Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. L.V. XO. 17,009.
Sinking of Lusilania De
clared Justified.
Britain Accused of Protect
ing Munition Cargo With
American Lives.
As to Gulflight and Cushing,
Note Says Errors Wiil
Be Paid For.
BERLIN, May 30. Germany, in its
reply to the United States, flatly de
clares the sinking of the Lusitania to
have been justified on the grounds of
self-defense. The Lusitania, it con
tends, carried ammunition to be used
in killing German soldiers. It is also
contended that the Lusitania was an
auxiliary cruiser of the British nacy;
that she was armed and that she car
ried Canadian troops, as well as war
No indication of desire or intention
of abating the submarine plan of
warfare is given in the German reply.
The note, however, is not framed as
a direct answer to the American de
mands, but is rather an ad interim
reply, setting forth that certain facts
are first to be decided on before the
main issues are discussed by the two
governments. j
Sparing of Neutrals Intended. j
The Berlin government takes up
first the cases of the Gldflight and
the Cushing. It says these are now
being investigated, but that it is not
Germany's intention to submit neutral
ships on the high seas, guilty of no
hostile acts, to attacks. When neu
trals through no fault of their own
are damaged Germany will pay in
demnification, she says.
The case of the Falaba also is men
tioned, and in this instance it is de
clared that the captain of the ship
is himself to blame because of his
efforts to escape and to summon aid.
Destruction of Lusitania Upheld.
The declaration that the Lusitania
had canno aboard and was an auxil
iary cruiser of the British navy is
made strongly. All blame for the de
struction of the vessel is placed on
the British owners of the vessel, who
are accused of attempting "deliberate
ly to use the lives of American citi
zens as protection for the ammunition
aboard and acted against the clear
provisions of the American law, which
expressly prohibits the forwarding of
passengers on ships carrying ammu
nition and provides a penalty there
for." The reply says it decerns these cir
cumstances "important enough to
recommend them to the attentive ex
amination of the American Govern
ment." Early Proposals Recalled.
The reply says that final decision
on the demands of the United States
is withheld until receipt of an answer
to the preliminary note, but it reminds
the United States that it "took cogni
zance with satisfaction" of the me
diatory proposals submitted by the
United States to Berlin and London
as a basis for a modus vivendi for
maritime warfare.
The realization of these proposals,
says the reply, 'was defeated, as is
well known, by the declinatory atti
tude of the British government."
Full Text of Note Given.
The text of the note is as follows:
"The undersigned has the honor to
submit to Ambassador Gerard the
following answer to the communica
tion of May 25, regarding the injury
to American interests through Ger
man submarine warfare:
"The imperial government has sub
jected the communication of the
American Government to a thorough
investigation. It entertains also a
keen wish to co-operate in a frank
and friendly way in clearing up a pos
sible misunderstanding which may
have arisen in the relations between
the two governments through the
events mentioned by the American
Cushing and Gulflight Taken Up.
"Regarding, firstly, the cases of the
Couvluded on Pi Culiuua
Alarm Caused in Qucenstown by S.
O. S. Call Is Soon Allayed Brit
ish Steamer Sunk With Shells.
QUEEXSTOWN, May 30. The White
Star liner Megantic, with a large num
ber of passengers. Iron) Liverpool to
Montreal, was chased by a submarine
off the south coast of Ireland today but
Considerable alarm was caused here
early today, when a S. O. S. call was
received from the liner, reporting that
a submarine had been sighted. The
first message was soon followed, how
ever, by another saying that the Me
gantic had outdistanced the submarine
and that she was then 60 miles south
east of. Cork harbor.
Later a third message was received
from the steamer's captain, reporting
that he had evaded the submarine, that
his ship was well to the westward and
that he was proceeding on his voyage
with all on board well.
BARRY, Wales, May 30. The British
steamer Tullochmoor, 3520 tons, was
shelled and sunk by a German subma
rine Friday night. The crew escaped7
and landed here. The Tullochmoor was
in ballast from Genoa for South Shields.
