Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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Commencement Week to Be
gin With Baccalaureate
( Sermon Next Sunday.
Outsiders Put on Board for Oral
Tests to Check Up on Work.
Kxerclnes Slay Be Held
In Open Air.
The last week of studies for Reed
College seniors is at hand and while
the end of the year is supposed to be
particularly pleasant, as it is the first
class the members of the faculty are
postponing- their kind deeds for a week.
In the meantime the "exams" will be
coming along with monotonous regu
larity. Each senior has to take a final oral
examination before several members
of the faculty including his major pro
fessor and also some person not other
wise connected with the college. Most
of these oral "exams" already have
been held during the past few weeks
but there are a number scheduled for
this week.
The examinations last usually an
hour but in case the examiners have
failed to stick the student in that time
they are at liberty to stretch the time
out a little and redouble their efforts
to find out if there is anything he
does not know. In other cases they
find it necessary to stretch the time
In an. effort to find a question that
he can answer. Most of the seniors
have done fairly well on the oral
quizzes though a few have become
more or less "fussed" during the ordeal.
Outsider Check I'p on Work.
The presence of an outside person
tin the examining board serves to
check up on the work of each depart
ment and should have the effect of
preventing a department from going
stale and losing connection with the
progress in the particular field. The
idea of having several members of the
faculty on the examining board serves
to co-ordinate the work of the vari
ous departments.
Among the persons who have helped
In the examinations are Dr. C. II.
Chapman. Dr. George Rebec, Dr. Edwin
Conklln. Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons,
and Dr. W. P. Boynton, all of the
ITniversitv of Oregon; R. L. Sabin.
Richard Slontague. Isaac Fwett, W. H.
Galvant. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Eliot, Dr.
A. I'. MacKlnlay, Dr. E. O. Sisson, F.
A. Olmsted, C. E. S. Wood, and W. I
Each senior must present a thesis
In his major department covering the
results of some experimental Investi
gation. A number of the theses will
be published In scientific periodicals.
Jn the department of physics one
thesis already has been published in
the Physical Review and another ac
cepted for publication. Copies of the
theses must be filed by the Btudents
In the college library.
Baccalaureate Sermon it Sunday.
For commencement week, the bac
calaureate sermon will be preached In
the college chapel by Professor Nor
man F. Coleman next Sunday, follow
ing the dedication of the new organ
which was given to the college by W.
T. Olds. Monday will be celebrated
with exercises in memory of Mr. and
Mrs. Reed and has been designated as
Founders' Day.
The college will open to the public
on that day with students guides to
show visitors about the campus and
buildings.. An exhibit will be pre
pared showing the development of the
college. In the evening of Founders"
Dav, the Portland Chapter of the
American Guild of Organists will give
n recital on the new organ. In the
ifternoon exercises. Dr. Thomas Lamb
Eliot will be the principal speaker.
Tuesday and Wednesday the women
of the college will present "Every
woman's Road." a morality play writ
ten by Professor Josephine Hammond.
The play will be given at "the Heilig
On Thursday the whole college will
take the annual excursion up the
Columbia River. Friday will be class
day, the prencipal event being the
senior ball and reception.
Commencement day comes on Satur
day. June 5. The speaker will be Dr.
David Starr Jordan, Chancellor of
Stanford University. If the weather
Js favorable, the exercises will be held
outside. Otherwise they will be held
Jn the chapel and only holders of In
vitations and tickets will be ad
JAM Numbers Win Hearty Applause
From Audience.
Dancing Davey and Mies Harriett,
with their dance in Turkish costume,
proved a particularly popular num
ber at the Lyric yesterday. The dance
had a variety of cleverSiteps and poses
which brought forth applause. Miss
Harriett also appeared in a song and
dance and Davey in numerous dances
and steps.
Durkee, king of -xylophones, played
tiumerous selections with an expression
and melody which were well received.
In several popular selections he was
accompanied by the orchestra.
Keene and Campbell, the comedy kids,
contributed some lively comedy and
good songs to the program. They had
a number of witty jokes and cracks.
Miss Keene's singing was one of the
features of the act.
Koy Fox sang a number of good
comedy songs and his impersonations
were clever.
The moving picture bill Included an
other of the "Hazards of Helen" series
"The Broken Train.' Helen, the he
roine, in a speedy automobile, over
takes a train on which a couple of
diamond robbers are attempting to
make their getaway, and springing on
the train while It and the automobile
are going at full speed is one of the
thrills of the films.
"Cupid Puts One Over on the
Ehatchen." is a one-reel Vltagraph com
edy in which the incidents occurring
when two young people are deter
mined to get married, are portrayed.
"The Awakening'" is a two-reel drama
of city life inwhich the poor slum girl
wins out over her wealthy rival be
cause of her sympathy and understand
ing. "The Song of the Wlldwood
Flute," a picture featuring Mary Pick
ord. and "The Canceled Mortgage" are
also on the bill. '
Wallowa to Keep Memorial Pay.
