12 mr: morxixo oregoxtan. Saturday, july 10. 101 5. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS AND TITLKS. PROM FT SERVICE at reasonable price. Pacific Tille & Trust Co., 7 ch. of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, knife and box pleating, pioot init. hemstitching, braiding, embroidering. Kaatern Novelty Mfg. Co., 3H 5th at. K. STEHHAX Hemstitching and scallopinz, accord. side, pleat, buttons rovereu. goods sponged; mail orders. Alder. M. Uo7i. Mail orders promptly attended to. ARCHITECT. BL'XGALpW plan book 10c; plans $5. A, H. Faber. ',Q Ainsworth ave. ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14JV -d. Gold, silver and platinum bought. TaTTO RN iysTaT-I-AW. J. SII.FORD NELSON, LAWYER. 618 PIT- TOCK BLK. PHONE BROADWAY 5175. CARPET WEAVERS. NORTHWEST RUG t.O. Rugs from old car pets, rag rugs. lsa E. btli. Hoth phones. (EixnibiD bittons.baik;es. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. SS7 Washington st. Main 312 and A r54. CHIROPODISTS. "William. Estelle and William. Jr., Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 3ir Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. corner d and Alder. Phone Mam l:;OI. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. IR. M'M AHON. sixth year. Chronic cas taking time, 31 treatments. SI 0. I'l 4th st. IR. POL'LSON, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 350 Pittock block. Broadway 262. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of anv description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Haiden Mercantile Agency. 426 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4Wi. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main a'" -- No collection, no charge. Established lauu. AUTO AND BVfiiiY TOPS. Pt'BRUlLLK BUOGY TOP CO.. ano 2d BAGGAGE CKECKKD AT HOME. Ti a ggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Uavl. BREAD BAKERY, Royal Pakerv & ( onf.. Inc.. 1 1 th Everett. - ' -. - ...n , . UTT X. I? .J BKMiMtn w . ...... H E NRY WE IXHARU. 13th and Burnslde. IRY fiOODS, NOTIONS. FlTlNISHrVGS. Fl.EISCHNER. MATKR & CO.. 27 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, f-tubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Millins Co.. Front and Marshall. H. M. HOl'SKR. Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS tc CO.. 67-75 Fourth St. MEETING NOTICES. THE ARAB PATROL Is needed at Masonic Temple Sunday July 11, at C::0 A. M. We are depending on you and expect that you will be on hand promptly. WM. DAVIS. Captain. IONIC COURT, NO. 1. ORDFR OF THE AMARANTH Stated meeting; at Masonic Temple this (Saturday) evening;. S P. M. De grees. Past G. M. of Wash, will visit. ALICE C. GIBBS, Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday evening, 7 o'clock. E. bth and Burnside. E. A. degree. Visit ors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A. K. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) even ing at 7:3t o'clock. Work In the M M. degree; visiting brethren cordially invited, fay order ol EXTRA Emblem Jewelry of all kinds. icial designs mads. Jaeger Bros.. Jewelers. PIED. PIM1CK Sarah J. Dimick. aged 70 years, at her late residence. 730 E. Oak St.. Julv . Remains at P. L. Lerch under taking; parlors. E. 11th and Clay sts. Funeral notice later ACER Stephan Auer. member of Minerva Lodge. No ID. I. o. O. F. Funeral notice rUNERAL XOT1CE8. AUER At Salem. July 9, Stephen Auer. 35 vears. son of Mrs. Marie Weisgarbct. of 9SS East Twentieth North, of this city. Funeral services will be held In the con servatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder. -Sunday. July 11. at 2::x P. M. The services will be conducted by Minerva Lodge I O. O. F.. No. 19. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. HUBBARD In this city. July 9. at her late residence. 7130 Forty-third avenue, boutn - east Barbara Pflaum Hubbard, aged 40 vears. The funeral services will be held Sundav. July 1. at 1 o'clock p. M-. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley c Son Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. JIILLER At the family residence. 5022 Thirty-second avenue Southeast. July 6. Nettle J. Miller, aged 55 years. Funeral will be heid from the residence on Satur day. July 10, at 2:30 P. M. Interment will be marie in the family plot at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. GEIST July 0, at S-7 Union avenue North. Mary Geist. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gotfried Geist. Funeral will be held from the above residence today. July 10. at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. MILLER The funeral service of the late NetUe J. Miller will be held at ber late residence. ot22 32d ave. S. E., today at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited. 11 NKRAL DIRECTORS. The only residence undertaking: establish ment in Portland v.'lth private driveway, ilam 8. A lODS). i J. P. FINLEI & SOX. Montgomery at Kifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director. Ilio Third street corner fcalmun. Lady assistant. A 1511, Main 5V7. V. S. DLNMXa INC. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Al der stret. East B ZoZo. Last 10&8. c 10!s. Lady attendant. Day .and night service. Dl'XMNQ A M'liNTEE. funeral directors. BroadMay and Pine. Phone Main 430, A 40M. J. soy attendant. BHKKZE A SNOOK, Sunoyside Parlors, au'.o heurae. lo'i Belmoal at. Tabor lud. 1 127,2. MILLER & TRACE!', independent funeral directors, f unerais as low as 9-0, S4o. stu. v asnington and Ella Bts. Matn A tkho. P. L. LERCH, Bast 11th and Clay streets. Lady assistant. .ast SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANT. 3d and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady attendant. R. T. Bl'HSEf, Williams ave. and Knott. East 111, c 114 3. Lady attendant. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 317 Wash ington. Main 2o:, A 12(30. Flowers for all occasions, artistically arranged. .CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison at.. Main or A 18U3. Fine flowers and floral designs. o branch stores. bl'NNVSlDE Greenhouse. Fresh flow era phone B 152-J. K. :i3d and Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 2121. Selling ruuaing. NEW TO DAT. On CltT and Farm rrewi lle In Any Amount at Current Itatca EAKT!!aJf-TH0Ia7SOH. Banksrs Cornsr Foarth aod Dtark Stresta, BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLEANING AN!) PRESSING DRESS SL'ITS for rent. We press one suit each week for Sl.&o a month. I'MQLE TAILORING CO.. Stark St.. bet- ilh and uth. Main 514. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 5h St.. bet. Stark and oak; sp'l Summer rates. 5 private lessons, 2; morning, ifternoon, evening, all latest dances guarantet-d. Class Thura., ifat. evenings. 7-:3u. Children s classes Sat.. 2 to 3. 25c. Broadway 2164. MR. AND SIRS. HEATH'S SCHOOL: lessons daily: all dances guaranteed. Allsky bldg.. .'td and Morrison sts. Come today. M. MJlJi. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. PINKERTOX & CO.. I.'.S.DHTECTIVE AGCT. established over 3d years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on Indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite 354 Plttock block, phone Broadway t7. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists: glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d sc Wn. . ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 1st St. N. Phona Broadway lllill. HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached. 75c; straws & felts. 5Qc. Kauf man's. 44-4i 3d. nr. Stark. MUSICAL. MUSIC published, arranged, printed, popu larized. Verses written to melodies. Send manuscripts. Echo Music Publishing; Co., Seattle. Wash. Emll Thlolhorn, violin teacher; pupil Kevctk. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 416. Marshall lti2U. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HATS AND CAPS. THANHAt PKK HAT CO.. 04-05 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASTA K A BARK. KAHN BROS., llil Front l. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BRuS., tS14 WORCKsTER PI.DO. Main S81. Phones. A 117S. IROS WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL. PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. llASTICK & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description; taps. mfg. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neck tar Mfs. Co.. t3 5th at. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th ata. NEW TOOAI. STOP AT Newly re furnished, papered and reno 4th sad Alder vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Kooms. with private bath, II per day up; without, 75c up. Because the rates are low don't think the serv ice Is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wail bed, making them practically suites. FUNERALS Beautiful adult plush or broadcloth casket, embalming, rough box, heart?, two limousines and services, for More reasonable funeraU If desired for $40. o. HlKher-priced funeral in proportion. We niaJte our own rmxket. Lady assistant. Private funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACE Y Independent Funeral Director. Washington and Klla Sts. Main 2691. A 7si. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved cfty and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quicltly cloned. Call today. 6 LARGE LOASI OX gQf BOSl.VEsS PKOPEKT1EJ O O A. H. BIRRELL CO. 11T-210 Narlknnlrri Bssk UsUlilsa. Marakall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 on iMPROvrn Biir.si propitrttc Residence Loans and 7 Per Cent. Aa. cordlns; to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Xertlavrc-atera Ban It Bldg. WE WILL BUILD AM PIXAXCB HOMES Flats and Apartments In any part of trs) city coiling f roil J2U00 to S20.U0U: pay . .. 141.-. i' i i v . m. 1 1 sua eetv usu V. 13. BOWMAN A CO, Rtssi 1, Cemsarn-ial Club Bnlldlas. EDWARD-LlMDGf NdfiThwFSTFRW sHAIMHC RuiiniNd 0M AOa S-7 0 i A Alir MORTQAQ E LUAIXO Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Hoik at current Katea. ML'MCll'AL ANO tOKI'OUAIION tmSDS. FARM AU CITV LOANS. SO Foortb bt.. Board ef 1 rails Bids. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 574 BfclLMO.Vr S I. Phones Cut 1423. B 313. 0ea Day Mi KlSkC Heport all c&aea of cruoity to ibis of fice. Lettaal cbamber Cor am&il aninxAim. Horse anbulanco tor aick or dJAiia4 am mala at a moment m notice. Anyone uevirius a pei may communicate wild. ua REAL ESTATE DEALERS, PALMER-JONES Wilcox bldg. CO.. li. P., 4U4-4U5-4X BENEDICT BROS., 130 Hawthorne ave. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Have several downriKht sacrifices, both in lots and houses; make an offer Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 383U. SOOO LENTS full "half -acre lot- west' half lot 3. block 3, Cadvell'g Addition. Ad drees -Owner," 2110 W. yth place, Los AngeJea. c'al. LET us locate you w hero you would rather live. Will supply lot and build to suit. Rental terms if desired. The Oregon Home Builders. l:.o y. W. Hank bldg. GEARH ART lot; terms or reasonable fur cash. Phone Woodlawn 2T.43. For Sale -Beach Property. FOR SALE Fine beach lot at Salt Air. on Garrlbaldt Beach, 2u0 ft. to R. H. station; will sell cheap If taken at once. O 11. Ore. gonian. For Sale Houses. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $177." Fractional lot in Irvington near car. Owner, A K iL'.". Oregonian. WANT an investment ? tf-room tioune, al wavs rented. S1T fisrii: corner lot ad jolning 12QO. Owner. Phone East 4i3. M U R R A Y M EA D home. worth S40OO" for S'8o0 ; small cash pavment ; take lot or acreage. Owner. AO flUS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A 5-room honse at S6 MaliorV ave.; fin location, bee owner. AG Oregonian. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. MotorcycUs and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay V5 to flu for glates when 1 can fit vour etea wit h first Qual ity lenses, gold-filled frames as low as 1.5? C. W. Goodman. Morrison. Mall orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WkiHT yeara' practice U. S. toj foreign ;minti. o Deiuro bldg. fire. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near Z.th and York :- Mam 34. KTORAfiK AND TRANFFK. C. O. PICK Trannfer Sc. Storsge Co. office and commodious 4-story brirk w trehouif. fpar.te irni. room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine st. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment special rates made on foods In our through cars to alt domestic and foreign poits. Main 016. A Ld. OKlvCfON TKA NSFER CO., 47 4 Gllsan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Main h or A 1 1 . We own and operate two Una class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lot insurance rates In city. MUVI.VJ. PACKING. SHIPPING. KTORAOE. Reduced freight rates to ail points. MANNING Warehouse & Transfer Co., Main Ton. Pth and Hoyt. A2U14. MADISON-ST. Do"K AND WAHtHOI'.-K Office. 1KW Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agent. Phone Main TtWL VETERINARY SCHOOL!. . K. V KT KRIXARY COLLEGE begins Kept. 13 No profession offers equal opportnnlty. Catalogue free. C. Keane, pres., lslS Mar ket it.. Han Francisco. WOOD. GREEN and dry ilihwrvxl, blorkwood. Pan ama Fuel Co., Main 07 JO. A 3h!9. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND MIRE. Portland Wire At iron Wks.. -d A Columbia. PAINTS AND I.L BKICATINO OIIJ. W. P. FI LLER Ai t O.. lith and Iavl. PAINTS, OIU AND I.I.ASS. RASMI'SSKN t 0.. -Jd and Taylor PIPE. PIPK HTTIN;S AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, Front l. - PLUMBING AND STEAM bllTLUX M. L. KLINE. tv-il Front si. PRINTERS AN D PUBLISH ER.S. W". KALTES CO.. 1st and oak sts. PRODI ( E COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERK1.NG & FA Kit ELL. Ho Front. ROPE AND BINDING TH IN E. Portland Cordage to., Hth and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER at TO.. 12tn and Pavls. WALL PAPER. MOROAN WALL PAPER CO.. 23 2d SL REAL, ESTATE. I-or -Huancfv. YOUR LAST CHANCE. $1000 Hawthorne Buns-low 11900. EAST 43D -T. Brand new. 00m bungalow, hardwood floors, sleeping porch. Jo'rel attic, fire place, electric fixtures, beamed ceiling", built-in effects, plumbing? complete, full 7-foot concrete basement. 2tixtl feu with cement floor, sewer, walks, etc.. all in. hs this today. Take Hawthorne car to 43 ii il Owner. A. Dobner. phone lat S403. PROPERTY FHOWN 12 TO 5 DAILY. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY N Of TURN A MHDEN I NTO 1MUME? WE WILL HhMSll Tilt MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OK ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RES PON SI RLE ; WE KNo W HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; bEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE rtONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 34 ABINUTON BLDG. FOR RENT OR SALE A beautiful home of 14 rooms, xiew and modern, on Hawthorne ave.. near ltUh st with lot "x nice lawn and flowers; there are b btd rooms. leaping porch and 2 baths; It Is the best buv in the city of Portland for anyone w anting a nice home In a nice neighbor hood. Phono Main blo. ,2 By. Esch. Mdrf. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, 1 f JIMKi, TERMS. Brand-new and up to ut. 5 rooms and sleplnffr-porrh, hardwood floors. Cut! xe ment ban-mcnt, large attic, fireplace, buf fet, buu n aitcbeti, iiiii-rowri.-nts paid. Come out to til East tilst NJ. or phooa ow ner. Tabor 6V. $.-, HHj UOS K CITY FA K K .". U. Hounf, H room p. hardwood flor. tutlt lns. modern kitchen. !- p.riK porch, iaric cloftots. full cement ba'fnieiu. uriiaic mii1 ah tr . desirable local ton ; two Mo k f rotn carlinr. nt-r prrsb vterlitn t'hurr h. Add res J. U. box Med f ord, Oregon. LIST OK IrSIKAlJUlO HOMES. Before buy in a be sure to look, at our Dst of brand new, exquisite bomci in L.AC KKLHL'KsiT, th addition of beautiful hortifi, ran st n k ."r-Jin J."iOO up. lurn hurst Co.. I'To'i trk or at tract of fice In Laurrlhurm. K. 3mh and OUan et. Our bet recommendation t to asK our clients what kind of hou- me build. We'll upply )ou a lim. Hemcmber r'-iual frme If desired. The Ore on Hume liuildcra. iriT X. W- Hank blun. Vl IV H K S I T A T E ? ONLY $ 1 " .".. Nothing (loD, balance month. In clu'linic Interest ; modern, pavenient. near iM.-iiooi, car aod only Zt tntnuics out- I ava na-r ft I irafrm n a C V. a L I VT IDt'l Vl'Ti IV I have a -i'oo equity In a -0 Irvlnic ton borne, centrally iocated; taae 9 for my equity or traue fur a clear lrvlnsion lot. tut 1 1 v'rO ol J mdern 5-rom bunicaio w, di . east front lot, hard ood f toors. fire place, full baaement. er tatd ; Irvtnc toi district. 717 Kdil 1"T t fi st. North. - BROADWAY AK To KLICKITAT. ,l7;,o KL'itN ISll CU Albert bunlo, all modern, half bick, car. VVoodias n 13j7, morn:n,a. FOR SALE New, modern l-etory bunga low in Irvine ton ; complete In every detail; price 145J0. Phone . XKW, modern 1 --room house. In lrvLuatuu, K. B. Klcc. ICaat 12432. MONTHLY buys i-rom modern home, gootl location, owner. Tabor 48. Hub urban Home Property. AN Ideal suburban home. 2j minutes from town, modern bungalow, fu.i baaement, fireplace, furnace, lairge porches, i ic mr fruit trees, lawns, nice chicken park. 3 k lota cheap; price $ ;20o, terms. li-e Fowler ave. Phooe Coluutbla Frank M. Ward, owner. OlBcUN liALK AC P. US. Good coll. aod water, clos to carllne, easy terms ; will build to suit purcbaer. Ptiooe !arshall 1 or tell wood JOHN GlhtON, UV.t.H. 1 or wale Arreaffd, CH ICKKX. Kht IT, tJAHIjICN HA.M'HKH. Near Portland. Ore nam district; near electric station; $75 to Uuo per acre; easy terms; bent soil, free wood. ' Farms for sale, all stxea. FRANK MFARL.ANU REALTY 0., aw yeonbiUf., fortiand. or. QUARTER ACRE, fine garden and Xrult 4 -room hous. chicken-houses, etc. Scll-a-ood car, only $ltiK; issh, balance like rent. Joseph C. Gibson. oiHl Gerlinger building. . 7 ACRES, all cleared, good 4 - room bouse and small barn, on Oregon Electric Hall way, near Cornelius. Cheap for caan. b t4, Oregonlan. Irrigated Lan da. FOR SALE All or part of loo acres Irri gated land, near Redmond, or. Call East 1V2. Far Sale Fruit LaUMla. 