12 TITE MORNING OHEGOXIAN. THURSDAY, JULY R. 191.1, PORTLAND ABSTRACTS A1 TlTLtU. PKOMPT S-KKVICE at ItUuuibil 'prices. facitlc Title A Trust Co., 7 Cb. of Com. AOtOKUlON P1Xt1NigC ACOOKUIOX knife and box pleating, plcol ing. beixutitcnlnz. braiding, mbroiaenog. Eastern Novelty Mlg. Co.. 60 utlk ft K. STiiPHAN Hemsutcing anIKUoi)ioi. accord. Aide pleat, buttons covered, aooda sponged; mail order. 8a3 Alder, si. u'iii Mail ordera promptly attended to. AUtllllttlS. BUNGALOW plan book 10c; plana t2.JL.tL Faber. B(W Ainawortn ave. AssAVtKS ANU A ALVSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142V4 id. Gold, sliver and piatinum bought. ATTOKNtVS AT LAW. J. S1LFOKD NELSON, LAWYER, til8 PIT TOCK UL.K. FHONE BHUAUWAI PITS. CAKPJbT W EAVtES. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Ruga from old tir petg. rag rug. 1S8 E. 8th. Both pbonea. CKLLILQ1U BlflOXa, BAIHitH. THE lRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 887 Washington L Main 312 and A 12&4. CHlKOr-OlllsTS. William. Eatelle and William, Jr., Ieveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Qerllnger bidg., 8. w. corner ad and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Flledner bidg. slain 3-473. CHIROPRACTIC PHVKU'IAXS." DK M'MAHOX, sixth year. Chronic cases taking time. 31 treatments. 115. 11 4th st. 1R POULSOX, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 50 Pittock block. Broadway 262 COLLKCTIOV AGENCY. CLAIMS cx any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. Tfca Halden Mercantile Agency, 42a Henry bidg. phone Marshall 480. HETH 4; CO., Worcester bidg. Main 1788 No collection, no charge. Established mut. ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRL'ILLS BUQQY TOP CO.. 200 Zd St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage efc Omnibus Transfer. Park Sc Davis. BREAD BARER Y. Royal Bakery & Cont., Inc. 11th et Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHAP.D. 13th and Burnslde. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ITRNlSttlNOVS. FLE1SCH.NER, MAYER & CO.. 2H7 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. etupbba Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine its GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co, Front and Marshall. H. M. HOL'SEH. Board of Trade Bids. GROCERIES. WADHAMS CO., 67-75 Fourth at. KEW TODAY. Auction Sale At Residence 510 Market Street Friday, 10 A. M. . Ve have received instructions to sell the furnishings of the seven rooms at auction on Friday. July 9th, at 10 A. M., and you will find a nice, clean lot of medium furniture, such as quartered oak library table, leather-seated rock ers and armchairs, (rood Axmlnster and Brussels rugs, center stands, round dining table, box-seat chairs, oak side board, sanitary couch. Star Estate range, Kas plate, kitchen table, dishes and utensils, lace curtains, maple and oak dressers, metal beds, comforts, spreads, sheets, pillows, toilet ware, hall and stair carpet, hall. mirror, couch etc., etc. If you are in need of furni ture, don't miss this sale, as the owner Has left the city and the goods must positively be sold. FORD AUCTION CO. AT liaker's Auction House, 1 00-106 Park st. Furniture, etc. Sale at lit A. M. STOP AT Newly re furnished, papered and reno 4Ui and Alder vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without. 75c up. Because the rates are low don't think the serv ice is poor. Special rates by week, or month. Several rooms with wail beds. making them practically suites. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE. On banks of Columbia Klver, near White Salmon; contains ZX acres. About loo acres cleared, balance beautiful natural park. Large new rustic -log house, mod ern In every respect; 3 stone fireplaces. 2 baths, bis porches with view for miles up and down Columbia River; also over entire Hood River Valley, with Mount l-f n-tH In har1r Vfnn n H firat.pliaa u.'- mxrtt tm and pumping plant, keeper's house, new barns and outhouses. Can be reached from Portland by auto over Columbia Highway or by North Bank Railway; ex cellent road right to place. Fine young orchard, in fact, an Ideal country estate, for which the Columbia River Gorge will soon become famous. Owner, Portland business man, who must move East, only reason for selling. Price $.".0,000; terms If wanted. Place worth twice that amount to party wanting such an estate. See F. N. Clark personally. F. N. CLARK & CO., Title & Trust Building. MORTGAGE LOANS Made on City and Nearby- Firm I'roperty Interest 7 ud S Per Cent. Ko Overcharges. No Red Tape. Straight Loans on Straight .Propositions. . OREtiOX I xv. & mortgage: co . Stock txchanKe BallninK- Tbirl und l'anahilA Streets. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-J ONES CO., Wilcox bidg. H. P., 404-4lG"ioii BENEDICT BROS., lol Hawthorne ave. REAL ESTATE. I-'or (Sale Lots. WE'LL supply the lot in any section in which you desire to live. Bed-rock prices, and will buiil you a home. Rental terms. Tne Oregon Home Builders, IsiO N. W B.-mk bidg. WILL BUY LOT BETWEEN JOTH AND r.oth, within two blocks of Hawthorne If price is right. Don't reply unites it is. The Oregon Home Bui'.iiers. L:;o N. W. Bank bidg. Marshall ;S718. PORTLAND HEuThTS EXCLUSIVELY-" Have several downright sacrifices, both in lots and houses; make an otter Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A LARGE, beautiful view homsite. West Side, 1 j minutes' ritie, i-cent fare, best value in the city at $iy down, $i a. month. M . E. Lee. 50a Corbett bidg. BIO SACRIFICE Portland Heights view lot. reauy to build on; biggest bargain on the Heignts. Owner, Main 1im3. LAL'KELH CRsT lot. 6o0; terms, AF Oregonian. tor tsale" Beach Property . AT T10G.A, Wash., one mile from Long Beach, close to the ridge, but protectee, by splendidly trimmed sprue trees, a well-built bungalow with two lots and chicken-houses and fenced yards; house has four rooms and maid's room adjoining. Houss Is thoroughly well furnished with everything necessary for a family of six. Inventory can be aeen at 711 E. lbth at. N. Terms if required; price ver- low to suit the times. A snap. W. a. Buchcnan. owner. ROSE CITY PARK- B U N G A O W. KEW VERY SWELL EASY TERMS. 5 large, airy rooms, sleeping porch, liv-lnsc-room lx"'. fireplace. Inlaid parcuet. oaic floors, elegant beveled -plate buffet and bookcases, glass knob hardware, swell fixtures. Moet attractive home In district. Phone owner. Tabor loo. FOR SALE Fine beach lot at Salt Air, on Oarribaldl Beach, 200 ft. to R. R. station; will sell cheap If taken at once, O 11, Ore on.an BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLEAN IX ti AND IKL(.