Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 05, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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I The Quality-Stowos Portlamo
Portland Companies Depart
at 9:30 for Gearhart and
Others Soon Follow.
Regular Army Officers Detailed to
Accompany Militiamen as In
structors Track. Meet to Be
Encampment Feature.
Portland will' be a scene of military
activity today, for the 700 men of the
Third Regiment. Oregon National Guard,
fully equipped as for a hard campaign,
will entrain here for the annual en
campment to be held at Gearhart. The
first detachment, consisting of the six
Portland companies, will leave at 9:30
o"clock this morning from the North
Bank depot, and will be followed three
hours later by the remaining six com
panies of the state. These latter com
panies will arrive In the city on various
trains during the morning.
The work of loading tne equipment
of the Portland companies for shipment
to the camp was in progress all day
yesterday under the direction of Colonel
Clernard McLaughlin, who is In com
mand of the regiment. The equipment,
practically a carload, consisted of tents,
utensils of various kinds and supplies
for the troops during their 10 days'
encampment. The horses for the offi
cers, orderlies and mounted detach
ments will be loaded this morning.
Intractlon Renins Tomorrow.
On their arrival at the camp, which
Is to be located about a mile north of
Gearhart, the troops will pitch their
tents. This work will be hastened so
that the men will be ready for the
beginning of the instruction work to
morrow. The camp, which is to be in
practically the same place as that of
last year, will be known as Camp Jack
son, in honor of Colonel James Jackson,
U. S. A., retired, and inspector of the
Oregon National Guard.
The officers of the militia will be
assisted in their work of instructing
their commands by officers who have
been detailed for that work from the
regular Army troops stationed at Van
couver Barracks. Colonel Swift, of the
Western division, has detailed a regular
Army non-commissioned officer to serve
with each of the 12 companies, with one
to act as trumpet Instructor and another
as an instructor with the sanitary de
tachment. In addition, there will be
three commissioned officers, one with
each battalion.
Band Will Go Alone.
-The band with the Third P.egiment
stationed in Portland will accompany
the troops, as will aUo the sanitary
The days at the encampment will be
filled with work. Reveille will be
sounded at 5:50 o'clock in the morning
and taps sounded at 11 o'clock at night.
The hours of the day will be crowded
full of Instruction work, and there will
be a number of lectures in the evening.
The soldiers will have some time off.
however, in the afternoons for recrea
tion. The annual track meet will be one
of the features of the encampment. It
will be held Saturday afternoon, July
10. Company A, of ilcMinn vill, won
the meet last year.
The Summer maneuvers of the Third
Regiment come last of all among the
units of the state land forces this year.
Battery A, Field Artillery, and the Coast
Artillery Reserves have recently com
pleted their encampment, and Troop A.
Cavalry, is now at Monterey.
The naval militia will leave July 26
for the annual cruise and target
Troop A, En Route to Monterey,
Cal., Passes Through Dunsniuir.
DUNSMUIR, Cal., July 4. (Special.)
Cavalry Troop A. of the militia, passed
through here today on the way to Mon
terey, CaL, where the militiamen will
have a real taste of military life. While
on the way the men are receiving pre
liminary instruction, and military dis
cipline is observed aboard their cars.
The troop has three coaches, two for
the men and one for their baggage and
equipment. Reveille was sounded at
5:30 A. M. today, and at 7 A. M. the men
ate breakfast.
During the day sentries were sta
tioned at the entrances of each car.
The troop has been divided into squads.
Captain Frank P. Tebbetts and Lieu
tenant William Coplan have each given
a lecture to non-commissioned officers
and men on military tactics and the
duties of a trooper. Along the route
spectators have Inquired whether the
men are on their way to Mexico.
Fctitions Out tor Action on Prohibit
ing Compulsory Vaccination.
Petitions for an initiative measure to
prohibit "compulsory vaccination or
inoculation wiui any serum or -vaccine
for alleged prevention of infectious or
contagious disease" have been In cir
culation in Portland for the past six
Mrs. Lora C. Little, who is sponser
for the measure, said yesterday that
3000 of the 25.000 signatures from reg
istered voters throughout the state nec
essary to put the measure on the bal
lot at the November general election
next year, have been obtained. She
plans later to have petitions circulated
in every county of the state.
