buuaoa. 3'- and 3j! San Kalaet; ciose In. Last FoRTLAN l JiElLlHTfa, S room, modern bun gl'-. garage, largo grour.os. tail at Zli Medical b.dg. or pnono Main lis 2. S-ROOM modern house. 713 Lovejoy. near ZZ. Inquire 130 stn. Main FOR RENT 5-room bum-alow at 1043 E. Sherman. rnon c iu 1 EVERETT rooms, gss. electricity, fur nace; walking distance. Phone East S. jg MoI'ERN, 5 roofBs. p'nstered. Zk Cor- E. r.Tth. nr. Hnwthorne. 7 rooms, sK-ep- ing porch, nrupiace. garage, jcast n. tw LCVEI.Y -om tunic alow, garden rnncf Mint norne enr, .i 1117 Grant. S-KOOM house. 77 2 Everett tin in. it.. near Slid. ;ii. Phone -m LOW EI. flt of duplex residence, 1 .".th aud Kn :t. I rvln Kton, moirn. Manhull H''.i. F 'Tt HUNT New six-rorn molern huui city VnrK, tent low. Tubor 2r'S. M I E RN 179. ft-room house, $ 15. W'oodla wn $16 S-room modern home. Yamhiil st. Inquire 715 E. FOR RENT Clean and mod derru &-r.ii e East -'Giy. m hour. ; rent reasonable. Phon -room house for rent. 92 N luthl Furnished Hot FURNISHED borne, central. West Side. 1 year or mors). Reference. M Orego nian. BEAUTIFULLY furnished homo Iti Irving ton for Summer months, reasonable; refer ences. F.ast in.. IRVINGTON Fart f urn ine d house to rent permanently; 5 r Bdu'tr.; $H5. East 41t4, rooms down stairs; 6-ROOM ntshed modern house, sleeping porch, t ur complete. $27.50. 144 In vision st., corner :.t n. a.i aiarsnan a l e i. FU HNIsiiED "room houe for rent, mod-rr1-I"4 Mls. ae. fall 125 Cook ave. 5-:oo.M rent Ji A -f. n .( e Phone XJ a i I. fcNAP .'-room newly f-irnlhed bungalow. Mar. 120 or Ou E. Zblh. st, boutn. hours will be heading CLASSIFY" Fursuab4 WILL rent for on year ur mora my bums nf w rooms, situ ted in Norihweatern part of city, romp.l.y furnished, with Chi k. ring grand piano. I'triiAn rus, aui 14 u ttil.oi:y sea vut furniture; pries a month. L W-7. oreg ooian. h oit It K.N T -Kurmi.-itil 4 -room tuniio . nice location, ruot Tabor o0. I41 ave. 8. K. To rtfc.NT o-room house, fumisaed. (or Summer; nice ard; rent Inviuiro monaiiies at do? Beacon at. WANTED To sharo 7 -room furnished houso witi 2 peop.e. Wea;over road. I'-oae Main J hummer Keoatrta. FtK KENT fWaside. Or. a dandy modern 4 -room cottage.; lis tit a. walr. furnittlied cum p let e, ni. oy .rr.i.ged ; lot oos.1.m; haue trees, red streets, near oceaa tuj bordwui(. ry reasoimble tf tan l-r eaaou. Puono East O bint, orego- u. PACIFIC VIEW DEACH cottages and tent house for rent. Completely furnished. 1J Jo and $i per Week, fr'ina beach. fih UiK. airaie beds CaU $14 ttork Eachangs bMc. Jd and Vamhl.L Mam oTAi. iVK KENT AT HfXSKT HE AC! I Kurnl.ti. d tent. S per w o k . cottages, iU per weea; an ldel place for an outing. &eo Dorr E. K ebbe y C o., d I loor Cham bar t Commerce. IXU SLMMEK LOTTAOta, IajT3 FOR SALE. ALEX ulLI KHT x -ON. Ire . is wi e, or. CANNON 1 tA(.li Comfortably f urninhod vottatfa, batn. hot and cold water, fire-!'