Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1915, EXTRA 4:00 A. M., Page 20, Image 20

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Vfie&tcklitxurlousfiess oJoarZivingrffoom
Headquarters for the Federated State Societies on the Second Floor of Our New Building
or the dainty beauty of your boudoir is best
obtained by soft, luxurious SILK hangings
and draperies, such as our new
New and Wanted Goods Are Here Aplenty in
This is a selling occasion that nobody can afford to overlook. There are ECONOMIES EVERY
WHERE in both of our buildings. The point uppermost is to reduce our stocks to a minimum; there
which we are introducing for the first time.
"Kapock" Silks are the silk' fabric for
draperies that is guaranteed not to fade in
sun or water.
Moreover, they cost less than half the price
of fadeable silks. We have every color and de
sign to harmonize with your decorative scheme.
fore, we have cut prices compellmgly. You save on every
Tiffany blended, plain design,
Kapock Silks, yard, $3 and $2.23
Plain gold, Verdure design, Ka
pock Silk, the yard, $2.25.
Chinese design, in gold and
black Kapock Silk, yard, $3.
You must see this handsome new
Drapery Silk, so -we extend an in
vitation to you to call.
Trie QualitV Store of Poktlaho
Temporary Annex, jVlnth floor I
wmp(D),m mam.
Charities Campaign to Be Sus
pended During Festival.
co-operation of Juvenile Court, but
further assistance needed.
tVesh Air Plans Abandoned to En
able Association to Provide for
Store Pressing Xeed Calls
Continue to Come.
: :
coxtribi;tioxs to maixte- "
axcb fund of the as-
I Previously reported 924.95. i
W. W. Chambreau 1.00
G. O. Codv 1.90 t
Mrs. G. B. Bluteaux 1.00
T Charles Christensen 1.00
Z Mrs. Eva Carlsen 1.00
H. A. Cushing 6.00
i George L. Keeler 5.00
4 Mrs. Eliza C. Dolph 20.00
J G. P. Eisman 2.00
T Carolyn Fleischner 10.00
I Edward Cookingham 10.00
J E. D. Curtis 3.00
E. C. Griffin 5..00
JCarissimi & Musso 5.00
Mrs. M. W. Seeley, Mystic,
t Conn 10.00
4 Total $1006.75
Contributions should be sent to
V. R. Manning. 411 Commercial '
I block, or to R. S. Howard, treas- ,,
I urer of the Associated Charities, ,,
at Ladd & Tilton Bank.
One-fifth of the fund necessary to
aave the Associated Charities from the
necessity of closing for the Summer
and leaving its wards to seek aid where
they may, has been contributed . by the
benevolent people of Portland.
First two weeks of the campaign, for
the fund closed yesterday with a total
of more than $1000 contributed. There
remains to be raised $4000 to maintain
the work lor the Summer under the
increased demands that have come
upon the Charities, and to procure this
fund the Charities has decided to
conduct no fresh-air campaign this
year, but to devote all its effort . to
the relief work that is imperative.
The campaign will be suspended until
after the Rose Festival, and the cam
paign will be resumed next week to
raise the $4000 that Is yet needed.
Secretary Manning will go to Everett,
Wash., tonight, where he is to address
the Washington Conference of Chari
ties and Corrections, as the only repre
sentative from this city on the pro
gramme. He will address the con
ference Wednesday morning on "Ex
periences in Pioneer Cities."
Most noteworthy of the donations
yesterday other than cash, was a supply
of foodstuffs sent in by the Great
Northern Pacific Steamship Company,
through the courtesy of La L. Clark,
purchasing agent of the company.
Although the campaign for funds will
be suspended for some days, the de
mands for relief continue to come in
without cessation. Following are
typical cases from among those that
were handled yesterday:
1. Man out of work; wife and three
children to support: another child ex
pected in short time; condition almost
destitute. '
2. Widow 70 years old; trying to sup
port herself by washing, but unable to
set enough to do; in need of food and
other help.
. 3. Widow with five children de
pendent upon small wages earned by
eldest son who is only 17 years old;
he has been out of work for a long
time: food and assistance needed badlv.
4. Woman deserted, by husband last
week, who sold all furniture in. the
house and left her and children desti
tute; relatives unable to care for her
.nd her condition one of destitution:
rent due and food needed.