WALLOWA. Or.. May 23. (Special.)
An observance of Memorial day. Sun
day. May 30, will be held here. Ap
propriate services will be held In all of
the churches. This being the semi-cen
tennial the religious and fraternal or
eanlzatlons have been invited to join in
epecial services at the cemetery in the
afternoon. Veterans of the Civil and
Fpanlsh-American wars also have beeD
Invited to participate.
VOU 2.
"It Nmr Craba."
heartily indorsed their candidacy
and admitted that they would
make excellent Commissioners.
Bill Spry, George Carlson and
Jlra Hawley were In Portland
saying the hello to the boys the
'other day. Bill is now govern
ing Utah and George Is holding
a. similar Job In Colorado. Jim
has retired from a governing job
in Idaho, but exp'ects to go into
another line in Wash., D. C, In
the future perhaps.
J. H. Joyce, of The Hazel wood,
had a meeting of the Rotary
Club at S. Bensftn's hos-tlery th
other day at which they ware
told how and when and what to
eat by an expert on such mat
ters. Mr. Joyce left it to their
own Judgment where they ought
to eat and we believe that many
will take- the hint.
Painless Parker returned from
a trip to Oakland the other day
and says that he la going into
the goat business. He expects
to get his stock from local
sources, he -says, and things he
will start with a big herd.
Charley Short moved to Bend
Monday, May 24. 1915.
In spite of the stern ad
monitions Issued by the Con
gress of Mothers, which met in
this city lust wlc. and also in
spite of the resolutions to the
contrary which were adopted by
Jane Addams and other prom
inent ladies, who were recently
guests at The Hague, we un
derstand that Italy Is to par
ticipate in the war in Kurope.
The Crawfish feels that surd
action cannot be countenanced by
it In its editorial colyums. Italy
wan amply warned that such a
course would be in direct op
position to the wishes expressed
and the .principles laid down by
the Mothers' Congress and the
ladies at The Hague and yet
In the face of this warning, she
leaped headlong with both feet
the other
into the seething and precipitous of
maze of war.
one of
While, as a neutral organ. we
are naturally obliged to wish
Italy, along with the other em
broiled and warring powers, the
best of luck in her late undertak
ing, we feel that the Congress of
Mothers would be Justified In re
calling its representatives from
Italy, if it has any there, and
thus throwing upon the bur
dened shoulders of that power
it)e full responsibility for hav
ing disregarded the expressed
wish of the Mothers' Congress
that the present war should not
go on nor increase. w
poetry. We are consoled, how
ever, by the fact that he Is go
ing thither to become one of our
est. contemps. and we hope soon
to be reading and enjoying
the ringing editorials from his
trenchant pen.
A gentleman called the other
day and asked us if Sam Blythe,
the w. k. stuff writer for the
Sat. Eve, post was still in town
and where he could find him.
We were very gratified by his
call, since it showed that our
"Fifty Weeks Ago Today" col
yum Ls earnestly read, that be
ing the section of The Crawfish
in which the report of Mr.
Blythe's visit appeared.
John Brooke, one of our w. k.
and prom, citizens, informs us
that when he dropped around to
see his favorite barber the other
day he found that he had moved
to another place and opened a
butcher shop. W guessed eight
different barbers that we have
been patronizing the past few
weeks but none of them was the
one he meant.
G. Chamberlain is expected
ower from Wash., Tf. C.. today.
He Is engaged In the solon busi
ness In that city.
Phillips Lee Goldsborough and
a party of friends dropped into
Portland yesterday and took In
the sights. They visited at S.
Benson's house while here and
he made several well-chosen re
marks at various times in re
sponse to welcome remarks made
by some of our prom. cits. Mr.
G. Is a political man of consid
erable prominence in the East,
being at the present time en
gaged In governing Maryland.
Among other welcome visitors
In our midst the past wk. were
Charlie Schwab, the w. k. pro
prietor of a prominent Eastern
foundry, and Gen. Nelson A.
Miles, a military man from
Wash., D. C.
Dave Houston, of Wash., r. C.,
dropped in the other day to look
over the agricultural prospects.
He is at present employed by W.
Wilson, of Wash., D. C, in a line
of work .that makes agriculture
a subject of interest to him.
A. E. Clark, the prom, and w.
k. bar rip ter and political leader,
returned last wk. from the East,
to-.- late for us to mention it in
The Crawfish and we therefore
mention It now and also the fact
that he said. In part, that the
political situation was Interest
ing. He also said that he noted
few changes in Portland since'ho
left here the last time.
Fred Cooper was back from
X. Y. the other day to visit his
father J. C. Cooper, of McMlnn
ville. Fred is engaged in the ar
tist business In X. Y. He says
that It is nice, light, indoor
work and that the pay Is good.
We congratulate you on your
surce&s Fred. Call again.
All of the candidates for City
Commissioner including Geo. Ba
Sam Jackson's Wide Fame.
