Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 03, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Regular Dutch Holiday Made
of Game in Which Oaks
Get One Run.
rvmrtli Straight Victory Over Vis
t Itors Puts Sirver Lining on Once
Clouded Sky in Baseball
Firmament Hereabouts.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
XV. I Pet-1 W. I. Pet.
San Fran. 4"
31 .047'los Ansea 4 .511
40 .518 Oakland. . 42 -42
fcait Lake. 4S 41 .Si::; Venice. .. . 40 48 .453
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Portland 9. Oakland 1.
At Los Angeles Salt Lake 3, Los An
geles 1. ,.
At San Francisco San Francisco 5. ves
' tee 0.
"Dutch" Klawltter tried to pitcn
against Portland again yesterday and
Xor the second time this week took his
shower-bath in silence and solitude.
The buoyant Beavers made a regular
German holiday out of it. "With Kahler
pitching airtight ball and holding the
Oaks safe the Beavers riddled the
Dutchman for four innings and then he
quit in favor of Martinonl.
Score, Portland 9. Oakland 1. '
This fourth straight win over the
Oaks, coupled with Salt Lake's victory
over the Angels.-conspired to hoist the
Portland club into second place in the
league standings.
Skr Looks Bright at Top.
Everything looks brighter up near
the top. too. The ventilation and
acoustics are much nicer. The scenery
is more easily seen. And, under the
ordinary run of things, large trucks
ought to be driving up to the box office
to haul away the gate receipts.
Fewer than 2000 paid admissions
were sandwiched in between the
women yesterday, however, and the
fans will have to crawl out of their
holes during the next three days if
Judge McCredie is to grow large ferns
over the sides of his face like all
these money king we see in the public
Kiawitter's rout, of course, was the
bit; feature of the fiery afternoon. The
Teuton twlrler never relaxed for a
moment even when the guns were rat
tling by volleys, but he simply couldn't
get the ball past the home plate. Nine
hits and a boot by Guest netted Port
land six runs during Kiawitter's four
Klailtter Puts I p Dltm Flaar.
"I'm all in. Send somebody ' out
there," said Klawltter as he dragged
his weary legs to the bench after the
fourth inning. Klawitter was gasping
for breath like a fish out of water. He
looked so hot and forlorn that even the
blase bugs in the bleachers sympa
thized with him for once.
Manager Klliott accommodated
"Dutch" by shoving Martinonl against
the foe and "Rowdy" also benched him
self in favor of his young namesake,
i'rank Elliott.
Martinonl yielded five of Portland's
14 hits and three of the nine runs, so
It can be seen that he was no stone
wall in the path of the ravenous
Kahler Hit Nine Times.
Big Kahler was nicked for nine hits
by the Oaks. He twirled what the hig
league writers are wont to call a
"Christy Mathewson" game. In plain
words, he saved himself until there
were men on the bags and then trotted
out his fancy quirks and twists.
"Roxy" Middleton seemed to be act
ing the brother-in-law role. He banged
the ex-Cleveland right-hander for four
hits in four times at bat. The Oaks
scored their lone tally in the sixth in
ning on Gardner's two-bagger, a
scratch infield hit by Frank Elliott and
an infield double play.
There was no hogging of the hits on
the Portland club. Everybody except
Fred Derrick broke in with a contri
bution. Gus Fisher boosted his mark
by grabbing three and Davis, Bates,
Kpeas and Lober hung up two apiece.
Bates proved the chief pinch-hitter of
the day. scoring one in the fourth and
Bending two more home in the sixth
by a two-base swat that knocked a
couple of boards loose near the top of
the right field fence in deep center.
In every department, seemingly, the
Beavers had it over their erstwhile
I Portland-
Jtund'ff.r. 3
Marcan.2. '3
0 6 0 ljBavis.s. .
2 2 2 0
0 12 10
. o nuerncK,! ..
8 0 O'Stumpf.2. .
0 2 O'Bates.3. . .
5 0 O'Hillvard.m
2 1 0 Speas.r. . .
3 0 0 Fisher.c. .".
0 1 i;i.ober,l
0 1 OiKahler.p. .
Johns n.m.
Gardner. 1
truest. s. . .
2 0 I
3 0
0 O
3 0 O
12 0
O U U. -
2 1 01
0 0 01
Totals ..-.:! 9 24 3 Totals. . 37 14 27 11 1
f 'Balled for Martinonl m ninth.
Oakland 0000010001
Hits 01012810 1 O
"its 1 3 3 2 0 2 3 0 14
Runs. Gardner. Davis 2. Derrick Hillvard
ll'V "'i"' ,ober- Kahler. Struck out
b 1 by Klawitter 4, by Martinonl 2l
. Bases on balls, off Kahler 2, of f Klawitter 1
; off Martinonl 1. Two-base hits . I&vmZ Iober
' P.ates: Three-base hits. Speas. Elliott-
' nVX.Vh avU J fumpf to D,rS
Klawltter Stolen baie.'DavC'
Innings pitched, by Klawitter 4'.
hits 0. at hat 91 i . , , v ,
runs 5.
for. Klawitter .1 u ,i-- i w'T-Vl-". ir
?.hre.?i''f'at t Klawltter. Time of gamei
Lmpiresr Williams and Finney.
