. THE MORNING ORKfiONIAN. THURSDAY. JULY S. 1013. g l . 1 1 .... . ..... - . . . GMAY;s EXTRASESSIONPLAN GROWS DISFAVOR Members of Legislature Back Governor in Proposed Land Grant Action. COST IS HELD ONE BARRIER Only Possible Result Would lie Recommendation for Disposition, Is Opinion, and Such Plan Is Declared Bad Taste. SALEM, Or., July 7. ( Special.) Nihe members of the State Senate and State House of Representatives, two of them Democratic (senators. have written to Governor Withy combe that they have the utmost confidence in his ability to solve to the best advantage the Oregon & California land tyrant case, and agree with him that a spe cial session of the Legislature for the present, at least, should not be called. The letters were in response to in quiries of the Governor as to what the Legislature thought of his proposed plan of procedure. Answers from the other members are expected this week, and it Is believed that virtually all will oppo.se a special session and ap prove Mr. Withycombe's course. 11. Slrayer, of Baker. State Sena tor, who Is one of the two Democratic members of the upper house, says in part; DiMpOMitlon IMan Im Offered. I have carefully read your plan with ref erence to the Oreson-CaJlfornia land grant and approve of much of ft. I especially ap prove of your position with reference to the special session. I fall to see what. If any thing, a special session of the Legislature could accomplish, further tlian possibly to suggest a pla.n, and that would have little or no weight, and, in fact, in my Judgment would be bad taste. The Senator suggests that Congress be urged to turn the land over to the state, with a provision that the state classify the land, sell it to settlers, set aside a small percentage to cover ex penses, and apply the balance on the payment of the total equity held by the railroad. Governor! Stand Im Approved. Samuel M. Garland, of Lebanon, the other Democratic Senator, writes the Governor: The plan outlined by you for the sale and settlement of these lands has many ex cellent features. I have no better plans to off er. Your position as Governor of the State gives you extraordinary opportunities of acquiring first-hand information along these lines. You are therefore much better qualified than any member of the Legisla ture to devise and carry out a suitable pla.u relative to the sale and settlement of these lands. I do not w ant to hamper or embarrass you by any suggestions. Any feasible plan that you may suggest will have my hearti est co-opera lion. As to the calling of an extra session of the Legislature I fhink that an extra session should be called only in case of an. emergency. If you. as Gov ernor, believe that you can handle the mat ter alone without the assistance of the Legislature in session, then I can see no need of calling an extra session. If. on the other hand, you feel the need of the advice and assistance of the Legisla ture in this matter, I believe that the mem bers would be willing to make the sacrifice necessary in their attendance upon the ses sion. This is a matter that you must de cide yourself, as the responsibility of calling an extra session, ,if one Is called, will rest with you, and I do not think that any pres sure hould be brought to -bear upon you in this matter one wav or the other. Senator Kiddle Gives Views. j E. K. Kiddle, State Senator, of Island1 City, inclosed in his letter a copy of one he wrote to ex-Governor West in reply to a query from him which in part is as follows: Yours; of the !;th to hand, inclosing copy of your letter to Governor Wtthycombe advocating calling a special session of the legislature for the purpose of taking some action relative to the acquisition and dis position of the Oregon -fc California rail road land grant. I am very much pleased to see that some of our prominent citizens have discovered that they were "Asleep at the switch" when endeavoring to interpret the meaning of the so-called "Midnight resolution" and that t!eir "nightmare" over the passing of the resolution has aow left them: and that