Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 05, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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oregoxiax telephones:
Managing Editor Main 7070. A (S05
City Editor Main 7070. A 0OU5
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A BO-J5
Advertising Department Main 70 .0. A eoS
City Circulation Main 7070. A 60S)o
Composing room .... Main 7070. A tKiWo
Printing-room Main 7070. A SOW5
Superintendent Building . . .Main 7070, A ttuW
BASEBALL Recreation Park, Twenty
lourtil and Vaughn streets. 10:30 A. M.
ana z:3ij f . m.
ments, concert band and vaudeville.
PANT AGES (Alder and Broadway) Per
formances 2:30. 7:30 and :'i0 V. M.
EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill Per
formances 2:30, 7:30 ana v.iit tr.
Motion Picture Theaters.
ORPHEUM Broadway and Stark.
KATIO.NAL Park, West Park, near Waso-
PEOPLES West Park, near Alder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
SUNSET THEATER Broadway and Wash
t Subscribe with the following agent.
I at your Summer resort, to secure the
most prompt delivery of The Ore-
igonlan. City ites. Subscription by
mall aro payable in advance:
Bar View -
Bay City. Or E. P. Marcher
Bay Ocean W. 8. Johnson
Brishton. Or W. A. Kowe
Carson, Wash Carl B. Smith
Mineral Springs Hotel
rnl..mKlA Ttuh ' ............
i... Mrs. X. E. Burkhead
Ecola'or L. W. Crono
Garibaldi C- EUls
Gearhart, Or Mrs. M. 8. Elliott
f Long Beach J. H.JStrauhal
f Lake Lytle Frank MiUcr
I Manhattan Frank Miller
I Manzanita E. i. Kardell
Meeler. Or Louis Cohen
t Nahcotta, W asli J. H. Brown
I Newport, Or O. F. Herron
I OeVan Park D. E. Beechey
Ocean Lake Park O. L. Comstock
1 Bockaway Beach Frank MlUer
J Saltair Frank Miller
Seaside, or
Seaview, Wash.
Constable Putnam
Twin Rocks Frank Miller
Tillamook, Or J. 8. Lamar
Wheeler. Or K. H. Cady
Wllnoit Springs F. W. McLaren
Scevic Road to Be Opened. The
new Hillside boulevard, which winds
along the sides of the range of hills
on the West Side of the Willamette
River between Portland and IJnnton, is
to be opened to travel today after
being under construction for more than
a year. There are no bridges on this
road, which skirts canyons and coulees
on a grade not over 4 per cent in any
place. The roadway is from 18 to 24
feet wide throughout, and attains at
one place an elevation of 700 feet- It
Is planned to establish parks of 30 to
100 acres along the route. The road
runs from the head of Thurman street
in Portland to the Germantown road
just below Linnton. Its completion adds
another scenic highway to the many In
and near Portland.
Holiness Association to Meet. The
11th annual campmeeting of the Ore
gon Holiness Association, of which La
Cirand M. Baldwin, of Portland, is the
president, will be held July 15 to
26 on the grounds at Kast Thirty-third
and Mason streets, at the end of the
Broadway carline. Among the promi
nent speakers expected to attend
Rev. C. W. Ruth, of Indianapolis. Ind.,
secretary of the National Holiness As
sociation; Rev. Cha-les H. Stalker,, of
Columbus, O.. missionary evangelist of
the National Association, and Mrs.
Stella Crooks, field evangelist. The
tents will be erected and the ground
prepared for the meeting during the
ensuing week.
Milwaukie gets $1 Gas. Mil wauk ie
citizens will pay Portland gas rates
as soon as the mains being laid there
are completed. The Portland Coke &
Gas Company secured a 25-year fran
chise with the condition that the com
pany would furnish gas at $1 per 1000
cubic feet, Portland rates, as soon, as
" there were 100 consumers. More than
this number have been procured and
only part of the , town has been
canvassed. The gas company is piping
the town from the large conduit laid
on Main street, and in a short time all
the principal streets will be piped.
