14 ' THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. TIIURSOAY, JUNE 3, 1015, FO'ERAL NOTICES. MORRIS The funeral sTvlcei of the late William E. Morris, late of 720 Linn, ave tioe, will be held .today (Thursday). June Z. at 2 o'clock P. M "from the new resi dence funeral parlor of Walter C. Ken- worthy. l32 ana i4 East iatn at.. ?eii wood. Friends invited, interment private ai Kose city cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Tne only ruiuenca uucuwutjiiii. estabUsa in an l In Portland W1LU privat. drlvaww Jualn . A. ISuu. J. P. FINLE1 -'A SON, Uontfiomery, at fllta. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director. 22 U Toiru street, coruer fcslmoo. l-ndy assistant, a 111. Jaaia out. F. & DU.N.NING, LNC East Elde Funeral Uire-iur., 414 East Ai der street. East 52, B 2i2o. A. K. ZtLLtii CU, Wll.l.lAMd AV'Ji. iast luba. C Lady alleuumit. Uay Slid night service. S1IU.EK IHACH'. independent funeral directors. Funerals as low as xu. $4o, itfu. b asiling ton and illa bis. Main iiuul. A-S. DL'NMNU 4b il E.sT EE. funeral directors, roadsy and Pme. Pnons alain 420. A looa Isuy attendant. BKLKZK St SNOOK. Sunnyude iaxlors; auto bears.. Helmoai st. 'labor lJa. B 1252. R. T. BYRNES. WlUlama ave. and Enott. East 1115. O li)43. Lady attendant. P. E. LEKCH, East 11th and Clay streets. lady asautanL East 781. BKE'.VES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 415a, A z&ll. Lady attendant. Autos for funerals and weddings. Vuneral Service Co.. W'oodlavm 2ti3. C ll&tl. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND Marble Works, 266 4th St., opposite City Halt, builders of memorials. FLORISTS. llAkTIN FOIiBES CO.. florULS. 817 Wsitt" Inston. Main A 126U. lowers lor aU occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 2b 7 Morrison St., Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral design No branch stores. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 2d and Alder. Designs and sprays. Marshall u92. BL'NNYSIDE Greenhouse. Fresh flowers. Phone B 1522. E. 33d and Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main 721. A 212L Selling building. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 574 BELMONT ST. I'bonra East 1432, B 2515. Opes Ds; aad KlKht. Keport all cases of cruelty to this of fice. L tij a I chamber for small anlmala Morse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone u . way vumiuuuicaiv witu ua NEW. TODAY. STOP AT Newly re furnished. X a p e r ed 4tk and Alder v&ted enlarged lobby all modern con venience. Kooma. with private bath, (1 per day up; without, 76o up. Because the rates are low don't think the serv ice is poor. Special rates by week: or month. Ueveral rooms with wall Its lis naaklneT them practically suites. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at crrrent rates. Attractive repayment privileges. loans quickly closed. Call today. 6 07 LARGE LOANS OS ? 07 BUSIMSSS PKOPEKTIES O O A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-21B Northwestern Bank Bnlldine. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVED Bl'SrXESS PROPERTIES itesfdence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent. Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Korthvrestern Bank Bide;. MORTGAGE LOANS Made so nty and earhy Farm Property Interest 7 and 8 Per Cent. Ho Overcharges. No Red Tape. Straight Loans on Straight Propositions. OKKGO.N I.NV. d MOKTO, CO. stock KichnnM nniidlag. Third aad Tsm'll Streets. Western Bond &. Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at current Rates. tCTTMClPAl. AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. Be Foartn BU. Board at Trade Blag. EDWARD E.G9UDEY I wnBTMUKFTFOr. RAM ! Run Tii lsjr M O RT6AG ELUAilO Tlrn sTMtVw anil n ti.. a Ajiy Amount at Current Kates, . HAKTMAlf -THOMPSON, Bankara Corner Fourth and Stark Streets !;'0RTGASE sky amookt a aimen Hurts PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, etrictly mod ern, -with unsurpassed view, biff bargain. AH So4. Oregonlan. REAL KSTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 404-405-406 Wilcox bldg. . KECK. William G., S14-S15 Failing bldg. HEXEDICT BROS.. 0G0 Hawthorne ave. BARRETT BROS., S02 Board of'Tradc. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, EXCLUSIVELY. Have e--'eral downright sacrifices, both In lots and house; make an offer. Marshall 4827 BROOKE. A 3S3U. $'J00 CASH. Choice lot. 5uxl00, Hall 8t, bet. 12th and l"th ; owner, no agents, BO S49, Ore Kon Jan. fc'NAP Westmoreland lot, paved atreet. 1 blk from car. improvements paid; cash or 1110 new G-pass. car. Mar. FOR SALE by owner, equity in four ' Rood lots. East Portland. A.lso two guod beach lots. .Make offer.. Main ;t3l."i. For Sale -IIoaiett., 200x303 ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Must sell at once; owrer leavtns city; eay terms; reasonable price; new house. Phone A 5468. f300o KQT'ITY in classy ML Tabor residence for tj;,o. Flow era. fruit, fine view, swell surroundings; lOuxlCK) lot; easy payments. Marshall 4.14. . Js'KW two-room bouse; nine henring fruit trees; will sU like rent or sacrliicc for casta. Pee owner at Zl'J Piatt building. SACRIFICE SALE 7-room modern bouse in Hawthorne section. Deal direct with owner snd save commission. East 137. LEAVING C IT Y, Z-rtnn honii- on flan croft st.. West Side. worth ?2."ou; no m cents. AH Oregon ian. FOR SJALE 4 -room cottage, 60x100. .Phone Ma'n 682. NEW, modern J 2 -room house. In Irvlnsrtoo. R. B. Rico. East 2432. JIOOO, $500 DOWN. 6-room bungalow, COT. lot, 0x140. 316 isorthwest bids. r-'s-mrTt!3 .1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Booses. EASY TO SEE. HARD TO FORGET. Delightful, new, 7-room California bun galow, located on high, sightly lot in the Laurelhurst Co.'s bungalow block. This beautiful home is being built by a master and has many unusual built-in conven iences. Sun porch, commanding unob structed view; garage attached to house, with entrance through basement, and roof garden above; lawn and shrubbery In; for sale at close figure, on easiest of terms. J. Delahunty, 27ufe Stark it. Main ljui. A li JO. BARGAIN. SNAP. 30 DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY 50 Buys my nsw Just FINISHED; 7-room notice, within the 2-mile circle, and 12 minutes out from Alder st. This is the classiest home in the city for the money. Two bedrooms on first floor and 2 besides aleeping-porca on 2d floor. This house 1 COMPLETE to the LETTER. Window shades, electric light fixtures, cement walks, lawn finished and seeded. Come out und see it today. Take Sellwood car to iian st.. go one block west to river. pnone owner. Woodlawn 2340. NEW LAUKELHURST BUNGALOW. EASY TERMS. Five large rooms, living room 14x27. sun-room, sleeping porch upstairs, all Duut-in conveniences; ivory iinisn, deco rated throughout; located on lot COxloO. one block from Laurelhurst Park. Will sell for the low price of $4000. Come out and deal direct with owner and builder. l-OO e. Burnside St.. near 41st st. Phone evenings .Marshall loub. HOME SIUDO HOME. Leaving- Portland. mut disoose of my home ground 60x00, all in high state of cultivation, fruit garden, shrubbery; good house, 5 rooms and bath, full plumbing, electric lights, gas, nicely fenced; chicken run, cement wtilk, and ail In fine condition. ljO, $"JTo cash, balance to uitwitl also v. k a-au, iul. A 4aV3 jat. OCUIL CUT A 11 land tation, go north to 422S 74th it. S. E. Owner. ' THAT VACANT LOT. VTHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L R BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECT'S, S24 ABINGTON BLDG. $2100 5-RM. BUNGALOW ON 150x100 FT. PARKROSE CAR 2 BLOCKS. 