Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Mr. Daly's Assertion That
Service Can Be Provided
More Cheaply Disproved.
Largest I'art of Bureau Kxpcndi
turcs Is Fixed tso Change of
System Would Have Xo Ef
fect Added Cost Is Shown.
Fixed, unavoidable charges are
the biggest part of the annual
Water Bureau costs. These
charges and all the costs of op
eration would have to be met
either with or without a city
wide meter system. Where, then,
is it possible to reduce rates?
Water revenue, under present
system, amounts to about $750,
000 a year. Most sanguine esti
mates of meter proponents is that
meters might save J10.000 a year
in operation. That amount would
be far insufficient to make rate
reduction possible.
Added to present fixed charge
of Water Bureau operation will
be cost of 43,000 meters amount
ing to $352,000. Average annual
cost of meter system would bo
$100,000. How would it be pos
sible to avoid increasing rates?
Ridiculous in the extreme is the argu
ment being used by proponents of the
l"aly city-wide water meter scheme that
with meters water rates may be re
duced. Water bureau records show con
clusively that there would be no pos
sible way of reducing rates. The bu
reau would do well to avert an increase
in rates.
Here is how the proposition lines up:
The water bureau has certain fixed
charges. These include the payment
each year of Interest on bonds and the
setting aside each year of funds for the
redemption of bonds. These bonds are
outstanding now and these items can
not be escaped. Then, there is the cost
of operating the water bureau. Using
the most sanguine estimates of Com
missioner Daly about the reductions
possible In water forces the difference
in office expenses would not aggregate
more than $10,000. Every appearance
Is that this much would have to be
added rather than deducted from the
expense roll.
Kutlmated Snvlnc Inconsiderable,
The Importance of an item of $10,000
In the big proposition of Portland water
rentals is seen in the fact that the
revenue from water users amounts to
about $750,000 a year. An Item of $10,
000 a year, even if that much could be
aved in operation, would make no ren
tal reduction possible.
To be added to the regular operating
expense of the water bureau would be
the cost of installing meters and repair
ing them. The initial cost of installing
the 43.000 meters proposed would be
$253,000. Using Commissioner Daly's
own iigures of costs the city-wide meter
scheme involves an annual outlay of
$100,000 a year. This would be added
to the present cost of operation. The
question is. being asked. How is there
eny possibility of lower water rates
with meters? Another question asked
is. How can an Increase in rates be
avoided in the face of the added burden
of buying and installing water meters?
Where is the money to come from?
It requires so much money to operate
the water bureau. Sufficient money Is
taken In from water users to meet this
cost. The cost will be there just the
tame whether the service is metered or
The city-wide meter proposition means
that the water users as a whole will
pay more for less water. If the reve
nues fall below what they are at pres
ent rates must be increased, because it
takes all the present revenue to operate
the water bureau. Water rates cannot
be reduced without the reduction of the
total expenditures. The water bureau
cannot be operated with any less reve
nue. Where, then, is the ground for
the argument that meters will reduce
rates is the question to which the public
demands an answer.
Patriotic Adilrrxne Will Be Heard and
Sune and Music of Different
Countries Provided.
Representatives of various sections of
the British Empire will be on the pro
Framme which ia to be held in the
Armory Monday night at 8 o'clock
tinder the auspices of the Associated
British Societies in celebration of Em
pire day. There will be Knglish and
Irish speakers and in addition music by
representatives of those sections and
also Scotland, Wales and Canada.
13. W. Matthews, newly-elected presi
dent of the British Benevolent Society,
w ill preside and will make the opening
address. Other speakers will be Colonel
limmett Callahan, who will take as his
subject, "British Civilization": Edward
Boyce. "The Unity of the Kmpire," and
Dr. ". T. Williamson, "The British
Born as American Citizens."
At the close of his address Dr. Will
iamson will make an appeal for the
Mippoit of the British National Red
Cross Society and the Prince of Wales'
National Ilelief fund, and those present
will be given an opportunity to con
tribute to those two causes. Blanks
will be circulated enabling those who
wish to contribute monthly to either
The programme will be given a touch
of Scotch life by a bagpipe selection by
J'ipcrs Macdonald. Gray and Loch and
by a Highland Keel in costume by
Messrs. ttonnle. Hood, Thompson and
Sutherland. There will also be Irish,
Scotch and Knglish songs, the pro
gramme closing with the two National
anthems, "God Save the King" and
Among the soloists who will take
part sre Barry J. Murphy. Mrs. Harold
Bayley, K. Maldwyn Kvans, Misa Nona
l.awler, iiev. F. W. Gorman. Miss Inez
Dasmar Kelley and F. T. Crowther. Cark
Denton will be the accompanist.