.5. Man out of work; wife and two
children to support; woman sick and
nust be sent to hospital: temporary
homes provided for children, through
Wlllard Done, of San Francisco, to
Speak in Portland June 28.
Under the auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce a meeting has been ar
ranged for June 28 by Louis Sondheim,
editor of the Northwest Insurance
News. The purpose of the meeting is
to give business men of all classes an
opportunity to hear Wlllard Done, of
San Francisco, speak on various phases
of fire prevention work. Mr. Done is
associate general counsel of the Na
tional Board of Fire Underwriters, and
formerly was Insurance Commissioner
of Utah. He is a recognized authority
on matters pertaining to insurance and
fire prevention work.
The Chamber of Commerce lias des
ignated the day as "Fire Prevention"
day, and Invitations to address the
meeting will be extended to Fire Mar
shal Stevens and Chief Dowell, of the
Fire Department.
The Progressive Business Men's Club,
the Life Underwriters' Association, the
Insurance Association of Portland and
all other civic associations will be re
quested to attend.
United Brethren Conference Reports
Appointments for Portland.
Rev. J. Ti KiflAwnnA, .ion r.fn..J
as pastor of the First United Brethren
Church, East Fifteenth and East Mor
rison streets hv 1 1. o rtr.irnn
which closed its session at Salem Sun
day night. It is his third year at this
church. The other Portland pastors re
turned are: Second Church, Rev. C. C.
Bell, reappointed; Third Church. Rev.
H. F. White, transferred from Tilla
mook; Fourth Church, Rev. J. E. Cor
ner, reappointed. .-
The only change -was at the Third
Church, where Rev. J. p. Parsons -was
stationed last year,- but who resigned.
- nirewonaer, who returned yes
terday, declared that th
porta showed considerable progress a
gain of 200 memhpra havnn- k
'(-) uctll
during the year, and the collections for
uciic.uicnces ror me past year exceeded
those of the year before. Bishop W. M.
Bell presided. H l,fi- tnw rn. s
the close of the conference.
More Entries Expected in Y. M. C. A.
Classes,' Beginning Yesterday.
With 100 students enrolled, the Y
c- A- Summer school classes began
work yesterday. Others expected in
the next few days will swell the num
ber In the classes materially.
The association has made arrange
ments to provide almost any kind of
instruction for which it finds that there
Is a demand, the primary purpose being
to assist students to make up defi
ciencies in credits so they may enter
higher educational institutions.
There will be classes in the gram
mar grades for boys. English, botany,
agriculture, civil service and wireless
telegraph operation will receive atten
tion of older students. In a special
college preparatory course there will
be physics, geometry, algebra, history
French, German, Spanish, Latin, Amer
ican and English literature and electricity.
Dairy Commissioner Reports on Tu
berculin Work Done.
Soon more than half of the cows
supplying milk to the Important cities
of the Willamette Valley and South
western Oregon will have been tuber
culin tested, according to Information
given out by State Dairy and Food Com
missioner Mickle yesterday. Mr. Mickle
said that a total of 750 cows had been
signed up and would be tested by a man
to be put into the field. immediately by
State Veterinarian Lytle.
The cities where cows are to be' tested
are: Ashland, Medford. Grants Pass,
Cottage Grove. Roseburg, Eugene.
Salem, Oregon City, CorvaJlis. Independ
ence. Dallas. McMinnville, Forest Grove
and Hillsboro.- It is probable that some
testing work will be done also at The
Dalles, Hood River and Ashland.
' M,r. Lytle plans to visit the different
Meier & Frank Co.
Welcome All
Rose Festival
Contract Merchandise, "Silk Maid" Hose
and Groceries Excepted)
iao7 tats
Tn t Quality Sto re op- Portland
Oriole Go-Basket
Now at Removal
Sale Prices
Mar Be Used . as Bassi
nette, Jumper, High Chair.
The only Go-Basket construct
ed so that it may be carried on
the arm with the baby in it.
Made of reed, Combining
strength and lightness. Natural
shellac, brown and chocolate
color finish. Wheels fastened
on by long curving rods, pre
venting shocks or jars.
Were $ 6.50, now $3.95
Were S 8.50, now . .$4.95
Were $10.50, now ...$6.89
Were $12.50, now $8.95
AVere $14.50, now $9.95
Temporary Annex, Eighth Floor.
Silk Hose 79c
Women's Pure Thread Silk,
Regularly Sold, Pair, at $1
Black only. Very elastic and
serviceable. Mercerized lisle
tops and soles. All sizes.
