Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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MIDDLE-AO ED. reliable Woman r,r,-tir3
nurae. desires position; willing to do
A 1 . I 7.
. . i " " " , ibiip- i n com -
pionship of lady here, to California or
f tnf-. ('. !n ll-i '
PK ACTICA L nurse wishes mure engage
ments; best of references. Phone Co-
fcXPIJIUtiCED trained nurxe with best of
rferenrw will take steady position. AH
IVT RS E-COM PA N ION by u nders: rad uate of
anility: Christian Scientists preferred. BC
vr. or(rnnian.
i.XPKRIE.CED nurse girl wishes position
raring for one or two children. Wood lawn
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants cases; any
, Jhmg taken; Reasonable. Main 3S7S.
A TRAINED obstetric nurse wantscasesof
any Kina. pnone Tabor u3.
TWO frirls want kitchen helper work or fam
ily place. Main ;574. .
- -., .- ,
MIDDLE-AOED Hwedish lady wishes a po
sition In city or country, as housekeeper
for one or more rentlemen ; reference.
Adriresn Oray, 253 21st st. North. rort-
POSITION as housekeeper In hotel or apartment-house
for us of apartments; city
references . Main 65 20.
LADY nt refinement desires post ion. house
keeper, best references. Main 8023. Mrs.
aoUNO woman wants position as house
keeper where she can take her b-year-old
1aughter.N f2'i. Orearonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, thoroughly ex per 1
enced, wants dressmaking;; A-1 refs; $1.50
day and rarfar. Alain 7051 A 3 Til 7.
EXPERIENCED woman, 40, wants a posf-
tion as cook In private family; wiling
I to go to beach or any place. Kast 389 or
AH 922. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants place with
couple; good cook; pro to the beach. Mar-
snau odi. Koom 't.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work from
to 5. East 6345. also nursing.
NEAT, experienced woman wishes position.
COMPETENT woman, nursing or house
work. Sell wood 2-18.
YOUNG woman. 28. thoroughly com Detent.
I desires position as cook in private home ;
$::5 month
A-1 references. ililn 7001, A
YOUNG woman, 80. refined and educated,
desires the care of children daytime un
til 4 o'clock P. M. ; near Kenton preferred;
best of references. Main 7051, A 1517.
AIIUDLE-AGED colored ' woman desires
housework and cook In a; on the East side,
where she can go home nights; refs. Main
7051, A 1517.
&KIL.L.ED laundress wishes day engage
ments, private family; fine lingerie a spe
cialty. Thur., Mon., Tues. Room oU5, Mar
shall 22t.
GOOD laundress wants to do washing and
i rumna; i nursaay ana i-Tlday. Marshall
2;5 1, room 5-
TRADE school girl, IS, desires care of chil
dren at beach, July 31 to Sept. 6. 705 JE.
i."ith hL. N.
TOt XG LADy would like position as piano
muviiig picture nouse in suu-
SCOTCH woman wants day work. Washing.
EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants day
win., ucdi ui rcicrences. Jiatn 7051, A
DINNERS, teas, weddings planned, prepared,
TWO Finn Lb ti girls want general housework;
references. Wood lawn 1563.
WOMAN wants day work, any kind; good
reference. Phone Marshall 1427.
COMPETENT, neat. Swedish girl wants place
aa i-ook. rnanc i a uor lali.
WANTED Bundle washing or work by day.
East 5S2X
.LADY wishes day work, washing, ironing;
1HL wants housework; elderly people pre
iti fa. i none cast !iw).
CAPABLE woman needs washing or clean-
inr. lauor - i o.
1M1DDLE-AGKD woman wants light house-
ui j" armiHii oo-tT
lltEFINED competent German wishes house-
IjAliNDRY and cleaning by pjrons, expe
COMPETENT laundress wishes work Thurs.,
Frt. and Sat. Wood lawn 1611.
i'Ol'NG woman wants and must get day
wotk, any Kina. jarsnau 1-4L
IR. HOUSE OWNER: We can rent your
house. We do not depend on rental sians
In your vacant windows to bring results.
w e nave tne people ana get result, our
business is house rents. See Hixby. In
terstate Title &. Loan Co.. 51a tierllnger
bldg. Main 2801.
WANT to lease a home for 1 or more years.
i or t rooms, partly furnished ; must be
In good district. Describe property, lo
cation ; give price. Middle-aged couple,
no children; reference given. Address
iox ewi, .rurtianu.
WANTED To jent, permanently. 5 to 7
room cottage, house or bungalow, neatly
1 furnished, modern, West Side, south ot
f Washington. Dr. H.. it. Dewey, tienersvl
f Delivery, city.
SMALL, furnished house in Brooklyn or
Sell wood district by reliable young couple,
no children; state price in first answer.
f i oregonian.
once. 5 or (-room abaci lut-lv
modern flat: must have a lawn; East or
f , wum vouwucr uuiigatow ; rent
must be moderate. Sla Yeon bidg.
lUGI'ST 1 Permanent by family of two.
or o-room uniurnisnea oungalow, close
in or BUDurnan. u V-'O, Oregonian.
liTURNISHED bungalow house, clean, small.
piano, warning utstance; aaults. Marshall
KLRN1SHED house in Rose City Park or
irvuipion ior one year or longer, can
Mar, a 1 Stf.
RESPONSIBLE party will care for house or
p... .. i uumn jwi ouiuuiui , iow rent.. An
925, Oregonian.
WANTED 5 or 6-room furnished house, on
canine preierrea; must be bargain. Call
Tabor S912.
WANTED by elderly man, nice, clean fur
nished room in suburbs in nrivate fa.milv
or itn widow; must be quiet, no other
roomers and no objection to
State price. A F Oregonian.
f'l'RNISHED room for 2 young men; modern
cuncniences; west fciue. Ao 8Jtt. Orego
nian. Rooms With iioaxd.
IVOL'NG lady student desires room and board
in exenange zor services, au U24, Orego
nian. It IS
Purninbed Rooms.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill. Desirable downtown location. Re
spectable and strictly modern. Rates $ I
per day. $ per week. With private bath
i l"r d&y $o-0 per wees:.
Morrison it., at luth Central location;
REDUCED RATES, SOc per day up; week
ly. $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths; steam heat.
Modern, rooms single or with batha
steam heat, electric light, individual tal
cphones, plenty of hot water. Low rates.
Northeast corner Stark and 11th.
Modern outside rooms. :i weekly and up.
I-argtr ground -floor lobby.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Vi Washington
st. New firep roof brick, all outside rooms,
tunning hct and cold water, private or
public bat as. quiet and homelike; $2.50 wk.
V A NT ED Roommate to reduce room i n
k-jjjt iiscii nreproor ouitaing, snower baths.
Hiuii"iutii ueus. vaii or auuress x. ii. t.
A. business olflce.
luS 12TH ST.
Modern; special reductions on all rooms;
$2 per ween a. d up. Marshall 2790.
HOTEL EUWAHJ'S, Grand ave. and E. Bel
mont Rooms tli monthlv. SJO uu with
private bath ; large, pleasant lobb. cats
in 'ounecdon. Phone last 323.
East Morrison st.. near lirand aveC
Cleanliness and comfort; 3 per week up.
ool. comfortable, airy rooms, fres
phones, bath, $ week. $8 month and up.
SAN MARC . 422' Washington Strictly
m muuciii. zurnisnea; rooms, sju month;
t faring sret. .1 month u n fr nimn..
HOTtL CORDOVA. 1 1 th st, Strictly
ma-rn; pruate baths en suite; rooms 3
i:p. Main 9472. A 4783.
HOTEL GRANT. 451 u Washington. Modern,
clean rooms, all conveniences; $2.5o up.
MAXWELL Hall. 2&7T4Th; strictlymodrn :
use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M- 1153.
HOTEL NORTHS, KSSt Aldw." Modern out
side rooms, Z per week up.
Furnished Roosnt.
W est Park and Morrison Sta
Transient and Permanent Gussta.
A centrally locaiu hotel with mrmry
mouern convenience; room, singis or an
suite, with and without private bath .
modest prices, with spec. a; rates by tne
month to permanent guests.
1 1th and Yamhill.
Handsomely furnished rooms mlth or
without private bath. $4 to 'per week;
telephone in each room ; ele atr.r service ;
ownership management ; pi manent ar
rangements; als. tourists. -Mam
Corner llth and Stark, 2 week and up;
evator, hot and cold water, it-am heu
telephone connection in eacn room; no ea
t ra charge for t wo In a room ; room and
bath ! day ; transient solicited.
YOUNG men may coniuit without charge
register of furnished rooms at V. M. C. a.,
liming several hundred In all parts of tae
city, also those iu tne Association build
735 Washington.
Family hotel; hot aud cold water and
phone in every room; rooms without baiu,
8lo up; with bath, sl up
IF locking for quiet, clean, modern rooms,
call V Larrabee at; traosicut trau
anted; rates very reasonable.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
Al TRACTIVE room with or without board
for 1 or 2 young men. Main 7 JC. -ti
12 W EE K Clean front room, modern con
veniences, private entrance. 424 Jeffer
son. FRONT suite, a!fo front single room, run
ning water. 745 H o t. Marshall 4 754.
