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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1915)
THE TUORNTXG OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915. 15 K Y WANTED TO BEST. Bourns With board. V ANTED Board arid room in private family by middle-aged man; ctate loca tion and price by week and month. fefr3, Oregonian. rOB KENT. urulsbed l&oouia. HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison Sts. Transient and permanent Gaesta, A centrally lucateU. note witn every modera convenience; rouaia single or en suite, with and without private bath; in o a est prices, with special rate by the month to permanent guesis. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, b.; een Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. Ke- JipectaLlt and. strictly modern. Rates r per day, 94 per week.. With private bat a 9l.5o per day, per week. HOTEL CONKADINE 30th et., at oak, now opened; a good, quiet place right cowntowu; strictly mod ern, fireproof bids- with elevator, large lobby ; Touina 3 per week and up, witn private batn $Q per week. HOTEL. BLACKSTONK, Corner 11th and Star, 46 week and up; elevator, hot and cold aier, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no ex tra, charge for two in a room; room and bath $1 cay; transient solicited. " HOTEL. BL'CKlNGHAil, 20th and Washington sis., new fireproof brick, elegantly located, all outside, clean, weil-furni dr.ed rooms, strictly modern-; ?'J.C0 week up; 5bc day up. men. may consult without charge register of furuished rooms at Y. M.. C A., listing several hunUrcil in all parts of tlie city, also these Ju the Association build ing. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison sc. at loth Central location; REULCKD KATi-S, Sue per day up; week ly, $:.5o up; neat rooxns, running; water, iree phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 75 "Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room; rooms without bath, $10 tip; with bath, $15 up. WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming expenses; fireproof building, shower baths, Individual beds. Call or address y. M. C. A. business office. liOTEL TRKVKa. Northwest corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms. weekly and up. Large- ground-floor lobby. A. QUIET PLACE FOR O.LIET PEOPLE". HOTEL CLIFFORD. Ea3t Morrison fit-, near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort. $3 per week up. STANDISH HOTE L, - 648 H WASHINGTON ST., OPP. 18TH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms. free phones, batfa; 'Z week, S month and up. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $lu monthly, $2U up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 223. HOTEL MLNOOK.. Sill Va 4TH ST., CORNER OP SALMON; NEvV MANAGEMENT. MODERN CONVENIENCES; liA'Iiwl Sue A DAY UP; $10 A MONTH UP. ETHELTON HOTiik loSVi 1HH ST. Modem; special reductions on all rooms; $2 per week and up. Marshall 790. HOTEL BAKER. 23 5th.. Opp. City Hail Modern, $Z-0O a week and up; tran sients, HOTEL CORDOVA, 209 11th St. Strictly modem; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 147J. A MAXWELL HALL, 0. 14th st.; in business district ; strictly modern ; use of parlor; a real home; $2 up. Main 1153. JilCELY furnished outside room, $tj per mo. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Aider Modern out side rooms, $2 per week up. HOTEL GRANT, 401 V Washington. Modern, clean rooms, all conveniences. $3 and up. TOU transients, get your peepers focused on this. -yii Morrison, cor. 6th. Furnished Rooms i'j Private k a m i ly . J)LR furnisnea rooms, nrst rioor, large lot, many flowers, trees, paved street; Jtose City Park carline, gas, electric lights; $15, includes water and telephone. Mrs. Velle, 1 1 4 sandy boulevard. TWO pleasant single rooms, to gentlemen only, on loth, bet, Morrison and Yamhill; rent $z.oU ana per week, inquire Morrison st. A PLEASANT, airy room in wiiiuw's home, reasonable and desirable; all home com forts; modem and fine location. East ti2ui OK KENT .Nicely zurmsiied xront room. upstairs. suitaDie for two ; private family liome privileges. Phone East 71iM. MCKLV furnished room In strictly modern apt. The Dezendorf. 208 10th St.. near Taylor st. Mar. 231' 4. 1R V1NGTON One or two furnished front bedrooms, meats optional, bedrooms, meals optional, very reasonable. 411 E. 11th North. East 6171, C 3164. 4 SLEEPING-PORCH, also front room; good location; modern. 745 Hoyt st. Mar. .63. MC'ELY furnished front rooms, walking dis tance, board optional. Phone Mar. ol&S. NICELY furnished large front room; every thlng modern; close in. Marshall 2536. LARGE neatly f urnished also room $-1 month. ; room, $u month ; 1 3lth st. CLEAN ROOM, bath, phone, desirable lo cation. very quiet. 266 12th. SLEEPING room, also nice sleeping tent. 474 Alder, corner 14th. L i5 WEEK Attractive room; first floor. 6 12th st. Rooms With Board. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. A charming family and transient hotel ef the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate taoies; extremely reasonable rates; wort n investigating. Main 75i4, A 7933. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern. FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan; on carline; 10 minutes from business center1; price lm accord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive Fates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9233. A 6tS2&. ALEXANDER COURT, 63 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Fuites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 6211. Main 4 till. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 6th St., has a fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a nome; reasoname rates. LARGE rooms for family or young with board. Suo Jefferson. men. THE STRYKER 554 Couch, choice modern rooms, excellent table board. Reasonable. Rooms With Hoard in Private" Family." iFLEASANT. nicely furnished room with best of meals, for 2 refined young ladies or young men, in thoroughly nice piace, "With all conveniences and nome privileges: West Side, easy walking distance; $22.aU muiiiu. aiarnaii WIDOW living in apartment would like to two gentlemen to room and board ; lio uiub: Dt'aruers; room is tareu and airv larpe clothes closet, bath adjoining, phone TWO very desirabie front rooms, nicely fur nished, best of board, pleasant surround ings, walking distance; see these rooms, it win interest you; very reasonable. Main o.8U. AT R ACTIVE home for business people. large, oeautiruiiy furnished rooms, plenty of nut water, 2 meats, ciose in. Main 7265. COUPLE, with comfortable home will board young child, one desiring permanent home preierred; will give best of care, do child's sewing ; $io montn. iauor tiooa. ATTRACTIVE large rooms In nice home; twin dcqs, running water, good board. every convenience, $ up; L min. walk to i'. kj. am iiarnson, near I4tn. Main 6 3 si. WIDOW would like to take 2 men to board ajid room fn private home at 2U a month each: prefer midde-a.ed men. OlHh St., on Hawthorne line. Marshall olfji. ALL the pleasures of country life, includ ing home cooking, combined with city conveniences, oijo jo ejoy .'i. Aiar, o l o l LARGE, w ell furnished room on first floor, for - young men ; modciji conveniences. Main 6720, 203 loth. XA NDY room and board for one or two, only young people in family, walking dis tance. Ma;a 772o. BOARD and room In private family; all modern conveniences. 