Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Muenter, Alias Holt, Regarded
as Eccentric, but Dili- .
; . gent and Courteous.
Sjnn TTtterly Disappears After Fol
"fon Is Found in Dead Woman's
Stomach Bitter Tirade
a Causes Amazement.
.CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. July 7. The
dlial personality of Erich Muenter. alias
Frank Holt, was betrayed to his asso
ciates when he was an instructor at the
Harvard University. The first evidence
of a. diseased mind was contained in a
pamphlet which he is supposed to have
written and mailed from New Orleans
to President Eliot and members of the
faculty after he had fled from Cam
bridge in the face of charges that he
lad murdered his wife with poison.
Considered by his intimates as ec
centric. Muenter nevertheless was re
garded as a, diligent student and
courteous gentleman, who was not
lllcely to do anything to attract par
ticular attention. The Issuance of the
booklet created astonishment, as It was
a. bitter tirade against society, threat
ening revenge on the "community,"
which he declared had unjustly ac
cused him. The writer gave convinc
ing proof of an unbalanced mind.
Advanced Work Taken Vp.
.Muenter came to Harvard In 1904
with a degree from the University of
Chicago and a record of service as an
Instructor in the University of Kansas.
Entered at Harvard as a candidate for
the advanced degree of doctor of phil
osophy, he received, an appointment as
Instructor in the elementary German
courses. He was accompanied here by
his wife, formerly Leone Krembs, of
Chicago, and their one-year-old daugh
ter. On. April 6. 1906, a second child was
born. Mrs. Muenter, believing in men
tal healing, did not call in a physician
until just before the birth of the in
fant, and- the physician withdrew from
the case when he learned that his di
rections were not being followed. A
mental healer then attended Mrs. Muen
ter. At midnight on April 15 Muenter
to'.a the nurse to get some rest and
said that he would stay with the pa
tient. At 6 o'clock the following morn
ing he Informed the nurse that Mrs.
Muenter had died.
" I'oIho n Found. Man Disappears.
The physician whose advice had been
disregarded refused to issue a death
certificate, and the medical examiner,
believing that the circumstances Jus
tified an' autopsy, sent the woman's
stomach to the Harvard Medical' School
lor analysis.
.In the meantime Muenter urged that
he be allowed to take the body to Chi
cago for burial, and the medical ex
aminer permitted him to do so, and
Issued a certificate ascribing death to
stomach trouble following childbirth.
Muenter did not return to Cambridge.
Within 10 days the chemist reported
the presence of poison in the digestive
organs, and the futile search for Muen
ter was begun. Soon afterward a grand
Jury returned an indictment accusing
the missing Instructor of having poi
soned his wife.
Pamphlet of Protest Issued.
Two months after Muenter's disap
pearance his colleagues here received
copies of a pamphlet entitled, "Pro
test," which contained a discussion of
the charges against him, followed by a
rambling analysis of existing social
conditions and the treatment of those
accused of crime without proof. On
the latter subject the writer said in
"Take my case. Even without the
process of law, the spirit of revenge
and prosecution of the law which our
newspapers so brightly and painfully
reflect, has branded me as a criminal.
In the eyes of all who read the atro
cious accounts in the daily papers, I am
a brutal murderer, a thing to be des
pised and to be shuddered at, an out
cast of society, an enemy of the com
munity, a wild beast that must be
hunted down and be either killed or
caged up. "for the safety of the com
munity." "The lesson that you teach me 1 will
execute, and it shall go hard, but I will
better the instruction. Without know
ing whether I was innocent or guilty
you have reviled me. you have cast me
out. If I do not strain every nerve to
get revenge, the bloodiest, most brutal
kind of revenge, let me never respect
myself any more.
"I can never prove my innocence to
you. My only is dead. Hence,
if I could annihilate all of Chicago and
Cambridge at one blow that would be
the thing to do. You wish to .annihilate
me. I must anticipate you."
Commerce Department Reports on
. . Philippine Lumber Market.
ington. July 7. Iouglas fir from Ore
gon and Washington and redwood from
California dominated the Philippine
market during the past year, so far as
Imports are concerned, announces the
Department of Commerce, but these
woods may be expected to meet active
competition from native lumber in the
future, according to this same author
ity. The Department's announcement
The islands provided a market for more
than 5ow,000 north of forest products in the
1'2 months ended Juno 30. 3114. and prac
tically the entire quantity represented ty
these figures was shipped from the Douglas
fir mills of Washington and Oregon and the
redwood mills of California.
