Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1915, Page 20, Image 20

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Destruction of Standard Box
Factory Forecast 2 Weeks
Ago by Marshal.
Company Declared Warned bj De
',. partment OHlcial and Urged by
Adjuster to Clear Trasli In
surance Voluntarily Cut.
. Fire Marshal Stevens, Harry P. Cof
fin, chairman of the Public SafetyCom
Tnisslon, and the arson squad of the
, Portland Fire Bureau, headed by Fire
Captain Cross, conducted an investiga
tion yesterday Into circumstances sur
rounding the fire which destroyed the
Standard Box & Lumber Company's fac
tory and yards and adjoining property
early yesterday. Results of the investi
gation were not made public.
Fire Marshal Stevens said yesterday
that when asked more than two weeks
ago by a friend where he thought the
. next big- fire would be, replied:
"I think it will be the Standard Box
plant. It's one of the worst fire risks
nn the, TCnnt side. I imasrine it will wait,
however, to be a spectacular feature of
the Rose Festival.
, Carelessness Is Charged.
In addition to having been requested
by the Fire Marshal, May 22, to clean
up, the company -is said to have been
asked to comply with this order by the
Pettia-Grossmayer Insurance adjusters.
The Investigation yesterday showed
large piles of refuse and barrels, say
the? investigators.
"There are signs of gross careless
ness in allowing the accumulation of
rubbish in the basement," said Mr. Cof
fin yesterday after a trip about the
plant with Deputy District Attorney
Charles Robinson and. Marshal Stevens.
... Edward L. Pettis of the Pettis-Gross-maye-r
Company, declared yesterday
that the Standard Box & Lumber Com
pany had in a previous adjustment
been honorable- in every way. He de
clared that the Insurance of $135,000
carried by the lumber company had
been voluntarily reduced J40.000 two
weeks ago and that remaining was only
$1)5,000. Of this 'only $15,000 was on
the stock which was valued at between
$35,000 and $40,000.
Losses were estimated yesterday at
$170,000 for'the lumber company, $90,
000 for the Acme planing mills, and
$40,000 for Page & Son. commission
merchants, a total of $300,000. The
Southern Pacific freight house and sev
eral boxcars In the yards, in addition to
telephone and electric light lines, were
damaged also.
Fire Marshal Stevens made an inspec
tion of the company's premises in May
and decided they were in unsafe condi
tion. Fire Danger I Cited.
- Following I3 part of Marshal Stevens
letter to the company:
"Floor around forge, basement of
mill, also! riling room, second floor of
mill should be protected with Iron.
These forges, together with one on the
second floor of box factory, should be
provided with metal hoods and vents.
"A large accumulation of sawdust
was found in basement of sawmill, also
on timbers and floor, basement of box
"There is a . large accumulation of
litter, old lumber, slashings and rub-
bish underneath dock at dry kiln and
planing mill as well as other portions
under dock. This space should be
thoroughly cleaned out. and the
practice of dumping sweepings and
rubbish under same discontinued.
"Oily waste Vas found in several
places in -planing mill and sawmill.
"Light wires were found in contact
with sprinkler pipes in, numerous places
throughout plant.
"The entir lighting system should
bo overhauled."
pany, returned to Portland yesterday
after an absence of nearly two years,
and will remain here for several weeks
to visit his parents and to attend to
private business.. . .
Mr. Josselyn now is living in Chicago,
where he is engaged in business. He
retainsvhis residence in Portland, how
ever, and has Intentions of . returning
here sometime to live permanently. He
still owns his former home on Mount
Tabor, which he proposes to sell or to
trade for farm land. It is understood
that he has been offered a ranch in
Josephine County in part payment for
the place.
"Business in the East Is good," he
comments, "but I don't quite expect it
to get better in the Northwest . until
after the war."
Mr. Josselyn has ' been mentioned as
a possible appointee as manager of the
Chamber of Commerce, but denies that
he is a candidate.
City Auditor to Start Official Can
vass of Election Monday.
The official count of the vote cast In
the city, election on Monday will be
started by a force of men in the office
of City Auditor Barbur Monday, it is
expected the count can be completed
within two days.
Owing to the fact that the election
officials in. some of the precincts
locked the official tally sheets in the
ballot boxes. Auditor Barbur had to
secure permission of the Council yes
terday to-open some of the boxes. This
will be done Monday when th count is
started. As soon as the Auditor .counts
the votes and makes his announce
ment all measures passed will go into
effect except those in which a later
date is designated.
frank A. Zellner Injured When Auto
Sideswipes Another. .
Crushed between two automobiles at
Union avenue and East Stark street
yesterday afternoon. Captain Frank A.
Zellner. of Engine Company No. 23.
was stunned. He was taken to the
Oood Samaritan-Hospital in an uncon
scious condition, but revived there suf
ficiently to be taken home. There
were possibly Internal injuries, but
Captain Zellner's condition is not
serious. '
The fire captain was standing on the
running board of the automobile of
Fire Marshal Jay Stevens when the
machine was sideswiped by another au
tomobile, catching him between the
Jfo Committee Appointed to Solicit
Funds at Vancouver.