10 ACRES line fruit land, on Columbia High way, near Hood River. Cheap for cash. R Oregonian. For sale -rirmi. FOR SALE Eiht acres, good house and outbuildlnr. milk route, cows aad every thing to work with; all within town limit.., desirable property with good Income, Harry J.Krn. Rtdgefield, Wash. 123 ACRES choice land; Improvement';' 40 miles from Portland ; close to Ky. ; will make superior dairy farm. 1- avorable terms. a. L- Porter. 30s Columbia bldg.. Spokane. Wash. FOR SALE or trade, 20 acres, adjoining Wlser City. Idaho; 4S seres near Mosier In Hood River County. Address boa M osier. Or. 80-ACRE farm. 1U acres cultivated; rich soil, good im-'-ovemrr is. low price; tt miles from carllne. larke County. Wash. In formation .VVl Delay st. 4U-ACRE improved farm. 17 In orchard, mod ern house, outbuilding. 3 horses. Imple ments. sacrtf.ee $.;.'--o, account death. Yourg Sk GiUe, 7-3 Chamber of Com. FORCEDsacrIflce." WlUamet te80 smelm"- provements. 91 .. owner. Chauncey l'arney. Oregon City. IFOR PALE Cowl its fount y stump lands, flu per acre up: good soli, well watered. J. K. bbaip, 4 JO PlttocK block, Portland. I WILL aell any part of fine liO-are trtt, all In cultivation, on Oregon tle-rlrlc H. it., JO miles out. In Tualatin Vai.e ; terms to suit; $'-".'5 per acre. Hee Handy, owner, Stock Kxrhang bids;. Marshall ITuj. "teVAJL KSTATB. For Mir FARM SNAPS. tl acres at 9 3 2. SO per acre; loo acres In cultivation; f0 acres mor prac tically ready for plow: balance um ber and pasture; running wfcter; on county road; school and station close. a NAP TERMS. 140 acres at $2& per acre; 50 acres In cul tivation; 0 more practically read for the plow; o acres timber and pasture; running; water. SNAP TERMS. SI acre at 10 pr acre; In cultivation, on county road; good buy; terms. For particulars write MOROAX A WALKKK. Corvallla. Or OI'I'OKTLMTY of a lifetime 1 m acrea stock or fruit ranch. In Marlon 0unt; 45 icr-i In cultivation. balance logged-off and timber; unlimited outrange for stock; 2 good hous. good barns, fences. 4 -acre onhvd. llv tng water, food creek and numerous spring. mile to ,R. K. sta tion. 1 1. mlies to Rood school. 3 miles to g'vod mill town: can be bought for one thtri value, as owner cannot run It: smalt amount f cash, balance easy, liot ww, UaUas. Or. 110 AfUFTH. I" S MILEii KK"M KLGKNE. f'art alfalfa, corn and pasture; auoui $ i:?.oo In profit In wood on place; t m o houses, good barn, fence and sprinrs, floo per ecr-, 2-3 value; will take 4hku in clear port i and Income pro pert y. 5 ears on balance. Owner, Willamette at., K-Ugene. tr. FOK SALE 10 acres of good soil, all und r rultl at Ion ; slopes gently to th south: It ood Sfil for fruit, cram and hay; good road; 4S miles from halera; price fib-", f jiM down, balance 10 per month. per cent Interest. W. H. ORABEXHORPT CO., Ralem. Or. WANTED TO RFM-FABM. WANTED To rent email ranch near R. R.. 10 to 20 acre, barn and house, can fur nish good reference, alve full particulars In first reply. X 91. Oregonian. FOR HALF TIMBFR I.ANOH. 24 MILLION fret timber. 14 south. 4 eaai W. M. Linn Co.. fSuvu cash; no trade. An Oregon la n. TIM BER LANDS. POl'JHT AND KUl.D, C. J. M'C'RACKEN. M K.AT PLDO. FARM 9 WANTED. W A NT K I Stock relinquishment ; g-onian. ranch with outrange or owners only. X V-'T, Ore- WANTKH REAL F.STATK. W A NTK D Modern home, resirlctad dist ri t, for Tualatin Hlver bottom and o-avcroam land, mar 4th street line; might taae apt. or flats or West bide va::nL AO 1-7. Oregon I an. WANTED To buv-4-ruom house on eay tTms : small payment do n. not more than $lM.o. O w4. tregonian. MoDEKN house wanted. 1 will trade good lots for It Main UHd. CASH for lots in Alberta district; only. AR Oregonian. TO ExrifANC.r: RKAL KSTATK. WANTED To cxchanKe a vood slx-roum - unincumbered modern bungaiow Ith four lota, each oOxloo feet. In McMtnnvtlla, Oregon, for a good, clean stock of gro ceries, with little or no fixtures , value fo-V. Call or address Dr. W. J. Olllstrap. Ft. National Hank bldg., 8L Johns. Ore Kon. office phone. Columbia 22, or res id ence Columbia 11. FOR R ALE or pun trade 1 acre. 5-room houv. hnrn, H-room store building, ow n w ate r works, rltrht on car line. ! fare; I have an equity of S:ioO; 1 will niaake you a good d.-al; make m an offer; lots of frui. i l".'u. oregonian. EQL'I TV In my modern flat building or :0 h t to trade for modern home; property all rented, IS." per month. Total price. $17.uhhi. (iie full description, location, etc P. O. box ."hhi. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPER'!'.' FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN M ATI II VoU. WE DON'T HANDLE JINK PROPERTY. AY EHS SMITH CO.. 501 NORTHWEST .LD. MAIN T'-'Cfl. $170 EwCITY In beautiful M"-" Rose City Park ti-room modern bungalow; most de sirable location, to exchange for stock or Coin Machine Mfg. Co. or Oregon Home P uildr. R -i. Oregonlan. Koit Iioum In Portland. 1 acres In timber. S-room house, hummer kitchen, f lrep.are. beamed celling. 2 porches, garden. min utes from 1 igard; value -i00. Box 4i Tigard. H ' ACRES good land, Clarke Cut.tv. i miles nort h "am as ; good homesiesd for someone; mill raise anthlng: 7 acres rleared; $l''.tt'i; trade for Portland prop erty: II aspume. AM '", rcgonia n. C-ROOM house and lots at l.to? Ieluwwre ave.. Port lit nd, ckir. Will pHI on p-y-menui or exchange for 1s Ansjelcs or vi cinity; make offer. PreiuUu Shoe Co.. Santsi Ana. Ca?. WA NT ini''n or 6-room hungahta ; til I rade n ice Seaside cot i age. clar, and grd rlt lot. clear: anight assume little; onr only. AO Ort-gonian. WILL take Ity property, a ell located, in . exchanue for improved firm lt good community; owner. IV. Stmonson. Routed. Rldgef leld. Wash. WHAT"i) YM" WANT? Can trade our cit - and country pronrt y for ou. Have manv Itstlnrs Exchange lp't the r gon H-me Hullders. 