Campmeetino Opens. The third an
nual camp meeting of the Portland
Pentacostal Assembly opened yesterday
on the campgrounds at Creston Station,
on the Mount Scott carline William
C. Trotter, of the local church, was in
charge. These meetings will be con
tinued until September 1. It is ex
pected Elder A. H. Argus, of Los An
geles, CaL, and Elder A. Walter Smith,
of Calgary, Alberta, will be present. No
collections will be taken up from the
congregations, but funds are obtained
tor expenses by voluntary contributions
from the members.
Baptists Hebe Todat. A large party
of Baptists from Waterloo, la., will ar
rive today at the Union Depot at 3
o'clock on their way to California. They
will be met by a committee from the
White Temple Congregation and will be
taken for a tour of the city and vicinity.
At 6:30 o'clock a supper will be served
in the White Temple and at 8 o'clock
Samuel Lancaster will give a stereop
ticon lecture on Columbia River and
Oregon scenery.
Hunort Family Asks Aid. With
four children, the youngest 4 years old,
and the eldest 15. Mrs. Childres. of
Chico. Cal., applied to the police for
assistance yesterday. Mrs. Childres
said she had been in Portland two days,
and had no place to eat or sleep. The
woman is trying to locate her parents
in North Yakima. The case was referred
to the" Women's Protective Division of
the Municipal Court.
Go to Mount Shasta With Mazamas.
All persons interested in outdoor
life are invited to Join the Mazamas
on annual outing and climb of Mount
Shasta. Registration can be made at
Mazama headquarters, 213 Northwest
ern Bank building, to and including
July 6. This is a very attractive, in
expensive trip, and can be made con
veniently en route to California exposi
tions. Adv.
Motorcycle on- Fire. A motorcycle
owned by Mike Norley. of Gresham,
caught fire early yesterday morning at
a filling station at Second and Ash
street, but the flames were extinguished
before much damage was done. The
fire was caused by gasoline which over
flowed from the tank.
Both of Child's Arms Broken.
Ellen E. Spencer, 6 years old, fell down
the passageway of the steamer
Georgiana Saturday and both her arms
were broken. The child was taken to
Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday
morning, but returned home after the
bones had been set.
The next examination to- be held
ry the Oregon State Board of Medical
Examiners will begin Tuesday morn
ing July 6 at 8 A. M. in the K. of P.
Hall. 409 Alder street, near 11th Port
land, Or. Adv.
Columbia River Hiohwat, Fourth of
July, chicken dinner. 75c; Latourell
falls, open-air dining-room Adv.
Retail store location for rent.
Reasonable rate. Heart of business
Clstrict S 890. Oregonian. AdV;
Fine Book and Catalog Printiso.
F. W. Baltes & Co Main 165. A 1165. Adv.
Dr. J. D. Ddback, eyesight specialist,
sixth floor Selling building. Adv.
Dr. A. A. Acbplund has returned.
Pione il, 4047. Adv.
Road to Be Repaired. That part
of the Milwaukie road between Sell
wood and Milwaukie. rebuilt at an ex
pense of nearly ,12.000 the first of the
year, is to be repaired. It Is planned
to close the road after today. All
vehicles using the Milwaukie road south
from SellwooL.wlll be required to go
by way of Ardenwald. The Milwaukie
road was entirely rebuilt from the
Multnomah County line to Milwaukie.
heavy cuts and deep fills being made.
A hard-surface of macadam was laid
and oiled, but the surface did not stand
the heavy loads, owing to the soft
Road Pictures to Be Shown.
Pictures of the Columbia River High
way, taken by Samuel Lancaster, will
be shown at 8:30 o'clock tonight at the
White Temple. 'Mr. Lancaster will ex
plain the views as they are thrown on
the screen. The entertainment Is to be
given by the Baptist Young People's
Union for a visiting delegation of 100
Iowa Baptists, but others interested are
Invited. The pictures will be shown in
the Sunday school room.
Portland Is . Topic. "Know Port
land Day" is the programme for the
luncheon of the Rotary Club at the
Benson Hotel tomorrow noon. D. L.
