Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 05, 1915, Image 1

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    "J MTV
VOL. L.V. "0. 17,039.
Restriction on Passen
gers Is Proposed.
Americans Advised to Avoid
Vessels With Contraband.
'Wilson on Return to Capital Also
to Take Tp Xote to Britain, but
"Will Consider It as Wholly
. Separate Question.
WASHINGTON. July 4. (Special.)
.The return of President "Wilson the last
of this week will be signalized by the
following- momentous developments:
1. Receipt and consideration of the
German reply to the American demands
growing out of the Lusitania. tragedy.
2. Dispatch of a protest to London
against British restrictions on Ameri
can trade.
3. Inauguration of stern measures
.to restore peace in Mexico.
Germany' Reply to Be Friendly.
Ambassador Gerard has notrfied. the
State Department, as a result of his
conference yesterday with Herr von
Jakow, German Minister for. foreign
affairs, that on Thursday or Friday he
will receive the German reply. He has
ieen advised that U will be friendly
and conciliatory and that it will make
counter propositions designed to meet
the demands of the United States and
assure the safety of innocent Ameri
can citizens traveling upon the high
However. Germany will not surrender
er right to continue submarine opera
tions, though she is willing to do so
if Great Britain will permit foodstuff
and other contraband consigned to her
civilian population to pass freely upon
the ocean. . .
- Separate Contraband Ships PrtpMed.
The main- point of the German pro
posals, according to all the information
available, however, is that American
citizens shall not take passage on
liners carrying contraband, especially
munitions of war. What the Berlin
government will do with reference to
the President's intimation that the
United States will transmit any peace
offers is not known, but the authori
ties are confident there will be a sug
gestion which they can advance to the
The United States has always Insisted
on the right of Americans to travel
safely on their own business, but it
is recognized that the German pro
posal that their transportation be
limited to . non-contraband-carrylng
.ships will open a question of import
ance. There is no doubt that Mr.
Bryan and others, including German
sympathizers, will insist that this is
a fair proposal and should be accepted.
In anticipation of its submission the
international law experts have been
studying the question with care and
will be ready to advise the President
on his return.
Danger of War Seems Past,
The important facts stand out, how
ever, in the negotiations with Germany
that there is no longer any likelihood
that they will lead, to war. On the
other hand, the effort on the part of
both governments is to reach an agree
ment which will be satisfactory to
public opinion In their respective
countries. The United States, which
immediately after the Lusitania was
destroyed required the cessation of sub
marine warfare, now is in the posi
tion of being satisfied if this warfare
shall be conducted in accordance with
the rules of international law that is.
that visit and search be exercised and
that wanton destruction of life and
ships shall not take place.
Germany is perfectly willing to sur
render the form if it can retain the
substance. In short, the impression is
growing that there is little prospect
of any real results coming from the
Lusitania negotiations.
Protest to London Separate Affairs.
While the United States is thorough
ly cognizant of Germany's dispositions
to stop mercantile attacks on mer
chant ships if the British government
should permit foodstuffs and other non
contraband to reach the German peo
ple,' there is no intention on the part
of Secretary Lansing to base our at
titude toward Great Britain on German
representations. The protest to be sent
to London will be entirely Independent
of the Lusitania negotiations of Ger
many's procedure. It will rest squarely
on Interference with legitimate Ameri
can trade as evidenced by recent seiz
ures. The latest British statement showing
that, as a matter of fact, this interfer
ence has been comparatively mild and
that there has not been any real suf
fering on the part of American ship
rers was reassuring to the authorities,
but it failed to correct the situation
of which this Government objects and
which is declared to be inimical to the
principle of "freedom of the seas."
Editor's Condition Unchanged.
SEATTLE, July 4. The condition of
Colonel Alden J. Blethen, editor and
publisher of the Seattle Times, who
has been critically ill at his home here,
for the past two months, is unchanged
Disappearance From Eastern I'nU
verslty, Reappearance Under
New Identity, la Related.