, VANCOUVER, "Wash.. June 9. (Spe
cial.) For the first time in many
years the Fourth of July will not be
celebrated In Vancouver, it is probabfe.
The Council was willing to assist any
committee In holding a celebration, and
the Vancouver Commercial Club talked
of the matter, but did not appoint a
committee to solicit funds.
Sentiment seems to be in favor of
' waiting until September, when the Co
lumbia River Interstate Fair is to be
Former Head of Street Railway
. Company May Return to Stay.
B. H. Josselyn, ex-president of the
Portland Railway. Light tc Power Conj-
Conneil Is Scored and Measure Declared
lnconsti tutlonal In. Complaint En
tered by Defeated Candidate.
Suit to break the city ordinance
passed at Monday's election regulating
Jitney buses was filed in County Clerk
Coffey's office yesterday by ex-Repre
sentative A. W. Laf ferty, defeated can
didate for . City . Commissioner. . Mr.
Lafferty made his" campaign on a "jit
ney platform."; ' - . ..
A. A. Thielke.- George R. Barker and
W. J. Christeneon are plaintiffs In the
suit. It asks an Injunction against
Mayor Albee, commanding -him 'not to
enforce the Jitney ordinance on grounds
that It is unconstitutional.
In the complaint Mr. Lafferty delves
a little into, politics and scores the
City Council for some of its actions.
The Council, he says, "applied , to the
Oregon system of direct legislation the
principle of gag rule that corrupt ma
chine politicians have for decades ap
plied to representative legislation when
bills are brought in under gag rules
cutting off all power of amendment."
He alleges that "the Council passed
the ordinance and then "repealed it
when it was found a referendum peti
tion was being, circulated. Then, says
the complaint, the Council ordered the
measure put on the ballot less than 30
days before the election, whereas the
state law provides that the measure
must not be voted , on,, until' 30 days
have . elapsed.
Then, in the words of the complaint,
the Council . "deliberately, - unlawfully
and wickedly" refused to authorize the
City Auditor to mail publicity pamph
lets giving arguments pro and con on
the measures.
Besides this, says Mr. Lafferty's com
plaint, it Is unconstitutional because it
deprives the "Jrtneurs" of their prop
erty without due process of law, and
because It is class -legislation.
Mayor Albee was served with a copy
of the complaint yesterday. The suit
has not yet been assigned to a depart
ment of the Circuit Court.
Actress Charges Husband ' Hugged
Others to Hurt Her Feelings.
Clara C. Robertson, actress, yester
day filed suit for divorce from E. A.
Robertson, actor, to whom she- was mar.
ried in San Francisco two years ago.
She asks to resume her maiden name,
Clara Goodwin. She charges that Rob
ertson hugged and. kissed other mem
bers of the troupe with which they
both were working and that he did It
deliberately to injure her feelings.
Four other wive yesterday sought
divorces, and one husband asked sep
aration. The. suits were Gwrtrude L.
Turner against Thomas G. Turner,
cruelty; Tirzah Bigham against Amos
A. Bigham, cruelty; Gladys "Beeney
against George Beeney. cruelty and
conviction of a felony; Effie A. Niijkell
against Edgar E.' Nickell, cruelty.
George E. Jeffery sued Lottie Dorothy
Jeffery for divorce, charging cruelty
and desertion. ; .
Thoughtful Thousands Are Taking Advantage of the Extraordinary Economies
on New and Seasonable Goods in Our Great Removal Sale
(Contract Merchandise, "Silk Maid" Hose and Gro
, ceries Excepted.)
A Big. Saving!
at 69c
Of Silk Lisle
That Were $1.00
Very fine quality,
light weight, pretty
silk -taped yoke, low
neck, sleeveless, tight
or lace -trimmed knee.
All regular sizes.
Seennd Floor, SlxtH-St. Bids.
The- Quality' Store or Portland
t mK.Si'ctkw'MarrtaoitAfaMrSta.
Headquarters for the
Federated States
Societies 2d Floor
Adjoining the Rose Show
Colonial Exhibit
Of old patchwork Quilts, Spinning - Wheel, Etc
Tarry here awhile and rest. Music by Victrola
7th floor, 6th-St. Bldg.
One of the New Store's Innovations, the Escalator-Moving Stairway-Will
Carry You From the Arcade to Rose Show, 2d Floor. Now Open, Free!
A Hundred and One Delightful Surprises
.. Await You in Our Sale, of
Our entire stock at - Removal . Sale : prices.
Here are three of the many items : ; '
At 98c
Are Our $1.50 to $2.00 Models.
Elastic 'adjustable, Empire and
ra'glan styles. Plain colors or
handsome floral patterns. Collars
of organdie or self materials. All
sizes to 46.
