Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 05, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Federal Court Finds No Evi
dence of Unlawful League
, to Restrain Trade.
Reading Company Held Xot to
Bate Violated Commodities Clause
of Hepburn Act; Jersey Central
Status Is Xot Disturbed.
. PHILADELPHIA, July 4. The United
6tatea Court for the Eastern district
of Pennsylvania decided Saturday that
the Reading group of corporations, the
Central Railroad Company of New Jer.
sey, the Lehigh Coal & Navigation
Company and subsidiary and allied
companies are not leagued together In
an unlawful combination and therefore
do not unduly restrain commerce in
the production, sale or transportation
of anthracite.
The Federal Government. which
brought the suit nearly two years ago
to dismember the alleged combination
into separate units and to nullify agree
ments and leases, wins a point in that
the court suggested that the Lehigh
& Wilkesbarre Coal Company be di
vorced from the Jersey Central Rail
road. . Court Makes Suggestions.
As the subject of this particular
separation was not urged in the trial
of the case, the court suggested it for
the consideration of counsel, when the
scope of the decree comes to be de
termined. The Reading ownership of
the Jersey Central Railroad is not dis
turbed. The court decided that there was no
vinlatlnn Yiv tha Uainr fnmnnnlAII of
the commodities clause of the Hepburnq
railroad act. which prohibits a railroad
from transporting any commodity in
which it has an interest.
The suit Is one of the most Important
the Government has brought to break
up what it declares to be an Illegal
combination in the anthracite business.
League to Control Fuel Charged.
The Government's suit against the
Reading road was the outgrowth of a
general suit it filed In 1907 against all
the anthracite coal roads. The charge
of conspiracy therein made was not sus
tained by the Supreme Court, but the
Government won two material points.
It thereupon decided on individual ac
tions against many railroad companies,
of which the Reading was the chief.
The Government asked for the disso
lution of what was declared to be a
combination of competitors in violation
of the Sherman anti-trust law.
It was alleged that this combination
was held together by the Reading Com
pany, which had a capital of $275,
000,000. It was alleged that the companies
were leagued together so that they
controlled more than 63 per cent of the
unmined coal deposits; that they were
mining about 26 per cent of the annual
production and their tenants 3 per cent
additional, and that the railroads named
were transporting about 33 per cent of
the total production. The Government
further maintained that, according to
the "generally accepted calculations of
geologists and mining engineers," the
coal areas controlled by the alleged
combination would outlast by many
years those of any competitor.
.SIcMinnvlIIe Party at Tacoma in
Auto Which Is In Collision.
TACOMA. Wash., July 4. (Special.)
Mrs. D. Mulkey, 40 years old. of Mc
Mlnnville. Or., sustained what is be
lieved to be a fracture of the skull
last night when an automobile In which
ehe was riding was struck by & street
car. She was taken to the Tacoma
General Hospital where her injuries
were said to be serious, but it cannot
be determined " for several hours
whether or not her skull is fractured.
Her right ear was almost torn off.
Mrs. Mulkey was riding with her hus
band and Mrs. T. W. Ladd and 10-year-old
daughter Mary. Mr. Mulkey was
driving the machine ahead of the car
and it is believed he cut the corner
and the auto was struck by the street
car. The others sustained painful
Mr. and Mrs. Mulkey and Mrs. Ladd
end daughter were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Messinger during the Monta
mara Festo. ' The party had motored
here from ilcMinnville.
Highwaymen Hold Cp Cashier In
Street in Broad Daylight.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 4. Police on
horseback and in automobiles criss
crossed the peninsula below the thickly
settled districts of the city and others
guarded all the city's outlets In a vig
orous search tonight for three robbers
who held up and robbed an automobile
shortly before noon today In the ware
house district. They escaped with
$3346 in gold and silver.
The auto was driven by James
Harries, cashier of the Pacific Coast
Glass Company, and B. Kaufner. a
salesman for the company. Both
carried revolvers. The money was in
tended to meet the company's weekly
The men were forced to dismount
and the robbers drove off with the
Men Expelled Froru Car and One Is
Arrested After Fight.