The measure is identical with that
introduced by request at the last ses
sion of the Legislature by Gus C. Moser,
Ktate Senator from Multnomah County.
It was defeated after a warm debate
In the Senate. Now its advocates plan
to put the question up to the voters.
Two Teams cf SaTne Company in
Grief at Different Places.
Dishes, tea and spices were scattered
In profusion along Grand avenue at
the corner of Ankeny street late Sat
urday when one of the teams of the
Jewel Tea Company ran away, crashed
into a streetcar and created havoc gen
erally for a few minutes. The per
formers were one of the trusted mule
teams of the company, but they bolted
just as the driver started to take his
About the same hour another wagon
of the same company came to grief in
Montavilla. when the horse became
frightened, tried to hurdle a fence and
quit when the wagon was stayed by a
A theater manaprer in Hansrary Bells ats
in accordance witti the size of his patmn.
the tthorfr beinsf elated in the front row.
and the talier behind ttrem.
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Home and Family Put First by
Mrs. Delila Coulson.
Many Modern Methods and Habits
Condemned Birthday Party Will
Be Keature Today at Garden
Home With 50 Guests.
"The gad-about wife is responsible
for a large percentage of the badly be
haved children, for the discouraged men
and for many of the divorce cases of
This Is the opinion of Mrs. Delila
Coulson. And her opinions are worth
consideration, for she has lived 90 years
today, and has made a success of her
life. Her irreat-srandcbildren play
about her knee and call her blessed.
Vigorous men in the prime of life talk
politics and international affairs with
her and find her wits just as sharp as
theirs. University graduates who have
the joy of knowing her discover that
they mu.t brush up on literature when
Mrs. Coulson is about.
Her eyesight is excellent. Her brain
is clear. Her memory good. And this
wonderful old lady is to celebrate her
90th birthday today.
"Foolish" Grandmothers Chlded.
She's just an old-fashioned grand
mother. Her hair is white and fine
and sott. and she wears it simply coiled
at the back with a band of black rib
bon pinned neatly about her head.
Don t put me down as one of those
low-necked, no-sleeved grandmothers."
she said. "I think they are so foolish.
They don't make themselves look young.
They only fool themselves."
Mrs. Coulson feels strongly regard
ing the responsibility belonging to
mothers in the training of their chil
dren, but she says she never attempts
to tell young mothers how to rear their
children. They are sure to resent it
and it never does good. But she Just
wishes and wishes they could realize
that theirs is a great responsibility and
a great privilege. Young girls, she de
clares, can't possibly grow up to be
healthy and happy If they keep late
hours and eat Indigestible foods.
Pride Retained la Coo Liner.
"Right here let me say." put in "the
old-fashioned grandmother," with a
gleam of pride in her kindly eyes, "that
I was a good cook. They did say my
dinners were excellent. I believe every
woman, no matter bow rich she Is,
should know how to cook and how to
order a household. Home-making Is
the greatest art of all. Mind you. a
woman needn't know the kitchen only.
To be a success a mother and wife
should keep her mind bright and up
to date. She can do it without gadding
all the time. too. New Ideas and In
spirations are good, but the home comes
first, for that is the foundation of the
Mrs. Coulson thinks some of the mod
ern styles are foolish more foolish, in
fact, than Immodest. In her younger
day, however, she admits that she wore
moderate-sized hoops.
Every day this elderly woman makes
her own bed and does a little work.
Her only worry Is that she can't do
much. Up to the time she was 87 she
was able to do a day's work and cook
a full meal.
Her brother, she said, lived to be 96.
and was spry to the last. To careful
ness regarding food and regular hours
for sleep Mrs. Coulson attributed his
Rclea of Life Given.
Regular attendance at church, respect
for the Sabbath, wholesome exercise, a
love of home, an appreciation of good
literature and keeping good company
are advocated by Mrs. - Coulson as a
means of securing happiness and long
life. Some of the new-fangled songs
and books, however, do not strike her
as the best things, she says. The songs
sound like screaming and the books
aren't healthy.