1521 Knowles ave. ooulawn 2 !. ENTIRE lower floor. 4 furnished H. K. rms. $12.5o; yard, newly papered. 412 Van couver. WANTED Children to care for from rella ble parties, age from 'i to 5. Tabor 10 lo. ROOM and board, $2r per month; Irvington uiairiti. r none c ii t 010. FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 4u w. parii. FURNISHED room with board, private fam ily- -'ia st. HOOM, board, with sieepine porch, two gentlemen. o , p Laaa av e. East 2333. FOR business girls or students, 14 week up Aura licwia nan, oiu r lanaers st. GOOD board, pleasant room, easy walking distance, natn weeK. sm i 4 2-io. ROOM, with board: modern, walking dis tance. 11. r tan a era. aiain ia . PLEASANT room with board, very reason' able; piano. Main 3 J LA, 3ol lOth st I OK REM. Booms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board, walking distance, moa- ern. Main wit'j. lutii st. Furnished Apartments. THE1 CROMWELIv 5th and Columbia sts. 5 mln. walk to Meier & Frank store; nice surroundings; just the thing for Summer; strictly modern 2 and 3 - room furnished apts., all outside, with French uoors and balconies. Day. Week. Month. Rates reasonable. Marshall 0198. THE WHEELDOX ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel), ' Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS, Rates day, weeK, month, year. VILLA ST. CLARA, l-ta and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Rdof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE ALTAMONT, Fifth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments very cheap. Aalso bachelor apart menu. Heat, water, phone and janitor service Included. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Par it and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2, 3 and 4 -room suites; best location in city; reasonable O .VLT $18 to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping two-room apts.. including electric lights, heat, bot water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg;., la minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4152. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S5 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. WASHINGTON-GRAND 2-room furnished apts., $12 per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern. heat, liiiht. bath furnished. Grand ave! and E. Washington st. Phono East 4441. MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Mont gomery sts.; strictly modern, all .outside, lurmshed 2-room apts.; electric elevator, best service, close in; $la to $2o; free lights. Main 1406. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private batns, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 room apts.; 10 miu. from business center; save carlare; rates moderate; references. BONNIE BRAE. One upper apartment, newly and com pletely furnished, 3 rooms, dressing-room and bath, closets, flower boxes, heat and phone. Irving ton district. 11th Hancock. ELK APAKTMENTS. E- 34TH AND BELMONT STS. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS., NICELY FUR NISHED, $17 AND UP. TABOR 546. BEAUTIFULLY .furnished G-room apt., sleeping porch. West Side, select district, for rent July and August only, everything complete; party must be responsiuie; rent reasonaole. Call Mar. 1321. HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison; fur. nished apartments, $1G a mouth and up; no charge for cooking gas and electric lights. ELEGANTLY furnished apt., bleeping porch, to be sublet to desirable pur ties. The Ste1 w yn, corner St. Clair and Washing ton. BL'SHMARK, 665 Washington, completely furnished 1 and 2-room apts., free gas, electric light, walking distance; modern; reasonable. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20tn and Ella sts.; fur nished 3-room apts.. with or without sleep ing porch ; modern. MADISON PARK APTS., Park St. at Madison. Mcdern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments . close in; by week or month. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Ciay. Two rooms, light, pleasant and well fur nished; walking distance; $2O.0U to $2i. uO. Main 8757. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. ? and 3-room apartments, furnished; first-class; reasonable rate. Main 73 J 7. WELL-FURNISHED, best-arranged 4-room apt. for rent in Portland ; elevated site, southern exposure; separate entrance; se lect neighborhood. Main Zo06t A 3149. H ADDON HALL. 11th st., corner Hall. Elegantly fur nished apartment; private puone, bath and balcony porches; $18 and up. HISLOP HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw- tnorte: - ana s-room a dis. private baths and phone; also single rooms well fur- nishea ; siz.u up. rnone r,ast BERKELEY APTS. 30 Trinity Place; 2 and 3-room apts.; light and pleasant; balconies; central; $17.50 to $30.00. Mar shall 1950. GRANDESTA. East Stark and Grand ave. .Nicest lurnisneu tnree-room apts.; private phone and bath, walking distance; prices moderate. Phone East 2j8. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. $20 month up; modern 3 and 4-room apartments; completely furnished. lav North 23d, corner Kearney. Marshall 2:i4o 3-ROOM apartment, ail outside rooms, pri vate batn, pacuic pnones, n up. labor 6065, B 1035. ROSELYN apartments. modern 2 - room apartments completely lurmshed. 110 North 21st. Marshall 4141 and 4140. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th st. By the day, wee a or montn, mouern, close to p. O. Reasonable; ref. Marshall 2052. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apart in-an is; lowest rate In city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th at., near Taylor; Marshall 2324; 3, 4 and 5-room furnisned and unfur. apts. NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones. lights, linen, gas, not water always ; J to $5.50 week. 170H 2d, nr. Mor., 4th floor. DRICKSTON, 448 11th; modern 2 and 3- roora apts.; excellent service, walking dis tance. Marshall 5t. A 5408. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett Two room, n-ewiy iurnisneu; hardwood floors, walking distance ;' $22.50. Ma.n 1245. NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. BIRMINGHAM. S9'J 12th SU 2 and 3 rooms. Main 4289, Mar. 4S4. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 286 11th. Modern furnished two-room apartments; $22.50 up; close in. Main 22&t. 549 Taylor St., near 17th. Finely furnished 4- room apartment ; piano ; rent $. NEW furnished apartments; concrete block, $10 and $12. 1144-, Union ave. N. PAGE apartments, E. 8th and E. Burnside. East 3ofrt. uesirapie J rooms, furnished. HERMEXIA 400 Hall st., cornerlOth, mod tin 2-room apt., very reasonable. JACKSON APTS., Union ave. and E. Davis; completely furnished; $15 to $25. E. 2846. CAMAR. 704 Love joy Modern brick build ing; 2. s-room apts.. n to tdu. juar. .uif. Unfurnished Apartments. 705 D AVI S ST. Head of King St. Most modern and fashionable apartment-house in Portland. Absolutely fire proof. Three to 7-room unfurnished apart ments. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanaers 5 and S rooms, large and homelike ; more service and conveni ences? for the price than you will find in the city. Phone Main 7516, A 2676. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches ; high -class tenants who appreciate service ; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3360 or A 2676. KEEl.F.R APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room. wide halts, private vestibule, phone and bath ; brick building, elevator; references. Mtfr. Mar. 5735; Jan. Mar. 5753. THE BRUCE APTS 266N. 25th. 6 large rooms, front veranda, hardwood floors, steam heat, bath, phones, janitor service ; beautifully located. Maiu 40Uo. A 317'J. 6-KOOM apartment, all outside rooms, large sleeping porcn, also large back porch. Maryland Apartments, iA6 Flanders. Main 8251. 6-ROOM apt., unfurnished; 3 bedrooms, all sunny, outside rooms, two porches, refer ences. 7S0 Irving su Mar. 1758. STEVENS APT.. 6 large outside room, front and back private porches, heat, hot water and phone. 791 Northrup, near 2 4th. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service. Private phone. Ref. RENT BARGAINS. 2. 4 rooms, hardwood floors, porches, walking distance Portnomah, 2O0 E. 13tn. TH E ORMONDE One five-room apt.. Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 6201. Furnished or I'nf urni-tied Apartments. UP TO DATE, walking distance, furnished and unfurnished sleeping porch; free phone. E- 3737, M. 715i. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., .very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Slain 7134. 4 AND 5-room apts., with sleeping porches. l-5 E. 15th, near Yamhill st. REX A P MS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and 3 rooms; Summer rates; modern service. KING-DAVIS APTS., 64 Kipg st. 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms, furnished, or not . 1-ilh. and Yamhill,, FOB KENT. Furnished or L'nf tynirdicd Apartments. MORGAN. FL1EDXER & BOYCE, blo-bl Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apart menu in all parts of the city ; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service lu visiting any of our apartments. Main 2ul 5. A 201 5. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In IT, 3 and 4 rooms, lour-story brick; elec tric automatic: elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2361. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretia su, bet. Washington and Everett ts. Most beautifully located high-class apts., 2, 3, 4 and 0 rooms, ail mockrn con veniences, first-class service; prices rea sonable. Ref. retj. Mgr., Marshall 151$, HIGHLAND COURT- APTS., 22D AND G LIS AN. Largest, jnost homelike, high-class apts. In city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 324U. WASHINGTON APARTMENTS, US'J North rup st., G-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, with all modern conveniences, gas, electric light, etc Take W car to 21st a iid Northrup. Phone Main 4376, A 1132. KINGSBURY. 186 Vista aw., off Washington st. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or furnished ; high-class neighborhood; best of service; reasonable. THE ROYAL ARMS 19th and" Lovejoy Die newest and most up-to-date apts. In Portland; hardwood floors, balconies, etc.: all rents moderate; 1 2-room, a 17. SO ; 1 3-room, $30. Marshall 91L BUEXA VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment -house on Pacific Coast; beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance references. M. 1091, M. Iu5.i. v westoniaTapts. New 2 and 3-room furnished and un furnished. 665 Glisan st. Phone Main 5344 or A 5626. SHEFFIELD Apartments, 270 Broadway 6 blocks to business center; best location in Portland ; furnished and unfurnished ; ail rents reduced. Main 2506, A 3149. Gl-ACE APARTMENT, 24th and Northrup: 5 large unfurnished rooms; sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; one 3-room furnished apartment. Marshall 1079. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOL'SS OF 'TONE. ' 4L-o7 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL UOL ROSEN FELD APTS., 14th nd East Stark Brick bldg., and strictly modern;. 3 and 4 -room apts., largo"" rooms, nrlvate- phones in each apt.; reasonable rerft; references. Flats. . WEST SIDE 6 -room lower flat; furnace with hot-water coi, fireplace, tubs, faces soJlh; 25 Kearney; $25. Pho&e C 3u02, mornings or evenings. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable location. Og'len. 107 Shaver. Wood lawn 202. MODERN 6-room flat in Irvington, 2-fam-Jly building, very cheap. Phone Broad way 2333. LOWER 5-room flat, furnace, fireplace, porch. 8 IS, with water. Phone E. . 3--4T. STRICTLY modern 9 -room upper flat. 427 Clay it Phone East 8. FOR RENT 5-room modern fiat, lIsTTlH E. 8th, cor. Burnside. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 678. 3-ROOM modern flats, furnished or unfur nished, reasonable rent. Woodlawn 167. MODERN lower flat very reasonable. in quire 525 Everett St.. West Side. MODERN 4 and"; rooms, near City Park; reasonable. M. A '2lS7i. TWO 4-room flats, corner lot. In good con dition. Sunnyside, $10. Phone Tabor Jbll. MODERN 5 or 6-room steam-heated flat, walking distance. 307 11th St.. MODERN (i-room riat ; also b-room house Inquire 175 lGth st. Furnished Flats. FOR. RENT Modern 6-room upper flat completely furnished, large airy rooms, flat is very conveniently arranged, wash trays in kitchen, water and garbage serv ice free; rent $20 per month, bedding and dishes included. Main 1511. 182 Glbhs. 2-ROOM furnished flat, private plaoe. porch and sleeping porch, electricity, phone and water; walking distance. Call from 1 to 5. 307 Vancouver ave. CHOICE 5-room lower corner flat, freshly tinted, corner East 14th and MadiSon; $2t. Phone East 7O00. CLEAN, well-furnished 5-room f lat ; excel lent neighborhood, walking distance with two car lilies, $18. 712 E. Taylor. East 5260. MODERN 5-room steam-heated flat, walk Jngdistance. 307 11th. Marshall 4553. House keeping; Rooms. $1 TO $2.50 week, clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; gas, free heat, laundry, bath, yard. East 6u39. 4v6 Vancouver, 20 3 Stanton. U" car. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 roomiTt " 244 K.iilingsworth ave.; low rent. Phone Woodlawn 6H0. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor, Morrison. GILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week up. 461 EAST MORRISOXFurnished'land2 room housekeeping apartments reasonable. STNGLE H. K. apt., walking distance, $S per month. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. THEOREMS. l!U 14ih 2alid 3 roomsmod ern '. 'liven ienceB, , $ 12.50 and up. Houix-Weeping Rooms in Private Family. THREE nice rooms and kitchenette on ground flour.. Clean, everything furnished, fine location, close in ; price reasonable. 314 Columbia. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. $15 month; phone, electric light, gas for cooking tree. Call after 4 P. M., 340 East 42d sl FL KMSIi E D room, kitchenette, hot, cold water in kitchenette; electricity, lauruiry, 2 housekf epin rooms, every convenience. 123 N. 23u. TWO nice, clean, h ousekeeping rooms, lili t. phone, lath and heat free; furnished com plete: ph-nty of lresh air; brick building. 1103 Belmont, cor. 3'Jth. Only $L2. TWO large, furnished H.- K. rooms, with Kitcneiiciie; uisq a iarg trout room. Mar shall 3015. 227 Chapman st. 8 OR 4 nice large airy rooms, main floor, on corner, gas, bath, pffune. 