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Above, reading from left to right Col SI. A. Humphreys, Col. C. M. Mcl.onghliit. Col. 'William tvhitrldge. Gen
eral Herbert Harlan, General G. I.. Bartlett, Governor Phillipn Golditboroagh. General I'.. SI. Allen, General
George A. AVhlte, of the Oregon X atlonal Guard, Colonel Joshua G. Harvey. Major I.. II. Knapp and Major 31.
II. MarrelluM, of the Orefcon National Guard. Ilelow Mayo Methot preite nllne Portland Ronea to Governor
Goldsboroush and at Right Portrait of the Governor Caught Yesterday.
Governor Goldsborough and
Party Have Floral Tribute.
Hedge of Caroline Testouts Turned
Over to Visitors Who Take All
They Can Carry, but Fail to
Diminish Apparent Supply.
(Continued From First Page.
t-pokano Motorcyclist Sets Kecord.
SPOKANE, Wash.. May 23. What Is
believed to be a new record for a half
mile dirt track featured Spokane's first
race meet held exclusively for automo
biles. In a trial heat against time Ray
Intz, of Seattle, driving a car owned
t)v fci. J. Jiomano, of beattle. twice cir
dud the track in 66 2-5 seconds. He
covered the last lap in 32 'i seconds,
making bis average speed 55.5 miles an
they cut roses and cut roses untU they
had double armfulls of the big" pink
blossoms, and still the long hedge
glowed as pink as if not a bud had
been touched.
"I'm a pig, I know," cried one young
woman, hugging all the blooms ehe
could carry in both arms, "but I want
more, and I haven't room to hold them."
Car la Made Bower.
Governor Goldsborough's two eons
filled a bathtub in the Benson Hotel
with the rose trophies that they
brought back with them, and when the
Governor's train left at midnight for
Seattle, the interior of the cars was
embowered in the pink bloom of Port
land's of f icial . rose.
On their arrival yesterday morning
the Governor and his party were es
corted to the Benson by the reception
committee, under the leadership of J.
A. Currey and entertained at break
fast. At 9:30 General George A. White and
staff, representing- the Governor of
Oregon, waited on the distinguished
visitor and extended to him the wel
come of the state's chief executive.
Mayor Albee also waited on them to
extend, a welcome In behalf of the
city. After the presentation of the
roses to Governor Goldsborough by
Miss Methot. the party broke Into
groups and under the guidance of the
members of the reception committee
were taken, out wherever they felt in
clined to go. Some of the mmbers of
the Governor's staff went to the rifle
range at Clackamas with General
White and others went for sight-seeing
trips about the city.
Women Gnesta'of Mra. E. T. Allen.
In the afternoon the women were
guests at. a reception given at the
University Club by Mrs. E. T. Allen, a
former Marylander. whose pen. name is
Maryland Allen, and the men were
taken for trips about the city or were
guests at the Automobile Club.
Governor Goldsborough was taken
for a thorough inspection of roads of
all kinds in and about Portland, rang,
ing from mud roads to hard-paved
roads . He is an enthusiastic worker
for good roads and was deeply Inter
ested in the work Multnomah County
contemplates. Maryland has spent In
the past four years $16,000,000 for
hard-surface roads.
"We started out the work with just
the automobtlists boosting for hard
surfaced roads." said Governor Golds
borough, "but now I have difficulty in
holding down the farmers to keep
them from bonding, themselves beyond
the legal limit for the construction of
hard-surface roads.
"Multnomah County la on the right
track in working for hard-surface
roads and will not regret a foot of such
highways that she may lay."
Second Trip Made to HelachtN.
So delighted was the Governor with
the scenery from the Heights that
after 6 o'clock he asked to be taken
upon the Heights again to look out
over the city.
He entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Riggs and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Curry at dinner, and several other
members of the Maryland party gave
private dinners to friends in the city.
