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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY. JULY 8, 1!13. 15 ?5 BEAVERS WILL GET BIG LEAGUE SHORT Boston Asks Waivers on Bill Rodgers and. He May Rejoin Portland. CLEVELAND CAN AID SOON McCredie to Struggle Along With Stumpf and Speas at Short and Second for Few Days North wester ners Will Not Help. As a result of frenzied telcpraphlns fcy Walter McCredie during the past - two days, oPrtland likely will have a bl.3- league Innelder by the beginning of the San Krancisoc series next week. In the intrim Portland wll hav to struggle along with a patchwork In field. Mack says he intends to keep Stumpf at short and Speas at 'second for a few. more games, anyway. "Clevelanu telegraphed me today that It could do nothing for a few days," said McCredie. "Boston has 'asked for waivers on Kodgers and I may be able to induce him to come West' at once. But I have several other lines out and hope to land a good shortstop soon. Mae Fears to Vnn Boitart "I don't like to use Eddie Bogart. a Bemi-profeMsionai player, at short, and yet. switching outfielders into the in field hasn't proved a success. Stumpf has played shortstop, however, and ought to strike his- usual gait today with the added practice. Second is the easiest po; Ition on the infield and that Is why I have located Speas there. It's pretty tough on Bill, but he is a game, willing worker and will get accus tomed to the new environment soon." Mack is as sore as a grizzly bear at Bobby Davis for not sliding into the plate at the time he was injured. He Intimated strongly that if he is able to land a first-class man Bobby will do penance on the bench the remain der o the season. Davis admits his failure to start his slide early enough, and to this attributes his wrenched knee, which will keep him out for two weeks. i McCredie Blames Davis. "We would have won that ball game," said McCredie. "I think he was safe, anyway, but he deserved to be called out. I'm sorry he got hurt, but there wasn't any excuse for hot slid ing home to make sure of It. If I can land o good shortstop I'll station him permanently at short. The accident coming at this time is the worst possi ble thing that could happen to me. Another week of smooth running at top strength would have put us In the lead, and once there the other clubs would never have headed us." Evidently .Mack met with a rather cool reception on his trip to Seattle, because his temper was none the best when he returned yesterday forenoon. "I've sprinkled dozens of players all through that league for nothing," he - exclaimed. "Now. when I need a ball player they want a fortune for him. I tried to get Bob Brown, of Vancou ver, to sell me Shortstop Gislason, now under suspension, I believe. Nothing doing. Brown said he was too vexed with Gislason to give him a chance to moke good here. President Blewett, of the Northwestern League, did his best to influence Brown and some of the others, but to no avail." Boost Given llaworth. Homer Haworth. ex-Portland catcher, came in for a nice boost from the big boss. "Best catcher in that league," he ex claimed. "I intend to pull him back from Victoria in the Fall for next year's Coast Club. He is leading the league at bat, throwing well and showing all sorts of pepper. Kelly, first baseman for Victoria, is another sweet looking player." "Why don't you bring Rodney Mur phy back from Aberdeen now that he Is in bad there?" he was asked. "I don't want that kind of a man on my ball club," replied Mack. "Mur phy is altogether too pugnacious. He tried to pick fights on my ball club and that is the inside reason I sent him home when we were down South that time." LIVESTOCK IS WEAKER LOWER PRICES PREVAIL AT .ORTll PORTLAXD. Top Values lor Steers Reaches e.o Mark and 7.SO Is Highest Price Obtained for Hogs. An easy tendency still prevails In the live, stock market. Receipts are not heavy, but appear to be more than equal to the demand The best price obtainable on steers yes terday were il.S.-. and a.o. In the hoB market the top was 7.5o, with the bulk cr sales a dime lower tnan this price. Very little was done In the sheep division, where tile undertone was also weak Receipts were 246 cattle, U34 hogs and 811 sheep. Shippers were: With cattle Robert McCrow, Mary Hill, wash.. 1 car; Nate Rains, pilot Rock. 1 car Heeney & Kelts. Pilot Rock. 1 car; C R. Belhee, Grass Valley, 1 car; J T West Maupln. I car; T. B. Kelly. Maupln.' 1 car; JJ. Foreman. Maupln. 1 car. With hoes Redmond Livestock & Produce Co Redmond. 1 car; W. R. Liugger, u.ass A alley, 1 car. With sheet R. Y. Darrow, Goldendale. a cars. With mixed cars Robert McCrow, Ool dendalc. 1 car cattle and hops; R. Wood. Silverton. 1 car cattle and sheep; J. E. IToffltt. Dayton, 1 car cattle and hoes The day's sates were as follows - k v. w?-.p.rJc.e'-i Wt Price, s hoRs ii,; steers . . hil'i) r.o 1 hoc 37 6.;. 7 steers ;s i.llioss ... ISO 7.40 1 steer ti70 5 '-'J Shoes '.MO 7.0i t steer 11. in .lo 2 boss 3- 6.4i It steers ...1170 6 .".0 hons 132 fi.l"); 11 steers 114il i (0 7.1 boss 17t 7.4'l, 1 stair 117i 5 no - hom ... .!! 6.J0, Scows ...1133 3. 3.1 74 hoes ... 17.1 7.4ili I cow 5 31 7 Iioks ... 342 6.4ii 1 staR . ...lusil g o.i - hos ... J.1.1 (1..H.I. 2 cowa ,...1-'(s 34 boss ... 17S 7-.V.