C. Williams Keeps llits Scattered,
Willie Scoggins Is Pounded.
LOS ANGELES, July 2. C. Williams
kept Los Angeles' hits scattered while
his team-mates pounded Seogrgins out
of the box and Salt Lake won the
first same of the series today. 3 to 1.
J. William?, former Bee pitcher who
succeeded Scoggins, held his former
teammates to three hits. The score-
an UKf Lea Anne!-.
Fhlnn.r. . .
' -'d eon , 2
Earbou r.3
1 1 0 0;M'Mnl'n.2
0 1 5 d Mag'rt.r. ."
2 1 2 0'Wolter.m.
110 0'Koerner.t.
13 1 0 Kills.!
1 12 0 OjTVrry.s. . ..
2 2 8 0 Boles.c
J. 4
4 0
1 1
0 0
1 13
n 1
o S
o l
o 0
0 II
2 0
o o
8 n
Itohrer.c ..
0 1 O MetZBer.3.
2 0 1 OlScojrelna.D
C.WII'mj.p 4
j.I.Wll'nis.p 3 10 1.
IB-ml!'r.r. 1 0 0 0 0
o o
Totals.. 32 10 27 13 0' Tolata..20 3 27 20 0
Ran for Masgert In sixth.
Salt Lake 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 o 0 S
. Hits.. 12 3 2 4 110 ll.i
L Anjeles oooooino 6 1
H"a 1O10O201 0 S
Runs. Shltir.. Zacher, Tennant, BuemlMer
Two-hats hits, Geneon. JUjufrl. Kofrner!
Sacrifice lilts. Tennant. Orr. mhinn. struck
oct. by C. WlIllHins . bv JcoBgirs 1 by J
Williams 1. liases on bills, off c. Williams 3,
off J. A illlamg 3, Hum reiHonslble for
POKgina 3, O, WlMlams 1. Seven hits. 3 runs
14 at bat off ScCKK'.ns in 3 Innings, taken
. out in 4th, 1 on, none out. Charge defeat
to fVoscms. IJou'oie pjays, M-tzt--j- to 11.
snllm u KMr&er. Orr to T-nnajit. iait hy
pitched ball. Barbour. Ttnnlnt by J. will
Lama. Stolen base. Tennanu T!m of (tnt,
1:50. Umpires. Toman and Phyle.
Fitzgerald Knocks First Hall Over
Fence for Home Run.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 2. San Fran
cisco shut out Venice here today. S to 0.
Brown, who started pitching or the
Seals, was taken out with two out In
the third inning, when two passes and
a hit had filled the bases with Vene
tians. Fanning, who replaced him,
held his opponents at his mercy. Fitz
gerald knocked the first ball pitched
over the center-field fence for a home
run. Score:
Venice Pan Francl
B H O A E'r!tlSr-d.r 4
10 10
2 1 U O
uarnsie.l.. 4 u 1 U.Kchalr.l.
Merger.., s o 2 u.llodn.ra....
O o
Fundi. 3.
Mitze.c. ..
Mitchell, p.
Kane.. ..
3 O 0 OOHellman.l
4 1 2 1 o Downs.::. .
3 12 2 0 Jones. 3
3 1 7 0 0 Corhan.s.
3 13 1 1-Block.c. ...
4 O 7 10Brown.p..
3 0 0 0 Fanning. p.
2 11
2 1
2 1
1 2
2 9
0 O
0 1
1 O
2 1
1 O
2 0
1 l
1 O
o e
" " " "i
Totals. SO 4 24 13 1! Totals.. 28122791
'Kane batted for Mitchell In ninth.
Venice u O o 0 0 0 O O 0 0
W 0 O 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4
Sn Francisco 1 1 1 OO 1 o 1 x 3
Hits ..2 2 2 O 0 4 O 2 X 12
Runs. Fltzserald. Schaller. Hellman 2.
Jones. No runs. J hit. 8 at bat off Brown
In 2 2-3 lnninsi, out In third. 3 on. :i out.
Stolen bases. Kane. Schaller, Block 2,
Home run. Fltrgerald. Sacrifice hits.
Bodle 2. Glelchmann. Corhan, Downi. Jonea.
Bases on balls. Mitchell 2. Brown 4. Fwn
nlnar 2. Struck out, Mitchell 5. Brown 2.
Kannlnir 5. Passed ball. Block. Huns re
sponsible Jor. Mitchell 4. Left on bases.
Venice 10. San Francisco A. Credit victory
to Brown. Time of same. 2:00. Umpires,
Held and Guthrie.
Notes of the Bearer-Oak Came.
In other departments besides pitching- tha
Oaks looked none too rood. Roxy Middle
tou made no attempt to head lav1s on at
the plate In the fourth Inning, although a
fairly good throw would have nabbed him.
