Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 03, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Kappa Alpha Thetas, Still
Gearhart, Enjoy So
cial Pleasures.
Cauipfires oil Beach Bring to Close
Day of Festivity Some Take
Side Trips and Will Return
Before Starting Home.
GRAMS. Every act of kindness ia a de
posit in the bank of Future Hap
piness. The chapter life cannot be gen
uine and unselfish which does
not bear the fruit of genuineness
and unselfishness in the commu
nity life.
Jn Nature Study:
A kitten gets its eyes open in
nine days, but most of us have to
wait longer.
It comes natural to meet kind
ness half way and meanness two
thirds. As to "Vocations:
Many of the great things are
undertaken merely because we
don't realize how much we are
We hear a great deal about
how to manage a husband, but
what some of us would like to
know is how to manage without
a husband.
In Eomestic Science:
No girl should marry until she
can convert a round steak into
a square meal.
The names of most of the new
babies sound as if the mothers
dreamed them.
Nobody knows who the poor
housekeepers are so well as the
grocery boy and the milkman.
The beauty about castles in the
air is that they don't have to be
swept and dusted.
Every good cook feels She
really should have a copyright
on her most successful recipes.
Children are credulous, but no
parent can make them believe
the whipping hurt the parent
worse Extracts from Re
searches of Service Board, in
Theta Daily Kite.
GEARHART. Or., July 2 (Special.)
Delegates to the international conven
tion of the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority
began scattering to their homes today,
although a large number of them are
still here, and otners started today on
side trips to resorts near by, with the
intention of returning before making
their final departure.
Social entertainment was the order
of the day for those of the young wom
en who were yet in Gearhart. A num
ber of luncheons were given, and to
night campnres were in evidence on
the beach, where bevies of young
women disported themselves.
Following Is a. complete list of dele
gates who attended the convention
enumerated under their respective
original chapters:
T'phlrE"11 Jones Brouder. Indianapolis
J.iluan Hayes, Orbie Mason. Mary T Stall
1'rovidi-nce; Rachel Williams.
Tr?etaT??rah .?' ctto. Indianapolis;
Ke en Jeffreys Dorothy Keli? Arrta Knox
Indianapolis; Mrs. Blanche B. Kuby Lula
fcmnh. BIoominR-ton. Ind.
Oamma Lorine Jeffries.
..M,eIt.a.rTBeatrlce Copley. Marguerite Cos
! J, ', Icairo; France Klank. Stella Perel
Riddlf nth. Pullman. Vah.: Lillian
lSla"rTr.r'le A1drlch- Detroit: Bertha Bal
lard. Detroit; Leona Belser. Detroit- Clara
Jones, Laura Norton. Chicago: F.uby Sv
erana. Elizabeth Williams. Chicago
Iota Helen Spauldinir. Mildred Watt.
Kappa Lael Bailey. Inez Cross. Portland
Dodjte. Ontario. Or.: Clara Lynn
Pitch (Mrs. Georare Fitch , Chicago; Haze!
Allison rorde. Alice Morris. Seattle- Ida
lerry. Prences Sawyer. Kansas City Mrs
Janny Thompson. Topeka. Kan.; Ilia Wil
helml. Irma Wilhelmi.
lambda Ruth Bunnell. Oladys Fauley
Tearle Orandy. Ruth Orandy Marv
Loudon. BurlinKton. Ia. ; Helen Perin Helen
Rutter. Nina Grace Shepardson. Mary a
Simpson BurlinKton : Mrs. Jessie Wrleht
AV hitcomb. Topeka.
Mu Isabel- KlinB-nsmlth. Pittsburg; Jennie
Krnst. Seattle; Lillian Ketzer. Mr? Jesaa
II,Kh ,i.,I-eW1' p""burg; Asnes Smith.
Rho Florence Angle, Mrs. Martha K
Kaufman. Lincoln. Xeb. Marien
Pullman Wash.: Dorothy Wallace. l7n7oln
Neb.: Florence Wood.
