Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1915, EXTRA 4:00 A. M., Page 8, Image 8

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Still More
Free Garbage and Meters Are
Defeated; Jitneys Regu
lated; Suburbs In.
Incomplete ltcturns From 244 Out
tot 2 93 Precincts Forecast Blow
j to Daly's Plan 1 3 Per
J Cent Vote Is Cafcl.
(Concluded on Page g. Column 1.)
tJ 2133 for Monroe Goldstein and 1111
far Mrs. Kmma Golub.
-.Both St. Johns and Linnton will be
a.pnexed? to Portland, according to the
14te returns. According to the law a
majority of all who voted on the Com
rrjlssionerships arid the initiative and
referendum measures must vote for an
nexation before annexation can be au
thorized. But it is apparent that both
fcaburbs gained the required number.
Suburbs Are Annexed.
KThe vote for the annexation of St.
Johns was 18.249, against 3812, a ma
jtjrity for annexation of 14,437.
-The vote for the annexation of Linn
toii at 3:30 this morning was: For,
J 798; against, 8280; giving a majority
for annexation of 5518. It is reason
ably certain that the "complete returns
wjlll give a favorable majority for both
tnese measures.
Daly Water Plan Loses.
The water meter ordinance, which
was fathered by Commissioner Daly
after the referendum had been invoked
against it, has been lost. The vote now
111,798 for and 14.401 against, a ma
Jcrlty gainst of 2703.
The plan to provide free municipal
collection of garbage also has been de
feated by a vote of 10,066 for to 14,976
against, givingan unfavorable majority
fct- 4910.
?The Jitney ordinance, which aims to
regulate jitneys using the public
streets, was decisively indorsed. The
v&te was 15,071 to 6163 for the meas
ure, a majority of 8908. As this meas
ure was passed by the Council and re
fejred by the people. It goes into effect
Vote an Other Measures.
The vote on some of the other raeas.
ures was as follows:
J'o provide for proceedings for elim
ination of (trade crossings Yes, 15,071;
ua. 6163; majority for, 8908.
-To allow Humane Society to operate
dqg pound Yes, 14,677; no, 8852; ma
jority for, 5925.
,T provide semi-annual atreet im
provement assessment Yes, 12,683! no,
r54: majority for, 4229.
pensioning certain firemen Tes,
15.M9; no, 7550; majority for, 8299.
To erect fire walls on waterfront
Yes, 14,339; no, 8547; majority for.
iTo close grocery stores on Sundays
Yes. 7724; no, 17,889; majority against.
'hanging civil service rules Yes, 13.
111; no. 7710; majority for, 6104.
following are the complete returns
from 244 out of 293 precincts:- .
w CommiRKlonera. i
(Two to be elected.)
Z 1st Sd 3d
1. Baker. Georse L. . 13.1 41 1HH.I
J Cooper. C. V :tr 797
37- Caldwell, Geo. W. 7S1 los
1 Adams, William. 8.74J 3117
ParrLnh, George. .. .4M1 14116
Brewster, Wm. L. 7. MS 1474
211 Bigelow, O. A.. .10.60(1 1XT4
22; Clyde, Ralph C. . . 2,217 2112
-o., Otten. Charles H. 470 2!t!l
!Mt. Koy. J. P ;;o:l
2n I'ason. "Boon. ...... - 140 mi
-w i.arrerty, A. W... 2.41t
2 1- Marsters, A. C-... ":;!
T'our leading candidates are:
1st. All
a Choice. Choices.
fKe.r 1:1.141 lr,.6lS7
Hipeat . .10,81(0 J3.17
1st. 2d.
Choice. Choice.
2.1:t JH7S
20.!)!.-, 637
32.- Goldstein. Monroe .
13" Bar-bur, A. 1..
14 Oolub. Kmma
1.111 148
Barbur's lead on first choice, 1S.S22.
Authorizing Mater Meters.
irm Yes
lot No II!".""
. .11.7ns
. .14.401
Majority against .
( logins; More on (Sunday.
10;; Yes
10:1 No !". I I !
Majority .. asalnst
Chancing Civil :Servire.Rule.
Till Yes
10.1 No
. 7.724
. 7.110
Majority for , 6,104
Municipal Oarbase Collection.
10 Yes . . 10.0SS
107 -No .14,976
Majority against , 4.810
Eliminating Grade Crossings.
Majority for.." .-
Leasing Dog Pound.
1 IO
.14. r.77
Majority for
Kegulating Jitneys.