In the seventh "Russian" Mundorff wa
caught napping by Bill Speaa. who took an
extra base on a single to right field.
Bobby Davts and Gus Fisher pulled a
double steal In the second inning:, and Sec
ond Baseman Marcan assisted in the Jubilee
by tossing the sphere into the dust and
Iavls went all the way from first to third.
Jack Ness was out in uniform, but the
Kingpin batter did not play. Ha will be
back at first today.
Bates and Derrick both negotiated spark
ling fielding plays, and Middleton and Guest
also came through with a couple of nifty
stunts in tne rieming line.
"Rowdy" Elliott obtained a three-base hit
off Kahler. and It had certain freak ele
ments connected with It. Speas tried to
make a star catch of It, but failed to touch
It. Evidently Bill was of the opinion that
the ball lit fool, for he took his time re
trlevlng. and the popular Oak boss landed
on third.
Coveleskle or Keefe will twirl today for
Portland, -opposing Prulett.
' Portland scored Its first run In the Ini
tial Inning. Davis doubled down the third
base line, was bunted to third and scored
on Guest's error. t
Blair's Hitting Feature of Game Won
by .Score of 8 to 4.
BALTIMORE. July 2. The Buffalo
Federals took the opening game of the
series here today from Baltimore. 8 to
4. Blair's hitting was a feature. Score:
K.H.K.I R.H.E.
Buffalo 8 11 2;Baltimore... 4 7 0
Batteries Krapp, Bedlent and Blair;
Quinn, Bender and Jacklltsch.
Newark 7, Brooklyn 3.
NEWARK, N. J.. July 2. The New
ark Federals defeated Brooklyn here
today, 7 to 2. Kaln fell throughout the
game. Score:
R.H.E.! R.I IK.
Brooklyn.... 2 6 3;Newark. . . . . 7 10 0
Batteries Smith and Simon; Falken
berg and Itariden.
Plttsburg-Chlcago came postponed;
No other game scheduled.
Homer in Second Starts Batting That
Results In 13-5 Score.
VANCOUVER. B. C., July 2. With
three men on bases in the second in
ning, Emil Frisk lifted the ball over
the right-field fence and from then on
Seattle made a farce of the game to
day, while the Vancouvers slaughtered
the ball. Bob Brown got into the game
himself and gave I'itcher Thomson
another chance, but when the visitor)
scored four runs on him with only two
down in the eighth he was yanked to
make way for McQuarry. Score:
11. II. E.I R. IT. E.
Seattle 6 10 3Vancouver..l3 16 3
Batteries Mclvor. Guigni and Barth;
Cad man. McQuarry, Thompson. Arlett
and Brottem.
Aberdene 6, Spokane 3.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. July 2. A homo
run by Kippert in the seventh, when
two men were on bases and the score
tied, won today's game for Aberdeen
6 to 3. The clubs play tomorrow at
11 A. M. in order that Spokane may
catch an early train for home. Score:
K. H. E. K, H. E.
Spokane ...3 11 ZlAberdeen ...6 9 3
Batteries Noyes and Brennegan; En
gle and Vance.
Tacoma 17, Victoria 13.
EVERETT, Wash., July 2. Tacoma
defeated Victoria 17 to 7 here today in
a game in which 35 hits were made, 22
of them by Tacoma. Score:
K. H. E. R. H. E.
Tacoma ...17 22 3 Victoria 7 13 2
Batteries Peterson and Stevens;
Williams and Haworth.
M. C. Frohtnaa and Hon ie Jeiei Beaten
After Maklnc Good Start la 3Inlt
nomaa Handicap Affair.
Youth triumphed over "ajre" In the
final doubles match of the annual
Spring handicap tennis tournament of
the Multnomah Club completed yester
day afternoon. Mortimer Brown and
Paul Oownard proved to be better than
M. C. Frohmati and Howie Jonea,
The two school boys started out by
logins the first set 0-6, but lecovered
In time to take the second, 6-1, Attain
Krohman and Jones came to the front
by setting: a pace which resulted In a
S-3 win for them. With a handicap of
one set against, them Brewn and Down
ard exerted themselves and downed
their opponents by the same score as
the previous nine games.
The wear and tear must have been
too much for the lowers for they could
not do a "come back" and Brown a-ad
Downard came out a S-l winner. In all
38 games were required before the out
come of the series was Je termlned.
The tourney was one of the most suc
cessful in the history of the club, ac
cording to A. r. Wakeman, chairman of
the tennis committee. More entries
were received than ever before. One
result is the Interest created for the
coming Oregon State championships
blatol for this month.
That Multnomah Club will brins out
the largest entry list of any similar
organization is being predicted by those
who seem to know.
Coombs Bests Matty in Duel
and Brooklyn Wins. 3-0.
Two. Hits, Sacrifice and Fielders'
Choice Score One and Single,
Then Triple and Single Add
Two More to Tally.