A near riot was staged at Broadway
and Washington street last night when
E. A. Stapplemann attacked a party
of young men who. according to police
reports, had ridden around the block
In his automobile. Stappelmann jerked
one of the men from the car and the
two rolled about in the street while
hundreds of eager spectators crowded
around the fray.
W. H. Jones, one of the .party, was
arrested by Special Officer Wagner, of
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company, and charged with the larceny
of the automobile.
The others in the party, according
to Jones' statement at the police sta
tion, were: C. C. Brockman,- Ernest
Magius and C. Crickmore.
Miss Arnold Declares Spirit of the
x South. Rules Democrats.
"The spirit of the South is against
woman suffrage and when the Demo
cratic tarty is in power the Govern-
ment is ruled by the spirit of the
South." This assertion was- made by
Miss Virginia C. Arnold, who spoke on
the "Greatest Need of the Home To
day" at the meeting of the Single Tax
League last night at the library. The
greatest need she construed to be wo
man suffrage. -
A. D. Cridge. speaking on the same
subject, predicted that it would only
be necessary to wait until one or two
more states In the Union secured wo
man suffrage to secure National suf
frage. "I believe," he said, "'that when that
time comes the women will not need
to wait until an amendment to the
Constitution has been secured, but that
the politicians will discover that they
have always had a right to vote under
the Constitution."
Replying to one speaker, D. Holcomb.
who expressed the fear that the woman
suffragists would use President's Wil
son's opposition to the enfranchisement
of women as a basis for opposing and
defeating him in the coming election.
W. L. Glass said that it would be a
good thing if the women could defeat
Wilson on that ground. -
"If they showed, they were able to
do it we would get woman suffrage
the next time," he said.
Mrs. Laura C. Little expressed the be
lief that the greatest need of the home
today was not woman suffrage but the
passage of an Initiative bill for prohi
bition of compulsary vaccination. She
ended her remarks by reading a poem
entitled: "He Has Wheels In His Head."
Iateaded Summer Outing- at Pellcaa
Bay Cat Short by Xeni of At
tempt oa Life of Mr. Morgaav.
(Special.) T. W. Lamont, partner of
J. P. Morgan, received word Saturday
at Pelican Bay of the attempt on Mr.
Morgan's life and at once started to
return to New York as fast as auto
mobile and traiD could carry him. Mr.
Lamont had arrived to Harriman Lodge
last Monday to spend the Summer with
his family, and was out riding when
a telephone message was sent by W.
P. Johnson, of the Klamath Develop
ment Company. He was summoned by
courier to return to the lodge, and
after hearing, the news prepared at
once to return East.
Mr. Johnson drove "by auto to Har
riman Lodge and returned with Mr.
Lamont. a round trip of 65 miles over
wet mountain roads. In three hours.
Mr. Lamont then decided to go Sy
automobile -to Weed, CaL. as he wis
unable to obtain a special train from
here. He left here at :45 P. M. for
Weed. 40 miles south, over slippery
moun tain roads to catch the Shasta
Limited, with the intention of con
necting with a fast train East from
Sacramento tomiyrow night.
Mr. Lamont declined to make a state
ment while here. He received a tele
gram late today telling of the favora
ble opinion of Mr. Morgan's case en
tertained by the attending physicians.
Assassin .May Be Harvard Man Who
lied After Wire Died.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. July 4. A dis
covery that Frank W. Holt, who shot
J. P. Morgan, bears some resemblance
to Eric Muenter, a former Harvard Uni
versity instructor, who disappeared af
ter the death of his wife by poisoning
some years ago. was seriously consid
ered by police officials tonight.
Captain Patrick J. Hurley has sent
records in the Muenter case to New
York and prepared- to summon wit
nesses who knew Muenter, to make the
trip to New York to view Holt.