Mr. Smith found, however, a sharp com
petition by native woods and it is his opinion
that this will inevitably become keener. Each
Euccoedins; year, he thinks, will witness an
increasing cyt of Philippine woods. The con
clusion reached Is that the prospective de
mand for American lumber ;u the Philip
pines is not particularly encouraging.
Anti-Saloon League to Urge Congress
to Submit Amendment.
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., July 7. The
National Board of Directors of the
AnU-Saloon League of America, at an
executive session today, adopted resolu
tions urging Congress to submit to the
states the proposed Constitutional
amendment providing for National pro
hibition. The board also urged legisla
tion that will prohibit the use of the
mails for advertising intoxicating li
quors in dry territory.
. Another resolution adopted com
mended President Wilson for refusing
to renounce, despite strong pressure, a
letter he is said to have written while
Governor of New Jersey to a citizen
of Texas, in which Mr. Wilson is said
to' have declared that state prohibition
is proper where public sentiment is
ripe or' it.
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Disclosures, in Holt Letters
Cause Speedy Warnings.
Authorities Check Shipments Known
to Have Been Made to Morgan's
Assailant Mr. Morgan Able
to Resume Business.
Continued From First Page.)
New York City, contained 134 stocks
67 pounds out of 200 sticks of dyna
mite known to have been shipped to
and received by Holt under the alias of
C. Hendricks at Syosset, L. I., recently.
Six sticks were used, it seemed estab
lished today, by Holt when he went to
Washington. Three of these sticks' of
dynamite were used, according to
Holt's statement, in making the bomb
placed inline Capitol; the other three
sticks' were found in a suitcase on the
lawn of J. P. Morgan's estate.
Dynamite Not Accounted for.
This would leave 60 sticks, or 30
pounds, of the explosive unaccounted.
Although Holt was quoted as 'saying
that he had used the 60 sticks in his
experiments in the house be rented at
Central Park. L. I., this statement was
not beieved. Nor did the condition of
the premises at Central Park Indicate
that explosives bad been used, although
It was believed that Holt might have
destroyed several sticks in his exper
iments there.
Where the remainder of this ship
ment was engaged practically the en
tire attention of the District Attorney's
detectives today
Death Officially Explained.
After an investigation of the cir-i
cumstances surrounding Holt's death,
William Hulse. warden of the Nassau
County Jail at Mineola. issued tha fol
low inn statement today:
"Holt met his death by plunging
from the bars ot his cell. He fell 18
feet. His keeper. O'Ryan, was in
charge of him and I always believed
that O'Ryan was a trustworthy man.
His orders from me were never to take
his eyes off the prisoner. He was told
that if he wanted anything he should
rap on the bars with a club and that
his summons would be answered b
another keeper.
"In running along the corridor to
see what the disturbance was O'Ryan
disobeyed my specific orders. But I
did not employ O'Ryan: he was em
ployed by Sheriff Pettlt."
Cons.fl Makes Invratlsatlon.
Martin W. Littleton, who had been
retained as counsel for Holt, reached
MJneola today, and examined Holt's
Top. Frank Holt. After HI Arrest. SI Id.lle. I-fl. Ilolt'a nifrae ana lis
Deadly Loan. Hlsht, Steamer Philadelphia. Ilrlon, Mriwi Saxoula.
cell closely. Mr. Littleton climbed up
the ironi bars on the side of the cell
as Holt apparently had done before
committing suicide, to see if It were
possible for a man to kill himself in
that manner. Mr. Littleton was con
vinced that it was.
On leaving the Jail, Mr. Littleton
sent the following telegram to Thomas
H. James, at Dallas. Tex.:
Holt a suicide in Jail here. Un
doubtedly demented. Do you wish body
shipped to Texas?"
Idaho Eepablicana Elcc-t LA an Evans
by Vnanimous Vote.
BOISE. Idaho, July 7 (Special.)
By acclamation the Republican state
central committee in session here to.
day sent the state chairmanship to
Northern Idaho by electing Lvsn
Kvans. of Grangevllle, well-known Re
publican leader and twice political
manger for Jomes H. Aislshie when he
ran for United States Senator.