BROOKLYN, July 2. Coombs bested
Mathewson In a pitchers' duel bare to
day, shutting out New York. X to 0,
giving Brooklyn Its third straight cam
from the Giants. Infield hits by Myers
and O'Mara, Daubert's sacrifice and a
fielders' choice gave Brooklyn It run In
the first. Daubert's single. Wheat's
three-bagger and CuUhaw'i hit gave
the locals two more In the eighth. The
New York I Brooklyn
nurns.i... t u i o on Myers, tn 4 1101
Itob'tson.r 4 0 0 0 It.O'Sliru.. 4 14 4 1
Doyle.;... 4 2 3 4 I Iaubert.l. t 111 0 1
Fletcher.s 4 4 4 0 V he t.l .. . 4 1 t
Merkel.t.. lose 1 ifutshaw.x. 4 1 I
!-ot-ert.l.. 4 1 O 4 0 -itengel.r.. 4 0 3 1 0
Murray.m 10 2 0 o t.3. . . . S o 0 1
J Meyer.. c t 0 t 0 10 3 10
Mat'son.p. 2 10 1 0 Coombs.p. 1110
Totals. 11 4 24 13 l) Totals. 7TTlI
New York 0 0 0 O 0 00
Brooklyn 1 o 0 0 0 0 3 3
Runs. H. M vers. Daubert. Wheat. Thra.
base hit. Wheat. Stolen bases. Cutshaw 3.
Robertson. Merkle. Sacrifice hits. Daubert.
Oetz. Double play. Do k? to Fletcher to Mer
kle. Bases on balls, off Coombs 2. Struck
out. by Coombe 2. Mathewson 4. Wild pitch.
Coombs. Passed balls, J. Meyers, Miller. Um
pires, Byron and Kason.
Chicago 2, Pittsburg 1.
CHICAGO. July 2. Chicago bunched
hits today and defeated the Pittsburg
Nationals. 2 to 1. Good's single, a
sacrifice and Saler's Texas Leaguer gave
the locals the winning- run In the ninth
inning. Their other run was made on
singles by Saier and Williams, a sacri
fice and an Infield out.
The visitors' lone run was a gift
which resulted from a base on balls to
Balrd. his stolen base and Zimmerman's
wild throw of Wagner's grounder. The
Pittsburg I Chicago
Carey.l... 4 1 O 0 o!r;ood,r . . . . 4 12 10
Colllns.m. 3 1 2 0 0 Fl.her.s... 8 O 1 40
Halrd.3... 3 O 0
O -Vhulte.l. . 3 0 1 00
OOEim'man.2 4 0 3 43
2 0 Saler.l . . . . 3 2 8 00
2 0 3 1 3 OO
10Phelan.3.. a O 1 0 0
2 O.Kr'an'h'B.e 8 O 8 20
2 o Plerce.p... 3 10 2 1
H'chm&n.r 3 0 2
Wagrier.s. 4 0 2
Vlox.2.... 2 O 2
J'hnston.l 3 1 12
3chang.c. 3 O S
Harmon, p. 3 O O
Totals. 28 320 15 Oj Totala.. 28 8 27 18 3
To out when winning run stored.
Pittsburg O O O 1 e O o O 01
Chicago o o 0 0 1 O 0 0 1 3
Runs. Balrd. Good. Baler. Stolen bases.
Ralrd. Carey. Parnflce hits. Fbelan. John
ston. Klsher. Bases on balls, off Harmon
2. fierce . Struck out. by Pleree 0, Har
mon 4. Umpires, Klem and Koullt.
Cincinnati 0, St. I-oals 2.
CINCINNATI. July 2. Meadows
allowed the Cincinnati Nationals one
hit today and St. Louis won. 2 to 0. ttr
Iuis made Its tallies by three suc
cessive hits and a sacrifice In the
eighth. Groh spiked Betzel In the fifth
and the latter waa forced to retire.
The score:
3. Louis I Cincinnati
Hatler.s.. 4 0 1 4 K I.earh.m . .. 3 0 O 0 0
Humini.2. 3 0 1 1 u Moiiaita.1. 3 O T 20
Bescner.l.. 4 O 0 0 o Itersog.a. .. 4 v 3 ttu
Mliler.l 4 1 V O O Kllllfer 1. . It A 2 11 ft
wiison.r.. 4 2 8 V tiroh.a.. . . 2 1110
Hyatt. m.. 4 1 O 0 O ::arke. . . 8 O 7 1 0
Batzel.3... 2 O O 2 V . ;rlf f it h.r. 2 O
Beck. I I O 3l')lson. 1 a no
Knyder.c. 2 17 lToney.p... 3 o 1 2 0
MeadOKS.p Sua 0 0 Twnmhley 1 II O ll
)wingo.. 1 o u oo
Totals. 31 27 loo Totals.
Hatted for ltch In ninth.
Mollitltx In ninth.
27 1 27 1 2 o
Hatt.d for
St. L-.uis o o o o o o o ; o 2
Cincinnati o o o n o o o o u o
ituns. Wilson. Htatf Two-base hit. (Iroh.