In the Spring of 1906 Mrs. Leone M.
Muenter died of slow poisoning. Hex
husband, who had been an Instructor
in German at Harvard for two years,
fled before the authorities could ques
tion him and was never apprehended.
He was said to be about 25 years old.
Holt Once German Teacher.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla.. July 4
Frank Holt was assistant professor of
German at the University of Oklahoma
at Norman during the school years
1909-10 and 1910-11.
Patrol 'Wagon, C Motorcycles and 4
Patrolmen Join In Race.
The patrol wagon, two motorcycles
and four policemen were necessary Sat
urday night for the capture of James
Johnston, a bottler, who had escaped
after his arrest by Patrolman Breuning
on a charge of drunkenness. Johnston
escaped while Patrolman Morris was
ringing the elevator bell to take him
to the Jail.
Morris started In pursuit on foot.
He grabbed Johnston by the coat, but
the man tore away and ran up Third
Patrolman Evans Joined the chase
with the patrol wagon. Patrolmen
Ervin and Tully jumped on their motor
cycles and followed.
With his pursuers close at his heels,
Johnston ran up Third to fctark street:
down Stark to First street, and turned
up Oak street to Second, where he
dashed Into Arlon Hall. Evans was
leading the posse at that time. He
stopped the patrol wagon and chased
Johnston to, the first landing In the
stairway, where the man was cap
tured. G. E. Brook man Injured.
G. E. Brookman. of Lents, received
a scalp wound last night In a collision
between the Brookman burzy and a
Jitney bus driven by G. E. Harmon at
East Forty - seventh and Division
streets. The vehicle collided while
both drivers were threading their way
through a traffic jam. Four pas
sengers In the Jitney and one in the
buggy escaped unhurt.
Two Men Knock Down and I toll.
Leonard Llndquist was knocked down
and robbed of $100 last night by two
men wno attacked him at Second and
Ankeny streets. John Larson, a by
stander, was arrested by Patrolmen
Collins and White, who said that Lar
son had picked up $26 that had been
dropped by the robbers.
Cycle Rider Is Injured.
C. Frank, 345 Cook avenue, received
a broken collarbone last night in a col
lision between his motorcycle and an
automobile driven by Dr. O'Day. of the
Medical building? at Union avenue and
Knott street. The physician's small
daughter was thrown from the machine
by the shock, but was not injured.
Family Out; Home Robbed.
The home of F. F. Johnson. 408 East
Pine street, was robbed of some cloth
ing and Jewelry during the absence
of the family early Saturday night. The
burglar entered by cutting the screen
from a window.
Robber Dazzles With Flashlight.
Dazzling his victim's eyes with a
flashlight, an armed robber Saturday
night held up John Anderson, a dredge
employe, on a bridge near the St. Johns
drydock, and robbed him of $15.
Minelayer Albatross Is Run
Aground and 20'0f Crew Are
pied and 27 Wounded.
Official Report From Berlin Tells or
Defeat of Light Naval Fleet Which
Falls to Lure Enemy Near
the Other German Ships.
BERLIN t via London, July 4. A
statement issued by. the German Ad
miralty last night relative to Friday's
engagement In the Baltic Ses- con
firms the report that the German mine
layer Albatross was forced to run
aground on the coast of the island of
Gothland, and says that 20 of her crew
were killed in the fight and 27 wet
wounded. The Albatross ran aground
In a sinking condition after two hours'
heavy fighting with four Russian
The text of the statement follows:
"The Admiralty reports that a por
tion of light Baltic naval forces, re
turning from outpost duty, met at
about 6 o'clock on the morning of July
2 the Russian armored cruisers pa
troling between Gothland and Wlndau
(Russia). Isolated fighting developed,
our weak forces attempting to draw
the Russian vessels within range of
the other German ships.
"In the course of the fighting the
Albatross was unable to regain touch
with her own forces. After two hours
of heavy fighting against four ar
mored cruisers, which continued firing
within Swedish territory waters, the
Albatross was compelled to go aground
in a sinking condition near Oestgarns,
In Gothland. Twenty men were killed
and 27 wounded. The wounded were
well treated by the Swedish officials."
Physician Charges Marriage Vows
Xever Consummated.
NEW YORK. June 2S. In opposing
his wife's plea for alimony In her sepa
ration. Dr. Charles E- Weber, a Brook
lyn physician, presented an affidavit to
Supreme Court Justice Shearn saying
the marriage performed In 1911 had
never been consummated.
His wife. 'Anna E. Weber, he averred,
did net wish children until she was
absolutely sure she could "properly
support them."
She feared motherhood, he said, and
suggested they live in a state of Pla
tonic friendship. In which "mutual love
and affection and caresses would be
more than sufficient."
On one occasion, when her father
protested against her ideas, says the
affidavit, Mrs. Weber asked him if he
would give a guarantee to support her
children, and the father slapped her
The doctor further says that after
they had lived apart for a year a prop
osition was made that they either live
together as before or that he support
her while she lived apart from him.
Otherwise he says she threatened to go
Into court and ruin Ms reputation.
When be proposed they live together
as man' and wife she laughed at him,
he says.
Mrs. Weber in court denied she
feared, any of the duties of a wife, and
says the failure to consummate the
marriage was entirely due to the doc
Woodburn Is Scene of Lively and
Patriotic Programme.
WOODBURN, Or.. July 4 (Special.)
The celebration In this city Saturday
drew a large number from the sur
rounding country and the streets were
crowded. The parade in the morning
was headed by Company I band, fol
followed by Company I, Oregon Na
tional Guard, the G. A. R.. decorated
floats, automobiles, marching school
children, who had been drilled by Cap
tain Moshberger, and the Woodburn
fire department, with apparatus. .The
line of march was to the City Park,
where the evercises were held.
John P. Hunt was grand marshal and
Colonel John M. Poor man president of
the day. The address of welcome was
by Mayor Clark snd there were intro
ductory remarks by President Poorman.
The oration was by Colonel Hamuel
White, of Portland, who delivered a
masterly address advocating peace,
telling of the superiority of the Ameri
can Republic over the European mon
archies and predicting the fall of rulers
when the peoples became more en
lightened. The musics! programme was under
the direction of O. G Weller.
A ball game In the afternoon between
Gervais and Woodburn teams resulted
In favor of Gervais by a score of 3
to 0. A water fight between the fire
department companies and sports on
Front street, a 'band concert and a
military ball at the Armory completed
the day's programme.
St. Louis Couple Make Odd Display
at Sliver Wedding.
ST. LOUTS. June 29. Eight hundred
times chicken and turkey enhanced the
dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grossen
bach during the quarter century of
their married life. They refrained
from the time-honored custom of wish
ing on the wishbones. So 800 wishbones
were on display at their silver wed
dinc In the Blats Hotel recently.
The wishbones had been dipped In
silver and strung about the dining-
room on sllver-hued ribbons, providing
a unique decorative arrangement.
Woman Says She Pawned Income
to Spend on Wedding Morning.
NEW YORK. June 27. Mrs. Robert
C. McCormlck. formerly Frances Buzby.
of Philadelphia, continued testimony
recently in her separation suit against
her husband, a deputy district attorney.
She pawned, her income for three
years to raise more than $10,000 for
her wedding breakfast and trousseau.
she testified.
Mrs. McCormick's first husband wss
Harry Perscb. a riding master In a
Philadelphia riding academy. They
were divorced.
In telling of her second wedding.
Mrs. McCormlck said:
"I knew Mr. McCormlck only three
months before we were married. I had
been married before and It wasn't a
success. I wanted my next marriage
to be a success, and to have everything
right from the start. I determined to
have a splendid wedding breakfast.