5u 4 Ivan sc. bellwood 1222. TWO extraordinary nice front rooms with all modern conveniences. 281i Morirson, cor. 5th ft. MODERN front room, suitable for two, first-t-las.s German cooking. 331 Montgomery siree t NICE housekeeping rooms for rent, cheap -walking distance. 504 E. 6th. Main 45i0. PLEASANT room, with use of kitchen" for quiet lady employed. 770 34 -Johnson. BAGGAGE and moving our specially" Hunt Transfer Co. A 3415, Broadway 1415. 105 aOTH corner Flanders; neatly furnished Housekeeping rooms. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms large, close in. 430 Yamhill. TWO comfortable housekeeping rooms, light, Lata, telephone, low rent. Main 6785. Ho; FOR RENT Desirable 6-room house, elec tric light, gas. bath, good basemen t. large attic, near Holladay School, cheap, la quire 326 E. 7 tli st. North. 5-ROOM modern cottage, 411 11th st. Fine condition and central; rent $20; key at 4oy nth st. Parrisn, w atklns Ac Co., 106 nei'Pnu st. ALMUsl new modern -rootn house, has larye porch, etc. Low rent and walking S-ROOM house and barn, one acre of ground, all kinds of fruit and berries, on 3 j th st. voiiii:s, Aiuin i . w 5-ROOM house, newly tinted, veryreason able. 735 E. 27th st. South ; ke s across the street. NEW S-room house, 237 Nurtilla, near Mult nomah Club, $35. Main 4171, or 235 Nar tiila ft. NEWLY renovated, 6-room cottage, 248 Nartiiia st., $15 month; will take tinting and painting for 2 months' rent. 329 BAST 57 th stT near Hawthorne 7 rooms fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, garage, sleeping porch. Phone East is. TWO 6-room houses, near Ford factory, also s. P. shops; reasonable. Sellwood 1059. 6 ROOMS, furnace, el-ectricity, gas. two f!re piaces, walking distance. Apply 304 Mor gan bldg. Rent $23. IRVINGTON 7-room house, furnace, bath, garage, $20. References required. Main 6310. WEST SIDE, 6-room house. $15 per month. 009 Northrup st. Telephone Mar. 1215. 8 -BOOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th. Main 6278. 5&0 EAST ALDER 6-room modern house, walking distance. Cai I Main 6O60. BEAUTIFUL modern S-room cottage cheap, by owner. Main 0076, A 4301. MODERN desirable 6 and 8-room house, 396 and393San Rafael, ciose in. East 16 So. MODERN 7-room house. 1 3fe blocks to either Irvingt.m or Broadway car. East 502U. MODERN 5-room cottage with large garden. f,C.Q Hnvt npnr 1 Sth Main fl ' -i 1 6-ROOM. house 25 Wasco fU ast 2446, FOR RENT. Houses. NOTICE TO RENTERS. Of course, you're going to buy a home tome day. The graveyard is full of men who are "going to." Delays are danger ous. Now is the time to buy. You can save 20 per cent on the price of labor and materlat A good home Ls the best legacy ever left one's 1 family. Thousands are enjoying the privilege. It's no longer a luxury but an economy. It's a constant bulwark against adversity and a comfort in old age. Come in at 270 V Stark St., Main 1503. A 151. and see what I can do for you with your rent money. PAUL C. MUR PHY, sales agent for LAURELHURST. GOOD HOUSE, CHEAP RENT. y THE FRED A. JACOBS OD. Joy WASH. ST. Main oso, a 177. SPLENDID 10-room residence, Holladay ave. . and 7th St.; - one of the best houses in Irving an ; handsome grounds and shrub bery, fireproof garage- rent reasonable; inquire Herbert C. Miller, North Pacific College. Telephone East 974. 2-room house, $5.50, including water. 4-room house, $8.50, including water. 4 -room house, $ 1O.50, including water. 4-room modern house, $12, includ'g water. S;e Austin at 72d and Fandy boulevard. GREGORY INVESTMENT COMPANY. MODERN 6-room house, 8G7 Clinton at.; hardwood- floors, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace and stationary tubs; price $J0; house open. Call Main 2J70 Monday. FOR RENT, on Portland Heights, modern h-roorn bungalow, garage and large grounds. Phone Marshall 4SS5 or call -211 Medical bldg.- . 6-ROOM modem cottage; fireplace, heater, basement, cement floor, wash trayS. gas and electricity. C22 Multnoinan" Phone East 3233. FOR RENT 6-room house in Irving ton; $30 9 per mo. Call E. 4545. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT In Ladd's Addition, from July 1 until September 6. furnished house, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, piano, gas and electric, roses, fruit and nice lawn; very reasonable to small family of adults. Phone E. 4U35. FINELY furnished 14-room house, private home, hot water heat, 3 baths, billiard room, 2 fireplacas, close in, best residence district in town. This wo aid make splen did high -class boarding-house. Main 75U2. COMFORTABLE home for Summer, Irving ton ; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, flowers, fruit, vegetables; one block fromf car; ref erences. E. 31G7. NICELY" furnished 3-room suite with bath. In modern home; gas, electricity and heat f urn ished ; close in, very reasonable. 9 4 North 16th st. FOR RENT Furnished five-room lower flat, modern, lawn and fruit trees, $16 per month, including water. UOii Montana, ave. 5-ROOM modern, furnished house, near school; gas range, sewing machine, etc., 4823 66th S. E. Tabor 6736. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, sleeping porch, conveniences. Missouri ave., near Fremont. Agent 300 Russell. East 2387. FUR N 1 Sli EU HO U SE ; LaureThurst ; adults only ; cheap rental to dependable care taker. Phone Tabor 3-'50. FOR RENT Charming home In Lanrel hurst; adults only; references exchanged. $45. Tabor 3376. $45 PER month; furnished, modern, S-room house, Irvington; choice location. Phone East 3S72. 10-ROOM house, furnished. 32 Wasco st. Will rent $30 month, to right party. Phono JJ1 4 4 6. 6-ROOM furnished house with piano for July and August, rent' reasonable. 7UJ Marshall st,, near 22d. FOR RENT cheap, nicely furnished 6-room house, reference. Call Main 079iS. NICELY furnished bungalow, exclusive dis trict. 533 E. 41st st. North. Beaumont car. BEAUTIFUL new home, Westover Terraces; furnished. Marshall 740, forenoons. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room bungalow. Adults. Phone Woodlawn 2Je3. 7-ROOM house. 555 E. Taylor, corner 13th. Key next door. 6-ROOM modern furnished house, 423 Hal- sty st. 3i a rs nan zuj. Summer Resorts. WILL rent my beautiful, new, S-room cot tage for season or month; large sun parlor, 5 bedrooms, strictly modern, one of the finest houses in Seaside ; large lawn and flowers, newly furnished, hard-surtaced st. Also housekeeping rooms and apartment for rent. Address Miss Damann, Necanl cum Ina, Seaside, or. For first-clasa room and board, stp at the Inn. 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS on Yaquina Bay, within 1 mile of New port, lz mile to beach; level, good soil, some cleared, on good plank road and daily mail route; terms. See owner, 614 Stock Exchange Wdg. Main 6765. COTTAGE at Seaside for rent June 15 to August 1, 1915. Commodious, .well fur nished, modern; electric lights, bath, etc. ; on board walk; $125. Telephone Mam 2620. $65 FOR SEASON, "Pleasant Nook" three- room cottage, completely iurnisned. at Seaside, two blocks from beach, on banks of Necanioum River. Enst 5546. FOR RENT Nice clean cottage at Cannon Beach, on beautiful Lcola Creek, with open view of ocean; rent moderate. Phono Seil wood 1025. SEASIDE Strictly first-class 7-room cot tage, overlooking ocean, all city conven iences, furnished complete. East 5074. SEAVIEW Nice cuttage at very reasonable price ; electric lights, running water, auto shed, attractive yard. A 604, Oregonian. AT Cannon Beach, in Elk Creek Park, dur ing July. large rive-room mrnisnca cot tage, choice location. Sell wood 044. FOR RE NT- 4-room cottage at Seasldo, 1 block from board walk. Phone East 64 4, B,2614. SEASIDE Clean, cozy G-room cottage, close to ocean. Tabor 5350. - BliESKE'S cottage at Gearhart for rent. Call Ma l n iu. MOUNT HOOD auto stage- cails any part ot citMain 331. A 2331. 