Fac-rlft. e hit. Snvdr. loutle p'.ay. Memos
to Mollwltr. Haass on halls, off U.ldntl
3. off Toney 1. Struck out. by Meadows .
by Toney .6. Wild pitch. Meadows. Um
pires, orth and Wuicr.
Philadelphia-Boston game postponed:
wet grounds.
New York Goes Into Fourth Place
by Winning, 1 to 0.
NEW YORK. July i. New York
went Into fourth place today by de
feating the Washington Americans. 1
to 0. New York scored Its run In the
sixth, when Sweeney walked and was
forced by Pleh. With a double play
In front pf him. No ft fumbled on High.
Peckinpaugh struck out and Malsel's
single filled the bases.' Plpp hit a slow
roller through the Infield and when
Maisel beat NefTs throw to second for
a force play Pleh scored. Score:
Washington New York
a H C) A E
Connolly.r. 3 0 0 0 o Hlgh.m 4 1 4 ng
Koster.3. .. 3 O 1. 1 O 1'erk'np'h.s 3 0 2 3 1
Khanks.l.. 3 O 2 o o Malael.3. . . 3 1 o 2 0
Milan. m... 4 1 O 0O Plpp.l 4 1 7 oo
r.inoiu. .. 3 o lo 0 0;o.k.r 3 n o o
Neff.-' 3 1 1 3 2 Hartzell.l.. 3 o 1 1 t
Henry.c... 3 O 7 0 0 Hoone.2... 3 O SO
McBrlde.s. 3 3 SOSweeney.e. 2 0 10
Hha.p.... 2 0 1 "l-leh.p 3 0 0 O0
Williams O O 0 OO.
Ajers.p O 0 0 OO,
Totals. 2 2 24 12 2, Totala. 2S 3 27 10 1
Batted for Shaw In elirhih.
Washington. ..... llOOAAnAA A a
New York oooooioo x l i
Run. Pleh. Stolen ba.e. Maisel.
plas, Perkinpaugh to Hoone to
Plpp 2:
Hnrtxell to Sweeney. Rases on balls, off
p.eit 4. off Fftis 3. Hits, orr Fhaw 2 in 1
Innings: off Ayres. 1 In 1. Hit by pitcher.
Connolly by Pleh. Struck out. by Pleh S.
by Shaw .1. Passed ball. Henry. Vmpirea.
0'L.ous-hlln and HUdebrand.
Detroit 2, Chicago 1.
DETROIT. July 2. Urban Faber suf
fered his third defeat of the season to
day, when Detroit defeated the Chi
cago White Sox. 2 to 1. He had won
13 games. Dubue gave more hits than
Faber, hut Chicago could not bunch
them. Crawford's home run drive over
the bleachers screen waa a feature.
Chlcaso Detroit
Felsch.m. 4
Weaver.. 4
E Col't.s.2 4
Kournler.l 4
J. Col'ns.r X
Moth.l.... 3
Hi-lnllt..,. 3
Hl'kb'na.3 2
S O llVttt.S
0 13 0
0 S 0 0
10 0 0
12 10
1 O 0 0
111 0 0
n 4 3 n
O O 2 0
2 0 S 0' Kavn'eh.2
2 8 3 1 Cohb.m. .
0 12 0 0 t'rawfd.r.
1 8 0 n Ves. h.l. . .
0 0 0 n Kurna.1 . ..
1X30 llufh.s ,
1OS0 ll.k-r.o...
Faber.p... 'J
n.Ouhuc.p. .
Totals. 20 8 24 14 2
Tot a la. 2H S 27 II 0
t'Mraco ft e 1 .1 l A (l o I
D.trelt. OlOOOOfll 2
Huns, nia.-kburne. "rawforrt., Home
run, Crawford, farrift.-s hits Pat..., Iiu.h
llouble play. Bush to Hums. Its.s on balls!
off LMjbuo 1. rUrutk out, by Faber 1. by
Dubuc 4. V'mplr.a. Wallace and Conaolly.
BOSTON, July I. Philadelphia double-header
postponed i wet grounds.
ST. LOUIS. July 2.
postponed) rain.
Cleveland game
v Walter Johnson Is lather.
WASHINGTON. July 1. Walter
Johnson, premier pitcher of the Amer
ican Baseball League, hurried home
from New York today lo see a baby
born last night. Mrs. Johnson is a
daughter of- Representative E. E. Rob
erts, of Nevada.
If there were only one potato in the a-orld
a careful tultWator. It Is estimated, could
Jfnuw. 4S.ia,u,lpfc.u I.'om. It la IS 2
Sound the cymbals for two
kinds of independence joy !
Rip things right up the back on the Fourth ! Be
cause it's the nation's birthday, and because Prince
Albert tobacco has set free men who yearned for
the joys of jimmy pipe "packing" and real cigarette
makin's and who shied at tortured tongues and
throats ! Bang-away like it's freedom's frolic!