Williams will be chairman of the day
and talks on the various attractions to
be seen about the city will be made by
W. H. Warrens. O. M. Plummer. A. W.
Graham. Fred Cooper. H. C Thompson.
R. H. Atkinson, R. H. Crozier, A. R.
Morgan and B. A. Gifford.
Mcts Have Anniversary. The
Order of Muts will celebrate its first
anniversary at the luncheon of the
Ad Club at the Multnomah Hotel,
Wednesday, with W. P. Strandborg.
chief mat, presiding. "The Muts in
Peace and War" is the title of the
stunt that they will offer and the prin
cipal active members of the organiza
tion will participate in the act.
Liquor act Violation Alleged.
Chung Gow. proprietor of a restaurant
at 83 North Fourth street was ar
rested early yesterday morning on a
charge of allowing liquor to be taken
into his grill, which has no liquor
license. J. L. Short was charged with
taking the liquor into the grill.
Excursions to Cascade Locks. The
steamer Bailey Gatzert will make the
Cascade Locks excursion trip both Sun
day and Monday. July 4 and 6. $1 round
trip. Leaves Aider-street dock 9 A. M.
Arrives back 5:45 P. M. Phone Main
914, A 6112. Adv.
Temperance Union to Meet. Pied
mont Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will meet at the home of Mrs.
Sweetland. 1285 Rodney avenue, Tues
day afternoon, July 6. '
Dr. Katherine C. M anion has re
turned. Adv.
Gathering; Adopts Resolution to Back
Plan to Build Community Center
In One of Two City Tracts.
In accordance with. a. resolution
adopted at a meeting Friday night In
the Montavilla public school an effort
Is to be made to secure a swimming
pool for Mount Tabor Park in case such
a pool cannot be constructed In Laurel
hurst Park, as ha, been proposed.
There are 175 acres of land in Mount
Tabor Park, bui. with tho exception of
a system of roadways that cost 830.
000 and a limited playground at the
north aide, it has not been developed.
It is argued that ample SDace can be
found for a swimming pool on the north
or east side of the park. According
to the resolution, efforts will be made
first to secure the swimming pool in
Laurelhurst Park, but if. after Investi
gation, too many obstacles are en
countered, then the pool will go to
Mount Tabor Park.
It is not likely, from the sentiment
expressed at the Montavilla meeting,
that the lake plans for Laurelhurst
Park will be changed, and that if a
community center and swimming pool
are provided in that park they will be
placed at the west end where they will
not Interfere with the construction of
a lake to take up three acres, which
has been begun. It was suggested that
the lake area be reduced to 1 t acres
and that an outdoor swimming pool of
l'3 acres be constructed, but the pro
posal was opposed on the grounds that
the beauty of the lake would be great
ly Impaired by it. while the swimming
pool could be built at the east end of
the park and harmonize with the rest
of the lake. Commissioner Baker said
he was in favor of swimming pools for
the children wherever they could be
installed, but he wanted time to study
out the situation.
Block 95, which has been offered to
the city, is located on East Stark and
East Thirty-ninth streets and may be
had for five years by paying the taxes,
when It may be purchased. It contains
about 40 lots and would be large
enough for playgrounds, a community
center and ball grounds. L. M. Lepper.
chairman of the committee working
for the swimming pool and community
center, says It would be a good thing
for the city to acquire this block and
blocks 94 and 93 as well. between
Laurelhurst Park and East Stark
street, and save the trees they are
covered with.
It is planned to get a more general
expression of the people as to where
they prefer to locate a swimming pool
and community center, and a general
meeting will be called, probably in the
Sunnyslde School, wh-ich representa
tives from all sections will be invited
to attend.
.Miss M. E. Church, to Go to Corea,
Receives Her Commission.
By an impressive service yesterday
afternoon at Centenary Methodist
Church Miss Marie E. Church, who was
recently appointed a missionary to
Corea, was presented with her commis
sion. Mrs. T. w. Lane, president or
the Women's Foreign Missionary So
ciety of the Columbia River "Methodist
Episcopal Conference, was In charge of
the services, and delivered the commis
sion to Miss Church. She was assisted
by Mrs. A. N. Fisher and Mrs. Url
Seeley, both of whom spoke briefly.