-LSG, UKESa SLITS foi rent. We press one suit each week for $l.Ju a in on in. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 809 Stark St.. bet. Ha and Oth. Main 514. DANCLNU. MANCHESTER DanclDg Academy, 6.a 5.B st., bet. Stark and oak; p'i bummer rates. 6 private lessons, J; morning, atternoon. evening, all latest dances suaiauteed. Clas Thurs.. Sat. evenings. chilureu classes at.. 2 to 3. 25c. Broadwsy 21o HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally, class Fri. eve. H to JO. Aiiaky bidg . ild and Mom son sts. Lessons -"c. Main UtTtrnVE At.KNClKS. P1XKEKTON & (U.I..S.UETECT1VE AUCi. Established over 3t ytan. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigstions ana reyom made on indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite 304 Pittock block. Phone Broadwsy EVE, EAK. NOr-E AM. THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses titled. Or. F. F. LSiaeday. 517 Llekum oit.g.. d se v ti ELECTRIC MOTOIS.S. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. Wo do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; ail work guaranteed. 11. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 1st IL N. Phone Broadwuy i8'a. HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING. PANAMA" blocked and bleached, 7.".c; straws & felts. 60c. Kaufman's. 44-4S 3d. nr. Stark. MANICURING. MAXIUURIXO end elec. treatment. Ethel Burke. 19 Lafayette bidg. MUSICAL. MUSIC published, arranged, printed, popu larized. Verses written to melodies. Send manuscripts. Echo Music Publishing Co.. Seattle. Wash. Emll Thlelhorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk, 207 Flledner bidg. A 4160. Marshall 1o-j. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HATS AND CAPS. THANKAt'SER HAT CO.. 4-S5 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CAsCAKA BARK. KAHN BROS- litl Front St. UOP MERCHANTS. U'NEFP ERUN 614 WORCESTER BI.DG. Main 8S1. Phones. A 1173. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IKON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK Ac CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description; taps. mfs. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Oth St. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. REAL ESTATE. -Be(fa Property, SEASIDE. The Palm. 100 feet frontase (corner on pavei street, C room and bath, toilet, finQ electric fixtures; Sleeping; purcb, etc , will sell for lean than cost. H. P. PAL.MEK-JO.NE3 CO. $350.00 will buy a choice lot at Gearhart Park, rvoxlOu, at the approach of the bridjre crossing the Neacoxie River to the Audi torium. South' eet corner. $25 cash and $10 pcr'month, ft p-r tent. OTTO t HARKSOX, 413 Chamber of Commerce, OCEAN LAKE PA UK. TILIsAMOuK. TlLLAMouiv BEACH. Sacrifice way below ajibel value, 70 lota, pretty new cottage, nicely furnished. An extra good proposition; It means an easy living for someone; owner or agent on property or at homa. yu Inroad. May East. Dr. wain. r or ale llonea. I'M AFTER YOU. When you read this ad ou!i be afier me ; I've only got one weit to s-?U thii house. It's got to go. Brand new 7 -room bungalow In Bunga low block in Laurelhurst. Has larg-j stepp ing and sun porches; garags wltn entrance through basement to court in rear, roof garden overhead, hardwood floors througa out. white enamel finish, every built-in convenience, lawn and an rubbery in; south front ; haa been hx-ld for $ joOo ; you can buy It now for ou easy terms. Boys, get in line. "An ounce of action is worth a ion of 1' Il-think-it-over." F. M. Bushong, 2TO tiark mu Main IZbi, A 1015. YOUR LA .ST CHANCE. $11KH) Hawthorne Bungalow $1000. 41 EAST 4:W ST. Brand new, 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, floored attic, tl re place, electric tlxtur-s, beamed cellinK. built-in effects, plumiiicg complete, full 7-foot concrete basement, 20xJo feet, with cement floor, sewer, walks, etc.. all In. He this today. Take Hawthorne car to 4:td st. Owner, A. lobner. Phone East PROPERTY SHOWN 12 TO 5 DAILY. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARK RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK. WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK: WILL GIVE liONDS. L. K. BAILEY Ac CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. S1'4 ABINGTON Bl.DG. SALE OR TRADE. Nice modern bungalow, ; rooms, bath, toilet and basemiit, restricted district, fine lot. one block Ml Scott car line, everything first -class snape, worth $Is0lO, mortgage JlXVf. Trade for good auto or what have you? J. W. STARR, Pi'verton, Or. LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES, Before buying be sure to look at our list of brand new, exquisite homes In LAU-RELHU-RST, the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $'J."uO up. Laurel hurst Co., s.70 V Stark tt.. or at tract of fice In Laurelhurst. E. 3'jin and GlUan sts. S4000 Will buy a choice, modern home, includ ing sleep Ing-porch, pa. veil street. In the choicest residence district of the city. Piedmont: floOo will handle it; biggest bargain In the district. Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN BUNGALOW. 5-room modern bungalow, ready to move Into; close to the car; well arranged: Ox ! lot: excellent neighborhood; OOO. on best of terms. C. M. DERR, 1100 N. W. Bank Bidg. MAG XIFICENT lower Heights home. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, rand view o city, mountains and rive'Jt. all modern conveniences, walking distance; $10,000; trade for part. Seo Mr. Schibel, 2J Stock Exch. M'Ik., :d and Yamhill sts. A REAL BARGAIN. Will discount my eq uity in my 6-room mode.n home In North Mount Tabor. If you are looking fur a snap see this place. Terms to suit. OU E. 7olh t. N. Si. V. car. WHY pay rent w hen we will build you a home to suit you on terms same as rent, on the West Side, beautiful view prop erty, city water. M. E. Lee. FvjO Corbett bidg. S1I0 OUR modern o-ruom bungalow, SOx (jo. east rront lot, naro wood floors, fire place, full basement, sewer paid : Irving ton district. 717 East "-T7lh st. North. BROADWAY CAR To KLICKITAT. MODERN 5-room cot t age, a 1th every con venience, on Rood street; forced on the market at flftno, on easy term. See attor ney. 3lj IMatt bidg.. f-r particulars. ROSE CITY PARK. Brand new bunnalow jut completed: a bargain and very easy terms. Phone owner. Tabor i4:i. $17-V FURNISHED Ait.erta bungaloa-, all modern half I luck car. Vou lawn morn:nas. FOR SALE New, .modern 1 S-itury bunga low in irvinpton; compute tn eery detail; price $4.Vwi. Phone K. 4-"43 NEW :-HioM BUNGAIjOW. ? 