they are beginning to "See the light," and are willing to acknowledge that the resolution was -A step in the right direction." and that the state has some in terest and equity In this property that should be closely guarded and looked after. My position lias not changed regarding this matter, since voting for the resolution, and I am ready and willing to lend my aid and assistance at any time to further the de velopment of the resources of the state. Caret u 1 Action la U rgd. In his letter to Governor Withycombe Senator Kiddle says: As to calling a special session of the Legislature. ! do not think any call should be made until we have at least some Idea of what we want to do, and have formulated some plan whereby the Legislature could pass such laws as might be necessary to assist in carrying out und putting into ef fect such plans as might be devised. E. V. Littlefield, Representative in the Legislature, of Portland, says in part: I have given this matter considerable thought and I see no necessity for a spe cial session of the Legislature. I do not see how the State of Oregon can purchase these lands for one very good reason, and that is this: The Oregon & California. Railroad Company is held to be the owner of these lands, and I doubt very much If the said railroad company would consent to any ar rangement by which the title would be transferred to the State of Oregon. The railroad has title to the property and they are entitled to the sum of $2.50 per acre when the lands are sold. The surplus from the sale of these lands I suppose would become payable to the United States Government unless the Gov ernment should by some appropriate legisla tion turn over the surplus to the State of Oregon for the benefit of the school or other fund. I'roblem Held One for CongresH. These are problems which would have to be worked out by the Oreon delegation at "Washington, and. of course, we are desirous of having these funds inure to the benefit of the state, but in addition to this, of far more Importance to us is the settlement and development of the lands involved. W. W. Card well. Representative In the Legislature, of Roeeburg, says in part: Mr. West's proposition for the state to buy the lands for i;.5t an acre and then go Into the real estate business of peddling the land out, is entirely impracticable. Should the state buy the lands and then under take to sell them at a profit It would re quire the establishment of a new depart ment, which for convenience we will call "The ItailroAd Land Department." This department would have to have a head er chief commanding a salary of at least ;:o)f a year; probably ; deputies at salaries averaging $NhrO a year each; Hirt cruisers at salaries of $1 sf each : at l-at in clerks and stenographers at salaries of lr-o each ; office equipment costing J20.io, and probably five or six engineers, together with a dozen or more Inspectors, two o three draughts, etc. Long Period I eel a red Needed. It would require at the lowest posnible estimate years to dispose of the lands. The result would be that it would cost the state about V.,4MfO,t)to to sell the land. Add to this the purchHse price of the land ty.rHMMMio acres at $i..o per acre and we have the neat little sum of about ?lO.O(Mt.ot;0. In the meantime the state has received no In come by way of taxation from the unsold lands. Declaring that the value of the land Is greatly overestimated, Mr. Cardwell suggests "that the only rational thing to do is to let . the title to the lands remain ri-rht where it is and to benefit by such revenue as the land will yield to the state In the way of taxes. Let the railroad company do its own sell ing at $2.50 an acre and we will have more money at the end of 20 years than if we undertake to sell the land ourselves." Cost Xoted mm Barrier. Ployden Stott. Representative in the Legislature, of Portland, writes that he is confident the Governor -will use his best judgment concerning the callinir of j a special session of the Legislature," and adds: "A special session of the Legislature would be very costly, and I think before calling one a great study of the complicated matter should be made, and know that you will do so be fore calling a special session." L. J. Wentworth, Representative in the Legislature, of Portland, says: I am tersonatlv stronarl v oiiunn.! tn lh calling of a special seKiin of the Legist-- ture. I can see no eood from a special ses. j ...