-I 4 cows . ...liM.1 4 tin shoes ... ',",o 7.:;"i! 6 steers ...11.-..-, t; 75 1 Imil '....1:130 4.00; 11 steers ...10!o Htm 1 bull 1-j.sii n.r.o. 7 cows ...IIH13 s.tto Swl ...lo-J .-,.(ii n steers ..1040 0 SO 4 cows ... "7 3.7-V 1 bull 1S2( 3 7." 1 calf ... 1-3H 7.oo 1 bos 41' 3 00 1.". steers .. f.3n .4.75 .-.Iioks ... 214 7 511 2 steers ..10"0 4.2".. 1hoB 140 1 cow ...1020 .-I..-.IM 2 hogs ... 1i. 7..-.H cows ... S61 4,lo 2 hofts .... 333 7 ( I 2 cows'..", 3. So; .1 Iambs .. !ll 6..".o 75 sters ..1214 .'."; 7 wethers . 131 0.00 11 steers . .10i7 B OO; The weekly market report of the Portland Union Stockyards Company says: "The receipts for the week ending July 3 were 1707 cattle. 6313 hogs and 3404 sheep. Tattle The Fourth of July let pleasure interfere with the receipts in all lines. Mon day and Tuesday's gathering; being much l.elow normal. Quality continues mediocre. frMx seventy-five was the high spot for ateers of fir quality. Cowa and heifers in pro portion. "Hoes Ho trade started this week's ses sion at not far from steady compared with last week's close. Tops sold at $7. 00 and bulk at close to that figure. Trade appears to be on a steady basis at around prevailing- prices. ' "Sheep Sheep receipts appear to be on an unsteady footing. Not enough coming Xjrward to really test the market. Lambs, naturally, ur.leu they ahow oualltv- have a downward tendency. Representative males are aa folloss: . Wt. Price.' Wt Price. 9 steers . . n :;7 .7 j 1 cow . . . . ! 1 o ki 3 steers . .14nJ ..-,!. 5 cowa . ..I'JKl .'..fx) 3 steers ..l'7:t 6.4"i 1 cow . ...l"-i r..2i a steers ;.11J2 o.a.v 2 row s 7. .', m J bulls it;r,s 4.0o io:i hom ... a 7'i J he rera . .'.4.-. 6.0) 171) hoes ... 7. 1 calf ... m i.uu km hom ... 1-i 7..'. 11:: hog ... 173 7.U The official report of receipts and ship ments In the past month and for the year to date and the source of the receipts follows: Receipts. RAILROADS. 1 l.BiKij "i'.iiif I 1. .-.! x n.j southern Pacific. I". 8 Northern Pacific'."; Oregon Electric. . . -at Northern... Hob is ....... I 'riven In' ' ! 4.643 it', r.iii ..:: '.-i 7.1 z i b 4 ' ft. 7-1 '- R-, i p.";;;; I.U Total receipts j 6.U50 Increase for month' f I)ecreae. month.. s.:::tif. J 'ar. to data ;34.S7 1 Increase for year.. I i. Decrease for year.l 4iiii ' Ay. weight hoz.i.j . .j. 5.3.1:;' " I M.n.-.s uo.oiw loe.i; i is! ior.' shipments. O.-W R. at N. N. 1.431 13! 0.-4..: 4 o:t3 Southern Pacific I. . 147: 1 41; s. P. ct .-,! I Northern Pacific .21.-.' 1 7; ' " " i :";7 4 Boats 1-7I.. '"'.J Iriven out I 3.1..7, 17.". i::o.:.; Tgtal shipments.! r..H; 4;;.-,: l-n.7lr- 20.037 OHgln. Oregon . I'.IMt 4os 13.II2H- 13 : Idaho 24l 4 3 -'T't Washington 7-c.i ".1! t'Ti:i " ' 7okt California 1.1 U ... T.f. . .;...) . . Tot a Is I 5,0.-,Q 4S.-, 2o.3i"i 2I.07J Prices current at the local stockyards the various classes of stock: y.'V. 'r Ir.n-i i? 'l''er" K2.-.U6. ..1 . j . uaii ,rriB . . , . . Choice cows... .'. . . . 6 2.".r.V 4 7 .".i 6 3 .'.ot, 5 5.'XJ . 7.40W7 6 i:.a 7. B no 5. 3.001 4 ,ood cows ... Heifers Bulls titsgs Hogs Light Heavy Sheen Wet hers Kwes ......... Lamlis . .-rfll .-.II I 5.504J 6. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Neb.. July 7 Hogs Receipts. !'. strong; heavy. 7.10e 7.3-.: light. 1.X' 47.4.-.; pigs, $S.502 7.00; bulk of sales. 7.20 $1 7.3.-,. Cattle Receipts. 2100. higher: native steers. 8 cnlfe 10.0O; rows and heifers, 6.00 i(!.30; Western steers. 6.-.0 8 W); Texas steers. .0Off7.O: cows and heifers, 15.70 V -; cbivm, ..i-a n.ijy Pheep Receipts. 12.500: "steadv: vrnrllRviL rt.oifi 7.60; wethers, 5.70ti6.75; lambs, I9.UU v. 1 o. Chicago Livestock Market. Chicago. July 7. Hogs Itecelnta 31 OOfl strong. ,c above yesterday's average: bulk. strong. ,c above yesterday's average: bulk 7.45tz 7.50; light. 7.f.0tl 7.n5; mixed. 7.3o 7!5; heavy. $7. 101 7. bo ; rough, S7.1U07.2O pigs. 6.50r, 7.70. 4f Cattle Receipts. 1 4.000. steady; natlv steers. JO.tiOW 10.20: Western steers, t'.Sitt. s.45; cows and heifers. $3.30&.5O; calvei I7..-iO 10.75. Kh..n U ... I n I . 14 AOn .air - . V. ' H &6.70; Iambs, CS.0O4aB.75. SAX FRANCI SCO PRODITB MARKETS ITices Current in the Bay City on Fruits, Vegetables, .Etc. SAX FRANCISCO. July 7. Butter Fresh extras. 2tHc: fine firsts, 2f.c. KgBS Krosh extras.- 2Cc ; fresh firsts, 21 He; selected pullets. 2oc. Cheese New,; young American, 12,4c; Oregons, 13c. Vegetables Teat. $lff?...ft; asparagus. $1 tfrl.26; string beans. lfetHc; wax benns, lto-hc; lining. 54i 10c; cucumbers, 75 fci UOc. Onions 101 C5c. Kruit Lemons, $1.75Ci 3.50; grapefruit. 2 -p 3c; oranges. 3i3.50; bananas, Hawaiian. $1.25rl.5o; pineapples. $1.5U; apples. Ked -8trachan, l$j,1.25; Uravensteitt, (I.OOf 1'otatoes Delta. 7090c. Receipts Flour. 1076 sacks; barley. 6223 ctls.; beans. 125 sacks: potatoes, 5220 sacks, hay. 521 tons; hides. No. S, 60; wine, 31MMI gallons. Coffee .futures. NEW YORK, July 7. Steadiness In Bra zil and the bullish view of the statistical position were reflected In a slight advance in the coffee market .today, and after open ing 1 to 2 points higher, active months sold 3 or 4 points above last night's closing fig ures. There was no important demaud. how ever, and pricea later' reacted under a little realizing, closing net two points lower to one point higher, salt-s, s75o. Ju.y. (l.iinc; Au gust, ii.ssc; Ht-r-tember, 6..3c; October. .67c: November. C.suc; lecember. 