1 77.". Fractional lot in Irvington. near car. ner.A t '- ), urgonun. FINE modern home. Price and term are right. phone Main 6l16 mornings ana evenings. SMALL house aid lot near Killings worth and Patton ave.; a bargain. Woodlawn FOR SALE A .".-room house at VSG Mallora ave. ; fine location. Sea owner. AG oreRonian. NEAl P. ., 7-room house, half price; sew ing machine and tJo wood, l.o. Sal mon. Mar?hail ;.71. DON T ou buy or build unti: you have la.aea wnn us. in oreson Home Build ers. ! !:: N. V". Flank bidg. HO US E. four lots, fruit, garden. berri T lowers, rnieaen-nouse, cah. fJO r monm; snap, ... u oregonian. NOTHING down, easy payments, strictly modern. 143-"i Alhina. Wood la wn 37 VI, NEW, modern 12-room house. In lr iugton R. B. Rl e. East 'J43i VL'i MONTHLY buys .".-r..rtrn modern hirinf good location. Owner. Tabor MESEMJEK tK ICE. HAST Y MESSENUEH CO. MuturcCiea and bicycles. Pnune Main 3, A i. OI-fOMtlKlsiS AN1 OI'llLUNB. A Ir'lOUT on bis h prlcea. vv by ijr H to sio lor giaes when i iB til lour tikes a no lirsi uual. lly lenses, gold-filled Irarocs as tow as 1 oof C. W. Oooa man, 219 ajrrwua. Mail orders Promptly luleu. Writ for parUcu-ara. -taiu PATEM AnOkNEVa li- C. WhldllT - yearr pracuce U. S. and loreign patents, mil u-ium blug. Pli-I PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main . STORAC.E AND IiU.Vsl Lit. C o. PICK Transfer se Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d sud pine sts. planus and furniture moved and picked lor shipments, special rates maoe on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main A Utfd. ORE'iON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ollsan sc. corner 13th. leiepnona Main 89 or A llHtt We own snd operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in city. MOVING. PACKINU, SHIPPING. STORAGE Reduced freisbt rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse si Transfer Co Main 7u3. Vth and Hoyt. A 2214. MAOISON-ST. LOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office, Madison. General merchandise and forw-a rd ing asenta. phone Main lOfL ETLKINARY KHIWU. S. T. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. lg. No profession offers eciual opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane, prea, 161S Mar ket st.. San Francisco. WOOD. BARK, block ood. boxwood. cordwood. Multnomah Fuel Co. Min 0540. A 2 Hi riEEN and dry slabwood. block wood, pan. sma Fuel Co. Main 0720. A eAUO. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WLRK. Portland Wire Iron Wks.. d eV Columbia. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. p. FULLER a. CO.. 1-th and Davla. PAINTS. OIL AND ULAMi. R A PMI'SS i-'N CO.. ifd snd Tsylor sts PIPE, PIPE M. L. KLINE. IITT1NGS AND VALVES. 84-l Front st- "LUMltlNG L. KLINE. AND STEAM StrPLlES. 84--l Front si. PKINTEICA AND PUBLISHERS. W. UALTES CO.. ll snd osk PRODUCE EVEKD1NG CUMHIWtlON tk FA P. K ELL, MEUt HANTS. 140 Front. ROPE AND 1INTING IMINE. Portland Curdse Co.. 14tn and Northrup. S..II. IIOIIU.1 AND GLAV1. P. PC LEEK & CO. 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. JIOR1AX WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. RKAL EhTATB. For fa le I louir. EASY HOUSEWORK. Those new crai:ui in oungalows on Laurelhurst are seiitng as fast as l hey are built; there's a reason; bui.di.ig ma terials and labor costs are lower now tnsn ever before tower than you 111 ever see thorn again. No i the time to buy. I have a nifty 5-room bungalow, Just finished, with fine lot 7U12 j feet, for JfH; Vy easy terms; alao a bcautuul 8 -room house, fine loca tion. I btock to car. fr U0u; terms to suit. Phone and 1" 11 cal It U auto and enow you. J. W. Cross. try, : 1 0 Stark mu Main 15'Zt A lilS. Sabiirban Home Prperly. AN Ideal sur.uroan home, 0 minutes from town, modern bungalow, full basement, fireplace, furnace, large porches, lifei fruit trees, lawns, nice chicken park l i lots (cheap; ; price $ :-'.o, terms. Itt40 Fow It ave. Phone Columbia, 4y. Fran a M. Ward, ongr. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, cWae to carllne. easy terms: a 111 build to suit purcnaser. Phone Marshall or 8llfod 47. JOHN (JIH.VJN, OWNER. ror rnlf Arresvaje. CHIt'KSN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland, Greahacn dUtrlci; near elect.lc station; 7J to per acre; easy terms; bt soil, free wood. Farms fur sale, all sixes. FRANK M'FAULAsND REALTY CO :;ci Yeon Bidg., Portland, or. I WILL sell any part of fine .u-acrt lra t, all In cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. R., lo miles out. In Tualatin Valley; terms to uit; l2Z per acre, see Handy, owner. ' Stock Kxchange bidg. Marsliall -Oo. 7 AC RES, all cleared, good 4 -room botu and mil! barn, on Oregon Electric Rali-wi-y, near Cornelius. Cheap for cash, ti i4. Ort:'onlan. Irrigated Lands. FOR SALE All or part of 1 acres irri gated land, near Redmond, or. Call Last -Fruit Lands. 10 ACRES line fruit Uod, on Columbia High way, near Hood River. Cheap for caah. R V-3. Oregon is n. For Sale -Farm. CLOSE-IN GENERAL-PURPOSE FARM. I am the owner of ho acre of good, derP, rlrh land, located Just Is miles from Portland and one mile from electric sta tion; r0 acres in high state of cultivation, balance pasture and all very easily cleareO; has Just enough slope to Insure good drain age, every foot UUahle. All In crop. oats, wl.eat. larly, clover snd spuds: 7-room house, large barn and all necessary out buildings; fine living spring; on main county road, R. F. D.. milk route, phone in house, electric power wires by the place; near school and store; 3 horses, e cows, ao sheep, 0 pigs, chickens and ducks. Everything goes. Including all machinery needed on a first-class farm. .17 acres adjoining my farm sold recently for tooo cash. I guarantee you can't buy an acre cf land near my farm for leas than l am compelled to sell and I realise that In order to dispose of It I will have to sacrltlr-. place with every thing Included SI 3. .".en. $7mh) cash, bnl ance long time at S per cent. Owner tiu3 Dekum bidg. OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime 1 vi Mcree stock or fruit ranch, in Marion County; 4.'. acres in cult ivat ion, balance logged-off and timber; unlimited outrange for stock; 2 good houses, good bams, fences, 4-acre orchird. living water, good creek and numerous sprints, t, mile to It. R. sta tion. Ik, miles to good school, ; miles to good mill town; can be bought for one thirl value, as owner cannot run It; small amount of cash, balance easy Box Lallia, Or. 20 ACRES, miles north of Vancouver "on Pacific Highway, paved. To acres In cul tivation, balance in pasture and nearly cleared; new 4 -room plastered bungalow new barn and other buildings; dark loam" soil, 3 acres In pot r. toes, purchaser gets crop. price fMt, i"" cash, balance to suit at ti'. (HL) Dorr E. Keasey at 'o . "d floor Chamber of Commerce. I HAE two first-class stock ranches in C ential Oregon, completely equipped, for sale at a bargain; terms can be arranged If you are looking fora stock business It will pay you to see me. J. L. Robinson 5t3 Corbett bidg. j.'lMi-ACH hZ sheep ranch; price only SS an acre; this la one of the best sheep proposi tions In Central Oregon : alfalfa, corrals and bunkhouse; on-.