The representatives of the Baltimore
newspapers who were with the party
were guests at the Press Club at differ
ent times during the day, and were
waited on when they arrived by Man
ager Charles Myers, and presented with
the privileges of the club.
Last night Governor Goldsborough
attended church at the First Congrega
tional. The Revfl Luther Dyott, pastor
of the church, lived in his childhood on
a farm adjoining the family home of
Governor Goldsborough.
The party left about midnight, and
after visiting in Seattle will go bock
to the Kast over the Canadian Pacific.
Ton i no Class Hears Sermon.
'CENTRA LI A. Wash.. May 23. (Spe
cial.) The baccalaureate services of
the 1915 class of the Tenino High
School were hold in the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Tentno tonight.
Rev. Jones delivering the baccalaure
ate sermon. The commencement ex
ercises of the class will be held in the
Oddfellows' Hall next Friday night.
Judge Rice, Judge of the Lewis County
Superior Court, delivering the com
mencement address.
Kalama Rose Show Held.
KELSO. Wash., May 23. (Special.)
Tha annual Rose Show at Kalama,
under the direction of the Aid Society
of the Congregational Church, was
conducted yesterday. The fete opened
with a street pageant, made up of
floats of all kinds and descriptions.
The show proper was held In the Opera
House, and a fine exhibition of roses
was seen. Little Miss June Comer, 3
years old. was queen of the show.
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Idea Is Suggested at Confer
ence of Social Agencies.
Increased Facilities for Care and
Education of Feeble-Minded Chil
dren Are Advocated Officers
Xamcd; Sessions End.
The annual conference of social
agencies, which has been in session
for three days at Reed College, held
the last meetings for this year yes
terday. Reports were made by the
nominating and resolutions commit
tees. Officers for next year are V.
R. Manning, president: Dr. "V. T. Fos
ter. Bishop Sumner, and Vr L. Camp
bell, vice-presidents; R. E. Arne, trea
surer, and Mrs. Millie Trumbull, sec
retary. Resolutions drawn up by the resolu
tions committee were adopted by the
conference looking toward an active
campaign to work out some of the
problems discussed at the conference.
The resolutions call for the organiza
tion of the philanthropic organiza
tions of the city into a federation
which can insure better handling of
the financial part of , the charitable
work. The plan is in general that
suggested by V. R. Manning and to
have the federation as a department
of the Chamber of Commerce. The
resolutions also call for the establish
ment of public employment agencies,
increased facilities for the care of
the feeble-minded and a survey of the
schools to determine the number of
feeble-minded children.
In the regular vesper serx-ice at 4
o'clock. Father Edwin V. 0'Hara.spoKe
on the relation of education to the
industrial and social problems of the
day. The new social problems such
as have been discussed at the confer
ence were declared to be the result
of maladjustments following the rapid
development of the industries of the
country. Immigration, seasonal employ
ment, low wages, competition and many
other things have shared in the pro
duction of these problems. Father
O'Hara. suggested that the remedy
was In the training of children In
industrial and vocational schools.
A survey of Albina, covering indus
trial, housing and recreation condi
tions has been made by a class in so
ciology at the college under the di
rection of Arthur E. Wood, and a re
port of this survey with an exhibit
was made during the afternoon.
Russian Finds America Too
Free For His Wife.
Helpmate Vfcc "Wants to Run
Whole Buftlnesa Declares Hus
band Indolared Too Freely In
Liquor. , .
THE sudden transposition from un
enlightened Russia to Oregon,
where women have "rights." made
the helpmate of Elbert Wysyckl domi
neering and overbearing, according to
her husband, who apeared in Municipal
Court Saturday on a charge of assault
and battery preferred by Rosa. Wysyckl,
his wife.
"My children, they no got no chance
to learn nothing in Russia. In Amer
ica right away my wife, she get educat
ed in American ways, and want to run
the whole business," he lamented.
Mrs. Wysycki's testimony was that
her husband was in the habit of imbib
ing too freely, coming home disgrace
fully intoxicated and beating her with
any implement that came handy.
"I gotta have a little to drink every
day or 1 get sick," said Mr. Wysyckl.
"He gets sick anyway, even worse,"
testified his wife.
Asettle-ment finally was reahed when
the husband promised to stay away
from his wife and to provide money for
the care of the rive little Wysyckis and
the defendant was released.
