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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1915)
LOSS OF $614,000 IS DESCRIBED Ifl COURT E. H. Dodge Says Half Million Was Plunged Off in Port land in Timber Deals. CROSS-EXAMINATION LONG Attorney for Frederick Kribs and Willard Jones, Defendants in Suit Charging Fraud, Questions Source ot Alleged Sum. How the rortune his father left him was plunged into timber deals and de velopment schemes until there was nothing left of it and ho was a bank rupt, wag explained by E. H. Dodge on the witness stand in Circuit Judge Kavanaugli's court yesterday. Mr. Dodge, through his trustee in bankruptcy. Parker Stennick. is suing Krederick A. Kribs and Willard N. Jones for 1614.000. alleging that they defrauded him on a timber deal. J!ot of the testimony yesterday was drawn from Mr. Dodee by A. E. Clark, coun sel for the defense, on cross-examination. Mr. Dodge's father left him 553 shares in the E. J. Dodge Lurabrr Company, of California. This was esti mated to be worth ,275.000. he said. In 1910 lie came to Portland to invest in Oregon and Washington timber lands. Amooal of Fortune Questioned. Mr. Dodge's attorney. Thomas Man nix, alleged that the young man hud approximately J500.000 when he rame to Portland and that Messrs. Kribs and Jones had obtained most of this. At torney Clark, on cross-examination, sought to prove that Mr. Dodge did not have that much money when he en tered 'nto his deals with the defend ants. In 1911 the E. H. Dodge Lumber Com pany, now bankrupt, was organized Dodge said yesterday. Through pur chases and stock, deals this concern became Hie holding: company for sev eral smaller lumber and logging com panies. He told of the organization of the-' Yule Logging Company by thiec local men. "They issued $5000 worth of sto-k." he said, "and then, sold it to themselves for their good will." Mr. Mannix interrupted at this point with an objection. "This is entirely irrelevant." he said. "What's this got to do with whether Kribs and Jones defrauded the Dodge companies?' 'Weil." retorted Mr. Clark. "I got the impression from the front page oi this complaint that Dode came up here from California with J500.000. and that we got it. Now. 1 want to show what his financial condition was when he entered into these deals with us." Source of MonerAaked. Mr. Mannix then made a statement to the court in which lie said he wanted it understood that the $500. OOu was "only approximate." because Mr. Dodge was not in Portland when the com plaint was drawn up. Mr. Clark continued delving into the timber deals of Mr. Dodge prior to his association with the defendants. Al ways he wanted to know where the money came f rom. "I left 353 shares of stock in the E. J. Dodge Company In San Francisc'o. and when I needed money 1 borrowed It against the atock." said Mr. Dodge. "I borrowed money as 1 needed It." ' Not less than Vialf a dozen U me ttle same conversation was repeated, as Mr. Dodge told of another deal In volving upwards of $5000. "Where did you get this money?" Mr. Clark would ask. "Borrowed it," was the reply. Invaria bly. "Where?" From the K. J. Dodge Lumber Com pany." Mr. Dodge said his stock was left with the E. J. Dodge Lumber Com pany in San Francisco, and ne drew drafts against the company. When he needed more money, he Just repeated a draft. "When did this business of 'kiting drafts' begin?" Clark asked. Mr. Dodc turned in the witness chair and frowned. f 153,000 Paid (or Lands. ''I don't know what you mean. It isn't that at all," he said. Finishing his direct examination early yesterday. Dodge said he had paid $155,000 for timber lands, which he turned over to Messrs. Kribs and Jones. All be got, he said, was per mission to buy it back for $269,000 and a contract which he could not ful fill. If he did fill the contract, he said, he had a verbal promise of one fourth of the profits of the J. K. Lum ber Company. "It was not one-fourth of the stock, nor one-fourth interest," he explained. "It was Just one-fourth of the profits." His contract, he said, contained a fitrlct forfeiture clause, under which he lost everything he had. and by mort gaging all his holdings in an attempt to fill tne contract he