LARGE front room for one or two; b blocks
from p. o. zi3 w. para.
GOOD rojiti, good bed, cheap rent, walking
fl.. WEEK, airy front rnm, eplng
porch l.-5; quiet home, central. a:2 lUtn.
ONE large front downstairs room, close in,
convenient location. 211 Cth st.
FURNISHED rooms, $1.75 per week up; nic?
nouaeKi'ing pioms. a;so. vv st rarK.
Kooms With Board.
Wash in k ton at 3d st.
A charming lamily and transient btel
of the highest oraer; excellent cuisine, sep
aratt tables; extremely reasonable rates;
worth investigating. Main 754, A 7033.
A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel.
American plan; on car line; lti minutes
from business center; price la accord
with general business conditions.
2Zd and Hoyt sts. Marshall SSL
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites. Single rooms. .Excellent table.
A 6211. Main 4611.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An excellent residential hotel; a t tract 1 we
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Phone Main 2S3, A 6628.
The Whitehall. 253 6tb St.. has a fine
table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a
real home ; reasonable rates.
WEAVER Hoirl, room with private bath
and phone, strlrtly f irst-clas. Summer
rates, $15 and up; board optional.
THE NORTON, 12th and Morrison; rooms
and board or tabic board. Main 041.
""Rooms" With lioard" lu Private Family."
COOL, airy, beautifully furnished room, hot
and cold water, bath adjoining; suitable
for two; excellent meals; also single room,
West Side, easy walking distance. Mar-
shall 2438.
204 Portr iu, S" car passes door. 2
rootr. furnished apartments, llu per month
and up. Main 7302.
ARE you looking for a home for the Sum
mer? Call at fcO E. 20th North, R C Una
Housekeeping rooms or board to refined
adults. C. fii. preferred.
LARGE front room, modern home, close In.
all conveniences free, board opt too ai.
reasonable. 474 Salmon at. Marshall 4410.
Mi DOLE-AG ED, reliable, competent won.iia
wants children to board; Jia per month;
best of references. Alain 751. A 1517.
FURNISHED room, with board for two or
more gentlemen. reasonable. Hawthorne
district. Phone Tabor 5513.
ROOM and board In newly furnished home;
modern; $25 month. 434 Mill, cor. 12 th,
Mala 6140.
WANTED A refined gentleman or lady to
board ; all modern conveniences. Phone
B 2'J78.
SUITE of rooms, suitable for man and wife
or 2 gentlemen; with board, $4 month.
45 V.. Park.
LA RGB room, bath attached. excellent
board, suitable ior two; gentlemen only ;
references required. 291 West Park.
ROOM and board, walking distance, modern.
Main 69 79. 532 10th St.
BOARD and room In private family, newly
furnished. $25. 4ii7 Clay st. Mar.
at S69 10th st.
LIGHT, airy basement i ooms $1 per week.
4)5 W. Park ; privileges of board.
FOR business girls or students, $4 week up
"Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders st.
KuOM and board. $25 per month; Irving ton
district. Phone East 5152.
A BOARDING home for children ; reason
able. East 51'.
ROOMS with board, in private family, walk
ing distance. East 510';.
Furnished Apartments
MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Mont
gomery sis.; strictiy modern, all outside,
furnished 2-room apts. ; eleutrlc elevator,
best service, close in; $13 to $25; free
Lights. Main 9408.
llth st., corner Hall. Elegantly fur.
nished apartment ; private phone, bath
and balcnr.y porches; and up.
f.44 Everett, bet. 2uth and Ella sts.; fur
nished o-roorn apts.. with or without sleep
ing porch ; modern.
$20 month up; modern 3 and 4 -room
apartments; completely furnished. lh'J
North 2:d, corner Kearney. Alarshall C45.
park st., at Madison.
Modern 2, 3 and 4 -room furnished apart
ments, close in; by week or month.
CLA Y POOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay.
Two rooms; light, pleasant and wr!l fur
nished : walking distance; $2t to $25.00.
Main K757.
1 4th and Columbia.
1 and 3-room apartments, furnished,
first-class : reasonable rates. Main 73;7.
WEIL-FURNISH ED. best-arranged 4 - room
apt. for rent In Portland ; elevated sire;
southern exposure; separate entrance; ae
lect neighborhood. Main 2.'urt. A 314ft.
HISLOP HALL. cor. East Cth and Haw
thorne; 2 and 3-room apts.; private baths
and phone; also single rooms; well fur
nish1 : $12. 5t up. Prion? East S2.
BERKELEY APTS. :n Trinity Place; 2
and 3-room apts.; light and plea-ant;
balconies; central; $17.50 to $30.i0. Mar
shall ur.o-
3 -4 -room apts.. t iiorouahly modern and
clean; roof- garden, sand boxes for chll
dren; $2Q up. rnndiirtd by owner.
YOUNG LADY wants roommate, lijrM
housekeeping apartment. West Side. walk.
Ina; distance; price reasonable. Mar. 54G3.
room 5. after 6 P. M.
THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished
2. 3 and 4 - room apartments; lowest rate
in city. Corner N. LHo and Northrop.
2QR t.. near Ta vlor; Marshall 2324-;
o. 4 and 5-room furr.ifhed and unfur. apts.
3-ROOM elegantly fur. apt.. 935, InHurftnu
.piano and serving machine; liish-rla-s
a pt. -house, close in. Phone Marsha IT 231 rt.
NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones,
lights, linen, gas. hot w ater alwsvs. $2.5o
to .-...pO week. 170V 2d. nr. Mor. 4th flooT.
Modern furnished two-room apartments,
$22.5rt up; close in. Main
4-ROOM furnished apartment, nice vard.
outside room, fireplace and porch. Phone
Woodlawn 1043. -
FINELY furnished 4 -room apt., with sleep
in-r porch, for $30 per mo., July. Aug. and
Stpt. 200 E. 13th. Eflst 4322.
Modern. 2 rooms, specia . rs te for July
and Aug. 17th wni Marsha,:. M a r. 4043.
DRIt'KSTON, 44 llthl moie7n2 and" 3
room apts. : excellent service, walking dis
tance. Marshall .-.. A S4.
VKLLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett
'Two roms. newiy furnished ; hardwood
floors, walking distance; 22.5o. Min 1245.
HAMMERSI.Y COURT, 250 12th st. Bv the
day, week or month; modern, close to P.
P. ; reasonable ; ref. Marshall 20.v.
NEW furnished- npa rtments; concrete block ;
$-1 and 12. 1144' Union ave. N.
JACKSON APTS., Union ave. and E. Davis
rom pleteW f urnMhed ; $15 to $2T.. K 'JS.A.
CA M A R. 7n4 Ijovejoy Modern br'k buiTil
Ing; 2. 3-room opts.. $1 to J30. Mar. 2017.
PA OB apnrtments. K. fh and F B-irnslde.
Ka?! niflrt, De si ruble n room-", furnished.
ADRMAY TERRACE. 35 1 2T H First -class
In every rejt ; attractive rate.
THE LAI'RFTTB One fnrnlshed 3-room
apt.; private bath and phone. 22V llth st.
t o roifched Apartments.
ltrta and baUnoa hts.
Is quiet, refined, clean, safe. pop.
ular well known and of the highest
tanuing. Not the chespest but a
house of qualtt). comfort and serv
ice. Month. Week. Day.
2 - room . S3' to $5A $ I o up j: up
3- room. 45 to 3 16 up 3 AO op
4 - room. to ho 20 up a io up
Rooms . . 1H snd up ft up J ' up
5th and Columbia Sts.
9 mln. walk to Meier sr Frank store;
rice surroundings; just the thing
Summer; strtrtly modem 2 and 3 - room
furnished apts., sll outside, with Freoca
doors and balconies.
Iay. Week. Month.
Rtes reonab!e. Marshal) &1,
1-tri and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
Walking distance. Rerereneea.
Fifth and Colieg.
Clean, coay. thr and four-room far
ills Led apartments very cheap.
Also bachelor apartments.
Heat, water, phone and Janitor service
ONLY $1 to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per
eek. rom p let el y furnished housekeeping
tto-rooin apts. Including electrir liguta,
beat, hot mater, bath, private phone new
brirk bldg.. 13 minutes from P. l. Ijnroln
Apts.. 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 41A.
Furnished or unfurnished l-room apart
ments; linen, silverware, privets phone and
bath, sleeping porch ; nesrest the Union
Depot of East Side apartments. ror
ner Claekamaa snd Ross sts. Kast I72.
WASH I N ( ; TON-iiRAND 2-rtKm furnished
apts., 12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern,
clean, very desirable; hot snd cold water.
nat, light, bath furnished. Grand a vs.
and E. Washington st. Phone East 444U.