"I had a gross Income of only $300
a month, and was at my wit's end to
know how to give the magnificent
wedding breakfast I desired until 1
learned that I could get money ad
vanced on my Income.- After making
allowance for all my other necessary
expenses. I figured out that by pledg
ing my income for three years I would
have enough to give the proper wed
ding breakfast and trousseau and I
did so. If I do say it myself. It was a
breakfast of which anybody might have
been proud.
Duncan L. Busby, father of Mrs. Mc
Cormlck. a lawyer with offices In Phlla
delphla and Atlantic City, testified that
when he went to see his daughter on
the anniversary of her wedding day.
McCormlck came into the dinlngroora
for breakfast.
"Frances said to him. the witness
testified: "dos't you remember. Robert,
that this Is the anniversary of our wed
ding?" " 'Oh, hell. replied my son-in-law.
'how can I ever forget thatr
McCormlck admitted on the stand
that be drinks. He said his wife
punched him in the back and In the
side when he wanted to sleep and that
she twice referred to him before her
family as "her second lemon."
"The family were very much amused
by her remark." he added. He denied
he had ever struck her wife.
TIGHT, seven' norm.
Rrnsrlubla Experiment With Ckea
Irate for Pnrlfytas; Air May Preve
f Greet Beaett.
PHILADELPHIA. June 26. .With a
little suitcase full of chemicals, for
which nations may some time bid for
tunes. William S. Bond, a 28-year-old
chemist of Wilmington, Del. climbed
Into a 96 cubic foot air-tight box and
allowed himself to be submerged Into
a tank of water for more than seven
hours, at- the end of which time he
emerged In good condition.
Professor Abraham Henwood. In
structor In chemistry at the Drexel
Institute, who witnessed Bond's experi
ment, said that In his opinion a man
could stay in the box approximately
lour nours without losing conscious
ness. The experiment which took place in
the Mechanical Engineering Labora
tory of the Drexel Institute, and
which was witnessed by Captain Lloyd
Bankson. of the Bureau of Naval Con
struction of Cramps Shipyard: Lieu
tenant D. N. Fedotoff. the Junior naval
attache of the Russian Embassy, and
Abraham lien wood, professor of
chemistry of the Drexel Institute, was
to demonstrate the power of Bond's
discovery to purify air by the absorp
tion of poisonous gases thrown off by
the lungs. According to Captain Bank
son, such a discovery. If entirely ap
plicable, would be of Immense value
in purifying the air In submarines and
allowing them to stay submerged for
long time.
The compartment In which Bond ate.
worked, read and sweated for almost
eight hours was made of thick pine
boards rendered absolutely airtight.
This was placed In a tank of water:
aiso made of boards which reached
half way up the outside of the com
partment. The upper part of the lat
ter was surrounded and topped with
an outer casing like the outer shell
-f a thermos bottle, except that the
intervening space was filled with
water. On top of the compartment was
a manhole, the lid of which win screwed
tight after Bond had entered. In this
lid was a small window. The advan
tage of this extraordinary contrivance
which seemed to tickle Captain Bank
son was to diminish the pressure of
the water on the outside of the tarvk.
At 10 o'clock Bond, clad in a bathing
suit and a pair of rubbers, climbed
into this compartment with his pre
cious suitcase, lunch, supper, apparatus
and a current magazine. A minute
later he was sealed in and water was
run over the. top of the manhole lid.
Inside of the compartment there was
an electric light, a telephone and an
electrlo fan, besides the apparatus,
which consisted of four plates such as
can be bought at any notion store.
Bond dissolved some of his Invention
on these plates and allowed the fan
to circulate the Impure air over the
surface of the solution. The solution
took up the carbon dioxide and thus
purified the air.
Every half hour his friends called
him up on the telephone or climbed to
tne top of the box to gase at him
through the window. Then at times
they drew out samples of the air by
a rubber tube and tested it for the
percentage of carbon dioxide.