Committees Are Appointed to
Call at Each Institution
in City on May 28.
All Members or Grand Army and
Spanish War Survivors Expected
to Make Calls Whether De
tailed To or Not.
Members of the Grand Army of the
Republic and the United Spanish War
Veterans will visit the public schools
of Portland Friday, May 28. Most of
the committees of veterans are to make
their calls at 1 o'clock in the after
noon, but those assigned to Lincoln
High School will go there at 9 o'clock,
in the morning: those to go to Wash
ington High School will visit it at 10
o'clock in the morning, and those to
visit Jefferson High School will go at
11 o'clock in the morning.
Following Is a list of the commit
tees of veterans, with the school each
is to visit, the first named veterans of
each committee to act as chairman
and to get in communication at once
with the principal bf each school to
which he is assigned:
Ainsworth School, Twentieth and
Elm streets John Barton. C. T. Gould
ing. Z. T. Bryant. F. A. Clarke. J. W.
Curran, August Dippelll, M. D. Craw
ford, Gilbert Allen, M. M. Trowbridge
and Linn L Reist.
Atkinson School. Eleventh and Davis
streets George Carr, J. W. Cochran, F.
T. Kaft. Jay Bowerman. J. I. Walters,
A. C. Sloan and J. W. Ogilbee.
Albina Homestead. Beech and Mallory
streets H. E. Dosch. S. C. Horniday, j.
V. Kinney, J. F. Anderson, W. 11.
Bliss and John Storan.
Ardenwald School David Evans, A.
R. Cinnston, J. W. Campbell. W. Op
dyke. Charles Nebo, Stephen Hennessey,
W. B. Sivaney.
Arleta School. Twenty-sixth and
Powell streets J. S. Hamilton. W. It.
Biddle. Samuel Arbuckle. S. D. Cole,
J. J. Graves, O. F. Harris, S. W. Mc
Lean, Emory Parady, Josiah Rodgers,
John A. Young.
Alameda School, East Twenty-fifth
and Fremont streets A. A. Beldin, J.
F. Briggs. B. B. Longnecker, J. E. Gil
lis and A. DeLong. (Meets Thursday,
May 27. 1 P. M.)
Brooklyn School, Milwaukie 1 and
Frederick streets T. H. Stevens. M. J.
Morse, F. M. Johnson, I. A. Brown, J.
S. Foss, Nathan Day, L. A. Bowman
and William Bates.
Buckman School. East Twelfth and
Burnside streets A. E. Borthwick.
John Campbell, Phillip Lawton. W. S.
Powell. Adolph Woelln, J. M. Kilty, J.
C. Gipson. J. W. Riner and George E.
Beaumont School. East Fortieth and
Fremont streets H. 11. Pierce, II. O.
Canfield, G. W. Cooper, E. R. Bergman
and W. A. Burke.
Chapman School, Twenty-fifth and
Wilson streets T. A. Jordan, T. B. Mc
Devitt, Warren Patton, G. W. Thomas,
J. P. Hicks and J. B. Ofner.
Clinton Kelly School. Twenty-sixth
and Powell streets D. 1 McKay, Adam
Diller, Thomas B. Roberts. J. Sommers,
R. Freeburghouse, W. E. Hayden. Dan
iel Clark, Alex T. Johnson and A. Han
sen. Couch School. Seventeenth and Kear
ney streets R. S. Greenleaf. L. O.
Chapman, A. W. France. P. Holland,
R. A. Wohlforth, S. J. Grimes, lloy
Kerl, D. B. Hanson, William Eastman
and Conrad Stark.
Creston School. Forty-eighth street
Southeast and Powell Valley road
H. 1. Worden. Thomas Bodley. Walter
Hobbs, J. W. Jones. Ardin Lyman. J. H.
Robb, Spencer Wiley, David Croyal,
L. P. Hanna, D. C. Lounabery and D.-L.
Davis School, Twenty-first and Ral
eigh streets P. J. Newberg. C. A. Dib
ble, W. M. Copland. S. R. Harrington.
W. C. Henderson, W. P. Mann, I. S.
Thomas and Casper Kohler.
Elliott School, Rodney avenue and
Knott street C. F. Honsdorfe, J. L
Mlsenheimer. George H. Smith. J. H.