1 :fio N- W PsmH Mdif M SECT I N front tns on SI lets River, lav el and best of lan J. about 12 acre clear; want home or acreage In or hear Portland. hell wood ITU 13 S:o IN 'ASH. auiomobllf or unlm uni he red lo, buv flV'H) equttv In choice home. Rose City Park district. V V-. tr-fonitn. WANT modern apartment buiidmc up to f so for section sTood land. W l!lan.ette Valley : assume soma. D. J. Koupal, Eu gene, fir. IF VOL" hsve good property and waut to em Change it. see Hell ileal Estate Co.. -is Railway Exchange. $ii laT'RELHCRST stock for a moderti home free of Incumbrance. AK si I. orego- n 1 .i n. WILLAMETTE '. aubstantlal lir.jTov rnen ts, 9'LO"o; a ant restoenr. oa ner. "hauny iisrney. Oregon Clt. bO OR D.o-acre dairy farm, housi, brr. s, etc.. 11 times fmn Vancouver; part trade, owner. Taor 3;MH WANTED To exchange rliv or beach lots or acreage for .to rooms of A-l furniture. AO tJO. Oregon lan. fcXl'H AN IK Choice Vic tori hui.dn-iC. cti4. for farm or Port :and house, w it it clear tit'e. T. poydel!. Vi. torta. H. C. :, t m nj WANTED for ; r4ia worth xj.VrMNi. No broker a gonian. on property X io;. Ore- WANT to ti ade equir y in modern hu nga low. u ner. Tabor 3'4n. a -room WE handle good property. an where, in ti change.See Hrace. .".otl MvKay bldg. EXCHAXOK choice IMedmont lot for auto mobile phone Sell. mi. 7 WmxUird ave. FOU 8ALK. llorwea. Vehicle, llaraewe. Lie. AUCTION! AUCTION! Strictly commission basis; horses, htr ne&s. wagon, saddlea buggies, largestoa; g 11ara.it erd as re pr-sen ted ; every Thurs cay, 2 i'. M. Multnomah Stables. Hth and Madison. J. M. McMahon. auctioneer. fc AUCTloN!AlCTION! Horses, mulea. vehicles, harness, every Mondav and Friday, lu A. M . only strictly commission stables In the cit ; consign ment solicited. The McClvllsnd Horse at Mule Co., am East hth st. East Ul. KEPLACINO WITH AUTO VANS and wish to dispose of a few pairs good work horses. Come and them. The priors are right. C. O. Picks Transfer at Storage Co., 2d and 1'tne. WANT GOOD TEAMS. Five or six teams wanted to move about 3000 cords of wood: lets than mile huui; good ro.ds. 2 j tniU-s from Portland. Ti. tfcid reaii.m. Or. PAIR OF SORREL MARES Full sisters, work single or double; quil for any isdy or boy ; weight 2 10U ; price $110; harms and wagon c.ieap -2 N. 14th. CAPITAL. STAHLES, 27 Front St. J ut re ceived, a csi load of E.istern tregon horses and mares, from 12oO to LVso pounds. H. Olerman, prop FOR SALE One ttt the swellrst ponies In town; young, sound, beautiful and as safe as a trained nurse for the kids. Call b7 E. ti'.nh at. I'hone D 15r.i. FCR SALE Saddle mare. sir.Kle-fo.it unoer saddle, alao saddle and bridle. Woodlawn 12m. feld Mlaslsa.ppt ave. tttH- LB. MARE Cood free driver; works sing.e or double; light spring wagon and hirnesa. for 5o. C26 N. 14th SL MATCH ED black geldings. 7 and fe years old. 2 Too pounds, harness snd wagon, real bargain. 847 E. Stark. East 2to. FOR SALE iood pack horse, pnek saddle and pa k bsgs. fine condition; $J3. 1'hone Mi:n fclol. Mr. M yers. OPEN carriage, small 3 M East 7th at. North. sealed, very cheap. WA'IOXS and horses h v day. $1 23 I. Cohen. 8M Water st. Msln i'J'ih, Main G'.u3. DEAD horses and animals hsuled away free. Woodiawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses and tattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4 20$. lis now. Orwana and Musical I nt rumen t a. WANTED P'rtno In anv condition, "cheap for cb. UU l27. Oregonlan. OK ALK. I'lartoe, Orvaae aadMascal iosirenseeile- PI ANOS in classified columns are usually for cash; du t hvsttate to come to the Schwsn Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st-. when r referring to py t cash. $1 weekly or a monitii). A new puoo delivered on psyment of Ia 1 hus a new i jo piano at our factory price of 9 I or more monthly, no Interest, saving ll a hen paid In 2 pears; total aaving to you. THE SECCR1TY STORAGE CO. wU close out to firt caller: S 7 i Mcv'amrnon piano. cash. 3ot Mtnna.l WendrU. cash, , (i.'.o Weiiingion. oak. $115 rash. io Decker a Sons, walnut, e I ?S cash. s..u auto-player piano. cash. Kimt-ail bsby grand. cash, IW 4TH ST 'OL'vH HHti. W ANTK1 dond second-hand piano for nw l-jtsr Hamilton rsilrod watch and permanent 14 K cam: a new Remington double barrel Damascus hammer less 1 3 a itxe shotgun and soma caan, AV 3i i, CASH, w it h double credit for $ Id buys new t.CrO piano at t-. $7.iO mor.tt.iy without interest charged elsewhere, msaea total saving 14i.- to ou. octo w an Piano t o., 1 1 1 4 in st W E have taken in ex, hang toward a graio noia a high-grade piano; we will eil it ciiaap; trrit.s. Cuiunibit lii aphopbone Co.. 4'i-431 Wasn. St LHAD H L R Y 4"" rose w ood piano iil O r ;oeed out for $.d this weea. security Storage Co lfO Fourth st. a" SPLENDID talking machine and &3 se lections, all perl e t records. for lw; terms If desired. Ill Fouft h St. LE.V t for Panama; l.l aell my Stein way upright ntano for -Zi cash; no iradea Addrens H. H. N . hZl Kearney. AM forced to leave th city and must sac-, rif Ue my new cabinet -grand pis no; for quick action. (175. AB W-J oreganlan. 12. WILL cloae out $'M automatlo trio piaer-ptai Kd Fourth SL. ano. security Ho rag Ca. o CAST! buys a 3.0 Emerson piano to morrow, security Storage Co.. low 4th at. Jo CASH buys flJ Eatey organ, aecurlty Storsge. Co , lov Fourth St. A tJOfD disc phonngrsph. guaranteed, and 1 se;ectlons for id. Ill Fourth at. $1 MONTHLY nort your p:po. security Storage Co.. lv 4tft at. Main 3. I'l! p.VOOR KVH In as new. $i cah. perfect rondlTion. game . ail Main a. WANTED Square piano for csh. Ill 4th st. lcs. Birds, pet Mork, REAL Airedales, hunters, pais, guar da Lad O.i Kennels, E'tatada. or. PEOUiREED Irish Setter pupa M. R. Knox. 4'h Knoii st. Phone East 4-31. luraltsni tar Wale. Foil SALE rooms of nice furniture, com ptcte, at a sacrifice: fl-"o; must ba seen to he appretrlaled. Sell. 1 7 1S. CONTENTS 1 1 - room home. Phone k:hi rr appointment to examine. Main MXAK4'li range and household good a 67 Pr.m-et.on st. Col. . itewtora. LIV ES TOOK. For sale, head of heifers from li to months old; will trade for fresh cows and heavy springers; a.so 10 Winter ca.vea. 'sn be seen al the Summit Dairy on the Cornell. R. F. D. No. 2. Aulomobl.ee. WE have the following- cars left from our sacrifice sale, which you can buy from Si on. to J.V)0 leas than any other place In Portland: lit 13 CHALMERS. 4-passenger coupe. liI3 CHALMERS. -cy Under. T-paaaenger. "ll13 CHALMERS. 