-..., iwi i u nut iteiieve mm very muny members of the session have any clearly defined policy formulated at tne present time. I know that I huve not ben able to arrive at anything (Win He in my own mind, and behe e mat any immediate action would be h.-istllv considered and possibly ill-advised, and I believe that you shoul'l discourage in every pon-dbte u ay the calling of an extra v.w.nn, ut least until such time as the state may have some weil formulated and genera'ly acceptable plan to plae before Congress. E. D.. Cusick, State Senator, of Al bany, writes: I am in hearty accord wit h your views, both as to the lack of necessity of an extra session and the disposal of the lands. 1 feel that we are fortunate fn bavins a iiovernor who can grasp these uestfons so firmly, for it appears to me th;t you advanced the first really sane solution cf the problem. ADDITIONAL DAY OF CAMP DUTY URGED EDUCATOR TO LECTURE P. I CLAXTOX TO BK HEARD IX I.KSSO.S FROM EI ROPKAN WAR. I nited Nlatrn Commissioner e f Kd liga tion to Speak at Chamber of Com mrrcf and 1'ntvernltr Club. P. P. Claxton. Vnited States Commis sioner of J&ducation. will arrive liere on Friday. July 16. and remain in the city until Sunday. July 18. Krom pres- c ! r - ' i i t f ? dS- J I". I". Claxton, I alted States ConunlMloBer of Edacmtloa, Wfc Will Lertvrr Here. ent indications, the distinguished vis itor will be entertained at luncheon on Saturday noon by the Chamber of Com merce, and on Saturday evening a din ner in his honor will be given by the University Club. Commissioner Claxton will speak be fore those clubs on the subject of "Les sons for America from the European War." A native of Tennessee, born lurln the Civil war. he received his B. A. de cree in the University of Tennessee In 1882. and has engaged in educational work ever since. He also studied in Germany. France. England. Italy. Den mark. Switzerland and Sweden. He held hiKh positions in several leading educational institutions, and spoke on' education and allied subjects in 45 states of the Union. He has long been interested in inter national peace matters, and has taken prominent leadership in educational campaigns for improvement of public schools. On his way to Portland he will ad dress the Oregon Normal School at Monmouth, on Wednesday afternoon, July 14, where arrangements for -a large gathering of teachers and others interested in educational matters Is now under way. From there he will go to Seattle and Tacoma. returning here July 16. Mr. Claxton assumed the duties of United States Commissioner of Kducation July 1. 1911. Accident Insurance. There are many who carry accident insurance at an ex pense of $8.00 to $10.00 a year. During the Summer months bowel complaints are of much more frequent occurrence than accidents, and you can insure against them for twenty-five cents. That is the cost of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy, a thoroughly reliable prep aration. Buy it now and be prepared. , It only costs a quarter. ITCHING ECZEMA ON FACE AS RASH Extended to Chest. Very Sore. Caused Loss of Sleep. Goth inj Aggravated Breaking Out. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My .eczema first began as a rash on my and then extended to my chest. It caused my. face and cheat to be very sora and it also caused disfigurement for the time being, also itching, burning aad loss of sleep. The akin was red and inflamed and I irritated the affected pans by scratching. My clothing also aggravated the breaking out on my body. "The trouble lasted about three months and 1 used many remedies but found Cuti enra, Boap and Ointcaent brought about relief while the other remedies seemed to have no effect. 