Sigma Alice Bail. Toronto: Mrs Mabel
Milman Hlncks, Toronto; Mary Millman
onatoBtry MM- LU"'e Vo "untun. tS
Tau Josephine Cooper.. Chicago; Cather
ine i ooper. Mrs. Guy Cox. Omaha; Norma
CuIIen, Leonora Everson, Jessie Parr chl-
nSOUaunZie Gneri"- E Hall. Eva
R. Hall. Chicago; Mrs. Florence Hart.
Evanston II.; Zelda Henson. Gloria Ray
Juliette Rueken. Clara Tatley. Asne. wSod-'
vn. Portland.
Ji rpsllon Blanche Birsell. Twin cities
f rs. r ith Haynes Carpenter. Twin Citie.:
aKh,1' Mrs Ethel Fowler. Twin Villl
ibel Gibson. Katherlne Hart. Portland
Blanche H.gginbotham. Grace Lavayea Lo,
Angeles: Louise Leavitt. Klva Leonard Leonard. Twin Citlea; Elizabeth I.It-z-nberg
Twin Cities: Ruth McDonald. Twin
r. '7l.Mi A"Ce McVa- Portland; Fran
cis Mix. Florence Swanson
, phl enevieve Case. Mrs. A. E. Chand
ler, ban Francisco: Elizabeth Edwards
Katrine Fairclough. Georgianna Gilbert Chi'
cago: Pearl L. Green. Rav HannaV Lo.
Angeles: Agnes Hutchins. Portland- Mar
raret Ixthrop. Boston: Norm Parker Edith
II. Powers. Lo. Angeles; Elizabeth Taff
Mary H. Thomas. Portland. '"Detn Ta"-
cuehiDe EUa ,IOIm. -V,ra Soper. Syra-
nTlr" Hitleu A ". Marion Conover.
c,arke- Erlna Clarke. Josephine
v. -l?:le"i. K"th"- Harper, .Madison w?
f 5? JLTrJ' ra"v Patrick. Anita Pleus
J-u-lle Pritchard. Ethel Rose Taylo '
OmegaMarion Fltzhugh, Sepha' Plschel
Alphi B-ta Amy Baker. Philadelphia
Constaiice Ball. Marion Comlv, Philadelph ia
.Marcia Doan. May K. Flannerv Phllaae!:
pcia: I,abel!e Jenkins. Emllv JoVre Martha
fcpeakman Philadelphia: Elisabeth worth
v. iPVa v?amnL? E"beth Lyons. Helen
Ohio Kendall Overturf Coiunjbu."
BaAtrmoreD",a COlt' Ruth T'".
HoA,'j?iV?.5?s,7:ri',r. Co"D". Providence;
, v M,.tff iiiumnouun?.
Alpha Zeta Mrs. EIsa Wiljiams. New
Alpha Eta Marguerite Dozier Ellen
ruffy. Mary Helkell. Mattle Morgan
7 r5 N2.rJon- L'nda Rhea. Sarah Southhall
Alpha Theta Louise Parraelee
Alpha Iota Maria Bain. Luclle Bl.hon
ivatnenn. Brookes. Helen J. Fuller St.
Iuis; Gladys Geurrer. St. Louis; 'Lori
VlrirniSVhr'8: cnael Metcalfe. Mar?
Alpha Kappa Marguerite Behman, Miriam
Mead. Pearl Van Slrlen. 1
Alpha !.mhda Helen Botsler. Mrs. Marie
Kan-ley. Seattle; Martha Davis, Ixotta Fore
Cl'l"' Li"',a" ?rman. Be.-ie Graham. Spol
Van-: Elizabeth H-nrj-. Margaret Johnson
Spokane; Mrs. H. B. Jones. Seattle; Jessie
If I' .:0,T"tlS Lohman. Bettie B. McDon-
" '"tuc, j c i it? .uercif?r. Meltn Parker
Seattle; Bess Smith. Seattle; Elizabeth
Aipna yi u Efale Brown, St. Txuls:
ingenoerg. Margaret Munford.
Mlnn.e Noe, San Francisco: Louise Morton.
Kansas City; Mary Paxton
Alpha Nu Stella Duncan, Donna Menu
T.'"TyiM"w"- s"MOM Slatern. Arna
Alpha XI Frances Adams. Louisa
r J ' ii , ',' iiary unambers, Bess
own en, palm Cowden. Ruth Fealey. Charlie
renton. I-la Fenton. Portland: Mrrtla
Gram. Portland: Mars-aretre ttoi-.