He was not present, but notification
was sent to him at Grangeville. The
committee instructed him to name and
bring the executive committee together
as soon as possible in orr!er that an
early campaign that will spell Repub
lican victory can be gotten under way.
Ueorge A. Day. ex-state chairman,
presented his resignation and urged
party harmony and a uniting of all
factions. The resignation was accepted
and a vote of thanks extended to him.
At a ireneral set-together meetina of
Republicans tonight Senator Borah was
hailed as the party's Presidential can
didate in 1916.
Sixty-Seven Others Are Passed bj
Municipal Inspector.
Sixty-seven Jitneys and their drivers
have passed examination given by
Municipal Inspector Gallup, according
to a report made yesterday to Commis
sioner Daly. The ears and drivers are
being Inspected In compliance w-lth the
city ordinance at the rate of about SO
a day.
Fifteen cars were rejected, pendlnar
repairs. One car was ordered out of
service altogether. Of the IS. all but
four had the repairs made and later
were approved. Six drivers have been
rejected for lack of knowledge of the
traffic law. Some of these probably
will be passed later, when they learn
the law.
Mount 8anay, In ttte atrn chsla of the
And, in bouth America. Is the most active
volraao n th world. It has teea io con
stant crustloa since 1T:1.
Financial Success of Rural
Editors Is Predicted.
Speaker at Ire Consrcss Kays Jte-
porlcr Is I-radlng Influence and
Declares Ills Career Has
Its Compensation.
bright sides of rural Journalism and
reporting, the power of the press and
various aspects of newspaper work
were described today by speakers be
fore the International Press Congress,
in session at the I'anama-Pacif lo
11. C. Holallns. of Mapleton. Minn.,
declared that while rural newspapers
had progreaed mechanically. there
had not been equitl improvement In
the editorial departments, but he pre
dicted a better future.
Coantry Press t'onatrnrtltr.
"There Is no reason why the rural edi
tor should not be as successfttl finan
cially." ho said, "as the merchant or
the lawyer. The main trouble la that
he does not attend to business as he
should and is inclined to dabble In
politics. Young men. however, are be
ginning to realize tha possibilities of
the country newspaper. Taken as a
whole, they constitute one of the great
est constructive forces In the world."
Peter C. Msrftrlane. of New York,
speaking on "The Reporter," said: "The
man who writes the news has more
Influence than the man who writes the
lie told how a new story from ths
lines of the allies In the European war
reporting the Inferiority of their am
munition aroused Knglnnd and accom
plished "what editorials failed to ac
complish ln eight months."
Reporter Kinds Compensations.
In spite of the fact that "a news
paper takes a man in his Juicy youth
and throws him out in his sapless age."
Mr. Marfarlane said the life f a re.
porter had compensations. He con
d sinned the use of "re-wrus" men on
If Clothes mark the man, Luprpape marks
the tourist or traveler. A NKAT, NATTY
Handbag or Suit Case, even the well-worn
by much service, is mark of the rijrht sort.
Our leather is distinctive no bargain-counter
rubbish. Every piece carries our war
ranty of wear and satisfaction.
Today and tomorrow we afrain place on
Special Sale a limited number of these real
Cowhide Caes, straps all round, solid leather
corners, linen lined a rood value at the
usual price. Special, $ll.T.
Likly Trunks, Bags and Cases
are today the world standard of quality.
We mark FREE all leather purchases.
Wood-Lark" Chioro-Bromine. full qt.. 40
3 for .Sl.OO
Will modify or. destroy noxious odors a
powerful jrermicide. Especially useful in
lavatories, storerooms, sinks or any place
where the air becomes foul or stagnant,
Simms Poison Oak Remedy, truaranteed
to give relief. Box 2Tc
60c Santtr'f ptie Lotion, guaranteed I'oi-
son Oak Remedy.
50c Liquid Kolynos..
tl Avoferrin
2c Omega Oil
T0c Listerine
Mentholatum ....
Witch Hazel quarts
I eroxide or
Bennett's Brilliant Shine...
2 So Barkeepers Friend
Pt. Turpentine
Qt Turpentine ,
25c Quart Denatured Alcohol...
1 Tound Cascara Bark
1 Pound Dulce, a nourishing sea weed. :."
50c Pint Castor Oil IOC
Clinical Thermometers 7."f to JjUt.OO
. . .nor
To Close
All Party
Cases at
Half Price
for NAl
-. to? namnaenaaaaaaanaTaasBssafe
"Wood-Lark" Cucumber
and Elder Flower Cream
A delightful emollient, soothing, beautify
ing, as prepared by us for 30 years.
