TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, MAY 24, 1915. RELIEF IN BELGIUM PUT Ofl FIRM BASIS Commission Warehouses Full as Provision Against In terruption of Supplies. SYSTEM IS ESTABLISHED Cargo's Course From Its Place of Production to 1 fomes of Needy People Interesting dupli cate "Work Avoided. LONDON'. May 23. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The ware houses of the American Commission for the Relief of Belgium at Rotterdam and various provincial centers are at last suliiciently well stocked so that the Commission can stand the shock of in terruptions in the receipt of supplies without fearing that the Belgians will starve over night. One of the hardest problems with which the Commission had to deal was the fact that belligerent nations refused to permit the purchase within their boundaries of foodstuffs for the Belgian sufferers. It was consequently neces sary to obtain all the food overseas. It was found that if purchases were made in the primary centers and the most economical transport undertaken, it was necessary to have in transit at all times three months' food supply. The Com mission, therefore, managed to borrow $10,000,000, secured on the goods in transit, and the members pledged their personal credit to bring up the stock of goods in transit as high sometimes as $20.0(10,000. Karly Confunlon Obviated. At first the Commission endeavored to distribute the actual gift food con signed to them to the actually desti tute persons. Within a week they found an enormous amount of difficulty and confusion arising out of this ar rangement because it would be neces sary to divide a cargo of gift Hour, for instance, over 3000 communes in Bel gium, and at the same time to ship parallel with it a large quantity of foodstuffs, consigning them for the pur poses of sale for those who could pay. This meant a duplication of the entire transport organization, and, in fact, was quite impossible because no gift cargo was sufficient in size to distribute over 3000 communes; and the next thing the Commission found was that It was bor rowing from the gift cargoes and was lending food from the sales department to the benevolent department. The direct business minds of the managers untied this knot by a simple device, by which they sold all of the gift food from the benevolent depart ment to the provisioning department. The benevolent department, instead of having foodstuffs, thus had cash in hand. This they proceeded to distribute by weekly subventions to the com munes, and the communal authorities with their money purchased their re quired Imports from the sales depart ment. The result was an enormous simplification in the work and an actual gain In efllciency. as the communes were then able to buy precisely what they required for each individual and local institution. Cargo's Con rue InterrMlng. It is of some interest to follow the actual course of a cargo of foodstuffs through the Commission. Take the case of Argentine wheat. One of the largest firms of grain buyers in the Argentine undertook to make purchases on behalf of the Commission without profit to themselves. This grain would be purchased in one of ttie central Ar gentine provinces, transported to Buenos Aires, and a freight paid on It. less than the usual rates by virtue of arrangements by the Commission with the railway companies at Buepos Aires. A cargo would be taken up by one of the regular steamers of the Com mission. Inasmuch as the Commission had negotiated an arrangement with all of the belligerent governments that ships flying the Commission's flag would be immune from attack at sea, they were able to charter ships and obtain rates at less than normal. This cargo, in due time arrived at Rotter dam and was there discharged into lighters which are under time charter to the Commission. These lighters are towed down the canals from Rotterdam into Belgium and discharged into one of the five milling cenlerd in Belgium, rommlnlon I'aya for Milling;. The flour mills in these five cities are operated on behalf of the Commis sion, whereby the Commission agrees to pay for the labor and actual cost of operation. The wheat Is milled into So per cent flour and 20 per cent bran and the bran is sold to the municipal dairies to teed the cattle and thereby maintain the cycle of milk supply for the baby canteens. The