The Tullochmoor, which was 340 feet
long, with a beam of 45.6 feet, was
built in She was owned by the
Moor Line, Limited, of Newcastle, Eng
Ituse llinplojed to Cause Fuse Fir
ing, When Darkness Is Dense.
PARIS, May 9. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) A reservist
writes from the trenches telling how
light is drawn from the Germans
when a soldier wants to see what time
it is at night and has no match.
"What time is it?" asked a young
recruit of the class of 1914 at his lis
tening post in the advanced trenches.
No one had a match and it was too
dark to make out the time.
"If you want a light," said a terri
torial, who had passed the Winter in
the trenches, "you have only to open
a sharp fire on the trenches yonder."
The suggestion was acted on, and
after a few shots in quick succession
a star seemed to open out in the sky
overhead. Fearing a surprise attack,
the Germans had sent up a fuse to
light the position.
"Now you can see your watch," said
the territorial, "but don't try the ruse
too often."
Visitors From Convention to Take
Trips About Portland.
Members of the American Iron, Steel
and Heavy Hardware Association who
have been attending the convention in
San Francisco, will arrive in Portland
by special at 6 o'clock this morning,
under the auspices of the Marsters
Tour Company, and will be here
through the day.
Under the auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce, arrangements have been
made for their reception and entertain
ment. A sightseeing trip about the
city will be one of the features of the
day. The visitors will also visit the
principal local steel plants.
In the Itinerary booklets issued by
the tour company, Portland was rated
as the most important commercial city
and most beautiful scenic attraction on
the trip.
Germans Film Their Torpedo At
tack on Merchantman.
NANTES, May . The captain of tie
three-master Chateaubriand, of Nantes,
sunk by a German submarine off the
isle of Wight, declares that a cine
matograph operator photographed the
different phases of the attack and
sinking of the Chateaubriand from
the platform of the submarine.
The crew of the General de Sonis
that escaped from a submarine has also
arrived here. Their ship was being
towed by the steamer Homer when the
submarine appeared. The Honwr sev
ered the cable and tried to ram the
submarine. The latter being obliged
to maneuver to avoid the blow, both
the Homer and the General de Sonis
were able to escape, followed by iiie
fire of the submarine. The struggle
lasted an hour. '
Hose Festival to Be Seen by J 00
Club Members From Salem.
SALKM. Or- Mav SO. rSnonlnl 1
The Cherrians have decided to charter
a train oi me Moutnern facillo Com
pany to go to Portland to attend the
Rose Festival June 11. It will arrive
In Portland in time for Salem's great
booster organization to participate in
the morning parade. A dinner will be
held at the Imperial Hotel, where head
quarters have been engaged.
About 100 members of the organiza
tion with their families and friends
probably will go to the metropolis on
the special train.
Bishop O'Reilly to Celebrate.
MOUNT ANGEL, Or., May 30. (Spe
cial.) The Right Rev. Charles O'Reilly,
bishop of the diocese of Baker, will
celebrate the anticipation of the silver
jubilee of his ordination Tuesday, at
the Abbey Chapel, by a pontifical high
mass. In the afternoon there will be
an entertainment in the big auditorium
of the college in honor of the bishop.
The silver jubilee properly will be cel
ebrated June 30 at the Cathedral of
Baker City.
Ammunition Consumption Great.
May 12. Between Saturday and Tues
day, Miy 8 to 11. the British artillery
fired 1,500,000 rounds of shells.
Reason for Ad Interim
Note Explained.
Submarines Will Cease if Food
Embargo Is Raised.
ticrman Foreign Secretary Says His
People Resent British Attempt
to Force Nation to Knees
by Economic Means.
BERLIN, May 30, via London, May 31.