Fred, Lockwood, editor of the
Portland Journal, was a New
port visitor this week. Newport
ker and except K. Clyde, who
was not able to be present, were
guests at the Civic League meet
ing the other day. All of them
$200 to Be Given Firemen for
Decorated Apparatus.
Festival Committee to Make Three
Awards for Touring Cars, Two
for Motorcycles and One
Grand Prize of $2 50.
Changes made in the prize lists of
the floral parade, the leature oi me
Rose Festival, June 10, second day of
the ninth annual fiesta, will distribute
$200 to Portland's fire fighters.
Four prizes are to be given tnis year
to the firemen. Both the norse-arawn
and automobile apparatus will enter
the competition. Two tirst prizes ui
$75 and two second prizes of $25 are
Included in the award schedule an
nounced by the festival management.
Ira F. Powers, cnairman or me nurai
nnraiin committee, spent almost me
entire day yesterday visiting: the va
rious fire stations or tne city, mure
apparatus will be entered this year
than ever before, according; to Mr.
Firemen Are 13nthu.ia.tie.
"I found the firemen of the city
enthusiastic over the coming Rose
Festival." said Mr. Powers. "At every
station I visited." he continued, "the
fire fighters-- were planning; for the
part they will have In the ilorai pa
rade, we have the hearty co-operation
of Chief Dowell and may expect some
of the most handsome floats In the
Daeeant from the firemen.
"The firemen win require more tnan
1,000,000 roses and other flowers. The
festival management requests Port
land residents having roses to donate
fire stations in their neighborhood, to
notify the department by telephone.
Members of the department will call
for the flowers."
Chief uoweii nas issueo. me roiiow
lng appeal to the people of Portland
to come to the assistance of the de
partment again this year and donate
"To all good friends of the bureau
of fire:
Kindness Is Appreciated.
"Many there are who, for the Rose
Festivals past, have generously sup
plied the roses that decked the fire
apparatus. Your kindness to us has
been greatly appreciated and we have
tried to use your gifts of flowers in
such a way that our exniDits would De
a source of pride to the givers.
"Again this year we are planning
to have a part in the Rose Festival
parade, with apparatus we hope more
gorgeously arrayed than ever before. A
million roses will be needed if we suc
ceed in carrying out our plans and
these roses must come from our friends
in all parts of the tcity. Will you let
us know by telephone as soon as possi
ble. Main 7700, or A 1823, how many
you can supply, and when they are
needed for the decorating. we will call
for them. T hope the response to this
reauest will be large and trust we'
may. make a showing la tha paraao
Episode Seventeen.
The pursuers of Mortimer Sar
cophagus captured him and beat
him up for eighty rods of film.
"Halt:" cried a voice, and they
turned to find themselves look
ing Into the muzzle of a 42
centlmeter howitzer in the hands
of the mysterious young woman.
Under her direction the detec
tive tied them together and
shoved them Into the river with
a mocking laugh.
Then he turned and clasped
her in his arms for five feet of
film (the remainder was or
dered cut out by the censors
who object to longer kisses) and
they turned and hastened back
in search of Kranmus who had
been left unconscious in the
Still there was no clue to the
whereabouts of the billion dol
lars. (Episode IS of the Billion Dol
lar Mystery will be shown next
Monday night).
day. which Is a source
considerable grief to The
editor, for Charley was
the admirers of our
Barton .Feasts Gaily.
Bruce Barton, the popular star
reporter on our est. con temp..
The Oregonian, was assigned to
cover the "Feast of Shevuoth" at
the Temple Beth Israel the other
night, and having been a guest
at the various collations spread
in honor of the B'Nal B'Rlth
party that had been visiting
here, he wisely refrained from
stocking up on dinner before be
went to report the feast.
He returned at 21 o'clock P.
M. and requested the City Ed.
for time to run out and get a
"An excellent programme was
rendered," he volunteered when
questioned, "but there had evi
dently been some mistake about
the feast, for when I left they
hadn't brought in the soup course
Neutrality Preserved.
A contest for queen of the
Rose Festival ls being held and
we understand that it has been
very interesting. The Crawfish
ls remaining absolutely neutral
and will print not voting coupons
for the contest.
We regard this as the most
comfortable course to pursue
and, as our readers know, when
The Crawfish once embarks on
a course. It follows it fearlessly
to the end.
merited by the generosity you show
to me."
Another feature of the floral parade
prize list this year will be a grand
prize of $250 for the best decorated
car, or float in any class. The winner
of this prize will be eliminated from
participating; in any other prize. Mr.
Powers explains this change was made
because so many Portland people went
to a great expense to decorate their
The festival management has also
changed the prizes for the touring: car
class. This year there will be three
prizes. The first will be $150, the sec
ond $75 and the third $25. Last year
a large number of cars were entered
in this class.
Motorcycles will enter in competi
tion for prizes for the first time this
year. Two prizes have been set aside.
The first is $50 and the second $25. A.