Cor- Park and Taylor.
Handsomely furnished 2. a and 4 -room
sul tee; bent Iocs t Ion In city: reasonable.
CAHLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th
Near, modem; steam heat, private baths,
laundry, completely furnished 2 and -room
spts ; lo mln. from business center;
save carfwre; rates moderate; references.
COr PLETELY furnished two and Three
room apartments; esay walking distance;
$16 to $2'. Including lights, phone and
janitor servtee, i7 17th near Yamhill.
I nf umUbed Apartments.
on Lucretla st.. 10 feet north of 234 and
Wash., most beautifully located hlgh-elass
apartments. 2 to 5 rooms, all large outside
rooms. 2 apartments newly furnished ;
prices reasonable; references required;
see them before locating. Manager. Mar
shall 1513.
705 DAVIS ST.,
Head of King t
Most modern and fashionable apart
ment-house In Portland; absolutely fire
proof. Three to 7 -room unfurnished apart
ments. UAXTHOKXK APARTMENTS. 251 12th St.
Unfurnished apartments. modern In
every respect; close lw, first-class service;
each apartment has a private balcony.
and 4 -room, wide halls, private vestibule,
ph me and bath; bnck building; e.evaior;
refereneea. Mgr. Mar. ATS 5; Jen. Mar. f755
325 loTH fT.. near Clay. 3 large rooms, oak
floors, front veranda, sleeping-porch,
riiug. refrigerator, heat, hot water. Strici
ly modern. Just completed.
4 LARGE rooms and sleeping porch In small
apurtnieni-house, $5; gas range, hast,
hot and cold water, lawn and porches, new.
Vnrshsll 3'.7S.
MuDERN family fiat. 5 rooms and sleeping
porch, 'est bide, 10 minutes walk Port
office. 3th st., near Jackson. Main 7od5.
A H5l.
H RUCK APTS.. 206 N. 25th U rooms, ve
randa, hardwood floors, steam heat, phones
and Janitor. Main 4ok. a .;17u.
RoSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef
ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments,
fust -class service, .rlate phone; ref.
STEVENS APT., d large outside rooms, front
and back private porches, best, hot water
and phone. 710 Northrup, near 24th.
THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson, 3. 4, $
rooms, reasonable. Mar. 350, a 2471.
TH E MARL BO R OUGH. 2 Ibl and t'landera.
La-re. Ityht 5. 6-r. reas. M. 7511. A 2176.
6-RM. apt.. 3 bedrooms, outside rms. 9
porches.hjsrd wood floors, refs. Msr. 175$.
Kiimlhed or T'nfumldied Apsrtmeats. '
M3-621 Morgan bldg.
Furnished and unfurnished spartraenta
In All parts of the city; great snety of
locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto
mobile at your service in visiting any of
our apartments.
Main 2015. A 50111
THE BARKEP.. corntr of 21st, and Irving -Furnished
and unfurnished spa rtments in
'J. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brlek ; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
bull:-in buffets and w rlting desks, plenty
of closet room, .vacuum cleaner free.
Phone Marshall HG1.
Lirgest. most homelike, high-class apts.
In city, furnished snd unfurnished.
Sleeping porches. Walking distance.
12 in and Harrison.
Finest apsi tmeiit-houa? ou Pacific Coast;
beautiful Iocs t Ion. strictly modern, walk
ln dilane. references. M . loul, M 1"52.
isr. Vista ave, off Wsahlngton at.
3 und 4 rooms, wiih private bslconlas.
unfurnished or furnished; hlgh-clsas
neighborhood; bet of mt.; reasonable.
THE ROYAL ARMrf. lth sad Loejoy
The newest and must up-to-oats spta la
Portlsnd; hsrowoou floors, baloonies, eta;
all rents moderate; 1 2-room- $17 6vi 1
l-room. $30. Msrehall $SU
KoENFELD APTS. 14(h and East ttara
Brick bidg. and strictly modern; w snd
4 -room spta, iar- rooms, private phone
w ra- n n . icwiiuie rent; rerereneea.
SHEFFIELD A part men ta 170 Broadway 4
blocks to business center; best location la
Portland furnished and unfurnished aii
rents reduced. Main 2506. A 3149.
ifr unfurnisbed rooms, sleeping porch
and ail modern convenienose; one S-rooua
luininiicu ipinmcBi. saarsnsi 10 19,
New C and 3 -room furn. and unfum.
otl ;itsan at. Phone Mln 5344 or A 5.s.
THE ORMu n D K ; $- room apis., furnished
and umurnished; boo Flanders, Nob hili.
M. 8251.
REX ARMS IXin and E. Morrison: S and
S rooms; Summer rates; modern service.
MEREDITH 3 und 4-roorn apts. very rea
sonable. 712 Vaah., opp. 2-'-i. Main, 7Ie4.
THE t'H ETOPA, !lh and"riandera.""j7"3r4-
THE W i N DSO R 2.
I and 4 beautiful rooms.
K. 1 th and Vsmhill.
iunnn-q or not.
KING-DAVIS APTH.. 54 King st. 3 and 4
rooms; high class; references. Main 2'i5S.
4 AND 5 -roora apts. with aleeplng porches.
r,1 - ,'t pe r Yam h 1 1 1st.
Flt". "
ATTRACTIVE unfurnished upper flat of 1$
room a and two baths; suitable for large
family or few boardera; very near caritne.
Vi Jackson st., between 10th and llth
West Hioe; rent reduced from 46 to $30.
Inquire on premises or at S3 V. P-rkfl
corner Mill or phone Main 4173 or A 3.
W K.VI' bl DE 6-room ! er fist , furnace
with hot-wster coll, fireplsc tubs, faces
south; 725 Kearney; $25. phone C o02
mornings or ev eninsjs.
MODERN family flat, 0 rooms and sleeping
porch; West Side. 10 minutes' walk i'oit
oftiee. 5th st. near Jackson, Main 7065,
A 6.'fil .
5-ROOM modem upper fist with sleeping
porch; wsiktng tiUtance; corner Rest 14th
and Madison . $21. Phone East 7"iH.
DELIGHTFUL dow nrisirs suite, gas
iaiik running water, beautltul home; $15
month. 115 N- 2;d-
$12 A MONTH Nwtiy tinted 4 rooms, close
to school and carline; desirable location
Olden. 107 Shaver. Wood ta a a St 8.
$:.S. WITH witter, clean. niodrn -" - r o rn
lower; furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen.
et. East I'.'tn and lavis. t.uti 3247.
UPPER or loser t-room ftsta. all lliht
rooms, in a nice hcanou, high and sightly;
references; no children. R24 E. Ta lor at.
MODERN tVroom f iat ; also g-room house.
Injuira 175 loth st.
Foil RENT 5-room modern fist. $15. 31 Va
E. l h. eor. Burnside.
1 I .AT of rooms and tatn. 7. lit H"1 sU
lnoiilre i ;0 lilh st. Phone Main 27i.
UuLiKHS 4 sr. J G rounui, r City Psrk ;
r-HK-nable. M. A 217.
MODERN 5 and d-room fists ver reason
sh'e. .".-.'i Everett st.. West I-1de.
$io 2 MODERN 4 -room flats, tlenn. tlbt
r fo.n. 02 East Msln. Phone Esst b".7.
MOPKHN $-room f at. $li. MUorne: I st.,
otf 2 id and Washiagtsn. Main 464.
Furnished Mats,
$13 COM PLETELY furnished flat in. iud
ing electricity, water, fee 5 Aibina av
coiner BsnOena; L car or Mississippi ava
FINELY furnished living-room, dining-room.
2 bod rooms, kitohen. bath. pantry. d
-losets. steam hest. $7 llth.
NEATLY-FURNISHED 3 -room flul to qutet
coupls. Largs, oool rooms. East 5o-i3. bl
COM PtET ELY furnished H-room f:at. cen
traly i o t L iur neighborhood, to 6Wpt
1. Msrsr.sii 2421.
FiR RENT Mirn 5-ro.m (umlhM f.t
with piano, very reason aide i o responsible
punier, no children. f lwoo-1 l.i..
i-KMJM modern, newly kaJomintl, prl ate
t-sth. 3K5 itoss, 2 blocks liroadsay wriUgv.
$ 1 6-
ELEGANTLY furnkhej roonua. Nob liiCL
sicct neigh botnooo. K i4. urtgoniaa.
$' NEW DitKlvin 4-rooru furnished LL,
porcn. wa.sing nnunre. zv Market.
$15 S ROOM, sleeping porch, bath, mod
ern, is J aneou r, near xiroau a ay.
$1 N ICELY furnished 4 -room" flat, cum
pete, wslking Uistanes. Phone t 1 ..u.
4 - it OO M f u r n I shed t ! a co m pie t e, $ I H .
Phone East 1
lluusckrepiiks; Kooms.