Woodward. George Sykes, H. H. Spaul
ding and C. F. Waldo.
Failing School II. 11. Northrop, Orin
H. Smith, H. S Beach, C. A. Lamar. A.
J. Saulsbury, R. H. Osborn, Perry Tom
llnson, John McConnell. S. It. Stein
baugh and Frank Miller.
Fernwood School, Hancock and East
Thirty-third streets J. P. Shaw. J.
Worlck. J. F. Worrick, Joseph Hewitt
and J. C. Walling.
Fulton Park, Second and Logan
streets Robert Young, G. II. Williams
and D. B. Newman.
Glencoe School, East Forty-ninth and
Belmont T. Brouillette. J. R. Cham
berlain, Bennett Cole, Henry L. Karl.
George E. Lewis. Alfred Nichols. A. J.
Davidson and B. C. Mathews.
Hawthorne School, East Fourteenth
and Alder streets T. C. Wilson, George
Wigginton, II. C. Righy, James McDon.
ough. H. B. Keen. J. W. Marquis. James
E. Lepper, J. G. Varner. I. F. Smith, G.
A. Tilden and J. D. Abbott.
Highland School. East Sixth and
Wygant streets James F. Malcolm,
Frank Patton. M. A. Robinson. Dennis
Racer, E. Sears. H. A. Severance, E.
Stanley, Ell Yetter. J. J. Leavitt, Enos
Swan and H. M. Pittsinger.
Holladay School, East Sixth and
Clackamas streets J. E. Hall. M. U.
Thompson. A. M. Hlmes, Harry Hays.
William Watson, J. W. Shaver, Peter
Merges, Garrett Mathews and A. J.
Holman School. Corbett and Bancroft
streets W. M. Hindershot, W. S. New
berry, C. H. Welch. Martin Riley. A. A.
Drake, James Hooper. John Mayers
F. F. Boody and Jewett B. Williams.
Hudson School. East Seventy-seventh
and Market streets B. J. Hoadley, H.
C. York, David Mason, J. H. Vanorden,
L. J. Orendorf and William Hutchin
son. Irvington School. East Fourteenth
and Thompson streets Elmer Lund
berg. L. M. Guy, S. E. Gilbert. W. R.
Griffith, Balties, Harvey Wells. Tesline
Ilalverson. E. W. Smith and J. A.
Jefferson High School. Kerby and
Emerson street J. D. Stevens. II. C
King, James Jackson, Robert Hatfield.
J. McNulty, E. G. Rose and E. R. Hor
ton. Jonesmore School. East Eighty-first
and Schuyler streets P. D. Pollock,
Eli Creikpanne. J. H. Bazan, Otis
Brooks. John Briggs and A J. Foust.
Kennedy School, East Thirty-third
and Jarrett streets C. P. Holllway,
Hugh Fitzpatrick, William Carpenter
(meets at 2 P. M.i
Kerns School. East Twenty-eighth
and Couch streets J. K. Miller, J. W.
Gray. J. J. Miller, William St. Clair.
Edward DIneen, G. W. Dusenberry, C.
E. Eschman, Levi Heller. W. S. Drake
and Allan Welch Smith.
Ladd School, West Park and Jeffer
son streets T. M. Anderson. C. A. Ma
larkey, O. A. Staron. II. S. Lillagar, J.
W. Gossner, J. B. Gardner and It. T.
Lents School, Lents Charles A.
Campbell, Charles Hinslow, C. Wyckoff.
Klingel. George Dorfler, E.
U. Smith, L. Kossol, C. C. Wiley, E.
ae7 t m tsia
Tn& QjualitV Stoke or Portland
nrtK. iixOv T-lorriaof, Aides- 3a.
Everybody 's Going to the
"Big Store's3'
We're closing out our entire stocks in both
buildings preparatory to opening our new store
therefore, we offer
Every Article Reduced
Except Contract Goods, "Silk Maid" Hose and
Today Begins Our
June White Sale
of Muslinwear, Embroideries, etc. A sale of special
interest to brides-to-be and graduates.
575 Sacks of
Royal Banquet
Flour Go On
Sale Today $1.59
Milled from highest grade, properly
aged wheat. Superior strength and
working qualities. Makes lightest,
whitest bread, cakes and pastry.