became bank rupt. Mr. Dodge referred to his interest in the J. K. Lumber Company as "only psychological." He said Mr. Kribs had told him the contract must be made stiff or Mr. Jones would not sign it. The contract called for the construc tion of a logging railroad into the Skamania County timber tract involved in the deal. Dodge Aotoa Soaber SO. Getting; back to the stock his father had left him. Mr. Dodge was asked by Attorney Clark: "Did you have any property when you came to Portland other than this K. J. Dodge stock?" "Well, I don't just remember, ex cept some cash and notes. And I had some automobiles." "Automobiles? How many?" "Oh, as many as 20 at one time, I guess." Mr. Dodge then explained that he had backed a, friend in the automobile business, the friend had gone broke, and he had taken the cars. When pressed, by Mr. Clark for figures and dates on some of his first timber deals Mr. Dodge frequently sought refuge In the statement: "Look at the books. They will show." -That's just the trouble," retorted Mr. Clark once. "The books don't show much." Mr. Mannix was on his feet in an in stant. "That's -not proper at all. Mr. Clark has no right to say anything like that. If he wants to get on the witness stand let him do so, but he must be sworn." Judge Kavanaugh looked, from one attorney to the other. "Really I didn't hear what he) said anyway, so it doesn't matter. Proceed," said the court, mildly. First Interstate Pier Finshed. VAXCOUVKR. Wash., July 7. (Spe rial.) The first pier for the main span of the Columbia River Interstate bridge was completed this afternoon by the Pacific Bridge Company. This is known as pier B. Four similar ones will be made for the main bridge. Kxcavation for pier B was started May 20. Another pier, no. ii. at tne top or tne incline. has also been built since that time. STAR oman Man Miss The Great Emotional Drama of a Woman's Sin lOc No fir TURK ATTACK FAILS Assaults cn Lines of Allies Is Without Result. MOSLEMS' LOSSES HEAVY British General Says Artillery Fire AVas Most Severe of Campaign, but Anglo-French Casual ties Were Xegllgible. LONDON, July 7. The Turkish forces completely failed in the big at tack which they began July 4 against the Anglo-French forees oh the Dar danelles, according to a statement Is sued today by the British official press bureau, which added that the Turks lost heavily. The text of the statement follows: "General Sir Ian Hamilton reports that the night of July 3-4 was quiet in the northern section, but at 4 A. 11. the enemy started a heavy bombard ment of the trenches. All the guns used previously against us and some new ones were In action, but the bom bardment died away about 6 A. II. without doing much damage. During the bombardment about 20 11-inch shells were dropped from a Turkish battleship- in the Straits. Bombard meat Heaviest Vet. "In the southern section the Turks kept up a heavy musketry fire along the whole line during the night and did not leave their trenches. At 4 A. M. their batteries started the most vi olent bombardment that has yet been experienced. At least 5000 rounds of artillery ammunition were expended by them. Meanwhile this shelling of our lines on the peninsula proved pre liminary to a general attack on our front, with efforts at special points. The principal effort was mad at the junction of the Royal Naval Division section with that of the French. -Here, at 7:30 A. XL. the Turks drove back our advanced troops and assault ed a portion of the line held by the Royal Naval Division. Some SO Turks gained a footing in our trench, where, nevertheless, some men of the Royal Naval Division held on to our supports and the men who had retired counter attacked immediately and htrrled the Turks out of the trench. Allies Losses Relatively Small. "Another attack on the right of the Twenty-ninth Division section was practically wiped out by rifle and ma chine-gun fire. On oiv left the Turks massed to the northeast of our newly completed trencrles and attempted sev eral attacks. None of these were able to get home, owing to the steadiness of our troops and our effective artil- II tl W I ' J jj" SBBiS Tm d a - c- Ditffy mr: sroRxixcs' onrnoxiAN. tiiursdat. .iuly TODAY TOMORROW AND