Kick-off the covers early. Let the orators pump
patriotism into your spirit while you puff" P. A..
into your smokeappetitej And keep on puffing
"P. A. forever" because it's the happiest, the truest
tobacco you could wish to jam in a jimmy pipe or
roll into a cigarette! The patented process fixes
that! A.nd removes the bite and parch 1 It'll
be a regular celebration, via
the national joy smoke
Open up a toppy red bag of P. A. (mighty handy for rollers)
or a tidy red tin, like it was a package from home, then youTl
know why men smoke Prince Albert and boom Prince Albert
from one land's end to the other ! Get that independence spirit
on the tobacco question!
So, unlimber your jimmy pipes or makin's papers and fire
away! Because, men. Prince Albert will put new ideas of
tobacco goodness into your system. Just write it down in
your little diary, "Today I started
: (SSCKHP (S3?
xohg euPNiKC pipe ahd
Ml.Rsasd tim, Rrtwrrs Harry Blakos
aa4 Haaj t.oa MaJsj Ktfl far. mt Morta to Kb4 Taeslay.
SHELTON, llr, July 2. (Fpeclal.)
The Fourth of July committee In
charge of the sports to be held In this
city starting Saturday night and end
lng Tuesday evening has completed Its
work, and everything Is ready for the
The sports will start with the boxing
contests to be staged under the aus
pices of the Snelton Athletic Club. The
committee yesterday secured the serv
ices of "Biddy" Bishop, of Tacuma. aa
The six-round contest between Harry
Bishop, of Tacoma. and Sammy Uond,
lightweight champion of the North
west, and the four-round contest be-i
tween Leo Christian and Billy Week,
middleweight champion of the North
west, will be the two main event.
(Juy Bagloy will meet Albert Flsk and
Johnny Storts Is matched with Merle
Dickinson for four-round bouts. The
four are SheHon boys. Jimmy Hunter
and Henry Warthen. two colored boys,
also will meet. The first match will
start at 8:30 o'clock.
Seats for the bouts have been re
served by several women.
In the Toot race, rigging contest,
horse races, baseball games and other
events there will be rash prizes offered.
A large crowd is expected from Olym
pla and other points.
Toledo. Ohio. Man Wins 5 0-Tm r-t
Event for Mallory Trophy.
CEDAR POINT. Or, July 2. The In
dian Shooting Association's annual
tournament . came to an end here to
day. Cedar Point winning over Spirit
Lake. Ia.. for the 11 shoots.
The 60 - target handicap Mallory
trophy event was wen by O. L. Bradley,
amateur, of Toledo, lie shot from the
lC-yard mark and broke 4 8.
Art Killam. St. Louis, professional,
shooting from 23-yard. also broke
48 targets.
C. E. Wlnslow. of Detroit: J. P. Noel,
of Nashville, and J. It. Taylor, of Co
lumbus, tied with 8 targets each in the
100-target Indian handicap.
Athlete Asks S7800 From Company
for Which He lrove Truck.
Forrest C Smltbsnn filed salt yester
day against the Columbia Contract
Company for f 7&00 damaxea for per
sonal Inlurles. ,
The Injuries were atd to have been
received while Hmlthaon was driving
a motor truck for the defendant com
I'tny, His arm and shoulder are al
leged to have keen crushed between
the seat of the truck and a taml bin.
which he alleges waa Improperly con
structed. Hmtthson wss at one time the
world a champion hardier, having won
the title at the Olympiad In England.
Telegraphic Sport Briefs Wash. Entr'e. vera completad
Thur.lav for t'a mara automo
bile rar. at v.e T.t oma rpeelway suntlar
an.l V"n:a. .how lnc .tj .Inters ane to .tart
unla. 11 In the trophy raca.
in the cla..l Molt t amar. t hon. 2.V1 mile., us
Mor.uav. ?'n mll.s. and 1.1 In lb 1 MM.
t Ity ivnturv race. IO mMea. a !.o on Mnn
.lay. AU'nni the entries sr Barney tjl.tfteld.
iiob airjbaa. .atari ciwit, tilvver Uuca-
smoking Prince Albert." This is
time to become pals with P. A. ilV v H 7.' .v-.) . . ' At4
declare yourself for V.'! U kl WkA ami U Vs V 1 V. V.V V''-
happiness! c , l V:: -A .f r,-"": Jv 'i,, .hi
A roc boy Prine ALort in thm ' Jj ---C5 Si1 SsXaXV: a?j ? i V?i- V ' v
toppyrvd b.S. JOc fortKm tidy rW J -fy 'fS. . r'' V; "r! K' ' " '
sem awn. onf (Utf.sW to. S S (7 I I Tr'T V U - V--' v -v V- sH V ITX
and-in that ca, f 'Nl XVUJ-; '' f X -flI.V. . , ' - AT T J
cryttal'gtaa humidor toith
thm tpongamoUtenur top tutt
Asvps thm ro&occ of thm high
point o perfection eurcrys
Win3ton-Slec, V.. C.
stall, fitorft
II 111. KOdi. r-uilca and Hilly
ln1ianai'lls, lad. u Proan. of the
II. ronton t'luu of Chicago, br.-ka the n
tral Association Amateur Athletic rrl,Mi
rrccl for tha one.mlia salm Thvirwday at
Hto.4 Itippl- pool j!.J tha dl.i.nte la
I. M 2 .V Tha : reeorj was i-J:l 2-X
masa b J. li. Handy at rhkaao la ivov.