CHICAGO, July 4. Information
pointing to Frank Holt, the would-be
assassin of J. P. Morgan, as Erich
Muenter, a former student at the Uni
versity of Chicago, who disappeared
from Harvard University following the
death of his wife in 1906, was given
to a newspaper here today by a college
man. an assistant of Muenter during
his Chicago days, who said he knew of
Muenter's rehabilitating himself as
Holt, and that he had known of him
as 'Holt in Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, and in Cornell.
The informer, whose anonymity was
pledged, says, as quoted by the news
paper: "Frank Holt, who shot J. P.
Morgan, is the Erich Muenter who
took his degree of A. B. at the Uni
versity of Chicago in 1899 and later
fled from Cambridge, Mass., following
the death of his wife, and bas since
been a fugitive.
"There is no doubt that Muenter and
Holt. are the same."
DALLAS. Tex.. July 4. O. F. Sensa
baugh. of Dallas, father-in-law of
Frank Holt, after hearing the state
ment that Holt was thought to be
Erich Muenter, of Harvard, exclaimed:
"I can't believe it! It is so unreason
able compared with anything' that I
know of Mr. Holt. I have never heard
or suspected anything of the sort."
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 4. The
police tonight awaited word from the
New York police regarding: the possi
ble Identification of Frank Holt, who
shot J. P. Morgan, as Erich Muenter,
the former Harvard instructor who
disappeared from this city after the
death of his wife on April 16, 1906, of
alleged poison.
Pictures of Muenter and full descrip
tion were mailed to the New York
police tonight. Captain Patrick F.
Hurley, irk charge of the Cambridge
detective force, who took an active
part in the investigation of the Muen
ter case, declared that the description
of Holt tallied well with that of the
Harvard instructor.
Courtesies of Discipline Observed in
Relations With Allies.
July 14. One of the first considera
tions of the British army officials Is
the avoidance of all friction with the
Inhabitants of the occupied districts of
France and the maintenance of most
cordial relations with the French sol
diers. A principal factor in keeping on
good terms with the allied army has
been the steadfast insistence on the
courtesies of discipline. I
Military etiquette, for example, de
mands that when a party of British
officers are saluted by a British pri
vate, only the senior officer acknowl
edges the salute. When, however, the
salute Is given by a French private,
the acknowledgment is made by all
the officers.
Klamath "Falls Now Has Throe Can
didates in Vield.
(Special.) The third man to announce
his candidacy for Mayor of Klamath
Falls is A. J. Lyle, manager of the
Blackburn Hospital. Dr. Lyle has re
sided here for several years, having
come to this city from Duluth, Minn.,
where he was for six years connected
with the municipal government of that
He favors plainclothes policemen In
a city of this size, and wants a non
salaried Board of Public Works. He
also advocates the taking over of the
local cemetery by the city and Im
mediate steps against the old Ankeny
ditch, which runs through the center
of the residence district.
1 aw.
slight Thousand Acres Reclaimed
Near Klamath Falls.
(Special.) The big dyke, five and a
half miles long, which has been under
course of construction for months
around the lowlands on the E. P. Mc
Cornack ranch on Upper Klamath Lake
west of this city, has been completed.
This dike will be the means of reclaim
ing 8000 acres of splendid tule land by
preventing the waters of Upper Kla
math from overflowing it;
This land is practically the first in
stance of such a large tract In private
ownership being reclaimed in this state,
and Governor Withycombe on his recent
visit bere visited the ranch to inspect
personally the work being accom
plished, and was pleased at the result.
Dry Weather Makes Fighting Diffi
cult Near Ashland.
ASHLAND. Or., July 4. (Special.)
A forest fire one mile north of Rogue
River, covering a front of about three
milel. has burned without control dur
ing the day, progressing nearly to the
mountain summit.
So far as known, there has been no
loss of life or property damage beyond
the value of the timber destroyed.
Dry weather for the past three weeks
has produced conditions In the lower
hills rendering f ire-fighting difficult
and dangerous and volunteers for the
work are scarce.
Holt Tells of Intent to
Take Hostages.
Assailant Bares Details of
Scheme to Police.
Physicians Say Bullet Did Not En
ter Abdomen and That Xo Bones
Were Injured X.Ray Ex
amination Is Made.
GLEN COVE. N. Y, July 4. Mrs. J.