At $1.85
Are Our $2.50 to $3.50 Models
Only one or two of a style. Jap
anese crepe with silk bands, Flor
entine silk, box loom crepes. Jap
anese, Empire and loose styles.
No exchanges nor phone orders.
Those of Silk at $4.95
- Silk Crepe de Chine, in pink,
blues, rose, wistaria, lavender,
Copenhagen. - Hand-embroidered,
lace trimmed or finished with rose
Fifth floor, Sixth-Si. Bids.
Men-s Panama Hats at $4.55
Such prices on hats as we quote
in this ad will make them travel
fast. We didn't pay regular prices
for them far from it, but the re
liability of the makers and our
selves assures you of the regular
high-grade qualities that wearers
of fine hats expect.
The Very Grades for
Which You Ordina
rily Would Pay $6.50
. The Panamas are in all the new
est 1915 shapes in styles that in
clude the pencil brim, Fedora, tele
scope," high-crowned and staple
shapes preferred by conservative
men. Sizes to fit every head.
Temporary Annex. KIrt Floor
,. .... mgm, at
at 98c
Hats That We Usu
ally Sell for $2.00
Sennits, split straws, rough
braids and soft telescope ' styles.
20 different . style blocks, all the
newest Spring models.
All Our, Straw Hats
Except "Knox") at
Removal Sale Prices
Hats That We Usu
ally Sell for $3.00
..Imported and American made,
heavy rough straws, sennits, split
straws, soft crowns, telescope and
Fedora styles.
Deputy Sheriff Leaves to Bring Iu-
g-ttlve From California.
James E. Wallingford, who has three
aliases, was arrested yesterday by the
Sheriff at "Weed, Cal on telegraphic
Instructions from Sheriff Hurlburt.
Leputy Sheriff Phillips left last night
to bring Wallingford back to answer
to an indictment charging non-support,
and possibly to a charge of bigamy. .
Under the name of James E. McCord,
it is alleged,, Wallingford married, a
Mrs. Peterson in Portland. Later tliey
separated and Wallingford, under his
own name, married a girl In Tacoma.
He brought her to Portland and went
to work for a factory. His wif
learned, it is alleged. Ills alias and
that there was a Mrs. McCord. Th
Sheriff at Weed reports Mrs. McCord
r. rr-xtf. W 'IliiiiiiliiTr -it" mSSS.
Cooking Sets $1.15
J Usually $1.60; While 100 Last, $1.15 -
. Every, housewife will be interested in this special sale. Dozens of appetizing
. dishes may be better prepared and more attractively served by the use of these
handsome and practical sets. ' '
Nine pieces, all brown and white fireproof ware, made by Guernsey and war
ranted perfect. . Set consists of one covered casserole, one nappy, one bowl and
Six CUStard cups. -Tempor.rr A, Floor
Particularly Pleasing, of Rare Charm, and Unusual Bargains
are the new models today in our latest ar
rivals of
Blouses $2
The remarkable popularity that
our Waist Shop has attained is just a
natural result of offering at all times
such uncommonly good values. This
fact is well exemplified in
These "Welworths the
Better Blouse at $2.00
Blouses so good as to warrant a somewhat higher price.
t'ltth floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
followed Wallingford and is at a hotel
In that city.
Man Saving Horse Is Kicked.
William R. (Billy) Smyth, son of R.
J. Smyth, 671 East Glisan street, was
kicked by a horse which he was lead- I and several policemen, Smyth rushed
ing from a burning stable during the ' into the stables and began leading the
fire on the East Side yesterday morn
Smyth was on his way home, with a
friend, James Burke, when he saw that
the horses were in danger. With Burke
horses out. As he was crossing' the
railroad tracks with the last of the
rescued horses Smyth- tripped on a rail
and fell. The horse was frightened
and kicked- him. He was taken to S.
9m - m-i ' in" r jiiT 1 1 i -ii 'sww11 'y1 .
: Mfwinfc AifcuwuL MftMh
. "... ':":.,:''!:''".::.-"::'
Vincent's Hospital, with possible inter
nal Injuries.
Smyth is 20 years old. He is a mem
ber of Multnomah Club.
Young Logger Drowns.
ASTORIA. Or. June 9. (Special.)
Ernest Herlihy, a young man employed
by the Oregon Timber & Logging Com
pany's camp near Parsons, was
drowned, about 5 o'clock last evening
while engaged in building a raft. Sev
eral of his companions saw the young
man fell overboard and all hastened to
give assistance. The body was re
covered within a short time. A mes
sage was sent to this city and a pul
motor was hastened to the scene on a
special train, but all efforts to revive
the young man were !n vain.
ufj Tiriends coming
JL- to-night? What
friendlier sight to
greet them than a
hox of Van Dyck
Cigars on the
library table?
Havana all Havana Spanish made
Two for a quarter and up
M. A. Gunst & Co., Inc., Distributors