Gottlieb von Jagow, the imperial
German Foreign Secretary, today re
ceived the correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press and outlined the reasons
which Impelled the German government
to send an ad interim note to the
United States Government instead of
a final and definite reply to the Amer
ican representations regarding the Lu
sitania and other ships that have been
torpedoed and Germany's submarine
"The issues involved," said Herr von
Jagow, "are of such importance and
the views in regard to the Lusitania
show such variance that the German
government believes it essential to at
tempt to establish a common basis of
fact before entering into a discussion
of the issues involved.
Hants of fact Desired.
"We hope and trust that the Amer
ican Government will take the same
view of the case and let us know in
what points their understanding on the
facts differs from the German view
point as set forth in the note, and in
what points they agree, before look
ing for a direct answer to their com
munication. "The American note, of course, leaves
the way open for a preliminary discus
sion of the situation, as suggested in
the German note. I hope that sucn a
common basis of fact, once established,
may serve as the groundwork for fur
ther conversations."
The Minister was unwilling to give
a more definite outline or to comment
on the suggestion that arrangement
might be reached on a basis of an in
spection and certification by the Ameri
can Government of passenger ships
not carrying war cargoes, pointing out
that he did not feel entitled, to antici
pate, as the other departments of the
government must be heard before sug
gestions could be definitely taken up
or discussed.
Authoritative Statement Suggested.
Dr. von Jagow expressed pleasure at
the newspaper announcement that
American line steamers were not car
rying contraband, but he suggested the
advisability of supplementing such
(Concluded on Page column 1.)
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The WMIhrr.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 73.S
. degrees; minimum, 46.5 aeKrees.
TODAY'S Probably fair; cooler; westerly
President to stand by original declaration
that Germany must take Immediate steps
to stop submarine warfare that endan
gers neutrals. Page 1.
German reply holds sinking of Lusitania
was Justified as measure of self-defense
because of ammunition in cargo. Page 1.
Escaped Russian prisoner declares he was
tortured by German officers in effort to
extort information. Page 2.
White- Star liner Megantic pursued by sub
marine but escapes. Page 1.
War college and general staff to ask big
Army reserve of Congress. Page 3.
Pacific Coast League results San Francisco
8, Portland 3; Venice 2-4, Oakland 0-2;
Salt Lake 4-0, Los Angeles 1-2. Page 10.
University of Oregon turns attention to foot
ball. Page 11.
Brandt Wickersham defeated in Multnomah
tourney. Page 10.
Roy Creviston, of New York, breaks Rose
City Speedway motorcycle record. Page
Pacific North went.
Young Toledo couple elope and wed at sea.
Page 1.
5i0,0)il damag done to Seattle plate glass
windows when dynamite scow explodes.
Page 3.
Finance and Industry.
Prospects for improvement in lumber trade
unusually promising. Pago 9.
Edgar H. Sensenich addresses bankers' con
vention in fan Francisco. Page U.
Portland and Vicinity.
Spanish War Veterans unveil monuments to
departed comrades. Page 3.
Soldier and sailor dead to be honored today.
Page 3.
Ten thousand happy folks start Oaks season,
page .
Hugh Alexander, retired Judge, restored
once after suicide attempt, shoots him
self. Page 14.
Stockton, Cal., chiropodist caught hers by
police. Page 7.
Big fleet of wheat cargo vessels on way to
Portland. Page 11.
Officials' views on water meter project
given. Page 14.
AdventiFt speaker says European war Is
fulfilling prophecies. Page 9.
Weather Bureau chief visits Portland and
brings sunshine. Page 14.
Floral welcome given Governor Fielder and
party. page 14.
Political bee already buzzing among General
Federation of Women's clubs. Page 1.
New movie programmes are well balanced.
Page 9.
Associated Charities has secured only one
tenth of fund needed to keep office open
until October. Page 9.
Hood Jtiver Product Reaches High
Standard of Kxeellence.
HOOD RIVER, Or., May SO. (Spe
cial.) With the cessation of rains the
local stra'-" -t ry crop has again
reached the standard of excellence of
former years. Sunday was a busy day
for growers, and three carloads of
fruit were shipped tonigt -. the
Applegrowers Association.