Miss Church told of her hopes as a mis
sionary. Miss Church will spend the first year
of work at Seouel, Corea, where she
will study the language. Afterward
she will go to her permanent field. .She
will leave San Francisco July 31 with
several other missionaries, who will be
returning to their fields after furloughs
in the United States. Miss Church's
home is in Corvallis, Or. She had been
a teacher there in the public schools.
Band to Play at Columbia Park.
The Municipal Park band will play
today at Columbia Park, on the St.
Johns carline, at 3 o'clock. The fol
lowing programme has been arranged
by W. E. McElroy, director:
Part 1 March, "Regimental Pride'
(Heed); overture, Rosamunde" (Schu
bert): waltz, "Tales From the Vienna
Woods" (Straus); grand fantasia.
"American Airs" (Bendix); intermission.
Part 2 Comic opera, "The Red Mill"
(Herbert): sketch, "Down South" (Myd
dleton); grand -opera selection, "Car
men" (Bizet): "The American Patrol
(Meacham); "Star-Spangled Banner."
In the relsn of ThlHn III of France, wom
en wese torcea to wear veils in obedience
I to ecclesiastical uecrse.
New Film Offering Is Extreme
ly Sensational.
'The Criminal' Is Majestic' Strong
Feature National Gives Military
Drama, 'Four Feathers' Mary
Plckford Is People Star.
A vivid frontier with an absence of
romance, adventure and catastrophe
is the six-reel feature. "The Eagle's
Nest," by Romaine Fielding and Ed
win Ardert, which is the Orpbeum at
tractions four days this week. Spectac
ular events, sensational massacres and
numerous disasters signalise this
The play renters about a young
heiress, who is loved by a rascal.
Blalsdown. her father's partner. While
at Eagle's Nest, she falls In. love with
Trail, whose mother is living with him
at the camp. Blalsdown pursues Rose,
who flees to Trail's mother for pro
tection. In a scuffle the mother is
shot by the villain.
Rose's mind becomes unbalanced and.
Blalsdown having fled. Trail is ac
cused of the murder of his mother.
The end of the intricate plot Is the
suicide of the villain and the happy
marriage of Rose and Trail.
"Sierra Susie" is a prominent and
amusing character of "The Eagle's
Nest." Today the Empress and the
Orpneum will change bouses for an
indefinite time.
Drama at Star Is Built Around
Kind-Hearted Bowery Character.
Chlmmle Fadden is perhaps the most
delightful and unique of all the plays
that have been written about the fa
mous old-time New York Bowery. In
the film dramatization, which is at the
Star Theater four days this week. Vic
tor Moore Is still the popular "Chlm
mle." who falls In love with the French
maid of Fannie Van Cortland, and
gains employment as the family foot
man to be near his "Duchess."
"Chimmie" Is an idealized Irish
American type and his part throughout
is that of a klnU-hearted Impulsive in
dividual who, in spite of environment,
is good. The last scene is particularly
impressive when "Chimmle's" employer
asks what he can do to make up for all
the wrong. Ho answers. "Let the kid
go." and when the rejoicing mother,
her released son Cortland and Fannie
are leaving the police station. "Chlm
mle draws the French maid behind
and ends the scene with an "Aw. gwan
home and let a guy kiss his goiL"
"Four Feathers" Is Interesting Fea
ture of New Programme.
"Four Feathers." a military photo
play based on Captain Mason's novel
by that name, is at the isationai i nea
ter until Wednesday. The story Is of
the son of an English army captain,
who in bis childhood is terribly fright
ened by a tale of an Army suicide. As
he grows up he sees only tne social
side of military life, but always Is
haunted by a fear that some oay ne
will be called on to serve and fail in
his duty.
After he Is enraged to a pretty girl.
he receives orders to go to Egypt. In
fear he resigns his commission as Cap
tain. When his friends hear of his
resignation from the Army, three of
them and his betrothed, send white
feathers to him as a sign of contempt
Keversham goes back to the Army.
accepts tho commission and by heroic
acts proves his worth and wins back
A bird series is a part of the bill.