6.1c; January. .V3c; February. S.W:; March. 7.01c; April, 7.t."c; May, 7.12e; June, 7.16c. spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 7V,c; Santos No. 4. 0c. Cost and freight offers were a shade firmer with Santos 4s quoted at 9.03 to l).50c ; Rio 7s, 6-l5c. HOT WINDS Hl'RT t'MATlLLA WHEAT All Sections Are Affes-tetl Lcaa l)uu;g to Barley. PENDLETON. Or.. July 7. (Special.) Damage to wheat has been general through out the county, although some sections, particularly north and west of this city, suffered more than others, even the heavy lands on the reservation being affected. Al though the loss will be large, it Is likeiy that more than two-thirds of the normal crop will be harvested, as the early pros pects were favorable. J ne barley ou w ill not be as great In proportion as the wheat loss, lesa barley than usual was sown this year and much of It was advanced beyond the stage where the winds worked serious Injury. One result of the damase will be the necessity of test ing the grain. Since lixin, t matllla County wheit has been so uniformly heavy that buyers did not feel calle-d on to lest for weight, but this year lhre will be consider able light wheat. - The wind storms of last Saturday. Bunrtav and Monday added to the damage already done by the cold and hot Kinds, threshing out much of the grain and breaking off the heads of tho plants In some sections. The carnage from this cause appears almost negligible. however. In comparison with that which had been done previously. Eltopia Wheat Not Badly Hurt. ELTOP1A. Wash.. July 7. (Sneclall The damage Saturday night from a wind of hurrli ane proportions, did not shatter the standing wheat as much as ss at first feared. The early grain probably win be dsmaged from three to five bushels an ncre. Turkey red and bluestem ami the late sown fife were not hurt materially. The wind blew down several windmill towers throughout the dLstrics; and but for prompt action one of the large grain warehouses here would have been leveled. Some hundred people were enjoying a Fourth of 'July dance in the warehouse when the danger threat ened. Hay Uamatrd at Sheridan. SHETtlDAN, Or.. July 7. (Special ) Heavy rains Legan to fall here Monday night and It Is feared damage will result to the crops. The hay is so heavy that It was lying flet on the ( round yesterday aa the result of the prcclpltetlon. Spring grain will be benefited, but Fall grain is already ripening. Fortunately but little hay I. as been mowed. Hopgrowers are complaining of the lack of hot weather, saying that It cool weather continues lc-e will destroy the crops. Riins Do Little Damage to Hay. GRANTS PASS. Or., July 7. (Special.) After bleaklng up the recent hot spell with a heavy thunder shower yesterday, the weather settled down for a good steady ran last night, which continued during the night and f-r a greater part of today. The rain was general throughout the county and will be of great benefit to the fruit and hopa. Little damage was done to hay and grain. Naval stores. SAVANNAH. July 7. -.Turpentine, firm: 3!isi40c; sales, 556: receipts, 6t2; ship ments. 33: stock, 24.131. Rosin, firm; sales. 14A0: receipts. 37,70 ; shipments. 2; stocks. 61,s;m. Quote AH .t: CD, J3.13: E. 3.25; F. :! 30; OH. S3 30 3 35; I. :t.r.5r:l.4; K. S3.74; M. S3.42; WG SC. 30; WW. SO 50. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. July 7. Raw sugar, stcadv centrlfugal. 4.0ti 4.95c : molasses. 4 03t4.1Sc Refined, steady. Duluth Linseed Market. nULLTH. Minn.. July 7. Cash Unseed S1.6;; July. S1.7KS; September, 1.7S4.' Chlraco I airy Produce. CHIfAfiO, July 7. Butter lower; cream ery. 22fia64e. Egss Receipts. 25.O10 cases: unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 7. Spot cotton quiet: middling uplands. 0.35c; sales. 2oO. Orled F-ruit at New York. NEW YORK. July 7. Evaporated apples quiec Prunea firm. Peaches quiet. Rods at New York. NEW YORK, July 7. Hop firm. BARLEY FROM SOUTH Over One Thousand Tons Come From California. HOLDERS HF.RE WON'T SELL Supply Kcmalns In Nortlincst but Cannot Be Ilouglit at Current Prlceii Wheat Weak Willi Subsidence of Drmiind. Barley la being brought to P-irtlund from California for the first tima in teten or eight years. Ths arrivals are not due to any shortage In the Northwest, but be cause holders In the Interior will not sell at prevailing prices. The steamer Saginaw has lust brought 3IO tons of California barley and the steam- or Daisy Putman a few data ago d.scharged 70 tons at a local dock. Figures are not available as to the quantity of barley un sold In the North Pacific atates. but deal era here assert 'that a moderate stock la being carried Into the new crop season. At the Merchants Exchange yesterday 122 waa offered for prompt delivery, but 123.541 was asked. For August barley S20 was bid, with no sellers. Tho wheat market was weak. What little demand there was last week haa largely subsided, and holders who would uot sell a few days ago are now mors dla posed to find buyers. This was ahow n by tha appearance again of asked pricea on the board where for some time there haa been only a column of blanks. Ths prices demanded, however, were out of lins with buyers views, the spread ranging from 3 to 15 cents, and. of course, no sales re sulted. Bid prices were reduced 1 to 3 cents on white wheat and thers was a sharper cut on the red varieties. According to a trade bulletin from Chi cago, the wheat crop of Italy Is estimated at IT) 2.000. 