THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915. PORTLAND ABSTRACT OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable pticss. Pacific Title A Trait Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. ACCOKUION fLCATLNG. ACCORDION, knife and box pleating, picot ing, hemstitching, braiding, embroidering. Kastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. t5ft 6U at. Mall order promptly attended to. K. BTEP1IAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged, mall orders. aa3 Alder. M. ASSAltttS AND A.iALVSIS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. l2ft 2d. Gold, silver and platinum bougut. ATTORNEYS. HALL, & FUEDNER, lawyers: conaultatlona free. 20o-9 Kliedner bidtf. Mar. 3o7. J. KILKOJtD KELSOX, lawyer, removed Big Pittock blk. Main 7S31. Consultation free. CAJtl ET HEAVttW. NORTHWEST KL'G CO. Ruga from old car pets. rag rugs. 188 K. cm. fiotn phones. CLl.lLOU BUTTONS, BA.IMHC.S. TUB 1RWTN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Uashing'on st. Main 312 and A 1254. CHI ' Vllllam. Kstelle and William, Jr., Devny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Oerllnger bldg., S. w. corner 2d and Alder, phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring Ural 5T 5! HilL Office Fliedner bldg. Mala 3473. chiropkactk: physicians. UP.. M'.MAIION, th year. Chronic cases tak ing llmf. 31 treatments. Sir.. -l 4th St. Ur. Poulson. specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 330 Pittock blk. B y. M2, . CXEANIXO AND PRESSING liREPo SUITS for rent. We press one suit each, week for 1. 60 per month. L'NIQL'G TAlCORiNO CO. 803 Stark St.. bet. 6th and 8th. Main 514. COI-JJSCTl ONAUEN C Y. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 426 Henry bldg. phone Marshall 480. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 3d at. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOMJs. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park ac Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf.. Inc. 11 th A Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE IN HARD. 18th and Lmnslde. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. V. T. CROWE & CO., 45 Fourth st. - DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. PTRNISHTNG8. KLEISCHNER. MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Btubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sta. GRAIN MERCHANTS. : Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOl'SER. Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS A CO.. 67-75 Fourth St. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND Marble Works.- 266 4th" st?, opposite City lall, builders of memorials. KLORISTS. MARTIN &- FORBES CO.. florists. 317 Wash- ir.gton. Main -269. A 1C69. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. I87 Morrlton St.. Main or A 1S0S. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. Id and Alder. Designs and sprays. Marshall E92. SIJNN'YSIDH Greenhouse. Fresh flowers Phone B 18:2. E. 33d and Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 212L Selling building. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 574 BELMONT ST. I'lionrs East 14.12, B 2515. Open Day and Night. Heport all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate with us. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN. Main 7070, A 6095. NEW TOD AT. 1 i W -"-3le I MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM MOSI aiODEKN IN AMEKICA. 1'erpeiua! Care Without Extra Charge, a i feature LimiLed Solely to Alount bcoit Park. Originators and Leaders of High-Clasa Cemetery and Crematorium Service in Portland. Its Beauty Singularly Appropriate Its Care Peculiarly Suggeitive of Affection and Memory. Ideally located on Picturesque Mount Scott, "Where Nature's Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influence to Soften Sorrow." Cemetery Auto 'Bus Meets Mount Scott Cars at Lents and Cazadero Cara at Watson Station Daily by Appointment. Hotn Telephones. Terms Reasonable. Prices No Higher. LARGE. PEHMAXE. T. PARK LIKE. CARSON HEIGHTS SAVE RENT AND LIVE IN THE OPEN ONLY JlflDKIIATE-PRICED VTEW PROPERTV ON WEST SIDK. Bull Run Water. Cement Sidewalks. Electric .Lights. Three Carlines. TWO ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOWS FOR sale: on i:asy terms, or will hiild to suit. FIDELITY REALTY & MORTGAGE CO. 604 PLATT BUILDING. Phone Marshall 025. ' Funerals Hraotlfal adult plush or lult plush or asket, em- G VlZ th box, hearxe. tea and irrv. U fj brosacioti c a baltnlng, rough two limoualnei leva lor. . More reasonable funerals if desired for $20. 40, 60. Higher price funerals in proportion. We make our own caskets. Lady assistant. Private funeral chapel. MILLER A TRACEV. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington and Ella Streets. Phone Main 2691, A 7S85 WE WILL BUILD AND FINANCE HOMES flats and Apartments In any part of the city coating frost 12000 to 120.001); pay. Call and see us. P. K. BOWMAN CO. 1. toasizix-rclal Clna Uulldlnsv U n NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILPINQ 03 fkOjr 1.7 0 I ISAlIt? MORTGAGE I uvruiw EDWARD! GOUDtT BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., 826 N. w. Bank bldg. Phone Main l74. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1700 No collection, no charge. Kstablisned 1U0U. DANCING. PROF. IWAI. WILSON, 85 V, 6th St.. bet Stark and Oak. bpeclai Summer rates; 0 private lessons for $2. Morning, afternoon, evening. Waltz, hesitation, one-atep and all latest dances; guaranteed. classes Thurs. and Saturday evenings. 7 to 8:30. 2oc. Broadway. 2I00. HEATH'S SCHGOI, IesBons daily, class Frt eve., S to 10, Alisky bldg., od and Morri aon sts. Lessons a:c. Main 801S. DETECTIVE AUENCIES. WMlERTON & CO.,t.S.DISCTIVa AQCY. Established over SO years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made- on lndl v'duals anywhere Consultation free. Suit 54 Pittock- block. Phone Broadway 672. EYE, EAK. NOSE AND TUttOAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. K. F. Casseday. 517 Dekmn bldg.. d Vn. ELECTRIC MOIOB8, MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding: all work guaranteed. 11. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 1st St. N. Phone hroadway &3i. HATS,CLEANINj AND BLEACHING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached, 75c; straws & felts 00c. Kaufman's, 88 3d St., nr. Stark. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles, phone Main 53. A 2168. MCSICAL. Emil Thielhorn. violin teacher; pupil Sevcik ?"7 Fllednor bldg. A 41HO. Marshall 1629. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A FIGHT on high prices Why pay 5 to 110 for glasses when I can lit your eves with first null. Ity lenses, gold-filled frames as low as $1.50? C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison. Mall orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. Main 2124. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HATS AND CAPS. TH.yJHAt'SER HAT CO.. 54-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front at. HOP MERCHANTS. McNEFF BROS.. 614 WORCESTER BLDG. Main 88S1. Phones. A 1178. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK at CO., 74 Front; leather c! every description; taps., mfg. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECK WEAL COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Fifth St. MILLINERY ERADEHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts NEW TODAY. Wilfred Shore & Co. 5, 5V2, 6 Mortgage Loan for three or five years on in side business property. 7 on residences and apartment houses; especially attractive terms. 205-S KorUwesfa Bank Bide FOR SALE Two Very Attractive Houses 6 and 7 rooms, including sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-in bookcases and buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast-room and outside pantry; tile bathrooms; cement garage 12x20 with each house; finest view in Laurelhurst, facing on East Glisan st in the block east of office; theso are two of the best-built houses in Laurelhurst; built by day work; owner is willing to sell for actual cost. For f urt,her information phone East 331. Kor sale by Holmes & Menefee 2Q Hallway Kxohanice Bide. STOP AT lill Nawly re furnished, ptptrad 4th and Alder and reno- vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Rooms, with private bath, tl per day up; without. 7ac up. Because the rates are low don't think the serv ice la poor. Special ratea by week ar month. Several rooms with wall beds, maitlng them practically suites. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at crrrent rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 6C1n LARGE LOANS OX cf O BIJSINKSS PROPERTIES O O A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank' Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ' OV IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Residence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent, Ac cording: to Location. Plenty of Money ROBERTSON & EWING 20T-S Northwestern Bank Bids. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND C1TV IX1ANS. 80 Fourth St-, Board of Trade Bldgr. MONEY TO LOAN ANY AMOUNT TO fl.t.OOO. FOB K AKM.S, 4o00, 50)0. GEO. H. THOMAS. 297 Oak St Hoom a, Alnsworth Bids;. $9 y sr. aw y, n s . iini tvanrl sVaw w .. On City and Farm ProiwtifS trx vurreui xace iiajaiAa.lJlUUriIH, B Ankara Corner fourth, and 6trk Btroatju ANY AM0UMT ST GJffff BIT RATES lMtNCBOHAH REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 404-406-406 Wilcox bldg. BENEDICT BROS., 930 Hawthorne ava. REAL ESTATE. For Sal -Lots. QUARTER acre tract. West Side, for $350; 10 down. S3 a month, only 15 mlnutea' ride. r-cent fare. M. E. Lee. 005 Cor- PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Have several downrla-ht sacrifices, both In lots and houses; make an offer. Marshall 482T BROOKE. A 88SU IRVINGTON LOTS A SPECIALTY. NEU- - m . 1 1 . puis. For Bale Houses. ,1000, $.-.00 DOWN, 6-room bungalow cor lot, 60x100k 816 Northwest bid! NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 504 Oregonlan bldg. PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice U. S. and foreign patents. 801 Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta. Main S4ao. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK Transfer & storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story trick " warehouse, separate iron room and . fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and , packed for shipments. Special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 506. A lUUd. OLSE.N-P.OE TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate -rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving, forwarding and distributing agents. Fine trackage Office and warehouse, 15th and lioyt sts. Main 547. A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan sL, cor. 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A 11 till. We own and operate two large, class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates 4n city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING, STORAGE. Reduced freight rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse & Transler Co., Main 703. th and Hoyt. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office, 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 789L VETERINARY SCHOOL8. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue Free. C. Keane, pres. 1818 Market St., San Francisco. WOOD. BARK, blockwood, boxwood. cordtvood. Multnomah Fuel ;o.. Main 540. A 2116. GREEN and dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co., Main 5720. A 8899. OIJNAMENTAL IRON AND W IRE." Portland wire & Iron wks.. 2d & Columbia. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING" OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS. Oil. AND CLASS. RASMT'SSEN & CP. gd and Taylor sts. PIPE. PIPE ITTTINGS AND VALVES. M. L K1.1XL 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L KL1NK. 84-86 Front st. PRINTER. AND PUBLISHERS, g. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1.VG & FARKELL. 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING THINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northnip. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. :80 2d St. REAL ESTATE. l or Sal House. THAT VACANT LOi. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN- INTO INCOME? WIS WILL, FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW iiuw- TALK. WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L R BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. Five-room bungalow, price cut from f 3000 to f2300; about $300 down, then ' ' fcr monui, u per cent, lot 00x100, fine lawn. as, electric, blocks north "-- " -w-" icftq, o uiui tva io r, iiri i ce ment basement, cement sidewalk. F. E. HART MAN" & THOMPSON Fourth and Stark. X WILL sell a nood Ti-room modern cottage, all furnished, ready to move into, for fi-"v- you snap nuniers look, f irst- class shrubbery, lawn, roses, fruit trn .H block to car. hardsurface road, full lot must be $1250 cash. See J. H. Nash, at 723 Chamber of Commerce, or 474 E. 39th CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN' RANrHKS Near Portland. Gresham district; near electric station; i3 to $20U per acre; easy vi.uA. buii. ires wooa. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M FABLAXD REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. INSTEAD of hunting- all over and then hav ing to come to us after all. save yourself vue iiuu.mb u iiu ifi us snow you tfi great est bargains in Rose City Park from :io0 to SoOOO, on easy terms. Realty Dept. of i4th and Stark.) leaving City And must sell fine 8 room, strictly mod ern home. In Irvingrton's best residential v-wi, iiaiuvtiy win sen at a Die sacrifice. ree tne place; If suited, make an offer; T. DUBOIS. 723 Chamber of Commerce. 2no DOWN, balance like rent, J1875. lot 100x911, 6-room house, corner Alnsworth and Concord sts.. 1U bearing fruit trees, sidewalks and curbs in and paid. This properly is worth $-'500. Might take flr.o lot us first payment . (B) Dorr K. Keasey .m uuui. iimuucr i commerce. LIST OP DESIRARF.E-. HnMP.a Before buying be sure to look at our list of brand new. exquisite homes in LAU RELHURST. the addition of beautiful xiumea, ranging irom 9200 up Laurel hurst Co.. 70 ',i Stark st., or at tract ot flce in Laurelhurst. E. 30th and Glisan sts WILL sell my $.")U0 home for $3000. $1000 uamni;B mortgage S-WJU, long time. Fine flcwers. lawn, shruhherv. full hm,. ment, furnace, 8 rooms. block Laurel- iur... aireei improvements all paid. Owner, w b26. Oregonlan. WHY PAY RENT when vou can h c room bungalow for $550? $100 cash $10 a month. This is on the West Side, only 15 minutes' ride. 5-cent fare, best home v.. J LmniA, iu. Lee, corbett EuV?n,J'AYL'OR ST- No- lr,5. ML Tabor 18.000 square) feet (100il00 any amount iuj... wttiHuts, aimonus, etc., o-room house, delightful home, at a great bar galn. S. L. N. Gllman. Main 8480. IF you wish a beautiful 6-room bungalow, exceptionally well arranged and finished throughout. call at lo2 nrer.n Laurelhurst; Just completed. Phone owner, woouiawn I O I . MUST sell 6-room modern bungalow with 2 lots and fine view, near Mt. Tabor Park; best residence district in city; worth $5000, will sell cheap. Phone Tabor 8'J2 PORTLAND HEIGHTS 735 Fern avenue; very cosy bungalow, two beautiful wooded lots; price now only $4350. very easy terms. See owner. '528 Morgan bldg IRVINGTON residence, seven rooms and Bleeping porches; terms. Phone East FOR SALE New, modern IV, -story bun galow In Irvington: complete in every qetall: price $4500. Phone E. 4545 SACRIFICE SALE; 7-room modern house in na uiorne section, ueal direct with uq puvo commission. Jast 187. NSW. modern 12-room bouse, in Irvingtun. R. B. Rice. East 1:432. Suburban Borne Property. FOR SALE In Park Rose, one acre of ground In cultivation, good 5-room bunga low with modern conveniences; frontage on Sandy boulevard, runs back to Lrain ard st.; price $2500; terms; also two 5llx 100-ft. lots, corner Rocky and Bralnard sts.; price $050. Inquire of Mrs. Bristol, Sandy boulevard, near Clarnle road GIBSON HALF ACRE& Good soli, good water, close to carllne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. BEAUTIFUL home, large house, four acres, bearing orchard, all kinds small fruit college town, two electric linea Portland: worth Investigating. Mrs, J. W. Livingston. IToreat Grove, Or. For Sale Business Property INCOME INVESTMENT Brick building in center of business district Clarkston, Wash., at head of navigation Columbia and Snake rivers; rents $af per month price $0500; nets 8 per cent interest on Investment and has good speculative value Address box 554, Lewiston, Idaho. For -Sal Acreage. TEN ACRES Near TCewb erg, all cleared and under cultivation; tiful view, electric: an rine well - and spring, beau 4 mile from Fourth Street ideal tract for fruit, chirk- ens or coun try home. For full Inforina- non call at 7 Ry- Exchg. Bldg. RENT and buy a half -acre limits, level, cleared. Bull Run 5-cent carfare; $10 down, $5 Whitmer-Kelly Co., 711 Pit- STOP THAT tract in city water, gas, per month, tock block. I WILL sell any part of fine 20-acre tract. all In cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. R.. 10 miles out. in Tualatin Valley; terms to sult; $225 per acre. See Handy, owner, 20i Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. FOR SALE 10 acres, near Section J.n road. 7 miles from Courthouse. Bui! Run water; price $45''Q. Owner, 131 N. 12th St. MOSIER land, $8 cash. Particulars-AK Peterson, 430 Salmon, BEAL ESTATE. Far Sale Acreage SEE BEAVERTON-REEDVILLE ACREAGE. And you will say with . ua It la the best about Portland; only 30 minutes out, 110 trains daily pass tnrough it the Big Red Steel trains. Raises bops, onions, vege tables, anything. One purchaser gets about $80 per month now for eggs sold; $100 when at highest price. Has three acres. Puy a tract, auy size, cash or easy payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 630 Ravensvlew Drive; 6 rooms, large attic, almost new, ell modern conveniences, beautiful view; splendid neighborhood; entrance on level; bargain; small amount down, balance like sent to reliable party. This is the chance you have been waiting for. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8839. ONE or two acres river Iront, or acreage overlooking river. H. G. Starkweather, Rlaley Station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. $1S5 CASH fcr my equity In email partly im proved lOoxOo place near Oak Urove, F?. M. Colder, r. It. No. 1. Mllwaukl Or. Homesteads. BLUE-PRINT MAP, 4Uxio inches, checked every month; shows all vacant Gov. land In S. W. Oregon; price ." DOUGLASS CO. I NV. CO., Itoseburg. Oregon. INDIAN grazing and hay lands; Klamath In dian Reservation. For list of allotmenu of deceased and non-competent Indians of fered for calc, write to, Superintendent. Klamath Agency. Or., Kor Bale Juit Lands. A SNAP. TU a, walnut and aplo orchard, Yamhill, Or.: cash. yUJ0. AH80i, Oregonian. X'or Sale Farm s. SMALL FARM, MOLALLA. 12 acres, all in high state cultivation, but 2 acres of pasture; pood loam soil; no rocks or travel, fenced and cross fenced; 26 different varieties fruit, good 8-room house, barn, other buildings; tele phone, R. K. D. and cream route; county road on two sides; only 3 miloa Molalla.. Trtced for quick sale at JJ1S0O, $1000 cash. No trade. JOS. C. GIBSON", 30tt Gcrlinger Bids. BARGAIN IN SMALL FA R M . 29 axrea of firm -uiH. nil It. riilrivaiiAn and in crop but throo acres, miles west of Portland, In Washington count v. 2 miles from town and electric line, fair house, good big barn and all outbuildings, all kinds of small fruit and berries; price for everything $3600; $1100 cash, o years on uajiince. HaSTKTLER & ANDERSON, 72 1 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN loS-acre Valley farm, H mile from rauroaa. nig growing crops, new buildings, few umcninery, siocKea; reasonable pay ment, balance as you make it on farm a per cent. rite for description. W. D. MIXTER. Albany. Of: II' 1 OL) hav wanted a. HnnJ HivAr ro ...V. home, here is your chance; owner must sell or exchange part or all of his ten acre improved ranch and will make price muu. ici ins mai are rigni. uwner, -V V FOR SALE Twenty-acre fruit farm, wal nuts, cnernes. apples, with peach fillers, lx years old; 26 miles from Portland, one mile from a good valley town. See owner, Huj Washington st., Portland. Phone Main THE NEW WAY. THR MOnKRK WAV THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you Interested? If so, write to z iiii.A. niag.. ban ranclsco. C; M. WOOPSTEB. Pres. FARM Stork, crops and implements, pleas ant location. Hi miles to station. Deal with owners, no commission. C A- Hau- lenoecR, dij jtenry oicig. otf AtKbft, j i acres beaverd;im land. 14 miles from Portland, nearTua latin Station: lory.avc. Woodlaw n '48. FOR RENT Stock ranch; will sell personal property and crops to renter. See owner at -?a wasningioa st., room lt. FOR SALE Cowlitz County stump lands. . "v; fcuuu isoii.. wen watered. gnarp, q.j j'niocK DIocK, Portland, FARMS WANTED. TWO reliable? men want to lease a farm suitable for a dairy with option to pur chase; want place with two houses and vwuiiu u mnes or nign school. R. F Bryan. 609 Chamber of Commerce. TO BUY from owner, :;00 to 000-acre wheat jancn. wiin slocu: anu equipment; 10 equal FARM, 50 to 200 acres, bargalu; quick. FOR SALK TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRAKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. CALIFORNIA TIMBER LANDS AND uumn.MMl LAND LOCATIONS. CALL ON F. A. BA1KD, REDDING. CAL. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 20 to 40 acres not too far fron Portland, improved, in exrHuna class 8-room resldance, well located and free of any debt. We have a Party who has $1000 "REAL iz. i . who wants irom l to 2 acres improved, near carllne. between here and Oregon City. Also have party with $1000 cash for " on msi side, not too far out close to good car. Also want $3000 house, clear, for good farm. 2,j miles from Portland- A r.r.w a.i ?Jr' .ot,'""" equipment; mortgage $2050. West Coast Investment. 21H Ablngton bldg. a .n i i-,u s or 4 acres, not over lo miles oui on Oregon Klectric; cash $400 as part payment: must be bargain; state j'i ixi no locanon. w oregonlan. BARGAIN For cash, well-built, modern 4 or 6-room bungalow, large lot near car. not over 25 minutes out. no junk What ju : i-t ouo, oregonlan. WILL take acreage or lots for clearing your land, you to furnish tools. A. Islck. Tabor 1151. TO EXCHANGE RFAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE tor wheat farm, stock ranch or tirrthof A . , ....... i . , . ' " . j'.. L-u dli ccii on car. line, Vancouver, Wash.; 4 rooms, barn cement walks, fruit, roses. Walla Walla iwuiiis, ;i acre. l-asue KOCK. Wash- 80 acres. 5 hi miles C. R.. house. vteca. xUJL V I CLBLie XiOCtL. Wash. ACREAGE AND fTTY PROPFRTV To sell or exchange in all parts of Oregon and 2." other states: hundreds of listings to choose from. .Bring in your ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., Members Portland Kealtv Hoard. UlS-lt) Yeon Building. MODERN up-to-date -J -room house and bath vita gas ana electric llnts, 'Z lots, eacn by i)0. one corner lot : vahiH CsiiMrfK Will trade for 40 or so-acre farm between Portland and Albany. Oregon. Address ,a v -4t), oregonlan. WE HAVE 3 of the best buys for cash In the niuaraeue vaney. ir you are looking for a fine farm at an attractive price it will pay you to see me. M. E. Lee, 503 Cor- upu Diag. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY. AYRES & SMITH CO., BO! NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 7266. FINE COUNTRY HOME, walnut and apple orchard, Yamhill, Or. : 7 v& a.. 5 years old ; for land or modern house; $2400; owners only. V 877, Ore gonlan. EXCHANGE 10 acres of land in Coon Cn r.ear Myrtle Point, 8 acres cleared, house ana Darn, lor norses ana cows. Call Main M20. Manager Hotel Dayton, 1st and Taylor sts. WILL give some cash, well-improved 4 acre tract and assume some; want in come property. R. F. Bryan, 50y Cham ber of Commerce. WILL trade or sell for 7G per cent of cost, 7 acres, improved, good soil, fine neigh borhood, close to 6c carllne. W. A. Wright, Rt. 6, Vancouver. Wash. MY drygoods and general business, stock value about $500, for title-clear farm prop erty. Miller, care Miller & Rosemeld, McMinn ville, Or IMPROVED farm of 72 acres, 6a in culti vation, crop, stock and implements; iO-cent fare; want cioar residence. O. W Bryan. 5U9 Chamber of Commerce. 