-- turth cash, balance 4 p r cent. J. l. Robinson. SOS Corbett bidg. 1-."- ACRES ch'dc land; Improvements; 4" miles from Portland; el' to R.; will make superior oairy farm. Favors hie terms. a. L Porter. Zot Colombia bidg.. Spokane. Wash. FORCED sacrifice. Willamette ftO, some Im provement. 1 7."t. O ner. Chaun'ey Barney. Oregon City. FOR PALE Cowlit County stump lands. 10 per acre up; good soli, well watered.' J. R. Sharp. 4 J Pittock block. Portland. WANTED TO HTTXT FARMS. WANTED To rent- small ranch near R. R.. 10 to 2o acres, barn and bousa. esvn fur nish good references, give full particulars In first reply. X Wl. Oregonian. FOK HAI.K TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER. TIMPFR. TIMBER. lfiN acre?. ;:0.tMri.Hio feel, easy market. $:; per air. YOUNG OILLK. . 7 ' fhmirr of Commerce. l MILLION feet timber. 14 south. 4 east W. M . Linn Co.. fsooO csh; no trad a. An 1m., Oregon tan. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND fOLD. M'CRACKKN, aP4 M XAT BL1X1. W A MKI U K A I. EST AT E. CAN put our hands on the buyers of city and rountry property. List your -chang ith us. The Oregon Home Build ers. 1 ; N. W. Bank bid. CASH for lots In Alberta district, bargains onlv. A R Vr., Oregonian. to m WA NT to i bungalow. CHANGE REAL ESTATE. tra-!e ejijlir in modern 5-room buiia,lo. uni. Tabor TO KXCIIANGE KF.AL F.STATK. FR EXCH ANG E An exceptionally well built and modern resldencr. conpieie In a'l details, located In exclusive W.t !! dis'rirt on one of Portland's mot tie sirmbte corners. 1 l-rtvm Iioum, with spa cious halis and sleeping-pore h ; large siv Ing- room, dining-room, library, den and kitchen first floor. 4 bedrooms, upstairs sitting-roum. i bathrooms and sowing room on second floor, servants' q uarters and billiard-room on i hird floor; price (MM, mortgage $1.'..imki, will exch an a equity for amall-r West Fide houe or other prooeriy. ilv particulars and ad dress of hou you offer for trade in your rply. AH f" Oregonian. I WANT TO TAKE AN AUTOMOBILE TRIP. V ill trad a $ooo equity In cioae-ln East Side rented pr-iperty for light S'.s ry.tndrr car, in good condition, and rash Desirrs won't allow yu hat It Is worth. Why not try me. AF &-. ore gonian. kEH.AMILK estabilr hment. consisting of lock w orth aiMfut $Jnnjt store tuiiuinca, chop mill, wareuouse and had. water s -l-?m. dwelitisg, I arn and i acres of ground only about 14 miles from Port land tiourthouse; coat $Lu.ooO; has mal OMner Independent; no Incumbrance; ttl exchange for larrn near I'wrtiand or unim proved land close In. Inquire of Mr. Schibet. -j fctock Each. bidg.. 3d and Y a it b l ;i st. 14 ACRES on Willamette River. IflTmlnuter walk from electric car; 11 acres clear and under cultivation. 3 acres beautiful timber w li h creek of spring stater running through : one of the most beautlf -il spots on the river; an Ideal rountry home: ne, small bungalow and bain; price ooi, cash or irms. or will trade for iioice West Side residence. Improved, or unim p roved property, owner, i irj, Orrr"iuan. EXCHANGE. Will tak car Portland property up to 4Wv as part payment for io acr a near Corvallis; splendid improvement, Arc Mr. ' Loehr at HARTMAN THOMPSON iHh and Stark atf ACRES, all but t o acres under cultiva tion. 4-room houao, 2 barns, family or chaid. 4 wells of water, fenced, cross fenced: 4 hor-tt, 2 colts. 3 Jereey cows. 1 Self ers. rt hogs. 1L0 chickens and all im plements; price JTiOO. mU. of $ i vo. 4 per cent, lung time; trade for clear port land property ; crop on T' acres of leased ground goes. Se Jordan, Sol-: Lum bermens bidg., rth and tlark sts. 4ioS KfitES. clar of incumbrance, about It mile fnm Roebur. about S t s, mile from u;l!a and stage lute a miles from railroad ; 3,0ou,uoi It. good aa w timber ; road through place, a 40 good stream. Prtce fiono. LxchanatM for psrtlv 1111 prof farm and win assume lo s.iooo. See Jordan, -th and Stark. Lum bermens bidg. SPECIALLY constructed large modern bidg.: most modern printing plant macnlnery and equipment and large sto. k of pap-r: wotk Ing full time; books covering U years op-n for most rigid Investigation; bank rel-r-ences ; price $70.U0; elderly ow n-r 111. wants Improved farm or lanls In North west. RECK. 3ol-2 Railway Exchange bidg. WILL take house in good neighborhood up to J Joo as first pa) inent on my lncone fiat, on West Side, value 91Vor0, easy terms on balance; is a double flat. 4 rooms each. ful basement; attic can be arranged for adiuonal flat; walking C:iance. al ways rented. Give full particulate in first letter. I am owner. No agents. A J Vis, Oregonian. Fi KST-CLASS modern storm front bu-lni bidg ; large Illinois c.t) : income lu per annum; mir. $.'i00. price $4 2.u0; batik references ; want imroed farm and i.- caah. BECK. 3ll-J Rallaay Exchange bidg. . FoK SALE or trade, a tract of between 40 and 5o acres, on electric line, at station, close to city, suitable for subdivision, la erup and highly improve!, capable of Im inr itate returns; no agents. A L T. ore- Rnnlan. aXxloo, CORNER m''.H and Lnviwun sts.. sUl pax ed and paid for. mtg. t'Ks; I'l change equity of Sl4u for late model auto. Schlbci, Su2 tto;k Exch. btdg.. Jd and Yarn hj'l. 1R LI S ATE l. highly improved 10 A. near K-nnewp k. aah. ; Indvpendent living from a if aire. Xrult, berriea. grapes, totna.o, me.otis, etc.; vv.n trade for $4iou bun g a low. It E K. 3"I-S Railway Each, bidg. EwuTtY in my modern flat bul.dlni: of l.'.uoo to trade for molern home, property ail rented. $Hi per month. Total pr.ee. I ,H Gtv full descriptlun, location, etc. P. O. lot T,K IF YUt: HAVE ANY JOOD PItoPElt l V FOK EXCHANGE WE CAN M AH H YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE Jl NK PIIUPKHTV. AY EKS A SMITH CO, rM yonTHVfcEsT plds. main "I'f.a ONE acrtp Rl.etdale Station, artstoctatlc district; all In cultivation, wonh liioo. If you have machine worth IHkio, m ill give you deal. Epton. 4J Clumber of I'ommerce. HAVE house and lot worth I U for S- room houae tiear tne .anaeny a.ioin the value of lO0. AL G. Epton. 