The berry season will- : .r.cli its
help1- ere the latter nart of the w-eek,
and seven carloads of the fruit will be
sent to market by local shippers each
Extraordinary Number in Use One
of Chief Troubles of Allies.
May 8. It is still obvious that the
extraordinary number of machine guns
used by the Germans is one of the chief
troubles of the allied forces. The Ger
man weapon is a fine one and in their
preparation for war the Germans have
trained large numbers of men to its
use and have studied its tactics as
carefully as they have those of the reg
ular artillery.
The machine gun requires tactics of
its own, and some military experts say
that it takes two years to train a
thoroughly in its use.
Seattle Plate Glass
Wrecked by Explosion.
Wide Scope of Territory Is
Set to Trembling.
Fifteen-Ton Dangerous Curgo Billed
for Russia Destroyed and Offi
cial Scouts Accident Idea.
Watchman Thought Dead.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 30. Fifteen
tons of dynamite, stored on a scow an
chored in the west waterway, said to
have been awaiting shipment to Rus
sia, exploded at 2 o'clock this morning
and caused damage estimated at $40,000
to plate-glass windows in Seattle. An
unidentified watchman who is supposed
to have been guarding the dynamite is
missing and ooubt'.ess was killed.
Roy Lillico, manager of the Lillico
Launch & Towboat Company, who had
supervision of the explosive, said he
had hired the watchman Saturday with
out learning his name to take the place
of two men who previously guarded the
scow in a launch, but who had been
sent to Tacoma for a tow.
Accldeat Theory Scooted.
The cause of the explosion has not
been determined, but Port Warden Pay
see is of the opinion that it was not ac
cidental. The explosive was brought to Seattle
from San Francisco on the steamer F.
S. Loop, May 13, and was transferred
to the scow upon the steamer's arrival.
Mr. Lillico said the explosive was
awaiting the arrival of a steamer to
take it to Russia.
The explosive was to be shipped to
Vladivostok on the steamer Hazel Dol
lar, now loading army supplies at Ta
coma. It became-known tonight that
two weeks ago the Russian Consul in
San Francisco received information
that an attempt would be made to blow
up the Hazel Dollar before she left
Itimsia Kmploya Drtrc-tivea.
Defectives were employed by the
Russian government, and for two weeks
have been guarding the Hazel Dollar.
Walter R. Thayer, local representative
of the detective agency guarding the
steamer, said tonight he believed an in
fernal machine had been concealed
among the cases of dynamite stored on
the scow, with the expectation that the
explosive soon would be placed aboard
the steamer.
Fire Marshal Bringhurst said he
could offer no other explanation for
the explosion than that it was mali
cious, although he admitted that he had
been unable to gather any evidence in
support of this theory.
Mr. Lillico. in a statement to the po-
Coni:luded on Page -. Column 3.)
VOLXti TO''a FOLK Kl.OI'If:;
'" .. TIES KNOT.
O -t-noc 1. Altree and Blanche M.
Buleruaii Hoard Ollie S. and
Are Married on Ocean.
NEWPORT. Or., May 30. (Special.)
Cupid played another prank with love,
when he led a young couple, Lawrence
R. Altree and Miss Blanche M. Rate
man, of Toledo, to elope this afternoon
and get married at sea. This was the
first marine marriage performed off
Newport, and Captain Louis earner of
ficiated on board the launch Ollie S..
nine miles off Yaquir.a Bay.
Friendly zephyrs blew, mermaids
played about and two coast-wise steam
schooners passed the Ollie S. as Cap
tain earner pronounced the participants
man and wife. The bride is just IS
years old. and was graduated from To
ledo High Sohoo I this month. The
bridegroom, who is 21, was graduated
two years ago from the samn school,
which they attended together and
where the romance was commenced.
The crafty skipper, who had smug
gled some rice and old shoes on board,
distributed the rice and ran the shoes
up the flagstaf, an unmistakable en
sign. AH went well until the return voy
age was commenced, when the bride
became quite seasick, and the bride
groom, unused to the rolling of a ship,
himself became too dizzy to render
much assistance to his spouse.