As for politics. Mrs. Coulson is a
staunch Republican, but she is also a
true American and loyal to the Govern
ment. Her mother was a Miss Parrott.
of Virginia, and her father was Joseph
I . - ti--- - v-V
v. . rv - 'V - 1, .. I
' VT7. ! tr.; 4 ?r i TV 1 '
1. Marblae Cum Wklrk Will Take Promlaeat l'rl la Miiravem 2. Kqaai s(
Men Tralalas; for Cnnapmili 3. Xrnkert sf loppaigr II ICradr lo t.m-
Linvllle, of th same state. Her family
is related to that of the late President
There will be a family reunion today
at the William Beharrell country place
near Garden Home, and Mrs. Coulson
will be the guest of honor. She will
motor out. and is just a wee bit ner
vous about that auto ride, but she's
"game" and will go. she wouldn't miss
that party for a mint. There will be
the K. Cozens, the A. R. Kannos, the
Thomas Bradleys, the O. L. Prices, the
N. C Soules. the A. F. Flegels. Mrs.
William Krteger. of Kentucky 50 in
all at Mrs. Delila Llnvllle Coulson's
90th birthday anniversary.
And there Isn't a single grandchild
named after her. "1 wouldn't allow It.
Delila. Indeed! That name Is the only
fault I have to find with my mother,
but she told me I was named after the
moat lovely woman in Virginia, so I've
been Delila for 0 years."
J. B. Adams, o f Growers' Ieanne, to
Handle Wena tehee Crop.
WEXATCHEE. Wash.. Jupy I. (Spe
cial.) Besides acting as executive
head of the Growers League. J. B.
Adams will supervise the peach mar
keting operations this season. The ad
ded duties came to Mr. Adams yester
day as a result of the conference be
tween the League officials, shipping
agencies and growers and .W. H Paul
ham us. head of the Growers' Council.
Mr. Paulhamus briefly outlined the
suggestions made to Yak I ma peach
growers, and recommended similar ac
tion here.
It is expected that Mr. Adams will be
assisted in his work by an expert from
the marketing department of the Unit
ed States Department of Agriculture.
W. V. Penland and Robert Hill Are
Vndcr Arrest.
W. V. Peniend. Robert Hill and T. J.
Hashbrger were arrested yesterday on
the Willamette slough by Deputy Game
Warden Clark, charged with seining
bass and crawfish. Many reports have
been received at the game warden's of
fice that this practice was going on.
Deputy Game Warden Clark confis
cated the gasoline launch, about 200
feet of seln and almost SO bass and
crawfish. J. White and C. K. Scriwlxkl
are beinc held as witnesses and later
may be charged with the same offense.
The party will be brought before Judge
Williams at St. Johns tomorrow.
New Citizens Celebrate at Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash, July 4. More than
500 men and women, who have become
citizens of the United States during
the past 12 months, were the guests of
honor In "Americanization day" exer
cises held here today. The speakers
of the occasions were Mayor Gill, Fed
eral Judge Neterer and Immigration
Commissioner White.
Vsr!y r.o,o.fwo sre lliM carbons
Imported by Croat Britain annuady.
Large Audience at Oaks Is Ex
. tremely Demonstrative.
I'JzUt Hundred Take Pip In Willam
ette and Other Water Sports
Attract SIwjw Feature Arc
Hugely Appreciated.
Patriotic to a high degree was the
gTeat audience In the auditorium at
The Oaks yesterday afternoon. Inci
dentally, one of the largest audiences
the open-air structure has held. Real
fervor was manifested when Mrs. El
frieda Heller Weinsteln led the crowd
singing the National anthem.
Approximately 14.000 persons visited
the amusement park, while the indica
tions for today are that this number
will be almost doubted.
Still further additions have been
made to the programme and a roup
of 10 Hawaiian, coming direct from
the Panama-Pacific Exposition, will be
on the bill, playing and singing their
familiar airs. The Hawailana are said
to be among the best ln this country.
t00 Perseaa G Svlanaloc.
The warm Sunday weather was
responsible for unusual popularity in
the swimming pool. Suo persons taking
a dip. Water sports naturally mo
nopolized considerable time. Accord
ing lo river "sharks." the water this
year Is warmer than ever, owing to
the low stage of the Willamette.
The new bill proved even more Don.
ular than previous performances. Songs
were given by Mrs. Weinsteln and
Mile. Tryon.