Quarter-pound jars HOf; half-pound. .75
25c Klean-Rite Cloth Brushes 18f
.,,. -
All Pyralin Ivory V4 Off
75c Pyralin Ivory Puff and Powder Box XD?
25c Nail Brush le
50c Ladies' Hard Rubber Comb
25c Tooth Brush 13
"Wood-Lark" Brush Powder a Cleansing
Antiseptic. Keeps your Hair Brush
KijchU Box
- s
All our 1X0 Umbrellas today and tomor
row at ?1.0!.
Shopping Is a Money-Saving
Pleasure -Here
8 Bars Ivory Soap
2ic Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream "Of?
25c Vantine's Kutch Sandalwood Tal
cum Powder lit1
50c D. &. R, Cold Cream :Utf
Listerated Antiseptic Tooth Powder. .
3 for iiT?
Colgate's Cold Cream Soap 3 generous
rakes for llt1
$1.00 Bar Conti Castile Soap 0."(
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Alder St., at West Park
newspapers because the man who
works on a "story" should write It.
Harvey Ingham, of Ie Moines. Is.,
termed the newspaper "the agent of
Internationalism. If It has any mis
sion In the world. It Is to band together
the world." He appealed to editors
to consult their Influence for ultimate
peace In the world.
IICl'59 .NKKI.
Session la M-aanafle anal Many Old
tlaae Itesldeata nrea aa Towa
I'luri of Kilatenre.
ST. JOHNS. Or.. July 7. (Special.)
At the last meeting- of 'the Council,
which was held last night at the Coun
cil Chamber, with Mayor A. A. Muck
presiding. Councilman Perrlne ob
tained the passage of a motion to the
effect that the citizens of St. Johns.
Portsmouth and University Park be In
vited to attend a mass meeting- at the
old ft. Johns City Hall next Tuesday
to discuss the needs of the Peninsula
and to adopt means to bring them to
the attention of the Portland Council.
Among the matters to he Ulscusaed at
that meeting will be the donation of
the Smith properly 'as the site of a
clubhouse for the it. Johns Commercial
Club, and the extension of ISreeley
street from Killlns wort h arenue
through to Lower Alblna to shorten
the route to Portland.
Little routine business was trans
acted at the last meeting, aa all Im
portant mattere now unfinished were
handed over to the Portland Council.
Keporls of (he Recorder. Treasurer and
Chief of Police were accepted.
The first St. 'Johns Council met la
a little room In a frame building In
lwer ft. Johns about IS years ago.
The meeting was attended with more
or less dramatic Interest. The Coun
cil chamber was filled and many old-
time residents wept as they saw the
city oniciala take the nnal steps that
meant the end of their municipality.
t'pon motion of one of the Council
men, the gavel with which Mayor A. A.
Muck closed the last meeting was pre
sented lo the Oregon Historical Fo
ri t y.
Councilman Smul I 'owner made the
final motion of adjournment and rH
Johns officially passed out ot exist
ence. Conspicuous among Ihow In the
larve audience was I. C lrwts. Itepro
aetitative in the legislature from -t.
Johns, who fathered the bill that made
the mercer possible and who conducted
an active campaign In In behalf pre
vious to the recent municipal elections.
A fear clutches at the heart of the
mother that her own little on may
not live ionT. She dreads Its second
Summer, or that it may never wake
from Its sound sleep. All mankind
loves a mother love, to tee a mother
love her child. A baby and its mother
are Insured against Ill-health If the
mother takes lr. Pierre's Favorite Pre
scription, a tonic forewomen that lir.
t. V. Tierce invented nearly a half
century ago for women's Ills. This la a
vegetable tonic, made only of the chirl
nal roota with glycerine, which puts
the female system Into perfect, healthy
action. Ilcfore baby's i cm trig It Is Just
the tonic that puts the womanly ss
tem Into a proper condition to make
the birth painless and to Insure a
healthy child.
Many mothers of families' In the
United Htates have reason to be grate
ful to the person who recommended
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. It
Is put up for the single purpose of cur
ing disease peculiar to women. It has
sold more largely on this continent
than any other medicine for women.
