7 DEMANDS OF NEEDY IT ON HOLIDAY PLAY BY REED WOMEN SPECTACULAR PAGEANT Co-Operation With Author and Intelligent Application to Her Ideas Ex pected to Result in Unusual Success for Production. P Applicants in Long Line at Charities Relate Lacks and Are Supplied. 4 CASH AND FOOD ASKED THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY", JUNT3 1. 1915. m&. l(Mt swa- I -i n-irrim ii -- 1111111 iTSl I if ' "-- - ' ' ' ' "' ' ' - ' 1F"V-- v'- - I -I ? A Immediate Relief Imperative in fccvcral Case, Families Being Short of Groceries and Tots Without Proper Clothes. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MAIN TKS.AM'R Kln OK THE ASSOCIATED C HAHITIKS. Previously reported $3S9.40 Mrs. J. B - .75 Daniel Kern 10.00 North western Natl Bank.. 25.00 Mrs. J. n. Bills 1.00 II. H. M 5.00 Ben Riesland 5.00 Mrs. G. M. Bracher 1.00 N. B. Gregg 1.00 Total .$438.15 Contributions should be sent to Secretary V. R. Manning. 411 Commercial block, or to R. S. Howard, treasurer of the Asso ciated Charities, Ladd & Tilton BanK. Although yesterday was a holiday, the work at the headquarters of the Associated Charities was abated -very little, for the demands of poverty do not recognize holidays. All day long the workers at the head quarters received visits from the ap jylicants for help and save out relief in all cases where It was possible to do so. The contributions to the maintenance fund are coming: In encouragingly, al though there remains much to be raised yet if the organization is to be able to continue its work through the Summer instead of closing its doors until next October. Besides the cash contributions yes terday there were many donations in other forms. Mrs. E. Dahlberg prom ised that she would have milk sent to one family in which there is an in valid in need of special food and care. Work was given to a painter whose story appeared in a report recently turned in at the Charities and other friends of the Charities sent in other donations. The appeal for shoes for children who are not able to go to school because they have neither proper clothing nor Bhoes. has not yet been met. There is an immediate need for 16 pairs of shoes and there will be continual de mands on this department of the Char ities' supplies. . Of the poor who appealed to the Charities yesterday for aid the follow ing were but a few: 1. Woman deserted: has just been discharged from the hospital: has two small children to support and relief is urgently needed. 2. Man and wife evicted from their home because unable to pay rent: other quarters must be found for them and general relief is needed. 3. Alan, wife and four children, one a baby only 4 months old; man out of work: no food in the house; groceries needed. 4. family on M street destitute; help. must be furnished today: visitor from the Charities must call at once and take supplies. 5. Wife deserted by husband, has four children to care for: husband still in the city and must be found at once: groceries and fuel needed until he can be found and brought back. 6. Widower with three children to care for: has had nothing but odd jobs all Winter: has friend in nearby city who can assist him and needs trans portation thither. 7. Man, wife and three children; man out of work; clothing and sup plies needed. CREMATORIUM IS OPEN MOOT SCOTT PARK EDIFICE DEDICATED FORMALLY. Hnndreds Who Gather to Decorate Graves of Soldiers Attend for Impressive Pngrassc. Impressive ceremony marked the for mat dedication yesterday morning of the new crematorium at Mount Scott Park. The exercises were attended by several hundred persons who gathered at the cemetery from all parts of Port land to take part in the dedication and to decorate graves. Emmet Williams delivered the dedi catory address. He said the first cre matorium in the United States was es tablished by J. P. LeMoyne at Wash ington. Pa., in 1876. Dr. LeMoyne was the third person to be cremated in this plant. The growth of the plan has been rapid since that time. Portland was the first Coast city north of San Francisco to have a plant. In Portland, he said, there was one cremation a week In 1900: now there is one cremation a day. Koscoe rvelson also spoke. The pro gramme of music was furnished by John Clair Montieth and Mrs. Fred Ol son. Rev. William W. Youngson, pastor ot Kose city Park Methodist Episcopal Church, offered the prayers. The new plant was built by H. R. Reynolds after an investigation extend ing throughout the United States to get the latest ideas on the subject. The exterior Is of stone, while the interior is finished so as to take away the expected gloom. The cost of the crematorium was $50,000. POLICE BAND MEM ARE DUE JiTidcd Faction Elects "Ed" Man ring and Is Expected Here Today. The Portland Police Band, or what 13 left of ffie organization, is expected to arrive in Portland today by steam ship from San Francisco. Sergeant R. J. Ellis, president of the band when it left Portland, returned last . week declaring that he was through with the organization and would not play In it again. With him on the steamer