TTIE MORNIXO OREGONIAX. THURSDAY JUNE 10, 1915. 17 SITUATIONS WANTED HALE. Miscellaneous. IfAN', -49 years old, wishes work as day or night watebmun or work, around barn or table; would go on a farm ; can milk, has three children. Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commercial block. TOLNG man at present employed in office desires ranch position, preferably where there Is a. chance of advancement. Age -4. athletic build. L 023. Qregonlan. ItANCH hand, steady, American, can milk, drive team, mower or anything about farm; wages $40 month. BD e5, Orego nian. COOD, experienced Japanese cook wants poMtlon; has references; city or country. Ad. ire a S. Harry, 2U .-d st, cor. Taylor. KLDERLY man. very deaf, wants work car rying banner or any light work around a p r 1 vate home; Is alone. Main 7051, A 1517. "WANTED Position b druggist, 10 years' experience. References. J. Frank Evans, 1 .a. Urande. Or. HAKKIED man Ishes position as night l rk in rooming-house, or watchman. Main 7051, A 1517. JAPANESE boy wants to work eveninKS. any kind of work, have good recommenda tions. L 1K7, uregonlan. A N ICE Japanese, , w 11 ling, a Rood position nf a. pood family,, or any otner. Mail So N, th. JI. P. OPERATOR wishes work In or out of city. v 9u4. Oregonlan. MAN and wife with boy, wish farm work experienced farmers. L Oregonian. lOUNG M AN wishes steady employment of any kind; must have it. Call Main S423. PAINTING, kalaomining, plaster patching; reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 2410- M P bOY MENT wanted. E. B. Clarke, Cqmh Hotel. Phone Broad way 3 717. "VUUNG man desired any Kind of work for room and board. All 808, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WAITED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Menusraphera. LADY with knowledge of bookkeeping de sires place as assistant bookkeeper; very moderate salary. L i-13, Oregonian. O. lv. steuosrrapher. b. k. and dictaphone operator wants permanent or substitute work. M. g&W. COMPETENT stenographer desires work by hour or piece. Main 27. Dressmaker. t)RESSMAKING. work guaranteed, prices rcasonal. le. M a In 7302. Is'L'RSE wants work; will take any kind of nursing, would take care of chUd or chil dren. Phone East 24bl or call 444 E. Oak. Hoowk ee per. W ANTED Position by middle-aged woman as managing and working housekeeper for oung bachelors' club of six or eight busi ness men have an ideal location on .Port land Heights, house of 14 rooms, partly furnished, beautiful grounds; the expense would not be great to add what Is needed; would like personal interview with one or more, who might be interested. Phone A 1038. EXPERIE.V'ED, reliable young woman do sires position as housekeeper in or out of the city. Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commer cial block. EXPERIENCED lady, like position small hotel, as housekeeper or do chamberwork. Phone Main 74Q1. Call lady, room 3. JiKAT woman would like housework in small family. Address box 114, Stayton, Or. Domestics- HE FINED, educated Easterner wants em ployment for Summer months; good house keeper and plain cook, $25 month. Main 7051, A 1517. l. NEAT, respectable girl wants position in family going to beach. Call or write before Saturday to Myrtle Hileman, 845 E. Ash. HON EST lad wants housework and cook ing. Tabor 2814. 31 iscellaneous. PROFESSION AT NURSE will accompany child or invalid East for transportation. Referentvg exchanged. Address AV 261, Oregonian. REFINED, educated woman, normal grad uate, will tutor pupils up to 8th grade; wpeaka German. Main 7051, A 1517. WOMAN wants day work or chambermaid work; first-class references. Woodlawn 4099. GOOD WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 2723. EXPERIENCED WOMA N wants day work of any kind; J1.50. Main 4774. KXPERIENTED telephone operator wishes position. V 875. Oregonian. DAY work, any kind; references. A 2974, Main 1883. WOMAN wants day work, washing. Ironing, clean ing ; very reliable. Phone Tabor 5943. WANTED TO KENT. Hoi OR 7- ROOM bouse, good condition, walk . ing- distance; prefer lear Jefferson and Broadway; must have house by June 11. No children. Best of tenants. Phone Main 45S2. WANTED TO RENT 5 or li-room house in Rose City Park, Irving ton or adjacent districts. Two adults, no children. Must be first-flaes. O 822. Orogonlau. TOL'NG MAN, references, desires furnished room, private family, permanent. BD 809, ji-egonian. W A NT ED Furnished 6 -room bungalow or lower flat, West Side preferred. Main 1403. Apartments YoUNG man desires board and room In privute family near Washington High School. X 852, Oregonian. FOR KENT. ir'urniobed Ko. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 2Hh and Washington sts.. new tl reproof brick, elegantly located, all outside, clean, well -furnished rooms, strictly modern ; $ 2 . 5o week up; 50c day up. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St., at loth Central location; REDUCED RATES, 5oc per day up; week ly. $2,50 up ; neat rooms, running wateT, free phone and baths: steam heat. YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the city; also those in the Association building-. SiOT EL CORDOVA. 2G:t 11TH ST A PLACE TO STOP DURING ROSE FES TIVAL WEEK: CLEAN AND QUIET; RATES $3.50 TO $6.50 PER WEEK OR S1 TO t2.50 PEP. DAY. HOTEL FORD, I 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath. $lo up; with bath. $15 up. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison St., near Grand av. Cleanliness and comfort, $3 per week up. SPECIAL FOR VISITORS. Comfortable, cool quiet outside sleeping rooms, $1.50 and up;. 25c and 50c per day. Free phone and bath. 230 Larrabea. acrOFS steel bridge. ROSE FESTIVAL VISITORS If looking for reasonable-priced, well-furnished, well kept rooms, strictly modern, in downtown location, where parades pass, come to San Marco Hotel, corner 11th and Washington. WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming expenses; fireproof building-, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business orflce. STANDISH HOTEL. -4S WASHINGTON ST.. OPP. 18TH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms. free phones, bath ; IF 2 week. $s month and up. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and K. Bel mont Rooms $10 monthly, $20 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 323. NO increase of prices; 50o and $1 per day; 2 up weekly; baths tree; a clean, quiet, comfortable place. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jef terson. HOTEL"mIXOOK, 211 4 4TH ST., CORNER OF SALMON: NEW 1 MANAGEMENT. .MODERN CONVENIENCES; RATES 50c A DAY UP; $10 A MONTH UP. HOTEL TREVES. Northwest corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms, $3 weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. H OT EL A RM IN I US. Rooms, single and en suite, all modern, 50c and up. 410 Morrison st. HOTEL CORDOVA, 2S9 11th st. Strictly modern: private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 0472. A 47S3. RYAN Hotel Annex. 