Yes 1U.04U
No . . . lo.owl
Majority for 6.115
Changing Jjtreet AnseMnent.
1 1 1
1 15
Majority for
leniuoing l-'iremen.
i u:
117 -
. .15.84!)
. . 7 . O
"Majority for
. Krecting lire Stops
118 Yc- -
ll'J No .
. S..-.47
Majority for. . . . .- 5.7VJ2
Annexing at. Johns.
Yes 18.24S1
No 3.81-J
Majority tor ., , . 14.437
Annexing Linnton.
. .. .13.7HS
Majority for , 5,01s
-Except for troubles of minor impor
tance, due to misunderstandings on the
part of election officials, the election
went off smoothly. A few troubles
were reported during the day, but these
wore all corrected easily. On the
whole the election was well handled
by all concerned.
"A large number of policemen carried
tbe ballot boxes and supplies from the
City Hall to the polling places, com
mencing at 5 o'clock in the morning.
They had the supplies all on hand con
siderably before 8 o'clock, when the
polls opened.
Owing to the fact that City Auditor
Ilarbur had checked up carefully on the
' ' j -"'gJ il I' iy - iHtawiii'V1 Yi 1 .
s ?;4 - f. fi
V .'V'm I .... ....V 1 :
I ' I
ft --r-' - X ' A I
I I " ' 1 - 1
r ' - - "" """ 1 " " '-?J
election board." t3ie were but few pre- ,.' fMae 3
cincts where the full boards were not rf'siSTf 1g0' " I r
on hand in time to open the polls at jj. t3-Aa,'v- A
the btroke of 8 o'clock. In a few pre- rjT -0" JT "JP WfT?
cincts the chairmen of the boards had jS""' tr
to swear in persons who were at the Zft11' ' t JT , t ." :i j
polls but who were not-regular elec- fc4ss - -'v'::' -y s' ' s&f W.
tion officials. ". tSw f: '
Katlns Hour Bone of Contention. - TlJ Jf " :: ;'' :' '''i;'i ;'
The usual troubles were had with , J : if- w
election boards closing the polling x J 1 " '" '"-l
places at noon. The law provides that , y : : ' ' 1
tha polls may be closed for one hour, ' 'H.f- X. V'" "r-, : - v ,
but not until after 1 P. M. In a num- " e ' K . Xl " W ' 1 l' "' " "
ber of cases the election boards fol- , t "i A , 1 '" w ' -
lowed the usual custom of closing the - v ""f V" fl IJ 1
polls between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock. - j ?4, ' V ? J J ' .1
As a result several people had to make - -' 4 , - f "tf- , $ " ' " - i
two trips to the polling places. V Jfc J U i
Complaints were made early In the , IvfS "1 tr' ' S j t :. .
morning against campaigning In vari- I , f ' s ' " ' C
oils polling places and on the streets. '
It was charged that newspaper clip- "S ' ; i f
i i , . v . - ; v . . - . !
! . (iUICK RCTI RNS AIDED BY t l "ilf v " '-"'I
Great assistance was afforded
The Oregonian in collecting elec
tion returns by the service of the
Pacific and Home telephone com
panies, A large number of spe
cial telephones were installed in
The Oregonian office and excel
lent service was given.
The returns were compiled and
tabulated on Burroughs Adding
Machines, enabling the election
force to keep its totals up to the
count of the election boards.
pings explaining the method of voting
with the preferential voting system
were pasted In the polling places by
election officials. These were ordered
' Jitneys Violate Law.
The police had to be brought into
action to force the jitneys to remove
their banners, which have been flaunt
ed for weeks past on the backs and
sidea of the cars. Mayor Albee in
structed the police to force the removal
of these. The police also pulled downT
campaign cards and other literature
wherever it was found about the city.
These acts were in compliance with the
corrupt practices law, which prohibits
campaigning of any kind on election
The voting started out extremely
light in virtually every part of the city.
At noon the voting increased until
about 1:30, when there was another
lull. This continued until nearly 4
o'clock, when the real rush of the day
Many of the polling places had to
remain open later than the scheduled
closing time (8 P. M.) because of the
number of persons waiting to vote.
The voting was a slow task, owing to
the fact that there were three ballots.
The election officials had each, ballot
to arrange separately and the stubs
to mark before handing them to voters.
Many Gatner at The Oresonlan Corner
- and Autos Are Parked Wnere On'
enpants Can View Bulletins.