1 bathed the affected parts) with Cutlcura Soap and afterward applied the Ointment. Within a few days they af forded relief and within two weeks I was completely healed." (Signed) OsweTl Xoice Hill. 2198 Turk St.. Ban Francisco, Cal.. March 20. 191ft. Sample Each Free by Mall With 33-p. Sldn Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Catienra, Dapt. T, Bee- Bold throughout Las world. Plan Is to Keep Guardsmen Together Until Arrival of Liberty Bell for Escort. GENERAL WHITE ADVOCATE Patrol Infantry Drill on Kill at Cearliart for Today and Land Will Be Inspected for At tack and Defense Purpose. CAMP JACKSON. Goarharl. Or.. July 7- (Special.) The extension of the encampment of the Orecon National Guard to 11 'days is proposed to keep the company together until the arrival of the Liberty Hell. Adjutant-General Geora-e A. White is in Portland to ob tain the extension of time. He main tains that the escort of the Liberty Hell would be a Kreut deal larger by keep ing the men in camp one day loncrr than originally planned, than It would be if the men were mustered out and then mustered in a era in for this occa sion. Not only aie the company officers and enlisted men of the Third Infan try bcint; put through more thorough tests of proficiency at this year's camp of instruction than in years here tofore, but the mounted officers aa well are comins; in for their share Orders w.-re issued today requiring each mounted officer of the regiment and each mounted officer attached to the reslmcnt for duty to take an equestrian test. The test consist of varied kinds of rldinsr. Including clearing; a hurdle 30 inches hl;h. A physical examination also is required. After battalion and regimental exercises the officers of the regiment assembled at the Colonel's tent today for a conference. The prob lems that will be worked out In the afternoon exercises of Thursday and Kriday. theoretical, tactical, were ex plained. A problem to be solved to morrow by each battalion involves a knowledge on the part of the officers not only of their respective grades, but also of the next higher commands. Each battalion commander will act as a regimental commander and the three senior Captains of each battalion will be assigned as battalion commanders. The other officers will be assigned to positions in advance of their present rank. On the proficiency shown the In spector will report to the War De partment at Washington. Following the officers conference relative to the proposed theoretical tac tical march, the officers and non-commissioned officers were taken for tac tical walks and infantry patrol prob lems were solved. The battalions represented Invading forces of which a battalion had landed and was attempting to learn the posi tion and strength of the defending forces. WASHINGTON and WEST PARK WASHINGTON and WEST PARK Extra O fferlmi of Chesterfield Suits, Men's Fine Furnishings and Straw Hats Afford the good dressers of Portland an opportunity to supply their clothes needs for the remaining- Summer months at small cost. Come and take advantage of our splendid selections. Big reductions all along the line, except on contract and new. Fall goods. Chesterfield Suits $20.00 S2.5.00 530.00 $35.00 S40.00 Suits at. .'. Suits at. . . Suits at. . . Suits at Suits at. . . Special Glen's S1.00 Shirts at.. $1.50 Shirts at. . $2.00 Shirts at.. S15.00 S1S.50 $22.50 S2G.50 S29.50 Fine Shirts S5 $1.15 .S1.45 $5 and $6 Silk Shirts S3.65 Special Straw and Panama Hats $2.00 Hats at.. S1.45 $3.00 Hats at SI. 95 $1.00 Hats at S2.75 $.1.00 Hats at... S3.50 $6.00 Hats at S4.25 $7.00 Hats at S5.00 Special Men's Fine Neckwear 50c Ties at $1.00 Ties at $1.50 and $2.00 Ties at. $2.50 Ties at $3.00 and $3.50 Ties at. . 10c 75c S1.15 SI. 35 S1.S5 r A JAMAS $ 2.00 Pajamas at , $ 3.00 Pajamas at , $ 4.00 Pajamas at , $ 5.00 Pajamas at , $ 6.00 Pajamas at $10.00 Pajamas at SI. 15 82.00 82.75 .s:;.5o .. 4 ; SG.25 SUMMER UNDERWEAR $1.00 Underwear at..... $1.50 Underwear at $2.50 Underwear at . $3.00 Underwear at $4.00 Underwear at. . . . $5.00 Underwear at. . . . . S0r SI. 15 81.85 O . o -r rv . S rr . 