000 bushels. The crop laat year was Iftft, bushels. Terminal receipts In cars were reported ny tne Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Partiair! Wed... .'.4 1 . ear aico 1 2 FBon to dato.HH Yar ngo r.n Prattle Tuesday li Yfar aro 2 Sraon to date.. Year ago ( 0t a 2 T C 12 vr, 3 4 4 nr. 21 2 r. J2 tV4 12 1 1 4 1 Trt 4 M H 43 RF.n kpiikr rorn in hop yard. Pet Appear. ToK ether With ApliU, Cana Ins Vaealne-va. The red rplder haa appeared In hop yard In Tollc County and probably !n other part of tha Valley, and 1 cauninc some nn raine. on the part of the jerowera. who are alao contend )nr with tha presence of Ilea. Spraylntr for aphla is more ireneral. Xo buaineaa Is paasiQir In the market for new or old rrop hops. In the English hop market a steady de mand prevails and prices are fiirly firm. Enjt;:ifih dealers' circular- aay; Wild. Xeame A Co. There has been a fair Inquiry during the week and values are firm. There Is a severe and persistent at tack of aphis In tha plantations In all dis tricts, and washing has been pretty gen erally commenced. Thornton Mana-er Inquiries for hops con tinue, but actual business is restricted, ow ing to holders being unwilling to deal at present market values. W. H. and H. Ke May The firm tone noted in our laat weeks report continues and several parcela have changed hands U full rates. AH reports from tha planta tlona speak of Che continuance of tha se vere attack of aphis blight. Manger Henley a steady demand con tlnuea at full late rates. Tha few hops left are being steadily absorbed and values hare an upward tendency. There hi a severe attack of aphis blight In all districts and washing Is general. Worcester The fine weather during the past meek haa caused the vine to grow satisfactorily. There Is. however, an at tack of vermin, which sticks, and many growers are washing. Businesa la very limited on the local market, as few hopa from growers are offered. Imports of hops Into Great Britain, leas exports, from the months of September to May last. both Inclusive. were 14.774 hundredweight, aa agalnat 11-4.067 hundred weight for the corresponding period one year ago, and :2tI.to3 hundredweight two years ago. D.VMAt.K KEl-ORTK AflK KXAGMTKI) Injury to Spring Wheat May Not Be as Bad aa ItetportedL Following Is a summary of the crop con. Cittons In Oreron frr the week, as reported to the 'local office of the Weather Bureau I y special correspondents throughout th state: Warm and d.-y weather prevailed during the week, except at Ha close, when it be came cooler and In many localities showers occurred. On a few days strong dry minds prevailed and the wheat crop In the eastern countfee suffered considerably. Most of the Fall-s wn grain was too far advanced to b greatly Injured, but the h'pring-sow n wheat, wnlch Is rank and tenher. was badly t urned and aome of tha Fall-sown not yet well de veloped waa damaged. The shrinkage will be considerable, as compared with the yields that were expected a few weeks ago. but It Is thought the estimates of lose have been exaggerated In soma If not In all of the countiea. In :he dry fanning fraction the deficiency In the Winter's supply of moisture is now being severely felt and crops are burning and pasturage la getting poor. etrami are the lowest they have been for yrurs and Irrigation water Is getting scarce. In this section same wncat d eve. oped so poorly that It has been cut for hay. The wheat harvest In Eastern Oregon will begin thla week, but it will not become general before the mid dle of the month. Ideal weather prevailed for corn, po tatoes, gardens and hops, all of which made excellent progress Vermin are numerous In some hop ards and considerable spraying has been done. Haying Is well under way and so far little haa been spoiled while curing It. The harvest of early varieties of peaches will begin this week. The crop throughout the state Is good, both as to quality and quantity. More CDmpIalnts than usual are male of apples being affected by fungus, but otherwise this crop Is doing well. LONDON SETS WOOL MA RK KT PACK Price Also Rle la Australia and America a Value Are irm. The verdict at London has been rendered In accordance with general predictions and If there were those who prior to the sale, were In any wise skeptical as to the main tenance of prices, the ge no rami support ac corded to wool values in Iondon should be ample demonstration to them of the world's belief in the strong posit Ion of wool, says the Boston Commercial Bulletin. The sale In Sydney, Australia this week followed the lead of Iondon. In Boston, too. pricea are firmer and In some Instances higher. A larger vol ume of business is reported among the wool houses this week, total miles probably being not lesj than five million pounds, although not alt the wool sold went to the mills, some trading between dealers t elng reported. An Increcslng proportion of dome -it Ic wool Is changing hands but the greater part of the buslneya was again In foreign wool. rOLLTRY SI PPL Y I NOT SO LARtiK Egg Recelpta Ne More Than Iocat Requirement!