TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, iWs. 14 COURTS TO SETTLE ENGINEERS' DOTIES A MATION HI! if Mountain, River and Beach Resorts Where To Take a. Short Trip Out of Portland Question of Mr. Lewis' Author ity Under Recent Law Not Deemed Clear. Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point, or the trip you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce or phone them Bell Phone, Broadway 520 or Automatic, A 6091. Information will gladly be given. Lit erature of interesting points furnished Time Cards, Beach and Mountain Resort literature. The Orego nian asks the names and addresses of tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with names of your party to Summer Resort Dept, The Oregonian, Portland. FRIENDLY SUIT PROPOSED window was pried at the Knights of Pythias rooms and the cash register forced open, where $50 was taken. An effort to enter George H. Fos ter & Company's real estate office was frustrated by Miss Louise Neuhouse. living across the hall, who rattled the door knob and scared the men away. A door of the Ryan millinery was opened with a jimmy, but nothing of value taken. Montie Miller, a taxi driver, saw two heavy-set men, one in a brown and the other in a dark suit, in front of the grocery at 1:30 o'clock this morning. Men giving names of E. H. Knox. J. W. Blackburn and W. S. Kilhon, who say they are from Salt Lake City, are being held and two others were arrested, but released. As the wholesale thefts were made the night after the South Baker postal sub-station robbery there is fear of a deliberate plot and Sheriff Anderson and Police Chief Jackson are rounding up every suspect. PAVING TANGLE SETTLED IWFOR FOR TOURISTS J Highway Commission Not Satisfied With Opinion of Attorney-General Which Puts Mr. Cantine Second to State Engineer. SALEM, Or., June 9. (Special.) Acting upon a suggestion of State Engineer Lewis that the courts be in voked to determine his duties as State Highway Engineer, Governor Withy combe and State Treasurer Kay, com prising a majority membership of the State Highway Commission, announced that a friendly suit would be filed. Secretary of State Olcott. the other member of the commission, said he was satisfied with the opinion of Attorney General Brown tnat Mr. Lewis was the Etate Highway Engineer, possessed of the functions of that office, and that E. I. Cantine, former State Highway Engineer, was a subordinate to Mr. Lewis to all intents and purposes. That a definite agreement as to the duties of Mr. Lewis and Mr. Cantine, as well as the State Highway Commis sion, under the law consolidating the offices of State Engineer and State Highway Engineer, must be reached lias been apparent for some time. Upon receiving the opinion from the Attorney-General Mr. Lewis began per forming the duties of State Highway Engineer. Several days after rendering the opinion Mr. Brown was asked by the board if it were not possible for it to work with Mr. Cantine. instead of Sir. Lewis, it having been the original intention that Mr. Cantine -virtually be the State Highway Engineer. Mr. Brown said he could not alter his opinion for he could not construe the law in any other way than he had done. Mr. Lewis has continued as the active Etate Highway Engineer, believing that he must do so under the opinion of the Attorney-General and because of his having given a $10,000 bond as such. He has repeatedly declared, how ever, that he never wanted the office, but inasmuch as it was thrust upon him he must perform its duties. ; It developed today that Governor Withycombe had declined to sign vouchers signed only by Mr. Lewis as State Highway Engineer. The Gov ernor insisted afcat they be signed by Mr. Cantine also. In a letter to the commission Mr. Lewis said he had ob tained the signature of Mr. Cantine, although he believed his signature was the only one necessary. He said it would embarrass the department if Mr. Cantine, who was frequently away from the city, had to sign all vouchers. This question will be determined by the courts. In a letter suggesting that a, test suit be filed Mr. Lewis said: "The State Engineer must have the good will and the support of the State Highway Commission if he is to make a suceess of his part of the highway work. I would therefore strongly recommend and urge that the com mission in some appropriate manner present this matter to the courts for decision if there is any doubt what ever as to the correctness of the At-torney-Generars opinion." WEATHER MAN UNCERTAIN X" Heavy Rains Are Expected Today or Tomorrow, However. Weather slightly unsettled today and tomorrow light showers possible no heavy