-. ery uesirable. M. 11. McKay, Lu- reiia ouri. Foil SALK Fine beach lot at halt Air. on Oariinaldl Peach. L'trti ft. to R K. station; vt.l sell cheap if taken at once. O 11. ore K'Miinn. Fl " U N I aH K l cottage. larie ard, Sravlf x. W ash., near bear h and stores, reasonable rent, station cio. Ponnay, li corbeli j'ldg. F ft HK.NT -rom cottage, completely fur ii;tted, porcelain bath and t.nt; larse nroun'is. oreau frontage. Tioga, Wash. J1I. Eatl - CK" K AN VI K W rooms on board walk. Hot water. hth, elcct-ic lights, excellent be, in. Ad.iri II. L. Williams. 41d Boardwalk. heaslde. Or. FOR KENT A three-room cottage, fur nis'ird. at Cannon Heath, by the week or mom h. I hone Sell wood 10 NORTH REACH DeiiraMe cot rate, com ftrtaoty futniwhed. nico yard, ocan ot i raS'in.i Me. Main 41 7 V TH R Kr;-i: M hotLse for rent at Oan I'ark Wsh.. 'A per season or $1 a week 'ail hell. l:o. fcEASlL'E Motlern rotag. completely fur n.shed. every city convoniaaca. Phone Man pcAhil.iK ompitrl) furnlwhed -rooni cot i '!' . in grove, near beach. Woodlawn k I HM.-HKU tei.ts and rniisses for rent at Lake Lyti lleach Mr. Prank ilart. Kocka- tr. or Marshall C'.'t. 5-Jioi'M f urnis:-d cocas, corner lot. at (Mirdatt, '1 blocks from Poatof fu e; price t " "- ( ai 1 Main loJ7. N tl A Tl. V f urnuhed tent houses 2 beds i Mfh, ne r sarf, overlook in a ocean, I -on ; Hear h. J.1 and week. MaraUa.l iou. t tAsiUK For rent, furnished ft -room eot tag on t ho rid it, unobstructed tw. i'liuiit Marsttall 4;il A Fl'RNIr'HED 4-room houte at h'helburne. N ir a Itearh. Concauooa'a Orocery. M at a 1 74T. b K A1 1 E Mayo rottase. on b.ard walk, H rooms, strict, y r.inicn, completely fur nished. ho no East t'-O. Kl RNIall El HOL faK on nidge at Lt Sa v lo w. bEASUK Completely f.im'.BhedrMav moo ern. good location. Marsball t44. Mol NT HOOD auto ( calls any part of city jja:n .11, a .11, W ANTED 1 it to J-e il 1 ac at I'hone ti'arl.it t Kst frwm July Fl H N ED 4-room cot iae. near Ipax I bart. ' per m'f.th. lrr), Miu i J I.LA MO t..ned t K 1EACH Cosy Mac. bei Iocs ion. V- rvun fur Esat 4.-111 ttHol. 4:.xlJ4. Ho; north light; Hawthorne ave . near brlcga. li. X. burpts. Mala AJ-U. & TO It I, and off too rooms for rent In retail business d. strict. C aa. Orrgon la a. ' Office. ' Fl T.ST-CLAS.4 dental suit lo let. sharo one It a f reception.-room ith estabtisned M. D . central location In business district; rrifunnlii rental. K 7. Oregon la a. OFFICES $:o up; furnished offices and dk room . free paon . vary reasonable ; n, tir.'l'i busiest corner. It 1 r wt.aud bldg. W ELL-FURNISHED private offieo; also crk room, $4 and i. 73S Cbaxnber of Commerca. Dt HINT.M OPrOftTt N ITI CJL FAKTNFR In busy gsrace to attend the of f c a nd look aft r u busir.eos with a chance to lern the r pair bua.neas, 45a. 