Thing were going on finely, until
suddenly at 1 o'clock the light went
out. The bell on the outside rang and
some one took up the receiver, but
could hear nothing. For a moment
no one knew what to do. They were
about to drain off the mater and open
up the apparatus when Bond rung
several times from the inside. This
let his friends know that he was all
Postal Sttvatlea Is Studied 'With View
te Movement fer Ose-Ceat Stamps
for Klrat-Cleaa City Hall.
ington. July 1. One-cent letter postage
on local mall Is advooated by Repre
sentative Dill, of Spokane, the new
Democratic member of the Washing
ton delegation. Mr. Dill recently spent
some time In Washington on business
before the departments, and while here
looked Into the postal question. As a
result of what be learned, he belelved
the Government could well afford to
cut Its letter postage In half. Insofar
as strictly local mail Is concerned.
"During my stay In Washington."
said Mr. Dill. "I have learned that a
proposition will be pushed at the next
session- of Congress to reduce the rate
of postage on sealed letters from t
rents to 1 rent, when such letters are
for delivery In the same towns or cities
in which they are mailed. I believe
this la a meritorious proposition, and
one that should receive the early at
tention of Congress.
"Experts Inform me that the Gov
ernment nets an enormous profit on
local delivery letters, and if such Is
the case, I can see no reason why a
reduction should not be made In the
rate. There seems to be no doubt but
what such a reduction In the rate
would result In an enormous Increase
In the volume of mall, thereby causing
no material. If any, loss In the rev
enues. "Huch legislation would be especially
valuable to local merchants In devel
oping new business. The country is
growing more prosperous each dsy.
and a cheaper drop-letter postage
would. In my opinion, aid in making
It more prosperous than It has ever
At a ct or I J.5H.0O Calais made Its
harbor. -ar.:i was nearly err at low
pne at the fineat la Europe, and enabled tt
to heome a chief r"rt f rtbarkaiioo fur
travelers from Eaglaatl t Fraoce.
Thousands are en
joying the W o o d
Lark" Fountain and
Lunch-Room its a
distinctive place. For
50 years we've dis
pensed those delight
ful "Thirst Quench
ers" which make for
health and happiness.
We know how. Our people are trained
take m pride in this feature of our public
service. Come in and drink at our Fountain
the modern Fountain of Youth-
About every advertised article today is sold
at a "cut that is less than the manufac
turers' marked figrure. We are in the game
we sell at cut price and what's more we
don't try by "skilled salesmanship" to sell
you some unknown, "Orphan brand" substi
tute. We don't bait you for your trade.
$1.00 Johnson's Sarsaparilla Co Kit
60c Wycth's Sage anj Sulphur 4:io
$1.00 Schefher's Colorine fV5
11.00 Bromo Seller 7.5-
50c Doan's Kidney Pills 3e
$1.00 Bliss Native Herb Tablets 75J
$1.00 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery .79c
25c Laxative Bromo Quinine 15
Open From 10
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Alder Street at West Park
Noted Fight Promoter Tells
About South America.
Mr. Rlckard. Now Rancher In Ar
gentina, Asserts He Hopes to
Make Fortune There and Then
Return to Cnlted States.
SALT LAKE, t.'tah. June S. "Ttl"
Rlckard Is In town from South Amer
ica. II owns extensive cattle ranches
In Argentina, but says that when he
has made his "pile he Is coming back
to the good old United States of Amer
ica, and. moreover, la coins o build
himself a home In Salt Lake City.
"I have always liked Kelt Lake City,
and some day I mean to live here."
said the promoter of the Jeffries-Johnson
and Nelson-Oans flshts. lie was
chatting- in the office of former Sena
tor Thomas Kearns in the Kearnt
building. . "I mean that," continued
Flht promotions are a thins; of the
past with Mr. Rirkard. He put them
behind him when he left Nevada for
South America, after the Jef fries-Johnson
fight. He did not know the result
of the Johnson-Wlllard flcht until he
reached New York from Buenos A) res
last week.
"I haven't followed sporting; events
much since I left the West. he said. "I
was considerably surprised to bear that
Johnson had been beaten by Wlllard.