Bear came Sergeant Brothers and Pa trolmen Richards and Stram, all band members. There was disagreement among the band members in San Francisco, with out a doubt, for they will return today with a new president, but the trouble has not been divulged by those wbo have returned. "lid" Manring. the first president of the band, was elected to head the players upon the resignation of Sergeant Eilis, MISS HAMMOND'S morality play, to be produced at the Heilig to night and tomorrow, is in its na ture esentially a pageant. Designed for community production, it has been filled by the author with effects which are usually excluded by the limitations of professional productions. Miss Ham mond's great asset in her play Is the eager spirit of co-operation, which en thuses the Reed College women to a high pitch. A great deal depends on the spectacular effects by which the beauty of the line3 and the artistic splendor of the whole conception are supplemented. Comparisons by which Portland resi dents cbuld appreciate the power of the work Reed College women have done on "Every woamn's Road" are lacking. The possibilities lying in the per formance of a pageant have aroused Eastern communities to several nota ble successes in the last few years. But Portland has seen none of this kind of production, and possibly may see nothing within the next 25 years, which in all features may be comparable with the present effort. By an assiduous devotion to Miss Hammond's ideas, the Reed College women have applied their collective 5 j-J SsCl "V Its? "S- ability in an effective manner, and the spectacle of their faithful contribution to the success of "Everywoman's Road." and incidentally to the increase of the women's building fund, has been, on several occasions touching. At least one person has appreciated the rare nature of close union under one leader and-one idea, for the equivalent of all the net receipts has been promised as an addition to the building fund. The burden bearers in particular are interesting. They typify the slave in womankind, toiling under heavy loads of implements, produce or household goods. Their passage across the stage is especially arousing, for it furnishes the actual view of the long-enduring, laborious sacrifices that have been un dergone in all ages. The weight of their loads strikes the imagination aa no sociological dissertation does. Ar guments for the emancipation of women get an effective, emotional backing at the sight of their actual painful toil. . . The Reed Colcge women have done more than shoulder the bags, baskets, bundles and packs which typify the position of women in society. They have shouldered the responsibility for Everywoman s Road, and . by com bined effort make the plas- a certain success. They have exerted willing in dividual forces to give "Everywoman's Road" the combined power it needed. Capable hands and brains, working in organization, have been behind Miss Hammond since the initial rehearsal in fact, since the first call for try outs, and in this array of forces Miss Hammond has found the means to play her morality with the strength and power it was meant to have. The performance tonight begins at 8:15, and tomorrow's performances are at 2:1a and 8:15. Little Stories of Oregon Life Good Piece of Glass That. LEBANON, Or. A goat out of a band that was being driven through town Wednesday morning by Bert Vehrs broke away and ran into the Lebanon Clothing Company store where he caught eight of himself through the three-sided mirror used by them in fitting clothing, says the Criterion. His goatship failed to recognize his own mug and at once showed the fight that was in him by butting into the glass head-on. He was caught before any damage was done, however, and put out of the back door. Pork and Anto Are Consistent. HEPPXER We noticed Joe Moyer coming in from the Blackiiorse District Tuesday with a dressed pork in the rear seat of his automobile, and he dis posed of same to a local market, says the Herald. Rabbits Worse Than Coyotes. HEPPNER William Kummerland. for over 30 years a resident of this sec tion, told the Herald editor last Sat urday that he was not in favor of main taining such a high bounty on coyotes. He said: "The coyote is far better to have around than the rabbit. Last year when I planted my potatoes the rab bits got into the patch and dug them up and when 1 plowed the garden I only found two potatoes. It is almost impossible to raise any garden truck at all at the present time and it will be still harder with the extinction of the coyotes, as they kill off the rabbits in large numbers. I say, let the coyotes live." Trainmen Forget Passengers. ROGUE RIVER The Southern Pa cific local freight crew are a mean lot of fellows, says the Argus. Monday af ternoon they reached thi s place from the south, did a lot of switching and then pulled out for Grants Pass, leav ing a lot of cars on the siding and they never said one word to their pas sengers. The train wasn't out of Eight when about 25 passengers came tum bling out of the sidetracked cars and the