ilour is again loaded into lighters and is distributed into provincial warehouses of the Com mission. From these warehouses it is again distributed Into 'arrondissement warehouses.' The communal authorities come to the arrondissement warehouses for their supplies. The communes pay In cash to the arrondissement managers the stipulated price of (lour, and hav ing removed it to the communal ware houses there begins one of the most Interesting phenomena in the detailed measures taken to secure absolute econ omy and justice in the method of distri bution. Baker Placed I ndrr Bonds. In the case of flour, in the first in stance, the joint organizations required the communes to secure from all of the bakers a complete list of their custom ers. These lists were compared with the communal record and a definite number of persons are assigned to each baker for him to supply with bread. The baker is pat In bond to supply 325 grammes of good bread made from no other material than that of the Com mission (in order to prevent adultera tion) daily to each adult customer, and at a price fixed by the Commission. For this purpose he received daily from the communal warehouse 250 grammes of flour per adult. The communes sell the flour to the baker at the same price which - they pay for it. The baker Is compelled to sell the bread to his cus tomers for the same price that he pays for the flour, but, inasmuch as bread made from 250 grammes of flour In creases to 325 grammes of bread, by virtue or the water Incorporated in bak ing. the baker thus obtains a small margin of protit with which to pay his workmen. Any contravention by the baker of the minute rule set down means the punishment of having his list of customers assigned to some com petitor. On the benevolent eide, those who cannot afford to buy their bread from the baker or their groceries from the grocer, apply to the communal authori ties, and. on investigation, receive tick ets on the communal store. Coming of Spring. Judge. Tou think you hear the robin's note, And skyward look to find her. But you are fooled; the sounds that float Come from an organ grinder. BRITISH ADMIRALTY'S FIRST SEA RETIREMENT S . jr v." 2 Successful British Raid on Turks Reported. ONE OF VESSELS LOADED Paris Announces Officially That Divisions Commanded by German General in rcrson Have Becil Decisively Repulsed. PARIS, May 23. An official note issued tonight regarding the operations in the Dardanelles, says that a British submarine has sunk two torpedo-boats and two transports, one of which was loaded with troops. "In the Dardanelles the two Turkish divisions commanded by General LI man von Sanders in person delivered a furious attack against the British troops near Kaleh Tepe. They were completely repulsed and suffered heavy losses. "At the same time our allies have won another success on the sea, where one of their submarines has sunk two torpedo-boats and two transports, one of which was loaded with troops. In the southern region of the penin sula our troops at certain points are only a few meters distant from the Turkish trenches. They have, notwith standing & powerful defensive organiza tion on the part of the enemy, succeed ed in making Important progress." On May 13 Winston Spencer Churchill. First Lord of the Admiralty, announced in the British House of Commons that the British submarine K-14 had passed through the Dardanelles and entered the Sea of Marmora and had sunk two Turkish gunboats and a Turkish trans port. Whether this is the same inci dent referred to in the French official note is not known, as the note gives no dates. POEM PRAISES AMERICA MADAME TuESVER. PUTS FRENCH THANKS IN VERSE. Reading; of Composition Will Be Feat ure of Artist's Ceremony of Grat itude to Ambaaaador. PARIS, May 23. A poem by Madame Daniel Lesuer will be a feature of the ceremony In the Amphitheater of the Sorbonne May 23. when the Benevolent Society of Artists will present to W. O. Sharp, the American Ambassador to France, an album of original drawings by leading artists and addresses by well-known authors as an expression of the gratitude of France for the help given by Americans in many ways dur ing the war. The poem, which will be read by Jean Mounet-Sully, the tragedian, pays high tribute to the United States for the aid which she has extended to Bel guim and speaks of the bonds