The sSuffragettes" la the title of the
new Boston Troubadour bill. With Ha
sparkling songs 'and the vim provided
by a number of clever dancers and
new costumes. "The Suffragettes'
proved a delightful skit.
Patriotic Koaai Alrarr.
Many erv-ores were provided as the
audience seemed In an appreciative
A patriotic Wilson song by Miller
Evans, with a chorus dressed In flaws,
received excellent response, while
every number was attractive. "The
Suffragettes" Is easily the jest musi
cal comedy this season at The Oaks.
Programmes will he given each af
ternoon and night during the week,
with unusually elaborate bills today.
TTi epportunltflcp for salnlnc knnMf
In t h- r-rovlnf-p of Ontario arc ar-ai. Thrrp
" Inrludnij Vln.1rri.rl!. mclit a hooli.
huh rrhuo!-. rnl'.rp'a'e Institute an. I ran
tinuatlun clauca, public schools ell
Mr. Considine Visits Portland
to Arrange for Return
to Regular Order.
rnprs Will dxchng New Plan
to Be Put Into Kffert In M-ptem-
Amnaement In Plenty
Is Prospect for Winter.
John W. Considine. .premier vaude
ville magnate of the Northwest, paid
a secret visit to Portland Saturday.
The result Is, Portland will go back
on the Orpheum vaudeville circuit early
In Hrptfinbfr In all probability. Port
land has had no Orpheum shows since
Msy 9.
When the Orpheum attractions re
turn to Portland the shows will be
housed at the Empress Theater. Broad
way and Yamhill streets: the Empress,
starting today, taking up Its new abode
at the Orpheum building at. Broadway
and Stark street. The names of the
buildings will be transferred.
It was learned yesterday that Carl
Rclter, manager of the Orpheum Thea
ter in Seattle, who has been "acting"
on the Empress Theater circuit since
his house was closed In Seattle, will
return to Seattle soon to make plans
for reopening the Orpheum there in
August. The opening of the Seattle
theater assures the reopening of the
Orpheum in Portland the week follow
ing. Mr. Considine left Portland within a
few hours after arriving here, and his
mission was in connection with the
transfer of the Orpheum and Empress
here and arrangements with Mr. Keller
for reopening the Seattle Orpheum. Mr.
Kelter was detained in Portland, ap
pearing three times dally on the Em
press bill.
The regular Orpheum circu;t shows
will be returned to Portland under the
new arrangements and the Empress
bills will be similar to those always
given on the Empress circuit when It
was originally under the direction of
the Considine and Sullivan Interests.
Speaking of the arrangements last
night. Mr. Reiter said:
"The Orpheum In Seattle will open
again the latter part of August, and
there Is every reason to believe from
this that the Orpheum will resume
here as well, about the same time. I
am not able to speak with authority on
the matter, but 1 think that you can
expect things to work out about that
Portland theatergoers will not be In
the least hampered by lack of places
to go the coming Winter if the ar
rangements work out. September will
find three straight vaudeville houses
running and the Baker will open Its
stock season as usual. The war In
Europe continues to assure a series of
high-class bookings at the Helllc
All of these conditions indicate a
return of theatrical conditions In the
Northwest to a normal status and a
period of Improvement In the variety
of attractions offered, corresponding
to the Improving conditions of the
THE calendar for today contains
Independent day celebrations.
. At the Waverlcy Country Club,
smart society will assemble for gulf,
tea, dinners and dancing-
In Laurelhurat there will be a cele
bration that Is of interest to many
uf in prominent families becauat a in
of the prettiest and moat attractive
children of that ulatrlrt mill partici
pate. Other parts of the city wi'.i ct-le-brste
with family and community pic
nirs and outings. Motor ride to the
country will be taken by many a no
are active In society.
Tomorrow Mrs. I. Vandune wi'.l en
tertain at a smart luncheon at the
Hotel Benson with Mrs. Ernest Bross
and Mias Constanc Brosa. of Indian
apolis, aa the guests of honor. Cov
ers will bo placed for 14.
Sellwood ' Order of the Eastern Star
will give Its annual picnic to Oswero
Lake tomorrow. The members and all
Eastern Star women mho plan to At
tend will go to the lake In the morn
ing and remain all day.
a a
Mrs. Fred J. Melndl and two children,
and Mr. and Mrs. George I.axelle. of
Oregon City, will leave on Wednesday
for a month's outing at their place
near the Toll Gate. Mount Hood.
Dr. and Mrs. W. E. I'oraythe have
just returned from their wedding trip
to California and are being entertained
by Portland friends. The marriage of
Dr. Forsyth and Mrs De Etta J.
Brodia was solemnised on June II a:
the home of the bride's fsther, George
A. Brodle. 3404 East Fifty-second
street Southeast, the Rev. Robert Mc
Lean officiating. Miss Kareen Hansen
and Cheater Brodle attended the cou
ple. Dr. Forsytbe formerly resided In
Wallowa County. Or., but now has of
fices In Pennsylvania. Dr. and Mrs.
Forsythe will go East In a short time.
a a a
Mrs. Fred Westerberg. of the Guild
apartments, was hostess on Thursday
to the members of one of the smaller
card clubs. The rooms were decorated
with roses. Luncheon and progres
sive 500 were features enjoyed. Among
those present were Mrs. M. R. Hanson.
Mrs. H. A. Bloch. Jr.. Mrs. K. Shadle.
Mrs. D. Klnnear, Mrs. Joseph Knger
man and Mrs. J. Norberg.
A pretty wedding was celebrated on
Wednesday evening at o'clock when
Mlaa Kowena Russell and Thomas Pol
lock were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's mother. Clay
street. The bride was gowned In white
crepe de chin and lace and carried
a bouquet of bride roses and lilies 61
the valley. The ceremony was per
formed under a bower of pink sweet
peas and ferns, the Rev. Oliver Baurn
Th out-of-town gueots were: Mrs.
F-. C. Thomas, sister of the bride. Mrs.
John (. Johns and son I-afollrtte. Mrs.
Karr and Miss Km ma Moshler. all of
Hettinger. N. Pak.
The couple left on the night train
for Denver. Colo., where they wl! spend
their honeymoon.
Mrs. t. E. Griffiths, of Walnut Park,
accompanied by her granddaughter.
Mms Josephine Lewis, Jntends to leave
soon for Gearhart where they will
spend . the Summer. They expect to
have for their gueit Mlaa Marian Ash
by. Miss Lewis and Miss Aahhy are
both connected with Piedmont rhurch
and Sunday school, and a re well known
In musical circles.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis entertained
on Friday with an informal dancing
Honor of
This Store
Will Be
Closed All Day
The Quauty"
YouH find particularly interesting bargain news if you will
Read Our Ad in This
Evening's and Tomorrow
Morning's Papers
which can only tell you some of the thousands of good things
offered in our
Gigantic Removal Sale
With Every Article
in the Store at a Reduced Price
excepting certain lines of contract goods, "Silk Maid" hosiery
and groceries.
and lawn rarty In honor of Mrs. Will
M. Dodge, of Aahland. Or., and Mips
Olive Hartncll. of Denver. Colo. Mrs.
A. F. Hunt and Mrs. J. It. Williams
presided at tha punch bowl. On of
the surprises of the evening was an
old-fashioned spelling match In which
Tiiomas Blair carried off the honors.
Guests Included were Mr. and Mr. J.
W. Hunt. Mrs. J. H. Williams. Mrs.
Will M Dodge. Mr. and lira. Ben F.
Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hlair.
Mis Olive HartneU. Mrs. A. F. Hunt.
Miss Bess Hunt. Robert J. fptlon. Nor
man chra!lt. Garnet Green and Madi
son Trace".
Mrs. Richard Adam, of Portland, la
viaitlr.g In Eugene, the cueat of Mrs.
W. F. Oaburn. l the Hotel ulurn.
Mrs. Adam, who la a charming youns
matron and versatile short-atory wri
ter, was tha Incentive for much social
activity in the university town tail
a a
Alfred J. Prown. a profeor In the
I'r.tveraiiy of Texas, is spemlin? I n
vacation with hi parrtita on Falling
street. Mr. Brown la a brother of Mii
Madeline Brown, a popular member of
tha younger set.
a a
A surprise party was given SaJurday
In compliment to Mlaa I oroi he.i Albert.