14 small fruit trees, several kinds ber ries, good chicken-house, lots of roses, sidewalks, electric lights and water now in ; only 6 min. walk to school; a good rooms, fireplace and bath; terms 200 down and i2S per month. Phone Tabor G533L I AM BROKE. Must Have some money. You want a 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park below the hill, close to Sandy road, on paved street. 1 paid 500 without Im provements. You can have it for $2750, including all the improvements. You must have $750 cash. AP 647, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW NEW VERY SWELL EASY TERMS 5 large, airy rooms, sleeping-porch, liv-Ing-rooin. 12x2u. fireplace, inlaid parquet, oak floors, elegant beveled plute buffet and bookcases, glass knob hardware, swell fixtures. Most attractive home in district. Fone owner. Tabor 11K0. TWENTY DOLLARS A MONTH."" WHICH include interest, buys & good home in re stricted district with all modern conveni ences; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, electric lights, winnow shades, cement basement, f:ne view of mountains from large porch in front; sidewalks aud curbs in and paid for Call Tabor PORTLAND HEIGHTS RAVEN S VI E VT DRIVE. 6 rooms and attic, almost new, all mod ern conveniences, beautiful view, entrance on street level; bargain; terms like rent to reliable party. Marshall 4S2T. BROOKE. A38S1. LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before buying be sure to look, at our llfit of brand new, exquisite homes in LAU RELHURST, the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $2000 up. Laurel hurst Co.. 270 Stark Kt., or at tract oT flce in Laurelhurst. E. 3th and Glisan sts. BIG SACRIFICE WITH FURNITURE Modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fur pace, fireplace, built-in conveniences, aLso all furniture, which U solid oak, china ward, silverware, etc Prico $4100, $1200 cash. Epton, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Rose City Park Bungalow Bargain. Come to 465 E. 4 2d st.. N., if you want to see a real bungalow, new and modern, at a bargain. Open from 2 to 7 P. M. Johnson. Main 8441. IF you wish a beautiful ti-room bungalow, exceptionally well arranged and finished throughout, call at 1020 Oregon st.. Laurelhurst: just completed. Phone owner, Woodlawn 2151. $750 HOUSE, FURNITURE. PIANO $750. New 4-room house, 4 0xlUO lot. 5o0 worth furniture, including high-grade piano; all for $7G0; $200 cash, bee owuer, 15 Chamber of Commerce. $20 MOMH, which includes interest, 6 rooms, bath, fireplace, fixtures, shades, ce ment sidewalk in and paid for; restricted district. Woodlawn 3712. A BEAUTY", 6 rooms, bath, electricity, etc.; flowers, garden, 1 2 kinds fruit, block Woodlawn car; cash .and terms; $1200. 1481 Winona. For Sale Run Incus Property. INCOME INVESTMENT Brick building. In center of business district. Clarke ton. Wash., at head of navigation Columbia and Snake rivers; rents 4(30 par month ; price 43500; nets 8 per cent interest on investment and has good speculative value. Address box 564, Lew 1st on, Idaho. feu burban Home Propert j. FOR RENT Two acres and 5-room fur nished collage and outbuildings, one mile south of Wichita. Station, ou Estacada line; peaches, cherries, quinces, black berries, raspberries, grapes and garden; rent $16. Address liC j45, Oregonlan. GIBSON HALFACREi Good soil, good water, close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall l.V. or Sell wood 47t. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. For Bale -Acreage. 02 ACRES, near ISth and Division, sts., Oregon City, Or., on carline, nearly all in cultivation, fine for truck and poultry raisi ng, 2 houses, barn, 2 we i Is, 60 f rui t trees. 2 -chicken-houses, 2 springs, 100 chickens. 2 cows, 2 hogs, buggy, lumber on ground for 0-room house, all for $375o, some terms; near good public and high school. Call at place or address L. Ber nard, owner, Oregon City, Or. chickenTfruit, garden'ranches " Near Portland, Gresham district; near electric station; $75 to $20O per acre; easy te rnus, bes t sol 1 ; free w ood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M' KARL AND REALTY CO.. oQ9 Ycon Bldg., Portland, Or. t W ILL eell any part of fine 20-acre tract, all In cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. R., 10- miles out, in Tualatin Valley; terms to suit; $225 per acre. See Handy, owner, 205 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. A FINE tract of nearly 20 acres on Base Line road; all clear, fine view; will di vide to 5 acre tracts: price right. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. W h. have 10 acres. 12 miles west of Port land, on Red Electric, all in cultivation, at a price that will interest you. Hostetler &. Anderson, 725 Chamber of Commerce. Xbi OR 2 V acres. Concord, or river front acreage. C W. Risley, Naef's station. Oregon City line. Phone Oak Wrove 1 W. Address Mllwaukle, R. F. D. No. 1. ONE or two acres river front, or acreage overlooking river. IL G. Starkweather, Risley Station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. FOR SALE City and suburban acreage, farms and unimproved lands. J. Wilson, 60th and Division. Hawthorne ave. car. Homest esuls. FOR SALE 100-acre relinquishment, good soil. IO acres slashed, 1) acres more easily cleared, tl.OOO.OOO feet of good saw timber cedar and fir, small cabin 1 miles from county road, 7 miles from Yoncalia, Or. Price $9tX. W. A. Bogard. Roseburg, Or. FREE BOOKLET State and U. S. land, cal. State Land Inf. Bureau. Sacramento, Cal. For bate F DAIRY AND HOG FARM 40, 60 or 160 acres, all in cultivation; grain and alfalfa, 4 acres orchard, line well. plenty of irrigating water, fair buildings, good hog fences, electric no wet half mile away; IV miles from town and R. R.. telephone. R. D. route, best of soil; 72 bushels barley, 45 bushels wheat last year; owner will sell for $loj per acre, half cash; fine home and a snap. Box lb6. Joseph, Oregon. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY THE SQUARE DEAL. WAY of buying land. Are you interested? If bo. write to MODERN HOM E STEAD ASS'X, 303 PHELAN bldg.. San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER, Pres. 39 ACRES. 17 acres Beaverdam land. 14 miles from Portland, near Tualatin Station, house, barn, orchard, $14,500. 1105 Alal lory ave. Woodlawn 4S. FOR SALE Cowlits County stump lands, $10 acre up; good soil, well watered. J. R. Sharp, 480 Plttock block. Portland. FARMS WANTED. WANT good Improved and medium-price and equipped, in exchange for 12 acres, well Improved, cood soil, good water and in high-class, close-in district: will give mortgage back on farm for difference. 1 203 Northwestern Bank Bldg. .'ANT to lease with pptlon to buy. good dairv ranch with stock and equipment. R. F. Bri an, 603 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CLEAR LAURELHCEST LOT wanted as nart narmfttit nn new. modern. 5-room bungalow, located on 50xl20-foot i.aureinwr.v lot. at 3O00. balance easy terms: this Is a delightful, well-built lit tle home with hardwood floors, fireplace snu ail built-in conveniences. P. E Clem ents. 270 Stark st. Main l."03, A 15i6. I WANT nice home to live In, in Portland or vicinity; will exchange for same stock In successful corporation manufacturing wrauenui patented invention; give par ticulara. AS 846. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 6 or 7-room house, good district. L'oOO to J300O; trade farm in Eastern Oregon first payment; no agents; must be bargain. L Beufer, Knight Shoe - o. WANT For customer, rooming houce or apartment, u or more rooms, aoout $3uuJ rayne to., Aiam yoi. WANTED Lot in Irvlngton Park; give d k acription; will pay cash. J &5o. On THE best 5-room house $U0 cash will buy. t r . uregonian, WANTED Farm. 30 to 20 acres; give full information. Ah.. S4.S, oregonlan. FOR SALE TDIBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRAKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. CALIFORNIA TIMBER LANDS AND GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATIONS. CALL ON F. A. BAIRD. REDDING. CAL. TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. WHEAT FARM 3Ii acres, near railroad station In Columbia County, Washington; V, Q acres in cultivation : good buildings. orchard, springs, etc.; $70 per acre; win traae aoove ior city improved property, with small incumbrance, or clear; or can ad some improved property in good town tf necessary. John M. Payne & Co. Main 20 ACRES, all in cultivation, 14 acres in fruit; good 10-room house, large barn, water piped to buildings, hi mile from electric station, 12 miles from Portland ; worth $7ikh; will take a clear house up to $5000. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Corn- mercc. WANT good farm, about SO acres, prefer stock and equipment: have 1.H0 or fee attle property, $3500; clear of debt, or Dotti; would assume. Jtsox J-U-j. sea cue. Wash. IF YOIT HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY. AY RES A SMITH CO., 501 NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 7266. $80,000 APARTMENT-HOUSE for wheat ranch or commercial orchard ; vw leei waterfront, close in. for income. A. H. Hunt, b22 N. w. Jank biag. IMPROVED ranch of 72 acres, 65 in culti vation, crop. implements and stock: for clear East Side residence. O. W. Bryan, " 509 Chamber of Commerce. KXCHANTiR room in e-house if vou want good easy living, here is your chance; will take diamond, auto or anytning or vaiue; must leave town; owner only. Mar. 2747. CHOICE acreage on carline and good road. close to Portland; want home up to sio, OO0 ; will assume 2oOO; East Side pre ferred. AE 859, Oregonian. C. P. TiURCH trades property In and from any w estern'state to any, at i, o. anu Gfc. 220 Sprague ave., Spokane, Wash. MANUFACTURING business worth $20u0; . will exchange it for real estate, tan room 32'. Morgan bldg. TWO lots and a first-class note for $110 to exchange for a roomiug house. Call Main 8277. SEE OUR LIST OF EXCHANGES IN. BUM- NESS OPPORTUNITIES COLUMN. K. 1. OOODKIND CO. IMPROVED farms and acreage for port land property. Dubois, 723 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE. liorseM, Vehicles, Haroeos, Etc UNION TRANSFER CO., 11TH AND HOYT STS. We have for sale at a sacrifice price the following-described stock: Team of bays, half brothers, weight 2040 lbrf.. with nearly new breeching har ness, $15 takes this team; mares, dapple gray and bay, with new harness, wcignt 24uo lbs., kind and true; price $175. Mares, pair of nice dapple browns, gen tle for any woman or child to handle in or out of stable, weight 400; price, wita harness, $140. Mares, pair of chunky, heavy bono Shirts, kind and true to work single or double any place, nearly new breeching harness; price $225. Mares, pair blacks, young, with heavy manes and tails, weight ntar 250, with harness and light farm wagon, $225. One large brood mare, weighs near 1750 lbs., heavy with foal. We have 10 head of mules that we will give you a bargain in if you come and take at once, as tbey are out of work and must stop feeding expenses. Wagons, saddles, harness, fine stock saddle $15, heavy singio express harness $12, express harnc&s nearly new, $lt; five sets of good double farm harness at your own price Come aud see these bargains. UNION TRANSFER STABLES, 13TH AND HOYT STS. I HAVE about 8 head left from my last shipment, which t win sell at a low price consisting of some 1 500-1 b. draft horses, blocky built farm chunk and some delivery or wagon horses. G. W. Howitt, Model Stables, 5th st. and Davis. AUCTION i AUCTION! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. IL; only strictly commission stab' "s in -the city; consign ment solicited, Abe McClelland Horse - & Mule Co., 240 East fcth at. East C315. FOR SALE CHEAP, 1 pair horses. 6 and b years oiu. weignt aoout hih ids. just broke, well matched ; also black mare, u ears old. Star Sand Co. Barn, East Wth and Flanders. SINGLE ranch ou if it, chestnut sorrel horse. weigut j-.iu i us. ; iignt siugie . wagon, nearly new collar and hame harness; all for u0. 222 North 14th. FOR SALE Cheap, one good farm horse. weighing 3300 lbs.; 2f delivery horses, weighing lluO lbs.; one driving horse, weighing llw lbs. 226 Russell street. COMMISSION AUCTION, of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P. M, Colum bia Stables. 