5-passenger. 1913 STEARNS-KNIGHT, S-cyL. a-paaa. 101O WIXTON. 7-paaacnger. 191U WIXTOX, T-paasenger. 1I4 WIXTOX. passenger. IPH PIERCE-ARROW. 7 -passenger. 1013 FLANDERS ELECTRIC. 4-passenger. THE WIXTOX CO.. U3d and Washington Sta. Open Evenings. 1915 LOZ1E51 PRACTICALLY NEW A SNAP. SEVERAL OTHER I'SKD CARS TO SELECT FROM. NORTH W EST AUTO CO.. Ilroadw y and Couch tts. Broadway or A 41K.9. USED CARS. ." pass Cadillac. The car that aever quid. g40. A 'so one CAPILI.AC at 1224. CHALMERS. .." 3-twvsa. $."AO. lKERLKs T-pasa.. Ideal stage CSVT. OVERLAND at only l-Ji. C'.VEy' Motor 4'OMPANT. -'1st and Washington. SKIl A I "TO SXAI'S. I.IKK.tAl. iEKMS GIVEV. Ituhk del, v. ry. 4-cl su H P.. 920, Marlon J- (i roadster. i0. rtddsrd. i-pfl.srr. 1:4. ere! otners to er t from. IinvllKI.I., LEWI- A sTAVEH CXX. Ej-i ll and East Morrison. Last 2 ! 77 U-l.il. KORD racer. Ttoach magneto, etc.. 35l. 1113 l.o OX ERLAND. -.o. 1 1 M I-'U oVr.uLA.ND. Stat. 1-..I3 OVERLAND. cecinc Starter. IC S M I. ALWAYS THE REST BARGAINS AT J. W. LE A ITT A C., d Car L-psrni.ent. C27 Washington. UirilKUN' f T&O 1113 NATIONAL fltM-O lt.13 Hi 'PMOHILE l 1VIU RAMHLER 9 4WW DLLMAUE-M ANLEY AUTO CO- 4tt N 2'th 8t HA Rif A 1 N S IS l'SEI AUTO Lare stock. I'rtes to OREON MiTiR CAR to, Mudetoaker IHogH Corner 1 bat man and Alder. S-pass.. fore-do-r car. Just overhauled, f u;iy equipped, new non-skid tires . make Li-. Jitue ; no reasonable cash offer re- fu-d: demonatrstion. labor 415. ijAUAi ES erected complete .o up; ready cut or portable houses $123 up. TAKE DOWN M Ft. CO, 54S Water at-. Dear Harrison .Maln 1 haw .rood .uio 1P13 car. worth $1'Hm If you have lot In Rre City Park will g.ve you a deal. E . Upton. 42 Chamber .f ommerca. 11 1 4 KyU D, In cood condlthm, for aae. In uulre East 3u and Del moot sta.. filling E have 7 touring cars from to ftJeU. Ame Auto Co.. iJl Alder. Main s7, A FwR SALE Rulck. . ltt ion. Woodlawn ave. -Lesenger, good co I24u, Mississippi 4U- lit 'RSEPOW ER roadster, fully equipped for "Frisco fair. City iarage. Ml loth. FOR SALE Hupmohfjc or Ford 4i.l Aider. Automobile setea. It 1-1 A I TIF 11. home, about H a res. set bearlna orchard , bungalow, barn. fruit dryer. In city limits. Urge map. trees l mile 10 siwtlon; sidewalks, ail city con veniences; .imhi; auto up to f.i'oO: no junk: bl. 8 years: no fakes, V. C Rob erts. lraln. Or. Wa"n T E I A u t o truck ow ner 10 contract to haul GOO lona baled bay 2a miles over g ood country road s : good pa y for a husMer Address Capt. Mltcheit, LaureL Washington. Al'TO WANTED Will take auto as part payment on 1 to 1 acres at Portland or on IO acres at Washoui;sl. easy terms Cl.es. ;ill, Washouital. Wash.. R. No. 1. (JHD s-room hovjse and corner lot; aiso acre, nar city limits, water, light, phone, etc.. for good automobile. AO Vmj3. Ore gonian. WANT late model car; have 1 4 0 equity In modern bungalow and cash. AO lti. regonian. casn some OR o-anener auto; will trad It at St. Johns worth, today. $7oV. Matn "L !. o lots Phone THREE lots. Foster road. I blocks from I.enrs Junction, to trade for autog. 1914 or lfUjno Jurk. X ;. Oregonian. WILL trade fins corner lot In Capital Hi: for Iste model automobtls In good condi tion. East 444. W ANT to huy ports tde rara ee. Address G Tw nsend. 4 Fast 4T.ir North TO EXCHANGE Cordwood for small aula. Phone Hroadwsy 24LV WiST A-1 auto for lot free of Incumbrance. Nitn -.'.4L WILL pav c 41 Alder sh for -passenger or roadster. TW 1 ' Evels; eiulpr. fiesi-rlasa Con- r'.tirn, down and fl-o a mouiu. Tsbor Ciod. FOR LE. AulessjobUra fee llira. Columbia highway or other ALL-DAY TRIPii. 13 40 In pari iea of four. Franklin car. Phone W ood . a w n FOH HIKE. 1 :.0 PER HOUR, .passenger 11 4 Ford, rstrs for trips or day work, good service. Phone Main Uul or East 5V. FiR HIRE reasonable. can, car; cartful driver. Main Ra Hudson CADILLAC Call Tator i'J and ask about olumt ia Highway and other trtr- Live4ock, IF VJl" have call Tibor good, fat cow or al for sa . - T pr writer. T I'EWRITERS for rent; 3 months for -and up: 4 montris rent appaed on pur er, sst r.n a Remington "I orw riter Com pany. S Broadway, portisnd. jr. WE ttvt you from 50 to 75 per cent on a.i makes of t pe w ruers . send for oar illus trated fodder. Rete:l department Hul.lv bALE TVl KWHlTsK CO.. 31 Wasn ek TYPEWRITERS, all make. ! to $5. The Stars u Northwest Typewriter Co 242 Vain i:.'H bT A N I A R D vtslMe typewriters three martihi for 14; delivered, convenient at noma. 44 Stark st. Matn e7a. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at rataa. p. l. C. -31 Stark at. Main Uv' Mlare'llaatesmw. ALL statistics show Sioux City. Iowa, to be in the heart of the most prosperous sec tion of t he United St a tea. The Slous City Tribune Is Issued each evening to readers approximating -m.oi'O and covers Sloua Clt. Northwestern Iowa. Northeastern Nebraska and Southern Soutn Dakota thorougnly. The Tribune has more rirru'atioB than any otii-r even.ng or nmrtiinjt oet(,a;rr publish--! In the dtate of Iowa. The "Great Trl-State Want Ad Medium will carry your message to the homes of thla big territory at a cost of ony one rent a word eacn day. send your advertise ment today. THE SIOUX CTTT TRIBUNE1. Slot .V CITY. IOVY A. BILLIARDS New and second - ha nd carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling a. leys and acce-saonea ; -ay pay ment s. T n Hrunswica-Haike-Coi.ender Co.. 46-4 5th. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand: w save you 40 to Ad per cent ; ail reg iters guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange. Washington au SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand sale or rnt. $1 up. Sewing Ma-hm Emporium. lUu 3d au. near Taylor. Mam tM3l. A 3'Vja. F-K SALE HU.iard tabic. CiUd t, wi:h Ivory balls. completely equipped, in pri vate residence; great bargain i'hone Main M't for appoln tment to mamlnc. Hi.HKELD'S Camera Exchange, S3 3d at- Cameras, kodaas and lenses boughu sold and exchanged. We sell the lea cameras ONE four-horse Hoover potato-digger go aa new. for So caan. by Olio Mr.n sandy. Or. FoR SALE loo ware. Toledo com puting scale. delivered free in ori- land. E. H. Sully. -St, Johna. Col. DIAMOND house paints. atr.rCy pure; made In Oregon: pr gallon. 