L. Welsh, president of the Portland
Motorcycle Club, has assured Mr. Pow
ers they will have more than 25 beautifully-decorated
motorcycles in the
pageant. Attractive designs are to be
created, using- the motorcycle as a base
and Mr. Powers has been assured it
will be one of the most attractive sec
tions of the parade.
Eugene and Portland Doctors Pick
Prizewinners at Roseburg.
ROSEBURG. Or.. May 23 (Special.)
Dr. Marion Ober, of Eugene, and Dr.
Madigan. of Portland, who examined
and scored the babies in the eugenics
contest held here Saturday, awarded the
prizes today as follows:
Six months to 1 year Rosemary
O'Brien, of Roberts Creek.
One to 2 years James Denman Darby,
13-inonths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Clay Darby, of Roseburg.
Two to 3 years Karla Snell, 28
months old, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
D. E. Snell. of Roseburg-.
In each instance the infants winning:
the prizes scored 99 hi out of a possible
100 points. There were 97 babies en
tered in the contest.
Four Complete. Course at Handle
High School.
RANDLE, Wash.. May 23. (Special.)
The Randle High School held its first
graduating exercises Friday night for
pupils who had completed a four-year
course. Those who received diplomas
were water Hampton, Bertha Westall,
Hubert Anderson and Louise Siler.
.The exercises, which were held in the
First Methodist Episcopal Church, were
opened by a girls' chorus which sang
Oh, What Is So Rare as & Day in
June?" The invocation was by Rev,
William J. Green.
Lester Hampton's theme was "The
School, Past and Future." He was fol
lowed by Miss Bertha Wee tall with the
class prophecy. The valedictory was
by Hubert Anderson, and the class
poem by Miss Louise Siler.
Kighth Grade Graduates Listed.
WALLOWA, Or.. May 23. (Special.)
County School Superintendent Conley
has made a list of successful applicants
for eighth grade diplomas. A larger
per cent passed at the recent examina
tion than at any previous examination
Conrad Bue. from district No. 65, re
ceived the highest grades. His average
was 93.1. He is only 12 years old.
being the youngest applicant.
No. 3.
Liza lost 2 chickens with the
rollick last weak, annother 1
was quite ill but Is now con
vallessing. For sail at the
city drug store Dryed Herrings,
Crokay Balls, Sour' Crout and
Mice Traps. Likeways Sophie
Pillars. The hebdomadal
wash day In Rabbitville ls not
Munday as is nsuall in other
places,' but Satterday. Why? Be.
caimo our folks axe always a
head of Time. See? (I writ
that to show fellers like Hume
and Chapman that I have bin
threw collldge and know big
words as flewently- and can
sling grammar as w reck
lessly and speling as flippantly
and punctuation as boyantly as
they do In their little hebdom
adal 2 by twlcet allejed noose
papers.) The Bunco House
has just undergone its annual
bed bug hunt. The hunt was
suckaessful in a unusual degree,
the nett bag of gaim being nine
quarts of dead bugs. If the
hunt had bin well organized
they wouW have got ftteen
quarts. But the other 10 quarts
will permit the lodjers to revel
In the pleasure of the chase.
We had a speling skool
in the dominies parsonaje last
Wensday nlte. I took the blew
ribbon. Liza wood have mebby
tooken seccond prize hot she fell
kerflummix on that innocent Ht
tel word epiphylospermous. It
then cum to Me and I spelt it
and told what it means rite oph
the real. A feller never forglts
his collldge eddlcation.
Addison Bennett, spec cor.
Wm. Cuddy, of our est. con
temp. The Oregonian, desires to
warn all circus-goers today
against the advances of a fe
male connected with the circus
who threw her arms around his
neck when he went last year,
causing him great embarrass
ment and mental anguish, he
being a respectable family man.
It is reported that this person
is still with the circus and the
public Is hereby warned to be
ware. (Paid Adv.)
(Editor's note. The party
mentioned In the abave adv. was
later discovered to be a clown
disguised as a woman, bnt Bill's
mental anguish was already suf
fered before this was found out,
so the discovery did not help
matters much.)
Onr Weekly Sermonette.
The Rev. Corinthians I. Bett.
In his sermon yesterday said In
part, as follows:
"Cast your bread upon the
waters and after many days you
may pull up a mess of craw
fish in It."
DAY. Kzra Meeker came in from
Seattle and Alf. E. Clark pointed
out that his whiskers might be
termed in forest primeval.
Harry McAllister, who had
been candidate for Commissioner
formerly but was now a cap
tain of industry in North Yak.,
was a visitor in Portland.
Francis B. Say re, of Williams
town, .Mass., a son-in-law of W.
Wilson, of Wash., r. C, was a
visitor in Portland and was
mentioned for a Job on The
Crawfish as collector of sub
script ion accts.
D. Collins, the pres. d. of The
crawfish, recovered from an at
tack of the grippe and was re
ported in The Crawfish, which
was then edited by tho late Rex
Lamp man, to be recovering from
an attack of appendicitis, which
added to his feeling of import
J. Meier gave a dance on the
second floor cf his store.