rains expected. This is the best the local weather forecaster can do for Portland during the Rose Festival. The official forecast, made at 6 o'clock last night, is supposed to cover conditions up to midnight tonight. The only reason Mr. Beals, district fore caster, was willing to hazard a guess even that far ahead is that he was re quired to do so. "No, I can't promise absolutely clear feather for tomorrow or tomorrow night," he said last night. Realizing how unpopular his bureau may be come, he declined to hazard a predic tion for one minute ahead of the time for which he is officially required to make a forecast. RUSSELL SMITH SENTENCED Clubman Gets 30 Days for Driving Auto While Intoxicated. Found guilty in Municipal Court of driving his motorcar while under the influence of liquor, S. Russell Smith, wealthy real estate operator and club man, was sentenced to 30 days in Jail by Municipal Judge Stevenson Tues riiy. Attorney Plowden Stott, appear ing for the clubman, gave notice of appeal to the Circuit Court. William A. Pettigrove, timberman, who was in the machine with Mr. Smith when it crashed into a streecar early Sunday, was fined 110 for being in toxicated. The two men were returning from the Country Club early Sunday morn ing following the golf tournament of Saturday, in which both were contestants. RESERVE FLEET MAY VISIT Trip of Pacific Unit to San Francis co for Summer Heard Unofficially. SEATTLE, Wash., June 9. Unoffi cial information has reached the Puget Sound Navy-yard that the Pacific re serve fleet, under command of Rear Admiral Pond, will visit San Fran cisco and San Diego during the Sum mer, taking the place of the Atlantic fleet, which cannot come to this coast, as planned. The reserve fleet is composed of the cruisers South Dakota. Charleston. Milwaukee, Albany, West Virginia and Pittsburg. 3 PLACES ROBBED IN NIGHT Baker Business District Suffers From ThiCTes, Who Get $200. BAKER, Or., June 9 (Speciat) Police have a dragnet out tonight for all strangers, following the robbery Jast night of Ritch Bros." grocery, the JCnigrhts of Pythias clubrooms and the Kyan millinery, all in the business sec tion of the city. The work was evidently that of one sang, who obtained $200 in cash. They pried a window of the grocery and blew open the safe, taking $160 in cash sujd leaving checks and valuables. A COLUMBIA COUJfTY AGREES TO PAY HIGHWAY CONTRACTORS XIS.OOO. Figure $10,500 Higher Than Recom mended by Major Bowlby Road Appropriation Reduced. SALEM, Or., June 9. (Special.) In formed today that the Columbia Coun ty Court and the Consolidated Con struction Company had reached an agreement that the company be paid $65,000 for work on Columbia Highway, the State Highway Commission gave the county permission to reduce its ap propriation for roads this year from $40,000 to $35,000. Henry L. Bowlby, when State High way Engineer, estimated the amount due the company at $54,500, so various statements that the prospective settle ment would be a vindication of that official are proved to have been groundless by the county allowing the company $10,500 more than he recommended be paid. The commission's reason for permit ting the county to reduce its appropria tion $5000 was that it had reduced the state appropriation of $60,000 recom mended by Major Bowlby to $50,000. the county appropriation having been made on the belief that it would be allowed the amount recommended by the engineer from the state. While the commission at numerous hearings declared that it was not within its jurisdiction to settle the differences between the county and the company, sufficient evidence was produced to show that the company probably was entitled to more money than the en gineer recommended be paid. The company, however, declined to state the amount it desired, contending that it was the duty of the highway depart ment to have the work rechecked and correct the figures. This the commis sion said it could not authorize, al though there was a partial rechecking by a private engineer, who reported that the company was entitled to sev eral thousand more than Major Bowlby estimated. LONG LOST GIRL SOUGHT Baker Man Starts Search for Daugh ter Missing 25 Years. BAKER. Or.. June 9. (Special.) With one long-lost daughter found. Charles Funk is now in search of his other missing daughter. whom he thinks is in or near Portland, Seaside or Vancouver, Wash. Funk separated from his wife 25 years ago and came from Utah, leav ing one babe with friends in Ogden because he did not have means to care for her. He 'stopped at Pleasant Val ley and gave the other babe to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lampman, who