- Butter Lnrhanged. Poultry receipts have been lighter this week, and thie haa caused some Improve ment In the market. Hens sold yesterday at 11 and 11 H cent. Broiler still 18 to 20 ce,nts. There la no demand f-r ducks or geese and not much Inquiry for lurkcs. Dressed meats aro holding steady. Egg receipts, which bavs been decreas ing steadily, are now about equal to cur rent .oca I requirements, and In a short time reserve stocks from the coolers will have to be drawn up. There were no new developments In the butter market. Lambert Cherries Are Higher. There was a better demand for cherries yesterday and good Lamberts brought 12', :o 10 cents. A few Oregon peach plums have appeared and srs selling at C0v0 cents a box. Early local apples see quoted st 1 1 T 0 cents in half boxes and llul.-ji In full boxes. California fruit waa la good supply and prices were unchanged. Hank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as folios s: Clearings. Bslanoca. Porfand Sl.57l.jJS ;.,. Tl Sea Mis, J.-3.a J4.7t Tacoma 1 2 43 --n Spokans 1J,I l!oj 1'ORTI.A.M) MARKET QUOTATIONS t.rsln. Ktnur. feed. Etc. Merchants' Kichange. noon session. Prompt delivery. Whr.i Bl4 Rlu-sl'it f Iti f K rorl.o,d .......... ...... . I 01 1 f ''ll .... 1 . Hl f fs 1 kn He. 1 Kus:an a vj rja-.a No I white feed zi so 14 W Muriel . I f-ed ................... ;; ;i5o Rrsn z 4 o :s 4 Si-"ri . It 00 :t.ta Kut 11 r s A b'tteetem ............. ft 1 Nt August forty, fold .i August ri'ib 11 August fire .................. '-..o .M Aug'ist Russian j .a f)l Ausust oats It so i4.i August barley fo 00 ... 4 August bran ................. "4Hft r4.0 Augti't ai-.ort 21 00 ;4 4J KLOrn Paten ta $ a barral- t 4ti ."; hul wheat. .0 straights lilfkim, A.3i. MllLKKKD Fpot prices: Bran, :7Q p-r ton : shrrta, 0 -VJo. rolled b a r I v ."rii 0.. .CORN Whole, j per ton; cracked. 3I per ton. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, 9 16 ft 17; alfalfa. $ l '2 Vj fj 1 X T. i. f ruits and Vegetable. Ivcal Jobbing quotation: TROPICAL FItUlTo Oranee. alenclaa. f 3 . r0 t 3 . per box; Mertterranean sweet. J. to fx ;.T3; lemon. per box; ba nanas, ic per pound; grapefruit, t4.&0r --" : pineapples, ft 7c per pound. VEOETA BLE-S Cucumber. Oregon, 40f ""o per dosen; artichokes, 7o per doxea; to matoes, 11. sO per box; cabbage, lCMUe per pound ; head lettuce. SI per crate; spinach, ic per pound; rhubarb, 3 9 30 per pound; peas. 24c per pound; baans, WSc per pound; green corn. 40 U 7Cc per dos-n. U BEEN KRl'ITS Cherriea. 4 fa Km; pound; cantaloupes. ; 75 per crate; losanbeme. 7oc; raspberries. 11 U 1.10: currants. 7!e $1 per crate; .apricot, fltf l.a. per box; peaches. T'.rtxll per box; watermelons. .1 2 e per ivnund: plums. $1.5 per box; new apps. $ 1.7.". 3.50 pes box, POTATOES New. 1 U 7 1 Vac per pound ONiu.Nij Ychow-, flvl.Ou. teu, per sack. Ia try and Country Preduce. Local Jobbing quotations: K(iJS Oreaon ranch, buying prices: N. 1. 54c; No. J. r "c . No. 1. lie per dosen. Job bing prlees no. 1, ziV?c per dosen. POi l.TKY Hens. IHiU'ic; bmil-ri, It :r; turkeys. ?ujjic: duck old, 10c; young, 1 3 r ; geese, nominal. BUTTE H Creamery, prints, plain wrap pers, 29c; carton. 30c per pound; cube, or dinary. 72 ij 2 4c; fancy. He CH KKc K Oregon triplet. Jobber buying price. Uc per pound f. o. b. dock. Port .and;Young Americas. 14o jacr pound. VH.A1- Fancy, la-ttfllo per pound. PORK-r-Block. toc per pound. Staple Grocerlea. Local Jobbing ejuotattons: SALMON Columbia River one-pound tails. SZ.3o per dosen; half-pound flats, S1.0; one pound f'.ata, 12.60; Alaska pink, one-pound talla. $1 OS. HONEY Choice, $J.S per case. NUTS Wa:nuts. Ij4j:4c per pound; Bra xll nuts. l.,c; filberts. 14fr:4c; almond. Is ft lie; peanut. 6c; cocoanuta. $1 per do.; pecan. ljt:oc; chestnuts, loc, BEANS small white. 5.70c; large white. He; Lima, 6-c; bayou, G.ftOc; pink. 4.tuc; OFFEE Kosated. In drum. 11 Still Sc. H I GAR Fruit and berry, S&.su; bt, .70; extra c, $.40: powdered in , barrels, $7.15; cube, tiarrels. $7 :tO. SALT tiranulated. per ton; half- grounds. lvOs. $10. i5 per ton; 0s, $11.30 per ton; dairy. 914 per ton. RICE -Southern head. HffSc; broken, 4 c per pound ; Japan sty It. t fr S e, DRIED KlU'lTd Apple. c per pound; apricot. 13 4i l.'rc; peaches. Sc; prune. U-.1-lans, lt 9c; raisins, looae Muscatel. Ic; un bleaehed Sultanas, 7c; aeeded. 9c; dates. Persian. 10c per pound; fard. $1.4 per box; currant. $VOl3e. Hope Wool. II Idea, Ete.- ItOPS itia contract, nominal; 1914 crop, 13 'f l!Se per pound. H1IF..H Sailed hide. , 14 He; salted ktp. I.'e; salted calf. H; erren tildes. ; green kip. 13; green calf, lc; dry bide. 24c; Ur calf. 2c WOOL Eastern Oregon, medium, 2 j tjy 2Sc; Eastern Oregon, fine, UuM-se; Val ley. 2 it 30c. MOHAIR New ri:p. XO&Sle per pound. CASi,ARA BARK Old and new, 44tiC per pound. PELTS Dry long-woo.ei pelts. 15Hc: dry. short-wooled pelts. 11 He: dry shearlings, each. 10 y lie; salted ehearllnaa, each. lts 25c; dry coat, long hair, each. He; dry goat, shearlings, earh. 10; 30c; salted long wool pelt. May, $lt2 each. GRAIN BAOS In car lots. lOIe; in leaa than car lots, about He more. Provlalofa. H AM All sites. 17 HUH He; sklansd, 17Hilc; picnira, 12c; cottage roll, 16c; bol e.!. 1 7 : 7c BACON Fancy. 34y2tc; tndard, 33 9 23c; choice. 17; 21c; trip. 1 7o. DRY SALT Short, clear barks. ISHOl&c; exports. UStHOSc; plate. 1 1 u 1 2 He LARD Tlerc basts, kettle rendered. 14c; standard. l;c; compound. 