302 Front st. FOR SALE 3 head of young horses, weight i4U to x 3uv ids., nam ess ana wagon; take part trade. Oswego Livery Barn. FOR SALE Pair of ranch horses, farm wagon and double harness cheap. 196 7 E. Stark st., corner 78th. WANTED to rent or buy 3 wagons, 36 wiue tires; uranaaru guage. . J. Stanley, Broadway 727 or A 2i:iiO. FOR SALE cheap, 5-year-old horse, well bred, good driver or saddler. 240 Clacka mas st. WAGONS and hordes by day. $1.25. I. Cohen, 381 Water st. Main 2208, Main C9V5. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free; call day or night. Tabor 4203. OPEN carriage, small, 2-seaied, very cheap. 88 Eat 7th st. North. Pi Bvnos. Organs and Musical Instrument. $5 CASH, with double credit-for $10. buys new. $350 piano at $2tio, $7.50 monthly without interest charged elsewhere, makers total bavtng $145.2tt to you. Schwan piano Co.. Ill Fourth street. FOR $145 CASH the Security Storage Co. will close out a $400 Mendeuhall upright piano in flemish oak. loo 4th st. FOR SALE cheap, Edison phonograph and 75 records. Sellwood 1587. PIANO for sale. Take W V car end of line. L.8Q4 62d ave. S. EL $50 BUYS $300 Kurtiman piano. Security Storage Co.. 10u 4th st Couch bldg. $1 MONTHLY stores your piano" Security Storage Co.. ltrO 4th st. Main5323. I AM going to Canada to homestead ; have nice piano for sale cheap. D 862. Oregonian. Furniture for Sale. Fl'KNITUKE of 6 rooms for sale cheap; can make rent. 171 Un'ion ave. N. WANTED Office furniture for rent or pur chase. Phone Main 2M1. Dogs, Biros, Pet Stock. A "GOOD Airedale is burglar proof. Laddix Kennels. Estacada. Or. LUcHuck. LIVESTOCK WANTED. Want horses and cows for equity In a fine 75x100 corner with 7-room house or for bungalow; will sacrifice. 001 E. Madi. son. cor. JHth. HAVE two young milch cows, also new U. S. separator; will sell cheap on monthly payments, n. Aiwaier, ts tioi. IF YOU have a good, fat cow or veal tor sale ca 11 Tabor 272Q. Automobiles. SPEEDER for sale, also 11H4 Ford roadster, A-l condition, bargain. lsS 16th St., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. 1015 FORD touring, led dash board, used four months, fine condition, ilj sell on i rm. A H S53. Oregon ian. AUTO engine, 30 H. P., sell at sacrifice. Call at 554 E. 19th st. South, between t and & in evening. i LIGHT runabout, fins condition ; cash of easy terms; no trade. Phone Tabor 4184, bet. 6 and 7 P. M. THE place to buy or sell sed cars. East Side Auto Repair Co.. 717 Pawthoma. FOR HIRE. $LC5 per hour. fi-paasen$er 1014 FORD. Phone woodlawn 140. FOR SALE. A sioniob tiesw GUARANTEED - - USED CARS ON EASY PAYMENTS. 115 OVERLAND, 35 H. P., 5 pass senger. run only 120O miles as dem onstrator ' $975 j-yij L'ULb, deico, electric starter ana lights, looks and runs like new.'. $825 uvtKW.NU. 5-nasrtenKer. elec tric lights with generator $600 aj kj i,i-aAi u u. cowl aash bo ay. 5-passenger $550 j-igni o-passenger ovekjand, just thoroughly overhauled. all new tires $350 MARION, 40 H. P 5-passenger $4o0 y- v KLfAiNjj, large, roomy, o-passen- ger. thoroughly overhauled, renalnt- ed, new tires all around ..$450 uii.iv li.lt x CLAKS. OVERLAND, panel top delivery, late mouel. Just thoroughly overhauled " and repainted, new tires all around. $600 jiaavvijll,, ngnt delivery, just Over hauled and refinished. in finest con dition throughout ...$375 awa uv ntti.LtAsLjt panel top uenvery, electric starter and liurbts. mm few hundred miles as demonstrator. . . $900 nlirKl!ibl! 1 ATiUJ. LOWEST PRICES. LIBERAL TERMS. ' J. W. LEAV1TT & COMPANY. USED CAP DEPT.. 327 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND. OREGON. NEW LOCATION AFTER JULY 1ST, COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. AUCTION SALE. UP' AUTOMOBILES, JUNE 7. 8, , 3 0. 11, 12. AT THE C3LTY MARKET BLOCK, 3d AND PLAY STS ' PORTLAND -AUTO DEALERS POOL All Hi i r 1 SKD CARS AND OFFER THEM lUUlt OWJS "H fcJ AND ON EASY TERMS. SALES 10 A M. 2 P. M.. 7 P. M. PRIVATE SALES ALL DAY. OVER TOO PARS WTT.T. V V Rm.n PRIVATE OWNERS CAN ENTER CARS i.-H CALfi xsx ARRANGING WITH P. H DUaNaN, 73 5TH ST, PHONE B'DW'Y 4634, FORDS BUICKS OV EK LANDS. 1014 Ford roadster, $M50. 113 Ford roadster, 52tt5. 1913 Ford. 5-pass.. Sf.5U. "1914 Buick, 25, roadster, electric lights siai iei, practicauy Drand new, $005. 1912 Buick. 25. roadster. SX.i 1914 Overland, 35, roadster, electric lignts and starter, practically new. $075. 1914 Overland, 35, 5-pass.. electric auu starter, new, s .. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. K- E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. 1914 HUPMOPILE 113 HUPMOBILK .. 3SU4 .MICHIGAN 3912 MICHIGAN 1910 RAMBLER 1913 NATIONAL 1911 ELMORE $ 750.00 ..$ 050.00 $ 750.00 $ 400.00 S SOO.OO $1000.00 $ 3OO.00 DULMAGE-MANLE Y AUTO CO 40-48 North 20th St. USED AUTO SNAPS! Liberal Terms Given. Velle 5-pass., in fine condition, only $750 Cole. 5-oass., fully equipped, $t5uu Maxwell delivery. X425. Keo 5-pass., electric starter and 11 g hue, V 1 M V. Chalmers 5-pass., fully equipped, $450. Several others to select from. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch St. REBUILT Ford, electric lights, windshield. Jti-in. steering gear. Atwater Rent iernt- tion. Strom berg carburetor. Feeder's iiuneycomo radiator and roadster body; the best buy in the city; $365. Apply iKjum l.-,, jjiijuiau, wont garage, xast titu 11I1U jVSU ELS. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down 'garages, built of the est materials, artistic designs, 10x1 6, $30 up, erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery; also portable houses TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO.. Foot of Harrison st. Main 1167. IMPROVED PORTABLE GAKAdE. Seo my luxltl portable garage at $32, erected on your lot complete. Get my A" wmcr Bijiea garages, also nouses, B. T. ALLYN. Garage Specialist. Tabor 194. H91 E. Salmon. WINTOX Sixes, thoroughly overhauln.1 re uuiit, repainted, new tires; carry guaran tee; ranging in price from $600 up. Liberal Lt?I Ills. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington. TRUCK SNAP. Terms Given. Reo truck, 2-ton, with body. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch St. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Larpe stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. 5-PASSENGER Overland, in good condition. a nap. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington. BUNGAlOW GARAGE Between 2 2d and ..3d, on Halsey, in Irvlngton ; 2 PRIVATE stalls for rent, reasonable. Phone East 801 or call 091 Clackamas. WANTED To exchange Studebaker Plan ners roaasier Douy ior 4-passeiiger Flan ders body in good condition. Apply room 424 Medical bldg. FOR HIRE, $1.50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 3 914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good services. Phone Main 1201 or East 5859. 