Spokane Admen on Way
Coast Convention.
delegation to Distribute 50.0O0
Apple Pies at San Francisco
Portland Ad Club Members
to Aid Spokane In Contest.
on their way to San Francisco to
distribute 50.000 apple pies, 18 repre
sentatives of the Spokane Ad Club
stopped over a day in Portland yes
terday. visited among iheir friends
and picked up the Portland delegation
to the Pacific Coast Admen's Assoc! a
tion convention, which will be held in
Los Angeles, May 27-29.
The real motive back of the t r i n of
the Spokane Admen is to attend the
convention at Los Angeles, elect F. H
Lloyd, or their club, president of the
Pacific Coast Association, E. R. An
aerson secretary and secure the next
annual convention for Spokane in :
of which they will be aided and abetted
by the Portland delegation.
The especially spectacular thing that
they are going to do on the side, how
ever, is the distribution of the apple
pies ai aan Francisco.
xne nave snipped a tlg gas oven
down in advance, which is equipped to
turn out pies "faster than shelling
peas" and on May 25, which is Spokane
day at the Panama-Pacific Exposition,
they are prepared to offer all comers
the finest apple pies ever tasted, made
from the choicest apples of the Inland
Yesterday afternoon the visitors
were guests of the Ad Club here. A
trip about the city was enjoyed and
in the evening a banquet was given at
the Chamber of Commerce. The party
left, for the South at 8:15. Members
of the Portland delegation who went
with them were: Dr. and Mrs. R. M.
Emerson. L. H. Harnig and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Rowan.
In the Spokane delegation are
President H. S. Clemmer. F. H. Lloyd,
who is candidate for president of the
Coast organization, R. E. BIpelow, L.
E. Shears. W. S. McEchern. M. Whit
tingham, B. E. Hilborn. H. C. Lambach
J. B. Anderson. O. C. Peterson. T. M.
R. Keane, E. R. Anderson, C. R. Wil
Hams. James Matchette. Miss Para
Dalton, assistant secretary, and Miss
Marguerite Motie (Miss Spokane).
Former Foes Cnlte for Services.
BAKER, Qr.. May 23. (Special.)
For the first time in the history of this
city. Grand Army men. Confederate and
Spanish-American War Veterans gath
ered here today for united memorial
day services. Rev. R. A. Willett. pas
tor of Calvary Baptist Church, the son
of a Kentucky Confederate, addressed
the meeting, prophesying universal
peace. His subject was "Militarism."
A fimoni entomologist save white an
have attacked the lonely home of an Indian
farmer, and In a ehort time have eatea
many, oi t& allla and floors of tha bouse.
University Statistics Show
That Foreign Competition
Is Too Keen.
Biggest Problem Is to Find Market
for Condensed Article Cnder
Present Tariff; Exports Ixw
Except to Alaka.
Development of the condensed milk
industry in the Pacific Northwest 1
confronted, by the most difficult of in
dustrial obstacles, According to the in
formation so far gathered by the de
partment of commercial and Industrial
survey of the University of Oregon
school of commerce, which has been
looking Into the possibilities of a world
market for milk by-products.
The survey has not yet secured full
statistics, but H. B. Miller, of Portland.
"director, says outlets for Increased milk
production may be found in malted
milk, tinned milk, sugar of milk and
powdered milk. There ia also hone of
a trade among the Chinese in skimmed
condensed milk.
The low coet of producing raw milk
in European countries is the obstruc
tion to extensive export of Western
Oregon and Western Washington con
densed mrik. The average European
dairy farm laborer receives about $8 a
month and board, compared with $30 a
month and board in dairying sections
in the Middle West, and as high as $15
a month and board in the dairy sections
of the Pacific Northwest.
Foreign Women Do Much of Work.
A great deal of the work in European
dairying districts is done by women.
and the- farmer's entire family usually
works In the field and does the milk
ing. The cost of feed and the cost of
milk handling thus sets up a differ
ential in favor of the European that
makes the condition almost entirely be
yond the control of the American man
ufacturer. Next to milk, the most important
Item producing condensed milk is sugar.
Most of the milk-producing countries
of Europe also have a large production
of beet sugar, England, Ireland and
Norway excepted. Even in these coun
tries the duties that are paid on the
sugar imports from Germany and
Austria-Hungary (In normal times) are
refunded where the sugar is used in
manufacturing condensed milk for ex
port. The American condensed milk
manufacturer must absorb the United
States duty.
The third most important material.
tin plate, also costs the American con
densed milk manufacturer more than
the European manufacturer because of
15 per cent ad valorem protective
duty, which represents about 50 cents
base box.
European Tariffs Heavy.
European countries are not only pro
tected in competition at home from
Northwest condensed milk by their
cheaper cost of production, but have
the further protection of heavy tariffs
on condensed and evaporated milk. The
Underwood tariff bill puts condensed
nilk and evaporated milk on the Amer
can free list and since Its passage there
has been heavy importation of these
products from Europe.