11 7.V Portland Paint Co.. 2"u Front st. M arshali loo CHE A I' Cabinet phonograph and '.1olr lot tel. of recrd. an room o". "o k THE Neutral Cigar Havana tH.er aela for &c last a liks 25c 2ni Hurnsida PLUMU1N; supplies at wholesale prlc r-t ark-Davis Co. 212 al st. At sin SAFES SAFES. The Mor Safe Co.. ?4 r-tark FOR SALE Texas milk goat, suit nursing babies. 5i4 tlravenstein WANT K l M I SC'K LLS KO U t. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES vh nav hih.it cash or ICS for ladies' and cents caatoff clothing. blc cifi and eerthmg In merchatid sv-. Ca.l us up. Ws need it and wdl pay for It. UU)lil. STORE, isi Irlrst St. Main :uiv. Main tOB. KCONlMIAXI CLoTH 1 N W ANTkl). J. M E V ER. THE TAlLoR. PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR CLOTHINO AND SHOES WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE R ELI A II LE ilLVt.1L M A IN 75T1. 1- M Ai'lSQN. W A N T K I One 1 -" or 2 horse w t- r. 22 or h-volt :i-ihase. o-c cle motor, com plete with has uate. ui.er and compe aatr; must le in good onditt.n. ilre. po 4dV Altin). r. Ad- FoR a thoroughly re labia house to buy or sell househo.d goK.s or an lalug id the harjwsre Una. c.l the Um Itaidwsrs Furniture Co.. l-l Front. 1'bous A 1 4 Msia 7L I.MJK""TI'N lan let n or machine wanted; 7 H. P. less than miles, tc nio it.g -1 .l t are mot or- cle, run 1 rade. E. li. Stanley, 'entrai ioin KLINE S HUT, SELL AND KXi'll l.Niik. FURV1TI RE: IHf PRICKS PAID. 3.4 1 aa thqk nk a V E. EA T Tl. 14 1st M1SH Fi llNITl HE Lef ore ou bu or sti our get our prices. Mam 14 1st f urnll urv WILL PAY CASH KUK SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD oOODH. P 1 i ON E M A I N 2 3 1 . A ; T . O V L FCRNITl RK CO- pa best prica for your furniture. ;31 1st st. Mam 4. . W A NT $I4.00 used furniture; pay good pricy s ; artmg her atorv. en..'" CA.ofl paid f-r har combinga sauiiary tu-euty I ar'.ors. 4hi Dekum b.dg. va NTt 1 7 nTi on I cash register. Ma. a 4'- il v SShtngTon st, WANT 1 2-inch w .vod .sH with si. aft and pu:ies 4. Oregonian, X y "yVu want highest prices for used fur niture, carpets, etches. 1 Qevurta. Mar. . WAXTKU. otvrninc n- store. 4. S and S-ft, horn eaea 1 lreconian. HELr U A XT Fie MA LK. LM1 t-OYMENT DEPARTMENT. Y. M CA Young mn wkii.g mpo ment in com mercial cercsl or ithnui l.nea. sre in vited 10 coiiauil ths emp4mci.t secre tary. Tlw service of ths desrtrneiit is free to ai members. To non-memters, a si- lal roemoerstii p la issued, cosi ir.g 4-i-r annum, siting the riu of I he de partment for a ear two months fu.l prtviieg-s snd s rrfund of the meutoersi..p fes if sstislsctory employment ts not as cured. V ANTED Men to Join co-operstivs co.oaf st Ooble; get a Job and a home fT a.l time, JwO cash for 14 acres ru hest reared land; p ' the rest in laoor; work now go ing on. See ii. Wnn W i.son. ui Cuamber of Commerce bldg HioIl-tiKAUB rAUMAN to sell iauor a ing dev u-s t linaers. good commis i.m -nd a rttswing a count, wtlte full d- ai.s : must slat I at out e. liD W2a. Ore- gonisn. ILL trade email manufacturing bt for uuincumoer J lots or scrrage 3mh; give tuli parilcuisra. Ati teg on Ian. Lstness aorta V24. PHARMACIST. r--gsierl In WsshingtoB. lor relief work Ju.y ltn to m h. AtiurrM Camas Phsnt.sc. Csmsa. Wash., and state salary desired pjrtTUNU BAKRER Ci'LLtu E Ex;-rl instructor to lead you the barber trada in S w eek s ; tools I ree ; position g ua raiiteed . paid w hl'e iearr dn K. -''t . l.ear Mam. CO V ERN MENT 1 'OS I TION S axe saay t o get, my fres booklet. Y-3. teia how. Writs toia NOW. Earl Hopkins. W ssn Irigton. D C. CASH advsnced you weekly selling our hsn dy gusranteed ornamental and fruit sto k Right now best time to start. W aan.r.g ton Nursery Company. Toppenisrt. W aaa. EXPERlENt'ED bottler and aaiesmsn for liquor store; state references snd phous number. A J 921, oregonisn. A CLEAN'! dry hand milker to milk l' cows snd do general term work. R. H. Dennev. Heaver ton Raieigh station. BAKER foreman. fainllia rr, A-l on breed, buns i F 2'1, Oregon isn. with at roils. rhln WANTED Names of our.g men wanting to bs rsi.way mail clerks. SI month. Answer Immediately. A V Oregonian. LUUiK manufacturer of gloves desirea pc-rienced g.os aa.esmen for Westeru ter ritory. Address AV 34o. Oregonisn. CoLLKOE and high school men to se.l Fuller ssnitsrjr brushes, lw pr cent com mission. Chamber of Commerce bid. Tw"5 BOYS Al once, to leam the barber trade. 41 N. Id at. PHOTO agents, something new; esira coin mission paid. Sarony tudio. Roy al blug. a""gOOP tenor for duet work lib good a'to, phone mornings, D ll. WANTED Profesal. k;7. oregonian. nal mole catcher. Ba RRER wanted for Saturday. Hon st. ;10 Mad- HARPER w anted . good man. steady Job , st udent not w anted. ltiT N ttt h st. W A VTFT Floor manager; references. Meves Krit , H hav Wash. good St. Offer; IHRKK book or pi.turs men; i m trv, .'14 piTtock b:k MAN to w or k for rwru sad boar ti. MaUon. cor. 40th. 4ul HELP WAXTfcl) MALE. V. M. C A. AL'TOaOUlLJS sCHOOL, SPECIAL SHORT COUIvSU. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. L 1 (.usual opportuu.'.y. For particulars rait at eo ucm l -i-nal tdlioa Y. M. C. A. Id c.aded in to. tion ct is Xui Aaaocisuon membership to cKrtooer 1. IIK1J W ANTED FL MA LE. V MEN aa tiovernment clerks. $o month; Port and exautluatlona cotu.ag. aampts l)uriioi.i f raa. rankaa luaUtuta lpW ,i jl, hth'Lwlrf, N. V . LADY to nl. lew hour s rjcli day. p.r s 'rrntel in chl.d Weifro i.oo a Ua . AN ;v4. ant wor; or rrturrli CLEAN and competent girl s an :ed f ..r cock; 11.ortd1.gs. ger.r-tsl hu.Mo.'k. iuui be Icloirlicri reuiisd. I'hoilS juarslia.i .w. YOt'VU a oman to do houses or k ai;d are f, r lurni. rmin or nd;na X-r. fetrej. II,. per motiltl. App.y 111 4-ti pt. S.u:h k.Mtii l.j. enipoed lor prolit- aide woik Itml w:li nt cotsMcl Wttlj prs- -i i dutta A . v oregonian. K1S to-t, is and Z to learn comptoinc.rr :. uat.iif mai-Moc; got.J pos.l-a w .n Lirs n.p.rirU. i-J Morgan b.cg. W U RLsS Pi.or.e or N ikk: Uurn, AlTltl.SS ' H-.is K..n a i W ar immeu.atr.x for imiil sMte Mrs. l'rlvc. Doris Hotel. or. w a t i 'd sny Iinic. 