7-PASSENGER Stoddard-Dayton, fine Jitney or stage car. WLNTON MOTOR CA R CO., 23d and Washington. WILL PAY" cash for late model Fords, Buicks, Overland and Studebaker cars. FUANCIU MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. E. in 99. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. Bl DS WANTED oil hauling 400 cords dry muuu. goou couniry roaa, oy auto truck. AL 84t, Oregonian. 1 FORD delivery body and w ind-suicld in goua oraer; cneap tor cuaii. 346 E. Alder. J que Deere Garage. GOOD strong side-car attachment with, de livery dox xor motorcycle; new tire. Call Marshall 653. Automobiles Wanted. TRADE Fine team of heavy work horses tor o-passenger, lore-ooor, standard make automobile, not earlier than 1912 model. Must be in A-l condition, electric lights and starter preferred. Team. AV 217, Oregonian. LUMBER to trade for 5-passenger automo- oue, iwio or model, electric starter and lights. Must be A-l condition. Lura ber. A V 216. Oregonlan. CEDAR POSTS to trade for automobile. i i -1.-j moaei o-passenger. In writ ing Btate full particulars and price. Cedar Posts, AV 215. Oregonian. $150t EQUITY in modern 5-room bungalow to traae ior iaio model -pas8. auto. J 850, Oregonian. , WILL trade good Hood River lots for auto- in iiifii-viiitH coiiumon. j anor -ts-si. Motorcycles. INDIAN "MOTORCYCLES" (New.) Indian parts, supplies, repairing of all kinds. Bargains in used motorcycle. H. LYSTEEL. The Motorcycle Man. 507 Union Ave., North. Phone East 69T7 1913 HA RLE Y DAVIDSON, 8 H. P., $110; 1840 $3(K MOTORCYCLES, fully equipped; Ex- ceisior. x.'u casn. totem, is. 6th. 1913 4-HORSEPOWER motorcycle for sale tor no casu. J.ioi AlDina. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and pp; n montns rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Tpewriter Com pany. 8d Broadway. Portland, Or. WE save you from 5J to 75 per cent on all mas.es oi typewriters; sena ior our illus trated foldtr. Retail department-WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash st, TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. The isortnwest '.typewriter co., 2U2 stark st. Main 5523. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 etark st. Main 1407. Miace II aneo us. VISIBLE typewriters rented S months for $4 ; convenient at home; delivered any where. 244 Stark st. Phone Main 6273. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; maae in Oregon, per gaiion, si.oo. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100. HOCH FEED'S Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. cameras, aoaaas ana lenses bought, sold and exchanged. We sell the lea cameras SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co.. 264 Stars; st. - THREE Oriental rugs for sale cheap by pri- ie party. Address m .r, oregonian. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. ou tapieta for 25c All druggists. SINGER sewing machines for rent. $2 per in ii in. MoiHiidii i.t, 3i ornson. SMALL roll top desk and chair. AO 848, Oregonlan. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Sd st. Main 797. FOR SALE Lady's wheel. 2055 liolladay. near 82d. Phone Tabor 1612. HAVE a good as new canoe for sale. Call oi Morrison, cigar store. RELIABLE gas water heater, rractically new, ior oniy s jtaain 224 . CANOE sail, with lee boards, $$.50. Call .nam j alter 6 o nock. FOR , SALE cheap, high-grade .range. 5i3 tn bu ...... FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES. 50 Slizhtlv Used Machines. i Singer, drop heads $10 and up Wlieeler A Wilson, drop heads. $15 and up New Home, drop heads ....... $15 and up Domestic, drop heads ...... ..$15 and up New Royal, drop heads. ..... $10 and up Willamette, drop beads ......$10 and up borne fate ceil machines, drop heads t 7 and no Box top $ 3 and up All makes of machines for rent $ per month. Two Stores: THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES, 3X2 Alder SL ' 243 Aider St. Phone Main 21S3. A 4599. Main 2978, A 3559 S S. Sigel. Agent. SWELL blue serge suit, latest style, fit man j90 pounds, six feet tali, win sen at oar gain. This is an elegant hand-tailored suit; new; too small for owner. Address A L 8 ta, oregonian. FOR SALE Goers Dagoo lenses. No. 2. vaiute shutter ox 7. an 8xio double Anas t i gm at Vet. came ra. Call M. G enax, 1 u 7 6 Milwaukie sL BiLLlARDe New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Hrunswick-Halke Coilender Co., 4U is otu. SEWING MACHINES, new and. second hand, sale or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 3d -st., near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3626. CASH REGISTERS. large stock on hand; we save you 40 to 60 per cent; ail registers guaranteed Cash Register Exchange. 3ol Washington St. SHOWCASES, wallcase, store fixtures, for sale ; store for rent, good down-town lo cation; must be sold tnis week. 308 stark - street. - FOR SALE One National cash register in good order. For quick sale, $25. Call Port- land Marine Supply Co., 229 Ankeny st. SEGHER3 WOOD CO. will deliver C O. D. limited distance, until June 15 A-l 4-f u fir wood at $4.25 per cord. UNUSUALLY large, perfect pair of elk horns (mounted); reasonable. East 801. WAN TED MISCELLAN EOU S. WANTED SECOND - HAND CLOTHES. We oav highest cash nrice for ladies and gents' castof f 'clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE, 285 First st. Main 2080 Main 2080. FU R N ITU R E WA.NTE D WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR HOUSE HOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S, EAST 7169. 374 HAWTHORNE AY E CORNER L MU.. FOR . a thoroughly reliable house to buy or eii iiousoro. a goous or anytning in me Hardware line, can tne Levin Hardware c Furniture Co., 22 L Front, Phone A 7174, Main U072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Main 7573. 229 Madison. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don t wive it away. Get our figures rirst. Standard Fur. Co., 12 1st. Main 4773. WANTED A launch or canoe; will pay cash; must be a. bargain. Phone Fergu son, xi road way U'oU. CASH BUYERS for barbers' furniture, new and second-hand. Main uto, I NEED good used furniture; will pay high est pricr-s. call Marsnau &bi. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays bet price for your rurniiuro. zji ist st. .uain WANT $10,000 used furniture; pay pood prices ; star Ling new store, aenwooa j uo. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 4Utf Dekum biag. WANTED National cash regisLer. Main H6. 351 1 Washington st. WANT stock of furniture and men's cloth ing ; highest cash price. Marshall O&i. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phono East 4804, C 147T. WANTED To buy 3 National cash registers. 243 Washington st. BKLF WANTED MALB. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. it. C. A. Recupd 1914: Calls for men from employers 1792 Positions filled 1314 The service of this department is free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem. tSErsiiip Is issued, costing $5 per annum, giving the service of the Department for a ear, two months'- full privileges and a re i una ot too meinoersiun tee ii iutiA: tory employment is not secured. All youne men seeking employment In Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and Employ ment Secretary GET INTO THE OLIVE BUSINESS. a SWiing California's newest and mosrUe lieious food product, RIPE DEHYDRATED OLIVES. If you are a live- wire, a worker, apd wuut to make good money quick, we want you. We need local and district salesmauajers everywhere. Tills olive business is something new, live, full of merit, every sale makes a permanent cus tomer. Slip a dollar bill into an envelope for 10, or 5uc (stamps) for 5 full pack ages. Try these olives yourself and . let us show you the quick money for you in our selling plan. C. H. Steero Farms Co., Oiland, Cal. Y. M C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOwi Day and night instruction In repairing, driving, selling and machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and ex pert training. Time unlimited. , Before enrolling elsewhere calf at edu cational office, Y. M. C A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to Inspect our shop aud methods. MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR SUITS, made by well -known makers: my low up stairs rent and small expenses enable me to sell $ 20 men's suits at $14.75 and $25 men's suits at $18.75. Jimmy Dunn, 315 3 6-17 Oregonian Lldg. Elevator to 3d door. MEN'S TROUSERS. -I sell pants, upstairs, close to wholesale cost. I pay no. high ground-floor rent, thus saving you $1 on every pair. Priced at $2.50. $3 and $3.50. JIMMY DUNN, 315-16-17 Oregonlan bldg. Elevator to 3d floor MOTION PICTURE acting pays large sala ries. iew class just starting rehearsals ; tuition $1 a week. .Those who enroll by Saturday will have an opportunity to take part In motion picture play next Sunday. Ttiis is your opportunity to see yourself on the screen. International Photo Pluy School, Eleventh and MorrLson. WE have a good position for a live in a it in tins county; we oirer you sometning wmcn will bo worth your while to investigate; write for details. The Old Reliable Albany Nurseries, Albany. Oregon. HA VE several openings for establishment independent man order business. .Energy, good habits, sound judgment more Import ant than capital. Spare time first. Par ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Two competent orchard prune re; stage wages wanted, where previously em ployed, etc. ; long job. Address AV 238, Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife to take charge of kitchen and dining-room In a hotel on the beach; a money-maker for the right party. Answer at once. Box 272, Tillamook, Or. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert nstructor to teach you the barber trade In . 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed ; paid while learning. 232 2d, near Main. CASH advanced you weekly selling our nan cy guaranteed ornamental and xruit stock Right now best time to start. Washing ton Nursery Company, Toppenish. Wash. SALESMAN WANTED to sell our up-to-date ana extensive line. outzit tree; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Or. ABLE-BODIED MEN to prepare for fire men, brakemen; $120 monthly, positions obtainable free. Railway Association, Ore gonian. WANTED 2 African dodgers, good con tract, long season. Apply cigar store, 30 Burnside St., from S to 11 A. M. STEADY man, willing to work, can make better than wages, easy job ; must invest $2O0. 3"3 Lumber Exchange. SADDLE horses, 50 cents first hour, 25 cents additional; English or stock saddles. Mult nomah Stables. 16th and Madison. M. 5876. MAN" tailor to work Saturday evenings. i an at -i-s w asuington st. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. barony studio, ttoyai tiag. WANTED First-class tailor. Samuel Rosen blatt & Co., 31 and MoiTlFon. WANTED Boy over 16 with wheel; can make good money. 15 North I2tn. RELIABLE man wanted; make $25 weekly; small investment, oiv Lumoer exenange. FIRST TENOR for male quartet. - Call 556 Morgan bids., mips t otter. TWO boys at once to learn the barber trade. 48 N. 2d st. CI" LI NARY f.'U'B.- 5th nt. Free em- plovm. nt to -ooks, waiters and bartenders. M . BLACKFORD, call 618 Yeon bids. HELP -WANTED FE.M A I.E. COLORED GIRL for general housework. tail MMIWQOQ UdJ. WANTED Olrl for general housework. smait lamiiy. pnone -c sw. GIRLP. learn beauty culture, comm'n while teaming, vioiet coop, oa AOiUfitoa Diag. HELP W ANTE1 FEMALE. lOO YOUNG? LADIES. One hundred young ladies wanted to sell BLUE PENCILS FOR THE LARCH MOUNTAIN TRAIL next Saturday; 2t per cent commission; everyone will buy a blue lead pencil, for It Is BLUE LEAD PEN CIL DAY. Apply today at 10 A. M., bring ing reierences, to LARCH MOUNTAIN TRAIL COMMITTEE, 40 8 Shennan-CJay Bldg., 6th and Morrison sts. 100 YOUNG LADIES One hundred young ladies wanted to sell B LU E PE N C I LS FOR THE LARCH MOUNTAIN TRAIL next Saturday; 20 per cent commission; everyone will buy a blue lead pencil, for it Is BLUE LEAD PENCIL DAY. Apply today at 10 A. M., bringing references to LARCH MOUNTAIN TRAIL COMMITTEE, 4u8 Sherman-Clay Bldfcf., tith and Morrison Sts. WANTED As special demonstrators, by old firm; several educated women of pleasing appearance, aged 25 to 35; experience pre ferred, but unnecessary, as we instruct; PERSONALITY MAIN REQUIREMENT; short hours; good pay; permanent if suited. Apply personally; no phoning, at only 10 to 12 today (Thursday) at Mult nomah Hotel. Inquire at clerk's desk for vV U . Lyon. MAN and wife, waitress -and dishwasher, fmP , $00 Oman cook, country hotel $33 Woman cook, ranch sjo PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 222-4 Couch Street. MOTION PICTURE acting pays large sala ries. New clats just starting rehearsals; tuition $1 a week. Those who enroll by Saturday will have an opportunity to take n-T:rt . moUOn Picture play next Sunday. 1 nis is your opportunity to see yourself on the screen. International Photo Play School, Eleventh and Morrison. $18 WEEK, expenses advanced. Women to travel and aouoint ir..iu tnr- trated food flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfy. o., us3 Como bldg., Chicago. vva.nild Neat Brl for general house work in small family; no cooking; $1., to start. Apply .S3 2 Hancock (Broadway car) or phone Kust 4344. -TE Women for Government jobs, $i0 month. Write immediately for list po. Bitions obtainable. Franklin Institute. 