43 t 'lumifr of Commerce. s SECTION front :ng on St lets River, level and best of land, about J acres clear; want home or acreage in or near Porllaud. Soit wood 'sivlS. IF YOU have good property and want lo ex change it. se Loll Uval Latate Co.. iis Railway Exchange WILLAMETTE substantl.il Improve ments. $;'Ho; want resbleuce. o ner. Chauncev Barney. Oregon City. S2-ACHE wheat ranch, will consider half trade, part cash anl balance on time. -J iir-n in cultivation. Snap at $oovo. K. W. Cary, tJ0 Electric bUig. So oit Itio-acre dairy farm, house, barns, etc.. II miles from Vancouver; part trade, wwner Tahor 34. EXCHANGE Los Angies and vicinity houi and lots f.r dair farm. Western Oregon. W. L. HlUmin. Suldlmity, or. TO E X CHANG E---M I S C KL LA N EO 1 1. WANT to trade for good front and bark saloon tar and store fixtures. Ail WJu. oregonian. FOR HALK. Horse, Vehicles. Harneee, l-4c. BIG team of geldings, sorrel snd bay. weight 1".mh. with extra heavy breeching har ness snd a :i is wood wwgon ; this out fit t2ZZ. Team matched bays, about 2H.V lbs , with heavy breeching harness; true to work any place. Price $ J"0. Farm outfit, mare and horse. 8 and ft yeats; new harness: both writ single; kind snd true to work any j.'-ce; light wag on; outfit, I- lo. Tm mare and horse, weight 'J4tM. with extra good harness, good as new; if taken at once, $ UC. Pair matched handsome browns, good fast walkers; will hitch anv place or spot; with Ur eec h 1 n liarn ess. $ 1 7 . . Mare and horse, good m ot Were, bright ba , with gooj nr w farm harness ; g I .Vi. Call and see th is ba rsatn. Harness. single burzy harness. f Irst- rlas eonoitlon. '- : four sets of express harness cheap : one set nouo.e wor a nar nesa. $10: also four sets farm harness. c h ea n. Muiri, team of mares, mutes, young sound and elgh about -J'-'ini; w in give tr!.t; come and see this bargain. $10 takes ihm. All stock all! be delivered any part of city f re of chant. UNION TRANSFER CO., At 11th snd Hoyt sts. AUCTION! AUCTION: Ftrlctly commission basis ; horses, har ness, wagons, sad d lea, bungles, large stock; guaranteed as represented; every Thurs day, 2 p. M- Multnomah Stables. Aih and Madison. J. M. McMahon, auctioneer. AUCTION r"AVcTIONf Horses mu'es. vehicles, harness, every Mondav and Friday. ! A. M. . only strictly commlssiou stabie in the city; consign ment solicited. The Met lei 1 snd Hrae Mule ".. 24' East hth st. Kavt 'I5 PAIR OF SOR li EL MARES Fui. sislrs. work single or double. iiiet for sny iaoy or boy; weight Jlo; price fllO; harness and wsiron i-lwap -- N. I ;th. t7(Mt-.t:. MARK UotMl fret- drUer; works s-nuie or double; :iiht spring wagon and h-rnrw. for e"' --" N. 14th St. FOR SALE cheap, team. 4 and I years old, harness, c im p wagon. stoe, tent, every tblng complete. Call at 34 Front st, WACOXS and here, s bv day. si 2-V I Cohen, 31 Water st. Main -J-M". Main OV. OPEN rarrlasc, small 2-s-ated.very cheap. f East 'h st. North. DEAD liurrct and animals hauled away free. Wood la n "O. Io r: land RenOertng Co. DEAD hora-a and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4'jo3 KoR SaLK lis wagon, f.ne condition, rh-p for cssh. .Ml North 21st St. riasM. Onrnne anal ilea Instruments. 2i. WllTlJ close out $7o automatic elec tric p. a ver-piano. Security Storage Co , 1 1 Four:h st. " CAPH buys a f 3"a Emerson piano to morrow. Security Morac Co.. Iu9 4th at $'0 CASH buys 113' Eetey organ. Security Storsge Co , ion Fourth et. A 0(X' D disc phonograph, guaranteed, and 15 selections for H , 111 Fourth St. $ 1 MONTHLY st ore our piano. Securlt v Storage Co.. lot 4t h st. Main C;;3. rHON'OollAPH in perfect condition, same as new. $- rash, t all Main sYiiM. WANTED To store or !! my twarly new player piano. AR 0, Oregonian. FINE p'.aer piano cheap, take second -hand pnr. part p.o nunt. MurshuM 24-tJ. WANTED Square piauo Xwr cash. Ill 4ia st. 1'lauoe, Organs and MostcaU laelraseat. PI INOS in dtMifnl columtis are usually f.r cash, doti't heslrate to come to the s-hwm Vlnt Co., Ill Fourt'i u. when preferring to Py cash. $1 we-kly or H monthly. A new p:no delivered on p.t mnt of i. Thus a near f IMt piano at our factory price of $ r more mniithly, no in !e rest, sax ing .s4i.a w hen paid In - S pears; total saving SlOOs to you. TH E S KOI It IT Y STORAGE CO. w iil c.e out to ftrt call- r: l.'T; Mo ammon piano. cash. 9 it "i Marsha.1 A en.i 11. jo iah. Wellington, osk, 1K" rash. ! lecker at Sons. inui, 1 2$ cash. S-.'tO auio-i lafr p.ano, cash. 1 7o Kim t s 11 baby srar.tl. .4.' cash. I o 4 m ST. Coit'll ni.DG. iToaTiT wTthIouile crcd.t for eTo bui pew i.0 pianu at e.'tL. T .o monthly without interest charged else Nere. makes total itviuc 14i.-J to ) ou. ochwao A'laoo Co., 111 4-.n st. 1- H ADHL HY e4oO roMWood piano w lt he rloed out for S'o this meek. hecurlty storage Co.. l.i Fourth st. A" SPLENDID ta:ki:iK mar bine and 32 se lections, a.l pvrfe. t recoroa. for iil terms If desired. Ill Four; h st. AM furled to lavs t be city and must sac rifice my new cabinet -grand plnno; lor quick action. 91 AB W-J. oregonian. I og Th i rd. Pel IM --k " REAL Aldel. Imnirrt, pais, guard a. Lad--lix Kennels, Ka ad, or. 1 r.l'liiUKKlJ Irth Setter pups. M. ft" K not t si. PI one Knt 4 I. R. Knox. FsumlU fos hale. ! 1'AIRS beautiful tJio 4 H -pound blaukr's . reguiar price .;.'. pa-r ; nur V- e 4 5 pair. Muti Furniture 1.0,, 14 irFt st. Prtone Main Ulu'v ONE largv I? otne t'otnfort rang, moat new. r. wi'ir and other things witn it; will sell rhcap. 3o; 14th. si-VEN c! ran rooms, c ose la; rooms rented pay rent, cheap. A 34. A ittomobilee.. USED AUTO SNAlTi. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1-.M2 M IT?! ELL. &-pasa. 6-eyl.. TOi Ik 1.1 oVKltUVD, 2-paas. roadster. $1.-0. M 11 c H ELL, T pass., e.eclric starter and lights, only TO. ii 1 1 30U. MARION, z-pass. roadster, only 1U1 STODDARD. 3-psss.. JO-H. P., IXid. DUICK delivery ct', 20-H. P., only 12.10. A number of others to select from. Call or phn for dn.intration. MITCHELL, LEA IS at STAVEK CO East First and Cast Morrison. Sis. Knit 2177. B 12HI. lli LOZ1ER PRACTICALLY NEW A SNAP. SEVERAL OTHER I'SEO CARS TO SELECT FROM. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch t-ta. . Broad ay or A 4'X. USED CARS. A-rssa. CsdlKac. The car that never quits, $4H. Ai.i one CADILLAC St 22i I'MAl.MKKS Jd." &-).u., :..0. I'F KI(I.Ks, 7-paaa. luesi stag car. OVERLAND, at only COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. 21st and Washington. A FEW BAR-IAIN. OV Kit LA N D. .V-pa.. an It. I . lt'14 .Y K It LA N it. -pass . G.." 1W13 UVtltLAM'. .'-pau.. t V Kltl.ANU I'l.LIVtltV CAR. w. MAXWELL delivery ar. ELMORE, a-paas . 2oti J. W. LEAITT st co L2 W ashinston. 