of friendship which unite America and ! V I? EI 1 r . ;l I A ' TV- TROOPSHIPS LAND AND SEA FORCES THAT ITALY CAN PUT INTO ACTION IF NECESSARY. ARM Present army Mobile militia Territorial milltia. . . Total 1,100,000 3,330.202 Four armies have been organized, each of two to four army corps and one cavalry division. An army corps contains two regular divi sions .or two divisions and an extra mobile militia division. In the first case its strength is 25.000 men with 104 guns and 18 machine guns; in the second case, 37,000 men, with 134 guns and 26 machine guns. . Strength of first line. 700.000. This consists of 14 army corps, with 26 Alpine battalions. There are 38 mobile militia companies in the second line and 26 Alpine battalions in the third line. Behind the fore going are 54 mountain batteries, six battalions of carabinieri and 23 battalions) of customs guards, with militia formations behind them. The infantry is armed with the Mannlieber-Carcano 6.5 mm. maga zine rifles of the pattern of '91. ' The cavalry is armed with a carbine of same caliber and pattern. NAVY. Four dreadnoughts. Each is 656.1 feet long, has 28,000 tons displace ment and carries eight 15-inch guns. Five battleships. Each is 654.5 feet long, has 22,340 tons displace- ment and carries 13 12-inch guns. Twelve battle cruisers carrying total of 96 big guns. Ten armored cruisers carrying four 10-inch guns each. Twelve cruisers, carrying four-inch to six-inch guns; three scout cruisers, six torpedo gunboats, 60 destroyers, 70 torpedo-boats, 25 sub marines, 60 merchant cruisers and two old battleships. 1 LORD. AND FIRST LORD WHOSE HE FORCED. il11IHI Wl)llli " Zr Photos by Bain News Service. Top Sir John Ftaher. BeIo-w Winston Churchill Admiral Lord John .Arbuthnot Fisher whose difference with Winston Church ill over the Dardanelles campaign have led to the break-up in the British Cabi net, is the oldest officer in the Navy in active service. He is 74 years old. He had seen much active service when he was made Second Sea Lord of the Admiralty and afterward First Sea Lord, a position he held from 1904 to 1910. He had retired from active ser vice when the war broke out but he was recalled to the Navy Department and made First Sea Lord again be cause of his experience and judgment. The final determination of all Admir alty questions, however, lay with the civilian head of the Admiralty, Win ston Churchill. The conduct of the Navy by that statesman has been much criticised and especially the operations in the Dardanelles. It became evident recently that either Churchill or Fisher or both must go out of office. France. An excerpt from the poem reads: Eternal gentleness launched upon the waves. Uprising of pathetic instinct. Souvenirs of olden times in which "Latin sails Alone bore mind, art and grace divine Toward peoples being born. Such is our tie. Oh, American sister. All official France will be repre-i sented at the presentation. Those who are expected to be present include President Poincare, the members of his Cabinet, the academicians and mem bers of the institute. Among well known persons -who have prepared prose tributes to America for the oc casion are Pierre Loti, Maurice Barres Henri, Louis Bergson, Anatole France, Count d'Hanssonville and Paul Mar guerite. Henri De Regnier has written a poem. Gabriel Hanotaux. president of the Franco-American Commission for the Development of Political Re lations, will deliver the principal ora tion. F-4 DIFFICULTIES SOLVED Four Days More May See Subma rine, Yet Submerged, at Surface. HONOLULU, May 23 Workers en gaged in salvage operation on the sub marine F-4 submerged outside the har bor since March 25, are confident to day that the difficulties encountered in attempts to raise it have been solved, according to an announcement, made today. This opinion was ex pressed as a result of yesterday's work, when the hulk was raised 64 feet. It now lies at a depth of 192 feet. The submarine ha-s been shifted In shore a distance of BOO feet the last four days. If this rate is kept up, of ficials in charge of operations say, it will be possible to have it in drydock at the end of four days. V. Minimum. 515.000 246,000 340,000 Maximum. 