I didn't think Wlllard could do It."
Arareailna Woaaerfel Casmtrr.
Tex" says It sure seems good to be
back In the West acaln. It eels lone
some on the Arcenuna "cattle planta
tion." There are few Americans In
Argentina, but Tex" allows that It Is
a marvelous country and that It Is ex
porting more beef and sraln to Eu
rope than tte Veiled States.
The former Westerner does sot ad
vise Americana to Invade South Amer
ica, however, unless they have plenty
of money. It Is no place for a poor
man lo ro. Continuing on the sub
ject. Mr. Kickard sakl:
"Argentlna Is s'.l right far (he In
vestor, but the American wage-earner
would have a hard time of It- The
wages paid are not high enoncli to In
terest Americana 1 brought some
American cowboys down there to act
as foremen on my ranch. I paid them
better money than they were making
here In the West, but they dldn t stsy.
It got too lonesome for them. We
have great cattle ranches, though, and
since the war we have been getting
excellent prices.
Wmr Revives Basteewa.
The war baa revived business for
South America. Times were quiet Just
before that.
"Even in the cities there are few
Americans. An American club has
Just been organised In Buenos Ayrea
but It only has a membership of
about SO.
"Europe will always be the greatest
trader with South. America, but the
L'nited States Is doing more business
with Argentina. Urugusy. Paraguay and
Brazil since the war broke out. These
countries are buying all kinds of things
In the United States, particularly the
goods formerly purchased In Oermany.
Ono of the at the present
tlma however. Is the shortage of steam
ers between the United Stales and South
American porta All the stuff that
has been bought here can't be shipped.
' Einh to Iteeela Trade.
The United States will establish
some permanent trade' with Houth
America through the war. but I thtnk
that the bulk f It will go back to
Europe when the trouble la over. You
see. European capital Is heavily inter
ested there, and the British, the Ger
mans and the French are t-ere them
selves In'larpe numbers. They have
been doing business with . the Bouth
Americana for years, and It Is natural
that they should continue.- In some
lines, such as agricultural machinery
and so on. we lead, though."
Mr. Rlckard said his South American
ranches are making good In gratifying
shape. He Is going back there after
he has visited his old haunts In the
West and has seen the &an Krancieco
exposition. But when be bas made his
South American -pile" and gets ready
to come home. It Is "A LUtlo Gray
Home In the West" for him Just like
the song. And he says that Salt Lake
City will be the place.
lie and Mrs. Rlckard are at the Ho
tel Utah. They will be here for about
a week, and will then go on to the
Coast. This Is their rirst visit In more
than three years.
Feathered Chorus Assists In Chil
dren's Service.
glided cages extended from all parts
have jriven to many a home material com
forts. Try them. Always Take Your Stamps.
Until 2 O'clock.
of the "big audltoriurri of Vourth Pres
byterian Church a host of trained
canaries added their beautiful trills
and woodland songs to a chorus cf
young voices at Children's day serv
ice. This innovation, never before at
tempted In a Washington church,
proved eutlrely successful. The golden
songsters kept absolutely stilt during
the services until the muslo started,
then they bitrat forth In song. The
Idea was sugaested by the well-known
fact that a canary sings best and most
frequently when there Is other music.
The gathering was the largest In
the history of the church. orvlees
were conducted by the Rev. Joseph
T. Kelly, pastor. The children of the
Sunday school took part In recitations
and chorsl plecea
lr. Kelly delivered the sermon, tell
ing of the Importance of the Sabbath
school In church work. C. M. Exley.
superintendent, snd his corps of teach,
era were eon irratti!atei upon their work
with the children.
One of Slayers of tiubernatorlal
Candidate May He TrYeed.
LEXINGTON". Ky.. June 17 The Rev.