THREE rttiant housekeeping rooms on
ground fior. corner tot. lrgs porches,
fine lawn, fruit and shaue tr a A.o uut
bedroom. Must be seen to be apprecisted.
Close in. nee manager HauL&orna Apart-
ments. 251 12th.
$2.25 W EE K up. absolutely cleanest hou
keeping sulfas In town; suites. $U up:
ht Malar, Lihs. etc.. ires; uiibi pco.
pie ui;i , mv rarfare. '1 lie iadiac d.
near jJ-rvm.
$1 TO $2.51 aek, (Ivan, furnished house
keepit.r rooms, suitable fur 2 or 4. sas.
free hest. aundr, bath, srd. East tVo.ii.
4tM Var eouver. hui'lon. "I sr.
W'H Y p mura w hen you can rent all out
side rooms, 75c per w ee each, suites of
two. rs plstefurnlshed. li.moiU Apts
S. E. cor. K. lth and Hdmoni.
NICE suites of 1-2-3 snd 4 housekeeping
room partly furnished, st 244 Va
worth ave . cur. Vancout er. iow iul
Phne C lis". .
HHNIbHtO suites of 1. 2 and 4 rooms at
244 H Kiiitngsorta ave.; low rent. Pnons
VV wUlaan A 4144, Marshall 205.
KOVCKtnT, i73 12th Convenient suites "slid
single h. k. rooms; us of piano.
4ul KA.sT VijKHIht N Furnished 1 snd 2-ro'-in
ho use Keeping apartments tesaonaole.
OILMAN IIOTKLllst snd A Lie -3 k uTn l h ed
housekeeping room ciit-sp; $1.5o week up.
SINGLE IL iT. apt.. wa.kuTg distance, $1
KLHNiMlKlJ Jiouko'pltig rvoiat, cheau.
HiswkeeploK Kooinn to private Family.
A LA HOE room, besulif ully decors ted, ao
kitchenette. xurnislied tor housekeeping,
gas, eloctrio light and evrtmng lur
i.urned free; sia rmt cheap. 3v 1-ath.
4UuuM furnished spsrtment, porch, gs,
electric light, ysrd. mmitirn residence, 1
block Hawthorne car. Phone B lu4u. 734
E. Maolson.
4-ROtM. furnished complete, entire low er
floor, pantry, sink. bath. tens, gss, fur
nace, 2 blocks Hawthorne car. East
Main. cor. Sid ml. 11 1st a.
FRONT suite, running water, phone, gas,
et?ct feeishtKHr.ood. only fiO inuuiii, 42
21 si st. No.
LARGE front rooms, kitchenette and sl-ep-lisT
porch; siao sluglo rooms; buutuci
prices; good service. 337 12 1 h.
CLEAN, plt-aaant front room, very fin tat
oerce iU l.borhood, gas range. Lam, coa
venient. s month. 1 15 N. 2 .i.
t I'RNiriHEi) houek-pin j rooms, ail coii-venleuc-ee.
rent rcaeouab.c, at 4o8 College.
Main twio.
$12 T W o tlc.n t urnlslivd h. k. rooms, pi 1.
vate bath and vutrauce. 137 Cleveland
ONE lsrge ih.m with kitchenette fur 11. K. ;
ten have) more room If O-vs.rctl. Zil Chap
men. 1 AND J -room modern H. K. suites $1 to
$J.5tf week; also l-rootn bssemsut suite
!-'. 414 j;fcrsuu. Marshall zllv.
LA HOE , airy room, light housekeeping. u
of D! M.IIO. M.n 31 Sol loth at
TiiKtit. furonntU houBekeepina; r"mi, ith
semen, e1. 74 s ain at. Main 2 1 1 .
$lu TWO furnished H. K. rooms, e.ecti icit,
bsth. gss. 41 Esst aorrsoa.
LAROE room, curnpietely furnished for light
housekeeping ; no chl.dren. ;wi ltn.
CLEAN 2-room front suite, private rtiaoi.t,
free phone, $12 per inomh. 5i 1 4th.
PlHrtT-CLAJSd II. K. room for lady only;
ryiiima luniiiiitu. i m our sss.
i v o light cleu 1. k, rooms iu bssemmL
3 N ICELY f uriiished ho4Jseruping room.
fl'x In. free ligru. bsth, phone. U E. 7tn.
NIC ELY f urnished 3-rootn U. k. suite, aiav
TWO isrse front housekeeping rooms, bsth.
44.M. (law at
FliEE housekcp;ng rooms for couple; wfe
take charge -f a rooms. Msrshsil 3o51.
Nobody is. Rent dss slwa corns too
quick. y. Why not get i-long without him T
I u y a h omo this spring. 1 have s-'me
new b-sut:ful modern huues In LAL'KLIe
HI RST from : up on very easy terms.
Aft qutckly while prices are on bedrock.
'Money in the pocket grows less hae It
safe srul increasing." J. Dela&uuty. i0xi
t irk st. Main 15wJ, A 1515.
Had to the city; rraponslbls psrt
with no email children can rent in is new
delightful -mom. 1 tivry house, with
sari are for $iwi. Every built-in con
vent vacs Installed ; b;ilisrd-room tn base
ment; located In Insure. hurst within Um'.t
b.ock of bwsutlful LAUKELHCRST PARK.
Act quickly, sa dusena wi;i be sfter tha
p;ac. F. E. ('lemanil, 270 Mark st.
Mslti l$i3, A ltlfc.
Se us before xu rent a ptaoo to live
In. Fl minutes in our office under our
new aalem equa'is a month of peraonsl
searching. Ws will show you any prop
erty you wlrn to see. See lit by,
S15 Cer;inger blag. - Main S8Q1.
MODERN six-room house at tos Bruadsay
street , t vt-ry convenience f tne srd snd
rents for S.'O to dcsirsbie tenant. Get key
at 1 44 Broadwsy. See owner. $12 Piatt
b ROOMS. No. 411 llth St.. near Hall St..
clean and desirable. Rent $1. Key st
No. 4o llth st. Parnen. Watklna sV. Co..
No 141 2d at.
DKSIR.A H I.K l-room dwelllnc, 3. a 13raJ
w M' West ; 1 1replsee. furnsce. gas. elec
tricity, inotlern plum b lug ; ressonsbie rent.
rted n. w iiiiamv, r irsi w
heater, basement, cement floor, wash
trays, gaa aud electricity. 722 Multnomah.
rnnnf can
BUNG AL W. 115 Charming home, firs
plsce. sleeping -porch, natlv e 1 rati, roses,
chicken park. Phones Eaat 231H or W 000
Uwn ns4
5" ROOMS. No. 413 llth, corner Hall st.,
first -class condition and location; rent 2o.
Psxrlsh.Watkir.aA Co., 106 2d aj,
$ ROOMS, furrace. electricity, gaa. J"flrs
pi sees, walking dtstance. Apply 301 sior
mn bldg. Kent tS3.
5- liuuil cottsfte, E. Ash. very i-hop
rent, close l, fine srd. Apply il5 East
$14 CUE AN" five-room bouse, electricity and
10:. -juth. I ; wren Alder snd w n-
InKton. Esst 535d. V. ater free.
MODERN, very dealrsbls -room houeoa
a. sua sva u . vtose an.
PORTLAND H EIGHTH, ft room, modern bun
galow, gsrsge, lsrge grounds. 'sll at -11
MHual bMrf. or phone Main 34"2.
FOi; K E T Two modern fl v e-rut, in huui-s
W. est Side, rent resAonable. Inquire 54 1
fisv st. Phone Muln .i 4 .
MoDERN o-room reuse, rent $25. 456 East
h at. ti.
CoTTA'iE. I2i North 17th at., near G.isan.
rhHp rent. Key wt North, lih.
HOUSE, &o North I tlth. A rooms, gas, f ur-
nsfe . key st o ".''. S.2'?rt h f n
MODERN 6-room house. $15. Wood la wn
I W.
i-ROOM mod ern house, 713 Lovajoy, near
2-.'d. Iw-tiire 114 th.Maln 4314.
ITciK RENT 3-room bunaralow at 1043 K
snerinan. Phone E. lh,.
ft'..: EVER ETT rooms, gaa. electricity, fur
nace; walking distance. Phone Keat a.
4.HUOM modern boue.
ft.; $'. 5. Tsbr
E 1'Ji.b and Aider
MODERN", $ rooms, plastered. lt4 Cor
bet! ; Fulton car. AR 4, Ortgonxan.
LOWER fist of duplex residence. 1-th "and
Knott, lrv!pton. modern. Marshall 43o.
32i E. 57thr ar. Jlawtliomo, 7 roo m s.s Jee pi
lug i-ircfi. fireplace. gerese. East J.
FoR RENT 2 bungalows. Hawthorne dis
trict. $15 snd $1. Marshall 24X2.
k nrnl-died. If oueew.
COM P LET El -V f urnisbed nw .' mom bun
ksIosa In VA averlry Heights, ll.(o. iseii
v iod 1 5'.?