The war for a few months lessened
the volume of these importations, but
they have nearly resumed normal again.
In January. February and March, 191o,
for example, 50,000 cases came through
the port of New York, displacing lust
so many cases of native manufacture.
Tabulation of costs of producing raw
milk show the following:
United States. $1.56 a hundredweight;
Switzerland, $1.55; Norway, $1.50; Eng
land, $1.44: Germany. $1.44; Denmark.
$1.20; Holland, $1.09; Sweden. 99 cents;
Ireland, 95 cents.
The differential in favor of Ireland la
thus 61 cents a hundredweight, or
about 40 per cent. In favor of Den
mark, a heavy raw milk producer, it
is 36 cents. In all these countries there
is an enormous production of raw milk
far in excess of local and city con
sumption, which releases large sup
plies for the manufacture of condensed
UK. Good sou ana intensive cultiva
tion are the secrets of this heavy pro
duction. Market Is Need Under Tariff.
'The State of Oregon thua can not
exDort butter or condensed milk or
evaporated milk to countries where
these products come into direct, compe
tition with similar products from
Europe, neither can it export to Aus
tralia or to Siberia, On the contrary,
large quantities actually are brought
into the Pacific States from these two
countries last named." said Director II.
R. Miller.
"The problem under the present tariff
is thus to find a market for by-products.
We have a condensed milk market of
course in Alaska and among our own
people, but I do not see how we can
sot out to develop a vast raw milk
production for condensed milk manu
facture in this state and Washington
so long as we have to compete with
present conditions. Skimmed condensed
milk, a thin and unnutritious by
product, is still in demand among the
Chinese, but it remains to be seen how
good a market could be worked up.
There are comparatively few cows 'in
Consular reports from Australia,
New Zealand, Jaya, Korea, Canada,
Mexico. South America and Europe have
figured so far in the work of survey.
Sunday Crowds Take Steamer Trips
Despite Bad Weather.
The Sunday excursion season opened
yesterday with a number of steamer
excursions on the Willamette and Co
lumbia Rivers. All were well pa
tronized in spite of threatening
The Bailey Gatzert took a good
crowd of excursionists yesterday on
the first of her Sunday trips to The
Dalles and return. Many took the
steamer Oeorgiana to Astoria and re
turn. Others made the trip on the Gra
hamona to the motorboat races at
Buttevllle. which were put on by
Portland Motorboat Club.
R. B. Hart, of Eugene, is at the Nor
tonla. J. H. Knapp, of Republic, O., Is at the
C. C. Page, of Grants Pass, is at the
F. H. Grltman, of Pendleton, is at the
J. F. O'Bayert.-of Haines, is at the
H. D. Gray, of Pendleton, Is at the
. W. Earth, of Columbus, O., a shoe
manufacturing representative, ls at the
S. W. Lovell, of Astoria, is at the
D. D. Everett, of Canton, O., ls at the
Nathan Klein, of New Tork. is at the
J. I. Colwell. of Seattle, Is at the
O. C. Spencer, of Centralia, ls at the
Max Pudlich, of Astoria, is at the
C. G. Thornton, of Heppner, ia at the
D. G. Biggs, of Ross, Mich., is at the
J. C. Scott, of Walla Walla, is at the
T. M. Johnson, of Denver, is at the
H. Tanner, of Bickleton. Wash., is at
the Carlton.
II. W. Mariner, of Hilo, Hawaii. Is at
the Perkins.
H. F. Wlndeler, of San Francisco, ls
at the Oregon.
A. F. Lange is registered at the Per
kins from Salem.
Frank Carpenter, of Cle Elum, Wash.,
la at the Portland.
E. C. and C A, Kllbourne, of Seattle,
are at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Logan, of Chicago,
are at the Oregon.
E. S. Felling, of Lethbridge, Alberta,
Is at the Nortonla.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jones, of Dufur,
are at the Perkins.
W. L. Burkhart, of Helena, Mont., ls
at the Multnomah.
F. B. Swayze, of Hermiston, ls regis
tered at the Seward.
W. R. Fontaln, of Eugene, is regis
tered at the Imperial.
O. B. Robertson, of Condon, 1s regis
tered at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A- Wirkkala, of As
toria, are at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson, of Kansas
City, are at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lindsay, of Lin
coln, Neb., are at the Nortonla.
Coloney W. F. Cody and Mrs. Cody,
of Cody, Wyo., are at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dodd, of Sedro
Woolley, Wash., are at the Carlton.
Mrs. Charles Gregory and Mrs. O. E.
Holmes, of Dallas, are at the Oregon.
CHICAGO, May 23T-(Speclal.) W. H.
Gray, of Portland. Or., ls registered at
the Congress Hotel.
Maps Drawn By Fire Hares a Indicate
Where Hydrants hould Go,
bat ot One ls Put In.