Beulah Hayes. Helene Hendershott Port
land: Norma Hendricks. Erma Kelthly
tiiith Kink, Jane Knox, Portland: Beatrice
Lucas, Mauiine McAdam, Portland- Eleanor
McClalne. Fielda McClalne. Mrs. Adele Mc
Kwen. Marjorie McQulre, Merle MrKelvey.
Loaise Manning. Ilaud Mastlck. Margaret
Montague. Mllcred oberteeffer, Spokane
Kuth Onthank. J-ortland; Virginia Adell
Peterson, Julia Piatt. Haze! Rader, Mar
guerite P.ankin, Portland: Ruth Kocna,
Kate Schaefer, Ula Sengstake. Portland;
Gn-vieve shaver. Irene Sullian, Gertrude
Taylor. Lori Taylor. Mildred Walte. Kather.
ine Watson, Marjory Williams. Melba Will
lams. Alpha Omlcron Clowrane Gentry. Ethel
Maude Hmlih.
AlpH II Helen Barnes, Margaret Faw
eett. Pullman: Donna Korkner. Selma Ha
sell. Hazel Ladri. Grace Loughln. Annie
Macllraith. La Belle Mahon, Beatrice Oison.
Ethel Kenwick, Olsa terumgarii Kuth Soule,
inis Williams.
Alpha Rho Marjorie Beebe. Florence
Chaney. Vermillion; Leila Cummlng.
Alpha Sigma Grace Baker. Pullman; Mar
garet Brlalawn, Pullman; Llla Bryan, Grace
Coulter. Vern9 Gaddls. Pullman; Sara
Green. Pullman: Opal Green. Melcena La
Follette, lnas Troy, Marie Vestal. Spokane;
Anna Waller. Florence Waller, Gladys
Waller. Pullman. Mary Ward. H or tense
Williams, Portland: Frances Wilmer.
Alpha Tau Hazel Cairns. Cincinnati;
Anna Cellar, us, Mary Ollarius. Alice M.
Donnelly. Cincinnati: Saradelle Emerson,
Sylvia Ewan, Cincinnati; Ruih Hatfield.
Ida Lotspiech, lphigene Molony. Lucie
Ptieiger, Cincinnati; Nina porter. Mabel
T . . . ....a. .... ..........
: -;v-- . it
Melvin G. linstock.
Melvin G. Wlnstock has re
signed as general manager of
the National Theater. Mr. Wln
stock has managed the National
since its opening a year ago, and
for 30 years has resided in Port
land. John S. Beal. vice-president
of the company, has been ap
pointed managing director, and
M. M. Rouse, of Los Angeles, will
be resident general manager.
Mr. Rouse has been with the
Paramount , service and is a motion-picture
man of wide experi
ence and ability.
Mr. Winstock. whose resigna
tion takes . effect Immediately,
will take a vacation at Beaver
Creek. Or. Later Mr. Winstock
will devote his time to producing
motion pictures.
Spellmlre. Dorothy Stevens. Cincinnati.
Alpha 1'psllon Lurene Irish, Kuth Smith,
Frances perry, Marlon Walp.
Alpha Phi Ethel Barkriull, La Relne Hilt
Adele Drouet, Gladys Gibbons, Mabel Slve
wrlght. Alpha Chi Philena Palmer.
Ball Game and Roller Skatlaisj Maratkra
Amoag Features f Day Oae Man
Ia Severely Hurt by Explosion.
BAKER, Or.. July 2. CSpecial.) Under
sunny skies Baker started its two-day
Fourth of July celebration today, and
while the big events are scheduled for
tomorrow, the crowds swarmed into
the city early this morning and con
tinued coming up to tonight. Baker
expects one of the biggest crowds eve
here tomorrow.
Today's programme opened with a
concert at U o'clock by the Baker
Concert Band, which has charge of the
celebration. A crowd that filled Valley
avenue park this afternoon saw Haines
and the Baker Electrics cross bats.
The game was followed by a lisplay of
daylight fireworks in the park and by
a roller skating marathon. Street
sports for the children were also
given. During the fireworks display a'
premacure explosion injured John K.