It was ' a good-natured crowd that
gathered on The Oregonian corner last
night to watch, the election returns
flashed on The Oregonian's bulletin
board across Sixth street- It cheered
the winners and jeered the losers with
complete impartiality.
The crowd collected early. Many
gathered shortly after 8 o'clock when
the polls closed and stuck to their
posts until a late hour. In Alder street
a long line of automobiles was parked,
occupants viewing the bulletins from
comfortable seats in their machines.
There was no disorder. The men
and women who watched the returns
were not rabid partisans of either men
or measures, although they showed
keen interest in the outcome. Their
attitude bore out the inference to be
drawn from the light vote Dolled, that
i Interest in the election was not par
ticularly strong.
Movies shown on the screen to fill in
the gaps while votes were being
counted delighted the younger mem
bers of the crowds particularly and the
impromptu verses of Dean Collins
pleased all alike and added a touch ot
humor to the attitude of the watchers.
Outspoken comment by advocates of
water meters and others against their
installation were heard at intervals,
as well as the warm espousal of some
candidate, but arguments were rare,
with not a trace of any discussion that
could be called heated.
Fete Queen's. Suito Pic-ked.
A royal suite has been provided for
Queen Sybil Baker and her court on the
main floor of the Hotel Portland. Par
lors overlooking Yamhill tjtreet have
been selected.
The suite is most convenient, being
only three blocks from the Rose Festi
val center and in the business district.
The auite will be used as a place of re
treat for Miss Baker and her court
when they need not be bothered with
cares of state.
Roses and other flowers will be pro
vided 'daily by the Rose( Festival committee.
4 count of the election boards. i ' I " , , ,J f I
1 Ill , ! 1!
. ; - - --f .
I ' J I - " ?M 1(40
(1) William Adams. (2) C. A. Bicelovr. 3) W. I,. Brewster. (4) Georse U.
Raker and Mrs. Baker, and Daughte r, Mary KUgett Baker (Center), Just
After Voting.
Federal Murder Case to Be
Tried at Klamath Falls.
Negotiations for Room to Hold Spe
cial Session After Old Statute
Invoked Balked' 1x3 tig by
Mayor's Refusal.
After negotiations covering the bet
ter part of .a week, it is finally settled
that the United States District Court
will hold a special session in Klamath
Falls, beginning Thursday, June 10,
for the trial of Jim George, an Indian
accused of th i murder of Peter Brown.
After L. R. Webster, attorney for
George, had invoked a Federal statute
passed in 1789 which provides that any
person aecused of violation of a Fed
eral statute punishable by death, shall
have the right to be tried in the county
where the alleged crime was committed,
and Judge Wolverton had granted his
petition, difficulties arose through the
attitude of the Mayor of Klamath Falls.
With his petition Mr. Webster had
presented a request signed by almost
every business man of Klamath Falls,
asking to have the case tried there, and
agreeing to turn over the City Hall to
the Government for court purposes dur
ing the trial.
Mayor Refuses to Sign
But when a formal contract to this
effect was sent by United States At
torney Reames to the Mayor to sign,
the Mayor balked. First he thought
he would, and then he thought he
wouldn't. Mr. Reames insisted that un
less the Government had an absolute
contract giving it the use of the build
ing, the trial could not be held there.
Business men of Klamath Falls ar
gued with the Mayor, but he was ob
durate. Just when it looked as if the
trial would not be held in Klamath
Falls after all, the business men sent
Mr. Reames a message saying that a
new City Council, pledged to sign the
contract.- would go into oftice yester
day. The old City Council wanted to
sign the contract and override the
Mayor, the message said, but couldn't
do so because the Mayor refused to call
a special session of the council.
Council Asrfca to Contract.
Testerday the new Council took offlee
immediately held a meeting and signed
the contract, as United States Reames
was informed by telegraph. That set
tied it, and last night Assistant United
States Attorney Beckman left Portland
for Klamath Falls to make preliminary
arrangements. Mr. Reames and Judge
Wolverton, with court attaches and a
deputy United States Marshal, will fol
low today.
Evidence against Jim George is err
tirely circumstantial. The Government
has subpenaed 54 witnesses for the case.
and many others have been eubpenaed
by the defense. If they are all used
new record in witnesses at a murder
trial stands in a geed way te be ectab.
lished. At a previous trial held in 1914
in Jdedford a jury disagreed as to
George's guilt. N
Statute Invoked In 1820 I.aat.
The case is remarkable otherwise
in that it Is the first one In which the
ancient statute of 1789 has ever been
invoked successfully by an accused man.