SATURDAY uives and rorsnves. Gets and Forgets Edith Hallor in - - V t :' -. "THE ACCUSATION". Advance in Prices lOc lery support. The bombardment died down towards 11 A. M., though it was resumed at intervals. "Not only wa the result a complete failure, but while our losses were neg ligible and no Impression was made on our line, the enemy added a large number to his recent heavy casual ties. It seems plain from the disjoint ed nature of his attack that lie is find ing it difficult to drive his infantry forward to face our fire." LINN FIGHTING THISTLES Farntcrs Rcgln Cirubhln Out Hoots to KraUicale Pcs-t. ALBANY, Or.. July 7. (Special.) Hundreds of Canada thistles are fall ing In LJnn County every day. Ef forts are being made to destroy every thistle in the county before they bloom this year. In addition to cutting them down many farmers are also grubbing out the roots and cultivating the land to eradicate the pest entirely. I ne weeds nave spread so rapidly that in some parts of the county they have become a serious menace to farms. This year s campaign will prevent any new thistles starting next year from seeds and it is believed that In three years all of the thistles may be stamped out in this county. PARTY REACHES MARYHILL fntlnul From Ftrat Pace.) were met by a largo delegation ot the citizens of Wasco. Arriving at that place we found nearly all cf the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the streets to meet us. After a short time spent in introduc tions and felicitations. County Com missioner Ljghtner made a few re marks. Sam Hill got up in an auto and had Frank Terrace and others stand beside him for a general intro duction. Maryhlll la Reached. Then amid shouts of Godspeed we wended our way through the fertile fields, over a very good road to the Columbia and were ferried across to the old town of Columbus and are now quartered as the guests of our genial host. Sam H11L We will remain here for the night. and tomorrow via Coldendale and hlte Salmon we will reach the ferry and cross the Columbia to Hood River and thence over the Columbia River Highway to Portland, where we should arrive tomorrow evening. WILSON CONSIDERS REPLY foninii'1 From Flrt Pare) shown to Ambassador Gerard, was not viewed favorably by the United States. According to Secretary Lansing no intimation has come as to the date when the German reply will be formally delivered. It is Inferred, however, that the effort to conduct in formal negotiations will delay the com pletion of the document for several das, perhaps another week. 3 99 IHLW IfWIBj ...... . ARRAS - IS Ifi FLAMES Cathedral Declared in Berlin Report to Be Burning. GERMANS PUSH ATTACKS I'arU Admits Enemy Huh renrtratctl I1r-t Mne for-Distance of 700 Vards UritUli Said to Have I.ot Previous Gain. LONDON'. July 7. There is agree ment in the German and French omcial reports today to the effect that fighting has been general along the westrr.l front, and lierlln asserts that the town of Arras has been set on fire by Ger man si. ells ami that the cathedral Is burning. Iltrlln declares that t!ie ground won by the British north of Vprcs. in Kelglum, was regained by tlie Germans later In the same day. The rt-port from lierlln adds: Between the Meuse and the Mnnelle Hlvers tiiere was llvelr lighting. There also was some activity to tne southwest of Is Kparges. where the enemy con tinued nis efforts to win back the po sitions recently lost. At the first at tack the French got Into a iart of the German line of defense. A counter at tack won back all the trenches with the exception of one niece of 100 vards. The enemy abandoned one machine gun. 3oO French Taken Prlsoaer. "Half way between Ai:iy and Apre mont the Germans attacked and stormed the enemy positions alonfr a front of 100 yards and captured 300 rrncn, "'Near Croix des-Carnea. In the forest of I.e I'retre. the enemy made an ex ceptionally violent counter attack which was repulned. "On Siil-1, In the Vosgea. an enemy trench was stormed and rendered use less for defense purposes. "In the ChampaRne southwest of Hulppes a German aviator shelled suc cessfully an enemy training- camp." The official report from Paris to day said that "In the region north cf Arras