were going to Vancouver. Recently he found one child in Mrs. Fred M. Hill, of Ogden, and the two started today to search for the other remaining; mem ber of the family. She was 3 years old when the father saw her last. MRS. DIECK'S ROSES LURE Xew and Ancient Varieties Draw Much Attention at Show. Roses exhibited by Mrs. Robert G. Dieck, wife of the City Commissioner, at the show of the Rose Society now going on in the new Meier & Frank building attracted much attention and praise yesterday. She is showing six new roses, which she brought from her Hood River home. She captured a prize with a display of moss roses, an old-fashioned favorite. In her collection may also be seen Austrian briers that date back to the 16th century, and Scotch brier rosea that were developed long ago by Lord Penzance, who introduced grafts on the old Scotch sweetbrier and developed it. These roses appear unusual and most attractive by contrast with the usual double modern rosea. MRS. BARBARA GATES DEAD Well-Known Washington County Woman Dies at Home of Son. HILLSBORO, Or., June 9. (Special.) Mrs. Barbara Ann Gates, well known at Forest Grove and Hiiiaboro, died at the home of her son. John W. Gates, Leisyville, June 5, after an extended illness. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1837 and married Austin "H. Gates at Lena, 111., March 14, 1858. After marriage they moved to Nebraska and lived on a homestead. They came to Oregon in 1S91 and settled in Polk County. In 1893 they moved to Forest Grove, Mr. Gates dying in 1910. She leaves three sons and two daugh ters, John W Hillsboro: George B.. Dallas; James P., Portland; Mrs. Alma Brickley, Hampton, Or., and Mrs. Alice V. Ward, of Fort Calhoun, Neb. JITNEY DRIVER ARRESTED Reckless Driving Is Charge Placed Against Frank Gorwitz. An accident which nearly resulted in serious injury to an unknown woman was the cause yesterday afternoon of the arrest of Frank Gorwitz, Jitney driver, on a charge of reckless driv ing. He will appear in Municipal Court today. Gorwitz was piloting his Jitney on Union avenue, when, according to Pa trolman Coulter, he endeavored to pass a car on the wrong side of the street and nearly struck another machine. He threw in his brakes and skidded 100 feet, crashing over the curbing and onto a fire hydrant. A woman passenger was thrown out on her head, but was not badly hurt, apparently. A TRIP WORTH WHILE. The pleasure of a week-end visit to the wonderful ocean beach, at Gearhart "By the Sea" is greatly enhanced by the many special provisions made for the entertainment, comfort and health of guests. Full information and illus trated folder may be obtained at 100 i Fourth street, or phono Main 1293. Adv. Don't fail to see Portland's fa mous roses. Ton can see them by observation cars, sightseeing buses or by special autos. Peninsula Park Bnntcen Garde as A city park and well worth a trip. Take St. Johns or Kenton car. ( The Hazelwbod Waihlnrton St at Tenth. Coziest and Moat Attractive Dining-Place in the City. Eight Dining Rooms. Seating Capacity 450. Sea Food and Shell Fish a Specialty The Hazelwood Orchestra J. F. N. Coluurn. Director. 3 to 5, 6 to 8. 9:30 to 10:30 P. at, Sunday 6 to 8:30 P. M. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. A scenic drive of rare beauty, built along the south shore of the -Columbia River, a distance of more than 40 miles from Portland. A series of remarkable waterfalls, rugged peaks and deep canyons are among the attractions. MOUNT HOOD RESORTS. Cloud Cap Ian is a delightful re ' treat. 6000 feet above sea level, on s sheltered spur of the very moun tain itself, and is located Just at the upper edge of timber line. The trip to the inn usually la made . oy rail to Hood River and thence by stage. The round-trip rate. Includ ing all traveling expenses, is $12.50. Service begins July 1 and continues to September 15. Welch's, Rbododeadroa and Taw. aey's are located on the south side of the mountain. Automobile front Portland to either resort, round trip, each 5. Electric car line to Boring. 