On two previous occasions, once in 1799
and again in 1820, petitions of the de
fendant to be tried in the county where
the alleged offense was committed were
denied by the United States courts.
Although capital punishment was
abolished in Oregon last year, this does
not effect the United States laws, which
provide death for first-degree murder.
J. 1). "Wriglit Cliosen Mayor and
Other Offices Arc Filled.
ESTACADA, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Cows will continue to run loose in this
city, of which I. D. Wright today was
elected Mayor. Mr. Wright is cashier
of the Estacada State Bank.
For Treasurer. Mrs. J. M. Bartlett
had no opposition, and Attorney C.
W . DeVore was elected Recorder.
Councilman of the First Ward is F. C.
Wooster, a realty man; Second Ward,
Fred Jorge, meat vendor; Third, C. M.
Wagner, retired farmer; Fourth, J. F.
Lovelace, retired merchant: Fifth, R.
M. Standish, publisher. Besides turn
ing down what was styled the "herd
aw," which would keep the cows of
Holidays for Portland schools
on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of this week, the days of
the Rose Festival, were decided
yesterday by the School Board
instead of holidays on Wednes
day and Friday as formerly de
termined. It was suggested by teachers
that but little work could be
accomplished on Thursday, as
many school children are te take
part In Rose. Festival exercises
on that day and It would neces
sarily mean short school sessions
on that' account. It was feared
that the day. sandwiched in be-,
tween two school holidays, would
mean a small attendance and lack
of Interest on the part of the.
pupils, so the three full days
were ordered as holidays.
the vicinity tied up, the people also
voted against amending the charter
calling for a vote on a proposed tax
for a public library.
Austria Reports Successes on South
ern Frontier.
VIENNA, via London, June 7. An
official war office statement says:
"On the Tyrolean frontier district
our artillery has been successful.
"On the Carinthlan frontier, east of
the Proecken Pass, our troops yester
day recaptured Freikofel. which was
in the temporary possession of the
"On the Inonsco at some places the
enemy is pushing nearer.
"In the Balkans there has been only
isolated frontier skirmishes.''
. . .
N Mount Vernon, Wash., June 1, 1915
Board of County Commissioners.
Multnomah County,
Portland, Oregon.
We are asKed to write you regarding our experience
with Concrete paving. Skagit County has four and one
quarter miles of Concrete roads, part of which have been
in use since October, 1913, and part was opened to traffic
in May and August, 1914.
All of our Concrete ha3 given entire satisfaction and
has not cost a dollar for maintenance.
Nlhe people are verywell pleased with
this type of hard surface and we are
. putting in two and one-half miles more
this year.
Our roads are put to an ususually
severe test by heavy loads of milk
hauled to the two condensers, at Mount
Vernon, daily.
There ia no glare from the pavement
and we have no complaint relative to
the same affecting one's eyes. Neither have we had any
complaint about this type of pavement being especially
hard on horses, and it offers a surface that is anything
but slippery to automobiles.
Our experience is such that we heartily recommend
"Concrete Roads. Yours very truly,
Alfred Poison
Henry Thompson
A. Sisson
Resolutions Providing- Wuy to Aid
Others Throughout World Adopted
by B'rlth Abraham.
iW.iMTrn pity -V. J.. June 7.
Resolutions providing for an American
Jewish congress, in which all the Jews
lp the United States will be asked to
participate by representation in an
effort to "en.incipate the Hebrew
throughout the world from all restric
tions' were adopteo. loaay i w v.",.
ventlon of B'rlth Abraham in session
here. Resolutions were also adopted
thanking President Wilson for vetoing
k.v ;nuAr.t. immigration law and ex
pressing gratitude to Secretary of State
Bryan tor nis etioris iu "J"
oppression. in Russia. Poland, and. else
where, .
Officers were nommaieo. ai
session. Efforts to amend the rule
.11 fiiira with the ex.
WHICH liWT5iua -1 . - .
ception of the secretary from serving
more tnan iwa coneiiu"o
w... v.. HrAucrht hefore the conven
tion again tomorrow. Those in favor
of the amendment xouay
. o j f v.w York for the
UeUIl illlliucia, vt.
seventh time for grand, master, while
Max senwariz, r.ow
by the opposition. Max U Hollander,
New York, the present secretary, has
no opposition- in the election, which
will be held tomorrow.