4-ROOM furnished Cannon Beach cottage $125. M. Mclntire. Seaside, Or. NEAT 5-room cottage at Ocean Park, Wash. Se llwood 1500. SEASiDE Modern 6-room furnished house. East 503S. STORE 2 75 Hawthorne ave., 17x40, near bridge: 1 in ll'ht, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. . STORE and office looms for rent in retail business district. C 883. Oregonian. Office. LIGH T. private of fife, with use of larg reoept Ion -room to gentleman of standing w hoee business docs not conflict ; tele phone, stenographer and space on pro rata basis ; fine convenient office at low rent. Call 51S-51S Lumbermeus bldg. FIRST-CLASS dental suite to let, share one- half reception-room with established M. D. : central location, in business district; reasonable rental. K. 8S7, Oregonian. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room ; f reo phone; very reasonable; port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. W E.LL -FURNISHED private office; also .desk room, $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room, including furniture and tele phone. 921 N. W. Bank bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CIGAR store at a big bargain, downtown location ; a good-paying business, $ 165. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. SALOON in Salt Lake City, good location; must sell, sickness. 415 West 2d Soutn, Salt Lake City, Utah. CONFECTIONERY and pool hall; take $300; sickness account of sale; good location ia Camas. Lock Box 1S5, Camas, Wash. WILL sacrifice mdfe. of notion, hardware. - glassware, jewelry, with fixtures, invoice $1400, for $4uu. uwner, psv3 f tn st. SAWMILL 10,000 capacity, donkey engine, team and wagon. Roy Mattoon, Oregon City, Rout e 2, Box 85. CIGAR stand In large transcient hotel lobby; nothing to buy, low rent. BF S00, Orego nian. BUILDING Md business making $100 ta $150 per month. Small ground rent. What offers? A 600, Oregonian. FOR SALE Best billiard parlor in Astoria; some cash, balance terms. Call Main 7t09, ask for Vern. DRY'GOODS business, average dal!y sales over $72; rtll for $2000 cash. N 828, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or trade, -chalr. shop; owier lb no barber. Albany, Or. 2-bath barber H A. Davis, GENERAL merchandise store for sale. Apply Taos. H. Lowe, Cecil. Or. MERRY-GO-ROUND, first-class shape, $450 cash. O. B. Purdy, Newport, Or. MEAT MARKET, fixtures up to date; sell cheap. Inquire market, Llnntou. Or. RESTAURANT for sale or trade; established five years. S 884, Oregonian. MEAT MARKET doing nice business, cheap, H. Hoffmann, Oregon City, Or. WILL lease or sell good paying gasoline filling station. East 114L MEAT market, cheap. Phone Woodlawn 17, or 607 evening. BUSINESS O PPO RT UN I TIES. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. S,"2 acres of land in Linn County, on Santiam River, fine water power, just completed good flour mill, full roller pro cess, 40-bbl capacity; sawmill, 20,000 ca pacity; planer, edger. cutoff saws, all in good running order; plenty of good build ings of all kinds and all kinds of tools-, logging truck, farm wagon, .spring wagon, buggy, harness, horses, cows, hogs, chick ens, farming tools, crops and everything go with the place. There is Uso another undeveloped water .power of immense ca pacity which is absolutely coutro'd by the owner of this piace; this if. a great opportunity for a man able to nandie it. For price and terms call on or write J. Studevant. bli E. Broadway, Portland, Or. The owner. MAN and wife may occupy one of my cam? sights in mountains with chance- to fur nish meals and accommodations to fisher men, hunters and guests to and from Cary's Hot Sp rings. Profitable and pleas- mi t worK ; una vacation : urst-ciass rti-- erences required. Phone Marshall 3034.T R. W. Cary, S26 Electric bldg. SACRIFICE $325 will buy my billiard hall, located in good-sized, nearby town ; my place consists of 2 pool tables, 2 card tables, chairs, showcases, light and other fixtures; aLso stock of cigars, tobacco and soft drinks, dirt cheap. Apply Palm Lunch, 17 7 4 th st., .cor. Yamhill. AUTOMOBILE business doing a big repair and storage business. Owner wants relia ble partner, either mechanic or office man. This is a rare chance for an active man; $7oo required, secured; $100 monthly sal ary and share o profits. Call 317 Railway Exchange bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec'ty 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Good reliable party; must have first-class references, to buy one-third in. terest in sand and gravel business In city, buyer to manager and operate plant; will x receive salary and dividends; will require investment of $2o00. AP b80, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS grocery, clean stock; In voice about 53S0O; monthly sales $1700; in the heart of city .with pop. of 12,000; country and city trade; want to retire; part cash, balance trade. A V 29 6, Orego nlan. GROCERY and delicatessen, best apartment house district; has good range and steam table, owner forced to sell on account of ill-health ; good business ; good place for man and wile; $450. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. BAKERY SNAP Dandy East Side loca tion, fixtures complete and all in readi ness for business; low rent; a chance to get in right. ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, Portland Ass'n of Credit Men, 600 Com 1 block. AUTOMOBILE garage business; owner leav ing, will sell entire equipment and busi ness; chance for active man to make $300 month; $1200 required, which is fully secured. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. FIRST-CLASS delicatessen -and lunchroom, well established, good-paying place, on busy jjtreet, large, portable oven ; rent $-0; priced right, $375. 3U3 Lumber Ex change. GROCERY and confectionery doing $60 daily cash business. Owner wants partner to work In store; pay salary and share of profits; $600 required; fully secured. Call o!7 Railway Exchaoge. WANTED Partner in established dry goods Dusmess in city; spienuia location, goou opportunity for right man; must have $5uO0 to $10,000 to invest; references given and requested. AC feui), Oregonnian. GROCERY store, bakery and confectionery, good town on electric road ; reasonable; proprietor, 11 years in business, wants to retire; good place for the right party. AV 239, Oregonian. DELICATESSEN, home bakery, restaurant, good clean shape, well equipped, living rooms, large basement and. ovens; rent low, business good, price reasonable. Call Main 0 U2 7. NEWLY equipped modern cafe, cafeteria. seaside, or. ; win maito Dig money ; cneap for quick eale; reasons, business In Al berta. M. F. Hadiey, box 156, Seaside, Oregon. RESTAURANT Am doing the cooking; want a partner to be cashier, etc. Can't depend on hired help; good pay, and re quires only a small investment. Call room J!'' , M o r g a n b i d g. PARTNER wanted to look after the office, also do some outside work. Owner busy manufacturing; pay you salary $100 month, besides profits. Call room 320, Morgan bldg. OFFICE business; owner wants a reliable partner; ho will guarantee wages, besides large profits to energetic man. Particu lars, room 329, Morgan bldg. OASH GROCERY Will sell cheap; not one dollar of groceries sold on credit, and you can clear $150 month. Call room 320, Morgan bldg. IF YOU want an office outfit we have one for sale for 50c on $1, high-class; nothing better. Would reserve typewriter. 