702 P.. Rochester, NY WAN a ED Young lady in cafeteria, who has had experience taking cash; not a real cashier," as wo hate to be disap pointed. AR Sol, Oregonian. COMPETE NT GIRL for general housework: must bo good cook, hae references; sniull 1 amity, good wages. J. Honell, luoi ai;gim st. WOMEN TAILORS; must be experienced on InerV..wol'k K" Ervin Ac Co.. Ltd.. Sell ing bldg. ' WANTED Experienced girl for geueral housework; must be good cook city ref erences required. Apply 1S5 N. 2 o t h . MRS. HINSDALE'S -BUSINESj SCHOOL, o02 Empress bldg. Personal instruction. OOElt Ion. u.-hcn mimn.An GIRL for general housework and to assist ln,3arc' children. Phono A 1182. Main GIRL to assist with geueral housework; VFJttL milyk a.Partnient; sleep homo nights. King Davis Apts., 21, 54 King st. WANTED Thoroughly experienced chuni bermaid; none other need apply. Hotel Ramapo. EXPERIENCED woman for general house work, fflmilv nAn . mm it ave.. near Lo vejoy. WANTED Girl to assist in general house work; must not be afraid of work or chil- dren. Telephone East 5SS7. PROGRESSIVA BUSINESS COLLEGE. AU modern business courses $0 mo. positions when competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. F AMI LY second work, $30; housework.$l"5 to St. Louis Ladles' Agency, 288 Main WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- cKvusjuic pusiLiun. v lavi Company. 423 4 1 1 iii;t uiocK. oo wasnington St. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. ic a uui uiu jj a a i ary parlors. WAITRESS, family help, city and country. s. a tJ. o.'-. . o y-2 waalilugton st. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and dicta- - ' -yj in. . ttank bldg MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. $5 mo. 209 Uth. ph. Mn. 3891 YOUNG lady wants companion to hike ... coast, ait &4 ., oregonian. WANTED oirl to assist with housework for board and room. Main r.Tsi APPRENTICE and errand girl wanted at GENTLE, motherly woman for care of iu valid. Tabor 424. EXPERIENCED men's hat trimmer wanted. Marsh Hat Works, 382 Morrison. WANTED Good German lady or Chinese cook. Phone 305 J. Oregon City, Oregon. WANTED Experienced lady ironer. cific Laundry. 231 Arthur st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework uuu coo King. Lovejoy. GOOD solicitors wanted. Call after oTsu Mra. Ross. Palace Hotel. WILL give good home in exchange for as- slstanre with housework. 692 Schuyler. STRONG girl wanted; general housework. i auor juia. 1:. .tn st. North. CHORUS girls wanted immediately; steady ""i- AIM"? AUQitonum null, -us 2d st. GIRL for general housework. 787 Lovejoy. HF.I.P WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. WANT at once, for Portland and outside towns, 50 live agents, men or women; everv house buys; iuick repeater; protected ter ritory throughout state; fastest seller ever offered agents. See or write us quick; big profits. Crystal Mercantile Company, 4:;u MEN and WOMEN to learn tho barber i auc, cat 11 Hum fiu ia ? per weeK; tui tion reduced, paid whilo learning; positions secured; write for free catalogue. The Moier System of Colleges. Ad. 48 N. 2d. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SHEGrOX BARBaiR COLLEGE wants men and womeu to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed ; tools free, paid while learning; modern method teaching; tuition reduced. 2:i3 Madison. KAILWAY mail clerks, P. O- clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific State Schools, McKay bldg., city. NTEI1N ATION AL Correspondence Schools teach salesmanship, also 2t5 other courses. Free catalog. 202 McKay Lldg. WANTED Name, of men, 18 or over, wish ing Government jobs, $tiu month; no pull necessary. AV 743. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man desires position; 14 years' ex perience uouuie entry bookkeeping; las I position 5 years as head bookkeeper; Al references; In or out of city. Main 7051, A 1317. 411 Commercial block. RELIABLE young man, good penman, wants yuMiiuu 111 account in g or Dluirrg dept. corporation or wholesale house, local ex perience, moderate salary. AF 804, Ore gonian. A YOUNG, experienced stenographer and of nee assistant would like position In Port land or vicinity. T. W. Kolie, 495 E. 43d st. X. Phone C 2946. HIGH - GRADE stenographer - bookkeeper wants jou, xv years experience. X 84X, Oregonian. , OFFICE MAN, large mercantile experience. weignty re r ere n ces. mitn. Tabor 2.27. Miscel Ian eons. CARPENTER Just the man you want; rough or finish; alterations and repairs of all kinds; reasonable. Main 8127. WORK on poultry farm to learn business; ueut 01 reiei euces- xsxj s, oregonian. YOUNG man wants work; printer by trade; wiinug lo oj unj uung. rnone Main It t Sb. JAPANESE young boy wants position. house woik. can at 267 Everett st. YOUNG fellow, 19, wants position, farm or oa.ry. experienced. AH Sr.fl, Oregonian. YOUNG Chinese wants position; cook, por l; 1- u 1 an v tv i u u . avj uregonian. JAPANESE expert houuo worker wants day w orK cleaning, io, al n JAPANESE COOK wants position, private JAPANESE COOK wants situation, private lamuv, city or country. H Oregonian. GENERAL BLACKSMITH and horseshoer wants work. C 8."2, Oregonian. PLASTERING, paintinsr, kalsomining, rea- sonaoie. pnone woodlawn 490. A JAPANESE boy wants position for gen eral nousework. a u 4, oregonian. CHKF COOK, sober, economical, city or out. i;ta Market st.. room ix. Main 9.0. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED salesman and general of fice man who can get results wants po sition with reliable firm, aged 24, single and good habits, wide- business acquaint ance and excellent references, AU 57. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by practical scientific paint maker, in factory or store; can dem onstrate highest ability and reliable x knowledge in paint and specialty lines. C 849, Oregonian. ' HERE'S your chance. An advertising sales man, 27 years old, six years road experi ence, wishes to make Portland his home. What can you offer that has a future? AR S4S. Oregonlan. F1RST-CLA SS planer foreman and sticker man wishes a job very much. BD 846. Oregonian. POSITION as picture or dance orchestra pianist; experience with pipe organ, phono D .'009, write T S66. Oregonian. S CH OO LBOY, honest and diligent, wilt work without salary in a good family. BF 814, Oregonlan. WANTED By young man of good habits, good health, not afraid of work, position on stock ranch. AP S4S, Oregonlau. BoY, 18, experienced In grocery store and garage work, wishes work for board and room and small wages. Call Main S4S5. COOK and helper, man and wife: can handle anything; beach or mountains. Tabor 3757 or AL 847, Oregonlan. PAINTING, tinting, day, hour or contract. Prompt efficient and reasonable. Main 9021. STEADY young man wants janitor or gar den work ; win take any kind of work. Phone Broadway 5349, room 7. MAN and wife with baby want work on a ranch; must have work. Main 7051, A 1617. 