'all 315 Lurr. ber Exchange bidg. Lr.-r suburban, theater In the cliTl ea"t"s Z no competition ; o ner lea vir.g rli Tl rma ta repouatoie party. It I' -J. Orego nian. CONFECTIONERY, cirari. loo cream parlor; very claeay p. ace in f.ne ! cation. Imf U-anc, Uk i In f -S iil! : will el cheap. 517 Hallway Exchange. I'AUTNKH wanted mat 9 repair business; th;s takes small investment, if $75 month fr our serv,ces will satisf. Call 21 Stark st. Fl EI buine. clear'.ng S!tl; w II bear strict full entiipmert. team. I'artlculars 2-i Stark t month. lniet!rstin; auto trucks, st. for has etc. SOLID office birneas; re!ab your.g man wante! eis pa rtner to at t. r.d of f 're. tr., onlv $2.'h required, will iv lak mo; particulars at 317 Railway Exchange. MO V I N:-PICTURBT!EATER price $oo tuciinilng piano, seats, machine, elert rtc fixtures. wiring. etc.; shows dai.y. Ow ner. Ed Craig. New port. Or. fsi'LEVDin l!tt!e grocery, ctse In co-nee. eoixl cajih trade, owner leaving city; $475. Call 3"o Lu mQer Each an ip. FOR HALE or trade, bakory and con foe tlonery. Ice cream parlor In oonnactlon. Address box 112. C aatle Rock. Was h. "WANT partner In office bu1ne: requlree rrall inveetment. which Is secured; some outs.de work. Call 24H Stark SC FOR SALE SiUoon, ona of the bost loca tions In tho city: If interested, com muni -caia with Bert Eapey. tt. Joseph Mo. CONFECTIONERY. Hsrhi grocery fruits r?t drinks, on 0th st.. good business, .rent jl; Sooai. 33 Lumuer Exchange, FOR SALE rWt-psylng bualneaa on th Fast :1. Joe's offeenouse. Apply owner, s-i, E. Alder st. fTItOCE HY. delicateseen and confectionary ; 2 living rooms. For salts cheap, account 111 health. By owner. 343 Russell st MERCHANDISE Store H. lwe. Cecil, Or. r sale.' Apply Tho iiii:i:AK iNu rain; i"r.iy o -lit f -work. T ' reonisn. " V N'TEI. to rent rakary with brick: ovao. Address 22 East 2bla su. city. WHXWS OrPOETlMTlEs. FOR PAF.B Faloon in oo of the leading hotels in tan Francisco at a reasonable prl-. Owner has u leave the C.ast ca account of th cUuiaie. For particulars H. W. Mi:;r. 4 Stdckton it, to CAL'TloN. BL'UHS Before closing ol tor so-called Internet lo established re bus.nesa get ad- lc of I'ortlaad ReaUy Hoard. PAIL A. Co v. GILL, aoc'tr. i 1 4 Chamber of Commerce Bdg. FoK PALE Most up-to-dsbs confectionery In State of Idaho, early business ovr $l.riu. re ..l and llgLta. Ii a month; beet location In tow a of &-vJ ; ice cream and rikU) 'iniklBc piaot iu coonscuoa. AV 11. 