3uo Pittock. NEGOTIATING for the right of a valuable patent; wouid like partner with some cash in order to introduce same. J 877, Orego nian. WANTED Party with few thousandto take active interest In manufacturing an appa ratus of ttwsrit ; patented. BC 8 79, Orego nian. FOR SALE or trade, w ell-established (an old stand) livery and leed stable : fine town. Address Oregonian Agent, McMinn viile, Oregon. DELICATESSEN, dairy lunch, central West Side location, newly equipped, splendid buainess ; too much for ow ner to handle. $ 5o. 31 0 Lumber Exchange. IDEAL retail bakery, fine West Side lo cation, excellent cash custom, no delivers , stay a week for investigation ; sure bar gain at $750. 310 Lumber Exchange. LIVE little cash grocery, buy carline street location- no expensive fixtures to buy: $25 daily cash business; snap bargain at $475. 310 Lumber Exchange. PA RTXEri wanted in classy grocery ; Scan dinavian preferred ; can make better than $lOO month; references given and re quired. Call 248 u. Stark st. CONFECTIONERY" store ingood neighbor hood, low rent, good fixtures and busi ness; only $750 required. Call 245' Stark street. JJ WANTED Active man In good restaurant; owner cook, wants man to look after front end; $4u0 required. Call 248 & Stark st. FOR SALE Good-paying bakery. good reason for selling ; snap for good baker. Address q. A. Baer, Salem, Or. RESTAURANT, small place, cheap rent, good trade, part trade, terms. 264 1st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED STOCK of merchandise or groceries up to $7000 wanted In exchange for improved dairy ranch in Tillamook County of 200 ecrea (value of ranch $5000); running water and buildings on place; glo full particulars In first letter. AC 8S1. Orego nian, or phone Tabor 0381. fHAVK from $300 to $5o0 to iinvest with my labor in a small store or shop; have had auto experience ; tell mo all in first letter. AL 700, Oregonian. GOOD LOT, value $350. and $100 cash to trade for light grocery or confectionery. Particulars at 317 Railway Exchange. WANTED for caah, a small grocery, close to school; give full details in first letter. C 8 is 5. OrtsSDniaiuj WANTED Grocery store in not to exceed $250. F 8b6, Fuburb. Price Oregonian. KOOMING-HOUSES. WIDOW, 30, business ability and owner of private hotel, would like to borrow few hundred dollars from lady or gentleman who is willing to take board and room as part or all pay ; excellent references and security ; good interest on money ; may consider taking partner. AM 73, Ore gonian. . A RARE BARGAIN House cost owner $l00o to furnish; a beautiful location, near 10th and Jeffereon; owner leaving city and must sell this week; all rooms rented and a waiting list; is clearing $73 month ; forced sale and will sacrifice tor value. Make cash offer. Call Ss 10th, near Stark. MRS-M E. LENT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-House Agent. 'Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 503-9 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. Ip'TAKEN today, will sacrifice nicely fur nished rooming-house, 10 rooms. good corner location, down town, only $2S5. Rent $45. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Lady to manage and purchase a small interest in a 12-room rooming-house which pays all expenses. BO 8S4, Orego nian. ROOMING-HOUSE, 4S rooms, clearing $100 month now, will be sold at a bargain; $1000 will handle. Call 24Sy Stark st. $245 BUYS good 11-room rooming-house, close in; neat and clean. $55 cash, balance $10 per month. Call 411 Henry bldg. 9- ROOM rooming-house, new furniture, $75 cash, balance payable monthly. 88 10th st. 10- ROOM rooming-house for sale cheap; all full. Marshall 1618. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Gold ring: owner can have It by paying for this ad and Identifying ring. Phone East 6231. FOR SALE Furniture of 11-room house. close In. low rent. Owner, 241 5th st. Main 2P03. LOST A K4x4 auto tire and rim. Reward to 'finder. Call Main 4071". 713 Morgan bldg-. SELL, trade or rent small rooming-house, furnished, lot 60x100. East 643S. LOST Fox terrier, license number "3242. . 1138, Seward. ; LOST A NO FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cafs of the Portland" Railway, Light Vfe Power Company and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station: June 14 Broadway 5100. A 6131 1 plate, 1 fish basket, 1 cufC link l Ingersoll watch, 1 suit case, 1 tin smoking tobacco, 1 spectacles. 1 pr. gloves, 2 books, 1 cof fee pot, 1 vanity box (25c), 1 gold pin, 1 pr. bathing tights, 1 bundle of letters, 1 screen, 2 lunch boxes, 1 umbrella, 1 pic ture, L telescope grip, 1 pkg. of clothing. LOST Eastern Star pin, with name en graved (J. XV. Chappelear) on back. Re turn oOS Sacramento st. LOST Vest pocket kodak with 8 exposures. on uuiumoia nignway; icnatu. v. cm Main 1626. (Miss Wilson). LOST Blue leather purse containing about $io. in Olds & King s; return to uregoa &. Wash. Paper Co. Reward. LOST English, bloodhound ; color tan. : j i LTZ " . on nose i Tabor 119. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited, IN THE DISTRICT -COURT of th United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Mar Tonkon, bankrupt. Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for the following stocks of merchandise and fix tures formerly belonging to Max Tonkon, situated in the storeroom formerly oc cupied by said bankrupt at Portland, Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Wednes day, June 23, 1915, at my office, 740-47 Morgan building. Portland, Or. : 1. p Stock f goods, wares and merchan dise consisting of clothing, hats, shoes, suitcases, men's furnishings, etc., together with fixtures contained in the storeroom formerly occupied bv the bankrupt at 35 N. Third street, Pdftland. Or., said mer chandise being of the inventoried value of $249.4 6, and said fixtures bing of the inventoried value of $107. 2. Stock of goods, ware and merchan dise consisting of clothing, hats, shoes, suitcases, men's furnishings, etc., together with fixtures contained in the storeroom formerly oceupied by th-3 bankrupt at 45 N. Sixth street, Portland, Or., said mer chandise being of the inventoried value of $3i3a. S3, and said fixtures being of the inventoried value of $21t. Tofal value of the whole of saidmer chandise, 961S2.29; total value of all of said fixtures. $323. Bids should be made upon parcels as above set forth, numbered 1 and 2, and for the property as a whole. x Should the total of the highest bids for eax:h of the parcels as above set forth be greater than the highest bid for the whole, the said bids will be accepted, subject to the approval, of the court lor said parcels; but should the highest bid for the whoie be greater than the total of the highest bids for each of the parcels, the said high est bid for the whole will be accepted, sub ject to the approval of the court. All bids must be accompanied by cer tified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered. Inventories of the above stocks and fixtures may be seen at the respective lo cations of the stocks as to each of said stocks, and also at my office, and the properties may bo inspected at their re spective locations. R. L. SAB IN. NOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS. Notice ls hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the County Auditor of Wahkiakum County. Washington, at her office in Cathlamet, Washington, up to 1 o'clock P. M-. Tuesday, July 6. 