14c. BARREL HOODS Mesa beaf. t?4; plate beef, ;: brisket pork. t?V.V; pickled pork feet, $12.50; tripe. $9 SO-fr 1 1 50; tongues. $10, Oil. KEROSENE Water white, druma. barreU or tank wagon. ltc; special drum or bar rels, ll'jr; cases. 17Hlr20Hc. GASOLINE Hulk. 12c; cases. 19c; engine dlaiillate. drums. 7Hc; casvs, Hv; naptna. drums. 1 cases, lac. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 77c: raw. cases, ;c. boiicd, barr;a, c; boiled, caaea, tic. TURPENTINE In tank. lc; In cases. ic; 10-caa lots, lo leaa. WALLA WALLA YIKL19 19 REDl ( III) lamage lora Heat 1 Not ienera la 41 cunty. WALLA VAI.!a., Witih , July 7. (Sp clal.) Hot weatnrr ha cut Wall Wal s estimated w heal told, but the amount w ill rot 1,0 know n till after harvt?t. Around Walla Willi the crop was It damaged than elaewhere in the county. The dimiM la mostly to the S;.rlng-isow n grain, as the Fall-sown I juacttrally unhurt. Soma fieUla will riot be cut. the grain he in a. to poor. Into tliem the horse and cattle have been turned. Then corxlt lions, however, are not gen ernl. The hoat that was lamed but very little If at M Is very much In the majority, so that etiniMtea of damaae. compared with normal years, runs variously from lu per cent up. Miii h of the land which raised grain laat year was put into iroi this year, which in -creates the acreage, and will tend to hold up the total yield. Depp it- the damage, however, there Is less gloom than there might otherwise be. te-i-a use of the at Iff price now being quoted. While not to be compared with tha hlxh prices of the Spring, yet they are way above the normal opening price in the valley, ani above w hat It frequently la the year through, so In dollars and cents, com pan d to a norm-1 year, th farmer may break cen or e?n c-me out ahead. Cottage 4. rove Barley Cat In une. COTTAOE ;ROVn, Or.. Juty 7. (Special.) VI:h barley that was cut June 15 and will go u to lushels to the acre. Flniey Whlpps thinks ho is rush in the grain sea son julte a little. This is the earliest that he has ever heard of barley being cut In this country. Many farmer are of the opinion I ha t harlrv can not le grow n successful ly here, and it was number of year before Mr. Whlpps ventured to try the crop. H i more than pleased and will hare an acreac t ery i ear. Iorane C he-ewe Bring Top Price. coTTA.E finOVK, fr., July 7. "Special Jer-e During mas in I'ortiend laat week ttie disposition of at! produce of (be Lorane r iiee- at the top market price. could hae sot-! mnr If he hsd bd It to sell, ha nid. Mr. Iar'ing ma! arrangement for the dtspofittlon or all produc of the Lorane C-Upraue Cuevit Company. FRANCE IS SELLER Liquidation of S'tocks Unset tles Wall Street Market. NEW LOW RECORDS MADE Souchcrn Croup of ICnlluaja Mobt AtJtcrocljr Arfccitrtl by For. 511 VnlottUliiff StrrI .More Mcadj . TIiau Other leader. EV YORK. July 7. Increased liquid tlon. mainly for foreign Inter!, waa the outstaading and dcpraslcg feature of to dy actit tock market, with nw low rrords in a number of tall w ay !-ea Thi a-fiur.. accorumg t current r. port, cam rhtef.y (rum London, but was aid to b of 1 NBcli origin. It im unorstood that lattf amount of Amnican t-eurtti ha iKrfo he.d In London lor month past .!. irrral for ll.a mad to I'ar.a btoktil I In mniurv, ln duwaward tendency w a arce,rratM ,y t nea a.taa aitaing from IM iUaliun between tint country and (Germany. As a w hole, share of ri. roads roitipr i In th bout hern group must detal affected. Umi..a r NtihUi.n u H Points to lO-l. Atlantic i'oaat Una a points to . Hanoi .'entral 7, to . anj iyuilirB Ita4Wy preferred 4 S to 4 l. With the ex cepn.n of Atlantic 't Ijh and Southern lt4Bi.way IhrM price rprMOt lb- tow rat quotations in man r ear a. In audition t anadian Pacific and ft. Pau. fe.i to new low .nr. of 141 aod re spectively, w hit Mtaveourl pacific made new minimum at 4-. Msri Pacifies In creased weaknva w a the direct outcome of tha company prupoiod capital readjust ment, whictt i m i'4rs jU armtt wo the common shares. A!l parte of th list were affected In greater or leaser dtrm, but I'niia-d Hi tee Merl held more itrmiiy ihn any of the lier, recovering hair of It 3-polnt loss. Total sale were 1H0 larseat of any ecnt day. agcreg attng H 7 . iKKi sharea. Italiroad returns for Mav included Bur lington net Increase of I ll.H. St. luia a 1 ron Mountain s decrees of I JAi and l.ttnois t'entral'a decreaao of $l5,vtk. Europ' sale of our bond com intsed In Iar olume. Total sales, par value, were $J..eo. United tfteica bonda w cr un changed on cait CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Clostr g Sales. Open. High. Us. b.4 A!.ka flold . 3.4-M r.s 37 A ma) Copper . 7.r.,i 74 H " - H " - H Am . Heet' Sugar 3 00 48 47 4 T W Am t a n ..... 44 H 45 H Am Sm Rfg 7wk A do pfd 1-H Am Suear Ref . in? ih Am Tr J & Tel 5. 1 1 H 1 ' 1 - Am Tobacco . . 4 . vU J5 Anaconda Mln 54 H At.-hiaon 4."0 1'xis, vw hih llaito 4t Ohio... 3 7 7.H Brook Rap Tr." tio S7li 7 Hr Rap Transit 3'- 7 l -7 f7 Can Pacific 14. Mm 14J H'K 14S Central Ler . . . . -'.."O 41 H 4m 41 fheaa Ohio.. a.l.V'V 56 37H "hl t-ir Win 11 h Mil Ae St P l?.-- JtoHj ;S " hi A N W. . :.oo 1'.' 3 l.'I'i 121H Chipo Copper.. r0 4 i 44' 44 H Col Kuet a- Iron U.5 31 :i1 H olo A- So 7 Denver A It 0 5 do pfd H Diatil Sec .... 7. I no ?m -- ""- S Erie 5 . 