1t14 MICHIGAN t 7"'0 HI3 .NATIONAL llt-a,, ll'l 1 li( I'MOl'lLE 4 6iu lVld I.AM Hl.KK f 3oO DLLMAGE-M LM.KY AUTO CO, 4U N. 2"th Ft. NEW AND USED FKD At TOMOI4II.KA ; ri.o n easy ti:rms. BENJAMIN E. HimIXU A CO, Pord Agenta Ml AM-r st. Main HARC.AINS IN USED AUTOS I.arie stock. Prices 4.iit to 470. OUEO N MTOK CAR C O.. Mudet.. ker Blt!g.. Corner ha, man and Alder. CL('1N4 out at your pru-e. Nation tuies and rasing: Ti4 Q. D. j.Ialn casine. 54 II 14. I, nun-skid casing. nu I S tuhes; x 4 1, t uha. W.'o N. W. Bank bidg. Phoue Mam .'.Ml. 0ARAES erect-d compi-te 4.0 up; read cut or portable houses $ 1 up. TAKE luiWN MFJ. CO . T4a Witi-r St.. near Harrison. Main I I'll". F H HI rTT. 1 1.."-0 PE It" HoUR. aV-pasaengr 114 Ford, its for trips or day work: good services. Phone Main Uul or East r.".:-. OVERLAND, lwltf model, 2:n, I7i cash. I'k!'inc terms, fitst-clasa shape t-tg bar gain. Belmont tiers ge. tl. 2-d and Mr . I-s.-n. Phone K.Sft 11-7. li A V E lati Saxon roadster and lota in Terra bonne, w ill exchange for larger car. V hat have you ? A P teni. oregonian. lit 4 FORD, shock absorbers, presto tank, fine condition. cash. AP P. 4. Orego nian. IAKiAlN If taken at onto. 1U a.re i.n-mt land. S nille to Canity; easy terms, Ap- p:y tn own-r. ro3 I'-um b.lg. OVERLAND roadster t lM.1l mole: w 1,1 be sold this week at a bargain. Ca'I Broad - w;iy 4J or Marshall ll-.; after O P. M lltl 4 FoK D. In good ct.ndlt lin, for Sa.e. In quire Ea-st Z'-in and Belmont ts., filling stat ion. 5-i'ASKNiElt auto for "sa.e. oerhau.cd and repsliited. 43 IT.. 43 N. tltn. FOR H I RE r aa.ir.aule. clean, c.asy Hudson rar: careful driver. Main Roadster. rirt-claaa si.spe. w Hi seU cheap. 1iM 4th St. AutomoOllee Wanted. AUTO WANTED 1 lots In Ho lee. Idah teio? ffi'jQ. 10 trade for automobile; even trade; no Junk wanted. Box 43. Dallss. or. WANTE4. to buy 1 i 1 4 or I1H5 nt.a,lrl flve-pas-nger Ford. Phone luln v:i: or call letwern 4 snd 5 P.M. at sU SaetUnd Mdg. TRADE for auto or lot. flood equity In E. Irvington bunrah w. rtew. 7 ro-aina. corner lot. ritic. AF I-'., oregonian. WANT Inte model automoOUe anil ome asn for eijulty in 1- - lu modern buugaiow. 1'hone Mnr. 2IJ Vvll.L pay cash for light r roadster t.re- ferreti, condition no object. Oliver, iroo Aiuer. AT ONCE. .1 or 4 -ton truck in good eon dltion. Packard preferred. Y s-J. Ore goni n. WILL tra-ie f.ne c.rar lot in Capital II..; for late m d I aututiiobue In good .ondi- Don. East 44-(S. W ILL pa rash for .-pas Ford. 1114 or 1 Hi;, model . inu-t be bargain, AM Mu, Oregonian. W A NTE l Cod c...til -baiid a tari:nin. N P."-. urrunnin ar; must be -Late in d. Me4oreirlee, Fo R SALE or ;ra-ie on pi no. I ncun mo lrri, f tin eju;iped. run but very little; $l."o. trrtns. Call Tailor I I no before 3 Ot lock. Automobile for II Ire. CADILLAC. Ca. I Taur 2 and ak about "it. it I la 14iP'ha pro iner tr-.o T ;ev rllera. T PEW Hi T EKS ?r rent ; J months for 4- and up: G months rent spj-il'd on pur rtiat prb e Remington T pee r,irr Com pan. hl it road a a . Port is nd. or. WE sive you from iVo to 7 ixr rent on a t maKr-t of njj-arlfrra: send for cur illus trated f..!dr. Retail departm-rt v. Hul.t SALE TYi'EWRlTER v. O , SJI Wash t. TVI'KW IllTERS. all- makes, flo'to A5 The Nnrthvfi TperUer Co.. US Stark st. Mam :i v SI AN I A It I v:tt'l tper:ters three months for 14 : deliverer . c-.orcnient at home. i44 Stark st. Mam .T3. NEW. rebuiri" ratra. I. t. second-hand re:, "a Is at cut . 231 Stark st. Main 1 47. laasrhre and HaaK 1.FT motorboat. speed fS mla per iit.ur . che.p. AO P-t. oregonls n. T Wt m hlte ; :in.-nl. 1 cars : s ear h . fire tr esrrtnss. at a trout who.esale .rlce. O oregonian. DIAMOND house paints. sttteiv pure, made i Oregon: rer araiun. fort .ana Pel Ml Co.. .': Frnt t . V 1 r-salt 1H llidii HAIK and m hite iron rU. drop stdes. :.r tr r lose matircaa . a. l-ariaio. Apt. 7. 1-th st t PEA P "ai inei phonos rn ph end t hedce lot .f reeord "a!l room ". Cnngre-s 44 a-1 THE Neutral Oijir Havana nl'-er :; f nf Pc (nt 1 like 2 Sc. 2fli Burns ids N. - niuiC'ra in go. vi tond'tl -n lur icauotlfl j. nee, 4 Or sod ave. N. IOM OAU. MlMellaaess.. lil.l.(AKi ,rw and sevond-hend r.r.i and pocket bl.llard faolee and boa ling a:.r ana a--pa..rirt: eaav panient Te Lranswi. k - Ha 1 ke-l"ol ienrter 1 o . 4o-4 Ath. Iuu WHITE KN KLOl Ka, $1 7i. Noteheada. bi.: heads or si elements, 1 . isamples free. Coleman Prwa., I. O. I" S2. por t;and. CAM! ItK'ilSTEKS. large stock on hand: we av on o 10 pr cent ; a.l reieie auarant--ed. Casta Reg later Exchange, w Washington at, SF.WINt.; MACHINES new ard second hand, sale or rent. J up. Sewing Ma.'i.n, Km por um lvH ad at., near Ta lor. Main I'lji A 3 ". IU liKKl.U S t'amera Kachar.ge. M T.d st - amea. kAiliki ana lenses bought, s-ttd and exchanged. We se: the lea cameras Pi. I MlilNii supphes at J w 1- n ... pric. Stark-Iavu Co.. 212 3d st. Main 77. LATE S:nger sewing machines for rent; free de;ier . J month. Morrison. Mar- mail ;;i. S 4FFS. SAl'F.S. The Mosier Safe Co, 24 Mark St. WANTED MIfKLUM)l . W' A N'T ED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES We pay h.ghest cash price for tad ' and gen la cast of f clothing. blc clea and eer thing In merchanaisv-. Ca.i us up We need ;t snd w:l! pay for It. ULOIIK lOivE. i First Ft Msin J" Mam 2414. ""SECOND-H AM OLOTHlVd WANTED. J. MEIER. THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGH E"T I'll ICR FOR CLOTHING AND M4CES. WE C1.L I'lf 'MIT1.Y. 1 HE RELIABLE BUYER. MAIN 7:.T 3. r . M AUIW.V Ft R a t horoughly rel lable hniase to buy i.r sell houeho,d goods or antntng in the hardeaie line, call the I.e'h Hardware at Furnit ure Co.. 1 Front. I'bone A tils. Mam KLINE'S BUY, KlhMTIKK: H V .VTHi-UX sell vi txcn.'.i: BEST PRICES PAID. 3.4 AXE. EAS r 71. WILL PAT CASH FOR SKCOVD-M VXD HOUSEHOLD OOODS. rm 'XL m xi n azr. a Ui-MSH FtrKNITURE CO. 1 4 i-t. I'm fore you buy or se our furniture get our prices. Main ''7K ANTED To bu Aew mtist t V ikkIUs 11 1 72 a steam th e and show 3 god coDdltion. l'bone OWL FURNITURE Co paa lest pr:ce for your furniture, .11 1st su Main 4 .';. WANT fl,tc.k u'd furniture. pay sod prices; siarttng new store. Sellmoo.1 1, C A H paid sr hair coin bine a sanitary B am y Par Iots. 4 mo Dekum b.dg. XX' ANTED National cash tegtster. Ms;n 4- JilS Wasiingtcn st. V ANT l:-inch wood ia'he with shaft and pulleyr O H. C'regon.aa. IF you want hlg hest prices for used f ur- n)ture, rarets, etc., ca.i uevurtt. Mar. 47. HELP XX ANT ITD M A L H. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking empoment in com merc,al. clerical or technical tinea, are 1 n-vi:-d to consult the emp. inent sec re -tary. The ser ice of 1 his department la free lo all members. To nn -members, a ecal memoership Is issued, costing li per annum, giving the service of the de psrtment for a e r two tnonttia' ft, pri iiege and a refund of the m-mbrah .p fee if satisfactory employment la not se cured. Y. M CA. A U To MOBILE SCHoOL. FPECIAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. 1. U n usual opportunit y. For particulars r:i at euucationai uff.ee X'. M. C. A. In cluded in tuition cost la full Association membership to octooer 1. WANTED 4 teams to haul tics snd logs; long job. 1 e. o c arriage riders, S2.2. Piie grader. 4a. Others t-o numerous to mention hete. I'ACIFIO KMPI-OVMENT CO. 222 and 224 Couth st-, tct 1st and 2d. ELECJ UICI ANS. he'pers t-r students of eiet -tPlt will find unusual advantages in the Xmu to learn tt.-ir irale t:ioroi:il and .achieve j tttnu;in. mor.t hi pay from 4i7.e to piu sratulHra; bord. lo! ic ing, meislcal at ler.danre, lU-rt ruction. I.m1s l:e. A'ae I to i. An: Navy Krcruit In g Station. M Ttan I ll g. VoUN'tS man auie. as second gar.lener and feneral hantty m j u for country p!ue. nar irt and . must ha e good ref erencee and sonio exper.-nce in garuen work: nut be a good sorkct. Apply A It l.. regoniSit. WANTEl Men to Jo.n co-operative coiony st Uoi'te. set a Job and a home for a.l time; cash tor 14 acres richest cleared land: pay the rest In labor; work now su it. g on. S-e km. Wyna W lieon. So J Chamber of Commerce bidg. W A N TED One m re our. g man. able to lcae loan today, to t ravel with ad erod ing rew ; n experience hecesar : sted position. gol j a 10 worker; must he ui r 22. stng le and nea 1 1 y 2 reased. L'a.1 e to 12. Mr. liiiham. t ar, ion Hotel. WANTED Two turn, slncle. 0 er 22, t travel wf.lt crew working Oregon snd ash ing ton ; men from out of to e n or familiar with country people prelet re l. Inquire of clerk. L. n..g Hotel, after w A. M, TWO neat si pienog ouns men anted to learn to set 1 uur Boods; no experience or cat It'l necessary; can earn money while learning. 2 Chsmber of Commeice bidg., l to 4 P. M . MEN'S HIt.H-OHADE M ITS. Men! I have some c.auy Summer suits worth 4-'o and Out they go at 41U. J.tnmy Dunn. 31-te-l. Oregonian bidg K evator lo J floor. W A NT ED Assistant manager for dairy lunch; good opening for -aiab'e man who comes well recomirrended and can lumtsrt l-.nd : give full details. All W23, ore gonian. XVI I. L trade small nunulad urltts tustness f-T unincumbered lta or acteaSe sorl 1 fjoo-t. give full perilcu.ar. AB V-. urriti'ninn. WANTED 'ontiacior lo diurc -n a coii t r- t bulioing costing st.out t:ioi; would like to pay jartly in re si -Mate. balance ra-h. J. !. Pmenger. 712 X'tHanis ave. WANTED A wide-eake man to tak charge of a restaurant; must understand the business and be willing to work long hours. A B t-". itregoman l'HARVAClT; registered lu Washington, fvr relief work July 14th to 2th. Ajures Camas Phanitac. Camas. X taSh., and ntnte salar deired. WANTED A wide-aaake. eneteettc young man aa clerk and stenographer in larse inousinal oQlce; state age. experience auj faiary expected. N ".'2s. or goiuan. MEN XV ANTED lo put new life It. to ibe.r g. hu) your 4-ant from Jimmy Dunn lore 4- 4-1 nd X:-o. Z-lo-17. ore- nin t;1g. l..ea:or to si f-oor W ANT ED A in villous man. now etnp!o ed. who wishes to earn ekira money without conf lb tinu w ith srrae.ii w or a. A P hhj, 11 egonta n. WANTED Young u..n 10 -ais of ace. with good education. lor general office work, jti-ply siting phone ana f.ui ese, AP U2i. Oregonian. lT'P.TIsAN D FiAit LEit l ul.i.L iK Expert lna'.ru tr to t h you the tarter trade in week, tools tree. m,i(.iq guaranteed; paM l i'e l-artiing. I'd. near Main. CAH advanced ou weekly selling our han dy guaranteed 01 ratuental snd fruit ato, k R igiit now best time to star U aahihg ton Xut-rry Company, Toppe:itsh. W ash. Sil I E N T draughtsman In architect's office; wiil pay for correstondence school course; no wages first year. All Ml. oregonian. XV A ITER w anted, esperienced lunch counter man. Apply " P. M . room P. Cham ber of Commerce tlOg. ANTED sa.ary and comm.s 4H Iwtleay Exchange ft to 1 A. M. bidg. WANTED Name of out;g men wanting to oe rei.wev ma.l clerks; IT4 ntor.tlx. Ana r iinm-a.ai-!v A X J-. oregonian, fTusT-CLASS pastry 00k fjr dairy lunc'.i. 4 1 per week . .He bcal re J ere 11 c and p n o n . A 1 t'7. Ore g"nin l.l.K-iK and lii:h s ho.; men to eea Kuiirr senna, v bftuhee. I' Pr cent com miMion Chamber ol t'mme rce bins.. V i 'I N.i tot e. J ner . r t in .-r g. No iuiil log. Apply after i.-.c. 1.1. id N. W. Nat. JUnk t..: g . WANTKD Capable aiaitna?nt Janitor, ex perience slU rtti-a u ea teuii sl. AM . r -i; ulan. ti kiI man e n it d interest in g so t;ne w oo. s ouif i. csn mil : per itay rach. li. l.umlfr Kchange. 7Ti i TTl T to am cd. Apply AO P2 -. orcg.. c isn. pHOTOORAPH coupon : one for lire inri. i r off-r. ii'rtll. I H t o k U.k. W A N l ED per i -need porter, liar. 3d and Abler sts. I'aoai.ta T W O UO X' S a l once, to learn the barter trae. 4t N. Sd St. I'liuio agents, s-mtothlng lie a; extra corn mission paid, barony st ud .o. Ro; bidg. liARDENER wanted rern nt n t . present pay $1 a PIT, AH ? . t'regonian Help W anted Agewts, W A N 1 El A gents fr nee (a(-i,t. eay -lie-, onlv hustlers AD 12 4 oregonian i poreiicn g r for general house. 1 o'i's E 12th NortK. A 1 :erl a c m r. S rr.N' Hilt A I'H Ki: !nrt hmirt, e?i. 4-7 pel acta; chance for uiwre. 4i4 Uckuin b.ug. tiri.P X AMI ll I I HAI L X 1 K D n e or leo ta-iles o te-.e . u . -he?gc oT i;-iom hiel lu Noftt. llrsi. .and must le eMeMetCcd ani ur.:n u -n -txted: good pr-.encn lr tight j-aiiy. A !. ! I'lft'-"'-" a UoU EN aa c.,o enamer. t clei .. stii month. Port and exam.nations cmns. as mp-e quetluus free, r raik.ta lustiiuta. De t. 7c 3 E. Roc heeler. N. Y. U aXIlI e- dT w om n to a si w h i. c ut i,ti.r.ir in iHn lor board roo:n J " plain hum. Xalu 7CC 1 , A 1.. 17. No wee. AN I'M - r.Xl leuCf d T I t ' lu co vii.! r v. urtr Mllaaukle. "hore Vi!auKl 4ei-V. hnusem M k wages K. I'Llil KNCl'-J ' i.y ii-:p. Hoi j.shllii"o;i st. 1 1 r-esn, o 1;. a Agent). P m 2:0, WANTED aly rcsj-ev t a I- .e ou. a J to vate for aa o a n at reaaonaie late. A 1 t'l. oregn.an. B.CN, tirl ' u ciown in uoe;t a-t; chame lor Eastern au-iei!'e t r.