Unusual value at this moderate price
Every sack bears our guaranty of ex
cellence. Pure Kood tirovery, Burmrnt Slxtb-St. Illdic.
Hamlin, I"". Sla,ely and John Walrod.
Lincoln High. Park and .Market
Ftreets T. E. Hills. Seneca Fouts, A. W.
Carpenter, C. J. Sihnabel and C. IT.
Gantenbein (meets at 9 A. M.)
Llewellyn School, East Fourteenth
and Henry streets S. II. Beach, W. It.
Owen. A. Hart. W. Williams, George
Older. W. D Palmer ami W. M. Morton.
lownsdale School. Fourteenth and
Morrison streets W. T. Kerr, E. .
Pike. C. A. Williams, Hugh Tcels. G. A.
Prentiss, Augustus Jones, Fhillip
Powelson and Eugene Bland.
Montavilla, Seventy-seventh and Pine
streets Dr. M. B. Marcellus, 1 E.
Beach. W. D. Mathews. I. 11. Miller. It.
Itutherford. G. W. Kvans. Edward
Vauschoick and Alexander C McKeever.
Mount Tabor Shool. East Sixtieth
and Ash streets T. W. Tasker, James
Walsh. D. Farer, John Mosher. Elmer
Speicher, J. H. Voorhees, .1. H. Mathews,
Canfield Marsh and T. Ottinger.
Ockley Green School, Ainsworth and
Patton avenues It. H. Miller. A. H.
Nichols, B. S. Barnard, II. A. Collins.
James Downing. J. J. Hill. Pha Tefft.
Dennis Hammond. William Horn. J. 1 1.
Flinn, Henry Lederer, O. M. Downs and
S. L. Dobie.
Peninsular School. Prummond and
Russell streets Daniel Drew. J. 11.
Bond, S. M. Horton, E. J. Brownell. I. M.
Inscl. W. L. McL'ollom. Samuel MfCord,
W. 11. Othander. Harris Parker. G. :.
Randall. K. I.. Snow, S. II. Stewart and
D. K. Godfrey.
Portsmouth School, Gloucester and
Lombard streets O. A. Bemis, B. J.
Horsman, P. T. Hanson. F. E. Hubl.ard.
A. Went.. E. N. Case. D. C. Uoyt. .1. 11.
Ross, F. Iloat, I. N. Shatto, G. S. Gordon
and 11. B. Blough.
Richmond School, Forty-second and
Grant street John Bonbrlglit. Peter
Bashaw. A. F. Drisko, T. P. Eilgerton.
J. 11. Heustis. E. 1. Henlcke. Nixon E.
Wade. John Jones and J- C. Knlllock.
Hose City Park School, East Fifty
seventh and Sacramento streets
George A. White. J. E. Brockway,
James Fall. H. A. Coleman and D. It.
Sellwood School. East Fifteenth street
and Umatilla avenue Robert Kelland,
C. Carter. George Ralston. J. Duggan,
F. S. Webber. William Cludas, P. J.
Hyde and John Sellwood.
Shattuck School Fifth and Harrison
streets D. D. Neer. Harvey Aldrich,
T. L. Perkins and W. E. Clauson.
Shaver School, Mississippi avenue
and Morris street M. U Pratt. E. P.
Doty. C. H. Heller. II. M. Patton. It. .1.
O'Neil. S. B. McCarthy. Hartas Dick
inson and B. G. Parker.
South Mount Tabor School. Sixty
fifth and Division streets S. C. Hoad
ley. I. L. Taylor. William Jones, Chris
topher Hoberg and S. K. Wcist.
Stephens School. East Eighth and
Harrison streets T. M. Kellogg, J. M.
Coolidge. J. P. Coulter, A. K. Currier,
W. E. Drlskell, J. K. Graham. R. A.
Denmire, Fred Niedermark. J. Slaugh
terback, S. J. Macklcy and B. 15. Two
he jr.
Sunnyfiide School, East Thirty-third
and Yamhill streets Richard Deich, M.
S. Flshburn. Leonard Gardner, J. A.
Forbes, Harrison Koscr. T. G. P.obin
son. J. A. Stephenson, William Wick
line. J. W. Lakin, R. S. Henley and
Alfred O. Temple.
Terwllliger School. Macadam road
Oscar Pelton. J. T. Converse, H. B.