That City Commissioner Daly has
stored up much trouble for himself
by following out the policy of con
structing new water mains without
putting in fire hydrants, ostensibly for
the purpose of matting the Water
Bureau operation costs look small, ls
apparent from the complaints which
are beginning to reach the City Council
from various parts of the city.
Although the practice always has
been to put in the fire nydrants when
mains are constructed Commissioner
Daly adopted the policy last November
of leaving off the fire hydrants regard
less of how badly they are needed for
lire protection in residence districts.
Construction of new mains has gone
ahead all Winter, many mile of mains
having been laid, yet not a single fire
hydrant has been put in on these mains.
And this in spite of the fact that hun
dreds of hydrants all ready to install
are piled in the Water Bureau storage
yards on the East Side.
Ordinarily there would have been con
structed between last November and
the present 250 to 300 hydrants. These
would have cost about $23,000. This
amount will go to make up the "econo
my" showing of the Water Bureau for
the year. It will be credited as $J3.00U
The first district to protest against
the hydrantless mains was Lents. A
Bull Kun main was put through Lents,
a distance of more than two miles,
without a single fire hydrant being put
in. Although the Lents district is well
settled and contributes annually to the
water funds and Is paying for the
water mains constructed there, the dis
trict is Just as badly off from a fire
standpoint as it was before the ma'n
was laid. The Lents residents appeared
before the Council last week to protest
against the Daly policy of putting in
no hydrants.
A part of the Irvington district Is
in the same boat. A delegation will
appear before the Council Wednesday
to ask the installation of hydrants on
mains laid there. It is expected other
districts will be up in arms as soon
as it becomes realized fully that the
Daly policy means no fire protection in
new districts.
The Fire Bureau Is much interested
in the proposition. Continuously since
last November the places where fire
hydrants are needed on new mains have
been designated on plans furnished by
the Water Bureau, but not one of these
hydrants has been Installed.
Pullman Youths Who Attempted
Fake Cure' Dealt With in Court.
PULLMAN. Wash.. May 23. (Spe
cial.) Foiled in their attempt to ap
ply the "lake cure" to Lynn Tuttle. a
student, about 100 students today paid
$10 Into Justice Court, when Alfred
Langdon pleaded guilty to a charge of
assault preferred by Ray Tuttle, broth
er of the intended victim.
Tuttle was the author of several
signed articles In the student publica
tion, in which the management of the
paper was taken to task for printing
cigarette advertisements, students were
berated for permitting to remain in
their repertoire of yells an undeKirable
word and unannamed students were
charged with drinking.
An "indignation" mob of 100 students
went to the Tuttle home. Tuttle and
his brother met the advance guard at
the door and dispersed them with base
ball bats.
The $10 fine came out of the pockets
of the 100 students at 10 cents each.
Babies and Schoolchildren
Part In Bis Parade.
NEWBERO, Or.. May 23 (Special.)
Newberg's fifth annual rose fair Satur
day was a grand success. The parade
was led by a number of babies in
small carriages drawn by their little
brothers. and sisters. Larger children
and groups of girl students took part.
Shlloh Post. Grand Army of the Re
public, also took part in the parade.
In the afternoon a large line of deco
rated automobiles, a ball game In which
Newberg beat McMinnville High
School, 9 to 2. attracted a big crowd.
Both theaters were crowded at the
matinee and evening performances,
when the programmes were presented
by prominent men and women of New
berg. The Women's Civic Club ls be
ing congratulated warmly on the suc
cess of the fair, as all of its features
were under the auspices of the club.
Efforts to Float Wreck, Off
Coos Bay, Unavailing.
Vessel Stands on Kven Keel and
Sea, Is Smooth so Visitors Are
Xnrarroiia Hull Full of Wa
ter Dock Cargo Beached.
MARSKFIELD, Or. May 23. (Spe
cial.) On arriving this morning from
San Francisco, the steamer Adellno
Smith put lines aboard the stranded
schooner Claremont and spent an hour
in fruitless efforts to pull the vessel
from the rocks.
It is believed impossible to save the
craft and tons of her deck cargo have
been picked up about the beaches, the
drums of gasoline being the common
est salvage. About the wreck the sea
ls unusually smooth and quantities of
general mercnandise are being
taken off.
The Claremont stands on an even keel
today and launches and tug boats ap
proach her easily. The hull filled with
water yesterday in a couple of hours
after she struck and the fires were ex
tinguished. Despite a heavy downpour
of rain hundreds of spectators went on
excursions to the scene of the wreck.
Alfred Hart, of the Hart-Wood com
pany, and Miss Olivetta Faulkner, who
were aboard the Claremont, left thi
morning on the Breakwater for Port
land. Captain Benson ls still here, and
most of the crew. They will leave on
the first boat for ran Francisco.
Inland Kmpire Carries 123 Tons for
Lewis ton; 50 Tons Wujr Points.
The steamer Inland Empire, which
left the Taylor street dock about mid
night. Saturday, for Lewlston, bad a
capacity load for up-river points. She
carried about 125 tons of freight for
Lewlston and about 60 tons for way
The steamers making that run are
said to be securing good loads both
on the up-river and down-river trip,
in spite of the fact that this Is not
considered to be pre-eminently the
shipping season.