4 !1 Commercial block. YOUNG man, German, wants work; T-lll do anything. AL S4. Oregon laa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. O. K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone . operator wants permanent or substitute work. M- 2817. STENOGRAPHIC STUDENT, general office experience, desires work all or part day. Main S.;76- YO UNG lady wants office work answering telephones; cau use typewriter some. Main 5 ;.-:.'. THOROUGHLY" competent. experienced bookkeeper desires position at once. Mar- shall 47 03 . EX PER I ENCED stenographer desires po sitl'.m. knowledge of bookkeeping, refer ences. Tabor t!-2U. GENERAL office work desired by exper ienced stenographer. Call East 2504. Dressmaker. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main 9513. LADI ICS' tailoring, gowns, alet rat ions ; home, or shop. 202 Fliedner bldg. Marshall 321. 'ures. REFINED young woman desirrs position in or out of citv as wet nurse ; Al refer ences. Main 7051. A 1017. G U A DU AT 10 male nurse, going to Frisco this month, would like a patient intending to make same t.-':. AR 849. Oregonlan. THAI N ED N U R S E, midwife, m ate ml t y castrs. 1 rom $ 10 weekly, inexpensive rooms while waiting. Marshall 4 03s. HouKekeepcrs. RELIABLE woman wants position as house keeper where sh can take her 7-year-old boy; in or out of town; references. Main 70f,l, A 1517. 411 Commercial block, YOU N G woman, exper rented and reliable, desires position a housekeeper where she can take her baby : A 1 references. Mam 7i 0 1 . A 1017. 4 L I Commercial block. AN elderly Scandinavian woman. good cook, desires posi tlon as housekeeper. A It SVi, Oregonian. A REFINED lady wants a position aa house keeper for a bachelor or a widower. 11 one Mara ball 082, Room 2. COMPETENT widow. 2", wishes position as housekeeper, widower's home or famll. Phone A 2i34. Domestics. NEAT, experienced girl desires housework; good wages; city references. A 7175, Main 2039. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants light house work. Call 1 00 Skidmore. Y'Ol'NG woman would like a nice placo at housework. 1129 E. 20th st. N. Miscellaueous. HON EST, a;a ble, industrious younp woman will give a home excellent care during Summer for small recompense, best of references given, AK 849, Ore gonia.ii. WANTED A placo to work and learn a trade by boy. 16 years old, electrical work or auto repair work preferred. TcL E. 3204. EX PEIilENjCED woman wishes b weeping, cieaniug and ironing by day or hour. Phono C 1823. DA V WORK wanted. Friday and Saturday, washing, ironi ng, clean ing. 1 'bono after noon or evening, Main 4349. EXPERIENC E l7rel la ble woman wa n tsTday 'work for Friday and Saturday ; A 1 refer encetf. Main 7051. A 1517. 1 AS private branch exchange operator; 10 yrs. ex. ; best of references. Call Main 2009 for Miss C. GOOD stout woman wants work by the day 200. wash in:;, cb-an trig , experienced ; ref erences. Marshall 8S. GOOD German la undress w ants work for Tues., Wednes., washing, ironing or clean In g ; also tune in washing. E. 15S6. LA D Y Best of references, w ould run hotel or work In hotel offh-e or run exchange, very reasonable. .V 2078. YOUNG WOMAN wants day work, any kind, pood laundress, phone Wood4awn 1854. DINNERS, teas, weddings planned, pre pared. served ; best ref. Sellwood 1696. GOO D woman wants to do cleaning and washing. Tabor '2723. LADY wants work by hour or day ; good worker. Call East 861. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS wants to do washing and ironing. Main 412, room 2. PLE ASE won' t you give mo work? Day or hour. East 47SL. Mrs. Harrison. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched; 11 years experience. Tabor 5933. Mrs. Scott. THOROUGHLY experienced woman wants work by the hour. Phone Main 619J. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, aud plain sewing. Woodlawn 1572. GOOD laundress wants washing and Ironing Thurs., Fri Sat. Marshall &51, room 5. WOMAN wishes more day work; good work er for the right party. Marshall 1241. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work. Thur., Sat.. Mon. KoL Woodlawn 1611. STRONG, experienced woman wants day work. Room 19, Main 2:.S7. LA CE curtains, draperies liana -laundered. 25c up, by experts. Sellwood 1696. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. BY .1 une 1 0. furnished upper flat for Sum- a mer months; Irvlngton or liolladay Add.; 3 adults; rent reasonable. AB 8-12, Oregonian. WANTED By adults, Al renters, the best 5-room modern house $10 or less will get. AK S44, Oregonlan. WANT 6 to 8-room house or flat, well fur nished, not over $33, West Side, walking distance. AC $44, Oregonian. SMALL bungalow or flat. East 405L be tween U and 12. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st., near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort. $3 per week up. WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming expenses; fireproof building, shower baths. Individual beds. Call or address Y M. C A. business office. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and EL Bel mont Rooms $ 10 monthly, $20 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, ca:) in connection. Phone East 323. BEST rooms in the city, . strictly modern: come and see for yourself; $2.5 per week. 123 6th, between Washington and Alder. , ETH ELTON HOTEL, 106 12TH 8T. Modern, special reductions on all rooms; $3 per week and up. Marshall 279Q. HOTEL TREVES, Northwest corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms, $3 weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. STAND1SH HOTEL. 64hU WASHINGTON ST., OPP. 18TH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms. free phones, bath; $2 week, $8 month and up. NICELY furnished outside rooms; eay walking distance; $6 to $8 per month. 187 17th. bt., near Yamhill. MAXWELL HALL, 207 14tbst.; in business district; strictly modern; use of parlor; a real home; $2 up. Main 1153. HOTEL CORDOVA. 209 Uth st. Strictly modern;- private baths cu suitu; rooms $3 up. Main 0472. A 4783. HOT EL. NORR1S, 533 4 Alder Modern out sldo rooms, $2 per week up. 11H 1 1TH Clean attic room, phone, light, bath, $1,20 pur week.