1 P,.lnt. o. a A. llunllei. of Omaha.
Neb., was high man TaurMai In tha fourth
anl of tha regl.terl aweetlaka of tha
irai-snanting launtltntal. WMch IS being
held her. Tha final t.M cf the Sw.eo-
.take w I I be h.:l tomorrow. Ituntl a
Kur waa 4V1 ont of soo.
Crack Itrookljn I'r-tl llrmatuts 3000
for Sicnlnj: Contract.
NEW YORK. June 2. I.-nny Kauff.
the crack outfielder of the Brooklyn
Federals, upon hearing that he could
not play Willi the tilanls. began a suit
in lie Supreme Court of Brooklyn to
oay fur Iikio against the National Ex
hibition Company (owners of the
Oiantal, which amount he averred was
promised him when he Jumped to the
New York Nationals last April.
Kaurf says that be was to get ISOOO
for signing a three-year contract and
that -he waa not allowed to play, he
avers, doe a not cancel the contract.
The Brook. yn Federals today gave
Pitcher Ijafitte. Catcher Islie Pratt
and Infielder Dave Howard 10-day no
tices of their release.
What the Box Scores Show
About Player You Know.
GLNK KUAPP. ex-Beaver, was forced
out of the box for the Buffalo Fed
erals by Baltimore, but Buffalo won.
8 to 4.
Ham Hyatt. ex-Northwestern Leaguer,
made a run. a hit and six asslt.ts for
the St. Louis Nationals in their game
with Cincinnati, which they won. 2 to 0.
Ivan Olson. ex-Beaver, made five
assists for the Cincinnati Nationals.
Peckinpaogn. ex-Beaver, made two
putouts. three assiats.and an error for
the New York Americans in their game
with Washington, which they won 1
to 0.
Tourney On at St. Louis Toda).
ST. IXL'It$. Mo, July 2. Fifty con
testants are entered for the Central
States' tennis champlonahlp tourna
ment, which begins at the Triple A
Court here Saturday. Many players
from the Middle West will participate.
Governor Dunne Signs Hill
Own Pop I Stolen.
SPRING Fl ELD, 11L. June 21 The
bill fathered by Representative Robert
Fcholea. of 1'eorls. making the theft of
a cot larceny, came to the attention of
Oovernor Dunne at the paycholosi.-al
moment recently. The Governor had
Just been Informed by a heart-wren. -hod
Junior member of his family thst a
tramp who had been fed at the back
door of the executive mansion had
stolen the only Cow. attached to the es
tablishment. Surh an offense Is an outrage." re
marked the Oovernor, affixing bis ap
proval to the bill Immediately after
looking It over.
Ilnd Elephant Exeented.
NUW YORK. June 2T Ounda. the
bad elephant of the New York Zoolocl
ral Park, was put to death. Tried and
found guilty, two ears' Imprisonment
In ilouMo chains had failed to abate
the hnrntrlr'al mania with which ha was
afflicted. A single bullet ended I. la
life. Nine feet and four It.
shoulder height and weighing more
than 000 putinds. Grinds a as the
largest elephant in the I'nlted rttstwa
a rwl the only Indian bull elephant In
the Bronx collection.
KA.ii-'.J '-7 .A
0K M ... tit :K, IK TALK.
( aaaar wale) lw He Dae kern Teaaa .eti
Back Kresa rarlaasi. Isewsilte le
alal Made wy IKkHals,
SAN FltANCIt. July 2. Grorce
Klmcr t""I'el" Howard, fi.r two years
manager of the fan Franrls.-o duo of
the I'aclrlc Coast lo-aicun. probably will
replace -Rowd '" Kiliott. recently In
stalled aa manager of the Oakland
club as successor to T ler fhrietian.
ac.-ordins to baseball writers
Officials of the Oakland club denied
Ihe rumor today.
Baseball fan. however, said the
rumor was quit aa substantial as the
oti which precede.! Christian's removal,
which also was denied until It became
Howard, It la said, has been receiv
ing salary under his three-year con
tract as manager of the teala. paid by
J. Cal Kwlng. former owner of the
eala. Howard has been living on a
ranch at Paso Robies. Cal. Howard. It
Is said, haa been working off super
fluous flesh assimilated durln his
ranch life and vacation.
The rumored change will take place.
It Is said, when the Oaks return from
Portland Wednesday next. Klllott, ac
cording to the rumor. Is slated to con
tinue in his berth as catcher.
John F. Cook, secretary of the Oak
land baseball club, said in a message
received here from Portland that he
"has no Intention of displacing Klllott.
Nevpacr Corrcrpondcnt at Wash
ington Takes Dridr.
WASHINGTON". June 37 William J.
Cochran, the Wat-hington correspondent
of the tL Louis Republican, and Misj
Isabella I". Meagher, of Chicago, stole
a march on their friends here and in
Chicago yesterday, when they went to
the rectory of Si Matthew's Church
and were married by the Rev. Kdwsrd
L. Uuckey. awaststant tc the pastor. Miss
Mesgher arrived In the city yesterday,
making the trip to Washington when
Mr, Cochran found It impossible to
leave his duties here on account of the
International situation.
They intend to go on a honeymoon
trip through New Kngland later In
the season, but at present they will
remain here In a new home already
prepared by the bridegroom in Ward
man Courts.
The original plans of Mr. Cochran
Involved a wrddir.g In Chicago at the
home of the bride. The bridegroom,
finding It lmpoealble to leave the cap
ital at this time, urged bis bride to
come to Washington rather than post
pone the date of the wedding, and she
readily consented.
Steel Corporation tn Build
Works Xiy.r Pittsbnrg.
NEW TORK. June 27 The United
States Steel Corporation will bulM a
new plant near Pittsburgh, probably
at Donora. for the manufacture of sine
atvd byproducts, at -a cost f from
I2.S.00.000 tn 1 1 000.000. according to an
nouncement by Chairman F.lbert H.
Gary. Operations will be started bv
or before January 1 next. Judge Gary
statement. In patt. follows.
"We have for some years been con
sidering Ce building: .f such a plant
In order to suii-ly materiuls for our
own nee. Ve hav.. been buying of other
manufacturers, but aa there has been
i ..v..-..Jv-T . .. v.- j,vvv.. . . s .,,p. Mn-",.
some difficulty, or. at least, delay. Ira
eui') lug vur nerii i a. w a have
readied Ihe torn lution lo r r t m r h! at
lius lime
"Tl-.c tnsrket for tha prodm-ta of Ihe
plant la Israel) In the I'ltt.burg district"
Tosrihrr With Counter I.roilxr,
-Vol Allimrct to I car Vitj.
NKW YtK Jut, ::.-Thf rr1tht1v
U r.unn'U. Ik the Dfom.iii' m-t hlll,
.11 rtmri f I n.l it it in A mericn n
muKtMim if t i 4 a r i rt en.l oon.
A vmU.f iurMaire I rem ll y to A- H.
KTu!i K ttir.rny. rl rr irrp'rlrr of
i Kir iitrrpi, Uohikrn. nnoirrrm
tht Italian covfrnrintil htM r rel
at. f ml'Rtco on all hft.c rx jtrttln
durlnii lJiw wr.
TMi meuim mfa that liorronmlt t
younccr brother J'trmrmn, I l.kriy to
l put In the run. rU.-n alon, tilt
rrrj.I cthrr mrintfrs of tfc. chfcM
f ami .
"lii-l -list do w car'?"' Tim -
othv fa !. proprinor cf a, cr'ir ithi'i
In tnta city, whfn h not thia informa
tion. Th tnff nvrr (rts n-ar my
lunch counter. And Mr. r--j- couiU
not t pir-uidrd to iret excited.
IHploma Ilcnled Trinity Senior Mho
rails In Gymnasium.
HARTFt!:I. Conn, June Be
cause he haa nut been allc to do the
freehman and sophomore ear ele
mentary exercises In ihe ay mnasli-v-..
principally feats on t lie Horizontal
and horse. Thomas llerl.ert lioMnaF,
salutstorian in the senior cIa. and one
of the brlKhtest an.l most popular men
In colieire. may be barred from being
graduatud at Trinity. This will hap
pen unless, at a special meeting, the
faculty rescinds Ihe vote not to confer
a decree on Robinson, despite the
spirited of two profCM-ors.
A petition for Robinson, stcned by
about half the graduating class and
headed by the physical instructor of
the "gym,"" was presented lo President
Court I'phold Title to Lund F.stl
mated to He Worth $700,000.
I.APORT1;. Ind, June Z Mrs. Iru-
cilla Carr, wife of a poor fisherman,
now eaU. has come Into leal posses
sion of 14.0 acres of land adjoining
G.iry. Ind and estimated to be worth
$700,000. as the result of the sfflrtna
tlon by the Indiana Appellate Court it
Ihe Judgment of Jude James 11- Gal.
lajhr In the Ijaporte County Superior
Court in the suit orought by the wottj s n
to secure a clear title to the land,
which she hsd occupied for more tbsn
20 year ana which Cora M B. and
other Philadelphia people were making
an effort to obtain.
Mrs fair claimed ownership by
aquatter's r'ghtw
The streams are low, the
fish are hungry, and we are
ready for them with a fine
assortment of real good
Fishinjr Tackle.
ZlSMomson Su-wwt. OeUtt tina Saa