Bark Coming for Wheat.
The British bark Kilmallie arrived
at San Francisco yenterday afternoon
from Newcastle. Australia, enroute to
Portland, according to Information re
ceived at the MercnanU' Exchange yes
terday. The Newcastle was loaded with
coal, which she will discharge at San
Francisco, and will be towed empty to
Portland. On her arrival here the Kil
mallie will take on a load of grain for
News From Oregon Ports.
ASTORIA. Or.. May i.'l. Sp.clMl AfUr
taking on IVUHHl fret of lumber here, lnc
ieum schooner Vsnp, which arrivrrl 1 li is
morning from San r'ranrinco via Belllng
hMtn. sailed for lJellingharn to finish loan
ing. The BritiHh ateamer Crown of Navarre
sailed today for tallao. Willi a cargo of
v. hut from I'ortland and PuKel Sound,
The sttamer K. A. Ktltiurn arrived tMa
morning- from Kureka and Cook Bay with
f relic ht and passc-ng'-rs for Astoria and Hon
land. The strain schooner Hants Karhart ar
rived this, morning from San Franelaco and
will load lumber at up-rivr points.
The steam shoon.-r Yellowstone sailed
early this niornliit; for San Kranolsco with
lumber from Wesiport and general freight
from Portland.
The steamship Northern Pacific sailed
this afternoon for San Kranrlsro.
The tank steamer W. S. J'ortr sailed this
evening for California after discharging fuel
oil at Portland.
Th steamer Geo. W. Flder arrived thle
eve'iins; iiom San r'ranciscu en route to
COOS HAY, Or.. May 2:i (Sperlal.) The
steamship I.reakvcater sailed for Portland
csrrylni; freight and passengers.
The steamer Adeline Smith arrived from
Saa Kranclsco.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, May 2.:. Arrived Steamers
Panta Barl.-ara, from San Francisco ; F. A.
Kilhurn, from San Francisco via Eureka
and Coos Hay. Sailed Stenmrs W. S. Por
ter, for aiouterey; YVapama, tor San Fran
cisco. Astoria. May Palled at midnight,
steamer Yellowstone, for San FrJticleo; at
4 A. M ., llrltleh steamer frown of Navarre,
for Cillao. Arrived at 4:"o itnd left up at
i A. M-. steiimer Santa Barbara, from San
Francisco; arrived at :lo and lert up at
l' A. M ., steamer K. A. Kilhurn. from San
Francisco via fciureka and Coos Hay. Sai'ed
et. i:l. P. M.. steamer Northern Pacific,
for San Francisco.
San Francisco. May 2:t. Sailed at 7 A.
M., steamer Northland, for Portland. Ar
ried at IT P. M., steamer Klamath, from
Portland :arr1ved, Hiitlsh hark Kllmalllv.
from Newcastle, Australia, for Portland.
San Francisco, May Sailed at l P.
M.. stcain.-r Icoiinoke. from Portland for
San lileiro ia way ports; stonmer Shoshone,
for Portland.
Coos I'.a, May Sailed at , A . M .
steamer Saginaw, from San Francisco foi
port land.
Astoria. May l!?. Sailed at P. M .
steamer Geo. V. Fenwick, for San Pedro.
Tides at Astoria Monday.
IHkIi low.
. .K. feet I :t :!.-, A . M . .
1 feet
.1 feet
U:1J 1'. M
feel ' .41 p.
Washington Campaign I'lannrd Un
der Tubereular Inspection Law.
OLTMPIA. Wash., May 23. (Spe
cial.) Tho State Department of Agri
culture is In readiness to start June
10 on a general "clean up" of the milk
supply of Washington. On this date,
the new tubercular Inspection law, with
the compensation provision for con
demned cattle, goes Into effect.
Under the new law dairy cattle will
he given official tuberculin tests by
the iftate upon application of the owner.
The owner will receive all proceeds of
the sale of the carcass of the con
demned animal and in addition the
state will pay. up to a maximum of $ST,
an animal, to bring the proceeds to
the amount of the appraised value.
Along with the Inspection work on es
tablished herds Commissioner Graves
announces a more stringent Inspection
of Imported cattle.
Leader In Praer Alone, but Con
sistent In Vote for Acquittal.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 23. (Spe.
clal.) The second trial of Alvah Tow
er. 11, charged with killing Matthew
Harris, 10. during a hunting expedition
last October, ended in disagreement
when the Jury reported at 7 o'clock to.
night that 11 were for conviction and
one for acquittal. The Jury was dis
charged. C. Haskell, who has led the Jury in
prayer several times since the case
was committed to it late yesterday,
voted consistently for acquittal. The
court instructed the Jury to find a -verdict
of guilty by second degree assault
if the killing was shown to be acci
dental, and he declared that be would
vote only for acquittal.