34 miles; automobile to Welch's, Rho dodendron and Tawney's, round trip from Portland, $7.75. Same as above with horse stage ail the way. 15.75. Rockaway Beach Eimore Park. Garibaldi Beach and Tillamook beaches reached by train in a few hours. Splendid beach and good hotels. - Stockyards and Packing Plant Located on Columbia Slough. Take ' "L." cars, second and Washington, transfer at Killings worth avenue lo Kenton car. Fare 10 cents, time 4s minutes. Visitors admitted dally except Sunday. Return may be made via St. Johns car. Clatsop Beach Resorts 'Reached by the S3. P. & S. Railroad. A de lightful trip to the Pacifio Ocean resorts good hotels good bathing and fishing. A four-hour ride by train down the majestic Columbia River. See the salmon canneries at Astoria. The Oaks the Ceney Island ml the West Over 50 acres of price less roses in full bloom, with every form of entertainment and accom modation for tourists. Orchestral ' and band concerts, prima donna, and musical comedy company every aft ernoon and night in the open-air theater. Performances all free. Ad mission to park 10 cents. Reached by express special Oaks trains (fare 6 cents), from First and Alder; or by launch (10 cents), from Morrison Street Bridge. Parka Washington Park, head of Washington street, with small soo and aviary. Take any car west on Washington street excepting Six teenth; fare 5 cents. Celebrated statue, "Coming of the White Man." also "Sacajawea." Excellent view of the city. Frelsbt and Passenger BIKAM88 TO THE DALLES and Way Lmu dins -BAILEY GATZERT Leaves Portland, dally at 1 A. 1C ex cept Sunday aud Monday. Sunday ex cursions to Cascade Locka leave " "DALLES CITY" Leaves Portland Tuesday. Thursday tou Saturday at 8:30 A. M. Sunday Cascade Locks exmntlon Sl.oo h'mrn to Tbs UaUes and return S2.00 Make reservations for stock sad automobiles ALDER-8TKEET DOCK. POHTLAM) Phones Mam tl4. A fill. SWASTIKA AUTO SERVICE. Stage to ML Hood Resorts Staffs leaves daily from New Per kins Hotel at 8 A. M. and P. M. Rapid, safe and courteous service. Telephone for Reservations in Ad vance. Tabor 3796. For SIGHTSEEING or OUTING TRIPS Around Portland Call First and Alder or Traffic Manager. Marshall 5100. A 6131. P. R, L. & P. Co. OAKS Portland's Greatest Amusement Park SO Acres of .Roses. Fireworks Today and Saturday At 9 P. M. Lumber Mill Close Inspection of one of our largest sawmills granted free to visitors upon presentation of permit to be had from Portland Chamber of Commerce. No. 69 Fifth street. Wkltc Salmon Valley and Vicin ity A wonderfully scenic ride over the North Bank Railroad or by ex cursion steamer. On - the bluffs overlooking the Columbia River are resorts with scenery rivaling- the Alps. At Carson. Collins and Stev enson are hot springs resorts. Mount Adams and Trout Laka are reached from White Salmon by a Bhort stage or auto journey. Forestry fiuildinar A pern.-nent log- structure from the Lewis and Clark Pair. Open to the pubue free from 9 to 4:80 dally. Take "W" car on Morrison street to end of line. Estacada, Caaadero. Ball Ran cars leave First and Alder every four hours, daily and Sunday, every hour as far as Oresham. Good points for basket picnic. Hlllcrest Urlve A hillside motor drive of unsurpassed beauty. About one hour's drive. Best time Just at sunset, but most beautiful view of city and mountains at all times. Colisklt River KxcDr.lona Steamers leave Portland daily in the Bummer season up the scenic Columbia. A trip of unsurpassed beauty. It is possible to travel one way by rail and the other by water. Steamers go as far east as Tba Dalles. 100 miles from Portland. CklMtawa Portland has tbe sec ond largest Chinese population in the United States, and now that San Francisco Chinatown has been burned and rebuilt upon modern lines, Portland has the original Chinatown In the United States. f ilUL IJUi; HUI SfKlXMUS A IN U SANATORIUM the greatest health and pleasure resort on tbe Pacific Coast, in the heart of the Olympic Mountains, open for the season. For full information address Tbe Manager. Sol Dae. Wash. Portland Heights (Council Crest) 1200 feet above the city. Take Council Crest car on Washington street: time. 30 minutes each way. Wonderful view of the city and snow-capped mountains. Ansco Agents GOOD SERVICE . QUICK SERVICE We develop and print your films or plates the day you . bring them In. Our Photo Supply Store is complete in every new and worthwhile photo requisite. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Woodlark Hid, Alder at W. Park Take an Ensignettee Vest Pocket Camera on Your Vacation. Only $6 (gills The J. K. Gill Co Booksellers. Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters. in!33li 1 net most haii t i full v 1 o Summer resorts 1n the entire Co-Rj lumbia River country; 2H hoursgS from Portland. For particulars, send for illustrated booklet. 