The convention loaay a-uiuo -20-cent
voluntary per capita tax to es
. i . ; . v . a i a Twa in the war
Lauiiaii i"" fc
zone, and fixed a per capita tax for the
aid of memDers in aisirma "
Support of the order was offered to the
Zionist movement in Palentine and
$1000 was appropriated ror me purPo,.
I,ec Pong Convicted as Aftermath
of Raids Led ly Police.
nnijwiii nTV Or- June 7. (Spe
cial.) Recorder Lode-P today convicted
Lee Pong, accused oi illicit. im"r k.i-
ing. after considering me case areucu
last week.
Lee Pong Is empioyea in a .mit
An Rnnih Main street. A
week ago the place was raided by
Chief of Police Shaw, wno was acting
with Sheriff Wilson ana
llnuor was found, but two
detectives said they bought two bot
tles of whisky from Pong. He was
fined 25 and received a ouaiicuutv
sentence of 30 days in jail.
The officers of the aioose wragc w
for postponement of their hearing for
one week.
Fresh Men Continually Pour Into
Dardanelles Campaign.
LONDON. June 8. Reports from
Mitvlene. says the Times' Athens cor
respondent, are to the effect that the
allies continue landing fresh troops
at the Dardanelles. It l asserted also
that the allied fleet renewed Its bom,
bardment of the Turkish positions
Indians to Entertain on Park Blocks
During Festival.
Cominar to Portland through courtesy
of L. W. HilL president of the Great
Northern, members, of the Blacfcfeet
Indian tribe will arrive in Portland
today from Glacier National Park and
from San Francisco, where they have
been at tbe Exposition, and will re
main for three days as a feature of
the Rose Festival.
The Indians will pitch camp on the
Park blocks near the Festival Center
and their dances and tribal ceremonies
will be a nightly entertainment feature.
The visit was arranged through per
sonal negotiations with Mr, Hill, by
Lloyd McDowell, formerly with the
Great Northern at Glacier National
List for Year Prepared by Clacka
mas Superintendent.
OREGON CITY, Or., June 7. (Spe
cial. Thirty-one Clackamas County
schools have met the state standardiza
tion requirements in the school year
Just closed, according to a list pre
pared by County Superintendent of
Schools Calvan.
The schools are: Oak Grove, Con
cord, Estacada, Wllsonvllle, Clalrmont,
Jennings Lodge, Battem, Harmony.
Ames, Sandy, Cottrell, Kelso, Boring,
Eagle Creek. Deep Creek, Colton, Bee
Hill, Rock Creek, Cedardale, Meadow
brook, Fir Grove, Redland Elliott
rrairie, East Clackamas, Teasle Creek,
Whisky Hill, Union. Evergreen. West
Butteville, Union Hall and Browns.
These 31 schools accommodate a large
part of the school children in Clack
amas County. The Oregon City High
sunllating the Fbotfand Reguta
ting Uie Siomadis anrlBowdsaf
Promotes DigestlonChf erfa
ness and Rest.Contalns neifttr
Opiuni.Morplune norMiuraL
Not Narcotic.
Pumpkta Srtd
ffrnfirrf Sump
nnprfeet Remedv forCunsffi
tion , Sour StoirDtarrtoci:
YVonos .Convulsions jevensR
ness and Loss OF SLEEP,
far. Simile Signature of
fXiiB Centaur Compass
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Mr Concrete
School will be brought up to the state
standardization requirements within
the next few weeks.
Ferdinand Ferrell, Hit by Portland
Jitney, Blames Self.
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 7. (Spe
cial.) Ferdinand Ferrell, a resident of
this city, is suffering severely from in
juries received in Portland Thursday
when he was run down by a jitney auto
mobile on Washington street between
Second and Third streets. He walked
out behind an automobile In which hn
had placed a package and started to
cross the street, when a streetcar caused
him to step back, and the jitney coming
behind ran over him, painfully bruising
his left ankle and tho right side of his
Mr. Ferrell said ho was at fault for
attempting to cross the street not at
an Intersection. He will be confined to
Ins home at 60 West Thirteenth street
for some time.
Italians at Front Cheery.
MILAN. June 7, Signor Agnini. a
jo jarjuiaqo tll JO Jqjiidui ikhwido
Deputies, returned to Milan from the
front today and describes himself as
favorably impressed with the health,
spirits and good humor ot tho Italian
They are enthuslastio and full of
ardor, according to the deputy, and an
affectionate cordiality prevails between
officers and men.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
I.r- J n w . ii hi nmrnm mm jmf