Another point In Its favor: it Is a tem
perance remedy and does not contain a
single drop of alcohol nor of any nar
cotic. Young mothers. who preserve the
charms of face and figure in spile of
an Increasing family and the care of
growing children are always to be en
vied. Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion gives the strength and health upon
which happy motherhood depends. It
practically does away with the pains of
maternity. It erables (ho molher (o
nourish the infant Ilf. depending on
her. and enjoy the hourly happiness of
watching the development of a perfect,
ly healthy child.
Free Tho Common Medical
Adviser, bound In rloth.-l sent on re
ceipt of 3 dimes lor slampsl to pay
expense of wrapping and mailing. Ad
dress: Ir. Pierce lavaiids' Horns, Buf
falo. N. y.
I'sc of Vacated School Bulltling Re
modeled. Is Suggested.
ALBANY. Or, July ". (Special.)
The Central public school building in
this city may be remodeled for use as
a City Hal'i. according to plans sug
gested. The city now owns the block
on which the building Is sltua(ed. hav
ing purchased It as a City Hall site.
The school district will nut use the
buildinu further, as a new brick struc
ture has been erected at Ninth anj
Ferry streets to replace It.
The city Is paying rent on other
quarters for tho use of Its city offices
and It has been suggested that Inas
much as the proposed City Hall may not
be built for some time, the old school
building be remodeled for use until
that time.
Itiglit of Way From I. line Workings
lo Greens Ilclng Souslit.
nosF.HCRO. Or., July 7 (Special.)
J. W. Hlaln. . A.'I- Heed. C. K. Kume-J
lin and H. Pi. tVagnon. all of Portland.'
are securing rlKhts of way here lor a
narrow-gaugo railroad from Greens to
the lime tuarriea of I. v. I'.eklle.
seven miles east. It Is planned to
crush the limestone and ship tl.e prod
uct to Willamette Valley oints. The
promoters propose to build a crushlns
plant, which, with trie road. Is expected
to cost tr.e 000.
The quarry consists of TOO acres,
tthicli i!l be aorkid on a royalty
When you know physicians have pre
scribed lleslnol for SO years In the
treatment of erxema and other Itchlr.n.
burnlnc. unsightly skin eruption, and
have written thousands of reports say
ing: "It Is my regular prescription (or
Itching-." "Iteelnoi has produced bril
liant results." "The result it gave was
marvelous In one of the worst cases of
ecxema." -t.-, etc.. doesn't It make you
feel that "this la the treatment I ran
rely on for MY skin trouble?"
The moment Krrlnol Ointment touches
Itching skins, the Itching Mops and
healing begins. With the aid of I'.rjinol
Soap. It almost alwaya clears away
every trace of enema, ringworm, pim
ples, or other distressing eruption
quickly, leaving the skin clear and
healthy. Sold by all druggist. For
trial free, write lo Itpt I3-F.. I'.eslnol.
Hjlllmorf M.I ('.real for sunburn.
A PirtmriMtJ AT far A.'. .
By Roy L. McCaurdcll
Lottie Pick ford
Eucstnle Ford
Charlotte Burton
W. J. Tedmarsh
Irving; Cummlnn
William Russell
George Periotat
Orral Humphrey
(A new chapter will b shown ejvery weekj
kvkkv iiuxnty
sans. Adores Tssi.
nKl 73 W illamette St. Kngene. Oregon.
I.AI'R Hn.rburK. (rs.
I.M.Ms Ashland. Oreseav.
tlKX - 73 uillaasette kl. l ain., Oregon.
sTAfi XeSIorn. Orea.a.
c krv w kim:miy
.RM iircsni),(lrtisa
OHIMIblN linker. Oregon.
rK viesrsrs. reas.
!: T Mssdksrs.llrrlsa,
i1KIML Vilr.Orn..
Iltol.l SIT W llllasas Ae- Portland, iires.s.
OIIPHKIM Uaker. Oregon.
Y eniral Point. Or.
0r:i' ..ibsra. Orenon.
Ol.l wniA .. Helens. Orenon.
TIIUI.I 5IT llllasna Atr. Port U ad. Oregon.
tlOr Talent. Oregon.
SAVOY .olsIIIIII.Ore.toa.
rl. H H Rsaakarc.llrrlss.
VI MM. Vahlaad. Oreaoo.
toll MBit Helena. Oreaoo.
Theaters can book thete films by applying to:
Mutual Film Corporation,
389 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon