K VOIi. IV XO. 17,027. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 2JL, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RUSSIAN BATTERY IS SEEN IN ACTION PORTLAND'S MILK FINEST IN WORLD LE01 FRANK'S LIFE IS SPARED 8 ARE DROWNED IN ATLANTIC CITY SURF GUNBOAT BRINGS GOLD TO NORTH KLAMATH PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED Congressional Delega tion Views Work. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS COVETED GOLD MEDAL IS WON AT SAX FRANCISCO. MEXICAX BANDITS AN'D "ASSES SORS' OUTWITTED. V V Guns Craftily Hidden in Sylvan Glade. SOLDIERS GAY IN TRENCHES Music and Dancing Accom pany Luncheon Under Fire. COSSACK IS REVELATION looted Troops Xot Like Type Seen With Buffalo Bill McCormick Describes Hearty Welcome Accorded to Americans. 1, BT ROBERT P MCORMICK. XCopyrlKht. 1913. ly th Chicago Tribune. Publlsttea by an-ansemeuL.; GREAT RUSSIAN HEADQUARTERS, Slay 12. In my diary of April 11 la written the name of a Russian General who grave us a day of days because of fcls friendship for America. Thank heaven, we rose early that day. Our way lay straight west over the road the Germans had marched to at tack "Warsaw and again on the retreat. They came within eight miles of the city and were expecting: to crown a King when the Russian guard arrived ut that is history, not reminiscence. Down this road we came bumping: in the German ruts and wondering whether the aeroplane flying high above would expend a shell upon so small an object as an automobile. It did not, and we arrived at , the head quarters of the commanding General. What is the strange psychplogy that causes the mind depressed by the eight of wounded men to be cheered by the sound of the cannon that wounded them, the popping corks of the wine of death? Sound of Gom Give Cheer. Whatever the explanation, our party brightened as the guns began to sound above the carriage wheels which bore us on the- third stage of our journey. A shell hole blocked the road before the General's door, a chance visitor which had killed a sentry at the rear pne day while the General waa ou the firing line. The General himself was in the gar den, a kindly man who welcomed us with a short speech as representatives ot the great American Nation, in which lie had spent delightful hours and which he delighted to honor. The (division was ours to command. A cavalry drill was arranged, and a revue of infantry. He was about to bombard a German sap. Yea, and if we wanted -to very much we could enter the trenches. But we must be careful. He would never forgive himself if we should be hurt while his guests. Then Interested questions as to the success of the San Francisco Exposition, and. before we knew it we were among a eotnia of Cossack cavalry. Called Botnia from the number apt 100 men. Coiuck "ot Like Show Type. The Cossacks are humpy looking men, with round fur caps and sheep skin coats. They never wash or shave. Also they have more wives than teeth. Yes, I have been to Buffalo Bill's and seen them, too. Apparently Buffalo Bill has got them all. At least I have not seen any of that kind in Russia. The Russians know something about this reputation. When I first came to headquarters the Grand Duke asked me as a pleasantry to pick out the Cos sack officers. This was puzzling, as no one present could come within my pre conceived, opinion of them, least of all the three blonde, close-cropped young men who always smiled so affably at my opinion. When the aoldiexs were dismounted there was nothing to indicate the Cos sack, unless it was that the horses seemed too nervous to drilL But when they mounted and swung: into line! Sons of Castor and Pollux! Nothing but International polo can equal It. They wheeled, and they counter marched, and they charged. They formed a skirmish line on foot, and they leaped back on their mounts. 1 cannot describe it, but' the cinema can cinema, the modern wax corre spondent. Regiment's Lou Already 60O0. This regiment contained 3060 men as we saw it. It had already lost 6000 killed and wounded. I wondered how many of the original number remained. The General greeted his men heartily. "Good morning, boys," said the Gen ' eraL "Good health to your excellency," roared back the regiment. I had already learned that the Gen eral loved bis men. The tone of the men's reply showed that they loved their General. And how they stood at attention! De veloping that cohesion of mind that will hold them together when the next great trial comes. I had a good chance to look them over as we rode up and down the line. I saw that the officers set good examples in bearing to their men. In particular I noticed a red-bearded Captain holding m. great curved sword, and I thought of cl story John McCutcheon brought home from the campaign in Belgium, and grinned right in the review almost. The regiment turned into column and, band leading, passed before the Gen eral. Battery la Well Hlddea. The men marched to their canton- (Concluded on Face Column 2.) Highest Average Score for Ten Ex hibits Is Attained and Other Prizes Come North. EXPOSITION GROUNDS, San, Fran cisco, June 20. (Special.) Portland wins the grand prize, a gold medal, and $100 in gold for the highest average score for ten regular exhibits of milk. This Is the Board of Health prize for which all strove. Portland :-lso wins a gold medal for the largest total number of regular exhibits of milk and cream; the silver and bronze medal for pasteurized milk; the bronze medal for pasteurized cream, J. E. Schultz, of the Wil lamette dairy, being the winner. Damascus Creamery wins a silver medal for pasteurized -milk; the Hygela dairy, a bronze medal; Oregon Agricultural College, a bronze medal for the college class. Portland's high est average is 95.7. Seattle is next with 94.7. Detroit is third with 94.3. Portland's bacteria count la lowest of alL Oregon has more milk medals than all the other states combined. Highest Individual score was made by the Schalk dairy, of Portland, scoring 96.3; the Pacific dairy and Borsch & ICrause score 96 each; the seven next are above 95. The American Association of Medi cal Milk Commissioners, now in ses sion, has accepted Portland's applica tion for membership. Dr. M. B. Marcellus has personally watched over every phase of the con test. GOVERNOR VISITS JAPAN Philippine Executive and Toklo Min isters Promote Friendship. TOKIO, May 22. Governor Francis B. Harrison, of the Philippine Islands, who is visiting Japan, has had confer ences with Count Okuma, the Prime Minister, and Baron Kato. the Minister for Foreign (Affairs. Although the Gov ernor's visits were calls of etiquette, the promotion of the friendly relations between the United States and Japan were discussed lengthily. The develop ment of trade between Japan, the Philippines and the United States was especially dwelt on. The Japanese are constantly em phasizing their desire to create wide business relations with the United States, which they regard as a great practical reason for the tightening of the bonds of friendship. Governor Harrison has Just left for China with Mrs. Harrison, but expects to return here later to rejoin his chil dren, who will spend the Summer at the seashore resort of Kamakura, COLONIALS REACH BRITAIN Wounded Australians From Dar danelles Are Cared For. LONDON, June 8. Several hundred wounded Australian soldiers from the Dardanelles are now In England, and have been quartered in various military hospitals and sanitariums. A commit tee of Australians resident in England has been formed to visit them and pro vide as far as possible for their wants. They all concur in describing the Turk as a first-class fighting man, ex cept where the bayonet is concerned. Although the percentage of wounded in the Dardanelles is heavy, considered in relation to the number of men en gaged, they say this is somewhat miti gated by the unusually large proportion of minor wounds. An explanation of this is that it Is due to the preponder ance of rifle and shrapnel fire, as op posed to the terrible injuries Inflicted by high explosives In Belgium and France. Another ameliorating factor is the dry climate and sterile, non-infectious character of the soil. FOOD EMBARGO TIGHTENS Britain Stops Exports to Allies' Ports Near Enemies. LONDON. June 6. There la a further tightening of the ring by which food supplies are prevented from entering Germany, Austria and Turkey. An order-in-council this week announces that the exportation of certain impor tant foods for man and beast is totally prohibited, while other foods and for age may be exported to France, Russia, Spain and Portugal. Goods that must not be sent to for eign ports in Europe other than France, Russia, Spain and Pfrtugal (Russian Baltic ports and Italy banned, as are also neutral countries such as Holland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark) are onions, potatoes, rye, rye flour, . rye meal, buckwheat, millet, molasses, ar senic and its compounds. WOUNDED WILL HAVE CITY Patriotic Germans Provide Homes for Invalid Officers. BERLIN, June 4. A garden city for invalid officers who have been perma nently Injured in action Is to be built at Moser. a small town near Magde burg. An organization of influential men has bought a picturesque tract of country for this purpose in the Niegrip forest, and villas of varying size and architecture are to be built, care being taken that each villa has an ample yard and a pleasant view. The central organization will turn these houses over to invalid officers and their families at a nominal rental, the undertaking avoiding all profit and having in view only patriotic objects. The Empress and Crown Princess are among the supporters of the plan. - i Sheriff Says Sentence Commuted 'for Time.' MAN TAKEN TO STATE FARM Trip Is Made From Atlanta During Late Hours of Night. HEAVY GUARD GOES, TOO Part or Journey Is by Automobile. Governor Slaton's Action of Clem ency Announced by Sheriff on Arrival at Macon. MACON, Ga.. Jnne 21. Lea M. Frank's death sentence has been com muted to life imprisonment, accord ing to Sheriff Mangum, of Fulton County, who arrived here shortly after 2 o'clock this morning at the head of a strong guard taking Frank to the state prison farm at Milledgeville, Ga., for safekeeping. The prisoner was transferred to an automobile here and the party left for the state farm. Frank was not hand cuffed. Sheriff Admits Actlen. "Has Frank's sentence been com muted?" Sheriff Mangum was asked. "It has," said the Sheriff. The Sheriff stood silent for a mo ment. "It has for the time being at least, added the Sheriff with considerable emphasis. "Are you going to take the prisoner to Milledgeville?" he was asked. "That is where I am bound for," said the Sheriff. Prisoner la Unateady. Frank was seated in the automobile by this time, taking the rear seat in the canopy-covered car. Sheriff Man- gum was in the seat beside him. Frank appeared to be nervous and his gait was unsteady. He was pale and at times had to be steadied by Sheriff Mangum and the deputies. Several persons recognized the pris oner as he left the train. ATLANTA. Ga. June 20. Governor Slaton announced tonight that he would make known tomorrow his decision on Leo M. Frank's petition for commuta tion of his death sentence to life im prisonment. The Governor today worked on his opinion. Frank is sentenced to be hanged Tues day. Frank had been convicted of the mur der of Mary Phagan, a girl employed in a pencil factory In Atlanta of which he was superintendent. He was sen tenced to be hanged Tuesday. Conviction was secured by the prosecution largely through the testi mony of James Conley, a negro, who Is accused by Frank's attorneys of hav ing committed the deed. It was also charged that the Jury and court were Intimidated by fear of public demonstrations. The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 69 degrees; minimum temperature 62 de grees. TODAY'S Fair and warmer; westerly winds. War. Robert R. McCormlclc' describes visit to Rus sian front. Page 1. Italy admits heavy losses, but says Import ant results have been gained. Page 3- Future or Russia hinges on whether mu nitions are ample. Page 2. Moscow damaged $20,000,000 by anti German rioters. Page 4. Mexico. Chief of artillery for Villa leaves him. Page 4. National. Cipher message to Germany sent by head or Federal reserve bank is mystery. Page 2. Members of Hawaiian junketing party begin to suBpect motives of hosts. Page fi. DomMtir, Further details of experience of Medford girl in Lusitania disaster. Page 3. Gunboat brings $$.00,000 gold that Americans succeeded, after thrilling adventures. In getting out of Mexico. Page 1. Portland wins chief milk prize at exposition. Page 1. Daring French -ladybird" arrives from bat tlefield to lecture in United States. Page 3. Sight bathers drown, hundreds narrowly escape heavy surf - at Atlantic City. Page 1. Sports. Pacific Coast League results: Oakland 6-. Portland 6-1; Salt Lake lO, Venice 8; San Francisco 4-4, Angeles 0-S. Page 12. St. Louis Nationals advance to second place. Page 18. Bobby Wallace, St. Louis player, after 0 years, gives up game to be umpire. Page 12. Pacific northwest golf tournament to atart today at Tacoraa. Page 12. City League results: East Side 11. West Side 8; Piedmont 3, Sellwood 0. Page 13. Rowdy Elliott succeeds Tyler Christian as manager of Oaks. Page 13. Pacific Northwest. Gladstone Chautauqua xo be on extensive scale. Page 10. Completion of Klamath project by degrees assured. Page 1. Finance and Industry. American Bankers' Association aelegaies to be entertained lavishly in Seattle. Page a. Railroad earnings declared low and profits shown by paring costs. Page 6. Delegation of 1DO credit men given royal wel come. Page 8. Portland and Vicinity. First band concert of season well attended. Page 16. Cry of needy is insistent. Page 10. One hundred of America's most beautiful girls will spend day in Portland. Page lo. Grace liner Colusa takes on UBO0 tons of wheat In nine hours. Page 13. Professor Hull, in address at Unitarian Church, advocates peace measures. Page 9. Kentucky Klick. Southern Democratic or ganization, adds 52 members. Page 4. Boldness, rather than false modesty, urged on Washington High school graduates by Dr. Luther R. Dyott. Page 11. Feature films hold Interest of large audiences at motion picture theaters. Page . Grant Hadley, 10 years old. who wins cook ing prize, can handle tools, too. Page . Weather report, data and forecast. Page 14. Employers aerve notice of discharge on all their union musicians. Page 16. Liner Northern Pacific's visitors number 15, (mO in day. Page 16. . JuU;e Cleaton, of Jimmilr Ojutt, Incites school teachers and parents to help him outline plan. Page 10. TURKS CHIVALROUS FOES Soldier Under I "ire Dresese Wound of Enemy; Anotlier Gives Food. LONDON. June 20. A Reuter dis patch In the Dardanelles says: "The Turks are fighting most fair ly. In one case a Turk, while under fire, dressed the wounds of one of our men. In another case a Turk left a water bottle with a wounded Aus tralian soldier. "A British soldier - who had been lying wounded for many houra with out food, far from the British trenches. waa supplied with bread by a Turk. Prisoners who have escaped from the Turks all assert that thejr were well treated A PAINFUL DISCOVERY. BigWaves Sweep Bath ers to Death. HEROES DIE HELPING WOMEN 200, Many Children, Are in Peril at One Time. 2 GUARDS RESCUE SCORE Thousands on Board Walk and Ho tel Verandas Are Horrified by Sight as Heaviest Tide of Sum mer Engulfs Merrymakers. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. June 20 (Special.) Lashed and beaten Into help lessness by merciless waves, held pow erless in the grip of an undertow against whicn human might was puny and futile, eight persons met heroic deaths on the beach today, while other heroes, red-shirted beach guards and bathers who took their lives Into their own hands, battled desperately against tremendous odds to save them. Thousands lined the board walk and beach, women wringing their hands and weeping bitterly, as a tragedy heart breaking in its intensity was enacted before their eyes. 200 Persons In PerlL For the space of more than 30 min utes more than 200 lives were placed in direct peril by the pounding surf, herding them Into a deep "slue" run ning seaward from the Strand at Chel sea avenue. Three other persons, one of them a yotng woman, are missing and may have met the same fate. The victims are: Miss Marian Rhoades Creamer, -20, student of Beechwood College, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Creamer, Jenkintown, Pa. Men Die for Women. Charles Mattlack, Philadelphia, who died in a-heroic attempt la- save Miss Creamer. John Lisle. 30 years old, lawyer, Philadelphia, who sacrificed his life in attempt to save a woman. uuttriea ureeo, iisnerman of this city. William Francis Crow, Philadelphia. Frank Brigham, 16, student of the Episcopal Academy, Philadelphia, son of M. L. Brigham. wealthy sportsman. Philip Arnold, Jr., 24, Philadelphia. William McKay, a florist of Phila delphia. Thousands Brave Heavy Tide. In the City Hospital here are Mau rice Steppacher, a Philadelphia nana facturer, who has a cottage at 31 North Iowa avenue; Erwln Craig, of Wilming ton, Del, and Walter Margerum, of this city, a beach ' guard who battled with the waves until he collapsed on the beach. The heaviest tide of the Summer did 'Concluded on Page 2, Column 4.) Year's Cleanup Made Safe by Amer ican Warship; Miners Resist Demand for "Duty'' on Cargo. SAN FRANCISCO. June 20. (Spe cial.) A tale adorned with all the thrills that hold enthralled the readers of adventurous romance was finished today, whenthe receiving clerk at the Selby Smelter at Crockett wrote $600. 000 on a receipt. The receipt was handed across the counter to two bronzed miners from the Manzanillo country, Mexico. Outside the gunboat Yorktown slowly steamed on its course to Mare Island. Dodging raiding bands of Mexican rebels and bandits, the two men ar rived in Manzanillo several weeks ago with 518 bars of dull yellow metal. It represented the cleanup of more than a year's run in the Emperor and Cinco mines, back of Manzanillo. Some of it still glowed dully through clinging earth. Mexican "assessors" had failed to find it in the safest of all hiding places. The two men their Identities are not divulged met with other obsta cles when they arrived at Manzanillo. This was an embargo placed on the exportation of the gold. To remove the embargo the government In power at Manzanillo requested one-fourth of its value. It was assessed at $400,000 by the Mexican authorities, who de manded $100,000 "export duty." By methods the character of which ia xiui to oe learnea, tne gold was taken aboard the Yorktown. . For the first time in history, a United States vessel started up the Pacific Coast with the $600,000 cargo In its hold. OLD FIELD MAKES 111 MILES Autoist Sets Xew American Record on Track at Chicago. CHICAGO. June 20. Barney Oldfleld established a new American automo bile speed record at Speedway Park today when he negotiated 'a lap In 1:04 2-5. an average of 11L5 miles an hour. Oldfield drove a 300-horsepower car of special construction. The mark is said to be within 4 2-5 seconds of the world's record. BERLIN PAYS FOR KILLINGS Indemnity. Paid for Deaths of Five . ,r . . Spaniards at Liege.-"" MADRID, via Paris, June 21. The German government has made a full explanation and has paid an indemnity of 180.000 marks ($45,000) for the lives of five Spaniards who were shot by mistake at Liege last August. The Spanish government has declared the incident closed. Sunday's War Moves WITH headquarters at Pless, In Southeastern Silesia, the German Emperor is said to be personally di rectlng the Austro-German operations in Gallcia against the Russians. The crisis of the Austro-German drive is at hand. Grodek is secure in the possession of General von Mack ensen's men and the Germans and the Austrian corps under Field Marshal von Arz are reported by Berlin to be storming and capturing one after an other the Russian trenches along the entire front before Lemberg, extending from Rawa Ruska, in the north, to Janow, which lies only 11 miles from the Galician capital. This front is 24 miles in extent and the fighting here has been of the most stubborn character. To the south, be tween Grodek and the Dniester marshes, the Russians also are being hard pressed. Although the Russian w'ar Office has had little to say of late regarding the Galician campaign. Unofficial reports from Petrograd declare that the rapid retirement of the Russian forces has been accomplished without any de moralization whatsoever and intimate that the Russian lines have been straightened and put in a state of pre paredness to meet the further advance of the vast forces which are being flung against them. Both French and British in the west ern war zone are on the offensive and heavy artillery engagements, with nu merous infantry attacks, have been in progress continuously in the region of La Bassee. Arras, in Lorraine and in the Vosges. As usual, the French and Ger man war offices are at variance as to the results attained. As an Instance. Paris says that In the sector to the north of Arras the French, in an attack, advanced about two-thirds of a mile, while Berlin asserts that the French at this point were repulsed "with sanguinary losses." There is fighting along the Austro- Italian frontier in Serbia, on the Gallipoli Peninsula and in the Caucasus. Rome asserts that numerous Austrian positions along the Isonzo have been taken by assault. Unofficial advices are to the effect that the Serbians have occupied Durazzo. Albania. The Turks in the vicinity of Avl Burnu are declared to be constantly on the offensive. A correspondent with the Turkish forces says that with the British fleet unable to assist In the land operations because of the sub marine menace, the British hold on Avi Burnu apparently is not as secure c it was. From Tiflis comes advices that the Turks have replaced their army corps which was captured by the Russians at Sari Kamysh. restored their supplies of ammunition and are concentrating to give further battle to the Russians. LARGE GRANT NOT PROBABLE Commitee. Voices Approval After Investigation. $2,000,000 MORE NEEDED Representative Mondell Blames Sec retary Lane for Scarcity of Funds and Declares In Fa vor of Issuing Bonds. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., June 20. (Special.) While no more reclamation projects may be expected to be initiated in Oregon or elsewhere in the United States in the immediate future, it may be written down as a fact that the Klamath Falls project of 250.000 acres will ultimately be completed as a re sult of the visit here today of 12 mem bers of the appropriations committee of the 64 th Congress. More than $2,000,000 has been In vested In the Klamath district, and for the first time the men who grant the appropriations appeared to find out what had been done with the money. They found the project a complicated combination of irrigation and drainage problems, but expressed faith in '.he country and the ability of the far-'jers to repay the money to the Government Project Considered Saccean. Owing to a depleted treasury and the steady falling off of revenues from the sales of public lands in the land states of the West, It may be that the Klamath project will proceed slowly toward com pletion, but i is now ranked among those where success has been attained in carrying out plans originally laid down. The visit of the committee, headed by Representative Fitagctald, of New York, was made necessary py reason of the t transfer of the control of reclamation funds from the Secretary of the Inte rior to Congress. The Secretary for merly decided what reclamation proj ects were advisable to construct and placed the money available for the use of the engineers in charge. The last Congressional session adopted an amendment requiring that all appro priations for reclamations be made by the appropriations committee of the House, where all other appropriations originate. Eniertslnment Rale Obeyed. The committee reached Klamath Falls this morning aboard a pair of special cars, with John M. Scott, gen eral passenger agent- of the Southern Pacific, in charge. There was no cere monious welcome, the committee hav ing sent on word that it was purely a business trip, and that brass bands and banquets simply disarranged their schedule and their dispositions. Abel Ady, president of the Water Users' Association, boarded the train and emerged with the news that Chair man Fitzgerald would not be of the party as he was suffering from a wrenched tendon in his back. Panoramic View Obtained. Seven automobiles carried the other members of the delegation over roads from which the lands under irrigation, in need of drainage and the higher mesas to which water is hoped to be taken by enlargements of the system. could be viewed. It was in most part a panorama of alfalfa and grain fields where thousands of head of livestock grazed. Flashing in all directions ran silver streams of water. In ditches, that gave evidence of having been con tracted to serve for the next hundred years. At noon luncheon was served under the big trees at the home of J. Frank Adams, then investigation was con tinued south into Modoc County, Cali fornia, and the home of Will Dalton, where 5000 cattle dotted the alfalfa fields. Turning here, the border of Tule Lake was skirted, where for two - miles the water has receded as a re sult of the damming of Lost River and turning its waters into Klamath River. Tillable Area Increased. Tule Lake adds 94,000 acres to the tillable area of the project through evaporation. Thence the party re turned on the west side to the City of Klamath Falls, and up to the great head gate which controls the irrigation outflow from Upper - Klamath Lake, a body of water 45 miles long and 15 miles wide. The head gate, mile of tunnel and main canal through which the bij: irri gation system begins have a capacity of 1500 feet of water a second, suffi cient to irrigate 150,000 acres of land. Four hundred feet of water a second are being used for the irrigation of 40.000 acres of farm lands. It is this difference between capar" - -nd actual application which gives Klamath Falls hopes of procuring sufficient money from Congres to bring in the remain ing 110,000 acres, which, added to the land that -will come in through, evapo ration at Tule Lake, makes the total 250,000 acres. 92,000,000 More Desired. In the construction of this project it was estimated that $4,000,000 would be required. More than $2,000,000 has been invested and only 40.000 acres watered and drained, but it is conceded (Concluded ou Fase 3, Coiuain 2.). ( 4