Women's Hose 29c
Of Lisle, 35c and 50c Grades .
Lisle and silk lisle, black, white and
colors. Seamless and full-fashioned, re
inforced double tops and feet. All sizes.
Three pairs for S5.
Children's Hose 20c
Of English Lisle; 25c Grade
Fine elastic ribbed legs. Black and
tan shades. Linen heels and toes for
good service. Sizes hVz to 10.
Women's Hose 55c
Of Lisle; Regularly 65c
Extra fine gauge silk lisle, made with
lavender banded flare tops. In black
only. All sizes.
First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Men's Ties at 55c
Possible Because of an Immense Purchase.
Otherwise They Would Sell for 75c and 85c
All real Irish silk poplin and no tie fabric gives
better service than poplin, especially when made
with the grain of the silk running up and down,
which obviates crosswear. That's the way these
ties are made.
All plain colors. Your choice of hand
some shades of light red, dark red, hunter's
green, emerald green, purple, black, white,
royal blue, gray, brown, cadet blue, gar
denia, navy, Copenhagen and maroon.
You'll want several they were made
specially for us and the price is the
lowest possible 55c.
Our Entire Stock of "Gotham" Shirts and Un
derwear at Unusual Removal Sale Prices.
Temporary Aiinci, l-'irst floor
Parasols $2-23
Of Fancy. Silk and Orig
inally Priced at $3.50
Fancy Dresden silks, light and dark
effects, lovely combinations of pink,
blue'; yellow, gray, red, tan and white.
Gilt frames, natural wood handles, silk
cords and rosettes.
Fast Colored Silk
Umbrellas at $3.39
Green, reds, gray, purple, navy, brown and
black, waterproof, fast color. Steel frames,
8 ribs, detachable and Prince of Wales crook
Men's, Women's
Umbrellas at $2.69
Fast black and showerproof, piece-dyed silk
and linen covers. ' Steel rods, ribs and frames,
and a splendid assortment of handles. All
neatly cased and tasseled.
Children's Black
Umbrellas at 69c
Rainproof cotton, in five different sizes.
Very durable Umbrella for children's use.
First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Waists at $1
are unusual values does not half express
it. It is really remarkable that they can
be sold for just one dollar.
The beautiful Waists here pictured will go
on sale today. They're neat; they're simple;
they're refined; they're distinctive; they're
more like the Waists for which one usually
pays a considerably higher price.
LOT E-18 Beautiful white fancy corded material,
white organdie collar, cuffs and center, edged with a
narrow banding of blue Ramie cloth.
LOT E-17 White Voile Blouse, sleeve, very dis
tinctively designed, embroidered front, the leaf pattern
worked with a touch of color. Comes in blue and pink.
LOT E-16 Voile, sleeve, collar and cuff of or
gandie, edged with Venise lace, hemstitching effectively
used, buttoned with large ocean-pearl buttons.
LOT E-20 Voile Blouse, sleeve, a new pattern of
embroidery in a dainty design used in the front and
in the collar.
As usual, we have but a limited quantity and as
always they'll meet with a ready sale. We, therefore,
counsel an early call. Wirthmors are sold here ex
clusively. Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Sale of Pictures 73c
That Were
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50
A very splendid assortment
of popular subjects that in
cludes the "Knitting Shep
herdess," "Miss Simplicity,"
"Miss Innocence" and others
of like worth. All in appro
priate frames.
Formerly to $3.75
Beautifully framed pic
tures, and a very comprehen
sive assortment of subjects
to select from. We suggest
that you investigate this
sale it offers some excellent
Temporary Annex, Eighth Fl
Spectacles or
Eyeglasses $250
The Regular $5 Grades
Guaranteed g o 1 d-f i 1 1 e d
frames, best quality lenses.
Fitted to your eyes by our
registered optometrist.
First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Entire Stock of Women's Apparel Reduced
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, everything reduced for the Removal Sale. No matter what you need youll find it here.
Party Frocks $16.45
Very beautiful Party Gowns and Dancing
Frocks. Every garment in the group is a
beauty, and the reductions we're making are
so great that the women who are purchasers
will count themselves fortunate indeed.
The materials include dainty nets, laces,
chiffons, combined with taffeta, etc. Many
are perfect confections of airy laces, velvet
ribbons and flower garlands.