Thompson, T. J. Gordon and C. L. Mar
shall. Thompson School. Forthwick and
Shaver streets J. C. Chambers. W. M.
Nolan. John Aurely, F. M. Dillon, Sam
uel Parker, Wilber Sikes and A. W.
Vernon School, East Twenty-third
and Wygant streets H. C. Dutton. Al
fred Elzeroth. G. KirkendalL, W. H.
Murphy. J. T. McIIolland. B. Morgan.
James McGinitty, Nick Monroe, Theo
dore Messinger. John Mc'ollum. A. H
Rockwell, W. E. Fineer and George D.
Washington High. Kast Fourteentl.
and Stark streets II. !S. Fargo. K. i;
Hotchkiss, Ii, W. Spear, W. 1'. Dickin
son. J. !. Wells and George W. Bald
win. (Meet at 10 A. M.
Woodlawn School. Union avenue and
Bryant street Thomas Allon, J. I
Brown, J. G. J. M. Blair. J. I'.
Craw sun, Henry Donley, Clark K. Hall.
G. S. Jackson. J. Tawney and J. .
Woodrnere School. Esjit Eightlrlii
street and Sixty-sixth avenue South
east R. ( Marker, I'. M. Calllcaiti,
I-ewis Thompson. James f!a, II. II.
Klaney, S. P. LfFier. O. T. Hlood. A. W.
Miller, L. R. Train and George W.
Woodstock School. Fiftieth street an l
Fifty-seventh avenue Southeast W. N.
Mort-e. E. N. Earney. C. H. Cahel. L ('.
Shorno. R. I . Rector. J. M. Pugh. .1.
Paulsell. J. W. Carson and W. 11. Mar
ken. All other veterans, whether dtalli
especially or not, are expected to visit
the schools on the dv chosen.
I'arUcr, Held on Own l!c'(i;nU
aiioe, Ieolarcs Cutting Acvidcnt.
KM Parker, who stabbed Albert I:
Storc In the rig tit side Friday at t!:-j
Columbia Brick Works at liogan's Sta
tion on the Estacada electric line, bail
a Itttarinir before Justice Rollins Sat
urday. Parker was released on his own
recognizance pending the rest. it .f :,"
wound. Stone's injury Is painful. 1ml
is not considered dangerous. Stone is
at his home at I'reMoti Station und.-r
the care of Dr. II. II. Hushes. At Hie
hearing hefore Justice Rollins Parker
baid Stone struck him over tac eye with
his left hand while Parker had a Jack
kntfc in his hand whittling, and Stone
was cut while Parker threw up hi
arm in self-defense. Several witnes.-es
testified that Stone had ieen abuslvo
to Parker Friday morning.
Justice Rollins said that from the
evidence given Parker suffered great
provocation. However, he did not think
the wound was canned accidentally, as
asserted by Parker. Stone Is a resi
dent of Gresham. It is not expctct
that any further action will be. taken.
Stone yesterday wan improving from
his Inlury.
Present War Cry of Advanced
Physicians. c
tne of tlie leading nuriront of tm
World have gone so far recently a to re
move part of the large intevtine in eases
o serious as that of Tuberculous and re
stored th patient to pertect bcaJth by so
The New York American lias recently
airl : v
"During Constipation the poisons in th
I-arce Intestine often become so ffTeat as
to form a serious menace to health and
even to life. Through the walls of the la
te tine they enter the blood and consume
the healthy blood cells, impoverishing the
blood, and if this process is continued long
enough an acute poisoning is produced."
It is impossible under our presentday
mode of living for the Intestine to rid it
self of all waste, and it is easily proven
that there is an accumulation, do matter
bow regular we are.
Drugs, if taken regularly, form a tiahit,
tut Internal Hathing, by means of the
J. B. L. Cascade," cleanses the Lower In
testine its entire length with pure warm
water and makes it clean, sweet and
At the same time it regulates the system
and makes one feel that every function is
worlcng smoothly and naturally and in
deed this is so.
Over three hundred thousand are now en
thusiastic userB of the "J. H. L. Cascade,"
which m now bring shown and explained
by the Woodard "lark A C'o.'s Drug Stores
in Portland. Ak for free and interesting
booklet. " Why Man of To-Day Is Only 50
Ter Cent. Lficicnu"