1rfuDtsa. ON E-CH A I IiS HuP. la tiol 1 iTuT" ' r" t h lest toa In bouihera Oregon, mining and farming; wet town, on ms.a line S. i' . Istric lights, city aier prica $10 cm i. Poi x.'i Go.d HilU Or. ICE Cl.KAM I'AKU'K, coilKl.unti). rirtr, ioim aud priviical store; good m;atlu ttad . flue tliKk and f ixt uro. live Lan Mu transfer point, onr going Es ml k-mmi FIKST-CLASrt grootry. coaa stock; lawo.ee about $;-: moath.y . $:uu; In heart of city tin pop, of ll.tiQ. country and city trade; want to retus; part cash, bi ance trade. aV J4. oregonian. A A LooN building and lot. In lio town, l mii stout b of i. P, hm cartabltsited buM limited Uronsw, avliing to avtt.a tato. Cil lUiiUJUiil, Angela Hotel, for lfUcuiara W rueUoa Kings City. C-.i- MAVE otenlnc for stad nun la a c! toco ti,.nM, se'.l rutter, cs. etc.; pa ou $Mf to $loO nionin; cau try th bu.- t f u r uu tu, Cal room .v Mr tin t .ii t. VANTM A steady ma to fk in iigt t:i44uucturin( t utmr as panner; il tesch you t.1 buali.u and pa l-o e- .; r I edo pi villa. Cll ruvin u.J Mr yan t Ulg. oKKh K L u-Me. nt a partner: 11 to a iiit uttdo i'ik and orr 1-1 guaranieo you at let $ 1 month. I or ti. u.ara room ia Moiin u.Ug. Partnership, hsif interest in rxd 14 bufiDfti ftrrini good position; on J 4o, h.c! is doub y tefurML iaqu.i a i.ua-. i r r.icr.ir.ft Dl Jg. Ill K fine i movirg pi-ur sttoar in ih urba of the cit or rent. tc o&.r. Ja kvttr, av N. d st. lllM.N ESS0 P PO U T C XI T IF U AST E n. loCNO man wants to become taieroaict il pun; n est amount and t Tegunta a. a. so give services. 1 1 HtMMIMG-HOOKft. "-it mM A PAli. I ENT-11 -UL Tworootu apt, and at..o rootns. mod ern. excellent furniture, wa.klni; u. stance rent reduced frra f '' to s : jo. t:m p.so wen ixfuj'itiJ. wa.l net $;vu per rcuo. "a 1 ! v p trr, E s. MHH. m. e. lent. Leading Hotl-A partment-fcouso AftDL Hi b buitr and boiler Protects!. O.uest KeilaU Altnry la city. &a-a ,N. W. Bank oiur . tta and korrttB. HOTEL Eon 5AI.E The best-pa .t-g u-rooa hotel la the beat town in or con. - A fu.t tnvat!sa- tioo invited. Write and be convinced. Ad u r eaa av or efuuun. : IUX)M hoteL rest, for sale partner. Call ceatra .y loom ted, cheap at bargain or will t4 o .ur,a sin. IrOK BALK Furniture of 11-room rom.ng house. housekeeping. sieep.ug roouxa. owner. 24l 0th st. Main -x. W AN T lady partner; I will put in tu our one In a Hue lliu transient hou trvKTi.uo. NfclAH P. O ;rNim htuae. half price sewing machine an 1 $lo wood; $1hj. s.j Jlni.n. Marshall S- KOJ M house, best location, doii.g gid buouesa; setl cheap fr cati. Th Ewrgo. 71 North Cth, tor. Ewnrlt. i uiuLU to ko aa, mum svil saai l.'ic-housc, all full, centra location. mrrttiss. Main 114. t W ELL lit t le place. 1 ". romi. finely ntshed, lo rent. downtown. Very price. Call 3"3 Lumber En-hanjre. fur low 1X9I AND fOOD. Lo.ST Fu ra containing diamond brooch, - turn cianjond raig, diamond stick pm, ameih v st ring and about $ 1 2 mr,.y o- i ween Columbia S.oug b and Portland b.vd. Reward if returned to 30. Lsis bldg. I.i.ST K STol.E n7 17-foeit w luf-rcrt'l M"l rt ronoe. No. t. J une :w. from l'av onto Hoaihouc. Pewatd fir return. L .ST JoM wstch and f--t'. H I luride. E. h-nn. let. Iturn!e Ke-;ake fro in deej. d fa:he phone Main !.'Tv 7"3 Wi.no Kor. nd stark Itcward. st. Lo.