3 C. V. jr. Reciter. .v ii i irr ottimun, wasn. HOTEL ARTHUR 170 ELEVENTH STREET. Bet. Morrison and YamliilL Clean, Quiet and Respectable. Desirable Downtown Location, Cars Direct From Union Depot Bates. $1; with Private Bath, SL50 RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Dally to ML Hood resorts: Round trip, $5; Gov. Camp. S7.C0; Reserva tions, tickets and Information at ROUTLEGE SEED FLORAL CO.. ie Second JL PHONES: Main 5956, A 8811. or Irvluston Garage, Eut 135. EX-CONVICT IS SUSPECT FRED LOVE ACCUSED OF BLOWING SAFE FOR BAIL FOR BROTHER. . Man Held by Police Believed to Have Robbed to Get Money to Free Kin In HUlsboro. An ex-convict's desire to get his brother out of the Hillsboro Jail, where he Is held on a charge of burglary, may be the motive which prompted dy. namiting of the Tauscher saloon safe at 146 Second street last week, accord ing to the theory on which the city detectives are working. This feature of the case came to light yesterday, when complaints were sworn out charging Fred Love, of Syl van," Or., and William Burnick, a bar ber, with complicity in the crime. Fred Love's brother, John Love, Is under arrest in Hillsboro charged with burglary. His bail is J1000. Fred Love was present at his brother's prelim inary hearing, the police assert. Fred, according to police statements, has served sentences In four penitentia ries. Love's need of money to get his brother out on bail, and his alleged record, were the chief factors which first drew the suspicion of the police to him. After Love's arrest. Detectives Cole man, Snow, Goltz, Abbott, La Salle and Leonard visited Sylvan, Or., to search for evidence. A stranger had pur chased powder and caps at a store in HUlsboro on a pretense of clearing land of stumps a few days before the dynamiting of the same, the officers found. The police believe that Burnick made this purchase, as Love would be rec ognized if he bought the explosives in his home town. Burnick is said to have been a close associate of Love's. The police are also endeavoring to trace the ownership of a hammer, chisel and other tools left behind, in the sa loon by the safe blowers. quiring all taxing districts to operate budget system, 36,065. Petitions for referendum election must have 19.101 signatures. The peti tions have already been checked by registration officials. The Secretary of State will certify the totals.- The total expense attached to circulating peti tions is given as $950. NEW SUIT FILED IN HOUR ACTION AGAINST "FIANCEE" TO RECOVER 1500 SOON RENEWED. LIQUOR DECISION IS KEY Attorneys Believe Myers Case Will Indicate Result of Others. OREGON CITY, June 9. (Special.) The importance of the decision of Recorder Loder in the William Myers liquor case on others soon to be heard is generallj' recognized by local at torneys. The decision will be received tomorrow morning following the trial of yesterday. The cases are an after math of recent raids. The' first successful attempt to attack the credibility of the detectives on whose testimony the case was tried was made yesterday by Attorney Hayes for the defense when Carl Wilson testified that he was 18 years old instead of 24 as he had said in previous cases. In other details the testimony of Wilson also was weakened. The most important of the liquor caseB, the charges against the officers of the Moose Lodge, are yet to be he;trd. SEVEN PETITIONS FILED Referendum Demanded on Washing ton's Sew Election Laws. OLTMPIA, Wash.. June 9. The State Referendum League, by Miss Lucy R. Case, today filed in the office of the Secretary of State petitions calling for a referendum vote in November, 1916, on seven bills passed by the recent Legislature. The petitions, are as follows: ' , No. 3, against the bill requiring initi ative petitions to be signed at regis tration offices. 52,344; No. 4, requiring recall petitions to be signed at regis tration' offices, 61,557; No. 5, Whitney election bill. 51,292; Ko. 6, anti-picket-ing bill, 35.140; No. 7, certificate of necessity bill, 37.097: No. 8. Seattle Port Commission bill, 36,494; No. 9, re- ACTION HELD UNFORTUNATE Governor Witliycombe Talks on Bryan's Resignation "at Crisis." SALEM, Or., June 9. (Special.) Re plying to requests of numerous news papers. Governor Withycombe' today issued the following statement regard ing the resignation of Secretary of State Bryan: "Bryan's resignation seems to me un fortunate at this crisis, as it may tend to embarrass the Administration in pending foreign negotiations, but I feel that despite the defection in his offi cial family President Wilson will con tinue to handle the international situ ation with fitting firmness. Bryan's withdrawal apparently makes easier a more effective attitude toward Mexico and probably lessens the likelihood that the Administration might be irresolute in its attitude toward Germany. Un swerving insistence upon our demands is Justified, and in securing them the United States stands loyally united and devoutly hoping that peace with honor may continue to be obtainable." Salmon Outlook Good. ASTORIA. Or.. June 9 (Special.) General Manager Barker, of the Colum bia River Packers' Association, received a wireless message today from Chignik Bay, Alaska, stating that everyone con nected with the association's cannery there is in the best of health. The mes sage also stated that preparations are being made to begin packing fish and e outlook for the season is good. "IF FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEET "ITZ" for Tender, Puffed-Up Burning;, Calloused Feet and Corns. "Ah! Boys. 