Penrod so severely that he had to be
taken to St. Elizabeth's Hospital. His
face was burned.
The ball game was wort by Haines
by a score of 6 to 5. Henry Byers won
the roller skating marathon, with
Clarence Grant second, and Lester
Hansen third.
A concert tonight was followed by
dancing on Main street and an exhibi
tion of fireworks.
Tomorrow's feature will be the
Fourth of July parade and lumbermen's
sports, the feature being a woodsawing
contest between three girls from rival
lumber camps.
Washington Veterans in Session.
COLVIIJE. Wash., July 2. (Spe
cial.) The Northeastern Washington
Veterans' Association convened their
annual encampment here yesterday and
will continue in sessison for three days,
concluding their exercises Saturday.
July 3, with a celebration of the day
of Independence. Representative W. E.
Humphrey, of Seattle, was the speaker
tonight. Representative C. C. DM.
who was scheduled to deliver the Inde.
pendence day oration, will not be here,
having gone to San Francisco. R. L.
Campbell, of Spokane, will take Mr.
Dill's place on the platform.
Lebanon to Celebrat.
LEBANON. Or.. July 2. (Special.)
Independence day will be observed
Monday. July 5, when all places of
business will be closed. In the after
noon a game of baseball between two
teams of business men, the East Sidye
against the West Side, will be plaved.
-.. w ...... . . . taiuc i iic it esi Diaeri
won by 11 to 8 and the game Monday
b aitnetj wan interest.
Ix-banon Xew Grain Wins Medal.
LEBANON. Or., July 2. (Special.)
Three years ago John Durham, of this
place, discovered a few stalks of a
new kind of wheat growing on his
place. Each year he has planted the
produce susd this Spring sent a sample
to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. He
has ust won a gold medal and has been
informed that the new grain possesses
excellent qualities as a flour producer
We wish to thank . :r many friends
and neighbors for the kindness and
sympathy shown us during our recent
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their many acts and
words of kindness to us during the
Illness and death of our beloved
father, Frank Seaman.
2C0 Delegates at Northwest
ern Meeting at Seabeck.
Recreation Day Exercises, Tennis
Tourney and Other Events Part
of Programme Conference
Sunday Busy Day.
SEABECK. Wash.. June 30. (Spe
cial.) The Northwestern conference
of the Y. W. C. A. opened at Seabeck.
Wash.. June 23 for a ten days' ses
sion. National, field and city workers,
together with members of the Y. W.
C. A student body from 18 schools and
colleges throughout the Northwest, are
present. A large l'Otel and ten cot
tages shelter the delegates, who num
ber 200.
Saabeck is an ideal conference place.
There are shady nooks with ferns and
flowers and running brooks. Oiant
maple trees form canopies of green
for porches and lawn. The grounds
slope gently to the shores of a quiet
little bay which offers ideal oppor
tunities for boating and swimming.
The daily programme consists of
lectures and study classes. Saturday
was recreation day. and Miss Ann
Baker, of the University of Washing
ton, was in charge of the sports. Dur
ing the afternoon girls in all sorts of
costumes appeared on the green and
led the great procession of delegates
which marched to the playground
singing the National airs. The sisht
was so inspiring a young man stand
ing in the outskirts was heard to say
to his companion. "Vote for women."
Pennant Glrra Winner.
The sports consisted of races of ail
sorts. Including a pie-eating contest.
Prises in the way of appropriate pen
nants were given each of the win
ners. At S o'clock all assembled in the big
canvas tapped dining-room to cele
brate the annual conference banquet
whk-h Is always given in honor of the
National workers who are present. At
the conclusion of the meal Miss Eliza
beth Fox. secretary of student work,
acting as toastmistress, called for
toasts from members of the different
delegations. Not a particle of dry
toast was served on this occasion,
for each toastmaker was an expert In
the art of doing the thing up brown
and serving it with just enough sugar
and spice to make It most acceptable.
The evening hour was spent in the
social hall, where the girls circled
themselves upon the floor in rows be
fore the big hospitable fireplace, giv
ing yells and singing songs to the ac
companiment of their guitars.