2094 5th st.. ooDosit City Hall; new brick bldg., hot, cold water in every room, steam Heated. Alain USTj. jTaxWE LL HALL, 207T4t St.; in business district; strictly modern; use of parlor; a real home; $2 up. Main 1153. tbCELY furnished rooms prices. S73 Taylor st. it reasonable HOTUb NOKRIS, 533 Aldr fi'ie rooms. S2 per neck up. -Modern out- 1S1 14TH Clean attic room, phone, light, bath; $1.25 per week. iToNTGOMERY HOTEL East 8th and Mor riHon.neatly furnished rooms 50c night up. HOTEL GRANT. 451 Va Wa sh In Eton. Modern. fira ii rouiun, j 1 1 rouvftniences, s and up. 75 MOR RISON New view all parades, ' W convenient rooms ; car st depot. FOR TRANSIENTS Nicely furnished rooms 50c day. 211 12th. near White- Temple. FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 301 Br'dw'y. Main 114b. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL. CO X RAD IIS E lOth st. at Oak, Just opened under tbe management of C. H. Thoren and wife. A rood, quiet place right downtown. Strictly modern fireproof building' with large comfortable lobby. All outsitie- rooms. First-class permanent patronage solicited. Rooms $3.00 per week and up; with private bath $5 per week: and up. See our rooms before deciding; to locate. We also solicit first-class transient trade. HOTEL. FRANKLIN. NEW MANAGEMENT, CENTRAL, LOCATION. WASHINGTON AND 13TH. PHONE , HOT AND COLD WATER, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS FREE. 50c DAY UP, $10 MONTH UP. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. PHONES MAIN 8859. A-ti(21. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison Sts. Transient and Permanent Guests. A centrally located hotel with every modern convenience; rooms single or en euite. with and without private bath; modest prices, with special rates by the month to permanent guests. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 207H 2PiM. 4TH. MODERN. FIP-KPKOOF BUILDING, CENTRA LLY LOCATED. SUMMER RATES NOW ON. ROOMS $10 AND UP. BRING THIS ADV. TO APPLY $1 ON FIRST MONTH'S RENT. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Rates $1 per day, $4 per week. With private bath $1.50 per day, $5.00 per week. HOTEL BLACK STONE, Corner 11th and Stark, $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no ex tra charge for two in a room; room, and bath $1 day; transient solicited. PRIVATE family hotel, 2Lst and Washing ton; private bath, phone every room, $ltf and up; Summer rates. Marshall 5170. Fnminlied Rooms In Private Family. EXTRA large rooms, nicely furnished, suit able for 2 or more ; separate beds; board if desired. 501 Harrison, near 14th. Main ONE" WEEK FREE rent to permanent roomer, beautiful furnished room, 3 win dows, electricity, phone, bath; $1 123 N. 23 NICE single sleeping-room, also beautiful sleeping tent, furnished, very central. 474 Alder. S. E. corner 34th. $15.00 NICELY furnished room, private apartment, close In. Gentleman preferred. Marshall 253B. NICELY furnished room In strictly modern apt. The Deendorf, 208 10th St.. near Taylor st. Mar. 2324. MODERN, newly furnished rooms, privi lege of using kitchen; walking; distance; rent reasonable. Main 2010. FIVE view of all Carnival parades at 2V1 Morrison sL, tor, 5th. Reserved seats on Kale today. - $2 WEEK Lovely, clean front room, pri vate entrance, modern conveniences. 424 Jefferson. CLEAN furnished front rooms, with 1 and 2 beds, 50c per day. 350 14th. CHEAP Airy rooms, ciose to North Bank Dep t. No. 145 N. 3oth. cor Hoyt sL LARGE front room with, alcove and porch. 5U4 Gilsan. Mar. 278. NICELY furnished from room lor rent, reas- onable. Main 20o0. ROOM S, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. 201 14th. Main ;tS93. $1.75 WEEK; center room, first floor. 26S 12th si. NICE clean rooms for Rose Festival guests right downtown. 373 Taylor. DANDY . room, reasonable, fine location, house lean and modern. East 1552. TWO large furnished rooms, clean and rea sonable; close in, 211 Ctli St. Rooms With Board. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables; extremely reasonable rates; worth Investigating. Main 7584, A 7133. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern. FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan; on carline; 10 minutes' from business center: price in accord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283, A 6u2S. ALEXANDER COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. SuUes. Single rooms. Excellent table. A t21l. v Main 4611. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 25;t 0th St., has a fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. PRIVATE family hotel, home cooking, pri vate bath and phone in every room; Sum rates $16 and up. 710 Washington st. THE MANITOU, 2ttl lth. New manage ment, entirely renovated, good rooms and board, reasonable; walking distance. THE STRYKER 554 Couch, choice modern rooms, excellent table board. Reasonable. Koonu With Board in Private Family. PLEASANT. nicely furnished room with best of meals, for 2; refined yoig ladies or young men, in thoroughly n ice place, with all conveniences and home privileges. West Side, easy walking distance, $22.50 month. Marshall 24 ELEGANT modern room . for 2. twin beds, also sleeping porch, single room, use of music-room, etc.; home cooking ; modern garage for rent. Irviugtou district. East 0152. VERANDA room and board, in beautiful, new home; music, pool and billiard-rooms, also shower baths, $4.50 per wek and up. 554 East Madison. 335 UTH STREET. Attractive home for business people, large, beautifully furnished rooms, plenty of hot water, 2 meals, close in. Main 72ti5. ATTRACTIVE larse rooms in nice home, twin beds, running water, good board, every tanv. lence, $5 up; 15 ruin, walk to P. O. 501 Harrison, near 14th. Main 63SI. DESIRABLE surroundings, all home com forts, for 1 or 2 young people 561 East j Burnside. East 6910. ROOM and board for 1 or in modern pri vate home; hot and cold water in room; une of piano. 344 palmon st. Main 4504. ROOM and board in newly f urnlshedhome, strictly modern. $25 per month. 434 Mill. Main 6140. BEAUTIFUL single and double rooms, home cooking, five minutes' walk center city, 185 16th st. Mar. 40u2. ALL the pleasures of country life, includ ing home cooking, combined with city convenlt-nces. 666 Lovejoy st. Mar. 6151. LARGE front room, modern home, close In, all conveniences free, board optional; reas onable. 474 Salmon. Marshall 4410. NEW house near Multnomah Club; room with home cooking; reasonable. Main 221V. ATTRACTIVE room for two young men; modern conveniences. Main 6726. 263 13th. FOR business girls or students, $4 weeK up. 'Anr.a Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders st. ROOMS and- breakfast, also steady board ers. 944 Gladstone ave. WW car. ROOM with board; modern; walking dis tance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. LARGE, airv room, home cooking, use of piano. Main 8iil2. 