100 ACRES, Pacific Co., Wash., and 1 or 2 acres near Portland limits, for good equity in modern home or clear lots. W tea, Oregonian. TWO or three unincumbered lots, near Ken- ion, 10 traae ior a J.U14 or ivii automobile In good condition. East 4443. WANTED A suburban house and lot for aoout 4U acres, three miles irom JScap pooae. L 8S0, Oregonlan. I HAVE some of the finest farms In the Willamette Valley to exchange for city property. W. J. Pavig, 505 Corbett bldg. LARGE stock and wheat ranch for sale, or owner will exchange for city property. W. J. Davie. COS Corbett bldg. FINELY located, improved, equipped. 1 fi acre larra nome. hat nave you? Even ings. Tabor 38. L S1S, Oregonian. C. P. BURCH trades property in and from any western state to any, at J, i, 3, 4 and G. 220 gprague ave., Spokane. Wash. ACREAGE, all cleared, near. car. trade for city property. AM fetu, Oregonian. ROOMIXG-HOT'SE and city property for clear farm or acreage, v SS, Oregonian. 2ION CITY, 1T.L., lots to trade. What have you 7 J-, fcy. ornoaian. TO EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE. ABOUT 6 acres Improved, 5-room house, hot and cold water, large barn, half an acre of bearing orchard, all kinds of berries. 2 oiocKs irom car; rine soil, lays beautiruiiy ; close to PortlancLv fine team of horses. chickens, pigs, etc. ; all farming tools and implements; price xtJOOO, mortgage ,51800 exchange same for modem house In Port land to value of S420O. Unless your prop erty is worth $4200 it Is useless to figure on this place, which is one or tne xinest propositions on the market. W. J. Davie, 55 Corbett bldg. I HAVE an Irvington lot on E. 17th North, between Siskiyou and Klickitat, an auto mobile In fine shape and some cash to ex change for house and lot. Rose City or Alameda preferred; call at 672 E. 15th North for further particulars, mornings or evenings. FOB BALE. Hornet. Vehicle, Harness, Etc. MAKES Team of good working mares that will pull true and are gentle and kind for boy or lady to handle in or out of stable, set good harness and a farm wagon, all In good condition, for th small ' Bum of $150. Trial allowed. Team of seal browns, liorse and mare, 26r0 lbs. ; are good, true pullers and will work single or double and ride; set good heavy harness, all like.' new, at one price of 25. " W have Just received a carload of big, fine mules suitable for any work; ages from 0 "to 0 years old, and among the lot are some extra well-matched black mules with Mealcy noses. If you want one or a carload call and see them this week only at Union Transfer Co., 11th at Hoyt st. AUCTION 1 AUCTION : Horses, ' mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strictly commission stables in the city ; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co., 1M0 East 8th st. East 6310. FOR .SALE or rent, good team, wagon and harness and farm implements, milch cow; for rent ; 75 acres good orchard, bouse, barns; will rent for one or two years, cash rent. 620 Frederick st. Sellwood 270. COMMISSION AUCTION of horses, vehicles, harness, watrona, every Monday and Thursday at 2 P. M. Colum bia Stables. 302 Front st. A BARGAIN My splendidly matched work team, new Studebaker wagon and har ness; $300 cash, phone Main 7337. Mrs. Abbott. SHETLAND pony, thoroughly broke, ride or drive, i years old ; cart, harness. Come and give me an offer. Must sell. Mult nomah StHbles. 1 Gth and Madison ets. FO W SALE 'Z teams horses, 4 young Here ford bulls, 1, i: and 3 years old. C. Min sinser, room 1!10 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Pair pf ranch horses, farm wagon and double harness cheap. 1967 E. Stark st., corner 78th. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. GRAY horso for sale. 0 years old, weighs-'. .t-o n-veret t si. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. 1 Cohen, 3bl Water st. Main 22JS, Main 6005. DED horses and animals hauled away free. Wood lawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. OPEN carriage, small. 2-seated, very cheap. bS East 7th at. North. WANTED Good farm team cheap for cash. 1300 lbs. 24 E. 1st st. N. CHEAP Good all-round team, weight 2200 !.., ages 7 nnd 8. L SQ5, Oregonian. riano.s. Organ and Musical InrtrnmntM. $5 CASH, with double credit for $10, buys new $350 piano at $2tl5, $7.50 month. y without interest charged elsewhere, makes total paving $115.29 to you. bchwan Piano Co ., Ill Fourth street. FOR J2-S5 CASH, Security Storage Co. will close out S'lUO player piano, metal tubing. 88 notes, all latest improvements; this in cludes 55 jlayer roll?. Call 109 4th Pt. $145 CASH today will buy $o75 Davis A 8ons' piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th street. $50 BUYS $3u0 Kurtzman piano. Security Storage Co., 1Q'. 4th St.. Couch bldg. $1 MONTHLY stores your piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th et. Main 5323. RESPONSIBLE person wishes use of plana for its storage. Tabor 2291. $05 CASH buys $'.oO pease upright. Security Storage Co., 109 4th Ft. Dogs Birds, Pet Stock. A GOOD Airedale is burglar proof. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. Fumuure for Sale STEEL FRAME WOVEN SPRINGS. These springs are made entirely of steel and are vermin-proof, heavy spiral coil, center support, heid up ty six steel nanas; sen regjlar at $4.50 each; our price $2.65. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 1st St. $40 No. 8-14 Laclede steel range, in good condition; an enormous bargain at $14. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 1st st. GOOD furniture for seven roms, cheap ; part cash, balance payments. Call Mar snail 87 after 2 P. M. Livestock. IF YOU have a good, fat cow or veal for sale rail Tabor 272Q. Amo mo biles. PORTABLE .GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs, 10x16, $30 up, erected complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery ; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., C4S Water st., near Harrison. Main 1167. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, pricei $300 to $50. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. 