-T uit se. roiitatntnc UnlC l-pa In rad letween lrvngfn and bus.nes section. VIA Kroadwa brulfce. Jvewaru i-ti ie.n. Msrha.l ld. L-T AmethsT bro--h, either on Willam ette He. -:tt car or .n W. I'atk bit VI rrr-n and Wood ard. t'-rk A Co tuit- atie reward f'r return, fail Mar !iVlX La.:.-T A diMonl and plntinum pin. on A si oris ttaiu, ua.f evening; rew Mrs. Kcy O. Vs tea. llotfl Mu.tnom: h U'.-T Klack lodice rec.lptJ i a n M d. pMkettMk With iiuni.ii i; nam livrtiert Millet. W ooi I mbtrha, Ja.y U In .n.ty Lour. uar ana Cr teit . streets. l'tioi. Wcod.amn - o. ;ewato. l T Notes S'llre.n. l': nd letters wit:i m y -i.e Marshall 7; 1. r.ame ar. Leu art, . !' St. Lt"T J ull Potter l-K brooc n. at r train. liver mounteU Itc WaMi , t.-.s 1.4 iteaa-.l L T A Sl(u- if returned to I. T Atredal" Mnrvha'l 1 .". re ard v ll t'e k liaru, 45 Tenth pupl Find or ila hali ' r kmti:y ca t Book car i i. k eta. and Al'Jr, r:wsrd. ret urn to Firs HM I L TI rtv M bcllmwewua. UAHHilHS. NOTL E. The tat r'a: of .i t ei Kiawin w li i in eioti M nia and 1 uea July 12 and 1 3. at Mag irtr Pht. Moiri.Ti stro- t. (n:i II io k t . r,r ti.o puri of ronductiug ea lii)iMt n IS-nil ( a I t :t'e Uiliul to appear a il be re vnksl. R. II. WALLACE. i AoX UJl HEALKD b.ds lo fum.alt f Jel . 1 f r ar uui ihuul for the Ue reei ej at the eff . ar lvll-lS wi of t i.e uO'ler s.g nw-u. 4ol Courthouse. I rtar.d. r., uui : M. Juiy IJ, i-ixcif cat ma' be ob'.a.ned at the o:;tie ot the under gned. Cert.r.ed rheri fr t.'". paabi to R. H. 1 (umt, p. hool CSfk. p.uat accompan each proposat Ilua r,i of ulrec.ois reserve the r-gat to reject any ax.U all t.a or ti:vie tha awaru. H. It. T II OM Ai. dvhool Cf- lat-d July T. lwli. PEALF.U bsds ffr students' chair for the C-u (i and Suattu.k avoo s will be re ceived at the of'. of tit undera.cnvd. ..l t oui th use l urtlatid. -r . um.l 4 I'. M. Ju.y 1-". I1V Certif.ed rrithk for 4a ab to It. It. T nomas rchol "let k. muat avonipa jr eacn prop.ai hpocificat;'ns may t-e ootai f.co of lh unucra.gne.d rectors reserves tne r:x ht of ard of d 1 reject any and all bids or m a- artl R H. TllOUAs, bchooi C.crk. 7. 1:U ta ed July L" ENO tl. OFFIE. touch biug.. port'. and. or. .--alril proposal will be r . -relied l.ro until II A, M .. July 1 -. IV and then openel, 1 r en.artlt g end re t.uirlnir receiving wharvea and tramwais and extending nortn and wuin jetties at ,..'(, r Mu. aw River. Or. J-urthar infor maOn on application. FIN A NCI A L. WANTKU Mock of oin M ac h : r.e . . or t.iregon llumt nniicr ior i-n-w ? In attraana ;um City lark, hm. I t'-J. Ur(un isn. VERUY murtcav bonds and notes. WESTERN liuAl) A MUitl'OAOH CO th st., Hard of Trade b.cg. WE buy notes, bonds snd mrtgsges I.ob- ertsonar Ewlag. suT-i N. W. Banxb.ti. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtg purchased. Lew la at L o 4 blag. Ma lo LHaa o Item ktKTUAOi loans in ant amount OREGON INV. sk MORTGAAiE Co.. INC, block Exchange bldg.. Id mod Yamhill, fTTIT and s-:otid mcrtratas a! so sellers Ir.tereat in contracts purchased ; Oregon or Wash. It. E. Niit, Lu m ner mens b..g. j"tOI per cent moneys on business prop erty, apartments, dwellings, farina R. tt, It.ouom, 1 1 -3 North w ewt ern Rank b.dg $04. $lou and upward on favorable irmi: Improved re a. bo ae.as; n brokerage. John Bain, b'7 fcpaiuuig bldg iiovo TO $Jt'.oo at to per cent. Ii. L Murton, 4! 7 Wor coster bldg. kna Hit. LOA NS CltyT i - 8 farm. T. puKR E. KEAoLTACO Cham, of Com. MoNEY any amount. I lo I per cent, W. H. ts k Co, 113 fpalding b.dg. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT Hammond Mortgage t-o.. .4 Cham, of com. MuKTilAGE LO ANS. and 7 PKR CEN;1. LOUIS t-ALoMoN aV Co.. 3t 0 OAK, i ET A T i; M .TN K Y . ALL AMULNtI " 11. y. fk.-:humav. '.'a. ciiam. q.- com "Hf A R M A ND CITY MU.HTOAOK LOANiT" A, ii, UAKDLNO, $1$ CUAJkL OF CuM. F1NANC1.1X Money Keal Eatatet. MORTGAGE LOAN5t Any amount from ft per cent to T per cent on iitiiue bums pr..ieri and on rr. Idtncss and iartmnlbouMt; quick dicl siorut and fatorso.e Irrcia. WiLKtl. Ml ORE A Co.. o..-a NoruvMtini liank 1 Msrs:sll 14. MONEY LOANED. Improved bus.cea property. S Sa to per cnC Improved rasidaac property. $ to T per reni. liuprovrd farm proprt yt T to S par wiiii iii ii-kli.Lt CO, 711 P.ttock lUitck. Monet to loan. OS IMPKo k.D HEAL LsTATE FOR 1 CILaii.Ni rLllPuaw, K It V r'LhX 1 liLE Cd.NTHACIS- NO aWalMw. COLLMU1A LIKE TRIM' CO-W-IO S'ALDlNi 1 I.IKJ. koKiuAi.K loans Any amount, low r ate. romptly cloaeoi. Atti activo repayment pri ..ecaa. A. It. HlKHKl-LlO, 317 Nonbae;ra i at.. lUdg. M araha.l 4 114. A-411 V Money to loan land buaues at 5 to 7 per icct, rrt -ana rrsidcuco property. arm Iaa at Mall a I XC S (-er rent, VOX UoKSTks Sl. near Mark. CITV AXD FARM LOAN Lo a aat raiea No dav. C, D- rlMONUA IX . ort-eit I ..g $ -o om To Loan IUT.I tO i - -: ; tui.d- It. X liath: loaeat 1.5 a ;..r. bulg. rates. IIELDS & HONLVMAN )J"KTuAOi; CO. OLR o V N Fl'M'S- lo.v- lo.s eon i'ldo. To Loan. o.mi ttit Lt-a, I'AKnlNull'N. 4TM tT . 1 "AKU OF lit APE I'LIXl. MvjNaY oa hand for mortgage kana. snort- (Uti nougat, no Jif; oa eat rate. rod S. W Uijama. 12bj First St. 4 lu prtxato futiwa. t-ee us luU Prtspl SerK"e. la:r treairjiert. A. K. Mil-U Henry M.1. W j. l.l. r.nanta j It - u o I ra N ur home, anr co4 ds i lot, 1 no orfoa Home V Hank M.lc t net. 1 U! .V - ua loO a twT ua&a uj Xm prteU cuts protrty. to per cent; io a&d bp. e,.arw-atortoa Co. : aeog bic 7 o $u.w4 msis money. li 441. Ora- gonian. a 1 . -v 1AJ laa on 1 ortaaa real :t. I'r- c.;aiscn.. ,. i-. i-i. or-goa.aa. T5o TO LOAN 1 a -.'or ;.:u. oa real s:aia. i'bocs -o, eOLii ;m.-o. Fred v rtuaa Co., V 1 4 t.uuivtt ol i omKn. t'hk m. of om. Matey to Leas 4 I Itatte4a aad luutMAl K loans Dl AiiuM S AM JLtVKUlT ON A r t.i a. K N R A 1 I We hao on of iLm I.r4eat retail ?Vrlr stores tit .he c: '. A .twin dca:t::ttnl i Cotniuited IB foi.:,viH'ti with anie. mag li.g Ur.:ies tf TMCTLV CU.f IbkMlAU aauluie.y no a.n Ueagr.al.ug i.a b4l res :iiatl . front of our store a1 mercl.att-i.ao pleogel as held for perid of 12 m on t na. w be ;:kt or not interest is pa i.l a hen due. We are iiccr.od and bao bee a vstaO.is.led nc laS. No Coanectipo wit.i auy o;ur Ioan eaua..aamaut in tnas city. A, A M. PELOVAE. JEWELERS, 1 4 U aslilLi'toa M i T ate i:'n:ifv Co.. Llt-a.N.I. Oidat s tab; lied salary loan evmpany In Orecn. He.iaJis .a i . f actory icnuft. lijsineaa Strict. colif lueni.ai. Our well. know n reputation f r dea.u.g and fx'urifou trutmcDi tas past as our best irlcrvuca. square tiar.ng STATE FECI -R ITT COH LU clNacD 10 lai.iiij iildg. MONEV TO LOAN. voc cv.- ;tr it iuUAY at legal rates, on Iiiamonu. Auioa. I'lanoa, r'uruituis. Li v iftock or Motor: ycles. pay back 4a per mouth or mora. Interrsi 3 per cent. OFFICES An.v'Lilii.l.! PKIVATK 1 OKTLANU LOAN Co.. Lit $11 Ieaiim i.h'x . and W i-tiinun. Mo L VT ONCE. LlXtAli r.Aia '! I.N i. REST. tHrwnori, jecir, .Musical in.-ir umenta. Ail lieitcs lie tl ona War. t parato L pt for Laau-a KLI'i .5iANT tLKf mel, S?0 Luiut.tr Ex. Riug . u and Miitt Sa WE loan money on diaiaands and jewelry at ba.f tbe r:s .hargNl 4 urokctx oaa klarx. 7 4 3d st- Ih YoU HAVE $' tIt MORE TO IN VLSi, I CAN ti ARANMCE 1 1 KR CENT I r.K M-NT1I IMtHl.M. HKRHN or ri.tSt'll'A L WHEN I'r.Mlltll'. L'M'tll M A I K UPEli JSION , A ii.-o I.U"i HI- I'Mii'rH'Thl'. IF iNTKKKsJ Ll. Al lKf I-'.. OltrfC.oNlAN. ' i- RAU lii-r MoRTOAtH-.a for aaiw. M ON i. V "A A N I'Hll t font l-nuclpa-e; sev er a I c d loa i . f on nana, vi :iuk ainoun IS. tea;y C. irudiioiuui. liuwuclai Afcafct. itoi k an bldg. WAN1KD A Joan f 4 on . l.-win Im ltoeti acreage . priucii-als n.. ti . uri: will i-rove -4tl at-loi . A L k.k. H.U E .ot l.rr,rfl. free S l-'l. i ml t i r. orCiiiitj. w , hiu ANN I M I -r fete mlie , .!. Teg .! n. A V SilA l.L e . r. ii wanted. -tl t flrrr nc 11 ir AM 1 i or lan. t. aue W ANT $k 4 1 .,.. A I ant Laureluural lLK-U.NiU ka vi.Kifr uti.j for totor.iig .wit, n,t for inauuiuis ar piaue. A ia.iy cam tr aa a lael lU, lti4Us l.fr flKlf-j to c tier a." aaiu. tua t.'id ner o. curA lu :.ro tuouiQi. I .cttkt'il stomach. Lr iaiiu;.a. cuieu ua - A treatmeBLS. au Coinplet . . a Alt4 vB oi.a - ai4 l'r. b.r, ai .a to uv her r.oUMitod w.-k la o iia a. A I Um and ulnar taaal w Oe u.v-MUaate4. lw 1 lill-UI'S HAllMAN. tj- i r a !- ii t ii. k. W E 4.U liA i tt 1 i A Hi. Il AXIL. u .i.cl t .ji l.i t-uua..ii w . t . 