During the closing moments of tfie
evening hour, as Miss Anna Rice stood
before the girls telling them the story
of "the most beautiful thing in the
world." the fire light playing upon the
faces of that group of girls, bringing
fresh roses to their cheeks, made a
scene which brought new inspiration
to the hearts of the workers who c-arry
the responsibilities of this great as
sociation and caused them to feel for
a time the real Joy of service.
Snnday llaur Day.
Conference Sunday was a busy day,
with sermons by Dr. W. I Fisher, of
Seattle, and Rev. Lindsay B. Lontrtce,
of Denver, denominational missionary
meetings during the afternoon and a
vesper song service on the veranda of
r ii
ii i.i
The Hazelwood
and Restaurant
MssklBKtea St. mt Teeth.
Best Food Served at
Lowest Possible Cost
Amid Homelike Surroundings
, ftEATI.Mi CAI'ACITl 40
Freight and
and Way Laadlac.
.Leaves Portland daily at 7 A. M. ex
cept .Sunday and .Monday. Hunday es
cu rat on to Caacada Leocka la
Leaves Portland Tueelay. Thursday
and Miardar at S:So A. M.
fiunday Cascad lrka exrnrata
tmrm Lo Tha Ifailrs aad retura i.MI
Mtki reservations for stock aad
rhenee Mala 1. A S11S.
tha greatest health and pleasure
resort on the Pacific Coast. In the
heart of the Olympic Mountains,
open for the eaaon. For full
Information address
The Miiilrr, Sol Dae. Wash.
Falls Chalet
tinea Hotel on Columbia Kir or
Masiiricnt &cnry.
Chicken Dinners a Hicialty.
Lane Danclos Parlor.
( orbelt, Orrgva.
the hotel. Monday evening an inspi
rational missionary meeting was held.
The speakers were Miss Annie M. Rey
nolds, who was the first world's Y. W.
C. A. secretary; Miss Mlchl Kawal, the
present secretary for the national com
mittee of Japan, and Miss Ruth Emer
son, whom the Northwest will send out
this Kail as a secretary to Japan.
Tuesday evening there was a bug
bonfire in the woods, with songs and
storytelling, following which there
were spreads, otherwise known as
"eats." All over the grounds in cot
tages and private rooms little groups
entertained their friends, some havlnj
little private bonfires of their own.
There was a tennis tournament on
Wednesday afternoon, and on Wednes
day evening the whole delegation,
under their different banners, marched
to the auditorium to hear prominent
National officers tell of the great work
the association Is doing.
While the afternoons have been given
over almost entirely for sociability and
recreation, members have attended
faithfully the morning study classes
and the evening services. Bible and
notebook have been the constant com
panions of delegates, old and young.
The National workers who have been
in charge of this conference hnve been
a great inspiration to the Y. W. C. A.
workers of the Northwest, and dele
gates will return to their homes with a
greater vision of the -work and a
greater determination to do the work
which has been committed to them.
S!ilmcnt Itcprenent Part of Output
of Cornucopia Mine.
BAKER. Dr., July 2. (Special.)
Amalgam bars containing gold worth
$51,000, representing a part of the out
put of the Cornucopia mines, have been
shipped out of Baker within the last
three days. Four bars were shipped
today, four yesterday and nine the day
before, each bar having an approxi
mate value of $3000. The bars also
contained sliver and a small percentage
of baser metals. '
The Cornucopia mines struck a new
vein recently that has been yielding
better than ever before In Its history,
and Improved machinery has permitted
it to give a better output than ever.
Early Celebration by Children
Causes Total Loss to House.
BAKER. Or.. July 2. (Special.) An
early Fourth of July celebration by
children of William Pierce at Pleasant
Valley caused the loss by fire of llieli
home. Sparks from the firecrackers
blew under the building unknown to
the little celebrants.
Before it was discovered the blase
had spread under' the entire building
and so rapidly did the tire spread thai
the house was burned to the ground
and only part of the furniture and
some clcothlng were saved. The loss is
estimated at $2500. partially Insured.
The Dalles Prisoner and Companion
Wanted In California.
MARTINEZ. Cat. July 2. (Special.)
It became known today that It- M.
Rees. -who is being held at The Dalles.