F U R N i S i I fe. I 7 -r o.m house for rent, mod
ern. 7" 4 T Iss. ave. s ! I 1'J". rr K s e.
5-ROOM eottsg-, fu-nlshed. $12.".'). S54 E
fti M t. N. 1'hons Vod lawn 1 7.3.
fc-ROOM bun Below, 1117 Grnt ; Haw triorne
or Richmond car, 3Uh; garden; $.J.
FuraJsbed lloasee.
W I LL rent uni U middle of iept. to re
aponsible pert y our I r ingcton home, com-Petrl-
snd hsndsomely (urnlhed. I" s rxl -w
o.h1 floors. lsrg porvhes. aa;ar. 1'ttone
Kast 444.
$J My $-nom furnished modem borne.
33S Kast 34th,' nesr II sw thorns, for rent
to repnnstbo psriy; nice yard and gar
den. . Phone Tsq-t 411?.
ft'OltlLANU IIKd.HTS .. - r...m bungslosr
t:'l K-rpt. 15, erv reasons tie. Msln
l-eittnrs Vr. .V;7t.
ELEGANTLY furnished 5-room burgalow.
I nons Marshsll 1.0 or call Last 2ftth
at. W,
bMAl.l, furnished house for rent $k 1521
''man st. .st. Johns rar.lne. 1 blocks
smu i of pen tn sp is N hixl.
Co M i" LL T E L Y furn I shed - r -m bun a! w .
Urc sjeptng ro-h. f Irep.sce, heiUwood
f . ri. t s. guriKo. 1 h one r-. 1 w oi 4 .
I NtiTN Part of a furnished houM to
rent permsnenr ty ; 5 rooms dus n stsirs.
wdtitls , Jr. 5. Fust 4 -M.
o-1- hjM rt i4e, mre : w n. 2 arl.ns, for
r ert J j' l. ore Stsii :' 4 U
M"IKR. furnished 4-roorn eottsge st 50
Ksiimg at. r nt $13. Woodiswn 114.
I.. 5 l.-M.MS. bath,
rseg. ;.i4 Soufh sve
3 leds. pteoo.
13 UHS f ornish ed or unf urn's'xed St 7 51
E.-st ltjrnstde. 1'hone Lest "!.
U'MI'l.KTKLV f arn;shei 3-room, mlera,
on c-sri ne. UuT Atbina ave. Ms.n ?2.
hnauner Keworta.
FK KENT Pes side. rr, a dandy modern
4 room rotlitg"; lights, water, fumhed
corn pi te, nutiy silenced ; bt W'il'M;
silntlt trees, p.kVed streets, near oeesii and
bo irJwa' ; very reasonable if Inlti-n for
''.iwn. l'boue East 2-1 J. O Urrgw
CoTTAOE !lh lsrge ysrd, 8eavlew. Wssh.;
fumshrd eacfpt Sliverwsre. tsbWv l.nen,
pert of be1d:ng; X kJr-iomi. 4 doubie 1
Steele; siepin lent snd rot ; r inning
w ater ; ressunsoEe. Phone East 44 4.
1'A1FI: VIEW REACH cottages snd tent
houses for rent. Completely furnished.
:t .'k snd $5 per week. Fn bes-h. fsn
l'g. scale beds. 'all 014 Stork Exchange
Mdg. 3d snd Ysmhi I. Mam 37v5.
FOR HF.NT Seaaid bsrd ws;k.
tTiodern house, completely furnished, plan.
Incluiitd. Jrtfiulre a ner. Office Main ntl4.
reeiden-e. si m V 15.
F 'It RUN TstSeslde, bearh. double
tent, furnished; aairr snd electricity: by
a e-g or season; reasonable. I'hoce Main
For sai.E Uintf tr...i It at 4alt Air. a
;rrtrwltl te-h. ft. to it. It. station;
ill se.i cheap if taken at once. O 11. ore-
K E A s I D E Modern roiaae, completely fur
nished. every city conveniencev Phone
Main S74.
Ft H.MeHKU tents snd ottsea for rent st
lake Uyt.e Iltach Mr. rank Uart, Rocka
wsy. or., or MsrahaM 2.u.
E A MUK Fr rent, furnished 6-room eot
ti en the nrlice. unoLeirucied. vtoar.
Phone VarnaM 4T-.1
NEAT 3-room furnished cottege st Uesrhart.
I hons Taoor 4 Jul. or apply to airs. Uuraad
li Qtarhart.
N 'i.TU HEA;i de-lrsble rttfe, com
forts ol y 1 urnl Nned, ni e ard, ocvsn lot,
reasonable. Malu 417 S.
FTl : MM(Fl) 1 1 0 r 21 K "0 nR!rts at sVsaview,
VVaslt. TelepUutk Last 3.4U.
4-lioOM peasMe cottage, f jrntshed$0 per
season. 11 2514. Kaat 1344.
E ASIDE Furnished cot Tasrs overlooking
verau, fir rent cheap. Is uor 4ais.
8K Ait rE Completely furnished cuitacs,
niouei n. goo-l l'cailon. Ma rah all 1444.
Mol NT ltooi suto stage calls any part of
tly. Msm 331, A 2131.
LOOM w-eil-furnished cottage.
N. iisrris. Or.-au l'srk. aU.
EXCELLENT locsti n for butcher business
st 24 K Utlngatv ort i sve : no competition;
low renL '"g lease. Inqulrs m-m k Ez
rli.&st 1-bls.. -d and Yamhlil. MarsUail
'-'f. A 4 1 4 4.
bliol, 45x1.-3. 140; north light; Hawthorne
se. near brioge. It. N. liurpes. Ma. a
Sl!.Kl'Ui open Ins f..r r w el-r snd w sich
rea:rit.g : rrnt reauni-i, s.s of awrc
l .'ii-.V W:I Kast M 'rri-jn.
b'i'4'l:K snd ifiive rooms for rent In rstsU
bu-inews tlitr t. C 4il. Oregon. aa.
" Offices. "
P1KST-CLASS dttilal suite to let. l;sre one.
l.a.f rHr(.uon-ruoin with etab,,ncl M.
D . cr. trsl Iocs t ton tn business d .strict;
ressonaOM rental. K t7, on a on la n.
W k LlK U R N 1 SHE U aTe ofTiCe"! aT-o
tlnsa room, $4 and 17. 4 rS Chamber of
'0111 mere
OKKICL-t $lu up: furnlahsd offices snd o-ak
room; free phone; very reasonsbe. I'ort
Isnd'a busiest corner. 39 3 rwwLsnd bldg.
Iitl.i.n oriKTlMIUI.
FOH hAl.K hali.oti in ons of the lesdln
hotels In San Kraneisco at a reasonable
pri m. ow nsr bae to leave t be Coast on
account of the climate. For particulars
rtle H V Miller, 44 Stocktun St.. eaa
Fra reif-o. Cat.
Re fore riuntif Oral for e-c!led Internet
In estsblsrit-.i rcsl rstata buainess get ad -vlca
of iHirusnd Itr s.l llosrxl.
PAl'L A. CoVviULL. ooc'ty.
314 Ciiamber of Commerce Uklg.
KoR SALE Moil tp-to-daU) cxnfectionery
a in Mats of idsliu. esry business over
$14.uvo. rent and lights. f5 a month ;
bet loest ion in low n of 5-e ; ice cram
snd ceud -mak.Dg plsnt in cuo:cl.u&.
A V 32. Oregon. an.
" G1!0'ERT FoitB aTLB.
Rest W t' t!LV: locstion. Loini good
essn buiiiKii; Invoice sbout 15w4; st
tractive lease, will Invoice and might con
soler part trade; no agents. AP . Ore -
BUNT c tar, confectionery and periodical
store in the market; wul aiiow you that
1 h s pis re will net bu er $ 1 month .
invob's stock and dia-ounl f stures. k Kd
terrr s. about 1 1 oO. Csll 315 Lumber fca
change. PARTNER In busy a: a rage sttend t:ie
ol IU e end snd manage the bust rises with
s ens (. to Uai n the repair business ;
good chsnce fr active msn. U5o. Call
5 1 5 Lumber Exchange.
CLAIKT little crocery In city, corner lo
ca t : n. doing :uj i ty coeh buf-nraa, no
delivery, close in. (heap rent. sc
rount s:rknesa; $5s5. Csll 515 Lumber
"IRrvT-CLAS g rootry, clean stock ; In v oles
sbout $i"o; montu.y aaici $13jv; In heart
of c.ty with pop. of U.uuO. country and
city trade; want to retire; psrt caih, bal
inn( U1. A V - . Oregonian.
CoN KECTION ER Y snd llghl lunchroom for
sale owner uoipj hack on road. Apply
at premtsep. 5.5 st.. noar p road
w s v. t -v ner.
bi. lU'KHAV residence dtstnet grocery; fms
class cash trade, away from cho com -petMion.