3 til 30th st. ROOM and board for 2" or 4 young men ; sleeping porch. Lacd Addition. East 4s42. CLEAN place to board; home cooking, $4 per week. 13 North 0th st PRACTICAL NURSE wishes to take one" or two children In country home. E. 5200. ROOM, board, with sleeping porch, two gentlemen. 570 Ladd avc. East 2333. KOO.M and board, walking distance, mod ern. Main 6179. 3-';2 loth st. Furnished Apartments. DRICKSTON, 44S 11th, modern 2 and 3 room ats.', excellent service, walking dis tance. Marshall 56, A 540S. NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones, lights, linen, gas. hot water always, $2.50 to $5.50 week. 17t-a 2d. nr. Mor., 4th floor. HAMMERSLY COURT. 250 12th St., by the day, week or month, modern, close to P. P.; reasonable; ref. Marshall 2052. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th end Everett Two rooms, newly furnished, hardwood floors, walking distance; $'lb.50. Main 1245.. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall St. BIRMINGHAM. 3W 12th St. 2? and X rooms. Main 429V. Mar. 4S4. ELMWOOP APTS.. 10TH AND HALL. Lobby, social hall, modern 2 and 3-room furnished and unfurn. apts.; reasonable. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 2S6 11th. Modern furnished two-room apartments; Jt"2. ."" up: close in. Main 22 so . THE LAURETTK 3-room furnished apis.; private bath, phone. 22W 11th. CAMAR, "04 Lovejoy Modern brick- build ing; 2, 3-room P-pts.. $16 to $30. Mar. 2117. E W. furnished apartments, concrete block, jplO and $12. 1144'fr Union ave. N. PA GE a paitmnts, E. St h and E. Burnside. East :t.0H. Desirable 3 rooms, furnished. 4-ROOM furnished apt., all outside rooms, first floor. Call Main 8251. 664 Flanders. HERMEN1A 400 Hall St., corner 10th, mod rn 2-room apt., very reasonable. FOR KKN'T. Fornifibed Apartments. THE1 CROMWELL 5th and Columbia Sts. 6 mln. walk to Meier & Frank store; nice surroundings; just the thing for Summer; strictly modern 2 and 3 - room furnished apts., all outside, with French doors and balconies. Day. Week, Month. Rates reasonable. Marshall 5198. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel), Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS, Rates day, week, month, year. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on th Pacific vuwii luroisneu complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking; distance. References. THE ALTAMONT, Fifth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments very cheap. Aalso bachelor apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor service included. ONLY $1S to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping two-room ap;s.. including electric lights, hea. hot water, bath, private phone, new "brick bldg., 15 minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apt3., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4152, THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room -apart-ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleep In .5 porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S3 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2, 3 and 4-room suites; best location in city; reasonable. WASHINGTON-GRAND 2-room furnished apts.. $12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, cletn; very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 4449. MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Mont gomery sts. ; strictly modern, all outside furnished 2 -room apts. ; electric elevator, best service, close in; $18 to $25; free lights. Main 466, CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 room apts.; 10 min. from business center; save carfare ; rates moderate ; references. DAVENPORT APTS.. 505 JEFFERSON. Brick building, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room apts.; also furnished rooms; new management. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicest furnished three-room apts.; private phone and bath, walking distance; prices moderate. Phone East 208. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. ,$20 month up; modern 3 and 4-room apartments; completely furnished. 188 THE FLORENCE. 3S3 11th st, 2, 3 and 4-room apts., nicely furnished, by day, week or month. $1 per day and up. Will accommodate 4 to u oeoDle. MADISON PARK APTS. writ it. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart -ments : close In: by week or month. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms, light, pleasant aJid well fur nished. Walking distance, $20.00 to $23.00. Main 8757. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella sts.; fur nished 3-room apts., with or without sleep- Ing porch: modern. FOR TOURISTS. Clean, comfortable, desirable apart ments. East 7th and Yamhill. Lam brook Apts. East 4062. B 3401 BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished; f irst -class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. WELL-FURNISHED, best-arranged 4-room apt. for rent In Portland ; elevated site; southern exposure ; separate entrance ; se lect neighborhood. Main 2506, A 3149. H ADDON HALL, 11th st.. corner Hail. Elegantly fui tilshed apartment, private phone, bath and balcony porches, $18 and up. H1SLOP HALL, cor. East 6th and Haw thorne -z and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone ; also sin slo rooms well f ur-nlsh-d; $lg.50 up. Phone East 8S2 BERKELEY APTS. R9 Trinity Place, 2 and 3-room apts. Light and pleasant Balconies Central $17.50 to $30.00. Mar shall i50. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room apartment, easy walking distance, $lti per month, in cluding lights, etc. 18 17th. near YamhiiL THE DEZEN DORF, 208 ICth st., near Taylor; Marshall 2324; :t, 4 and 5 -room furnished and unfur. apts. Unfurnished ApartnienTZ LUCRETIA COURT APTS. Lucretia at., near Wash., and 23d, 2 to 0 room apartments, reception halls, dressing-room and hardwood floors, all large, outside rooms ; while this apt. -house is the finest in every particular, yet the prices are not any higher than the ordi nary apt.-house. Free private phones In each apt.; ref. reg,. Supt. on premises. Mar. 1513. Janitor, Mar. 1500, A 3637. 705 DAVIS ST. Head of King St, Most modern and fashionable apartment-house in Portland. Absolutely fire proof. Three to 7-rooua unfurnished apart ments. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ences for tlie price than you will find In the city. Phone Main 7516 A 2676. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall y:;60 or A 2676. THE BRUCE APARTMENTS 06 N. 25th. Six large rooms. Trout veranda, hardwood floors, steam heat, bath, phones. Janitor service; beautifully located. Main 4 0O5, A 317!. WEST SIDE. 5-roorn unfurnished apartments, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service. Phone Marshall 2 1 06. 12ii N. 17th St. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAYSTS 3 and 4-room, wide halls, private vestibule, phone and bath; brick building, elevator; references. Mgr. Mar. 5735; Jan. Mar, 5753. STEVENS APT., 6 large outside rooms, front and back private; porches, heat, hot water and phone. 