French President Sajs It Is Kasy to
Comply Willi "Drjs" Kequesl.
PARIS. May 30. Raymond I'oincare,
the President of the French Republic,
today, replying to a request made by
the National Anti-Alcoholic League,
sent through his secretary the follow
ing letter:
"You ask the President of the Re
public to follow the example of other
heads of states and make an agree
ment to abstain from all spirituous
liquors during the war. That is an
engagement the President takes will
ingly and without difficulty, not only
for the 'duration of the war, but even
afterward. He never drinks alcoholic
Marriage and Wanderlust Add De
sertions at Ashland.
ASHLAND. Or.. May 30. (Special.)
Marriage and the lure of the tango,
one-step and other enticing capers of
the fantastic toe, to say nothing of
wanderlust, have combined to change
the personnel of the teaching staff of
the Ashland schools, nine members of
whom resigned with the close of the
present term.
Several are to wed. Others quit be
cause the School Board held that dan
cing at a social given to further civic
improvement was naughty and so ad
vised the teachers who indulged. A few
just wanted to seek new locations.
Belgrade Says Reorganised Army Is
Kendy to Take Offensive.
. GENEVA. Switzerland, via Paris, May
30. News from Belgrade says that the
Serbian army has been reorganized and
intends taking the offensive to aid the
The Swiss government decided today
to mobilize the first and third divi
sions of reserves, numbering about
70.000 men.
Sunday's War Moves
AROUND the great fortress of
Przemysl a mighty battle still is
raging. The Austro-German armies
are making a supreme effort to cut oft
the stronghold and free these armies
for operations against Italy and the
allies in the West.
Although great human sacrifices are
being made, their progress latterly has
been extremely slow, as the Russians
have had time to bring up large rein
forcements of both men and heavy ar
tillery. North of the fortress the Russians
appear to be more than holding their
own, but on the southeast the Aus
trians and the Germans say they have
made further headway and now com
mand with their artillery the railway
between Przemysl and Grodek. which
runs Just south of the main line be
tween Przemysl and Lemberg. From
the latter town the Russians draw a
large portion of their reinforcements
and supplies.
The battle still is undecided and
hopes run high in the allied camps
that the Russians will be able to hold
their lines until the advance of the
Italians and the strengthening of the
Anglo-French army compels llio Ger
mans to withdraw part of their armies
Irom Galicia.
In the West there has bocn consid
erable fighting along the Yter (.'anal,
where the French report the occupa
tion of German trenches and in the
vicinity of Neuville-St. Vaast. where
the French made an advance of about
a quarter mile.
The German official statement says
that after a 10-hour artillery attack
to the east of the Yser Canal the allies
were repulsed.
Another steamship, tire Tullochmoor,
has been vunk by a German submarine,
while considerable alarm was caused
yesterday by the report that the White
Star liner Megantic, bound from Liver
pool for Montreal, with many passen
gers aboard, was being chased. The
liner, however, escaped.
Women of Federation
Here for Council.
Georgie A. Bacon, of Worces
ter, Mass., Often Mentioned.
Mrs. Solomon lllrx Ii HoMos to
Visitors at I.uix'lieoii Many Kn
joy Alllo Hide Around il.
Council Ilcccplion Tonight.
The political bee Is beginning to
buzz, gently 'tis true, but it buzjef.
nevertheless, among the women of the
General Federation of Women's Clubs.
The council meeting that will open
here with a reception in the Hotel
Miiilnomah tonight will be an occasion
when matters of wide interest to the
clubs of the country will be tliscusheU
and weighed.
New plans of organization and work
will be suggested. But definite action
will be left to the biennial sission hlch
will be held in New York City in 1316.
No olficers are elected this year, but
in the meantime the workers are look
ing aiu-ad. The question is being
whispered, "Who will be the next
president? What names will be put up
for election at that great meeting fx
year hence?"
Ml., naron I. leationed.