Rose, pink, white, light blue, maize, green
and Copenhagen are among the colors repre
sented, all harmoniously combined with laces
and nets.
These frocks are made with all the present
style's distinction, which combines daintiness,
the unexpected, and grace of line.
They're a bargain every one at $16.45
Suits at $14.85
THOUGH WORTH $20.00 TO $30.00
Well-tailored, up-to-date modeled, fine-ma-terialed
Suits the best ever offered at so tell
ing a reduction. They're Suits of the minute
not an "undesirable" in the group.
Jaunty shepherd checks, handsome and
fashionable shades of tan, putty, navy, Bel
gian blue and black serges and gabardines.
Box effect and dressy trimmed coats with
belts, as well as braid-bound styles that give
the fashionable military note.
Collars and cuffs of white pique or silk
poplin add a note of lightness and Summerli
ness that is very pleasing.
Skirts are mostly full-flared or pleated,
many with cuffed bottom, all high-girdled.
The reduction speaks for itself, from $20
and $30 to $14.85.
Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
J-... n Mil ti ij.i; i v
i fir
'i-v-'--1 1:
cities with exhibit showing; the bene
fits of the tuberculin test and also the
results of tuberculosis on cows.
Chamber and Senators Seek to Have
Reclamation Office Kept Here.
The Portland Chamber of Commerce,
co-operating with Senators Lane and
Chamberlain, is preparing to do every
thing in its power to dissuade the
Government from removing the office
of the United States Reclamation serv
ice from Portland to Seattle. The or
der providing for this removal will be
effective July 1, unless the efforts of
the Oregon Senators and the Chamber
are effective.
It is pointed out that the abolition of
the-office in Portland would mean the
supervision of the many projects in
Oregon from a remote office in Den
ver. Senators Lane and Chamberlain
express the belief that if the matter
is fully represented to Secretary
Franklin Lane, the order will be re
scinded and the office allowed to re
main in Oregon.
Hotels All Over City Kcport Flood
or Travel Well Under Way.
Hotels throughout the city reported
yesterday the flood of Rose Festival
travel already well under way. Res
ervations already indicate that the
principal hotels of the city will be
filled throughout the rest of the week.
"By tonight we will have all we
can handle," said one clerk in a lead
ing hotel yesterday, "and it appears
as if the travel will be heavier than
ever before. Reservations have come
in so heavily from people about the
state that with the tourist travel,
which is increased greatly this year,
the hotels are going to have all they
can do to take care of the rush this
Similar reports were made by rep
resentatives of nearly every leading
hotel in the city, the Indications being
that the number of visitors from va
rious parts of the Northwest is to be
unusually large, and that the tourist
travel to Portland during the festival
will surpass all previous records.
Tribute Paid to Departed Members
of Multnomah Woodmen Camp.
Tribute to the departed members of
the organization was paid by James II.
AdcMenamin in his address given at the
I annual memorial services of Multno
mah camp, no. ii, wooamen oi lae
World, held at the lodge hall, 112 East
Sixth street, Sunday night.
The roll call of the departed mem
bers was read by the clerk and in
cluded the following: V. C. Dunning,
G. K. McCord. C. W. Gates. L,. S. David
son, K. L. Shipley, C. 1'". Starberg, Will
iam Whitney. Glen Ward. R. N. Stahl,
H. P. Lenhart and M. Lamond.
Miss Fay Huntington sang two solos,
accompanied on the piano by Miss
Helen E. Bauer, Harold Moore, the
Washington High School double quar
tet and others also took part in the
Sell wood Pastor Called to Tillamook
Presbyterian Church.
Rev. J. E. Touel, pastor of the Spo
kane-Avenue Presbyterian Church, of
Sellwood. has submitted his resignation
to take effect June 2u. A congrega
tional meeting has been called for next
Sunday to consider the resignation.
Mr. Youel has been pastor of this
church for two years and a half, suc
ceeding Rev. Robert Devins, who went
to Alaska as a missionary. Mr. Youel
has been called to the Presbyterian
Church at Tillamook. Last year plans
for a new church were prepared, but
the erection of the new building was
From Corns. Bunions. Sore or Callous
Spots, Blisters, New or tight shoes,
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic pow
der to be shaken into the shoes, will
give instant relief. It is the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Sold
everywhere, 25c. Don't accept nnr ul
attitute. For FRKE sample address,
Allen S Olmsted, Le livy, N. Y.