7 o o a V " H - " V i:-n-r Electric 1 .-"1 1i7 14 ItCt rent Nor pfd. 2 117H 11-t IUi Or Nor c re fs S.Whi ;c. a, 34 H .t4 V t.ugaenheim Ex 1.7n j ! ni 1 11 Central 1 .!"0 1 U 1 IKt 1 to lnter-Mt pfd 7H Inapira Cop.... 2.4AO HI :u- T lot Harvester. . b ih ph K C Southern. l.-wto 14 H 4' -44 l.ehlch Valley. 141 H 11 S 141 H Louis A Nah.. 1 1 1 1 H 1""H J" Mexican Pet .. d, 4 0.1 ?::s1 71 71 -V liami Copp-r . 4.7i l1 .7 1'7 -4, M K T 1.1mi s-, K Miourl Pacific 15, Km 4 Si 4 Nat HiMult 317 Nat Lead vrvo rt'.'H H fopper. 5oi US 1 4 H 1H N V Central... 3.4m hh H 7 H N Y. NU At II l.!O.I HIV, V-'V Jl?4a Nor A Western . "" 1 V S H Nor Pacific... .3m lo jot Jo.ih Pacific Mill . . . y.5--o :ij H 51 H 31 Pac Te e Tel l'lH Pf nmy lvjr.i .. 5-"0 1.". 1 loi Pullman Pal Car :' 155 3-H l" Rav ion Cop.. S.4m l'(H 21 H K-adtnx S.; 147' 14-H 14H ((p Iron a Steel 1.1 o-J -J . lto it Uland H lo Pfd H P'Usk d pfd . . . 7 So 1'i.r Ific 3T"fl ftd H i H fr-1 SoU Railwey.... 1 .-, ft Tennne Cop l.OoQ 1$ 55 2& Tessa Com 1" Union Pacific. . 1'1.1'mi 1 l.'4 do pfd s U S Steel 73."oo A.I r.s 1 T do pfd ro oiH 1H 3-a T'lh Copper.. . 15.0shj e7 ti5 1 GO S War. ash pfd H w-t Union .... etH en aa Weetint Elec. 2 -J IX ' J H tH lH No-,i power. .. . ! 4s 4 44 Total sales for the day. 557. 000 sharea. BONDS. V s Ref ?s. reg. M;Nor Pac s fH do coupon.... f7 do 3 '-V IT K 3s. re 100. pac T at T :... do roupn....l''flW Penn con 4 S - . I2 V H 4m irft.....fl So Pac ref -la... 4 do coupon .... 1 loH do con v 3.... H Am Smelters i.l',SS Union !' 4... 14 Atch gen dl eonr 4s.... D At It O r 5a. b 'IV L" 8 Steel 5....1"1S N Y C gn 1"5-. J Money, Kxebange. Kt. NEW TOEK. July T. Mercantile paper. 3 IT -IS ter rent. tterlltig. w-day iIH. 4 7t per cent; de mand. 4.TW.; e Abies. 4.7750. Bar stiver. 47Ac; Mexican dollar. 37e. Ciovernment bond eteady; railroad bonds lire u lor. Time loan steady: W day. Z H per cent: tV dn vs. -, per cent; aix month. 3 tf 3 H per rent. Call money tdy; lilvh. 2 per rent; low, 1H Pr rent; rultnsT rate. 1H per cent; last loan. J per rent : cloning bid. 1 S per cent ; offered at per cent. HAX FRANCIPCO. July T Mexican dol lar. 47 4 c : draft. tht, 3 per rent : do. telegraph. 4H Pr cent. Hterlinr. CO day. 4.7J; demand. 4.77 H : cable. 4.7H. TON'DON, July 7. Bar silver. 22 1 l-.d pr ounrt. Money, '-j per rent ; discount ratea, short bllla and 3 months. 4 0 H per cent. Indoa IHtorke More Active. UNlxN. July 7. In the American de partment of the stock mar ket t her waa s.iahtiy better buatn , wtth pci'-cs a abade under the New ork closing of yeeteruwy. Canadian Pacific eh aren, hower. were steady. A f urt her batch of cold bond was eo Id and will Increaa the aitipment on dalurdny steamer. WHEAT BUYERS IN RUSH MIICM.O MAHKKT HAS MVCLY I PWARI) S .G. Kb. tire Inter Crop) Belt Stiffen Krosn Iely In Moveaaent of New Crop Grain. CHICAC.O, July 7. ln!rtip rain over the harvent fields of the West gave the wheat market tndav a lively upward swing. The close was steady. 1H to 2 S above laat night. Corn wound up with a gain of S W He to c. snd oats of He to He pro v islons finished at 2 H to $ He net de cline. Rushes to buy wheat were of such violence at the start that in some cases the Jul opt ion ahowed a Jump of 4 cent a. Ac eordin to authority, the entire Vln ter crop tie it was uf ferine from t he delay In the movement of new wheet, and also be. cause of the Impaired quality of a large pro portion of the grain The world avai-abl supply total showed substantial Increase against a big fall ing off at th correspond in g time a ) ear ago. t orn was firm r.e rlv the w hole session, owing; to th undesirable cold weather. Oat, like w hrat. roa on account of fear that the July delivery would become per haps altogether an old crop problem. The seaboard sent word f bushel of new oats fatten for export. I nuul!y persistent liquidating a a lee by holders brought about a notable break In quotations of pork. In rd and rl -s. At one time pork waa down $1.17 b barrel, com- We Offer $i 10,000 iO fbO coupon OF Portland Union Stock Yards Co. Dated July 1, 1915 Due July 1, 1918 Semi-Annual Interest Th Trust Indenture provide that the Stockyards Company shall not iwue. guarantee or endorse any bonds, debentures, long-time notes or aimiiar serurities or mortgage any f its property hile thcae notes are .outstanding; and that, in rasa ihe company does so mortgage it property or subjects it to any lien which might otherwise have precedence over these notes, this Indenture shall be deemed a prior mortgage upon all its real property and these notes shall immediately be . come due and payable. Price: Par and accrued interest to yield 6r,'o Lumbermens Trust Company Fifth and Stark Bar.4 srllh last sight. In this conx-tlid sr.r. rigurva at hand M. h she 1 ho. slaashi.nng of tar. t. b.v. bn much thaa a year ago. Lsadlng futurra raniM mm foiioaa: WHEAT. Opn. II th l IS ! . l.u: 1 ; " CORN. . .tj .t:.s .. .: OAT. . -0, .4a Iw 'me. Ho:-. lip:y 1 o: el 1, t S ! 45, US Jo'r . July tt. Julr MESS .TolUC .i iz i tj mi .! ao i a- ii ; li.Ti BH. . , LARli. S ;i .: SHOUT RIDA 10.30 14 JO SO I". ml. 10. H lll.v. Juir be pi. t Tt .; Juir t : 10.11 asri prl-ea mr.: Vh-ai No. ; r4. old. tl.OJ; No. J hard. oii. si. 11 ni. j:. -orn .So. ifllii, TC9"c; No. 4 et lor. ;tc. Hr Xomlnsl. 