1014 LIGHT Six Hudson automobile, 6-pas-senger. almost like new. This car has just been run enough to limber it up by an experienced driver and must be seeu to be appreciated. V 60O, Oregonian. FOR HIKE. $1.50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1014 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good services. Phone Main 1201 or East 5S59. FOR SALK 1914 Ford auto. Bosch mag neto: $-50 cash. tan A 3-iio bunoay or Main 214, A 1260 during the week. W 911, Oregonian. PIERCE-ARROW Six Thirty-Six, demount able rims, starter, eieciric iignts, a-i ail through, factory guarantee; take cash, lot or cheaper car. Tabor 4bl4. BUNGALOW GARAGE Between 22d and 23d. on Halsey, in irvington; private stall tor rent, reasonable. Phone East Sul or cal! s91 Clackamas. FORD. FORD. 1914, 5-pasj., exceptionally good running order, new tires, a very safe buy. AH So, Draconian. FORD New 191a runabout bodies. $2o ; tourintr bodies. 5 . u. nenjamin i. uuoae & Co.. Ford agents. 514 A lder. FOR HIRE $1.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1914 FORD. Phone wood. awn no. CLASSY RUNABOUT, fine condition; cash or terms. io traae. ruone j. aoor 49-1. FOR HIRE, cheap, new 8-pass. Hudson car; careful driver. Aiain oio. THE place to buy or sell used cars. East Side Auto jxepair l;o., ui nawiuorne. Automobiles Warned. A CHOICE 20 acres of land with water right, near a county seat town in south ern Oregon, for late model J3uick. Hup or otner similar o-passenger car; give iuii particulars and where car can be seen. Addrcffs O 824, Oregonian. FORD machine, four or five passenger, will trade lot in st. Jonns actually wortn $uW. Phone Main 5211. WANTED Ford auto for choice beach lot. value 3uu. rnone x aoor ww. WANTED 1915 Ford touring car, $50 down, $25 a month. K 804, oregonian. W ANTE D Roadster, state make, condl AF 814, oregonian. t Ion, price, terms. Motorcycles. CLEAN-UP SALE of Merkel motorcycles at less than our cost, 1912? and 1914 models, all new. easy terms. Phone Broadway 485. MOTOR CAR SUPPLY CO.. 31-33 Broadway N. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; o montnr rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 80 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save yon from 50 to 75 per cent on all xnaKes or type ruers; sena ior our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., W4 Stark at. Main 552S. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark st. Main 14U. Machinery. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING EQUIP MENT FOR SALE OR RENT. Air Compressors Gas Engines. ind tools. Hoisting Engines. Air Receivers. Stationary Engines. Blowers. IrOcomotlves. Boilers. Steam Puhidi. Boring Machines. Steam Shovels. Concrete Mixers. Wheelbarrows. Concrete Buggies. Winchea, Derricks. Phone or write for specifications and prices. We either have what you want or know where to get it. COAST STEKL & MACHINERY CO., 1505 Yeon Bldg. Main G70o, A-3339. FOB SALE. M iscellaneous. . LUMBER FOR SALE BARGAIN. 150,000 ft. new lumber; Rose Fes tival grandstands will be sold June 14. Apply A. W. KUTSCHE, Contractor. Main 6013. Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE cheap, following black walnut fixtures: 1 counter, IS ft. by 21 in., size of top; 2 swinging doors; 2 showcases. In quire Portland Marine Supply Co., 229 Ankeny st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke Coilender Co., 46-4$ 5th. SEWING MACHINES. new and second hand, sale or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium. 1U0 3d St., near Tavlor. Main tM31, A 3H26. CASH REGISTERS. Jarjre stock on hand; we save you 40 to 60 per cent; 'all registers guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, 351 Washington st. VISIBLE typewriters rented 3 months for $4; convenient at home; delivered any where. 244 Stark -t. Phone Main 627X DIAMOND ho up paints, strictly pure; madV in Oregon, per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front et-Mf "i11 10 HOCH FEED'S Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. Cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. We sell the Jca camenis. FOR SALE W cords oak wood, every stick straight, for ax handle factory; reasonable. AK 856, Oregonian. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 2M2 3d st. Main 797. S A FE45 SA FE S. ' Th Moslor Safe Co.. SI-64 Stark St. FOR SALE or trade, heating plant, suitable for 5-room house. V 907. Oregonian. NEW SA Eastman Kodak for $10. Cost $20. 3 91 14th st.. Elms, room 2. SANITARY roll-top desk cheap. Transfer Co., 308 Oak. DESTC for sale cheap. Over 104 Mason. Miss, car. WANTEI MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND - HAND CLOTHES. We pay highest cash price for ladies' and gents' castoff clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for It. GLOBE STORE, 285 First st. Main 20S0 Main 2080. THE HONEST DEALERS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. We pay big prices for ladies' and men's clothes, shoes, etc. Try us. Call Broadway 3932. 251 Front t. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGHEST PR I C 13 FO R CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RELIABLE BUYElL MAIN 757-;. 229 MADISON. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR HOUSE HOLD GOOD.S OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S. EAST 716i. 374 HAWTHORNE AVE., CORN ER UN ION. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household gooda or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 0U72. MUST have second-hand furniture, also ex change new for old. (Square deal.) East 6417. M. H. Calef. 548 Williams ave. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it-away. Get omr figures first, btandard Fur. Co.. 32 1st. Main 4773. WANT electric fan. A. C. 110 voltage; also 3.-H. P. A. C, 110 voltage motor; must be cheap. AM 859, Oregonian. WANTED To buy 3 National cash registers. 243 Washington st. CASH BUYERS for barbers' furniture, new and second-hand. Main 7573. I NEED good used furniture; will-pay high est prices. Call Marshall 1587. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays beet price for your furniture. 