Or., on a charge of passing bad checks
In the bay region, eloped with Miss
Nona Clifford, the 17-year?oId daughter
of John Clifford, a Concord rancher,
when he left here.
Clifford has appealed to the Sheriff
here, and Deputy Sheriff Veale, who
has gone after Rees. will bring the girl
ba'-k with him.
Where To
VI M t 1 N I II (Ha I'TBSIS U I II ii 111 U I II II
Hli If Hi Iff H fti 0 Jif I J 0
Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point, or the trip
you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce
them lieLI lTione, 13 roadway 520 or Automatic. A G0D1. Information will rladlv
of interesting points furnished Time Cards, Beach and
man asks the names and addresses of
your party to Summer Resort Dept.,
The Oaks (the Casef lataaial of tat
We Over (0 acres of priceless
rosea In full bloom, with everr form
of entertainment and accommoda
tion for tourists. Orchestral and
band concerts, prima donna, and mu
sical comedy company every after,
noon and niKbt In ine open-air thea
ter Performances all Ire. Admis
sion to park 10 cents. Reached by ax
presa special Oaks trains tfar ft
cents), from First arvd Alder: or by
launch 4 1v cents), from Morrlsoa
street Bridge.
Stage to Mt Hood
Passengers called for and delivered at
their homea.
KiM. sat. and ronrlMus s.rvlre.
Telephone for resartailona lo aUiaoca.
Tabor J7.
Call Fltk and Alder or Traffic
Marshall 5100. A 6131.
P. E. L 4 P. Ca
r..j,. r .. -- "firirasii i
spend your vacation at the tamotia tout
sprinsa t, mila from Leb.oon tn I lia fnot
lillla of the Cascades. Cheap tKaru. frao
camp fround. houoea and tenia fur rent;
s"d ator.a; mln.ral baths: fr. aoaa
water, beautiful aurroundin ks. l-'or In
formation auUraoa a . I. llaaea, aoaa
t Ule. Or.
' y. ' S.; II, aaa aaaaaj
..... , m ' j
:. v: i j
Children s Wash Suits
Half Price
A 11 the Popular Wash Materials
Regularly $1.50, $2. $2.50. $3. $4. $4.50. $5
Now Offered at
A Genuine Cut of One-Half
Oregon Society Organized for
Tuberculosis Prevention.
Association Is Branch of National
League and Dr. P. P. Jacobs,
Executive Secretary, Speaks.
Large IM rectory Chosen.
Organisation of the Oregon Society
for the Prevention of Tuberculosis was
perfected at a meeting at the Library
yesterday and A. 1 Mills, who has
been promlennt in assisting in the pre
liminary organization, was named
The Oregon society is a state branch
of the National body and the organisa
tion yesterday was the result of work
under the auspices of C. M. DeForrcst.
field secretary of the National society.
The meeting was addressed yester
day by Dr. P. P. Jacobs, of New York,
executive secretary of the National
society, who ia out from New York and
stopped over in Portland to attend Iho
The purpose of the organisation Is
to extend educational campaigns, work
for legislation and take other steps
which are regarded as eesentlal in the
stamping out of tuberculosis In the
Other officers with Mr. Mills are:
Vice-president. Leslie Butler, of Hood
River; secretary. Mrs. sll Orr Dun
Mountain. River and Beach Resorts
Take a Short Trip Out
tourists for publication, tnclose your business card
The Oregonian, Portland.
ClOTd Cap la a dollhtful re
treat, (000 feet above sea levari, on
a sheltered spur of the very moun
tain Itself, and la located Just at tha
t-pr edae of timber Una.
The trip to tha Inn usually la made
by rail to Hood River and thence by
lata The round-trip rate. Includ
Ins all travellDC expenses. Is lltfco.
Service bealns July 1 and continues
to September IS.
Klectrlo car line to Bi.rlns. It
miles; automotlle to Welch's. Rho
dodendron and Tawney's. round trip
from I'ortland. f 7.7k. Ha mo aa above
with horse stsae all the way. I4.7&.
Melch'a. Bbodadeadran aad Taw.
aeya are located on lbs south side of
the mountain Automobile from
I'ortland to either resort, round trip,
each I&.