the bombardment continued all last nlKlit." There was crest activity on (he part of the Germans on the heights ot the Meuoe. where It is ssld the German forces attacked simul taneously In force on two sides of a ravine. Both attacks are declared tu have been repulsed. Krrnrk I.tae Pear tra ted. The French report continues: "To the southeast of St. llihlel the enemy, after a bombardment of itrrat violence, took the offensive last nlcht alone the front stretchlns; from the hill which commands the riant bank of the river Meuse, to the south of Alllv. as far as the locality known as the Cows' Head Ijv Tete-a-Vache. in the forest of Apremont. At one single point in the Vaux i'ery rejlon they were sue- III II I 'liIHI' WIVfUHM" s. TODAY, TOMORROW AND SATURDAY A GREAT DRAMA OF LIFE UNDER THE "BIG TENT" THE FLYEMG TWIN MARION AND MADELINE FAIRBANKS THE TWO BEAUTIFUL, CELEBRATED MOVING riCTUKE ACROBATS AND STABS Exciting Stronjr in Plot, Vivid in Action, Realistically Staged and Acted CONTINUOUS FROM f... TODAY, FRIDAY a MA Y LITTLE PAL Many Prefer to See It in the Afternonon When It Is Not So Crowded. PEOPLES THEATER cessful in penetratinK our first line alonir a front of about TOO yards. At all other points they were repulsed with heavy losses. "In the eastern part of the Le Tretre forest we checked a fresh German at tack, which was preceded by the throwing of flaming; liquids." The cathedral at Arras, the capital of the French department of Pas de Calais, was built in lTti-1833. When the war broke out the cathedral con tained some rood Including a "Iescent From the Cross" and an "Entombment. attributed respectively to Hubens and Van Pyck. In the south transept was a SL Hernard "Suppllcat Inir Inspiration From Heaven." by Van Thulden. A ba relief In Kilt bronxe was on the hish altar. CORVALLIS ACCIDENTS GAIN Several Hurt In Automobile Crashes lnring Ten laja. CORVALLIS. Or.. July 7. (Special.) In the past ten dsys Corvallis has had four auto accidents. On June I U. W. Johnson, former postmaster of this city, while returning home from the races si Independence with his wife and son -Hlllle" and with Mr. and Mrs. cott. of Itortland. were truck by a machine. The Corvallis man's car was only slightly damaged. On June 17 Jack Talor and family, of this city, while returning from Al bany was overtaken by an unknown car, which In attempting to pass then car skidded Into Ih other machine. Koth artle escaped without Injuries. America's Greatjist Cigarette N Broadway at A Big: Circus in Motion Pictures Famous Clowns and Ring Performers 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. in v-- i h t. ".V V-': i .' ' AND SATURDAY WE WILL PICKF0 IN. Continuous, 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. Mr. Teterson. operator of the Western Union office, while speeding on the streets skidded and recelveu slight in juries about lite head. The other mem ber of m party escaped, little hurt. On July 4, while he was Kolnir to visit relatives in the country, George K. Cooper, member o; the firm of Whiteside A. Cooper. In crossing- Oak Creek bridge, aoout one mile south west of Corvalll. met a car being driven by Karl Wagner, son of C. F. Wagner, member City Council-elect, was thrown from Ins mart, ne and In the mixup his ear was turned over and h" rc-iv.., n broken arm u THEATER Today, Friday, Saturday Hughie Mack in The Screamingly VICTORS Broadway Star Feature in Three Acts THE SEARCH FOR CLIMATE George Ade Fable HEARST-SELIG WEEKLY Latest News Events COMING CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Latest Comedy Yamhill This Is the Time of the Year for the Circus and the Circus in Pictures, Too. A Treat for the Kiddies ANY SEAT lO CENTS i ; s. . U 1 11 STILL PRESENT ''TOMATOES PROVE WHISKY: LJvrlj- Ientant for Can. Opener Gives Clew to Arizona Officers. THOF-NIX. Arlx July 7. A llvelr demand for can-openers revealed t3 state officials today the latent schema for violating the slate prohibition law. Large quantities of cans have been found, labeled tomatoes, but contain ing whisky. These cans have found a: extensive market, according to Investi gation officers, and arrests are ex pected. and Kate Price Funny Comedy AT SEVEN UTl XIT J7 I IlC VY 01X111