4 U tfii f f i i , vi t i 1 1 . ii.aaa. . . t-t40a.ll gia 4-Sa , 1 d tor c on Fa M i i, .r re m o ed b eie-trie.t. tiuavl anteed. Cut ba.r. auy ladA. wt r.eS any lei. a, til 1 iu l.a.l. i.ur) At a Mi 1 ar .1.1 s. 4 i f-4 1 I i"Av j.o t..ug4 1 ;ia and V antijttoa Marsh a. KALV.si- .it r . 1; n.umai .ii. i r.a' .; a t .t. nioina. o a.d wi'lir, i is- k: W "ijieu tjuli i-f and pTu.anfnt.jf . ed by I -ua li a nu rm an i ( .ea p-ri..,iai. Iitii'ft, i ran aav irom tr-:.ot.a--i a; u oa. a.uropaau eurii-a a ,e:.i.rc u.t-ic expert in tne Nor.nweat. 1 nt. t-aai 4-. u -4t. Apt.. No, x'. i , V . A- i FEU VET a'HAV KlU'T. Leading wi ar-.l toupe na aere . f.r.eat stock l. uii.au hi.jt.-:. a i Iioui c LtUiriiut. maMfunim. la r; j e. t. . ii iteatmr.t. ivmii.net maJe up lo roer. 1 4 . iwiof, &. ar k -ii oi Jia.niti. OiiiuMt. lieaea. lira rrf t.es. l.heuina t U o.tr. 4 utuorw, r-a.u il.'b., -tC No M'ocine N. iera(.onS, K.tet Mod ern E.i.;ied off;ca. E.ectriclt, Man.u 4.'(,n ano. iiail. v ofci.tat :on Fr . ill to 4 1 : s- I n dl i . g It, W .E i a . . o r y . Lol ISE NKTZK1- traintd nurs and nias aeore 1 r atmenis for r iie uut at ain. lumbaco. .u:w tc; tuti bat-'ts. n.as s.ke ai.d tKtru- l.r.ae: LaJy aaalaianb 1 1 tit st Marai.a.i LLK-TIUO" 1 RR ATt'll f-r rbeurnattsni, i. uj. ;.a. :aii a;d -a!p trralitKuL rurrji.) Mar. r. uw Ma.u BTUI ITU Al7l."M Rev. Mary aT Frlcw. Crc 1 uroB) 2. V ed, and fun 4 P. M. ; reaa ca.!) 4"i Marsha. I Ni KKi'.lAN tTTTr.ed r.virsa and it.aaarae. e.eciiic Mank-t treatment, hours lo A. M to I". M. -- JI St.. rooms anda. X;U AIIANT EE to cor- p.aon oak In three iaa. 1 lit East rth iL Nortn. W ood Un low. gits STEVENS II yeis Ron. and s re- a'. nor o! l'a.m.sw y Msd Easy." u 1 i 1 or su UMRKELLA?1 A.lcolors ar.d stles. larg-at ,tlKi t-vOVTIU)C . rew handle put ou. Meredith s. !-' Washington L ih.VTI FIC masseuse. k nuiie lull baths. fcU incite, e let-trie trrairt rnt", manicurist. '-" Macieay tldgH MAl'E OF YoUR COM RINGS. Switches oc. cur and pulls . Sani tary lfesuty i ariura, ux Uaura b.dg. Lit. ETllHL A. SACRY, painless cMrrpo4l I'anania b.ug. i'tone liinji. AOL Al K MA.-H'.-K; treatmeuls ai v. -a .p n-m ssaxe. - 1 Va Mrnou. A pt. m, M' 'LESsuperfluous hair removed. Mrs, M l Hill. 4: F.iedner bMg. Main H T2. Ci;uol'RACTIC explained; painless adjust monia pMavsiuc; 11 treatments $1, 1-i 4th. LESSONS In phrenolory and card raadlngs. ;;j th st. I'hnr.a Main Tita. LaLM OF FliS COMIOL"ND. Royal Tonic Tablets, o4 Davia sc 1'lions Main : ki, U rl ltj?ett"s Native Jlerhs for rhsu.-natiaiu, hi laMets for ZJc All draglats r-O 4 LI isliaL .".Sa Morrison su OJ llANi ;i i;lNO ladies and gentlemen, Kom "; !imh I t. " .i l.uiVH V n nl e ;-ic treataients. Room i .".. Morris -n MAN! C I'P.IN'l and elec. treatment. Kthal Jiurka. I'J Lafaystto bldg. i