1'srlrr T'xr. Timothy J... Ti tr . riov.r M Ti 12 :i. Primary rH-lpts VSat. 3t4.vOA va 1.3?.imo bushels; com. 7J.i'Wi a. 4t?.0o0; oala, t'.Z.fto it. Itl.lvt bush. a! Hrtipm.nta WIk-ii. s. att.sow bush .Ts: corn. 44.ohi v.. Ai.otKl buali.ia; call, JtVOOS u lit ! bush. la. 1'iMraatn :;;..u0 bush. Is; corn. ao; oats. ((4.U00 buliis. flour, l.loO barrc:a. Forrlgsi Crala Markns. LONDON. July 7. Cargo, on paaaag. Wrw-at. unchanged to 4-1 higher; com, 3d h:ghcr. 1.IVKHPOOU July J. Wheat. Hd to Id higher; c-orn. unrtisocej lo Ss higher; oata. unchanged. BfKXO-l AIRE?. July changsd; com. . higher. -Wheal, un- Vlanes polls Crala Marties. MIXNEAIHI.IS, July 7. Wheat July I.-'T'; r-entemoer. f 1 f3", : No. 1 hard. I.4IS.: No. I northern. l.30 . 1.40H ; No 2 nortf rth.rn. a 1 .7 :s i. .us. Kastersi irala Markets. HT I.OL'I. Julr . Wheat closed: July. II S 1"1: beptember. c ssked; Uscem ber. (1.03.. KANHAR CITT. July 1 Wheat closed: July. S103S; trplember. lc; laecember, t'C. IHXITH, July 7. Wheat cloe.d: Julr. II 3: tieptcmbsr. II. oj V asked; Isecetnbcr. 11 Oil. bid. WlVXimn. Jily I Wbral rloMd : Jul. I1.:S a.kej; October, II :,; ln-cember.' ii.: bid. t.rals at Naa raaM-lae. SAN VII Xi'l"0. July 7 Spot ouota- tior. Wa.;a. 1147 a; red Ttu.sian. II TI I.I t : Toisv-v red. Il.loul 11: blueatem. li;iM(rt: feed barer. Illw l.nTH ; whtio oats. 11.43 . e l.4"; bran. 1:7 aH: middanga. Ilinli; shorts. :i,:l 10. Paget Moaad Orals llarket. PKATT1.I--. July 7 Wheat Itlueat.m. II o.'.: Turkey red. II; fortyfold. Psc; ciuh. IM..-; C.fe, lr; Itrd Ituaslan, 4r; bar:ey. t-1 per ton. "Iesterv!aya car receipts: Wheat, 12; oats, 1J; barley. 9: hay. 44 ; flour, a. TACOMA, July 7. Wheat R!aeatem. II !; fort?fold, to;: c'.ub. 1: red fife, ti ajftl-c; ml. ling red Ku.alaa, sec Iadosl T4'4a4 Nales. IjiXpOX, July T. At Ihs wool snctlon antes ttMl.y su4ki bales wer. offered. mo.t;y New "-lnde. There was a strong demand for good rta, but Inferior stock sat hea-y. Slips rule! Irrearulir. wlta t-n-es littla chenged from the Inst sale. bVoured me. rinoa realiKoa i-l snd greasy crosabrcda is l'd. Me4al Markets. Ton K. July T. Copper steady; NKW el-rlrolytlc. SO. IS O i-O.iOc Iron tedy. l-tl .xchaog o notes tla at 3i -iO S to 30. Metal eschsng, quotes load S. 8.77 He Soelree not qtsoteeL Don't Say "Pavement" Say 'BITULITHIC a-r AMCxan it ojajon ten B g v. H T TRAVixtae mni. COOS BAY LINE Steamer Breakwater alla Kress Alaasvwrth Dec la. fertlsas. very tssra4sy al A. H. s-'relsbt a ad TtcLet ftlcw. Ats.eeerth bsw-lu frssMtaa Mala aslOU. A tl City Ticket oaiee. B-O tb c tlsrmhsll OAoo. A I3U I'UMILAMJ sk COOS BAY ft. fs. U.Ma Notes TRAiriritv unnc San Francisco Los Angeles tWIIkwat Ckaaas ta llasato The HisT. Cleaaw esst.r4able. r.le-aaaitly Apayalaafe. -e" stcasaslala S. S. ROSE CITY alla r'rosa Alaayi.rtla Dsrk A. M. Ji LV 11. lOOUslaes M lies .olaaabla Hlirr. All Hatea Isc-lual. Kcrtbs mm lira Is. T able sad cr lc I aeaeelleal. ?" ".""aelae e fortlssd S. S, --r 1 b I r a mmm Mashls(t.. bta. imtth t.-V. R. S. t., Mr.. saajr 40O0. A IU FRENCH LINE Cenpasnle Gear rale TraSMtasatloJe. I'OslAL SLUIUk. Salnjs roni KEW YORK to EORDEAUX ROCHAM0E.VU ....July 17. 3 I M. NIAGARA July 21. 3 I'. M. CII1CVGO July 31. 3 l M. VOR INFORMATION arrtt . C. M . mlsgvr. at b sCi A. It. t uiim. JM atrt.. aw aa. laikc, I. a, A ai, bbietooa. AM u .t. : As. IlkkM, Sis U wM -augtoa 4.j ortb llaaa sliasu. tta sad . sa. . ai, atca-sxlsaie), rd sad lta.kuaiea Aa.t I U. liuilj. Lit id sA, i-sTtlss4. IDEALROUTEEAST Throuh tho Panamn Canal TO M.H VIIHK 1 I AM.l.l.Iji AMI MAN 111 !... LARGE AMERICAN TRANS-ATLANTIC LINERS I.NIM- "kK(HIUM- jivvA tons dlspla-.mem srwss S. r rantlK. Irons lo. Angeles Iter Is. JULY 10 JULY 11 AHi. S At 4 Aful eerv third week Ihrr.ali.r Vlrsi. labia 0 1 '3 up. lnl.rm.aiat. mm up. Panama Pacific Line CI srrass Ae reattle. Local Hail or frtraaiiii(i JWiirtita. COOS BAY I.IRtKl AM) hAN llt.(l(0 SS. SANTA CLARA "sila Natarday. July IS. S I. M. San Francisco fAXTA FAIlPARA, !. A Nl.KI.KS AND t-A.N l-u.;. SS. ROANOKE Sails Wednesday, July It. I. M. NORTH rAtlUC STKAMII1P CO. Ticket Orfics j Freight Office 133A Id St i Foot Northrun ft. atala 1114. A 1314 I A 14.1 Nortrh Bank Rail 26 Hours Ocean Sail S-Ueca. lrii..-rH-r.. sa.tva.t oS. "liRCtT NOKTIII HX ba. .ollllllK .AtlllL" SAN FRANCISCO EeT Taeeday. Tburaday and Saturdaj. Fteamer train learss NonS UanK si. net m-i A. M.; lunrh auoard ship, bi, arrives baa A- J.JJ f. 14. aaat day. tH-MlMI btHVlrC AT KREIOIIT KATE. NOBTH BANK TICK1TT OlllCK. rbeaea: tsdwy. Ms. A sell Urn and Clark. AUSTRALIA a& sssa Honolulu and South Seas lllWllI UM ( IS 4.r Slkl TlBO "VEinTRA" "'SONOMA" "SIERRA' lT.tuV-los aaa-Kiral 8le.aaei.-i Rated Llo.l. lis) All 513) Eonolula fSmcS!m 5j-y. 5337iJ For Honolulu Ju'v 20. Aug " 1 7 - 3 Pert. For rldn.y Aur. . A uc. II OCKANir CTU tM-iHIP CO. 7s Market M ) 1 ram-lr-o. Str. GEORGIANA Harkins Transportation Co. Uaira Hail; r.irtrl aosaar at T A. at. oucday, :3u A. Ai. for AiTultlA anA way land tag a. Uaiurnlar Iravra As toria at 2 V'. M.. arriiinc I'ariund P. in1ing (joi of v. . ntloajljo, at. M2)o r r T al I It Z iBAnArK)e7!ZiA L l III GJl-Kiorf jam HOSAsrroa. ii w L - roTrvDr o 4 tuti.. avkp pHJLM FOfTT HCLT L! U E I re;neat ssJhnca from . ark bf sew sad fast '11' iatii pamDtwltatstri. Dereey a. Snaltb. J m lt.'' a 3 Viasainstos bta.. or -fi I j 1 1 aisJa 4iJU A iz-