A scenic drive of rare beauty,
huilt alonar tha south shore of the
Columbia Hirer, a distance of mora
than 40 miles from I'ortland. A
aeries of remsrkablo waterfalls,
russrd pesks and deep canyons are
among tha attractions.
Portland Helajhta taaarll Crest
1X90 feet above the rlty. Take
Council Crest car on Washington
street; time. 3 mlnutea each way.
Wonderful view of the city and
snow-cspped mountains.
?C rnllea f finnat x-an brh : mora
than m. doi-n imrtiiin( and aitrac
bctrlt tvwm; many Jul.y j u : pp4
boi-li and taW-Ucnuu, reowrt i.xi
afforUIn heaanful and p.aant re
M(ardarMABOar Far. S3.
M M enl h-" t Ir ht .
la-Kida (moiuUUoa, f IX.
Information Ttckata, Etc.
O.-W. R. & N.
city Tlek.t Offlco.
Whlnilun a( Third.
(Bioaiiair A slJL)
Safety at All Tinea,
Mt. Hood Auto Line
caila and deliver, to any part of
rlty, day or t.iKht. to Mount Hood
resorts. Hound trip, til Uovera
me nt Camp. 17. So.
I'koara. Main S3t. or A WL
In Oliver Tivisl. Russian. Sailor
Blouse and Middy Styles
Second Floor Elevator
bar; treasurer. A. O. Jones, and assist
and secreiery-treasurer. Dr. J. G. Bel
llntcer. Members of the executive com
mittee were named as follows: A. !..
Mills. Mr. Sadie Orr Dunbar. Leslie
Butler, Mrs. Robert L. Dleck. Dr. Ralph
'. Mat son. Dr. E. A. Pierce and Rev.
J. H. Boyd.
From the state at large was named u
general board of 72 directors, which
will co-operate under the executive
committee In the conduct of the state
wide movement. The members of this
board of directors are:
J. H. Arkerman. Monmouth: I R. AMer
man, Portland; Kev. K. V. Avtnn. Salem:
lr. O. . Ilellliicer. ha'em: J. M. Booth.
Hnvebiirs: Ft. A. ltooih. Eusen. Mrs. rv M.
ltiumauer. lortland Itev. J. H. ttd. Port
land; Mrs. Acnea ftralhaw. The Dtl'ri.
l.e!l Buder. Hood Klxer; I". 1 t'amphe:!.
Kueene; Dr. Arihur .'han-e. I'on nn.l. c o.
c'hapmsn. I'ort'and: A. t Cnurrhill. Kalem
I tl. Crka. I'ortUnd: Ir. H. J. Clements.
Salem: lr. I". O. Co-. 11-rd; Mrs. Ko!eit
IMeck. I"rrtland: Mrs. Sal. tie Orr Dunbar.
Portland; Alien Katon. Kuaene: Kev. v. t;.
Knot. Jr.. Portland: Dr. N. H Ellis. A!hn :
Mrs. SVarah A Kvan. lort;and: Miss Mi')
-ltt- --- c-
mn at.i
I . I II i I 1 I I 1 I f n 1 I
' Health. Happiness. Hospitality
HOTEL CEARHART: Noted for Its superior accommodations and cuisine.
CEARHART BEACH: Uruurpaaaed on either coast.
COLF LINKS: New IS-hoie course, the finest on the continent.
TENNIS COURTS, Lawn Bowling. Horseback Rldm. Motorrn.
NATATORIITM: Fully equipped; extra Urte swimming Unk.
AUDITORIUM : For Urge or small gatherings, seating capacity 7 On.
AUTO SPEEDWAY: Hard sand beach 1000 icet wide. IS miles long.
CEARHART has more than 300 beautiful Summer homes.
OCEAN FRONT building sites for sale at low ptlces.
Full Information and rcscrvatioas at
C"rl,art 0r lOOS Fosurtk tt.
NOTK Sorority (lathering Terminates July 2d. Make (.earhart
Reservations at Once. Best of Accommodations for All.
of Portland
Mountain Resort literature.
rarss Waahinaton Park, bead of
Washlnatoo street, with small boo
and aviary. Take any car west on
Waahinaton street excepting nls
teenth; fare a centa. Celebrated
statue. "Comlof of the While at an."
also "8c4jtwv" Excellent view
of tha city.