poor fellows had to walk those nine long miles. Editorial Hennery Bids for Fame. COQU1LLE Editor's Breakfast Food, of the Sentinel, has a coop of eight hens which in four days recently laid 31 eggs. This means 97 per cent of the perfect record of 97 eggs per hundred days per hen. AVIld Turkeys Are Profitable. FOREST GROVE Judge R. O. Ste venson, of this locality, ex-Game War den, of Oregon, has the only flock of genuine wild turkeys on the Pacific Coast, says the News-Times. The Judge is shipping wild turkey eggs to Nye County, Nevada, having recently en tered into a contract to furnish seven dozen of the eggs to that county in order to establish the wild turkey In dustry there. The judge has a dozen wild turkeys of the genuine Virginia breed, and he receives a snug sum per dozen for the eggs. . Woman, 33. Is Grandmother. LENTS It is believed that the youngest grandmother in Oregon may be found right here in Lents, at the home of E. E. Hatter, of 6344 Eighty fourth street, according to the Herald. Mrs. Hatter is 33 years of age. She is the mother of Mrs. Sture Johnson, of 6324 Eighty-fifth street, to whom a son was born April 11. Chleken "Otherwise Normal.-' M'MINNVILLE. Or. J H. Jeffrey, who lives on Elm street, has a living freak in the form of a lively chick a couple of weeks old. which has three legs. The third leg is perfectly shaped and emanates from near the-left leg. In all other respects the chick is nor mal. News Reporter. Man Kills 17 Coyotes. HEPPNER Dan McDevitt, a young farmer who resides weet or Heppner Announcing a One-Week Special Credit-Giving Sale of Ao SBo Sanitary Gas Ranges $1.00 2STOW $1.00 A WEEK Here's gTeat, good news: We are ready with a special credit-giving; sale of Gas Ranges at $1.00 down and $1.00 a week. This means that hundreds of homes will be made happy, for the A. B. Gas Ranges are the most popular in all the world. They have hosts of friends from coast to coast. The A. B. Gas Ranges are totally different from the ordinary old-style gas consumers. The A. B. line is the most beautiful, the most sanitary, the most economical, the most durable, the easiest to clean. You will enjoy inspecting the A. B. line. Come and see the automatic lighter, the rust proof finish, the 101 features that make the A. B. the peer of them all, and don't overlook the fact that the A. B. saves you 25 on your gas bill. That's more good news isn't it ? ii.- sail NOTICE! If you have an old gas range you wish to dispose of we will gladly allow you all it is worth in exchange for a new A. B. Sanitary. ? Costs No bAore Than Inferior Ranges Notwithstanding the fact that the A. B. Gas Range jt. . ii f . ji j ji it ei 5s:J 1 fjlA 1S ine peer oi an gas ranges, me iact remains tnat mey USC Llv- illft cost no more than other ranges, which possess none of ylir I J''"''Hlrr y the many splendid A. B. features. There is true econ- IOUT L,. iB omv in buvine- an A. R. Has Ranee, pconomv in thfi first cost and then as the months go by a steady appreciated saving in the gas bill. In time the gas saving will pay the initial outlay. No gas range made has as good a burner system as the A. B. that is why it burns less gas with greater concentration of heat and steadiness of flame. Credit 5233Z3 OUR CREDIT-GIVING SERVICE is extended to you in a pleasant, satisfactory and dignified way. There are no annoying features, nor em barrassing conditions connected with it. You take no chance in opening an account here. $ 50.00 Worth of Furniture $ 5.00 Cash and $1.00 a Week $ 75.00 Worth of Furniture $ 7.50 Cash and $1.50 a Week $100.00 Worth of Furniture $10.00 Cash and $2.00 a Week $125.00 Worth of Furniture. $12.50 Cash and $2.25 a Week $150.00 Worth of Furniture $15.00 Cash and $2-50 a Week $200.00 Worth of Furniture $20.00 Cash and $3.00 a Week i ii III ree Kooms Full of Furniture Exactly as Illustrated Here, for Only Great Sale of Drapery Remnants lOOO VARUS SHOUT LENGTHS OK SCRIM. VOILE, M A Rftl'l S ETTE, white, cream or Ivory, with drawn work or colored borders, in lengths of from one to ten yards, 18c to 0c quality, the yard.... SOO YARDS CRE TOXXES, BUXO A I.OW NETS, SV N DOIR, etc., all dif ferent colorings, one to five, yards of a kind, 35c to 7oc qual ity, the yard BOO YARDS 1' I. A I X AND FIGLBED SUN DOUR, all colors. 30 to 50 inches wide, from two to five yards of a kind. 75c to $1.00 quality, the yard 10c 15c 35 c $12.50 Cash $2.25 Week Use Your Credit A Great Change Has Been Wrought by Credit. Today it is the privilege of every one who desires to do so to possess more home comforts than those of wealth in years gone hv In this city tonight there are hundreds of young peo ple with a longing for a heme of their own. but who feel that they must deny themselves this luxury because they have not sufficient capital to pay cash for their furniture. It ia to these B2&S8EE younj people that we are addressing this advertisement. Your credit is always good at Powers', no matter what your purchase may be. Other Combinations No matter what the nature of your home requirements may be, they can be satisfied