P. Morgan and the Morgan children
were to be held as hostages in their
own home and killed with dynamite if
J. P. Morgan refused to use his Influ
ence to stop the exportation of war
munitions, Frank Holt, who yesterday
attempted to assassinate Mr. Morgan
at his home near here, told Police Com
missioner Woods In his cell at Mlneola
Holt said his plans miscarried: that
he planned to send Mr. Morgan out to
stop the exportation of munitions while
he held the other members of the fam
ily in an upstairs room.
Mr. Mora-an Still Inprorlic.
Mr. Morgan, the victim of the bul
lets which Holt flred. continued to
show improvement today. The only
bulletin Issued was reassuring. It said
the bullet did not enter the abdomen
and that an X-ray examination showed
that no bones had been damaged.
Late tonight it was said the finan
cier was resting easy: that he had slept
all afternoon. No reference was made
to the other, bullet, which was said
yesterday to have come out of the up
per part of the leg. Neither Mr. Mor
gan nor members of his family were
told of the startling statement made
by Holt to Commissioner Woods. The
Morgan home was closely guarded, and
all suspicious-looking persons weie
kept at a distance. Every Incoming
train was watched.
Prayers Offered for Recovery.
No more than a dozen visitors were
received at the Morgan borne. Mrs.
Morgan remained at the bedside of her
husband. Junius Spencer Morgan. Mr.
Morgan's son. and his bride and Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert L. Satterlee went to
church at Lattingtown chapeL where
prayers were offered for Mr. Morgan's
speedy recovery.
The text of the bulletin Issued at 3:10,
P. M. today by Mr. Morgan's physicians
"The bullet did not enter the ab
domen and an X-ray examination
showed that no bones have been dam
aged. Mr. Morgan's condition contin
ues most favorable.
"H. H. M. LYLE."
Holt, who had spent a sleepless night
1 udfd on Page 2. I'olu m n 2, )
i (iMExicAWh
! 445lfy BORDER j
: immk x&mim r v ;
The Weather.
TE-TERDAT"- Maximum temperature, Tl
degreee; minimum, degree.
TODAVB Probably fair; westerly winds.
llaanoe and Industry.
Cdw.rd Cooklngham doubts If state banks
will Join Federal rixrvt system. Pace .
Coeur d'Alene mining- companies pay $1.
lb4.4o& la dlvldenua In bait year, face a.
London's aristocratic artillerymen give good
account of themaelvea In Franca. 1'ase z.
Huerta spends Fourth ot July in Jan.
Face S.
German reply will propoae that American
passengers refrain from traveling oa ves
sels carrying conu-mt.nd. 1'age 1.
J. r. Morcin'i assailant planned to kill fam
ily if millionaire refused to stop munitions
shipments, page 1.
Liberty bell to start on Journey today,
rage 2. .
Ex-enator Burton and Representative Mann
are regarded as asplrsnt for Kepubilcen
Presidential nomination. Page 2.
Man who shot Morgan 'said to hare been
Harvard student mho killed wife In lwotf.
Page w.
Letter to Kaiser, advising him to he "rea
sonable." found In suitress of Urt Mor
gan's assailant. Page '2.
Pacific Const league results: Portland
Oakland 8 (11 Innings): Salt Uk. -.
Io Angeles 1-5 tsecond game 10 In
ning. 1 ; Venice -6, fcaa Francisco
I'sge 10.
Detroit puts dent In Chicago White tax.
Psge 10.
One killed and one Injured In Tacoma auto
race which Ruckstell a Ins. l'ags 10.
Far-ino North weet.
Cent Dry of British-American pesce celebrated
at Blaine, Wash. Psge .
Two girls drawn at rslcm In rescue effort.
Page i. '
Thousands attend concert and community
sing at Vancouver. Page 5.
Portland aad krtaity.
All Portland will pay homage to Old Glory
today. Page 1.
rierroons deal with patriotism. Psge .
New motion picture programmes sre offered.
Psge T.
Patriotism runs high at Oaks. Psge 14.
Mrs. Oeilta 4'oulson. 10, sas home and fam
ily should come first. Page 14.
Flftjr boy. from Cleveland Y. M. C A. guests
In Portland fur day. Page ft.
Third Itrglraent of militia to entrain In
Portland ttxlay fr annual encampment at
tirarharu Page 14.