1U15, for the clearing, grubbing and grading of that portion of siate road number Nineteen llO), beginning at Skamokawa, Washing ton, and ending where said state road No. li connects with the present lower valley county road at the place where said lower valley county road passes through the Wm. R. Ellis farm, being a listaiscH of nnuroximalelv six and one- half miles. Said state road No. JO being that road as laid out by the- state en gineers from Kelso U llwaeo. Wash. Each Lid must be accompanied by a deposit of 10 per cent of the amount bid. Said por tion of road to be cleared, grubbed and graded In accordance with the plans and specifications on file with the County Auditor of said Wahkiakum County. The successful bidder to give a good ana sur ficient bond tor the faithful performance of the work. The Board of County Com missioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Said bids to be opened by the Board of County Commissions rs on the afternoon of "luesday. July to, Dated this 0th day of June, 1015. iSeali BLANCHE HERON. Auditor of Wahkiakum County, Washing ton. SEALED proposals wilt be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 12 M. Wednesday, June 30, 1015, tor Ef.npral work of franklin nich tocnooi, Bids will be opened 4 P. M. Thursday, Jiniv 1 1915. in room 304. Courthouse. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, Supt. ot Properties, 303 Courthouse. Deposit of $20 is required for Diana and specifications. Certified check lor ten per ceut of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany mu nrnnnsal. Board of Directors KHrvus the risht to reject any and ail proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk, t Dated June 14, 1015. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids up lo 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 21, 191i. for stork of Groceries of the inventory value of $512 17. and fixtures pertaining thereto of the inventory value of $5Ul.O-, located at Heaverton, Oregon, where the ..,.ir mnv ho .insDected or the inventory mav be examined at our office. Certified f-'ieTMr for li ner cent , of the amount bid must accompany each offer, and the right is reserved to reject any r all bios. intrfiTMRvr BUREAU OF THE PORTLAND ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN. INC.. 600 Commercial block, Portland, Or. CIRCULAR NO. 110. Sealed proposals will be received at office of Purchasing agent, Alaskan Engineering Commission, Seattle, Wash., nut later than 11 A. M-. June 22, 1015 fur bar iron, boiler plate, mlscel- hnrH.vfirt. nioe. IMllC fitUIliTS. pack- tr, - vuit liots and ma t tresses, woolen j.i.iMt-at, u-i.l socks, tarnaulins. oil, greeso, coal, doors and windows. Copies of cir cular may be obtained upon application. U. E. Dole. run-uaiiiB REQUISITION NO. 182. Sealed proposals will be received at office ot purcnaing a wnt Aiuskan Engineering Commission, c- . . t.. At- - T-nt Intfr than 2 P. M. June 1 lol5."for horses for packing and trading' work. Copies of requisition may be obtained upon application. Purchasing Agent E. Dole, PROPOSALS FOR BARGES U. S. Engineer office. Second District, Portland, Or. Sealed proposals wiu o n--veu nc.c til il A. M-, July 15. 11.15, and then opened, for cmstructng two wooden fuel barges. J! UrUlCI HUUllHo.w. tion 31isc?l)aueoujs. NOTICE OF MKETIXG OK STOCKHOLD IVs OP THE NOKTHEUN PACIFIC TERMINAL COMPANY OF OREGON. NOTICE I J HE.REBY G1VBN that the .nnuul mef-tins or th atockholuers ut THE NOHIHERS PACIFIC TERMJAU COMPANY or Oregon will Upheld at tho ,(pe ol the president, U0J Wells-Farfto Luildli' Portland. Oregon, on Monday, jun" -fi. l'Jls; at the hour ot 10 o oiock A" M" RALPH E. MOODY. Secretary. VK the undersigned, will not be responsible for any bills contracted on or- alter J uno Hi 1H13 at the premises of Ho lutu St.. known a-a thebewardHll p,m,MM t'HAS. II. HEtfUEN. TO whom it may concern: Mrs Flora A Lewis having left my bed and board 1 will not bo responsible for any debts bIm inay Inc'ir on or after thbi day and. date. Taly "Kl!n5SiEiicd. Horace a. Lewis. FROM-Thl. date I shall not be rPon.lbl. any --"ri-,,.. . name son. jj n.venoii. j rtiL.Bva ...... HPREAFTER I will not pay any bills run by my wife. Lorelta H. Voipahl. Georse A Vorpahl. FINANCIAL. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers" interest in contracts purchased; Oreson or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. we'rky mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO 4lh fet., Boaru of Trade bldg. loans, notes, contracts. mort- races ifirst and second), e.)uit:ts pu chased. F. K. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis b.a pur- g. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL H'UUM BOUGHT AND SOLD. W. E. DAVIDSON & CO.. 214-15 LEWIS ULDG. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertsoli & Ewing. 207-8 N. W. BanU bldg. Money to Loan on Eeal Iistate. "FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H HAKDING, 313 CHAM. OF CUM. .t)0 S.SoO. $OOU, ;'uo. -"o, ..ou.j. rrKa vv. nerman Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, CITY AND K. DORR E. KEASET & CO., Cham, of ARM. Com. ftlnn fZiO S3?", ii-w. o.u on reai estate. BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis Bldg. S1000 TO $1"-I00 for Immediate loan on real estate Tabor 2520. Ej!XATE MONEY, ALL. AMOUNTS. H. Y. FREEDMAX. P3P CHAM OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mortgage Cow 424 Cham, of Com I WANT"$300lr a yt-acs, S per cent, on 10,- MORTGA G E LO A N S, 0 and 7 PER CKXT. ixmsLOMON& jrosoo oakst. Mortgage loans, reasonable rates, bids. loans, lieury C Prudn omnia, b'6 Morion bids iu- YOIT H WE J1O00 OR MORE TO IN VEST WITHOUT SERVICES IX A LEGITI-vm'iBl-'ivESS OPERATED UNDER ST SUPERVISION. WRITE TO ME vcYp ISTERVIEW. INVESTMENT AND PEtVuNS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. U HliS. OREGONIAN. FINANCIAL. M oney to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY LEANED. Improved business property, 5i to A per cent. Improved residence property, 0 to T per cent. Improved farm property. T to S per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO 711 Pittock Block. MONEY' TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 0-1O SPA ED I N Q BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEx" to loan at 54 to 7 per cent. Port land business and residence property. FARM loans at 7 to 3 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d st., near Stark. WE PURCHASE mortgages, contracts and equities at right figures. Submit all mat ters by mail. No phone in format Ion. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC.. Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Lowest rates. No delay. C. D. SIMONDS, 617 Corbett Bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build-ins- .oans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 314, 315 Falling bldg. $100,000 FOR good city loan. Improved or unimproved property. Coe McKenna Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce. FIELDS & IIONEYMAN' MORTGAGE CO. OUR OWN FUNDS. 1025-102S YEO.N" BLDG. $500, $1000 and upward on improved real estate: favorable terms ; no delays; no brojteratte. John Rain, 507 Spalding bldg. $5000 TO LOAN AT 79fc! All or part on Portland improved real estate. No agents. East 401. MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban real estate- at 7 and s per cent. W. 11. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. P0 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. SEE Seckendorf today; no delay, city and farm loans at current rates. 31o-16 Stock Ex change bldg. Main 0f 74. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, o to e per cent, $1:00 and up. Cellars-Morton Co.. Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. J . J. Ceder, Real Estate. Rentals and Loans, Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC., Stock Exchange bid tf., and Yam hill. TO h,r money on business pro pert ', apartments, dwellings, farms. R. H. R!oyom, 3 1 f Chnmher of Commerce. HAVE $ 5 1 Ml to S3O00 to loan, 0 per -cent. 7 per cent, S per cent. Epton, 432 Cham ber of Commerce. $50O TO $20,000 prlvato money. B 462, Ore gonian. MONET, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H, seita at co., oio Spalding bldg. Money to Loan ChntteU and Salaries. 1MMEUIAT fZ LO A N S. C-X D1AMUXDS AND JKW'GLRT AT EASTERN 11 A TES. Wo have one of ihi finest retail jewelrr tores in the city. A loan department is conducted in connexion with same, mak ing business STHICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no stpn designating lon busi ness displayed in from of our store. AM merchandise pledged is held for period of seven months, whether or not Interest la paid when due. We are licensed and have been established hince 1SSK. No connection with any other loan establishment In this city. A. & M. DELOVAfiK, JEWELERS. Washington Ft. STATS SlTCl'KITY CO.. LICENCED. Oldest established satnry loan company In Oregon. Reliable. Satisfactory terms. Business strictly confidential. Our well-known reputation for dealing and courteous treatment tbe past is our best reference. STATE FHCrrtlTY CQ.. LTC ENrEI. "0r Falling Bids:. square during; MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY at leat rates on Diamonds, Autos, Pianos, Furniture, Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back ?5 per month or more. Interest 3 per oent. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, Watch pp. musical Instruments, S E P A Tt A T E DEI T. F O R L ADIE S. EI. BY COM PA NY 11c n.ed . SL'O Lumber EX'-harfe Hd.. Second and Stark rits. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Dan Marx, 74 Sd st. OFFICES ABSOLUTELY FR I vXteT"" PORTLAND LOAN CO.. LICENSED. SI 1 Uekum bids., 3d and Washing ton. Loanv U'aotftl WANT TO SELL SECOND MORTCAGE of (hmi. 7 per cent Interest, secured by 2000 acres first-class farm land in Mon tana, all under cul 1 1 va tion and irrigation, worth over ?LVj,uih. ; amount of f irfct mortgage $2". (no ; will t;ive per cent discount and allow .$1-'i0 expense money for examination. F. K. Wulfle, llutton bids., Si.'Okuiie, Wash . FOR A L E $20 00 firs t mort on city d wellilng ; ffood security ; pa a hie $20 per month, i nc lulling interest ; will d iscount $50 for quick sal1. AP STS, Oregonian. TO ISOitROW $1 -.."oil on Centialia, Wash.,' property five y.-ars on. or before. Worth l',uo. Address ten traiia. Wash. liox ;o,"i. MONEY TO LOAN, as follows: 1 .".OO. S20OO. J?:.m;,, $.".o(m and $70o, private money. i54 Pittock block, Broadway I7i. MONEY TO LOAN ;-t . 7 niul s'per cent. Call and see us. iL"4 Pittock block. JJroad- way 073. $1000 3 YEARS, 7 per cent. Rose City new pungr.iow, valuation j . o. Karnopp, Ky. Ex. bldg. FIRST MORTOAC $1 p'd for quick W A N TE D $100 t good security, i :j .. K per ,e. Phone Tal 'ill; lake $1 : 0 for six months; Oregonian. YOCNCr widow wants loan of $.V0; will cive ample security. A 909, Oregonian. $S0o0 " PER CENT. Value $, concrete bids. Main ttfM. PERSONAL. WE SELL HAIR, HAIR, HAIR. 2'i-liieh i eai 1 1 rt -'i ua n i i-witched. .$4.85 L'-j-lnch real first qumit pray...... 4. bo RING THIS AD ;ood for Dc on Face massage. . . -'..o s nam poo U5J Manicure -c liairdie- Hoa Superfluous lia.r rcnio ed by electricity. Guaranteed. Cut hair, any shade. Switches any lousih. I'rice lialf. sanitary Utauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekuni bid-. Third and Washiugton. MashalllTu::. j- KT & HANERCT, Leading wig and tupe maKcii; finest stock human nair goods; switches rom JsOc up; hairdreisinBT. maniouriiit;, face anti scalp treatment, comlniiK" made up to order. 147 liroadAay, ntr Morrison. Main S-i'i. MRs7 .SOPHIE 15. SE1P, mental and spirit ual scientist. The reliable instructor of the Northwest. Daily, J1J Alisky bldg. yues- tiuu niht Wed.. S P. M. .Mam M'2.. IK you Cii n use L a I ; ooa aseension aitd para -ch me j um p f cr your ee le uiiiti on, address Professor Frank Miller, room l'.oi Lumber Excmne bldg.. L'd and Stark. W VNTED .1 pasen ?ers for San Francisco by auto, private party; responsibio party. Phone East East 5 1 3 ti evenings. M v.NR'fliJNO and scaip treatment. ujiJ'j Yamhill st.. accord fioor, room 13. 1U:30 A. M. to P. M. Ojen Sunday. NOHW EG I AN trained nurse and masseuse, electric blanket treatment; hours 12 P. M. to b P. M. 20! od St., rooms - and 3. I.M Fi'TKlC IHltAlOK lor rlieumatisii neuralKia. lacial and scalp t reatiucn t. F or m i i y Mar. now Mam GERMAN TRAINED N L I USES Treatments tur rheumaiisrn, lumbago, etc., massage and baths. lltn st- Mar. ;):;:'.. op-n Sunday. BP I HIT UALISM Rev. Mary A. Price, Circle Tuesday - Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; read ings ualiy 503 5th st. Marshall SUtto. Mus STEVENS, 21 years Portland' a re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of palmistry m ade J-:as ." o7." Taylor st. UMBRELLAS All colors and styles; largest stock; recovering; new handles put on. Meredith's, 33 Washington st. MADE OF YOCR COMBINGS. 'Switches Hoc, curls and putis 70c. Sani tary JHeauty Parlors. 40U Dekuni bldg. 71 ETHEL A. SACRY, painless chiropodist. OUtt rananu bid,;. Phone Main 1MJG.S. M A N ICC Rl Ladies 2bc ; scr.tlcmen 35c. 707 1 : u t h c h ill bid g. , 287 'a V ashing ton. ii K ETH El7A. SACRY. painless chiropodist, Panama bldg-. Phone Main Hotij. rr,i v.! eupernuous nair nuuoea. iurs. jo. D Hill, 42J FliednerbldgMain 3473. rr:, ropRACTIC explained ; painless adjust ments pleasing; 31 treatments $lu. L14tn, LESSONS j:;5 th in phrenology and card readings, st. Phone Main 7."j-IS. ; I' a LM OF F,IGS compound. Hoyal Ton to Tablets. 504 Davie st. Phone Main 2iiwX fTp fTUEL A. PAORY. painless chiropodist, 506 " FanamaJdd g. Phone Main 'JOttS. T R KLS E D S'URSE. treatments daily, chi ropody ITOVfe 2d st., apt. U. 4th floor. TjsE BassetCs Native Herbs for rhemuahsm, ItO tablets) for Z5c AU drufigUts.