Eaiaeaaa, Caiasers, Ball Ran eara
leave Ftrat and Alder every four
hours, dally and Sunday, every hour
aa far as Uresham. Uuod paints for
basket picnic
lllllereat Drive A hillside motor
drive of unsurpassed beauty. About
out (tour's drive. Boat time Just St
sunset, but moot beautiful view of
city and mountains at all times.
A Cool Grove on the River
Il MIAV, Jt L .
lao Ta lor-atrrat ! k A M .
I: and 13 IV M H vat a-, p. at
ak C-te. ivlr lalan.t ar.'l ata-C"t-S
I'arls La.t r:(i ia. r.Kn
' tv S : I at. HuukcI trip ic.
I In c. Main .
rffi-rm t o fmtlt- . f1mrH the
ti'A ti.ti a f a I utf ui mgrirr
r , J. KKItS. White
Ope Kim aad Taatt Bafblac Tak
faa iaunrta foot of Mimoa aireel
mmry ha.f-bur. eommtncici 1 o k.
M fare & onca. or brooki) a car lo
Vosdard a a. ; tree iauacttaa coa
nct las
Mt. Hood Resorts
Mount Hd Auto larle Co. I4rt
Meter A Krmn-W'a Mre. ih-aireet entrant-,
danv. t 15 A. M. For part lea.
ir and ras r-rationa Mir k Krnk
l-oninc i;xt a tjt. phona accorn
fT.iaL.on i N-sht pboat 1 atxr
nalW to Mt Hood reaorta S A at.
Hound trip f&. iIot. amp 9 u.
.po-lal rata for veaa ond and r.lmD
Inc partiao. Information, roaervauose
and itrketa at
kotti i-iw.k t rii a n.iiRtt. ca
lS Xd ft. Main tM, A SSI I.
Or Irvtngtoa Oarega, bast 1.
at Fourth
rr.;nr. Portland. Dr. W. T. Poster rrj
Itad: Dr. K. p. C.e.ry. Portland: Vi:iistn
Hanley. Hums. R. A. Harris, ilem; Mr.
Thomas Hnr-man. -ort:nd: A t.
Portland: T. 11. Kay. Sa-em; Vt J. Ken.
Cortal.ia: c. Ii. Lalourrtlr, Oreaon Cm .
Stephen A. Lowell Pendieton: pr. K. A J.
M.-ker.le. Portljn.!; Ir. Mary MaiUsrh sti.
Portland; Mrs. Joliu Manning. Port 'and : I r
l:al;-h M-at-n. Portand. Pr. Kay
Ma-o-i. P-rt.anj. Julius I.. Meier. Portland;
A. I Mills, Portland; 1 r. W. l Mth.
Sa em; K. I- M)rr. La tiianile; Mrs. K. S.
Mei. Portlan.i; Kather O'Hara. Portland.
Mrs. Rrtae aiurn. Kujtene; tr K . A. Pirn-r,
Portland: Ir. K. It. PI, kel, Medfor.l; W ill
iam Pollman. lVaker: K. H. Piper. I'lrtUnd;
Dr. (Imrca Hebe.-. Kucrne; (ieorse P. Ho.1 p -era.
salem: rr. I.. !..-. L'k.nnn. ir H. :.
KaBrile. Nfhaleni; Itivtiop Sumner. Port'and;
V. P Sirnd'or-. Port nd ; Joseph lirhar.
far. Kueena: Dr. Alan Welrh Smith, Pert
land. lr. C J. smith. Portland. C K.
spen.-e. Oreron City. Professor Sweetser.
Kus-ene; I"". Ii. V. Sl-srns. Me.'.ford; t;eorc
M. Troa bridee, Portland; V . I Thompaon.
Pendleton: Ml Marian Tow ne. PSoenl;
W. J. Vamter. Medford: J. M. Wheeler. Port
land: Mr. l'. K. Walker. Forest drove : Pr
H. O. Wll'litnia. Ontario: osaald West. Port
land: Prnfeor K. t: Youre. Kusene.
.at cm 1
be enven. Lit-
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