734.401 320,179 2,275,631 if sunk f v i. .i MISERY SPREAD BY REALITIES OF WAR Babes Die or Are Set Adrift as Fathers Fight Men Maimed Horribly. FOES CHOKE-EACH OTHER Soldiers Battle Till Weapons Are Worn Out, Then Vse Hands. Mother Gets Boy's Own De scription of XTse of Bayonet. BT RUBY FLINT HUGHES. Formerly of Portland a ltd Salem. PARIS, May 6. (Special Correspond ence.) In this letter I shall describe some of the "realities" I have met with as an early outgrowth of the war. In depicting conditions in general and in these instant cases I give the facts as I find them, vfree from the slightest exaggeration. Paul Carron, aged 29, a member of the Tenth Regiment de Genie, was wounded on the night of February 5 at the battle of the Meuse. The genie of the French army is composed of men of scientific educa tion, of high honor and in whom the confidence of their chiefs is absolute, as they know the design of the battle, for it is they who prepare the battle field. In the case of the present war it is the genie which prepares the trenches, the sleeping quarters for sol diers, the underground position for field guns and the underground posi tion for the General and his staff. Necessities Kot Obtainable. But there Is another side to this case. Paul Carron was mobilized on August 2 ana since that time to the day of his accident had been in active service. Two years ago he married a young French girl who at the outbreak of the war was to be a mother in three months. The anxiety of all the exist ing' conditions produced a premature birth, a child of 8 months was born. This little family is or ine numoie class and here in Europe, where money is difficultly earned, their small sav ings were not of large amount. They were consumed in hospital and doctor bills.. The young wife, who had never worked "out" before, went to work the first of January as a cook in a family of eight persons, where sue receivea 13 a month. She said to me: "My little baby was so nice, so pretty, I wish that I might" have kept him but he died. Probablv it is best, for he was so deli cate he had to be wrapped in cotton. it took a. kilo of cotton a ween, ana a kilo of cotton costs four and one-half rvanns unit I eouldn t earn that money and feed him. too. and who knows when the war will end? I asked Her it a nourrice could not have been found, and she said: "Oh. I wouldn't like to see another woman nurse my baby." Five Brothers Wounded. The morning's mail brought me a letter from the Countess de C , which ended: "My nephew was wounded in the face by an exploding obus. He is in the hospital at Verdun. They do not know for sure as to whether his eyes are put out or not. I am sad." There is a family of six sons by the name of Tiellon in the district of Al lier. One son was killed In the battle of the Marne, one wounded at Rheims, two wounded in the forest of the Aigonne. each has had a leg ampu tated, the fifth has his legs but walks with a shuffling movement, the sixth, the youngest, is being drilled for the time when he Is needed. This family is of the working class. What is their future? The following letter was lent to me by the Marquis de V , written by his young son at the front. I have translated it: THE FRONT. 1 Jany., 1015. New Year's. My Parents. Dearly Beloved: On this tra ditional day I draw near to you in my thoughts, and with tender kteaea I aend you my filial -wishes for the New Year. It is my wish that God may keep you a Ions. Ions time well and happy in the affection ot your son. 'Michel, that he will grant to our dear France during the year which commences the victory so passionately desired for us all and so dearly by ner wiuien. I have come -out safe and well, grace au Dieu (thanks to God), whom I implore constantly, of a most terrible combat which asted eiKht days, it n-niiM be imoofslble for me to retrace all the phases, all the catastrophes in the limits of one letter. It would take a lire time to describe the terrible impressions and to give you the details. ttegiaient Ming Honor, irnnw nniv that the battle was here, as elsewhere, all to the glory of our arms, and that my regiment was mentioned in the order of the day. My company waa feliclted by our Colonel. We took two trencnes ana a smaii mer man post. For the first time I found myself face to face with our enemy; for the first time 1 planted my bayonet into the cloth behind which there was flesh; for the flrstr time, perhaps. I killed with certitude. Notre Dame de Lourdej and Notre Dame de Pacre Coeur protected