Vaudeville to be given agsta In Orpheum
Theater. Page It.
Large fleet of lumber carriers due. Page 11.
Qulnlault Tribe and Their Neigh
bors Are Gathered at Tabolah.
ABERPEES, Wash.. July 4. (Spe
cial.) Nearly 1000 Indians are reported
to be gathered at Taholah for the July
pctlatch for the Qulnlault tribe. Seven
fat beeves have been prepared for the
barbecue tomorrow.
In addition to the Qulniaults and
Wlllapas, the Hohs, Quests, Chehalls
and Oukvllle Indians a . attending.
From the Puget Sound the Hquaxons.
Nisquallys and Indiana of Mud Bay are
Indii itltial in Oregon Taxed 1 2 1 ,
SOS, Corporation $184,433.
ington. July 4. During the fiscal year
ended June 30 the total lncomo tax col
lected from individuals In Oregon
amounted to J12I. 305 and the tax col
lected from corporations In Oregon
amounted to 1184.432.
In the Washington-Alaska district
the Individual tax netted $203,135 and
the corporation income tax amounted
to 1330.743. The Idaho-Montana-Utah
district yielded 1120.727 Individual tax
and HI!. 089 corporation tax.
Heroism Exhibited In
Salem Accident
Four, Unable to Swim, Answer
Cry for Assistance.
Dorothy Itaucli, 1 4, of Hood Hit er,
and Maude Smith, 23, ot Lebanon,
Are. Victims Bodies Recovered
Quickly, but LIT Extinct.
SALEM. Or., July 4. (Special.)
While bathing In the Willamette
River here today two girls were
drowned while trying to save a third.
The one first In peril and two others
who also went to her assistance were
rescued. None of the girls could swim,
and Salem has never known a finer dis
play of heroism.
The dead:
Dorothy Itauch, H. high school fresh
man. Maude Smith. S3, bookkeeper In Leb
anon. Rescued:
May Itauch. 22. achool teacher.
Ruth Rauch. 20, school teacher.
Uratchcn Brown. 15, high achool
Wader tieta lata Hole.
The happy party of gjrls was wading
in the water not more than 10 feet from
the Polk County shore near the sus
pension bridge, when Miss May Rauch
stepped Into a deep hole. A dredge
operated there last week and the young
women did not know there were holes
near the bank.
Miss Rauch called for help and her
sister. Dorothy, was the first to respond.
One after another In a few seconds the
others became struggle In the deep
water. . . , .
John Tsir. employed at Brown's
planing mill: Robert Paulus. manager
of the Salem Fruit Union, and Harold
Stsrr, employed by the Salem Boat
Company, who were on the Salem side
of the river. Immediately put out In
motorboats to the aid ot the girls.
They arrived In time to rescue Misses
May and Ruth Rauch and Miss Brown.
Pwlsaotor ef Avail.
Although the body of Dorothy Rauch
was recovered In about 10 minutes, it
was evident tlist life was extinct. The
body of Miss Smith was recovered in
about 20 minutes. The Salem tire de
partment rushed its pulmotor on a fl re
truck to the scene, but efforts to re-
uacltateythe young women were un
availing. Their bodies were removed
to the . undertaking establishment of
Webb & Clough. Coroner Clous h said
an Inquest would not be necessary.
The Miases Rauch are daughters of
ll'onvluded on Peg 3. Column 4.1
Sunday's War Moves
AT a rate estimated at five miles a
day. General von Mackensen'a
forces are swinging northward in
Gallcla and Poland In a colossal and
daring endeavor to drive a wedge into
the Russian center and dislodge the
Russians from the Vistula River and
force them back over the Rug. thus
splitting the Grand Duke'a forces Into
two sections, with thousands of acres
of swamp p' j4 rsh. land between
them. e.V
')f''.U8tro-Crmani can continue
O T. progress another week, even the
British press admits the Russians will
have to give up Warsaw and with it
the whole line. Meanwhile the Ger
mans are massing more troops In the
Baltic provinces, and the recent en
counter in the Baltic seems to suggest
that they contemplate co-ordinate naval
action, but it Is poxalble the sea opera
lions were only a feint-
In Southeast Gallcla the Russians are
fighting tenaciously and have the ad
vantage of a remarkable series of
parallel rivers beyond the Gnlla LI pa,
and the Austro-German advance is like
ly to be extremely costly.