J llvitg-ro.ints. low rent, invoice
soout I Sort. II 1 'J I.uniocr Kgcnsnge.
bAXDT ltt le cash grocery anl con fee -tionrry, caah custom, no ilt!ry. 5
fine 1 1 v i n g - r o m a. p le nd d 1 ' s 1 1 an ; for
quick sale $m. 51'. Lumber I kchsnge.
1'A II TN rl ii. v. snied In aaf e cash bti! nr
iluttcc !lght snd pleasant. If s(..ivc4
with 75 month and can Invest 3J.i. rail
2-4 s M a t fc it.
THK finest and Isre-t Mm ln snd skat
ing pavl lloi. In t h. Vstie y l near L'uiene)
la for sale r rent I'artu u!ars N. oir.ras.
fcluaere. or , or 14 Vt n t-. i'o:- land.
STORK business, psrtner wsnte.l in so'itit;
owner will test-h ou I he buain ss. pu y
good wages; only 1125 required. 1'articu
l,ra 2 y Stark at.
W K -l YARD for sa'e. an old e. j b: is h -d
bustm-ss. K-'ount sickness. r;earing .'J5
mon:h Price a.'Srt". Cs 1 ?4S Mark st
roR HALE or trade, bakery and con fee
tlonery. ies cream parlor In connection.
Address bog 1 1 1 . Casus Roc at. W ss n.
Q i;o ilKY, confectionery snd rests ursnt.
d'dn gool I ustness, arross f ruin a 01 g
sc loot. Call t oiumtda lh
FCR hALK SiiMn, one of t ha ht loca
tions 1 ft the cltv: If tn t eras' ed. commu nl
sie with Pert Vapc, bt. Joseph Mo.
j"D Iocs tion for cl snlng. pres'ng snd
tsilnrtng; si; f room. I J5. tent rea
sor nb!e U'ti Kal M orr!tn.
FOH riALL llet-patng tminrM on tt.
l ast Jor'i Cuf f eaiiouse. Apply owner,
5s 1 K. Alilcr at.
C AH M grocery, well established, on usv
street, fine trade rent $ JM; pries f.KMi.
Csll 303 Lumber Exchange
"u x-cvr v ..... w.o "
rsrtneeshin in eood Dnyliu cash buimru. '
' 11 .to5 I.tnnb'-r T.
bl'I.LN Dl t rest a uran t buv. more bus.ness
iiaa fan hand.e; downtown, busy st reet.
... w ren t ; $ ; 75 5"! J.umlut LschangC
OitO'KUV, ieiat-rn sad confer t Mnerr ;
2 livip g roT-na Foe B' cheap, sccouut
II! health. Hy ewnsr. 313 Russeil st.
l-i JIAIR bar her shop. B,"Md bun must
ll. olumbls Ri er tow n. A V 52. Ore
s - n 1 an.
$:i".o CA M w-lll bangle thia c!ee-ln. West
ltle. 5-room hotrl. rearing $150 per
m on t h . 0 1 . hrr F x c hance.
BAHUKR snc p. half Interest, fine propo
anion for right man. sma.l investment, n
ejulre H 5 Lumber Kfhanit
HA l 1 K It shop, four chairs. Tor sale, other
lju.t:ft t attend to, 45" N. th.
fit I N I"I NO PLANT. g-d loca 1 bn. spp II
taken at onf 1 40 k II itn r" wort h ave
M UK II A N D! K store tor sale. The
14 ! .ow ecll. t r.
0 " D la u . ilt v for sale at a tarrln, w ,
(He soma terms. cell 24 btark 4L
A MAN with from $ .mm to $.'0 cath
cn buy a Miiu-tury lnte--t in an rs
L.blished kaiii;n( and dKnlf ted buei
re in Portland whicb ehou.d py Iura
returns. i 1 is worthy of Immediate in
vestigation by sny one wantms a high
a 4JM) investment, witn er wtt t-.ut mtv
-- Ar-piy room fc-ij Lsllwsy K&rhsnge
b.d Pt tlsmj. Oregon.
RESTAURANT for s e, U or bs t interest
in a good restaurs nt, rti nm a s;esdy iv
ana fc t.t bustw-se . o w t-r is f tri
chef; ousines is crowing; t k much for
"n msn. one rhn.- for r'ght psrty with
a few honored (. a w. I'hor.g VVoHl.avn
ora-iirrM vii-ssi jid 11. Nortn.
11AI.F Inter rat In solid mufn gseage'snd re
pair shop, dut ml-s 10 ee;l supp.ies, et". ;
owner tusrwntes fl.i mntn to active
man ; -e r q iiteJ . secured. Csll 31 1
Ran a sr Erhsna
1 R AVSKKHPTOH M'.K. owner of this o!d
busings wsots actus ofs.-e msn sa psrt
er; g mv.1 as.srv sn-l profits, srw
Israe. open io full anvs.igstion. Csll III
t--s:.wer Kir-inre,
b'LlI rssh stre; partner wsnted to e.-orb
In afore. $15 wee a laiary snd share of
profits; invtmcnt Secured. Csll ill Hall
w a yK km r.g s. -
liALK Interest In a Slld brokerage of flee;
""t a man with ensne ep-rint-s In se.l
Ir.g. a goot chance f-r tie r:itht psriv;
sm:i Investment, t'a.i 3iT Ra.lway Lx-c-arge.
CoNKECTl-N KH V. icira. et.- ; a beautiful
Sloro. -x-t'd In s rho;re d. strict. .!
ehrsp; iskes In Hi to 11 u:: ; Tow rtni,
lig lesse. Room ? Morgan bldg.
toL.ll r'smery and milk business for sale;
s msn who lakri rar of t.s business can
clear LN to $.u month. Call room i.t
M-t can bl'g.
SM ALL cash store for L.V. setl bu'ter. tcci
tc . -sh sa.ea are 4. a dsy atwl' io.k1
pr "fit a . ou csn try this butnrs he lore
ou buy, fan room 3a Morgan bit:-.
ANT Elk a reHabi msn ss partner . tin
not ii-jnj on hirvd hei. cm,1 mn
, nee1r more than bis m.i &e y . pa v . i
week to stsrt with; requlra m'l invr-st-meni.
Uaitu'srs room 59 Mrtn b;lg.
M A N Al Kit of bla; h--lss tuov ititf-rK( ure
theaters desires p-eiuon, or will const a er
tsrtnership In t.ew project.- thorouga
noisi of all branches of the business.
Ine;ultns planning, deafening, dc worsting
st-d evunpping. te wll, ureonian.
. W A NTF. IV -.Grocery and enfe-tlonery all U
livtng-rooms; hsve JTji cash; )-wi-
uon ana particulars xirst letter. All 24
Mlt-LINKRY liH-iuon, d ro in : n -n t comer, stxe
of store 15s 2i; mouer maker. Csll MP
Kast M orrison.
LeTsdtng Hotel-A psrt meet -House Agent.
Betn Purer snd Protected.
Oldest Iteilsbie Agency la City.
$Oft- N. W. Bank bias.. tn and Mornseav
The best-paying ao-room hotel in the
beet tow n in 'regon. A full investiga
tion Invited. Write snd be convinced. Ad
dress AV 350. Oregonian.
lib HOcV, sll good furniture, atesm hest.
hot snd cold aster, low rmt. must be
o.d ti-ts w-k: 44ox cssii Will band. v. Ca.l
5oU Lumber Kx.isnge.
75-ROOM " botel. centrsTTjr located, enrap
rent, for sale at bsrain or a ill take
psrtner Csll 25 Nona 4th.
ft- or r ALL Furniture of 11 -room r o m 1 n a .
house. houra.eptt.S. Sleeping rooll.S.
fiw'ner, ?4 1 5 1 . st. Msln -s--.
v' ANTE t- Hotel or rooming - house, $j5..i, in
esc hedge r-r l' seres t.n ex trtc car. tn
erop. All t27. ir- otaan
WANT ledy partner ; 1 hl put In two U
our one tn a line Lltlu transient house.
1 125. . r etc 01. ian.
,MALI. a i 1 . - houee. neat and b ante i ike.
! re.ta mAiu. e owner 1-1 l ith st.
I Li
L.vr snsp in 1'ortisnd. 1 T-room bouse.
lhan ha if . ! a re ha u p7:-4.
lti M 1 Nti-H Ul bi for sale cheap; buy from
owti-r; particu.aia, phoit Mais.'iau 1TT.
L4TI Al fOl.ND.
LoT 1'urwe containing damood brooch,
turn uismnd r.r-K. clsmoad etica pio.
aintlit r.ns: snd sbul 41i mon-y be
ta I'olun.&l f.uiiftt snd I'ortlsnd
b vd. Reasru if tttuiovJ to SO. Lewis
WILL psrt y who picaed up gold c-a i r
ham vsr sbout 4 P. M Juty 3. p. ease
communicate with una-riut.l n.l ie-c-iv
irjJ, sa this mncy is badl need
ed. Tom "ra.g. lbta.