7t'l Northrup, near 24th. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef- ferson Elegant, unfurnished apartments, first-class service. Private phone. Ref. 6-KOOiI apt., unfurnished; 3 bedrooms, ail sunny, outside rooms, two porches, refer ences. 7b0 Irving st. Mar. 1 758. Furnished or L'nf uxnished Apartments. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving r urn is iiea ana uniurnisneu apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum clearer free. Phone Marshall 2961. HIGHLAND COURT APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. in city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3249. WASHINGTON APARTMENTS, 0S3 North rup st., 5-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, with all modern conveniences, gas, electric light, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4376. A 1132. KINGSBURY. 186 Vista ave., otf Washington st. 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or furnished: high-class neighborhood; best of service; reasonable. THE ROYAL ARMS, luth and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-date apts. in Portland. Hardwood floors, balconies, etc. All reuts moderate; I 2-room, $17.50; 1 3-room, $30. Marshall 5tll. BUENA VISTA, 1 2ih and Harrison. Finest aparunent-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance; references. M. 1091, .M. 1052. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 110L ROSEN F ELD APTS., 14th .and East Stark Brick bids., ana strictly moaern : 3 ana 4-room apts.. large rooms, private phones in each apt.; reasonable rent; references. GRACEAPA RTMENT. 24th andNorthrup ; 5 large, unfurnished rooms; sleeping- porch and all modern conveniences ; one 3 room furnished apartment. Marshall 1078, SHEFFIELD Apartments. 270 Broadway blocks to business center; oest location In Portland: furnished and unfurnished; all rents reduced. Main 2506. A 3140. REX ARMS -13th and K. Morrison; 2 and 3 rooms; Summer rates; modern service. MEREDITH 3 and 4-rootrt apts., very rea sonable. 7 1 2 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. 4 AND 5-room apts., with sleeping porches. 1S5 K. 15th, near Yamhill st. THE WINDSOR 2. 3 and 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not. E. 14th and Yamhill. KINO-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st- 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 205S. THE ORMONDE One five-room apt., 656 I Flanders, JSoo Hilt. Alain b2dL, FOB KKNT. For o is bed or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER A: BOTCE, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service In visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015: HAN THORN APARTMENTS, 251 TWELFTH ST. Modern in every respect, furniture ab solutely new, unfurnished are just like new. each apartment has a private bal cony, rooms aro all light and airy; walk ing distance. THE Chetopa, ISth and Flanders; 2, 8, 4 room apts., furnished or unfurnished. Flats. WEST SIDE 6-room lower flat, furnace, with hot-water coil, fireplace, tubs, faces south, 725 Kearney; $2. Phone C 3002. mornings or evenings. ONE fine 0-room upper corner fiat, all out side rooms; also one furnished. 633 E. Madison st. Phone E. 234. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 5 OR li-room and bath modern steam-heated flat, walking distance.. 307 11th st., near uoiumoia. DANDY u-rooin lower corner flat, walking distance, ntwly tinted, corner East 14th and Madison, phone East 7066. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near City Park; reasonable. M. 8988, A 2676. MODERN 6-room flat; also 8-rootn house Inquire 175 16th st. FOR RENT 3-rootn modern flat, $15. 3114 E. 8th, cor. Burnside. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt at. inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. 3-ROOM modern flats, furnished or unfur- nished. reasonable rent. Woodlawn 167. STRICTLY modern 9-room upper flat. 437 C'lav st. Phnn Fjut H. C-ROOM modern flat. 306 E. 24th at., neaJ Hawthorne, Rent reasonable. yurmshed Hats, ONLY $20; best furnished 5-roora flat for money; gas, bath, light all sides, two car lines, walking distance, good Jitney serv ive. 772 E. Taylor, E. 5260. ELEGANTLY furnished; player piano. Jan itor service, heat, phone; reasonable. 189 North 23d. NICELY furnished 0-room upper flat. 70S Kearney, newly tinted, all conveniences, jdeeping porch. Main 1560. Woodlawn 2054. 6-ROOM furnished flat; yard walking dls tance; Stout St.; $22.50. Marshall 4320. FOUR-ROOM furnished flat. Sunnvslde, near Laurelhurst Park. Call Tabor 1017. Housekeeping; Rooms. $1 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; gas, free heat, laundry, bath. yard. East 6o3J. 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. tP car. FURNISHED suites of L 2 and 4 rooms at 2444 Killingsworth ave.; low rent. Phone Woodlawn 0&0. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. GILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week up. SINGLE h. k. ape, valkiujr distance, $3 per month. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. 101 14 TH 2 and 3 rooms, modern conven iences, $12.50 and up; transient. ROYCREST 175 12th ; cool, comfortable rooms, complete for H. K.. close in. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished 1 and 2 room housekeeping apartments reasonable. Housekeeping 1 loo ins iu Private Family. $2.50 WEEK, large furnished II. K, gas, free phone, electricity, bath. 6ol E, Mor rison. 1 EASY walk, 4 newly papered, furnished low . er h. k. rooms, $12.50 (three less;. 412 Vancouver. 13TH ST. 2 pleasant rooms, completely fur., modern. M. 8to72, Tab. 1106. 300 Yeon bldg. BAGGAGE and moving our specialty. Hunt iransier yo. t a t-ii. uroaaway ,4ia 1, 2 AND 3 modern H. K. rooms, cleanest und best in city for money. 42i Main. 2-ROOM front suite, first floor, $12 month; also 3-room suite $13. 350 14th. TWO large H. K. soms, nice yard, walk ing distance. Main 753d. 3 OR 4 furnished "housekeeping rooms, large yard, and phone. 3o E. 8th North. TWO airy rooms and kitchenette with sink, $S. 151 Grand ave. North. Houses. BARGAIN on West Side, 6-roora house, all modern improvements, loth and Harrison st. Phone Main 37b6. 10 to 12 A. M., 1 to 3 P. M, MODERN 7-room cottage, Dutch kitchen, white bathroom, close in. $13; also 5-room lower flat, inlaid linoleum on kitchen 13. 074 Kerbyst. WoodUwn 308U. 8-KOOM house. 289 Broadway, 5 blocks from Portland Hotel; bath, gas, elecUicity, fur nace heat. Apply 201 Broadway. 6 ROOMS, furnace, electricity, gas, two fire places, walking distance. Apply 304 Mor gau bldg. Rent $23. BEAUTIFUL view residence flats, 6 and 7 rooms; notliing like them in city; modern, reasonable. Ul6 Savier. 320 EAS T 57th St.. near Hawthorne 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, garage. Phone East b. NEAT s-room West Side walking distance, small yard, rent reasonable. - 28 13th at. Main 451U. FINE 7-room house, close to car, $17. 