231 1st st. Main 4027. WANT $10,000 used furniture ; pay good prices; starting new Btore. Sellwood 16S2 CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. WANTED 3 6 size railroad watch, cash ; guaranteed inspection. V 887, Ctregonian. WANTED to buy. one 1913 city directory. Phone Mam WANTED Automatic pistol; will trade small mare. Jio r rent. WANTED National cash register. Mala 6U6. 351 Washington st. WANT stock of furniture and men's cloth ing; highest cash price. Marshall 587. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4S04. C 1477. HELP W A NTK P M AI.E. MEN! Practice economy with your legs; buy your pants upstairs from Jimmy Dunn. His low rent saves you $1 on every pair; priced at $2.50, $S and $3.50. Elevator to third floor. 31-j-iti-i oregonian biug. EXPERIENCED woman for family cook; also second eirl of neat appearance; first- class home nnd sit! table wages ; must bo thoroughly competent and have local ref erences. Apply to J. L Bowman, 94 3d st., corner Stark BEST PROPOSITION EVER OFFERED.' Learn Automobile Driving and Repairing. For particulars call mornings. 10 to 12. 206 11th st., near Jefferson. HAVE several openings for establishment indepnden t mail order business. Energy, good habits, sound judgment more import ant than capital. Spare time first. Par ticulars fret-. Opportunities Exchange, Bulla to. N. V. WANT to contract for labor only for con struction of lumber workhouse; plans and specilicu-tions submitted at office in Linn ton oa Wednesday and Thursday. June Oth ur.fl 30th. WEST OREGON LUMBER CO. POSTOFFICB examination at Portland soon. Prepare now under former Government examiner. Booklet S-31 free. Write today. Patterton Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. MEN wanted for supply company 3d Regi ment O. N. G., mechanics and men of previous service preferred. Apply to Keg- . imentai Quartermaster, Monday evenings, at Armory. I WANT an experienced salesman to take charge at Columbia Beach during beach season ; splendid chance for right man. Call mornings, 3 1U0 Northwestern Bank bldg. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My . free booklet, Y-3C9. tells how. Write to riav NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. CASH advanced you weekly selling our han dy guaranteed ornamental and fruit stock. Right now best time to start.- Washing ton Nursery company, i oppenisn, vvasu. SALESMAN wanted to sell our up-to-date and extensive line. Outnt Tree ; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nurserv Company. Salem, Or. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Instructor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 232 2d, near Main. WANTED Experienced Japanese cook. Hood River Valley ranch. Cail room 215 Hotel Multnomah Wednesday and . Thursday, 10 to 3 2 noon. ABLE-BODIED MEN to prepare for fire men, brakemcn ; $ 120 monthly. Positions obtained free. Railway Association, Ore gonian WANTED 2 boys between ages 16 and 18 -to work a-t bail grounds, saiary and com mission. Apply at u o'clock this morning at bull grounds. WANTED Boy to assist with housework and take care of small lawn and garden. R S47. oregonian. WANTED Japanedfl boy for cook and general housework. Summer home, small family. Call Marshall 3171. s COMPETENT German instructor, male pre ferred. Class and private work. V 894, Oregonlan. $12 FURNISHED cleaning, pressing shop, furnished living-rooms, water, L83 Alblna WANTED at once, 2 men to learn automo bile repairing and driving. Hawthorne Gar a ge, 445 Hawthorne. BE a detective, earn $1 00 to $300 per month ; , travel over the world: write Supt. Lud w i g, 731 Wes cover bldg.. Kansas City. M o. WANTED Soil ci tors' for Portland, a wie w plan with article of merit. 302 Commer cial Club bldg. SADDLE horses. SO cents first hour. 25 cents additional; English or stock sadldes. Mult nomah Stables, 16t"n and Madison. M. 5&76. WANTED Merry-go-round and other amusements for celebration July .1th. C. W. Eustice, Secretary, Vamhill, Or. MILLWRIGHTS. 10, experienced, with tools; reie-.T1Ce!. Colby Engineering- Co., 70 1st. WANTED First-class barber, as partner or helper. Hotel Osburn. Eugene. Or. PHOTO agents, something new ; extra com mission paid, Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. CULINARYLUB, S5H 5th st. Free em ployment if cooks, waiters ar.d bartenders. CAPABLE man take Interest in office; good p a y. 519 Lumber Kxchan go bldg. EM PLOYM EN f department Y. M. C. A. Service re to me:r.bers WANTED steady dishwasher. 122 14. Lh su Klein's Restaurant. HEIP WANTED MALE. T. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night instruction in repairing, driving, selling and machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, ahaper, drillpress, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and ex pert training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office. Y. M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to Inspect our shop and methods. MEN You can get the best readv-to-wear suit in Portland at Jimmy Dunn's up stairs clothes shop. He cuts out the high rent profit and gives you $20 to $25 suits for $14.75. Take elevator to 3d fioor. Oregonlan bldg. TWO boys at once to learn th barber trade. 48 N. 2d St. Help Y anted iA gents. WANTED Agents in every city and countv in Oregon, to sell the Joy driver Ford .steering device. every Ford owner or driver needs it and wants it ; sells for $4. ftp. J. M. Walter, 412 Hawthorne ave. A GOOD man to represent us in now terri tory; salary $125 pr month or commis sion. Positive Manufacturing Company, 105 Myrtle ave.. San Francisco. Cal. Help Wanted Salesmen. LIVE, energetic salesman wanted, must be pood rustler. Call from I P. M. to i P M Hotel Hood, room 1. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good cook for Eastern Oregon 10ti9 East Morrison for particulars. Give phone number. jTEDWomen for Government Jobs, g ni.f9 immeciateiy ror list po sitions obtainable. Franklin Institute. 70; OS BY taking our 15-lesson course you can play any of the popular music by note, bth floor Buchanan bldg. (over 5o and 10c store), Washington st. WANTED Girl to do housework in th country; three in family; stat experi ence and wages desired. Box Mosier, . Oregon. GIRLS bet. 18 and 25 to learn comptometer calculating machine; good position when course completed. U3S Morgan bldg MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOU 5U2 Empress bldg. Personal Inst ruction; positions when competent. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business courses $5 mo. positions when competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. GIRL for general housework: experienced; references required. Call before noon. 12 Northrup st. WANTED Young giri for light housework no children. Apply 003 East lStli st. city. WANTED Girl 2o to 30. for housework: 3 in family. Apply 484: 86th st and 49th ave. Mt. Scott, Orays Crossing. WANTED Foreign or German woman to do housework, family of two. Call G.7 Wash ington st.. Apr. 12. GIRL to do cook Ing and some liuusew ork. one willing to go to beach. Apply from ! t( 12. t.0 Everett. HOTEL COOK, $4. waitress, out. $20; res taurant waitress JS week. Hansen's, 45 Va W ashiugton st. FAMILY cook. $4u; second work, $:?; house work, $15 to $:;5. St. Lou in Agency. 2iS Main A 7 I 75. Main 2o.,0. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 423 Pittock block. o" Washington si. WOMAN to do housework and cooking, small ramuy; wages Tabor 025. 411 East ;t4th et. South. WANTED, immediately, thoroughly experi enced maid for general housework; tw children ; $20. 4P.i E. 2 4th N. WANTED Kxperienced girl fir general housework. 5sl E. Taylor. Four adults. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 47 1 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. BOOKKEEPE RS, stenographers and dicta Phono operators. 301 N. W. Bank b.dg. WANTED Good girl for general house- wotk. i aoor om. MISS M ATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting, $5 mo. 269 14th. Ph. M. S.193. WANT en experienced girl for general Housework: in lttmiiy. Puone East 12- Gi ULS. learn beauty culture, comm'n while learning. Violet Shop. 514 Abington bldg. WANTED Girl for light houseworkl Phone East 4530. jlKLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MEN and WOMEN to learn the barber trade, earn from 15 to $25 per week; tui tion reduced, paid while learning; positions secured ; write for free catalogue. Th Molcr System of Colleges. Ad. 48 N. 2d. 100 LOGANBERRY PICKERS. Twill be at the St. Charles Hotel Thursday, June lu. J. A. Klump. WAN TED Latin instructor, private instruc tions ; state price. V 880, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED M1SCKLXAEQUS. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE "wants"men and women to learn the barber trade In S weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free, paid while learning; modern method teaching ; tuition reuueed. 233 Madison. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerksT "car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific S t a t o Schools, McKay bldg., city. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teach salesmanship, also 2S5 other courses. Free catalogue. 2U2 McKay bldg. WA-NTED Names of men. IS or over, wish ing Government .iohs, $05 month; no pull necessary. AV 743, Oregonian. SITUATIONS 1 WANTED MALE. ilookkerpfrit and Clerks. COMPETENT, capable hotel and apartment house manager desires "position. I make a specialty of building up houses not prop t rly managed, and filling new ones. Rea sonable salary and a percentage of the in crease. The smaller the Faiary and the greater the percentage the more your proposition will appeal to me. L 909. Ore gonian. REGISTERED druggist, good habits and betit of references, is now open for posi tion; thoroughly competent. B 861, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED packer and shipping clerk desires position ; small wages ; A-l ref erences. Main 7051. A 1517. WANTED .Small set of books, or any clerical work to do evenings. G 8G0, Ore gonian. Mirxjellancousi. YOUNG man wants position in grocery istore. 3 years experience. l um wining to put up a cash bond or invest a little money, city or country. L baS. Oregonian. A-l CHAUFFEUR and mechanic is willing to work for board and room until ox tis f action is given ; ret. Phouo Main J'JU3, after 5 o'clock. TWO men want to take contract to cut wood by cord, 30u0 cords; state price and d 1 stance from Portland. Address, D. Nich ols. 34 2d St. North, city. EXPERIENCED, reliable boy, 18, wants po sition as busboy ; references. Main 7051, A 1517. GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wants position; has references; city or country. Address S. Harry. 2t'2g 2d st. cor. Taylor. BiliGKT, energetic boy desires work ai kitchen helper or delivery boy ; A-l ref erences. Main 7051, A 1517. PAINTING, paperhanglng and kalsomining work guaranteed. I use the best. Cail Main 0170. and I will do the rest. Johnson. JAPANESE boy wants to work evenings, any kind of work, have good recommenda tions. L 907, Oregonlan. A NICE Japanese, willing, a good position of a good family, or any other. Mail 8tt N. ith. i EMPLOYMENT wanted. eI b". Clarke, Couch Hotel. Phone Broadway 3717. EXPERIENCED young Japanese wants a. position at housework. V b7S, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants to work In bakery; steady worker. 371 North 21st st. PAINTING, kalsomining, plaster patching; reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 249tt. MAN and wife with boys, wish farm work, experienced farmers. L &'.., Oregonian. YOUNG man desires any kind of work for room and board. AH 80S. Oregonlan. YOUNG Chinese wants position; cook, por ter or any kind. AO 849, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. O. K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone operator wants permanent or substitute w ork. M28l i. AN experienced telephone operator would like position in or out of city. L 903, Ore gonian. COMPETENT stenographer desires work by hour or p1ec. Mam 27. Dressmaker. EXPERIENCED, reliabledressmaker desires work. $1.50 a day and carfare ; A-l ref erences. Main 7u53, A 1517. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants plain sewing, $1.25 per dny and carfare; A-l references. Main 7051. A 1517. DRESSMAKING. work guaranteed, prices reasonable. M a in 7392. Nurses. RELIABLE, experienced woman wants I'rac , Uca! nursing; A-l references. Main 7051. A 1517.