'HZ' is the thins!" People who are forced to stand on their feet all day know what sore, tender, sweaty, burning feet mean. They use "TIZ." and "TIZ" cures their feet right up. It keeps feet In perfect condition. "TIZ" Is the only remedy In the world that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet and cause tender, sore, tired, aching feet. It instantly stops the pain in corns, callouses and bunions. - It's simply glorious. Ah! bow comfortable your feet feel after using "TIZ." You'll never limp or draw up your face In pain. Tour shoes won't tighten and hurt your feet. Get a 25-cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist, department or general store. Just think! a whol? year's foot comfort for only 25 cents. Adv. Promise to Marry and Destruction of Notes Alleged, but Demand for Damages Is Dropped. After Arthur P. Olson had testified on the witness-stand that Mrs. Mollie. M. Patton Saxton had broken her promise to marry him. Circuit Judge Gantenbein took Olson and his at torneys into the judicial chambers and advised them to drop the suit against Mrs. Saxton, which they did. Olson's complaint alleged that not only did he lose a wife, but that he is out $1500 bacause Mrs. Saxton mar ried another man. He declared he lent her S500 on three different occasions and that she gave him a promissory note for each amount. On December 25, 1913, Olson says, their friendship ripened into genuine affection and she promised to marry him. Together they burned the three promissory notes. "I furnished the notes and she fur nished the match," "said Olson on the witness-stand yesterday. In September, 1914, the woman whom Olson belied to be his fiancee was married to John W. Saxton. Olson then brought suit against Mrs. Saxton, asking to recover $1500 for the burned promissory notes, $94 interest on the notes, and $1000 general damages for the "mental anguish" he suffered be cause his tiancee deserte) him. Mrs. Saxton denied that she ever had promised to marry Olson. She was not forced to tell her side of the case in court, however, for Judge Gantenbein stopped the proceedings after Olson had testified. Olson's attorneys then took a voluntary non-suit. Within an hour, they filed another complaint against Mrs. Saxton, con taining practically the same allegations as the first suit. In the last com plaint, however, they asked only $1594 for the promissory notes, omitting the $1000 damages for "mental anguish." Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Arnold, of Seattle and Wenatchee, Wash., arrived at the Seward yesterday among other Rose Festival visitors. Mrs. Arnold is identified with the Wenatchee .Valley Fruit Exchange. CHICAGO. June 9. The following from Oregon are registered at Chi cago hotels: Portland. Congress, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson; Bourne, Con gress. F. Wallace White. Looking Forward to Etlothorhood Experienced mothers everywhere are recom mending "Mother's Friend," a wonderful help to all expectant mothers. It is irently ap plied over the muscles, makes them firm and pliant to accommodate expansion with out tbe usual strain and pain. This also overcomes nausea. It has a most remarkably soothing influence and Is declared one of the greatest aids we have for tbe mother-to-be. Don't fall to get a bottle of "Mother's Friend" today of any druggist. Then write to Brad Held Regulator Oa.. 10S Lamar Bldfc At lanta. Ga.. for a handsome book that you will greatly enjoy. Mailed free. .Rose Festival Oregoniaiis Will be the most interesting and complete issues ever published. You will want to send these copies to your friends. Five Complete Issues, Including Postage, 15c (Wednesday, June 9, to Sunday, June 13, Inclusive.) FILL OUT BLANK FORM AND SEND TO THE OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OR. Name Street Town State I 2 3 4 6... 6 . 7 , 8 . 9 10 ; II. . .' 12 THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oi. Gentlemen: Inclosed find for which mail The Rose Festival Oregonian from Wednes day, June 9, to Sunday, June 13, inclusive, to each of the above. Inclose 15 cents for each name A