Andrew Johnson, nominated for Gov
ernor on the Prohibition platform re
cently, has announced that his first of
ficial act. If elected. woTSld be to par
don Henry E. Toutsey, who Is serving
a life sentence of the aspanplnatlon ot
For Cuisine, Entertainment, Comfort
The absolute best in dinners only Cabaret Enter
tainment in Portland. Air cooled and changed regularly
assijr'Bx everyone added pleasures in dining. Dine at
A superior Table d'Hote
Pinner Is served every
evening from :30 to a. for
Sl.uu. service a la carte at
all hours.
-At the Dully Woolly Wild "West Show."
Sung- by Buster Martin and girls.
Also Sig. Pietro Marino, Violin Vir
tuoso, and Orchestra of Solo Artists.
t (Oregon Grille
Hotel Oregon.
Chaa. Wright. Pres.
kra la Seattle Slop at
...... y
Ba. t .J eSS- w aa J - II
LakeLotzisea Bit ofStolenSky
This blue das ting of tha rrcmntain lies in a cop of snow pe-aVs and
pineclad slopes, far up inThe Canadian RocSues. You ice
it from the veranda of the Canadian Pacme Hotel Chateau Lake
Louise Urge as a palace, but corr as home. Drive and poay ndes
oa mountain trails to Paradise Valley and Valley of Ten Peaks. Plan
a circle tour through the Canadian Rocktca, and visit its numerous
spots of beauty. Reached only by the
Canadian Pacific Railway
Tour may also include 165-rile boat trip oa Puget Sound. Liberal
stopovers no extra fare. Send for Booklet "12..
Takw Ihm lOOO-mi! boat trip
J. V. HURPHT. O A. P. n, Canadian Padne Railway
t- . . it Third Su, Poruaad. Oregon
1 Pint Pure Taraffin Oil .Vic
Full Pint Stronger Ammonia Water.. l!c
50c Mercys Sugar Milk, lb 2
2.ric Boric Acid, lb 19c
50c Cream Tartar, lb 44c
10c Senna Leaves, 2 oz 7c
50c Pozzonis Face Powder 7c
25c Sanitol Cold Cream ltic
50c Eversweet 29 C
25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 14.C
Williams Suit Case Set for Lady
or Gentleman, 5 pieces Soap,
Dental Cream, Cold Cream, Toilet
Water, Violet Talcum Powder.
ALL for 25c
35c Tooth Brush
$1.25 Hair Brush, Natural Ebony, 11
Rows Bristles. Special S9
Bring us that film this
forenoon. Well have your
work all ready by 5 o'clock.
Quickest service consistent
with good service.
Double Stamps
Kodak Finishing
William Goebel In 19. while Mr. Goe
bel was conte5tlng W. S. Taylor' gub
ernatorial seat.
This announcement .will carry more
weight than Is apparent on the surface.,
since the Democratic party has betn di
vided, two or three times over efforta
to pardon Youtsey, and petitions have,
been put In circulation, principally by
women, asking the States Prison Com
mission to pardon him.
Youtsey Is only one out of more than
0 men arrested for complicity In the
Goebel murder. Caleb Powers and
James Howard, who were alleged to be
most concerned, were pardoned by Got
ernor Wilson. Republican, several years
As Youtsey confessed to his part In t he
crime. Democrat contend he should be
Mr. Johnson offers to withdraw from
the race If the Republican or Demo
cratic parly puts a state-wide plank
in Its platform.
Secret Service Men Take Extra Pre
caution lo Protex-t President.
CORNISH. N. H.. July 4 Extra pre
cautions were taaen by secret serrtee
men Saturday to guard the President.
The attack on Mr. Morgan and the ex
plosion In Washington served to make
the President's body guards very slert.
Secret service men ere now or duty
arlth the President snd another Is on
na way to them.
The distinctive entertain
ment this week features a
song In Wild Wet cos
tumes that you will enjoy.
Broadway at Stark
M. C. Dlrklnson. Manatcer.
llatrl Seattle Vie Omb 1 1.
-"s. ,-- - i
to Aloalro. Send for Booklet 1SS-
-v -V si m BJ