The name that is hfard from many
is that of Miss Georgia A. Bacon, of
Worcester, Mass. Miss Barnii it sec
ond vice-president of the Genera! Fed
eration and a woman of acknowledged
ability. She Is unable to be present at
this council, as her father is n i IkusIv
ill, and her co-workers cny hn'
counseling. will be greatly missed.
Another womai suggested lor presi
dential honors is Miss Marv G-irrc-tt
llay, of New York. Stia is l: I'd. llaml
now and Is a general favorite, with
ability and charm as her assets.
The clubwomen who are guests In
Portland enjoyed yesterday in differ
ent ways. The board uas entertained
at luncheon by Airs. Solomon Hirsch,
the delegates went for uUto trips, and
at 3 o'clock there was a Memorial day
service In the Hotel Multnomah. Br.
Luther .lt. Byott. pastor of the First
Congregational Church, gave an elo
quent address In which he held up as
the ideal of the future, universal
brotherhood of man, jeace for all na
tions, and a L'nlted States of the World
as one country.
.Musical Programme t.lveo.
Mrs. Evans presided and Mrs. War
ren E. Thomas was in charge of tha
music and played the accompaniments
for the quartet, including Mrs. Jana
Burns Albert, Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller.
Joseph P. Mulder and om J. Zan.
They sang two appropriate selections
and Mr. Zan contributed a solo.
At the conclusion of the service Dr.
Dyott paid tribute to the splendid
work of the women, and Ir. Mary
Thompson, the "youngest clubwoman."
aged 90 years, was introduced. Mrs.
Pennybacker did not attend the serv
ice. The general federation board met
again last night and will hold confer
ence today. The reception tonight at
the Multnomah, will be for clubwomen
and their husbands or invited men.
The business sessions will begin
promptly at 10 o'clock ton ow morn
ing. Governor NVithycombe. Mayor
Albee and Mrs. Evans will give tha
short addresses of welcome, to which
Mrs. h'amuel B. Sneath, the vice-president,
will respond.
Sir., lllraeh la Moate.a.
The luncheon at which Mrs. Solomon
Hirsch was hostess was in every par
ticular a delightful affair. Mrs. Percy
V. Pennybacker, the president of tho
General Federation, her board and a
few -other prominent women were
guests. The kandsomo residence at St.
Clair and Washington utreeta was gay
with the blossoms of many flowering
plants and an atmosphere of hospitality
prevailed. The table was centered with
pink gladiolas, and each place was
marked with a corsage bouquet of pink
sweet peas and maidenhair fern.
Covers were laid for Mrs. Fenny
backer, of Austin, Tex.; Miss Anna
Johnson, of Ohio, who represented Mrs.
Samuel B. Sneath, vice-urcsldent; Mrs.
Harry L. Kecfe. of Walthill, Neb.; Mrs.
Eugene Reilley, of Charlotte. N. C; Mti.
W. B. Williams, of Lapeer, Mich., treas
urer; Mrs. C. 11. McMihon, of Salt Lake;
Mrs. Grace Julian Clark, of Indianapo
lis; Mrs. Francis B. Ev-rrtt. of High
land Park. 111.; Mrs. William 1". Harper,
of Seattle; Miss Mary Garrett Hay, of
New York; Miss LuUc E. Stearns, of
Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Frank White, of
Valley City. N. I. ; Mrs. Robert J. Bur
dette, of Pasadena. Cal.; Mrs. Sarah A.
Bvans. president of the Oregon Federa
tion; Mrs. Frederick Bggert. chairman
of the local social committee; Mrs. J. P.
Vollmer, president of the Idaho Federa
tion; Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, a member
of tho board of directors of the Na
tional Council of Jewish Women: Mias
Hirsch and the hostess.
Ifuaband Aecompasia Delegate.
Mrs. A. H. Hildreth. president of the
New York "Federation of Women's
Clube, is one of the fortunate few who
Is traveling with her husband and so
she doesn't need a "colonel" to look
iCuncludcd ou J, Coluiuu 4.)