-mt; ex perienre unixtroaiv. AH t-.a. Qregi-nian. WAN1E1" l.l now empioed lor profit aJ le work tr.at w id not conf i- t with pres ent duties, a P oreaionian. U;i;L; bet. It and zt to learn comptometer ca.u.atir.g machin-r; god positt.ia wjiea course con-.p'eted. iJ Morgan b.ug. El'Kr.lLN,Ll "! frtr rwkng and general houeeeork. r-t' t et.cee te-iut-ed. I ! FrankMn st.. Wn.sm-tte Hf.tnii rRotSKEslX'K HIM!:S COLLEGE. A I mooern businesa courses tU nu. poaitioi w hea cotnp.ete K l N. XV. Hank b-g. WANTED liefir.el. capahla woman for re- .or.s.hie pait:on. .M C'oait aii), 4-3 J-.n.H k b'pk. WaaniDgton t- CAPAHLE woman lor house work, r-fer-enc-s. family ! sou. ta. Ceii allcr lt. eH Stanton st. B car. IkF. LIABLE ounc Sviiiian for ccttersl liouw t rk . goo.t home l-r right pat :y. Call 4M Kai 4:h st. Not t h. MiS M ATTl.NC.LsV S .x'lin. -U h..r;i and. Typewriting. 4 j mo. :4 14.U. liu M. pvtOK K E El EHS. ster.ug t a p her a and d let a phtjf 01-eraiora io 1 N. W. Ba.ia blr.g. eivi: git to ieam beauty ru.lure, 414 sanitary Pa riot a. lrku:u bidg W ANT adopt 1 r 1. 1 cr ear. .tie t. Comn.er' tal bPclt. A'.iAT for n ifhed H' g'ol t n position. i.ainca 1 jr- 'o.v I'M toTijH KMKIUl.Xtr"l s.r! I -t g ticral house wor a. Vain 314Q. 111:. Thuim n at. la I K I. lor (fl.rl.il liowe a ..r k . be good cfk. A I .ardcrs st. Gl-L f t general house a oik in ema.l (aix.i.. liC SyT. t'r(.itl!4U. 1.1 i lk i.u;u ' r-;,l v s WANTED Oirl to ntfX A 1 -ply 7'J M t hr ti. b-i. it h lu-uwa ot k. ' 1 nt i ltd 2 .'d . EN PERI r.XO ED U HMtid launuiy. y ir-.tier anted. ' .ikltillStort M. GIRL foi general uiuTk mir hi i: ete r reI. 4 I Appi' g. honir at it ;eiin ae. Ill',' 1 'O; li PH retoucnet . it. if I b. expe rienced in sa 00m. : I pit t- k Pl.t . L i : L X... a anted to 1 Corner ;.th f of t e h tu. u h. 2.:l 1: ji ns.de M. sL I.Al'Y iMfltrr wsn;e- at t; 1 K L to do housework. 71 Mareha.l sl. HH P XVANTM MA1.K OH I KMAI L MEN said WdMr.N to l-s:n the barber track. f4m frm IX ! per week, mi- lo-u reluceu. paol apt.e teain.rg. i-.sit: -tis s urcd . milt lor I ree itti.- tm1, 7 he M rr Ss:cm f Colleges. Ad. 4 N. td OR E;oN Bar be r Co. ,ege as us men and won.n to learn the barber t raie In t weeks; tools l:ce; paid ahllo learning; earu from l to . mrk; nea cou:e for hLminrr, t uli ion reduce d. ;-l Mau.sot.. IIFI.P XVANTF.ls MIM Fl MM Ol S. lvAil.WAY ma;i c.etka. rteta. exam. sn . i P. reel . r -cr ka. c ar tast o-mar.oa vn e. aCli .C . cay. inany mure cierke; act s-tate rohoola. McKay b MTtATION XX ANTFI MALL Bookkeeper aud 4. Icrka. il Nil man. out of busimas coiicge. wsdis some position in the oit4ce icorporatiwn or w 1-olcsaie houee ; can svet as cutiHant (ooaaeejM-t ; can furnish good references and ftue.ity loutl, sa.ary no oi-ject. o p-o. uriiuian. . EXPERIENCED office nian and i pe r iter, boi.est ami re..at.e. b-sl vf Iclcicbcea. Address K 4 ' Z, 'i egoman. ItTEt.lSTKlvcID aoiiiam j-l.at n.ac .st in Oie .u walls poit.n; 4 yr t-pcrlciue, AH '.'-'V tr cnntAii. LXl'KKlENCED bokkoapr atia pusitioa. phone W oou.aa n ei-'X. l.l.i: 1 INiI b UilOdle sued man. aa.xrs r. hject. 1'hrna Marshall f ie n -ot s. UcH'KS KEPT or audited ecn.ne by bevak te.ier i hl. Oregonian. MlsreUsnesu, KM KH1KX EL and lettable uUdo : -age 4 man of good adoress would like to (ad io s.t on as janitor. port r or a ot k of some kind: mon.-ra:e eases and best c-f reir-en.-ea. Address P. Fisher. Nea.and Hold, .in. -s 1st. Portland. vCaM Kb l osiilon as janitor In f.rst-claas a i.art menl - house t-y married tnsn, expe-t.rncr-l oil burner, rdcrcmes, Addreae N tj 4. urtjtar.ian. XV ANTED iSaiden or lan ! lake csre of. hate to i bouts to spare eci da ; am m professional florist. willing to w oi k. A O-regonian. it.l.lAlll.K man ar.ts wa.i to ctet.: I h onu hi y experienced. Is a.eo f;rst-c.ss pa i.tel , A-i rcfetencea. Mam tilf A 1 : 1 T .... EXI'KUIK.Ni'Kb. re. i a to man w nta pa i it i -li.. iunr l..n B ing and k-t .mi sung . i a Soti.1 ; e tat rs . A - 1 relerenc a. Mam 7 a XV;i married men ell take of k.lchen. cump or i.o.r o i u - house , wi.l uaralilcc :i-g and s-tt-f-t tloii. Addrvns a.l eca A H . "Kg..!, -an. MAN end wife, middle if, a.-h niwau.-n in private famllX or ist. li, He good ccx.k, r.ian take rate of pia e Mam .... room 10 "t l Nci MAN. ocd me-, h.-cnic. smlirf oi tion di ivinx jitney cr for prtvte fjm.l). Iie--t ot rcirrvm gi en. A F 12., ot c -gonl:n. ---. CARPENTER Al touau or finth. :ters t ions, grn ral rej'aii s . rea sou able. Main M27. Bo . . 1 s wants a or k , e hincrv i: . lei red. god iri.-it or ma-i.tKt-r. Marsha-1 v 7 r. AUTOMOlil.E and ii engine cxiert wants emp.u inent. repa.i ing- I'D urcgo- n ' a n. MAN. c ook. W if e hi pel. months last place. A' t mil w ork. c r gM.ian I'Ai.M INii. paper. i.e. work cheap by coatist btl- IT t Uaaso-cs.ua iih govd choir. I; k:s'ttiin.ng . good t, t'iiuU.' Se . , oou S i i e il'-Mirt posl.toB 2, Ore.thian. JAPANESE boy want a work tn fa.nily. AM t ion fr lwue Oiegotnati. I'Al'Eii HANol.Nu. 2oo a lo.t. l::.l.i.g ai.U t an nic lira,'l.v d'n-. 1 alwir .-. KAl-M'MlMN;. paint' I-g, p.asler- ati.li.BK. r - a a n n u t . c. i h o n e Woou 1 sen 2 4 '" tA iTl'ENTER 1 h s i o..i,.io by day wr can- tract AD -H4. Oregon. an. BX" man cook, All i2'.. Of letnpcraie. clean. any piece. gOfllS Kl.Ec'l UK I XN wants ion. cly out f to u. AM 2L oregonian. PAINTINU. tinting. k. hour or contra preempt, efficient, reaoj.aoe. Man 4 WAN r EI -Paint it. g h" day cr c ouirs w.ry moraii. Phone K.sl 1"! t MB ATIONH M ANTI I'KM.U-L. 4 U-ok keepers and MermjrsHierm. H Er 1 N ED. e i f -su pl-ort ing girl ties. res po s..loD as stenographer; a. so t.ad exper.eoiO mM b.okkeeper. ivleieucvt fu.n.hca. Mal s. a.: X'i-k X compete!. t -ung lad wsnts po.u. a in U.kkvt t'k- pr,a:e s hat.ge. c.ifire a i.tlsni or a.y kind of clerics work, A'hone kri:iUt.NOi.l stents i put r al.d ge ner 1 c-Uoe cirl must bate. ot k . i;i .e v c :. N1;rsVai ''7. . r A ' 122. t 'ir.om, - U. sienogiaidier. b. k. and dictaphone oieiator ma per maiicni r substitute eiorat.M.2M7. EXPEP.lEN"KI oung lady sienogra ph - r. aaiitant btok kee ie r desires position, rel- re m es. P no wo 1 2'-' . T t t N k;r A I'll E would l c position in ,.(1, , ; io e !- rieu e. Phone Kt c,7 -1 - - oe DRr-sM A K Ell from Kast readr ?- rr.to n.mia, fit and style guaranteed. Ms. so. lAiU'HlN-; (in, ws sis. a.:-rat ..; s; ht-tite K'.i. 2'T Piled r-r. M Jt j s sU ."!"i I, DatLssM VK IN;, lad tew' la.N.rii.g. 4; iO per cs. e v ie: k tn e-1 . Is :r 43 KI i; T-Cl. ASS retwinaker and laluif-n, l.j 0a or ito a M rs su in me rs. Mar 4 14 4 fi;iSM KIX(1 -c le . S fit m,.l stjiS guarantied; r.-f- re :rr a. Main MM, T) Ki I ; H I. X" r.ced lit mii aktr siiMta work In f amiiy. Marshall loaiw uil.l. w.:! of?i.e -x i-en.-nt e drstrea -1 - - og "-a p h !c m '-r . c "ol u 'n t la ..".. DH Ess MAKING, r" moe l r g, lanrj Hunt, .m a 1 I e-ltiet-d 1 f tCe r a ! go n home, references given. Call Main -14j.".. r.-im M', ii"'Mn; DIt Cf.-'S M KiN. w.rk guaranteed. pr.ci Ir - a :, e. Vain 7o-C. pliK M KIXi red jced in J u. . M a ,n .-..4.