I Oi! sicn fob, i:i mnogrsm
I M 11. W. on lorfcet on the way from
j Ktnpraa C:u anJ lamolR. down Wssh-
I inston to 5tb snd Won. AJ his. ore-
LOST -Male Boston, w hue breast and
clipped ta-1; an wKhut h .s , luml
sbout 14 cava. v. ail Msn 4173 or a 3a-5.
bring to ;t W. lata, corner Mia, en
etous reward.
for return of rrve4 tvoey be:i pin. lost
1 rids y afternoon. Wtwun 5 Jo and f. ,..
H'ar eatraace to Ilct.son iloiti r 47 L.
at N. Ketur a to 1 he V-'reconlan.
LoriT tt luth or Wsh. sts.. stnall tsroel
r-otits tning tovby piiiow . l'p. ey-g.aesvs
sua key. lender will kinuiy to
"o5 It -tUrh l l bllg. lie w srd.
LoST A diamond and plat. nan pin. 01
As'.oris tram, runcy rvr.T.iu. tirl.
Mrs Roy w Yet-a. Hoiet 51 j t ! h
le 'rT V.ii'i suto tire rturday after i 1'.
M. Phone kaat 55S1. KewaiU. Jul Will
loni ae.
I" -unda a a met rii- h. tel en i-
2 1 : at- sod K not t and 1- 2 l snd s
kliou (. l't.t.i;e K .4.!. Ll:-ral rew-rvl.
L- e T omi!! f
f ri m Dog Awcnac-s. pt.ooe a or
J u I
LoT l.i t hami,
aerie No. 4, Iniita.a
w srd l.lg ar Mo. !
diamond In eenter.
II. M. W ; liberal le-M'-rrion
Lf! c oln purse contsimiig nsl.rad psss.
rlifca and rfoid. riietk uti MulaLa Rank.
!(( rn '? t.oing si. Lew ard.
KolND A bunch of k v s. Csll st Ioston
t "snd jr More, 25d Aluer at , snd descrioe
snd rsy ior si.
on the trsln coin 11 a fr-m liar View,
pair of eeiclaeea. Call bell- f-44.
rtruL nouc ca.
tTsnsseis Isvtteel.
fc K A LL O to fun.iah fuel ol for ar:
ous schoo.s lor the )sr lw!5-ld will
be recelvrd St the office of tne under
signed. 4uT Courthouse. lortand. t r.. until
P. M. July 15, ltl V"n
may be obts:ned st the eT 1 ice wf the
understsned. Certified check for U'mI.
aSble to H. II. Thomas. hool 1'ii-rlt.
must accompan y ri h proposal. Itoa rd
f Uirectors rea.-rves the rsgnt to rrj. ct
any and all bds or ciivlri the award.
R. II. 1 M OM AS, fcchoil Ctrra.
rs".rd Ju(y 7, 1:15.
C A LFD bids f"r at udenta' chs ira fr'the
t'ouch and Phsttuck schools will b- re
reived st the off'ce of tne underi ncl.
'l ourthous. Portlsnd. or. un:.l 4 1.
I . July 15, 1M5. -rt!f :ed rhc k for
llift payable to R. II. Thotnes. boo,
'lerk. must iffoinpiiiy rsc.t proposal
specif cat inns may be tibtained st liie f-fi-e
of the undersigne'l. iurl of ii-re-tora
reserves the right to reject a ay
and all bids or t o iliv.iio the s w sr!
H. H. T MOM Art, Kchool Clerk.
Dated July T. 1PI5.
V. BI T mort sac- bon!s and m;es.
W1I K RN liONU A kOKT'litl hi
so 4th s(.. Hoard of 1 .ad o.!
FIRST snd second mor:aues. sls seiiers'
Intereat m ronnacti pur. 1. seed. irxson or
san. It. K. Noble. l.umtH rmnn
WK buy ntea bonds and mrtgacea Rob
ertson A Ks tng, o7- N. W. bCg.
MtRTlAOK loan a. noiea, cortracta, mtgs.
p utrHate'l. Lew :i t ., 4 Lew is biiig.
Money to laaa sa Real F-staie.
T a per cent
mores on businets prp-
erty. apsrtmeots.
i QtSMH, I I ?3 N"l
dweilins. rarn.a It. it.
h weaivru liana
102 5-l:t YKON P.HL
$ew0. $iOO sud upward on Improved res.
etae ; favorsbie v-rms . iu driavs: n
brokerage Joan Fei n. 5o7 t-ps Iding bldg
WANTt l $1 " at on residence In Rose
f xy l'srk district va K. 5:id st. AO
P27. i Yeoman.
W A N TF. I" ls at on 12-scre nre.
t,n 'arm. occ:piel by osotr, alue
14 oni a1 P-o. .eearon!sn.
lv(0 TO H'.0" at 4 to 3 per cent. li.
Murton. 31T Worcester bide. Mam 4343.
LOANS: City. 4 -IhjKH
m. K kJAHhl Y
8 1 farm. 73- - r
4JX). tbam. of Com.
MoNLT ary amount. 4 to 4 per cent. W. li,
tim A Co. 314 bpsldlog bldg.
Hamiaond M rnai Co.. 4.4 Cl-stn. of Corn.
M'K 1 ; A'iK LOANS,
$ tuj 7 I LK CLN i'.
e co . $"0 oak a r.
$ loo TO $VKM on 1 sl estate. Loid Realty
Co.. Lewis bldg
A. li H A K D I 1IC UA a OF Cus.
T75 TO LOAN o rsal estate. Pbune
Tabor a5;o.
2". $. $o". Il-'O. $w-o. 3' red
Oervaa Co.. 1 4 Chsmter of Commerce.
$o.iv ON West Fl'le property; mill apl.t iu
. J :. Onfoman.
ev chsin. of com.
Mesvey to laa a Real 3. Mate.
Any amount irom 5 per t to 7 per
ceni r. iiiki.ts buiti-ss pi oet t an. oil 1 .
lcencas snd spsrtment -housrs; tjuick dici-
-us sua favorable ter ma w 1 l.FK r l.
MloKK 1S 2o, -i d ,orucici& baalL
R.lg. Marshall lu
IrcprovsU tua.bcaa pi o4 ty. 5 w 10
p r at.
Improved resldaace property, $ to T per
In-A. roved farm r"rfty, 7 to $ per ctau
Will 1 ML::-kllLY CO,
;i 1 I 'it lock 1av,
klo.VtV TO LOAN.
1 I IUmNo l i itruai.. KK i r LLNl
AiLaC iu.THAv.l.": No Ct V. Mlio.e,
CoLLMiUA LlhK at TUIM i,vJ
- IQ )' M.Ik;.
TO l'AN AT 7 i.K eZ NT.
42vvKi. f.Uivo. $..5h-. I emu,
4vH to $la.oxu
Oa Fcr:.snu ttuprv4 1'ropcrty.
Ms a sppt.vation to
fiOOnKl.i. PRt.s. m.i Lewta Bldg.
MoUlAOb LoAN.-v
Any av:ioul. 40 w ial, j.rimipUy Closed.
Attiactiv ria mm 1 pi iv ..r a
A. It. L1RKL4.L c o ,
517 Nriiii.crn i'Si-k lldg.
Msr ha.. 4114. A - I I .
MONKY to loan at $ S to 7 per cent. Port
land 1-uiucm aia rriune property.
k stua losi.s at 7 t a per cenL
I04 2d sc. near Mara.
Oil AND P Alias. U'ANs,
Luwasl teles No cea.
C. i. .-IONi)
an? 1 oroeit iv.1,4.
ou .ii a ho n-e lu.;t on our lot c -cord:ng
la your own lur.n, on r-iisl r-ss s?
ew us at on, c. "I ae Home Hui.M
ra. l-.o N. W. link t-.oa.
$-00 ovj 1 kj biA.N in su.
n.g i-ai.s, iiit rates.
au.t. b.i.w
Lsck. 4,
j'l a...i g biug.
To Loan 4ohi or LLb-s,
r Aitii t.t, iu.,
M N fc V n bsnd for mortgage loans, tnort--'
bl-ught. no de.-r; o est aatea a tvd
i . an.a $;Sa First su
private (uiiOi ;
i.r t rr niuirr.L
o us 1 i st. 1 r oiii t
K. II 1 l.t .. 4 ! . U
t -U
It ou wtsn to Ikiiiuu to i-iii.,1 s Lome,
nte n.e. 1 ll artu&ia n. K. sm, orto-
bk fc. ua luCar for tosLa oa itn pro v ed city
prvrt. s 1 1 r-r cent; .o aod uu,
V- cars-Morton Co., ill mjd bolg.
McR i'iAvjt; loans in any ahjiai,
OKr.vcN 1NV. a: MOhTOAdt: i i v.
btoca s-schsnge 3d ai.a Ysmbiii.
J140O TO L AN on I'ort.and "real ests;s.
rriai auuus. suainrt .ur;iy at 12 1 .ait
$o TO pnvats iuuu.
li 42, 01 e-
Moary to Ixxao ( ItaiteJs and Kslarlew.