Fatty's Plucky Pup" Orrered as
La u gh -Prod ucer .
"The stars are setting and the cara
van draws to the dawn of nothing." Is
the ending of a film tragedy. The
Cup of Life." wblcb is at the Sunset
this week until Thursday. Bessie iiar
riscale plays the part of the girl who
sells herself to escape poverty and
have pretty clothes.
At first, when she has everything
that money can buy. she visits her sla
ter and tries to persuade ber to accept
money from her. Being refused, she
goes back to ber associate and a gay
would-be Bohemian let. Having de
serted the man who really cared for
her. she goes to Europe with another,
who finally deserts ber. Then her
beauty declines and her life becomes
sad and her soul bard.
After she returns to America she Is
snubbed by her former admirers and
dies a wretched death.
"Fatty's Plucky Pup." a comedy. Is
also offered.
Norma Ta Image and Maurice Costel-
lo Give Good Interpretations.
With Norma Talmage in the lead and
Maurice Costello as the father. "The
Criminal" at the Majestic, until Thurs
day, is an interesting photo drama. A
girl, who has been brought up amid a
band of crooks. is accused of the
murder of an official, who was shot by
the head of the band, Welles. Having
been, jed to believe that elles is her
father, the girl takes the blame.
A box is taken away from the gang
and the Ditsrlct Attorney discovers
that the accused girl is his own
daughter who dissapeared with her
wayward mother when a baby. Maurice
Costello, as the District Attorney, when
he finds bis child for whom he has
searched 20 years, brings about an
effective scene. The real murderer
confesses, and the father and daughter
are najjpitjr uuiiou,
A "Ham and Bud" comedy "road
show" is also offered.
Tragic Little Alaskan Halfbreed Is
Her Part at Peoples.
Mary Plckford. minus her wobbly
Curls and vivacity, is a tragic, stolid
little half-breed, at the People Theater
In Little Pal. In a quiet, crude char
acter who is the subservient worship
of a man she can never win. Miss
Plckford plays well a role unusual in
her career.
"Little Pal" is the Ignorant but
beautiful daughter of an Alaskan
saloonkeeper, who is a drunkard and
gambler. The bully of the camp Is In
love with her and stakes his pile
against tne saloon ana "Little Pal.
with the Intoxicated saloon man. The
bully wins and the father shoots him
self. A man from the states befriends
her and wins her devotion. Then the
wife of her Ideal arrives. Fhe learns
that unless he returns to the States
he will die, and "Llttie Pal-' gets
That Artistic Touch
Classes are be
coming to many
facea, provl d e d
taste and Judg
ment are used In
fitting them. Our
d desire our
itrons not only
lo see well, but
look welL
Let ua care
for your eye needs. A consultation
coats you nothing.
Wheeler Optical f.o.
gold to send him and his wife home.
As they go she says: "I am going to
the happy hunting ground." ,
Asaorlated Charities. Be karri ftleaa Are
Ceaalna Slowly, and aSOO Vet
Needed to Carry Work,
Previously reported :7i0 0
Cash 25.00
Mrs. Delia Stout, Mc-
Mlnnville , 3.00
Lee Key Lung .......... 1.00
A. H. r. i 11. 00
C. K 1.40
Cash 1.00
Cash 2.00
Total t2T5.30
Contributions should be sent to
V. R. Manning, secretary of the
Associated Charities. 411 Com
mercial block, or to Treasurer
R. H -Howard, at Ladd ac Tllton
Judge McCredie has promised a per
centage of the gate receipts at the
baseball game next Saturday to the
Associated Charities for Its mainte
nance fund, and the Baseball Boosters'
Association has agreed to assist In
every way possible to bring out a big
attendance for the occasion.
Sales of the tickets for the game are
to be held on the streets by a special
committee throughout the week, and
Mayor Alben has been asked to an
nounce a holiday for the occasion of
the game.