Thus, on their two extreme wings,
the Russians appear to be firm, and
where they are retreating. It is still
claimed, their retirement Is orderly and
accompanied by vigorous rear-guard
operations. The Auatro-Germana who
are advancing in the center are. more
over, getting .deeper into a country cov
ered with forests and streams and bar
ren of railroads between the middle
Vistula and the Bug natural advan
tage to the Russians which military
writers here repeatedly emphasise. They
point out, too, the daily lengthening
chain of the Austro-Uerman communi
cations, which brings an added burden
to the Teutonic allies.
Some sections of the British public
think the time has come for Great
Britain and France to begin a general
offensive in the west and thus force a
transfer of German troops from the
eastern theater, but the more conserva
tive military writers think that the
beat aid England can lend is to pour
Into Russia every ounce ot ammuni
tion that can be spared.
One of the main alms of the German
operations In the East seems to be di
rected to a vast turning movement be
hind Warsaw, embracing Bresl-Litovsk.
one of the strong Russian bases. Civil
Ian residents of Warsaw, according to
Petrograd dispatches, already are leav
ing the city, fearing German occupa
tion. Circulars droipe-d from German
aircraft on the Polish capital predict
the fall ot Warsaw by the end of July.
Russia bas not denied that In the re
cent naval engagement In the Baltic the
Russian warchtpa violated Swedlah ter
ritorial watery and lb .itu.Uoa ia
not -tinlike In circumstances the affair
off the coast of Chile, when British
cruisers sank the Dresden.
The Swedish papers comment on the
episode In mild tone, assuming that an
apology and explanation will be forth
coining. According to Copenhagen ad
vices the greater part or the battle was
fought In Swedish waters, and the crew
of the Ocstgarns lighthouse bad to lie
flat to escape the shrapnel.
The effects of the Italian campaign
against Austria are somewhat obscure,
although an unofficial dispatch says
that sine July 1 the Italians have
gained nearly ten miles to the east
of Carnla and that they are pushing
the Austrians back along the entire
German aviators have been active of
late. They have bombarded a fort near
Harwich. England, and a British de
stroyer flotilla. They have also at
tacked the town of Nancy and the rail
road station at Dombasle.
The concern felt in Italy over the
occupation of Duraxxo. in Albania, by
the Serbians. Is Indicated by the report
that the Italian Minister at Duraxxo is
proceeding to Rome for a conference
with the Italian government.
Another striking feature of the late
war news Is the return of the Germans
to the offensive In Belgium and France.
For many dajg It the French who
were forcing the issue in thst riercely
contested territory to the north of
Arrss: now- the Germans have assumed
the aggressive. Similarly. In the
Argonne the Germans have taken mat
ters In hand and have raptured 255
officers and men. 25 machine guns
snd a large number of mlne-tbrowers.
They have occupied a section of the
forest east of Fey-en Ha ye. after hav
ing stormed the French positions. The
Germans, in their attack north of Arras,
suffered severely, according to the
French War Office, being repulaed at
this point, ae well as In their attempt
lo storm the village of Fey. west of
Heavy bombardments have been In
order In Belgium, along the Meuse and
In the Vofgn.
MlnUlcr at Darazxo .r to Motive,
Following Occupation.
ROME, via Paris. July 4. A dispatch
from the Island of Corfu lo the Cor
riere d Italia says that the Italian Min
ister at l'uraxxo ia reported to have
left for Rome to confer with his gov
! ernment on the situation In Albania.
I'uraixo having been occupied by two
Serbian regiments.
Uuruszo Is an Albanian seaport oa
the Adriatic 51 miles south of Sculsrl.
Vice-President Kcclnlent of More
Than Doifn Death Letters.
ST. IjOVIS. July 4. Thorns R. Mar
shall. Vice-President of the United
States, has been threatened with death
In more than a dozen anonymous letters
which he has received during the last
six weeks. Vlce-rresldent Marshall
maie this statement to newspsper men
here tonight.