208 Abington bldg. MODERN desirable 6 and S-room house, 396 and liUS San Rafael, close in. East 1685. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, 2 blocks Irving ton car, $14. Woodlawn 197. B-ROOM modern, well-located flat, S6.00. SMITH A HOUCK, 301 Henry bldg. FIVE rooms. large garden, all kinds fruit, close in, $10. Phone Tabor 3524. 6-ROOM modern house, fruit and flowers; $15. Phone Woodlawn 1709. 6-ROOM house, Sunnyside car, full lot, fruit, $15. Phone Tabor 1003. BEAUTIFUL 5 and 8-room cottages, cheap, by owner. Main 676, A 4301. WEST SIDE, 6-room house, $15 per mouth. bOtf Northrup at. Telephone Mar. 1215. S-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th. Main 6276. 6-ROO M h ouse, 323 Wasco St. East 2446. Furnished Houses. MODERN bunsalow, delightfully situated, on river; rental reasonable. ; Oregon City car. Jennings. Inquire Emmons, Main 478 or Farmers 1 8-F-2. TWO 5-room flats, furnished. 7-room fur nished cottage and 2 and 3-room fur nished apartments, all modern, clean and deslrabie. Phone Tabor lOltf. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, furnished, beautiful Groveland Park. Give phone. L U12, Ore gonian. EIGHT-ROOM nicely furnished bungalow, oak floors, garage, fireplace, furnace, 1101 Clinton St.. 35. Marshall 4553. 5-ROOM furnished house, attic, basement, two lots, fruit, etc East 23d st. $20. 430 AVorcester bldg. Main HMO. $45 PER month ; furnished, modern, S-room house, Irving ton ; choice location. Phone East 3S72. 9-ROOM elegantly furnished house,- West Side, Nob Hill. Marshall 6017. 4-KOOM cottage, yard, berries, for Summer. 776 Lovejoy. Phone Marshal 1750. 273 BROADWAY Furnished 4-room, cot tase ; electric lights, bath, central. NICE 7-room Irvlngton home, reasonable. East 872. W. H. Herdmann. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished 8 room modern house. 1183 Halsey. Summer kesorts. SPEND YOUR VACATION AT fOLl'MBIA BEACH. Under New Management. Completely furnished housekeeping tents for rent; clam digging, fishing, boating, tennis, new plank auto road to ocean front; autos meet all trains, information 1 100 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland, Or., or Landon & Brysou. Columbia Beach, R. F. D. , Warre n to n O r. FOR RENT At Cannon Beach, during July and August, beautituHy located front beach furnished cottage, six rooms and sleeping porch. Apply AD b56 Oregonian, or tele phone Marshall 11. SEASIDE New 7-room, modern cottage, 1U0 feet trom. ocean; electricity, fireplace, first-class plumbing, completely furnLshed. East 5074. NEAT 0-room cottage at Ocean Park, W'ash. Sellwood 1500. MOUNT HOOD auto stage calls any part of city. Main 3S1, A 2331. SEA a IDE Well furnished 5-room cottage near beach, modern. Main 2160. BUTCHER SHOP for rent: ice box, tools, meat blocks, counters; good location, 20th and Alberta. Phone Woodlawn 1301). STORE, 275 Hawthorne ave.. 17x40, near bridge; fine light, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES, store, 1 875 square feet, c entra I location, mod erate rental. A K 710, Oregonian. Offices. OPPORTUNITY for dentlrt with established first-class physician; splendid light; well known building, central location, moderate rental. AM 78, Oregonian. ONE-HALF of light office in best business bui Ming In Portland for rent to reliable party. W 010, Oregonian, rOR RENT Offices. COMPLETELY furnished, for several months, $16; also desk, phone, etc. in light office, $10. 209 Stock Exchange, 8d and Yamhill. DOCTOR'S office to let In downtown build ing; central location, moderate rental. AL 707. Oregonian. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room ; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. WELL-FURNISHED private office: also aesk room, so ana s i. -J unamoer ot Commerce. DESK room with desk and chair and tele phone service, $10 per month. 333 Morgan bldg. t LIGHT desk room wanted by very reliable real estate agent. W 917, Oregonian. LARGE hall cheap. 532 Williams ave. Phone E. 56C5. TO LEASE. CHOICE 100x100 floor space, second floor; East 13th and Hawthorne ave. ; suitable for manufacturing purposes, warehouse or storage; will lease for term of years; rent reasonable. Apply building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY oTfered, if you have & few thousand dol lars to invest. I will sell you half share of $uo,000 bearing orchard with lovely home, cow, chickens, garden, all free, and $l2oo salary and guarantee that the crop will pay balance due in less than 10 years, M. A, Loehr, 20i Stark, near 4th, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY. Careful investigation of business op portunities has been our work for 23 years. Get our advice before you buy a store, mfg. proposition, hotel, rooming or apt.-house. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., Old Established. Reliable. 618-19 Yeon Building. ASSISTANCE WANTED. Have option on fully equipped mining property and want four people to Join me iu purchase and Immediate operation. If you act Immediarely it is a rare chance to become a part owner with me. Anthony Mohr. 214 Lewis bldg. GENERAL" MERCHANDISE To one who means BUSINESS we will showyou the BEST IN THE WEST, takes some cash, will return enormous profits, business is not being peddled, neither will it be, if you are in earnest come in. 306 Stock Exchange bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board . PAUL A. COWG1LL, Scc'ty. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Up-to-date ice and cold stor age plant, daily capacity 15 tons; ample cold storage rooms. For particulars ad dress BONSTED & WIGHT, Attorneys-at-Law. Toppenish. Wash. BARBER SHOP, chair and fixtures; CON FECTIONERY, fountain, cases, etc.; POOL ROOM, 2 tables, etc.; BUILDING and LOT, with living rooms, modern, MONEY MAKER; small investment. 306 Stock Exchange Bldg. y LOOK! Terms to suit for $650, invoices bet ter than $1200; this is certainly a golden opportunity. Confectionery, fruit, cigars and tobacco. Established for 24 years. Average dally sales $22; big profit. 203 First street. A STOCK of $15,000 gen. merchandise, and building, In a good Palouse town, doing a $42,000 business, to trade for a good stock ranch; will pay difference. Address AV 171, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS grocery, Woing Btrigtly cash business, close-in, cheap rent, clean stock and niue fixtures ; will make price worth v. hiie If taken immediately. Call at 85 Grand ave. (No ageitus wanted.) FINE clean stock of general merchandise in good Valley town, inventory about $10,500, doing fine cash business; some discount for cash If taken soon; no trades, no agents. P. O- Box 45U. philomath. Or. PARTNER wanted to tend office; also some outside work ; owner busy in the manu facturing ; pay $lt0 month salary, also profits guaranteed. Call room 3-tf Morgan bldg. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. Positively no reasonable offer refused for the best cleaning-pressing establish ment in city. 127 12th st. Palace Hotel bldg. EXCELLENT buy In a painting and con tracting business ; owner ants reliable partner, $125 a month for an active man: small investment, fully secured. Call 317 Ry. Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted; must have good refer ences and be good business man, able to manage wholesale and retail business; owner sick In bed ; must invest about 1000. Call 263 Burnside. GROCERY and rooming-house. 0 rooms, rent $50, invoice .stock and fixtures, about $14O0 for all. Cull 315 Lumber Ex change. GROCERY Best West Side locution, cash business. Owner compelled to leave city. Will invoice and discount 10 per cent for quick sh le. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. TH E only exclusive clothing, shoe and fur nishing goods store in a town of 25uu population ; will sell very reasonable. Ap ply V SS6, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR LEASE Country newspa per and Job office, town 60O ; agriculture section. Opposition 18 miles. Good terms. Address A V 204. Oregonian. GROCERY and delicatessen. West Side; paying business; will invoice ; price rea sonable. By owner. Mar. 44. - H 860, Ore gonian. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSI NESS, good valley town, location on fine street. Something worth while for a high, class man. 306 Stock Exchange bldg. GROCERY Will seT cheap; has 3 living rooms and is clearing $150 month ; sick ness is what compels owner to sacrifice. Call room 3-9 Morgan bldg. RELIABLE active man wanted in office as partner. Some outside work. Can make good salary. Small investment required. Particulars 24b Stark St. MANUFACTURING business for sale; an ar ticle used in every household ; overhead expense light; 30O per cent profit. L 92S. Oregonian. TEA AND COFFEE STAND New Central Market, money-maker, small investment. PEOPLE WILL EAT, get busy and feed them. 306 Stock" Exchange bldg. PARTNER Garage and storage and repair shop. Duties easily learned. $400, $300 rash, balance $25 month. Call 315 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SWELL RESTAURANT for sale by owner, or will rent to responsible parties; price $300. Jefi'eries Restaurant, Vancouver, Wash. SOLID business; partner wanted to work in store, -etc. ; salary $-5 week, also profits ; requires small ' investment. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. GENERAL AGENCY for sale cheap. Exclu sive sales rights for Or., Wash, and Cal. Good reason for quitting. Call 410 Mor rison st., room 14. PASTRY SPECIALTY Wholesale and re tail, good list of regular customers ; $500 clear profit per month. 306 Stock Ex change bldg. LAUNDRYMEN. I want a young man experienced in the laundry business to join me in a paying plant In the city. L 127. Oregonian. UP-TO-DATE shoe repairing stand, small stock shoes; good thing. Will state rea son for selling. L 929, Oregoniun. LIGHT grocery, bakery goods ond delicates sen; good location; about $650 takes it. Phone Emst 3067. V KH, Oregonian. MAN with some capital wanted to manage going business, big payer, must be reliable. it5 otii st., city. Ask lor E, E. Lott. MODERN garage and machine shop In the best little city In Oregon; big business; investigate. AV 244, Oregonian. TA UjOK and cleaning and pressing shop : good reason, (food location. V SSS, Ore gonian. GENERAL grading contractor wants partner with ability to help finance contracts. AN 867, Oregonian. XI CE little cash grocery, low rent, fine stock and good trade; living-rooms; a great bargain today. 24S fcitark st. MOV I NOTP ICTURE" OPERATORS WANTED IN EVERY CITY IX WORLD. WE TEACH YOU. 64 BROADWAY. PORTLAND VISITORS. Investigate cranberry business. Hansen. 28 Ablngton bldg. PARTNER with five hundred, one hundred dollars a week business. V 911, Ore gonian b'OR good investment of any kind see me V 806. Oregonian. EAT MARKET doing nine business, oheap. H. Hoffmann, Oregon City, Or. Owner needs partner. Business making large returns. Right party $J0Q. L926, Oregonian. BARBERSHOP for sale; good location and business. 43 hk N. 6th St. RESTAURANT cheap, part trade, cheap rent, busy corner. Terms. 264 1st st. HAVE thxe photo galleries, will sell one. Call at studio. 408 Washington. BAKERY Keiail business, good equipment. Inquire L JUL Oregonian. RESTAURANT Fine location, clears $175 per month, price $5oo. V 910, Oregonian. VILLleasw good-paying gasoline filling station for 2 or 3 years. East 1141. MOVING-PICTURE SUPPLY HOUSE, BROADWAY, OPPOSITE BENSON. 64 :i.chair barber shop, good location, for sals cheap; Kokcn outfit. G 861, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BEST grain and hay warehouse proposition in state; well equipped, four cleaners, feed chopper, two electric motors, ail in good, condition, 75,000 bushel capacity; will take $8000 cash and stay and manage. Addreas Box 185. McMinnville, Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "WANTED. HIGHEST cash prices paid for all kinds mercnanatse. see us hetore selling. ito Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8727. ROOMING-HOUSES. 50 CLEANEST rooms, best corner in Port land; long lease; expenses, including rent, $150 month ; extra good furnishings. Money-maker for right party. Big sacri 0 f ice. Good reasons. Investigate. Come, . stay until satisfied. Small payment down. 22 N. 3d st. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartinent-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency iu City. P08-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. ROOMING HOUSES, all sizes, ranging In price from $150 to $35,000; on some 1 can accept trade. If in the market don't fail to see me. 506 Stock Exchange. FOR RENT Up-to-date modern hotel, fur nished or unfurnished, centrally located. 66 rooms, 24 baths. Apply W fcSS, Orego n ian. WORKINGMEN'S HOTEL, 20 rooms. Low rent. Price $4O0, half cash. H. Robinson, 505 Corbett bldg. 30 ROOMS, including 2 storerooms, rent $55; $40O cash, balance auto. Owner, 321 Water su 1A?ST AND FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Ltsrfat & Power Company, and owners thereof may claim tamo at the 1st and Alder-street station; June 7 (Broadway 5100, A 6131) 4 grips, l lunch box, 1 pin, 1 glove, 4 pack ages, 1 ornament, basket, 1 lady's hat. 1 purse, 3 books, 1 case books, 1 key, 1 cuff link, 1 stick pin, 5 pes. of lumber. FOLLOWING articles were found on the - cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and owners thereof may claim same at the First and A Ider-Street station: June 8. Broadway 5100, A 6131: 8 umbrellas, 1 corset. 1 pair shoes. 1 pin, 1 typewriter stand, I fish basket, 2 pack ages. 1 bundle sacks. 