The receipts from this source will
be a most Important feature toward
completing the maintenance fund
which the Charities is trying to raise
to make It possible to continue Its
work throughout the Summer. The
fund Is now only a llttie more than
half completed, and there remains
$2200 to be raised, if the work Is to be
continued throughout the Summer.
Appeals for assistance continue to
come to the Charities without diminu
tion, and the drain upon the main
tenance fund Is heavy and steady.
following are a few of the cases
reported Saturday: r
I. Old Indian woman found living
In an empty house without food. Her
son had been caring for her. but was)
out of work and could no longer pro
vide food.
3. Woman obliged to work to sup
port herself and two children, has bro
ken down and must be given rest and
proper food. A place in the country
Is sought for her.
V. Man has been sick all Winter
and unable. to work, and his two boys
re without clothes. One boy -Is 10
nd one 11 years old.
4. Girl 13 years old asks for place
where she can work for board, room
and clothing. Her mother goes out to
do housework and cannot take care of
Ante Trip Plaaaed for 110 Mlaaraa-
II a, Cklc-aao ana PHtsbnrg Fa Ik
Darlna, Stay In Port lama.
On their way home from the Na
tional convention of realty exchanges
at Los Angeles, 110 persons, real estate
men and their wives, from Minneapo
lis. Chicago and Pittsburg, are due to
arrive In Portland at T:40 o'clock this
morning over the Southern Pacific.
They will be met at the depot by
F. E. Taylor, president of the Portland
Kealty Board: Dean Vincent, former
president, and a delegation of other
real estate men with automobiles. After
breakfast at the Multnomah Hotel at
S o'clock, at which 2000 Portland roses
will be distributed among the visitors.
they will be taken on an auto ride
about the West Side and along the
Terwllliger boulevard.
Another auto ride on the Columbia
River Highway is on the programme
for 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Re
turning, the visitors will stop at the
clubhouse of the Portland Automobile
Club for a dinner of Royal Chinook
The Chicago and Pittsburg dele
gations will take an Kastern train
In the evening, but the Minneapolis
folk are planning to remain over untli
Tuesday morning, continuing their
Journey then by way of Seattle.
For Vancouver Celebration.
Steamer lone leaves Washington
street dock Monday A. M. Returning
leaves Vancouver 6 P. M. Fare 25c each
way. Adv.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks
to all our friends for their kindness and
sympathy during our bereavement.
Tasmania Imports practically all Its
lenses not only
-. f fit the eye. but
J . J our m o u n tings
. - r n ornameut
j x V. T to the face.
V We make a
. r rV. study of each
:-( 1 patients needs.
i -an
x : y p
Only Company "Exclusively Oregon'
Best for Oregbnians
Home Office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison, Portland
A. L. Mills,
L. Samuel,
General Manager
July 6th to 15th Inclusive
: $1 D
Portland Gas & Coke Co.
Fifth and Yamhill
of riin.viti n.ACE
lmm Aaceles Cilrl Telle Kaaalat
laalaa CaitssM fa Alaska. as4
Ticket Beasbf at Oar.
A story of an elderly man whose
Ideal of beauty is a cemeteryor crema
tory, and who has traveled all over
the United States with his wife In pur
suit of his hobby, waa told yesterday
by Miss Grace Parker, of Los Angejes,
who la In Portland with her mother In
the course of a tour of the Northwest.
"lie was the nlceat man. said Miss
Parker with a reminiscent chuckle,
"lie told me to be aura to see so me
crematory In Kan Francisco. 'It's the
finest place.' he assured me. "Why,
there are some urns there that
cost S1000. Don't miss It; It's the finest
sltfbt on the Pacific Coast.'
"Then I told him about the Indian
cemeteries In Alaska, where we had
just been. We saw one at tie ward and
another at Ketchikan. Some of the
graves are adorned with broken crosses,
said to represent the broken body of
Christ. Others are covered with food.
Full others are covered with copper
ore. I thought It was Coal, but mother
says coal ia too augtrestlve. Some
tribes, I told him. put the dead body
in a box and hang It In a tree.
"'Sophy; this msn exclaimed to his
wife. "We must go there! Wi tt never
yet seen a body hung In a tree.'