Patriotic Celebrations
Widely Planned.
Mass Meeting to Be Held at
Multnomah Fiekl.
Game and Content Will i;eplce
llmcracker IUer lioats and
Railroads Expect to Carry
Thousand, of Picnicker.
Though one may go from limit to
limit of Portland today and never smell
a whiff of powder, except when th
National Guard fires a salute. Inde
pendence dsy will be celebrated within
ihe city with a more neatly universal
observance than ever before.
Since firecrackers and plnwheels are
contraband, every community has put
forth a ipecial effort to make the day
a great one for the younger genera
tion by every olher means that can
be devised to fill up the time-honored
uproar which was forced to give way a
few years back before the march of
the "safe and sane" movement.
Maaa Me-etlag Biggest Fr.lsre.
The biggest celebration of the Amy.
of course, will be the great mass meet
ing whl.h will be held at the Mult
nomah Field at 10 o'clock.
At the same hour, however, more then
a dozen community renters will begin
their local celebrations in the park
and playgrounds throughout the citj.
and the attendance at fhee commu
nity celebrations will Involve practi
cally the entire population of the city
aside from those who have gone en
out-of-town picnics or have joined th
great central gathering at Multnomxh
Cawrvtiea 4e Celebrate.
Churches and Sunday schools have
Joined forces for a great pageant and
celebration at Columbia Park. At Pen
insula rark another all-day celebra
tion will be held, lrvlngton Park and
Irvlngton Club are ready with their
own local celebrations, the latter of
which will -ast all day and close with
an open-air dance In the evening. Ken
ilworth, Lincoln Park. Srllwood. Wash
ington Park slso will have celebra
tions, and so on through practically
the complete catalogue of the commu
nity centers of the city, one may find
everything in readiness for observance
ot the day with patriotic exercises and
athletic events.
The celebration by Portland people
will extend outside the llmlta of the
city into the parks and amusement re
sorts along the river and along all the
railway lines leading out of the city.
Fraternal organizations. National so
cieties, parish members and numberless
others will go by boat and rail today
to celebrate the Fourth with excursions
to the country and patriotic pro
grammes lo the suburban groves.
Beau Are la,
Every boat on the river Is running
a special excursion today and every
cne will carry practically full capacity
ot past-enters- The same is true of
the railroads to the country and the
seashore, on nod of which special
schedules have been arranged for the
accommodation of sicail Individual par
ties, in addition to the special service
for large picnic crowds.
Further yet. the celebration ot Port
land extends clear to the summit of
Mount Hood and Mount Su Helena. If
the day Is clear and one watches the
summit ot Hood at noon today, it is
probable he will catch a glimpse of
the heliograph signals sent from a
party on Its summit to a parly on Su
H lens.
Oatalde Tew as Observe Day.
Or If one desires to attend a cele
bration organized by others than Port
land people, Sandy. Gresham. lUtacada.
Oregon City. Vancouver and many other
cities within easy auto or trolley dis
tance are holding celebrations today.
It Is probable that many of the peo
ple of Portland will go to Vancouver
or other na-arby towns after the prin
cipal celebration of the morning here.
The various celebrations In the play
grounds snd parks are community af
fairs, but the big morning celebration
Is an event for the entire city, and it
Is expected that between 20.000 and
25,000 will assemble In Multnomah
Field to participate In It.
Vcteraaa Wilt March.
The Grand Army. Women's Relief
Corps. Spanish War Veterans. the
Women's Auxiliary and other patriotic
organlxallona will assemble at the
Courthouse this morning at 9 o'clock
and will march at 9:30 up Salmon street
to Multnomah Field. Members of the
varioua National societies which will
take psrt In the programme will either
Join the line or go to the field Indi
vidually, according to their own choice.
Professor Krohn's class of flag girls
snd Professor Boyer's chorus of school
children will gather at the Lincoln
Mich and Ladd schools and march down
West Park street to Join tho Grand
Army line en route for the field.
I On Multnomah Field at 10 o'clock the
' programme will be opened with patrl-
j otic singing snd a salute to the flag,
I followed by the drill by Professor
J Krohn's clas of ;io girls. Governor oa l ags 8, co.uina 3.)