4 O Special Of ferings Ladies' Department Odd Lot Ladies' Suits $25 to $40 Values, Your Cooice Regular Stock Ladies' Suits $25 and $30 Suits ' . . $15.00 $35 and $40 Suits . . $45 and $50 Suits . $55 and $60 Suits . . $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 A SALE OF MERITTERMS CASH WASHINGTON and WEST PARK WASHINGTON 21 and WEST PARK a "f TV If Tl sV 1K Tl f? miT A V n 1J mmm mm vvm. mm i i t i : 1 B -sMtfin H I H ft B U J U -l-MflAni iflVTa bHM aiBIl' I'll I I LL!i-'a--" V,PJyjl U l1 HU Uhfc 101 4k iJ H I! a1 u a H U GH I lift n a 11iTli! Tr W2M7 'mLrAmyH p .ps-u r i Mountain, River and Beach Resorts Where To Take a Short Trip Out of Portland Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point, or the trip you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce or phone them Bell Phone, Broadway 520 or Automatic, A C091. Information will gladly be jriven. Lit erature of interesting points furnished Time Cards, Beach and Mountain Hesort literature. The Orego man asks the names and addresses of tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with names of your party to Summer Resort Dept., The Oregonlan, Portland. The Hazelwood Confectionery and Restaurant Washington St.. mt Ttatk J3?st Food Served at Lowest Possible Cost Amid Homelike Surroundings SEATI-G CAPACITY 43 The Oaks Csr lalaa f tk " Over to acres of priceless roots In full bloom, with every form of entertainment and accommoda tion for tourists. Orchestral anil band concerts, prima donna, and mu sical comedy company every after noon and nmht In tne open-air ibea ter Performances all free. Admis sion to park lu cents. Reached by es press special Oaks trains (far rents), from First and Aider; or by launch. io cents), from aiorrlaon street Bridge. Slarkjarli aad Pack I a a; Plant Located on Columbia tiloush. Take "L" cars. Second and Washington, transfer at Killings worth avenue to Kenton car. Fare 10 cents, time 4t minutes. Visitors admitted dally except Sunday. Return may bo made via St. Johns car. Cklaatewa Portland has the sec ond largest Chinese population In the United States, and now that 8sn Kranci.co Chinatown has been burned and rebuilt upon modern lines. Portland has the original Chinatown In the United States. Improve every idle hour en route with a good book. Get your" favorite volume at (Sill's The J. K. GUI Co. Booksellers. Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters. Falls Chalet trine Motel on Columbia) Hlver High may. Magnificent Scenery. Chicken Dinners a specialty Large Dancing Parlor. !IK. M. K. IIKMlKKSoN, Corbett. Orrgoa. For SIGHTSEEING or OUTING TRIPS Around Portland Call Fli-v. and Alder or Train Manager. Marshall 5100. A 6131. P. E, L 4 P. C OlT HOOD ltt:!URTB. Clead Css laa la a dellfhtrul rs treat, (000 feet above sea level, oa a sheltered spur of the very moun tain Itaelf. and la located Juat at the u; per edge of timber Una. The trip to the Inn usually la made by raU to Hood River and thence by stage. The round-trip rata. Includ ing all traveling; expenses, la 1110. Kervlce begins July 1 and continues to September Ik. Kleejrlc car line to Boring. : miles; automotive to Welch's, Rho dodendron and Tawney'a. round trip from Portland. 17.7a. Same aa above with horse stage all the way. f.7a. Port lead Helsjhta I C.a.rll Crest t 1X10 feet above the city. Take Council Crest car on Washington "feet; time, t) minutes each way. Wonderful view of the city and snow-capped mountalna Welch's. Waoasacedroa aad Taw. ey'a are located on the south aide of the mountain. Automobile from Portland to either resort, round trip, each Ifc. rarka Washington Park, bead of Washington street, with small boo and aviary. Take any car west on Washington street excepting Six teenth; rare ft cents. Celebrated atatue. "Coming- of the White atan. clao "Bacajasr aa," Excellent view of the city. Eatsraas, Caaadere. Bail Raa cars leave First aad Alder every four hours, dally aad Sunday, every hour aa far'aa U res bam. Oood points for basket picnic COLIMDU RIV1CK 11ICHV.AT. A scenic