1 book. 1 watch pin, 2 grips, 1 glove, 1 bag of figs, 1 purse, 1 lunch-box. LOST Tuesday, on or near Broadway bridge, gent's whit esapphire ring; initials "V. o. to H. L." engraved inside band; liberal reward offered. Call 307 Crosby st. Phone East 6483. LOST A brooch on Belmont st-7 between Grand ave. and 20th st Anyone finding sb me please communicate with suite E. 152 E. 20th St. Phone B 2814. LOST Wednesday morning, on East Side, handbiig with valuables. Watch chain ami ring are keepsakes of my dead son. Liberal reward. Sellwood 5sl. LOST German silver mesh purs, contain ing about 57 and key, between Grand ave nue and Water st-. on Haw thorno ai; $5 . reward. Call McDonald. M arsliall 1319. FLAT-BOTTOM white rowboati drifting near the Oaks; finder please phone owner at Main 99S and receive reward. LOST Opal brooch set in platinum and diamonds. Returu to 243 West Park st. Reward. LOST Boston bull terrier, license 1 1 5S : finder please phone Mr. Fogel, Norton ia Hotel ; reward. REWARD for return of suitcase taken from waiting-room North Bank station. 4J9 Pit tock block. LOST CanKK breantpln; a present to me. Reward. Ia 9 15, Oregonian. LOST Near 2d and Aider, Tuesday, gray hair switch Main 7103. Reward. LOST Eastern Star pin, betweoii Knott and Int and Alder. Call E. 3085. Regard. LOST Diamond brooch; very liberal To ward. Phone Marshall 1637. &PKCIAL NOTICKS,. . Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. STATE INSTITUTIONS. The Oregon State Board of Control will receive sealed bids for furnishing sup plies to the various state institutions on June 15, 1015, at 2 P. M., consisting of dry oods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, snoes, nardnare, brooms, drugs, paints, oils, sta tionery, crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi-annual period ending December 31, 1015. Specifications and schedules will be f uruhihed upon application to the sec retary. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of lo per cent of the whole amount of bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, to be held as a guarantee of the faithful per formance of the contract. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOOD1N, Secretary, Oregon St ate Boa rd of Con troL SEALED bids will be received at our otiTcs up to and including Saturday, J una 1j15. for the lollowing property; 4 pool tables complete with all the necessary fixtures, mirrors, chairs, furni ture and other equipment, formerly used in the pool parlors of Boore & Youn at Vancouver. Wash. ; also a small stock of tobacco, cigar , etc., the total being of inventory alue of $327. The ctock may be Inspected at Van couver, Wash., and the inventory seen at our office. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All bids tnuat be ac companied by a certifsed check, fur 10 per cent of the price offered. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. Portland Association of Credit Men. bOO Commercial Block. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 605 Commercial block, this city, up to and Including Mon day, the 14th day of June, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the following property: Bakery complete with all fixtures, stock, etc.. at 1213 Division st., this city. The property may be examined on the premises and the inventory inspected at our office. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids- THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU OF THE PORTLAND ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN. SEALED PROPOSALS in triplicate will be received by the Quartermaster-General of ' the Arrly, Washington. D. C. until 2 o'clock P. M., Eastern time. July 6. K15, for furnishing hardware and tools for de livery during the fiscal year loitj at depots of the Quartermaster Corps listed In schedule. Schedules furnished upon appli. cation to Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C, or by Quarter master. Portland. Oregon. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF MEETING OF STOCKHOLD ERS OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC TERMINAL COMPANY OF OREGON. NOTICE 1 HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the stockholders of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC TERMINAL COMPANY of Oregon will be held at the office of the president, 1107 Weils-Fargo building, Portland, Oregon, on Monday, J una 21. 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. RALPH E. MOODY, Secretary. FOR SALE A first-class, modern" up-to-date drug store at Bend, Or.; inventory stock (12,000; fixtures $5000; a splendid opportunity for the right man. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Of the Portland Association of Credit Men. 600 Commercial Block. NOT responsible for any bills accumulated by Mrs. T. E. Zachrisson. T. E. ZACHRISSON. FINANCIAL. COUNTRY bank gentleman, middle age, wants position In country bank where at end of 6 months he can purchase stock and hold office; references exchanged. Ad dress "Banker' 1760 Hereford street. Uni versity Park. Portland. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and tiotes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased. . F. H. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. W. E. DAVIDSON &. CO., 214-13 LEWIS BLDG. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon o Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldgj WE BUY note, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson A Ewln g. 2Q7-8 N Yy-ban k bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. $500. $100o and upward on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. WE have on hand $100, S225, $450. $1200. $3000 on real estate. Boid Realty Co., L.e is bldg. $100 TO $5o0i at reasonable rates on real estate. Boid Realty Co., Lewis b I d g. ESTATE MONEY, ALL AMOUNTS H. Y. FREEDMAN, 930 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mortgage Co., 424 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE TOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 300 OA K ST. Mortgage loans, reasonable rates, bldg. loans. Henry O. Prudhomme. 52S Morgan bldg. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COM. $2ii0, $350, $600. $000. $1200. $1800. Fred W. G erman Co .. 914 Chamber of Commerce. $00 OU $1000 for immediate loan on real estate. Tabot' 2520. $50O TO $50,000 PRIVATE MONEY, low in terest rata. B 462. Ors gonian. .. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY LOANED. Improved business property, to 9 per cent. Improved residence property, 6 to 7 P cent. Improved farm property, 7 to 8 per. cent. WHITMErt-KELLY CO., 711 Pittock Block. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSED; ' VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO., U-lO- SPALDING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. 11. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4113. WE PURCHASE mortgages! contracts and. equities at right figures. Submit all mat ters by maiL No phone information. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC.. tftock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. MONEY to loan at 5 to 7 per cent, Port land business and residence property. FARM loans at 7 lo 8 per cunt. MALL c VON BORSTEL, 1 04 2d st., near Stark. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Lowest No delay. D. S1MONDS, OI7 Corb-tt Bids. TO LOAN. 5 to 7 moii y on business property, apart ni en m, dwellings, farm.. R. H. blossom, 31 6 Cha ru or of Commerce $ 200. 0 To LOAN in s u m to s u 1 1 ; build ing loans; lowest lat'f. W. G. Beds, 314. 31 o Kl. ing bldg. FIELDS At HONK Y.MAN MORTGAGE CO. OUU O AN FUNDs. 1O25-10 2i V K ON BLDG. MORTGAGE l"a.i on city and suburban real estate at 7 and s per cent. W. JL Nunn, 44s Sherlock bldg. ,'i'O LOAN $4O,0O4 OK LES.-i. FARR1NUTON, SO 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. SEE Seckendorf today; no delay, city and Turin loans at current rates. 31316 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 674. SEE us today tor loa ns on improved e.1 ty property. O to 8 per cent. $2uO a ad up. t'iiHurs-Morton Co.. 2r, Yon bldg. $5UuO TO LOAN on close-in property. Inter est 7 per cent, expenses moderate. Call 330 Sherlock Mdp. Main 9310. $2500 TO loan, 7 per cent, improved 1 rv iogton property preferred. 711 i'iltocic b I ock. MORTGAGE tiOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE Co., INC., stork Exchange blug., 3.1 and Vn mhi ! 1. MORTGAGE LOANS, CITY AND FA KM. DOUR E. KEASEY & CO., Cham, of Corn. Mone-y to Loan Chattel and .Snlariet. IMMEDIATE3 LOANS. ON DIAMONDS AND JFAVELEiY AT EASTERN RATES. Wo hav on of ihu finst rutail jewelry stores in the city. A loan department Is conducted in connection with tamo, mak Ing business STRICTLY i UN FIDKNTI A L. absolutely no sie,n designating loan but!-; ness displayed in f rent of our store. All merchandise pledged is held for period of seven months, whether or not interest is paid when due. We ar licensed and have been established ince lSSi. No connection witii any other loan establishment in tins city. A. & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, R24 Wahlnston St. - STATE SECURITY CO., L1CENSEP. ' Oldest established salary loa n company in Oregon. Reliable. Satisfactory terms. Business! strictly confidential. r Our well-known reputation for square dealing itnd courteous treatment during the Is our best reference. STATE SECURITY CO., LICENSED. 30!t Failing' Bide MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY at lgal rates, on Diamonds, Autos. Pianos, Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back $5 per month or more. Interest 3 per cent. OFFICES ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO., LICENSED. 3 1 1 Dokuni bids-, 3d a nd Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, watch of. musics I instruments. SEPARATK DEPT. FOR LADIES. EI -BY COMPANY (licensed, 320 I .umber Exchange Bldg., ' Second ami Stark Sts. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Dan Marx. 74 3d St. Loans Wanted. LOANS WANTED. $300 up to $2000, S'v. first mortgage on farms on basis of less than tie usual J0f& of the valuation. Seo John liar toe. 2tJ Stark, at HARTMAN &- THOMPSON $3noo, $50oo, $7500 wanted. Ample real es tate security. 7 per cent. Principals. Please reply. v I. G. DAVIDSON. SIO Chamber of Commerce. WANTED S.-000 to $5ono for six month by well-established industrial concern. Gilt edged security, 8 per cent interest, and share in the prof i ts. Bunk references. t Address AV 250. Oregonidn. - WANTED $10,ou0 loan on stork which has paid an Hverago of Over $3UUO annually lor tho past five years. Bank references. Address AV 25?, Oregonian. WANTED $G0t.t, 3 to 3 jcurs, 7 per cent, on t-ho finest dairy ranch in Til lamook Co.; all bottom land; value $70,uoo; no coin missiiuw Call Ta bor 13 3 1 . ' MONEY wanted from principals; several guou. loans on hand, various amounts. Henry C. Prudhomme, financial agent, Morgan bldg. WANT to borrow about 1S0U from private parties and givo iirst mortgage on good home. M. Sgerblom. 573 Irving hU WANTED $40OtJ ia $5nu0 on real statt. value over 20.nt0, for five years; no bro.-itrs. Address V Oregonian. U'N:iK wants $0'0, first mortgage. 1j iicres, worth $5ooo, 8 per cent, no bonus G ;.", oregonian. , WANTED $3000 on $S500 I rvington hornet no commissions. O. R. i titter. Ma re ha 1 1 OHO. A 1125. m WANT $2500, loan. 8 per cent, on 50 acres close in, improved. L OOP, Oregonian. TO LOAN $2uoo on improved city property. No junk. C. A. Ambrose, Main 6078. $275 SIX months, approved bankable se curity, private partres. L 804, Oregonian. PERSONAL. WE SELL HAIR. II AIR, HAIR. 20-iach real !iri-u.uaiity switches. .$4.8. 2'i-incn real first quality yray 4.85 BRING THIS AD Good for 5c on Face mussage. - -25c Shampoo 2oc Manicure 25c 25; Superfluous hair removed by electricit. Guaranteed. Cut, any shade. Switches' any length. Price half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington. Marshall 1702. FEB VET & HANEBUT, Leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods: switches from 85c up; hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings made up to order. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Main 54b. MR sTs O P HIBB. SE I pTment ai and spiritual scientist. The reliable instructor of the Northwest. Daily, 212 Aliaky bldg. Ques tion night Wed., 8 P. M Maln8225. EbECTlUC VIBRATOR for rheumatism, neuralgia. facial and scalp treatment. Hours 10 to b. Formerly Mar. 20, now. Main 835v. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, . electric blanket treatment; hours 12 P. M. to 8 P. M. 208 3d st rooms 2 and 3. GERMAN TRAINED NURSES Treatments: for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.. majseago and baths. 250 11th st. Mar. oo:i3. Opu Sunday. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price, Circle Tuesday 2, Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M.; read ings daily 003 3lh gt. Marshall 3100. M ks. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant author of Palmistry Made Easy." 375 Taylor st. UMBRELLAS All colors and styles; largest stock ; recoverin g ; new hand les put on. Meredith's. 329 Washington st. MANICURING and scalp treatment. 353 Va Yamhill st-, second floor, room 13. Open Sunday. WANTED 3 passengers for San Francisco bv auto, private party ; responsible party. Phone East S! evenings. East 513o. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches 05c. curls and puffs 75c. Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg- MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 420 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC explained; painless adjust ments pleasing; 31 treatments $15. 1214th. BALM OF FIGS compound. Roy a I Tonic Tablets. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2303. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. i:;;5 cth st. Phone Main 75 4 N. MANICURE Ladies 25 gentlemen 3.1 707 Rothchild bldg., 3fc-( y3 Washington. TRAINED NURSE, treatments, dally, chi ropod y. 17QVs 2d St.. ape 0, 4th floor. ADDRESS of Mrs. Ellis, late of Knott St., wanted. L 6, Oregonian. DR. ETHEL A, SAORY. painlens chiropodist. 500 Panama bldg. Phone Main 90t8. MED1CA f .. USB Ba.ssett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. fcO tablets for 25c. AH druggists.