me sovereignly. I encoun tered during eight days unimaginable dan gers. I found myself In a trench five feet from the Germans, and over which and Into which they shot in vain more than o. obus of grand caliber, I aided in one single night, that of Decem ber 2il to repulse seven, successive attacks. I saw men fall about me like grapes; 1 stepped on dead bodies. I laughed. I cried. I was exalted. aiscouragea. entnusiasiic. nervous, despondent. I shot 20OO cartridges. I attacKed in three assaults. I lived eight days of mad ness, of passion. I vibrated with patriotism Just to tears. Just to tremble as a leaf in the wind. Today Is infinite calm. The sweet satis faction of victory, terribly paid for, and Immense thankfulness mounts to my heart toward the sky for its protection. Parents, dearly beloved, your nttle soldier, baptized and rebaptlzed by all the firearms existing, would, lean close upon your breast as a little child. He waits in fervept hope that it soon win be a reality. Svreets Bring: Pleasnre. Thank you for the package of chocolate and cigarettes and the sweetness that it contained. ' The one was as agreeable as the other, for I had been without both for a long time. ine ttocnes Domoaraea most an me vil lages where we quarter for repose. The inhabitants nave all left, as Is well under stood, so we make our halts In places de stroyed and deserted, which is most dis agreeable. Send me from time to time. If you please, chocolate nougat, fruit and tobacco. This would give me immense pleasure. I am called. It is for the distribution of champagne. France spoils us. They send us often goodies sent by the cities, societies and by persons in particular. Christmas day each had a little glass of wine Cap When it comes to insurance the best is always the cheapest. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Posseses the Advantage of Quality and Economy Horace Mecklem, General Agent . Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Corse, my favorite beverage. It is In this way we give our country our blood and she gives us her love and kindness a sim ple exchange as it were. Another soldier at the Ambulance in the Elysee Palace Hotel was wounded In the leg and had nis tongue cut off by a bullet. He will never talk again, but he never forgets to write with his finger in the air. "Merci" (thank you) for any little attention that his nurse may give him. Woman Finds Dead Husband. Some weeks after the battle of the Marne, Mme. X, a little French woman who makes corsets, was notified by the government that her husband had been killed September 7 in the valley of the Oarque. This is two hours by train 'from Paris. For three days she ant her old father searched the battle held reading the names on the thou sands of little black crosses, that mark the graves, hunting for the name be loved. After three weary days of search, just at nightfall, when her father was persuading her that it was useless, she. with woman's persistence and intuition, pleaded Just to search a little longer, found by aid of a lantern, amidst the names of five others, the name of her husband. The next morn ing the six bodies were exhumed; they in the haste of the battle had been buried pell me 11 all six In the same hole in the ground with only 20 inches of earth covering them. The bodies were in such a condition, for they were lying in water, that it was only by the ring on his finger that the wife recog nized her husband. The body was ar ranged in a coffin, mass was said, and it was placed in a corner of a destroyed village, in a partly destroyed cemetery, to await the time when the govern ment will permit reclaimed bodies to be removed to their proper burying grounds. D. M. C, Seventh Colonial, First Battalion, Fourth Company, wrote his wife that at the front the conditions were terrible, that the triggers on the guns were rusted and would not shoot, that the bayonets had been used till they were all broken, and that the enemies literally strangled each other to death; that they walked over human bodies; that there were pieces of arms and legs and heads strewn about every where, and that his boots were covered with, human blood. He said that they were no longer men, that they had be come beasts. VISITORS FILL PULPITS JfOHTHEBJT BAPTISTS PREACH 1 CALIFORNIA CHCRCHES. Several Oregon Men and Women De liver Sermons