The hoi-tesa. Mrs. lienry Albert, en
tertained a merry company of youns
people In her home. J;i Eeech aireet.
Among those present were Margaret
Wei lenkeller. Lena Repp. Christina
Knlaa. Anna Knleger. Marie Schnrll,
Klizabeth Helier. Pearl Leonhardt.
Elisabeth Diets. Lydla Albert. Ld:a
H"PP. Dorothea Albert. John H"rt.
John MscKenxte. Jack Jaeger. Wil
liam Bauer. Herman Ilelxer. WU'.iain
Peters. Henry Harding. Adam Peters,
Conrad Schwarlx. George MarKrnrie.
Albert Forsier and Philip SchnelL
Mrs. Harry K. Chlpman left lat
night for Tacoma. where she will Join
Mr. Chlpman and visit In the Fuget
K. M. Duffy, of Corvalll. Is at the
Julius Fulop, of Corvallis. La at the
P. I. Towell. of Astoria, Is at the
L. B. Hasktns.-of Mcdford. Is at the
C. L. Cadwell. of Union. Is at the
C. S. Jensen, of Seattle, Is at the
J. R Wilson, of Redmond. Is at the
J. P. Forester, of Toledo. Is at the
H. Franklin Llbby. of Boston, Is at
the Seward.
M. M. De Vault, of Loa Angeles. Is at
the Perkins.
George Krebs. of Independence, is at
tha Imperial.
Captain E. D. Parsons, of Astoria, is
at the Scwnrd.
William Harper, of Cotase Grove, la
at tha Oregon.
C. K. Henry, of Pasadena, Is at the
the Multnomah.
W. O. King, of Chlcaso, is registered
at the Portland.
Georce Butler, of Chinook, Wash., is
St the Portland.
W. C. Wortman. of San Francisco, Is
at the Norlonla.
L L. Schwalte. of Green Bay, Wla
Is at the Nortonla.
Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Allen, of Salem,
are at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mm. L. D. Con, of Chicago,
are at tha Nortonla.
J. M. Harrla. of Tendleton, Is regis
tered at the Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Evans, of Salem.
are at the Multnomah.
Mr. and Mrs. C K. Oldham, of Bridal
Veil, are at the Nortonla.
Mr. and Mrs. Psul Fundman. of Wil
lamlna. are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Trentman. of
Butler, are at th Portland.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Warren. of
For In facts axd Children.
His Kid YcaHais Altars EckM
Baars th
Elgaatv of
S-roae oe PoetriAM
Lt'tis Beach. Cal.. art at the Cornellu..
Chris Anderson, of Wallace, Idaho,
la etopptng at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. U MrCready. of M--Mlnnvi'.le.
are at the 1'crklns.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graves, of Port
Clinton. O.. are at the Seward.
A. D. Mabry and family, of WaK.i
Walla, are at the Multnomah.
Mr. and Mrv W. C. Wheeler, of
Hood Klver. are at the Seward.
Mr. and and Mrs. Albert Conrad, of
Grabill. lmL. are at the Cornelius.
Th Vorwr:an coverament ftas etab
I'.pTi at Mittfr a iloiiifinc a icura
.'tiol to afTortl a comp,t couraa la houif
If Your
Glasses Pinch
do not attempt to adapt your nose
to your glasses have the glasses
fixed or throw them away.
Correctly fitted eyeglasses can
be worn in perfect comfort and
should not slip or fall off.
If you have had unfortunate
experiences with eyeglasses, let us
demonstrate what we mean by
"correctly fitted eyeglasses," It
will place you under no obligation,
but will give you a new idea of
eyeglass comfort.
209-10-11 Corbett Elds.
Fifth and Morrison
Carl Schultz Says Akoz Has
Corrected Bad Stomach.
Carl Schultz. well-known Portland
printer. ridinff at the Antlers Hotel.
declares that Akor.
the wonderful 'all-
X fornla m d 1 c I nal
mineral, has cured
hi in of stomach
troul.le. lie says:
"For two years 1
suffered Intensely
from stomach trou
ble. I could not eat
alihout beins: di-trct-sed.
A friend
me a parkase of
Allot, and it leave
; me such relief that
1 continued with
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