here. Jf there are one or two articles of furniture that you would like to have added to this combination, we shall be only too glad to do so. The price will be in proportion to the price of these three rooms full of furniture. If you wish to eliminate one or two pieces we will make an allowance. The terms of payment in either case will be adjusted to suit your convenience. SOc Printed Linoleum On Your Floor 60c $l-so Inlaid Linoleum On Your Floor $1.17 0 t A 4 f A ,4 w about four miles, returned Saturday from the lower Sand, country, where he had. spent 15 iays hunting for coyotes, says the Gazette-Times. He brought back the pelts of 97 of these animals and in return has received a county warrant from Clerk "Waters in the amount of $291. Most of them were young coyote pups, there being only two old ones. Wagner Off the Map. COQUILLE The town of Wagner has disappeared from the map before it ever got on it. says the Sentinel. The plat of the town site there will be filed in the. County Court this week but it is as "Powers," not as Wagner, that it is christened. This name is given in honor of Al Powers who made the town possible by locating tne Smith-Powers logging headquarters in that neighborhood and then located the town eite. I to wait for the auto stages the pas I sengers amuse themselves catching crabs, which they cook in the engine room. Single individuals going down from Gardiner have caught as many as 100 or 125 in a morning. Hundreds of clams are being caught there also. Oregon Uola Is Coined. GRANTS PASS Gold J20 pieces, made from Josephine County placer gold, are now in circulation. James T. Logan, of the Logan & Osgood mines, had a shipment of gold made up into United States money at the mint at San Francisco and was putting t.iem in circulation here Friday, says the Observer. , . Crabs Cansht On Oars. GARDINER. Or. Crabs are so plen tiful in Winchester Bay, according to the Port Umpqua Courier, that they can be taken up on the oars of a boat two or three at a time. In crossing over a small arm of the bay one day last week Warren Reed caught about 50, using an oar to get them Into the boat. Whenever the steamer Eva has the namesake of the great Confederate leader to the City Jail. Storm Cuts Tree In Two. ALBANY, Or. E. G. Knapp, of the Santiam, went to Independence on a short trip. He reported a tree near his home shattered to pieces by the recent thunder storm. It was hit in the middle, cutting the top off. which dropped to the roots. Democrat. Robert K. Lee's F'eet Offend. BAKER. Or. A negro giving the distinguished name of Robert E. Lee was- lodged in the City Jail, charged with being drunk and disorderly. He entered the Empire Theater, took a seat and went to sleep. His worst offense. however, was the removal of his shoes, which caused a loud protest from the patrons and a hurry-up call for the police on the part of the manager, re- I Basin one's conclusion on Pope' a theory marks the Democrat. Officers Cavi- j-""' a r"'n& ' JJ dangerous thine. it , , i - I a ' f rf pl are in peril. r 1 r" i r Him Junrn 1 r-p uwi iuc;u. c.ilui line WOMEN HAVE TO SMILE in a great many cases and try to make those around them happy, while they are racked with the pain of organic trouble. Pew men realize how com mon such heroism is. The remedy for this condition is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a simple remedy made from roots and herbs, which for forty years has been overcoming the most obstinate ills of women. Every woman suffering from female Ills owes it to herself and family to give it a fair trial. Adv. Don't Visit the California Expositions Without a supply of Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be Shaken into the Shoes, or dissolved In- the foot-bath. The Standard Remedy for the feet for 25 years. It sives instant relief to tired, aching feet and prevents swollen, hot feet. One lady writes: ''I enjoyed very minute of my stay at the Expositions, thanks to Allen's Foot Ease in my shoes.' Get it TOtXAY. Acute Articular Rheumatism Relieved by Anii-Karnnia Tablets The exact cause of rheumatism Is un known, thouch It Is generally believed to be due to an excess of uric acid in the blood. It may be also said with equal truth that no remedy has been found which is a specific In all cases. In fact the literature of rheu matism (hows that there are but few druca which have not been given a trial. Iu the hands of one observer we And that a certain drug has been nsed with the utmost satis faction; others have found the same remedy to be a (treat disappointment. All phvsi clans however aeree that every method ol treatmentlH aided by the administration ol some remedy to relieve the pain and quiet the nervous system and Dr. W. S. Bcbultze expresses the opinion of thousands of prac titioners when he says that Antl-Kamnln Tablets should be given preference over all other remedies for the relief of the pain In all forms of rheumatism. These tablets can be purchased in any quantity. Tbey ars also unsurpassed in headaches, neoralaima Od U pain. Ak for A-K. Tablet.