31 A . M. li; urn teu statk LXi iw. KN Ll 1 l r froukitig and gcnc:a! reto.es re u.itJL lli' m tie Hru'h'.t, y ra n k : m t.. 1 PKO;KES.-lV E liwSlNE.- t OLLEwE. A I but., nr sa rtUIKI L IltO. 1 .'.Hots 1 N. W. Hank b0g. tM KlilKNi Li co.,r g.rl. on. pia.e launUi y Co, I. errt t. AfPd L. 1 o: pt r nvl MAN iv I KK othi-rs nee ef.c;. Hi. eier lcr. ed oulc :ir,. no .1 apj iv Hoard t-f liadc Darter and .mk V ANTED Ref.ned, ,in. o.e (miki: Paatoi a block. 3 capsb.s s oman for r is- V iv Cou.(-an. 42 Washington U MISS MATTI.N'iLYS SCHOOL Shorthsnd, 7 P?w riur.g. gJjmo, I l4Lh.Ph. M. sk. liv.tcK KEEP EPS. sic nog raphe. a and dicta prioni ofciaiora iol N. W. Bank b.og. r IV K g.r.s to Lh. ku:n bldg. vT.VNT'adola !.m beauty ru.Lure. an.tar y Parlors. 4.4 1 or years. Mock. f . u home. oihL for ent-rs) ho'iwmi.rk, must b good. W A N T E 1 W o m . n a Ray Hot. I. 3 N. icr. Apr. Fourth s TWO l.AlY o'fj M tin HERS W NTED. pok a, ne. W ash. . he! pr a 1 beach. 3 Washington. T v o litrr!., out. Hansen's, C.IK I. fo once, 2 genera I house ork. titenn axenuc. Apply at WET NURSE wanted App:y .M .nn room tK, Mot FIRST-CLASS manicure fiirL n.g tiarber shop. Hcury buud- EXP1.R1KN' ED girl on cuff presses. Paiacs Li'i!:lr). E. H'th and Everett. tXK'K. tit private boarding house. n t., t or. DHh. M . in 2 . ti. 404 Madi- W A I I K ES w anted 2n I'nton ave. ti I RL to do housework. 761 Ma-pah ail sl- HFI.r .VANTF.W MALE OR KKMALK. M EN and WoM EN to learn the barber irtdc, earn from 11 to l:J per week, tul-lu-D reduced, paid whi.e IcArniQf ; puitlni n-furr.1, write for free catalogue. The Mo rr Sstem of Co.IegeS Ad, 4 N. 2d. chL'io liar ber College wana men and w oiik n to learn the barber traue In t w eek ; too's free ; paid w hi la learning ; earn from 414 to gjS weak; new couim tor 5-ummer , tun ion reJuctnl. 21 Mau.son. T g-od k'lrls. 422 S Xlorilson; also two goHd y oung tio. n Room 1. II LLP WANTK1) MISCKLI-NFOl S. litolsANUS Oovernment Jobs now opea ts men and women. month; common ed u- ration uflicent; a.atiui.a snort noun. itid promotion. Write numeuiatciy for Ire ;at of pos. lions. Frank, m iuatltutcs, lrpL JH IL Rv. hesier. N. Y. RAILWAY ma.l clerks. P. O. r.eis. i-xini. soon. parcel p it. any more Ciriks, act at o S.IuhjIs. McKay boig.. MTU A T I ON H W ANTICI) .VALE llookkererw and ( lefka. Nd nun, out of bas-neas lol.'t. sn:s s "iue poeilloo ts lbs idtce tcorrstlon or w.io.rsale huu, ran act as asa-:ant t-uohki i-r, can furnish god rctere.nes and I u;e i; y iond. salary no objure j t-2. tregoi.ian. EXPERIEVt'ED off n.an a t j pew riter. leleieitira. botieftl s !d r e ,ta u.e. Addr s K or g CiLLE TIN7 by mlM age. i. Miarf Lre.oL. n ohjr. 1. Phns Marslal w liiH'kS KEi'T or audited awnings by bask te.ler ca L Oregoomn. MisrellsBrsss. WAN1KD l'iMI-n as traveiirg ;inan; hatx t ra ve ,ed ' ltnl ve .. wnn own man ufactured srili tr. snia.l sa.a-v, ommis n at d epei ses, AJ I-'., nrrc.tt.ian TEACH CU. n'Uiij man. rtrr an.S Wjirhlnfilou cei i d i-at . j-e ; tflme tuul s" h.s. gMl A V r .-j-min .ent t 'te -n U wets' -trftinitfOU la. 'K F ' l - m nallli ea Ma hot lei. EX 1 " E H I S C E I . re..al-.e ma I r C p ic r -1 a n g I n g and k s n.r.siie iates..Ai ttirfrm- I.M7. n w snts pstni .oiumiM ; res -s, Ma.n 7ol. nf.'.cr co-oa. wants w s ner . w .:i Tg ! it hrn, re :re io.es. w ... k 'i a Mam M I DDI rtr.riii ed "MM. E -Ai.l mn. t.in.an. Engl'sh- i re a rpe n ; e r w ork . t r r imeJ, rvl reot.es. Main o... e. dr MV of wide ri-erie4e. I NoiouchU caps ize and reitstb;e, wan: work as watchman, da v or nig hi, A 1 re It rr ncca. Ma .u V'M. A IM7. Al'TOMCtliLE and gss eng.ne tiprrl warns emp.o ment. tepa.rin- 1 D n, Ore&o- rt ia b.e woik of mt on Marsha k : n J HK.-T-i.LASS m.ker wants ertnanent po sit ton , n. it .labU. e per.rncv ; Arocr an. Al. t : eo nla a. slt A 1 lo. wante-i. young man with ra -lorcxtle. have had ars' eectr.csl ei pr.cr..v. A SI .. Oregonian. lELI AHLET" eaperlenced man wants fre of in4iil, best of cf ren es. Mam iM. A 1.IT . H'l w . I y. i. a ears' store evpenenr-. teasonable w sgna. Photic. H At KKKI R with iih work: pirate r- !-rn-c. go.-il ha bit a ears' ri perien. s or delivery ; goi -el I w o.l - -' Sl . N V pri tatw hon I or will do w 4-:.4. r'om 1 1 e wanting good bouso J a i rll iiil'iic ph'n Last Rest of ref erences tAi.EM I. I it 1 E it wants i hjuffnr rn private fmm ; and reit !de I., jonea. 4 V. post;, on aa strictly sober rtd st. Y.t N matt, epcrleii ed cen.ent Worarr. rough carp.-nter. teamster, wants work; Al references. Main I'-.'.l. A 1M7. EX r ER 1 ENC i;l tutor In grammar a. hooi. high school and Col, cue subjects. Call T !r 14d. COLI.E T R with best of . and b"nd. wants steady t-osl h e niotorc cle. H iv references on with f irra ; -regoii tan. ' A K I'ENTEi: wants work; i-ike equiiv in hii:iMi and lot. some cash. Csmpbeil. East A-l AlTd rrjmirrr or drDer phone Marshall HL'L w an ia w or I'AlNTlNO. paper. nc. kaiaomining; good work chap by contracC Phons Sellw ood fc7 CARPENTER wuhes pos't.on by cay or con tract AD i04. orcgonisn. YoUNti Japanese, good anion In private family. ccxd. a ante po J !!". Cregonlan. JAPANESE, f i r s t - c 1 aaa :t h hotel or a m : I . 'uik. wishes p'.aca A K 4. regonian. WANTED Painting? hy vcrr re as "r a Me. Ph. n day or coutract; East 1314. Japanese i-oy at housework. w ants position in a iain.ly AP reg.nian KAI.MMIM.;. pa reasonable, l'hone plaster-paichit.g. lawn i4o. SITUATIONS WANT F. IV FK MAI.K. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. O. K, stenographer. b. k. and dictaphone operator w an ta permanent or aubsututs work. M. 3S17. BtOKKKEPER - STENOGRAPHER years one fnrn, best references. He. en Moran. 1 S. lt h st. Main Ki. Te as Main TSOi. f l.T-CLAM -. or hum dressmaker I Mrs umme n t t Lress. 4144 cerka car st tcmsnds i e. 1'aciXtO ty. PL ACT 1 c A L nurse rsli en or k. r- aji fee; references, Mm 3vCL A lo. ntble