and Addresses In Los Angeles. BV MRS. p. P. M. JAMISON. L.OS ANGELES, Cal., May 23 (Spe cial.) Northern Baptist convention men occupied Los Angeles pulpits today. Carter Helm Jones, of Washington, preached the convention sermon in Tem ple Auditorium: Dr. W. B. Hinson, of Oregon, delivered a sermon at First Baptist Church, Pasadena. Other min isters from Oregon occupyipg pulpits are: H. B. Fosket. of McMinnvllle, and H. W. Davis, of Eugene. The conven tion morning prayer service was con ducted by W. B. Riley. Minneapolis. The afternoon mass meeting was addressed by several men prominent in the de nomination. S. W. Riley, of McMinn ville, was one of the speakers tonight. At yesterday's session the publication society received a gift of $8000 for the endowment of chapel-car work. Professor Walter Ranschen-Busch. of New York, said In his lecture last night: rne task or Christianity is to steady the emotional life of the Nation." Dr. Shailer Matthews, of Chicago, president of the Federation of Churches in America, gave an address on Ameri can Christianity. In the afternoon a reception to young women was held at the home of Mrs. Weymouth Crowell. 902 Alvarado street, at which Miss Ruby vveyDurn, or Portland, made an address. OPEN LINE IS WANTED EFFORT MADE TO RELIEVE FOOD FAMINE l"V INTERIOR MEXICO. Diplomats Ask Camnsa and Villa Of ficials t0 Permit Shipments of Foodstuffs on Hallway. WASHINGTON, May 23. Efforts to reopen railroad communication between Vera Cruz and Mexico City with a view to relieving the food famine which is causing demonstrations in the capital, were renewed today by the State De partment. Consul Silliman at Vera Cruz and the Brazilian Alinister in . the capital were, requested to urge the Carranza and Villa officials respectively to permit food shipments over the line. The in ternational relief committee in Mexico City, it was said, could handle the sit uation adequately if the transportation problem could be settled. The Department was advised today from Vera Cruz that General Pablo Gonzales would undertake a general campaign against the Zapata forces about Mexico City and the bandits, who have committed many depreda tions. "It Is said," said the Depart ment's communication, "that the Car ranza administration realize the ne cessity of promnt and energetic meas ures to suppress brigandage and to end attacks on trains -and Interruption to traffic." The Vera Cruz line is reported today to be in operation to Pachuca. WAR WAGED METHODICALLY Men Go to FYont In Omnibuses, Tow n Shelled by Schedule. LONDON. May 4. "This is a methodi cal war," writes an English soldier who served in several Indian campaigns and also in the South African war, and who is now at the front near Ypres. "In South Africa." he explains, Vwe rode gaily out in the morning, never know ing whether we would meet an enemy over the first hill or never see one all day. Here we go to fight by the 6 o'clock omnibus from Vlamerunghe. We know that we shall be in the firing line at a certain hour and out of it at an other. It Is all cut and dried. "The Germans are even more methodi cal. There Is a town about two miles behind our line that they shell regu larly every Sunday from 11 to 3, and every Wednesday from 1 to 2:30, and at no other time. This has gone on for months." ELSIE Yesterday Scored Another Tremendous Success in Betty in Search of a Thrill at the Peoples Theater ' Also See Motion Pictures of the Celilo Canal and Local Celebration AND SOUTH AMERICAN TRAVELOGUE TWO PEAKS ACTIVE Alaskan Volcanoes m Eruption Since Tuesday. DENSE SMOKE IS RISING One of Mountains Known as Active Since Karllct-t Records of Rus sian and Spanish Kxplor ers, but Not Dangerous. SEWARD. Alaska. May 2u'. Iliamna volcano and an unidentified peak on the west coast of Cook Inlet have been In eruption since Tuesday, according to report! brought by the steamship Alameda today. People who passed the volcanoes Thursday said dense clouds of brown smoke were rising from the craters. The effect was noted here Wednesday night when copper-colored clouds were seen In the north. It was believed at the time that the smoke was from the forest flree, but these virtually are out and the atmosphere Is still. Karihqaikn Felt Separately. Four slight earthquakes, accompa nied by a roaring noise, have been felt during the last three months, but are believed