drive of rare beauty, built along; the south snore of the Columbia River, a distance of more than 40 miles from Portland. A aeriea of remarkable waterfalls, rugged peaks snd deep canyons are among; the attractions llillereat -rl A hillside motor drive of unsurpaased beauty. About one hour's drive. Beet time Just at sunset, but moat beautiful view of city and mountalna at all times. PealasaLa Park tea Uardeaa A city prk and well worth a trip. Take 8X- Johns or Kenton car. Tourists Appreciate our quick service ril M DEVELOPING PRINTING All work ftataked fcy ft o'rleea. the day received. Ours is the larg est, rhoto Supply House on the Pa cific Coast. D i s t r ibutora of the famous and Cam- i f p3 Woodard, Clarke & Co. Ulda. Alder .1 Vk. fark KAYlllr AM ""'"" 'iTaTer. ewVr "bauYll J J Li l 1 1 area railroad trip la Urega. BUNGALOWS : Paved street. ag. fUlilag. Mm te Mtiall ffeldrare rMM.Mrir f . rnUKl . le light, water laol. laoa.lry free; loo bnl: per eea( SIS too aeea.s -lO aualli. AU !e take 1 ar u 1 1 1 e. BAVOf KAX ANNEX huledld view I llf 1 I III I I. I L" " Near nolalorlum. . llent tablet. J.ie per day. forty gueol. Kalee The Nafatortara I. MnW m tn.4. In)t Surf.Ml.liie Iwv lrm I. . 4m aea latcr. peial Hallroaa Halt ( a turorouilko-. uml. T. B. POTTER REALTY C(X ESSy.-iS";1 c Oaks Pertlaad'a t.reateat laMeaeat Park. KIIKK l-nilCIUOMKi .,30 P. M. A la 30 P. M. Ilawallaaa aad Maalral t'eaaedy. FIREWORKS SATURDAY Bbew free. Ad-alaolaa ! Park ae. Kaairaa ( arm l-'l-at aad Alder, fte. Laaarara. MarrUaa Urldae. lue SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS AND SANATORIUM the greatest health and pleasure resort on the Pacific Coast. In the heart of the Olympic Mountains, open for the season For full Information address The Ma eager. Sol Dae. Wash. RFLIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Daily to ML Hood resorts S A. M. Kouod trip S". iov. Camp $" u. Special rates fur week enl and rltmb Ins partlea Infurmatloo. rtrvttwai r.d Octets at KuiTi.rixiii nrr.it iuikii. lu ISO fd Mt- Mala tut, A gall. Or lrrlacton Uatai aat 1X4. 1 tR Mt. Hood Resorts Mount HrtoU Auto Per l-o Co. leaves Meier & Itaak'a Mtore. .th-street en iraoie. dalt. v.lr, A. M. eor p.rllcu lara ami re-rvatton. Meier A Knnk s po r I : n c tlfo!a I p t phono accnni n.twlallan dea, N.ght pbone Tabor 4.t. IrCroakle'a MUl'.NT HOOD Al'TO "T.tGli three atasea dally leave llaeikarse tiarair. a. lla-tkarat Aieaae. Pheae taat hU m, . t The Shelburne HHELBIRNE STATION. North Boxk .!! modern Improvements One of the largest hotels on .North Iieach We raiaa our own poultry. K-a.onanie r.tea. spe cial rates by the week for families. Phone In hotel. Buy tickets to Shelburne Htation. Traina atop rlaht at door. Addreaa &aa Waali. T. J. HOAKE. Prop. Safety at All Ttaaew. Mt. Hood Auto Line calla and dellvera to any part of city, day or night, to Mount Hood resorts. Hound trip. i; Govern ment Camp. tt.kO. "borne . Mala S3 1, ar A :!- T.i-Viii,ii;-AX?liVir7l"- y rr-r t tamill-- m 1nmnl tb Miminvr ti'n. I l!tit rmt-1 tnuklt Krr-. C. W. J. ktllS Wuil "niton, V a h. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ING TEOTS ONLY $1 FER DAY Kleetrie llthte 4 1 osier In nearly every tent: so aurf bgthing or bunt for crab, and name; tens rlly la under direction of ar View Hj.iel; many entertaining fealurea; no IW.Aors allowed aold : ratee t-y week S anf up: a!eping tents and board at hotel ft per day up Write W. A. W'iee. Har Tillamook io Or. or lie Fatltng tr'-g.. Portland. Or. retsht aad P MUKtKS TO THE llALLtt aad vt ay Laadlaga. -BAILEY GATZERT- farttnd dsilj it I A. X. cp( unlt tad Monday. Sucilay rymoiu la a U-c iftv I " -dalles crrY- Iaeee Portland Tueeday. Tbareday and Saturday at g ao A. at, aaaaj ( Igarka tin ntaa (t ee tare (e lbs taallee aad return gx.a lake reservations for stock aad auiomoblita At-UKR-J-TKr.KT IKK K. pORTt-AU Pheaee Mala tit. A Sill. Windemuth on thk wiUaturrrt. P KHrr mmm Tnmk. ttatblac. Tiki r Uunrh fool of raimoQ tft-tMi mry lf-bur. eommtii-ini 1 ro M . f r It rritsa, or lr--. a r w x ard fro U.a.om cob- M