A i bAMtll.A 11 A 1 -.
e have cw u u.e f.i.i leiatl w r.rv
at ores in 4 lie t.:. a nsn d-patttiteni ia
vutOUwlt J iu cui.urrlion with aaliit . iiiaa
li. g us; illvk 1LV 1 o N. i t r. N 1 A
au-.ui. ) no a gi.aiir.g ivati -
neaa ; . S o.i .it Uol.l K.t o-T slv-ie Ail
11. er t.a .u. pieic-.j is h.d lor er li-d
1 - llioi.1 ha. W itv I avrr or Hot lU lei Vl IS
pa.o wiien due. vv e e;e .HcneU sua imm
bven e;o..aiicd s:r.v. ls . connection
wan awy vtnr loan sta..sumcat iu t:.s
. 4 aii.ti.gUa ft.
T A 1 L K'TUITV v. v
Ll v. s N a Lf.
O: lest stsbl.shed salary Irtan com pany
la VKji'ij. ie..aile ii!mry uru.a.
3iS.nsa Str.Ct.y Cot: ldel.Ua
Our sell-known rrpuiation f r square
dea.i n g snd iiurtni(,i titsitnnit
tos pst as our best ivfcivnt-e.
3 1 ...i.g lMig.
MuNai To Loan.
VOC v . U. 1 1 1 iuuAT
at Ual rates,
oa 1 i'.SoaoUw, Auut. Pis BOS.
3" vr U4 lute. t
atoiorv ci a
Psy back muaiti or mora.
ltttvei 3 per cent.
Or'KU'Ks Ali.-voLt ir.Ll l itlVAl C
4 vi.ii.-ANU LOAN v.v. Ll tv.Nt.U.
Sll i:.a.. ad sJ Wsomnston
Mu.Si.1 A T O.Nv 15-
LDlAi. i.Al. or' i.Mi.KllST.
lmvi da, Jeweu , Musical 1 1. ; t u mc& IS.
I Ail I'ieovs lie.d Oi.e liar.
palate Depu for Ul4.
LLhi (.oMi.vNY Uvi-LJ),
SrO l.Ll-er IX L.ta . a, sr d f tsrg hta
a. Laa motie wu uia uapu and j .r at
lalf tne ra:ts chaigcd bs UJktia, AJsa
Ms.s. ;4 5U su
Lssa as V wt est.
$:id st :-r cent on a fli.OO f.:st
rr. i a a a o on a f i.ww I si ax. e o. a'.
It u e a:
hAK" MAX . TliOMl'bON
. 4 t : aud
bi.tlt.Al. 1 lis..- 1 Mui.iviAiiiS fir see.
MoNk-a AANTKU I im itnctpa.p. se
ti a a iw f ( I" a , w :ivui aumun! s.
litui C. 4 S.tisnvisu atto
km sen t Igg
W ANTlll' t boi row, I -r a lm ol cats,
.."". t-. s-11. t lea" inten-st. o !.
1 t 1 1' r 1 , n u:io a:ip'e. n- ekrt.s or
.'iumioin, J. M. Plltfcjier. 112 W liiiams
T A N 1 L . A lan f 37;."' on . lae in 4n
:nsj soiesse. ptlncit'SlS on . , the se
cuTilt aruv as t isl ac tor) . AL i'-e,
.M-K TUn,
LaAN ...'h 1. bwines pi oposttton. out-
1 l of I url.Jttid. .utlt ttbd bonus. A A3
fc.;. T K.M.lan.
. VV AN I KD oi impr-ov .d W t Md4
p. op r 1 . vaiun $uah, i nc p la ojhj ,
A K MH.l 41S lleri tdg
15 w I'LL ANN! M f-c pilvalo m-n
r-eTaie ru:n. AY 'ieg,inin
a vaii o.i4 tot fstriiig iiv.iib, not for
l real iu. l s ptctli.e. A lau caiae Oafs
a a t ivurl. liirnoi icvi eapecteo te
se ter aiv asli. end loid cured
lu .irwe uwu..a. I .tcralcd ston.ach, ia
a.s SiSH-.n-t. curii i'j (italiucti.l
Law C''U.y sralsrd ua one s.ue snd
spe- b we. su.e to co her b ouasnoid w o i a
lu u usj a. A.l lU-e Sad vibet vSvS itay
te luv . libeled.
pi.a. ruii.ur.s A 11 A R M AN,
.U. urkii-) to
W L .n.Ll, 11V1R, iiAlil, HAIR,
ro-tn n 1 t 1 Hi ue . . ga 5
:-n.vh r4i rijst-Qviu. it gray 4 45
llKINo i Mia Al It.r c on
Face maii4. ..!'' f.iaui m lc
Mai .cut .5c It a.i u ; ea .a
ruterliUous ban remo,cJ b eeclilcii.
Ol-srenteed. Cut hair. srt eheo.. rwitha
a it I vU4 l ti. iTli-o tis.t . Ja m : a ' lia ut y
) ; ior. 4 v 0 - 4 I 1 I'rxuin b.g.. ihuo and
as insTttMi MSrsiia.l 1 1 C .' .
f A R A Vm s-1. Ooii t . . I; he am st is it. i
llo. MiH'4 ll Sii lel 0.-flrl. l'l
cse t..r itir:t u Ul k i Slil pr f U m T.en l , V
rur-d by weiish sn4 rmii otuiu
m i.khIa. Uuii-K, I can save ou i i mu t.-ei -at.o:-s
1 a:'i te onir r.oroixsn eluat4
a, ti. title viicftic eaivert in tne Noitnwest.
I'liore t.-"k 415.'. i.ranursta Apia, .No.
in. W. A.
Leading w & and toupe maa-rs. lines at k
l.umatt ha.4oo:s. i, from 5c uh.
llMltrcs i.s. m-l. 11 ma. la e t - ,i
iratTrr l, n'muir mJa up tu orxler.
141 lW"i:nt', near Morttawtii. Msln 5 4 .
C 1 i Ti N I ' - 1 '(eaee. Res -laches. Ttheuma
1 1 am it i ; , 'i umors. ."Hn 1 r ub-es.
No Mfuidiir, No l pe rat ions, h ;net M oil -
rn fc.Q.u;ppd irf uts. tr :cM . Mampu
iu.ii a..i Laths u .t a : ' on Fi- e. 2 13
to JlT wet .snd lllg Dr.VV . K. Mallor.
U'l"lfif.NKT.KI trained nuree snd mas
seuse. 4.1 v es t teat m-nta for r'leumatiam.
unilii-. i.c iia Ki. -rtc ; 1-0 batr-is. rnas
a s"d e.T-cti.c h:siike-s Lsd aMltiantf
lim il M.rH'i i -u-5.
KLK"T K y I lilt A TOR fr rheumatism,
iirur i a. "sc.sJ ard e-sp 1 rr a I neoi. U
ltrn.c. Mar. jO.row Ma n 3-a.
M'IRITU l"lM-- He. M' A. Pries. Circle
lues:a z. s ed. an.l Min I. 54 : resu
lt. as Ua:' -'-3 l.t- st Matsha:i 4t
No I vtlt iTA N 1 1 a itt d cut se nd nunfut.
e.'-ctrlc l VM liilimei.!. hours lo A. 5L
to P. M. 2"-a ..dsu.rotns2 snd a.
Sill STEVKN-J. r ! vesrs Portlsnd'a r e
l.oaned pu.nust Slid c a tvovsi.t, author of
Made laor St.
FMi-iRKLl-AS AM ol
end uy'ei, largest
tos. re i. vein c new rsi.
put on.
ihri'iithi, .a vv a-i i.ngion .
yiliu'oK YorR roMHiMis.
iit. !in 35c. cur.s sd puffs T5c. r-enl
nrv bnuiv laiiotr, eo lckum b-dg.
DR. FTHKL A. r-ACRY, psittteas ce impodist,
i"4 I' bl lg. Pho..a Mam soa
M LLS. aute f nous b a ir remov ed. M M.
l IL.:. a:a .ie,inSr b.og. Ms:n UTi
i lilKiTK a. "T I evp atr.ed; painless a1jut-
menta p.-as.g; 51 I rest men: a $ l l.l 4;fu
LKSSUVS in phrertol..ev sud card read
J"i h s'. 1 heps Matn "54.
CH 1 llolvI'Y
nd ere-,-trie t res: nit ma. L.vMm
M orrssoa t.
llALM tF KM ftiVrOfMV Roval "o-
Tableta .'-"4 Davis a.. Pii-na 51a. n
tjTt X T I . F M K N Maniure. shamr-o. fs -a
n-ssssc. - -. 7: R.tT .t-hTd. - . " - Was n.
f mI R-eseTt's llrba for r : euii.a: so.
I.o tso et s f r ; i. A.l d r ug ;sts
OLADCATl? MAhSVM f-K ; treatment Cai.
bcs.p niaassss. 1 U M orrison, Al'L ..2.