"And when we saw him last he had
Just purchased a ticket for Alaska."
Miss Parker says her hobby Is parks,
and she waa much Impressed with
Portland's scenic beauty.
"You have at least 15 parka." she
announced. "That Is more than loa
Angeles has, although our population
Is greater."
Gasoline Stove Costs lAtc ot Sirs. K.
II. Perrln on VUlt In Montana.
Mrs. E. H. Terrln. aha resided at 71
Trinity Place, waa fatally Injured Sat
urday night at Malta. Mont, according
to telegraphic Information received by
her son. H. E. Perrln. yesterday. The
accident waa due to the explosion of
a gasoline stove. She lived for about
three hours.
Mrs. Perrln had been visiting through
the Spring with her son. Kev. Carl
Perrln. and It was at his home the ac
cident occurred. Tho body will be
taken to Cleveland, O.. and burled at
Wade Park Cemetery.
War Prisoner Clips Voting Coupon
From Oregonian and Votes.
Prisoner of war In the Canadian po
lice barracks at hlle Horse. Yukon
Territory. George K. Blerfreund. of
San Francisco, found a stray copy of
The Oregonian announcing the opening
C S. Samuel.
Assistant Manager
on all
own, $1
of the contests for Queen of the Port
land Hose Festival last May. He clipped
the voting coupon, wrote In the name
of Miss Klla Lltaer. who was later
elected a maid of honor for the Fes
tival, and mailed It lo Portland.
Tbe letter accompanying his vote
was given to Miss Liner by the Hose
Festival manager, and sbe sent a
postal card thanking him.
According to his letter. Mr. Bler
freund waa arrested by the Canadian
military authorities last October. His
case has been before the State depart
ment of the United States, but his re
lease could not be secured.
Captain Voeth Hrlng In nivalve
CaurtU. Off Yaqulna Head.
Csptsln K, F Voeth. master of the
halibut schooner Decor ah. which
reached port with a cargo of fish Sat
urday night, brought back with him
a number of scallops which had been
brought up by the fishing gear at a
point eight miles west of Yaqulna
Head. Scallops are rare on the Ore
gon Coast, although search has been
msde for them. Captain Voeth believes
he discovered an extensixe bed on his
latest trip.
Scallops are considered one of the
most valuable of all the bivalves They
are at their best In June. July and
August, when otber bivalves are taboo.
Search for scallops was made last
year In Oregon waters by the Govern
ment fisheries boat Albatross, but only
one or two were uncovered.
Snrfrac VVorkent Starts for Fair to
IW Honor Cnest.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Hunlway. Oregon's
pioneer suffraslst. win leave on the
Shasta Limited today for San Fran
clsco. Her visit will he In response to
The Constitution of our
country trive us political
freedom and independence.
Financial freedom is a per
sonai privilege which we
give or take away from ourselves, accord
ing to our judgment or habits. Save a little
today for your financial independence of
tomorrow. A small amount will open a
savings account in this strong state bank.
You will be paid Attractive interest on
Savings and Time Deposits.
Oldest in Northwest.
Washington and Third.
a Double
Coil Heater
a Month
an official Invitation of the commis
sioners to be an honor guest cf l fi -tale
at the Oregon building. Mrs. 1
It- Carrion, of Kan, Francisco, will ac
company Mrs, Tmntway south.
Mra. Punlaay said yesterday. "I tc-1
glad to go and appreciate the honor
conferred u-von me. I also wish .
congratulate the men of Orrcon In
choosing Mr. Benson for the honor he
la to receive. He certainly deserves ap
preciation." Mrs, Putilwir will attend the con
vention of the National Council of Wo
men Voters st which gstherlng she Is
to be an especially complimented cuei.
She will let no opportunity pass to
peak for equal suffrage.
we wish to thank our manv friend
and nelahbora for the kmdneaa and
sympathy shown us and for tbe manv
beautiful floral remembrances during
our late bereavement In the loas of our
dear husband and father.
ra tr r r- r- -r'
i t it rut I
Phone Your Want Ads to
Phone Main 7070; A 6095
kaisssSLi y Ot-L -