to have had no connection with the. volcanoes, as no shock was felt here when the craters became ac tive. Iliamna volcano, on the west coast of Cook Inlet, is a peak 12,066 feet high. It has been known as an active vol cano from the earliest records of the Russian and Spanish explorers, but its eruptions never have been violent. The district around 1 Iliamna is virtually un inhabited. , Voleaale Activity Frequent. Volcanic activity In the range extend ing from Cook Inlet along the Alaska peninsula to the Aleutian Islands is reported nearly every year, but there has been no violent outburst since June !), 112. when Mount Katmai burst into spectacular eruption, covering fer tile Kodiak Island and the adjacent mainland with a deep layer of volcanic ash. Iliamna volcano is ISO mile west of Seward and Is the same distance south west of Ship Creek, where the Alaska Engineering Commission is beginning work on the new Government railroad to the Matanuska coal field. DOGS CATCH JAILBREAKER Rancher's Aim Rad, but Sheriffs Bloodhounds Cause Surrender. SAN RAFAEL Cal., May 23. John Bogden, who escaped from the Marin County Jail yesterday, was captured to day three miles from this city by Sher iff Keating and a posse assisted by bloodhounds. Bogden escaped from Jail with Henry A. Young. Both were be ing held for trial Monday for their re cent escapes from iian Quentin Peni tentiary. A rancher living on the outskirts of San Rafael saw Bogden early today and fired four shots at him, hut none found their mark. Sheriff Keating was notified and Bogden was surrounded In a thick brush. The bloodhounds were unleashed and within a few minuten BoeVlen csme rushing out with his A $3200 HOME FOR $2SOO - Of all the bargains now offering, this is by far the greatest snap in Portland. This new and modern 2-story house, entrance hall, nice living-room; paneled, beam-ceiling dining-room; 2 large bedrooms downstairs, splendid kitchen, as bright as the sun; 2 large plastered rooms upstairs, 50x100 lot, on 52d street, in beautiful Rose City Park, we will give away on easy terms, a fair amount down and the balance like rent. Phone us and we will show you where you can save 2 years' rent in buying this. Call Main 208 or A 2050, evenings and Sunday Tabor 5533, or Tabor 2545. If you want a smaller house or a larger one, we have both. And they are all marked way down. JANI S hands high In the sir. Ho was un armed. , 'It is easy enough for me to ecape. but I can t stay away. I am threugh trying to escape." aaii the prisoner af ter he was arrested. HenTy Young, who escaped with Bog den, Is still at large. Bogdon aid he left Young yesterday because he was exhausted from excitement. RIDER HURT AT BAKER Attendance at IVilrl AVe.t Celebra tion Targe, Despite W eal her. BAKEIt. Or May 23. (Special.) Riding two horses at onre proved too much of an undertaking for Ben Cor bett. trick ridor at the "Brandcr"' Wild West celebration, which Is being held st Medical Springs today. He was thrown from his pair of mounts and eliminated as a factor in the competi tion. His InJurieM are not serious. A ball game between Haines and Medical Springs was won by Haines. 6 to 2. Buffalo Vernon and Harley Lund took first in the potato race this after noon, ami Ben Jory no.xed to the front in the chariot race. Mlrs Billie Clif ford gave a fancy trick riding exhibi tion. Threatening weather failed to deter pleasure-seekers from attending thn out-of-doors show, more than KmiO be ing in attendance from towns within a radius of 30 miles. 50 MERCHANT WAITERS Ccntralla RuMness Men lo Act at Ranquct for Slate Grunge. CENTRALIA, Wash.. May 23. (Spe cial.) Fifty Ccntralla business men yesterday volunteered to berve as wait ers for the big open-air banquet to bo staged In the City Park, June 2, as ono of the features of the Slate ;rango convention, to be held here June 1 to 4. It is expected that about 12"0 per sons will be fed at the hanriuet. The waiters will be divided into squads of 10 each, with a head waiter for each squad, to avoid confusion. Each man will wear a white apron. , At a meeting of the local Oddfellow lodge Friday night it was voted to donate the use of the Oddfellows' Hsll for- the six patriotic conventions to b held here June 21 to 25. LAwho E - . ' t i r 1 t, Watch for Her in This Paper To mo rrow 1 . ' a;au ..Li: Mi' a r 1 S l' . ... V